8PEG1RL NOTICES. ADVF.IlTIHKMRNTir : Foft TIIK3K COLUMNS will bo taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the evening nd until 8:80 : p. m , for the morning or Sunday cdl- All adffrtlfements In those columns J cents rt word for llrst Insertion and I cent n word for each subsequent Insertion or IJ per line per month , No advertisement taken for 1en thnn U cents for Iho first Inaerllon. Term s caah In advance , Initial * , figures' , symbols , etc , each count n n word. All advertisements mint run con- creatively. Advertiser * , by requesting n numbered check , can have the letters nddrcncd ton num. bercd letter In cnro of TIIK IlKK. Answers so nd- OrcMcd will bo delivered on presentation of the cbect. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " SITUATION8 WANTED. AN AMKIIICAN WIDOW A < IK J' , I'llKI'OS- A reining and rcllned , n llrst clns honickcopcr , Is desirous of obtaining n poMllon n * hoiuekeeper In K widower's or bachelor a homo ; no objection to leave the city , fan furnish llrst elans references. Addrcsiforono week or call at No. 1007 H. llth itrcct. near Mason. Mm. G , M. llaiklll. Miff > ' ( I1IIL WANTS I'LACK IN PUIVATK FAMILY to work ovonlngn for her board near Lake treet. Inquire 1724 Ohio. > H-U li' - . ITIIATION AS W011KINO HOUSK- keeper. Address A W. lloo. a'-Z' -WANTKD. HYA WIDOW. AGK 3.1 , WITH ONK boy-Mluallon ns hoiUBkeopcr ; farm preferred ; nlco home ; the object not wages. Photograph exchanged. Address A 12. Ilcc. 2H8-5' B -ACCIDI5NT INS. SOLICITOUS , BE1J > " -AGINTH ! WANTKI ) IN KVKUY TOWN AN ) J'cllyln the west on cxtrn liberal terms , to sell the popular ten year policy of Iho Mutual llo- crvn Fund I.lfo ninoclntlon ; also the now 110,005 . comblnnllon pollcr of the I'rofcrrcd Mutual Acci dent st'oclallun of New York ; com only Jin per year for preferred rinks ; fnvo money by Insuring , make money by representing thcuo wldeawnko cnmpnnlcm tire ngcnln cnn double their Income. Wrlln for circulars nnd term * to U. H. lloblson , Ctni-rnl Mcnogcr , Omaha , Neb , 124 -WANTKI ) , HAUNKSSMAKKII3 TO KKIIP nwny from I Inclnnntl , o. ; Cavington nnd Newport - port , Kr.i strike there. Msuii .112' - , > : KN 'io CANVASS TUB CITY ; B-WANTKH unnecessary ! salary paid wojUly. nt BlnKcrofllca , lilt ! Donglaa. M3."J Jli : 1J - - LIVI ! . AC11VK MAN , WITH JJ some pluck nnd purli , to represent us In > oir : locality. Wo have noinethlna entirely now that foes , nnd unless you cnn niukc from $7a to t'2M per month wo don't ni'i-rt you. No peddling , llcttur write todny. Address ' 'Mnnufncturers , " box KKJJ , llontou. MK B. MM3-JI1) ) ' TJ-MAN WITH PUSH WANTKI ) IN KACH CITY , JJtown nnd hnmlet to Introduce the fusle t selling houiKliiild artlclo on record. Over a million col.I In I'hlladclphln. Will pnycomnetent person $4 per day. Address with stamp W. H. Wllllnmsoti , 41 N. 4th street , 1'hllndolphla , lra. MI2I Jy30 < U TKAMSl'HIIS AND U. ' H. LA1IOIIKI13 FOU I ) Wyoming or South Dnkotn. COO S. Uth < t.152J50 152-J50 * -WANTIJI ) , F1UST CLASS llYHK AT .INCH. IIQj O tt. , Lincoln , Neb. I'.O & ' - , TBAM8TKIIS. SHOVKLKIIS AND B-WANTKD rocktncnfor Wyoming and South Dnkoln. Al bright Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm street. 174 J30 -WANTKD , MAN OF GOOD CHAIIACTKU AND business experience ns nccncy mnnngor and solicitor , or an old line Ufo Insurance company In northern Ncbrnnka. Need not bo nn experienced life solicitor. Address , with reference , A M.-lleo onice. M J 7 T } WANTKII. AUOUT TKN QUAUIIYMEN. J'Gcoigu \Vltiickl , ngt. , N. K. cor. 7th and Chest nut , Bt. Louis , Mo. M"CS5 -A GOOD I1AIIUKU WANTKD AT ONCK. 132J B. nth st. 27.1-li' -GKNTLKMAN OF GOOD ADDIIKSS TO IlKP- rcsent new buslnc'ss connected with World's fair. 302 N , Y. Life. Monday between 12 mid 4 p. m. M30J li -WANTKD TWO MKN TO SOLICIT ATCI- dent Insurance. Apply Iloom 340 llco bldg. , bcforeV n. m. , Monday. B-WK OFF till AUKNTri 11IG MONKY IN KX- diiMvo territory. Our now patent unfes sell nt tight In city orconntry. Now ngcnts tint Jin Held actually getting rich , Ono agent In ono dny cleared ftu.W. Bo cnn you. Cntnloguo free. Alpine fate Co , No. ma-itil Clnrk st. . Clnclnnntl , O. 5UO 5 -WK ALLOW AGKNTS TO DKLIVKIl GOODS before pnylng for them. Hundreds of them arc making f50tl to II2.0J n day. Our Perfection Ad justable ( recently patented ) nnd Tnylor Shuca ox- pnnd with every motion of the foot. They nre np- Rrcclnled nnd dally recommended by thousands 0 competition. None but those meaning business need npply. Address , wlthtfc stnmp , Cons&lldnted Adjustable Bhoo Co. , Lynn , Mass. 1'b'J S' " - 5 TO * I5 PKIl DAY AT 1IOMK BKLLING Lightning Pinter nnd plating Jewvlrv. wnlchos. tablewareetc. Plntestho tlncst of jewelry good na new or. nllklndsof mctnlwllh gold , silver or nickel. No experience. Nocnpltal. Kvcry house has goods needing plating. H. K , Dclno & Co. , ColumuuH. O. -WANTKI ) , BALl'SMKN. SALAUY Oil COMmission - mission , to handle greatest novelty patented. Kxcluslvo territory , bolls at sight Partlculnrs free. Sample Wo , Unity D. C. Co. , Dcpt. W. Unity Illdg. , Chicago. xx S * -WANTED AOKNTS. BAMI'LK BASHLOCK , pat , li'JJ , free by mall for 2o stnmp ; Immense , unrivalled. Only good ono over Invented. Dents weight * . Soles unnarallcd , { 13 a day. llrobardft Co. , Philadelphia 1'a. MSM 10 * B-8TKADY IlESPONBIItLK 1IU&INKSS MAN out of employment ; willing to work under Instructions at moderate salary , with monthly Increase. Call 10 lo 12 Tuesday. W. T. Marshall 19 , freighter ! block. 31 ] S * I.1VK , KNKUGKTIC MKN WITH SMALL capital who want to make good money during the coming cnmpnlgn , to address A 63 , llccollleo , giving niB nnd address. 320 6 * -AGKNT8 WANTKII-LADY AND GKNTLK- J-'nicn ngenta wnntcd In all cities and towns to sell the Howard combination sign. See biislnctm men onlyitlO.UO tofSi.10 per dny. Address with sump , the lloward Blgn Mfg. Co. , tjcdalla. Mo , M343 7 * B-WANTED , A MAN TO FIX UP YAKI ) , FUll nlsh and luy tod. Inqulro Hubert Hunter. Hue otllcc , WANTED-FEMALE HELP. C-WANTKiV < jTiiL TowoiticiN KITCIJKN'AT Dornnhouse , 42S S 13th at. , one block south of court lionSe. 5,7 C-WANTKD. OIHL FOU GISNKUAL IIOUSK- work. Apply at 4IOJ ynrnom st. MIW 8 C-WANTKU , LAIVOK ( ! OOI ) ADDHF.SS ; LAIICU remuneration. lOi N. V. Life. M1K5 C KXI'KIIT HKWINtl MACIIINU OI'KHATOlt. Must bo able to do fancy display Hewing. Ad * arena A i'J , llco. jr.'Jl 6- -WANTKI ) , ( iOOU OlllL KOU UUNKUAL nouscwork. Apply 4li it. 80th. 244 & WANTKU , A U1KL ; MUST UK A ( ! OOI ) COOK nndgencrnl house worker ; fnmllyof S ; bett of roferoncea required. Mrs. K. J. Hamgo , 18SI Davon- 1'QH t. . 255 S C-WANTii ) , LAD1KS Oil YOUNO MKN TO tnke light , pleasant work at their own homes ; I1.IX ) to U.UO per day cnn bo quietly made ; work ent by mall ; no canvassing. For particulars ad dress " ( ilobo Mfg. Co. , llox M31 , iloston , Muss. " Kstnbllshod I Sal. _ Man j * a I WILL 1'AY LADIKS A 8ALA11Y OFlio'pEU cek to work for mo In their locality nt homo ; light work ; good day for pnrt time : write , with tamp. Aim. 11. U. Karlngtun , llox 70Lhlongo , 111 ; _ M8M ) 5' ( n-\VANTHi : , KlllST-CLASrf OWL , NO WASIUNU Vor Ironing , must be a good cook ; wages (5.UU a cck. yi'Jt Illnney street. lO-WANTKD-PAHTUY COOK AT THIS GllAND v-giotol , Council UlutTs. 270.5 n-WANTKD , G1UL Mill GKNKUAL HOUSK- VArorki small family. 123 No. 4Ulh st. itoti-7 ( -y-WANTKp. GIUL FOU GKNKUAL IIOU8KI v work. ailtt Woolworth aye. JS85' rj-WANTKI ) AT ONIJK , GIIIL FOU OKSKUAL v Uousowork , Iii33 8. SJd ntreeU 291 j p-\VANTKD THOUOUGHLY KXPKUIKNCKD V plrl for starching. Gate City Fleam Laundry , i07 N.nth. yfj a p-APPUUNTICKS FOU MILUNKUY DKPAUT. VVmcnt at Madam Iloullu , llmt 11 nor , N , Y. Life building. 343 6 C-WANTKI ) . TWO HIIIGIIT 4iIULB , ID to SO ycnra old , for olllco work by largo retail houto. Addreis A U ) , lice , vtatlng snliiry wunled. 310-5 p-WANTKD.GlUUONU WHO IS AN KXPKltf. > Veiiccd caramel wrupper ; also boy to work In candy factory. Yocgelu ft Dinning , Illu Hownrd street. jtilW o p AT OXOB. ATKAUIIKIl OK VKIIYVKU , Vcduralwl lady for tome special cliool work In the hume , by one of tbo iorrmost educatorr , Iloforeucea exchanged. ( U weekly unit Incrwuio ncuil-iiionthly. Address fortwodav , 111 , Ueuolllco. HIS 6' BENT HOUSES. V Ktlll UKNT , HOUBK . H P15II MONTH AND 'upwards. Tlio O , K. Dnvls Co. , 1WS Furnam.til til It 1) CLA8A ItKSIDKNCK FLATS. 3 ( Ml t rooms ; now block , llnoui U , 8IU f , r.M. vti | Y-VKW AND IIKST IIUIIiT IIUIUK H-11OUM J rcsldcuco In the cltyi full cellar , fumaoj. luun- dry niul tubn , mantels and grates , bath , electric tolls. Biienklag tubeo , oak Iliilsh , polUlivd ttuorii lilsli'lnMi In every ro jKTt ; uiphult imvonientij IbiUhoulli lAJIli ave , ui'ar Hunscoui park , Muiid In- volmi m < iw. tit Ueo bldg. _ M2M B-b-lllM.M lOlTAOK. tit ) . WITH HMAI.L HAItN. 'IvilU-rooiii lints , nlco locution , I7 Bouth Will uvemiui nlto four nice rooms til Uyor 1JH Lcttven vrorlh atrceti i-ruoiu cottuto ttO buiuiett street , Ji lnqulrml' < 4 Mmoii .truet. MIJI U' _ -r-OK UKNT. A MODKUN 10 UOOM IIOUSK. JJJ5 Dodgu M. . good rt'pnlr.rlvgau locution , loix- rent , K A. Kulin , iith and lionglnit lt T _ _ -i'-UOOM HOUdK WITH 1IAUN. CITY AND cistern water , cheup. . "Allh at. M liKl ! > Pi UKNT , H-IIOOM HOUHK ItU CHIUAGO J-/SU 740 l"V-FOll UKNT. UOUBK V UUOMB. ALL MODKUN J7uiproveuiuuU. | UlitiO. F , UavU C . , IWJ Far- oam atrcuk 164-7 s FOB BENT-HOUSES. D-r Oll UK.S'T , FUltNISHKD HOU K FOIl THK summer. No. 2.1)1 ) Webster it. 7. . II. Knight. T-V-KOK 11EST FOIl BUMMICH , KUIINISHK1) 7 -l-'room cottage , now. nil conveniences , S Mocks from Walnut Hill car lino. Call 81 } North 4M st. 245 & -KOU HUNT. IIOU8U OF TKN IIOOMS. 1010 Cans at. Apply 415 N. aith. 813 t' _ -FOU iTBN'TTBKVKUAl/ IIOUSKS NKAIl llnnscom 1'nrk Hicks , : m N. Y. I.lfo. 2500 - S-IIOOM COTTAGK ) , IIUlSTOL.gTKBET , pavement , cltv water , only II'J ' each. " 8-room hou. e. i8 ! South lath street , cheap to 5-room cotiaec , 3-M1 Fnrnim street , 11.1.50. 6-room cottniro , 3U South Kith street. 111. Hugh U. Clafk , 1218 Harnoy Mrect. M271 0 V-FOIl UKNT , SMALL IIOUSK. FUllNISllKD , Apply Nolherlon Hall , SOJS. 18th street. D-FOIl IlKNT. 7-HOO.M COTTAGE. COHNKIt 2Sth nnd Cnpltol avcnuo. 3JU - - HOUSi : ANII 11AHN S018 DAYKN- D-15-IIOOM ! nil modern convonlencos. ISO per mo. Thus. F. Mall , C 7 I'nxton block. M707 SMtOOM lIOTHIi , OKNTIIAI.LY LOi-'ATKII , D all Iti cued repair , J , II. I'nrrotto , DouKlni block. M3CtJ8 ) - LAttOK SIX-llOO.M HOUSB , OOOI ) IXCA- D-A . 831 a. 81st qt. M20JI T uTfioOM IIUUHH WITH IIAHN FOIl UKNTj furniture fur sale. 1607 Farnam st. 75U - - MODKUN 1IWKLL1NO. COIINKIl D-n-HOOM 2'tli and Capitol nvonue , furnished or unfur nhlied. Inqulro Ml 1'axlon block , 8I'J D - HUNT , ( MUOM COTTAGE. 2503 1'IKHCB , t. Inqulro nt S.VJI 1'lorco. Zl 5 D-llMtOOM IIIUCK , KVEIIY CONVKNIHNC1 ! , not bnscmcut plnn. Keys ndjolnlntt K'M Cnpltol nvvnuo. M23 U * _ D-5 NICK UOO.MS. H CI.03ETS ANII YAIII ) . fl per month ! apply ' . ' 03:1 : I'lcrco St. 273-i' -IIOUSKS , AMjl'AU'M TUB CITY. I'UINTKIl D-HO lists. UcorgoJ. I'nul , PXI5 Knrnnm utreut. 11-FOU IlKNT. 0-ltUOMKI ) IIOOSIJ. ALL MOD- -l-'ern liuiirovi-inaiits , i'.h nnd Half Hownrd utrcets. f' per month. V7-roomtid houi iclly wntcretc..Mill nnd I'aul , J2U per month. IIS on one year lento. ( room cottnuo to man nnd wlfo only , I9th nnd Chirk , t3.0. ( . ShrlvcrAO'Donohoo. MSIO U ] " \ -COATK8. UUNTAL AUHNOY , 1011 FAllNAM. D-HltOOMSONSISrST. , HALF IILOCIC NOUT1I ofliracc , $7.00 , city w.iter. Also other rooms nnd houso.ant lonusi prlcus. O.K. llutts , room 4 , llco building , : 7-y < FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. - IIOOM3 TO IlKNT WITH ALL modern conveniences. 913 Douglas etrcot. M3V3 JI3 - ) UOOMS WITH BATII Ki.OO E-FOUNISIIRI month. I'.nrj ' Farnnm. 13'J - ' . FUUNISIIKn UOOMSV1T1I modern convenient . S117Fnrnam St. M2t" E-FUllNISHlSl ) UOOMS , 710 N. 2Uth St. 277-C , - IIOOMS L1OUT 1IOUSK KEKl'INO. 2009 E-3 Urlstol e tree t. 311 ? - ' . ) FltONT IIOOM WITII.ALCOVK. 1-FU11N1S111'.I Jl'rlvnto family. 11SO South 311th uvcnuc. uvcnuc.M319 li E-NICK IIOOM , ALL CONVKN11SNCICR 1723 Dnvenport streut , MSM 13 , -FOU IlKNT-FtlUNISllED FUONT IIOOM IN prlvnto family ; rent cheap. 1621 Leavenworth Ktreut. 347 U * -NKWLY FUUNIHIIKII UOOMS , MUUEIIN CON- vcnlences. 2t:10 llnrnoy st. .MS31 u * Tji-TIIUKK KOOMS AND KITCHEN FUUN1SIIEI ) -Ijfor housekeeping. 2022 Howard street. street.M35I M35I- D FUUNISIIKII UOOMS. MOO1S11N IMI'UOVK- 1-iiuontR. ' 'II'J I odKO Htreet. M3I9 7 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UOOM , WITH Oil WITHOUT board , all convcnlencea ; terms rcasonnblo. ( JU7 North .tlth htreet. .Ml30 0' IV-NICK UOOM ANIIHOAUDFOUTWOGKNTLK- men ; ono-half block from motor ; good , nlco homo. iilS So. VOth St. M7UI F FOU UKNT , FU11NISI115I ) UOOMS AND board. 1610 Chicago St. M224 13 * - FIllhT AND.8KCONI ) FLOOIl south rooms at "Tlio Frcnzcr , . " 110 N. 2ith street. M20U ! 0 7-2 FUUN1S1IKD IIOOMS WITH IJOAUD ; ALSO - slnglo room. 40) N. 1'Jth. 805 & - FURNISHED IIOOMS AND BOARD. If-NlCK fnmllv. Modern conveniences. Tcrma rcnsonnblc. 1241 S.Slst street. 8306 * F-N1CELV FUHNISHKD UOOM , WITH Oil without bonrd ; centrally located. 70S S. 16th street. 342-5 T7 FUUNISHKDUOOM AND IJOAUD FOU TWO gentlemen or ladles , private family , t < per week. Address U 4. llco. iJ4l- ! > * FOB BENT-UNPtJKJnSHEU ROOMS. VOIl HUNT , 4 IINKUItNISIIRD UOOMS SUIT G able for housekeeping. 17UJ Webster street. < 4UNKUUNISHEDCHAMHKUS FOU HOU9K- nL' to man nnd wife. No children. 31'J N. 17th. 4'JU G-3 NICK UOUMB. Jll S. Z3TII 8TUKKT.J15C3 J15C3 7 LOAriDINQ. H rULLMANHOUSU , UluDOUGM. FOK GOOD board nlca rooms , convenience , rnt9 and loca tion It cannot bo excelled. MM. Horn , pro i > . VJ5-JS * FOB BENT-STOBES AND OFFICES. T FOIl UKNT , THK 4-STOIIY IlllICIC 11UILD1NG lult ! Farnam Bt. The building has a fireproof ca- mciit basement , complct ) steamhuatlng Hxturcs ; water on nil the lloora , CUB , etc. Apply at the olllco of The llco. U1S 1-FOll UKNT , STOUB 22X00 , HIS JACKSON 1 TOUKNT , I'AUTOF A BTOltU IN GOOD IX- 4-catlon. Florist preferred. Address 11 3 , Dee. 317 5 FOB BENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T FOK UKNT. THK OLD 1IASKKT FACTOKY AT ' ' k'ckcrmann place , IDUVJ. 2 slorles with boiler nnd englno f J5 per mouth. U. F. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life. M1GO J3U T-11KS1C UOOM , WITH US1 ! OF IIF.SK FOU TWO ' ' weeks , perhaps longer. U. M. 1'rlor , general delivery < livery , cliy. & 1S28 U WANTED-TO BENT. K WANTKD , A FUIINISIIKD HOUBK Oil COT- tngo for tlio summer , 6 orO rooms centrally lo cated , llcst of references given. Address AW , Deo. M1UU S WANTKD TO UKNT. A 1IOUSH WKST OF loth and south of Davenport street. Address , giving slree-l numbers , U. M. KnuRniann , Till Bo. 17th street. 8:1.1 : A' EMTAL AC3EI CX.ia.8. L K. C. GAIIVIN ft CO. , 2088HKKLKY DLOCK.l . l > 32 ' _ jjrc ° .B A(3B' : jjurLj OLUKST. cirKAi'KST' ' AND VlKBT aTOUAGE house In thu city , WllUauis ft Cross,1'Jll Harnoy. -CLKAN , DI1Y , AND PII1VATKLY BTOUKh furnlturu. Healing atovus stored over summer. 1207 Douglas at , Omaha Stove Ilcpalr Works.U10J15 U10J15 WANXED--TO BUV. \r--FUUNlTUUB 1IOUGHT , SOLD , STOUKI ) , 1 > Wells. 1111 Fnrnnm at. w-,4 , AT-A TOP IIDGCIV , MUST III ! FIUST CI.AB9 1 > and cheap. Vli New Vork Life. 311-S * FOB SALE--FUBNITUKE. a-FUHNlTOUU. NKW AND BKCONIMIANI ) , AT Jill N. liith slrv'ot. A splendid parlor center table will be given uw.ay , call und see us. 1. llrussol. . ltll-7 * FOB BALE"HOaBE3 , WAOON8 , ETO. " " " T > -A GllKAT SAL15 OK HOIISK9 , 'BUlfuiEa , \YA.ONB , 11UGGIK9 , HAUNKBS , CAUUIAGE9. _ Blake trucka , express wagons , light and 'heavy , all kinds of harucsa und aome scrapers. They mult go. If you have money In your pocket > o much the batlcri UwllUulk loudir than time. but wo are open fern sula either way. They'll be Ki'iio In n few days. Utti Hhcrman avenuu or North luh ktrcct. Alan tliero will lull you ull about It. Fidelity I ah Guarantee Co. , Uooui i , Wlthuull building. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tn J-MOIirG.\GKK SALB , HOI13W , IIL'GUV. "All - no < s , ite. .Must boaaldHt onss. Omalin Mort Kf.i"ll < ; ° ' ' PUU. ( Crelguton.blwck , lith at. suulhut pmionlcu. MoIU BALK. AHIXTY DOLLAK TOl' IIUGFY , H. B. Cole. Cuiitlnuiuulb. lock. P-/ ° BAJ.K. TL'AM OF-UOU8UB. J WAGONS , hnruesa.YUI. . Xonsky. 7l a tath tl m U uiliiBAHl ! * 'ASI"'V "OlISK. A GOOU ONK ; , ni lulul'l'"tl"0" . anbehundli-d by women aud otuiii. * uul'crli'ct B' r. Addreia A w. lice < K' - | ? 'AN"1IIO DUAKr HOU8KH , 6011' bo THE OMAH/V DAILY FOR B I AI B-MI3OBI.t , ANKOTJ3. liuilUOWKS' ' IIKST'ON ' -SCnKKNS. I'ATBNT. Q earth. Made to nt windows. Usal In best resi dences In Omaha and elicwhero. Cnn bo taken out and replaced by nnyono In n moment. If you need screens , ( ret our estimate.Yllllam . J. Welshans , agent. Itoom 411 Karbach block , Omahn , Neb , MittJID _ Q-FOlt SALE , ONM 1IILLIAHI1 AND ONH I'OOI , tnblo , llrnnswlck-llalko make , almost new. In * quire of Orand hotel , Council Illults. BIO _ / \-KNILI9U AND KKIIMAN II.LIJSTUATKB Wmaeatlnes , snlliblo for weekly doll rcrlcv to bo soldnlvttry low tlKUros. For particulars address International I' no. Co.,52'.M.irkot ' t. , I'hllndelphld. Pn. M2jVj _ _ _ Q-A. M'CONNULI. OF ItKII OAK. IOWA , 1IA9 tlirco vault doors for snlo. Wrlto him for prices. MUM 8 * M-FllHK TO llALDHBADS-Wtt WILL 8KNI ) IXfreo Information how to grow hnlr on bald heads , cure diseased scalp * , stop falling hnlr ; no matter whnt Iho mure or of how long standing. For particulars nnd Information , address Prof. W. 11. Lognn'a HnlrGrowIng Institute , 141 Syrcnmoro ulroot , Cincinnati. O. 2)0-i ! > ' I ) TIN WOIIIC , HOOFING , GUTTKHS , SHIN JVsles , valley tin nnd gnlvnnliod chimney stncka cheap. Gate Uty Iltinorsb22 North 101 h street. K21 5 * 1J-LAWNMOWKIIS811A11P15NK1) . 517 N. mill M ; II n OLAIRVOYANTa. KN , CLAIUVOYANT Orollnblo business medium , lltlh year at Il'J N ll.th. . IfcS S-MUS. 1IAWT1IOUN. ItKLIAIILU IIUSINK33 nu'dltim , C3.'l N. 14th street , cornur of Wobator. gutidayit cxccplcd M23J J 9 * O MA1IAS1K FltlT2.TS ) CUMINO 8TIIKKT. Oclnlrvoyant anil trnnco medium ! Independent voices ! tells pnstnud Cuturo. M3UJ Jl'J' _ S-AlltllVAI. KXTKAOUUINAllYt WONDKIIFUL ravolntlons. Challongoi the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Lcgrnvo , dead trance clairvoyant , nstrolOKlst , palmist and I'fo render ! tolls your Ufa from the rradlo to urnvo ; unites the separated ; causes mar- rlsgo with the ono you level tolls whom you will succeed nnd In what business best adapted for ; has thocclobmtoil Kvyptlan broastplata for luck nnd to destroy bad InlluuncoJ ! euros Itts , Intomporntico nnd nil' prlvnto complnlnts with massaKo , bntlu nnd alcohol trentmcnt. Send f-.OO , lock of hair , nnmoiinddato of birth and rccolvo nccurnto life chart ! 2 cenU In stamps for circular ! glvo Inltliilj of ono you will marry ; also photos of suma , OlllcJ 1007 b'outh llth strout , llrst lloori houn ) , V n. m. to U p.m. Comooiio , coiuuull , nndbo conTlncod of this wonderful ornclo. M2Ui-7 * MASSAOE , BATHS , BTC. ri MASSAUK TUKATMISNT , KLKCTIlO-TIIUll- J-ninl baths , scnlp nnd hnlr treatment , mniilcuro and chlrouodlst. Mrs. l'ost,319H B lith , Wltlmoll blk WS',1 T > MADAMK SMITH. 1151 DOUGLAS STIIKKT. room 7,3d Uoor. Alcohol , sulphur nnd rcn bnthi. MW7-10- T MISS STOWB , MASSKUSIS KLECTKICIAN , 371 llnmgo block. M 132-0 , 'P-LMHK3' TUItlCISH IIATH9 ON TUKSDAYS 1-iind Krldnya , a to I o'clock , under Kiu-n.im street theater. ' UI-5' _ _ rp MADAMK LA HUB , MASSAGE , 411 ! SOUTH lltthBt. , 3dlloor , flat i. M207 8 * _ PERSONAL. 1 r-LADV WlLLTKACIl MUSIC AND BKW KOU vJ board , Mnat have plnno In house. Add. cure of N. W. cor.Slet and Mason streets. 7JO 5 * PKllSONAL , YOUll DK8T1NY HKVKALED. Full written prediction of your life with pen picture of future hUBbnnd or wlfo.na foretold by nutrology. Hend dnto of birth nnd 20 cents to Aa trologer , Lock Box 117 , Knnsna City , MO. 2'J1 5' WANTKI ) . COUUKSl'ONIIKNCIi Wri'II A gentleman ofoulturonnd rctlnemont. Object , mutual Imp.ovcuiont. Address G.Y. . K. , Box 2U4T. 318 5 _ _ MTJ3IC , ART AND L i ANQTTA QE. J-a V. wlthllospo , orS18N. 18th t. 1112 BKFOItH 11UV1NO A PIANO KXAMINK THK new scale IClmball piano i A. Uo3ieISI3 | Douglaa. STJO Tf FOIl SALE , A PIANO OF THK FAMOUS WKB. ' tstcruinke ; used thrco months ; will uell at fac tory price. Inqulro WW S. 13th street. 301 15 MONKY TOJLOAN BBAIi E3TATE. W-CE.NT11AL LOAN & THU3TCO. BKE BLDO. - 1)01 ) W I'OANS OJJ UHMIOVKD AND U.S'IMPKOVED v city property.W.COJ nnd upwards , H to 8 per cent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith & Uo.,15th and Uarnoy. 'UJ2 Vy C.W. KAI.VKV. 315 OMAHA NAT. B'K BLDQ. 'i Uty mortgages. Lowcstrntes. Money on hand. W3 -PU1VATK MONKY , 1ST AND 21) MOHTGAGK loans , low rates. Alex. Moore , 101 Bco building. 1M1 W-MONICY TO IXAN ON IMPUOVHD CITY property , low rate. A. O. Frost , Douglas blk.W . UKAL KSTATK LOAN'S , fi TO 7 I'Bll CUNT ; no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. B. Melklc , First National Bank bldg. trju ITtr-ANTHONYLOAN ANDTllUSTCO. , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lends nt low rails for choice security on NcbrnnkaorlowafarniaorOniaba city property. property.M7. M7. -OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKKS LOANS on real cstato at lowest market rates. Loans made In amnll or large sums and for short or long time. No commission Is charged , ami tlio loans are not sold In the east , but can always ho found at the bank on thu corner of 13th and Doujlas streets , 808 -5125.000 TO LOAN. SUMS OF ti.OOa UPWAHDSj cnn plnco loans on nny Insldo Improved prop erty to any amount where value Is back of the loan. Ames Heal Estate Agency , l.W Farnam at. U9J \\T LOANS. G. G. WALLACE , 313 BUOWN BLK. ' * 1 101 W-MON KYTO LOAN ON III5AL KSTATK. TUB O F. Davis Co. , 150S Farnam Bt , CI1J12 W-DON'T FOUGKT THAT WK AUK MAKING low rates on Improved nnd unimproved loans on Omuhii property. No delay nnd nil business trnnsncted nt this olllco. Fidelity Trust'company , 1014 Furnnm street. 71x1 -MONKY TO LOAN. J. D. Z1TTL15 , 1111OWN Ulk. M819 \y c > V. 1IAUUISON , 012 N. Y. LIFE.M0 -7 1'KK CKNT MONKY NUT TO noilUOW- crs on Omaha city property. No oitrn charges of any kind. Why pay high ratui ? Money li cheap Youcan get full bcncnt of low rates from Globj Loan ft Trust Co. , 10th nnd Dodga. 14) \V-MONHY TO LOAN o. < i iMpuoviio on UN . ' " Improved Omnha property nt fewest rntos on shortnotlcu. Cashonhnnd , Fidelity Trust com pany , 1014 Furnam street. 7CU \\T W A NT K D AT ONCK , APPLICATIONS FOU ' ' loanu of El.OUUnnd upwnrd on buslnois , rest denco or fnrra properties. G , J. I'nul , 1005 Fnriiain TO LOANOHATTIiliB. . \ security ; strictly confidential- . K. HAltillH , room 1 , Uoiitlnuntnl block. _ 103 X-llOB'TPlHTCHAllD , H. 3 , W1THN15LL BLK _ [ _ _ J _ 103 X-WHUN YOU WANT A CHATTI5L LOAN HKK W. U. Dnvls. room a ) . Continental block , lot X DO YOU WANT MONKY ? If no , do not fnll to get our Jatcs before bor rowing. Wo make loam without delay , publicity or removal ot property , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngona , eta. at the lowest potslblo rate , Wo will carry the loan as long as you dcMro , giv ing you tlio privilege of pnylng It In full or In parr at nny time to suit your convenience , aim any part pnldreducea the cost of carrying the loitn In pro portion to the amount paid. Thcru uro no charges of nny kind to bo paid In advance , but you gut the ull amount of thu loan. If you have a loan with other parties , or hnvo bought u piano or other furniture on tlrnu and tlnd the payments u llttlo largur than you can meet con veniently , we will puy It for youand carry tbo loan as lung ns you desire. It will be to your advantage to see us liofori ) BO- curing a loan.OMAHA OMAHA MOimiAOl ! LOAN CO. , llooiu II , Crelgjton Block , Uth hi. , Booth uf postolllco.IW X -MONKY TO LOAN , FIDI5LITY LOAN QUAUANTEl ! CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , .hones. millet , wagons , clo , at the lowest possible- rate * without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. I'nymeiiUof nny amount can bo niodo nt nny time , reducing buih principal and Intercut , thin giving patrons all the benutlts of tUo partial pay ment plun. Mpnoy always on handl no delays ; no publicity ; lowtsl rates ; bustnois conndentlal. F1DKL1TV LOAN ( iUAItANTKH CO. , 1M 114 , Wlthnell blk. . lith and llarnoy. _ V -f 10 , ft . t.V. 1100. ANY BUM TO IX1AN ON KUII- -iVnlturu , horses , or any good security ; lowest rains. Nebranka loan Co. , 1.110 Douglai 1. 'J3T V-'A'W1.K 1X ANS. IttiN. Y. LIFH , MOIlltld. .A- _ 402J H * X-OtlA'lTKLLOANB MADK ON KUIINITUUK plnuos , live stock , etc. , without publicity or re , iv40val property nt thu lowest rule * aud the easiest payments. Dull Green , rooms S and U barker block. 175 TO 1 < OAN ON CHATTIif. HHCUUITv -lUsluc ) s coaOdootUL llooai Wi ICurbach block. Jill Jy2 _ -GKO. W. I' . COATKX , 1011 KAUNAM. ' ] | 815-Jyt _ _ _ BUSINEaa OH ANOE8. Anf u iU rooai hotel nnd barroom ; steam boat , electric llghl , centrally located "dolux u good bust uen. JJuUGrcvu , llarkur block. 3EE : SUNDAY. JUNE fi , GUANOES. Y-M UAHH. 1M5UIIAIM HALF , HALANCK IN troltring bred lUllldnt and ny-.ungtiaclnii geldIng Ing that c-iu hcnl Mi Vitbi times to exchange tor n peed Mock of nurctiiindKo or clo.ir Innd. Wrllo for iiattlciilnrs , it. Clmmberlln , Kearney , Nob. 110 1 767-U _ _ A ( JOOO CIIANCji 1 HAVn FOll BALK A Mockof groeerlMierff tuturolln Cedar Uapld.n , In. , n Umn of twenty iniiHiand iiopulntlnni stocx niul fixtures T'lll Involnrbatween ttvct and nix thou sand dollars. llcstlcxiatton In tliocllr ! trnd first- clni * . Hood rcn ion > fllVjn for sailing. Nona lot those who mean hu > lnoi ! nM I write. Address K. tl. . 131 2nd trect. WeiUeJir ; Ktplits , la. Mill " i > Aiii.Mi > VNi > owMKNT I-OLICIHS mold line conipnnltt , Send description. A. K llrocKle.'by. box ; .ll , Hartford , Conn. M9J3 l'J V-A IIOTKL FOU SALK Oil UXCIt ANON FOll X Improved fnrm. Address Hot II , Norih tlond , Nob. 217 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ \r-Fou SALB , UKSTAUIIANT AND IIAKKIIY , .1 fnltllcld , Nob. Address \ \ " . M. Clark , Knlrnold , Neb , M2-N9' V-MKAT MAHKKT. OMAHA , CKNTUAL , I1U1 J-cnsli Iradr * , low rent ! owner must leave city ; lirlce , t'M. Address A H ) . llm. _ MSB 5 ' fOll SALK , MANUFACTUIUNO IUWINKS8. f.WU. 100 per cent profit guaranteed. Address A 61. Ilec. SIZ61 _ A GKNTLKMAN WITH HOMK MKAN9 would Ilko tu engage In BO mo loxltlmntn busi ness In 4jtnnhn. Agents need not apply. A ( VI. Hco olllce. jlitW & -HAVH > , f,00 , FOU GOOD INVU3T.UKNT. AC dress A 15. lloo. 2SI-6 * \r-FOIt SALK-ONK-HA1.F Oil AM. OK 1IAHD- JL wnro stock. Good location , ( lood undo nnil rcrsonnblo rent Address Lock llox 857 , Lincoln , Nob. W4 13 -A PAHTY WITH $2iOJ TO $1,000 A 8 I'AUTMJll In n legitimate and dial money innklug business. Address II2 , Hoo. 1101V f-A GOOD WF.LL PAYING MKAT MAHKKT -foi'sulo. luqulreof J , N. , llox 172 , SidneyNob , y-UAKKUY AND UKSTAUItANT FOU SALK , cstnbllshcd business lof 11 yoxrs. Address box 015 , Columbus , Neb. M343 C * FOR EXCHANGE. r/-UNINCUMHKIUD LANDS IS KASTKIIN NK- 'Ubrnskn nnd Knn ns for good lustdo Omaha or Council HlulM pruporty. Addrois Itois , V lllllls , Kmpoiln , Knn. M779J2 * Z-STANDAUI ) IlllKD 1IOUSUS FOU CLKAU fnrms or lots. B. J. Kendall , 403 Drown Ulk V53 J1U r-CLKANSTOCICOFOKNKUALM'D'S'lt ! WILL itnkorcal estate A niouoy. Box2J5 , Frankfort , Ind. 103 Z FOU KXCIIANtlK-FlNK ItKSIDKNCK , NEW , Kl roams , modern Improvements ; on motor line , t mlle from I * . O. Will oxchnnKO for k'oOd bust- UCBS lot or farm lands. W. , ! ' O. box GM , Omaha. 1UD Z A VALUAULK COUNEU LOT ON 8. 1IT1I ST. for suburban property. A valuable equity In lot for good horse , balance very easy terms. Fidelity Trust Co. , lull Farnam Z-NOWISTIUCTIMKTOBUYGOODNEBHASKA land U you over expect to net It. Will exchange ICO acres NW U (32) ( ) , CM ) , (12) ( ) . > H miles southwest of O'NIol. Nob. , for rash , stock of harness , saddles nnd trunks , boots nnd shoes or stock of furnlturo. Don't wnnt any other vxchnnge , must boA 1 to net them. No old stock wnntoJi Small encumbrance. Wrlto If you menu business. Address C , K. ; lock box 21 , Onawn , la. l'Jl-0' Z--SALK Oil KXCIIANQE-SKC. J7-8n-17. THKLl'S county , Neb. Clear good pasture for Chicago property. I. S. llorgan , 13tu street and Wabash nvcnuo. Chicago. M-2U1-1U' rt TWO GOOD FAItMB FOIl ME11C1IANUIB13. /JI ) . II. Dlcksun , CrclMhlon. Nob. 283 C * Z FOU SALK OH.\.K.\CUANGK , COMI'LETK drug stock nnd Uxturus. llopklns , 317 N. lith Btrect. 331 1 * Z-SH ACHES CLtfAlt TK.VA8 LAND , $3.00 I'KIl acre , 342 Wlscon-ln , 'clear , (12.00 , for Nebraska nnd Iowa farms or dnolmiborod city or town pro perty in Nebraska ori.lowa-lf Improved. Goo. J. I'nul , IC05 Vnrnam strccr/ 312 5 * Oil BALKnOJlF. & > WNYllIc 7W , " | i.Mo"ui ; easy terms ; tnke cle.tr property a llrst payment. O. G. Wallace , BrowtttMbck , iCVh and Douglus. iju 110 IfiOUSALlS-IUKBAU AIN IN OIICIIAUD llll.l , lot , will take good , hose as tlret payment , bal ance , monthly payments. Wo will sell you H loft dirt cheap and furnish money to build you athomo on njojuUlj- payments ; several locations. , Wo will build yon n cottage to suit on monthly payments ; small payment down. i Two nuwS-room cottages la.Klrkwood , ono block from car line , cheap dMnonlhly payments. Bargain In clear lot In Walnut mil. only tl.100.00. Bargain In clear lot In Orchard lllll. only f 700.0J. Bargain In clear lot In Crolghton Ilolghts , (800,00. Bargain In beautiful horns In L'afayctto I'laco , the tlncst resldenca terrace In Omaha , everyone ad mits It. Let us show It you. For terms , prices , ji , call on Fidelity Trust Co. , 1614 Fnrnntu st. _ 117 OR SALK Oil EXCHANGE , COTTAOK KIIONT- Ing south on West Gaming St. ; In Carthage nddt- tlon ; Uvo rooms , hirge attic , ' pantry , closets , forca pump , cistern , cesspool , comcntod cellar , conven iently arranged , well built itndflnlshsd In bard plno. Price , H.400. Will take a lot as part payment , balance to suit. Apply to W. K. Kurtz , 717 N. Y Life Bldg. 407 KOUNTZE I'LACK BAI1OAINS-9-HOOM DWELL- Ing.fti.imOJ. Will take clear lot as flrst pay ment , balance IH.OO per monthJ. . J. Gibson , solo agent Kountia Place , First National bink. Utt f AFAYKTTE PLAC1C ; YOU MUST 8KB THIS -'property to appreciate It : two homos for sain at bargain. Cnll for terms , etc. , Fidelity Trust com pany , 1814 Farnam Bt. 117 FOU BALE-ON MONTHLY P.AY.MKNT8. SO housea ft lots. The O. V. Unvls Co. , IMS Farnam st. 01I-J12 FOIl SALK AT A UAIIGAIN , LOT 15 , BLOCK 8 , W. L. Selby's llrst addition to South Omaha : small payment down , balance monthly If. desired. Inquire G. B. Ttscuuck , Omaha Bee. ' 334 fTOIl SALK. NOP. 4102 .AND 4101 LAFAVKTTK JL nye In Lafayette I'laco. now 8-room dwellings , with bnth , uu * . etc. , electric Kasllghtlng and every other modern Improvement , line lawn , trees nnd sur roundings ono block from electric earn. Those two houses will bo sold at n big bargain ; will take lot as eart payment : let us show you the property Idellly Trust company , 1CI4 Farnam st. 117 pLKAIt LOTllf BLOCIC FUOM MOTOR , ( 'JOO , (100 war horse and buggy llmt payment , balance easy. Address. A M llco. 1BU-7 * T7OU8ALK-5OW ACHK9 OK NKI1UASKA LAND J. nt grout sacrifice. Aiply | for particulars to Q. II. 1'etorson , owner , 1412 a. Uth mroat , Omaha. M1'J3 Jyl K AGUES. BOWLING CIIKKN , NKAIl HALCYON t-MIclghta motor line , must be unlit at onco. Make your own price. Address A 01 , lloo. M23S6 * rpAKK KOTICK THAT WK AUK TUB SOLE -LntcnH for sixteen lots In 1'ortlund Place , which the owner must neil at once and authorizes us to otter nt from (2UO to I3JO lees than name lots Imve ever been ottered or than adjolnlnit lots can he purchased for. All lots nro within tlrrca blocka of motor. In n growing community , and will cost within ono year just doubla the price linked for them now. The terms will suit nny ono , vli. ; Ono- lialf In three or Uvo years nt 7 per cent , balance monthly payments with usual discount for cnsh. llonicmbcr there are but sixteen of thorn. Fldullty Trust Company , 1014 Farnarn street 212Jy2 100X140 , N. W. COUNKU liTH AND HICKOItV. lots graded , beautiful view , will bo worth double price ankud when 15th street viaduct U completed. It. G , Cliirk A Co.1218 Hnrnoy struet. MJ72 8 CIIKAPEST PitOPKUTY IN OMAHA. ONK MILK from postolllco , on 31st near Loavonworth , 2 lots S0xl40 feet each , Inrgo trees , aireot Kradcd , sldo- walks , etc. , ouly f'J.KXI each , will double In two yours. M272 8 T7011 HALF TUB ACTUAL VALUK IF TAKKK J. In Juuo : choice Insldo buslnois property , perfect title , thriving county seat town : also good repub lican newspaper liiislhonn and plant. Address. "II. L. Uanoe , uroelcjNpu'f. . 278-i * BKAUTlFULIIOiffcSl STILL FOU BALK IN O l.nfajretto place , You will make n mistake If you buy without seeing tituibout these homes , llont for (3&.U ) and (4UVU par month. Flneit Investment Hi the city. 2 J Jy 8 rilKN 1IOLT < AIIS-T1IU CUOAKKU-YOl/ Jlknow him. a bird aim omen , nlvrnyn foreboding evil. Ho Is usuully Jiiuud on thu Uroet tornorn \vhlttlliig.chowliigtdUaVco end telling Intelllgnnt people what not lodoli'J Ho has llvod In Onmhn hoiuetlilnu leis tlmil'lL-M-yiamnna nuver made an invuiinieiu m reni oMulo , nuncu no nasn t money enough to buy n miotr bird's breakfast. Ho ls the duck who has been MUng around the Ion wu nre selling nt (10 each wnMtot bo worth more than F.IIJ uplcco next year. AUlY > ny wo nro going to sell ( up to u certain niiiuborhjhyeu lots fliruiuellj ton dollars lars each. Every lot tffa fiom mortuagu. Hlzo2.Sx lUfeut , lying botwueiWJmaha and new Ft. Omahn. Warranty deed , abitridit and plat given with i-ach lot eol.l. Hvery lot irvuranleed a nloo lurel building lot nnddOls paymeiUln lull. Bnlo all thU wouk. Knclo > u2o postugo far plat and full Information. Cuus , 1 * . Benjamin , tUft/ugeiit , 1MM Dodge St. U BARGAINS IN SOUTH OMAHA-TUB UllKAT liuprovvments to b made by the packing hiiuies will caute a marked udvaucu In values of Hcuth Omaha property within llm next few months. Clio 01 corner , bUxlil ( eel. V4th and A , CI.U.O.UO. Corner.UUxlia. 4th and II streets , H.KU.UU. Corner , IVSJilW , Mth and 11 tlrorls , I2.MMOU. Corner. IWxI.'O , Sllli and K dreiits , JrJUU Three olfgant aouth front lota near ttlh and B ttrt'ets. i-neli l.lU-J.U. ( Call and sco the bargains wit niter , UUO. N , HICKS , JOJN. Y. Ufo. MMUO riMIKUB ARK MOIIK PKOPLK LIVING UNDKU Xnldewulksln New York than would populate n western city like Omaha. But thuy nuver had an opportunity of buying unlvn ) uv l building lot for ten dollars. Thu lnt > wo are ( tiling nro located between Omaha arid ntfw Kort'Ouiahu , lio2ixii fu They nro cjeor and fruo from any mortgage. An abstract of.tltlp , wurranly dved anil..plm of addi tion glvou with each lot fold. Krvry lol guaranteed to bo a nice level building lot. Ten famine * now living there and ovvrlllty more prepnilng to moVe tlieru , IUXk ) U full payment for a lot. Btml 2 cents pontage fur plat nnd more Information. Charle * P. llcunmln ) , sole agent , liOil Dodge struet. SW4 \MLLA LOTS. 100 x SOU , BKAUTIFUL UHADK ' treea , line lawn , the very place for an lelo.il home. City water , near pavement , chouU nnd motor , and belt of all , cheap ! ( IUJ to tl.SOO ; think of It , and sou. David JamUou , U Uvo Bide. 914 6 1892-TWENTY PAGES. FOK BALE-REAL ESTATE. Continued. 7N CHICAGO I&.COJ 1'KOI'LH DKl'KNO UPON the Iron lunch counters for their ctnlly food. They arc tlie people who never iwvtcl money , nor bonxht rcnl estate. They never knew woweroncl' Ing lot > for homes between Omaha nnd now Fort Umnhn for only ten dollar * . All this week 110 Is full pnvmcnt for ft nlcs building lot lice from niort- tftHO. Umnhn'a Into ! Addition Bond 2c iioitneo for pint. Chns. 1 * . llonjamln , ole agent , IMC. Dodge street. 307-S' 'I'O I.NVKSTOU8-1 TAN OFFKIl TUB FOLLOW J Inn bnrgnlns In ncro prdpcrty cloao to Omnhni Ten ncrcs clo'o to city , tI.KX ) . Ton acres clone to Hell Line , will rnnko 43 nice lots , clcgnnt trnct , only W.UUO. Twcnty-tlvo ncres tivo miles from postoftlce , t7.VW. Korty nereo , flnci > t trnct ncro property nround Omnhn , If tnkcn quick , only Mii per ncro. Korty acres , west Umnhn , closs to now fnlr grounds nnd parks , (2J.OJU. Korty nercs southwest of city , cnn quote for n few days for H7& per ncro. ncro.OKOIIOB N. HICKS. Investment Agent. Itoom 305 , N. V. I.Uo llultdlng. MS.VJ II l/Oll BAI.K AT A GUKAT IIAIUI.U.N. U-Ul.UM JL cottneo with wntor. ant , bnth nnd f urnnce. K. K. Darling , llnrker block. M3IB ACKY'tf ADDlTION-riNK IXJTS NKAUMOTOU line , 2l each ! > S cnih. bnl. 2 , 4 , U. ronrs , 7 per cent. Itcsldcnrc tots within W mllcn of postolllco , MWench ; 1-10 cash , b l. Ions tlico nt 7 percent. Kino lot with rlx-room cottneo nt Uth nnd Hurt directs. I'rlco. R.803 : f.V ) c.iah. bnl. rnsy. INilterA ( ! oori0 Co. , S.V. . cor. ICtli nnd Vftrnnm. M.tt ? Jy4 Oil SAtK NKW , MOOKUN 1IUII.T , 8-UOOM houro. just completed , ncnr Hnnscom pnrki nil conveniences , cloBnnt bnth room , splendid brick collars , etc. ; can Klva InimaillatJ possotMon ; n Fiilondlil bnrc.iln If sold nt onco. lllcks , nui'iit. : U)5 ) N. Y. I.lfo bldif. .M3.'iO 0 FOB RENT-PASTURKS. IASTUHU FOUCATTLK&HOIISICS , T. UUUHAY. 103 \\rANTUI ) , Z7 HOHSI53 TO 1'ASTUIti : AT ' ' Door Creek I.odiio twelve miles north of Omnlm. liluowrnn , shndunml running water. Slnci cnlloJ fornnd tlitllvcroil. OrvlIlD C. Johnson , W7 1'nxton blockOm.ili , Tolophono'Jia. 1U ! J7 \\TB IIAVU TUB IIKST I10I13U PAATUHH IN ' ' thtsstatont tillmoro stntlon , thrco mlles smith of South Omaha ; 10'J ' acres blue Krass , sprlnx water , bonrd limco. llnve ncuod hnlf mlle track on lliu farm. Will tnkan few homes or colts to bronk or trnln. Uimun A 1'hclps or A.V. . I'hulps & Sou , B.1UU.-8 KxchniiRO , Notr York Ufa bulldlne. HOUSES AMI CATTI.K PASTUIIKII AT STOCK form , Uollovuc II. T. Clnrko , 2IU llcnrd of Trade , Onmhn. 21.1 \VANTKD , IIOHSKH TO PASTUUIC , f2.W PKU > month , plenty of shadu , grnifl nnd runnlnR water. Inqulro at.Omabn Ilolghts. Wm. Durkiunp. LOST. T 03T ; I1I5T\VKBN 15TU , OAIMTOI. AVKXUK JLJnnd IStli nnd I'arnam streets , some valuable | > n- porB. 15.00 reward. Call nt K. T. Leavers , Wentor- Held nvonuo nnd lull elreot. LOHT , A 1'AIU OF OOM ) SI'KCTACLKS. FINDKR will bo liberally rewarded by returning same to tea Knrns.ni at , 3215 * O3T , A SAFETY 1HCYCI.K FIIOM Y. SI. C. A. hnll. lleturn to Y. M. U. A. nndKOt reward. PAWN BROKERS. TCltKl ) M01ILK , OFFICB 1SI1H KAUNAS ! ST. S.UNYDUlt'U'LOAN OtlflCK , 1110 DODUK ST. . 18JJ30' STOCK IN KNTIUKwKST ! THKAT- LAHUKST rlcal wlgsnnd beards n specialty. Wigs , bangs , nwltchcs , hnlr chains , etc. ; send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. Davlcs , 111 S. 15th sU , Omuha. 111. PANADIANKMPLOYMKNTOKF1CE,1W'.IKAUNAM upstiilrs ; mnlo'nnd fcninle help , Tel. 834. Vit THK lllSAI/rX .MAUIvHT. rNSTRUMENTS placed on recorJ Juno 4 , L ISITJ : WAUUANTV DEEDS. O W Miller and wlfo to Lconhnrd Lulble. MxHH feet coinnienciiiK at a point ID feet north of the southwest cornur ot lot ? , block 14 , Improvement Associa tion add $ a,000 Fidelity Trust company to li T ) Harris , nM feet lot : u , OriOln & Isaac's add. . . . 11,000 Jntncs Held to Mary Cbvlmurs , o MO feet lots , llonfleld 8,000 II L 1'lerco and husband to J W flny- wurd , lot 5 , block 14 , Hunscom 1'lnce. . 5,500 0 A Munknr and wife to T U Adams. lot < VLatey. ' sub . - , 8,000 A K Ilubbard nnd wife to.Ioseuh JIc- Clenoghan , Iota 17 and 18. block ( i , 0 E Mayno's first add to Valley 723 Mary Dworak to Christ Johnson. lot 12 , block U , Uworuk's ndd 40J GO Hobble and wife to RS Hobble , lot 17. block 'A Southern Exclmnso I'laco. . 1 Western Investment company to John und N M Hourltiau , lot 14 , block 1 , Ambler 1'Ucc 500 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Alvln Saunders nnd wlfo to Thomas Evans. H S.1 feet lot 7. block n. ' , Omnha. . 6 Henry Krcymbor and wife to Ernesto Stoeemuii , lot 6 , and undlv y lots 1 and 2 , Cherry Garden 1 Sumo to hdwurd Lamhofor , part ; block ri West Omaha 1 Peter Hunger to G A Llnqiicst , w4 } uw 1 34-15-10 DEEDS. J W Houdor ( special administrator ) to J K Mawhlnncr. lots 11 and 1' ' , block 14 , North Omaha 101 O A Bennett ( sheriff ) to G C Hubble , lot 00. Fairmont plnco 1,3:11 : United States to J E Maxfleld , so 4-14-10 ( patent ) . . J W Halm ( county treasurer ) to .1 allies Warren , same , and nJ ! no and o4 ! nw 31-15-ia Total amount ot transfers . 8 gT.Effl ) " TlOl'OSAI.8 I'OK UUIMl.NU MAL'KHl ills , wind mills , tanks , pumps , etc. U. S Indian Service. I'lno Hld e Agency. Shannon Co. , B. I ) , . May 27tb , IS'X' . t-oalud proposals endorsed "Proposals for Ilnlldlnp Material , etc. " us thu case may bo and addressed to thu undersigned ut I'lno Rldpo Aeoncy , S. D. , will bo received at tliln agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Juno 21st. ISU' ' , for furnlsblnK nn I dullvor- Int : at various polntNon the I'lno Kldgo Indian reservation to lie de lKnatcd by the uncicr- slgnod , about 230,000 foot of assorted lumber : 1GO.U90 shln lea ; Ki windows : 40 doors : G.OOJ brlcka ; i,4UO ! feet of quarter round Iron , hard ware , paints , rock , sand , etc. , also llvo (3) ( ) ten- foot wind mills and powcrs.wltb tnnks.pumiis , galvanized Iron pipe , etc , A full list of nil material may bo obtained by application to the undersigned. Illdders nro required to sti.to specifically In their bids the prooscd price ot each nrtl- clo offered for delivery under a contract. The right Is reserved to reject any orall bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the best Interest of the sorvlce. CEUTIKIED CHECKS Kacb bid miiHt bo accompanied by n certified check or draft upon some United States do- posliory or solvent national bank In the vi cinity of tbo resldonco of tbo bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian AITalrs for at least llvo p'jrcentof the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to tbo United States In cuso any bldderor btdderH rucolvlm ; an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and snlllclent sureties , otherwise tu bo re turned to the bidder. IlhU accompanied by cash In lieu nf a certified check will not bo considered. I''or ' further Information as to points of dollverv. transportation , etc. , apply ! o OAl'T. UKOIIlU : LKKOY 1IUOWN. U. H. A. ActliiK U. B. Indian A ent ni ilattM Snlo. Whereas , Default has been made In the con ditions of a cortalnchattol mortgagooxucuted by C. A. Stonohlll tp First National Hank of Omaha , dated thu 12th day of May. Ib'.i. ' . and filed In the ofllcoof the county elurlr In and for Iloiik'lan county , Nebraska , ut : i o'clock and ' . ' 5 minutes p. in , on llio I'Jlh day of May , wiioroas. The amount claimed tobnduo on imld mortKiioo on thin 21th clay of May. 1BU2. the time of thu llrst publication of tills notice , No'w'i'horoforc , Under and by virtue ot the nowerot sale contained In said mortgage , thu L'lrst National Hank ot Omaha , mort'/uguc , will , on the lllh day of Juno. Ibii. ' . at It ) o'clock and K > minutes a. m. , ut Noi. 1IU-UH South Hlx- teuntb Rlreot , In the eity of Omaha , county of Douglas and state of Nebraska , being tbo Ktoro formerly ocouuled by bald U. A , ritone- lilll , sell at publu | aiietlon , the mortgaged property , whluh Is duturlhud In the mortgagu us lollowa : All of thezooiU. wares and mer chandise , coiislnttng of niiipt" and fancy dry goods nnd notions , millinery , cloaks and suits , unit all other personal property used In ami about thu promises known and numbered us Ono hundred and sixteen ( llrti and Onu hun dred And eighteen ( lid ) Hunth Sixteenth ( lUlb ) street In the ulty of Omahti , county of Itoap- lui und stutoof NobniNkn , and owii'.d by tliu mortgaeor herein , which uro located In Bald storeUN followi , on Iho north nldo of tbo north half of said premium , from the show wind OWH 10 thu t.ilm lending to thu Bucond Moor , mid 011 the houth half ot thu north hide from the how windows to thi end of the jdielvlmr. 1'lltST NATIONAL HANK Ol' O.M AIIA. Mortgagee. CONGOON&CLAUKHON. Attorneys. Dated May 24. ISfli. ' 24d''lt l'ropo iiu lur ( Irndiug. b'onloa propmaU will bo received by tbo secretary f > f tlio Itourd ot l.duu.itIon until A o'clock ii.ni. . Thursday , Juno Dili. IbO. , for the gradlnu of lot 2 , block III , West Omaha. The Hoard of Education reserves the right to reject nay or all iirap'isal * . lly orJer ot the llo-ird of Education. OHAKbEacoNoVEH , JJ-dU Huoretitry. lllilViihtt - < l lor hcliool HoiuU. Hccmcr echool district will tell ut Ilromor Keli. . their tO , < * 0 ten-year Hchool bondv bear Ing 0 per cent lutcreit , of ( I(00 ( denomination Juuo U1 , Iblti. F , J. FmusiiALD , Dlruptar. JWDt Ladies' ' "Success" SYRINGE. IT 13 WITH rm.SSYUIXGK OSIiY thnt you nro PUKi : ot utt ilnhiK your dcslro , nnd It Is tlio best nuansof ri'tnlnlnR yntir Rood lioulth tlirniiisli clonnlliiots. ot rulibor liulli UnrJrulibartulie. I ASK your ilrneiiNt for 'one. nnil bofUllKlthiis on It the tr.ulu niurlf , "FISH BRAND- ' ' Wo will sell thorn tit $1.50 $ Each , Srnt by express Into the coutitry. Money to uc- coiniiiny | the order. A I.MIY ci.r.HK will nl- tplid to tlin wants uf bur lady patrons. OMAHA RUBBER CO 1520 Farnam St Cor. i6th. THE SHORES f LIM TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & SL Paul R'yt as represented on this mao. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m , City Ticket Office : 150,1 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Notice to Contractors. t'c.Vlcd Droposnla will bo rocotvod by the No- jriiskii Coluinbliin commission until 12 o'clock noon , Juno " 0 , Ib'/J. ' for the erection nrul i'on- Btrnctlnii of the Nobrnitku , World's fair bulltl- Init on llio Columblun Exposition crimmln , Uhletuo. according to pliins and HUnulllcntlons of Henry Voss. architect , on ( Ho nt tlio olllce ) of Henry Voss. Omulin , Nob. , nnd nt 'ho olhco uf Henry Burks , room 17 , No. I1J Duurborn Htreet , ( JhlciiKO , III. Each bid must bo ncconi- ] ) itnlcI by cortlflcd chvck or draft on Chicago or Oirnlm linnk forlOiiorccntoCthonnioimtof the proposal , mudo piiyanlo to the Nebraska Coluinbliin commission , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the stnto of Nebraska In ease tiny ulcldor or bidders receiving tlio award or contract slmll full to promptly o.xo- cnto u bond with Rood and snlllolont sureties , otherwise to bo returned to tlio bidder. Tlio ImlldliiK cnimnltlco reserves the rlghttorc- jbtt uny or all bids. lltds ahull bo unclosed In plain envelopes nnd shnll liavo plainly written tliercon , "llids Tor i-onstructlou of Nebraska World's fair lull Id In ; . ' , " sind nUdrcsscd to tlin iinuerslgncd , euro Sliornuui House , Chicago. III. M. II. WEISS ? , Chairman IlnlldliiR Committee ISobmsUa Columbian Commission. 1'or further Information address M. H.Weiss , elm rinuu , Hebron , Nob. JJiWt , M&E 1'roposula for Loxvi-rlnc ; Uiiiiont School HiilldliiR. Scaled propo'iuls will bo received by the secretary - rotary of the Hoard of Education , until 4 o'clock p. m. , Wednesday. Juno 1.1th , ISM , for the lowering of tlio two story brick building on the Uupont school grounds , and grading the lots on which the building stands , on the corner of'Oth and Martini streets. In accord ance with plans' tind specifications on Illu In the odlco of the Hoard uf Education. Tbo Hoard of Education reserves the to reject nny or nil proposals. By order of tbo Hoard of Education. CHAHI.KM CONOVEII , Secretary. Omaha , Juno -'nd , 18D1 Jd''dlL't. TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , H ft U A TORE DOWN THE ! FENCE. Irnlo Women Itofnaa to Submit to n Nolc.li bor' rervertpn . Mrs. Corvln , Mrs. SU Uormnln , Mrs , Charon nnd Mrs. tiatley ivoro arrested ycitcn dny mortilnp for tbo malicious destruction of a 'onco , mid tboy nro very IndlRnnnt about It. Tnoso women llyo on tots wbluh they pup- chiuod from the Barkon , on ElchtU street ictwccn Arbor niid linnoroft. In front ot tils addition is nn addition owned by James Phillips of Now York. Klphth street cuts through I'lillllps' ailill. Ion In such n rvny ns to lonvo a strip of lnruBovcntocn tent vldo balWccu Iho lots ocnuploa And owned iy ttioiovomon and the highway shutting .bom oil from the strcal. Mr. 1'hllllps. who s n wealthy man , came to Omahn nnil pro- cccdcd to surround his strip of land with I\ wlra lonco very high mid very tlpht and served tiotlco that If the rcildunU crossed us land they \vould bo prosecuted for trcs- tass. MwChuron , Iho owner of some of the iQts , mntlo oltors to nurchaso the land which shuts him In his lot with no moans of en trance ) or exit. Mr. Phillips , who Itnows a peed thlnp when ho socs It , said they ralpht have U lor $ . - > , tXX ) , and nt thnt tleuro ho sticks. The Innd is worth about fdlM nnd for any use to which It can bo put It Is worth nothing. The lotiKor the women looked at the fonoo the madder they trot , nnd Friday nlRht they nroso In their rnlgh toro uown the wires nnd pulled up the posts. For ttm they worn arrested. DoWltt's SarsnparllU oloansos the blood. E.VERYTHINQ QOE3. Tin * Mun lias llaon In .lull Too Often to Ilcny Any Clinrur. The Rruy-hcadod old roiirobato , Mlko Kenny , nmblcd blithely up to the pollco Judpo'-sdosUyoitordny morning to bo charged with being drunk again. "Why , Jt Just Rot out , " ho chlrpod , "and I nln't had tltno. " "Got drunk on free air , ohl" "Ho wns bcjfglng nt ttio matron's house , " Interpolated u sergeant. "who , mol" oskod Mllto In surprho. ' \oii deny that faot.do you ! " Mlko vummoBod nround"for n rnlnuto for n loophole nnd then said ! "O , no ; 1 don't deny tiuthin' . Ilowloncl" "Ten days. " Ettn Jones , Emmn White , who Is black ; nnd Bill Ilanten were charged with llphtui * nnd a blackthorn stick , n bloody paving block and Hanson's bandnRod head wore in troduced In evidence. Hanson got the worst of the engagement nnd was given n f25 Una ns a plaster to his wounded feelings. PRESIDENTIAL PROPHECIES A'O. 1 VROVIIESY THAT WILL HE KO31IX.ITED FOR PRESIDENT or TUB REPUULWAN NATIONAL VONVEXT109 AT UINA'CAl'OLM AT . .V. Off . ; . JVXB . 1S3J , NA3IEI STATE I P. O. BOX OH STREET KO. , THE OMAHA Bnn will present a $1,000.00' life Infcuranco policy paid up Tor ono year In tbo National Ltfo Insurance company of Vermont , M. L. Hooder , manager , to tlio flrst person sondlnp ; In tbo closest 03tUnato In nccordnncovltu tbo ubovo coupon. Coupons will bo tiumbctcd In tholr order of receipt at this ofllco. Incomplota or muti lated coupons will bo rejected. Till3 coupon will bo printed dally until tbo Issue of Juno 5. No coupons will bo received after Juno ft. Date of convention , Juno 7 , 1893. Send in as many coupons ns you ploiso. Address nil "Presidential Prophecies " prophecies to , Bco O ill co. Mortpiien | riiilo'H. Whereas , default Ims bean iinido In the con ditions of n curtain chattel mnrtuuKo executed ly 0. A. Ktcinehlll to John V. Knrwoli Com pany. dated the l-'th day of May. 1HU. , und filed In the olllco of the county clerk In und for Doiuliis county , Nebraska , ati : o'clock and 31 minutes p. m. on thol'Jtb day of May , IB' ' ) ' . ' , and , Whereas , the amount , claimed to ho duo on said inortiiniso on this 21th duy of M-iy. 189'- ' , the tlniu of tlio first publication of this no tice. | HI7.VW.U3 ; Now , therefore , under &nd by vlrtuo of the power of sale contained In Bald morUiiKO. John V. I'nrwoll Company , niorUncuu , will , on the 14th day of Juno. ISW , at U o'clock and 15 mlnuti-Hii. m. . nt limn burn 110-118 Hoiith Six teenth Hired , In the city of ( Jm-tliu , county ot Don IaH and state ot Nobr.iskii.iont \ \ thu store formerly pociiDlod by said O. A. Stono- hll ; , sell , ut public auction , the murtiiued proportv , nhfch Isdo crlood In the mortKaxo us follows ; All of the uoods. wnnis and mor- ohundlBC , consisting of staple and fancy dry uoods and notions , iiillllnorycloiUa and sulU , und nil other purMiiul propurty usoil In and about the promUt'S known nnd numburod one hundred and Hlxteen (111) ( ) ) nnd onu hull died and olghtcon (1IH ( ) r'niitli ' tilxlumith ( IGth- fitrcnt , In the oily of Omaha , county of Dotitf- IIIH , mill Htalo of Nuhrnsku , and owned by tbo mortgagor heroin , subject to u niortKiik'o of oven date for the Bum of H.OJU.OJ to the 1'lrst oatloniU bank of Omaha , upon a portion ot ihi'hiiino property ! nnd WlioroiiH , a portion of the RondH and chattel * abovodo < crlbod located on the north sldo of thu north half of said promts , from the nliow urlriilfivvu tfi tlin at.tilrj lititrl In.r tyi fliu ui.'tiiiul floor , and on the south half of the north sldo , from the show windows to the und of tlio HnolvliiK. wimonB.iHI ritli day of May , IH'Ji ' , first rnorlKUKud by nild : O. A. Ktonelillf to the 1'li-Ht National bunk of Omuha : Now If all o ( said liKt : described goods nnd ohnt toln are not Bold by naldhankonor bofuru tbo Uth day uf Juno. 18/J. under and by vlrtuo of the mortgage held by It , then , on siild Utli ilay of Juno , nt the hour hurulniibiiro nuinod , snld iimrlKagoc. John V. I'arwoll Company. will soil , at puhllo auction , any portion of aulU lant dcKcrlliud goods and chattels roiualnlnu unsold by mild bank. JOHN V. KAIUVKMjCOMI'VNy. CONQDONJE OI < AUKHOM. MorlgaRoo. Dated May 31 , IBa ; . MZId'JU Notlco to llmitriuitorii. Sealed proposal ) ! will lie reojlired liv Iho HOO- rcturynf the Hoard or Kduqntlou. until I o'clock p. in. , Monday. Juno fflrtli. 1HIJ , for the con- Htruction of DUB , twoHtory.twolvu room hrlct bulldliiKou thu Ixithroji bchool blloanil ono. iwo Mlory , twelve room lirlct bulldliiK on I ho Wont Oiimtm icliool Hlto. In itcconliinou with platiH ntij Hr-'X-'lUcatloiiii ou Illu In the olllco ot Jolml.atetuor , urctiltuct , room ( .05 Merchuiuu ntlllul : JIuukbullilliiK. Oiimlia. j'ruiio aU will berecetvi-n for each ot the fol lowing uyntums oc lientmfi and ventilation t nteani , liicliidliiK fun y lum ; Hinuad uyttom nnil ilry cios t ; Fuller .V Wnrreu Hjsteiu auil dry closeis , und thollolUroolc y tom anil dry closvtk. liaeh bid must l > accompanied by a curt tiled chock for .Vi . ' 1'iie lioard reserves the rlKht to reject any or all bids. 1 lly order ot the Hoard of I'.ducatlon. CIIAIII.KH CONNOVKlt , Becrutary. ' ' ith , 1BW , JidtU.