THE OMAHA DAILY THE NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT How , When and By Whom it Was Organ ized. THE HISTORY OF ITS CONCEPTION And How flvorybndy In Oninlin llocaino In. ternled Ienilnsr | ] tulno Men nntt Cftl'ltntUtu Assisted lir tha AJMO- cliitton Mnko It n Sueceii , The grand national encampment which is to bo hold in Omaha , from Juno 13 to 20 inclusive , commencing ono week from tomorrow , promises to bo the largest nna best oncamnmont over yet held. Military companies from almost every etuio in the union hnvo signified Iholr Intention Ho attend nnd oompsto 'for the llbjrnl prizes offered nnd for the Clnraplonship of the United Stntoa These companies ore the boat drilled bnd Iho flnoit oqulpod in the country , or what is c.illod in military parlance "ornck military companies. " Muny of them Imvo competed in from fifteen to twenty prl/.o competitions and in this line nro votornns. " ' ' From the Jnrgo number of Inquiries which ( ho secretary is receiving dally tboro la no doubt that many thousand trnngora will visit Omaha during the , Trcuk of the encampment. The National Compotltivo Drill J _ association. BpWw WJ organised at Indianapolis , Ind. , in | July , 1801 , nt a mooting hold nt tha I Omaha Guards' headquarters for that ! purpose. The Omaha Guards loft for Indianapolis with a determination to obtain the 1892 encampment for the city whoso nii'no they so proudly boar , and never for a moment did they relax in tholr energy and- work , as they know that they could thus In a measure repay the oitizons of Omaha for the many /avoii ) they hud received at their hands. Of the mooting to organize tha asso ciation and looato onctunpmont the In- d nmipjll * Sentinel of July U. Bays : , OMAHA NEXT YEAR. A NATIONAL COMPETIVK DRILL ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED. , At Cnmp Curtis lost evening ut the headquarters of Captn.ll ) II. D. Mulford of the Omaha. Guards , was olTootod an organization thnt is of very great Im portance , The Omaha Guards oiiino nero , us much ns nnything else , to se cure mi encampment ut that city in Ifc02 , nud nil tha arrangements were made lust night to that end , Slnco their arrival in this city , Captain Mulford nnd John E. Aitchison Imvo been busy enlisting the Interest of the captains nnd commissioned olllcors of the various companion , nud jjOtiBoquontly a mooting of the latter , lied for luut night at Captain Mull ford's headquarters , was well attended. Captain Mulford was olooted temper- nry chairman of the meeting , nnd John E Attchlson secretary. For nn hour the matter was discussed , and it was do- cldod to organize n nntional drill coun cil for the purpose of securing an en campment each year. An executive board of twelve members was selected to represent the north- cast , southeast nnd western sections , each section to have n. representation of four men , composed of the captains of two infnntry companies , ono nrllllory company nnd ono zouave company , The executive board is composed ns follows : SOUTH KASTEUN DIVISION. Chairman , Cuptnln Harry Alien , Chlkasaw guards , Memphis , Tonn. Captain Roll Simms , Southern guards , Macon , Go. Captain Kit DoITroy , Memphis zou aves , Memphis , Tonn. Captain W. H. Boanhnm , battery B , L. F. A. , Now Orleans , La. NOUTHnASTKIlN DIVISION. Chairman , Captain J. B. Curtis , In dianapolis Light artillery , Indianapolis , Ind , Captain G. A. Hurd , Aurora Zouaves Aurora. 111. Captain P. M. Joyce. Avon Ktflos , Cincinnati , Ohio. bios , Washington , D. C. WBSTEIIN DIVISION. Chairman , Captain William Iloyman , Walsh Zouaves , SU Louis , Mo. Captain C. A. Sinclair , Branch Guards , St. Louis , Ma Captain A. P. Wo oncraft , Dallas ar tillery , Dallas. Tex. Captain Robert B. Green , Bolknau Rillos , San Antonio , Tox. It was unanimously dooldoo to call the organization the National Competitive Drill association and to hold the oncamn mont next year at Omaha. * * * Considerable enthusiasm waa appar ent in the success of the now association , The olllcors present nt the meeting rep resented the dllTorent sections. Tliolr ICetiiru to Omiihi. Immediately upon tholr return from Indianapolis , President Mulford nnd Socroftry Aitchison commenced inlisling the interest of the citi zens in the coining encampment. Com mittees were appointed by the mayor to represent the city nt largo , by tlio city council , by the Hoard of Trade , by the Real Estate Owners' association , by the Manufacturers nnd Consume - sumo ussoclntion , by the Builders and Traders Exchange , by the Omaha Commercial nssociatlon , by the Omaha club , by the Metropolitan club , by the Athletic club , the Elks club. In fact the entire city was interested in the Biicccsa of the undertaking. Tnoso committees met as ono com mittee in the Board of Trade rooms and perfected an organization , Hon. W. J. Broatch being elected president und John E. Aitchison secretary. Committees were appointed to solicit the guurun too for the pruea and expenses of the encampment. Tno o committees Immediately bean their work and werq Buccossful in getting the amount from the generous bueinoda men nnd capital ists of the city. To tnko charge of the business nfalru of the encampment and to insure its sue- cogs u local executive committee , con sisting of Hon. W. J. Broatch , B. Sillo- way , W. E , Clarke , F. i . Kirkondall.A. L. Rood nnd Julius Meyer , were ap pointed. Mr , Meyer was elected secre . tary ; Lutber Drake , cashier of Mor I hnnts' National banko'ectcd trcnsuror , , nd Mr. Altchlsr n assistant sofioiary. Phla committee hnvo worked Hko leavers nnd have now the satisfaction of seeing that their labors are to bo re warded by a , grand gucccss. ZnllliiRrr llnttrry. Zolllngor Battery , Fort Wayne , Ind. , dates Its existence from April 6 , 18S8. H. C. Eastwood , to whoso activity and energy the orgnnl/ntion of the company Is mainly duo. wns mndo it ? first cap tain. William Cherry and J. C. Wll- Inrd bore , respectively , the ranks ol first and second lieutenant. Thoorgnnlzntion wns munod in honor of Colonel C. A. Zollingor , a distin guished Indlnnn soldier of the Into war. und nt present mayor of the city of Fort Wayne , for his invnlunblo assls- tnnco in promoting the welfare of the battery * Ills most consplcious sorvlco was rendered during his olficfnl term ns stnto pension ngont for Indlnnn , when ho secured from the government the is- sunnco of ordnnnco nnd equipments to the now nrtillory company. Three months after Us inception , Zollingor battery attended the stnto on- cnmpmout nt Evansvlllo. Here It wns cntorod for the compotitlvo drill and won its maiden honors , tnkiug third nr tillory nnd first Gntllng gun prizes The return homo from Evansville wna voritnbly a triumphant entrance into the city. Tno battery received a tremend ous ovation , and no public event in Fort Wnyno. perhaps , has boon marked by such nn outburst of popular and genuine enthusiusim. The first trip of the battery was siff nallya suo3U3ianJ thalr victories bore emphatic slgnfil canco from the fact that their drill waa executed with brasspiecos wnichweighed over four hundred pounds moro than these used by tholr competitors. In September , 1888 , Captain Eastwood and Lieutenant Cherry , for personal reasons , resigned. Lieutenant WHlard succeeded to the captaincy , W. P. RunKo was elected first lieutenant and W.V. . Mungon second lieutenant. The company attended tbo state encamp ment at Indianapolis in 1839 , South . Bond J in 1890. nnd Fort Wayne in 1891. Some months Dubeoqontly to the In dianapolis encampment , Captain Wll- lard resigned his commission , owing to buslncgs Interests which much of the time necessitated his absoncu from the city. Lieutenant Mungon was there upon promoted to the captaincy , nnd D. S. Eckert was elected to succod him , as second lieutenant. Subsequent to the Evansville suc cesses Zolllngoi' buttery was identified with no compotitlvo contests until August , 1891 , when it entered the prize drill nt a meeting of the .National Krlogorfost nssociatlon , bold in Fort VViiyiio. The battery was n easy wln- nor , drilling against infantry for points. Captain Mungon was honored by the association with n rncual. Railroad Kates ICoducml. All the railroads running into Omaha have made special reduced rates > during the National Competitive Drill En campment ut Omaha , Juno 13 to 20 in clusive. Tlin Blunufuoturorn KxiioiUlun. This will nlso drnw muny people to Omaha during the week of Juno 13 to 0. The exposition will bo ono of the llnost over seen In this section , only six states ever having hold anything that would surpass It. Many dilforonnnun- .ufnuturorH will manufacture tholr gooda right in the exposition. BEE : SUXDAlSLlJUNE 5 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. CRACIl'COMPANIES COMING , The Very Best Drilled Companies .Will Attend. ALL ANXIOUS > ; FOR THE EVENT 5 Grand 1'rlto Drill.l > y Infantry , Artillery , Xotmte nml Outline Medium inch : Uny of the Kncnnlpincnt Itulos nud Itcgntntlons Winch < lo\crn. Socrolnry Aitchison has received mnny letters from every stnto in the union in regard to the encampment which takes place in Omaha nt the fair grounds in the north part of the city Juno 13 to 20 inclusive. The oBolknnn Rlllos of Toxns and th Branch guards of St. Louis , the best iwo companies in thoUnitcd Stales , and sixty of the other crack military com panies of the United Stntes , including infantry artillery , gntling nnd zouaves , are entered nnd will compote for the generous prizes offsrcd by Omaha < \nd the Galvcston soml-contonninl cup nnd the championship of the United Stutes , but the two mentioned are the champion tcnms of the entire country , nnd ono or the other keeps possession of the great Gnlvoston cup. This prize is considered bv military companies an the greatest that can bo won. ' Now rules nnd regulations which hnvo been ndopted for military tactics will govern the contest at the encampment. Cniup It u I us. The cnmp regulations for com- ' 3 are as follows : All commands nro requested to enter camp Sunday , Juno 12 , and willbo ra quired to enter camp not later than 12 o'clock , noon , Monday , Juno 13 , and to remain until tho'Uiid of the encamp ment , unless sooijo rollovod by the camp commandant aud special excep tions may bo made q'y } by the ollcors of the association ' > ; commandant of camp for such reason's as they may doom imperative. jaii Oillcors will furni lPto the secretary a roster of nil the ofhc and mon of their commands , and n HsXjojt all the employes nnd servants , nnd ( hey nro especially and urgently requeued to furnish said roster.not later thanJMny 16 , 1892. y All companies wllLwbo organized into uttalioiiB and regimaats. occi All organizational-will be required to participate in such unqpoclions , reviews , drees parades and richer ceremonies ns may bo ordered byMllo commandant of the camp. aj Noncompotlng squads of any number of mon from any military organization , under the command of a commleslonou olllcor , will bo received in the camp pre cisely ua competing companies and will bo expected to do guard duty if called on , and will take part in reviews , dross parades , oto. No other soldiers than these referred to will bo permitted In camp or allowed to pass camp bounds on any pretext whatever , except on business , or who vouched for by an'ofllcor of the com panies In camp. All ofllcora and soldiers belonging to the camp , in regular uniform , will , ol course , bo allowed free Ingress and egress at all times , under such ln 3 nnd regulations as the commandant of camp or the association may o i escribe. Commnndlng ofllcers will bo required o hnvo tholr quarters policed daily , nnd will bo hold responsible for the behavior of tholr mon while in camp , nnd nil in dividuals nnd organizations will bo re quired to perform such camp duties AS nay bo ordered by tlio commandant of jump so far tu they may bo consistent with tactics nnd regulations nnd customs of service of the United States nrmy. Itnlcn for the Drill. All infnntry organizations shall drill strictly in nccoidanco with the now drill regulations approved bv the secretary of war September 28 , 1891. The time nllowcd each company for compotitlvo drill will bo forty-five min utes , counting from the time the llrst movement on the program Is commenced by the company , credit to bo given each company lor time saved. Inspection of companies will bo hold in the morning , and companies will drill without music. The program for Infantry companies may ombrnco nny movement in the school of the soldier , sqund or company , excluding bayonet exorcises nnd ex tended order drill. The judges will bd competent United Stntes nrmy ofllcors , who will mnko the program , nnd the program of drill for prizes in nil classes except the zouave class will bo handed commanding olll cors ono hour before the time for their respective commands to drill , nnd the commissioned ofllcors , noncommissioned olllcers nnd urlvnloa of such companies will not bo nllowod to witness the drill of companies prior to their own , nni ! must pledge themselves neither to give nor receive any Information relative to contents of said program until the dril is over , and tit the completion of his drill the captain of each company wll" return his progrnm to the judges. Commands must report ton minutes bo fore the time of drill , rain or shlno nnd these foiling to do to , will have los tlmo deducted from time nllowod to drill. Commanders of 9v/r/v [ O c > 3o "r the grnnd national Infantry prizes will not bo permitted to drill their com" mand in practice drills during the on- carapraont ( prior to the time for enter ing the field for competition ) ono hour , except for Immediately succeeding dis missal of dross parade , and then only on the regular parade grounds. The manual of arms may bo practiced at any tlmo. All companies competing for grand national infantry prizes will bo consldorod as pledged on their honor to observe this requirement. In making up tholr score on inspection of arms , judges will take Into consider ation ago nnd condition of guns and equipment when received by organiza tion. ( This rule is ndopted owing to some companies having received old guns nnd equipment which were in bad shape ut the time of their issue ) . Artillery and Zounvo UrIIU. Drill for nrtillory will bo in the manual nad mechanical movements per taining to thesoctioa , nnd will embrace the command , "mount and dismount piece and carriage , " nnd fire two rounds of blank cartridges. Each gun detachment - , mont shall consist of ton men , rank and II lo. Saber exorcise excluded. The arm used shall bo the muzzle-load ing Held piece , of the size applicable to bo drawn by four horses , nnd shall bo with gun , limber und caisson. The drill will bo by program and olllcors of artillery will bo subject to the 13 same regulations na infnntry ofllcors re garding competitive drill. Drill of section to Include drill nt nnd with piece , such ns changing posts , lim bering nnd unllmboring , firing : in fact nil movements thnt cnn bo mndo without the complement of horses. Drill with diminished numbers , the cannoneers to bo fallen out , to bo selected by the judges. The original gunner can bo re- tnmod. Tnking part , dismounting , re mounting nnd assembling the piece. Gun detachment to consist of not loss than seven mon. Gun detachments to bring tholr own piece nnd 1,000 rounds of blank cnrtrld- gcs suitable for firing in their piece. Zounvo drill will bo governed by snmo rules ns these made of Infnntry , except ns to tactics. General military appear- nnco , quickness in execution nnd work distinctly zouaro , will bo considered In awarding prizes. The object of the National Compotl tivo Drill nssoctntlon is the olovntlon of the standard of the mlltUry companies of the United States. All soldiers will appreciate the necessity and Importance of n correct military discipline In a camp so largo na this will bo and will cheer fully do nil in tholr power to advance the object of the association. At the same time , they need have no appre hension that there will bo nnything of n martinet severity , or nnything In fnot , more than is strictly essential for the government of so Inrgo n body of troops when in camp together. KXTINSIVK AUKANOKUUNT MAOK. A Largo Trnrt ufdround In Addition to the I'll I r OrouniN Sooarcfl , The committee in chnrgo of the Na tional Encampment of the National Compotltivo Drill association nro malt ing extensive arrangements for the en campment. Ono thousand tents have been ordered nnd will bo put upon the ground this week. The fair gouuds hnvo boon obtained for the encampment nnd the Inrgo tract of land northwest of the grounds have also boon fenced , nnd will bo used ns the cainn grounds. Arrangements for meals on the grounds have been made so ihntn good ' cnn bo hnd nt a very ron- 5 ; " < " . * ' . i. 3.1 fiatib " located within the city on the line of Street Railway within a few minutes' ride of the business center of the city. Several of the olllccra of. the military companies that lire to-visit Omaha huvo scon the grounds , and unite in the ex pression that they will bo the most beautiful - tiful of any on which they hnvo over camped. Soinn I'rlios. Mr. C. Sv Ravraond , the jeweler , has offered a modal to bo known ns "tho Raymond medal for the best Urlllod sol- die r. Will Lawlor , with his characteristic ) ontorprlso , tins piosonted beautiful sword , valued nt $100 , to the National Compotitlvo Drill association to bo given to the captain making the boat score in the grand national infantry drill at the encampment Juno 18-20 , The sword is of the llnest Damascus stool , mounted with chaste gold nnd very richly engraved. The eword ia now on exhibition ut Wonderland. Btnto Iltulnod Hen. The State Business Men's association hold their third annual oouslou in Omaha , Juno 18 to 15. A GRAND SHAM BATTLE It WillTaka Plnoo < n Encampment Grounds Juno 15th. THE CITY WILL BE CROWDED THAT DAY It AVIll l o the Kioni of u l.troTlmci-VoopU AVlll Como 31undrrd < of Mile * to bco It An Interest- l.iB . Sight. Extensive preparations nro being mndo for n grand sham battle to tnko place on Wednesday , Juno 15th. The battle ia to bo n true representation of one ol the most noted battle ! ) known in the annals of history. Regular nrmy olllcors will command the forces on oltnot * sldo nnd it is hoped thnt tha Second Infantry will tnko part In the ovont. Those , with the united forces in attendancent the encampment , will make the largest body of troops over assembled In Omaha. The booming of the cannons , the crack of the rlllos of the Infantry , vho clashing of sabers nnd the roll nnd crash of the galling nnd machine guns will remind nil old soldiers of the bloody wars in whlcn they took purl ; will bring tears to the eyes of mothers when they think "it must have boon in some real bnttlo like this when my son was killed , " nnd will impress upon nil the horrors of modern warfare. The locnl committee hnvo ordered hundreds of pounds of powder nnd thou sands upon thousands of rounds of blank shells to bo used in this grand , roalistio shnm battle. It will bo the host display of the kind over given and no ono should miss see ing it. tlrnml Military Street l nr do. The street pnrndo which is to tnko place during the national encampment will bo ono of the loading features of Omaha's big weoit. All of the troops in attendance at the encampment will participate , nnd fully 4,000 nrmod men , nttlred in the most handsome uniforms nnd representing the mllitin h m P ( I 11 ( M of the states in the union will bo in lino. It is hoped thnt the Second end infantry will O also assist in male ing this the Inrgost mill tary purndo over hold. The troops will bo reviewed from u rovlowingstund in the center of the city. No ono should miss seeing thlsgrnnd parndo. HI mil al Union Military liiiud. The famous Mualrnl Union Military band will glvo a concert every after noon of tbo encampment nna in the evening after drees puradj a concert which will botnkon part in by the ontlro band andtliosololuts of the Musicalunlon JCul UK Jtmliiroct. ' All rnllrouds hnvo made special rates to Omaha for the National Encnmpmont which takes place in Oinnhn Juno 13 to 20 inclusive. It will bo the big week in Omaha's history. Ninth Infantry Niilnn , Company A , Ninth infantry , gnvo a bop after tholr election , which was u most onjoynblo nlTutr. They uro now drilling seven tlmoa a wools prepara tory to going to Omaha to take part in the competition there in Juno.-Woatun Soldier.