THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA r JUNE 5 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. THE CONDITION OF TRADE No Important Changes Brought Out Dur ing the Week. THE MOVEMENT OF GOODS VERY FAIR 11 n On en Tklcn Generally llcnllzo That the Future of Tr.ido Depend * Almntt I'.n- tlrcly Upon llio U'cathcr Nebras ka' * Prospects Good. There is not very much of Importance to va.v regarding the trade situation , conditions remaining very much the same as detailed a woult npo. The movement of goods In a Job- bint ; way from this point Is fair on an nvcr- ngo , some lines being reported quite good , while others are slow. Ono thing may ba asserted with a considerable dogroa of pasl- tlveness , and that U , taking Into considera tion the general conditions prevailing In this territory , trade Is all that could bo expected. The weather clerk appears to hold the key to the situation , .mid will hold It for the balanceof the season. During the' early spring ivhon the crops were being frcaly marketed and money was plenty in the pockets of the f armors , the retail trade of the country \viia stimulated to an extent that led many merchants 10 stock UD hoavlly with goods.Vlth tbo coming of the period of circuit- continuous rainfall , menacing the season's crops , tendency toward literal buying was superseded by n spirit of caution which has taken strong hold upon , the trado. Merchants nro not likely to be- 'como free buyer * again until they have every assurance tlr t tlicro can bo no crop failures , for this reason it Is not surprising that trade can bo uuotcd ns only fair , in fact It is a sub- Jnrt for congratulation that it U not posi tively dulL An ieunrds Iho outlook , that has certainly brightened visibly during the past six days. In the western part of the Ktata nil reports ngrco that thus lur everything is looking well and tbo farmers tmvo promise of an abund ant crop. In the eastern portion of the Btato , where there has been a hcavlur fall of rnln , ana where the Roll is less calculated to tnuuro t-xcosslvo moisture , the farm work is progressing well and tbo farmers them selves uro apparently sanguine of'getting in n reasonably largo acrmgo of corn with fair prospects of growing n crop. This would Bcera to show that Nebraska is in a fair way to crow another peed crop of corn , and the prospects arc certainly boiler than they have been on some previous years when good crops liuvo resulted. There is also another feature to tbo situa tion which bodes good to Nebraska. All reports agree that it is practically Impossible to grow anything like a full crop In the other corn states nnd tbo consequent shortage in this cereal will enable Nebraska farmers to obtain un usually high prices for what corn they grow. This Is the basis for the assertion heard so Ircquently of lute among business mcu that the prospects for Nebraska are bolter than for any other western state. The retail trade of Omaha Is fair , though nothing has occurred to put into it any great amount of life. The coming fmonth gives creator prom ise of activity in this direction owing to the number of attractions that will bo in the city which will bring In many visitors. Ills also anticipated that the com mencement of public improvements , such as paving , oic. , will bo of material advantage to the retail trade , ai it will put In to circulation a Inrgo amount of money. The produce markets have avcragod noubt steady during the past week and no especially Important , feature has been brought forward. Wbilo prices have shown little fluctuation , they have at tbo same lima been ( airly strong and upon tbo whole satisfactory. LIVIi STOCK MAKICKTH. Full Itcport of Snles nnd Kecclrits of Ycstcrdny. OMAHA , Juno 4. Hccclpts lust week. 11.708 cattle , G5.398 hogs nnd I.GUU sheep tieiilnst 13.482 cuttle , 'M.KQ ( hogs und ? ,707 shccptho week pre vious , n ml fUTJO cattle. 3ityo : hog * and 2,0'Jl llieep the first wcok ot June lust year. Thu following tuhlo shows receipts for the first flvo n.onths of 1691 und 1607. Cuttle. HOBS. Sheep. i 1.557 11.774 I'ouruury 55.5G3 127,419 K.GiJ Mnrch 01,165 April ( il,5U.'l May. 02,102 Total 208.531 C78.740 78,701 1HII. r January BP.972 1C2.103 11.301 1'ohruary. 47,057 13iCSl ; l'.42t March 40.0:3 : J4&V33 April : i5.M5 ! 100,842 1H.OSJ Muy 31.570 120.0U S.45G Total 21.\4rJ GU3.842 07.274 Increase over 1801 K1.0M l'is' 11,487 The cattle trade for tbo past week has been In inuny respects u repetition of thu week previous. That Is whllo prices have shown Jitllo or no llnctuiillon the tone has been Mron ; und tbo tendency decidedly upward. Receipts , while not us heavy us last week by ul out I.M3 head , were nearly double the n-Jiii- Ler received hero the llrst week of Juno lust year. The most urjicut Inquiry Is for fat. lUlit and nicdliiiii wulght steers. Both local killers nnd thlppors want them nnd prices Imvu ruled linn nil the week. Toward the liiltor part of the week Ib'uro has been moro llfo mill Ktiun th to the trade lu heavy cuttle. Good lo choice medium mid heavy cattle nro EDling considerably stronger thuii durliie the curly part of the week , but rouch , course , un finished heavy onttlu nro hard to mover ex cept at wnut look like very low prices. There lius beer , a slronguctlvo market all week for cows und mixed stock , nnd everything : In I Ills line lint MIOWM n substantial advance , The trade in Mockers and feeders has been char acterized by extreme dullness , nnd u very limited number of sales Imvo been miule , OirerliiRS havit been rather llqlit , but they hlivo upparontly been about oijuul to the de- munil. UlKht good stock Is solllnij us well us It hns uny tlmo this spring , but tliero is vor/ little call for Inferior or common stuff , und. prices continue to shade lower. The past six ( lays' receipts of boss , a > ,400 bond , have been Iho heaviest In the history of the yard * . During the early purt of the wcok with a linn provision market tnidlnt wns uctlvo und prices well maintained , but us thu huavy runs kupt up und Iho provision irado cased off fcomowhut prices broke , although not BO badly us might have been cxpuctod under the circumstances. Thu decline ) hns been from lie to ' 'Oc. There has been a markoil fulling off In Iho shipping demand , but this bus been moro Ihnn counterbalanced by the true buylnx of local hauuis , und the mnrket bus shown Itself just us capable to take cure of IK.OOO hogs per week us 30.000 per WCOK. Nothing bus httppancd to break the monotony ony ot the sheep irado , KueelptJ have beiSn unusuiilty llRlu nnd prices Imvo any thing , ilrmor Ihnn ever. Uood muttons are In very lictlve demand. OATTL.K Hccolpts were fair for a 6nturday , fully 1'OJ more thuii last Saturday. Tliero WHS u Kiiod tone to the trade und the week . .Closed with a litron. , active market on every thing at air useful or desirable. Local dressed beef houses and shippers were good buyers of tidy tut and medium welbt steers at slightly itroimcr prices , mostly from JJ.(0 to (4.05. Uood medium und heavy caltlo also showed coiiklilera le Improveiuunt and wcro freer tellers Umu usuiil. Iloth local sluughtoreri mil khlpplnx and iixnort buyers bought fulr to Rood 1.200 to LMW-lb. slcurs from W.75 to IU\ Trading was active throughout uud u very fair ulourunce effected. Tno supply ot cows und mixed stock wus small mill mudo up very largely of odd * und cuds. Trading wus brisk utsieudy to stronir pr.ccs unit It did nut take long to clear up the supny. Poor to prime cows und heifers bold nt from II.OJ toM.V ) . thu milk < if the fulr to taxxl utuir lit from Ji..J to Hulls , oxen und Ktuuswcru lu cool deicnnd und Una ut from t.ID to M..1'- . Uitlves wuroktroiiicut from * ' ' 'to ' I.V25 for common yeurllngn to prlmu teals. . . . re was no lite to the feeder trade and priies wcroeuty lo s y iho least. Ujprcsuu- tullvo sales : CHEESED Ko. Av. I'r. No , Av. I'r Na Av. l r. nio J IS 8..1IS1 KI7S 21..1151 1010 G..l'J4.i 373 2V..1SJ9 IU5 3 7.1 2..I1VO 010 U 4) as.H. . , G72 a 75 21. . MM ll.O u 49 H. I 01 U SO 18..1110 101' ) i7..r.ji a K ) 400 800 bl . 1)15 ) a 8i . 40J tew IJ..I 7S a * ) 17. .11X1 41)0 uio aw ft . IIU2 3 M U.Ut > j 400 3 & ) ' 10..ia7D 400 as > I'j'ilTii ' ) 38' . ' ! 7..1'44 410 3AO 41) , . U17 385 UO..IIH 401) ) 10. ION * 3 S5 M. . I27i 405 Ul. are ' 405 Ul.K. . KKl a ca 17.'lib aw 415 K.b. ' ll'OO a tea 4. .1410 405 b. 1 > 4U a in 15. . 1210 405 Ul. 7lKl 370 4i.r.tlt a t > 7)i 1-1 .1217 405 1 tt are SI..1217 310 ID. . UTS 410 . Utt 370 atu aj.jxc 410 a 3)a t 40. . 1311 4 IS 0..1U2U ate MIXBU. SI. . CIS 3 3) ) 0. . C.-5 3 35 S3. . C72 37S J. . 030 363 13..UJO a 71 W..1274 109 STAGS. 1..1320 32i STOCKCnS AND 1. . BS1 2B3 4. . 47-i 325 2. . S2J 33J U. . TM a 23 H. . 780 323 MILKERS AND Bl'ltlnOCItS. 1 row ind calf * > S2 1 cow and cnir JJ " 1 cow and calf ° 0 lloos The wcok oloso * with another heavy run , 14i : curs , making for the week 05as'J ' hciiu. tlio heaviest six days' run In lliu history of thu yatiK There WHS not much If any elmiiKo In tliu L-cnural ( iimllly of the olTcrlnw. ollor- In s bullions usual largely on the light nnd mixed order. Circumstances and conditions favored the buyers. ClilcaKO was lower , urov.slons opened weak , shipping orders were lljlit ami sblpucrs entirely too liberal for the ordinary demands of the local trade. Early trading wns nluvv and on the uusls of u do decline. The market rather weakened . . .KH 201) 74 . . . . .22) 3.0 CO. . . , . .285 100 fi8. . . . . .275 HJ 87. . . , . 220 240K 71. . . , . .220 K ) 58. . , . 240 103 ' ' . .242 2JO 75' . . ! , . .224 241 M. . . . . .214 4) 72. . . , . 249 1U ) 70 . . . . .283 COJ 78. . . , . .2.'L ! 41 70. . . 20) 70. . . . . .215 43 M. . . . .258 2SO 50 250 80 59 . . 2TiS 6) 04 245 to 03 240 ICO rlOSANO nOUQII. 1 580 2 23 0 OS - - 250 1 440 - - 250 14 121 - - 323 SiiEEi * The market was uznln bare of sheep , the enllre week's receipts belns but l.OJO head. There is a very htrong demand for desirable muttons and prices are quotubly firm. Quol.ilIons uro : I'alriocood natives , ! 4.,0rUO ; fair to good western * . f4.500.00 : common and stock sheep , iJ.OO&l.25 ; good to choice 4J lollJ-lb. I Itvculpts iinil Ulspusltiun of Stock. O'HcIal receipts and disposition of stock as shown by tbo books ot the Union Stock > ards company for Ibo twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p' . m. , Juno 4. IflW : ItECEIt-TS. Lincoln Live Slock. LINCOLNNeb. . . June 4. [ Special to THE IlEE.1 Receipts of hoxs at West Lincoln today extremely Unlit , bill throe lands bolng In ut noon , tialoa ranged from M.47H to f4.SU. Clilcngn Llvo Stock Market. CHICAGO , III. . Julio 4. [ SpecialTelegram to TUB HEK.I 1'or the lust Uay of the week tliero wus rather moro thiui tbe usual Inquiry for cattlo. und us there wus not lo exceed 1,2 0 huud at the yards holders uskod full prices. Kecelpu at western points yesterday and to day do not Inu.cato more tnan u moderate supply for Monday , and local dealers lire looking for n good mnrket. Present prices uro at from fl.&O to 13.V ) for poor to cnolco cows. ti.M 10 ViM for stackers und feeders and from ta.M to H.Oi for dresiod boot und ship- plnestccrt. Lower prices for hogs were established to day. Sales were slow ut from 84 00 to ( I.S7M for common to prime boivy : und medium wolzlit * und from tlM to 4.75 for lluht. This Ij a decline from Friday's ntiotntlons of from 5e to IDu und u decline for tbo wcok ot from 15o to JOc. ThuHiipply. IncUidlns I'rlduy'R leavings , uinounlu.l to aboul030 hund. which Is an ex ceptionally Inro supply tor the lust day of the ivuek , but nt thu reduced prices , sellers muilu u KiHid cloiiranea From ilU3 to (4.bU bansht the hulk of the hozs. * The Evening Journal report * : UATTI.U Ufcolpis , l.Mii ; shipment * , 1,000 ; market steady und uiichan ud : ull sold ; prlmu touxlr.islours , fl.203l.-V ) : otliem. JL80 WI.1.1 ; foodurs , f.XW)2i 17. ' > : stockortj , * i5'Xifl.i ; Texiins. | i.Wtt'ia-Jcows ) ; nnd helfois. t2.1KKi.1J. llooH-KuculpiR. - . J.UUO ) shlp.ncnlp , 2.000 ; nmrKetsuiw to .r < ilOc lower : rough und com mon. I.UJ < rol.i'i : mixed and puvkers. ll.Co/b 4.7S : prime hoavv and butcher weljhu , ft. 8) Hil.BJ ; IlKbl , * I. ! ® 48J. BIUEIIteeeipts , 1W)0 ) ; sli'.ptneiit * . A00 | murkut stonily : native wollieM uiU year- Units , JV..Vjjn.M ) ; Texan * , fJ.Oua5.5'J ; spring IvHiun * City I.lvo Htock ) ltrkrt. KANSAS Omr. Mo. , Juno 4 , OATTLE Ite- coipts. | , o Wi shlpmenls , 2 > 0. Llxht Kteora werustroiiz to Itfo hlirhcr ; otlioroitlle steady ; hteeri. : cows.llHlU40 ; stockursuiid It-iideiii , t'.U ) . lionKocelpU , 12.000) shipments. 2.8M ; the murkut for cuou heavy ho ; win 60 loner ; other * luo lower : the i-loso was wuak all uround ; all grade * , fJ.fevai.70i bulk , ei.4Kii 4C . fciiKKi' Hecolins , 1,050) ) shipments , uouoi tbo uiarkut win ucllvu and ulrong. St. I.ouli Live Stock .Murket. BT. Louis , Ma. June i , OATTLK Uccolpts. COO ; ohlpmenls , li.OOJj market steudy ; fair lo good iiullvo kteere. U.IOQ4.4.I : Tex us and 1 nd Inn steers , ull kind * , tit.CO&US : canolnit Bradci'.K.lKS'.SJ , Hod * itocnlpts. 2,503 : shipments. 2,0)0 : mar ket lower ) fulr tq tholcu lumvy , tl.UQl.7u ; mixed , ordlnury lo gooJ , Jl.ltKal.&J ; lljiht , fair to best , f I.VXSSl.di. SiUKi'-Uecelpts , 2.WO | thlpn-.CDts , 4.100 ; uurkotsloidy ut unchanged figure * . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat ) Corn and Oals Started on Another Bull Rampage. PROVISIONS WERE ALSO WEAKENED Weather Conditions ami Anxious Shorts Supplied tlio Mnln Venture * of the Urn In .Market Tlicro Were Heavy Sale * of Wlicnt fur Hxpart. CHICAGO , 111. . Juno 4. Wheat , corn and oats started on another bull rainpaso this inorii- Ing nnd kept It up nil day. Wheat , compared with the closing price yesterday. Is Jfe doarcr for July. Corn Is up2Uu nnl oats 'fc. Pro visions rcfutc.1 to Join In the advance , fork declined lOc , lard So and rlbs'Hc. Tlin weather and anxious shorts supulioj tbo main features of the grain mnrkcu There were siles : of wheat for export hero nnd at Minneapolis and ncnvy clearance frjm New York , which called iu the walls. Expectations of A heavy run of bd4S next week wo ikcned provision ) . Vessel rules nro unchanged. ICstlmnted receipts tor Monday : Wheat , 45 cirx ; corn , 175 can ; oats , U ) cars. ! hogs , 40.000 head. Tnc Ic dlni ? futures rau-od nt follows : AHTICL.CS. HUlll. l.uw. 1'IAlaci , WHEAT No. 2 June. . . Julr H7 AII Hint Cuu. No. S June 61M Julr 6J M . ' .UKUit . . . . 50 OATS ISO. ! - 50MM Juno MM July SIU AUliU't MH Mess I'uilK- Julr 10 ? o 1055 10 ro Sept 10 ; s 10 bio 10 CT 10 7i IiAHl ) Julr c o < : Heat A35 C37M fept 6 i7k oat ) . 66 H CSS SHOUT ItlllS Juir. . . .t. C 421 C ! } ! a 2TH Sept 6 M c w CM Cnh qvotntlons wi < ro as follows' : Fi.oDiiDealers usldus 15e advance ; winter - tor patents , ? l.2i < LM.4J ; winter stralchtu , I3.00CM.25 ; sprint pntcnts , H.lWi4.4S ; spring stramhts. ti.T034.5i' ' . WHEAT No. 2 spring , 851 ej Na 3 sprlns , 60 ® file ; No. a red. Sic. C IHN No. 2 , 53c. OATS-NO. 2. 3l c ; No. 2 white , 3TS37Jic ( : No. S white , 3tt < i'J < i4C. IlvK-No. 2 , TBC. llAULET-No. 2 , COacJc ! No. 3 , S2S50ic ! ; No , 4 , SJo. SJo.FLAX FLAX SEED No. 1. II.03J5. TIMOTIIV SEED I'rlmo , il.20l.34. 1'oiiK-Mcss. pur bbl. . SIU.5714 : lard , per 100 lls. , $3.i24 ; ! ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , &S.U',4 ' ; short clear sldus ( boxed ) , W.O'i8JSi. ( WIIISKV Distillers' Qnlsbud goods , pur gat. , SI.15. StiOAit-Cut. loaf , AOIfie : eranulatod. 4o ; : standard "A4ic. Uecolpts and shipments today were us fol lows : On tbo Produce excbanzo today tbo butter market was quiet : fancy creamery. 16'i5JI7c : flno wuatcrn. r > ® l ( > c ; ordinary , 1431Jc ; flno dairies , IfraiOe , nnr. at l4H15c. New York .Markets. New YOIIK. Juno 4. PLOUII Receipts. 17.740 pkus. ; exports , 8.74J bbls. , 33,310 pkgs. ; market stronior mid quiet ; sales , 17,0)0 ) bbis. Ixiw ex tras , 8MVi'i.ii : : winter. fiC3-.23 | : fulr to fancy , 83.453.1.05 ; u.ttents. Jl.23a5.03 : Uln- nesuta clear. M.K > iil.4J ; srr.Ughts. iJ.O4.0J ) : patents , H.23a5.o ; rye mixtures. t3.0J ® .IO. OOIIN MEAI < Steady and In fair demand ; yellow westurn. J..B.V& WHEAT Hoeolpts , 422..Wbu. ; exports , 317,000 bu. ; siiles , 1.8. : . t > u. Spot higher : No. 2 red. 9 : ! ical. > U afloat ; tiTTio f. o. b. ; ungraded red. T''c ® * .00 ; No. 1 hard. oi074c ; ! : No. 2 rod northern. 87iu ? : No. 'iChlcugo , U2'iia32ic ! : No. 2 Mll-vnukeo , OJ iia93o ; No. 2 Bprln.8CUc. . Options opened ? > c lower on unfavorable cables und closed steady at ' .iiiSc over yester day. No. 2 rod. June. UlJi'iiUliji' . closing nt Ol'.ie : July.02ii3c ? , closing atinmu ; August , OJiic. closlnz atUJUc : Seutombcr Ol'Jc , oloslns at 02'c ; Dercmbcr , U5 > 4 ( n5 e , closing ut IBMc : May , 09.Sc. closing ut OJc. KVE Strong ; western. 8 a8Sc , liAULEV MALT Quiet : Canada , 11.05. COIIN Hccolpts. 10.000 bu. ; export * . 12,030 bu , : sales. 2.52J.OJO bu. of futures und 0,000 bu. of spot. Spot market dull but higher ; Na 2 , 05e In elevator and G2c ulloat : unzruded mixed , KK&G2c ; No. 3. We. Options advanced } 5(5Uo ( on weather , light receipts and frightened shorts. unil declined JiSi'.Jc on realizing and closed firm ; it l'i2o over yesterday : June , COSC2o : August. AOSQSSi' , closing at 5Tc : September , 5Tc. closln ? ntSTe. OATS Kecelpu , 64.000 bu. ; exports. 347 bu. : sales. 115.0JO Jju. of futures and 33.030 Uu. of spou Spot hlRherund dull. Options stronger and quiet ; June. Mc ; July , 3b4iHjc : ? , closlnir at 8ic ; Autiust. 37ii'l7Uc. closing at IITUc : September , : > 7Ue : No. 2 spot whltn , mixed i woslern , [ iStttlc ; white western , 404c. ! HAV Quiet and easy ; shipping. Too ; good to choice , Soas'io. HOPS Dull and flrrti ; state , common to choice. , 23fa'iOc : I'ucilio coast 2ru28c. ; i-UQAii - rirm ; fair re II ill tie. 2yc : contrlfu- gals. UT > test , 3tc ! ; rellnoJ. firm : goal demand. MOLASSES 1-orelgn. dull ; 50 test , ll'.ic ; New Orleans , dull , steady ; common to fancy , 25 KICE Moderate demand , firm : domestic , fair tooxtrn , 4 > < aGc : Japan. 5Uc. ! * I'KTIIOLEUM The mm kot opened strong on western buylnz. advanced fie , then reacted ? ic und closed steady , runnsvlvunln oil. spot Kale. " none : July option sales , 27.00J bills. ; opnlnr , 54io ! ; highest , V > c : IOXVO.M , 54ic ! : clos ing. Mfic. Lima oil , no s jles. Totil sales , 27.- 000 bbls. COTTONSEED OIL Quiet and steady ; crude , 2U4c ! ; yollow. 3. UQ3-C. TALI.OW Ste idy. HOSI.N Quint , steady ; strained , common to good , $ l.3V < t1.37 ! { . TUIII'ESTISE Steady , qulbt ; IflSfc. Uoas Firmer ; western , 13i31 ! Uo : receipts , 5,000ifS. \ \ . HIDES Dull , steady ; wet salted Now Or leans solectoj , 43 to 73 Ibs. , &asc ; Texas se lected , 50 to (11 ( Ibs. , i3,3j. ; I'OIIK Quiet nnd steady : old mess. I3.75S 10.53 ; now mess , Jll.OJ ; uxtra prime , JKXWiJ 11.00. CUT \Ts-Plrm ; pickled bellies. 7c : pickled shoulders. 5 c ; pickled hams. 10i ! © lie ; mldJlCH , firm ; short clour , * 7.'Wa" . ' . ' . " > . LXHD Dull ; western steam closed atO.G2H > s'les , 1.15J tierces nt * JUJi ® C U.SJ : option sales , 500 tierces : July , SO.K , closing nt $103 bid ; August , tl.T4 ; September , $1,81 , closing at SO.H1 ; rcllned quiet ; continent. JO..SOQ.7.00. llUTTEK Steady , with moJcrato demand ; western , dairyr.ii l3ic ! ; western creamery. iiH17e : : western factory. 10Qi3c ; Elgin. ITc. CIIKKSK- Quiet , weak ; purtaUlms , : ia.e. 1'lti IKON nteniiy ; Amurican , i Con-KK Firm : lake. 817.70. LKAD-Dull ut (4.20. TIN Dull ; straits. t2l.4Q. Umnha I'roiluuo Market. HIDER , ETC. No. 1 eruon hides , 3e : No. 1 ereun baited hides. 4&lc ; No 2 croon salted bides. M&'liic : No. 1 grneu salted hUles , 25 to 40 Iba. , 44l'e ; No. 2 green Baited bides , 23 to 40 lbs.l' < aiie : ; : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibi. , Co ; Na 2 cal. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4e ; No , 1 dry Hint Hides. 7u ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. Be : No. 1 dry salted hides. MWc ; Sheep polls Green sailed , each. 53&t.25 ; creen suited shearlings ( sbort woo'.ud early skins ) , ouch , 153&25o ; dry shear lings ( short woolod early tlclns ) No. 1 , each. MS I fie ; dry sheanlngs ( short wonlod early sklnk ) . No. 2. cnch. So ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per It ) . , actual weight , lWJ14'/4e : dry Ulnt Kansas andNehrHS- ku murrain wool polts. purlb. . actual weight , SBl2c ; dry [ lint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual wolitht , lOSUiie ; dry Mint ColT- rarto murrain wool polls , per 10. , actual weight , MilOoilry ; pieces and bucks , actual weight. 7 < & 9c. Tullow und areaso Tullow. No. 1. 351 ® 4c ; tallow. No. 2.3a3 > * o ; grease , white A. 4c ; groimc , white U , 3 ic ; greuce. yellow , 3u ; grease , dark. 2 > o ; old butler. 2)c ) ; beeswax , prime , 10Ttcrou : ll t allow. | ic c. I'liOlTS CUIlforbla Itlvursldeorauses , HM ; Washington navais. (4.50 ; fair to cholcn lem ons , 8-t5o4.i < 0 | fHiivy lemons , tl.50 ; bananas. crniou. tuiirioriui ; : lom'itocs ' , M.UJU 4.50 per vrate of six baskola ; plnoapp'.os , (2.53 pordot Vr.OETAiir.ES California cabbage , 2o ! per lu. In c rates : homo grown lettuce 40o per dur. ; inutliern onloiia , I3.5U bbl , : llurmuua boxes. (2.23 : Nobraika and ulrkod beans , ll.SViK,00 : medium , , Co orado und western NebrnKku pota toes. B'X&'Wo : tmtlvo pot n toes. 4 > 3ISe ; Lli.ia Deans , 4o per lu. ; snliiacli , ( i,5'J&3.0U per bbl.t rud.shom 3.VQ.4 ci pluplant. 2u pur Ib. : now Cal ifornia potatoes , xiU2Uo ! per Ib. ; cucumbers , II. M per doz. I'our.Tlir Old fowls. IllKiftl.M per dot. or &at'o ' pur Ib. . live welkin ; good springs , li.'Wi 3. 0. 0.IIUTTEii I'ackluz ktonk. R-'ci-Dc ; good ! grades suitable for rot ill trade If&lla. IMilluilelphlu Uruh ) Market. I'liif.Mxu'iiiA. I' a. , Juno 4. WHEAT ririiit No. 2 red Jur.o und July , fi.tic. CiiiiN-Strone ut 2 < 22tio higher ; No. 3 high mixed und yellow , 571ic. OATS Irrugulur , cloiod fuvurhh ; No , S wblio , Juno uu4 July , r KU l.ouU Mnrkrtc. ST. Louis , Mo. . June 4.-FU3uu-Llfeless : unehangud. \VIIK T Kxclted during theflrst part of the tension , ruuuliu up unU uowu ou 1)40 ) , flrmnt t3 a invo ycsterflA j cash. S9oi June. MUc : July. 8.V.4as3Se bid ; August. sivo bid. UOHN n wilu opcolng , rlsln ; rapidly lJc. ! fnlllns ' 4c nftcrwards. and cloMiiR Ko above yesterday : cash. 47K-Juno. ; 49.4c ; July , 45HC5 September. 49o bid. " i OATS Strong and hlBho.ii cash. 33Kb ; July , 34e bid. llu Itvr. No trade. HAni.iv No trade. IIAV Strong and htghqri timothy , 10.10. . ' -x LKAII Ixwcr ) nnd weak nl $ XOO. COHN MRMr-l'Iriii at " ! 2.TJ11I.73. , COTTON TIRS . VHOVISIONS 1'ork , sroaily\ old , 113.03 ; now , Dnv SALT MEATS Ix > mnioind ribs. M.R ) ; shorts , M73 | bo.vcd la more. UACON honss and ribs.- t.,15M7.3 ; shorts , 57.5iT.rrJM. UECKIPTS-nour , 4OC01bs. ; wheat , 10,033 bu. : corn. TO.U.K ) bu. : oats , 2X033 bu , ; rye , none : bnrloy. none. . . . Sitir.MENrs Flour. 4,033 Ibs. ; wheat , 5,000 bu. : corn. C3W3 bu. ; o. ts , 8.0W bu. ; rye , 1.003 bu. ; barley , none. City .U-irkot * . KANSAS Citv. Mo. . Juno 4. WIIKAT The demand was f.ilr. but the market was quiet und ! 4&yc higher ; No , 2 hard , 7Ja7Jo ; No. 2 rod. M)3Slc. ) OUIIN The market was slow ; No. 2 mixed , 45c : No. 2 white. 4'Ji 5V. OATS Steady nnd dull ; No 2 mixed , .3-lc ; No. 2 while , 34 > ( e. live Sironeer : No. 2. OSe. I'ux EKU li-'cou thebasUof pure. HIIAN Steady : sucked , CJc. HAV t'irm but unchatuod ; timothy , 53.03 © P.03 : pmlrlo , $10)37.5' . IIUTTEII Steady ; croamory. 1317o ; dairy , 10l2c Koos Stoadv at I24 = . - llECEii'is Wheat , /v\00 bu. ; corn , 8,003 bu , ; nuts , none. SIIIP.MENTS Wheat , 20,013 bu , ; corn , 8,003 bu. ; oats , none. _ Cotton Mnrkot. NEW OIII.GANR , LaMJuno4. Quiet nnd firm : tnlddlluir , 7ic : low mlitdllng. 0 15-lCa ; good ordinary , 07-lu : : not receipts. 701 bale < : uross receipt ? , 80) bales ; exports toOroat Ilrltuln. 3.U.O bales ; coistwlso. 3,000 balot : sates , ft'W bales : Flock , K10.5JO bales. NEW YOIIK. Juno 4. Tlio undurtono of the cotton market gained in strength , partly through an ndvuncuof I 1-102 In print cloths and partly bv the steaully improvlnz condi tion of stocks. Coll'eo .llnrkct. NEW VonK. Juno 4. Options opened steady nnd unchaused to 5 points down and closed steady mid unclmngod , lo5 points up. Sales. li.-'JO iiaes , Inoludliri June , Tl.20312.v3 ! : July. SI2.o.Vjl2.1l ( ; Auaust. $12.03 : September. 812.0) ) ® 12,03 : December , (11.U3QU.03. Spot Ulo quiet uiid flrm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kaltlmoro ( train .Murket. lUr/riMOUE , Md. , Juno 4. WHEAT Firmer ; No. S red spot nnd month , Wie Lid. COHN Mroug ; mlxud'spot and mo till ) , 87UO 87i < c. OATS Stronsi No. 2 white western , 3 iffi40c , Cincinnati Murkets. CINCINNATI , O. , June .4. WHEAT Strong ; No. 2rod.H'l4c. ' ) Coits Hlzlier ; No.2 mixed , .VMWIo. OATS-Strong : No. 2 mixed , 3G330 > 4c. WHISKV fl.15. Minneapolis Wheat Murkot. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . Juno 4. slronz ; big supply cnih ; receipts. 4.l cars. Close : June. HiiSc ; July , 8:0. : On track : No. 1 hard. 83c ; No. 1 northern. 83c ! ; No. 2 northern , 8'J ' © ttlc. Toledo Urain Alurkct. TOLEPO , O. . Juno 4. WHEAT Lower ; cash and June , OIUc. COIIN Firm ; No. 2 c.ish54o. OATB Quiet ; Na 2 Oiishlaiiie. FarolKii Oil j lirkrt. Juno 4. I'JJIKOLEUM 13tf ! paid and sellers. _ Traitors Talk. CiitCAno. Til. . Juno 4. i D.xv toCockrell llros. : Tho-wheat murkotopenud with a rush of shorts to cover J uly at Me. The trading was spasmodic Inu'd prices govurnod rather by actions of larKujIndU'Idii'il opera tors than by ouisldo. now , except such as were rotated to weatlicr'utul crop conditions. The range wns JiJeaeti way from opening and closing prices. Export * \yere S7J.OJ3 busho's of wheat mid Hour , nniVwu bollevo that the umonnl consumed , by Uia Interior mills will cause u larger docruasu In next week's llrudstrcot's than tbo j trade really ox- jieots from presonL Indications ; b3o will bo a good buying. Spot corn and oats wcro excltcti'hy the bad 'sb'owlnt ; In 1'rlmo's crop bulletin and tulvlcesjiliiiyltiz by shorts was savage und lonzs eaUi froaly to realize profits. Ainow crop of. stnutl bulls uro buying ut tbo advance und , tbeio .with the -iiliort In- . . . . . . , , , . t rminTfli > r. | 111 V pnrltln.i1 mnLrn < nvnnnt. that a few days of seasonable weather would cause u lower market , trov.sloas' , ore weak und packers uro loadlnz tbo public up with product made from .tho largo current re ceipt * of hozs. w.hen July corn was 48o and rlbsffl.55. Today. July oorn was 5'Ju ana ribs sold at $3.35. Wo expect n bre.ik to about 810.23 or SIU.50 for Septemocr poric and tO.25 for September Mrd nnd rib ) . CHICAGO. III. . Juno4. F. O. Losan & Co. . to Duncan. Holllnger Si Co. : Wo have Had agnv wheat market today , u forotusto of what Is to come later unless there la nil immediate chanzo in the weather. July opened ut 8GBc ! sold us high us 87c. nnd closed iit&uijc. Tbo growing crop of winter wheit Is critical , and late uninterrupted fine weather from this on may repair some of the-dutuagn , but In uny case wo cannot have a full crop , and with a moderate one the price Is not high. The wheat trade Is erratic and It Is wise to take pro Bis. Wo still bellevo In higher prices and recom mend purchases on nil breaks. The corn pit has been ono of excitement from thu opening to the close. July opennd atrc'caiid closed at.W-ic. sold us low ns Me. Tbo near futnru will bo Influenced by wea ther. Hut with our light reserves and the many contingencies to the plnnt already In the ground und to bo put In , It Is safe to pur chase on nil breaks. Ous liavo shown more strength tolay. The country have been good buyers und uro expected to bo heavy buyers for tbo next week or two. In provisions there wus u fulr business dolu , considerable realiz ing CHICAGO , III. . Juno4. Kennott. Hopkins & Co. to K A. MoWhortor : Tlio oversold condi tion of market has been manifest today , l-oeal longs have generally realized , but longs don't teem to come out oven on very sharp rallies. Apprehension of crop diimngo Is becoming muru general und np- purently with moro foundation. Hust Una ulrealy madn Its appearance In Illinois and Indiana , The weather scrvlco predicts warmer weather with severe local showers und this will aggravate the Injury. The government report next week can hardly full lo bo emphatically bullish and If the trying weather should hang ou until that report Is Issued the market might go much hii'hcr. It is a critical time and operators will do well lo exerelso unusual caution. Corn and oats continue to advance on the unseasonable weather and there seems little prospect of u in a to rial reaction until conditions show a marked Improvement.Ilollu- blo advices f loin every county show that not43 pcrcoutof tbocornpluntinglsdonoln Indiana , und not half In Illinois. The outlook U i/oor lu Missouri and Iowa but good In Kansas und Nebraska. Provisions fulled to sympathize with thu strength In gruln. The receipts of hogs being heavy exercised a depressing In fluence. New York Money Market. NEWYOHK. Juno4. MOSEV on CALL Easy ; last IOUQ , 14 ! percent ; closed offered utl'i per cent. I'UIUE MEHCANTii.n I'Ai'git 4 par cent. STEULINO EXCHANGE Firm ut (4 8T4 ! for six ty day bills nnd Jl.Sifi for demand. The closing quotations on bonds : t ) . H. ureg Ill ) Mutual Union it U. H. 41 coup 117 N. J. ( X Int. Cert. . . . U. B. 4Ki rcK 100 ' KoriU. i'aclflc ills. . 1'HClHCOBOf'UJ 11W ' Norih. I'acluc Jnds. ) /onlilana itp'd ( s. . VIM SoriliHcstern Con , . Tenn. new ecu Cs. . | 08 - - Tenn. new sot. tn. , . , . . , l.M.Oen.M Tenn. new net. 3s. . . j'3 "fSl. 1 A ; H. K. cn. it. 1 Canada t o. Znds. , . . 10J - ti 1'alll ContoU. . . . 1 Central I'ucldo IBIS. IW Stal'iil'nc.UU. . I Den. & U. U. lits. . . Tttx. I'.IJ.G.Tr.llcti Den. Alt. U. 4 < - . . . , Tex. I' . U. .Tr. Hct Krle2ud > 103 f Union rnciuclttu. . . : M. , K. ftT.Uen. Gs. . VTit Shore 1 M. . IC.AT.Uen. i . 40 % aio o. w STOCKS AND 11ONU3. Trudliic DUplavou n-Modernte Volume of Itiiiluuss'Vi'sturil.ty. ' NEW YOIIK. Juno 4. * rtib stock market dls- pliiyod a moderate volitmo ot bustposs toduy. but the untmatlon was again at the expanse of values , the baaMlifnnf marked absence of organized support bodomthz nszresslve , und their operations rojuttill In material losses among the stocks whldh''received ' particular utlentlon from thoni. Tlioio were principally Durllngton , Itock Island , Northern 1'aclllo preferred , Lnckuwunno , Suu-ur and Missouri , KIIIUUS& Texas. The ( Iron ; points were hold without miiUlriK any mutorliil Improvement. There wus considerable encouragement to the bulls ut Ibo opening In the Hlmpa of buylui. ulipareutly for Uon'doit account , but. a * uiuul of lute. ui * > on the uppouranco of foreign buyIng - Ing selling begins with more vljor , and whllo It Is preposterous to say that no Ion. stocks colnuupou the market , the propoll.n : forte In the decline * established Is undoubtedly the ihort sales of the bears. The Kencrat llbt as a general rule was dull. asiiHiiul , and thoUrni oponln t wus succeeded byudroop'inc tcmpei ; in'bympatliy wltn the movement uinoui the loaders. 'I'hu close wns fulrly uctlve und weak ut about thu lowest prices of the day , Uovernment bonds were dull und steady. Tlio 1'ost suyst There Is pnrhiip * no occa sion forempliaslzltis the condition of thu fed * oral treasury In relation to iroiieral fl nances. but tbe situation deserves notice , mid especially when ull unpleasant fea tures us do exist will surely be magni fied lo the course of tbo presidential cam- pMsn At tlio opening ot yesterday the treasury sold bnUnfre , In cxco s of ouLstund- IIIR and lhot.oii.03 .OJ3 reserve , was IHT40KII. On the 1st ot Miv ; It nn < i $ .0.U,7. > X Todny It Is I1I.OX,0XI. ) ( The Problem ot keeping ibis sold fund above low water mark depends larsoly on tlio question whether ibo govern ment expenditures to dste hnvo honestly roprcMsnlod tlio bills pissed , llutlhoro Is ex actly the point ot doubt- TIio followliif : are the closlnz quotations for the Iciidlnz stocks on the Now York StooK ox- ch.inpo toduy ; London I'lmincinl Itovlour. ICnpurloliUdlSlibi J.i-nti OinJ-m flj'ituttl LONDON , Juno 4. fNow York Herald Cable- Special to THE HF.C.I There has been a very small ntlcmlanca of members on tun Stock exchange today , nnd business generally has been itrontly tcstrlctod. The funds nro un- nlturcd. Indian rupco pnurr imurovod from ! s to U per cent. Torolen ROV- crnnicnt securities tlosea dull , ns regards Intornatloiml stocks , duo to u little weakness on the 1'nrls bourse , A small dc- cllno Is established In Urcck , Italian nnd Spanish. 1'ortiiKeso. however , nro a fraction better. Argentine lssue.1 uro ( Inn at an nd- vance of M to ? * per cent. owlni ; to the ornmlum on cold having declined to22U percent. Homo rallwavs h.ivo been very 1K- tlo dealt In und loiivo ou lomcwhat undecided In tone , and tlio movements In prices are very trilling. Caledonian and North eastern are ! i to ? i per cent lower , while two or three others about ! 5 PIT cent better. American railways met with a fnlr amount of attention nnd have shown ooiiskl- crablo firmness from the opening to the close , owing to a better tendency In Now York , wlicra It nppcars the boir : part ? has bccotno less aCRrcslvo nnd confi dent. Had business boon more active there can be little doubt but an Important recov ery would havit tnkon place In prices. As It Is a rlso Is established In Clilcaco. Milwaukee & St. 1'nul , Northern und Southern 1'iclOc preference and Krlo prcfercnco and of U to ! i per cent to nearly all others. Money has been iiulte unlcndnblo , short loans hiivlni ; been freely offered at U to 54 per cent. The ills- count 111:11 : kot- has been cuuallv nulet too , three-months'bills bclnquotud nt ? , per cent. Consols , money. I'lll-Ki Mexican ordinary. . 2 * Consols , account 111 ! 3-1C. St. I'aul 79M N. V. , I'.AO 43)j ) N. Y. Central 116 < Cnn. 1'aclHc BIH1 1'cnnsjlvnnta Sl'j',1 Krlo TH llendlnn SOJf Krlol'nds . . . . 10 < Mox. Cent , nctr 4s. . T3J1 Illinois Central 10J HAH SILVEK lOljd. MONEV 4 per cunt. Unto of discount In open market for both short and tnreo months bills , ? i per cent , liostoii Stock BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 4. The following were the doling prices on stocks on the Dan- ton sto k market today : J'lniinclal > otes. CINCINNATI , Juno 4 Clearings. s.7CI,530. : KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 4. Olear.iigs , Sl.OG"- 1'Aiiis , Juno 4. Tbrao'por cent rentes , 03f 45o for thu account. NEW YoitK. Juno 4. Clearings. SlOO.031,493 ; balances , $ 3.101,041. HALTIMOIIK , Md. . Juno 4. Clearings. (2,374- 007 ; balances , f 172,20) . Money 0 pur cent. MEMPHIS. Tenn. . Juno 4. Now York ex- chungo selllni ut tl.50. Clearings , t3JS,47j ; balances , Sl''O.wa I'liti.AiiCf.piilA. Pa. , Juno 4. Clearings. $11- 507,370 ; balances. II,7i8 , ! 3. Monoy. 3 per cent. Cloarlnzs for the week , { 71,517,233 : balances , SlU.O'JI.Ull. CHICAGO , 111. , June. 4. Money dull , un changed. Hank clourlnsis. { 19.47U.74U ; for the week { 59,870,000. against fyjT4 , Ui' > for the cor responding wuok lust year. Sterling ex change , steady , ( l.87'.4l.b8H. Exunaugo ou Nuw York , 40a prumlum. HUSTON. Mass. , Juno 4. Clearings. gin.B30.- 514 ; balances. fl.4l,4j3 ! ) ( , l < ° or the week : Cleur- , , . j. i < or tbo same week last year : Clearings , JD1.0J,77U ; balitnccs. SW,70i ; ) Money , 1'-Qj pur cent. Kxclmngo on N .w York , 50c premium. ST. LOUIS , Mo. . Juno 4. Olcarlir.-s , 63,7fi'JOIC ; balances , flia.liti. For the week , $2l.2.V.i 030 ; balitnees. $3.5ltf,7i2. Lust week , clearings , JI0.577.0-JG : balances , J..MI.liU. . Last year , ctoarlnge , J.O.MO.IXJ3 ; balnu-cs. t.Jj.OI5. Money.quiet , 4 ® ' ) percent. xchunguoti Sow Yuri ; , UOc preiutum. LADIES OF THE TALKING KEY. \Tlieutntnno Operators JCnronto to Mlnno- npolU for \Vtirlt nt tlio Convention. A crowd of pretty , bright-eyed younir women inspected tbo workings of THE BKE yesterday in addition to taking a tally ho rldo to Hanscom park and being entertained at the Hotel Dcllono. The women are onroutc to Minneapolis whcro they will do much ot the telegraph work of the republican convention , being a special Wncatstono corps sent from Kansas City to the convention. They are under the futberlv care of Mr , M. D. Wood , manager ot the Western Union oOlcoat Kansas City , ana are traveling In a special oar to tboir destination. The psrtv was mot at tbo depot by Super intendent J. J. Diouoy , Assisiant Superin tendent Horlon and Manager Umvlod of ttio local ofllco who did iho honors and chape roned the parly In their lour about tbo city. In addition to tbo heads of department a committee from the local otllco Joined tbo visitors and assisted In entertaining their sisters of tbo koy. Tbo local committee was Misses Carnabv , Athoru , loyle , Urqubart , McElroy and Nlcklas. Tbo following are iho members of the corps , upon whom wilt full much of tbo hard work of assisting ID nutnlutr the next president : Mrs. M. H. Duttt , MUscs 1C. A. ( Julllu'in , Maude Hook , A. K. Keuurlck. I. M. Miller. 7. . Palmer , M. Hboads , L. A. Kmltb , Nettle Stuart , R M. Itocor , B. J. Ctuwford. Kdua Fuller. Lltzlo HuUkamp. Kallo TOUR , N. M. Miller. Ida McCoy , R Itoper , S. Uougbun , Alice Springer , ! ' . Thompson , Kutlo Urowloy , Mesarj. xSd W. Mldlatn mid Gilbert Hums , Do\Vltt's Bar aparllla destroys ucn vol- eons ox scrofula , vkln disease , crotua , rbou- inatum. Its Utuely use nave * taany lives. nT/inr T T\ i PHPIM IT it i P'fpn STOPPED A SPECIAL MASTER Judga Hopevrell Befnsea to Grant a De ficiency Judgment in a Foreclosure. WAS ATTORNEY AND SPECIAL MASTER TOO Unit Cnllril on n Practice That Has Item Currlrtt Too 1'nr 1'nrmcr Ito s' Kx- pcrlrnco n .Mcrcliint Prince Other Court Dulnci. Some days ago Tnc Bun lot the public on to somoof the Inshlo facts regarding special master commlssioiion nnd the manner in which some of them handled foreclosure ] . Most of the reputable attorneys declared that the facts were as TUB Her. staled , nnd that in many Instances the special master commissioner wus a irnud of the tint water. Those attorneys who do the special master act and make It their business declared in the most cmphnllo terms that TUB Ur.u willfully Hod nnd tint tb.3 artloles upon the subject wcro inspired by malicious persons. A lllllo Incident occurred IP Judge Hope- well's court yesterday , which showed that Tim DBS was correct when It staled Umlas a rule tbo special manor commissioner was a fraud ; that UU sales were secretly rnado and ho was employed ulrcctly in the Interest of the attorney wbo had the foreclosure of the mortgage. On the equity ttocket thcro Is n case entitled French against .Atkinson. Taoro Is nothing rouaritablo about Ibis tltlo. The case was lo secure a deficiency Judgment on a foreclosure. Dut to iha history of the case. case.Not many moons ago. ono Cocnran owned n piece of property lu tbo city. . This bo sold to AtKlnson. taking notes an part payment , which lu turn was sold to French , lu duo course of tlmo the notes matured , but Atkinson was unable to pay. Then the mortgage was placet ) in the hands ot Cochrun for foreclosure. The proceedings wcro brought and nt his request ho was appointed special muster commissioner. The sale- was duly made , but only two or three parsons ap peared , and tbU same special master com missioner bid the property In for French for about half of Us vnluc. as the appraisement had been fixed boforohand. The next move was for a confirmation ot sale , to bo followed up by a request for a deficiency Judgment by the sumo man wbo owned the property , by the same man who was tbo special master commissioner , by tbo same man was the atlornoy for French , and by the same man who bid' the property In ttt the special matter commissioner's sale. Judge Hopowoll stated that ho had hoard couildcrablo complaint about the manner in which special master commissioners bad conducted their business and that bo should thoroughly investigate the case at bar before allowing the deficiency Judgment against Atkinson. Trailed Farm fur a Store. In n petition which covers a score or moro of pages ; James H. Hess frankly < admlts that ho has been played for a sucker ; that bo has swallowed tbo bait , blown in bis money against a brace game , and now wants to go back on a trade that no made Just three years ago. ago.In the aforesaid petition the innocent James nvors that on and for n long tlrao prior lo May ' .I , 1SS9 , ho was a tiller of ibo soil UD in Dawson , whcro bo tended his cows that lowed upon lt.o bills und bis sheep that bloated In tbo meadows. One evil day he concluded that ho was done with hot winds and Krasshoppcrs that had destroyed bis crops. Ho told his kino this very same thing and then determined that ho would become a merchant prlnco. Ho did not know now lo ( ro about matters to attain tbls position , but ho did not have long to wait , for about that tlmo the defendant Hansom A. Darwor , came along. Dirwer was u merchant with a store at I'almor. Morrictc county , but ho wanted lo become a farmer. Hess soon found out what Darwer wanted and at the same time Darwerloarned lust what was tbe height of Ross' ambition. Tno men staid up nights and talked shop and farm. This talk resulted in their changing places , and era many days Darwer was following the plow on the Ross farm whllo Hess stood behind the counter waiting to measure off calico to too customers wno never came. Ho watted a long-time , and now ho has brought a | law suit. suit.Ho alleges that having boon a farmer dur ing all the years of his llfo bo dl < l not Know anything about Ibo value of goods ; that his farm was worth $3,000 ; that the oats , corn , barley and cattle upon the place were worth considerable moro. Then ho says that prior to that store venture ho had a reputation which has been ruined so far as his credit is concerned. Such being tbc case. Mr. Ross Hfllrms that It will require $9,040 to make him as good a man as ho was when bo loft tbo farm , and it is lo recover this amount that ho das brought suit. In tlio i'YtjL'riil Cuurr. The federal Jury in the Loighty case , which was tried on Wednesday and Thursday , came in yesterday morning , after having been out thirty-six hours. The Jurymen informed Judge Dundy that they could not reach an acrcomcnt in tbo cao. They disagreed as to the evidence touching tbe number of postal clerks upon the mall train in addition to tbo accused. Whether or pot there wcro others at work In tbo mail car between Lincoln and Hastings every day on which tbo decoy letters were laken up was a question upon which the Jury had not been fully informed or convinced. .Tudgo Uundy Informed tbo Jury that tbo documentary proofs In the case could all bo examined a > : ain. The jury alto disagreed as to the statement on the part ot the prosecu tion that tbc sheet of paper upon which ono of tbo alleged Lcighty letters wus wnt- ton hud been torn Irotu a tablet found In Liolchty's possession. The Jurors were permitted to mnko a careful - ful examination of the letter and ibo tablet and all the documentary proof In tbo case in the presence of the court. Tbo tablet and shoot ot paper were carefully scrutinized under a magnifying glass by tbo Jurors. . Another question the Jurors wanted moro thoroughly solved was whuthoror not Postal Inspector Hall wns on Ibo train every time that the letters were "nipped. " There appeared to bo only three of the Jurors whoso minds wcro not made up with regard to tbo matter. AJtor looking o'vcr the evidence carefully the Jury again retired to dobalo and decide upon tbo proper verdict to bo presented. Other Court Canes. A Jury In tbo criminal court has found that in stealing twelve hens and a grindstone William HIke was guilty of burglary ; that he , in company with bis brother and Frank Nice , in tbo nightUmo.ontarod a barn at Al bright and etolo the property. This docs not end iho prosecution , as the two men who were with him will bo placed upon trial next wouk. In the conviction of Hike tbo people of South Omaha and Albright fool well pleased. They claim that it breaks up tbo gang that has terrorized that portion of Douglas and tba northern portion of Sarpv county for years. Allot ttiomen , iboy claim , uro bard citizens , andacouplo of them buvo done time In tbo penitentiary. In tbo case ot Welch against the city of South Omaha the Jury relumed a verdict yesterday assessing the plaintiff's dumago at ti , ! } . Ho sued for 5,000. acd for u cause of action charged tbut tbo city council bad ordered tbe change of crado of a itrect along which bo bad property. HOPE OF HEAVEN. TulplU from Which thu I'roinlno Will Ho 1'iibllllicil Toil u- . Trinity Cathedral , Kliditsonth street and Capiisl avenue--Very I lav. C. H. Gardner , dean. Holy communion , 8 a. in. ; Sunday uchoc.1 , 0:45 : a. m. : holy communion and sor- moii , 11 a. in. ; evening prayer and eeruon , 7:45 p. in. Sunday servlco at St. Mary's Avoauo Con gregational "church I'rcufhlng by tbo patter - tor , Morning topic , "Father's Table , " Re ception of members and communion at the morning korvico at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school at lii in. Cbrlillan Endeavor mooting ntO-15. : Sermon ut 745. ; Immauuel liaptlu Church North Twenty- fourth ana Uluney slreou 1'rouchlng at 10SO : a. in. by'Hoy. A. W. Clark. Sunday school M , 13 m. Young people'sprayor mceU ingat7ift : p.m. I'roacnlnsntS p. m. Prayer meeting , 'Wodnoiday evening at S o'clock. South Tenth street Methodist Episcopal church , comer Tenth and I'lcrco streets , two blocks south Union I'aclflu depot- Rev. Alfred HodBOlU , D.D. , pastor. Class meeting 10-3J a. m. Preaching 1030 ; nnd 74o ; p. m. Suudav scnoot at li ! m. Holy sacrament at the close of the morning ser mon. Subjscis ! Morning , "Law's Answer ; " evening , "Msroory In the Future State. " Scats free. Evcrjr ono equally welcome. streot- 10 ; clcty " „ _ " _ . Sunday school nt 13 m. AtToiu"n.m. : ) a lady , thostatoorganltorof the U , W. U. M. , will till my pulpit. At 8 p.m. the children will occupy my rostrum , children's day. Unitarian church , Savonteonth and Cass strceu. Uev. N. M. Mann will preach In the morning. Svinday school at IS ! o.clock. People's church , on Elchtocntn street bo- tvrccn California and Webster-Preaching nt. 10:80 : u , in. and 8 n , m. by the pastor , llov. Charles W. Savldge. Subject m the morn , lup , "An Address to My Workers ; " subject in the ovonlnir. "Tho Dlfforoticu Ualween Cnrlsilnn Science Healing ana Ulvlno Heal- iug.1' Scuts free. All are welcome. Sunday school nt The Nebraska homo for the need , 1413 North Twenty-seventh street , Juno ft. serv ices by J. o. Ferrlt of St. John's church 4 p. in. Clifton HIU Sunday school will now moot ntap. n' . in the building occupied by Iha Cllflon Hill Presbyterian church , corner of Clifton street and Military avenue. As there nro classes to suit all OROS , young and. ola are earnestly invited to attend. Clifton Hill Presbyterian church , corner ot Clllton street and Military avenue. Ulvlno services nt 4 p. m. will bo conducted ou Sunday flrst by Kov. Dr. Wilson of Cnstcimr Prosoytorlan churcb. All are cordially invited tn bo present. St. Philip's Chapel ( Episcopal-Twenty ) , first between Nicholas and Paul snoots , Jonn Albert Williams , prlost-in-charge. Holy communion 7 a. m. ; matins and holy communion 11 a. m. : choral evensong with sermon 8 p. tn. Sunday school 10 a. m. \Vcstisiliialcr 1'rosbytorlan Church Twen ty-ninth and Mason streets. Tbu pastor. Kov. John Uordon.D.D. , will preach at 10:30 n. m. , after which new members will bo re ceived nnd the Lord's Supper administered. At 8 p. in. , the putor will preach on the "Miracle of the Cbrlau'1 Sunday school nl 12 m. Mooting of the Youni ; People's Sod- cly of Christian Endeavor ut 7:15 : p . m. Flrn Christian Churoh Corner Capitol aveuuo and Twentieth street. Rov. T. E. Crarablott , pastor. Preaching it lOi'JOii. tn. ana 8 p. m. Sunday school at 13 m. Young People's Society of Christian Eudoavor at 0:45 p. m. Subject of morning sermon , "Voting and Paying. " Subject of ovonlnp sermon , "Oboalonoo and Sacrifice. " All seats free nnd all are -.volcomo. Grunt Street Christian Church Twenty- sixth and ( Jrant. Sunday school at8:30 : p. m. E. G. Jones , superintendent. Tne fa mous Oblo evangelism. Hedges and Coon , begin revival services tomorrow. Preach- in * at 10:80 : a , m. and 8 p. m. , aho every ovenlne during the week. The First Society of Progressive SpiritualIsts - Ists will held their second nnnivcrsnrv at Mnruthon hall , corner of Twenty-fifth avenue - nuo and1 Cumlng street Sunday' afternoon , .Tune 5 , nt 2:30 : and 7:30 : p.m. All aru In vited. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Corner of Twenty-first and Burdotlo streois. Rev. J. S. Detwoilor , D.D. , pastor. Services at 1010 ! a. m. ana 8 p. m. Morning sermon : Whitsunday sormnn , followed bv * iho holy communion. Evening sermon : "Restless People. " Southwestern Lutheran Church Twenty- sixth street between Ponpleton ana Woolworth - worth avenues. Rov. Luther M. Kubns , pastor. Whitsunday services. Services at 11 n. m. , "Filled With the Holv Ghost , " and at 8 p. m. , "Tho Singular Blessedness of o Practical Fuith.i' Conlral United Presbyterian Church 113 Norlh Seventeenth street. Rov. John Wil liamson , D.D. , pastor. Services ut 10:30 n. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 13 m. Young people's.meeting at 7 p. m. Subject of tbo mornln ? sermon , "Look nt the Har vest , " and of tbo evening , "Lossons from Joshua. " Strangers welcome. Sunday morning , by special request , tba cbolr of Trinity catbcaral will repeat the greater part of tbc Easter music , includ ing the Whitney "Festival Communion Servlco. " Young Men's Christian Assoclolion Build ing Corner Sixteenth and Douglas streets. Open from 9 a. m to 10 p. m. , Sundays from 8 to 10:30 : a. m. nna 13:80 to 7 p. m. Free reading and correspondence rooms open to everybody. Sunday services : Blblo classes 0 a. m. and 3 p. m. conducted by Colonel Charles Bird , U. S. A. : men's mooting at 4 p. m. in lecture hall , addressed by Rov. A. J. Turkic , pastor of KounlzoMomorl'al Lutheran church. Prayer meeting Friday evening "at 8 o'clock , lea by Mr. H. W. Keith. Blblo class tbo same evening at 9 o'clock , con ducted by Olio D. Holisonbuttcl ; during General Secretary Obor's absence. A valu able feature of the association wont IB to bo found in the boarding house dlreclorV , which is open to citizens and visitors free of charge. Persons having rooms to rent will bo visited , if descriptions of eamo bo loft at tbo buiialng. Fust Methodist Episcopal churcb , Twoutl- oth unil Davenport stroois , Rov. P. S. Mer rill , D.D. . pastor. 10:30 : , holy communion ; S. "Reaching the Masses. " Sabbath scboo at 3:30. Church of the Good Shepherd ( Episcopal ) , corner Twentieth nnd Ohio streets. J. P. D. Llwya rector. Whitsunday Borv'ces.- ' Sun day school 9:45 n m. Morning prayer and Holy communion 11 n , m. Evening prayer 8 p. "to. Special music , Stoiner'u To Daura nnd on oflortory solo. Morning topic. "The Freedom ot the Spirit. " Evening topic , "Two Kinds of Sorrow. " SeaU free to nil. First Baptist cUurch , corner of Davenport nnd Fifteenth streets. Rov. Mursena Stone , D.D. , will supply tbo pulpit morning and evening. Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. ra. Sunday school at 13 m and at 3:3t : ) p. m. The regular prayer meeting of the church every Wednesday evening. Tbo young people's prayer meeting every Friday evening. All seats nro frco and every ono is cordially in vited. STDTTIMNG STAMMERING. DR B. L. RIVENIJURGH of Chicago , the noted ipeclallit for tlio treatment uf ( tultRrlnir , stnmmerlugand nil ( pencil Impcdl- muntMhai taken rooms at IIOTKI , K4MOND. ifeO.N. 10th Direct , OuiaUa , whcro ho will remain for two 1 remove tlio cn o of Hammering , and , tliero- fore , the euro U permanent. The only tclcntltlo and succeiiful method known and practiced , * al warrant to euro Ibe woml en no of ttamnicrlng In a few dart , If rim have tried to tie cured , and are not , remem ber I guarantee to euro. 1 tiiivn made the treatment ( if Mamnierlnz and all defect * In tpeccli a liuclnltjr for the I i t n ycnr § , and Imvo miecrtifullr treated noarlr I..VJ caiei , My method ban never failed. 1IKAI ) Till ! I'OUXMVINO TKSTIMOXIAI.Sl Dr.l'AIITMKNTUKTIIB INTEIIIOII , IMT1 | bTATr * I'ATf.vr orrKK. WAHIIINOTIJ.V. I ) . I' . . lioo.W , INfl. DuurHIrt Mr nlco. Mini ituchrwl Ku luii > ii. went to Dr. Klvt-nburiili to be treated for ttaminurlnv. 1 Itt'o plenmro In laying that tlia treatment wai cntlrelr urce ful , MrnlrceU enllrclr curiut. 10 that > biii < eaks nowatllueiitlr aiaur | > or on could Kioin wliatmr nloco tolli me , tbe doctor Iimlcn rcrr urei'n'nl In tlia treatment of ititinaiKrlnK. In her cam I know thu treitmunl ban been ciitlrolr lucccuful , llo | irctfnllr r < mri , HUN. 1IKN , 1ITTI1WOIITII : , ticcrrtarr of World' * Fair. ClIICAOO , Feb. 1,1368. llilt U written lo tcttlf/ thai u f mrowii kntmlodxo Dr. K. I * Klrenburicb , ipeclullit In tlioirentinontot tlaniinerlnir. ti , and has been , ivitlrelr ( ucceiiful In several ta * > that biirucomolo mr notice , In ono ca > u a pupil of mine , Kliu did not riulto orallr during bin cliool rour > o br rpnion of tin Inllnnlly uf ipocch. now penk > readily and caillr afler u thort treutmtut by Dr. IllrcnLurnli. Tbo doctor clnlnu tbat lie can wbollr euro anr cane , and 1 brlluvu he can. 1'ltor. A. It. HAIII.V , AMI. Bupt. Kliooli. Clilcmto. Call and see me , roil who are anilcted with tut- tcrlnx , itammcrliu , liriltancr. ll > | iliiE , ( uctlon or ciliniutcd brcnlli. nunal lound or anr other Im pediment In i > uch , and I Alll convince you tbat you can l > o cured lu a fun dari. Two Omaha youiiK men already cared. Call and del Iliulr naiiien and riiildenco. llundrudiof t tlt < uioiiUlt from ull paru of lUu United btat < may ! > een at mr otliro In HuUil 12tuoad , ; 'U M , ICtu tlivtl Omuba , for two w k * .