.TTTR OMATTA DATT.Y RRRt RATTTJmAV .T1TTCF 4 Iftna TWRT.VR PAfiF.fi. Dress Goods and Silka Bold by the Sheriff Now on Sale AT THE BOSTON STORE The Moit Marvelous Ilnrgnint In the Ills- tory iif the IJry Hood * Trnclo Now OITcrcit In Till * Srtlo nt The Iloiton Store. TOMORROW IT GOES ON SALE. OMAHA , Nob. , Juno 2. 1892. This cortlllcs that wo Imvo this day Bold to The Boston Store nt OUo on the doll in- , spot cash , the onliro , complete Block of William Rosa & Co. of D\vld City , Nob. , which wo wcro compelled to take In payment of our account , consist ing of dress Roods , shawls , men's , Indies' and children's underwear , hosiery , gloves , mitts , pants , ovornlls , shirts , calicos , muslins , domestics , ginghams , HnnnclB , etc. IClM'ATlUCK-KOCII DllY GOODS CO. The greatest pressure will bo put on this stock in the way of cutting nnd plashing of prices to move inside of 12 days. Both this stock nnd the StonohiU dress goods and silks , which wo bought from the sheriff must bo cleared out quick. And as n good deal of it is fall and early spring dry goods , wo propose to make the bale the most exciting of any o thcld in Omaha. yAll the bankrupt calicos go nt 2jc , HJn. fin. All the bankrupt bleached and un bleached muslins go at 3c. Cc , Oc. The bankrupt heavy twill scarlet and fine white all wool flannels go nt 12Jc , JOc , 25c. All guaranteed worth double. 825.00 SHAWLS FOR $5.60. ON SALE ON MAIN FLOOR. JUST AS YOU ENTER. The entire bankrupt stock of winter elinwls. comprising real double "Paisley nnd Broche shawls , * worth 825.00 , und 100 beaver nnd double shawls , none worth less than 812.00 to 816.00 ; also finest imported honrlotta shawls , cost 814.00 to import , choice of this entire lot 85. CO. CO.ROSS' LINENS 'MOST GIVEN AWAY. To quickly dispose of this big stock of linens wo have marked them so ridicu lously low that they will go with a rush. Come early. All turkey rod nnd linen dnmnsks gent nt 12c , lOo , 2.JC. 30c , 4'Je a yard. BTONUIItLiL'S SILKS HALF PRICE AT THE BOSTON STORE. Towels goat iic , Cc , 7c , Oc , 12c. An immense lot of table spreads , bed spreads and table scarfs , nil go nt less than half price. All the ginghams and saloons in this bankrupt stock go nt 3Jc , 5o , Tic and 12c a yard , worth double. All the white goods and wash goods from this stuck go at 3Jc , Cc , Be. lOc a yard.All All the men's underwear goes at 15c , 25c , Site , COe , worth up to $1.50. All the ladies' ribbed underwear goes nt 4c , DC , 12c } , 16c , worth up tofiOc. 812.00 BLANKETS $3.75. Your choice of any pair of blankets in this entire stoclt , consisting of all wool scarlets , California white nnd other high grade blankets. Worth up to 812.50 ; choice 8IJ..75. STONEHILL'S DRESS GOODS HALF PRICE AT THE BOSTON STORE. STORE.BANKRUPT BANKRUPT HOSIERY. In this slock wore over 500doz. ladies' and children's hosiery which go in lols nt Cc , 7jc , lOo , 12Jc , loc. All notions , corsets , . .dross trimmings , laces , embroideries , veilings , loss than half Ross' price. CUTTING PRICES ON-DRUGS. DOWNSTAIRS IN THE BASEMENT. Hood's 81.00 sarsaparilla 76o. Warner's 81.25 Safe Cure , 05c. Horsford's Acid Phosphate 40o and 7oo. 7oo."Best" tonic 20c. Carlsbad salts , 75c. TOILET ARTICLES. Sponges ! )5c ) , up. Chamois skins Cc , up. Malvlna crcnin , 35c. Viola cream , j5c. ! Poizoni's powder. 3oc. GREAT MILLINERY BARGAINS. Saturday will bo another one of those days wich will long bo remembered by Omaha folks ns great millinery days. Fresh now hats , from the cheapest to the finest imported makes. Flowers in wreaths and monturos in all grades. And best of nil , a magnificent lot of TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS which wcro bought by us at our own price nnd all of which wo propose to un load tomorrow , if the extremes ! of all low prices over mentioned will do it STONEUILL'S TRIMMING SILKS HALF PRICE , NOW AT THE BOS TON STORK. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS. will continue for a short time at prices lower than over. Do not miss this ex traordinary opportunity. Open until 10 o'clock Saturday. , THE BOSTON STORE. Right on the corner now. N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas. Jmlgo I'j'iioh ilnpo i > s of n llurly lilnolc llruto. I'OIIT Jnnvis , N. Y. , Juno 8. A crime , heinous nnd revolting In Its niituro and char acterized by circumstances of oxtrsrao brutal ity , wits perpetrated yesterday upon the per son of Miss Lena McMahoa , the daughter of Mr. anil Mr * . John MoMabon ot tbli village. Ttio crime was committed uy a negro known as Hob Jackson , It was witnessed by a num ber or young girls and also by two young negro nioii , who would Imvo Interfered but tliuy were lieut tit hay bv a revolver. Jack- eon , after his fuurful crime , Hod , leaving his victim In an luscmsibla condition ana with. In juries which will probably provo fatal. A posse wat organized and the brute was captured about in no miles from Port Jorvls. On tbo way buott to the town Jackson con fessed and implicated one William Foley , a whlto man , who ho claimed was In the uon- eplracy to ruin MUs MoMuhoii. On his arrival - ' rival nt the Jnll ho wa % tulcon in band by a mob. Tbo vlllago pollco endeavored to pro tect. blm , but tbolr efforts wore unavailing. A HOOSO was najustod about his neck and ho was strung up to a neighboring tree in tbo prcAouco of a bowline mob of over 1,000 people ple , l''or over an hour tbo body bung sus pended from a tree , where It was viewed uy crowds ot nooplo. Ttia mob is looking fur Foley , who had been paying attentions to Miss McManon against tier paroiiti' wishes , and If bu la found another lynching I * probable , I'ut Chicago III Your rocket. A great work , "Moran'n Dictionary of Chicago. " If there Is a foalure or insti tution in the World's fitr city a full do ecrlption of which does not nppoar in the book , wo Imvo yet to hoar of it. Price , 5 cents per copy. For sulo at 200 Herald building , Chicago. Boo the now , com- pjuto and eogant ) ma ] ) it contains. Per- eona ordering copies will please unclose 0 cents extra for postage. I. Icemen. Tbo following marring ) licenses were Us.iod by Judge Ellor yesterday i Name and address , Aco. I .lulliih Kleluier. Orotna . Kl 1 Mae > ! lo Yo t , Oretiri . S.'l i U n. llluiiuburd. Oniixlm . , . . . SI I l.'urrlo fcprawl.yreiituii. la . . . . I'J ' Dr. lllrnoy'ii Oitarra I'o.va ir ( or oil In JioaJ. ttorulouy ull drjUu | , OJcouu BOSTON STORE BUYS ANOTHER The Entire Stock of Wm. Boss & Oo. of David City SCOOPED BY "THE BOSTON STORE Another Cnno.of Hard Up The Stock Tnkon l > y the Creditors ntul Sold to The Iloiton Store nt OOo on Dollnr. STONEHILL'S BLACK AND COL- ORKD DRESS GOODS AT HALF AND LESS THAN HALF STONEHILU'S PRICES. 40-inch plaid half wool hcdford cord < ) , black nnd fanny , wool grenadines , at 7c , former price 2oo. 10-inch Jamestown plaids , wool twilled stripes , shepherd plaids , 44-inch wool honriottns , 40-inch black wool grena dines , Stonchill's price COc , our price See now. , Strlcll.v all wool honriottns , black brilliantinus , colored albatross , silk striped nil wojl sorgoa , nt 39c , former price 76c. All wool French bedford cords , nil wool fine do beiges , all wool French cropons , novelty weaves nnd black goods , fancy boucle cloths , 42-inch black nnd colored brillinntlnos , 41 inches wide , line nvvolty dress goods , nil desirnblo styles , Stunohlll's price $1.00 , go at COc. Silk warp hcnriottas , imported Paris novelty weaves , in fact all Stonohlll a high price novelties , choice 76c. STONEUILL'S SILKS AT HALF PRICE. AU m mononiii's iisrurou uninu suits , in black and colored grounds , nt 25c. All the plaid surah silks for trimming , Slonuhlll's orlco 76c , now 30o. Beautiful figured Cliina silks , black twilled Japanese silks with woven , col ored figures at COe. i The entire stock of Stonohill's black nnd colored fatllo frnncniso , satin rnnda- mos and gros grain silks at GOc a vard. DRUG DEPARTMENT. DOVVN STAIRS. Oriental cream , $1.15. Rubifonm. lOc. 2-qt. fountain syringe , 49c. SPECIAL SALE TOILET PAPER. Ixion , roll nnd frame , Oc. Columbia , worth loc , goes nt 7-c. } ' Empire , worth' lOc , goes at 4ic. Commercial linen , worth lOc , goes at Cc. Cc.OUR OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR LOADED DOWN WITH EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. Fresh , clean , desirable goods given to us at our own prices nnd the values wo olTor you for tomorrow are simply out of sight. These goods are so varied in character that it would only confuse the reader to quote prices In detail. Wo have , there fore , divided the bulk of them in lots : Lot l O cases untrhnraed shapes Ic. Lot 2 4 cases untriminod shapes Ce. Lot 3 3 cases untrimmcd shapes lOc. Lot 4 1C cases untrimmed shapes 25e. Lot C 10 cases untrimmcd shapes 48c. Read what the sheriff says : OMAHA , State of Nebraska , Juno 1,1802 Know all men by those presents : That I , George A. Bennett , sheriff of Doug las county , Nebraska , have this day sold to The Bobton Store , the en tire stock of dress goods and silks now in - my , possession as sheriff and formerly belonging to C. A. StonohiU , located nt 110 and 118 So. 10th street , Omaha , Nob. , which were attached by Eclson , Keith & Co. , nnd sold by mo by virtue of an order of court. GKORQK A. BENXCTISheriff. . By John Lewis , Deputy. Open until 10 o'clock tomorrow night at v THE BOSTON STORE. Right on the corner. N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas. Homo Industry Jtoomlng , Last Tuesday the F. E. Sanborn Co. of this city shipped to one of their agents , Mr. Joseph Graff of Franklin Grove , 111. , 25,000 pounds of Standard horse and cattle food. This Immense order constituted a car load and created quite a sensation at the depot. The sides of the car were decorated with largo banners on which wore painted in bold letters the following : " 2o,000 pounds Standard horse and cattle food , manu factured by the F. E. Sanborn Co. , Omaha. . Neb , , for Mr. Joseph Graff , Franklin Grove , 111. " This is the largest - est shipment of the kind over made in the west , and probably the largest over made in the United States , and speaks volumes for the worth and popularity of Standard food. It was learned from Mr. F. E. Snnborn , president of the company , that this largo order for Standard food was made by their agent at that point to meet n demand for it as n llcsli and milk producer among the farmers of Leo county , 111. This being one of 1119 largest milk producing counties in Illi nois , the dairy farmers there are the best posted and most thoroughly equipped of their class , and their ap proval of an article of Omaha manufac ture is a cause of congratulation , not only to the manufacturers themselves , but to the homo industrial interests of Omaha as well. The F. E. Sanborn Co. is a homo In dustry in the best sense of the term , "having started on the ground floor nnd grown to its ptosunt magnificent pro portions right in Omalin. This it has done without the aid of largo capital , but simply on the merits of its goods nnd the known integrity of the mem bers of the company. It is understood that they will hnvo a fine display at the Coliseum during the coming exposition and help to swell thn grand array of homo industries of which Tim BIK , Omaha and Nebraska in general are so justly proud. Y. 1 > . 8. C. i : . to N'HV York In July. If your tickets rend from Chicago via the Lake Shore route You can pass over the only nil-rail line between Chicago nnd Now Yoik. You can stop nt Niagara Falls either going or returning. , You can stop nt Chuutuuqua , on the return trip. You can make the trip one way be tween Albany and Now York on the famous Hudson river boats. You can atop nt Albany on the return for n side trip to Saratoga , where the National Educational association will meet. You nro landed In Now York City ( without ferry transfer ) at the Grand Central station. Forty-second street , within ton minutes walk from Madison Square garden nnd all the principal hotels. Tickets will bo on sale from Chicago July C , 0 and 7 , SiaOO for round trip. For full Information or rqsorva- tlons , which can be tuado at any time , address as below. Tourist tickets to the various eastern resorts nro also flow on sale , n list of which will bo furnished on application. B. P. IIUMI'HKISY , T. P. AM 727 Main btrcot , Kansas City. C. K. WILHKK , W. P. A , , Chicago. Dlvk to lle/hliinecl. Word came in last night that the buf falo known ns "Devilish Dick" would bo lassoed and Ma fur sheared off today be tween > < und 4 o'clock p. 111. It will bo u KIout day at Boutou. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO Seasonable Sale of New Wash. Fabrics BEGINS SATURDAY. FRENCH SATTEENS Now Parisian designs , worth 85c , rare styles 15 Cents Second Floor. BLACK ORGANDIES Checks , stripes and lace affects , abso lutely washable colors , no brown or cray stains after laundering , worth 2ao a yard , 15 Cents Second Floor. NEW SCOTCH GINGHAMS GO more pieces of these wonderful 35c genuine Scotch Ginghams , only 17 Cents. BORDERED APRON NAINSOOK. 42 inches wide , satin stripes nnd lace effects , regular 86c quality , only 2O Cents Second Floor. French ORGANDIES. Not a yard has over boon sold for loss than COc and many as high as7Coayard. Wo give you your choice of 0,000 yards for only 25 Cents Second Floor. An , Unheard of Bargain in Ladies' Hose. Lisle threat , regular and opera lengths trunk tops , lace work , &c. , embroidered &c. , not a pair sold for less than COc and most nt $1 a pair , including the blacks. All Sizes. Sizes.Only 35c pair. THE MORSE DRY GOODS ON VERY FRIENDLY TERMS Indications That Harrison and Blruno Thor oughly Understand Each Other. CAMPAIGN RUMORS IN CIRCULATION - " .AInny Absurd Reports Denied by the Presi dent' * Friends How Air. Husk Views the Situation Interesting Wash ington 1'olltlcul Gossip. WASHINGTON BWIIEAU OF TUB BEE , 513 FOUUTESNTII STHEET , \VASUIXOTOX , O. C. , Juno S. A sufficient refutation of tbo statements tbat bavo bson raado to the cflcct that there is an estrangement between President Harrison risen and Secretary BUlno was afforded today by the warmth with which the two gentlemen , who bavo not mot nlnco the presi dent's trip to Rochester , greeted each ether this morning at the cabinet mooting. It was not the affected cordiality of political op ponents but the hearty sincerity of tried friends. Mr. Ulalno was In good spirits and tbero was no suspicion of bad fooling in the manner of either himself or the president. The political gossip hero today Is almost entirely conllnea to the refutation of the numberless rumors which nro always In cir culation on the cvo of a national convention. Secretary Husk took occasion to nail ono of these Humorous campaign lies , which had represented him as bolnp moro or loss In clined to oppose the president m order to se cure his own selection nt either the head or tall of a ticket to bo rushed through the convention by the anti-administration ticket. These intimations were both unjust and without any foundation in foot , for few persons know how much good and affective work has boon done h.y him for his chief in no undemonstrative way , Secretary Hunli'i Views. Secretory Husk said today : "Mr. Harri son's nomination is onlv the lofloal con clusion of the unanimous verdict of approval passed upon his administration. The short term of four years Justifies a ronomlnatlon by his party , whenever a president's ad ministration receives the country's unquali fied endorsement. Moreover , stability of public affairs Is essential to the business interests of the country which always suffer from frequent changes. " > A report which pained general circulation that Secretary Blalne had placed his resig nation In the hands of the president Is ofil- daily contradicted. It was followed soon after by another tbat If ho had not done so already ho certainly would do no before the convention meets. All sorts of rumors are being clrovlstod. Ono of tbo latest ot which the president Is n victim Is to the o fleet that If by Saturday night Mr , Btaiuo has not written a letter declining to have his name used at Minneap olis , Mr. Harrison will recognize him as a candidate and withdraw bis own randlducy. At tbo whlto house this was said to ba too absurd to bo considered , much loss denied. Another story , wnlch received moro credoaco for a tltno , ha * It that Cbauncoy M. Denow tins sent a telegram to some of the leading republicans hero , the purport of which Is tbat the conservative men of the purty at Minneapolis are seriously concerned at the grave possibility of a dissension in the party unless a chance is made in' tbo tactics of Mr. Blame's' frloadi. The plan of action proposed is to have a mutual friend of Mr. BUiao and Mr. Harrison call upoo Mr Blalno today and urea blm to use tbo same frankness and can. dor now that ho duolayed In 1SS3. This story cannot bo traced to any authoritative source , uor can It bo learned that any confer ence of republican loaders to taUo action In thU direction has boon called , und the story is generally discredited. Opnoiod the Appropriation. The poitofllco appropriation bill nor before - fore tbo DOUSO carries ti'J.500 loss than tbo estimates tor the railway poatofllco car sir- vice. Today this paragraph was reached , uud HonresoQtative Butler of Iowa did his best to have the full amount of the estimates appropriated. He made a short talk on tbo appropriation an-l said that being on old railroad man hlmiolf ho thought be know something about what was iiocoisary for tbo service. Too bouse , however , rufuiod to make any change In the provision * of the bill. No Contract l- Kmptoyml , Mr , Oxoard ol Graud I _ laudj Nca , h In There is Business Sincerity in Every BOYS' CLOTHING POINT ? Where QUALITY and LOW PRICES go hand in hand BOYS' KILT SUITS - Like cut. In beautiful Scotch plaltlg , worth $5 , $0 nmlS > 7 ; Saturday SaturdayONLY $2.50 A SUIT Boys' all wool wash flannel , extra kilts , worth $1.75 , 82 nnd 82.r,0 ; ONLY$1 , SATURDAY Saturday , ยง 1,25 Knee Pants ONLY 98 CENTS Boys' Wash Blouse Suits , in French Penangs , $2.75. BOYS' Two Piece Suits Made of best cheviotsj homespuns , tricots , tweeds , .worsteds * etc. ; sizes 4 to 14 yrs. - Only $5.00 $6 , $7 and $8. 3rd floor The King ofShirtwaists WORTH $1.OO. Saturday Only 59 Cents ; Third Floor. Boys' all wool Stockinet Jersey Suits , worth $ S , and $6 , SATURDAY ONLY $3.00. We are sole agents for the famous Moth Proof Bags. Buy now. All sizes , 500 and 6oc. the city. Mr. Oxnard has been much annoyed oy thoroport that ho was employ ing cncap contrabv.labor from abroad la his ' extensive' boot firilds. "I have , " said * ho.il "often had a good deal of trouble in securing the proper kind of labor in fiufllclont quantities at tbo time of the year whoa the crops have troil needed attention and I have always given employ ment to applicants for work from in and about NorfolK and Grand Island. This ro.- port bas , I presume , arisen from the fact that a few weeks ago I employed a number of Mennoultos. There were about 200 of them In Hastings looking for work of Soma kind and. being short of hands > t the time f engaged some of them. The lory tbat I have employed contract labor is a malicious falsehood , Besides , I. have no desire to ombo myself amonaolo to prosecu tion under the United States laws , passed bv the last congress which make ? it an offense , punishable with severe penalties , to engage contract labor from abroad. I can assure you that I do not wish to got into any trouble over the employment of my help. " Representative WnHhlngtou'g Scheme. Roprdsonlatlvo Washington of Tennessee , the chairman of tbo house committee- territories , has bean circulating a paper today with the object of securing enough support to warrant blm in attempting on Monday , under suspension of tbo rules , to talto up and pass the bill admitting to state hood the territory of Now Mexico. Mr. Washington stated to TUB Bm ; correspond ent tonight that ho had received gratifying assurances of support and that ho had every hope of being able to curry the project through. Will llcmcinbor the Alllnnco. The committee- rules of the house bas decided tbat after tbo appropriation bills have nil been disposed of tbrco days shall bo given to the representatives of the farmers alliance for the consideration of such meas ures as they may doslro to call up. This ar- rangoraont 11 the result of tbo persistent ef forts which have bcoa made by the alliance men la coucross to have a debate upon the subtreasury bill , and it Is probable that tbo thrco days allotted thorn will mostly bo con sumed la the consideration of this bill. Representative Catcbings of Mississippi said today that ha had made a carolul canvass of tbo house and that ho bad no doubt tbat the friends of the river aad harbor bill would bo able to carry out their program on Mon- day.and take tbo bill from tbo calendar and send It to a.committee- conference oa the senate amendments under suspension of the rulos. ' Miscellaneous. Tbo establishment of a nostofHco at Troy. Sauudors county , and the appointment of Lemuel Glassbun as postmaster was today recommended by Senator PaddocU. Mr , Day of Beatrice , Nob. , is la the city. Hey Hasalor and Mr. Moore of Nebraska wont to Minneapolis today. The South Carolina delegates to the Min neapolis convention , stopped hero today on their way through. Tbo chairman of the delegation said this evening the vote of the delegation would ba divided , fifteen of the doloRUtos being1 far President Harrison , nnd the ether throacbclag azalnst him and pro. sumably for MrJ'Dlslno. ' A favorable report has boon made by tbo house commlttoaoa war claims oa the bill in troduced by Congressman Bryan to pay to Nebraska $ ! 2OOOUor money expended in sup pressing the outdreak of the Sioux Indians , it Is tbo intention of Mr. U.'yan to tike the earliest opportunity of securing considera tion for the measure , und bo believes that ho Will succeed inipasiing it. Postmasters hnvo been appointed to fourth class olllces in. Liwa as follows : J. L. Murphy , Flaglers , .Mnrlou county , and H. F. MoAforty , Middle Klvor , Madison county. Tbo contract for the erection of tt > o four bullalngu for the Flandroau Indian school lu South Dakota has buea awarded to John II. Owen at f 10,000. Among the promotions In the Interior de partment is tbat of K. D , Godfrey of lowu , a clerkship at (1,000. A petition from the citizens of Mount Pleas ant , la. , against any legislation looking toward tbo closing of tbo World's fair on Sunday was presented In the house by Rep resentative faoerly today. A similar ODD was introduced by Renresoutatlvo Hamilton from the American Saboatb Tract society of Elboron , la. , and another from tbo Methodist Episcopal churob of that place asking that tbo exposition bo closed oa Sunday.P. P. B. H. Weitvrn 1'eiulom , WASHINGTON , D. O. , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to Tin Use. ] Tbo following list of pensions granted Is reported by TUB DEB und Examiner Bureau of Claims ; Ncbraskut Orlglual-LowU U , White , Henry C. Banghort , John T. Wheeler , D. Palmer , Joseph A. Duncan , George W , Jewell. George W. Peck. Isaac R. Uluyton , William r. Case , Henry D. ICasson , Henry Vondorliof , Edward S. Gardner , Jacob M , Moore , Samuel L. Rife , William A.Thorn ton , Otis T. Wilsou , Leroy A. Franklin , Thomas Walker , John Croft , Additional Francis M. Hirst , James Croaraor. Increase James B. Dunn. Reissue Edmund J. Bird. Iowa : Original Benjamin Brown , Lyman Fletcher , George Morse , Benjamin Morley , Daniel J. Walters , Christian H. Blosser , Mardaa Browcr , John Chapman , James S. Mahanna , Crosby Stoner , Seymour T. Ilotch- klss , William M. Marsh , Charles M. Daniels , Alwin Dowitt , William B. Martin , John S. Wancor , Russell N. Whitman. William Chan dler. George W. Thompson , James Lathers , William Brown , Benjamin A , Hammltt , Mor ris A , NUT so , WllllamS. Garrison , Charles R. White , Robert B. Baird , William S. Ken- worthy , Norman Phillips , Michael Baker , Goorco Lamper , Samuel Baird , Adolbort Nathllck.CbarlesChivorton.Conrad F.Romlg. Additional- Robert S. Wright , John M. Foster , increase Thomas C. Watson , Will iam Jesse Moon , Jacob Dills. Original widows , etc. Belle S. Cbaflln , Alice John son. North Dakota : Original Steohon J. Rus sell. Wyoming : Original Daniel Moran. Colorado Original : Louis Durfalno , Henry Motcalf.J. I'1. Miller , Daniel Bradlo'y. Nearly every ono needs a good spring med icine , and Hood's Sarsaparilla is undoubtedly the best. Try It this season. o lllillculoiiR I.iiv 1'rlcoB , Today we olfor choice of flnnnels.niad- ras and satin shirts worth .up to 82,25 , for 75c. Neckties , locks , four-in-hands or "Windsors worth 60c , for lOc. Percale sblrts worth $1.00. for 25c. Suspenders worth 60c , for 19c. Wo are overstocked on the finer grades of clothing anil In order to re duce stock wo have made startling re ductions. A dandy Prince Albert suit now only ' 812.00. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 11103 Douglas street. Mr. Wolir ICxplulns. Yesterday TUB BEB printed a court Horn which appeared under the head of "Caught in'Darkest Africa.1" Last night Mr , SVclfT , who was mentioned , called and made this explanation regarding the book deal : "About two months before 'In Darkest Africa * was publ'shod Otto and Julius Wolff gave Mr. W. D. Condlt notice tbat tboy would under no circumstances fool bound to sell any certain number of copies of Stanley's ' worK , as it loouod to them moro 11 no a swindle- and because Scrlbnor pub lished In his magazine part of Stanley's story. Tbov also want it to bo Known that they have not received a slnglo copy of 'In Darkest Africa1 without having paid cash in advance. " Dr. Blrney's Catarrn Powder euro catarrh. For sale by all druggists. 69 cents a Turned llnturtnln it Ounst. The Bohemian turners of QmolmTbursday evening tendered a reception to Peter Straka ot Zlrkov , Bohemia , who Is visiting for a snort time with frlonds In this city. Motz hall was crowded with members of the TeloovlonaJddnolaSoko and tholr friondH , who had assembled to moot tholr distin guished countryman. An exhibition of turn ing wa irlvon and an excellent program by tbo members of tbo eocloty carried out , A lunch was sproud after the performance , nnd with IUUBIO and duncluK tbo balance of the evening wat pleasantly passed. Helped Iliuiaiior O'llrimi Kicnpo. Una * , N. Y. , Juno 3. Keeper Buck of Danueinora prison , who 1)&J boon'oa trial for assisting Buncocr O'Brion ta escape , was today found eullty. JUKI ) , Nutlcaoffietllntior kit undtr t/ii/ie ( < uiyl/l/ , | ccnl ; tMh mlJIIIonal line ten ants. wiTuUll-Nancy " S"yoar i - 3una i. nsoa wlf oof Colonel K. II. Wilbur , ut | ior rc l- dence , M9 boulli Twenty-olRlith afreet. Kunonvl Saturday at U p. m. . from family jesldence. Interment Prospect Hilt cumo- tery. EDWAHD3 Illnncho Eunice , aeed 6 yoara 4 montlu. diiujjliturof Mr. niul Mrs. U J. I'.rt- wards , utl'J.'l Uruue. 1'uuuru ! 2 p.m. , from resldouco. ir in We Advertise , NBBfls at Startling Low PricBS. Knox's Gelatine , lOc. Sun Rise Stove Polish , 5c. Making Powder. 1 pound , 25c Dust pans , Sc , lOc. Ice pick , 9c. Dinner p.iils , lOc. Putz pomade , 4c. Steel hoes , 25c , 35c. Spades , 50 c. Shovels. 50c Rakes , 25c,30c45c. Bixbee's best blacking , 3c. Hixbees best blacking ; . 5c. 600 YARDS OP Stair Oilcloth , Worth 15c and 20c a yard. We will close out the entire lot for only 7ic For the 15c kind. For the 20c kind. Basement. $15 and $20 Brass Tables , Solid metal , elegantly embossed , artistic shades , only $4. tp rfCi Bnsomcnt. Mail orders are pouring in from every district in the union. It pays to trade here. You get the best for the money. UNANIMOUS M HARRISON ! _ TCOKTINUED TOOM rouimi PAGE. ] coveted the position of secretary of war , while Clarkson , the present chairman of tbo republican national committco , Bought to ba made secretary of the Interior. Foraker of Ohio is also making a noise , hoping to ac- qulro a little additional notoriety. These are the mon who nro trying to dominate the republican pirty , nnd tbeso nro the men who are responsible for tbo unenviable position Secretary Blalno has been placed In nnd occupies today [ n the estimation of fair-minded mon. Those mon never have and are not now sup porting him because they are his friends , but because they love Harrison loss. Why nro they enemies ot Harrison ) Because ho is and over has been in opposition to bosslsm , and with the people. With such professional wire pullers and political tricksters nijatnst blm , ho should bo loved the moro for the one- mlos ho has made while doing his whole duty fearlessly and honestl v. Wo nro not opposed in any sense to Air. Ulalnc , and if ho gets tbo nomination and accepts It , wo will bo for him all over , but bo cannot afford to bo groomed for the race by such solllsh polit ical manipulators as are now nosing la the attitude of bis best frlonds. Mr. Blatnii's letter to Chairman Clnrkion , in which lie emphatically declared ho would neither bo a candidate for the presidential nomination nor accept It if tendered him , meant what It suld , und thcso mon who are trying to force his nomination are putting Mr. Ulalno In a uositlon that will render him opan to the accusation of double dealing. That communication was couched in no un certain language , and we , Inconjunctlon with u majority of the republicans la the country , accepted It as a dollnlto conclusion arrived at after mature deliberation , without any strincs tied to It. It was in keeping with tbo dignity and honor wbloh characterizes the man In all his acts elements in his life which have won for him the respect and admiration of the good nooplo of the land , north , south , cast and west , and wn are loth to bcllovo that ho would wittingly stultify ana bring discredit upon himself now by countenanc ing or in the least furthering the efforts being made by a corporal's guard of repub lican bosses to force him into tbo Held in tbo attitude of a candldatg soolclng the presiden tial nomination regardless uf his pontlvo declaration months ago to the contrary. Thcso men are enemies of Harrison and tbo course tboy are pursuing demonstrates that they are not frlunds of Mr. Ulalno except in so far as the use of his mi mo and his randi- daoy will best subsorvo their own sel fish alms and aggrandizement. 'I1'10 ' war they have Inaugurated U neither honest nor made in the Interests of the party , but sim ply in opposition to President Harrison , who in the outset of his administration de clined to permit himself to bo made a putty uall la tbo hands of these obstructionists , to bo dictated to and molded to suit their pe culiar laoas and \vlitios. It is to the credit of President Harrison that they are his enemies , rather than the rovurso , as It will bo to the credit nnu honor of Secretary Blalno if ho unfnlterlncly stands by the position taken in his letter , whloa Iho publlo bolloved then and believes now to moan ] ust what it said. Dr.Blrnoy'sCatarrh I'owuorouMs catarrh For sulo by all druggists. CU cants. Bleu headache ? Hoocaam's Pills will ro Hove. PAUK COMMISSIONERS. .Hatters IUnns i > il anil mialm-n * Tnmiacleit nt 'lliolr .Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly mooting of tbo Buara of Park Commissioners was called to order at'J o'clock this afternoon , with all the mem bers present. The reading of the minutes Who do not constantly hoop nn cytf on our stnro cnn't appreciate wluit n , money saving plneo It is. Hero's proof. 30 do7.on fancy stripad hnlf hoin , regular price with us 23u u pair , Saturday till 10 o'cloclc only. * * p MCA OC it -r first floor. S25 do/on inon's fancy silk scarfs , light colors , now spring styles , our tisua ) , price Mo , Saturday , Two for 2oc. CO doxon-1-ply nil Hnon collars , fuU ( dross style , lOc 3 for 25c. Only 7oc dozen. 25do/.on flno Scotch zephyr nogllgoo , shirts , ( many sllU stripes ) former prlool $1.50 und SU , Saturday till.10 o'uloclc p. in. ; only . - - si.oo First floor. Men's fancy bordorcd hemstitched handkerchiefs ; 10c. 3 for U5c ; worth 15c. Men's now ombroidorol handlcor * chiefs , 25c. < Fronqh bilbriggan shirts and draw ers , worth Too everywhere , only j 50c a Garment. Our Dressmaking Departments OfTor iimmunl Inducements to Inrtlca fcrklna uuliiua nmt ojtlualvn coatunijHVo are ahuwlj new nnd cxqulMto lilous In Clilnn aUk cintimu' nnil liarn tliu nunr nnil much souulit fur Itluo Si'ru bultj. Thuco-t of nmkltm H low , the costume * am bo tirotuhtout In the munt skillful nnd approved manner I Ifll. far 1-ln. mtonlBhlu.-ly . . . low prices. t'.ll. L' , was dispensed with. The monthly billi wcro audited and approved. , A communication'from the citv council referring / forring to un unp.ila bower tax of $ J,109.1t atralnbt Hnii com park wai rend nnu Judgu Lalco was nskod to give his opinion. The tax dates from Ib'.U ' and the quobtlou as to who shall pav it was referred to the committee on judiciary. H. 13. Wyllo offered to sell bit house In Elnuvood park lor 81,003 , but the board dlnn'l want It and said so. \V. L. Snider offered to sell ton acres adjoining Ulmwood purl ; at $1,000 au acre. It soared the fate of Wyllo's houso. . A list of defects In titles to park tract * ' was furnished by City Attorney Council.i Tnoso defects are all such as can be oasllyl remedied. It was referred back to the at torney , with the sugojtlon that the roporb bo sent to the council. Dr. Miller reported that the boarJ had' vlbltod the south side or Clark tract oa Moa- , day , They there mot several cltlrons and' ' there wa soma discussion over the Sautter tract , which connected with tbo Clark tract. . They saw the owners of the lauds who wanted to soil , but these gentlemen advanced ! tholr prices beyond these of the Clark laj and tbo- board rejected their propositin There was a reeling In that part of the against the pa rob as o and citizens were pres ent by invitation. The citizc/ns / were Messrs. , Sautter , Uascall , Joseph Uarlcor andl Mnjor Cornish. The idea of the board ! was to purchase the Clark and * Sautter tracts , bolwcoa whlcU lies the Tom Murray tract through Which tboy | will condemn a boulevard. Mr. llasoall for. Mr. Sauttor stated inat the board could have I the south ton acres of the Sauttor tract at | $1,253 and donnto a boulevard across the ) north ton acres 'JOO feet ' .vide , provided , that If any ether boulevard should ba condemned ! ho should not bo assessed to pay ; for it. Mr.I Sautter wan anxious to hnvo the boulevard ! run through the middle of bis tract andsomo , members of the board wanted It along the west side , whlo'i would glvo Torn Murray.L' thn bonolit and that did not taste woll'Tv ' some of tlo | bearers. " Mr , Darker had boon unfavorably Im pressed with the land at the former high price , but since It had lioan rodticad ho was satisfied to leave the matter entirely la tba hands of the board. Ernest Stuht Halcl the southsldors did neb want to buy any laud at all If tboy could not got enough land to absorb ull tbo money on- hand. " Mr. Cornish thought that tbo land offer oil In the Clailt itnd Sautter li.icls would make the handsomest -park la tbo city , and ho w.tutou them to buy It at onoo. Mr. Ilaicall thought that the money left over would not burn a liolo In anybody' * pocKct and bo aid not think It would spoil. Than the soulhsldors went oil and hold u caucus and everybody bad the lloor at OIIOB ' " " " " for a wiillo. . / - " " Mr. Llnliiger wanted mora land , I Jr. Miller took the lloor again after a tlmo and said that for a i Ivor jwrk the forty- seven acres and a half were all that was needed , and it was almoit In ahapo for a park now. Ho did not think that a largo park down there was wanted , Mr. Mlllard wanted ta wait until they could got just what they wanted. They could not condemn an outlet to Hancroft. \Vby not wall and do thu whole thing at ono foil swoop. Stuht.und Iluicall traveled ever the old. road and the souibslders moved out. . f It was decided to olTor tl50 ! for the Sacli , Clark , Ponlay and Sauttor tracts amounting to sixty-six acres and If not accepted to wale1 for authority to condemn. The question of Improvements came up and It was decided to do the IIrat work on the Homls park , This idea was to suspend all Improvements la Klmwood and oliowhoro to simply preservative wont and exert themselves - , solves for the bonollt of Homls park becjuso U was nu Interior park. Mr , Cleveland , the landscape gardener , will bo summoned and worn will bo begun at once , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE