Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    \ nd'I \ \ I li / / . } \ J1A
nnd s 7 they wanted to join the Harrlton
. * nrcos. "
Senator Fclton of California sold ! "I am
not for Ulnlno. I do not want things to got
so hot here , thoufih , that the hor-o wo bet on
will bo badly bnndlcnppoei at the start.1
It tint bocn said that Folton would second
Harrison's nominntlon on behalf of Califor
nia , bill the senator states that ho VIM In
vited to do so but on * doclluoa ilio honor ,
South Diikota All IllRlit.
Whpn interrogated a * to his vlows Gov
ernor Mcllotto of South DnKotn nnsworod
tbo query by n question of his own. Said ho !
"Is It lojrlo to turn down a mim who boat
Orover Ulovclnnd when the putronoco or the
government was ORnlnst him nnd put up u
man who was bcaton by Grover Cleveland
when the republicans had the patronnifol"
and ho immediately nddod : "It Is well to
remember thnt if Ulalno Is nominated Cleve
land is sure to bo nominated on the other
side. "
. Colonel II. Clay Evnn . n dolojato-nUnrRO
front T.ennes co. discredit * the report or a
tnmpedu to Btnlt ! < .ln the Tonnesieo dolofjn-
lion , "itim for Harrison , " said he , "nnd I
think our delegation Is solid for him with
or.o oxuomton. John C. HOUCK is understood
to be for nialno , but I believe the remaining
twnniv.throB voici will DO for Harrison. "
Colonel JnmcB Low it of Now Orleans , the
GDloreUcloran of Loumann , RIIVO similar
tldltiRs from the su nr state. "With two
exceptions , " sftld hn , "our ontlro ueloROtlon
will bo lor Harrison. They were Instructed
for him and they will follow their instruc
tions. Even William 1'itt Kollogn's conven
tion Instructed him for Harrison , although
Uo says ho will vote for Blalno. "
Colonel W. O. Dradloy of Kentucky ,
notional commlttoeman ana n dcleirnto'nt-
lanso , Bald : "Kentucky Is for Harrison , wo
Imvo twenty-six delegates and ovcry district
fcon vent ion oxcnpt two instructed for Hnr-
rbon. Hlulnu may get those two dlstrlnts.
but I don't thinlc bo can possibly got any
more. "
H'iniitor HlHcnck of Now York Tulks.
Senator Frank Hlscock of Now Yoik , a
dclcpnto-nt-larKO , does not ngroo With J.
* Stont Faisott , n- , hit vlows , given with great
deliberation , will show. "I am for ho nom
ination of HarrUon. In my luJRtnont the
republican party should bavo bad but ono
caudlonto before this convention. Mr. Blalno
thought so and the prosldant thoiight so ,
and Mr. Ulnlno declined to bo a candidate
for reasons which were very satisfactory to
him and which would huvo boon satisfactory
to every cno elso. The delegates huvo been *
oicctcd with the understanding that bo was
uot in the light. Mr. Hlalno has never Indl-
eniod any chatiRO of his uurposa nnd It would
bo unfortunate nt this late day to change the
policy adopted by him very unfortunate In
deed. I bavo always boon a supporter of
Mr. Ulnine , as huvo many others.
"As to how the vote of How York will bo
divided , I do notdoslra to mnko any predic
tions. The other delegates will Do hero to
speak for themselves in a day or two. "
Oimrdcil In Ills Opinion.
Hon. J. C. Burrows , the distinguished
Michigan congressman , oxprosscd himself
tersely , but carefully : "I nm for the man
w ho ran carry the election , " said ho. " 1
think every man should coma here with the
View of bringing his best thought and best
Judgment to the consideration of ono ques
tion who can carry the country and bring
fuccoas to the republican party ! nnd tbo
man who cornea hero for ono individual , re-
l.-nrdlois of consequences , Is not a wise party
wan. "
An afternoon paper creates sorao sonsa-
tlou by the statement thnt n nephew of
3mr.cs G. lilnlno , who lives in Minneapolis ,
wears n Harrison b.idco. The nephew ! > ays
lie docs not boltovo that there is sincerity In
the present hurrah for his unrlo.
I > cpu\v Will ISiiinlimto Harrison.
Chnuncoy M. Depow of Now York will
oomlnnio Harrison and Colonel Henry M.
' Duftlcld oJ Michigan will present Algor's
nnmo , unless It should bo thought best to
havn another state present It.
Ono of the liveliest contests to coma be-
fnro the convention will bo botwecn thu
Gcntilo and Mormon factions of Utah , -which
fire contesting for exclusive recognition , A
confidential latter has been sent out by the
' Utah Uontlles , addressed to all the dele
gates to the oonvontion. It warns them
Airalnst the Mormons and asks to huvo
tbo contesting delegation denied admit
tance to the convention. It is In
pure us follows : "Contesting delegations
u 111 bo sent from Utah to Minneapolis , ono
by the regular organization , which' has boon
In oxtstcnco for tbo past twenty yours , the
second by a few disgruntled men who bavo
joined with the democrats and with tholr
own motion appointed committees and pro
ceeded to organize , ns.thoy call It , the repub
lican onrty. The Inttor uro for Blulne or anyone
ono to beat Harrison. The Mormons do not
llUo Harrison and IhoGontllo member of this
delegation Is connected with Hlnlno by mar
riage. Tbo regular party have chosen C. C.
Goodwin , editor of the Salt Lake Tribune ,
ftml C. 1C. Allen , county clerk , both strong
Republicans from awny back , who will stay
by Harihon from first to last. "
Appointment of Usher * .
The appointment of the Minnesota contin
gent of ushers , which moans the majority of
them , has kept clear of politics to a consider
able extent. Sorgoant-at-orms Meek appor
tioned them out to ono op two local organiza
tion * and Institutions which selected tholr
representatives. So far as presidential
preference.- concerned they are as Impar
tial as could bo scoured ,
Work of the National Committee.
The republican national committee will be
gin its sessions tomorrow. On It falls the
work of arranging all the details for the
conduct of the convention. Tomorrow the
work of making up tbo roll will bocin. It Is
thoUulj of the national comralttoo to in alto
DP the temporary roll of delegates enti
tled to adrotsMnn to tha convention.
The roll cf states will bo called and
where scats are contested each delccutlon
Will DO given a hearing. There are more
contents this your than aver boforo. In inoro
tliun eighty cases two persons are tleuling
for th'u satno seats. The south furnlsho * by
fur the largest number of thoio disputes. In
imun of them the seats of the mi Uro state
delegations are at Issue. The most blttor
northern contest comes from the Fort
Wayne , Ind. , district , where McDonald , it
Dlulno man , ucnhiros the Harrison delegation
were lint elected. Ho will bo hero to make a
cnntost VMth00 followers to back It up.
Prom the District of Columbia Perry Carson
nnd Andy Gloason have nn a light with Cal-
Vln ! and Simon Wolfo. If these men
worn not contestants the old-timers would
thinlc something wan wren ? .
llnrrUou Avnlnit the J'lnlil.
There were some bats made during the
evei ing , of which the largest wus jl , < XJ )
uvriii on Harrison' ! ! nomination airamst tbo
Held. Marcus Johnson , , ravonua collector at
SI , Paul , took thu HurrUon end of the bet ,
nnd Delegate EustU of Minneapolisa Blalno
limn , lie other uua.
There Is no chungo In the cbulnnannlilp
tulU "onmht. All partlat scum to upreo on
McKlnluy for | > crmanont clmlrmair. Ho Is
warmly supported by the Harrison men. and
the Blalno ueoplo arc apparently not opposed
* to him. Tbo only question In that connoo-
* tlon m whother-ho will huvo the united sup.
( port of his own state. In case the Ohio del-
1 erullon Is united for him bis selection will bo
3 Bmured.
For temporary chairman John M. Lanratoii
of V.I r fin In la still the favorite. The seloc-
1 tlon of temporary obairmaii will probably bo
< * ii.udiafter tomorrow's ' mooting.
Nomixir tlio rrliiHiml I'liiuk * In the Plat
form to lln Adopted. , Minn. , Juno U. On ttio plat
form there Is iiubstuntlal unanimity except as
to two or three planks. The silver planK Is
tlio opo which will receive the most careful
nuilderailou to incut the divergent views
pi availing In different sections , itud tbo uro-
me extent to which declaration shall bo
omdu relative to , foacrul elections U also a
Blatter on wbion delegates differ. A num
ber of the most Important men unw here have
been ccusulted and , ai a result , the principal
features of tbo platform can now bo given.
In key ( into will bo "American" throughout
sud in everything.
The , platform will begin with n general re
cital of the record of the republican party
and the fact that it has alwayo bcon In favor
of frredom and tbo protection of the rights
nd liberties of tbo American people at homo
Kid ( Uoad.
I'rbtldciit Harrison's administration will
bo endorsed as honest , ublo , rontclonlloui ,
snd M having promoted the p aoo of
tbo couutry > iul the. proipoilty nnd sfuty > oti
Ui bu lu y InUimt * . The llrtn , dlKiilllotl
uit pklrJotlaMnduciof forwgu rclatlous by
President Harrison nnd Soctetary Blalno
will bo especially commended.
The Tiirlir nnd Silver I'lnnk * .
Tbo McKlnloy tariff low will bo endorsed ,
nnd attention drawn to tbo fnct that under It
many now industries have been established ,
giving employment to American labor. The
reciprocity" section of tbo bill wilt bo espe
cially mentioned.
The Springer free wool bill will bo de
nounced as nn attomptjto destrov an Industry
of the American farmer , built up by the wUo
protective policy of tbo republican party ,
and the general tariff policy of the demo
cratic homo will bo assailed.
The silver plank Is likely to bo more lib
eral than that of ether conventions , tmiod
upon the linn expectation of , the administra
tion that the approaching monotnry confer-
cnco will result in such nereum&nts as will
make it possible to utilize our entire silver
product ns money. ' '
On the suojcctof federal elections , the
right of ovcry American citizen to cast ono
ballot and have that ballot counted will bo
uphold as tbo greatest safeguard of n repub
lican constitution , *
Our Morrlmiit Murhic.
Ever mindful of the promotion of the wcl *
fnro and alorv of tbo United htntos. tlin
nccciMtv for the lohnbllitation of the
merchant marine to Its former high
place on tbo high oas will bo
n clause In tbo platform. In this
connection attention will bo drawn to the
progress which ban been made toward the
restoration 'of the American navy and liberal
appropriations for the navy will bo advo
cated with an allusion to Uio niggardly naval
appropriations of the democrats.
UncouruRoinotit will bo recommended to
shipbuilders , to the end that American ships
made In American shipyards of American
material nnd mndo by American workmen
may once aguln lly thn American Hag In
every part of tno ocean , carrying American
manufactures and ptotoctod by nn American
navy with tmns of American make.
A careful suporvlsiori of Immigration , will
bo recommended to prevent undesirable per
sons landing on our shores , and approval
will bo given to tno exclusion of contract
nnd of Chinese labor as noccssury to the pro
tection against degradation of American
labor , American homos for Americans and
the honest people of otnor nations who corao
hero to become American citizens , will occur
in tula or other pirU of the platform.
Union Votonnm Will lie llniuomliorcd.
The party will' renew lu acknowledgment
of obligations to the soldiers nnd sailors who
fought for the union , and roforatico will bo
made to the dependent nnd disability pension
bill by which tno partv redeemed Its plodso
to keep from the poorhouse the veterans of
thu war and their families who had become
through no fault of their own.
Appropriations will "bo recommended for
nil internal Improvements necessary to pro
vide easy and cheap facilities for Intercourse
between the peoplo.
The Nlcaracua canal project will bo en
dorsed as a mcasuro.which will bind tbo dif
ferent suctions ot the country closer together
and aid in the maintenance of our promin
ence.Other measures for the good of the coun
try , which bccamu laws In the Fifty-
first congress will bo enumerated , In
cluding the moat Inspection bill ; tbe
antitrust bill ; the copy right bill ;
the bill maintaining the public land In the
interest of the nctual settler * : tno alien land
Dill ; thoprlvnto land claims bills ; lhacustoms
administration bill ; tbo nntitottrry bill ;
the bill to ptovldo an exposition to colohratn
the 100th anniversary of the discovery of
America and a long list of ether important
flllscnllunoous MiUtor Mnntloiiod.
Homo rule for Ireland may possibly also
find a place In tba platform.
On the question of civil sorvlca reform a
square , open declaration in favor of it will
bo ono of the things incorporated in tbo plat
The platform will soj to It that no charge
bo mndo against the republicans as n party
In connection with the Bennett sohool law ,
which In state elections has caused many
Germans in Illinois and Wisconsin , who are
naturally ropub\lcans \ , to bolt. The plank on
this subject will bo drawn carefully , but in
such terms as to show that the party is m
favor of personal liberty auu against Inter
ferences with that right.
A vigorous effort is to bo made by Chlca-
goans , nnd'tboso who nrc working with
them in the World's fair project , to have tbo
convention endorse tbo grant ot government
aid to the fair.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment.
A memorial to the republican national
oom-jiltteo has boon prepared , in which the
endorsement of tbo platform of the conven
tion Is asked for the following sixteenth
amendment to the constitution : "No stale
shall puss any law respecting an establish
ment of religion or prohibiting the free exor
cise thereof , or use its property or credit , or
any money raised bv taxation or nutboriza
either to bo used for the purpose of founding ,
maintaining or aiding , by appropriation , piy-
mcnt for service ? , expenses or otherwise , any
church , religious denomination or religious
society , or any institution , society or under
taking which Is u holly or in part under
sectarian or ecclesiastical control. "
The pioposttion has no sectarian tinge. It
includes among its most nclivo supporters
Charles P. Duiloy , ox-chief justice of the
supreme court of New York , n prominent
Catholic layman , Habbl Gottbold and John
Jay. _
Wisconsin's Kx-Sonator Size * Up the Alattar
Very Kxplloltly.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 8. Ono of the
first Harrison boomers to roacb tbo scone
was ox-Sonator Snoonorof Wisconsin. "I
am for Harrison , " Mr. Spoonor said this
morning. "I think in Justice to himself ho
should bo nominated. I am sure > no
I'loctod , for it is conceded on nil sides that
the president's has baon ono of tbo wisest
and most conservative administrations in the
history of the coutiUy. 1 do not see how Mr.
Blulno can allow his. frtonds to seriously
think of bringing his name before tbo con
vention. HU letter to 'Mr. Clarkson , It
scorned to inn , was'final. If ho did not mean
it bo wus certainly inslncoro. 1 do not sea
how ho can accept the nomination in any
event , unless it comes to him unanimously.
I think Mr. Harrison will bo the winner. "
Hon. J. P.Sunborn. member of the national
committee for Michigan , s hero. Ho is a
Hlalno man with others of his nallcnguos on
the committee , and , Ulto other Michigan men ,
wanU Algor for second place In the event of
Hlulno' * nomination , or for first place In case
Blulno declines.
Uopow'8 I'oiltlou Combined by Clarknou
The declaration of Hon. Chauncoy M.
Iorovv in Chicago that , having bcon a Hlalno
man , bo was entitled to bavo received an In-
tinmtiiin , if there wus any intention on tbo
part ol Blalno to bo n candidate , and that
having ruccivna no such intimation lie has
taken the letter to Clarknon as final , bus boon
very much discussed horo.
Clarkson and Fassclt combat Dopaw's posi
tion by asserting that Blalno U still not a
candidate , but that his party will nominate
him and that ho will then show obedience to
his party. Ono sensational Incident of the
day was a telegram from N. K. Southard ,
chtirmait ot thp Maine stuto republican com
mittee , notifying General Clarkson that J.
Manchester Haynes , tbo Maine member of
the national committee , bad resignednnd
thnt his place had been filled by the election
o.f Joe 11. Munley , ox-pojtmastqrof Augusta.
WOS thO Illllln Jimintltmmnnnt hnitrlnr *
no great significance on Its face , but much in
Us possibilities. "Manloy will bo made a
member of the executive committee , " said
General Clarkson. Thus , the most trusted
of Dlalno's personal friends , at * be very last
moment , becomes one of the executive com
mittee , \vhlcli will bavo potential influence
over tbo preliminary proceedings of the con
vention , It Is repeatedly utated here that no
man lives who sustains more confidential re
lations with Blainu than Joe Mauley , Ho
was selected by Blamoiogo on tbo triumphal
tour through the times , and of ull Blalno's
Mnlno supporters Manloy has boon most do.
KciTotury Nolilo Kt ) A\ruy.
Secretary of thu Interior Nobio bad In-
toudcu to attend thu convention and only
abandoned thu Intention lust night. This bit
of surprising information r.nmo from the
committee on ncroimnodallona , after they bud
fully oxpocioa the secrofary of the Interior
to bo hero , bocrutury Noble U somoUiliik' of
un every day politician when ut homo it St.
Louis , and until u day or two ago ho bud
fully Intended to attend the convention. It
U presumed that ho did not duitro to subject
tbo namlnlstraVon to uny possible criticism
by his presence , u * ho" only aaanaonod' uls
Intentions after U boc mo apparent that ,
there would bo some opposition to tbo prcsl
dent's nomination.
Huimtor Unto Tulki.
YOIIK. JqnoK , Tno Herald1 * Wash
ington correspondent telegraphs his pipar as
follows : One of the most significant devel
opments of the Blalno campaign Is the doc-
Inr.itldn of Scuntor- Eugene Hate of Maine
to mo today that Mr. Blalnc will certainly
ncrcpt the nomination.
Senator Hnlo has boon n strong friend of
the president oven whllo the Blalno move
ment scorned to bo nt Its height , and his
declarations that Mr. Blalno was not in the
field nuvo given great comfort to the presi
dent nnd bis friends. Senator Halo seems nt
last to feel that there is no stemming the
Blalno tide. I nsked him today whether Mr.
Blaine had snld bo would xvrlto no moro
letters before the Minneapolis convention ,
"I don't thlnk"ropllcd Senator Hnle"thnt
Mr , Blalno ha * said anything to anybody. I
think bo is occupying n passive position. Ho
is sayininothing. . Ho it Rolne to lot things
tako'tboir course. He has done everything
that he can do to keep himself out oftlho
nomination. He meant ovcry word that he
wrote when ho nonnoa his letter to Chairman
Clnrkson In February Inst , declaring that his
name should not bo presented to the conven
tion. This action on hU part was lolloued by
the election of n delegation from Maine to
the national republican convention tnnt was
known to bo favorable to the ronorainatlon of
President Harrison. No strongorjovldouco
could bo furnished bv Mr. Blalno or his
friends In Mnlno thnt ho was not n candidate
than his loiter nnd the notion in the district
nnd state conventions of Maine.
Ulnlno Ain't Saying n Word.
"Mr. Blulno Is remaining perfectly aulot.
If ho does not communicate with the conven
tion through some of his frlonds ho is likely
to bo nominated If ho has doloirntcs enough
to do It , I think ho Is entirely Indifferent ,
whether ho is nominated or not. If the con
vention nomlnntcs htm bo will accept. There
Is no question about thnt. The only point to
bo considered is whether ho will prevent the
convention from making the effort to nomi
nate him. "
Tbo Herald this morning publishes what
purports to bo "tho very Inside of Mr. Harrison
risen nnd Mr. Blaino'a relations with each
other" given by "a man of undoubted
authority la the white house circle. "
Tbo situation is said to be ns follows : '
Before Mr. Blnlno came to Now York bo
called on the president nnd m substnnco snld
to him : "In connection with my visit to
Now York you will probably hoar thnt It fans
n political moaning. A construction may bo
put on it thnt will please neither you nor mo.
1 wuh to say to you tbnt I am not a candi
date for tbo'nomlnatlon and Ihope you will
not credit nny of those stories that nro float
ing nboul. "
These words of Mr. Blalno nro reported
from n source extremely loyal nnd friendly
to the president , nnd Mr. Harrison Is said to
have replied : "I nm much gratified nt your
open dealing with mo. I had supposed you
felt this wny toward n nomination , although
some parsons have tried to persuade mo dlf-
forontly. "
They Combine with the Alllnnco Men and
Nomlimto n Ticket.
TAMPA , Flo. , June 3. About midnight the
democratic convention completed Its perma
nent organization to the advantage of the
Mitchell adherents. Mitchell then sought to
push his ndvantago by moving to proceed to
nominntlon for governor. His opponents
sought to stave off action by dilatory motions
nnd the alliance mon demanded the ndoption
of the platform before the nominations were
made , but tbo Mitchell mon were too strong
and pushed the nomination of Mitchell for
governor through without allowing nny
otnor name to bo mentioned.
Judge Mitchell in bis speech of acceptance
doclnre'd against the third party , und strongly
advocated the free coinage of silver.
The convention completed its ticket by the
nomination of H. F. Taylor for Justice of the
supreme court ; Dr. J. L. Crawford , secretary
of state ; W. B. Lnmnr , attorney general ,
and W. B. Blocuson , lieutenant Governor.
C. D. Collins was nominated for
state treasurer , L. N. Shoals for super
intendent ot public instruction , L. B.
Worn boll for commissioner of agriculture.
The only now men in the state nominations
are Shoals nnd Collins. The latter Is a very
prominent alliance man , Both had the solid
support of the alliance. Nntlonnl electors
were also chosen , nnd then the convontlon
adjourned to 4 p. m.
TlioUlg , Itoas of the llravcs Uclluos Their
NEW Yonic , Juno 3. The Times says :
Richard Crokor , Tammany's ohioftaln , was
quoted an saying tbnt be believed tbnt Sena
tor Hill was the corainp man. and , would bo
nominated and elected. This was nt tha and
of un interview in which Mr. Crokor defined
the position of Tammany as to the national
convention and criticised the democrats who
mudo up the Svrncuso convention.
Mr. Crokor wns asked last night if ho bad
been accurately reported as to Mr. Hill boine
the coming man.
"I did not say thnt , " Mr. Crokor said. "I
have been misquoted. I did not uako tbat
statement. "
Mr. Crokor was asked what course Tam
many would pursue ut the national conven
tion. Ho s aid Tammany's delegation would
vote for Senator Hill. It had bcon instructed
to do so by tbo state convontlon and It would
bo dishonorable on its part not to do so.
Mr. Crokor was tbon asked what the Tam
many organization would .do In the event of
Mr. Cleveland's nomination.
"Tammany. " said ho , "will give him its
most loyal support ; of course. Why , what
else would it do ) Everybody ought to know
tbnt wo would'do tbnt. if wo did not wo
wnuld nnt. Do damanrnts. lVn would read
ourselves out of tbo democratic- party nnd
uiako ourselves republicans. "
Hlalno Will Have Nothing Further to Say
on tlio I'olltlcul Situation.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno S. Just as Sec
retary Blalno wns leaving the white bouse
this afternoon and wa walking to his car
riage , ho wus approached by a reporter of
tbo Assoclcted Press , who asked him several
questions in regard to hu > conference with
tbo Canadian commission , andtuen changing
tbo subject reminded the secretary tbat in
case bo bad any further communication to
muko In regard to tbo political situation tbo
Associated Press would like to have it. Tbo
secretary smiled , nnd without seeming to
attach any importance to what bo was -say-
log , remarked : "Thai's all right , but there
won't bo any moro communications. " Ho
then changed tbo subject pf conversation
nnd courteously avoided nay further refer
ence to it.
Hrcrotnry Itusk Is for HurrlHon ,
WASHINGTON , D , C. , Juno 3. Secretary
Rusk , In speaking today of the presidential
situation , snid : "Mr. Harrison's nomination
is only the loeltlmato conclusion of tbo unan
imous verdict of approval passed upon bis
administration. The short term of four
years Justifies u ronomlnntion by bis party
whenever n president's administration re
ceives the country's unqualified endorse
ment. Moreover , stability of public affairs
is essential to the business interests of tbo
country , which nlwnys suffer from frequent
changes. " _
ailllor'a Knvorlto.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 3. Warner Miller has
written a letter to John S. King , secretary of
the republican state committee. The letter
Is dated May 29 , from Galveston. In It Mr (
Miller says : " 1 nm heartily In favor of the
candidate who receives 451 votes In tno con
vontlon. " 1 '
This Is received as an Indication thnt the
Horklmor statesman Is ready to support the
republican tlcttot loyally without allying him
self with either ot tbe two candidates who
lead In the nomination ,
Toxin Delegation ICnroato.
Cuioxno , III , , Juno a. The colored wing of
the Texas delegation nnd three white repre
sentatives Messrs , Looko , McDonald , J.
Allen Myori And W. T. Burns arrived at
tbo Grand Pacific ) today. Tbo colored men ,
with the exception of A. A. Wblto and A. J.
Johnson , nro Inclined to support tbo presi
dent. Mr. Wblto Is outspoken for Bmluo.
According to tbo statement of tbo wulto
members of too Texan delegation , everything
In the south U nialno.
California Independent ! . .
SIOCKTO.V , Cnl' . , June 3. The people's
party convontior , nflor a session of several
days , chose delegates to tbe national conven
tion in Omaha , nominated candidates for
anil adjourned.
blliuljr Attended.
Ocui.i , Ma. , Juno 3. Only nlno. couatiw
are represented at the stnto convontlon of
the people's party nt this cltv. which ad
journed from Wcd'ncsdnylo Thursday night ,
awaiting tbo notion of the democratic con
vention , Delegates were chosen to the
national convention nt Omntm nnd the SU
Louis platform was udopted. The conven
tion decided not to ccdLtbo state convention
for state nomination before August.
Wniitcdlti Mc
DETnoir , Mlchi , JUno * & General Algor
received the following message thli nftor-
noon : ik _ j
"The Maine , Now Hampshire and Vermont
delegations will nrrlvu In Detroit nt 7 o'clock
tonight. They will bo dolUhtod totoo you at
the station. -j j J. II. MANLBV. "
At 7:1)0 : ) the delogatton passed through De
troit , They were mot nt the depot by Gen
eral Algor nud took supper with him. As
they wcro nbout to leave they gnvo three
cheers for the general.
At 3 o'clock the train departed. A poll of
the delegates showi that twonU-nlno nro for
Blalno , two for Harrison and one for Rood.
With Blalno out ot thn race Mr. Mauley says
n large number of the delegates will bo for
Algcr , nnd in case Ulnlno Is nlQcod In nom
ination hn thought throe-fourths would bo
for Algor for vice president.
Dnlcgiitlon ,
DRTKOIT , Mich , , Juno 3. Too Michigan
club spyclal , n train of flVo Wngnor sleepers ,
leftover the Michigan Central road nt 1:30 :
thin nftornoon , hnvinu on board the delegates
nud alternates from Michigan , nnd tnanv
piominpiit republicans who nro bound for
the Minneapolis convention. Stops will bo
mnao enrouto to plclt un other Michigan dele
gates and visitors to the convention.
rowers on Tint Money.
VAI.ENTIHK , Neb. , Juuo 3. [ Speclnl Tele
gram to Tun BHK.J J. II. Powers spokohero
todny In bis capacity ns president ot the
stnto nlllnnco. Ho gave most of bis nttunllon
lo the platform adopted at St. Louis , partic
ularly flat money. There was quite n large
attendance but very little enthusiasm.
AKHOK , O. , Juno 3. Governor McKlnloy
In an Interview today said : "I suppose tbo
delegation will bo divided , ns I Know tboro
Is some anti-Harrison sentiment In tbo stale.
The casting of the vote of the Ohio delega
tion' cannot bo definitely foretold.1
Instructed for tlio Htnllcd Prophet.
LRWISTONMo. . , Juno 2. The Second dis
trict democrats have nominated delegates to
the Chltfago convention nnd instructed tlio in
to vote for Cleveland.
Cannot Agrco on n .Soimtor.
BATON Rouoi : , La. , Juno U.The ballot for
senator today resulted : Jonas , 29 ; Gibson ,
IB ; Adams , 18 ; Caffrcy , 11 ; Blauchard , 8 ;
Bourgeois , 3.
Colonel Colby AttcmU to Ono and Talks
ITrcoly of the Other.
Colonel L. W. Colby , of the legal depart
ment of the Uultod States government , It In
the city for the purpose of taking depositions
In several Indian doprodntlon cases. Tbo
cosowhlob. involves the largest nmount Is
that of A. C , Loighion of Ottunnva , la. , In
volving nbout 820,000. Kir. LMghton was nt
ono time a partner at Dick McCormaclc of
Omaha , in tbo freighting business. In 185 ! )
und ISO ? the Sioux ItliiunSistolo and klllod n
largo number of oxo'ivfladt mules belonging
to Mr. Luiphton , fotf'whifch ho bos never
boon reimbursed. 5g i ' \
Another case Is that'iof Jacob Penny & Son
of Omaha. They lost fortT oxon and several
teams ot horses In IS asfa result of n raid
by tbo Sioux Indlgni jAuron P. Heel of
Omnha is also a sufTorcVsebldng relief from
the government on account of property lost
during the Indian raMsi.of 1SCO. Henry T.
Clarke nsks for reimbursement to the tune of
$0,000 for eighty-five Vaad f oxon nud some
mules stolen by thO'pgamlla ' Sioux Indians
In 1805. ' . * V Jl >
'The most Intcrostlng-.eaao I have had to
deal with yet , " salu MH Colby today to a
Bue reporter , "Is tbtf'cfcre ' * of Mr. nnd Mrs.
S. A. Lnrlmore of 'Llncfdln. ' Mr.nnd Mrs.
Larimoro were wlth'Bcdmpaijy-of ' emigrants
crossing the plnins iflwDl when out near old
Fort Caramio the tr n' was attacked by the
Brute Sioux Indians. Nearly nil of the small
company was killed excepting Mr. nnd Mrs.
Larimoro , nnd their experience was very
thrilling and romantic. Mrs. Larimoro has
written n book , nnd n very interesting one ,
flying an account of the frightful experience
through which she passed.
"Mr. Larimoro was shot through the log
with an nrrow and as ho foil in n bunoh of
sago brush nnd tainted away the Indians loft
him for dead. The redskins took Mrs. Lari
moro prisoner nnd carried her nnd her 3-
year-old baby clear up to the Little Big Horn
country where after several weeks of great
hardship Mrs. Larimoro managed to escape
from the Indians and found ber way to n
trail. She followed the trail for n couple of
days and was picked up by n band of trap
pers and in nbout ono month from tbo time of
the attack near Fort Laramlo Mr. and Mrs ,
Larimoro wore ngnln united. They lost all
their properly and of course want the Govern
ment to make It good. "
Speaking of tbo political outlook Mr. Colby
said : "I think that Mr. Harrison will bo
nominated by acclamation.- bo isn't ho
ought to bo. A few of tbo shouters nro still
talking for Btaine out the brains ot the pnrty
Is for Harrison. Wo never have bnd an nd-
ministration with which so little fnult could
bo found ns the administration of President
Harrison. Mr. Blnlno bns bcon idolized by
the people who wore captivated by Bob In-
gorsull's eloquence nt the time ho gave Blalno
the title of tbo 'Plumed Knight,1 nnd by the
curuful manipulation of the Associated Press
report * In Blulno's interest over Mnco. But ,
the thinking mon of the party bavo seen nil
along- that Mr. Harrison was tbo man for
president. Ho never does anything for of-
fbct. His administration has boon ono of
plain , practical business , with no foolishness
or Obtontation. Ho is n remarkably able
statesman , and the republican party will do
the proper thing to nominate him for a second
end term. ' "
Colonel Colby xvill bo in Omaha several
dnys. . _
La rioeho Won 'tho Oak . '
N , Juno 0. This -was the last day ot
the t/psom summer meeting. The principal
event was tbo race for thu Oaks stake , next
in interest araonc tbo great turf ovouts in
England to the Derby , Baron do Hirscb's
great filly , La Fleche , who started among
the favorites for tbo Derby und rnn second
In that race , proved tbo winner. The Smew
second , Lady Hermit third. Time : B:43 : 8-C.
Weather fair and cool , with fashionable
7.1m Htlll Winning.
LONDON Juno 3. TJi 'AjnerloAn champion
bicyclist A. A. Zlmmornla&of ) the Now Yorki
Atblctlo club won tfili ' { i'ilf allo handicap
event today. Tlrao :
HhontUta ut' < uir Unpldi.
CEDAH RAI-IDS , In.l Jiiiib 3. At the shoot
ing tournament bore tdjf5nt > clay pigeons ,
QoorRo Handorson m o.a'iooro ' of 115 out of
< " 5 brcnkin ; tbo'
Score lu tho'ww / Ma tch.
LONIION , Juno 3. Blnekbum lost tbo fifth.
gnmo of the chess tnaUib. today. Tbo score
nowstands ; Laslcerv,4la ; ) < ) ltbui'n,0j Drawn ,
2 , _ Illilqv
Olnnt rowclerdiuTJielr Ilooti ,
It is u curious fiti lj t no. OHO minor
out of every hunilreimrlio has lind nny
oxporlonuo will do Anything but put the
sticks of glunt powdpr'jHto UJ bootlegs ,
Buys the Great DmtloV Ho knows just
nbuut how much cinnt powder ho will
need during the shtv ( ( ani\ these ho receives -
coivos before ho on tors the shafthouso to
go down. Thou ho carefully places it
in the log of his boot , and In this man-
uor convoys It into the mino. The
minors Imvo stopped "crimping" the
fulminating cups with tholr tooth of late
years. Tins is duo , probably , to the
tjuicidn ut Chicugo ol Liingg , ono ot the
anarchists who was sentenced to bo
liungud with Solos und the rest. Llngg
ox pi oil oil ono of the cups by biting it
nnd alow moat of his head off. Now the
majority of the minors crinap the cap on *
Clio heel of tholr boot with u knlfo.
fomervilla Jourunlt lllaak They say old
Houuyb i ; cuu'mvou write ordinary KiijmB
Undo Dave Lets tbo Cowboys Off Very
Easy on This Trip.
Knsy Kxplntmtltm of the Ilnnion Why the
Oniiic.i Wont the Other Wnjr Pirates
nnUDnil Clnrko Totlny Other
Spotting Sown.
Kansas City , 7-3 ; Omaha , 3-0.
KANSAS Cirr , Mo. , JUno 3. [ Special Tolo-
grmn to'i'iiK Bni ! . ] In the first gnmo the
Blues batted In good luck , and this in con
nection with Handibo&'s wlldnoss won thorn
the gnmo. Payne did some heavy hitting ,
getting n two-bagger nnd n timely throe-base
hit. McAiahon made a couple of beautiful
singles nnd Sunday got two hits. Hughoy
pitched In good form , although ho did not
seem to have his accustomed speed. But for
Alberts'-error In the eighth Inning Omaha
would Imvo bcon shut out ,
The feature of the gnmo wns Carnoy's first
base piny nnd MeMuhon's catching. 'Tho
Blues started the scoring In the flrst inning.
Manning got his base on balls and , after
Sunday had fouled , scored on Payne's long
drive to deep center. Jn the third two moro
were added. Payne got llrst on onlls uud
took second on Carnoy's sacrlllce. McMahon
mndo a beautiful drive to right for two buses
and Payne scored. Alberts got bis base on
balls and McMahou cnmo nround on Lytlo's.
twc-bnso hit. Andrus wont out on n lly to
Shoibeok and Hughoy struck out.
The Omahas rallied jln the fifth nnd tied
the scoro. Uowe led off with n hit nnd pot
second on Wostlnko's sacrltlco. Darbv
waited for four bad balls. Handlboo struck
out. Then Sholbook hit to Alberts who
fumbled , nnd the bases were full. Gilks
made n corklngslngloto center , which Lytlo
lot go to the fonco.-nnd throe mon trotted in.
Kelly wont out on a long fly to cantor.
In the very next inning , however , the
Blues got tbo upper hnnd ngnln. Lytlo nnd
Andrus , the two llrst mon up , got llrst on
balls and were advanced n base by Hughoy's '
sacrifice. Manning hit a little easy one to
third nnd got flrst whllo the Omauas were
trying to catch Lytlo , who scored. Sunday
tbon mndo n pretty siliglo nnd Payne fol
lowed With-n two-base hit to loft. The re
sult was four runs nnd the gnmo.
In the ninth inning Hughoy struck out all
throe men. Wostlako's linger was broken
by n vicious foul tip in the seventh. Inning
nud Hayes took his placo. Score :
All. n. 1U. 811. 811. FO. A. B.
Manning , ! b. . . . . . . . .
Sunday , 3b
1'iiyno , if
Carney. Ib. 11 10
MuMnuon , c
Alberts , sa
Lytlo , m
Amlrns , rt
Ilughoy , p
Totals. 37 7 3 2 3 S7 14 5
All. It. III. 811. Sll. I'O. A. E.
Shotbock. ss
Gllks.2b 1 0 1 0 0 C 0 0
Kelly , III
Visitor , rf 4'
Howe , 10 11 01
Wostlnko , c , .
parby. If.
Handlboo , p
llayes , o r
Totals. 333 0 2 2 S7 U 0
Kansas Olty 1 7
Omaha.- . 0 3
Kims earned : Kansas Olty , 1 , Ttvo-baso
hits : McMnhon , Jjytlo. Payne. Throe-base
hits : Vlsnor. liases on bulls : Miinnlng.
Sunday , Payne , Oarnov , MoMahon 2 , Alberts ,
f.ytlo. Anurus , Hughoy , Darby. Collopy.
Loft on bases : Kansas Olty. 14 ; Omaha. 8.
lilt by pitcher : Lvtlo. Struck out : Al
berts. Manninr , Hughoy. Wostlnlio 2 , Ilar.dt-
boo U. Collopy , Darby. Sholbook. Passed
balls : By Westlalto , 1. Wild pitches : lly
llughoy , 1. Thno ot game : Two hours. Um
pire : Ouonther.
In the second gnmo Eitoljorg wns in the
box. Omaha made but four hits and no two
of them , cnmo In the same InningVlsner
alone seorueo. nblo to gauge him accurately.
Score :
Kansas Olty. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Umabu 0 0
Runs earned : Kansas Olty. 1. Two-baso
hits : Oarnoy , Vlincr. 2. Homo run : KltolJorR.
Ilaso on balls : Andrns. Lytlc , VJsnor. Hit by
pitcher : Itowo. Struck out : U.irnoy , Alberts ,
Lytlo. Kelly , 2 ; Uowo. 2 : Hayes , Durby.
Wild pilches : Kitoljorz , 1 : Darby , 1. Lofton
buses : Kansas Olty. 7 ; Omiihn , 7. Time of
panto : Ono hour and fifty tnlnutes. Umpire :
Tolcclon Tills Afternoon.
The Black Pirates nrrlvotl yesterday nnd
nro nt tbo Merchants. This nftornoon tbev
moot the O malms at Sportsman's Park and
a good game may bo expected. The Omnbas
bavo been playing m touch luck for two
weeks past and their frlonds look for them
to tnko a brace in ttao present series. They
play twelve straight games on the homo
grounds before leaving on tholr second trip
nnd to take any sort of a position tboy must
bnvo at least eltrht of thoso. Tbo positions
today will bo as follows :
Tolodoa I'osltlon. Omahas.
Ely Short. , Sholhcck
Nicholson. . , . .Second . . . .Oil Us
Oumplon. . 1'lrnt. Uono
Nlchol Middle Kelly
Newell , Th.rd Collopy
Armor , , , , . . . Night , . . . VUnor
Hurley , dutchVostlnko
Clarke i'ltch , , Vlekory
As this will bn Dad Clarke's flrst gaino
bore this season a larpo crowd will turn out
to see bow bo does it. Ho says Omnha Is a
snnp for him , nnd if tboy toucn him for moro
than throe singles no will bo surprised. Ha
says Kelly , Uowo and Vlsnor are Just like
oatltiR p'lo.
Undo Ults the Slldo Another r.onpf Hard
Hop nt rmiiideljihlu ,
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 3. By excellent
team work nnd n little luck the Phillies shut
out Chicago this afternoon. Weather threat
ening. Attendnnco 1,037. Score :
Chicago , , 000000000 0
Philadelphia. . . 0 1010200 * 4
IlllBt Ohloiiito. 6 : I'hlladolphln , 8. Errors ;
Chloano. 2 ; 1'hlliidolimla , I. Earned rum :
Chlcaxo. 0 | Philadelphia , y. Iltittorlos : tiuin-
bertand b'chrlvpr ; K efoaud ( Momenta.
I'lttiburff Took the l.iut.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 3. Tbo Pittsburg nnd
Now York teams llnished tholr present series
today. Weather threatening and tbo attend
ance 728. Score :
Now York , . , 1 01000000-3
I'litsburp. . . , . 2 -5
Hits : Now York , fll I'lttsbiirc , 0. Errors !
New York. 61 l'ltuburg.2. liurnod runs : Pitts ,
our * . 3. liattorles : Ituslouud Murphy ! llald-
wln and Maok.
1'unr I'loldlMK Havuil the Culoueli ,
NKW VOIIK , Juno 3 , Wrotohed Holding
loit the game for tbo Brldogroom * today.
Score :
Ilrooldyn , 1 00012032-8
Louisville. 102113030-1
Hiu : Ilrooklvn , 81 Louisville , It Krrorsi
Brooklyn , 2 ; LouUrllle , 0. Earned runs
rooklyn.2. liattorles ! Foutz , Hurt und Kins
low ) Junes and UOWBO.
Leaders Licked Again.
BOSTON , M a. , Juno 3. SU-LouU won on
tbreo successive hits In the ninth inning.
Grounds wot. Attonunn5t > , 891. Score :
Do-ton 3
St , 1,011 Is , 0 1 3
Hits : llostnn. fl : SU Louk It. Krrorsi IJos-
ton.4i St Louis. 2. Kitrnod runs : lloston. Jj
M , I-puK a. llatterleal Sluloy and Kollyi
Ucttelu nnd Kolly. -
Hoimtorn Victorious.
WASIIIS-OTOX , D. O. , Juno 3. Wnshlneton
teen the last { tame of the scries todny.
Weather ploasnut , Attnndauco , 1,050. Score :
Washington 2 0 0 0 0 2 B 0 0
Clovulnnd 0 0 0 0 1 U a o 0 4
Hits : \Vn-liiiiRtoii. 0 : Cleveland , rt. Kr-
TOM : \\iisliln8ton , 1 : Cleveland , 1. Knrnod
rnnsVa : liliiKton. 4 : Ulovolinul l. Itattorloti ;
Klllon and Mllllcnn ) ItutRor , Voiuu nud.lui -
Goininlnfl no llof ; .
nAi.TiMoitn , Md. , Juno It , Tbo CmelnnatU
von their third successive pnino irom tlio
5nltlir.ovc3 today. Wonthor fair nnd wnrm ,
Attonannco740 , bcoru :
tnltlmoro 3
Jlnclmmtl 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 * 5
Hits : lUiUlmore , 3 : Clnclnnutl , R. Krrors :
tnltlnioro. 4 ; Ulnclnimtt , 3. Kurncd mint
lultlmoro , 1 : Ulnclnnutl , 1. Hnttorles : Me-
ilulion nnd Koblnson : Dnryea and Murphy ,
loiltrlcc Keeps \Vliiiilnc In Split ) of Crip *
pled 1'lnyrrii ,
BiUTittcK , Nob. , Juno 3. [ Special Tele-
; rnin to TUB BEG.J As n result of the con-
Inuod pleasant weather , another big crowd
vns assembled at the local ball grounds this
nftornoon to witness a very Interesting gnmo
mtwoon the Bcntrlco nnd Kearney teams.
Withal Beatrice is badly handicapped , the
ocal loam put up n good camo. Kdlngor nnd
Derrick , pitchers , nro laid uu sick. Unto-
vood and Taylor nro both on the sick list
vlth sprained nnklo * . Leo Pond of Wlscon-
In will plnv second haio in tomorrow's cnrao
vlth Kearney aud until Uatowooa gets well.
Score :
lontrlco S 0
itottrnoy , 1 0020000 0 3
Earned runs : Ilcatrloo , 3 ; Konrnov. 1.
trrurs : lloatrlco , 5 ; Kearney , 0. Huso hlti :
Doatrlco , 12 : Kearney , 8. Dattorlcs : S\na\o \ \
nndJonoat Knllor. Ponder and Kour. Umpire :
I'irt. Time of gamu : Ono hour and forty *
five minutes.
Grnnd Island Coming
PIATTSMOUTH. Nob. , Juno .1. | Special
L'oloBram to Tin : BER.J Plnttsmouth suf-
'oroa another defeat todny. Owing to sus
pensions nnd defections tbo team wns short
n mannnd Tom Patterson wns urossod into
sorvlcn nnd plnyod u brilliant short. Porrino
pitched line Dnll. Hum Pnttorsou. Kennedy
nnd Pottlford dm heavy batting. The
score :
Plattsmouth 2 00010000 II
Urnnd Island 2 0200000' 4
Eunice ! runs : Plattsmouth,3 ; Grand Island ,
Itaso lilts : Plaitsmonth , 0 ; Urnnd Island ,
J. Krrora : Vlattdinoulh , & ; Urnnd Island , 0.
Stnndtni ; of the Toumj.
w. r. r.r. r. re.
Tolumbni 25 0 .735 Omnlm U IT .893
Milwaukee IT U .U5I Minneapolis . . 0 II .991
Knn-nsCltr. . . IT U . & 8i ) Kort Wajrno. . . 0 10 .3 > X )
1'olodo 11 13 .533 luitlanapolls. . . i IT .1VU
Boston 3 11 .713 I'titlnclotplilo. , 20 19 .513
Ilrookljrn . . . . 2J It .632 Now York Ill 10 .MM
Cincinnati 25 16 .610 I.ouUvllIn 17 11 .KT
Clilcngo 22 in .ftTO WaihlnKton. . . U 21 .378
1'IIUliiin ; 22 19 .637 St. I/O ill- II 23 .J50
ClovolanU 20 19 .613 llnltlmoro 0 SU .2J7
ncatrlco 12 4 .T50 o 11 .ISO
Urnnd lalanil. . 13 T .05) Konrnoy 0 I ] .833
tromont U 8 .S29 I'latt-moillh. . G 13 .310
SIMMS ! ) ItlNU.
Morris Park Fiirnlslica n Mice Day for the
Form 1'lnycrs.
Monuis PAIIK , N. Y. , Juno 8. The talent
bad all the best of it today , four of the six
races going tojlrst choices in the betting.
First race , six furlongs : Grout Guns ( ntoll
won , llrown Bounty ( U to 1) ) second , Tom Huyes
(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:11' : ; .
Second nice , onomllo : Two lilts (3 ( to 5) ) won ,
Fidelia (7 to 2) ) second , Lord Motley (15 ( to I )
tlilrd. Time : 1:40. :
Third raco. Dobutnnto sti\kc . flvo fur-
lonca : Mendicant ( la to 1) ) won. Uruzlllu ( Illy ,
(12 ( to 1) ) second. Propriety ( i to 1) ) third. Time ;
09 ! ' , .
Fourth race , Done mile and n fnrlons : 15ns-
sell (0 ( toft ) won , Madstono (7 ( toO ) second , Kll >
door (4 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:37i. !
Fifth race. Fort Scliuylor stakes , ono mile :
annuot (8 ( to A ) won , wostchcster (5J ( to 1) ) a <
ond. Alary Stone (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:41. :
Sixth nice , six furlonge : Ilanunlo (0 ( to5) )
won. Tur nnd Turtor (5 ( to 2) ) second , Lawless
U to 1) ) third , Time : liiU. :
Surprises nt f.ntonln.
CINCIXKATJ , O. , Juno 3. Three out of four
favorites won nt Latonia today. Clintio C.
nnd Rosoboy were unoxpcotcd winners.
First race , selling purse , for 3-year-olds nnd
upwards , six furlongs : Hlppona (13 ( to f > ) won ,
Outeraft fl to 11 second. Excelsior (8 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : llT3i.
Hocond rave , selling purse , for 3-ycur-olds
nnd uu , ono inllo nud twenty yards : Orvlllo (4 (
to ft ) n on , Maud Howard ( U to 5) ) sucond , Nib
1 third. Time : 1-48H.
Third race , purse , for 3-yoar-oIda , seven
furlongs ; Ullntlo O (0 ( to I ) won. PondtotnnflO
to 1) ) second , London (3 ( to C ) third. Time :
1:30 3-5
Fourth race , purse , for maiden 3-yoar-olds
and upward , flvo nnd one-half furlonits : Hose-
boy (5 ( to 1) ) won , Pocidlor (7 ( to 1) ) second , Lottie
(9 ( ton third. Time ; 1:111-5. :
Firth raco. purse , for maiden 2-yoar-olds ,
four und one-Half furlongs ; Plutus ( J to 2) )
won , Youllndon (7 ( to 1) ) second , Governess (1 ( to
1) ) third. Tlniot S3H.
Tips for Today.
Yesterday morning THE Bun tipped nlno
races. Out of this there were flvo winners ,
three second nnd third. "Throo of these races
were won by outsiders In the boltings.
Prophecies for today :
1. Miles Standlsh Imp. Astoria.
S. Itollovuo Itucknn.
U. liottle colt Freemason.
4. Yorkvlllo Hollo-Patron.
B. KlrUovor Oorobus.
0. India Kubbor Stryko.
1. Covorton Ollntlo O.
5. IJob Forsythe Flower Dollls.
U. Greenwich Uurlsbad ,
4. Yo Tambolii Iturkn.
5. Morrlniont Interior.
0. Warplot-John llorkley.
St. I.ouls 1'rogritm.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juuo 3. Weather throat
onlng ; attendance , light.
First rnco. handloap , nix furlongs : Upman
(8 ( to 1) ) won , Itoyal Flush ( oven ) second , Give
away (4'l ( to 1) ) tlilrd. Tlmoi l:15y.
Second race , handicap , for --yo ir-nlds , four
and one-half furloui : * : Hrownwooil M to 1) )
won. Miss Mosoly (0 ( to 1) ) second , The Jewel (7 (
to ft ) third. Time : 07.
Third race , seven and one-half furlongs :
Nellie Pearl (1 ( to 2) ) won , LangJoy ( < to 1) ) HOC-
ond. Sight Drnft (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; lfU > y .
I'ourlh race , solllni ; . ono mllfl ; Loporlno ID
to A ) won , Moan Knough 12 to 1) ) scuoiid.outer
(4 ( to 1) ) tlilrd. Time : 1:41 .
Fifth rueo , KOllln . ono mlle : May Hardy (2 (
toll won , Coronet ( .M tel ) second , Uolum ( ti to
J ) third. Time ; 1:41.
( iilloplntr nt Unrlliilil ,
CIIIOAOO , 111. , Juno ! ) . Gnrflold trncK re
sults :
First rnco , halt mile : Jack Lovull won ,
Frank-Evans second , Lottie Wall third. Time :
1GGU. :
Hocond rnec , Uireo-nuartors of a mile : J , U.
Freed wonGovernorVhoolor tuconc ] . I'ullniau
third. Tlmoi 1:40. :
Third raoo , tfcllln ? . sovon-clKhtlis nf a mlle :
Solruss won , Uondarm second , lluukrupt
third. Time : 2U : ) ,
Fourth race , threo-fonrths o a nillo : Ilosslo
llUlanil won. Unolo Frank second , W 11 U H
' '
Fifth rnco.'solllnx , clayon-slxtoontlis of n
mlle : llltf Mun won , Crispin second , Iluilln
third , Time : 1:33. :
Tlio Ouk * Htakc .
Lo.VDox.Juno 8. La Flosoho won the Oaks
stnkei , Saamow second , ( Ladv Hurmlt
"You want a job In my store , lioy ?
IIuvo you nny roconnnondntiona from
your lust employer , ray boy ? "
"Nuttin' In writtinf. But ho snld ho
woaivory glad to park with inc. "
lirlulitcit iummor roadlag. No. I June talci from
Juct out--W tti. At all nowitandi or addrau
Town Toplci , 21 W. 23rd HI. , Now Yurk Cltr. N. U
For buck numtiuri , one , tno aud tkroo lead 60 ointi
to publULcr.
INortr tullt ta ulte ImUuit ru * ( lu tbo wont
mrft ker ifcn f lL
Trl.l fuktl * fUr.K UrHifato.-- 1.-M.I1.
IFarrou D. Wcntst
of Qcnovft , N. Y. ,
Tells of His Fearful Sufferings After
Gastric Fever anil His Cure by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Al ) who know Mr. W. D. Wcnlr
give him the best of recommendations
lor honesty antl integrity. For many
years he has worked for Mr. D. P. Wil
son , the harness maker and member
of the Geneva board of Health. He says :
" I was taken sick last Octpbcr with gastrla
fever and my chance for recovery \vas cnn-
sjdcted almost hopeless. Alter 7 weeks the
fever slowly left mo , but I couM not eat the
simplest food without terrible distress. It
teemed that I had recovered from the fever to
' Die of Starvation
I took pepsin compounds , bismuth , charcoal ,
cod liver oil nnd malt until my physician
confessed thnt his skill was nbout ex
hausted nnd ho did not know what else to
try. Uvcrythlng I took seemed liho nonr-
IIIR molted Iriul Into my stomach. I hap
pened to think I lind part ot n bottle ol Hood's '
Sarmp.irllln thatlmd been In the house for two
or three years , that I found had bcnentcd mo
piovlously for dyspepsia. I began inking U
and soon began to feel bolter. I have now
taken n little over two bottles and can truth-
fti ly say 1 feel well again nnd can cat nny-
thlug without distressing me , oven to'
Pie and Cheese
which I have been unable to touch for yean ,
Tlio English langtngo does not contain words
enough to permit mo to express the praise
1 would like to plvo to Hood's Sarsaparllln. "
W. D. WENTZ , I8J Castle St. , Geneva , N. Y.
A Good Voucher
" I bavo known Mr. Warren D. Wcntz for
many years nnd can vouch for him as a man
ot voracity and ono well known about here.
I have sold him several bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
during the past few months. " M. U. PAHT-
IIIDCIK , Druggist , Geneva , N , Y.
Hood's Pills euro Liver Ills
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Ohappod Hands , Wounds , Burn * , Etc.
Removes aud Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for USB in Hard Water.
Extract of Beef ,
Do you \vhnt n copy ol
Doof ToaY Sco thut It
Is made from the Genuine
uino Incomparably
the boat. Pure , pala-
tublorofrcshinff. Dia-
soluds cloarly-
See Enron Lol-
bip's slRnauro
in blue on
lubol , thus.
Farewell Proaoutallonfl of
III Sco the lioriuraca nnd Iiusklns lioo.
MaLlnae this At'L. at 2:3O. :
Prices floor. 7.tu | gdtinrul admission ,
llrst Iloor , Me ; balcony. Me ; children , l3o. !
Prices Parquet , 11.00 : parquet circle. 75o
nnd * 1.00 : balcony , 50o una 75o ; jjallery. Mo.
4Niglits4c ° TI5NO- } Sunday , June 5.
And Their Great Company ,
In tlio Funnlott or All I'urclcnl ICntcrtuluuientt ,
HQ88 and H088
Written by Themselves ,
For Laughing Purposes Only.
boats on solo Saturday inornliiKntOn. m.
Farnam Street Theater I Mi
4O - PEOPLE - 4O
Hunday Mntlucu nnd NlKlit ,
Farnam Slreet
Wcdneidsy nnd Thursday , Juno 8tb nnd KM.
This Week Only.
Tony Paitor Htsrs. Nellie Mugulre ,
Alblnl itandull. Domingo , th onl/
fsdltu 'Albino :