Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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The cut worm Is ono about which
nearly every corn grower hns some
knowledge , unless ho has boon moro than
usually lucky. How to got rid of it is n
thing that every farmer would bo glad
to know , and , consequently , our readers
will peruse with interest the following
report of n , llt'tlo experimenting done by
Mr. Richard Baker , jr. , of Parley , la. ,
Mr. B.ikor , writing to the Iowa Homo-
stand , says !
The crcaltiro In the cornflnld Is tno product
of a moth thnt lays Its eggs at the roots ot
. tbo Brass In tbo p.vsturo * nnil meadows In the
fall of the year , to bo hatched Into worms
the coming spring and summer. Starting
from tucso promises. I tnado same experi
ments In 1600 and IS'Jl , with shallow nnil
( loop plowing ns n remedy. The remits
ronchod In tbo two soatons were similar.
A strip of old meadow land containing sixty
acres was soli-clod. It was ono hundred und
sixty rods long and sixty roils wide and was
plowed In the 1 titter part of April nnd the
first woolt of Mar , 1890. Il was divided Into
three lots. Lot 1 , was plowed Ilvo inches
deep , Iot2 , four Inches deep , nnd lot ! ) , flight
Inches Ooop. The entire longtU of the Hold
was planted across the throa lots or strips
with the same kind of corn. When the workIng -
Ing of the corn was finished , July 5 , 1890 ,
thorowas a mar nod difference In the uland.
The hills wore counted and oxamlnoJ by hun
dreds. Lot 1 , plowed flvo Inuhos deep , lost
4 par cant , of the hills and some hills were
thinned besides ; lot 2 , plnwod four mchos
deep , lost 10 ( par cent , of ttio bills , and sus
tained a considerably creator loss in thinned
bills than lot llot ; 3 , plowed eight Inches
deep , lost 1 per cent , nnd some counts ran
nn high ns 135 full bills without loss. The
squares counted were in all cases taken from
the center of oncti lot as plowed. It seemed
to mo that the thinner the furrow slice , the
sooner the planter shoo cut through nnd
loft the seed corn where the worm could gat
at It , whllu the thicker eight-Inch sou turned
the crass and Its contents so deep that the
worms were hatched lalcr nnd the corn had
tlmo to establish Itself In the soil before their
advent ; It was thus abloto resist the ravages
of the worms. TUo soil In the three lots was
similar on the surface ( deep , porous , clay
subsoil ) nnd in Its corn-producing strength.
It was ola meadow land , timothy and clover ,
red nna white , with lots of grass nnd green
growth through It. In plowing old sod deep
the plow lay should bo half an inch wider at
the heel than the plow's gauge , so as to cut
tbo furrow sllco clean and lot It fall Hat.
Wnon the team "teeters" In Us walk some Is
uncut and coils the surface so that It does
not plant as nicely as a smooth surfaco.
Mr. Baker is a careful nnd observant
farmer , who thinks about MM work ,
farming with his head ns well as hands.
His plan of plowing deep , taking earn
to turn the furrow clear over nnd bury
the cut worm ogps BO deep as to ilolay
hatching till the corn has gotten its
start , ' hns reason and good sense nt the
bottom of it. Wo Incline to think that
the difference in loss may fairly bo as
cribed to the causes to which ho assigns
, , A Kticccmful Woman farmer.
Tills OMAHA BKB had a. very interest
ing sketch of Cess county , its lands ,
towns and farms , together with some
sketches of its successful farmers , nro-
parod'by a special correspondent , says
the Plattsmouth Journal. Of the hun
dreds of successful farmers , howovorbut
a few were named , as the limits of oven
a great n twspapor would not bo
capacious enough to give more than a
f aw samples. To the writer's notionhow
ever , the list might be improved upon
nnd a'ldod to Indefinitely. The work of
the farm is very generally done by men ,
but wo have in our mind a woman
farmer who is taking up the work of
munnging.u fiirm where her late hus
band loft it off withanpnorgy and talent
that indicate un ability to conduct its
affairs that would do credit to a inon-
bor of the sterner sex. Mrs. James M.
Wiles was loft n widow by the quite
sudden demise of her husband last win-
tor. Mrs. Wiles IB about 80 years of
ago , is the mother of four- boys Iho
oldest about 0 yours of ago , und the
youngest a babe born since the death of
Its father. She found herself with the
care of some stock and a , farm of 240
acres , situated four and a half miles
southwest of Plattsmouth on her hands.
Instead of giving way to discourage
ments , she determined to carry on the
farm work herself. Securing tno
assistance of her cousin. Elmer Eihon-
bary , seventy acres of small grain was
put in this spring , ana the , ground was
prepared for planting 140 acres of corn.
One-half of this has already boon
planted , and whou the writer "visited
the nlucu younp1 Mr. Eikenbnry was
X running u chock-row plunlor , whllo the
widow's oldest son was runnlnrr n har
row oh some fall planting. The balance
of tho. farm la in timothy and clovor.
AITnlrM about the houao und barn indi
cate caro. and attention , and the miin-
acromotit of n poraon who undorHtuncla
the linpoftnnco of looking after details.
Growing ; I'otntous.
At Iho mooting of the Finnoy County
( Kan. ) Fanners institute , W. H. Fatit
sain : ( To obtain u paying potato crop ,
nu abundance of plant food is requisite.
Clever or alfalfa sod turned under and
retted IB highly recommended by exper
ienced growers , but stable manure , well
rotted , and spread broadcast without
stint ever the soil and thoroughly mixed
by plowing under and harrowing , will
produce the ncodod nutriment. Usually
plow ten to twelve inches deep , mellow
thoroughly by u doop-cuitlng burrow ,
then with u single horse plow furrow
out rowH flvo Inches deep and three feet
apart. Deposit seed , consisting of ( rood-
sized pieced , tit intervals of twelve to
eighteen Inches in the bottom of the
furrow and coyer with the plow. It is
very important that the soil at the bottom
tom of the furrow should ho thoroughly
mellowed und pulverl/.od 'to give
the roots tlio best possible chance
.for development. Wo would mlvltiu
_ Tly .planting , to secure the bonollt of
tbe'sprlng rains , and that the plan IB may
largulj got their growth before the hot
sun i enders the ground too warm. Pota
toes , for their highest development , re
quire cool ground. Nature furnishes u
natural umbrella by the vines , to shade
nnd keep tool the soil around the tubers
while growing , but as u , rule in this oil-
mate the vines do not furnish sufllciont
protection. As auxiliary I advise mulch
ing a short time before blooming com
mences , with straw of some kind ( if pir-
tlolly retted the bettor ) which williiBalst
in keepingIho ground cool and pi-event
too tnpld evaporation of the moisture.
Commence cultivating early , iK-glnning
drat by harrowing in the direction of
the rows eight or ten days after plant
ing , again six or night days later across
the rows , and BO on until .tho plants uro
fairly through tlio ground. Tills ren
ders thu surface smooth , pulverized ttio ] I
Doll anddlacourtiges the weeds. Urasj ! i
nnd wood a must be kept entirely sub
dued. When the plants have grown j I I
eovoral inches the cultivator should
take the place of the harrow and
thorough cultivation should bo kept up
until the- vines completely cover the
Uoltx on the fnrin.
Rnlefng horses as n business , and rais
ing colts from the nrirea that uro kept
( or performing the farm work may bo
two qullo distinct things when it comes
to consider the amount of profit there is
lu U to the brooder. With the regular
brttodoritls always the case that the
number of muresXoj > Mor breeding pur-
poaoo iniikoa.lUout.oMlho'queatlon to find
profitable employment , for thum for uny
gr Hii parl of the lime , If ut ull. It ho
does lind oooilpaUou for his wares It in
an irregular sort of work , which is nl- j
ways -worse for the fonroa thun the regu
lar performance , of dally labor. Then ,
too , It is necessary to nut them into
other hands where they nro sure
not to got the considoruto attention
they would receive from their .owner.
The colts sru scarcely ever treated well
olthor. But this is * all dllToront with
the farmer , nnd ut the very same tlmo
that the breeder in R general way should
find himself in pretty strait lines nnd
Inclined to complain of the unmitlBfac-
torinosa and unprofitableness of his
transactions , the farmer in n small way
might bo the very man nbovo all others
who should Und mason for congratulat
ing himself upon his peculiar surround
ings. Ho has the steady employment
for team labor that pretty ottoclmilly
eliminates the element of money in
vested In breeding stock from the ques
tion. The mares would perform
the same worlc which would bo
performed by gpldlngs or mulos.
Another important thine with the
man who works hUown mares , or who
hits them under his own oversight is
that ho can glvo them good and careful
treatment at ull times , nnd ho can give
the colt some valuable lessons that uro
never learned otherwise.
Wo have scon mon who suld colts
were too much bother. Perhaps they
are to some people. But anything that
requires care is a bother in some sense ,
and it is bettor to raise a good team for
one's own use und have ono to sell occa
sionally , than to depend on buying ,
trading and speculating on such as hap
pens to como ono's way. Since the day
of good stallions in every neighborhood
has como , every farmer should breed
his good mares and thus bo able to turn
olT a good team of horses each yoar. At
prices now being paid for desirable
horses , every owner of good mares
should bo a breeder of.bottor colts.
Union Tor Starting Utility Homo * .
If there Is anything that will moro se
verely try the patience of oven the most
ovontoraporod than n , balky horse , wo
certainly have not yet made the discov
ery. For the relief of these who may
experience trouble with such animals
It is with plousuro wo publish the rules
of treatment recommended by the Soci
ety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals , which are ns follows :
1. Pat the horse upon the nock ; ox-
iiinlno the harness carefully , first on ono
side , then on the other , speaking en
couragingly whllo so doing ; then jump
Into the wagon and glvo the word go ;
generally ho will go.
2. A teamster in Maine says ho can
start the most balky horse by _ taking
him out of the Hhufts and making him
go around In ti circls until ho is giddy.
If Iho llrst dance of this sort doesn't euro
him , the second will.
3. To cure u balky horse , simply place
your han.l ever the horse's nose and
shut his wind olT until ho wants to go ,
uud then lot him go.
4. The brain of a horse seems to con
tuin but ono idea at a time ; therefore
continued whipping only confirms his
stubborn resolve. If you can , by any
means , glvo him u now subject to think
of you will generally have no trouble in
starting him. A simple remedy is to
take u couple of turns of stout twine
around the fore log , just below the knee ,
tight enough for the horse to fool it ,
and tie in a bow-knot. At the first
choke ho will generally go dancing off ,
nnd after going a short distance you can
get out nnd remove the string to pre
vent injury to the tendon in your farther
/ ) . Tuko the tall of the horse between
the hind logs , and tie it by u cord to thu
saddle girth.
0. Tie a string around the horse's oar
close to his head.
Fine Stock un Uducntor.
Not the least among the incidental
advantages of having some fine stock on
the farm of the general farmer is the
fact that when a farmer once begins to
handle pure bred stock ho glvos it bet
tor , care , tccomcs a bettor observer and
probably keeps a record of its earnings ,
roads agricultural nnd stock papers ,
attends institutes nnd live stock meet
ings , makes u more careful study of his
business , and , in short , while develop
ing und breeding up his domestic ani
mals , ho develops himself and his own
powers , says the Iowa Homestead. The
improvement manifests itself in all the
departments of the farm. If ho realizes
the necessity of careful selection inbreeding
brooding , it is not long until analogy
teaches him that careful selec
tion of seed is equally im
portant. When ho sees that his ani
mals thrive in proportion to the care
they receive , it soon occurs to him that
the family , which to most mon is the
chief motive for working at all , will
also prosper nud ropav care expended
upon it. Whoa , ho ffnds , after being
set to thinking by handling purebred
stock , that conveniences about the barn
and food lots pay , ho Is not long in- real
izing that similar conveniences about
the kitchen and dlnlngroom would prob
ably pay , too. In short , many a man
who has merely existed on a farm has
been taught how to live and enjoy living - -
ing by. the first atop of putting some
good stock on his farm requiring from
him care and thoughtful study and at
Troatinunt of llrufldliiK
Breeding hogs should not bo kept on
floors much of the time , saya the Nebras
ka Furmor. If tills practice wore con
tinued from oni' generation to another for
a little time it would servo to introduce
weak and crooked logs Into the brooding
type. Most of all the breeders need the
free exorcise of the pasture , nnd moro
than all others the boar needs careful
attention in thls rognrd. It will not do to
shut up thu boar in confined quarters for
the greater piirtaf the year for thosim-
jilo reason that ho IB not in active service -
ice ut the time , und that nil care is
therefore lost on him. This IB n great
mistake. Hvorylhing depends upon the
strength nud vitality of tbo boar , nnd
this in to bo secured through regularity
of treatment throughout the ontlroyoar.
The AVcitomor anil III * Wad.
A western man tells the Now York
Tribune that men huvo various ways of
currying money. Butchers , grocers nnd
bakers carry it in tv big crumpled wild.
Hankers curry it in nice cloun bills , laid
at full length in u morocco pocket book.
No banker ever folds n bill. Brokers
always fold their bills twice. The
young business man cnrrios his money
in his vest pocket , while the farmers
und drovers carry their money in their
itiHido vest poeftot , and whenever you
BOO a man carrj a lot of loose chanqb in
his overcoat pocket , you may know that
; lie hus ut Borne time been u cur conductor
i or u cnrbstono merchant. Newspaper
1 mon carry their money in some good
bunk , their checkbooks in their { rackets ,
und pootsV well , poets uon't trouble
themselves about such a trival thing us
money , _ _
A sore throat or couKb , If suffered to Pro-
crosa. often results lu an Incurable throat or
lung trouble. "Dro\vn' Bronchial Troche1
trlvo Instant , relief.
A Jlaro Wilt.
Ono of the oddest fishes that ever
swum in nny sea is that known to natur
alists under tha utmttructivo nuine of
"ophiocophulus. " A spooled of it is
found ) n the BOH of Galileo , where it
builds a nest which for beauty of design
nnd olognnco of workmanship excels the
efforts of the majority of feathered nost-
builders. Its favorite spot for building
is in nn old root or rock projecting
under the water nnd the material con
sists of seaweed , grass and lo'tvcd.
Improvements In Ijiicomntlvo * fur 1'mt
Train Service.
The fast train service on custom
roads revives ' .ho high drlvo wheels In
use twenty-live years ago. Urlvo wheels
six feet und moro in diumotor were com
mon those days und performed speedy
sorvk-c , but they were top-heavy. The
waight was not as accurately adjusted
us now , und they frequently toppled
ever on sharp curves.
Locomotive driving wheels seven foot
in dlnmotor will probably be tried on
the Now York C'entral railroad. Mr.
Buchanan , the superintendent of motive
power , bus made provision for the equip
ment of four fast passenger engines
with driving wheels ot this size when
the company directs or faster schedules
are called for than are now allowed for
in the passenger service. In regard to
the substitution of driving wheels six
loot six incucs in ummotor lor these ol
flvo feet eight inches , formerly used on
the fastest passenger engines on this
road , recent tests made an the Empire
State express have shown a bettor rela
tive olllcloncy with the- larger wheels
than with tlio smaller wheels and ctn-
ploynd In slower schedule.
The Central railroad of Now Jersey's
big four-cylinder compound engine , No.
H85 , the "Flying Jersey Dutchman , " is
a world boater. It has now boon in reg
ular sarvico , running on fust express
trains on the "Royul Blue Lino" between
tweon Now York und Philadelphia for
four months , and during that tlmo has
lost but ono day.
The engine holds the world's record
for railroad speed , having on February
20 , during a run from .Torsoy City to
Philadelphia , with a train of four cars ,
accomplished the marvellous perform
ance ol covering u mlle in thirty-nine
and a quarter seconds , a ruto of 91.7
miles per hour. The time was taken by
two porsons'with stop watches. The
conditions prevailing at the tlmo were
not altogether fuvonblo for fust work ,
as the weather was somewhat foggy nnd
the railsdamp. . The big machine is
run by two crowa.
The dimensions of the driving power
of the Hying Jersey Dutchman , as
given by Master Mechanic Williams ,
are :
Diameter of forward truck wheels , 30
Diameter of driving wheels , 78 Inches.
Diameter of high pressure cylinders ,
13 Inches.
Diameter of low pressure cylinders ,
22 inches ,
Stroke of pistons , 26 inches.
Diumotor 'of piston side valve , 101
inches by 6 inches travel.
Diameter of boiler , 58 inches.
Number of flues , 2tO. ;
Size of firebox , 128 by 42 inches.
Heating surface , 2,100 foot
Weight of engine , 62 tons.
Weight on driving wheels , 85,000
Weight of tondor. 35 tons.
Capacity of tank , 3,500 gallons of
Total weight of engine nnd tender ,
971 tons.
Hoichtb of engine from rail to top of
smokestack , 14 feet 5 inches.
The boiler is capable of carrying
from 180 to 200 pounds of steam to the
square inch.
Al'lrtcolii Abyxslnla Where IluHbamU llnvo
Fovr if any Itlglits. ,
In the valley of the Burca in Abyssi
nia there is , according to a recently re
turned traveler , a community where the
women , without holding meetings or
agitation of any kind , have emancipat
ed themselves. All the women work
whllo the men are idle , but by way of
compensation the house and all that it
contains belong to the wife. At the
least unkind word she turns her husband
out at night , in storm or rain , and ho
can't como back until ho makes amends
by the gift of a cow. The wife considers
it u duty to abuse the husband , and if
she were weak enough to show any love
for him in life or grief at his death she
would bo scorned by her tribe- . The
wife , without any reason , may strike
her tent and go , taking with her one-
third of the joint possessions. The hus
band , unless ho bo traveling , may not
live out of his tent , but the wife may go
to her parents for a your and annul for
the time her own marriage. In all this
the secret of emancipation toward
which women nro blindly , struggling
is hidden. The emancipation of the
wife comes only when nho ontlro-
ly supports her lord and master , thus
rendering herself indispensable to his
comfort. And possibly emancipation
on these terms might'not bo as desirable
as the present regime of shopping in the
morning , taking u nap in the afternoon ,
and accompanying somebody to the
theater at night.
A Huston llurculos ,
JohnM , cFurland 1038011 baggage in the
Providence depot in Boston. Ho is
cjaspod as the giant of the Hub. Toss
ing 600 pound trunks are trifles to him ,
und he occasionally varies'tho monotony
by Hipping 700 and 800 pound burs o'f
loud. On a lifting machine ho sent the
needle around until it marked 976
pounds und the spring snapped.
McFafland stands live foot olovonund
three-quarters inches. His weight is
233 pounds , and there U not a pound of
superfluous llesh in his makeup.
A Case of
Bright's Disease.
"About a ycai ngo I noticed that my
ankles aud Icps were swelling , and a ron-
imitation with Ir. Q. J. Mulvunc , of Toiiekii ,
ICun. . developed the fact that 1 bad BrJRut'H
disease , hla analysis showing the presence
of a largo amount of albumen In my urine.
1 continued to travel , feeling that I could
not afford to ulvo up my position on thcroud ,
I kept myself under closu medical treat
ment , but tha Bwclllug and nnfavorablo
rymptome Increased so steadily that 1 could
no longer do my work. On helm ; re-exam
ined the doctor paid my condition was
critical and advised mo to go to Kxcclilor
Springs. Mo. I arrived JnTy G , consulted
villlin resident puvslclan.RMenpmcdlclnc.
nnd hayo mod regularly tlicFerro-Matigan'
via mid Sulplio-Salluo waters ni-1 tbo hot
HaltSulphurllathadally. Myrecovery as
rapid and Instead of being a weak , emacia
ted , dropsical wreck , I am to-day a liearty.
robust man , weighing ten pounds , nnd with
tplendld nppetlto and digestion , feeling bet-
tcrthan I liavo In ten years. There rrmalna
uo truce of dropsical swelling or albumen-
urla. 1 hcllcve tbe waters and baths saved
my life. O. II , JOUNSON
With U. T. W. Mclcr.Wholesale Qucenaware , 611
01-4513 North 3Iam.8tn.ct. tit. Louie , Mo.
August 8 , IbOI.
Tht irattrt art tottleit only ly Iht Eiul-
liar Sprlngt Coinjany at
Excelsior Springs
sfr'j-wpMtt. Missouri
Richardson Drug Co. Omaha Neb.
. , Agts. , , .
TuU'Tlny 1HIU act iw kindly on the
kohllil , thu ilrllcatu fuuutlu or Inllriuj
pen tlio vigorous innu. '
Tuii's Tin v Pills
tiinuuiiil traiiKtliio tlio vrrakf
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$2.23 A MONTH ( „ , { & . )
Producoa Naturally
Free Trial Inhalations.
Kcally Cures ; Cu\arrh \ , Bronchitis ,
Asthma , Hay Foyer , Consumption ,
Iluudueho ( sick or DOIJVOUS ) , Dyspepsia ,
Nervous Proatrutioij. i
Call on or write w.uhout notice ,
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Howard Sta. , OMAHA , NEB.
The tnroent , Fn t st nn.1 FlneM In the WorW.
"nfl ftvj mrcrnccomoiliulonsunMcelled. _ _ . . .
NEW TOKK , miAl.Tl'ni'nnd NAPLES ,
Mroeulur Intervals.
rntosonlowOBttormsto anil from tlio principle
oooTcn. sitauan , istsn a AIA COOTIHEHTAI , TOIHIO.
Eicurslon ticket * urallatila to return by cither tlio plo-
turos-iuo Clrrto * North of Irolnml or Nap cs & Olbraltu
Siutt i i " " " Oiden fet Ai Anoint it lowest Bitu.
Apply to any of our local Agonta or to
Anoir and Complete Trontmont , consisting oj
Suppositories. Otntmont ta fupsuloi , alio In llox
ana I'llls : n Positive Cure for Kxternal , Internal
Mlndnr Uloedlnitltchliit , Chronic , Iteoentor Ilorodl-
tarr Piles. Tnls HomoJr has never been known to
fall , f I per box. fl for Ui seat by mall. Wliy suffer f rom
this terrible dlseua nhon a written gunrantoo Is
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not cured Send stamp for free Sample. Guarantee
Issued by Kulni & Co. , Uruiiul'H , Solo Agents , corner
ID and 1)0 ° las8troet . Omaha , Nob.
To the owners of lots and land fronting up
on street Improvement districts numborua
und described us follows :
No. 3Ti9 1'arlc or 29th uvcnuo from Loavon-
wnrth street to Hickory street.
No 415 Alloy In block : ] , llunscom I'luco.
No 447 Leavcnworth stioot from the woat
line of IBth street to westllno of 20th avo.
No42J Cth street from the south line ot
Pluruo street to the north line of HlcUory
No4i4 Leavouworth street from the west
line ot luth street to the east line of llth
No4Sj 12th street from the south line of
Jones slrcot to the north line of Luuvonworth
No 428 Soencor street from Sherman avenue
nuo to ' . ' 4th street.
No 427 Lathrop street from Sliormau avenue
nuo to ISth streot.
No 42S Hurt street from the west line of
15th street to the east line of IBth streot.
No 411) ) Spruce street from the west line of
22d street to the east line of4th street
No 430 Cuss street from 22d street to 24th
No 431 Mason street from 20th street to 20th
Nn 41K Mason street from the east line of
30th street to the east line pf 31st street.
No 4Xt 32d street Irnin the north line of Eu
clid I'laco to the north line of Woolworth avo-
nno. l I
No434 California street from ] 5thstr otto ;
loth streot.
No 435 Tzard street from 12th street 14th
street ,
No 4ia-l'arkor : street from 24th street to the
east line of 20th streets
No 437 Howard street from 21 th street to 23th
street ,
No 433-Chlcago street from 22d street to 23d
No t'J9 Caldwll slroSt1 from 24th street to
the west line of Shlnn's addition.
No 440 Sherman avenue from south line of
Grand avenue to Fort-'slreot.
No 411 afltu street frn.m I'arnam street to
the north Una of Davenport street.
No 442 Davenport street from 39th street to
40th street. ,
No443 40th street from the south line of
Davenport street to 001111111 ; street.
No 441 Madison avenue from 14th street to
Sherman avenuo. v
No 410 Chicago street from woat line 2jth
street to 2(1111 ( street.
No 450 St. Mary's avenuofrom the west line
of 2Gth struct to the east line of 27th stroot.
No 451 17th street from Hartley street to St.
Mary's avenue. \
No451 The alloy 'from 22nd street to 21th
street In Paulson's addition.
No 4X5 10th street from Farnnin street to
Hnrnoy street.
No45C 23th street from the south line of
I'opploton avenue to the north line of Woolworth -
worth avonuo.
No 457 Davenportstroet from 24th street to
25th stroot. .
No 45S--Oass street from wnit line of 24th
street to 104 foot west of 25th moot.
No 450 Cass street from east line of 24th
street to woat line of 24th street.
No. 453 Hamilton street , from the west line
of 40th street to the onat line of the vlaductof
the licit Line railway.
No. 461 The alley in block 238. city , and
No. 402 The alloy In block 10 , Kountzo &
Uuth's addition.
la the city of Omaha nnd subject to tlio as
sessment for the paving and ropavlug of the
Vou are hereby notified In pursuance of or
dinances Nos 3U8S and l )3i ) , passed and ap
proved May : it , 1M2 , to holoct und determine
upon the Kind of material to bo used In pav
ing or ropavlnn said Improvement districts on
or before tho3Jtlt tiny of Juno , 1SJ. , or thu
mayor and city council will determine suld
if sheet asphalt Is poll Untied for by property
owners , they must state In their piitltlon.for
pavlns whether pltoh-lalto , land or ovorllow ,
or California asphalt Is , to bo used.
Dated atOmaha. Nob. , this 2nd day of Juno ,
" >
Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Worlta
Notice of Assessment of DunmKCH fur
UraUlu ,
To thu owners of all lots , parts of lots and
real ostuto along Hamilton street , from the
viaduct over the Holt Line railway to 45th
street :
You are hereby notified that the under-
blcnod. thrcu disinterested f reedholdors of the
city of Onmhn , have hocn duly appointed by
tliu mayor , with the approval of the city coun-
cll of ald clty.tJ nsuosa the daiiiago to the
owners lespootlvely of the property alTuutod
by Rradlni ; Jlamtlton street , from the viaduct
ovur the Holt hlno railway to 4.1th street , do-
elarod necessary byordlnancoNo.a.uiS , passed
May Illth , 1H02. npprovnd May 20th , 1SU2.
You are further notified , Ihut having ao >
copied said appointment , and duly qualified
us runulrod by law , wo will , on the Hth day ot
Juno , A. I ) . 1&2 , at tholuurot 10o'clock In the
forenoon , at the olllco of llenowa& Ca , In the
McCnsuo bulldlnir. within the corjioralo limits
of said city , meet for the purpose of conitldor-
Ins und making the uuossmont ot diuna o to
the owners respectively of said property , af
fected by said grading , taking Into considera
tion special benefits , if any.
You uro notified to bo present at the tlmo
nnd plnco aforesaid , and makouny objections
to or Hlutuments concorutnif Bald assessment
of damages as you may < oiiMldar proper.
T/ll. McOllilJoiI ,
Onmha , May 87th , UK ! . MM dlOt
Notice fur ItldK.
Illds will ba received by the city council of
the city of Kanld Ulty , 8 , ! ) „ until 2 o'clock p.
ia , Juno 0 , Ib'Ji for the bullalng of reservoir
and lavlnieof IU.UU ) fbot > of 10-Inch cast pipe ,
tojethor with ( urnUhUlH ! all the materials
micKssnry In their construction nccordlriK to
pluini und Hpocltlcatlonr on Itlo at the olllco of
thuolty vnKlnourof the fllty of Itapld City.
Thoau bidding on boturu&yrvolr anil pipe line ,
or urxin pii > o line nlonii. must accompany
their hl < fs with ccrtlftod chuck for ono
thousand fJl.WW ) dolltrj. ' Thono bidding on
Omaha or Uapld City , Lmltobo returned to
unsuoctssful bidders on 10V day of opening
proposals. Ilidi ( hull bb'uiicioiou In plain en.
volopei and shall hare nHilnly wrltteu tliero-
oni Hid for Hesorvolr , or 1'lpo line or bid for
both Uosorvolror l'lponpai ) | tliuoaio may
bo. Tlio city council ruscrviu tlio rljht to ror
joct any or all bldt. AdOmm ull comtuunlaa *
tlons to the uir.Y AUDITOIt ,
of Unoid Ulty , Bouth Dakota.
Dated at lUplU Ulty , May 17 , ItttiM.S2dllt&I
To thoovinoMot nil lots , purls of 'oW ' nnd
rout cstnt ? along Mason street , from ISth
street to'-'Jth strnot ,
You are hereby notino.t tlmt the under-
slffiird. tlirco < 1N nlcrciloil frecliohlors of the
cltr of Oinnlni , hive Ix'cn duly nppolntinl by
the mayor , with thoivt'provalnf thoclty coun
cil ot sitlil city , to nssosi the dninnpo to the
owners rospoctlvoly of the property affected
by cradlni ; Minon street from 18th street to
Seth treot , doeln red neceo.irr by ordinance
Uirn ) , pulsed Mrty 17 , 1H'J2 , approved May 19 ,
ISOi .
You iiro further notified , tint havinz ne-
ceptcd s.-il.l npiHiliitmunt , und duly quallllod
tu tcqtllrod by law. wo w II , on the 7th day of
June. A. U. ISO.1 , at the hour of ID o'clooK In
the forenoon , lit room 'iK. N. Y. I.tfn bul dlntr ,
within the corpor.ttu ittulisof said city , meet
for the purpose of coiislilorlng and making ns-
scssmunt ntUnnmcu to the owners respectively
of suld property , atTcctcd uy sild : > ; r.idliic.
takin ; Into conaldural Ion special ben e Ills , It
You are notified to bo present tit the tlmo
anil place aforesaid and maku any objections
to or HtalomenU concornlng silif assessment
of damauus us you tuny consider proper.
T. II. MculH.I.OOH.
U. W. U1I1SO.N.
J' " '
Onialiu. May CT. 18JJ.
M'o BcnJ the marrrlons Frrnrh
Ilcmoly CALTHO8 fro1 , nml n
legal Ritarantoathat CLlllo wilt
HTCI Il chorcr A : Kmlolom ,
CUItK Nrormntorrhfti. ailroocl *
nnd Itr.sTOUK Ix > ct Vlcor.
tfte Hand fay ifsatisf.eJ ,
ftol im.rltm 1 | > U , Ontlnoill , Ohio.
In pu uanco of nn orJhmnco of tho'ulty of
Oniuhu , passed und unproved May 17,1S92. on-
tltlud "An ordlnunco cullliu a special oloctlon
to vote upon the accupt.inco of the timcci.led
proposition ot the Nehraska Central rnllw ty
coiupnny und ttio Issuance of coupon bun tin
of the oltv of Omaha In the sum ot two hun
dred add fifty thousand dollars ( i2 > 0OXI ) to aid
the NcbrusU.i Contra ! Kallway company In
ucqulrlng depot groun'ls ( lu the oon-
Htruetlou of a union r.illwny and pas
senger depot , and In the construction ot
other railway Improvements upon said
grounds , and to uuthorlro a tax for the pav-
menl. of the Interest-upon snld bonds and to
croulo n sinking fund for the payment of the
prlncip il thereof , and ropeallnjordlnance No.
JOS4 , passed nnd approved May lOtli , 1SJJ.
I.U-or o P. UomlH , mayor of the olty of
Omaha , do hereby Issue my proclamation nnd
plvo public notice unto the lozal valors ot the
olty of Omuhn , Douglas county , Nob. , that on
Thursday , the IBth dny of Juno , 1802 , a special
oloctlon will bo hold In said olty at the follow *
Ing polling places , na'moly :
Flret District Southeast corner Seventh
and Maroy streets.
Soconv Dlstrlot Northwest corner Eighth
and Louvenvforth streets.
Third Dlstrlot-1208 Jones street
Fourth District 1227 Bouth Thirteenth
Fifth District Northeast corner Seventh
and L'aclflc streets.
Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and
t'aolflo streets.
Seventh Dlstrlot C2X Fierce street.
Eighth District Southwest corner Eleventh
and Center streets.
Ninth Dlstrlot 1802 South Sixth street.
Tenth District Intersection Ninth and Hnn-
croftstrrot , northeast corner.
Eleventh District 1U2.I South Thirteenth
street , northeast corner Arbor street.
First District Intersection Fourteenth nnd
Jones streets.
Second Dlstrlot 1001 South Thirteenth
Third district Intersection Eighteenth and
Loavcnworth streets , south side.
Fourth District Intersection Twentieth
and l.oavenworth streets , south side.
Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third
and Loavenworth streets , south side.
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth
street and Populoton avenue.
Seventh Dlstrlot 142.'William street.
Eighth District-1314 South Thirteenth
street ( McCnndlUh ) .
Ninth Dlstrlot Intersection Sixteenth and
Center streets.
Tenth District 18.23 South Twentieth street
( Lovott& Woodman. )
Eleventh District Intersection Twentieth
and Bancroft streets.
Twelfth Dlstrlot 1534 Vlntou street ( Donovan
van ) .
Thirteenth Dlstrlot IntorseetlonThlrtoonth
and Valley streets , west side.
Fourteenth District Intersection Twen
tieth and Doulovard streets.
First Dlstrlot Intersection Twelfth and
Chicago street ,
Second District 317 North Fifteenth street
( Wood worth ) .
Third Districts-US South Fourteenth street ,
( A. J. Simpson ) .
, Fourth District 1112 Douglas street (0. ( J.
1 Utiiian ) .
Fifth Dlstrlot Intersection Capitol avenue
and Tenth streets.
Sixth District Intersection Ilarnoy and
Ninth streets , east Bide.
Seventh Dlstrlot Intersection Eleventh and
Furnim stroots-
Eighth Dlstrlot-1315 Ilarnoy street ( J. S. Mi >
Cormlok ) .
Ninth Dlstrlot 1811 Howard itreet ( Kil
kenny , Bray & Co ) .
First District Intersection SoToutconth and
Davenport streoti.
Second Dlstrlot Intersection Twenty-sec
end and Davenport strools. north side.
Third Dlstrlot Intersection Twenty-fifth
and Dodga streets.
Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth
and Dodge streets.
Fifth Dlstrlot 420 South Fifteenth street.
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth und
DouglHS streets.
Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth
street uud St. Mary's avonuo.
Eighth District Intersection Twentieth
street nnd St. Mary's avenue , west side.
Ninth Dlstrlot 1818 St. Mary's avenue
( Rohoboaux ) .
Tenth Dlstrlot Intersection Eighteenth
and Leuvenworth streets , north side.
Eleventh District 1013 Howard street ( IIlo
glns ) .
FlrstDlstrict Intersection Sherman avenue
and Munderson street.
Second District Erfllng building , west dido
Shorr.ian avenue , between Ohio am ) Corby
Third District Intersection Sherman
avenue and Lake street.
Fourth District 1003 Qraca street , South
west corner Sherman avenue and Grace street.
Fifth Dlstrlot 1317 bherman aveuuo # ea-
mnn ) .
Sixth District 1154 Sherman avenue ( Er-
Olng ) .
Seventh District Interjection Sixteenth
and Iznrd streets.
Eighth Dlstrlot 80S North Sixteenth ntrcet
( U. U. Ulurk , agent ) .
Ninth District Intersection Cass and Fif
teenth streets.
Tenth Dlstrlot 013 North Sixteenth atroot
( Scars , agent ) .
Eleventh Dlstrlot Southwest corner Eigh
teenth and Cass streets , 4. . ' North Eighteenth
Frst ) Dlstrlot Lyceum hall. 4820 North
Tr/onty-fourth street ( Craig ) .
Second D.atrlut Intersection Thirty-sixth
street and Grand avenue.
Third District Intersection Military avenue
and Grant street.
Fourth District Intersection Twenty-
fourth streot. and Mamleruon streets.
fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth
and Wlrtstreets.
Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and
Parker streets.
Seventh District 2533 Lake street ( W. A.
MessloU ) .
Eighth District 2 25 Lake street ( Sasstrom ) .
Ninth DistrIot-2310 North Twenty-found
Tonih District Intersection Twenty-eighth
and Franklin streets.
Eleventh DUtrlot-Intersoctlon
fourth and Franklin streets.
Twelfth Dlstrlot 1350 North Twentieth
street ,
First plstrlot-2813 Leavonworth stroot.
Second District-Intersection Twenty-ninth
avenue and I'opploton avenue , east sldo.
Third District IntonootlOD Twenty-ninth
street ana Woolworth avenue , south side.
Fourth Dlstrlot Intersection Twenty-ninth
and Mogoath streets.
Fifth Dlstrlot Intersection Thirty-second
avenue und Thomason street.
Sixth District-1012 Twenty-ninth urnnuo.
toventli Dlstrlot-lntersootlon . Tlilrtj-
fourth and Francis utroets.
EinitTil WAIID.
First Dlstrlot 2004 Hamilton street.
Kecond Dlstrlot 2X2 * Uumlng street ,
Third District Intersootlou Twentieth aad
Nlohola * streets.
Fourlh DUjrlotZOIfl Oumlng street.
Fifth District 3408 Gummz otreo , ' . .
Blxth District Intersoctlou Twbnty-nocond
and Hurt streets.
fiavpnth District Intersection Twentieth
and Oaas strooU ,
First Dlstnot-Intoweotlon Thlrty-sooond
and Oumlng struetv.
Second District Intersection Fortieth and
OuniluK streets , north side.
Third District Intersection Fortieth and
fcarnam streets.
Fourth District Intersection Thlrty-soooud
avenua and Davenport street.
Fifth DistrictI'arnam street
Sixth Ulstrlotr-aiOJ Learonworth street.
Kortbopurpoioof submitting to the legal
yoturn of inld city , for their acceptance or ro-
Jeotlou , tbo aineudcd proposition of the No-
bruskii Central Hallway company to the olty
of OnmliB. ( hereinafter written 4t length ) und
the question * , shull the bonds of the olty of
Oniuba be Issued , rexUterod and dolltereJ ,
ay provided In ( aid sioeuded proposition
shall un annual tax bo lovloil to pity the In-
toresteunuch bonds us It becomesauo ? anrt
shall a further annual tax , commencing the
tenth yuar prior to the maturity of such
benne , bu levied , lu addition to all other
luxes , for the creation ot a slnklux luud suit- !
clcnt to pay such bond * ut the maturity
Uuld questions , and the toc ptanco or rej o-
tlon. of sittd nmondml pioposJtlon , Is suhmlttod
to said lesnl voters , nnd .will bo voted upon
In the mnnnor and form tollowlntt
"Tho NrbrniVa Hnllwav company
lius inndo the follotvlug proposition to tlio
city ot Omalini
The amended proposition of the Nebraska
Central Hallway company to the city of
Omaha. Nob.
To the Mnror and City Council ot the Olty
nf Omaha. Nob. : Thd utidargiipd. ! the Ne
braska Central Hallway comp.iny , oronotos to
ncqnlro and ta < .o possession of , tor railway
purposes , that ccrtxln tract of land , loc.itod
within the district hnun.lud by Flttcrnth
street , Chlcaio street , Eloronlh stroot. Cali
fornia street , Hnd the rlxht. ot way of the
Umitha Holt Ittllwny oompniiy , except the
KOUlh half of blook .18 , lots : iund4 , block X'S
lot I , and north one-halt ot lots 2 nnd U ,
blook 27 : nnd to meet thproon n union
passoncor depot en the corner ( if Fifteenth
nnd Chlcaco streets , to cost , Inoludlng the
other rallwnv Improvements on said ground * .
not less th n four hundred thousand dollars
. .
Provided , th } ( y ot Omaha , In DouglnH
county , NobrA-ii , will donnto to Iho said
.Nebraska Central lUllway company two
hundnid and fifty thousand dollars ( Ji.W.Ojj )
of Us four ( I ) pur cent boiuls. S100.000 thereof
to bo dated January 2 , ISat , and J1M.OOO thereof
to be dntcd Jnnuury 1 , IS'.il , to boromo due
nnd paynb o twenty yo.irs from their respec
tive dates , with interest payable soml-annii-
ally , all ptyabto nt the lUcil agency ot the
state of Nouraska In the city of Now York.
Said bonds to bo ot the denomination of ono
thousand dollars ( tl.OOO ) each , nnd each
thereof to reel to.
This bond Is ono of a series of two hundred
and lit tyW ( ) bonds ut ilxo amou nt und tenor ,
whkh are Issued by the olty ot
Umaha , In DougUs county. NebrasKa ,
to the Nebraska Central Uatlwity
compiinr , to aid It In iioiiulrlng
laud In the city of Omaha for union depot
anilterminal purposes nnd in UIB construc
tion 'of a union r.-J-hvny passcnt'or depot upon
ground , atifi Its railway tr.xc'o , side
tracks , turnoutji , awltchos nnd approaches
le.ullni tliorolo , and other railway Improve
ments therewith connected. "
Said bonds to bo executed and registered nt
or Immediately after the dates thereof , and
ImmoJIntoly thereafter delivered to the Mrst
Nntlunal bank of Omnhn , Nub. , trustee , to beheld
held In trust for tio'ilvory to the Nebraska Kitllway compiiiv , Its successors or
assigns , by said trustee , In Installments as
hereinafter provided ,
The said Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany plans to construct , or cause to bu i-iin-
structud , n line of rnllwnj In the tate of
IOWH , not less than 11W miles In extent , from
the past approach ot a bridge , which the snld
Nobruskn Contrnl Hallway company has also
planned to construct ovortho Mlssouil river.
rntersoctlng or connoctlni with or roach 1 111 ?
the lines of two or moro of the following rail
way corporation ! , viz :
The Illinois Central Hallway company , the
Wlnona & Southwestern Hallway company ,
the Minneapolis & St. Louis Hallway com-
panv , the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City
Hallway company , the Chicago , Fort Madison
& Dos Molncs Hallwav company , the Atchl-
son. Topokti & Santa' Fo Hallway company ,
the Haltlinoro A Ohio Hallway compuny , the
Ohio A Mississippi Hiitlwav company , tlio Kco-
kukc3tcrn Hallway company , the Qulnoy
ylnmha A Kansas Ulty Hallway company nna
rtie Iowa Central Hailwav company.
oao hundred thousand ( IIOU.OOJ ) dollars of
said bonds shall bo delivered by snld trustee -
too to said Nebraska Central Hallway
tumpuuy , its suuoucssors or IIHSIKIIB ,
when it or they shall have acquired nnd
taken possession of that certain tract
nf land located within the dlstrlat
bounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago street ,
Klovonth street. California street and the
right of war of the Omaha Unit Hallwav com
pany , ( except the south half of blocks 38. lot 3
and 4. blook 28 , lot 1. nnd Ilia north half ot
lots 2 and 3 , block 37) ) :
Provided , that the said ono hundred thou
sand dollars ltloo.030 ] of said bonds shall not
ho delivered until after the said Nebraska
Central Hallway company. Its successors or
nsslgns , shall have coustructoa the said line
of railway In tlm state of Iowa.
Ono hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars
| S150ncO | ot milJ bonds shall be delivered by
said trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway
company. Its successors or assigns , when It or
they shall have completed tlio erection nf a
union passonzer aepoj ; upon said tract of land
ahovo described , to cost. Including the other
railway Improvements on laid grounds , not
loss than four hundrtxl thousand dollars
( MCO.OOO ) : proof ot such test to bo matin by the
sworn'of the president and trans *
urorofB.ild railway compuny , filed with the
city clerk of Omaha , accompanied by cortld-
cata slznod by the olty attorney and city en
gineer , that In their opinion such amount has
actually been expended. If the said Nebraska Central
Hallway company , Its successors or nsulgns.
shall fnll to acquire and take possession of
sala land , ttshiill not bo entitled to rocolvo
any part ot said ono hundred thousanddollars
ttlOO.uuO ) Installment of bonds : and. further
provided , that none of said ono hundred and
Hfty thousand dollars (3150,000) ( ) Installmnnt of
bonds shall bo delivered until at least ono rail
way company In addition to the Nebraska
Central Hallway company shall bo actually
using said union depot ; and ,
Provided further. That tbo mayor and the
city council shall , by resolution , upon the full
performance ot the undertakings on the part
of said railway company herein contained ,
order the delivery of said bonds at the times
aforesaid ; nnd.
Provided tuttbtr..Tbatall matured coupons
shall bo removed and cancelled by said trustee
bolero delivery ot the bonds to whicn
they are attached ; and.
Provided further. That tbo mayor and city
council ot the city of Omaha shall cause to bn
levied on the taxable property ot said city an
annual tax nufllclont for the payment of Iho
Interest on snld loupoa bonds as It becomes
duo. nnd nftor the aspiration of ton (10) ( ) years
from the data of sild bonds the mayor and
city council of said city shall cause to bo
lovlod In addition to ull other tuxes on the
taxable property of snld city an amount of
tax sulHolont to create n sinking fund tor the
puymont at maturity of said bonds , ( Iho
amount of tax to bo levied for such sinking
fund not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars
lars ( } 23rxuDO ) In any ono year ) ; said tax to ba
continued from year to year until tbo said
bonds uro fully paid.
Tlio acquirement 01 toe Bam innns anu im
provements heroin contemplated Inoludlng
the said railroad in lowit. shall bo bojuu
within 0110 year from May 1. 189. , and
be pushed to completion without unnecessary
delay ; and shall bo completed within threa
yenrs from the 1st day of July. 1892 ,
In case any of the terms , limitations , condi
tion * or provisions proponed herein relating to
tbn beginning , progress and completion of
sala improvements are not compiled w.tli ,
( unions delay Is directly and necessarily
caused Jjy Injunction or other judicial pro-
copdlngH , or oy unavoidable accident or act
of Providence ) , the said company shall not bn
entitled to rooolvo said bonds or any thoroof.
oven though the electors of suld olty of Omaha
shall have by their vote authorized the 1s-
suonco of said bonclxi but all right tosald
bonds shnll by such default and without any
judicial determination hocomo forfeited.
Provided , however , thnt if the boglnnln ? ,
progress or completion of snld Improvements ,
shall be delayed or obstructed by any of the
aforesaid causes , the times heroin allowed for
tbe prozress and completion ot said Improve
ments shall bu extended to the extent ot such
delay or obstruction : and should a dispute
urlso between the > uld olty of Omaha nnd the
said Nobrurkn Central Hallway company
with respect to tbecausooroxtont of any such
delay , the aamo at Iho election of said No-
I ranua Central Hallway company , shall bo
referred for determination to a board of ar
bitrators , to be appointed as hereinafter pro
In consideration of receiving the proposed
subsidy the Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany agrees to allow nil railway companlei
tlio following rights : Tbo rlpht to run their
locomotivespntaonxor and freight trains ever
Its main and passing tracts within the city ot
Omuhn ; and over Its proposed brldgo and approaches
preaches , the toutonuoh portion of ltd
terminal grounds , epots and facilities n * ma ;
uo necessary and proper for the conduct ot
tlio business of such roads ; Includ
ing any onlarginont of its ilopot
and depot grounds : tbo right to have
their oars switched and delivered by the No-
hruska Central Hallway coupany upon all of
Its switch trucks : the right to connect their
roads at any point within one hundred (100) ( )
miles of said olty of Omnha with nny line of
railway wulou the Nebraska Central Railway
company , or Its BUOCOSSOIB or ussluns , mny
construct or online to bo constructed east of
the Missouri river , nnd to run tlielr locomo-
tlvos , pussontfer und freight trains ever Iho
main und passing truuk * 01 said railroad )
It being hereby agreed thnt in ease
the Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany shall construct Its proposed line
onst of tbo Missouri river , through the agcnry
of any other corporation or party , It will
causbsuch corporation or pirty to oxooutn
and deliver to ttio olty of Omaha a good and
smtnolent instrument binding It or him to
nblde OT the terms , conditions nnd provisions
of this proposition , the aamo as the said
NobrMHkn Central Hallwiy company would
.havo . boon bound if It had built the Maine.
Leforo delivery of the tfortsnld ono hundred
thousund dollars ( tlooo ; ) installment oi
bonds. ,
Provided , that the use and enjoyment by
such railway companies of oaob and every of
said rlshti shall bo upon just and equal terms
and the payment nf just und fair compensa
tion to tlio Nebraska Central Hallway coic-
uany , Its successors or assigns , und subject to
iuqh operating rules und regulations of the
Nebraska Central Hallway company , IU suc
cessors or assigns , us nil a II bo nocessurr and
proper , just and reasonable.
And tlio aaltt Nobruska Contra ! Hallway
compKuy will submit iin/dliuuUi arising bo-
twoeu It ana such other company or com
panies ni to tlio use iind enjoyment of any
rights under this proposition , or as to tlio
terms , compensation , operating rulea and
rozulutlona , relating thereto , to a board of
arbitrators , to bamaOftup of three parsons
who are Judtioj of the state dUtrlot court , or
Its successor , of the district embracing the
county of Duuglan , to 'bo solootod by n two-
tblrJs rote of all the persons who uro district
judges of Hftld court.
Provided that any such railway company
other than said Nebraska Cnntral Hallway
company. Its successors or assigns , thull have
tbo elootlou to submit any such dlsputo to
arbitration or to pursue any other remedy.
Whor Vitr arbitration Is provided for by
this proposltlnn , tbe party deslrlnx to submit
an tattt rte arbitration shall oauiv to t >
torvod upon the other party n written nalloi
which sliit ! ! ot out thoiuatlor In ( Ilspuls ) ta
bo submitted , nr.d tbo tlmo proposnd for tbo
hearing , which shnll not lie loss than thirty
(3)1 ( ) days after the tlmo of service : and there
upon th ndvorso pirty .shnll within twenty
( W ) days nfter such norvleo upon IU serVe Hi
answer. If any It have , upon Iho pirty do-
tnandmt Iho arbitration ,
The Honr.l of Arbitrators , when orinnlioil.
shnll have power Ui tbwtlmunf \ honrlujt
nnd to adjourn the sixmo from tlmo to time ,
nnd tnmikonll t\ou-o s rv ruins and regula
tions for the produotlon of testimony In the
possession of nlthor pnrtv , nntl ottiartrlso to-
compel a falrjaiul trial : the ol
n majority of the bo ml shall control anil the
final dotormlnutloii ot tlio board nh ill bo final
nnd ronoluslve upon the p irllos , of at ! mat-
tP' SUl"lltOfl | l' | ir 'ir | > ' 1.
Wherever nrbltrrttlon th.itl bo resorted ta
Kiicb iiiMUIMtlon sanil i > uliiOt < tUiU4i\uiotiuMy
ot thii parties ( oxropt as herein ulsuwhoro pro-
v 1.1 oil ) , us to tlio matters anil thin js Involved
nn I decided thoroln.
Said Nebr.isKn Central H.illw.iy company. Its
successors and nstlgns. shall transport frjlfbt
( Including transfer ol freight and all uhnrgos
Incidental to s.ild trnnnportnilim ) over nny
Ill-Hup n > ir1 nnurni Sns , is will ns nvpr * < ttv
rnllwny Itnhnll eonstruot within ono hundred
(100) ( ) miles of the Missouri rlvor within the
state or Nehr.ti > ki. : for justor reasonable r.ttns
or charge < , nnd In ease of dlfforouro ns to
VThat constitutes Just unit reasonable rates or
chitK nn.ior ini ,1.11,1 i1.i,111. tno m.kjtir ulul
citv council or s\lil rtllwny uouinnny may
submit the H uno to arbitration In the manner
nnd to the arbitrators nbovo provided for. bul
this piragraph respecting freight ohaMcs
stfUl not boroino oporatlvo or In force until
flvo years from tbn duto of the delivery ot the
lust Installment ol the bonds hereinbefore re
ferred to.
It Is further proposed thnt Mid bonds nhnll
be dollvarod to the Nebraska I'ontral rnllwny
connuny. Its suiooisorn or nsslgns , only upon
the i < xeeutlon by tbo said Nebraska Contrnl
r.illwny COIIIDMIV or lls suocossors. nnd deliv
ery to thoclty of Omaha of an undnrtnkliu In
wrlllnl to the principal dupot
of said rnllwny com pnny.ltsconornloDlcos nnd
principal mucblnu shops whou built , shnll ba
located and mulntnlncil within the corporate
llmltHof the city ot Omaha , nn I u vlola-
Xlnn of the terms at sitld undertaking by tlio
said Nohr.tRkn Central railway company or Its
siicvessurs or nsslgns , shnll re nil or the said
Nebraska Central railway eomunny , or lls
successors. Indebted to the sal. ) olty ot Omaha
In tlm full amount of s.ild bonds , and Interest
This proposition shall , nfter bolug duly
noknuwlodxod by tlio Nebraska Hall
way company , bo record ml In the olllco of tb
register of dcods of Doiulas county.Nebraska ,
and for a period of twenty ( U ) years from and
utter this date , shtll bu referred to by giving
the book and pngofhoieln the same Is re
corded In nny mortgagedcoil of trust , deed ot
convoyaucK. or lonso of said depot and dotint
grounds , with the statement that the s'lld No-
lirimkn Contrwl rall < KV rnmnnnr. Its siipt-os-
lori and nsslgns , nro bound by the terms , limi
tation ! ! , provisions und conditions ot tun
proposition which nro hereby made lt cove ,
nnots that , utt.ioh to and run with tlio.tmld
property Into whoioovor hands It may coino.
Provluod , that the olty council ot the olty ol
Omnhn , ( the mnvnr approving In dun form )
ihnll enact a certain ordinance ( which nt tlis
data hereof. Is pandlnx consldoratlon before
said council ) , entitled ' 'Anordlnnnco rrantlng
permission HIH ! authority to the Nebraska
ContrHl Hallway compuny , Its successors nnd
assigns to construct rnlfroad track * along ,
across , ever and under certain streets arid
alleys In thoclty of Omnhn subject to certain
condition * , und to vnonto parts of certain
streets nnd alloys In the olty of Omaha upon
compliance with certain other condltlonn. "
And It Is nlsoprovldcd , that It said Nebraska
Contrnl railway compuny shall not , within
forty-five US ) days ot being notified by the
city clerk of the adopt.on ol
tnls proposition at the election
hold to vote upon the sumo , Illo
with the said city olork 1W written ratifica
tion of th s proposition under HB corporate
seal , none of said bonds Bbnll bo Issued , and
all the torniH nnd provisions of this proposi
tion shall bo hold fornaught.
The Nebraska Contrnl Hnllwny company
ncrccfl before nn olcotlon being called to sub
mit to the voters of the city of Omaha this
proposition , that It will execute mid deliver
to snld city a bond with good und sufllotcnt
sureties In the sum of flvo thousand doltnri
( ? 3OOO.CO ) nud flvo thousand dollar * ( tt.WXXCOj
cash , conditioned upon the payment of tlm
expenses of said election.
This proposition and the acceptance threat
by the city of Omaha and the ratification ot
this proposition by said Nebraska Central
Hntlwuy company , or Its succensois or as <
slgnos , ns herein provided , shall bo construed
und understood to constitute a contract
between the snld Nebraska Central
Hallway compuny. Its successors or assigns ,
nnd the Raid city of Omnh.i. nnd all the tannin ,
conditions , agreements and provisions mudl
on the part ot the Nebraska Central Hall
way company In this proposition con
tained are hornby miulo tlio covenant )
of the said Nobrask * Central Hallwat
company , Its successor * and assigns , whlol
shall attach to nnd run with all ot Its flalfl
property nnd bo binning upon nny party intl
whose hands It or nny of It may come.
In witness whereof the said Nebraska Cotv
tral Hallway company bus caused these pros' '
outs to bo executed this 10th day of May. A ,
D. , 1891
Dy .T. n. DUHONT.
Vicu President
Attest : JOHN L. McOAOUE , Sooretary.
[ RSAlt ]
Witness : ALEX. O. OHAHIiTON.
State of Nebraska , )
Douglas County. lss'
On ( his Kth day of Mny. A. D. . 1BOJ. bo fora
me , a notary public In and for said county ,
personally npponrod the nbovo named J. II ,
Dumontand John L. MuCaguo. who iiro to ma
personally known to bo the Identical per *
sons who signed the foregoing Instru
ment as vlco president and secretary of
the Nebraska Central Hallway company :
they aoknowlodgn the said Instrument to oo
the voluntary net nnd deed of the said Ne
braska Central Hnllwny company and their
voluntary act and deed as such vlco president
and secretary of snld company.
witness my hand and notarial sonl the date
Inst nforosald. ALEX. U. CHAHLTON.
ISBAUI Notary Public.
Shall the nbovo and foregoing proposition ba
accepted and adopted , shall said bonds bo Is
sued , rnglsterodnnddallveriiil nnd Rlmll nn : in.
uunl tax In addition to the usual and all other
taxes he lovlod upon the tnxaiilo property of
the City of Omaha , Douglan county , , No-
brnskH , sulllclentto pay the interest on said
bonds 'us It becomes due , nnd at the
tlmo of lovylng the annual cltv tax.
commencing the tenth year prior to thq
maturity of snld bonds , .shall a tax lu
addition to all other taxes bo lovlod upon the
taxnb'o property of said city of Omaha. Dong-
las county , Nebraska , and continued annu
ally thereafter from year to year until there
by a sinking fund shall have been obtained
sufllciont to pay said bonds at the maturity
thereof ?
The above questions shall bn regarded M
ona question uud nil ballots of lo nl voter *
onst at said oloctlnn containing the above
proposition and questions In tlio form of the
olllclnl ballots , to bo prepared by the olty clerk
of snld city lor Bald olootlon , with
un "X" mark following the word "yes"
upon said ofllalnl ballot shall bo counted In
f.ivor of the acceptance of Bald amended prop-
osltlon , the Issuance of mild bonds aim the
luvy of u-ild Uxos In payment of the principal
and Interest thereof : nnd all ballots of legal
voters cnst at said election containing tha
nbovo proposition and questions in the form ol
the olflclal ballot , to bo prepared by tlio
olty clerk of xnld olty for said
oloctlon with nn "X" mark following the
word "no" upon said olllclal ballot Hhnll
bu counted nnd considered na against
the nocnptnnco of sain amended propo
sition , the Usuanco of tvild ImmU and
the levy of Hiild taxes In payment of tin
principal nnd Interest thereof. It two-tlilnli
of ull tlio ballots voted by said lozal voters ol
said city of Omaha. Douglns county. Ne
braska , at said election shall bo o ist In favoi
of the acceptance of Hild : amended proposi
tion , the Issuance of nuld bonds and the levy
of said taxcH In payment ot tbo principal and
interest thereof , the foregoing propo
sition will bo hold to ho adopted und the fore
going questions will bu hold to bo answered In
favor of tlio IMSUUIIOO of mild bonds and tha
levy of said taxes , und the said bonds there
upon Hhnll bo Issued , registered and delivered
In accordance with Iho terms mid condition !
of said amended proposition , and snld taxea
bhall bo levied accordingly ; otherwise not.
Which oloctlon will bo open ut 8 o'clock In
the morning , und will contlnua open until 0
o'clock In tlio afternoon of the unmo duv.
lato.l at Omuhn. Nub. . thl IHth duv ot May ,
Ibl'l ( .Signed. ) GKOHOKP. HKMIH ,
Mayor of tno Olty ot OinalntN
ills , wind mills. lankn , pumps , uto. II , U
Indian Bervlcn. Pine Hldgu Avuncy , Hhunnon
Co. . S. I ) . . May 27th , Ib'Ji-yonlcdprupoHulu ,
ondqi-tfcd "Proposals for llulldlng Miitiirlnl ,
uto. " an the easii mny ho und addressed to the
undornlgncd ut Pine Hldgo Agency , H. I ) . , will
bo recolvud nt this agency until 1 o'clock p. m ,
of Juno 21st. 1MI2. for furnishing mil delfvur-
Ing nt various palntHiui the Pine Hldgo Indliin
reservation to uo doilgnalud l > v tbo uiidor-
Blk-iiei ] , iibonl 2/O.COJ foot of iisaortod lumber :
100.000 shinnies ; UZ wliidowx : 40 doors : ( I.OOU
hrlcksi LM'-O tout of quarter round Iron , hard
ware , paints , rock. Hand , ntu. , also live (5) ( ) tun-
frxitwlnd mills nn < l powerwith tiinku.numpx.
KalvHiilzod Iron pipe , oto. A full lilt
of nil material may bo obtulnod by
application to the nndorxlKnod , Dlddors
mo rouiilrod to sti to Npoclfluully in their
bids the prooicd prim ) of onch nrtl-
ole otfored for delivery under u con tract.
Thu right lx rosorvud to reject uny oral ! bldu
or uny partol uny bid If duemcil for the best
Interest of the service. OicirririKu UIIKOKH- ,
1'Jauli bid muut bo accompanied by n cprttllad
chock or draft upon some United Status do-
poiltory or HOlvont natlonul bnnk lit the vi
cinity of the roildonoti at thu blddur , mnda
puyablo to the order of thu CounuUsloniirof
Indian Affairs for nt least flvo jxjrnont of the
amount of thu proposal , whloli chock or draft
will bu forfeited to thu United Htuto In
any bidder or blddurfreculvlng uu uwurd shall
full to promptly oxoeuto aoontraot with ncxul
and snlllolont uurutlos , othorwloo tu bo ru-
turned to the blildor. , , ldA | | iiurompnnlod by
cash In lieu nf n uortllleu.u.heok will not bu
considered. For further Information us tu
points of delivery , transnortutlou , oto. , apply
to OAl'T. OEOHOK LKliOY IIKUWN. I' ' , r * . A.
Actlug li. 0 , Indlau Agunt.