8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JUNE 1892. DYNAMITE UNDER HIS NOSE Sam Snyder Tolls How Ho Was Hold Up By Thieves. HE WAS IN ON A TRAIN ROBBING SCHEME Sworn to Secrecy HI * Partner * Cnmpnlloil Hint to lllvo Up Sovcnil Thmuumt Dollar * to Cnrry Out tlio 1'luns Other Court Civics. Whether or not At Wdrd and Merit * Golden are guilty of having robboJ Sam Snyder , u pawnbroker , U n question that will soon bo determined , us the case Is now on trial In criminal court. The facts , together with Snydor's state ment , were publlshod exclusively tn TUB BEE aomo weeks 030 , and prior to tlio time of thu police oRlccr.1 ( rolling tboir first pointers. > au3tnuoiit , to that the grand Jury returned uti Inu.ctniont ncd the two raoa were ar rested , As noon as the case was called yesterday mornlup , Snydtr was put upon the at\inlnnd ; told o story that was tntotidcd to freeze the blood. Enrly last December Ward and C3oldon vUlted Snyder's shop , where they BOOH con vinced him that they were train robbers. They told him , so ho said , tuat they bad robbed the Missouri Pucillo ex press truln at West Side and had secured n largo sum at inonoy and valua bles. They needed a man to act cs a fcnco and belp dispose of tbo SUBR. Snydur was not nvcrsa to turning u penny and at once Intimated thai bo would bo a good man to tie to. At dead of nlirht they pllcncu In en lo u dark room , but where no could not romcmbcr. Once there , and blind folded , they administered the most solemn oaths. Ha bound himself not , to divulge any of the secrets. At the point of a revolver and standing upon a box of dynnmito ho swore that ho would bo trun and never re veal the names of any of bis associates under penalty of bavina bis heart cut out and Its Mood nprlnldod upon the door stops of bis friends and relatives. Being oathDoiiod , Snyder was ready for action. ' Tlion They Clot Hln Money. The Tuesday before Now Years , heavers avers that ho was sltllnc In bis shop when Uoldnn entered and told Sam that money was nociled to > carry out n creat xchcmo that would result in placing many thousands of dollars In the pool. Snyder did not tumble , but when ho saw a revolver In one of Uolclon's bands and a satchel full of dynamite in the other ho yielded. Ho wont with Golden to tbo west end of the Farnnm street car Hue and there ho wus blindfolded and taken Into a vacant bouse wbcro a dozen or moro men were sit ting about the room with masics ever their facrs. Th'cn a tale was unfolded by which It was proposed to ditch and rob nn express train. What train It was tbo witness could not remember. Again ho swore to reveal nothing and was conducted back to his rooms. There ho agreed to pay $300 to help carry the scheme through. The next morning Ward carrylnc that vullso full nf dynumlto called for the money. Snyder was not In clined to shell out , but when Ward said , "Puy up or I will blow us both into h ll,1' lie at onuo went to the sai'o and counted nut the money. Two days Inter both XVnrd and Uolden called at the store. They wanted more money , this tlmo $000. Sam pleaded tbat his Hnnnccs worn de pressed , but n train the bag containing the dynamitn wus exhibited and n throat , "Pay or doivn you go. " This brought him to tlmo and to thu Omaha National bank bo went , when the money was drawn nnd dcllvciod. On January 2 Sam Snyder swore that tl-eao two men held him up for f > 5 more. Not satisfied with that on January 5 bo paid them ? GaO , nnd ngain , on January 10 , ho paid over 313. All of this tlmo ho was imuentlv waiting for the train robbery scheme to develop , but concluding that it would not do so , at last ao went to tbo police , where ho poured the story of his troubles Into tno oars bf tbo chlof of police. Other Court Doings. In .Tudgo Koysor's court the case of Ed ward T , and John Welch against tlio city of South Omatm is on trial. The plaintiffs own n lot on Q street , near Twenty-seventh. Tbo city council ordered a change of grade which placed tbo level of their lot llftocn foot below tbo street lino. They think that they should have Ri.OOO damages. At noon the Jury wont to South Omaha to view the promises. Judpo Irvine la hearing testimony in the cnso of Molklo & UIlov who are seeking to foreclose a mechanics' lien of J3.200 which they hold against the First Methodist Kpls- copal church. The church people claim that tbo debt has boon paid. Willis nnd William Kololr , together with Frank Noir , were arraigned in Judge Davis' court , whore they all pleaded not guilty. The three men were charged with having entered the barn of A. N. Hugo of South Omaha and in tbo nleht tlmo stolen therefrom thirty hens , a grindstone and twelve bin. "Haven't got a lawyeri" askeJ the court. "No , sir , " answered tbo tbreo inon In one voice. "Not had ono for six monthsl" They said they had not , an'l then Will Slrncral was appointed to help tbo men provo that they were not common chicken thlovos. Clerk of the Courts Mooros received an order from the supreme court today which states that pending the motion for a now trial Alfred U. Griffon , who was convlctnd of forgery , shall bo released on bonds. In the case of Sar.ih J. Lisco against tbo Bankers Life association of Dos Memos , on trial in Judge Ferguson's court , the jury found for the plaintiff , returning n verdict of $ . ' ,000 with W 11.79 interest. The husband nf the plaintiff had a policy of Ufa Insurance in the sum of $2,000 issued by tbo dofonunut. Some two years ago ho died and payment was refused , the dofoiiso being sot up that the deceased made false statements In his application for insurance. rcdcrul Court AllUlrs. Attorneys having cases in the federal court will need to bo on the move now If they wish to have them tried this term , ludgo Ittnor of the circuit bench has ar rived , and the business of tbo toim will bo pushed with the utmost celerity. Judge ttlnor will remain in Omaha only r.bout a week , going from here to Loavonw orth , Ivan. Ivan.Tho The ease of the United States against W. C. Lolghtv , formerly n postal.clerk , on a charge of sending threatening and black mailing letters through the mails xvu * taltcu up this morning. It scorn ? that Lelghty desired - sired to take tbo short cut In the business of ai-cumulatlng money uud his scbomo failed to work without moro or loss friction. Ho Is charged with Bonding letters to Mr. It. C. Outcalt of Lincoln , Neb. , in which Mr. Lolghty pleasantly informed Mr. Outcalt that ho ( Llchly ) was poi- Bossoi of information that , if revealed to Urn publlo nnd particularly to Mrs. Outcalt , would uauso Mr. Outcalt a vn amount of troublo. All tbli alleged informa tion could bo suppressed by the payment of a sum of money , so tno accused statea In his loiter to Mr. Outoilt. The case against Daniel Farrell will prob ably bo taken up immediately after the Lclnlity case Is disposed of. Mr. II. Dosiwlclc. now of Seattle , but formerly president of the City National bank of Hastings , rs'ob. , was arraigned on n charge of false certification of checks during his career in the bunit at Hastings. Ho pleaded guilty to tbo charge and wiw iluod 5150 mid cots. Mr. Uostwlok paid bis line and was released. This Is a Bcquol to tbo failure of the Cltv National oank of Hustings two years ago and the subsequent - sequent litigation ever the matter In which Mr. Klscmoro , Mi. Diotz and other * were in terested. It has boon charged all along by 80IUO nf the prominent men coajvectoJ with the affair that Uostwlok was guilty 01 certain - tain Irregularities of a very serious nature. Helms oscauod with lighter punishment than that predicted by tboio who claimed to know the inside workings of the husiutss wntuh brought financial ruin and a great ioal ! of trouble to half a dozen citizens of llasilti gi. Judeo Hlnor hold court in the small court mom in the afternoon and Judtco Duudy uon- tlnued the hearing of the Lolghty CIUQ In thu larifo room. Judge Hlnor took up law cases. _ < i llcgUtrurn ( U'ltlne Heady. Thlt morning the registrars of election will call ou the city clerk lor their books aud paper * . At the same tln.o they will rccolvo their Instructions ni to the duties which tbov will be expected to perform. Friday Is the first day on which the regis trars will sit. After that they will bo In session on Juno 4 ana U , Tbo old registration of or.o year ago will not answer , for If men expect to vote "yes" or "no" upon the bond question they must register. _ it u Xot.Wlmt WP Sny But what Hood's'Sarsaparllla dee % that makes It sell and has given It such n llrm nnd lasting hold upon the confidence of the pee ple. The voluntary statements of thousands of people provo beyond question that tnla preparation possesses n wonderful medicinal power. Hood's ' Pills euro constipation by restoring the peristaltic notion of the alimentary cuual. They are the best family cathartic. Dr. Culliraoro. oculist. B.JS building I'lit Chicago In Your Pocket , A great work , "Monvn's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there Is n feature or insti tution in the World's fair city n full ( In scription of which docs not nppour in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price. 26 cents per copy. For s\lo : nt 209 Itarnld building , OhlciiKO. See the now , complete - ploto and elegant map it contains. Por- eons ordering copies will plonao enclose 0 cents extra for postage. " " AT TWENTIETH""AND DOUGLAS. Slto Finally I'lirchtueil for tlio Omaha Club's i'n rm tin out lluinci. Yostcrdav Mr. If , W. Yutes ended the uncertainty surrounding the now site for the Omaha club by nurolmslng the Q. M. Hitch cock property at Twentieth nnd Douglas streets , 03x100 , the lot extending to the south line of tbo alloy botwcon Douglas and Dodge streets , n laid out in the old city plat , the price being ? 20,400. The board of directors will meet weekly hereafter until the affairs of the club are so arranged that work may bo begun , which will probably bo within the next month or two. two.While plans for the now club house have not been prepared , some of tha directors nro opposed to tbo Idea of asking plans from architects In the city unon n basis of compe tition and it is thought an architect will bo selected and ho will bo asked to draw plans for the now bulldlnc. thus avoiding the Jealousies that universally cron out over rjval sets of plans. Under the terms of the agreement the final payment on the ground must be made within ninety days , and the board of direc tors have called In 15 per cent of the ilrst. assessment to malio the first payment of 55,000 on the property. The balance of the assessment will bo called In sixty nnd ninety days. Just as soon as the plans are prepared cround will bo breton , it being the intention of the directors to make un for tlmo lost tn considering propositions for other lots of fered them. To Cleanao the System Effectually yet gently , when costive or bilious or when the blood is impure or slug- pish , to pormtinontly euro habitual constipa tion , to awaken the kldnoys and liver to a healthy activity , without Irritating or weak ening them , to dispel headaches , colds or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. SpectaclesDr. Cullitnoro,22l Bso oldg Drunkenness. A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless nnd effectual. Refer by permission to Bur lington Ilnwlteyo. Send 2c stamp for pamphlet JShokoquon Gnomical Co. , Burlington , la. Put Chicago In Your I'ockot. A great work. "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city a full de- scrintlon of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hear of it Price , 25 cents per cony. For sale at 20D Herald buildingChicago. Soothe now , complete and elegant map it contains. Persons ordering copies will please en close 0 cents extra for postage. SLOOOOO PRESIDENTIAL PROPHECIES AO. I PROPHESY THAT WILL HE NOMINATED FOR PRESIDENT " BY.TUB REPUBLICAN RATIONAL CONVENTION AT MINNEAPOLIS AT 31. ON JUNE . , ; . . . , 1EO ? , STATE : IO , BOX OB STREET KO , STREET TUB OMUIA BEG will present a 81,000.00 life In&uranoo policy paid up for ono year in the National Life Insurance company of Vermont , M. L. Uoodor , manager , to the first person sending In the closo&t estimate in accord mi co with the ubovo coupon. Coupons will bo numboied In their order of receipt at this ofllco. Incomplete or muti lated coupons will bo rejected. This coupon will bo printed dally until the Issue of Juno C. No coupons will bo received after Juno 0. Date of convention , Juno 7 , 189.3. Bond In as many coupons as you ploiso. Address all prophecies to "Presidential Prophecies , " lee ! Ofllco. SCALPING CONVENTION SEATS Smooth Scheme of Bomo Minneapolis Ticket Brokers to Coin Cash , DELEGATES ASKED TO SELL PRIVILEGES An Impoiltlon on Hospitality Tlmt the No- brnslm Delegate * Don't Ilrijoy 1'liins of the I.ocnl Republicans for Coin cut Ion AVoole. Present Indications are tbat on or before the 7th Inst. many a good republican will have reason to wish tbat Omaha instead of Minneapolis had secured the national con vention , and nil because of nn unworthy scheme on the part of some fakirs of the Mlonoapolls crowd to trade In con vention tlcKcts for their own llnaucial bono- tlt and nl tha expense of republican visitors from all over the country. It is openly in serted that , not content with holding out tickets that properly belong to the delegates , the Mluiieanolltnns are ondcavorlngto pur chase the tlukots allotted to each delegate , with thu expectation of reaping a financial harvest after they have their corner well Ei'curcd. That such was their purpose was evidenced ] ust after tto Kearney con vention , when letters were sent lo local politicians asking for the names of tbo delegates and alternates elected , with some information as to the probability of soiling out their constituents by disposing of the ticket ? tbat would ho given them for a good round sum. Of course , the writer didn't ' word It just that wnv ho wanted to know what delegates ' \\oulilprobably consider such a proposi tion favorably. " Whether no answer was sent , or whether the reply was unsatisfactory is unknownbut at any rate the Flour city specula tors concluded to make a clean sweep nnd try every delegate. Thus it happened that the Nebraska dele gates are in receipt of a circular letter of which the following Is a copy. MiNNRAi'OLis , Minn. , May 26 , 1832. Hon. Dear Sir : As delegate to the rouub- llciiu national convention you will bo entitled to from four to six tickets for the entire ses sion. Uoprescntlns u bUito some distunes from Minneapolis , wo tuko It for granted that but few , It any , of your constituents will bo In at tendance , such belli ) ; thu case yon will no doubt desire to dispose of some of your tickets. It It with this In view thut wo tal < u the liberty of uudr2ssln ; you. You will llnd enclosed uu uicrconiQnl , whluh. If signed itnd returned to us , will Insure the sale of sroli tickets as you niiy : wish to dispose of , mill prompt receipt of the money for same on your arrival. Kindly glvo this your Immediate attention , ns It will bodllllcult to dispose of the tickets if tlio vrlthln contract Is not received by us at au early dato. CONVENTION EXOIIANOK OOMPAST. Per P. N. The enclosed agreement reads as follows : 1892. In consideration of an iizrocmont on the Convention Exchiiniro company to 11 ml pur chasers for tickets for the entire - tire session of the republican na tional convention to bo held In Minneapolis , Juno 7 , 18D2 , I hereby agree to dollvor to s-ild company at their omen , 243 Lumber KxchutiRO building , on or before Juno 7. Ib'J- , said tickets ut tlio following prices : Gallery tickets , J1J ; dross circle tickets , { 15. Signed Address To Convention Exchange Company , 210 Lum ber Exchange , Minneapolis , Minn. "Nico way of doing business , ain't it1' de manded the indignant Nebraska delegate who turned ever his communication to u re porter for Tun Dec. "Thoso Minne apolis fakirs deliberately insult every member of the party by sending such com munications as this to Us delegates. They virtually ask us to sell out our friends at 810 or S15 each , nnd have the cool effrontery to asic us to reply Immediately as to whether or not the price Is satisfactory. "No Nebraska delegate will soil a ticket. Ho couldn't afford to do it oven If 'BO dis posed. I have personally had ever iiOO appli cations for tickets , and I suppose , the. other delegates are similarly situatau. Nebraska isn't so far away as thcso Mlnnoanolls follows pretend to think. They need not bo alarmed about our not being able to dls- pose . .of tickets without their assistance. Cvory ticket that falls to our share will glvo n Nebraskan admission to tbo convnn- vontlon , and ho won't bo charged 30 or $10 for the privilege either. " The Nebraska delegation will leave the Webster street depot nt 5 o'clock Saturday evening , ever the Sioux City & Pacillc road\ Twosleepors have boon preserved for them , and every onoof tbo sixteen delegates and the sumo number of alternates will go along , many of them being accompanied by their wives. The delegation takes handsomely litho graphed credentials with it- the artistic autograph of Brad D. Slaughter , chairman of the Kearney convention , having boon at tached thereto yesterday. The Nebraskans will wear tin bats , and after they arrive in Minneapolis Sunday evening they propose to tip the town ever u time or two. All that the delegation from this state will ask in tbo mattnr of organization is that Walt Seely bo made deputy sergount-at- nrms , and the national committee stands ready to concede it. The contingent of telegraph talent for the Minneapolis convention from this city to transmit Morse for the Western Union com pany , comprising Messrs. W. A. Hooper , W. K. Wnkeflold , H. C. Class , .Too P. McOratb , W. Henderson and J. H. Owens , will leave Friday evening to commence their labors. Some twenty moro from Denver , St. Louis and other points will pass through the city at the same time. WKEPISO WATER , Won. , Oct. 23 , " 93. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought the third bottle of your Tree of Lilfo. It Is indeed a "Trco of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right sldo was so lame and sore and my liver en larged so much that I could not Ho upon my right sldo at all. There was a soreness ever ray kldnoys all of the time , but now that trouble Is all ever , I sloop just as well on ono sldo as on the other , and my nleop rests and refreshes mo , and I fool the best 1'vo felt in fifteen years , and I know that it Is all duo to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly , D. P. Duumr. For sale by all druggists. Put Chicago In Your i'oclcet. A groit : work , "Mpmn's Dictionary o Chlctiffo. " If there is a feature or insti tution in tlio World's fair city a full de scription of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hear of it Price. 25 cents per copy. Per sale at 200 Hornlu building , Chicago. Boo the now , com plete and elegant map it contains. For * sons ordering copies will please enclose C cents extra for postage. Got Ilor Hubby In Troublo. J. H. Snyder aud his good loaning wl fo were In court again yesterday and ogaln it was all on account of the wlfo. She Is the woman who played the leading part in a South Omaha sensation and told a story of drugged wine , forcible abduction , tall men in cloaks , disreputable houses , which subse quently proved to bo full of air holes , Tuesday Mrs. Suydor started an niter- cation with some of the neighbors in which her husband participated on bis return bomo from work. Ho was arrested and lined for throwine bricks with Intoat to hit someone. His wife paid tbo lino. "Loto to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your bomo in tbo skies. " But early to bed aud a "Little Early KUo'- , " the pill tbat maues lifo longer and better aud wiser. Highestof all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S , Gov't Report PURE ROUTIPRN RRMY. _ How the .Worst Invasion of Modern Tdftncs Is Absolutely Ovorcoano Hints of Gno t Value. Mien men or woman Mel dcprc'scd or debllttntcil nttho prcfont dxr.Mlls common to n "I think t linvo matnrln.Vhititi nmlntla ? It Is only germs thnt KOI Into tbo Wrtrt Bcrm.i tlmt tlirlvo nnil Incrciua unions thcr fO kllloil ! ( terms that worm tticinfclvcsnll thfoHBlitlio Jjsteni ! perms tlmt ruin the hcnllli anil nmlernilnothallfo. They are degree- * lvo , tliojr TccJ upon the boily , thujr must bo Mlleit. Many things wlilch tonTe been mlvocnlcil for kllllnu thc OKCrmiwll | n tile o. U lifts been thoiiKhl tlmt quinine wou'il nccompllth tills , but many | > ooplo can not Inko quinine ) It disagree * with thctni It often nauseates. His known , however , that piiro spirits taken In moderation will kill and entirely exterminate the worst army of germs which over Invaded the sys tem. Thoytannotwllhstnnillt. Umlor the Influence of Iiuio . tlmulant < i tlio germs are killed , ami tlio boily Is Urcngtbcnoil to expel them from tbo system , ami thni restore tbo bca'th. It sboiilil not be nnilerstooil , however , tbat all splr Its will ilothH , few will. It requires tomcthln ? upo dally pure , nnil specially rte lgneil for ttih purpose , nmltlmt Is iirrclscly what DutT/'s 1'uro Malt Wlilsky Is. Ills n nclonllilo , mcillclnal preparation , Ililocs not rank with the onllnnry wlilsklos , bulls specially rteslgnoil for fortifying the boily ami ropelllnK disease. It has tbo highest endorsements of doctors and scien tists ! Ills wonJorfully popular bccuuio It Is so cffl. clcnt and powerful. Do not bo deceived Into tlio use of anyotbor , for there Is no otber preparation upon the market luat enn accomplish what Is accomplished by Duffy's I'uro Malt , You will Una Unit It Is kept by reliable druggists and grocers. Female Weakness , , Catarrii , i Rheumatism , AND AM , Chronic , Nervous anl Private Diseases. Drs. Searles and Searles AcKnowlodRcd to bo tbo most succcsoful suo- cliilhts In all 1'itivATE , ULOOD , Ncuvous , SKIN AND UlllNAHV DISEASES , . Oonorrhrai .in from U to 0 days. Syphilis cured without Mercury. ( VITALITY WKAK ) , Made so by too close appli cation 10 business or stiiilyi severe mental strainer or grlofi HK.XUAT , KXClCSSKri In mlildlo life , or vicious liablls conlractcd In youth. WKAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO NKHVOUS DK- niLlTV or KXIIAUSTION , WASTING WKAKNESS JNVOI.UNTAHV US8K8 with KAIlIjY DECAY In YOUNO and Ml 1)1)1 , U AOKDi lack of vim , vigor and strength , wltli aoxunl organs Impaired and wcakonenod proinaturely In approacblna old ago. WIIKN W15 SAY OUItK Wo spoik from know ledge of I'KUMANKNT IlKdUI/l'a In many caso- treated and cured In pasttwolvo years. 1'ILUS , FISTUL.V AND ItKCTATj UI.CEI13 cured without imlu or Uctonllon trooi business. HYDltOCKM ! AN VAHICOCKt.E pcrmancnstl and successfully cured. 8TUICTUHK permanently cured , removal corny ploto , without cutllQu ; , caustic or dilatation. Cure nlleclcd ut bomd by pntlcnl wltbnul a moment's pain or annoyance. Consultation free. Call on or address with stamp Drs. Searles & Scarles , tVIANHOOO RtlSTOWED. "CANATIVO , " the Wonderful Hpanleh Itpnicdy , la fold with a Written guarantee locuro all ACIVOUB Dis eases. euch asVcat Memory , Ixiss of nraln Power , Headache , Wakcf nlnoi' , Los t Man * hood.'Nervousncss - 'sltudc , all dialns and Before & After Uso. loss 'of power of the Photographed from life. Gcncratlvo Organs In i. . . . . M- . ! cither. , ecx , caused by orcr-tiertlon , youthful lndUcrrtlonscr the cxce&slra isc oMobacco , opium , oc stlrnulauta , Silch ultliimtcly lead U.lnflriiiUy , sumpllou nnd Insanity. 1'ut up In convenient form to tarrv In tlio veil pock . rileo 11 a packnge , or 0 for $3. With every $5 order we gtr a written 'guarantee to cure or refund the money , bent by mnll lo any mtdrcu. Circular free In plain envelope. Mention Ibis paper. Address , MAOHID CHEMICAL CO. . Branch Office for U.S. A. 35S Dearborn Street. CHICAGO , ILL. 'FOR SALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , BY KHQE & Co. , Co.r 1Mb. & Douglas Sts. J .A. Fuller & Co. , CorUtli & Douclas Eta. DB.'E.O. WEST'S NKKVBAND BKAINTIlttAT- MKNT. a speclllo lor Hystorla. DUtlnoss , Flti , Nou- ralgla , Headache , Nervous 1'rostraton caused by alcohol or iobs.cco , Wakofulnuss , Mental Doores- elon , Sollness of tbo Urala. oauslnz Insanity , misery , decay , daalh. 1'romitiiro Old Ago , IJarrcnass. Ijon or rower In either tax , Impotency , Loucorrhoa anl nil l < onalo Weaknesses , Inroluntarr Losiai , SPDP matorrhea caused by over-exortlon of tha brain- Self-abuse over-indulgence. A month' * troatmon : II , G for f > , by matt. Wo guarantee six boxes to ou ro Bach order forb boxo i. wlta $ i will ound wrlt'.an Buarantie to rotund If not euro J. Guarantee Issai I only by A. Hchroter , druggist , tola agent , southjnr corner leth and Farnam ets. Omaha. BETTS&BETTS The Kings ol Specialists. For 27 Tears the names of DM. ' Uottu tt Beits bav * beaa household words In the homes of thousinds of people who htvo been rescued from the Jiws of death through tU won- dorfulablltx.tb8 ! nistchless skill of these treat muttri of medicine and urK ry , wbtw * kindness and benev olence , wboMiself'tacrtnclng devo * lion to ta witliiro of tbolrfellow- mtn will erenilve in the tieaiti of a grateful ptoDia. NERVOUS , , PBIVATB , EHvOOD , They SKIN BEXUAt , , , Dis- Cure KIDNEY 14VFR , , eases. IIHINARY , EEOTAL , \ OHGANIO AND ALL TRICTTJRB , YPH11O8 , S KMINAt , WEAKNESS , PEKMAJOHHHCEA , 6 ' , LBET. G' EWEKAI , AND NEHVOUS : DEBILITY , Dydroccle and Varlcocele , Files , rislula and Rectal Ulcers Permanently cared by a method at once iafe , eeltaln , pilnleii and sue- cenlul. The anful cnteti f eailr Ttce and ezeenlve Indulgence ! , mulling la Iota of manhood and premature dec - c y , quickly and permanently ic- UoreQ. _ _ _ _ _ CONSULTATION FUGE. Call upon oraddreii with itimp , Drs. Belts & Belts , 110 South 14th Bt. N. 14 Corner Mth and Douglni Sts. Were icre ? Were you in that great big crowd of humanity that surged through every aisle and every open space in. our store , last Saturday ? That good natured crowd that pushed and scrambled and hauled and jostled and joked That crowd that grew larger and larger till we were compelled to close the doors in the faces of hundreds more that were trying to get in ? It was great. We didn't expect that halt the men in Omaha wanted the best five dollar suit on earth but they did. Today we place on separate tables in the center of the store These vests are both single and double breasted. They are in ducks marseilles piques penangs. They are in plain white -white with wide stripes and narrow stripes white with big checks and little checks white with big plaids and little plaids white with little figures-- ? ' and big figures tans blues mottles mixtures figures and stripes f and plaids and checks in every imaginable shade and color under the sun and a few colors that would make even the man in the moon wish he could stay out day times and wear one. Not a vest in the lot worth under a dollar lots of'em worth a dollar twenty-five dollar'n a-half dollar seventy-five and once and a while a two dollar fellow ? bobs up serenely. Till they're gone you can take your pick of the entire - * tire lot for "rn Don't wait till they're all gone and then kick come now. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Scaled proposals will bo'rccclvcd by the un- tlcrslRncd until 1'IJ : o'clock p. in. . Juno 17th , IS'.C' ' , for the following kinds of paving ma terial. viz : Sheet nspliAltum. Sioux Fulls or other crnnlto. Wblto Colorado siiudstone. Kcd Colorado sandstone. Woodruff. Kansas , stono. Vitrified brick : " And brick blocks , all nccordlnir to specifica tions of 18U2 , as modified by tbo resolution adopted by tlio Board of Public Works at Its meeting of May aist , 189i. For paving Dart of tlio following streets , avenues and alloys In tin ) city of Omaha , coiu- nrlsed In street improvement districts Nos. 4-a , 424. 4:8 : , 42(1. ( 427 , 43M20. 439 , 421 , 43 : . ' , Ml , 414 , 4Ti , 430. 437. 438. 4J9 , 410 , 441 , 442 , J . 444. 445. 410. 451. 453. 451 , 45 % 450 , 457. 458 , 451) , 40U nnd'402. ordered Imnrovod by ordlnunco Noa. 3,083 nnd ; ' .U80 , and for renavlnc street Improvement districts INos. 350 , 447 and 450 , ordered repavod by ordinance No , 3.0S5. and more particularly described as follows : No. 359 I'arKorSOtli avenue , from Lcavon- wprth street to HlcUory street. T < o. 445 Alloy In block /lauscom place. No. 447 Leaven woi Hi street , from iho west line of 10th street to west line of S3th u venue. No. 42.1 < ith street , from the south line of Pierce street to the north line of Hickory No. 434 Lortvcnwortli street , from the west line of 10th street to the cast line of lllh strrot. No , 475 12th street , from the south line of Jones street to the north line of Loiivonworth street. No. 420 Spencer street , from Sherman av- cniio to Slth street. No. 427 hatbrop street , from Sherman av enue to 18th street. , . . No. 4'J8 Hurt street , from the west line of 15th street to the oust line of inth street No. 429 Spruce street , from the west line of 22d street to tbo eust line of H4th street. No. 430 Cuss street , from 22d street to 21th No. 431 Mason strent.from 20th street to 29th avenue. . , . No. 4:12 : Mnson street , from the onst line of EOth htroot to the oust line of Hist street. No. 43J-32d street , from tlio north line of Euclid place to tbo north line of Woolwortli No. 431 California street , from 13th street to No435izard ! street , from 12tb street to 14th 8 Na 4'0 : ; I'nrkcr street , from 21th street to the eust line of 20th street. Uo. 437 Howard street , from 24th street to " No. 43 $ Chicago street from 22d street to 23d No. 430 O.ildwol I street from 24th street to the west line of Shlnn's addition. No. 440 Sherman iivenno from south line of Grand iivenuo to Forthtroet No. 441 tfJIh street from Kiirnam street to the north line of Davenport street , No. 412 Davenport street from 39th street to No.B44a 40th street from tliu south line of Davenport street to CiimniK street. No. 444 Mudlson nvcnun from 14th street to Shoriiinn avenue. No. 440 Chicago street from 2jth street to 20tb street. No 450 St. Mary's avenue between the west line of 2Gth street and tbo eust Hue of 27th No. 451 17th street from Harnoy street to * No.45l The alloy from nd street to 24th stcoctln I'IIUIEOII'H addition. No. 45510th street from tfurnam street toNe No , 4Vl .8th street from the south line of t'opploton uvonuo to north line of Woolwortli No. 457 Davenport street from 24th street to tatb street , all In the city of Omaha. No. 458--CiihB btruot from went line of 24th street to 108 feet west of 25 street. No. 4rW"Oiiss strcut from the east line of 24th struct to tbo west line of 24th street. No. 453"Iliirullton street from the west line of 40th Htrt-ot tn the caul line of the viaduct of tlio Kelt Linn Ilnllvmr , No. 401-Alley In block 233. city. , 402--AlIoy in block 10 , Kountzo 4 ; Ruth'o addlUo.ii. , , , 'Kaeh hid to specify a price per square yard forthe paving mid reunvlnu compluio on ouch street , iivenno nnd iilloy separately In fiuld Improvement districts. work to bodono In accordance with plnns nnd HpoulUentlons on lllo lu thu otllco of the board of 'public works. , . . , , , , Kneli proposal to bo nmdo on printed blunKs furnUhed by the bourd. and to bo iiecoiu- umiled by a oorllllod cheek In the follpwIiiB fo ? the different districts : UlstrletB. Bums ' 47 4"8 fxj 4')0 4U1 , 412 , 431 , 4117 , 4 W , i 4I1. s u5 fa < S * T , m w , i unit 40 % 1100 anch. D Utrlots. 4SJ , 480 , 4Jt , 415 , 430 , 4w" : 440 , 44 , 44'l and 3.VJ. ( SOO each , And dls- trlet4l7 ; I.WK > , pnyablototho city ofOmaba , as mi evidence of coed fultli. The board rcsorvoi the rl ht to nwiird tbo contract on all the said districts together oren on ouuli rtUtrlct Kopiiratoly. Hubject to tbo so- reject any or all bids und to wnfvo defo-us. - Mnrnliluo Ilntt'.l .cir < dlnlUtaOdt ! ) > , SCHOOI. Unlvcrsltr > proiiuratury , ( KHtuhlUhcd Ib'ft. ) UMIUAtiu , II.I.I.NOI.YOUIIJ Ladles Children , for further imrtloular iiildroai ' ' KcuooiSwiirttlrloAvo.1Chlougo NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL , FOR PAVING. lo the owners of lots und land frontliiR up on street Improvement districts numbered una described us follows : No. : I3 ! ) 1'arls or S th a.venue from Loavon- wortli Btreot to Hlckorr street. No 44 ) Alloy in block : i , Hanseom Place. I\o44T IiOiiVLMiworth Htieot from tlio west line of 10th street to west line of 20th nvo. No4'.M Gth street from the south line of Pluruu street lo the north line of Hickory street. I > No 4'.4 Loavoiiworth street from tlio wust line of 10th street to the east line of lllh Btruot. No 423 12th street from the Kouth line of Jones street to Uio north Hue of Leavcnworth street. ' " No 420 Socncer street from Sherman avo- nno to"Jtli struct. No 427 Tjaihrop street from Sherman avenue - nuo to 18th street. No 4''S Hurt street from the west line of 15th street to the east line of 10th street. No 420 Spruce street from the west line of 22d street to the east line ofIth street. No 4UO-Cuss street froui " d street to CMiH street. No 4111 JIason street from 20th street to 29th avonuo. No 13'J Mnson strcr.t from the cast line of GOth street to the east line of Hist street. No 4n ; o.'d street Irnm tlio ncirlh line of Eu clid Place to the north Hue of Woolwortli ave- nuo. nuo.No 434 California street from 13th street to 10th street. No 4ij : Izard street from 12tli street to 14th street. -i-r.irlor : ! street from 24th street to the east line of 20th street. No 4U7 Seward street from24th strcut to23th street. No 4ti8 Chicago street from 2Jd street to 23d street. No 439 Caldwell street from 24th street to the west line of Slilnu'H addition. No 440 Sherman iivenuo from south line of Grand n venue to Fort stroot. No 411 Uilth street from l''urnum street to the north line ( if Davenport stroot. No44J Uuvonport street from Hutu slroot to 40lh stroot. No443 40th street from the south line of Davenport street to Cumin ? street. No 441 Madison uvonuo from 11th street to Sliormnn iivenuo. No 410 Chicago street from west line of 23th strcot to Sfltli street. , No 450 St. Miiry's avenue from the west line of'Gth street to the east line ofTtli Htroot. No 4.rl 17th street from Hurnuy street to St. Mary's nvciuic. No434-Tho ulloy from 22nd street to Slth street In I'aulsen'a addition. No 4Sj iitlh slrcot from Fariium strcot to llnrnoy street. No 450 23th street frnm the south line of Popploton iivenuo to the north line of Woolworth - worth a Venn i ) . No 4.17 Davenport street from 24th street to 23th strcot. No WS--CIIBS street from west line of 24th street to 193 feet west of 23th Htrnct. No 45'J Uuss street from east line of 21th struct to wnst Hub of 24th street. No. 43. ! Hamilton street , from the west line of 40th slrcot to ( he east Hue of the vluductof tlio llelt Line railway. No. 4(11 ( The alloy fn block 859. city , nnd No. 40- The alloy In hlook 10. Kouiitze & Huth's addition. Inthoelty of Omaha nnd subject to the as sessment for the puvliiB and ropavluh' of the You nro hereby notified In pursuance ( if or dinances Nos 3033 und 110311 , passed and up- proved May ill , 181)2 ) , to select and determine upon the Kind of material to ho used In puv- Ilia or rojmvlnir said Improvement ( llstrlcts on orhoforotlioU'itli ' day of Juno. 1BJ : , or the mayor and city council will determine said ' " ' " ' "i'f sh "o't asphalt IB petitioned for by property owners , they must slate In llielr pnlltlon for puvlnYwhothor pltnh.liiUo. land or oveillow , Oalltornliv mphiilt Is < ) . " . - . or Dated utOmahu. Noh. , this 2nd day nf June , 18W' p. W. WIIKIIAUSBU. Chttlrmaii Hoard of i'ubllo Works J " * * " Tooth-Food. This medicine for babies prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by pulling children to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no "harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which arc lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet nnd babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI , O. TRADE MARK. RHILWRYT1MECHRD. Lcnros ( CHICAGO. Mil * fc til * . COnmtia ) U. I * . dopotiintlMaray _ _ _ _ feta. 6,45 p ml Ml. t'oul l.lmltoJ Is so named because It Is tbo quintessence of , or carefully selected , whiskey. It ia as smooth , nutritious nnd wholesome an cream. Asa beveraKn or medicinal stlm1v II ulant it lias no equal and is far superior * . .J to whiskies distilled from corn , ( known aa Bourbons ) . You may know it by it * delicious flavor and the proprietary bet xf tie in which It is served. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. Call for Crtam J'lire Kye and take no other. . 3 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.