Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Qnlck Forgatfnlness Was tbo Fata Ac
corded the Corn Corner.
Wcntlier Condition ! Were the Chief Fcntnro
of the Day' * Transaction * 1'riine Ilo-
ported ttio Situation Lou I'av-
ornblo Tlmn LnitVcok. .
CIIICAOO , III. , Juno 1. Quick forROtfulncss
mil tlio f itto accorded tlio corn corner today.
Then } was 11 llvoly market to contend with ,
anil It do.nandod nil the attention of tlio
trade. The chief feature In tlio market was
tlio woatlur , un.l It w.-ii onatijli. Hundreds
of stations throughout the corn bolt reported
another nlghtof heavy ruin and no prospect
of a lot u p. Meisigoi from tlic country nil
tlin way from ICittms Olty to Indianapolis
nrcro of a most discouraging character , I'rltnu
ruportoJ tlio condition * lo f.ivorablo than
tan < liyi : u o , and snlil that no corn can bo
planted In Illlnoli , Uh o or Indiana this weak.
Moro than nil this the lloor was p rutty well
-iprlnklud with countrymen who are on hand
to got on tlio bull sldoof corn nnd oats In ex
pectation of liUhor prices when the damage Is
fully undo Ntood. *
Tlio rnlirUGl opened with a decided outgo of
Icor more , There was alltllo rouctlon caused
by selling on the bulge , when a second ud-
fanco put prices to the hlsli point of thu ses-
ilon nnd ttbniit tic over the close of ycstcrdny
During tlio day the signal slrVlco pointed to
clearing wentlior for Thnriidiiy anil the mar-
kut sold nir , quickly losing uboiit liulf tliu
early advance.
Wheat opcno'J Jin higher tliini yesterday s
closing anil advanced ! ic tnoru. then declined
J c , lluctuntcd sumo and closud J.l higher
limn last night. Trading Vint mainly local
uiul of moderate voltiinr. Koports of tain
from tlio west mid southwest and Indications
of ( laiiipiiuss In the northwest caused the
cnrly advance. It wns claimed that whom , If
tlin woalhor turns hut. Is llnlilo to rot. Tlioro
was also talk about the government crop re
port. which , ll was thought , would make n bad
showing. l.nto In ( ho day n rumor thut the
Hatch bill might bo bororo the hotiso iieforo
night caused ROIIIO t-clllng , I'rcdlcllons of
eloailng woiithcr also weakeneil tlio market ,
but there wuti u rally buforo the close un buy
ing uy shoit' .
uats were fairly active all il'iy. tlio market
fluctuating with rornnnd closing ! io better
than last night. The prov slon trudo was not
u huavv one nnd prices worn easily Inlluoneed.
Althouch the board showed nearly 40.000 hogs
lit the yurds and prices So lower , there wu *
enough inlliionco from the strong corn market
to stnit prices steady or hUher. Late In the
day provisions weakened with the easier feel
ing In the ura I ii market ? . It wns siild that
Oudiihy sold onlUlto | a. line bought last week.
TonUlit , ciininarcd with lust evening. pork
nnd rlbsnhow n not decline or 7Sio each nnd
Thoru was tnoro demand for vessel room nnd
rates hnlu steady at tic for wheat and l > { a for
earn and outs to Ilnlliilo.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
108 cars : corn. 240 cars ; oats , 181 cars ; hogs ,
17,00) head.
Tnc loading futures runad ns follows :
AIITICLKS. lll'KN , IIIIIU. l.o\v.
Juno 83
Cells Ko. ' . '
June oOlf M % ! i
July < <
t lit ember
OATH 0. 2
July Juno aij ! sit *
AllKlllt. . . EOH aojj
SlUHS 1'OltK
July in eo 10 PO ion ) 10 (1 (
Bent 10 w 10 us 10 75 I077 >
July 0:0 G M 047 G < n
Fejit u is GG7 oou u w
, - > uir CM * G&5 6 43) ) <
Sept ti Ki n I L G U ) Mia
Cush quotations were as follows :
Fl.ouil-Dull und nominally unchanged ;
winter nutcnts , ( I.STOI.40 ; winter straights ,
Ml.'i ! ) ; Bprlnv patents , > ; spring
straights. M.7ft34.JA
WIIKAT No. 'J spring , 80 < 383Uc ; Na 3
iprlnir , 77O785c ! ; No. a red. SOu.
CoitN Higher ; No , I ! , 4MKc ! ) ; ! No 3 yel
low , ? © ' ) ! .
nOAT8-No. 2. 31Hc ; No. 2 white , 31J { < a > 3oa ;
No. Swhltc.ICVJWIi c.
IIYE-No. 2 , 74 < ii75e.
UAiu. . ! ! to.2 , COaoJe ; No. 3 , BSilttBSc ; No. 4 ,
FLAX SEED No. 1. tl.oSK.
TIMOTIIV BECD I'rlme , Sl.2ixai.34.
I'oitu Mces , per bbl. , 810.0) < 2l0.03'lard ! ,
per ICO His. . $ 'I. : ( . " > © ( ! .I ! " } } ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) . M4i11'30.4 ; j dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) . $5'Jjii\37K ( ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
. . .
WHISKY plstjllors * nnlshcd goods , per gal. .
BuoAn-Out loaf , 53 { c ; Rranulatod , 4J5e ;
t ndard"A4Jfo.
Receipts and shipments today were us fol
lows :
On the Produce exchange today the hutter
market was very weak ; fancy creamery ,
I7c : line \\estern , ICc ; ordinary , 13Q14c ;
Ono dairies , 15c. K ? s weak , I44c. !
Now York .Markets.
NEW Youic. Juno L 1'Youii-HoccIpts , 78.691
pkfiK. ; exports , 2.001 pkas. . iii7l : : sucks ; market
moderately active , closing easy ; sales , 21,11)0 )
COIIN MEAT , Quiet hut steady.
WHEAT Receipts , 44IUM Int. ; exports , 271,731
bu. : sales , 4I4.,003 bu. of future * , 1 ! > 8,000 ba. of
spot. Spot unsettled , lower , weak , quiet ; No. 2
red. 07iiiaiM7Jo allout : UflU M7J o f. o. b. ; No. 3
red , Oiyel ungraded red , IMHaooUo ; Na
1 northern , Ooy < 29l'ie ; No. 1 hard.
D5ic ( : No. 2 northern , H0 ? e : No. 2
Chicago. UlUc ; No , 2 Mirvaukco , OJUc ; No. 3
Bprlnv , 85 ! , c. Options wore falny active ,
chiefly In the nay of switching , with tlioopen-
IIIR Uc. from which thcto wan adovllno of i o
throiiBh heavy dellvorlus on contracts and
roalulnc on dUnppolntlirj cables ; closing
woiik nt ! iCJ.fiu uoivii on .hino and .Inly ,
uthor months unchanged to lo ! ( up. No. 2
red , Juno. UOaiW.'ic , closing atOJo ; July.OlU ®
Ijl ? ic , closing atlimo : August. iwi(29l4c. ( cl'os-
Intf atlW'.o : Soptumbor. OJi0) ) o , eloslnc at
WHO ! October , IHUIiUIVSe. eloslnir nt OlUui
Documber , l)34 ) ; < a)3iic ! ) , closing ut C3ie ! ; May.
ICvu Klrm , cnlot ; wo9torn.aia8Sc. ; !
llAiu.r.v MAI.T Two-rowed state , 7dQ7.Jio } ;
ilx-rowo I state , 60o ; Uaiuula , UUcttJI.OJ. '
COIIN Hecolpt.s , 38,750 bu. ; exports 1,167
Lu.i sales. Jt25,0.0 : bu. of futures ; 1)7,103 bu. of
ipot. Hpot wanker , IrreKUlar. modernto busi
ness ; 5r4i8o ! In ulevator ; 5b5'Jo : un
graded mixed , ( UftbUo : utoamer mixed , &OQ57o.
Uptlons advanced IHOl u on lUht receipts
voHtiinil wet weather , and dcllnod UC iowith
ivheut Hiid closed steady at itOlo over ycster-
OATR-Ki-celnts 10WU b'u.j oxporlH.
bu.i salop. UO.OOO.bu , of _ futures : J-'G,000 bu. of
nulct 1ml
July ,
3lil' ) ! ,
11 A v-oii ujt"rkootft D"eiKJFcbjabawo. . * '
Ilni'B Klrm and quiet ,
tjuiuil Haw. iiulut tind flrm ; fair refill -
fill UK. l ! 11-llXiJ-jyu ! rullced. fairly ncllvo uud
MnLASssB I > 'orolgn , dull ; New Orleans ,
stondy un 1 quiet.
Kvu ( Julotiiiid fairly active.
opeiim * . Me : hlglicstlri7c ; lowcsi , WJo ! : uln -
ttiu'bn'1' ' "a " " ' l" ) " > 'lt' ' " tot'11 ! < ) . II.-
CirroN8iEnOii.-nnil but firm.
TAI.I.OWSteady. .
11 N Steady.
- K-Dnll nnd weak nt WKfl'J.
. „ „ . - - . , weak ; Mostern , H'tDWio ; ro
KVIIIIIS 13.874 pk8.
Ijim-B-Stcudy und quiet : wet saltoil Now
Orleans , 4.1 to' , Jibs. , W3. ; > f ! Texas delected , b )
to 10 Ibs. . OQ80.
VVTi MtJ.ATI-Stcallyi I'lcltled bellies and
lulililles , llrm.
IJAIIII WoRtorn steam closed at tU.00 ; op-
lion sales , MO tlcrcoa.
IIUTTKU Quot ! und lower ; wuitern dulrv ,
I'Aitl.lHfl wtmturn croumury , llOI7c ; western
fuctiiry. IC Uc ; Klglu. 170.
CiiK : sK-Uulet und about steady ; part
1'lir'lliON-Hlendy ; Amerlonn. 111.71310.'S ,
COITEII Dull ; lake. lll.89Qll.uu
L -Qalct ; domokttc , * l.\iil.a )
TlN-Stoudy ; strulglas. f.'i.UKa'-'l.aa ,
Iluv.inii Nucur .Mii'kot.
HAVANA. Juno 1.-Quiets yesterday 242 bass
centrifugal Wt iluvri'pK polunzution were told
iifMA i.'old purquliitul ; 10,1 hhn. musi-nvudo
bS in ( Klli ( U'gn-oi polarization \\eru told ut
I1 (22.14)1 ) t'olO pel quintal.
Vorl ; Dry lluoiln .Mitrkcl ,
VDIIK. Juno 1. Hiulncsi In clrv i
uiichituui'd ami the situation Isuvnontliy
lioallliy. und thu tonuof tliu mur ut Uur < f
Hciuly , 1'rliit clnths liavo ugulu udvunvvd
1 l-Uo. mid cotton U l
L'utlVo .MurKot.
N \r VOIIK , Juno I , Knsy , opened barely
toudy , 6 to SO poluu down , c.onod
5 point * ilown In 10 up : snlcn. 17.000
InollKllna Junefi3.00312.05 : July , 8U.8)U1I.DO ) |
beptnmbcr. lll.7oBli.ft * > | Bocomber , 11170 ®
ll.tfl ! Janiiarv. * II.7X31I.73J ( Kehruarr , tll.75) )
March. ll.f Kll 7i ) . Spot Rio dull but
steady ! No. 7 , H2.87' { . _
Omnlm Prnduro Jlnrkrt ,
Hincs. Era No. t arcen hldc < , 3. : No. 1
ercon salted hides , 4SIMo ; No 2 preen united
hides. : i : ilic ; No I green s.tltcil hides 25 to 49
lls.,4at' { < ; ; No. 2 grccii inltod hUlci. 25 In 40
! ! ) , . iWtc : No. 1 vo.ilcalf , 8tol51b . , Co ! No. 2 S to 15 lu . .4cNn. 1 nrr Hint hide * .
7c : No. 2 dry ( lint hide * , no ; No. 1 dry sailed
lilacs. MiOe ; Sheep | > IU Green malted , each.
63QSI.55 : Krocn salted nhonrllnRi ( short
wonlcd early nklnsl. onch. I625c ; dry ( hear-
( ihort wool oil early ikln < ) No. 1 , ouch ,
i dry slioarllnzi ( short wrmled early
s ) , No. ? , each , fie ; dry ( lint Kinsas nnd
Nebraska butcher wool pelt ! ! , per ! > > . , actual
wclRht. 10 jil44ci ! dry flint Kansas nnd Nebras
ka murrain wool liolU , per 11) ) . . actual weight ,
POI2cdry ; ( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts.
per Ib. , actual wclvht. lOJllSHe ; dry Mint Colorado
rado murrain wool pelts , per ID. , actual weight ,
85IOoilry ; jilcuc and bucks , actual weight ,
7419P. Tallnw n nil eroaao Tallow. No. 1. 3 > ffl
4o : tillow. No. 2. 3U3Uo : grease , while A. 4cj
prnasc. whlto It , y4c ; : ereope. yellow , 3o ;
Krcftso , dnrlf. 2Uc : old butter. 24cs ! beeswax ,
prl'iip , lC2 : croufh ! ( tiillow. Hi ® c.
FIIUITS Uullfornlii Riverside oranges , JI..V ) |
AVaihlngton navals. Jl.Mifair In choice leiit-
oiis , M.W I34.IKI ; fancy loninni , $4.50 ; Imnnim" .
cntml , $ ) ) : Plnrldn torn ttoci , M-OI ©
4.0 per crate of six baskets ; pineapples , $2.50
VEnBTAitt.ES Callfornln enbbnge. SJ o per
In. In erali'.st homo grown lettuce , iiva
4 Do per duz. ; southern onions , t.lM
per bhl , ; Itormudn boxes. (2.25 : Nebrnnkn
hiind ulcked l-cans , Jl.SVUi'.OO : medium , J1.5U1&
1.60 ! Uu'ornilo and western Nohr'iska notu-
tous. 6JiJo ( ! native uotntoos , 4'nc ) ; Lli.ia ,
beans. 4c per Ib. : splnnch. * . ' .Gi.OO ! : per bill. ;
radishes. ILVRI c ; piuplnnt. 2cpor 111. ! now Cal
ifornia potatoes. 2Kw2 oporlb. ; cuoumburg ,
( I.M per doz.
I'OCl.TliV Old fowls. 8I.OOJ1I.W ) per doz. or
PSPo per Ib. , Ilvo weight : good springs , } 'J.M ®
3. 0.
0.HUTTKII t'aoklns stooU. RTJOc ; good grades.
snltiiblo for rot ill trade. l
KaGs-'Qencrnl market :
8t. l.ouU .ilurltc'ts.
PT , I.nuip. Mo. . Junol. Kr.nuit Unchnngcd.
WIIKAT Opened ( ,4'J lilghur. udviitircil ? c
inoro , deellnod JiOI'iC1. then rallloJ iisnlii and
ole < -nd lie nbovo yesterday. No 2 red cash ,
RiMftSniic : JUIILS4 ? u ; July , 8-'l c ; August.
81o : Di'cemLcr , 84S4C.
CoitN Very Btrons all through the rar'y
pnrt of tliosessl-m and advanced 1'ic , Inter
didppcd fie nnd closed Ho nbovo yesterday.
Onsh , | is40o ! ; Juno closed nt 43c ; July , 44'ic :
September. 45u.
OAT8 Cash , lower 32t ! July , higher nt31 ? c.
HVK howorntTIc.
HAIU.UV No market.
HitA.v Dull ntKto.
HAV Lower ; timothy , lia5C10.CO ; prairie ,
$ s.ooan'.io.
l.KAIi-Qillct at JI.01.
1' Quiet.
IIUTTKU Lower : dairy. HSJHo.
Kans-Qulot at K < 3l24c. !
Cnitx MKAI < Strom at $2.7. © 2. 75.
WIIIBICV Steady at $1.15.
IlAOniMl Quiet.
I'novistoNSf Sllzhtly easier and only n job
bing trndo done , but quotations are not
KKCKit'TS Flour , 2.0CO His. : , 1,000 bn. . ;
corn. A7.000 bu. : oats , 25.0'J'J bu.i rye , ncno ;
barley , none.
SlIll'MENTS Flour. 13,003 11-s. : wheat , .1,030
bu. ; corn. 13,000 bu. ; oats , 15.0JO bu. ; rye , 2.00J
bu. ; barley , none.
' Kimsiis City Markets.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno 1. WHEAT The
tn iirkot WBB dull nt about the same pi Ices ; No.
1 ha'ru , 7lia7ic : ; No. 2 red. a c.
COUN Firm but dull ; No. 2 mtxea , 42Q424c ! ;
No. 2 whlto. 40J4c.
OATH Steady ; No 2 mixed , 32332Hc : No.
2 white , ; i3'e.
HVK Lower : No. 2 , nominal nt f > 5c.
KLAXSEKII 95c on the basis of puro.
lIltAN Easier : sacked , 62c.
HAV Steady und unchanged ; timothy , S3.0J
Ol".00 ; pralrlc , $ I.OJa7.ri > ,
nuTTEii Steady ; creamery , llffilSc ; dairy ,
Knns Quiet nt 12J4P.
KECCIIMS Wheat , 40,030 bu. : corn , 7,000 bu. ;
oat ? , 3.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 17,000 bu. : corn , 7,000
bu. ; oats , 1,100 bu.
Cotton Murkot.
NEWOnt.KASR , La. . Juno 1. Firm : middling ,
7ic ; low mlddllnK.CUc ; net receipts. 77 bales ;
cross , 1115 bales ; exports to Uroit Ilritiiln , 4,000
bales ; exports coastwlso. 3.307 bulc3 ; sates ,
2,900 bales ; stock , 152.C97 bales.
NEW Yo'iK , Juno I. Futures closed steady ;
sales. 121.50 bales ; Juno. $7.49 ; July $7.iVJ ;
August $7.50 ; September. S7.07 : October. $7.77 ;
November , S7.87 : January , $3.07 ; February ,
$ S.17j March , S8 7.
Liverpool MtirkcU.
LiVEnroou Juno 1. WHEAT Quiet ; holders
olTer moderatoly. Ited western spring. 6s Odld
Csnv'idper cental ; No. 2 , rod winter , Cs ! > ! 4d < a
6s lOd ,
CORN Firm ; demand poor ; mixed -western ,
4s lliid percental.
STOCK Of BnEADSTUFF. Flour , 19\000 ;
wheat , 144,003 centals ; corn , 201,009 centals.
Milwaukee Markets.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Juno 1. WHEAT Steady ;
No. 2 spring , 83c : July. HJ'is.
COIIN Dull ; No. 3 , 4SHo.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white , 31 35 ; No. 3
white. : i3i&3lc. !
11AIILCY Quiet ; No. 2 , GOc.
riillndelphlii Qr.iln Market.
Pnir.ADEi.riiiA. 1'n. , .Tnno 1. WHEAT
Closed weaker ; No. 2 red June , OKSOlJaV.
GIIIIN Options strong ; No. 2 mixed Juno.
54Q5l c.
OAW Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 35e. !
Clnclnnntl Mnrhots.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno L WHEAT Stronger ;
No. 2 rail. Bsc.
COIIN Dull ; No. 2 m Ixod , 4'o.
tATb ) Easier : No. 2 mixed , i.'ic.
WHISKV Ji.15. _
llaltlmoro ( Irnln .Iliirkot.
llArTiMOiiK , Mil. . Juno I. WHEAT Steady ;
No. a i cd spot , oaiuio.
Cons Firm : mlxud spotand May , 50ii5J50 ; c.
OATS Dull but llrm , No. 2 whlto western.
Minneapolis Wluiat Mnrkot.
MiNNEAi-OLia. Minn. , Juno J. WIIKAT
Steady. Kccolpts. 270 ears. Close : June , 8l"e ;
July KlJJc : on track. No. 1 hard , KIlic ; No. 1
northern , SiKic ; No. 2 northern , TSGBoc.
Toledo Qruin Market.
TOLEDO , O. , Juno t WHEAT Steady ; No. 2.
cash , l/'c.
CoitN Stead v ; No. 2 cash , Mo.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 32iic.
LOBS Interest Wns Munlfuatod In Transac
tions Tlmn on Tuesday.
Nr.w VOIIK , Juno I. Thastoolc market today
was less Inturestln ; than that of yesterday ,
and transactions of significance wcro nar
rowed down to three or four stocks , the rest of
the list presenting the usual dull and Unless
appearance , fluctuations bolus confined within
extremely narrow limits. No change In the
general situation HODIIIS likely to bo made
unt.l the orops are well forward.
The granting of a preliminary Injunction by
the chancellor of Now Jersey restraining the
I'ort Uoudlng railway from operating the Now
Jersey Central way madn a basis , nnd the
early weakness wvs the effect , resulting In a
decline of 1 per cent Thu Influence of this
did not out last thi > forenoon , and the partial
recovery was followed by dullness. Northern
I'ltclflu preferred was the other special point
of uttuek , but the occasion fro the drlvo
WIIH old. nnd Us result was measured by
smaller i\-f \ tires than that In Heading. Ilur-
llncton In the forenoon and Loulsvlllo A ; Nash
ville during the day was subjurtod tosomo
pressure , but.'wlth tit. I'util and Krlo , they
wore hold within comparatively narrow
limits. The Industrials continued to bo thu
strong fualurcs of the market , but
In ninio of thcsu oven WIIB the range
of prices of Importance , market
showed the ollonts of ycsterdny'H drive at the
opening wnlch WIIH made at tliu lower prices ,
l > uadliii ( leading with a Ions of ! i percent , but
thurotjtof tlio list with thooxceptlon of ono
or two Hhrnvcd only rfllght Io * es. The boars
coiicentioted their cirorts at ( In > ton Heading ,
but later Northern I'tolllo preferred was
taken In liund and Loulsvlllo & JMibhvlllo fo- |
The doi'llnoj In these stookB , however , failed
todUloiUo stock ; In tliu Kfiiornl list and as
quotation ! ! went down a ctubnorn roslstanvo
was mot with , compelling the operators for
the lower Usurps to turn their attention to
tri-hh fields. . -
Aui.-nrdngy ! | trnch stooks as
I hloacu , Cloveliind. Olnulnnatl fi St. ioul In
the abiencu of support woi'o suddenly at-
liiokcd nnd driven down from oi'l to 05 ;
hrlu prcforrol from W to Gl nnd Jersey
Central was romumbcrod late in thu day and
sold oir fiom JI.4U to .as . orucon Navlg-
ntliiii also sold down to We. but recovered a
portion of the los , rallying to 07. llitrllnzton.
Hook iHlanil uiul Bu 1'aul were xroised for
sale , but tlio roklttunup wan
tlio llnctuuiloiiHof nulthur reached moro thun
u fraction , I'rit-oi bcoimo heavy under the
opuiliiuoil | ire sure and gtmurully retired to n
thado below the openliu. The close was
heavy , thougli'inlet , at InslBtilUoant chant-oH
u moat of the list. Tlio InUuatrliila , which
had been ihtt strong point In the market wuio
dropped suddenly In thi < list hour , and the
imdlnirstockH ura lower thU evening. Among
tlij ; nctlvo stocks final ohunges nro lnsg | >
nllleant o.xcupvln Hcudlng , wGlcli lost 1 par
Uoyornmont londa liavo been dull nnd
The f'ost suys ; The selling of our stocks for
London Hu'ount continued today , having In
liolnt of fuct been u Unl.y . Incident In the mar
ket fur nearly two uueKs. Nobody believes
this movement to bu wholly , or for the most
part , tlio ru ult of liquidation , uud thu gucs-
tlnn arise * , how fnr M It short nolllnt ; for the
nccount of London opi-ritors nnd how far
manipulation from this sldo. lloth factors un
doubtedly contribute. Speculative London Is
just now bearish on American stocks. Lon
doners Are proverbially slow In nndontnndln t
n bnd element In our railroad outlook nnd
proverb ally tcnnclous of Its position when
It hns mastered the news. Hence , the London
operators nro doubtless selling now on the
"boar nrjtumonl" vrhh-h prevailed three
weeks n.'o. Aside from this , it U evident that
the foreign brokers were badly frightened by
the Into renewal of free coinage talk In the
senate , The nveraso Kngllshmnn has never
been able to understand the peculiarities of
oursencniinciit , FO ho faUs absolutely nnd
always to distinguish , In tiMialorlAl debate ,
between buslncsi and buncombe. It Is very
probable that a contlniianci ) of tlio Louden
sales will cause Homo po d shipments , but ,
however that may be. It Is certain that the
short sellers will bo called ton reckoning nt
some future settling nay.
The following are the closing nttotatlons for
the loading stocks on the Now York Stocuo x *
clmngo today !
Nun- York
Mining Quotations.
NEW VOIIK. Juno 1. The follow.n ; are the
lobln ; , ' mining stock iiuotatlons :
llcut & lielcher 200 Mexican K'.o
Con. Cnl. X Vn .WJ Uphlr , IK )
" ) eiulwooil 205 SllYHfC 115
| 5urokn Con 1&0 Plcrin Nuraila 105
Inlo.V Norcroaa. . . . 130 btnndarU 135
lorn i-'llvcr 820 Union Con./ 10&
riimncliil Notes.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 1. Clearings , 11,0.22.-
NEW _ OIILCANB , La. , Juno 1. Clearings ,
11,341,13S *
HAVANA , Junn l.-Spanlsh gold , J3 6l.51Jt
Exchange , quint.
PAIMS , Juno 1. Three per cent rentes , OSf
lOc fur the uccouut ,
NRW Youic. Juno L-Cloarlngs. $137,330,034 ;
balances , Jj,0) . ' > , lS2.
ItAi/mioitt : , Mil. Juno L Oluarlnis , 51,520-
03'J : balances , IW0.700. Money , 0 pur cent.
I'HH.AliKUMllA. I'u. . Juno L Olourlngs , V.4.-
B32.3SJ ; balances , 81l ) > ,450. Money , 3 pur cunt.
MUMI'IIIS. Tonn. . Juno 1. Now York ox-
clianxo holilni ut (1.50. Clearings , tGOt80 ;
balances , S177.'J30.
LONDON , June 1. Amount of bullion with
drawn from the HunU uf England on balance
lottay was JU13.000 ,
UOSTON. Mass. , Juno 1. Clearing , Jii,787- :
777 : bulanccs , * illl.r > Jv' . Money. 15 ! per cunt
Kxchangoon Now York , pur and ! > a discount.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 1 , Clearings , Ul.312.321 :
balances. JGW,8'.JH. ! Money , quiet und ousy ut
4 < tM percent. Kxohitnyu on Now YorK , We dis
Nr.w YOIIK. Juno l.-Spe'olal [ To'.osrum to
TUB llr.K.I'-hxeliiiir.'o WHS quoted us follows ;
ChlouKO , Uc ) premium ! Uoston , par to fie dis
count ; St. l.ouis. Wo dUcouut.
CIIICARO , 111. , Juno 1. Clearings. $21,171,00 ] ,
Money in better demand , : i'/i < iWi percent.
Now lorkoxciiungc , easier at 700 premium.
Sterling exchange , steady ; slxty-uay bills ,
81.K7'i ! * i.b8 foraomand.
Cuttlo Steady nml Firm Hogs Active and
OMAHA , Juno 1 , Throe days' receipts foot
uo O.B03 cattle , 32,411 hoes and 1,3115 sheep
against 0,171 cattle , 18.010 ho.-s nnd 1,030 sheep
the corresponding three days last wee ! ; .
The cattle market was active and firmer on
about everything In the steer line , except
coarse heavy beeves. 1'iivorablo eastern uii-
vlces added life 10 the shlpplus and export
trade , while loual hoiuos were us usual free
buyers of KOOC ! lhht and medium wcUht
cattlf. lluyers were all Inclined to nos-
lect the commoner crudes of medium
and heavy cattle , and tliov moved slowly ut
barely steady prices , Goo 1 to choice 1,200 to
l.MKMb. steers sold at from tun to fl.'JO , 1'nlr
tntrooUta tol.200-lb. steornsold at fiom ri.70
tu $1.10 and couinoii llplit stulf down to 13.25.
Itiibliioss was brUlc and the yupls wuro well
cli'urod up at n reasonably early hour.
Cows and mixed Btook sold very much us on
1 Hi'fid uy. The supply WHS mndu up lurpoly of
odds und ends und Included K'ii than huff u
doi-cu stralnlit loud * Kxlromo nales of cows
nnd heifers x > ere nt from 11.75 to * , but * 2.5
tnjMSiiboutthttlio uulkuf the useful stuff In
this lino. Hulls , oxen and stuns worn In eood
doniand und stoaillcr at from U. 15 to tj.oo.
Veal calves were active und stroiuur ut from
Kxtri'tne uullnois characterized the trade In
stuekers und fcedeu. In the Ilr t p.uco theix )
were comparutlvoly few either fri-sli or Btulo
stock and ffcdliiK cattle hoio. Thorn wns no
country d mund to speuk ot nnd the trndo
was Hut. What few umtlu oliuiiKod liunds sold
largely at from 13.05 to IJLU , u shudo lower
lions. Another liberal run of IISRS and the
market still firm. For the first half of this
week comunred with lust receipts show an Increase -
crease of ubout 14,000 boss. The hoes are
neither so heavy nor so good as they wore a
few weeks nico.
lluslnos-i opened out rather slow. Other
markets wera lower. Iteeolpts nero liberal
hero nnd under the circumstances buyers en
deavored to make their purchases lower.
Knrlv sales were steady to a shade lower than ,
Tuesday's general trade. The firmness in
provisions and aetlvo buying by fresh
meat men nnd shippers soon dissi
pated thin weakness , however , nnd the
market lather strengthened as the morning
advanced. The bulk of the trading was at
prices steady to a shade llrmor than yester
day. Good to choice heavy nnd butcher
weight lioits sold at from (4.05 to { 4.70 with u
few cholco loads at (4.72 } ' , nnd $4.75. Common
Italic and mixed loads sold train 11.55 to $4.61 ,
with prime lights selling up to $4.70. Tlio pop
ular price was $1.05 , the butx selling as on
Tuesday and Monday at from $1.03 to $4.70.
The general average of prices paid wis : $ l.65a
ngnlnst $1.64 Tuesday and ILK ) last Wednes
day. Kcpresontatlvo sales :
71 213 2bO 465 67 . . . . ' 54 470
80 1117 ISO 405 M 285 240 470
U3 210 200 4 05 67. . . . 216 120 470
87 211 163 465 Ifl 271 470
78 230 210 4 U 73 232 100 470
CO 210 60 405 72 2U4 163 470
G3 2M 100 4 05 117 247 120 4 7d
M 238 120 405 71 270 120 470
(11 ( 223 40 4 65 (11 ( 247 ICO 470
72 224 120 465 61 327 240 470
CO 252 10J 465 72..270 160 4 72J4
81 2 0 80 405 67 237 80 4 72'/
74 ; 235 40 4 65 CO 247 80 475
73 217 160 4 05
via s AND uouaii.
1 270 2 00 1 550 SCO
1 450 2 25
SIIKEI' The supply was , as usual , light , con-
slstlngot tttodoublodcoksof fnlrcornfed Col
orado owes.woolcd. They iiveraged 81 Ibs. and
sold readily at 45.35. UomnmlurlsV. market
llrm. Quotations nro as follows : Fair
to good natives. (4.50 to Jfl.OJ ; fair to good
westerns , $1.50 to M.OO ; common and stock
sheen. J3.00 to JI.good ; to choice 40 touo-lb.
lambs , $1.00 toO.M. Hcproscutatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr.
200 Colorado owes , wooled 60 535
200 Colorado owes , woolol 81 535
1 100 000
Itcciilpts and Disposition of Htock.
Official receipts and disposition of stoctc ns
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twouty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. in , , Juno 1. ISlr ' :
'IHbl'OBlTlON. '
Omalm I'ncklnK 11 3,007at
IhoU. II. IlammonU' ' Co. in at
Swllt A , Co . i . UJU 1,427 20U
Tlio Cmlnlir 1'ncklnn Co , . 318 S.Vltl 2(10 (
Klniian & Hon. . . .77.-- ; .
Hpcrry Allro. . . .T..tJ .
Wliltul' . X I ) . 407
CblcaRO racking fan. . , . 321
CouyACo , , . DO ! . . , ,
Dotra & Co . * . „ ; . : .
CluTclttiul I'aoklnnlX ) , , 204
Hhlpiicr * and feecltu ; .
Leftover . „ / , . . . . . 00
Total , l.EOI ll.CT 4011
for May ,
nuvrus. CATTLE. HIIKCI' ,
Omalm , , , . . 810 SI-.03 ' *
IliiniinonU . * , . . . 2,180 : iu.i4 iii
Hwlft mvr. 27.S.W 7,511
Cuilulij. , , , . , . fcC.SII '
Otberi „ . , 2V.71I KllKg 'tit
Total ) . 03.G13 1M.870 D.77S
Chicago l.lvo Stock Market.
OIIIOAOO. 111. . Juno J.-.UpoclalTelegram [ to
TUB llur.l At no provlous time this season
has the market for prime heavy cattle been In
n worm condition Ibiui It Is nt the pretunt
tlmo. 'llicio were bevoral bunches of that
sort In today's market , but nobody wanted
them itt over f4.41 to JI.M nnd it Is doubtful If
ns much ns 14.a could liavo Loon obtained for
the choicest bunch nf steers In the liunds of
wostcrii feeders to-Jiiy. 1'orothor dosorlpllonH
there was K fulrly satUfaotory mnrkoU Tliu
demand was coed , thu fciipnly modcrato und
the iivoruuuof prices u llttlo lilzhur. Hti'ors
wulKhlnit froin 1wO to ) , U. ' < 0 Ibs wuro wanted by
botli bhlppura nnd dresiod bouf tlrms
and they ( 'I'nerally sola to higher.
Thuro WAS u'so a Kood innulry for cows
and bulls and ntstrons prices. Snpplliisof the
latter have boon rather Unlit rei-ently , and
tncro bus been H urailuul liurilonlnit of prices.
Thu Ony'u truillnc wan on a busls of from JI.M
to & 173 for Inferior to extra cows , heifers und
bulls , and ut from II.W to l.75 for common to
fauoy steurs. block em nud feeder * were
quoted nt from J..f.J to 1X ! ) , nnd Texns
cattle were nt from to 11.00
The situation In hoe wn much less satis
factory to rollers .tlmii on the tiny before.
Trade wns dull curly ntio off. It win llfolcs *
Inter ut n reduction of from Jo to lOc , the close
bolus Tor bad.
Although there wns n s.ilo or two of choice
ussortcdhoss nt .VO' : > { and one or tnoat J\0\
f.iiK ) n falroutftldo qunlntlon at nny tlmo.
while nt the close It Is doubtful Unit more
tlrnti'i could huvo been obtained for nny-
thinit. Wo qtioto elo liiK prices nt from $1.03
to 4X ) for llaht weights nnd from 14.70 to
tl.07 ! ( for medium nnd heavy weights. The
bulk of the trading was nt prices ranging
downward from 54.UJ.
Thuro were too maiy common ihocp nnd
they , had to soil lower , Toxnni being cspool-
ally weak , Uood to clTolcu Rrndcs wcro In
slluht supply nnd brouulit ubout ntcndy
, trlccs. Salts wore on a basts ot from M.OO to
1(10) ( for Inferior to extra.
Itccolpls were : Cnttio , 14,030 | IIORS , 33,000 ;
sheep , S.0.0.
Thu Evening Journal report * :
OATTI.K Uccolpts , U.ouoj shlpmcntx , S.OOO :
market steady ; choice to prime Rtcprs.J4.Vovv
* .W : others , M.IK)8U3 ) ! tcodcrs , M.254W7S ;
stockers Ti' i. ' .
lions -ItL'colms , 33,000 ; hlpincnti > . 11 , WO :
marKet active nnd lOo lowen rough and
common , $ I.WlM | mixed nnd puckers. $ l.7.vji
4 U ) ; prlmo huavr nnd butcher's weights , tl.UJ
® . -.lO ; light , JI.71X34W.
SIIEEIItecoipts , P.COl ; shipments. 3,000 ;
market nctlvo : honvy crados , stuadj- , slower ;
clipped. f.VM ; natives and westerns , elltiDod ,
tS.iViis.GSi lumbH nnd yearlings , $3.W7.4j ;
spring lambs , J7..ri'iii1.i0. ;
TriinsnctlotK In llugn Contlnuo to Show an
CINCINNATI , O. . Juno l.-ISpoclal Tolrcrnm
to Tun llUB.1 Tomorrow'sl'rlce Ourrent will
siiy : The total western packing for thu week
has bron 31S.UU ) lions compatodltli 39.\UOO the
preceding week and XU.OM last year , makliiK
a total of ! ,0..ViO ) since March 1. against 2,775-
WXf u year ago , an Incre-iso of 151UHM hos.
iTomlnout plnecs compare as follows !
Now York Llvo block .Mnrlcot.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 1. llEEVEa-Rccolpts. 1,170
heat ) , Inclmllim " 3 curs for sr.lo ; iiinrkot
llrnier nnd ISo pcrcwt. hlcher : nntivo steers.
54ti < a4.80 porowt.j UoUnulos.l.45 ; beovcsnnd
ilresscil , $ .t.KB ; dressed beef stondy nt GV47'4o
peril ) . Shipments toilny. 15) hooves ami S.OUI
iniiirtors of beef ; tomorrow , C2J bcavca anil 10
sheep ,
CALVES Itocclpts1.1M licail ; mnrUot nctlvo
nnd fie. higher ; veuls. f4.5U4.73 per owt. ;
buttormllU ctilve , $ J.'J.V(61.75.
SilKEtKccolpts , 8,400 head : mnrkot atondy ;
Bood lumbafinn : common Vie per 11) . lower :
shoeD , l4.7Sfl. ' : liunus. J'J.OOQO.O ) : > 1rcssiJ )
mutton firm at MSlO'io per It , ; dressed lumbs
stondy nt I'-'iSlSc.
Hoes Kccolpts , 0,000 head ; nominally stcudy
at J4.WOa5.10 per ewt.
St. Louis l.lvo Stock Mnrltct.
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Juno I. CATTJ.E Hccolpts
4l7u ; shipments , 44U ; market uctlvn and
strong : fulrtocood nntivo stuors. Kl.O'Jil4.45 ( ;
Toxuns nnd Indlnn sieor.J , all kinds. K.Oua
3.SA ; CHiinors. S ± loai.l'0. : ' .
Hoas Kccolpts , 0.500 : shipments , none :
mnrlcut steady : fair to eholeo heavy , f4.7. > ®
4.U5 ; mixed , nrdln.irv to Kooj. II.DVOI.OJ ; ll lit ,
fair to best. f.7UtS1.8' ) ( > .
SiiKEi' Hccolpts , U.O ; shipments , none ; mar
ket flrni ; Toxuns , shorn , 6c.
City l.lvo Stock Jltnrkct.
KANSAS OITV. Mo. . Juno 1. CATTI.T ; Ke-
cclpts , 11. ICO ; shipments , KGjOi the market was
steady ; steers , Sl.r.un.4.10 . : cows (2/J.V2J.5S ;
fitockcrs and Irodcrs , tair > ai.M. :
Hoas Uccoipts 14,0'J ; shlumonts. 3.109. The
market for common hos was steady : peed
hotfS strong to Go hlnhcr , closlni ; uoak ; all
grades , J4. iCffli.OO ; bulk , fl.05(24.W. (
SIIKEI' Hccoluts. 'IJU ; htilDiiifiils , none. The
inurkcl was strong ; muttons , $ i.OO.
T.lnvoln l.lvo btoclc ,
Nob. , Juno 1. ISnoclal to THE
BEK.I Kccolpts of hozs at West Lincoln were
llalit today. The inurkot ruled steady uud
prices closed a shade lower ut $4.00.
Thorites J heuxnatism. D
Mr. CirARi.ns LAWRKKCE. of Ashland ,
Neb. , says that Swift'a Specific cured
htm of SOVCTO Rheumatism of which ho
had suffered for over six months , "with
vain , efforts to get relief. Ilo recom
mends it to all sufTercra from Rheuma
Bend for our book on the Blood nnd
Skin , mailed free.
Scaled proposals will bo received liy the nn-
dersUnod until 1:30 o'clock p. m. June 17 , Mr ' ,
for the curbing with led Colorado sandstone ,
while Colorado sandstone nna Duron smd- :
stone uncording to specifications parts of cer
tain streets comprised In street Improvement
districts numbered and described as follows ,
towlt :
No. 440-Chlcaco street , from vest line of
Twonty-Qfth street to Twenty-sixth street.
No. 4.VS Ouss street , from west line of Twen
ty-fourth struct to u point 103 feet west of
Twenty-fifth struct.
No. 450 Cuss btrect , from east line of Twon-
ty-fourtnsireot to tno west , uno or Twenty-
fourth street In the city of Omahn.
Eitch bid to specify a price per lineal foot
for the curbing complete In aald Improvement
Workto uodono In accordance with plans
and specifications on fllo In the ofllco of the
Hoard of Public Works.
Proposals to bo tunilo on printed blanks f ur-
nlhhcd by the board and thcso accompanied
with a cnrtllled check In tlio sum of WOO , pay
able to the city of Omaha , as an uvldenco of
good faith.
The board reserves the rlsht to reject nny
or all bids and to walvo defects.
1 > . \ \ . inUKHAUSER.
Chalrmnn Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha , J uno - ' , IBir. ' . J uuo ' . ' , u , u. 10.
Union Stock Yards Company
st cuttle , hoi : and snoop market In the west
Write to this houss for
fl flMAllAl cor-
U. UJ1AI1A | reot Market Baporti.
Wood Brothers ,
Bouth Omaha Telephone 11VT. - Chicago.
W. K. WOOD. fJtannsers.
Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , EastSt. Louis , Kansas City , South
Uniiihu , sloux Olty. Kort Worth.
A. CrlllV , K , Donny , 11. K TulluiailKO.
ClileuL'O. Hov tJulairaan.
Crill , Denny & Company ,
Live Stock CommUslon. lloom V7 ISichan/a Ul
Houtli Onidlia.
A. D. Bayer & 3Dn pany ,
68 and 59 Kxelianeo IlulldlnjBouth Oniahi.
Corrcspoudenco Bullcltoil nnd nromptlr aniirarji ) .
Hpcclal attunllon to orueri f or ituokon & f oedert.
, 183.1. . . . Incorporated , 185J
Capital f ullr paid , AIWJ.
Waggoner Uirney Company ,
\Vrlteorwlrouiforurooipt and rollublo uiarkot
report * . ,
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo Btnok CommUslou.
Hoom 01 KxchaiiBo llulldin--- . South Omaha.
Telephone 17J7.
Union Stock Yard National
Tlio unlr bank at the jnrdi. Capital nnd "ur-
I'lui ' , I2JO.UOO. Collection * trowlnit out of tlio lUo
tuck tiutlnvti ( liould bo ont direct tn tlili uauk.
bUlpprrn can UopoiR for crvUlt ol tbulr 1101114 kaaK
' " "
Contrnclor nnrt nbcontr ptM for nil fclmli of
tiHlldlns , nlMterlne. pnlntlnu rte . mil receive n
copy of nleun'fi architect ! ami bulMcrs directory
free , lijrfondlny their nnmf , hu.lnoM nml Iqcn-
lion to Iho tnibllMier. j. it. ( llcnn , 113 S. Uth st
To the owners of all lots , parts of lots nnd
real estate aloiiK Muson street , from 18th
street to20lh street.
You are hereby notlflon that the nnder-
slRned , three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omalni , have been duly appointed by
the muyor , with the approval of the city coun
cil of said city , to assess the damaco to the
owners respectively of the property affected
by gradlni ; Mason street from IKIli street to
20th street , declared ncccssarv by ordinance
3.070 , passed Hay 17 , 1SU2 , approved May 18 ,
1602.You are further notified , that hiivine nc-
ccptcd Bald appointment , and dulv qunlllleil
ui required by law. wo will , on the 7th day of
June , A , D. 189. ' . at the hour of 10 o'eloox In
the forenoon , nt room 210. N. Y. Llfn building ,
within the corporate limits of Bald city , meet
for the purpose of considering nnd makliiK as
sessment of damage to the owners respectively
of aald property. alTcctod by bald Kr.idln ? .
taking Into consideration special benefits , If
uny.You nro notified tn bo present nt the time
nnd place aforesaid , and make any objections
to or statements concerning s-ild nsscssinoiit
of UamaKOS as you '
K. W. ( J1IISON ,
J. U. UbEVfi.
Qmahn. May 27. 18U _ MSMlOt
Eca'.od ' proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned until 1.10 o'clock p. in , Juno 10 , 1802 ,
for inline certain low streets and alluyx , lo
cated a-i follows :
Uratit struct between 21th and 25Ui streets ;
alloy In bloelc 7.1'atrlek's 2d add. : Mnplo utriiut
between 24th nnd Sitli streuts ; Kitli Htroot bo-
twoiin Maple and north line of A. 8. 1'ntrlok a
add. : 30th street butwoon Mnplo anl Corby
streets , and alloy In block a , llawtliorno add. .
all In the city of Omahn , said low parts of
streets nnd alloys liavlnx been ilualaruil a 1111-
Isaneooii acfoiintof htiKiiant water tlu-reon
by a concurrent resolution of the miiyor mid
olty council undurdato of May 10. IbW.
Knch llllliiK to be iliinuln ncciirdanco with
the Instructions of the board of public works
UTlldHtywlliBboCLmalo , nn printed WankH fur-
nlKhed by the iMiard and to bn accompanied
bv u certified cheek ! n the sum of 8 M. pay
able 10 the city of Oruuha , as an evidence of
B <
The board reserves tliu right to reject any
Ch'ilrman Hoard of I'ubllc Works.
Onmlm. Nob. . May US Ib ! ) . ' . iu' -j-JI-U :
Notlco fur Jlliln ,
Ilids will bo rncolvod by the city council of
thu utty of Itnpld City , K D , , until 2 o'clock p.
in. , Juno 0 , IK ) ) , for the btillillujr of reservoir
and luvliuof IU.IKU feet of U-lnch east pipe ,
tojuthcr with fnriilshliu all thu materlalH
ncci'iisary In their construction nucordlnii to
plans und Bpoallluatlons on Illu at lliuolllcoof
the city unulnour of tlio city of llapld ( 'Ity ,
Those bUdlux on both reservoir and ulpo line ,
or upon pipe Him 11)0110 ) , inunt accompany
tliulr bids with ccrtlllecl ehiv. k for one
tliou'iiml ( fl.i.Oj ) flollar . These btddliu on
reservoir alone/must iiccompuny their bids
with H certified ehi'ek for two bundled * and
fifty ( t.vyn dollars , chucks to bu drawn upon
any solvent bunk In tit. 1'unl , MlnnuipollH. :
Omaha or Huplii City , und to bu irturnud to
iinsuccc'ii.fiil blddurnon the day of opt'ii'iif ' '
liropotals. Illds shall bu cnuloied In plain on
volopcs and Ehall have plainly written tliuiu-
on : Illd for Kesorvolr.or I'lpo llnuor bid for
lxtli Kekorvolror 1'lpu llnu. ni thouiiiio may
be. The city council roncrvus the rUht to i ro-
j ct any or ull bids. Adilnws nil cmiimunlou-
tlopstotho OITY AIJDITOU ,
of Kauid City. South Dakota.
at lUpid O.ty , May 17 , lB < J--MiljdltM
Jl na of Trnile. Hrokor
In grfiln. old. 1'rlTMo
wlro to N. T. , Chicago
nd BU Louli.
CO. , Dealers' hardnaro and
Corner 10th and Jaekson mechanics' tool * .
Streets. 1101 Douglai ftroet.
llullilem1 Hnnlwnro anrt ,
t ontri\"lors' Hnppllci.
& 3I South liitli street.
Ilnrdwood lumbar , wool
carpels nod tmrquct tmrortel.Amorlo\n I'orb
floorlnit , lAnlcamjnt , Milwaukee
hrdrsullc romoat ani
Bth and Douglas. yulncr irhlte II.uo.
Manor merchants , 1113
liar nor-st. Mrrs. Ken' '
ncdy-s Kail Ir.dla Hit- Wholesale liquor doalorl
ters. 1001 Karnani-st.
Importers nnd Jobboriol
millinery , notiani.Mntt
orders prompt. 'AU-U b.
Pianos organs , artists 1WN. ICih ft. I'lnnos ,
materials , etc. 1 > 19 music and musical In-
Doug Ins t. ( trumoutiof all klud4
National Bank.
Capital $103,039
ill-pint. . . . l55iJJ )
OlllcersanJniroctori-IIair/ . V to , pfJillii
n. C.Cu ! iliu , vlco pro ill jut. Heliurlai. ) . \V. r
Morso.Jolmd. Collins , J. .f. IL I'atrlot bj.fli A.
Hood. Caihlor.
. ,
tlud Ouudl , Ilrtkt l J Tool ! ! > ( .
r.m > ir riu i. c , rtr .
S * lahII y ' * .irl. ' b IK ) . . , 2110
l-lncl.Dvl'-l.l'l. ' M ! ) ' . „ 21 CD
' ( Slurb , f 1M - \ > . . 40 to
fMocb DoolTO I-n.uo.tlo. Jlotb TitI . _ . . . _ _ . . .JMC.I
To the owners of all lots , parts of lotmmd
roul imtato aloiu''d street from Locust street
? ° | notlllod that the unrlor-
Blisnud. three disinterested freeholders of the
pity ofOinnliii.liiivo Loon duly unpointed liy tno
mayor , with tlio approval of the olty council
of hiild city , to assets the damauo to thu own
ers respectively of the property nfTuotucI \ > y
eruillir' 2'u direct from Loauut , to Hpcncer
streets , declared necessary by ordinal
, Muv 4lh. . . . _
n.iFDud ' May 3d. ISOi approved - -
further notlllod , that Imvlnjfao.
routed s'lld appointment , and iliily nunllllod
as ii < ) u I rod by law. wo will , on the 4th day ot
.1 line , A. 1) . JfciW. nt the hnnrof lOo'ulock In the
formioon , nt tlieolllcoof T. I ) , llriinner , room
\Varo 1 111 on If. within the cnrporato limit * ot
Hald olty , moot for the mirpcKo of considering
und inaldni ; tlio assessiiiont of dainago t ) tin *
ownnrx rcbpeotlvoly of sulil property. nlTootud
hy Hald cradlnv. taking Intu consideration
snoclal bencllta. If any.
You uro notified to bo present nt the tlmo
nnd tiliico aforesaid , and niiiko any objection *
to or BtatoinuiitB concerning Biild assessmeub
of duinugos us you may coiinldor nrou.r. (
' 1. II. McUIJKI.DUlJ ,
_ OmnIiaJlay 25.1302. MittldlUt |
Notice of A * i > 3 iin > nt of IiiiniiK * tuf
( Iriiillni ; .
To the owners of ill lots , purl n of lots and
rcalcstiito aloii llnnillton ulieet , from the
viaduct over the Holt Uuo railway to 45tU
" "
\"mi'aro lioroby notified Unit the under-
sltfiHicl , three dUlnturufilcd fniudlioldera ot tlio
cliyofOmalu. liavo hccn duly appolntod l > y
the mayor , with the iipproviiluf.tlioultv coun
cil of Hiild clly.ti assosK lliu dainaeo to the ,
OWIIOM rospuotlvoly of the properly iifToclud
by Kradiiu llamlllon Blrecl. from Ihn viaduct
over Hie licit l.lno railway to 4Mh umiU de
clared ru-cciisary hyordliiiuii'o.Njj.a.i'.a , piibtou
May Ililli. IS/A approved May -'ith , IMiA
You uro f urthur notllled. Hint Inivlii * n-
ccpted said appointment , and duly wMIM
its reijulrod by law , wo will , un tlio hth a ay of
JIIIIK. A. 1) . iKtf. BtUiu'iJiirof lOo'cluci * In tlio ,
forenoonntlhoolllceof llenowii tc Co , In the
MvUairuubulldlnir. within the voriornto | llmlU
of milil ulty. meet for the purpuiuof consider-
Invund inalfliiK the anscKHiuant of diiiuiv oto
lhuownernreHioctivoly | of said uroiiorty , nf- '
fueled by saidxrinllnir , taUlnj ? Into ounilderu
tlon Hpeulal benullu , If uny ,
Vou are notlllod to bo present nt thu tlmo
and pliico ufoionuld. und inuko any objection * .
toomtatumentH conccrnliu mid iismuamon *
ofdumufeu uayou may ioiiitldir iiroper.
T. II. Mc01irI.001l ,
(1. H. DUNP.WA.
Om aba , Mar * 7'ui " - - & ' & dlu * .