THE OK AHA DAILY BISl&uTfriUKSDAY , JUNE 2 , 1892. 5 EXPERT JUDGES ON SWINE f 'Thoy Meet in Lincoln find Discuss the Subject RESULT OF THE DAY'S ' SESSION Jloproiontntivet iroiu Various Portions of the Country Present Mrs , Sliocdy Wins Her Cmo Agnlnftt thn Ad- mintitrntor News Kotos. LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special to THE BF. . ] The National and State Association of Export Judges on Swine U In session at Lincoln today , the following list of delegates being In attendance : W. II. Morris of Indianapolis , national secretary anil editor of the S\vlno anil Brooders' Journal ; A. J. Sea- grave and Lloyd Mugs , Centre , Ind. ; John Hnrcburt , Now Augusta , Ina. j Harry O. Ollar , KuBstnvlllo. Ind.j Alonzo Baker , „ „ Cole , la. ; C. II. Soarlo. Edgar , Nob. ; M. H. "r "Wostcott , Malcolm : John Kly i Ynnkoo Illll ; A. Borcsford. Oorosco ; T. J. Hltto. Lincoln ; Qoorgo W. Stover , Holdrcgo : Gcorgo K. Flnloy , ( Jonovn ; Prof. C. L. Ingcrsoil and W. S. I'trmn , Lm- coin ; Horace. ) . Nowborry , American Homo * stead , Oranba ; Charles Walker , tiurnnso ; U. G. Dawon , Enalcolt ; II. S. Hood , Lincoln ; T. J. Borcsford , Corcsco ; 3. AnOrow , Friend ; V. A. Borosford , Corcsco ; J. V. Wolfe , Lincoln ; J. W. 1'nttorson , Craig ; C. H. Bcolho , Tccumsoh ; J. F. Marshall , Mur ray ; Mrs. A. M. Edward , Fremont ; J. M. Soudor. Herman ; S. MclColvlo , Falrllcld ; L. W. Leonard , Pawnee City ; I.V. . Chap- poll , College Vlow ; J. O. Stovonsoa and J. L. Barton , Greenwood ; W. C. Uavlson , WIN " " " bur ; L. Hamilton , Lexington. I > l l ! or tlio Work. Tbo greater part of the day was glvon up to score cnrd prnctlco on Borkshiros. A committee on Instruction wai appointed and score cards distributed , Each delegate scored the points of onch animal according to - Ills own tJoan anil gave the reasons which influenced his decisions. The committed of experts than reported the correct scoring. The object of the association Is to give In structions In export judging of swine and educate raisers to bo export judges. - No other xvorlc was done by thu association today. An Informal session was hold this evening ut wliich results of tbo day's work wore discussed. The matter of swine exhibit from Ne braska at the World's fair was also taken up mid n committee- appointed to confer with Commissioner General Garuoau in regard to securing nn espccial appropriation ana place It at the disposal of the association. The mooting tonight was purely Informal , no ad dresses being delivered nor papers road. To morrow will bo devoted to score card prac tice on Estox , Jersey Kcds nnd ether breeds. Mm , Shcody Wins llor CIIHC. The case of Mrs. Mary Sheody nsalnit M. J. Altkon , administrator of her drcovsoa husband's ostuto , has been pending In dis trict court hero for some months , but it wus ended today. The probate court had allowed liar ? IOCO a year from tbo estate , and she re ceived the allowance the llrst your. Thou the administrator declined to pay bor any * further allowance , tbo heirs having com menced u suit against her. Before Judge TlbbottR today Mrs. Shoody's attorney as serted that his client had neon recently In jured in a railroad accident iiml that she was badly in need of money. Tbo court decided that she was still nntltlod to $1,000 per year and the administrator was ordered to pay it. An appeal was taken to the su promo court. Under Now JtlaiinRemcnK The Lincoln Dally Sun has boon consol idated with the weekly Farmers Alliance and will bo continued as tbo organ of the people's Independent party. S. E. Thornton , now editor of the Farmers Alliance , will bo the now editor of the daily , with C. H. Pirtlo and J. H. Thompson interested in the business management. Uncolit In Ilrlof. Dan Cathlan , who was arrested as an ac cessory in tbo Thomas murder , has been re leased on ball , but will have u preliminary hearing tomorrow morning. Joseph Boohmor was today olootod presi dent of iho German National ban It to suc ceed C. 10. Montgomery , who was shot and killed by W. H. Irvine last week. Governor Boyd today appointed W. S. Poole a chief grain inspector for Lincoln to succeed Joseph Morgan , resigned. NISAIl 11ANOUOFT. Yirculctiif ; I > o\rn of n Cur Caused Trouble on tlio Uninlin. BAXCUOFT , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special to TUB DEE. ] Lost evening nt 0 p. m. the accommo dation train on tbo Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha was wrecked about two miles south of thin placo. It was caused by tbo breaking down m tba middle of the train of a freight car loaded with lath. Flvo cars worn dltchod , four of which wore loaded With stock. The pusonpor coaches and sev eral freight cars were left standing on the track uninjured. Two or three hogs and ono tear were killed and several cars damaged , " though ou the whole the damage was slight ' lor such n wreck. The. truck was cleared by midnight and trains are running as usual this morning. _ IiHliHicmtoiits In Session. PLATTI : CBNTBII < Nob. , Juno 1. ( Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The county conven tion of independents mot hero today. Nearly all tha delegates were present and worked harmoniously. After appointing a chairman and sccrotaricH the work of electing dole- Kates was taken up and the following selec tions made : Congressional P. Jewell , C. C. Carritfg. W. J. Irvln , J. P. Johnson , W. Koarvllle , W. Snundors , W. T. Dodds. Stuto John Walker , J. S. Freeman , MiDoUcH , liohort Button- * . Fry , A. G , Johnson , James Koarimn , K. O. Wells , William Scholp. C. B. Campbell. To state nt Kearney Henry Guiles. W. A. Wddo , D. L. Bruon , J. J. Graves , 1. L. Albert , N. Hyatt , Henry Mahoney - honey , J. Swartlov , S. O. Raymond , J. C. Wilson , Robert B. Wiley , Henry Station. The next county convention will bo. hold at Humphrey September 14. , Goiinox , Nob. , June 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB BRE. J Hon. John H. Powers was kero today and talkml to the farmers In favor of tbo alliance movement , tbo main argument being iu favor of Hat money. Nultrankit Miirtgnca liiilulitailness. GKXEVA , Ni3b. , Juno 1. [ Spuolal to TUB DISK. ] Following Is the mortcago indebted ness of Flllmoro county for Mny : Number real estate mortgages filed , ibirty-throo , f'10,251.73 : released , fifty-six , $ J1,415.23 ! ; city mortgages filed , seventeen , $11.827.85 ; rT.kasod . , eighteen , * 'JH.7rf ! ! ! ; chattel mort gages tiled. U > , $ UU77.IS ! ; released , eighty- two , t l.T'Jt.Mo ' ; the actual doorcase of inor't- gORO Indebtedness is ) . Of the above mortgages ever $3,000 were for part purchase price of land , HuiTPfdTONNob. . . Juno 1. [ Special to TUB Hri.J During the month of May there wore , according to iho Codur county mort gage record , xlxty-aavon farm mortgages Jllod , amounting to lOSl.83 | ; twonty-tlvo re leased , amounting to fcJlb93.UO ; town mortgage - gage * cloven. W,4ai. and ono released uinountliifi ioSI5.50aiO : ) ; chattel moriKaeos flSltvJ.H ( , nnd 10'J ' were roloajod omountlnc to fc " itliiRii' X'luna for ravin ? . Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special to TUB 1JKK.1 At n special mooting of the city coun cil last nitwit , oil potltlonj prmontoil alunoa by the roqulslto number of property owners , ordinances orfr.anlilGfr pavlnif districts NOJ. " and ! t vytiro pissed and a special election called tor July 5 tovoto upon iho Usuuncoof fit.OOO lutci-scctlon boudt. Tbo now district Ho. 2 will bo a largo one. Pint strrot Is to bo paved from Ucnvor to Ilelloviio avouucs , Denver avouua from Tnlnt street to tbp bt Joioph it OrunJ Island railroad track , Hast ings , Lincoln und Ilurllntrton uvcnuna from Third street to the I ) , ft M. railroad troolr. Dollcruo avenue froat Klnt strool to tbo D. & M. trucK , a total of uonrly two mllos. Dis trict No. II will cuiuurlso the alloy runulus through block * i."J and ' 1 , orlitlnal town , bo- twcon Llncoliiaud Douvor avonuos. lliiiKliiutua Tliolr Cuitnn. | | TitKAUiu , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Bpoolnl to TUB IUK.J A banquet \vu tcnduroil Captain C. I51. Beck by company H at tholr armory last nlsbt , Captulu lleclc buvluK ronlitned. About juu ponous were present , Inrludlni ; the corn- j > any uod tuolr ladies aod frleuus. A nuiu- her ot toatts were responded to by members of the company and citizens , after wbicb a very pretty silver water servtco was pre sented to Captain Bock by the company. Captain Bock has made a good ofllcor. atr.ET , Stnto Homeopathic Hncloty In SeMlcm nt Ilcntrlcc. BBATntCE , Nob. , Juno 1. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tun BEE. ] The Nebraska Sin to Homeopathic socloty mot at tbo Paddock opera house , this city , today for n two days' ' session. There is nn unexpectedly large attendance - tendance of delegates for the flrst day , not less than fifty being present from nil quar ters of Iho stato. The meeting was called to order by President W. A. "Humphrey of Plattnmouth. Recording Secretary Dr. Wells ot McCook occupied the secretary's dosk. Dr. Holmes of Omaha road n very Interesting paner on "Mental Diseases" and Dr. Neal of Falls City on "Anatomy nnd Physiology. " Allrolv nnd Interesting dis cussion followed Dr. Holmes' paper nnd ho gave sovonil Instructive practical Illustra tions. Dr. Hnnchott Illustrated the process of ( intubation In croup and diphtheria. Tbo socloty learned with sincere regret of tbo sudden death of Dr. Lannlng of Chicago , who had been asked to participate Iu the program. The visitors were driven ever the city this afternoon by the local commlltoos and cllltons. Tbo opera house was com fortably filled this ovcning to hear the elo quent nnd Interesting looturo of Dr. E. S. Balloy of Chicago on the subject of "Tbo World of the Innmtoly Llttio. " Tomorrow will bo devoted to miscellaneous lectures and addresses nnd the election of ofltccrs. Mnlmrd by Vicious Stnllion. GiiEEi.ny CKNTEH , Neb. , Juno 1. [ Special Toloerom to THE BBB.J ISugono Cotter was exorcising a stallion here today when the unlmal became enraged nnd bit off hit third and fourth fingers with a plooo of his hand. The cords and tissues were pulled out of his arm for several Inches. The unlmal would have killed him only for the timely assist ance of others. Was Known ut Diirchcxtcr. Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special to BRE. ] Scott Marymnn , the Uroninn ( Illod In the railroad wreck at Dead wood , S. 3. , yesterday morning , bos nn aged mother , three brothers and three sinters living at this ) lace , who have telegraphed for the rouialns o bo sent here for intormont. NOIIFOUC , Nob. , Juno 1. [ Special to TUB 3nn.J Today at the residence of Hon. J. H. lays occurred the wedding of his dauglftcr Edith to Dr. P. H. Saner of NorfolK. The wadding was a most brilliant affair , Iho couple being very popular 111 Norfolk socloty. Dr.Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder cures catarrh For sulo by all druggUts. 5u cents. if HUM mouxn AHUOT vs. Hastings feels the need of a public library. Scrlbnor will spend SoOJ for n Fourth of July celebration. Hov. Mr. I'lculo has started a now Indc- pendent paper at Elgin. The Dawes county nlllnnco will hold its next mooting at Crawford Juno 10. Woliros nro numerous In bloux county and colts nnd calves have been devoured. Jane George , llvlnir near Superior , ran a thorn In her eye and destroyed iho sight. Ton thousand Sioux county sheep were ( beared last wcok , yielding three carloads of wool. The now Odd Fellows hall nt Plalnvlow has boon dedicated with aopropriato cere monies. The State bank of Grant has boon reorgan ized and is now Known ns the Citizens' Ex change bunk. Booauso J. C. Whlto , n farm hand , accl- dentallv throw a forkful of tmv on Farmer Hibbard of York , Hlbbard "struck Whtto with a pitchfork handle and shattered his jaw. Citizens of Broken Bow have organized for the purpose ot holding a horse fair. They have decided' to bold a three clays meeting , July , 5 and 0 , < and will offer $1,000 , in prom- turns. A cat belonging to EditorBannerICcoloy Cure Matthews of O'Neill gave birth re cently to four kittens 'which were llrmly grown tocrothof. Before the value of the freak was discovered a small boy had drowned them. Al E. Held , a young roan of Fontnnelle , was drowned In tbo Klkhorn at Nickorson. Ho was crossing the river % vltb a lady named Blschoff , when the boat was overturned in two foot of water. A valise belonging to tbo lady tloatod away and Hold waded out to secure it when he stopped into a deep hole and was drowned. Au Ord woman gave birth last week to twin boys united from tbo breast down to the lower part of tbo abdomon. They were largo ana perfect in every part , but they could not stand the ordeal of birth. Ac cording to the physicians wbo bad charge of- iho case , the twins were the greatest freak- ot tbo century. Many physicians say they nro the only ones on record for a porloa of several hundred years. Dr. Blrney's Catarrh Powder for tonsil- _ tis. For sale by all druggist * . 50 cents. Confounded Joneses. W. T. Jones of this city , manager of the Sandwich Manufacturing company for Iowa and Minnesota , was ono of thn busiest men In town this morning , says the Cedar Rapids , la. , Gazette. Ho was compelled to * send a number of telegrams to eastern relatives and friends assuring them that ho was not the Jones who was killed yesterday at Council Bluffs. The prois report that was sent out from the Bluffs stated that W. F. Jones , manager of the Sandwich Manufacturing company , bad boon shot and killed In the Ogden hojso of that city. The Initials of that Jones were W. M. , instead of VV. F. . and ho Is manager for ihn company of the states of Nebraska and South Dakota. The similarity of the initials of the two gentlemen and tbo fact that both were managers for the Sandwich Manufacturing company led his friends to bollovo that ho had mot his death , Disease never successfully attacks a svs- tom with pure blood. Jo Witt's Sanaparllla manes pure , now blood und onrluhoi the old. llrlof Council Meeting. A brief session o ( the olty council , at which ton members were present , was hold yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tbo mor.thly salary ordinance for May , which amounted to $ i'J,23'J.03. was passed. An ordinance creating street improvo- modts In district No. 470 , comprising Nlntn street from Paolllo street to the alloy north of that thoroughfare , was passed. Another ordinance , providing for a special levy of taxes and assessments to construct side walks , was also passed. This morning the committee on public property anil buildings will meet to consider the gas nnd llghtlntr fixtures of the city ball. The council will also nold a special moottag at night to consider sewer mattoM. Mrj. L. It Patton , RoeUfonl , III. , writes : "From personal cxporlmico X can recommend DoWltt's Sarsapanlla , a cure for impure blood and general debility. " I.nit Homo unit Atonoy. Thomas J. jUouton , ex-proprietor of thu Buffalo , \Vyo. , Echo , is in Omaha onrouto to Halt L-Jko City. Mr. Bouton says Wyoming wasn't a healthy country for Him after the stand bo took on tbo cattle question , und ho loft nt tbo urgent request of some of his friends who didn't want to bo force J to lay him out and bury him at their own exponio. Ho says bo lost &J,800 In property by belnp driven out of the country. A sore throat or cough , If suffered to progress - gross , often results In an Incurable throat or luiifr trouble. "Brown'i Bronchial Troches1 ftlvo Instaut relief. 1'ut Chicago In Your rocket. A frrent work , "Moron's Dictionary of Chicago , " H thora is u fouturo or Insti tution in tlio World's fair olty it full do- dcrlptlon of which < loo8 not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of It. Price , 25 coiita porcqpy. For tmlo at " 09 Horuld builiHnt , ' , Chicago. 600 the now , complete - ploto and elegant map U contains , par sons ordering copies will please oucloso 0 cents extra for postage. READY AND ALL DRESSED UP Minneapolis Waiting to Welcome the Coun try's Representative Republicans ! DESCRIPTION OF NOMINATION HALL How thoMuUHiiito Will Ho Ilousiul-Oom- tnlMnrlnt Arrangements Transporta tion Facilities-Wlmt Vlnltnni to the Flour City Mny lixpoot. Minn. , Juno 1. [ Special to THE BBC. ] The focal point of imm'dlnto in terest to bait a hundred millions of people in these United States , and exorcising a mighty contrlfugally political force hardly loss di rect in every corner of the civilized fooUtool , the Flour city has rlson to the opportunity of its lifotlmo and Mlnnoapolltans are compla cently smiling under It. Everything Is In readiness for the coming of the national convention. Slnco the selec tion of Minneapolis for the honor of enter- tattling the roDUhllcan convention , doubt nnd criticism of Us ability to adequately fulfill its contract hnvo eon freely and widely expressed - pressed , and especially irritating bavo been tbo Insinuations of our older nud somewhat frumpish sister down the rivor. So Minne apolis got on Its mettle , nnd to gtvo readers of TUB BEE some Idea of what has boon denote to ontortnln the scores of thousands who will honor our hospitality next week your corre spondent has boon at palna to got at all the details of what visitor * ma ; oxpoot. Ar rangements havn boon BO perfected that noth ing now remains to ho done but to throw to the broczo the grand old flag and glvo the band the signal to begin. Never before in tbo history of conventions 'IHE CONVENTION HALL. has a city made such preparations for tbo entertainment of delegates nnd visitors. The number of those may bo much larger than over before attended a convention , but If it docs not extraordinarily exceed that of pre ceding conventions Minneapolis can comfort ably provide for all and cuu confidently an ticipate the nralso of all but tbo most incor rigible of kickers. Looking today at what has boon done , ono marvels at iho energy dlsDlayod by the convention committee , and Chairman Brackott and Secretary McCrory should find the reward of tholr untiring ex ertions in tbo general satisfaction of those whoso comfort they have wrought so hard to assure. About the Convention liullillng. A-president will bo nominated In ono of the larao&t nnd most permanent exposition build ings in the world. Nothing in the nature of n wigwam about this structure. The im mensity of the building is the first sense ono gets of it. It covers nearly three acres of ground , nearly as great a base area as that covered by the national capltoL Imagine a great rectangular building of Rtono nnd brick , rot quite so high as I'liuBcE building , lighted by hundreds of windows in three rows and entered by many doors on all sides. A square tower ut ono end is an architectural feature. As the visitor is dropped from ono of the many motor lines that pass within a block of it the impression is distinctly pleas ing. Entering the convention hall proper , which occupies tbo second door of the building , and a full aero of space , a forest of chatr.i is aeon. Tbo main floor , devoted to the delegation , Is seated with 000 comfortable opera chairs ; these in about a 150-foot square area. Delegates' view of the platform is unob structed. From three sides of this 150-foot square , which is fenced in , rises a grand stand , seated for 5,200 people. Tbo galleries will hold fully 4,500 more. Looking over the delegates' chain the ore rests on the ros trum , close up to the pillars which support the south gallery , from which tbo chairman of tbo convention will rulo. Immediately behind , the national commlttoeraon will sit , and whatever distinguished guests they may delight to boner , wbllo on cither sldo ara ranged 100 tables at which newspaper men , correspondents and reporters of the various press associations and bureaus , to the number o' about 300 , will chronicle the "epoch-marking" speeches of delegates and tba more momentous doings of tbo body. Standing today in the hall , ono can wall imagine the stirring scene , when tbo 13,000 seats within its walls are tilled and fringed on lloor and In galleries by full 3,000 rnoro of chairloss cheering humanity. The hall is admirably lighted. In addition to the scores of windows a magnificent skylight ever tbo main floor transmits a flood of nature's detective - tectivo force , while many smaller ones aid In lighting every nook and corner. The artific ial lighting of tba oulldlng will prove as per fect , which many of the stalwarts who have sorehead memories of the convention of 'TO will rejoice In. The convention building of this year is llchtoa by no less than 150 are lampiand morotban l,200incattdosconUlghts. Ventilation is also perfect , the acre of glass roof being so built tbat it can bo opened up in dozens of places. It may bo ro- assurlngto add that should tbo unexpected huppon and tire break out , tbo exits are BO many , spacious and easy tbat 13,000 people could got tafely out of the building witbin six minutes. There are thirty-eight stair cases leading from the galleries. The acous tic qualities are surprisingly good , and anyone ono speaking from the nominating rostrum will have no diQlculty iu malting himself heard In every corner of the vast auditorium. Tlnpluta Industry In Kvlilonoe. Interior decoration in an exposition buildIng - Ing is considered subsidiary , nnd it must bo admitted that tbo eye can ordinarily liiid offense iu thu exposition ball at Minneapolis. Ordinarily ; but the coming ft the convention h-u called forth the latent rcutjotlo spirit of tbU city of lumber and llburamt now the old dirty blue pillar * havoifelron place to col umns of quietly offoctlvo.brpnie. These pit. tars , by the way , may cause some dissatis faction ; they are many rind will certainly obstruct the vlow ol 'somo of the spectator * , but P tH PwysR Will Do from nil over tbo hail the Inconvenience to individuals can onljr bo very temporary and should bo berne wlth'tho cheerfulness to bo assumed la the fnqoupf the Inevitable. Among the festoons nnd national bunting that will grace the cMleries nnd pillars will appear what sbould proYoatl Inspiring object lesson to the delegates and. spectators. At regular intervals on the trqntof tbo galleries , gleaming among the fol:1i'npj : ; of the rod. whlto < jiul blue , will bo scon itpo sheen of many shields made of gonulno American tlnplntcs , mined and manufactured by American labor. Each of the fifty-one shields Dears the name of n state or territory , surrounded by the American naglo In honorable cOlgy and flanked by two national flags. There will bo music , of course , anil It will bo strictly "muslo In the air. " Space Is valuable and the band Will bo "suspended In space. " A platform has boon hung front the rafters and hero , above thu surging sea of delegates and spectators , the buna will play- "Annio Laurie , " without doubt , and ether alternately inspiring nnd soothing melodies and marches. How the Multitude Will llo Fed. About 000 delegates will present creden tials from the different states nnd territories. From overv state thn number of visitors will bounprccodontodly largo. The great west will bo particularly well represented. Wo will havn delegations from C > SO republican clubs in Ohio alono. Suppose ton coma from each club. This will make 0,800 , and wo will have a bigger delegation from Iowa. Tbo Ne braska and Iowa man bavo boon here to look up accommodations nnd they nro organizing to come la crowds. Wo have had advance dolo- egatlotis here from all of the western state ) . Estimates of the number of strunpors who will bo In Minneapolis during convention weolc vary , as is the way of estimates , from 75,000 to 150,000. Visitors can rely on three fc-ooil square meals a day , arid a plaoa tosloop if they want it. But thq > koad and front of thoontertnlnment commUteo , Colonel Brack ott , xvas mightily disturbed at tbo unjust as persions put on Minneapolis and ho sot about to plan a glorious rovengoflho colonel Is not naturally vindictive , butt bo determined to heap coals of fire , as tho.psalmist puts It , on the slanderers' heads. Tbo. "Logging camp" la the outcome , and it will undoubtedly boone ono of the attractions , pipturosquo to' the eyes and gastronomlculiv , satisfactory , of the convontioo. On the blocu Immediately east of the convention buildlnRbus boon erected a fully-equipped , old-fashioned lumber catno. Benjamin F. Nelson , the lumber king , had the matter in charge. Every facility for the cooking of beans will bo on'band , and all the art known to the , primost of lumber , came cooks. Some of Jlh'o lou3ing _ pgng la'dlei of Minneapolis society "will wait upon the tables , that will scat COO people. In addition to the established hotels and restaurants , which oan double their com missariat capacity without much dlQlcully , quarters have boon rented and all * arrange ments made for the opening of extra oatlng houses for convention weoic. How tlio Grotvtl Will Ho Housed. A place to sleep , while not so important as regular meals , is one of the luxuries modern civilization bus lowered to the oluno of a ne cessity. Every dolojjato.oacu alternate and alt the newspaper men have boon assigned to dormitories of ono kind or another , and every visitor who has written to the accommodu"- tlons committee has boon provided for. First coma has boon flrst served , and these who arrive unheralded can have only the privilege of kicking if they feel sere at not being able to aocuro u lirst floor front sulto at the West or tha Nicollot. But oven they will be looked af tor. Agents will board all incoming trains some distance from the city and go through them , giving locations to these who have not taken the procautlon of securing tbom. And all will bo taken care of. Minneapolis' hotel nnd boarding house accomodatlon is ample and , besides , her private homes have boon placed at tbo command of tbo accornodatlon.t com mittee. At Latio Mlnnotouka , at Lake Park , at other of the famous summer resorts of Minnesota , all within easy distance , and admirably served with transportation faolli- los of tbo city , thousands oan bo accomo- dated. St. Paul , only thirty minutes away on the electric car system , vvilltako in many , Now York's "big four" will bo nt the West , on the third floor. So will Secretary Foster. Michigan has appropriated the lion's sbaro at their hostelry , and Algor.has been kicking fur moro. Antagonists of the Algor boom are close ot band. Ohio is divided between the West and Nlcollet. Governor McKinley nnd ox-Govornor Forakor have adjoining rooms. Nebraska bangs out its banner from the Nicollot. Iowa has headquarters at the West and Its delegates are divided between that house and the Windom and Holmes. Delegates from Colorado will stay at the Victoria , with delegation headquarters at tbo Nicollot. Illinois and Kansas are near Nebraska at tha Nicollot , Missouri is ulso there. Wisconsin at the West. Wyoming at the Windsor. Oregon , California and Idaho at the West. Wasbington at tbo Holmes. The presiden tial state delegation of forty-eight will bo housed at tbo vVctt. Newspaper men will have tboir headquar ters at the Now York Llfo buildlug , wboro everything possible has boon , done to facili tate their labors , The telegraphic servloa will not bo exactly perfect , and eastern papers may experience some dlfllculty Iu gob- ting their reports ot the convention proceed ings , but , tba circurastarifces considered , It is expected the telegraph 'companies will sur pass themselves. _ nog Do Witt's Sarsaparlfla'ii reliable. tun , ol A Nice 10 if Quiet Game , ' * 'is > j > ? ver CcMpleto It OJ without a of Biackweii's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco , composed only of "pure leaf , " grown in the famous Golden Belt , its uniform quality , and rich fragrant aroma , recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has Biackweii's Bull Durham. It is now , as it has been at all times dur ing the last 25 years , the best in the world. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , _ DURHAM , N. C. " 1 < " * J V' . t | < * wiMf Hellman's Administrator's SUIT. Closing Sale. On account of ilie great avalanche of unex pected goods that have been heaped upon us we are compelled to redouble our efforts to dispose of the Hellman stock and in order to do so quickly we start the ball a rolling by putting all the $8 , $1O and $12 wool cas- simere , worsted and cheviot suits in one lot at " ; . . Hellman's Administrator's Closing ; Sale SUIT. The most of the suits in this lot are brand new , although there were some that were bought earlier , for this spring and summer , and the bargains are so everlastingly great that we have no trouble in disposing of them ; the styles are in sacks , cutaways , stripes , plaids and every popular color extant , at - H ell man's yi $ H" . O Administrator's SUIT. Closing Sale. In the rush for these suits our furnishing goods department must not be overlooked. You will find almost anything you want there at genuine bargain prices. A good stainless black hose , 15e. The best crow black hose , 28c. Solid colored hose , tans , slates and browns , IBc. All the 3Bc suspen ders go at I8c. $2 light weight balbriggan underwear $1 suit. Remember , $8 , $10 and $12 suits cut to "fl f : \ Hellman's Administrator's Closing ; Sale SUIT. iSLT THE OLJ3 CORNER 13th AND FARNAM ST5. KP BAKING U POWDER. OZS.FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmaliaNeb THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures all disorders of the Stonincli , Llvor , Bowels , Kldonys , Blatltlor , Nervous Discuses , Loss of Appetite , Headache. Constipation , CostirciiosiIndigestion , Ull- oiii uc'is , Fever , FlIesEtc , , nnd rentiers tlio sjstnm less liable to contract disease. DYSPEPSIA. RADWAY'S PILLS nro euro" for this complaint They tone up the Internal soerotlons to healthy notion , restore strength to tbo Htomaoh. and enable It to perform Its functions. Price lUo a box. Sold by nil drugclsts , or mailed by It AD WAY < t CO. . 32 Warren Street Now York , on receipt of price. Dr.D 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. ' Tba eminent apoclallit In norrong , chronic , prlrnto. blood , ikln nnd unnarr ilUenioi. A recular and recl'tcred Brad unto In muilclno. M diplomas and oimlflcntcB Bhovr. li atlll troatlnir nltu the groatoat aucceis catarrh , pennatorrboes , lo manhoodlamina ! weaknon , nluhl losses , tmpntenojr. irpbllls. ulrlcture , uoa- orruoea. Kleet , Yarteocele.ctc. No inorcurr used. New treatmvnt forlouof vital power , Parilei unablu to vlilime rnar be tronteJat homo l > 7 correspondence. Medlcln * or Initrumunts > ont b/ mall or express s . aurolr packed , no mkrki to Indtcato contents or nder. On o personal Intonlew preferred. . ConiultiUon freo. Correspondence strictly private , liook ( M ; tarUs of LUo ) lent tr . Office hours U m. m. to B p. m. Bundoja 10 B. to. to 12m. Bead stamp lor roplj. roplj.BEK Every MAN can 1m S'XKONO and VIO- BEK I OHOUS in all tespecls _ _ Ibr uslnn BPAytsiI NJiKVINE.thegreat ttpunlBh Remedy. YOUNG MUM OR OMJ sufferinu from NERVOUS DUBIMTY. X.OBT or FAII/INO MANHOODniehtlycniisilons.ccnvnlBioni , ncrvouj proitrallon , caused by ( lieuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , menial depression , loss of power in either sez , spermMor- nirnoRK AMU AVTXR USE , tlicea caused brself abuse anil over indulgence or any personal weak' ness can be restored to perfect liealtli and Iho NOUIU VITAI/ITY OP 8TH.ONG MEN. Wo K' ' ' ° a written guarantee with § boxes to cure any cam or refund Iliu money. $ t a boxG : boxes | 5 For Sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Plats. STETSON'S SOFT anitSTJ'fF hATS. ADLABADGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. the eti.imu.l4 , liter uJUi rl , inirt-I If the blood , re K to ml clfivlml | I tbo bst uicdlclnekuowufor bUiouX , coiuUintlou. iljrtivpfcla. fuuli BUM , uauUclK , hutrtlHiru , ( uu of r-pj Ue. uieuul dc | rtwaluu , | uiUiful lu tutlon , rlui lci. willow r ' - - - Impara blaoj.or * fiJlure br Cut rloiau b. llrrror Iuf „ Uxltaei to pvrfonii tbclr proir . . fuujclouj. . . . . . 1'criotu . * - - - lfln < u loom-wain r bcu nl d bx Ukloy oueiittr ztA b. lawil. I rloe M mall. 1 iuui , t Mini.Ie , lie. t Itll-XNS Oil dlUAL CO. , l l i > nic bt..hfi'W York.f The Faiteit nn.1 Yin tit In World , frer A comodavionsiiGcxccHL _ HEW YORK. lONDOHDERnV AND GLASGOW. ICrerr Hnlurdny. NEW YORK , GIIlU/lI.TKn.and NAPLES , At regular Interval * . 8ALOQH , 8ICOHD-DLA5S AIID 8TEERAQE r to onloirc ttorin to and from the principle cflOTcn. xitaiMn , istsa a AU OOHTWEHTAL roiuia. Kicuralon llckoU anlUbla to return by cllliorthurlo- turowiue Clyde a NarlU or Ireland or K plo < OlbralUr Crttu ill Ii33 7 Oricti fr Air i = : ut t lovui EiltJ. Applr to f nor of our laral Anenta or lo SMDtlltSOW JillOTllliKS. Chicago , IU. ALLAN LINE . . _ MAI ! . . STKAMSHIl'S. MONTKtALunl ! ( JUKIKO ) TnlHHtlCVnml niVKni'OOI/ . CABIN , 00 to W o. Acconllug to ctuumur ntul locution of Btuturouni. tntarinoillato und tilcornao ut , low rates. NO OATTI-KCAHUIHI ) . ) BEHVIOKOK CTATC / ALLAN LINE MNE } BTRAMHIIII'S. NEW YORK und OLASOOW. Tlalxindundcrrr , ovvrr KurtDlnUt , H r UUi HTATK OK WKVAIIA..8 l . M. JuuulciO bTATH OK NHHUAHKA 3 I * . It , Cabin , (40 , h eond Cabin Ml. Blucra e , 111) . Applr to AU.AN & CO. . ClilotKO. U. b' . MUOUK , liltf bt , Oniatio. DR. J. E. McGKEW THE SPECIALIST , TaunsurnnssodI Inithotroatmontof nil forrusof PBIVATE DISEASES , nnd nil dUordan nnd ( lolllltlos ) of youth nncl nuinliood. ITyoars' experience. Ills resources nnd fuollltloa nro prnctlcnlly unllmltuil. Tlid Uootor Is rocorn- inondod by tlionovi \ , and ondoracd In tlio strongest terms by the people for fair tront- moiit and honest professional nil vice. Tlio mint powerful remedies known to modern Rclpnco for the successful treatment of tha followlnzdlsonsos : QONOBKHOEA Immcdlnto relief. A com. nloto euro without the loss of uu hour's tlma from miBlnuss. QIjEET .Ono ot the most comnloto nnd auo- cossful trontmcnts for Rluot nnd all aiinoylns discharges yotlinown to the medleal profes sion. The results nru truly wonderful. BTKIOTrjllE Greatest known remedy for the treatment of gtrluturo. without | mln , ctit- ilim. ordlliitlntr. Amostromnrkablo rotnodv. 8VPHILIS-No treatment for tliU terrible blood dlsonso has ever been morn sucoes f ill. nor hud EitronKor endorsements , In the llKlit , of mudorn HuIcnCQ thin dlsnasn li positively cur.iblo nnd every trrtco of thi > poison entirely removed from the blooJ , LQST MANHOOD , nnd nmbltlon. norvoiM- ncfli , timidity , despondency and nil weaknes * nnd dlsordora of youth or manhood , Kollof obtnlnvd ntonco. SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil diseases of lha stomacli , bland , liver , kidneys nnd bladder nro treated BU cecssftilly with Iho groatos known remcdlus for the dlnuasns. Write forolrculara nndquostlon list , froo. l-ltlt and I'urtiiitn bin. THE SUORIBSI LINE TO CHICAGO is vfa the Chicago , Milwaukea' & SL Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASII , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Wo rcntl the innrr lnr.9 Vrcnch E HcmrJr CALTHOB n-w , ami n | local cuarantou that UiU IIQI III { r.TOI > M.rlmnrr. A KmL.lon. , [ OVIIK Hn-rrnmlnrrhfa , Vnrlcocci * [ uiid ISLtiroiti : Ixt Vigor. Ult it ami f > ay f/satijrtl. A4Jr . , VON MOIIL CO. , Bol. > tirc.n ! lt U , ( liti CURE YOURSELF ! r , Ask your Urugaltt ( or a , , lottlo of JIlK . Tlio only / nopoftom < u remedy fur all I J Ilia unnatural Ultchargci ana I pf Ivnte UUeuvi of incn anil the iklilltatlnb' "tal 111-88 peculiar I to wouifii. U cures In a few dnjs without tlc : old or i publicity of a doctor. \'l'l # l/nlltrsnl Amtrtcan Curt. Uanufaclur < l I'/ vTbo Kvacs Chtmical C CINCINNATI. O. U. a. A.