THE OMAHA DAILY BBS// / WEDNESDAY , JUNE t , 1892. May Oorn Advanced to Cno Pollar and Then Bapldly Eccodod. MANY ROUND LOTS WERE SOLD EARLY Otlinr Fnturrs Sjmimthlfnl Whcnt Trml. Injr XVns Light mill tlio Opening Wn Ail- Tonccil Onti Opened Homcwluit I'lrmor nncl cloioil Higher. CHICAGO , III. , Mny 31.-A hugo , Inglorious irrlo ended tlio Mny corn deal. Tlio mnrkot throughout Iho tiny wnsoxcltodund notlva to the point of fovorlflluicss. Cu the opening on tlio tap of tlio Imll 11.10 wns bid for Mny by brokers nn tlio long ildo of the innrkoU Itouml lots wcro gold InuiicdUtoly nt thnt flguro un-.l 11.00 wns bid continuously till about lllW.wheti n sudden roiiotlon sot In on rumors regarding tlio fltinticlul condition of the olilof lojnl concern - corn Interfiled In tlio deal I'ostor & Martin. Tlio price suddenly receded with trades vary ing until Wo was reached. The oilier futures sympathized , July declined to 46Uc , after solllnz at the start at 4Hyo. Tlio curly bulge In July wns attributed largely to the , wet wuathor all over the west , mid Inltliil trades wcro tit ! 4o advance at from 47o to 4fc. the price later working up ? io more , declined to 4r > < 4r , reacted to 47J i' . declined toitoht ( ? I2lfi.on : tlio iiiinouncctiiont to close out all trades wltli tlio hoiisu mon- tlono.i. advanced to from 47So to 47.Ho on biiyiiu In for this concern. Tlio close was 47'nc , or from 1'ic to l ° i higher than the final quotations of tiutiitdiiy. UccolplH were Immense 1,815 curs which Included Sundtiy a nnd Mouduy'H work , and 577 oars of contract guide" . In wheat trading was light The opening was from Me to lju hlghor than llio close on Saturday nnd held steady fjura while. broUo Rtiddcnly IJjoon rumors of tlnstnclaldlluculty. The nmrkct rallied Iic , ruled Irregular , nnd the closing was Mo lower tlihn on sutur- ( lny. 1 ho weather WIIB nsuln wet , and not withstanding the lluctiiutlng condition of the market a Hun undertone existed. The de crease In \ > heal and Hour or ) ocean passage of 2.48."i.OOO IJii. , besldus thn waalhcr , hud u 'Htrengthenlng ciroct. The Hull nnd lower cables seemed to bo Ignored. Thu visible mipplv decrease was hoidly what was ex pected. Outs opened up somewhat ( Inner and after weakening us the doy advanced , on bud crop reports received , closed from Uo to Jo higher. Kor deferred deliveries a fulrtrauc was lrun - actcd. The Unlit receipts of 10,000 hogs and tlie. rc- nmrkublo action In corn started provisions with nn advance. 1'ork showed u gain of I5o , ribs S.'o and lard 7Ho at the top 'jgtiros. There was HOIIIO reaction of u natural character be fore the failure in the corn trade , when there was u sharp drop to the lowest llinires of the. Rcssloiir Wlicn the dcniorall/utlon was over there WHS a recovery , unn the final quotations wore up from the close Saturday , laeon porlc , J2J4.C on ribs and 25c | on Urd. Freights nero slow at ll-Je for whont und 1J0 for corn to Buffalo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 150 cars ; corn , 473 cars ; oat ? , 180 cars ; hogs , 113,00 Mioad. Tnc loading futures rained as follows : AHTICI.FS. IIIU1I , LOW. CI.OSK \Vll 'Ar NO. 2 May B. ' , June 84i ! 84' < 82H 8.1b3 July 82 b3 Couv No. S 1 03 1 00 49 June. . . . . . ICW < . 00M July 4W4S48H 4Ui ! OATH No. S .Mny .11 June SIH .11b July b HI Chi 1'oiiK May in r , 1085 10 GO 1C 70 July 10G7J4 10 E5 10 in 1070 Kept 10 65 11 ( XI 10 7 % IU 85 IiAllll Jlny 6 4214 645 G 40 July 6MH li S5 047K li 50 tept 07K G 70 G tSH G 05 BIIIIHT ItlllH May 847K R CO 4. . . GM July G 47X GW 6 42h U Ut Bopt II (0 G 55 Oush quotations wcro us follows : FI.ODR-Dull and unchunccd ; winter pit ems , II.2CQ4.40 : winter straights , f3UJ4.25 ; prlnz patents , < 4.15Q ( > 4.45i spring straights. WiiEAT-Na 2 spring. B2'ia82Jfo : No. 3 iprlng. 77o ; No. 2ro < l. b8Hi ( 89o. CoitN-Lowcri No. 2 , 4S ® 'Jo ; No. 3 yellow OATS-NO. 2. 3UJc ; No. 2 white , No. 5 white , : tMt-'Wic. ! - . 70c. lHittKi No. 2 , C0362o ; No. 3 , f. a b. B6c ; ( . * t , . FLAX SBED-NO. 1. II.02M. TIMOTHY HEED I'rlmo. * 1.29l.34. 1'oiiK-Mcss , per hhl. . $ lo.7l10.725 ( ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . & : .37 ® 040 ; short rll-s , sides t.ooso ) , W 47'MtC.Ni dry salted shoulders fl > oxodl,432ji$3.37 ( } { ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , 10,65020.82 . WiiibKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , BtlOAU-Cut loaf. 53ic ! ; granulated , 4' e ; tiindard"A4ic. ! Receipts and shipments today were us fol lows : On the I'roduco oxchunKo today the butter maiket was very quiet ; fancy creamery. IHc : line western , lli&l'c ; ordinary , 14il5u ; Due dairies , ISe. Esps weak I4c. Now York NEW YOHK , May III. FLOUR Receipts , 17,414 pUus. ; exports , 14. .ill bills. . 22,578 hacks ; mar- Wol ( | iilct ; sales , 24GjO Lbls. COUN MUAI , Meady but quiet. WllKAf Kocolpts , X2,7X ) bil.i exports , fi82H4 ; hu. : sales , : iMOUOO bu. of futures. Hi 1.000 bu. ot 'tprlnv , 83 < 4c , Options udvuneed'Hlo on de- cro.iso In amount on passage , wet weather west nnil excitement In Chicago , declined ? i ® > 4i5on largo India shipments und Increased hngllsli visible , advanced ! iio ! on local truclm ? . cloilng I rro. < til unit ? c down to 'io up. No.U rod Muv. OJJilWltfe ; Juno , UPJiiiOlUu nslod : July , UlG2ic. closing ntlllKu ; August , b.uU84C ? , closing nlOOio : Heptoinber , OJS'JIc ' , closing ut l > oBo : October , IHQ'Jific ' , closing tit lUio ; Otfcontbor. llli'jiic : : ! , closing at OJJio : Mny. 1MM. Ui(3U7 , ( ; , . closing ut U'c. JtVK Klriu , uulut : western , BJiJHTJJo. Htocks of grain In store und ullniit May 28 : Wheat , 2,747,500 : corn. 2K1.G3I ; oats , 41G,4.M : ryo. liMiiO ; barley , 45.4SO ; mult , OT.uO ' ) ) peas , 3.511 bushels. IUiu.iv MAI.T Qulot OoiiN-Hccolpts. 127.100 bti. : exports. 18,044 bu. : s.ilcs , 1,7J5.0JO bu. ot tuturc i 51,000 bu. of spot , bpotqulct und Unsettled ; lower ; No. ' . ' , lifDi.'a In elevator ! 53o : ungraded mixed. KWSa. Options : Chicago's excltoinent hud little odect upon the market hero ; prices ad vanced Oo on May und IXfCo on other mouths. Thn close shows only 2o up on May Mid L' 'o on other months. May G00.ii4o : June , l4tf ? 55H1' . eloslni ; ut f 4Vo : July. WiJe , cioa- lni { at A.'Ua | AiiKU t , 61 ? , 452i' , closing utSI7io ! boiituniber , 51O52c. closing utSlUo. OAlS-KccoInU , lSO.75.Mm. i exports. 637,000 bu. ; sales , 12.000 bu. of futures ; 130.UOU bu. of mat. ouots Irruiular fulrlv m.tii' > imtimm Uriuorunil dull ; June , JJUKc. oloslnn ut JulMJJocos beptoiiiber , U4 ? c. bpot No. 2 whllo mixed wcsloru , UiJJitJ.'iSo ; whlto wosteru , Bood to , quiet and flrmori fair ro- lln iu , 2 11-Itot centrifugals UO test , IlHu ; tulrs. ail ) lihtls. mutfovado ; roUtied. Urm , good demand. Mii.At.sis-l'orolBn , dull ! New Orleans. ituidy and quiet , . Kmc-Kiilr demand and flrm ; domestic , fair to cxtn > . 4io ; Jiipun. DiilWUo. rKjiil.KU-Opcneu meudy and declined Uf. the suloH bclnc most.y Mwltclilnj of ton- triicts Into July. Thu inurKet eloaud btuaOy. reiiiiHylviinlu oil , spilt b iloi none , UorrottSKBUUiL-Qulut but ilrmt yellow , ai > o e. TALiow-Btoudy and qulot ; elty , t..OO for . ltosiN-lull but steady i strained , common 10 uood , ( I. ivai.jTtfx Ttiiii-KNTl.NK-lhill and uasy nt 2oau > . KtKH Mo luratu domnnJ , Htoudyi wustorn , , > ! recolpti ) , 2I , . IliDCH-DtiU anil bteadyt wet suited Now iiis , 4 J to W Ibs. , txak-i Texas ult > lcd , M . , . . & . li8o , WoolI'lilrdcmund. . llrm ; domestic llocct1. CUl .i5o ; pulled , iMiB&H ; ) Toxus. 174JJ2C. I'IIIIK Qulot iiuUMuiiuy ; old nuns. fj.75 ® l.ftti ; new moss. Il.fu ; cxtr.i prime , JII..V ) . f UT Mii\Ts l''lrmi nlokmU , UJi547c : l.lek.L'd shoulders. 511C | pick od limns , luliii 1 t i inldiilcH. firmer : nliort clear , * 7.ioa7,2ft. liAltli lllghfr und quiet ; eslern Kleum closed ut tuu7ij ( bid ; option uileB , l.oju tierces : July , il.75s ( Augtikt , WH.'i September , J0b.ii B > U. cliwliitf ut airi IttliTKll Qu vt und weaken western dulrv , I'.Vcl.'io ; western creamery , lUitiK-os western luuiory , IV < flo ! ! liigin , I7)tifiltlc. ) CiiKr.KK-.SIoJcrtUO deiuiind untl uusy ; part tklius , U4i7ic. . I'm liiON-Steadyt Amerlcnn , ( l4.7KilG.25. C'OI'I'Kll Qlllul ; IllkD. IlI.UKrtll.OJ , , IKA - | ) dome.tie , rl.toii-l a , TIN Steady ) utrnlghty. tJi.ti5tt21.53t Cotluo JilHrUvti. New YOUK , May 3l.-Oi > tfon opened atoaUyl IrouiStoiO poluta lower , oioacd ntvady aud Itnchnnzcd to 5 points down J sales. 21,000 InelndlnK Juno. tlJ.tOi : July. IlI.RJiill.Wl ! Au < - tisl. I117S ; September , ttl.iri ll.&l ; Norctnbor , tll.JS ; Doccmbor , tll.Tsail.Kl : J inuary. III. 70 fill. Si ; Tabruary , 111.75. Spot Rio dull but uoiilyt Na7 , II3.87K. KIO.IANF.IIIO , May 28. rir t ordlnivry. 11,200 rrls per 10 k-ilos ; Rood second , 10,700 reK Uecolptv during the week , 43.003 lines : our- clmscs for the United Stutct , R-ViOO hazs ; ship ments to the Utiltod States , M.OOObaRs ; stock , 1M.OOO bnR . SANTOS , Mav ni.--0ood nvoraRO 11.1.r > 3iols per ID kilos. Uccrlpts ilnrlnz tno. wank. 57,0 o ImKs ; purchase * for the United States. 1 > ,030 lines ; shipments to the United States , 1DV03 bags ! utock , 2USOOO hags. _ Omitlm 1'rodtiro Slurltpt. IIitiKS , Hta No. 1 trrcen hlde , .1 ? ! No. 1 creen salted hides. 4ftl'e : No 2 green suited hlilei. MJ'mc ; No 1 Rrc en salted lililM , 25 to 40 Ibs. , ® > ic ; No , 2 Kreon Tilled hldoJ. U to 40 Ibs , . : , oiliO : ! No. 1 vral calf. 8 lo 1.1 Ibs. , Co : No. 2 veil : cnl. H to 15 lln. . 4e ; No. 1 Urv Hint hides. 7c ; No. 2 dry nint hides. So ; No. 1 dry salted hlfles. fiOGe ; Sheep polls Orcen salted , each , WQII.ri : preen allc < l shoarllncs ( short woo'.od early skltisl , ouch , 152. > c ! dry shear- HIIKS ( short woolod curly Mclns ) No. t , ouch , MilOcs dry shearlings ( short woolod curly skins ) . No. 2. each , fie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher won ! pelts , per II ) . . ucttial weight , lC@14li ° i dry Hint Kmisns nnd Nebras ka murrain wool pelts , per 11) . . actual weight , E < T 2c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts. per Ib. , ucluiil weight. IOl2Hc ; dry Hint Colo- riuloiiiiirrnlii wool polls , porlb. , actual weight , inoj ilry plevcs and bucks , actual weight , o- . Tallow and crease Tallow. No. 1 , U'ifa 4o5 tallow. No. 2. iia.'l'to : fircase. whlto A. 4o ; grease , whlto 11 , ilHc ; croiise. yellow , : ic ; grease , dark , S'io ; old butler. 2ic ! ; beeswax , prime , 1tVi4'- " > oi-miuli : tnllow. IS ® c. rntiiTS U.ilifornla Itlversldo oranges , 8T.MI Washington navals. M.W ) ; fair to oholco lem ons , $ .LW(34.i ( > fl ! fiiney lemons. II.EOi hannna" . or.Ued. tJUi.M ; Florida tonrttoos , S-t.Oi ® 4.W ) per crulo of six baskols ; plnoapp'.os , J2.5J pordoz. VKOKTAIILKS Oallfornlix cabbage. 2' o per It ) . In crates : homo grown lettuce , : i" > ffl 40e per duz. ; southern onions , ja5l ( per bill. : lloriuuda boxes. (2.2.1 : Nebraska li i ml nicked 'jeans. Jl.S'i-a'iOO : medium , I.50U I , GO : Co orado und western Nohnska uota- toe1) . b''Mc ; nnllvo pi < tiitoo4 , 4rxi4r > c : Lli.ia l > ottis , 4o per Ib. : spinach. $ . ' .5)'l 00 per bill. ; nul shes , 3.V3I c ; plnplunt. Sapor Ib , ; now Cal ifornia potatoes , 2 > J2 ? . o porlb. ; cucumbcrii , H.W per do/ K ns Oood many sales nro reported nt3o I'oui.Titv Old fowls , $1 ou'Al.50 per doz. or KiOo per Ib. , live weight ; good springs , JJ.50 © ' ' 'n'uTTKii I'uckliis stock. SQOc ; good grades , suitable for rot ill trade. lMc. St. l.onln Markets. ST. I/oui. , Mo. , Muy 31 , Fi.ouit Steady and unchanged. WIIBAT Advuhccd ? jc early , then dropped 1C , later there was u rally aud tlio close wns ' ( e above Saturday's : No 2 red cash , 87o : June , 8Jc bid ; July , 8."io asked ; August , Buio uskud. CoiiN'-July sold 2c higher , but broke 1'io Inter , then reacted and closed le nbovo Sal- day , declined : ie nnd closed nt45c ; July closed nt 44o nnd September ut 43'ie. OATS UIghor ; cash. 3Jii33u ; July olosuo ut 31'jc. HVE Dull : 75c nskod ; no bids. IlAUr.RV No market. HIIAN Stoidy : ntosjJGGc. lUv-Lowor ; timothy , tlO.50 ; prairie. 17.00 13.10. I.iiAD-Steady utfl.05. | ' 'IMXSKKI > Ijowcr at OOc. HiiTTiilt 1'hit ; creamery , 13l7o ; dairy , 11 © Inc. Eoos Steady at 15'/c. { COUN MKI , I'lrm at ? 2."u2.75. WIIIBKV Steady ut 11.15. ItAanisa Qulot. IIIONCOTTON ( TIES Jl.l.vai.'O. 1'ltoviaiONS Slrcmg und higher , roillC-.Tobblng. llt.00. . . . Ditv SALT MuwS Loose fhouldors. $5.3714 ® 5.5J ; lotius and erlbs. { C.G-'SJ : shorts. 50.75 ; boxed lots 15e more. ItAtoN Hhouldcrs. Jfi.00 : lonas nnd cribs , t7.1-'i',5i'-i : shurts , J7.37t2i7.5J ! ; ; susur cured hams , $ o.oori.r > a UKCf.ii'Ts-riour , 4.0C01ln. : wheat , 2,000 bu. : corn. 2-,0 < ,0 bu. : outs , 101,000 bu. ; rye , ucno ; barley , none * . Sitii'MKNrs Flour. 4,005 Ibs. : wheat. 38,000 bu , ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , 8.0UO bu. ; ryenono ; barley , nono. _ Kniimiii City Markets. KANSAS CITV. Mo. , May 31. WHEAT Market WHS active nnd nrlccs about steady ; No. hard. 7157.o ! ! ; No. 2 rod. 70bOc. OOIIN Murlcot wis not alTcctcd hero bv the bulge In Chlcuuo ; No. 2 mixed , 4Ui12c ; No. 2 white , 4 ! 4if40c. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 inixca , 32332 > ic : No. 2 white , : ei'/e. ; HVE Weak : No. 2. 074C8c. ! I'iAXSEKD Uic on the b isis of pure , HIIAN Easier ; sacked , C''c. HAY Steady ; timothy , $9.010.00 : ; prairie , $ .00a7.5' ( . BuTTBii Fulrly steady ; creamery , HOU'c ; dairy , BOKIc. Tons Steady : 12'ic. ' ItEcuji'is wheat , 30,0:0 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. Sllit'MKNTS Wheat , 32,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu , ; outs , none. , Cotton Market. NKW OittEANS. La. , May 31. Firm ; middling , 7 3-Kic : low mldullng.G c ; good ordinary. GV4o ; receipts. 4,7iO hales ; i-ros ,7rJI bales ; exports to the c&ntlncnt , 2.428 bales ; sales , 12J bale ; stock , 1.VJ.400 bales. NiwYoiiK , May 31. Futures closed flrm ; sales. 110.7 0 bales ; June. $7.44 ; July $7.50 ; / ucust f.7.i5 ! : ScDtomber. * 7.04 : October. $7.74 ; November , 47.S4 : December. $7.111 ; January , JS.OJ ; Fcbruury , t3.13 ; March. 88.23. litvcrpool M-irkets. liiVBUPOnh May31. WIIKAT Qulot ; holders olTor niodoruto.v. California. No. 1. 7s 3d | ptr cental : western sprliu , ( is6VJdOsOd ; red winter , Cs Gd , COUN Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western. 4s 2d percental. Kecolpts of corn past thrco diivs. 7.500 iientals. TUltl'KNTlKE Si'litlTS 24s 3d per ewk Mlluiuikuo MurkotH. MILWAUKKE , WIs. , May 31. WHEAT Irrcg- ulur ; July. HJs ; No. 2 spring , 83c. UiiliK Dull ! No 3. 4MJ4SKC. OATS Kaslcr ; No. 2 white , 34ft35 ; Na 3 white. : ; 3ifti3U- ! . IHitt.Kr Dull ; Na ! , 07o. Uvu-Dull ; No. 1,71'e. ' Minneapolis AVlirnt Market. , Minn. , May 31. July wheat deullned lo In sympathy with the uroalc In corn ; recovered , closing ut < Jl'/ic. Trading dull Receipts. 845 curs for throe days. Close : May. SJJSu : Juno. fcOVie : July , 8 Pic : on traek. No. 1 hard.SJu ; No. 1 northern , b-'c ; No. 2 uorlhorn , rhlladelplil.i Crala .Market. l n. . May 31. WHEAT Closed weak : No. 2 red Mav. Ul ? < jl'5c. ) COIIK Higher : No. 2 spot and May la expert - port elevator , .M' c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 37ic. Clncl . itl Markets. CINCINNATI ; O. , M'iy 31. WHEAT Dull1 ; No. 2 rod , I'Ml c. COUN Kaslori No. 2 mixed. 4o. OATS-Flrm : No. 2 mixed , : t WIIIBKV SI. 15. Toledo < ! rill u Mnrkot. TOLEDO , O. , May 3U WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 , cash , yj'jc ' , COUN htoiidv ; No. 2 cash , 5flo , OATS-Qulet ; oush. 31'iC. VlHlhlo Supply of drain. NEW Voitic. Muy 31. Visible supply of grain : , ? .UIH,0-OIu. ; corn , 3GKUrJJ ! bu , ; outH , 3,176,000 bu. : rye , BII.'Oi bu. ; burlcy , 371,000 bu. New York Money Market. NEW YOUK. Mny 31. MONEY OM CALi Easy at 1) ) per cunt ; lust loan , IJi percent ; closed easy ut I'/i per cunt. /Kklt.lUU t / ti. | fc U IWJ JJU4 Vuilltt EXCHANGE Quiet but Btronic at 14 87 for sixty duy bills nnd 11.63 ! ; for do- lllnnd. The closing ( juotutlons on bonds : U. 8. larcg Mutual Union da , . , , 107H IT , B. Is coin , , N , J. O. Int. Cert. . . . U. S. 4 tug. . . North. I'uclllo Utn. . raclflobiof ' 1)5. ) . North. 1'aclllo anils. 113 l oulnann ! Btp'tl 4a NorthwcBturii Con. . 140 Tumi , new rot. Gs Northnctt'n deb 6 . . lUti Tumi , iiuwaat. la. ! -t. I < VV. 1..M. ( iou.Ct lUtiM Tuna , now eet. .1 . SI. U.VH. r. ( ien. M. 110 Cauailo ho. Vliiln. , Mt. 1'nul Conbole. . . 130 Central 1'acltlo In 1IOK 'Don. \ U. ( i. Ids Tev , t'.l ' , , ( i.Tr.llcU 84M Den. i II. U. 41. . . Tux. I' . ll.O.Tr. ltct Krlo 2mls . . . Union I'aclflo IB ( . , . M. , K. AT.CoilCi XiH WcilHhnro IDiJ > t. . K. AT. ( Ion. b Ifu tj.V 84 BTOIIKS AND 1IONDS. Mntorlnlly Lower l'rlec Iluleil tu All the Active I.Ut , NKW YOUK , Muy 31. The stock market today was a Mulct aim. but u few stocks as usual of tutu displayed mar.ed animation and In nil OHSominontr the railroad list such activity wns accompanied by materially lower prlcos. The mnrUoi. displayed a rallying power when left to Itself , und only the aputhy of outside operator * enabled the bears to niako the ma terial Imprciwlon they did In u few of thu load er * . The murltot. however , declined Mowly. and iHiiwItlibtuiHllii'i thu drives niuduuttho LOillsvlllo \ NasUvllle and llurlliuton. other lU-tlvehlork * . vrltl. but two oxc < iitlous | , show thin evunliiK on y Insltfnlflount concussions from lust-ueuk'x Ifxuren or slluhtKatns. 'Iho principal factor In producing the do- ullno was the tron.'iiu of the foroltfii ex- ehuiiuu murket. which Invariably nives rise to the cry of Immediate cptd exports. There wua a erculiluul of prusture upon Uu.ulliiK In the early tradlii'- , but It w well malntalnod mill llio effort to iniiku mi impression upon It w at boon clvcn up. Though on u tiuullf r vol- ' " " . of bu lne s In the lust two hour * it yli-ldim moro rupldly. The only really stroll * P"l t In the niirkot was tUo Induktrlal group , and whllu the Cordngo mock fulled to Increase their lute galm Bunur uud the LuatUtiuri ) * ilnoQt. lot iho advimcci scored la. > cly ItifUt traU . Tbo Koovrul lul. after a ( Irtn hlzhor opening , mndo somn sllaht further advance , but the drlvo nt K-n'lliu lu tlmo trly dot'lnxsand ntalm Louisville , t Nitshvltlonnd IlurllnRton Inter checked the upward tendency , nnd bcforo noon prices ns a rule wcro asnndo below the opening. A rully In the nftcrnoin wus fo.- lowcd In the last hour by another dropping spoil nnd tlio clo o wus qulot but honvy nt the lowest prices. The lo .s In 1/otilsvlllo ft Nnsh- vlllo Is"i per cent , hut nit tl.o other changes ure confined to fractional amounts nnd u few sinnll gains wcro seen. . Government bonds have boon dull and steady. The following nro the closing quotation ! for the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today : bid. The total sales of stocks were 21\-HO shares. Iticludlnc : Atchlson. llu5S : Chicago Qas , 'MM ; Delaware , Luvknwumm ft. Western. .1.520 ; Erie , 4.00) ) : I.oulsvlllii & Nashville. V8.420 : NorUiprn I'nolllc preferred. U..Tll ; Itciulliitr , 3. ' > ,80J ! Ulchmond & Wcit 1'olnt , U.98U bt 1'Mtl , ll'no : Western Union. 3.078. London I'limncml Hex loir. ICoputlalittdlSHlbi Ji-ntt Oonlin tt inelt.\ \ LONDON , May 31. [ Now York UoraldCahla Special to TUB ItHK.l-Tlils has been iiuother quiet day on the Stock exchange. As regards ow business firmness prevailed In ho early partof the day. The innrVots pro- Bent a less favorable appearance at the close. I'undnuro unchanged. Indlau rupco paper has Rlvon way M to M ucr cent. Korolen nov- crnmcnt securities have shown n llttlo dull ness during the last hour , the weakness bolng reported on several continental bourses , mure especially that of I'arls , A .moderate decline occurred In Egyptian , Hussli n , Irook , I'artuxuoso nnd Turkish bonds of 18fr , but Hpanlsh nnd Italian maintain nn Im provement of 5-1G per cent , llotiia railways mot with a fair amount of uttcntlpn with the exception of Scotch-Hues. , The close was loss flrm than they oponad. In plaoo of u rise In Ilrlghton deferred It wus ? per cent lower. Improvement in most others U reduced to ! 4 to \ \ percent. Oalodontunordinary deferred , however , still shows n marked advance of Hi to 1)4 ) percent. North Ilrltlsh Is up ; > percent , duo to good buying ardors hnvliiK come from the north after being more or less firm all day. American railways have been depressed during the last hour , closing heavy , MowYork ujulii disappointing the mnrkot uy sending selling orders. The frntnrc Is u fall of Hi per cent In Louisville & Nashville on a report that the next dividend will bo partly paid In Korlp. Ail others have not only lost the onrly Improvement , luit oioso from ' 4 to ? per cent lower. Canadian lines leave oil dull In sym pathy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'luuiiclnl Notes. PAIUS , May 111. Three per cent rentes , 07f 0 , < c for tlio account. lUi/riMOUE , Md. May 31. Clearings. 2,501- 058 ; bularicos , MO-.S . Money , 8 per cent. 1'llliiADKUMUA , Pa. . May 31. Clearings. $13- HS.UI3i balances , ? 2,4.MUir > . Monoy. 3 per cent. LONDOM , May III. Amount of bullion gene Into the Dunk of England on bulauco today MEMPHIS. Tonn. . May 31. Now York exchange - change Nclllnz at (1.50. Clearings , H15.5J1 ; balances , JIOJ.2. NEW Oiu.EANP , La. , May 31. Clearings tl.lfiO.50i ; Now York oxchanco bank. (1.0) per JI.OJO premium ; cominerolal p iper , 50o per tl.COO premium. CINCINNATI. O. . May 31. Monoy. 333 per cent. Now York exchange , GOQfiOo premium. Clearings , J.I.007.0.W ; for the month , fli.VJOS.700 ; last your , $ .rJuo.8o ; . Xu\v York Mining Uuotittlous. NEW YOUK. May 31. The following nro the losing ; mlnliiit slock quotations : licit A. llulclior 211 Horn Pllvcr. . SU Con. Cat. A , Vn 420 Moilcau . io DeaJwooil ilO Knrekti Con ISO 135 Could A Curry 110 Sierra Nevada . 120 llnlu&Norcrois. . , . 135 SllviT KliiB . IU lloinoituko IJM Union Con . 120 J HTOCIC JUAUKKT.S. Heavy Hun of Htock Finds Active lloinaiul and llettur 1'rloea. OMAHA , Mny 31. The month nf May closes with nnxt to iho heaviest run ot stuck on rec ord. In nit VJfi cars of stock were received. This Is within 2 $ cars of thu lilz run two weeks ago and M curs heavier than the previous high water mark. 'Iho following table gives receipts for thu past Uvo months , with comparisons ; IfO'l Cuttle. HOBS. Sheep , January 6H.HH 2'ii.557 11.774 Kobruury , W/JU 127,411) Match 01,1115 lO--m 20.071 April Gl.SU'l W.teO 17.2S.1 Muy . . . . , , . . . , . . . C..ICa HO,5I7 12.013 Totul S9vS53l Oi'B.713 76,701 JfOt Jununry 60,971GI05 II,3St I'ubruury , 47.057 HH.CSI 12.4 1 March 4 ( > .tCl 145,2'.M iai51 : April , 35,015 10il.8l2 18,032 Muy 31,570 J-V.OOl 6,450 * Total 2l5.m 005813 07,274 Incro i o over Ib'Jl B3.05A 12b.71 . JI.457 OArrr.E The supply wus hardly up to the expectation ! of doulors , fulllnc tibuut 1 , < < 00 lienii short of lust Tuesday and 1.7UO abort ot Tuvulay two URO. Thuro wm a better touo to ndvlcos from pnstVnKnnrkots nnd nil buyers went out after the Baltic , the uctlvo compoll- tlon resulting IttS Urong. healthy mnrkot , nlthmuli ojteept ntfbaps on nu occasional bunch ot ohnlcu light * atttlT prices wcro not quotably higher ithan Monday. Oood to elmlco l,3iK > to 1..VM Ib. stpcr * sold nt from to 11.35 Tnir to good OX ) to 1,200 Ib. steers went nt from with Inferior light ftttir down to ! ? > Huslncss wns fairly brisk throughout ifnfl'thcro was llttlo ot nny rimsqqiionco remaining In Iho Orst hands nt thn close. . There wore , pcrhnpa. halt n doon strnlght loads of cows nnd hnlfors hero , the rest ot the supply consisting of odds and ends. The trading wns tiellvo-tmrtiirlccs fully steady , poor to cholco cona selling ut from 11.35 to MKl Hulls und slues wore firm nt from Jioii taJLG5. ( lood void bnlvcs were scarce nnd flrm utS4.5Jniul J4.7.V. tommon nnd yearlings dull and ns low us tltt\ . . mi' fitockcr nnd feeder trade wns very lulu , nnd prices , except on good lo choice , slrulou lower. 1'rcsh receipts were light , but the In quiry from the country was oven lighter and the volume of trndlnz was very small. Hep- rcseiitutUo sales : STEKIIS , No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r Na Av. Pr. 4. . OX ) $3 15 21..1117 8) ) 8J 21. 1127 WOO 1. . 770 325 23. , 1141 380 37 .1251 300 1 . GSO 340 44.,1101 38) 20..IIMI 300 7. . 781 340 380 17.1140 303 2 , . 055 : i no 23.icfli : i to : ss .usi 3113 2.,1121 350 17.101(1 ( 3 b3 U. 110) ) 303 ( ! . . ! 350 70. . 1017 38) C7..IV41 305 6. . 018 8 50 10..H87 ! l M 11..1TJ5 305 0. . Ir.'J 3 M 12..1KB 3 tO O..I.IU 305 .S5I..KKH : iAI 8,1. . 1121 38J HM.I2VG J101 43.,105 ! ) 3 GJ SO..If. ! 380 17..10V ) 305 11. . OJfl 3(11 ( 17.12:11 : 3 JO 21..1214 305 .15. . 8UI 3 GO 10..1111 385 41. . 1201 305 I,1)20 ) 303 21. . 078 It R5 38..1312 I105 10..1041 300 2..1115 385 DI..IRO 4 OJ l ; . . 9U IKI.'iJ 8..1115 385 S0..1I53 400 1..I04J 301 23..U'57 385 20..1.128 400 20..10SU 305 27..1172 385 17..1201 400 23. . 1023 3(1.5 ( 82..1I.VJ 38.5 811 , . 1.1)7 ) 4 CO 2.I..10.4 3 f > 5 SI. . 1273 385 20..1317 4 CO 15..1227 3 15 22..1130 381 14..1413 400 20..1181 3 01 14..1081 385 18..U7I 400 1(1. ( . tbU 31.5 10. 13 385 W..12VI 405 0..1I21 305 38..12.14 3 it5 17..123. ! 4 US 1..10.11 301 O..I18I 385 44..1J.-.7 405 10..1120 370 40..12,10 385 20..1178 405 10..1342 371 2..1,85 38.5 21. . 1.13.1 4115 I'8.I053 370 O..12i5 3 b"i 2.I..14J8 405 28..1127 371 1..1,110 3 S5 M ) .1J74 405 8..1140 37.1 2).1112 3 IK ) 21..1I1W 405 21.1018 375 7(1 ( .1218 303 2J ,14K : 410 I0..1WO 37.1 2J..1J87 3 OJ 20..1310 410 7..1141 375 SJ..1S.1) 3lO' 40..1J-"i 410 13..1202 375 10..1200 3 OJ 10..1315 410 2.,1115 37 > 33. . 1133 300 21.1350 415 30..1255 380 5. .1210 3 OU 18..15J8.420 20..1151 3 SJ STCEHS AND IIBIFCIIS. 17..1525 4 35 8TEEI19 AMD VEAHLINGS. 22. . 503 3 40 ' MIXED. , 22. . 071 3 75 * COVfg. 1. . 020 135 3..100D 23 % 1..1WO 300 2. . KI5 1 DO 2. . SSO 240 U. . 614 3UO 1. . 750 1 50 2 . h5 ! 2 W ) 1..1150 300 1. . 701 1 7i 1. . 0"JJ " 2 W ) 2.riTi5 300 1. . 7W 175 3. . H73 2 BO 1..10JO 300 1 , 83J 2 UO 7. . 017 250 1..1000 303 tSO 200 ] . . 020 2 CO 1..1040 300 700 2 OJ 1. . 053 2 G5 13. . 78J 305 ! 85 200 5..1010 2 7i ) 10..1022 310 . G70 2 10 3. 1057 " 275 14.V 835 3 10 I2.i f > 93 210 * 2. . ttt ) 2115 " 8tllOf : 315 2. . Uilo 2 10 3. . 033 2 7.1 1,12IO 325 L.llbO 215 4..I1V5 275 13.,1050 330 0. . 058 215 2. . 8iO 275 10..1031 335 0. . 03d 220 1..13-iO 275 1..1240 325 1. . BSJ'225 1. . BSO 275 1..I100 325 If. 020 225 1..1080 2T5 2. . J > 9J.3 1 1.1. 030 225 20. . 802 ' 2 IV ) l.,10JO 3SO 2. . 840 225 2..1215 2 Ol t 1..1110 350 , 1. . 040 2 25 7. . UI3 o 00 HEIFiniS. . , 2. 575 225 15l. G79 315 1. . 803 3 37Ji 1. . 700 2 00 3. . i8Ul 3 25 CAIlVKS. 1. . 310 1 G5 220 175 2. . 1GO 475 1. . 3iO 175 l.,230 450 1. . 17J 475 1IUW.S. 1..1400 203 1.J14JO 275 1..I850 300 1..14O 240 1. , ) ) 275 1..1010 300 1..1450 200 S.lii5 ! ! 280 1.10'J ' ) 310 1..145 ! ) 200 l.i37J 200 1..1450 315 1..110J 2 GJ 1..J740 205 1..2050 305. bTAQS. 1..1020 350 8TOCKUISrAND FEEDEI13. 1. . 510 2 ! X > 33.rf > G4 315 1. . 800 330 2 . 003 2 85 S. . TOO 3 15 5. . K24 333 I. . 010 300 1. 'TOO ' 320 23. . U08 340 2. 730 300 8. . yj.i 323 12. 1017 350 17. . 5S3 ! 15 4. , 812 325 8 , . OU7 300 MII-KKIIS/AND B1MIIXGCIIS. , Icow and calf < . . .l 130 00 1 cow nnd calf - 38 00 Jersey milker . . . . / ' , . . . , , . , 4500 lloas The honvy-fun ot hogs wnsi some thing of a surprise to dealers uenornlly. The supply cnmo within about 1,500 of hlcli.water murk und the general quality ot the olfcrlngs was good. Although this month's rocnlpts were 5J.OOO heavier tliu'n for April aul 27.0UO heavier than for Muy a year ugo the run so far this spring has not come up to expecta tions and the heavy runs ot ho s uro yet lo come , for Iho country Is full of them. lluslncss was a llttlo slow In oponlnz and sellers wuro generally ready ami willing to accept steady prices. On account of the lib eral receipts and limited shipping demand the narly market was ritriadv to So lower than Monday. The firmness in provisions , hotter advices from Ohloaco and free Iniylna hy local packers Improved the trade , with the udvunco of the morning , and closing prices were steady to 5o higher than Monday. Good heavy and butcher wclzht hogs still sell at a slight u rom I u m over llithts. Pair to Rood IIORS , regardless of weight , sold largely ut from J4.UO to $1.70. with a few prlmo heavy butchers at $4.7 ? . and some Inferior llcht loads at U.K. 'Iho general axuru o ofprlccHpald was JI.C4 , ucalnst S4.G47J Monday and $4.51 lust Tuesday. Itcprcsoutallvo sales : No. Av. Bh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 4 207 4 50 34 311 2008105 0 185 4 55 OJ..2b7 100 4 ( / > 4' ' ) 205 120 455 143 2.12 BO 403 150 214 243 455 CO Z 120 4 C5 60 lti-1 320 455 ft3 2UU 400 415 2 2.5 455 G3 270 40 403 7 2.0 4 Ki ( > 5 253 40 4 Ui 61 223 240 455 Si 1W3 120 4 15 83 214 100 455 CO 241 liOJ 403 4 220 455 7J 278 8) .115 CO 177 40 455 f8 VTJ 120 4 C5 78 2.'J 1(13 ( 4 UI fell 233 1W ) 4 65 Wi 210 200 400 OJ 212 12J 4 0" 7J 2.3 4 OJ 138 248 120 4 l > 3 01 213 120 40) 81 248 300 4 Ui 74 223 18J 403 (13 233 120 4 G3 78 2113 140 403 C5..273 120 4 03 111 2UO 200 4 W ) 07. . . . S55 1ISO 4U3 SJ 183 80 4 U ] & ' > 212 bO 4(13 ( M 211 120 4 OJ 00 SO ! 320 403 BO 218 103 4 CO 07 250 120 4 ( > 5 71 212 80 4 CO U ) 233 120 403 C3 231 280 400 7. 220 2r,0 4 Ui 01 2A5 240 400 70 240 1UO 4 Ki 53 28J 4 CO 03 27U 83 403 74 V3J 200 4 OJ 01 240 200 4 Ui C4 221 40 4 CO W 278 120 405 83 223 2oO 4 W ) 73 2in 120 403 SO. . . .187 100 403 6U 277 8J 403 72 210 240 400 54 . . . . 271 200 4 115 4 273 40) O'l ' 272 ICO 403 13 2H8 80 4 00 f > 0 215 200 463 84 1'.ll 4 03 70 240 43 4 Ki 00 221) ) l&O 4 60 77 23B 3.0 465 63 ,243 240 403 W . . . .207 240 405 80 223 83 4 ( W 14J 212 83 465 65 153 4 ( SO * 223 240 240 465 5. 2.4 120 460 8- 242 280 4 V > 71 103 4 ( / ) 71 200 103 463 73 201 120 4 W ) 71 228 EO 465 74 2U8 bO 4 ( W til 270 83 465 61 228 120 460 01 227 103 4 65 GO 2.15 120 400 8 237 4) 403 78 220 43 4 60 7J 211 120 463 04 214 120 4 U ) 72 230 320 465 01. . . .223 120 400 87 20J 12(1 ( 465 74 223 120 400 70 212 120 465 74 23 * 100 40) 60 233 405 00 227 320 4 02H W 241 80 4 05 T 233 K ) 4 1)2 ) K 62 215 200 4 63 64 220 ' . ' 40 4 62Jir 81 242 4 65 71. . . . 212 32J 4 IWt 08 . . . . 211 60 4 07W 08 241 160 46tK , { 73 231 280 4(1714 ( BONDS ToUI WANTED U ur > l ( CITifS , J COUNTIES , SCHOOL P , DISTRICTS , : WATER COMPANIES , Cormpondrnc ollcit d. H.W.HARRIS & COMPANYBankers , 163-109 Doorborn Street , CHICAGO. ; Wall Stfeeti NEW YORK. 7O Btct * Bt. . BOQTQH 120 4 C5 tS SM 4TS SCO 120 4 o. ' . S3. . . . 2.H 475 fi .210 80 4 C5 M MM 475 83 4 M 04 274 473 60 4 Oi rins AND not'on , 1 42) 1 M SiicKp-Hoeolpls consisted of double ccksof pood..wiofn. western wolhcrs. " . . " ' . " " ' ' iverago"ifrsribs."nn'd fmmd"a "ready' Rain , n't V.\ Demand strong : market ( Inn , Quo- ntlotii lire ns follows : Pair to good unlives rom JJ.50 tu KlOO ! fair to good western * , from 4M toff 00 ; common nnrt stock sheep , from AW to I4.2.1 ! good to rholco 4J to 00-11) . Iambs rom 11,00 to J0.53. ttoprcsontnllvo s.tlcs ; N" . . Av. Pr. J92 western wethers , shorn > , , 123 M 7S HrcclpU nnd DUrmsltlnii ( ifHtoch , Oniclat receipts nnd disposition of RIOCK as liown by the books of the Union Stock Vards omuany for the twenty-four hours ending at o'clock p. m. , May lit.W2i \ IIKCKII'TO. nisrosiTioN. Clilc.iRi > l.ltu Stock Market. CliiCAno , 111. . May : it.-8peolal [ Telegram to TUB HKE.I Thocattlo tr.ido was not ncllvo today , lint It was strong. Owing to the further slump in tlio London mnrkot which curries the price for choice American cattle to JOtfp , exporters were not looking for cattio , but there was n fnlr Inquiry from other sources , nnd with the exception of he.ivy grndcs the market wus higher. Dutchors'iiu'd dinners'stock mid light and medium weight shipping steers geuor illy sold from 5o to Ulo above Inst wocit's oloalnz quotations. The basis of trading was from SIM to M..VJ for pour tocholco cows ana bulls , nnd fiom MM ) to J4.00 for common to extri shipping steers. Not many sales wcro made at hotter tluui J4 in nnd comptirnllxoly few of the offerings were so poor ns nut to be salable at hotter than ti.50. Tevus cattle wcro quoted nt from $1.50 lo $1.10 nnd stackers und feeders were quotctl ut from W r.O to MOV. rlvo cents per 1 0 Ibs. wus added to the value of hogs today. Iluyersoro not adverse to paving from $30 < > to f 105 for prlmo tnodlum nnd heavy weights and from * 4 05 to J.1.UO for choice assorted light. The receipts wuro about 10.UOJ hold loss thnn for lust Tuesday and.ucrc.nt least less tluui a majority lu the trade had counted on. Thn range of quota tions for merchant iblo lots was from M.75 to 15.1 fi , heavy and medium weights averaging about 5o higher than light. Sheep wcro In uctlvo demand nnd again showed great firmness. Good grades were salable nt a further udvunco and the poorer kinds wcro wanted at fully former prices. The rnnio ot quotations wns from (4.03 to (0.75 for .poor to choice lots with fancy quoted as high as from JO.JO ( to 17.0J. Spring IHIUOS were lu de mand nt from $5.03 to $8.25 per lOXltm. Receipts : Cattle. 4,000 ; hogs , 20,000 ; sheep , 7,0 0. . ' - The Evenln ? Journal reports : CATTLE Kecclpts , 4ooo ; shipment" , 2,000 ; market slow butstondy ; best steers , $4.254.50 ; others , Ki.bOQI.10 ; foodcrs. f.i.Ki.W : : ; stookors , 3 ; cows and bolters. $2.co3.25 ; Texans , Iloos-Hecoluts , 10,000 ; shlpmcntF , 10.000 : niarKct uctlvo and M610o lilRhorirouRli nnd common , 14.00461.05 ; mixed nnd packers. $1.80 ® .05 : prlmo heavy and butcher's wol.hts , $4.05 O5.0214 ; light , $4.800 5.00 ; pigs , $ l.fl034.75. SIIEEIHecolpts. . 8.COJ ; shipincnts. 3.000 ; mnrkot actlvo nnd stioniror : clipped Texans , $ l.255.25 ; wool Toxuns. J.1.2i(10 ! : iS ; clipped nn- tlVcs , ! 5 011(35.50 ( ; yearlings , $3.MQii.lJ ) ; spring uinta , Nan * York I.lvo .Stuck Mnikot. NEW YORK. JIny 31. HEEVES Heeolpts 4.700. nil for exporters and slaughterers ; no inde ; 'collng steady ; dressed beef flrm at ( jiJ4i" ? e. hlptiicnts todnr , 700 buovos ; tomoriow , 150 Jeeves and 4.054 ( inurters of beef. UAt.VbS Uccclpts. UK ) head ; market nearly nominal : few veals. t5,50. SIIKEP Kecolpts 2,140 head ; sheep Uo lower ; nnibs , ! io lower ; twenty curs unsold larnbs , Ac lower ; shcoo , $4.85tt .0n ! lambs , $8,00413.50 ; < 1ross a mutton lower. lOiQlliio per pound ; dressed Inmbs weak , 1215c. Hoas Itcoolpts. O.OOJ head , consigned direct ; nominally steady nt $4.UO5.40. KHiisns City Lfro Stock Mnrkct. KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Mny hi , CATTT.E Ite- colpts , 4,800 ; shipments , 7uO ; the market was steady ; steers $ , IMiU.M : cons t2.404M.50i Htockeis and ( coders. Hoas Hecolpts. 14,000 ; shipments , 400. Mar mot opened wonk to I So lower : closed 5ftloo higher ; all grades , $4.01X34.00 : bulk , $4.UQ4.BO. ( SIIKEP Kccolnis. 100 : shipments , l.wo. There was very llttlo trndlni ; . Hlieop wcro In demand and nominally very strong. bt. l.onls Live Stock Jllurket. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 31. OATTI.E ItLCoIpts , I.GIU ; Bhlpmcnts. 4.05U ; natives steady : fair to good native steers. W.lixR4.4.1 ; Texans nnd Indian steers , all kluds , $ . ' .0033.85 ; cnuncrs , $ -.1002.00. lions Receipts , 20,000 : Ehlpmcnts , 4,020 ; heavy. $ ! 804.U5 ; mixed , tJM. SHBEP Receipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 050 ; mnr kot uctlvo and stronger ; shorn natives , $5.10. Da Witt's Sarsaparilia cleanses the blood , increasOjS the appatlto and tones up the sys tem. It has Denollttoa many people who tiavo sufferad from blood disorders. It will help you. ' SICK SO LONG. " 0. W. IIODKIKS , Postmaster nt East Lamoinc Me.-writes that Mrs. Kelly's son , who Had been conflued to bed four teen months with nn Abscess , liasbeen cured sound find well by Swift's Spe cific , The boy la fourteen years old , lives next door to me , and I know the statement to be truo. S. S. S. has n wonderful effect on children , nnd should be piven to every weak and debilitated child. Send for our book on the Blood nnd Skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , Ga SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est cattle , hog nnd sheep mi.rkot . In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. OEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. THE LEADKUS. Write to this hous3 for cor- , Market Report ) . Wood Brothers , Eouth Omaha Telephone 1117. - Uhloago. J , U. DADIHMAN. I , , W. K. Wool ) . ( Managers. Mnrkot reports by mull and wlro cheerfully furnished upon application. - THE - Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , E'istHt. Lonlfl , Kansas City , South _ Uinulm , loux Ulty , Kort Worth. A. Crlll , W. F. Donnr , 1J. r. Tallmaduo , ClitctEO. llouHaloman. ' Crill , Denny & Company , Lire Stock Comtnlailon. lloom V7 ISxcbannu Uld'g , HoutU Omaha. A. D. Boyer &Compan y , Maud 69 Kxeliiinso lliilldliiBouthOniuia. ) Corroroiiilonco iollcltcd unit promptly onmorJj. bpvrfal ultoiuion to order * forilockoraifuuJors. BitablUbed , 1B8U. Incorporated , 13)J Capital fullr paid , DO.UJJ. Waggoner Birney Company , Wrltu ur wlro ui fnr prompt unit reliable market reporti , . Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvo Stnok Ooiiimlsiiloii. Koom 61 ExehuiiKo HulldliiL' . South Omaha. Telephone 1707. GaBsmau& Dudley , M. H. Eegarty & Oo. , Itooms U ) nnd 61. K- 1 Coo in Ut uliunKO llulldlnir. South Omaha , - Noh South Omaha , - Net ) SOUTH OMAHA BANKS. Union Stock Yard National U AN 1C , Tlie only bank at the yauli. Capital and tar- plui , I2JO.OUO. Collectloiu growluit out of ttiu live tuck builnvti fliould b tent direct tu tbl bank. Hlilppert can dvpuult ( Or ctudlt of tbulc huuu liauk OMAHA. AROHITEOTS AND BUILDERS " J. II. DU'IN. ' Cnntraetors nnd inbcontractori for nil Vlndi of bulldlnir. iilii torln . palntlnzcta , will rrcolro ft cop ; of lilonn't nrrliltrcls nnil tnilhtf r. llri < clorr free , hr Kcnrtlne their nninn , tui lne i itmt loca tion to Iho publisher. J , II. ( llonn. 111 8. lith 8t MORSE-DOE SHOEG3 , 110J How inl Strait , corner lith nnil Douglni tra H. We are making cloje ptlcoj to o.Mh b if en , itn1 ara lolling olnit of Kooili whlo'i U Torr able wits merchnnti. KlfiXCNDALl , JONES & . AMERICAN HAND SEW CO , , ED SHOE 00. Mfrn. Anonta Ilontv flioo.i , rtibbcri llnstnn Itubbor ShorCo. loll K'lOtls. ' 1JU3 , 131 11U2 , 1IUI. llWHnrnuy-Bt llnrncy-aU DREWER3. " JOS , SGHLITZ BREtt * INQ CO. OOoe , S , 9th and I.O&TCQ- worth Uts , OmaUa. John Unrbover. Act. CONFECTIONERY. VOEQEIE&DINNINQ Ufrg Comfcctlonon and Jobbon of foreign and 'domastlo frultt , 1110 llownrd it. CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMMOND&OO. Carriage bulldera. lloi * and patrol wagoni a pcclnltj. IBtb , opp. Court llouie. CLOTHING. BLU1UKT & UUHH. aiLMORE&RUHl Clotlilnt ; . notionfurnish , lng . lilvo us K trial Mnnufrs and holpta' < bamplcs prcpnltl \ ex clothlar * . 11C9 Uarnuj prt'ua. 111,1 lliirnor. itriot. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA GOAL , COKE A. I EAGLEOORN OZ WORKS LIME CO. , I Jlfra. KolTBnlioil Iron Hard and .oft coal. H B. & % . .IllUfhT.C i ' Ot ° ccr. 19th na Uougla.Sf /jJ . .t - CONTRACTORS. J. H. OLENN. Contraetori and inb contractors for all kinds of building , plastering , painting etc. . will recelra n copy of Glenn's nrcbltccta am ! builders directory free , by Bcndlnjr their nnmc , buslneaa and loca * lion , to tbo publisher. J. 11. Ulcnn. US y. lith BtrocU DRY GOODa KILPATR10X-KOOH M. E. SMITH & CO. , ORYOOQDBCO. , Drr goods , notions , fur- Dtf goodt.DOttoni , gent'l clBhlnit goods. Corner lurntuhlng Roods. Cor. lllh and lloward kU. lith and Howard-it. FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTfli- BEEBE&.RUNYAN FUR- INQ CO. NITURECO. , Upholstered furniture telUX ) Nlcliolai at Oraoo and Thirteenth Wholesale only. itrocte. GROCERIES. | DRUGS , Eta D. M. 3TEELE & CO , , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , 1M1-I205 Jonei street , lOtli nnd naroey strooU , Omaha , Omaha. ORDINANCE NO. 3070. An ordinance creating Street Improvement District No. 4'i ! ) . In tha city of Umiilin. for the Improving of the street In h.ild dlHlrlut , nnd nllowlne thirty days to the property owners In said district In which to determine nnd the mntcrlal desired to ho used for such Improving. Ilo Itordalned hy the city council of the city of Omaha : t-oetlon 1. That Street Improvement Dis trict No. 4.VJ for the Improving nf the street In said dtbtrlot , Is hereby created lu the city of Omaha , Boctlon 2. That Street Improvement DIs- trlct No , 4" 3 uhull comprl'-o Ciibb&trcot from cast line nf " 4th stieet to west line of 21th btreot. In the city of Umahu , und shall Include the following lots nnd roil estate , to-wlt : Lot Tin block Mi. city : and it la herchy declared necessary to Improve the same. beotlon U. Thatstroet improvomciitdlBtrlct No. 450 In the city of Omaha bo und the H.IIIIO la heruhy ordered improved hy paving and curbing. Bectlon 4. That thirty da VH next after the pnHsaito und approval of this ordinance lo and the saina Is hereby allowed to the owners of all lots und real estate In said street Im provement district to determine nnd ( Icsln- nato tha material desired to bo used for the Improving "f the same , and notify the city council thereof , It havliu been und tiding hero bv dotoriiiliui'l ' by the mayor und city coiinull of Hiild elty for reasons which appear rl-rht und proper , that till the real astute In said btrrot Improvement district shnll bo clmrzcd and usse-tbod with the cost of liiiprovliiu there in tobethereiiflerdetermlnediiud eHt.thllshed nceordliato the special benefits to the proper ty In mild street Improvement district , nnd the board of public works Is hereby directed to ulvu notice to tbo owners of luiufs nnd lots subject to local assessment ior inu eusi m said liiipiovoiiients to determine nnd desig nate tno material to he used forbticli Improv ing bv publication In the olllcliit paper of the city for thrco i-onscoutlvoduys at least Ilftccu days prior lo the liipso of said thirty days. Heotlou fi. Thut this ordinance shall take olfout and ho In force from uiid after Its puss- ' May 10th , 1601 ( ) City Uierk. K. I' . 1)AVI.- . President Ulty Council. Approved May Slth , Ib R Mayor. Notlto of A e nunit of Iuuiiii ; fur ( irudliiL' . To the owners of all lots , ports of lots and real uktutu uloiijt Hamilton street , from the viaduct over the lloU Une railway to ( jth Vuii'aro hereby notHlM thut the under- slirntid , thrco uUlntoreMted freedholders of the city of Omuli i. hnvu been duly appointed hy the mayor , with the upprnvaluf the city cuun- ell of mill city , tJ nssoks the duinaiio to the annorii roupuotlvoly of tlio nropurty nftoulod by crudliu Hamilton fitrc-ut , from the viaduct over the Itult I'tno railway to 41th btreot. do- eluiod necessary byordlnuiicuNo. iI.rJ.\ ( pasted Mny illlh. 1MK2. approvnd May U'Jth , Is'X' . you uro further noilllcd , I hut h.ivliu no- copied huld uppolntmont. and duly quullllocl us reiinlrod by law , wo will , on the hth uny of June , A. 1) . la'Sat tholuurof Id o'clock , lu tlio forenoon , atthoolllco of Ilenewu , V Co. In the McC'uinio bullilliiK. within the corporatu llmltH of said city , meet for the purpose uf consider' hit : und making the uiau smoiit of duiua.o to thi ) owners roHuactivuly of suid property , af fected by KuldKrudlni. . tiiUliiB Into considera tion special bcnullls. It uny , . . . . . , You ure notified to ba present nt the tlmo and pluco ufoiu uld. and muko uny Objections to or statements concurnlng lid ubk * smuiit of daiauKM as you wrny . O. H. II KN i\VA. : , BTOO KDAM5 , Omaha , May 27tli , 16UJ. MM dlut GRAIN , 1 8 , A MO WHORTEff , I Hind of Trade. Itrokw In train , vie. l'rlT l wlrelo N. T. , Chlcsgo and St. lottl * . HARDWARE : REQTOR & , WIlHtLMr LOBEOK&IINH , CO. , nealvra' haMnars an < J mechanics' tools. 1401 Douglas Street A. C. RAYMER , ttulldcra' Hardware anil rontra"lor ' Siippllrs. 474 South lllth street. LUMBER CHAS. R. ' tEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIEIO Hardwood lumbsr , wood onrpoli and turqntt Imporlol.Amorlmn l"or fc uoorlni , Unleo'mnt , Mllwaukm hrdrtulie cument nnA tth and Doiulis. ( Julncr whit * lloi * , L LIQUORS. IUR&.00. , FRIDX 4. HERBERT. Ltanor morchants. 111 ! llarnor-st. Mfri Kaa nodr'i Kut Ir.dU lilt Wholesale liquor dcnl r tors. 1001 Fnruain it MILLINERY MUSICAL. A. H05PE , JR. , THE MEINBERO 00 , , Pianos organs , artists ICth Bt. materials , eta 1518 music and musical In ' tOUf lUSSt. struments of all klndJ OILS. STANDARD OIL CO. SHOW DR3 ? ail Hcflncd and lubricating No bail odor , no clilmnos , no chnrrlnt oils , nile Krcnio , eta. wick" . Ask for It. Soho- C.CM. bhnrmor A OYSTERS. A.eOOTH PAGXINQ 00. Packers of oystora. fish and celery. W3 L Ton- worth st. OVERALLS , SHIRTS , ETC. PRODUCE W. E , RIDDELL RIDDELL & 00. ' , ( Ketabllihed 1835. ) IB , Wholsalo butter & em Butter , cheats , tttt , TL'KOtablei , frultipoul ' Bun and elli tot . try and gamo. eaab. 413 S. lltb it. PAPER. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR I WORKS , ' Store rcpalri and wat attaohmonta for any , kind of 9toT mad,1 I'M' Douglua. i BASIL TOYS. Or th Liquor Habit 1'onlllvcly Cured . by adDiluUlcrlne l > r. IlnliitV ; Ualdcii Mix-cllle. " It can bo clvcn la a cup of coflto or tea , or In food , without theknowlodco of ( he patient. It Isabaoluteljf harmless , and will etfect a permanent and ttpeedy euro , whether the patlant ! a moderate drinker or an aloobollo wreck. It b been given In thousand ! of caeec. and In. every Inatance a perfect cure hai fol. lowed. Itnrvvr Full * . TheftyBtetnonoelmpregnated with the becomrn an utter Impoinlblllty for the llQuor appetlto to ozlBt. UOI.IIRN hl'ICCIFIU CO. . 1'rop'ri , rinrlnnall , O. 48-paae book of oartloulara free. To ba bad of Kuhn & Co , . IMhnnrt Douglas ts.ntil lath k , UumlngSts. Whnlos.ile , lllulto , Ilruooi. Co * and Itlchardson Druz Co. . Om uri.Mob GBADK ORDINANCE NO 811. An ordinance est iblUhlns the grudu of 27th avoniio from Uhlcii o tu Docile streets , In tha elty of Omaha. Ba It ordained by the city council of thooltj of Omaha : Hoctlon 1. The Rrudo of 27th avenue froro Chicago to Dod''O streets. In the oily of Omaha - ha , Is hereby established at the following ele vations , the Krudo hoInK uniform straight lines between the points NpcolfloJ tn the streets , avenues 01 alleys named In the ro spnotlvu sections following , to-wlt : Hectlon2. Urudoof 27th Htinut Kluvallon Clovatlon of West of IC.iat Ourb. Uuru. South curb of Chicago st , us established 1300 123.00 North curb of Davenport l. ) Ishod 141.70 143.00 South curb of Davenport t , us established 141.70 North curl ) oi uupitoi live , ut established IW.M 143,00 South curb of Uapltol uve , IIH cHtuhllMhed KUM 140.00 North curb of Dodzost , as es tablished „ . , . 1.10.00 157,70 Hoctlon ! < . This ordlnanco Khali taka elTecl anil be In fnrcu from and uflor Its passage. Passed May 17th. t Q Oily Clcrlt. n. r. DAVIH. I'retlduiit C'lty Coilliclu Approved May 18th , Ib ! jjoi ( < ] inMi9i inMi9iMayor Mayor , ORDINANCE NO. ! IOJ8. ( An oriiliniiiciidccliirliiK dm bunk of earth on Hub lot I'J of lot U , Uapltol addition. ii liuls * iiiivn and ordi-rlnK said hank graded down. Ilo Itordalued by tlio city council ot the city of On.aliu : , . . . . . . Hootlon 1. That the bank of oiirth In the front partof ub lot. 12 of Into , Oaplto I uddltloii to the olty of Omaha , on the south side of Uurnuy street between 2Uth btievt uiuKMth street , bo und the same IH hereby duuluiod to hu u iiulx- and thouild nulHiinco Is heieby onlurod and roiinlrud toboab-itud byiilojiliiraiiilKrad- In1. down the front portion thereof MI uv to prevent thu fullliiR , wastlna or wathliu ot inrth on the slduwnlk on tl.o south dido of llnrntiy street udjacont thorolo. Boctloii2. The owner of HilU lot Is here by ordoied nnil required luulmtui iM nilUanco and trrailo down s ild lot us hwreln ruiiutrcu wit hln Iftoun day. from the iiuMugo und up. provilof tins ( inllnunccMjnd falling , nejtlcet. lloirdof I'uhllo n ; < ir rufiihliiK so to do Iho VViirks Isheniby ordered lociiiisosuld Kradliu to bo donu and report thu cost thereof for u - vc'usiiiiint iiEiilnst Bulil Ink * joctloii a. That this ordlnanco ta'te offoot and bo In force fiom und af lor Its pasiujo. President Olty Council. Uaror.