THE OMAHA DAILY BEE'JWEBNESDAY : ' , JUNE L 1892. THOMAS' ' MURDERER TAKEN -Qreeu Qaflhoy Discovered in the Loft of a Lincoln Barn. HAD BEEN ASSISTED BY A FRIEND < jmrom Compelled to Flro Sovornl Shots nt the Donporntn Mnn Itoforo Ho Would Surrender IIo rleudcd Xot Guilty. i. * , Nob. , May 31. ( Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE.J Oroon Ooffnoy , olios Gravoloy , was arraigned before Judge Wtitcrs at 4 o'clock this afternoon for the murder of Gharlio Thomas In this city last Saturday night. Bon Casblan , another colored man , was arraigned with him on the cbargo of being an accessory after the fact. Unshlan's connection with the case Is accounted for by the fact that bo haroorod Uaffnoy while the - latter was eluding the vigilance of the officers. , It became known to the police yesterday that UafTnoy and Cashlan had both bean members of tha sumo troop In the Ninth cavalry and were close friends. It was at once suspected that Cushlan might bo keep ing Quffnoy In biding. ODicers Carnahan and McWIlltamg wont to the barn where Cashlan was employed as a hostler. Cashlan dented all knowledge of Uaffnoy's whore- about * , but when tbo loft was reached Gaff- ncy was found sucrotod In the buy. Ho was ordered to coma out , but only aid so after four or Uvu shots had boon fired , ono of Which grazed his shoulder. Until 1'loildeil Not Utility. Both Uaffnoy and Ciisblan pleaded not guilty. A motion to dismiss tbo case against , Cashlan wilt overruled , but bis preliminary hearing was deferred until Thuisduy. Toner or fifteen witnesses were examined , their testimony agreeing in all Important particu lars. lars.Tho The sum and substance of the testimony was that Gnffnoy was seated in the billiard room when Thomas entered and at once not cused him of pulling a gun on Clara Thomas. Oaffnoy denied It and hot woids passed. ( JalTnoy nroso to his foot and draw n re volver. Bon Corncal , another colored man , topped bulwron the panics and begun push- 'Ing ' Uaffnoy backward toward ttio door. Thomas followed hnlf way across tbo room , then stopped and leaned against a billiard table. Wnllo standing In the door Guffnoy 11 rod the fatal shot and sprang down the etairs Into tbo darkness. At the conclusion of the testimony the at torney for UutTnoy asserted that his client bad clearly acted la self defense and asked bis dismissal. Judge Waters hold the pris oner to tbo next term of court without oall. NKHItASKA MK.UOUIAI , bKKVlOK , Cold nnd Unmp Sidney Cltlrons Honored the Demi Heroes. SniNiiv , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to THIS BnK.1 1 hough very cold and damp yesterday it did not spoil the ardor of tbo grand Memorial day celebration hero. At 10 o'clock tha nrocosslon started on Second Btrcet , bonded by the Sidney brass baud and drum corps , followed by the Twenty. Drst Infantry under the command ot Major Boyle , the school children , clvln societies , Grand Army of the Hcpubllo and Sidney lire de partment. At the court house the principal speeches were delivered by Captain Gcorgo IP. Blanohard and Rev. Joseph Gray. All tha business houses were gaily decorated with lings and bunting nnd tbo city pro- ecntud a regular holiday attire. .nxNs , Mob. , May 31. [ Special to THE Decoration day services were appro priately obiorvod hero. Yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock tbo procession , which was nearly a mile long , formed In front of the Grauu Army of tbo Republic ; hall. Tbo old veterans to the number of about 100 headed the march , then c mo the Woman's Belief corps , the llttlo girls and bays with baskets of flowers , and over 100 carriages filled with friends and sympathizers of the , old soldiers. After the usual ceremonies .over the graves , an excellent address was delivered at tbo Methodist Episcopal church ty Iluv. B. S. Hay wood. GKAFTOX , Nob. , May Ul. [ Special to TUB BEK. ] Decoration day observed In a 'patriotic ' spirit hero. After listening to an oration by M. V. Gannon of Omaha , In which ho recounted the deeds of the departed heroes aud their comrades , from whoso work ha draw a splendid lesson , clos ing with a soul-stirring exportation to the rising generation to bold sacred tbo beritago Idcscandlng to them , the citizens , old and young , formed In the procession load by the iOraftou cornet baud und marched to the cemotorv whore , with uncovered head , they placed their floral tributes on the graves of the veterans. The beautiful Grand Army of the Kepubllo servlco was read by Captalu Barnett ot the Shields post. BAUTI.EY , Nob. , May 81. [ Special to THE BKK. ] The memorial and Cocoration ser vices arranged by James Laird post of the Grand Army of the Republic were very suc cessful. Under the direction of Mrs. J. B. Hatborn and Mrs. O. Frost the hall was ap propriately decorated with flags , flowers and mottoos. On Sunday Rev , W. A. Boucher preached a very sugcostlvo sermon to a largo congregation. On Monday flags floated from nearly all tha buildings and at 10 a. in , tha post. Sons of Veterans , children of the Sun day schools and the citizens marched to the cemetery to decorate tno graves. .At 2 p. m. the largo hull was tilled and attar the inter esting exorcises of the cost , unuor tbo direc tion of Commander Hathorn , Rev , D. L. Mo- Brldo of McCool delivered au eloquent und patriotic address. Oim , Neb. , May 31. ( Special to THE BEE. J A union memorial service was held Sunday In the Presbyterian church , .Uov. C. II. Mltchclmoro preaching , Footo post No. 40 , Grand Army of the Hopubllc , was present. Monday a memorial oration was delivered in the Methodist Episcopal church by Uov. C. C. Wilson , upon the conclusion of which the procession march to the cemetery. The gruvui of tbo soldiers buried there were decorated - orated nnd the beautiful ritual of tbo Grand Army of the Republic- gene through with. There was a largo turnout , the procession consisting ot Footo post. Grand Arm ) of tha Kepubltc , company B , Nebraska National Guards , school children and citizens In car riages. HVANNIS , Nob. , May 81. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBB.J Memorial day was observed at Hyanuis yesterday. The exercises wcron grand success , and the ml beautiful floral display on the occasion Is _ A _ one long to bo rumctnberod. The Hyannis ' rass bund furnished the music. The vocal ttF' ' uslo was fine.V. . L. Mathews was ] orator of too day. It. A. Walts and Uev. 1 Mr Olm&ted assisted. Wull Aluni ; with Corn IMniitlni ; . I ffCi . CKNTBH , Neb. , May Ul. [ Special to iiu UKK.J Furmors nro well along with I tholr ! corn planting , many of thorn being through nud a few more , davs of good woalhcr will ace the usual acreage of corn in the ground in good season for u bountiful crop. BMiTLKr , Nob. , Mov ai. rspoclal to TUB Ben , ] bomu of the corn lUtud during the flrat week of Muv Is not coming up woll. but the fulluro Is not gonorul. All the old laud will bo planted and nn uousual Quantity of the pralrio bits boon broken uua planted with corn , Q. W. Wlrt , a local grain buyer , is putting up a new cluvutor. Ornscil hy Uvurwork , I'41-ii.i.ios , Neb. , May 81. fSpoclal to TUB ncK. | Miss Pauline Koofer of this county wui taken to tlio asylum yesterday , Sbo became Insnno from overwork and religious oxcltciueutand lumjluoa that somebody was coking to kill her. On Sundav she started out to hunt her sister mid waudorod almost fifty Kill's before she was found. During tbo Journey ahu bad thrown uwuy bur hut end most of her clothing. Her father uua several bratborit llvu in the county. Thu cave nm'.ics the fourth vent to thu asylum trom this county iu tbo last ton days. N ) > rnk Jtuimlou Uttn * . Git AND IH.ANII , Nob. , May Ul. [ Special Telegram to THE BuK.-Tho | reunion com- tnlttoo has rocelvod ofllclal notice that a faro of puo rate for thii round tilu has been made for tbo coming reunion. Ticket * will bo on tale August SO to September 1 , good till September 5. It Is as liberal rt mo as over has bcon given by tno railroads and tbo com mittee Is elated. In addition to thli tickets will bo sold September 2 to nil polnu within 100 mlloj of Urand Island. UNIIKII A JtoMr.ri. llonry Ilnnllp of Ilnrnuiii Elects With n Horrible liontli. HrnvAK , Nob. , May 01. [ Special Telegram to THE BCB.I Henry Hasllp , aged olentoon , met n horrible death Just south ot town this morning about 3 o'clock. He was driving along the road on a field roller whan by some mishap ho lost his footing and was thrown In front of the roller and in some way was caught so that his head was drawn under the roller. The team trotted along tbo road fora distance of 300 yards baforo assistance could reach him. If was then found that the tin- fortunate young man was dead , his neck being - ing broken and his head and face being horribly ribly mangled. Tlio bodv was removed to the residence , of his parents who live In town aud the coroner wn3 notllled. CltniigBCl tlio Locution. Neb. , May 31. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.K.J Word was received nero this afternoon from Washington that F. C. CJruble's proposition for locating the Uoatrlco postofllco at the corner ot Ella nnd Fifth streets In the Auditorium building had ooon accepted. Orders were issued tb have the bulldliitr arranged for the reception of the pustotllco at onco. This removes the ofllco from the Masonic block , where It has boon located for several years. The now location Is but temporary , und will contlnuo onlv until the now federal building nt the corner of Sixth and Kiln Is ready for occupancy , possibly two years hence , Mnttlod n L'u m mm Cnse. Cnr.TD , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKB.J In tbo case of Foss against Dawc , brought by F. I. Foss against ox- ( Jovornnr Dawcs to dissolve and settle the co-partnership of Dawcs & FOJS , which has bcon In the district court of Sallno county for two years , tbo report of the referee , Judge Broady , was filed today. The report in briot Is u complete victory for Foss nnd his friends. Mr. Dawcs Is Indebted to his former partner In the amount of nearly SfO.OUO ana ovcry allegation of Foss is sus tained. Yotnl thn lloiuls. NnimvsKA Cm" , Nob. , May 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BrB.j At a spscial elec tion today citizens voted on a proposition to Issue $10,000 in paving und 934,000 In school bonds. This election was close and exciting and resulted In the defeat of the school bonds white those for paving carried. B \ TJ ETT , Nob. , May ai. [ Special to Tun BUH. ) Wheeler county votea bonds MayU7 , in tha sum of KMUOO to aid the Puoolo > & Duluth rallroaa. Illch llnul ofNncnk Thieves. Nnnu XSKA. CITY , Neb. , May 31. [ Special Telegram to THE BII : : . | Snuak thieves stole two coats from Fritz Alberts' saloon last evening. In the pocket of ono of the gar ments were two checks for $150 each. Sev eral arrests Imvo been made but the QUllty party is still at largo. Dr. Blrney's Catarrh Powdnr for tonsil- Us. For sale by all druggists. 50 cents. OPPOSED TO EDUCATION. Genoa School ruplln Yearn for Ilcst lroni * liritln Kxorclso. Eighteen ot tbo copnor colored pupils of Genoa Indian school boaamo suddenly homesick - sick Saturday evening and packing their traps started for Arizona OD foot. They took with them all their belongings and the next morning Station Agent Sam Uussum of Fullerton ran across tbo onttro out lit , bucks , squaws , pappooscs and all. They had covered the intervening llftoon miles between that place and Genoa during the night. Uussum could not understand \vhal. was up wnon ho encountered a part of the lot , until bo Inquired of the tourists who told him where they worn going and that tboio was a lot more over on the fair grounds. Investigation revealed the others ot the eighteen and the whole batch was locked up in the bacgago room of the depot , where they were kept until Assistant Superintend- ont'Perrlgo wont down to take them back to tbo school. "Late to bed and early to nso will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. " But early to bed and a "Little Early Hlso * , " the pill that manes lifo longer and batter aud wiser. Improved Train Service. The Union Pacific has made another im provement In its train sorvlco for the con venience of Nebraska people. Hereafter a combination coach will bo attached at North Plutto to the east bound fast mall , which loaves that station at 8:30 : a. m. and arrives in Omaha nt 4:15 : p.m. This tram stops at ICoarnov , Grand Island , Central City. Colum bus , Schuylcr and Fremont. Its run ning speed is forty miles an hour and upwards , Its time including stops aver ages qulto as fast as that of the limited trains between Chicago and Now York. This gives four day trains on tbo Union Pa- clflc into Omaha. Dr.Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder cures catarrh For sulo by all druggists. Cu cents. I'JHtSOtf.lL VAKAtOSAVna , J , C. White of Lincoln is at the Murray. Frank Snarpo of Lincoln is at the Millard. Mr. Rosewater left for the east last even ing. ing.A. . V. Pease of Falrbury , Nob. , Is at the Dellono. C. J. Milnor of David City , Nob. , Is at the Millard. A. C. Campbell of Cheyenne Is at tbo Millard. E. E. Powell of Rod Oak , la. , is at the Arcade. H. II. Scutt ot Clarlndo , la. , is at tbo Murray. T. M. Wall of Osceola , la , Is at the Arcade. W. H. Bowman of Beatrice U stopping at the Millard. II. L. Wuro of Plattsmouth Is registered at the Murray. G. F. Burr und J. R. Brisbln ot York , Nob. , are at tha Arcade. W. T. Paul of Coleridge , Neb. , is regis tered at the Arcado. J. L. Baker ot West Point , Nob. , is rogis- tcrpd at the Dellono. Georco Berry of Casper , Wyo. , Is regis tered at tbo Millard. Miss Eva Shcntz of Contorvlllo , la. , is stopping nt tbo Paxton. J. Nesby Tucknor of Valentino , Nob. , is stopping at the MHlnrd. Mrs. Jones and Mm. Work of Aurora , Nub. , uro at the Paxton , Andy Kcrr and L. M , Pomborton of Be atrice nro at the Arcade. W. T. Richardson of David City , Nob. , Is registered utrtbo Puxton. Mr * . E. M. Webb of Lincoln U among the lady cuests at the Millard. A. B. Richardson of Meadow Grove , Nob. , is rcglstoroa at the Arcado. D M. and F. J. Oils of Humphrey , Nub. , are slopping ai the Murray , J. L. 1)1 vou and W. H. Howard of Rapid City , S. D. , are at the Paxtou. Hon. L. W. Colby , assistant United States attorney general , is at the Millard. E. M. .Alien , J. h. Ferris nnd W. O. Durroll ot Lincoln artf at the Dollono. E , Williams Purfo. II. E. Parish , M , B. bulilvau ana F. M. Tully ot Oodar Rapids , Neb , are at the Arcade. M - W. S. Glover , wife of Chief Dis patcher Glover of tbo CbloBKO. BurllUBlou & Qulncy , stationed at Boardstowu , 111. , is vlslimp her counln. Mrs. O. II. Jeffries , OU boutu Twenty-eighth street , Reuben A. Wnecloss and Miss Alice Young were niarnod by Itov. Cbttrtos W. Savlduo Monduv , May 30 18'J-J , at hli ow , , resident. Mr. and Mrs. Wbuoloss have very many warm friends lit the city who wish them a louit aud happy llfo together , NKJV YOIIK. May 31.-Bpecl&l [ Telegram to Tim HKE.I-J. Henderson of Bcatrlco is at tbu Metropolitan. Omaha folks buroi J. Beverly , at tha Colonnade - onnado ; J. E. Saundcw , Jr. , E. P. Durbtwn. nt tbo Hoffman ; 1C. D. Hoi I Is , L. V. Mono and wife , at tbo Westminster. H. W. Scott and J. J. Lowe of ICoaruoy oil for Europe ou Wednesday , THEY HAVE MADE IT AIL UP City Council and Board of Public Works Finally Bury the Hatohot , EACH SIDE TAKES BACK A LITTLE I'eoplo Mnj- Unto Tliclr Uiiolre of Time I.linlU on I'livlng flunrnnly Vcloc * Overruled by tlio Council Jtoutliio Hiislncss Done. Tbo cruel war Is over , and the city council and tbo Board or 1'ubllo Works will endeavor to dwell together in harmony henceforth. Each body receded a step or two from posi tion : ) previously taken , nnd once more life as sumed a rosouta hue. The board sent lu ultimatum to the coun cil last evening and the latter body wheeled Into line with n graclousncss atid promptl- ludo only equalled by tha readiness und reckless abandon with which it wheeled out a row days ago. A communication from the board stated that the board had passed n resolution re scinding the action hitherto to lion regarding paving spoclllcntlons Insofar as they related to the ton-year guaranty on stone , which was changed to ono year , and providing for two sots of bids ou other material with a tlvo and ten-year guaianty respectively , uud allowing property owners to ohooso. The communication was placed on fllo. Bcchcl Introduced a resolution instructing the Board of Public WorUs to at once re- ndvcrtlso for bids for the paving to bo done this year , and to award the contracts for same to the lowest bidders , allowing pro perty owners thirty days In all ca&os for selection of material , and In case of asphalt to ox press preforouco for pitch-lake , land , overflow or California asphalt. It was adopted and tha board will roadvortlso. Superintendent Muthlcsoii of the city hall submitted the appointment , of John Snun- dors , Peter Johnson and 1C. J. Stevens us janitors for thai building. The appoint ments were conilrmed. Vetoes Not Sustained. The mayor vetoed the resolutions ordering more gas and gasoline lamps ou the ground that tno general fund would not justify so great un expenditure at this time. Ho fur ther stated that so great an outlay had boon rendered necessary by the heavy rains that an overlap would bo created unless great cure was exorcised. The veto was over ridden. Edwards alone voting uo. Tbo mayor also vetoed for the same reason the ordtnanco ordering ara lights placed around Han&com park. The council again disagreed with the mayor , and the lights will bo furnished , A handsomely engrossed nnd framed copy of the resolution hdoptod by tbo Mothoaist conference , acknowledging their appreciation of the treatment accorded them \vlillo in the city , was received and ordered hung lu the mayor's odlco. Tbo mayor approved several paving or dinances and recommended that hereafter the cleric lurnlsh the chairmen of appraise ment , committees with cortlUod copies of all petitions and waivers of damages touching their work in order to assist them in such niattors. Lowry insisted that this meant the employ ment of another clerk in tun clerk's ofllco. The communication was referred. ' Suits to lie Compromised. The city attorney nnd his assistant advised the payment to Mrs. Lizzie A. Hlchards of $ -,500 as a compromise In nor $10,000 aam- nco suit airalnst the cltv that will como on at this term of court. They stated that it was ono of the most sorlous cases pending against the city ; referred to tha finance committee. The city attorney recommended a settle ment of the controversy arising from the opening of Burt street , by mutual conces sions by the city and the Interested property owners , and the dismissal of existing suits. Ho wanted the matter referred to the oom- inlttoo on streets and alloys and llnauco com mittee. It was so ordered. The contract and bond of the Thomson- Houston company for furnishing seventy ad ditional are lights for n term of two years at $140 each per yoir was approved , Edwards und Munro voting uo. lllds for Lighting 1'lxtures. Bids for furnishing gas and electric light fixtures for the city hall were ordered opened , and on tha opening of the very first envelope there was n difference of opinion. The Edison General Electric company was the Interested party. It bad failed to en close a cortllind cnock , as tha resident agent was out of the city , buttnera was a telegram to Milton Barlow of the United States Na tional bank Instructing htm to furnish a ? 1,000 certified check ou tho. request of tbo agent , which Mr. Barlow stated over his signature that ho would do. Howell wanted the bid'accoptcd , but Tut- Uo wouldn't huvo It that way. Lowry also felt obstinate ; Munro thouulit that It 111 became - came those wbo had persistently fought this company to renew their hostility on this oc casion. He suld that the bid might save tbo eltv (3,000 or $3,000. and ho wanted it ad mitted. His plea failed to touch a re sponsive chord , for tbo bid was rejected , Elsasser , Howell , Jacobson , Munro and Priuco voting against Its rejection. The other bids were as follows : Russell. Pratt & Co. , two bids , $12,000 and S8.85 ! ) respectively ; Do Kosanko & Hoth- cnngton , fl'.OOO under first schedule and $10.500 under the second ; Charles A. Harvov , $3,510.52 ; J. \Velshans& Co. , $12,000. All bids were referred for tabulation. Peter Uoos offered to food city prisoners for tbo ensuing year at 12J cants per meal. Howell moved to award him the contract , as It was iyt cents cheaper than last yoar. It failed to go through , and tbo coraptioiler was Instructed to advertise for bids. Dunlins btrooc Grade. The appraisers on the changa of grade of Douglas street reported no ( damages , and the ordhmncn was passed. Arc lights will bo placed at Thirteenth nnd Farnam , Fifteenth nnd Farnam , and Twelfth and Uarnov streets. Tha washout at Thirty-first and Cuming will bo repaired at onco. The street commissioner was Instructed to put 100 additional men to work to catch up on work that Is now behind. An are light will bo placed at Sixteenth and Jackson streets. The lights at Seven teenth and Leaven worth and Nineteenth and Leaven worth will bo relocated at Eighteenth and Loavenworth and Twentieth and Leav- onworth respectively. Are lights will bo placed at Eighteenth and Vlntou. Twentieth and Vlnton , Twentieth and Dorcas and Twentieth and Elm streets. The various offices In the city hall will have suitable lettering plucod on tbo tran soms , The teamsters' union sent in a romon- For Women. If you nro Buffering from any of the ailments rceultlug from Impure or Impover ished blood nnd need a positive tonic , yea will flud speedy relief by drinking the REGENT SPRING. AnilyiU iliows that Uils water contalni 4 1031 grnlni Iron 'bicarb , and .8)15 ) grains ilanganeit bicarb , in each gallon. Inquiry of year pbyilclan will confirm our ttatcmcnt that tlio combination' of blood maUug clement * In as Tnluablo on it Ururc , Try It. Th * uuleri are Mlt i only ty tin Excel- ilorSpringi Comjani/at Excelsior Springs ? " ' < Missouri ItlcliardsoaDrugCo Agis.OiniiiN3b ! , . , , strancoapolnst havuiPtMlr loams taxed In ' thn form of n license.-rcMrrcd. 'I ho Omaha Sclcntlll socloty will havotho U o ot a room In the city "hall. The report of the cblrfraltteo In favor of the electric wlrinc hispcbtion ordinance WB rejected and the ordlcuncu was recommitted. A special mealing of tlio council will beheld held iU 2 o'clock Ihls fiftcrnoon and nnolhor on Saturday ovonlnp. J > i Mrs. Wiuslow'a ' Soot iljnR Syrup for chll dron teething vroduoei natural , qulot sleep. 23 cents a bottle.n'L' ' - , 1. FOHTUNE INlABUEWERY. Contmctn Awnnloit inr the Noir 1'lnnt ot the KriiR IlrorHiiR Cninpany. Contracts for the Prod Krug BrowlnR company's now building on Twenty-sixth street between Boulevard and Green , have been lot , and by Juno 10 the contractors on tbo superstructure will bo ready to begin wortf , as thu foundation will bo dona by that UrnWhen When completed' , the now houses for brow- lug purposes , to bo erected by this plonoor broivlng compnny-will bo as complete as uuy in thu country , representing an outlay of The contricts for the work to bo done this year are as follows : Toundiitlnn , K.1000 llrlelc worlt. . GS.OOO Ironwork. . , Uitrpuutor work. . . . . . . . . 4'UW ) Uomontwork U\00d Making a total of &i2SOuu which will bo put Into the now plant before tbo snow Itlos again. The fortunate contractors to whom the awards ivcro in ado arc : On foundation , Vnn Court & DonnlsOni brick worn. Uock- fort&Uould ; iron work.Paxton & v'lorllng ; carpi-liter work , Salisbury. Slnco 1850 the Fred Krug Droxvlng com pany has occupied Its present site at Elev enth and Jackson strooti , but so great has bcon the Increase In business that It bo * came ncamary to either cnlarco the plant or else allow builaoss to drift from the pioneer brewery of Omaha. Ground was finally purchased on Twenty-sixth nnd Vinton streets and E. JutiKonfold & Co. of St. L.oul.1 , brewery architects , wcro commis sioned to furnish plans for as con-.cloto n plnnt as money and experience could croct. Tbo plans show a small-sized village with buildings ranging from two to so von stories In height , nnd wtien completed will have ca pacity for 150,000 barrels of beer. Tbo stock house proper will have a capacity for storing 80,000 barrels of boor , and will bo 100X115 foot In slzo , four stories in height , and will adjoin another stock bouso seven stories In height , 20\GO fcou Adjoining these two bulldlnga Is the racklnghouso , 50x70 , two storlos In height. The wadhhouso will bo 70x100 fcot with trackage facilities on ono side and wagon sheds on tbo other. The brow house will bo upon nn elaborate scale , in style a combination of renaissance and romancsquo , seven storlos in height , 00x70 foot , connected with the flock house by u bridge from the fltth Story. Adjolnlncr the Jjroiv house on the north Is located the boiler house , with capacity for three batteries of boilers , and the hlphbst smokestack In the city will bo attached to the boiler house , 105 foot high with n base of twenty foe > t. A two- story engine room nud refrigerator room 40x 70 will contain the engines , refrigerating ma chinery and eloutrlo llpht plant , which will furnish light to the buildings ana power for wash bouso ana stock house. Those buildIngs - Ings are to bo built thw year and supplied with the latest machinery , which will cost m the neighborhood of 8125,000. Next year the 'plant will bo com pleted by the "broctlon of n mplt house , elevator , bottling house , office and stable giving" to.Omaha when lln- ally finished the best equipped brewing es tablishment in America. > All the buildings will bo fire proofed and provided with cement floors , tbo latter con tract not yet having boon"- lot , out provided for in the specifications. ! . Upon the completion of the now brewery the present buildings o.u. . loventh and Jack son will bo abandoned. Mr. William Krug In showing a representative of THE BBE through the present establishment yesterday said : "These building have been patched and repaired until It seems useless to further Improvrtthom and.wioSxrrfonlyHrvliig to hold out until the now plant' is completed. For several yearswo were prevented from , putting any money into the business because of the agitation regarding prohibition but now that Is settled nnd our business warrants our con templated improvements. " Mrs. L. U. Patton , Rockford , III. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend DoVVitt's Sarsaparilla , a cure for Impure blooa and general debility. " ' Flnod n Tough. William Bullara , a low brewed , plastered haired youth with a penchant for pnzo fights nnd ton-cent whiskey , extended his decora tion program over a considerable portion of the town Monday night. When nrro'ted at Thirteenth nnd Williams ho felt strong nnd gave the oOlcors a pock of trouble. The Judge concluded that bis variety of drunk was about the meanest ho had mot and ac cordingly fined him $100 and costs. DoVVitt's Sarsaparilla destroys such pol. sons an scrofula , skin disease , czemo , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. Turn to the right medicine , if you're a weak or nlling woman. It's Dr. Pierco's Favorite Pro- scription. If you're over worked or "run down , " it builds you up ; If you'ro afflicted vriui any of the distressing derangements and disorders peculiar to your box. it relieves and cuics. It Improves di gestion , Invigorates the system , enriches the blood , dispels aches nnd paina , melancholy and nervousness , produces refreshing sleep , and rcbtores llesh and strength. In the euro of all 'functional disturbances , weaknesses , nnd irregularities , it's guaranteed to give satisfaction , or the money is refunded. It docs all that's claimed for It , or it couldn't be bold in this way. That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce' * medicines are cold on. It is a legitimate medicine not n beverage. Contains no alcohol to Inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As jf culi'ar in its marvelous , remedial results as lu its composition. ' ORDINANCE NO. 307C. An ordinance oioatlnz Street Improvement Ulnrlct No. 4M , In the city of Omaha , for thu Im proving of the street In said district and allowing thirty < tays to the property ownnrs In said district. In which to deter mine und cletiignute'tUe material deal red to bu used for snob lmpri > iriir. | Uo It ordained by the Uty council of the city ofOnmha : IJii'i Soutlon I. That StrLet.Iniprovomont DIs- trlqt No. 458 for the InulroVliiK ot the street In said district U horobyrcreatud in the city of Uinnhii. Keitlon2. ! That SlredtTmprovomont District Nn 4VJ shall comprise ) Oawmroet from west line of lilth street to 1IM ft Wusl of 2Hh street lu the city of Oinuhu. and slrnu' include all lots nnd real estate on both sldQiiOt said siroctusfnl- lens : hots 14 , 15 , 111 In block 5 , lots ft , 0 , 7 , H In bloekO , lots 1.2 , : i. 4 In mMU 7 , and lots 1 , s. 3 in block B , In Bweczy'a addition , nnd It IB hereby declared neccBsiiry to Ji/i / prove thu sumo. Section X That tttruit improvement dist rict No. JMIn Iho elf > of Omaha ho and the lime Is hereby ordoroinlriiprovod by paving nnd curbing. BectloiH. That thlrly ( Tays next , after the passugo un approval ufabls ordinance bo and thoHiiiiiO In horohy allowed to the owner * of all lou linn real catata. In said street Im provement district , to iltiUiriiilna nnd doslK- nato the material dcslrt.1l1 to bo used fur the improving of tbo tmmaiuiU notify thu city council thereof , jf hitvlng boon und bolns hereby detormlnvU by tlio mayor and cltv council of suld nlty , for ntuKonu which appear rlnlit und propur.tliat all the real ustatu In Hald street Impnivinncnt , district , thull ho churned with the rust uf IniprovliiKtboru- lu. lobe thereafter determined ami establish ed according to the special bencflU to thu property In uuld street Improvuient dlstrlut , and thu Hoard of I'uuKo Works l tiorebr dl- reotud to Klvo notice to the owners ot lands und lots , Hiihjcct ui local nsicsamcnt , for tha coat or said ImuravoiiitfnU , todetunulne mid dcilcnulu thomatorlH ) to bu u&od for uuh Im proving. by puhliimtlon ) n the olllclul paper of thu oily for threecomooutlvo days , rt least fifteen days prior Ui tbo lapse of said thlrtrUnr * . ' boctlnn a. Tint thl ordinance nh ill take olfevt und bo lu force ( rein und utter lt PUNS- "iSssod May 10th , 183 ! . JOUN QKOVK9 , . I'roslduut Oily Council. Approved Jlay Slth.'lfJi. UKO. IV I1CMIB , " Mayor The Court Has Decided AeainstUs. Last fall , previous to Mr , Hellman's death , he bought $40,000 worth of spring and summer goods , of which $15,000 worth was deliv ered prior to his death. The balance , $25,000 worth , the estate refused to accept on the ground that they were closing out the business. But the manufacturers went to law and the consequences are that we find ourselves saddled with $25,000 worth of new spring and summer goods that we had not calculated upon. There's no use to cry over spilled milk , ho\vever , so the best we can do is to get them off our hands , and as you know this is not a money-making sale , you will have the most astounding bargains placed before you ever heard tell of. The estate must be wound up , and the prices we will quote you will astonish and pleass you. The goods are brand new and the styles the latest in the market. market.As As a starter we open by putting all the wool casimere , worsted and cheviot suits ; worth regularly $8 , $10 and $12 in one lot at Our show window is full of them. Among them are a lot of G. A. R. Suits. Warranted fast'colors. . Extra set of buttons , in square and round corners , , all at In furnishing goods we mention the following to put you on your guard : A good stainless black hose I5c. The best crow black hose 25c. . Solid colors tan , slate and brown 15c. , The 35c suspenders all go at 15c. Light Weight Balbriggan Underwear $1,00 suit , formerly $2.0.0. is it lu , 13th AND FARNAM STREETS. BAKING Kp POWDER. OZS.FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb WELL BREDSOON WED" GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Ceaning. I'EKMANENTfiY OD11RD OU NO PAY. NO DBTKNTION KltOM UU8INRH3. WE ItEVCIt you TO oviit : LWJ I'ATIHN w. invostii.ito our mot hod. Written cunrintoo to absoliitoly euro all Itlmlsof UUI TUiUO of both sexes , without the use of knife or syrlugo , uo mut ter of how long standing. EXAMINA.TION FREE The 0 , E. Miller Company , 307-308 N. Y. Liib Building , Omalia , Neb. Offices Denver. Colo. ; Chicago , III. ; 3t Louis. Mo , Detroit. Mich. ; MUwnul(03 , WU DosAlolnor. la , ; Bivlt LIKO Olty , Ut U ; I'arc nnd , Ure. : llutto , Mont. . SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent ipoclallit In oanroni , chronic prlrMo. blood , akin and nnnarr dlieaui. A rofmlitr ana roRliUTCrt Bradunta In modolno. ni dlplomu anil conlllcntcs > ti < m , Usltll truatlntc with tliagrantot IUCCOM cnmrrli.ipermutorrhoos , lun inanliuod , gomlna ! vreakuoii , nliiat losses. Im poioncr. rphllli. ntrlctare. lion- orrliuea , iileut , Tarlcoralocta. No mercury lined. Nuvr tronlrneul forlos of Tltnl POWIT , I'arllei uiitblii to Tlsltino ninr lie Ironled ai borne by oorrospomluncn. Modlclae or Iniuumcnti wnt by niallureipruu M * ourelrpickeil. no marki to lnillcat coutenn or lunilor. Uno punonul Inturrlow preferrud. Connultatlua tno , Corroipondonta trictlr prlvnto. Itook ( Mxitetlei ot Ufo ) fuuc ( r u. Offlou hour9a. nulosi p. in. Bundaj'tOa. Um. Bong itnmp lor rcpu. T HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , . Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Cc-mplajnts , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Com * plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired F c e 1 i"n g , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. Unlike Dutch Process 1 Alkalies OB Other Chemicals arc used in the preparation of Breakfast Cocoa , ivhich is absolutely pure and soluble * It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , anil is far more economical , costing lu * than ont cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , and KASILT DIGESTED. _ Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass , THE .SHORTEST LIKE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee &St Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. nv City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent , C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Notloo for JIliU. Bids will bo roootvod by the city council of the cltr of Itanld Olty , K I ) . , until 2 o'cloolt u. in. , Juno 0 , Ititti. for the building of reservoir und Influx of IU.UOO foot , of ID-Inch east pipe , Uuotlior with furnishing nil the materials iM'cusiary In tholr construction ncroidlnir to pluna und Hpoclll < mton ! on file at the olllco of the cltv onclnoorof the oily of Unpld City. Those lilUdliiK un buth reservoir and nlpo line , or npon ulpu line nluno , must accompany thulr bids with cortlllud choclc for oilo thousand (7I.UW ( ) dollars. Those hlddlnK on rcanrvolr alonu must nucompany tholr iildn with iifurtlllcd chcukfor two hundred and fifty ( $ ; vj)0ollnra ) , checks to ho drawn upon any solvent bunk In HU 1'nul. Minneapolis , Uinubaur Huplii Olty , und to bo returned to unsuccessful blddoraon the day uf opunliu proposals. Hid * shull uu onolosod In pluln un. vulupuu and shiill Jinvo plainly written Ilioru- on : Jild for llusorvolr. r I'lpu llnuorbldfor both Kosorrolr or I'ljiO llnu , HI the OIIHO may be , Tha eltr council rtinorvcn thu rlxht to ro- joat any or all bids. Add mix nil cnmmunloa- tlopntotho CIITV AUIUTOIt. of Uuuid Olty , Hotith Dakota. Dutod at Ilupld Olty , May 17 , IKtt. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS Fcrgnna who have lost property fro n Imll.ui raids rthcrild ilia tholr ciulim under the Indian Dcpro lat on Act of Jlnrjli ' , 13 I. ' 1 ho t nio It Ilinltod , an I the claim * nro tukon up by tha conrtin , thuorJerln vrhluu they uru roalvuJ. Tuks Notice that alt contraoU entarol into witli uttomeya prior to the A3t ura mU null nuJ void. Jnfcirniatlon glvou unJ all claims uroniptly attended to by thu BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS. . lire MA.M A , NElBIiA.SKA. Iluroau U KuurantooJ by tua Onmha Hop , tbo Honour I'rusi uud the Uia trauuUeo Kxaiulucr.