Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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for tbo August and Ssptombor
Meetings Bolter Than Ever.
Allnrton iincl Dolmnroh Will Stnrt for n
Ten TlioUKinil JL'unto Wltllnm * ' Orcat
Meeting nt Jiiilnpriiilriicn To Ho
Been nt Knuxttllcitiiil Mnion Clly.
DRS MOINES , In. , May 80. ( Special to THB
BKK.J Within tbo past low years Iowa has
become ono of tbo foromoat borso-raUlng and
boric-racing stutos In tbo union. Her blue
firftss pastures nro acknowledged to bo unrivaled -
rivaled oven by tbo famous blue grass ot
Kentucky , and for speed Iowa horses have
nil but eclipsed the world , For many years
the raca track was a conspicuous feature of
every county fair In the slate , but the purses
were too small to nt raot any but very or
dinary speed , ana It was not until C , W.
Williams struck a lucny streak In the pur
chase ot Axtoll nnd his subsequent establish
ment of Ruth 1'ark nt Independence , that
luwapooplohad nnv pretensions In thoborse-
racing world. Now Kiiah 1'nrlt Is the foremost -
most track In the state and is acknowlotltted
to bu ono of the f us test In the world. Will-
lams has forgot ) ahead In u remarkable man
ner , and wltn Allorton and quito n string of
other good horses is cutting quito un or-
viable splurge , llmulrods of horses are now
trained nt Uu h Park ovnry year , and aotno
rcmarkiiblo records have been made on the
famous kite trade. This rainy spring has
demonstrated the necessity of a eovcrod
truck for training purposes , nud It Is said
Williams will supply lha wuntnext year.
A great program has bion uironged for
Hush Pnrli at tbo August meeting and over
? 1WJOU ( ( will bo distributed In nurses. * The
feature of the meeting will bo tbo contest
between Axtoll and Allerton tor a purse
of flO.WiU , and negotiations uro pending
Torotbor meetings of Allertou nnd Axlell
on other tracks. After thu InQoDondenco
mooting Allurton will come to DCS Molnos
nnd meet Delmarcti for n $10,000 purse , unu
llicso two will also meet at St. Joseph , Mo.
In his training at Kusb Park lull spring ,
despite the soft wont her. Allurton bas
trotted elunths In 15 % seconds , a'J-.UO gait ,
without uppttrent oQcrt. Besides Allerton
Itush Park bas about'tvvonty other horses In
training , among them being Canary Illrd ,
H-ypar-ola , record 'Jll . She l very fast
this spring ana is expected to bo a good ono
lu the 4-yoar-oId clous this roar. It all goes
well she will bo startca with Allorton later
. . In tba season to boat the double-team record.
A U-yunr-oId pacer by Director bids fair to
uo another Direct , as aho has already shown
n 2:20 : clip A 2-year-old trotter by Ax tell
and ono by Hod Wilkes nUo promlsu to bo
The yearlings by Allorton uro Mr.
Williams' ospoclal pnao , and ho has about a
dozen of them la training. Tboy uro very
promising , several ot them having gone
eighths in from twenty to iwonty-llvo
seconds. Their actions would indicate that
JVllerton will provo to bo a grant sire.
In addition to Mr. Williams' norms there
are several other strings of trotters at tbo
track. Charles Thompson of ICono F. fame ,
has a very strong string of green horses ,
several of which can snow n'-- ! : ( ) gall or bet
tor. They are liberally engaged in valuable
Blnltoa at all tbo bifr meetings. John Hussoy ,
formerly U. W. Wllllaihs1 riRhi-hand man ,
lias a strlnc of fast youngsters , about fifteen
in all. J. W. Mcrcor who drove Incus to a
mark of 'JH : ) last season , bas , besides this
borse , several otheis lu training. J. F.
Murtindale , well known to the theatrical
world as Frank Howard , author of "Only a
Pansy Blossom , " etc. , is engaged la the
brooding business bore , and has A number lu
training. Oi.o of them a pacer coos under
the name ofFomulo Pirite , but she can pace
close to a two-mlnuto clip.
- Great preparations uro being made for tbo
t\Vo woo us meeting hi August. A now
' $1(3.000 ( grand stand .with a sealing capacity
of 10,000 will bo erected at ttto driving park ,
nn eiootrio street railway U now being built
to tba grounds , and a 40,000 hotel is In pro
cess of construction. Mr. Williams Is back
ot all these enterprises. The nrojent icason
promises u > bo moro successful than any of
the past in tbo history of Rush Park.
Next to Hush Park in point of age ana Im
portance , , probably , Is the Iowa Driving Park
association's place at Knoxvlllo , where a line
imlo-track of tbo oval shape is located and
where some good racing was had last year.
Tbo entries for this year are all closed and
among thorn uppuar some of tbo best known
horses from all over the country. The purses
are lloeral nnd a successful nieotitig 1s looked
forward to in August , tbo wouthtr permli-
Tbo next track In point of Importance and
ago in Iowa Is tbo ratio klte-shapo at Mason
City , where uomo good speed was shown at
the mooting liibt yotuTcour correspondent
has not seen any announcement for u moot-
ting this your , but them will probably bo a
good ono.
Tbo horsemen of this city bavo boon
Iniv nhnilt crntttni ? firnnnrt linthnvn ufr. Inof
Rot to worn and organized the Dos Molties
Driving Park association. A strong effort
was madu last year to have the state agrlaul-
aocloty construct a mile-track on the state
fair grounds , but It failed. The DCS Molnoa
society bos now provided for the long fell
want by the construction of a mile track ol
the klta sbapo within tbo city limits and not
over a mile from tbo business cantor. A pro
gramme for a summer mooting , August 5 to
UO. bus been arranged , at which tUO.OOO
will be distributed amoug a couple
hundred outinos. The chief feature
will bo the coutcst between Allertou anc
IJolmarch noted abovo. Tbo track Is on low
laud and has bocn submerged duilui ; the lalu
high water , so that training has not yet com-
tnoncod , but will soon. The chluf mover in
tbo organization hare Is R M. Hubbell , who
lias ample capital ana will not let thu associ
utlou become bumpered In its luclplunoy for
Want of funds. Among the horses expectec
horolslbo great California \oarllug , Fiou
Frou ( U :3S f ) , who will go against tbo world's
record as H U-y oar-old. J. D. MuKercbor o
Denver will bo hero with a string of twenty
horses , aud ( J. A. Thompson of Induponuonca
"has engaged baruroom Jtor his largo Hiring
Then there will bo a pacing rnca for ? 5,00t
between Roy Wllk&J , Guy und Mauagor
Uloy Wllkcs bus n mark of 2USJf : , Guy a:0'J : #
und Manager holds tlio world's record for
1 > and 3-year old pacers. H. L , nnd F. D
Stout of Highland stock farm , Dubuque , la
( thu homo of Nutwood ) have xoverul very
last ones ontcroa.
The speed ting proernra for the state fair
tha flrst week in September , providoj fo
810,000 In purges. All the races will bo railo
boats over the bulf-mllo track. It Is no
likely the association will put In a milo truck
Boon , now that the want bus been supplied.n
this point.
-The now Davenport association Is the
latest to oomo to tbo front with n big prUo
for a stellar attraction fur the llrjt meotiiii ,
on their now track , which will be hold tbo
first woolt In September , and William * has
filgnldcd bis acceptance for Allurton on tba
conditions vpccltlad for the other events.
bhurt Unrjoi So thu llookiimkeri Money
„ J.ust .tluiitluy ,
i Monnis PAIIIC HACK TliAclr , M. Y. , May 31.
Thn second day of the spring meeting was
i favored with , beautiful wculuor , u fast track
, and au attendance of 10,000 people. Thu ruc-
V lug ; was rather tiimo.ln comparUou with that
of tbo opening day , J , A. A : A. H. Morris *
colt Frolsii won the Ilarloin siako of ( or n
' hnrd light ulth Rottrnlu , but I.uuipIlKhtor
had a comparatively cusy victory for tin ? . oa
nnd Bound sukus. The feature of thu sport
\va tbo hiicccss of long vboU In the butting.
1'lerro LoriltarU's Yemen captured tha
oponinc llvo-furlong tprlut at odds
of 1C to 1 ; The Popper took the second ruca
\vUh UO to 1 ni'alnal him , I'lorro Uorrllanl'a
Kilkenny , brought down from II u > 1 to'J to 1 ,
und. Lamplighter , U to I , were llio only favor
ites. The lulcut. . that U , trmt portion of the
racing noilJ thut buts on Ural uhoicus , were
nil big losort , nud ibo kiuii of mom all , Mr ,
Mlohael F. Dwjor , found hlmnoU something
| tk RlO.OOO out ftl tha close of the aflernuon ,
Jio bet OAK ) on tba tirtt rnoe. f 1,500 pti the
ooond anil1 von tinned to douulu his bet * all
thjrouicU Urn program Uo dttl not pick up n
Vet , uud his ( unueuae loilng * were the solo
toploot convHrsuttou lu turl circlet this
rac , Qvi < fut'onx * : Yonien ItA to U won ,
BlouowiU IIJlu luovtincl , .Muruiln ( JtuhllilrU.
Time ! lvO.
rice , j.jllamut H tjuntBrt The I'up-
per (39 to 1) ) won , Dnnquot (3 ( to I ) second , Mars
5 to ! ) third. Tlmoi s:08. :
Tlnnl rnce. tlio llnrlcni stakes , flvo and one-
nilf filrlonm : t'rolio J20 to II won , Kestralnt
S to I ) second , I'rlnee Iniperlnl (8 ( to I ) tlilni.
Time : lioT'i
1'oiirth rni-u ; icvrn furlonRn : Kllltonny (10 ( to
) won , llcnvOlo-:0 ! ( : to II hoconil , St , lltlbort
( to II thli-il. Time : U7SH.
rifth r.ieo , the Sea nni < Houiul stakes , ono
mile ! liiiinpllghlcrUO tt)2 > wnn. IConncbco O to
) second , l.i onetr to II third. Time ! 1:41.
Hxth rnco.iix fnrlonji : Onwnrd ( ID to II
won , ( Jold Uo lur (4 ( to Zl second , Dnnc storC-'J
to 1) ) third. Tlmo ! 1:1 J.
Itnim > viijnt Lntonln.
Cis-cixvvTt , O. , May 31. After the tre
mendous crowd of yesterday there was only
n small attendance at the Lntonla park this
afternoon. There were six races nnd only
itvo of these were won by favorites. A
loavy shower fell Just bcforo the last race.
making the , trncK n trlllo slow. In the first
race Daring , the favorite at 2 to ' r"11
away , going nearly two miles Daforo hu
coula no itopptd. When the start was
Inally inado bd was all nut loft at the post.
In the last race Dyaua nud Sir Rooert ran
away- but neither went over half a mile.
The horsoj Ida Pickwick and lialgowan
weio sent to St , i ouls this afternoon.
t'lrst race , purse for iiialdont.yo : \r-oldn
and uuwitrdi. sU turlonifi , Mevon stirterS :
Klliv hhluni.iti ( l' to I ) on , llutnlln ( j to I ) HCC-
onil , Uotubny r4 to II third. Tlilio : 11104.
sjecond race , Holim ? , for n-yotir-olds and up-
wanls , one mllr , twol\o stnrters : Jlaitplncss
(7 ( to II won. Shoth CIO to 1) ) second , Powers (11 (
to 1) ) third. Time : 1Z1H.
Tli Inl race , ptirsn tor maiden fillies 2voars ,
old , four und : i Inilf fnrlonjjs , ten st.irtern :
Hur.-Ui U i nnv ( - ' 5 to II won. ( Jnucn Enid (7 ( to 5) )
second , Governess is to 1) ) llilrd. Tliio : MH.
Koiirth riuu. tlio Mlllduto handicap , for.l-
year-olds nnd-upw rls , mile und n sixteenth ,
BOVCII turtor < : Wndswortli (4 ( to .1) ) won , \V.
H. ( . ' ! i tu 1) ) second , Yule ' 01 (3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo !
l:4HU. :
Fltth race , soiling , for 2-yoar-otds , flvo f ur-
onus , nluht starters ! I'orcst Hose | . lii to I ) .
won. Kd Oreenwoot 0 to I ) , second , Queen of
lltindoHj ! ( to I ) , third. Tln.o : 1W. :
Sixth nice , -tolllnR. purse for innldcns. 3-
yoiir-nlds nnd upwards , six fiirloiiiri- . nine
starters ! London Hmolo fJ tn2) ) , won , Helm IT
4 to 1) . second , I'eddior (0 ( to 1) ) . third. Time !
Close rinluli ut St. Louts.
ST. Loui < i , Mo. , May 31 , The racing nt the
fair grounds this afternoon lurnlshed several
lair splitting llnlshos. In the flrst event
John Francis won by a noso. The fourth
furnished tbo second exciting finish of the
( lay. Annlo Race , C. B. Wtllingham and
Hurt Jordan made a brushing wind-up from
the last furlong polo and llnlsbcd nocks
apart. In Ibo concluding event Content and
Newcastle locked horns about 100 yards from
homo and matio a drad beat , the run-oft
being won by Nnwcastlo. The woalhor was
threatening and the attendance fair. The
track was buavy and mud larks were In
clover. The tnlonl'B Judgment went wrong
In four races. Adrienne and Pennyroyal
were Ibo only favorites to land their backers
I'Mrstraco. six furlongi. flvo stirtors ! John
Francis ( lu to I ) won , Maud 11. rw to 1) ) second ,
Io Umbrl.i ( even ) third. Tlmo : 1:31.
Second race , six furlongs , six sturtors : Ad-
rlonnoU to I ) won , Odettoto ( 1) ) second , Gaylord -
lord 4 to I ) thlrj. Time : I:20H- :
Third race , solllnc. six nnd one-half fur-
IOIIRS , tbreo slurtors : t'onuyroynl ( S to 2) )
won , Lizzie Muc (4 ( to t ) goiond , Llttlo Phil (4 ( to
DUilnl. Time : lsSl.
I'ourtli race , six iind one-halt furlongs , sell
ing. six starters : Annlo Unco Ol to V ) won , ( J.
M. Wlllluzhiim iraol ) second , Hurt Jordan (3 (
to I ) third. : 1:53) : ) ,
Fifth laro , sulllni : , sl\ and ono-hnlf fur-
lens . six sturtcrs : Caltlun (7 ( to II won , llnclt-
hour.d ( o\un ) second , Crab Cider ( I to 1) ) third.
Tlmo : ! :2S :
Sixth raeo. soiling , ono mile , six starters :
Nowunstlo (10 ( to I ) nnd Content ran a dead
lie , itUn thu run-olT the former won cleverly
by u h ilf loiiKtli , Hoodlum CJto S ) third. Time :
1:40 4 and fj W.
rips fur TotUy.
Hero are the likely chances olTorod by tbo
cards at Morris Park and Lutonla :
1. Raindrop Courtship.
2. KlnesbrldKo aottysburg.
3. St. llubort * t. Anthony.
4. H-icoliind t'lokpocket
5. Milt Youii ! ? Now or Never.
0. llumiulo UUk.
1. Kottlni Iliirdoo
2. I'onn I'-roxhall.
' i. Ouniiintion Henry Young.
4. Major Tom Dolly McCuuo.
5. Judge Caldwell Ko Ko. l .
8. Contest lllndoognm.
7. Hook Laldloy The Hero.
t > iill ( > i > lng ut Oarllotd.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 31. Garftold rnoes :
Mrst rnce , half mile. L'-year-olds : Klne
Star won. The King second , Columbia third
Time : 5'Jli. '
Second race , ono mile : Declared oft .
Third race , llvo-elghths of a mile , selling :
McGregor won , Tlmborlautl second. Fay third.
Time : liliy.
Fourth race , Montroio stakes , mile and ono-
olglitb : Vuler.i. VTOII , Motus second , Itornardo
third. Time : L' 'ili.
Fifth rnce. soiling , fifteen-sixteenths of a
mlle : Annlo Olurk won , Joe Woo I ma a second
end , Mcplilsto third. Timor S:0ill. :
Sixth nice , sellingUvoolghths of a mlle :
Imp Itcmody won. Holster second , Fred
Houston third. Tlmo , 1:111.
r , Colo. , May ill. - Results today :
First rnce , ono mile : Orrlclc won , Dunn
second , Mlnnlit ElUlna thlnl. Tlmo ; Ir49.
Second raeo. flvo furlongs : Grandee won ,
Tlsriss second , llaf Knrlck third. Time : 1:07. :
Tnlrd race , ono and ono-olghth miles : El
Royo won Murlgold second ( two starters ) .
i.lIUUi1UU. .
Fourth race , four and a half furlongs : Sir
Lnuncolot won , April Fool second , Maud U
third. Time : M.
Fifth race , seven furlomrs : Hominy Dill
won , Ummott second. Sam Brown third.
Tlmo : 1-M.
ut Upsoni.
LONDOX , May 31. The Epsom summer
mooting opened today. Tha principal race
on the program was the Woodcota stakes for
2-year-olds , six furlongs. The race resulted
in a dead beat bntwoon Baron do Roths
child's colt Lo Hicham and Colonel North's
colt Quickly Wise. Barou do Hlrsch's colt
Gainbogu was third. Tbo great event of the
meeting , the derby , will bo run tomorrow.
Dt-Htli of a Niitml HofHO ,
TEIWI : JI.UJTT , Iud.May31. OrrlnHlkok's
famous gelding , Ariel , died hero yesterday
ot pneumonia. Tba animal was taken sicli
on the way cast , and grew worse after ar
riving. _
Columbin nnd Inilluimi > ell I'lay u Itamnrk-
ul > ly CIoHO ( iiiiiiu.
iMius'Aror.f , lud. , May 31. Indianapolis
nnd Columbus battled for twelve innings
today , tfie visitors llnally wlnnlngon Uonln'it
poor Holding of Moaro's throw in. Both
Sullivan and Stephens pitched romarkabla
ball , tbo latter having tbo best support.
Abbey's homo run hit lu tno ciehtb , which
tied the gumo , was n scratch. Score :
\Vlnnlni ; run iimilo with tno men out.
ColumbiM a 000000 1000 I ]
Inaintiaiiolti . . . -
Iluns narnpdl Columbui , 1. Tno bino lilts
Hl lihon . lluiunrillil AUboy. Doilblo plarel Car-
iiciitrrtuRcnlni tn U'Urlou , Itorevr to O'll'luu.
llniu ou lulU : ,0'Hourkp. Ilrcokenrldae , Lotchor ,
Monrn Btruck out ; Uarrllt , btuiona , cionlm. l , w-
reiicu , Mntrn Molcil liainai Caiupau , ( ionliu Left
onbi \ ohiuiliui , : liiclUnapulln , ii. 'lime of
RUIUO : Duo miur na < l Ufi/-llvu mliiutei. Urapltu :
VortVuyno \Vlna ut lluinn.
Four WAVS'C , Ihfl. , May ! M. The game bo-
twcou Fort \Vuyno and Toledo was witnessed
bv about fiJJ poopla. Tba game was a ilui-
glni ; iiuucii so far ns thn homo loam was con
cerned. Tha vUlton were till freely. lo
tbo fourth tuning Dimutd , pitcher for
Tolodo. was itisab'.oil by a hot hall from Hoi-
laud's b.U und retired , Campion , luulng hit
plnoo. Mou inatlo u long hit ovuriwnter
liold fcnoo , tbo lougest oxer inatlo' bu the
groumb. Soars : f
u u iA u u t * A I
-iu 1010 Kir. at. t _ _ _ . U 0 U a 0
Dunn-Imp. If 1 4 1 0 NIcU'Uou. tti I 0 t U
hutelltlt * . rf. . 1 4 1 1 U Cauiuluulb.n 0 0 a o
Mou , It > 3 3 IS U ( ) eltu r , If 0 i u
AUunl.illi 0131 Mchol. m. . . ' 0 u
Holland. . It 4 . N.well. su , . 1 u
.SiKllti.Ib. . , . it J U 1 U Armour , rf. . u o
UiUrtattt.c. . , Hurley. Ib 0 o t
Wadiw'lh , p 3 I 0 3 ' 0 U o a o
Darling , o' , 0 U 0 U
ToUU . . .lt U IT 17 1
Total * , . . . . 2 8 n 11 I
HUUUAlir ,
Hum tar owl t V'ortWajrno , ij Toledo , 0. Tno
bie hltn.Sutcllflo , Alronl , Jl Holland , Wftdswnrth ,
Kerroll. ' Tlirpo tiano hlt . Moti liublo plnr -
IUtrtnln , Smltll , Alvord. lifter.on.bnll : ( lit Wnclfi-
wnrlli,2i IT lnmilon | , 4 ; ott DowftU' ' . 0. Struck
out. Ilr Wmtimortli , Is by llevrnliUli by Cnmplon ,
\Vlli1pltctirn Itr.\Vn lfworth. I. , Tlmoof Karaoi
Uno hour nnd forty tuo minium Umpire ; SnyUor.
llainci roUponi'ct
KANSisCitr , Mo. , May HI. Kansas City-
Omaha qamo postponed ; rnln. \
Mii.WAt'KnrVH , May 31. Mllwaukco-
Mlnuoapolls Ramu postponedrain. \ . *
llnrtnn Ksrnprs n Shut Hut hy tlio
ol I.nrk.
BOSTON . Mass , , May lii. Tno ( jamo was n
pltchorV battle , mm If Cuppy had received
as good support as Stlvotls Boston would
hayo been shut out. Woatbor fair. Attendance
anco 1,480 , Score !
llostun 0 000002000-U
Olovulnnd 1
llltsl ItoUon , fit Cleveland. 4. Errors !
lloston,2 : Ulovolantl. 5. llattorlos : Htlvotli
and Uauzol ; Cupuy and Doyle for Olovoland.
Drooklyu 1 Iniln Ono.
Nr.w YOIIK , May 31. The Brooklyn * won
an easy victory at Eastern park , Brooklyn ,
today. Attendance 1,557. Suoro :
Brooklyn 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 17
Cincinnati 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 1 01
lilts : llroolclyn , Pi Cincinnati , 4. Krrors ;
llrooklyn , 2 ; Cincinnati , .1 , Earned runs :
Ilroaxlyn , 'L Uittorlos : I'ouU and Ualloy ;
Duryoa und Murphy.
Colts Stilt Second.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 31. The Sen
ators dropped another game to Anson today ,
and Ibo Colts are still In second position.
Weather warm. Attendance , 4,500. Score :
Waslilnzton o 1
Uhlc.iKO . . . . * 2 0 II 0 1 5 0 1 * U
Hits : Washington. 10 : Ohlcaso , 14. Errors :
Washington , 2 ; Uhlcago , 4. Earned runs :
i , 1 ; Clileii'o. ( 4. Hattorlos : I'oro-
tniin , Uastrlght and MllllKtin ! ( Jumbort uud
Ilultllnorcs Win.
Il\i.TiMonn , Md , . May 81. The Baltlmoros
returned home today and defeated Iho Pitta-
burps in an oxcitlnR game. Woatbor tine.
Attendance , 853. Score :
llaltlmoro 200101000-4
I'ittsburs 0 00210000 3
lilts : Ililllmoro. 10 : I'lttsburg. 0. Krrors :
llnltlmorc , 4 ; I'ltlsbni-ir , u. Earned runs :
tlmoro , 2. Ilnttorlns : Iliilllnmon und Koblu-
son ; Ualvln , Smith and .Mack.
Uliintu Tnkn Another.
NEW YOIIK , May 31. New Yorlt boot St.
Louis onsily at tbo Pulo Rrounds today. Attendance
tondanco , TOO. Score :
Now York 0 10001240-8
at. Louis 0 0002000 1 U
Hits : Now York. 0 : SU Louis. 4. Errors :
Now York , t ; St. Louis. J. Earned runs :
Now York , 2. HsUturles : Orano and Jlur-
phyj IJwyornnd liuukluy.
1C Illinois Tlireo Tlmo I.osora.
Pnit.Atiuu'niA , Pa. , May 81. The Phillies
tnado It three straight from Louisville today
by timolv hlttltiR.Voatber lino. Attendance
anco , 1,113. Score :
Louisville 0 0000010 n 1
Philadelphia 1 1 000002 * 4
Hits : Louisville. 7 ; Philadelphia. 8. Errors :
Louisville , 1 ; Philadelphia. 2. Earned runs :
Louisville , 1 ; Philadelphia , 2. llntlcrlos :
Stratum und Oowso ; Espur aud Clou.outs.
IInstliig { mill Frnniont I > lvld Their Doc-
onitlou Day Games.
FHEMOVT , Nob. , May 31. [ Special to THE
BII : . ] Tbo HastinRS and Fremont base ball
teams put up a coupio of line games here
yesterday to a blR audlonco. In the second
ganio Butler of tbo Frornonts was seriously
hurt by colliding with Iho tonco when run-
nine after a fly ball and Is now la charge of a
physician. Ho was badly bruised and will
not bo able to play ball for some time. Tbo
score ( first game ) :
Kromont 031000302 0
Hustings 0 40000001 5
llattorlos : Klmmoil and Oravor. Pinch and
Chiles. Tlmo ot game : Two hours. Umpire :
Second game :
Fremont 0 00023000 4
Hastings , . . .iO 15000100 7
Batteries : Gotchotland Gravor. and Holmes.
Packard und Clillos. Time of game : Ouo
hour forty-five minutes. Umpire : Jennings.
Standing of the Teams ,
w. r , PC. \r. it PC.
Columbus K 8 . 'i3 Omaua. II 14 .410
Mlliraukco. . . . 17 U . < * > ! Mlnaoapolla . . 9 14 .891
Toledo U 12 .MS Fort Wnyno. . . . a Id .3W
KanouClty. . . 14 12 .MS ludlannpolla. . 3 IT .1M )
lloslon Z7 9 .7W New York 18 IT , SI4
Cblcnco Zl 13 .071 1'lillndolnhla. . . IT 19 .472
llrooklyn 21 13 , U18 LouliTllle ID 19 .457
Cincinnati. . . . . 21 lii .679 Wasblnxton. . . 12 2J .31.1
Cleveland 19 IT .SM SU I.OUl 12 24 .AIS
1'lttaburu 20 16 .1-M . 9 30 .257
nentrlco 9 4 .6W ! | Hastings . . . . 9 .803
Grand Ijlnni. . 11 0 .dKllMnttjmouth. . I ) 10 . . ! 75
Fremont B 7 . .5uKenrujy | ( 411 .21,7
Uamoi Todayt * *
Western league : Omaha at Kansas City ,
Columbus t Inulanapolts , Toledo at Fort
Wayne , Minneapolis at , Milwauiteo-National
League : Pittsburg at Now York , Cleveland
at Washington , Cincinnati'1 nt Baltimore ,
Louisvlllo at Brooklyn , Chicago at Philadel
phia , St. Louis at Boston. State league :
Hastings at Doairlce , Grand island at Fremont
mont , Kearao at Plattsmouth.
lllack Hills LCHBIIO T < rums"jtondy to Start
the llaco Toduy.
LEAD CiTr , S. D. , May 31. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Tuo Black Hills league will
begin the season tomorrow wlihour clubs
la the race , Load City. , Deadwood , Hot
Springs and Chadron. Rapid City and Fort
Meade-Sturgls may come in , making the cir
cuit complete , out , If not , tbo four clubs
named are organized on a basis , and with
sufllclent backing , to play tbo four month's
schedule out. The championship of last year
was won by Load City , witu such players
as Brett , Purcell , Hurt , Thompson , Barnes
brothers , McEIroy , McLaugblln aud Keys ,
Jack G irrlgan also played wltb iho team tuo
latter part of the season and did good work
at second. This year the team will bo under
the management of Bud Barnes , who has
about signed tbo team wanted , with a few
exceptions , and those places will bo fllloil by
local talent until thu men desired can bo so-
c'.ireJ. Deadwood bas given full con
trol to Billy Troniey , who U uathorlng a
strong team. Hot Springs and Cbaarc-n uro
actively at practice in the Hold and tbo latter
bills fair to make trouble. Williams and
Bellinger will bo their main battery. A
couulo of peed In and out fielders can secure
positions with tbo Load City team by apply
ing early.
Hiawatha park at Leart City , tbo flnost
equipped ball park in tba state , has boon
placed in excellent condition and everything
bias fair for an excellent season's'aport.
Gnmoa lii'Omulm.
Tbo Acmes and Davenports played an exciting -
citing same of ball yesterday morning , re
sulting In favor of the Acmos. Score :
Acrao * . 0 03-040200 2 17
Davenports . 4322oaiUO U IS
llattorlos : Itoblnson and Lnllor : Htrcu ( and
Hoiisctf , Tliruo-baao tilts : Aomu.s.2. , i
In the afternoon a game with tbo Freaks
resulted :
freaks . 32020001 2-13
Acinus . , . , 0 U. , 0 4 0 4 0 2 2-15
llatlorlcs : I'onvrlck and Gnus ; Hoppo nntl
llowman. Ooulilo pliiyn : Acmoa Mouzoduht
nod llolln ; Oiinlner , unuislstod , Freaks
I'onwlck and U < jo inljeani.
it Won It.
OLEMWOOD , la. , May 31. [ Special to TUB
BRK.I In a hotly contested ball game yes
terday Springfield ( Neb. ) defeated Glou-
wv/od by lha following scora :
Olmiwood 1 0 0 4 3 1 0 S 0-11
0030317" 0-u
. . Ulonwood , Uouelnnandl'iiirluK :
. . _ . . I. GoUt , Marian and Unit. Tlmo of
Siime : Two hours. Umpire : young.
Sciirq of tbo CliUN * Mutoli.
[ x > six > \ , Alay 31 , Laslcor won the lourth
game of the chess match. The score : Las-
Kor , \ Blackburn , Q ; drawn , 3. '
Ur , Blruoy's Catarra fowder for cold In
head , l-'orsaloby all druggiit-v W cents-
bocotid AVard Itciiubllrniu.
Tberaitill bo a mcotingof the Second
Ward Republican club Friday , Juna. 'I , at
leather's ball. South Thirteenth * tro t. All
republican * of the ward attend.
A. Q. HAUTE , Suo.
Ir. ) ' Blrnoy'i Currb Poxvder euro
ORttrrb , For e U by U itruitTlitt. W caati
1 ua t "
Two Murpiiys 'Itw in ' 6an Frauoisco , but
Noither.,0jjo Could Whip.
I.ongtTliiitpil WnllcliiK MnUh irlth n I.lttlo
ni ; nn thii Sl\lc Ailjnurnrtt Until
Till * Ktoiillltf How .Slnitu
l.oticJtV'ht ' the Knil. ,
SIN Fn ixct.ico , Cal. . Mav ni. Ditly Mur
phy or Now Zealand unil Johnny Murphy of
Boston foucht to a tlnnh at ttio Paulllo Alh-
lotloclub tonight for n $ I,2.V ) purso. Johnny
Murphy , who Is the bsxlug Mtutructor ot
Harvard collude , \yas loinetbing of an un
known quantity here , It being bis flrst battle
on the coast , and the bolting fnvorod his
naracs.tko at odds of ! > 0 to 12. Billy' * victo
ries over Johnny UrlfUn and Iko Wolr and
the memorable draw with Frank Murphy of
England , In which the Australian broke an
arm , being still fresh In the minds
of the sports. Mate-over , Johnny
Murphy 'was bohovoJ to bo handi
capped In everything nut weight and
pluck. The men have boon carefully trained
close to the llltpound limit. Sovorul pre
liminaries preceded the contort. Alee CJrog-
gains and Don Fitzpalrlck seconded the Boi-
tonliiii , Martin Murphy and Sol Smith seconded
ended Dill Murphy. Mlko Sullivan was the
roferoo. Time was called at 9:128. :
Billy scored the ilrst blood with the long
loft In the wind , which ho repeated a fmv
seconds later , Johnny essaying to counter.
The Australian looked llfo a full grown man
brsldo Johnny. Ho secured a loft In uo
wind and cauuht a lot'In thacbln , butn long
swing landed on Johnny's chin and ho stag
gered , slipping , to aho floor. The second
clip near the cna of the round sent Johnny
spinning. Billy's lung loft now looked as an
Uusurmountnblo obstacle for the Bostonlan.
Second Round- John landed a peed loft on
the Now Zealander's mouth and somn clover
dodging followed. The Bostonlan swung Ins
right a couple of times , but was too short.
Ho countered on the head hard and Billy
reached him , and tba spectators ohoored.
John dodgcdilefts , but received u smash In
tbo mouth as tbo round closod.
Third Hound BillyJs loft found the ribs ;
John duelled right swings and tjcorod a loft
hook , Bill.v giving awav several chances In
aiming for the ribs , and the llcht Bostontan
took advantage of them. The cheering was
great at every stnga of the light.
The fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth
and ninth rounds were only a repetition of
the preceding ones. , ,
Tu the tenth round' 'Billy scored two hard
smashes whtcn looked for a tlmo Ilka a llu-
ishor. Nothing win accomplished in the
eleventh and twelfth rounds.
In the thtrteonththo , Bostonlan staggered
his opponent with a right cross and smashed
him with both hands untllltlookcd as If Billy
was out. Johnny fulled of an uopor
cut at n critical moment and Billy
en mo back hard with his right. The Now
Zgalandor was In bad sbapo , however , and
had the Bostonlah'rl more length of arm ho
would undoubtedly have finished the Ught in
the round.
In the fourteenth , round Billy landed on
the Bostonlan's cheek with a right-hander ,
drawing blood ; some light sparring and u
rally near the ropcjirollowed. *
Tbo fighting commenced again In the sev
enteenth , when Billy pinned the Bostonlan
In a corner , haramortng.hlm with both hands
until the short curlers feared for their man.
After that the walk around act was the
tactics and In the twenty-first uotabloxvwas
struck and the twbhtvfourtu was llnlshod
with but llttlo damage to cither man.
In.the twenty-fifth the men came together !
near" the ropes nihAne hottest bit of Slugging. .
resulted In Billy Murphy going to the floor ?
from an upper cut. Ho stayed down nine"
long seconds1 and-tbo Bostonlan's friends
claimed Billy should have been counted out.
Billr rose aud made several wild rushes , but
Johnny , as cool as over , stabbed him with
loft ana right , sendlnir him helpless to tbo
As the gong sounded in the twenty-sixth
Billy swung both hands fiercely and Jabbed
him in the face , but the little man , though
ho scorned weak , came back at him and had
the best of the round.
Twenty-seventh to thirtieth , scarcely a
blow was struck.
From the thlrtv-fourth to the thirty-
seventh round nothing was done , aud Man
ager Harrison announced that if the men did
not fight during the fortieth round the fight
would bo declared "no contest" The club
positively would not decUto it a draw.
At the end of the forty-sixth round ,
nothing having been done , Referee Sullivan
announced that as the men would not tight
bo would declare the contest postponed until
the end of June.
Mannoor Harrison after u conference with
the men , seconds and -referee , announced tbo'
fight would bo continued - to a finish tomor
row night.
Sluvon liadly Used Dp ns a Kcault of Ilia
Encounter uitli Sluvcn.
LONDOV , May 3) ) , At the close of the
fight Slavln , as he lay helpless and
disfigured on the 'Jfloor of the stage ,
appeared to bo almost dead. Ho pre
sented a woeful appearance and showed very
plainly the effects of tbo terrible punishment
which bad been administered to him by his
dusky antagonist. Ho lay motionless on tha
hard boards , his face badly swollen and dis
colored and his body covered with blood ,
which flowed In crimson streams from outs
caused by tbo sledge-hammer blows dealt by
Jackson. Tbo latter , too , had lost seine blood
and showed murks ot the torrlblo encounter
in which ho had been engaged , tint ho was
in comparatively fresh condition when the
fight was over.
Jiiclmoii I'rojth as u Daisy ,
, Wheu Slavln had officially boon declared
"out" and Jackson had boon announced as
tbo victor , the negro walUod away without
any assistance from bis seconds and was ap
parently able to continue tbo struggle ) much
longer. Ho appeared to DJ not greatly the
worse for the encounter. It Is not too much
to eay that no other , match ever excited an
equal amount of Iutorest-althougu tnerewas
little actual money wogored until the Anight
of the contest.
It Ilocafu : plit Time * .
Tbo scene at Uie-jtNatlonal club recalled
incinorlo * of livuna' supper rooms and
Thackeray's ' tlmw T-he lobbies were crowded
long before the limn''set for tbo tight to be
gin.- Sportsmon'oftvery grade were pres
ent , mostly in oVbiflng 'dross. Tnero wore
urnsont dukes ami tfirls and marquises and
baronets ana nbfltftlPd aristocrats in prc-
luston. Colonel JNBftb , "Buffalo Bill" and
the artist Furnij ; > 'wero not it-oil among the
crand. Oit of jcgjird for the aristocratic
patronsthe fiat b iMpno forth that no naraei
should bo inonttixtait , Tha imnallenco of the
crowd while walUitv for the light was some
what modified bp/AtboxbtDltloii / of sparring ,
Tlio I'mich-Tlntl N'over Cniue.
Presently a loud shout announced the en
trance of the comjiatuntv Slavln's expres
sion was one of doxgod confidence , while
Jackson's was tlAJjft a man who did not
qui o know , Thar opinion of tbo majority
was tliat more wiit valy ono man iu it , and
that was Sluvln. Tboy nrojiow loft to ponder <
dor over the foot ttraujt is ono thmg to pos
sess a hit such as Slav In1 * , but quito another
to got It boms. More than once Jacktou' ' *
supporters felt apprehensive , while Slavln1 *
ad lit-ron U were always expecting a sre/ai
punch trom their favorite , which nevoi
camo. In fact , Slavln did not sbino a * a
In the meantime Jnoksou'i blows lookot
plnvful , but they hurt. 'He countered \ \ eland
and tool : ull of the ttlnp out of Slavln's tre
mendous lunges , The wonderful part of 1
vrui Hlavlu's stnnjlna. Tbo roainrlc was
often hoard that > Jackion was no lInUh r , yu
no gradually were bU opponent down , am
when it cauio to tbo 'flultti be gave Slavln
ouo of the handsomest "autUors" over wit-
botif ) to the finest match on record.
The Uttgro Nut hntnce ,
DeiplLo the fact that Jackson Is a negro
bis victory U extremely well received. The
carslcMiioas of Jaciison' * tralnliix at com
p r d with tint i < ( SUvln probably uo
wanted fur the bolting being In favor ot
Slavln before thcf llRht. JncKtori Invnrlutily
ailed his opponent as the latter cafn * , thbs
ocurlng a blow of , double Impact , The fre
quent visitations on bis nose and mouth
cnily choked Shwlti. Iho blood trickling
own bis throat troubling him greatly.
The sports In attendance upon the light ,
vhilo app'laudtnc Jackson's magnanimity In
not finishing oft bis opponent curlier In the
contest , think ho would have been more hu-
nuno hud ho done so. Jackson Is not n sav-
ge fighter , and when In tbo tenth round ,
uouph blind and dazed , Slavln pluckilv do-
ilHpd to lid down and udmlt his defeat but
icIJ up his gory hoail to receive blow lifter
> Iow , Jnck on , In a helpless , dogeod manner ,
topped and looked around tlio ring as much
as to say , "llava not I done enough ! '
He Wilted lit I.nt.
His ailhcrcnts warned him to continue hli
ilows , and ngnln thov were rained upon the
( most dcfonsolo s mnu before him , Slnvln
uaycil feebly , stood up again , but finally In
osponso to n terrlllo blow sanlr In n boap on
ho Moor. In the opening round Slavln fool-
shly plavod for his opponent's ' head , while
Tnckson's deadly pluv was nt Slnvin's
tomnch. In the face of the punishment nd-
ninlstufod Slnvm's staving iiowcr was won
derful. Although ho received the pun-
hmont bo made the greater number of loads
nd made such game stands Jackson's '
tfmircM sometimes foarqd for the result ,
'hero wns a strong American contingent
Present and also n liberal sprinkling ot actors
vho paid their twonty-llvo sov6rolpns to KOO
vhat proved to bo n marvelous exhibition of
kill and endurance.
rrltctinril it nil Hull Mutrlioil.
Losnov , May 31 , Ted Prltchard is
natchrd to light Jim Hall In London within
lirco months for 1,000 n side , plus the best
pur o offered. Tbo money has buou do-
McCoy Knocks Out Dnvls.
BuiiMxriTov , la. , May 31. | Special Telegram -
gram to Titu BhB.J The battle between
larrv McCoy and Jack Davis hero last night
csultod. in McCoy knocking out Davis In six
Itonbor Tliroxm I.mronun. .
New YOHK , May 31. Ernest Uoqbcr ,
hamplon Grac9iUomnn ; wrestler of Amor-
ca , defeated.Louis Lnwrcuco. champion of
Germany , tonight , winning a purse of 5500.
Douglus Street ( iriulc Apptnlsors Dcclilo on
Their ICuiiiirt.
A board of appralsots , composed of W , J ,
Mount , O , Oj Basaott and A.V. . Phelps , sat
yesterday afternoon in the Builders and
. 'radors headquarters in the Now Yoru Lifo
ouildlng , for the purpose of hearing com-
nlalnts from property owners a : to what
lamages , If any , there would bo to property
> y the proposed grade of Douglas street , bo-
wccn Slxteonth and Twontloth.
Dr. J. C , Deulso aud Mrs. J. R. Meredith ,
vho own residence property at tno corner of
s'iuetconth and Dodge streets , claim thoy.
vould sustain damages bv reason of tbo
grade. They were asked If they did not con
sider that their respective plccos of pioporty
vould boDonotlued by a grade which would
make Louglas a business street. Neither
bought tacir property would bo enhanced in
value. But the cut , they said , would damage -
ago it.
Ex-Judgo Anderson , who is also a
> roportv owner in the district , thought
ithcrwiso , and said that It was essential
that the cut bo made. Ho thought all
iropcrty would bo bonofltted rather than
lamaged. Ho and Dr. Donlso Indulged In a
Ittlo uiipleasantry in which the former
said ho was uo mossback , no hog for
dainacos , but a man of piogrcsslvo Ideas
vho wanted to SPO the town grow by
mprovemeiits being made. Dr. Dcniso
otortcd that Mr. Anderson wanted the
mprovomonts at somebody else's expense.
Chairman Mount called them down and
they subsided.
Mr. Bassottasksd Dr. Denise If ho did
not think the improvement of Douglas
street would benefit Dodao.
"Not now , " replied tbo doctor , "in fifty
years It might , but wo uro not considering
irospoctivo benefits simply actual benefits
or damages at the present time. "
" > * don't want It for a business street , "
ntoroosod Mrs. Mercaith. "Tho property is
our homos , and that's what wo want it Tor.
The proposed grade will spoil the property
for residence. By the previous grades we
consider that our prooerty has depreciated
n value. I can't understand why the
property owners on Nineteenth and Dodge
itrcets ara to bo assessed for the grade of
Nineteenth and Douglas when it U detrimen
tal to our interests. It is unjust , as wo
don't ' want to pay for a thing that ii an in-
| urv to us. " ,
Mr. Bassoit said that Douglas street must
bo a business thoroughfare , and to make It
such the cut was inevitable.
Otbors dUo cojnplalncd of the damages
they would sustain , but tbo board decided to
allow uo award of damages , as it was
thought tbo benefits to accrue would offset
any damaeos. Tbo board accordingly mada
a report of that nature to the city council
last night/
* . iHOVIll OMAHA.
lluslnoas Transacted by the City Council Kv oiling.
The city council mot last evening. It was
9:30 : o'clock before a quorum was obtained
and it was nearly 10 before uny business was
Upon recommendation of the comtnittoo
C , Brock was granted a license for a saloon
at iiCOO N streot.
Then business was dropped while two or
three members lobbied In a corner and tbo
rest discussed dogs and prize lighters with a
well defined difference of opinion.
An ordinance providing for the construc
tion of a stona retaining- wall at tbo east approach
preach to the Q street viaduct was intro
duced and referred.
An ordinance was also introduced estab
lishing a system of license on goods sold in
the city bv transient dealers. It provides
fora tax of 5 nor cant a month on the vnluo
of tbo stack. The cltv treasurer csn accept
a sworn statement of the vnluo of the goods
or demand an appraisamont at his option.
The penalty for ouch failure to comply witu
the provisions of the ordinance is a fine of
not loss than $10 nur inoro than $100.
The street railway ordinance introduced at
a previous meeting wns passed.
The mayor appointed U. L. Porter as fire
man on hose No. 2 , vice Jamas Douohuc.
The police assignments for tha month of
Juno are as follows :
Day Force A. P. Larson , jailor ; E. Ix
Krooper , Twenty-fourth street from J to Q ,
and Twenty-third to Twontv-lifth streets :
O. B. Tubbn Fourth word ; J. Eraerlcfc , Q
street from Twputy-iUth to Thirty-third ,
and Hoffman streot.
Night Force Charles Hathaway , jailor ;
J. F. Wilson. Twenty-third to Twenty-fifth
Direct from J to Q ; J , P. Anderson , Albright
and Brown's park ; Martin Spocttlcr , Q
street from Twenty-eighth to Thirty-third ;
Ivor Thomas , Twenty-fifth to Twenty-eighth
streets and Q street to Eggcr stroot.
t the Stoclt Yards.
The proceeding month records It remarkable
run of business at tbo ntock yards , Thnro-
ccipts of itock yesterday were 1192 cars , the
heaviest run on record with one exception.
So for this year the records show an Increase
of 1,000 cattle. 12,500 bogs and 11,500 sheep
over tbo first five mouths of Ib'JI ' , Those
figures are Indisputable 'eriJonco of tbo
rapidity with which tbo Magla City is strid
ing toward second place as a packing center
and afford much reason for satisfaction to
tboso who ara Interested , in the stookiu-
dustrios of Nebraska. 1
IMeiinantly Kiilurtiiliiuil ,
The annual May festival of St. Agnes'
church was given ut Blum's hall last night.
There was a good attendance In splto ot the
rain aud those who were preiunt were pleas-
nntly entertained. Tno program consisted
of a piano * ole by Miss Teresa Casey , n
chorus by tbo children , a pleasing recitation
by MUs Chorrv Tylpr ana vocal muslo by
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hitter and Mlsnoi
C'ella Madden utid Maggie Kano.
Lnrpo lleul Kutnte Ofiil ,
Tbo largest real estate deal ot this year
was closed by Parsons & Burry yesterday
Lot 3 and the north 40 foot of lot 4 In block
TJ were sold to L. D. Fowler for tf > ,800 cash
I' manufacturing cvinpftpI'ouutll itlufft , la
l ! > l rl Unit Ouljr ,
The lots mentioned are shunted on the wet
Ide Of Twenty-fourth tttrcet. between en-
glno hoUse NO. 1 und Plvonka's snldon ,
Notrn nntl IVrsonaln.
J. D. Bennett roturncd from an Iowa trip
J. M. Wllkius of Tokamah is the puo t of
rolatlvoi in town.
Hnrry Carpenter ban returned from Den
ver , wlieto ho sponl Sunday ,
J. O. Smith , nn oxton lvo slock raiser of
Blntr , wns In the city voUordny.
T. O. Uico took n permit yesterday for the
erection of n cottage Bt Twouty-firat and
klllroy street ? .
The mooting of the South Omaha Hopub-
lean club that wa to hnvo boon ho'd last
light wns postponotl on account of tha rain.
Some miscreants have wantonly ruined
somu ot the tries In front ot the First Prm-
> Vtcrlmi church. A rownrd Is offered for
ho arrest of the guiltv parties.
The Omnha letter carriers were ontor-
nlncd nt llio homo of Charles Mlllnr titter
the parade Mondav. Po tmnstor Glasgow
Dldcd in the cutortiilnmcnt of the guests.
_ Tbo following hro newly jeetml ( ofllcpri of
South Omaha lodge No. US , Independent
DrdorofOdd 6Vllo\m Nbblo grand , C. L.
1'albot : vlco" grand , Unvld Anderson ; i-trus-
cos. Georco L. Dan , S. M- Press nud Uu-
dolpli Harlz. <
Chief of Pollco Beckett has promulgated a
ict of rules for the government of the polloo
orco that go Into effect this morning ,
\nong ) other things the ofllcors are strictly
prohibited from ontorlng n saloon except lii
dlschunru of their duty.
The state convention of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians will moot at Hastings Friday ,
L'bo seven divisions In Douglas county nro
entitled to five delegates each. The South
Jmuhii delegates nro John O'Hourko , J. J.
Bioon , John Burns , Larry Conuors nud John
John Xord HcciiUos 1'rolmMo I'uinl In-
Jtit-lcH Tliriiugh I'allhiK Hovtn StuliM.
A street paver named John Nerd mot with
i serious accident about 0 o'clock lost oven-
ne , which will very likely result filially ,
Nerd , In company with C. B . Decker nnd.
Alfred Jones , imbibed o little too much ot
ho stuff which makes ono forgot the roa d
tome , and while turning the corner at
fifteenth and Famnm streets , slipped nnd
foil down the stairway leading to the barber
s .sop Under the Farnam Street thpator. A
fracture of the skull was tlio result.
The man was taken to tha police hond-
liiartors and City Physician Somnrs called.
L'ho uocior found a three-Inch fracture , ami
after dressing the wound Had the patient
removed to St. Joseph's hospital. Noid
Ivos at Fifth und Locust streets In East
Jmaha , and was employed by Hugh Murphy.
Hnrrlaoii Hits n Mn.lorlty. .
inn. , May ill.Tho Minne
apolis Tribune U taking a postal card vote of
the delegates to the national republican oon-
rontion ns to their preferences for president.
Jp to tonight "S'J reullus Have boon received ,
divided as follows : Harrison , 180 ; Blalno , 33 ;
ion-committal , 54.
Returns trom Colorado nro : Blalno , 1 ; non
committal , 2. Iowa IlanUon , 0 ; Blalne , U ;
non-committal , 1. Kansas Harrison , 4 ;
Jlalne , 1 ; non-commllul , 1. Now York
iarrlson , 5 ; Ulalno , 4 ; nou-commlttol. 0.
Toiichoil Tor a Tlmo Chcrk.
John Crovant started out to sco
the sights m company with a frlond nnd
armed with an English accent nnd a Union
Pacific tlmo cheek for iO.GO. He still has tbo
iccont hut the friend has tbo tlmo check nnd
s registered at the policj station as Atbo r
Williams , and charged with robbery.
Williams was arraigned before Judge
Borka and bold to the district court in $1,000
DeWitt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood.
Th9 river Is aK.iln rlsuu atSt. I.ouls.
John Wolson Tlsd.tlo , tlio oldest Iturf man in
America , died at Urab Urohard , Ky. , at the
uga ot 87.
W. S. Wrlcht ot Hookvillo , Ind. . bns been
irrestcd for lasulnir forged pnpers. Tuo
amount of his fornorlos ucurcRate J 1 1,050 ,
Hook Williams ( colorml ) who assaulted a
young nomtin named Rico , wua t.ikcn from
Lebanon. Ky. , jail and bunged by : i mob.
Ono hundred stone cutters omuloyod In the
now docir at Hault bte. Marie. Jlluli. , have
struck for $1 per dny und nine hours work ,
The demand vras refused.
At Newburp. Mo. Monday nlffht Dlohl' !
store was struck by llRhtnlnK and nlxtoon per
sons shooued Into Insensibility. Frank Wll-
kenln ? , ugod 10 , win * klllod.uud Jolm PeaUiu ,
Qjjcd 14 , lias since died.
Yesterday was obsor\ oil by tha nojiroos In
nuarly uvery state In the union its u day of
fasting and pr.iy < > r. At tlio tncutlniM hold
resolutions were adoptinl denouncing tlio fie-
ciuont lynuhlng of nuxrocs In the south und
the other cruelties practiced on their riiuo In
thuthoctlon. , _
Kmporor William's yucht bus won n race.
It IsBild that thcc/arof Ilussm will return
Wllll un ot Uorinauy's vlslLclthur ut Idirlln or
Six relsslonarlos are yet detained at the
Itiltlsh fort ut I.cijanda. The Ceriiinn p.ipurs
accuse the Drltlsb ofllvurs In thut country ot
trying to Inclto a rcllclous war.
I.cttto Jluntlcu ,
Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntiey , of
Cortland , N. Y. , a. well known car
penter and builder. Her frank state
ment below gives only the absolute
truth concerning her illness and mar
velous recovery by the aid of Hood's
Sarsaparilla , She says s
"C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Maw. *
"Ho.irBli : Twoho jcars ago I began to
Iiavo hemorrhage ! and foiiryran ago became
BO low that the physlolaiu told ma
There Wno No Hope
anil I should soon die. I could not bo moved
from my bed. Unilor my face were napkin *
continually toddi-neil i\li | ( lilood from my
mouth. I ronl.l rnt uoihluK nnd hail no
action of the foi an cult. Hie doctor : )
s.ild the cause was ulueis In the stomach. At
tldj tlmo my mother said Kite wanted to make
ono moro , anil asKed If \\oulcl take
Hood's Barsanarllla. I tuld her It uoulil bo
A Waste of Money
but llnilliig U would comfort her , I Ink-
IIIK It. In n few lUyii the bloathiK began to
subtitle , I scoini'il to feel n Tittle stronger , hut
thought It only fancy. Ii\n ; so wralc ] coulil
only take U > n dropi of Hariaparlll.i nt Hrst.
In ( no wceki Ivai nhlo to Hit up a few inln-
ulos every d.iy. In a nioiilh 1 could viiiu
cro Oio room. One day 1 aikdl what
thuy wcru to hive for illunor , nnd sal.l I
wanted sonietiiliiK hearty. My tnotlwr was
solmppy she cried , lt\\as llio
First Time I had Pelt Hun
gry for Two Years
I kept on nlth JIoocl'.i H.irsapatllla nnd In .ilx
months was sat well as over In my llfo , U B
now four years since I recovered , and I have
not had a day's ' sickness Blnco , nor uny hemor
rhage. If ever n human liclnt ; thuikcd tha
Rood on boiidod knees It was I. I know
that Hood's Barsaparilia , und that alone ,
unquestionably Muveduir 1 < K > "
Meuri. 6a.wrcr & JennlDRi , > Ua well knoirn
drugglittot CortUnd , ay tliatlllK Huntlor "it
Utom ntof what
Hood's Sarsaparilla
tin done ( or Uct It worthy the cot.n-
fl DCO. " Hood' rillil tuio ) Jrtr llli.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped , Hands , Wounds , Bunio , Etc.
Boinovos nud Frovonta Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Uco in Hard Water.
Thonsunds ot
Set , Dr. Jlllon'
book , New and
Startling r rts.
Viva at drug >
Two Years
Shortiiooa ox
Breath , Pain
i n S 1 a o a ,
Spoils , cured ,
by ono bo ttio ,
Ulon Hock , i > & .
The most rolls-
bio euro for all
Cositlrn Care for Drotiir , Ailira , it. Diseases.
DR. MILES MBDIOAL Oo. Elkhort , lud.
Tor ! alt by ICulln i.Co. 15th and DouglasSk
" 3ANATIVO , > tha
Wonderful Spanish
llrniedr , l anU with a
Written Ouornntop
to curt all Ncivmi.i bf- ]
eiurc. Buch as WfAK
Mnnory , Ixmofllrala
Tower , Ilondacht ,
\Vakcfnliir s , Lost Mnn-
liooil , NcnouimmIM-
flluile , all ilinlns and
Before & After Uso. los ] of pontr of tha
Photographed Irom lire. Omcratlvo Orconii la
cither ox , cnuvd hy
OYri'Pxeion , jonthrtil liMllvrPllonn , or the eicilvt
ISA of loborco. Dpluni , or rtlmulmit * , liUli UUInint ly
Inul to Inflrinltjr , CiiniuinptlMii niul Invinlly. I'ut up
IncoMVfnloiil fcinu tu rnrrIn the > fnt pocket. 1'ilcc
11 n pnckiiKf. or U for $1. Wltli oety ? 3 ordf r we give a
written eiinrnntoo to euro or refund the
I11OMOT. fcent by mnll to nnv mlilrcu. Llrciilnr free
In plnlii envelope. Mention thii | mi > er. Addicts ,
MAD.tlD CHEMICAL CO , llrnnch On'.co Tot U. 8. A ,
358 Donrhorn Street. CIIIUAnO. ILU
Knhc & Co , Co.r 15th & UOUBIM Bt .
J .A. Fuller & Co. . Corlltli Douclai SU.
Extract of Reef ,
Do you want a copy ot
Deof Tear1 Sco thut It
is inado from Iho Gen
i uino Incomparably
the bost. Pure , pula-
tublorofrcshiii } * . Dis-
soluds clotvrly-
See B.iron Loi-
bip's Bicrnnurc
in blue on caoh.
lubol , thus.
To the owners of all lots , parts.of lots and
real cstitu along Mason street , from 18th
street to-Otli stroot.
You are boroby notlflod that tlio undor-
slgucd , three disinterested freeholders of tlio
city of Omaha , have boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of tlio city coun
cil of 3.ncl elty. to nssoss the dainago to the
owners respectively of the propnrty affected
by grading Mason street from 181 h Hlrout to
UCth btrcot , docliircd necessary by ordinance
3,070 , passed May IT , 1B\K \ , approved Aluy IB ,
Ib02.Yon are further notified , having no-
ccptod Haiti uppolntmont , and dulv quallllod
HJ rcrjulrod hy law. wo will , on tha 7th day of
Juno. A. D. Ifi'J. ' . at the hour of 10 o'aloox In
thu forenoon. : tt room -MO , N. V. Llfn building ,
within the corporate limits of said city , meet
for the purpose of conslnorlns and making us-
DosbinuntofdainaKO to tliuownurH respootlvoly
of said pioporty , alTcutDd by said gradlnc.
taking into consideration special bonollto. If
nny.Von are notified to bo present ; it the tlmn
and place aforesaid and make any olijootlons
to or stiUoniLMiU concerning said nss si
o' damueub as you may consider piopur.
T. 11. McOULU"
It. W. O1HSON.
J. 11. IlliEVE.
Omaha , May 27,1B32. MMdlOt
To the otvnoM of all lots , pnrtxof lots and t'stato aloiiu 3M Btruot from Locust street
lo bpoiU'er Ktinet.
Yon are hetnliy no till oil that the niidor-
Rlmiud. three disinterested frouholdoia of the
flty , ivo liooti duly apiiolntcd by thu
mayor , with tlio approval of tlio cll > - council
of Nald city , to .IBSOSS the dam \.ta to tlio own
er * rospoi'tlvely of thu property nlfcutott by
pr.ulln , ' " -il street , from Locust to bpimcnr
stroetH. doolnrud nccos.snry by ordlnanuu-U)3S ) ,
named May .Id. ! . ) . ' , approved Mnv 4th , IflOi
You uro fnrtllnr notlllud. that hii\luit nc >
roptod sild nppolntniLMit , und tinly iinallllcd
nsrcnulred hy law , \\ti will , on the ltd day of
June , A. 1) . 18 ! ) . ' , lit the lionrot lUo'olocIc 111 tin )
fori'iioon , at tlio olllcoof T. 0. Urnnncr , room
I , Warn Dloclt. wltliln iho corpin.itu llmlti t f
said city , meet for the imrpmu of con ldurlriK
und iiLiMni ; the n > sossmont of diuiaio ( to the
ownuru respectively of s.ild propuity. afrurtci )
hy HI hi fi.Klliik' . takliu Into consideration lioiinlltn. If nny.
You uro notllleil to bo present at tlm tlrno
nntl pliicii afuruitald , and rnuko any olijuctlona
tonrHtatumunlfi conconilnjr s.ild
of dautaijua us you nmy conjldor prppL-r.
T , It. Alt'OU LLOulli
Omiilm , May aviso. . mJldlJt
THEATRE r""g' '
borontuonlli and Harnoy Htr ot * .
3 iJK. ' . ' . 'K ' THURSDAY , JUNE 2r
Rio tlio hone raiio ami Imiklug t < c
Oitutnal company : Marie Ilntfi , Ulla Hnlliburr ,
Jamo * II hmltb , I ilwnrd MoVS'aUi ) , W. H. llurtoii ,
hoStlwIllbu put on ulo WcilDonday raornlnu nl
ugunlprtcoi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ffihSTsTraBt Theaier I "iiftlia ( } ,
40 PEOPLE 40
MatlrifM Wodnoidayi TliUMilajr , Friday ,
Haturday unit , mid iilnht ; , Wilinoi ol
Thl Week Only.
Tony 1'iutor Btar . Nelllo M nulr ,
Alblnl lluudttll. JJoalao. : the only
Indian Albino.