Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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"Christian Science" Followers Take Excep
tions to a Sermon by Dr. Savidgo.
llio Pnitor Kxplnlnft Wiy the Scicnco
Blumlil lie Itrjectoil u n Trick of the
lloill and n Ton ( if Hi" Church
The Sermon.
The congregation took ft hand In tbo servi
ces nt the People's church Sunday evening ,
and fora tlmo It looked ns though the serv
ices of the police would bo needed , but Pas
tor Savidgo was equal to tbo emergency.
"Christian Science" wns tbo sermon topic ,
and of the largo audience present several
wore disciples of Mrs. Eddy. Among those
was Mrs. Elliot , wlfo of n prominent local
Christian scientist , and she took issue with
Hoy. Savldgo and talked back during the
services to n way that created a decided son-
cation. The proaoLor was handling the
subject without gloves. Mrs. Elliott who
occupied n front > oat , accused thu minister
of not quoting Mr . Eddy's doctrine 0:1 sin
correctly , nnd went on nt length to explain
the views of the scientists.
The audience took a hand , nnd cheers and
hlmos were mingled. Some of the pastor's '
frlcnua wanted to eject the scientists , but
Mr. Snvldgo protested that ho could carry
his own end of tbo fight , nnd ho did , answer
ing poititi raised by the scientists , nnd
going Into n thorough discussion ot the sub
ject. His sermon was as follows :
Text. 1'utcr II. , 1-V : lint there wore false
iiiophets IHU unions the people , oven us llioro
bhnll ho falno'teacliersiiimmsrynn , who prlv-
llyhhall brill ? In dixmnalilo heruslos. even
denying thu Lord that buiicliithoin , and bring
upon themselves swift < lo-triicton. ( ! And niunv
hhall follow lliulr pernicious ways ; by lousnn
of whom thu way of truth shall bu uvll itnoUun
My subjocttonlchtis "Christian Science. "
I have heard moro orlcss of Christian sclcncu
for u number of years , but never thought it
necessary to make a study of It until lately ,
and I nm free to sny that I am completely
Bitoundcd nt what I find.
A Trick of the Duvll.
Some who have been truly converted In
this church have been won over by this trick
of the devil. Dr. I'ntton of Chicago savs :
"Who has not had his attention called
to this subject because of the
Inroads it has made on the
faith and stability of his members ! Some of
the most re Until , some of the most sincere
people , hnvo boon led away by tbo seductive
and quasi-Christian spirit of Its teachings.
Tlioi-o can bo no question in the mind of anyone
ono who has given the subject even casual
Attention , that It Is doing L'rcat damage. "
My own thoiight is that the real harm that
Is being dona to souls all around us Is not nt
all understood hy our Christian people.
Mav Cod waknup His own followers , that
men stiull not parish for luck of knowledge.
The report has been circulated qulto widely
lately that the pastor of this church was
llltcly tu become a Christian scientist. I
answer : Not as long ns I have my reason or
any respect for the word of God. Some of
the nclicvers nnd touchers of Christian
ccicnco Imvo often nttondod the services of
this church , and they hnvo been very kind
to mo personally , nnd have helped mo with
their means in thu support of this woik , for
which I sincerely thank thorn. But wullo
no welcome ull to come und hear the gospel
wo will not permit any to teach principles in
direct opposition to the plain work of God.
ICviihons For Ki'Jcclln - "Science. "
1 reject Christian scicnco because of what
it Is. There is a good deal of mist throvn ever
tbo whole subject , but Christian nulcnco Is
nothing- more nor less than rollncd skepticism
or atheism. It Is ancient pantheism dressed
up in modern clothes. Pantheism said. "All
Is God. " It Idcntillcd the locality of being
with God. Not that each boinc Is God , but
that tba whole essence or substance proper
is God. Christian scicnco says , "God Is nil. "
Christian scicnca is not something now , but
it Is the lullglon of the Hindoos of 0,00 ! )
years ago revived. It Is only the nonsense
of what they had In Bombay and Calcutta
centuries aco.
Tbo teachings of Christian ecionco are in
direct conflict with the word of God. As to
tbo personality of God , Mrs. Eddy says ,
"Jehovah Is not n person God IB principle. "
Mr. Elliot of this city says , "God Is not a
person ; Ho is principle whoso personality is
beyond conjecture. "
What docs our authority say ? "God Is a
spirit.John , iv. , 24. In Matthew , vi.'J. Ho
Is culled "Father. " Tbo word presents God
RS a spirit without body or parts , but as n.
person. Ha walked In the guruan. Ho tallied
with Moses innid thu fires of Sinai. When
Jesus prayed to Him in the garden bo ad
dressed Him ns a parson , calling Him
"father. "
The bible everywhere- speaks of God in
language that Implies distinct personality ,
nnd this belief In u personal Goa Is the very
corner stone of revealed rt-llglou.
Tim Kssuncu til Atheism.
The denial of a personal God is the very
essence of atheism and the idea that every
thing that is is God is pure pantheism , which
is only another nnmo for atheism , since
pantheism denies the existence of nny God
except the combined laws and forces of tbo
unlvcNO. The atonement of Christ will , of
course , bo denied by thcso people. If God
bo not a person , then he never came In the
person of the Christ to die for n lost raco.
Mr . Eddy commits iiorsclf on this subject
nnd savs : "Tho signification of God being
good , the term Christ Jesus may bo rendered
as a peed man. " This woman comes to Jesus
nnd says : "Hall , Master , " but elves Him
the kiss of betrayal. According to Mrs.
Kddy's teachings Jesus Christ is simply n
perfect man , yet no moro perfect than is any
and every man in his essential being ,
Jesus was a Christ but not the Christ.
And as a Christ He was only that which every
man is in his true nature.
Tills is a rollnod and subtle denial of
Chrlst'B divinity.
Christian science says 'atonement li not
blood ( lowing from the veins of Jesus , not so
much the death on the cross , but tbo cross-
bearing deathless Ufa which was left by
Jesus as an oxnmplo to mankind uud ransoms
from all sin all who follow It. "
Hut God says , "It is the blood that makoth
an atonement for the soul. " Wo road in I
John Iv , ! l , "Every spirit that confcssoth not
that Jesus Christ , is come la the llesh Is
not of God. " There Is always a class of
people who deny the ( lush nnd blood side of
Jouns. Hut they are not of God.
The second coming of Christ which Paul
speaks of llfty times In his oplstlo nnd which
la promised so plainly la Acts i , 2. is totally
repudiated by the teachers of this modern
They llfjoct 1'rnjrr , Too.
Nor will you bo surprised when I remind
you that the doctrine of prayer is not accept
ed by Mrs. Eddv nnd her followers.
Jf there bo no personal God , how can I pray ]
Mrs. Eddy says , "It wo pray to God as a
person , this will prevent us from letting go
the human doubts and fcan that attend all
personality , " "Prayer to a personal God
nffeats the slcit liku a drug that has no
efllcnoy of Its own. "
Whllo holy scripture says , "lu everything ,
by prayer nnd supplication , with thanksgiv
ing , lot your requests bo made known unto
God. " Christian scicnco also buldly denies
the existence of sin or oven Its possibility.
Mrs. Eddy says , "Spiritual man is never
wrong , " "Sin is a belief only , " "Strictly
peaking , thcra is no gin ; man cannot depart
from holiness. " Hear what Gcjd says.Uomnni ,
v."J : "Hy ono man sin entered into the
world , and death by sin ; and so death passed
upon nlllncii , for that all havu sinnad. "
H. M.Teuny nays , "Tho doctrine of sin
which Christian science touches Is one of the
mosi narmiui errors 01 tno system , That
there Is no sin is the logical outcome of the
denial of man's personality. Man , as tno
expression of God , can only relloct what
Is lu God , God sins not , BO man ,
tbo constantly rellectod Idea of
God , cannot sin. The mortal mind , which
without any responsibility of tbo real mind ,
ha * fallen into inverted thinking is ulono
tbo author of the Idea of sin. Sin then may
bo dcllucd to bo the shadow of a shadow of u
ihadow. It IB ouo of tbo dreams without
any dreamer. The real man thpruforo knows
nothing it it ana U lu no wise atfcotod by It.
And jiow the Idon that God 1s utterly with
out cognizance of sin. that Ho never pun-
lihoi the sinner , and you bavo a theory
which , if practically accepted , would destroy
Ihe very foundations of morality , "
Nlrkiirm Oiilyu Itvllrr.
Curlilian tcicuco douio tbo reality CfJ
tlckncss. "Sin , sickness and death tire un-
roil , " mcro Illusions of "mortal mind. "
"Sin and alcknoss nro mythology , " "Dlscaso
la a thing of thought. " Ono of my friends
told too the other day that bo was "nfilleted
with the belief of sore oycs. " Mri. Kddy
tells us how to bo rid of the delusion united
dUoAso : "Mentally contradict every com *
Dlalnt from the body , nnd hold your ground
dlsputntlouilv until the body yields to your
demand. " The moment a oallont can bo
made to think ho Is well , ho Is well. That
Is , when your tooth aches bcllovo It does not ,
and say It docs not. and It wll , not acbo. In
other wordi. RS ROIIIO ono has said , "Just lie
about your physical ailment * nnd stick to
the Ho until you nro well. " Knowing what
I do now of this nonsense , I do not wonder at
tbo nlmou horrlblo treatment of Mrs. Eliza
beth Hofrcrnmn.
Think Drnth n DrlnMnn.
Death U considered by these people n delu
sion. Dr. Cowdry , n Christian scientist of
Hartford , Conn. , died In IbS'J. Ho was lee-
lurlnc to the people and declared : "Chris
tian science run defy death. " Almost nt
that instant ho fell under n stroke of primly-
Ms. Ho challenged death drath accepted
the challenge nnd gained the victory. Tbo
personality ol tint an Is denied. "God is alt.
Ho hat no opposite , " says Mri. Kddy. The
Lord certainly made u big mlstnko when Ho
thought that the devil tempted Adam and
Eve nnd tried His hand on Job. The
devil hltmolf could not Imvo formulated n
creed better sul'.cd to his desires than tbeso
people- have done.
Sonio of my conclusions are that I cannot
wont with men nnd women of this belief.
Ttio whole system of Christian scicnco touch
ing nnd practice U subtle and calculated to
deceive mid destroy many. It is our tuty to
let In the light on this subject nnd warn all
wo can roach. Jesus Christ and Him cruel-
lied Is the only hope for lost men.
Alter tlin drip
And after tvphoid fever , diphtheria , pneumo
nia , or other prostrating ilisonsns , Hood's '
Sarsnpanlla is just wnnt Is needed to restore
the strength and vigor so much desired , nnd
to expel all poison from the blood. It hus
had wonderful success in many such cases.
Hood's I'ills act especially upnn the liver ,
rousing It from torpidity to its natural duties ,
euro constipation nnd assist digestion.
Dr. Cullimorc. oculist. Bja building
- -
Country Merchants
Who nro cash buyers should not fall to
tiiko ndYiintngo of the Holltnan's admin
istrator's sale to secure some wonderful
bargains for tholr fnll trade. Address
13th and Panmm , Omaha.
Put Chicago In Your I'ockct.
A grcnt work , "Mornn's Dictionary of
Chicago , " If tboro Is a feature or Insti
tution in the \Vorld's fair city a full ( In
scription of wtiich docs not appear in the
book , wo Imvo yet to hoar of it. Price ,
2o cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. Sco the now , com
plete and elegant map It contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose )
0 cents extra for postage.
A < ! reiit Itargiun.
Wo have forsalo a steam planing mill ,
boiler nnd engine , ami a complete line
of wood working machinery ; everything
ready to commence business. Tlfis will
bo sold nt a great sacrifice. For further
particulars see CoaOESHALi , & WIST ,
Grand Island , Nob.
Ni'brnsku'n interi : > rislne Cltlo.
Wo take pleasure in noticing the
preparation of a book which will contain
a review of the state's principal cities ,
their leading industries nnd representa
tive lines of trade. It will bo issued in
convenient pamphlet form , the standard
size of the high class magazines of the
day. Mr. Lothem of our city , who Is
issuing it , has the following object in
view : To have a book within the roach
of the more intelligent class of readers ,
not too expensive , convenient for mail
ing and at the same time , for keeping.
The larger portion oftho work Is written
by his stall of men , travelled in many
states , and is thus broad , generous and
just in its views and very free from
partiality or prejudice. Those books ,
besides being a valuable reference for
homo people , reach a class of readers in
all the states of the union and in Europe
not soughl by newspaper publications.
I'ut Chicago In Your rodeo * .
A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicugo. " If there is a feature or insti
tution in the World's f.ilr city a full de
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of It. Price ,
Uo cents par copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , cora-
ploto and ologaiit map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
0 cents extra for postago.
SpectaclcsDr. Culhinoro,22l Boo oldg
To the Traveling Public.
On and 'iftor Juno 1 , 1892. all single
trip tickets will bo limited to expire
ONE DAY from date of sale , and will
* bo accepted on trains only for continu
ous passage , to bo commenced within
the ono day from date of salo.
Round trip tickets will bo limited to
expire for gong } passage ONE DAY
from date of sale , and returning coupons
will bo limited to expire thirty days
from date of sale. Both going and re
turning coupons of round trip tickets
will bo coed for continuous passage If
passage is commenced on or before date
of expiration , *
Through tickets to points on other
roads , when not limited through to des
tination , will bo limited to continuous
passage over the C. . St P. , M. & O , Ry.
BE ISSUED , nor stop-over privileges
bo granted on the C. , SU P. , M. & O.
Ry. on any class of ticket.
Pafiongors should , therefore , pur-
chnBO ticket to tholr first stopping point
nnd also look at the date stamped on
back before getting on train and see that
limit has not expired.
Agents are authorized to , redeem at
full value , on date of sale only , any
tickets sold by them whan passengers
are unable to communco their iournev as
expected. t
Application for redemption of ticko
after date of sale must bo made to tiio
undersigned , and under this rule any
unused or unoxpired tickets hold by pas
sengers rendliur over this railway , will
ho Fubicct to redemption on application.
Conductors Imvo no authority to ac
cept tickets with expired tlmo limit , but
will collect fare from holders of such
tickets , giving recolpt thorofor , and
rotor tliom to the undersigned for relief.
Tickets will bo honored only In the
direction In which they roau.
Passengers are also requested to show
their tickets on entering cars , in order
that If not taking proper train to roach
their destination they may ho directed
aright. T. W. TKABIMUJ ,
General Passenger Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omnlm railway.
Rosnlt of the Coroner's Investigation of tbo
Thomas Case ,
Lincoln Cltlinn Indignant Over the Arrest
ofn Prominent Oroccryncin nml Ills
Son oil the Clmrgo of Illch-
wny Ilobbcry.
LtKCOi.y , Neb. , May 00.- [ Special to TUB
Bnc.J Green tiaffnej , who shot and Ulltod
Charlie Thomas in this city lost Saturday
night , Is still nt largo. Coroner Crlm today
held a post-mortem examination and discov
ered tlmt the fatal bullet struck Thomas im
mediately below the loft clavicle and glanc
ing back and to the right struck the back
bone , savoring the subclnvlciilar and Jugular
veins In its pas nce. After chipping off a
picco of the vertebra the bullet glanced to
the right again nnd lodged under the right
clavicle. The right plcural cavity was filled
with blood in an Instant nnd death resulted
immediately. The Inquest will bo held this
J. O. Martin yesterday caused the arrast
of Amos lia er nnd his son , , upon n
charge of nlghwny robbcrv. Murtln. who is
a foreigner and speaks very broken English ,
claimed that ns ho was going homo late
Saturday iilcht , ho was hold up nnd robbed
of'i in monuv , n watch and n bunch of
keys , nnd ho" took on ofllccr along
with him to identify the men. Ho pointed
out Mr. Eager and his son. Mr. ngor is a
well known groccryman , Kiid his son , Prank ,
Is a student In the State university. The
ofliecr , believing that tbcro was some mis
take , declined to place them under nrrost ,
but , Martin swore out n warrant and had it
served. This forenoon Judge Waters dis
missed the case. Eager bears n high reputa
tion for Integrity nnd Is highly Indignant
over the arrest of himself and son.
Severely Injured ,
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun llnu.l A very peculiar acci
dent happened last nlsht at the residence of
James iJcou , n well-to-do farmer living south
east of Hastings. The house was being re
paired nnd tbo family temporarily slept in
the loft of the barn. During last night Mrs.
Reed got up and In some way foil down from
the loft to the ilrst door. Mrs. Heed , who Is
souiowhat plethoric , had two ribs broken in
tbo fall of r.tno feet mm was otherwise seri
ously injured.
Litigation at Columbus.
COLUMIIUS , Nob. , May 80. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tnu Bic.j The May term of the
district court will convene hero tomorrow
morning with Judge Sullivan on the bench.
Ono hundred and sixteen civil and ono
criminal cases are on the docket.
Iluva IMuiitrit Tlirlr Corn.
Du.Miut , Nob. , May 30. [ Special to Tnu
BEE. | Farmers in this section nro much en
couraged by such line weather and will have
planted their corn before June 1 , Small
grain looks splondld , but tba prospect of
small fruit Is poor.
Tire ut Itepulillrtin City.
Rerunuoix CITV , Nob. , May 3x [ Special
Telegram to Tun IBcc. ] The flno residence
of J. D. Stoddard of this city was burned
this morning. The loss is nearly $3,000 ; In
sured tor $1,300.
When Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent or buslnnis , take
sn every trip n bottle of Syrup of Figs , ns
it acts most pleasantly and effectively on tbo
ildnoys , liver and bowels , preventing fevers ,
tioaduches and ether forms of slcknosa. For
sale in 50 cenU and $1 bottles bv all loading
A Fitting Prcluilo to .Summer's Online.
Realization of anticipated joys of a
summer's outing in the mountains or at
the ocean resorts of the cast , character
ize your journey thither via Pennsyl
vania lines. Direct , route from Chicago ,
where connecting lines from the wool
and northwest enable passengers to take
fast and luxurious trains over this stand
ard railway of America. Address
George Jenkins , traveling passenger
agent , Dubuque , la.
Parties wishing accommodations to
the Samosotand governor's special train
to the national democratic convention at
Chicago , leaving Omaha , Saturdnyl
Juno 18 , at 7 p. m. , via the Burlington
route , should send In applications for
sleeping car berths or seats in chair cars
( free ) and hotel accommodations ut Chicago
cage to Nat Brown , chairman of hoto
and railroad committee.
Guoitoi : W. SniErDS , President ,
J. EVANS , Secretary , Snmosot Ass'n
W. II. KohhniH Worlilnff n Crude Schcmo
to llorruw .Money.
A colored man named W. II. Hobbins , who
Is supposed to be in a demented condition ,
Is such n freak as only a lunatic caa bo. Ho
represented himself to those with whom ho
carao In contact ns a minister. Not unlike
others of an unbalanced mind , ho had a
fanciful Idea that ho was Immensely wealthy
and could accomplish anything bo attempted
to perform.
A few days ago , with his ministerial no-
pcaranco and long drawn , sactimonious face
ho wont to Uoorgo A. Hoagland , the lumber
dealer , and told him ha had purchased a
bouso and lot from Uov. Mr. Hoe at tbo cor
ner of Fifth nnd Popploton avonuo. Ho
claimed to have paid $7,000 for the property
ana wanted to buy lumber to build another
Douso. It was furnished to him. Hobbins
secured the services \VllllainEvorelts to
rebuild the house and put a new fence around
the premises. Everett and his laborers
began the work as directed by Hoobins , but
when Hov. Mr , Uoo saw tbo men wrecking
his property bo was astounded , and ut once
put a stop to tbo proceedings.
uomniami against uouoins was made to
Prosecuting Attorney Cochran , and a war
rant for the colored "clergyman" was
issued , but It is thought Hobbins has de
camped , ills idea was to borrow money on
the property.
Do Wilt's Sareaparllla U reliable.
The ot the Hiiirulo ,
A majority of all the living buffalo in
the world are now on exhibition at the
terminus of the Benson & Halcyon
Heights railway. Gatea open at 2
o'clock , Admission , 5J5c ; children under
12 years , lOc.
CliIc.'iK" Cuiiiiiiiiiin Coining.
Secretary John E. Altchlson of tbo Com-
potltlvb Drill association returned yesterday
afternoon from Chicago , where ho has been
the past few days in the Interest of the en
campment. Ho Induced the Chicago Zouavo
Catling section to conio hero nnd compcto for
prizes , nnd thinks the cadet corps of Hattorv
D will also come. Ho mot the olllcors of th'u
various compaulos nnd believes the encamp
ment Is attracting moro uttontlon la Chicago
than It 1s in Omahu.
Mrs. John U. Wliidham Stone , Piokons
county , Alu.t writes : " 1 bavo used Urndy-
crotino for headache with always good re
sults. "
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
r. conv.
wsi. . .
" ItulTiilo Hill. "
Many nro familiar \vllh tlio famottj
"Unffnlo Ulll's" wonderful wild west show.
1'rlor to his venture abroad , Mr. Cody exhib
ited nt Stntun Island , In Now \orkllarbor ,
where ho became allUdcd with Malaria ,
Knowing the virtues of ICIcknpoo Indian
Sagwa , Mr. Cody sent to the agents for this
wonderful Indian remedy , and after using n
few bottles was permanently cured.
" It is n Toinntkablo medicine , " said Mr.
Cody , " nnd I have known of its virtues n
long tlmo. You may Ube my name and B.IV
that for what it claims to do it has no equal ,
nnd for malaria and chills it is far superior
to quinlno in many ways. "
This , from the leading plainsman in Amer
ican history , a man whose iutpcilty Is im-
questioned , should prove beyond n shadow
of doubt that Klrknpoo Indian Sngwa is just
what Is claimed for it : an honest medicine ol
superior cnratlvo qualities , combining the
best of tlio vegetable kingdom gathered
from the foie t9 aud gavdous ot nature.
s + HP "
Do you A Root
Beer ?
II > | Ct/illi /
Weakness ,
Catarrh ,
lllicumalism ,
Chronic ,
Nervous ani
Drs. Searles and Searles
AcKnowloducrt to bo tbo most successful spe
cialists In all 1'nivATi : . HL.OOU , NEIIVOUS , SKIN
Gonoirliro-i in from a vo 0 days. Syphilis
cured without Mercury.
"Wesuk : nxxEenn.
( VITALITY WKAK ) , Mnrto JO T-r t'O close nppll-
cntlun jo ImMnoso or study , eovero niontnl ntrulii
or Rrlof : HKXUAJj n.\ClSSiS In mlUillo life , or
vicious ImbltJ contracted In ) outli.
YOUXO nnrt M1UUU2 ARii ) ; lack of Tim , Tl or
and itroiiKtli , nltli § ei'unl organs Impaired and
wuakenono'l ' prematurely In approiclihiK old ngo.
WlinN WK SAY CU11K Wo spoik from know
ledge of I'lHl.MANIINT linsiUl/1'S In iiinny eases
trentcd nnd cured In imst twelve ycnrs.
without pain or detention from business.
and successfully cured.
STHICTUIIU permanently cured , removal com
plete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cure
oltcctcJ at homo by patient without u moment's
pnln or annoyance. C'ontultatlon free. Call on or
uddross with stamp
Drs. Searles & Seartcs ,
The Kings ol Specialists.
For 27rc _ rs the names of Drs. '
Belts & Hutu have beea hoosahold
words In the Homes of thousands of
people who h vo bten reicued from
tbo Jaws of death through tbo won
derful ability , ibe matchless skill of
tbeteereat matters of medicine and
surgery , whose kludnesi aud benev
olence , whose self-sacrlflcliiK devo
tion to ttut welfare of their fejlow-
mtn will ever live In the hearts of a
grateful poope. |
< BK1N. Dis-
They JBBXUAL , -
Cure eases.
, I
1 f ET
Hydrocele ana Varlc ccle ,
rite ? , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers
Ptrmintnlly curedibjra nuthoa at
ones taf , etitilu , i ) lnltn ana BUG-
Tb * awful efltoti f eirlr tic * aifi
xecittva lQduls Qoei , rciultlng la
lots of miohooa and premature de-
car. quickly and ptimmfntlr to-
Call upon or addieu nltb ilamp ,
Drs. Belts & Belts ,
110 South 14th Ht. N. K Corner 14th
and Douglas Sti ,
Ouiaha.Nol ) .
_ _ _
Were You lere ? /
Were you in that great big crowd of humanity' that surged
through every aisle and every opsn space in our store , last Saturday ?
That good natured crowd that pashal--anl : scrambled and hauled
and jostled and joked That crowd that grew larger and larger till wo
were compelled to close the doors in the faces of hundreds more that
were trying to get in ? It was great. We didn't expect that halt the
men in Omaha wanted the best five dollar suit on earth but they did.
Today we place on separate tables in the center of the store
These vests are both single and double breasted. They are in.
ducks marseilles piques penangs. They are in plain white white
with wide stripes and narrow stripes white with big checks and little
checks white with'big plaids and little plaids white with little figures * ,
and big figures tans blues mottles mixtures figures and stripes
and plaids and checks in every imaginable shade and color under the
sun and a few colors that would make even the man in the moon
wish he could stay out day times and wear one. Not a vest in the lot
worth under a dollar lots of'em worth a dollar twenty-five dollar'n
a-half dollar seventy-five and once and a while a two dollar fello fc
bobs up serenely. Till they're gone you can take your pick of the en
tire lot for
Don't wait till they're all gone and then kick come now.
als , wind mills , t mile J , pumps , etc. U. 8
Indian Service. I'ino Kld o A&ency , .Shannon
Co. , S. 1) . . Muy 27th. ISO-1. Sealed proposals ,
endorsed "Proposals for Itulldln ; Material ,
etc. " ns the ouse may bo nnd addressed to the
undorslKnod ut I'lno Hldpo Agency , S. 1) . , will
bo received ut this agency until 1 o'closk | > . in.
of Juiio2Ist. 1S1G. for fiirnlshliiK an I dollvor-
Int : ut various poliitson tlio I'lno Itldgo lndlu.ii
lesorvat'on ' to bo doslKiintcU bv the iinuor-
Miriiod , iibotil tJJO.COO foot of assorted lumber :
IGO.WO shingles ; M wlmlousID : doors ; tl.DOJ
bricks : 2,4(0 ( foot , of quarter round lion , hard
ware , paints , rode , sand , etc. , ulso llvo Cil leu-
foot wind mills and powerswith tnnl. . | > iiin | ) ,
galvanized Iron pipe , etc. A full list
of nil material may bo obtained by
application to thu unilcr-tlgneil. Bidders
are required to sti to spccllluully I" their
bids tlio proofed prluu of cnoli nrtt-
clo offered for delivery under a conlrant.
The rlsht Is reserved to reject utiv orall bids
or nny pu : tot uny bid If deemed for the best
Interest of the service. CKIITIPIKK Oincis :
Kueli bid must bo accompanied by u certified
check or draft upon some lulled States du-
posltory or solvent national bank In tbo vi
cinity of thorusldonco of the bidder , made
payable to the order of the Commissioner of
Indian Afl'alrrt for nt Ions t llvo porccnt of the
amount of the proposal , ulilch check or draft
will bu forfeited to the United SUtes In CHSO
any bidder or bidders receiving nn award shall
fall to promptly execute a contract with peed
und suniulont sureties , otherwise to bo re
turned to the bidder. Hlds ai-companlcd by
cash In lieu of a certified check will not bo
considered. Tor further Information as to
points of dollvorv. transportation , etc. . apply
to OAl'T. or.OUlK UKOY : 11KOWN. IT. b. A. ,
Actln ; U. B. Indian Agent. nr.'SdlMlM
To the owners of all lots , parts of lots nnd
real estate alons Mason street , from 18th
itrcot to 20th street.
You nro hereby notified that the undor-
slcued. three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Onniha. have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approvaluf thuclty coun
cil ot sind city , to assess the damage to the
owners respectively of the property alleeted
by cradln ? Mason htreet from 1Mb street to
20th"street , declared necessary hy ordinance
3.070 , passed May 17 , 1SW , approved May 18 ,
You nro further notified , that bavins ac
cepted said appointment , and dulv qualltled
ai required by law. wo will , on the 7th day of
June , A. I ) . 16 ! ) . ' . at tlio hour of 10 o'cloolc In
the forenoon , at room 210. N. V. I.lfn btilldln ? ,
within the corporate-limits of said cltv. meet
for the purpose of considering and making ns-
eossment of damage to thuovrners respectively
of said property , all'eetcd by said Kradlne.
taking Into consideration special UenelHs , If
nny.You nro notified to bo ptosont at the tlmo
and place aforesaid and mal.o any objections
to or statements conuoinlni ? said iissessmont
of dnmaKoa as you may consider Pf'JI'i'r.
rl. it. Mccri i.uoii ,
It. W. O1HHO.N ,
J. . IthUVK.
Omahu , May 27 , 1602. MSSilIOt
To the owners of all lots , partsof lntn and
real estate. alonn'JJd street from Locust street
to gpoucor streot.
You are huroliy notified that the umier-
BlRiiod. thico disinterested freeholders of the
city ofOnmhn.havo buun duly appointed by tlio
mayor , with thu approval of the city council
ol wild city , to assets Iho damage li > Iho own
ers respectively of the propuitv | Teetoil hy
( railing 22tl street from I.outist to Spencer
streets , declared neeess.iry by ordinance : tO. > S ,
pai-Hed May : id. IWK. ' . appioved .Mav 4Ui , IbiiJ.
You nro further notified , Hint having ac
cepted said appointment , and duly iinallllod
nsrecnilred by law. w will , nn tlio 4lu ( lay of
June , A , 1) . I1'.1- * ' , at thu boiirof Kin'cluck In thu
forenoon , at thu olllco of T U. llrunner , room
1 , Ware blouk , within thu corporalo limits of
said city , moot for thu purpose of considering
and making thu assessment o ( damaRO to the
owners respectively of said propcity , aiTuctcd
by said cradlnc. taking Into consideration
special bcmillU. If miy.
You are notified to bo present lit tbo tlmo
and place aforesaid , and miiko any objections
to or statements concurnliiK said assehs
of damagca as you may consider proper.
1. 11. Mf'UlJLMHjll ,
Oinnlia. May 2IROi _ m' ' iliut
Notice of AfUciKNlildllt ol DanniKcm lor
To the owners of ull loU , parts of lots and
roalumito alonis Iliiiiillton Blryut. from tlio
viaduct over the Holt Line r.ilhuiy to th
hereby notino ; ] that the undor-
iKiiiid. thruu ulslntorttHted fri'fdholdurs of the
city of Omahii. bavo been duly appointed by
thu mayoi. with thu appioyalof ilm city uouii-
ell of ald oily , t' ' assess thu iliiniiiRu to Iho
ownursicspootlvuly of tlio propuity afluutod
by Krailliu llnmlllon httcut. from Iho vladiiet
ovur thu licit l.lnornllwuy to mil srreot. du-
clnrod nuccssary by ordliiancojo..t s , passed
May lUtb. Hiltt. approvi'd May 20th , 1KB.
unrufurtlior iiolllluil , Ihut liavlni. no-
coptud said appointment , and duly iiuallllcd
ad rviiulrnil by law. v-o will , on the bth any of
June , A , I ) . la , at tlio luurof 10 o'clock lu thu
furunoon , atthoolllco of Honuwa .t Co. , In the
McCnguu bulldlnB. within thu corporutu llnilttf
of bald ulty , meet for the pnrposu of consldur-
Ing and malting the assessment ot damaju to
the owners ruapoctively of auld property , nf-
fueled by saldRradlnv , taking Into considera
tion special benbflts , If any ,
You lira notllled to bo proiont at the tlmo
and place nforuoald. nnd make any objections
to or Dtutomi'nts concornlnv laid u seM motit
of duu , B0.
(1. ( H. IIIONKWA.
Omuba , May S7th , IbUJ. MW UlUt
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent apeflsllit in nervous , chronic , private , blooJ , akin anil unnarjr dlips ei A rrtnbr ani
rcelMi rcil Kntdnnlo In medclno , us illpinnni- unit curiltlnUc * fliow. 19 sin ) tri > ntliiK iritli tlio croil ( < 51 siioccn
riitiirrli.cpLTiiniturrlioe ; . lent iniinlino.l , scinlind Wi > akiie , nuht lo C'J , luipiitunry , s-ubllu. strloluro. gon- ,
crrluica , cloet , vnrlcocolo.cte No lucrcury iiteJ. Ncrr trt'ntmuat forlon * of TUil power , r.irtlei unibln to
vl lt inomiy tic Irjatol at home hy corri'iponilencp. MoHidna or ln > tnum > nti soul bir mnll or ptpre-i so- '
cnruly p.ickotl. no mark ! to InUlentu contents ur'i'iulur. tno peri > onul Intorrlow prt'ferreJ. Ciunultailoa
! ( ruu. Corre'pond'jiiTO trlctly prlvnto. IkuiX ( Myitarlni of Life ) uut frou. OOlco tiountf a. in. to t ) p , ui.
BunJiijs 10 a. 13ui. buna iitmpfor reply.
A. M U S13. M RIM T 3.
Farnam Street Theater I I > OI\MU"KS.
40 PEOPLE 40
Matlnoci Wednesday : Thursday. I'rlday ,
Saturday unit , nnd nluht. "Chimes of
Noiinnnday "
Tliis Week Only.
Tony I'astor Stars. Nelllu Magulre ,
Alblnl Kandall. Domln.-o , thu only
Imllnn Albino.
] ) urtnent of tliu Interior , olllce of Indian
aflalrs , U'tislilngton , 1) ) . O. . May ll. lt > 9. . Soulcil
nrouosals. eudorsod "Proposals for Meivm
lloatlin , " nnd addressed to the CommNmoner
of Indian A train. Washington. I ) . ( . ' . . nlll bo
received at this olllce until 1 o'clorl ; ji. m. uf
Monday , JiinoC. Ib'X' ' . for thu furnishing of all
necessary materials nnd lahor nnd placliu In
position , cuinplotu antl loady for use , one low
presume retain circulating steam heating and
ventilating apparatus for the three Indian
school Imlicllnirs at tlin iMiosliunu Indlun
agency , rremont county , Wvo. , thu bolleisfor
said apparatus to bo placed in thu basement
of ono of the buildings as thoolllco may direct.
1'l.iim tind elevation- the bnlldhuH for thu
L-nldanco of tlio blddor- thu preparation of
bids may bo examined at ( ho olllce of the
"lice" of Omaha. .Neb. , thu "Itopnlillcan" of
Denver. Colo. , tliu "Trlliuno" of Salt l.aKu
Ulty , Utah , and at this olllce. Hidden.- , art ) re
quired to ncconumny their bids with designs
nnd up'jcllleallonsof the heatlnvr anil
ventilating apparatus piopo ed to bu fnr-
nlsheil , KnM designs and speolllcatlons to bo
adapted to thu hnlldlngR to which they aio to
ho applied. Thu right Is reserved to reject
anv or all bids or any part of any bid If
deemed for the host Inteicstof the service.
Kuch hid must bo accompanied by accrtllled
check or draft upon some United HlatOH de
pository or Holvent Nntlonal bank In the
> lulnlty of thuit'slduneoof thu hldder , made
payahlo to the oiderof Iho commlssumur of
Indlun alTalr" , for at least 'i per cent of tliu
amount of thu pioposal , which chccU or I
will liu forfultud to lliu I'nltud Status In case
any hldder or Idddeis lecelvlng an awar.l
clinll fall to promptly execnlu a contract with
food and snlllclent sureties , other'vlse to he
returned to tliu uldder. llhls nccomiianied by
cash In Hun of a fortified clicolt will not bu
considered. I' ' or further Infuiinatlon apply to
T. J. MOIUiAN , Commissioner ,
lor Illilx ,
lllds will bo roeolvod by tlm city cotinoll of
thu city of Hapl.l . I'liy. f. 1) ) . . until S o'oloolt p.
m. Jniiuii , isui. fortliu biilluliiK of rosuryolr
and luvliiK of IV.WO tit'l of 10-liicli cait pipe.
- with furnishing all thu materials
necessary In their construction nccordlng to
iilaii aiil ( Hpucllloallnin on Ille at the ollk'o of
tlio city miglncurof tlio city of Itaplil Olty ,
Tliosu ultidlng on both reservoir and nlpu line.
or upun nlpu llnu alone , must accompany
their lilds with curtlllod eheclt for one
llumoanil ( Jl.tUJ ) dollars. Tliosu hlddlng on
rcbcrvolr alonu nuisl necoinpany their bldu
with a eertllh'd cheek for two hundred and
llfty ( * . ' .v dollars , ahuulm to bu drawn upon
any Boivunt bai > k In St. Paul. .Minneapolis.
Omaha or Rapid City , und to bo letnined to
unsuccessful bidders on thu day of opening
proposals. ItliU shall he enolosed In plain en
volopcs und shall havu plainly written there
on : lilt ) for Iti'KorvoIr , in 1'lpu llnuor hid for
both Itesorvolror I'lpu line , as thoeaso may
IIP. The city council reserves tlm rlht to re
ject any or all bids. Aildressall comninnlca-
tlonstothu OITY AUDITOIt ,
of liuiud City. Houth Uakctu.
Dated at Itupld Ulty , May IT , Ib'.n. ' .
Dr , Bailey , $ r
The Loading
Third Floor. P-ixton nioa'c.
'Idcpliono 1085. lOlh nml I'aniiini Sts.
A full pt of tccll * ' cn rubber for 15 I'erlrct a ,
IwvXwllhout I'MotTor ' miiiovcuble hrl.ltte . work
juit lliu tliluK for KluKcru oj public i > e fr , uvivt
" " "
All flllliiz at reasonable ratcy. All work
warranted ? Cut thu uut tat it ulUu , ,
The Lnrpcrt , Fullest nrnl Flnc.t In the World.
Painuirrr ncvoinoiuilotis unf ictlled.
vcry a ,
, < iuiUAi/nu : nn i NAPLES ,
Atrosiilar Intervals.
rates on lowest ternn to nnil from tlin prlnclplo
ooic3 : , rniusn , isian t AIL c : -i EiiTii , rcrarii.
Eicurslonllckrts > nllnbl. to return liy plthorUienljJ J
tinv nuc Chil * Siir li of Iroliuiil or Naples JtOHirt'tMj-
Dill' : : : i Iojr ! Orlti f : : i = T A = : ut it ICTS : ' . i H ,
Apply tu any uf our local Aia'nttortu *
lIKUTUlUtS. Clilcaco , II ! .
MONTUFAh un i ( jrrwv
To or.liUV and MVriH'OOU
CAIIIN , SBO to sso. AcoonlliiK to steiiinuf
and lop.itlnn of titateioom.
IntoniK'dlate nnd Menr.ict1 .it Ion rates.
NO C'ATl'U : l'Altliir.1) .
uxn \ snAMsiiii's. :
NKW VOH1C and liIAi-OOW.
Inl.oiuluiiiU'rrr , every rottnlKlit
Xliiy 19lh . . . .bTATi : Or NliVADA. . 3 I' . If. ,
June''lid . M'ATB 01 .NTdlHA i ; A 3 I * . MV
Intiln , fit ) , second I'n III n f.U ( tui'itme , fit' ' .
Applr to .M.I..I.N , V CO. . I lileiiKO.
11. 1. . MUOlti : , 151'J llonunl ftt , Uiimlui.
IJiilvoifllly-iirupnr.ilory ilNialillsliun Id7i ) , )
ciil\in , ll IJMIIS. } oiing l.adlea and
chlldien. Tor further partlcnlaiH addri'ss
Tin : l.oiit.Nd .So'iuioi , , : . ' > ! ) i r.ilrtu Avu.ChlcaKa
W. "
fS OH "t-\ \
! ? A ° HS&
. , "CURE ,
V your UruBBlit for a
r bottle of Jlli ; . 'Jho only .
non txiitonuut remedy fur all
llio uunaturul dUclmrgei and
I iirlvate dlkcues of men aud tba
dvbilltatlng Mreakmti perullar
lowomi'ii. It curn In a ftw
Idayf without the aid ot
publlelty ol a doctor.
kTA # Vnhtrial Awruvn Cure.
Manulitpturcil by
Th Evans Chemical Oj.
U , . A.