THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MAY 31 , 1892. OMAHA MEMORIAL SERVICE Qravos of the Nation's Martyrs Garlanded with Floral Offerings. PATRIOTISM'S ' LOVING TRIBUTE TO VALOR Veteran * nnd Their 1'rlcniU Doroto tlio Itaj tn Commomurntliig the Urnre Dcoil * of llproc * Hrrtlco * nt ( ho Comotcrlnt mill 1'arkt. Tbo sun smttod kindly on Omahn for her Decoration day. A cool trosU breeze blow from the north nnd soft white clouds occa sionally Interposed a grateful shade. At 5 o'clock the presidential salute was llred from the High school grounds. Flags nnd other suitable decorations waved from mon ot the largo buildings ana the people wbo thronged the streets were ir. holiday dress. There were pilgrimages to all the . .C'jmotorlos'nnd the roads loading to them wore thronged with carriages nnd pedes trians. Burly lu the morning from the summit of nn eminence lu Forest Lawn cemetery be neath which Omaha's burled heroes leop their long sleon four familiar voices boomed forth their Iron-toned salute. They were the voices of the cannon which had cone with ttho dead veterans through the nation's giant now stand sentinel ever tholr rot , somber und silent. The glorious beauty of the so.l nbout them was dotted with gray haired veterans in their medals nud uniforms , dork robed women und romping children. At half-must overhead , the urlllmnt red und whlto of tbo Hag for which tboy fought Jstrcamcd out against the blue of tha sky. On nil Iitcul .SprliiR Morning. The cemotcr.r , always beautiful , wa * glorious In thu froshnots of its greou spring robes. The clever nnd grasses of the rounded bill tops nnd winding valleys grow hnno-dcop , nnd Its surface rippled In shilling wares under the soft breeze. The sun shone kindly from a sky where feathers of wbllo only Interfered with the bluo. The lives bad budded forth in all tbo tenderness of their spring ttmo beauty nud gleaming among thorn rould bo Been tbo snowwhlto shafts which murk the homes of the dead. From tbo llttlo hill sol anart for the gruvcs of Iho sold UTS the vlow on nil sides was sublimely beautiful. To the east It extends ever n deep winding valley lurouch which ripples u little brook , now sparkling and dancing In the sunlight , now burying ilsolf bouonth the shadows ofo\er- liaiiL-lnir trees. Un each sldo urotho boldly outlined bluffs of the rolling hills chid in tbo golden green of young corn , and. away In tbo distance upiuust iho purple bluffs gleams tbo whltn breast of the rlvur. Winding in and out among the Hunts mid shadows hko a long , conncr colored Htinko , lay the road loading lo the comolcry gaiei. dotted over with vehicles of all sorts all laden with Ilowors nud banners for the dec oration of tbo graves. On Iho soulh the smooth broivod bills are piled up In huge masses of brown and groan and hero and there among them nestle iho farm houses , with clusteringcrovos of maple and boxehlcr. West and north the May sky , deeply , wonderfully blue , sunk down into the cuinulous masses of foliage which shut out the landscape boyond. It Is slumbrously silent and peaceful In this burial ground and tbo roil of the sleepers is disturbed by no sounds harsher than tbo meadow lark or thrush er Iho distant llnkllng of Iho church bollsof Florence. The wind which whispered Ihrougb the louves aud beat tbo hillsides into grassy waves and billows was fresh with thu swcotness of springing Ilowors and opening loaves. Kxorclsos nt tlio Cemolcry. Very few of tbo graves were forgotten. Costly bouquets and banks of flowers lay upon many of tbo graves and wreaths ot green and scarlet bung about tbo whlto headstones. Hero and there a lonely grave \vllh only a board to mark the bead and foot bad on it a little bunch of grass nnd field flowors. Tbo privos of the veterans and of tbo regulars a llttlo further on wcro indicated by llttlo flaps placed among the lowe ! . In every direc tion loving forms bent over the litllo grass plots , carefully weodlug nud beautifying Iho graves ot their dead loved ones. Captain John B. Sawhlll , president of the Burial Corps , looltod out ever tha beautiful panorama of grcon and announced that a severe cold would prevent him from making any extended remarks. Ho , however , slated llmt Iho ground whore the remains of the comraucs in arms had been laid nt rest bad been donated by tbo Forest Lawn Comotcry association. The land was bold In trust bv the trustees of the several ( Jrand Army of the Hopiiblio posts of the city ; it contained room for 70S single graves and a number of full lots that had or could bo purchased by members of the posts or thnlr families. ThU , ho sold , would provide a rusting place for all of tbo old soldiers of Omaha , and that it was tbo aim of the veterans that no man who over wore tbu blue and fought for his country should bo laid away in tbo potter's Hold. Hold.With With these brief remarks as an Introduc tory , the exorcises in Forest Lawn cemetery ( rtxero opened. > The veteran quartette composed of Com rades Stowe , Frame , Burmolstcr and Mrs. W. S. . Scavey rendered tbo national air , "America" , lu a doll | < biul ( inunncr , after which tbo Kev. Dr. Thuln offered up a prayer for the living ana the dead. I'roicntoil bv tlio Mil yi > r. Tbo four cannon , donated lo no Burial Corps'by iho city , were presumed by Mayor Domls , who addressed the gathering in tbo following language : Veterans of the Union Army , Friends und 1'Vllow ( Jltlzens : I fuel this morning as. the InnnartulUiirliold musthavu felt.'at Arlington coinutory twenty-four yuiiM ace todiiy , when he said : " 1 nm oppressed with Iho eunbu of the Impropriety of interim ; words on this ocr - r caslon. H sllunco Is over golden It iniiHt bo V.Iiorc . , besldo the ijruvusof our inIon soldiers , -P" whoso lives were moro slgnltloant than speech und whoEo death WHS a poem , tlio muslo of which can never bo HIIIIII. With words wo make promises , plight faith , praise virtue. Promises imiy not bo kept , pllghtud faith niuv hobrokcn , and vuuntt'U virtue ho only the cunnliiK mask ot vice. Wo do not know ono promise that thcso men made , ono plodpu tboy cave , ono word they upnke ; hut wo do know ttioy summed up und perfected , by ono supreme not. lite highest virtues of men und citizens. Tor love of country they ucci-pted doitth , and thus ro- lolvod till doubts , und mnilo Immortal their patriotism and their virtue. " 1'or the noblest innn Unit lives , there still remains H contllot. llo must Htlll withstand the 'issaiijts of tlmo and fortune : must mill bo UMnitlled with temptations buforo whleh lofty nut tires huvo fiilicn. Hut with these , thu aonlllct ended , I lie vlctury'was won when duath slumped on them the grout soul of hciole I'hurnctor. und closed a record which usi'iui never blot. " . . jbntily many of you were awakened this morning by the echoes of ihe o cannon , which undoubteuly performed able service In pro- tL'otliiK the unlon-ancl imiy huvo brouKht vmdly to iho mlmU of nuviiy of you yetcrans the excitement of the buttle- llelil , tliu ronrof iirtlllory nnd your fr.llea comrnOos-but wu should all bo thnnkful that illaicntioim Imvo long since censed and that unionit our follow cuuntrymun tbcro rnlunpoutuunil Kood will and In prosentlnz thoai ) cjiiiuiiib , on bi-half of thoelty of Dm ihii. tu the Union tJoldlurs und H'tlior * Hurlai corps of Douglas county , to slli-nlly wutoh . over Its "boys In blim. " I think thut I express V tliu linco of WI.OD.I.W/O of pcoulu Hint i | > o > o nuns * VJy lieor ugulu he rciiulrrd to establish order , unity NIK ) iiod Kovurnmunt. 1 understand Ihul thin lio.iutlful plat of ground was unnnti'd to your burial corps by iliu forest Lawn CVtnoleiy association und It Utolo hoped that uur btato luxlslaluro will , In the * near future , appropriate unoiivh monuy lo uicct upon It u niilliiblo iiioiiuniuni , thu only luwiml which u gruloful bli : o can pay to Its murtyrud heroei , riiatnutitur Clark i > u'it llvply. In rusponulng to the presentation. Major T. S. Clarkbon said : "Mr. Mayor , Com- rude * , Ladles and ( Jciitlcmcn : In behalf of tbo soldiers und sellers wbo fought beneath yonder fl < > K which lloals out upon thu breeze of this beautiful Muy uav , 1 can assure YOU that wo feel grateful for thin token of romei'ibranco. I also feel that U is my vspetfu ! duty to tbuuK Ilia Forest Lawn Cemoicry association for tbo donation of this yiound which u lo bo tbo last resting place of many of tbe bors who \\ore the blue. Today we dedicate this beautiful spot , Wu dedicate It to tbe soldiers , not only here , but fcvur.vwhere ; wo dedicate U to the unknown UK wvll unto the knowndoad ; WQ dedicate it tenet not only those wbo Hood shoulder to shoulder , Indue cannon and musketry in tba hottest ot iho tlgbl , but we dedicate lo ihoso who ro- ' Hlsincd M nome and atslsied in tbotedark d i > § and tbe hours of peril with their monev. Our comrades know that while wu w ro ndcr arms nnd In the storm of b.itllo there vero tboio In the rear who wcro as valiant nd true as the ones who were nt the front. "Wo rmuombcr that In these years of con- lot , suffering nnd privation that there were boso at homo who administered to tbo boys vho fought In tbo lines , and right hero I vant to say that the loyal women , the moth- rs , wives nnd Mstors did almost as much to dissipate the sufferings of tliat awful strug gle as the men U the front , "Woro they bravo ! " "If they were not , lot mo a k you how could a mother glvo up her only son ! How could she buckle 01 his sword nnd bid him go to thrj front to save that flag that ( loan vor us today ! How could the wife who ovod her husband better than her own llfo end him away Into the tlorco biUtlo , feeling hat ho might never return ] "Oomradps , as wo do reverence to tbo dead oday , lot us not forgot thru the noble women nindo tt possible for us to stand beneath this starry banner toaay , In a united nation nnd pay our respect to our honored doad. "Tho Grand Array of thu Republic Is com- > oiod ot the survivor * of that awful struggle nnd It is duo to iho momorv of that de parted hero , John A. Lognn , that this day bos boon sot apart to spread garlands of flowers upon thofcraves of our loved ones. " "As I stand hero I nlmost fnnoy that I can icnr the tramp , tramp , tramp of loyal mil- Ions gathering In the comotcncs throughout the nation , as tboy gather to plnco tbo flow ers upon the llttlo grassy knolls. Thl Is not n day of mourning. U Is a festal occasion , when the bright blo.tsoms of spring nro iluckod and Inld upon tha earth aoovo the remains of the best nnd truest men who over answered tbo buplo call. Wo should not make U a day of mourning , but rattier n day ot rojolclnir , for with It comes the remembrance that wo assisted In striking .ho galling fetters ot slavery from 1.009,000 of human beings who now breathe tlio same air of freedom ns do you and I. "Tbo old soldiers nro rapidly passing nwny. Thoy. or many of thorn , have llvea .ha allotted tlmo , and era many yoarj the ast one will bo called lo join the army that Is jl"ouncked on the other shoro. When that day comes , then the coming generations will neot hero to reclto thadoo : ) * of these whole lo burled upon Ibis sun-ldssod itnoll. "Ono by ono wo nro passing away , but wbllo wo stay lot us present the Bruno solid ran us , standing shoulder to nhoulder. nnd pledge our support to the widows aud the > rphans of the bravo boya who have gene be- Toro. Toro."Bravo "Bravo soldiers , noble comrades , Known and unkuown , though you have passed from our sight , a piataful country romomburs you. You have joined the grund array and have , oft behind only a few worn and scarred comrades who nro simply waiting for the day when they will bo called upon to enter your ranks In 'that great unknown land , but until that day arrives they will moot to pay rovorcuco to the memory of tbo departed ones. " As Major Clnrkson closed a loud chcor , the aaltlo cry of the old soldiers , was clvcn with a henrty good will. > The benediction was delivered and tha old cannon wurollred over the graves of thedend. Tno quartette sane "How Sleep the Brnvo , " anil'taps" was sotinded by Com- rndo Hayes of Phil ICoarnay post. The exorcises wore ever and the immense throng dispersed. Baskets of floweus were placed upon the graves of Iho dead nud another Dccor.itlon day passed Into history. At I'rospeet lllll. A continuous stream of carriage ? and pedestrians passed the gates of Prospect Hill cemetery from early morning , laden with blooming plants and a profusion of cut flowers. By a o'clock the decoration com mittees of tbo local ( Jrand Army posts and ol the Women's Koliof corps had marked the graves of the fallen heroes by miniature flags ana bouqUets of cut flowors. All ever the cemetery grounds apparently the graves were aglow with blooming plants , some beIng - Ing literally banked with cut flowers lu ap propriate designs. Mover has Prospect Hill shown bettor evidence of the careful super vision which the association managers have exercised there tbo past year. .Tnia fact Is a grateful ono to these who have loved ones burled in the old cemetery , and a delight to others who find pleasure In visiting the silent city of the dead. DOWN AT THE 1M RK. Many Thousand ! I.liton to the Kzcrclsci In Hnnxcom's llnslty Dells. The principal exorcises of the day took place In the afternoon at Hanscom park. To handle the crowd the street railway com pany increased Its pane line service to twenty-four trains , 00 per cent moro than the usual number , but oven then with a two and a half minute service , hundreds were compelled to wait on street corners while train after train rolled past , crowded from end to end and with venturesome passen gers occupying the stops and clinging to the baud rails. Travel began to noticeably flow toward the pork Immediately after noon , although sev eral little parties had prepared lunches and gene out in the early morning to spend the day. At 1 o'clock tbo Omaha Guards assem bled at their armory , Eighteenth and Capitol tel avenue , and prepared for the march to the park. Just before starling a handsome floral tribute was banded to Lieutenant Mut- ford , and by him presented to the company. It was from A. H. Scharff , formerly com mander of the guards. The accompanying card road : "In momorlam Charles H. Hon- driclcs , George M. Adams , Frank Stockdale , Omaha Guards. " Tbo guards were In full dress uniform , white helmets , nnd headed by tbo Musical Union band marched down Capitol avenue to Sixteenth street , to Farnam , to Twenty- eighth street , to Loavenworth , to Park avenue - nuo , and thence to the purlr , whore they assisted In keening back the crowd from the immediate , vicinity of the speakers' stand , which space was rosdrvedfor the school chil dren. Proceedings at the Park. The exercises opened with muslo by the baud , after which prayer was offered by Hev. T. J. Mac I ; ay , rector of All Uainis. A chorus from the Pant school , trained nut led by Miss Arnold , sang "Kod , Wblto and Blue , " with cornet accompaniment. Tbo opening address waa delivered by Comrade U. U. Ball , who acted as master of ceremonies. Tbo pupils from tbo Mason school sane Beautiful Hills. " "Tho Nation's Doad" was tbo title .of on original poem by Henry Drumm , read by tbo author. It Is here reproduced : O , stooping sold lor. who In darkest hour Dlust fearless march against u mighty foe. Didst hurl from off his dreaded throne o ! power Disunion grim , didst heal n nation's woo. To thee this day wo come from many a homo Made radiant , glud , by valorous deeds ol thlnn. Aud sirovrlnc gifts , the fairest 'noutli houv- on's dome. V/o kneel and worihlp at toy sacred shrlno- Thy blood It was whloh saved thy country's life , Tliy arm which made It mightiest 'moil- the free. Thy loving hand which led from out the strife A human chattel , crowned him king with thee. Illustrious ono ! o'er theo will over bloom The ( lower of thy country's love divine. And 'round ' thy memory , as round thy tomb 'iho Ivy clings , our huuris will ever tvrlno. A nation' * tours will keep thy covering green A nation's hand will straw with Ilowors ( by Kruve , A nation's voice will Hln ? thy gladdest paian A irulon's Mag thy fume will proudly wuve At rest tbou art , tbo * tempests 'bovo thee brojk. And thunders crash and roll across tbo nicy They no'ercundo theo harm , thy slumbers wuku , lhoii'rtstfoly housed within thy homo on In,1 , ' . ? ° .rtl11 s0"1' ' rest 'hou In sweetest peace Ytltbln that realm where never ionics a cure : Slay heavenly bliss bo thine till tlmo alial CU.IbO , This Is thy country's fervent , lastlnz prayer. Addiu ml by Ur , Tliiiln. "Tbo Arnold club , " composed of pupils from the Long school , sang "The Flag of the Free , " and tbo orator of the day. Il-jy. A. U Tnaln , was uox : Introduced. Ho apoko ut length of tbo scenes and circumstances lu which tbo inomoora of the Grand Army 01 the Hopubllo bad figured , und related sovora Incidents of iho war , picturing vividly events that bad a lourful meaning for inuuy of these wltbtu range of bis voice , Tbo Owl club * ang a memorial byrrn , after which tbo old soldiers conducted their ntua service around the monument and mound 01 the grassy spot to the north'of iho speaker's stand. A detachment of the Omaha Guards acted as the Qrinfr squad , and it was 1 o'clock THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO l H Lace Curtains Lmllcs' Cheviot. Savings Sale Bargains AT llko Bltvzors only out , , TAKE AWAY niiulo ot PRICES. -IN- -IN- . Plain Cheviot Ladies' Parasols. Irish Point , Cloth Navy , , . ; 5J yurds lonp , $7,50 Black or our regular price 811 , , Tnn , r 20 inch silk pongee narnpon 4th floor. | PAItt. all sized , frainus , natural stick , U our Irish Point to-JO , usual soiling price 82 , un- ' , : } yards lonp , ,25 usuul prlco worth every cent of $12.50. , Begins Today 4th lloor. I PAIR. 100 pieces 27 inch hair line seer $1.25 Irish Point , suukors , 31 yards long , .50 S Ceirits Second floor. good vnluo for 813.50 , . 3tl floor. 4th door. PAIR. _ _ . _ _ ' ' mMorso's'.22 inch silk pongee , Our usual lOc quality. J. WJ paragon frames , stylish Irish Point , Second lloor. sticks and handles , plush 3J yards long , ,75 ball ornaments , our usual every duy prico$16.00 , , price $2.50 ; present price 4th floor. PAIR. French Sateen Wnlsts , Real Brussels Lace , nindoof fine $1.50 worth in every instance $10,50 B t r i p o d Now Prvrisinn patterns , woi-th SOc and . . $15.00 , , s h i r 1 1 npr , 36e , see 10th street windows , rare styles , 4th lloor. p 1 a 1 1 o d Second floor. ± 5 CeonLts front nnd Heal Brussels Lace , 22 inch silk pongee with buck , pi n In Second floor. 4 not cream silk lace that . wo have sold for oollnr ami , frames $10.50 , culTs , hich flouncinguaragon , 4th lloor. PAIR. sticks sluovos.col- bamboo , formerly Fine Black Sateens S3.50 ; enlo nrico Real Brussels Lace , ors blue , 100 pieces raven fust , black , just as ever . the counter SI5.00 rod black , ami price ) J20.00 , . 23c for elsewhere $2.00 peed as you pay , como und see , only . Real Brussels Lnco , 'if * , lloor. ± 5 Cen.ts : Second floor. good for our $22.00 sale , price $17,50 Lndies' Second lloor. 5O COLORED Waists , irmdeof line SATIN PARASOLS Bamboo Easels , polka dot Black saloon , full Organdies cl > cr in l'lco ' flouncing , 100 now Bamboo Easels sold inevery front , trimmed colors , brown , blue , cardinal store whcro bamboo easels for are kept med with Checks and strines and lace elTccts nal . . sticks and etc. neat , . .25 each , sale price nillloof the waslmblo colors brown absolutely , no or ban1' ' lea have sold all ; along gray stuins after laundering ; worth for $2. niark it 75 Cents Each. same , plaited - od baclc Hoe a yard , , 4th floor. plnin collar ± 5 Cerrrts und otilTs , FINE SCRKENa , | ONLY Second lloor. tilled with printed silk hltfhslcovcs , Second lloor. finest Pongeo. 4th floor. IIP IB New Scotch Ginghams Hero are 50 panisols , some coaching , some fancy , others Window Shades. You ronondod so vigorously to our novel , nil are good , stylish . 3d floor. last ISc sulo of 30c Scotch ginghams , wo nnd worth S3 to S4.50 ; the sale for , 7 feet , 3 foot wide , fancy place on again 35 pieces of now bunch Opaque long 32 inch genuine Scotch ginghams , for dado. Bel ! Skirts 65 Cents Each. eparate 4th floor. These are made of black or navy all Second floor. wool , I Second lloor. serge Bordered Nainsook This groupjof 2o parasols form- Scotch Holland. © .oo. oriy soid for ,510 each , never mind why woMiut the price , Same slzo , fringed , FOR APRONS. Made ot bast quality English ser o , 42 inches wide , satin stripes and lace 75 Cents Each. navy and blnck , fined throughout , with ho of sill at bottom finished with . ( loop in ; , patterns , regular 35o quality ; this is 4th door. true , like all wo say in our advertise dust braid , ments ; only Second floor. Good Window Shades , .00. " * high art novelties in OUR the ncwpst and most ap Spring rollers , proved shapes , formerly 25 Cents Each. French Organdies eold for $20.00 and $25.00. lllf ' UUjJtl This astonishing is price Mail orders are pourinp- from every OITor unusual Inducements tn Indies seeking Not a. yard has ever been your rare chance , only quarter. It pays to trade here for uulquo and oxcliisl vo costumes. Wo are showIng - sold for less than 50e. Many many reasons. Here are a few : Ing now and oxQUlslto Ideas In China sill ; co3- ns high as 75c a yard , and wo Wo save you in time. tumos. and have the now and much sought for 25c $7.50 give you your choice of 0,000 . Wo save you in prico. Blue Serge Suits yards of now and delightful Wo sell just us peed values as stores styles , for only - - . . . Second floor. thousands of miles cast of us. The cost of making Is low. the costume1) can bo brought out In the most skillful and ap proved manner for Astonishingly Low Prices. 5th floor. Madam \VnlIaco. ' Morse Dry Goods Co. xvben the three volleys from their pieces ocbood over tbo bills. The young ladies from tbo High school class ' 93 ' -Tho Soldier's " ot sarifTho Voice" and "Sleop , Beloved , Sloop. " A selection by tno band , fallowed by tbo benediction and "taps , " ana tbo Memorial day exercises were over. Had a Concert. A grand concert was afterwards glvon by the Musical Union Military uand , undur tbo direction of Prof , Herman Scbunko. It included twelve numbers , und was probably moro intensely enjoyed than any of the other features of tha day , as tboso on tbo outskirts of tbo crowd wcro favored as wall as these nearer the stand. Tbo proRram was diversified onoURh for nil , including marches , overtures , f-avoUes , galops and wullzos , and the strains ot ryth- mio barmouy wcro wafted on the evening breezes to appreciative oars far beyond tbo * confines of the park. Bo.ror's "Rocolloc- Dons of tbo War , " a descriptlvo piece Intro ducing a nnmbcr of patriotic and war songs , was rapturously greeted by tbo votcruas , and many a voice was added to tbo tones of reed nnd brass. 8EHV1GUS AT SOUTH OMAHA , School Children , Citizens nnd Various So * cletlea Do Honor to the Occasion. The Memorial day exercises at South Omaba yostnrday were tbo most elaborate over attempted In the city. All business houses closoa at noon , and tbo whole city turned out In honor of the occasion. Nearly every business place and many private resi dences were decorated with flags and bunt- In f , and a number ot show windows pre sented unique decorations appropriate to tbo occasion. Tbo parade was ever bait a mlto in length , although it was composed almost exclusively of tioutb Omaba societies nnd citizens. At Syndicate p rk ao > Interesting program was presented to an audience of several thousands of people. At 10 o'clock vostorday morning the com mittees of the Grand Army of tbo Republic , tno Sons of Veterans und tbo Women's Re lief Carps vhltod the graves ot tbn union dead and left tbolr tributes of flowers. At 3 o'clock tbo parade formed IP front of the High school grounds under the supervision of J. W. Cress , marshal of the dar. A doiacbment of pollco beaded tbo procession - cession , which Included nearly every social , benevolent and rollpious society In the city. A prominent feature was a detachment ot 1,200 school children In charge ot Prof , A. A. Munroo. The line of marcn was on L to Twonty- sovonlb street , and tbonoo to tbo nark on Twenty-seventh , N and Twenty-fourth streets S. W. Dennis made the opening ad dress , after which un anthem was sung by the quartette , consisting of Mosaamcs Klsor und Sago and Messrs. Carloy and Smith. Prayer was offered by Kov. Robert. L. Wheeler , und the sorlpturo lesson read by Rev. Charles Hud brook. Short addresses were delivered by B. J. Klnor , esq. , of Omahn , Father Michael J. HIcUlo. City At torney Van Duscn and Major J , S. Clurksoii of Omaba. The benediction was pronounced by Roy. C. N. Dawson. Dr. Ulrney's Catarrh Powder for tonsil * tls. For sale by all druggists. CO cants , Keeping Up 'Ilielr ItecortL. Two of Pounatna .er J. S. Spoerl's dep uties , ono of whom In named OavU , dis tinguished themselves Saturday by Impound * ing llfty dairy cows that they sbould hove left alone. Tboy will bo arrested on the charge of unlawfully impounding stock. The dairy cows were pasturing on a tract of 100 acres of land In the southwestern portion tion of tbo city , which was leased from pastern parties by John C. MoLean and John P. Manning. The dopaties seized upon the cattle and put them In the pound. Tbo milch cows were compelled to stand UD to their bellies in mud and mire. McLean and Manning heard of tbo cows boln ? im pounded and the deputies extorted $40 from thorn in order that the cows might bo liber ated. ated.Tha Tha complaint for the arrest of tbo depu ties was issued by Prosecuting Attorney Cocbran , who says they will also bo triad for running , whipping and abusing tbo cows. Chambers , tbo great English dlotlst says : "Champagne with the least alcohol is re markably oxbllcratlug. " Cook's dry Imper ial loads , Notice. A mooting of the Fifth Ward Repub lican club will bo hold tonight at 8 o'clock In Erlllng's hall , on Sharman avenue near Ohio street All repub licans of iho ward are cordially invited. IlENUY BOLLy , President. Fut Chicago lu Your rocket. A great work. "Moran'a Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or Insti tution in the World's fair city u full de scription of which does not appear in the book , wo hnvo yet to hoar of it. Price , 25 conta , par copy. For sale at " 00 Herald building , Chicago. See the now , complete and elegant map It contains. Persons ordering copies will please enclose - close U cents extra for postage , Tliu Last of the llumilo. A majority of all thff Lvmg buffalo In the world are now qn shibltion ut the terminus of the Benson & Halcyon Heights railway. Qtt\$3 \ open at 2 o'clock. Admission , 2-cichlldron ; under 12 years , lOc , HUUTll OMAHA. " " * Sneak Tlilevei Take AUtnntiicc of the Poo- orutloii Oar , t rcUcii. The sneak tblores celebrated Memorial day by perpetrating a n ntbor of small rob beries yesterday. jQDnVirB. Owrus , who lives at Twenty-third * and J streets , was awakened early in the iqtSrjilng by two men wbo were quietly inaklne.lbcir way out of the yard witb ono of hlicprsoi nnd a sot of harness. Ho cot bis royoWer uud started after tbo thieves , wbo.jvqro glad to drop tholr plunder and escape.- < Tbo residence ot Tom Rock near Twen tieth end U streets was tbo scene of a burglary that was committed ] uit buforo noon , fsaao Shelton , who rooms at tbo house , lost a suit of elothoi and a revolver and 13. McCabe Is minus a silk umbrella. Mrs. Rook heard some one upstair * at tbo time , but thinking it was ono of tbo rooinors gave tbo matter no further attention , James Mann , wbo llvea at Nineteenth and M streets , had a set of double harness stolen and Ed. Dawson , at Twenty-flub and 1C btroots , lost a similar sot. .Nate * uuil I'enoiiaU. N The city council will meet tbls evening. C. J. Baldwlu returned yesterday from Wayne , Neb. Hoary K&ufman , a laborer employed on the now buildings of tbo Cudaby company , BAKING B POWDER OZS. FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb was bit on the head by a falling stone yester day. Ho received a severe scalp wound. J. R. Cornish wont to Lyons , Nob. , yester day on a business trip. Mrs. f. Babcock of Brandon Is visiting the family of W. S. Babcock. Miss Doll Dundai of Auburn , Nob. , is tbo guest of Mrs. James Hall nt Twonty-flfth and I streets. N. Johnson , who lives on tbo alloy south of N street between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth , ' swore out warrants last night for tbo arrest of several of bis next door neighbors. Ho did not know their natnos , out said that their fighting nnd quarreling was sufficient to fracture the peace and quietude of the vicinity. Tbo case will receive Judge Fowler's attention this morning. _ _ LEAVKNWIIHTII , 1C , Juno 15 , ' 93. Dr. J. U. Moore : Mv Dear Sir 1 have been subject to sick headache all my life. Over two years ago 1 began using "Moore's Tree of Llfo" for It and never bad a case of sick headache since , except when tbu medicine was at one end of tbo road and I at tbo otbcr. It Is worth moro than money tome mo * I heartily recommend It to all sufferers eft headache. Very trulv yours , W. B. LH.E. Pastor First Baptist Church. For sale by all druggists. 1'at Chicago In Your I'ucket. A grout work , "Moran'a Dictionary o Chicago. " If there is n feature or insti tution In the World'u fair city a. full de scription of which does notaupoar in the book , wo have yet to hoar of It Prlco. 25 cents per copy. For sale ut 209 Herald building , Chicago. See the now , coin- plolo and elegant map it contains. Par sons ordering copies will please onjloeo G cents extra for postage. tlurzu'8 Huml Sujipo eil to llo OperntliiK In Arizona. NOOAI.KB , Ariz. , May 3J. The Dally Advor User of Negates contains an editorial saying that hardly a day passes but that reports are made of encountering in out of the way placet along the border armed Mexicans , nearly all of them leading or driving horans , while the robberies of these animals are of dally occurrence. Tbo robberies are not con fined to tbo American sldo of the lino. There are many reports from towns and ranches on the Sonera sldo of horse * nnd mules being stolon. Yesterday word came from Sarlo that several animals have l-ooii recently stolen from that district. At first It was thought that these depredations were com mitted solely by a baud of horjothlovcs wbo have tried their best to clean up tbo range horses in the Santa Cruz valley , butthcir _ op erations now seem to bo so widosp'rcad and of such magnitude that suspicion Is aroused that there is moro in it than can bo seen on the surface. "Wo bollovo it our duty , " continues the paper , "to put tbo public , us well as the ofll- clals of tbo law of friendly governments on tbolr guard , and wo particularly request tbat immediate information should bo fur nished nf any camps er lurco bodies of men being encountered. Arizona shall bo no asylum or recruiting ground for Mexican bandits or rebels If wo can prevent it Tin : mvstorlous disappearance of Uurza and the public appearance of Joie Sandovul in our midst arouse grave suspicions that a small sized revolution U being worked up. " Disordered liver sot right with Bcocbam's pills. Drunki'imc * * . A disease , t'roatod as such anil perma nently cured. No publicity. Nolnflrin * ary. Homo truattnont. Harmless nnd olToctuul. Refer by permission to Bur lington Hawkoyo. Send 'Jo stump for pamphlet. 'Sholcoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. The ln t of the HnlTulu , A majority of all the living buffalo in the world tire now on exhibition at the terminus of the Benson & Halcyon Heights railway. Gates open at 2 o'clock. Alniis3lon,25e ; children under 12 years , lOc. PISAF FROM CATARRH , I was tlio victim of the worst case of Catarrh that I ever heard of. I was entirely tleaf In one car , and all the In side of my nose , including psr. of the bono sloughed oft. No sort of treat' mcnt benefltlwl me , and physicians said , "I would never bo any belter. " As a lost resort I took Swift's Specific , aud It entirely cured mo and restored my hear lug. I have been well for years , and no sign of return of the disease.Mrs. . , DUBWKBT , B. 0. C. GEE 1 , Thoonlr iM.tltr Kr.vliintnl Chlnrsa nhr lcl n r.liilit reiu ; TOT your * i.rncln-M otnerl * cncoMllli nil Kno. n < ! U.HPS. Tronli iiiccasihilir nil chronic cn * < < * elrim up t > r nthor Moctor Call nml rpolilmnr wrlto for qiictllon tilniik , lo no ! hlnk your i"o hopolOM booMi vi jriiitr iliictor toll * joiiKo , butlrrllioCliltipMi.lDclor with Mi now nnd wonderful romcrtlp * . nmlriMDlTO now benoflla nml a lorntancntuuro what other iloclon onnnl giro. Ictlx. llooti niiil 1'lnnnnulnro's rc'medlm lili nioillclnc . The worm Ills wltnosi. Ono tlimunnd e llnionlal.i Inliif. ) jroirj' prnctlco. .N'olnliirlou * Iccoctloin. no niirc lp | , no folion. Itatloiul rcnlinont niul | irninnont euro. IrjfttDil nml curcil , Klvcn up by olhor cioctuni To Whom It Mnjr Ciinrernt 1 ImToliren n constant nulTcror for ninny yoifi nllli Klioumatliim nnrt lir poiiiln. nml nltjr Irrliin nil the doctors I know of i\ml n-culTe. ! no holp. 1 it-nnl orir. ( . ' ( Sou Wo in thopupon uiiilconcliidjit try Ma nnMllclcie , wlilch cur ml mo In u liorl Imp. .Mjr rnmllr wcro nUii Kick , liul Iho itoflor cured tliimi nil rUlit. t hnro nlso ncnt him n nina- larof friends nhnm lie uuroil nt i nml of vnrloui roubles. Call on ma for particular ! . THOMAS cnuaui.i.v , 43U llarnor Street , Oninhv OMAHA , N b.Mnrcli 33 , ' . To Whom It Mnr Concern ! 1 Invu boon n Ionic time sultaror with stomach to nhlo nml k-oiu'ral ilpbllltr. nn.l cnulil fltul no ro- let iroin nny of the iloctiirit lUMttnl wlin. ITK ? so LmlIf run down that 1 tlmuithl It Impotnlblo to Iven mntitli. Mr frli-mU Ilia Klvan Inoup to die. nml t liiul lojt nil roiirnEo inr'olf. A frloinl told mo of lr C. ( ! oo Wo , ns he wi i curoil also , nnd ail- vised mo to call nml nee him wllliout ilclny , ns lharo wnsno tlmoto loso. I liad trlrd all tlio doctors I cnulil llnrt nnrt nil Iho pntcut nu'ilUMusJ. but with out rolluf. I Hnnllr ninda up mr mlml to vlult tin Chlno'Odoctor , nml from that nuimont datai mr recovery 1 nccoptcd lit * torim mid nlnoad mriolf under hi ? cnre. 1 nm now pnllroly neil nnrt ewe mr euro to Ur. C. Coo Wo. nnd l.tku Kroat plon > uro In recouimomllni ; others to him , THOM. CUtjVURT. Noitliweot corner Twelfth pad rarn.nm strolls , un der Iron llnuk , Onmlio. Xeb , 1'oi'ATEi.i.o. Id.iho , April 2,1331 To Whom It Mny Conecrm I hnrubecn iicon'tnnl viilturor for cleht yonri nlth n dlsordeiod Btomnch , blood poljonltiij nnd In- dlcoitlon , nml trli'd a Kri < : it maiir doclon nnd rum- ettliM , but tot no holp. Mr cm I oi > u 'doro d hopo- U > ' . A friend nctvUod mn lo cnll on Dr. C. Cen Wo , which 1 imuk nodolny In doln ; . Thu doetor oxam- Incd mu and told mo hu could euro mo.ntul 1 now Bland complulolr cured , a llvlnu vrllnc to his ctoMnklll nn n hcnler of tha sick , nml nm plonied lo bo able to rccommund him to all suilerlng pcoplu. * ALP. IUK. Johiilmbody , JotTorson , la. , quick conitimplloa nnd nbccss on luntr Klvon np to dlo. A. O. Mono ) , Oakland , In. , klduor unlllTor troubla for ten ycnr- < . .M. Ij. Anderson. 1:121 : Cnmlnu ntrcot , cat.irrh , asthma nnd bronchltli of llftooii years atatidlng. Ilns for unto Iho following prep \rod rmnedloi * ft.OO nbottlo , sir Lotllos for r.AU. for the euro ot Asthma. Cntnrrh , Hlek Headache , Indlcostlon , lllood I'oUonlnc. llhoiimitlam , Kernato Woakncis , Kidney nnd I.Ivor Complaint. No neoms. Sold only by CUIneso Modlclnu Co , Uapllnl , $1DJ.W1 Office , 16th and California Sis. , Omaha , Neb GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 312. An ordinance establishing tlio pr.ulo of alloy in Kouiitru's addition between 8tli nnd nth streets and smith of Illcltory atroot. In the city ot Oiniiha : Ito It ordnluod by the city council of the city of Uiniiha : Section 1. The crude of tlio alloy In Kountzo's 2nd addition between 8lh nnd Oth streets und south of lllelcory street. In the city nf Omaha , N hereby cstiilnlnlicd ut the following cluvu tlons , the er.ulo hcln ; ; uniform str.ilKht lines botnecn the points sprulflcd In' the streets , nveniKM or alleys nnmod Inthorospectlvo see * tlons follo'.vliiL' . to-nlt : Section 2. UruJo of alloy Eloratlon ol center of alloy. South line of IllcUory street 10-J.aO South end of alloy , liolns confer of lot 19 ICoiuit'/u's iul addition 107.00 t'oclloiill. This ordinance shall take olfuol and ho In force from and after Its passage , 1'assod May 17th , 1SU2.JOHN JOHN GUOVE8. Olty Cleric. E. 1 * . I A\M9 , I'rosldcut Ultv OounclL Approved May 18th. 1MB.uio. uio. i > . IIEMIS. Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 3074. An ordinance croatlni : street luiprovcmonk district No. 449. cornurlslnp Chicago Htroot from Situ street to ' . > Gth street , and dollulof Its limits. Do Itordalnoa uy the city council of thoelty of Omaha : Keel Ion l. That street improvement district No. 41 ! ) bo and the sumo Is liuroliy cro.itod. Boctlon" . Tliut street Improvomontdlstrict No. 44U shall comprise ( JhloiiK'o street from west line of'flth street to tilth street and shall Include the following real estate , to-wlt : Lots 1 , - ' , . ' ! . 4r > , d , 7 , M. in bloi-U 7 , HIM ! lots 1 , 2 , .1 , 4 , r > , 0. 7 , 8 , In block 8. In Hood's 1st addition. Suction II. That this ordlnanco shall tnko elToct and bo In force from and at lor Us pus- 1'as.sodMay 10th , 1RTJ. JOHN OKOVr.9. K. P. DAVIS. 1'rnsldont City Council. Approved May 21th. IR > . ' . CEO. I' . UEMIS. Mayor. A Written Guarantee to Cure Every Case or Mc'ioy HofundoJ. Our cure li permanent and not a pitchUg np. Cmoi treated aoren rear * a o liaTO norer teen a ijmptoin ilnco. Ilr describing cmo futlj wo can trciat rou bjr moll , and wo KTU ! the tame strong K arantao to euro or refund all monoy. Tlioia who prefer to oomo her * ( ortraatmcntcnndosoand wa will par railroad fare both wayiandliotol bills wlilloliore. If wo fall to curl W clialleoietho world for a caia that our Mazlo llemedj will not cure , vrrltofor particulars anil col tbcerldcnoa. In our i&ien ycar praitlca with th Uairic Hemeilr U has been mott dlttlcull to orerooma the prejadlcel agalntt localled ipeclflc * . Out under our strong cuirnntco thousands ara trying It and bo Inecurtxl. Woguarantoo to euro or refund ererf dollnr.and aswe uaro a reputation toprotect , alio financial tmcklniorK > jO.Oim Is perfoctlr sufo to all who wll ! trjr the treatment , lUvotoforo you bare | iutllii up and puylnii out /our moner for dllTeront treatments , and nllhou li you are not 70t curoJ ua ono lias i.nlil . back your min r. Wo will poilllrolr euro you , Olil.chronlc.doepseatul cam * curoJInO ) lo'Jd r - laroitljato our flnnnclal standing , our reiiutntloansbujlncsi men. Wrlto usfornamoi ant iddri-noiof lliojo wolmro ouruJ wlm hara glvon permission to refer to them , It eoiU you only post- celoOo this. If your symptoms nro sera tbroat , mucous patches In moulli , rhuumatlsm In bones and Joints , lialroiling out , eruptions oanny part of In * body.fsellnaof t'onerul dcproitlon , pains In baa lor bones. Tou liarono time to wosto. Tdo wbo ar constantly taking mercury and potasli , should dlv continue IU Constant USD of thnso drugs will surely bring sores and eatluz ulcers In tbu end. Dou't fall la write. All correspondence sent nsleJ In plain uo- velope. We lnvto : lliorunu rlgll Inroitlgatlou ana will do all la our powerto all you IK It. Addresi , MPAr.fl 1 AUULtb rmuluiprf lU'j ktouia < .hhrcr * mF umeU , purl * * ' ( r the Wixxl. r wf Had cm-duul IT itlie Ut innlldiie known fur blllou * . ? I M. coiuUiialluii , d > > ix > i li. foull brtath , luaduiir , lit > rtlmrii , lota ut t r , Jln-tlU' , mruUI > lc | nmilun , | ulnful o ( II .auion , | > liui > lcii , balluv/ ini > ] ei' ImpureMoc' tr fllui by Iho rUiiuach , llvrrurlt. * iwllo _ _ . _ loiwrroim . . . . . Uieir piViwr ruiisUoui. I'cnwu * Klren to > * V ltxtnSKT linHl&ilijtMuif < nieiitu.r * " ° ' ' ' ' ' ""iuii. ! l'ilolT iriiri.'l'nJkiirM'ii | iupTnTi'jf7' w * Ull'ttiH t'HKUfOAL C0.7 ri'nieottt. . : < i > i- Vorlt ? A ! > , . , . * J to6END FOR CATALOGUE. " " " " - - | mr.fiu..ii , Kt. t * m rtlrt. 17 liO Hcglsiert l Irimtments H lilt | llOtlfjiyK | ) < ut In rtrls during Itai , I 'or Hpermutorrhii'a , Varlroi'i-le. DUrnariret and KmUnluns and J.o l Vliror. Cure k'tm trutuient scut Free to _ _ any uddn-M IBE CllrulOAL IMfOUtlWU CO. , CIB01MMAIJ , .