Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rtii tjtabj Carrier to nny paitof the City
Unslnesi Oftlcc. , No4'l
No2 : ,
N Y. Plumblnff cT !
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 204 Snppblock.
tyjclus Wells loft yesterday for Dos
The Dodge Light Guards will hold an Im
portant mooting tomorrow night In their
urniory ,
The Cotnmorclnl Pilgrims of America have
adopted n grip tag which will have on It the
cmUcm ot their order.
Oeorgo Ferguson , n former well known
hotel man of this city , now of Uollanco , la. ,
was In the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. L. ICahlonnd fumlly doslro to return -
turn their slnecru thanks to tno friend * who
BO kindly nsslstud them with their aid and
sympathy In tholr recent bereavement ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen of Harrison
street cxpcut their daughter , Mrs. Orphn
Moyors , homo from Minneapolis this week ,
whcro she hns been studying vocal music for
several months past.
L. B. Cousins was thrown from n horaoyes
terday afternoon wbllo officiating ns marshal
of the day , by thn breakingqf a Raddle girth.
Hu was thrown with considerable force to
tbo ground , but escaped injury.
The Hallway Employes club No. 107vlll
hold Its annual election tomorrow nt S o'clock
In Archer hall. . All members mo requested
to bo picscnt us oilier business of great Im
portance will bo brought before the club.
By order oxccutlvo comnillteo. F. C. Ollu-
land , secretary.
Saturday evening MiVnnd Mrs. J. J. Stork
entertained In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Sc-hmld of Ann Arbor , Mich. These nrcsont
vero Air. and Mrs. , f. H. Pnco , Mr. nnd Mrs.
K , L. Cook , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell , Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Booth , Mr. nnd Mr * . A. B.
Cook , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Pugh , Mr. nnd
jurs. > v. r. iiiuuu ui vjiiiiiuu.
Jn mo3 Coylo was arrested yoatorduy morn-
InK on a dinrgo of burglary ns the result of
the c'cnpado mentioned In yesterday's Hun ,
in winch the llxturcs were roraovod from Uls
Btnro on Cut-Oft island. A search of Coylo's
promises rovcnled two showcases that had
been burled under around nnd two barrels of
lampuhiimioys were found In Mi saloon , The
propoity is now in the bands of the city mar-
"Lnto to bed nnd early to nso will she > -ton
the rend to your homo in the skies. " But
early to bed und n "Little Early Hlso"- , " the
pill tUnt inoitcs life longer and better and
Tlio Modrl INtubllnliiiiont of tlio Interim-
tloiml Cure AnsopliUlon.
In tlio boiuitiful1story stone nna
brick building , No. 620 1st avenue , just
west of the Grand hotel , the lutornn-
tionul Cure nssociution hns established
n moat attractive homo for patients de
siring trontmcn * , for the drinlc disease.
For convenience , bo.iuty nnd comfort u
bettor selection could not have been
mado. Located in tlio very center of
the city , in touch of its business houses ,
hotels and bom-ding houses , it possesses
nil the summary attractions of a plo.iRtiro
lesort , for it faces upon tlio beautiful
Buyliss park , with its grand trees nnd
sparkling fountains Arrangements arc
boinp mndo to provide patients also with
mnplo opportunities for outdoor recreations -
tions , such as Inwn tennis , croquet ,
quoits , etc. With private grounds in
the roar add the public park in front ,
tlioso who frequent the institution may
load 11 s retired or us active u life us may
boat please their inclinations.
Entering the almost palatitil appear
ing building , ono finds the interior at
tractive and commodious. The recep
tion room impresses ono witli the homo-
likeness of the place. Through the
great pinto window in the front ono
looks out upon the beauties of the park.
A largo llro place , with artistic mantel ,
suggests in contrast , the roqnlstc for
chcorfullness in the chilly ovoningtimo.
Loading from tlio recaption room is the
parlor for the use of the phy
sicians , and their room for exami
nations , consultation and treatment ,
together with a little dispensary ,
cloBotoil at ono aido. Further nlong the
hallway are b.ithrooms nnd toilet rooms ,
nnd private rooms for the use of patients
in special cases , where constant euro nnd
continued attendance is required. Then
there are the club rooms proper , which
are open to the use of nil. Games are
hero provided Mid anything needful to
mnko tlio time pass pleasantly. The
tables in the reading room are strewn
with the latest nnd best litorntnro.
Throughout the establishment there
is an air of real comfort and cleanliness ,
and competent judges declare it to boone
ono of tbo most completely equipped in
stitutions in the west.
The association Is under the control
of such well known citizens no W. J.
Davenport of the C. , 13. & Q. , City Mar
shal Tomploton , Postmaster Trovnor ,
City Auditor Gould and Colonel Tulloys.
Mr ! J. E. Harknoss is the business direc
tor and Dr. Troy nor the mcdiotil direc
loslii tlioTollot Iomrtmnnt | OnVrcil
lit the lloHtim Store , Council lllulls , In.
Coleiito & Co.'fl Consuseonp , ono of the
finest laundry soaps made , 3 cakes
for lOc.
W. A ; U. Walker's "Water Lily , " nn
excellent toilet soap , large culco for Co.
A genuine castile soap , a very line
toilet soap , U cakes for lOc.
The Cotton Oil Co.'s Copco bath
loap. largo cake lOcor 3 for " > c.
Olio D Ollva Livorno , a. pure castile
leap , Tea cake or 17on coso of ! t cakes.
Boston Store glycerine soap , an ox-
qulsito toilet soap , 6c a cake.
FolH&Co.'B Biinitnrv soap , fie a. cako.
Colgate & Co.'B castile soap lUo a cake
or 'I ' for lir > c.
Toroco's toilet soap fo ) or 3 for 2.3s.
. Fols & Ca'e Curolina tnr soap Do. or 3
tor 2oc.
The genuine Po.trs Honp 12u } a cnlo.
Brown Windtor und glycerine , made
by the Lady Grey Perfumery Co. , 12jo
Our 22o Bonps , Heliotrope , Whlto
Lilac nnd Cash moi-o UouqueU
Cutlcnro-toip 14u a cake.
Capo May Bouquet lOe n cako.
No. ' 1.711 Whlto RIBO Glycerine ,
highly perfumed , 17c , or U for COe.
Best porfinno oxtniolj mtido bv Bonn
and Vail BIOS. , Philadelphia , Pa. , 2oo
nn ounce.
True imported bay rum f > 0o a bottle.
A voiy uood bay ruin for i5o ! a houlo.
II. luicholHon , St. Tliomas , W , I. , bay
run1 , bold all over for GOi- ; our m-leo SOc.
Patti complexion bleach $1CO per
,1. A. Po/.zonl's face powdur. known
the country over and sold ovorysvhoro
for COc ; our price 3Sc.
Ideal lootli powdur 20u a bottle ,
O. C. O. tooth powder with s.unplo
lioltlo nnrfumo , 20o a case.
Council IJIuIfd , la.
See us about WAU < i'Ai'iu : , WINDOW
BllADKH , COIITA1N 1' ( > MJS lllld lldjustablo
window Fi'reous , vultublo for any ordin
ary blgcd window , In two uizos , at5u
und 33o each. _
Jarvis 1877 brandy , sold by all dealers
Holler , thotallor , .110 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and nuwojt
fcovnxiT.n ntoM rtwt rAOG. ]
thought ho had a chance of recovery , al
though they do not consider such a thing
likely. They were not able to spcnlt wl'.b
ns much certainty as they wilt today. A
brother of the Injured man Is expected to
nrrivo from Sandwich , III. , this morning. In
response to tv tclocram sent him immediately
after the shooting took place.
The coroner's inquest will bo resumed this
morning at 10 o'clock.
Pastures for horses nnd cnttlo on
Gcortro F. Wright's * farm south of Coun
cil LJtufffl ; 600 nufos blue grass ; running
wntor. For terms apply to James lluph
nl furm house opposite Wubash totintl
houso.tor tuldioss f. P.\Vrljht ; { , 13ald-
wln block. _
Jnrvls wines , the oldest nnd bost.
Ogilun house furnishes board and
room ut popular prlocs ; from $ Uo.OO to
$35.00 per month , nucnrdint ; to room.
In 'Mi-nior.v of thu Hcrors ,
Drcorutlon day xvas observed In Council
Bluffs yesterday with nil the pomp nnd cere
mony that usually accompanies thin holiday.
Early In the day the ladles of the Grand
Army post met at the Morrlnm block for the
purpose of making the wreaths and bouquets
that wcro to bo used ludecoruMng the graves
ofatio fallen heroes.
The llrst fuatnro of the celebration , and
the ono In which the people of the citv were
most Intci-ORtcd , was tlm parado. DaylUs
park was crowded unu nil the streets in the
vicinity from which n view of the formlngof
Iho procession could be obtained wcro lined
with men , women nnd children , nil of them
eager to witness the putblng of tbo parade.
The crowds kept'comtng for ully nn hour
and n half boforu 'JItO : o'clock , the tlmo nt
which the procession started on Its way
under the leadership of L. B. Cousins , mar-
nhul of Iho da.r , nnd his assistants.
The procession started ut the corner of
1'oarl street nnd Willow nvcnuo nnd moved
northward on Pearl to Broadway , where it
turned onto Mam street , going to Fairviexv
cemetery by way of Washington nnd Oak
land uvrmnnn. Mnit. nf HIM hililnpts nnd
dwelling houses alone the line of inarch wcro
guily decorated with Hags and streamers.
Tno parade wns headed by n platoon of po-
Ice , behind which oamo Dalboy's blind , ills-
coursing martial music nlong the way. Tlmn
followed the members of Dodge camp No.
ii'i ! ) Sons of Veteran' ' , Postmaster Troy nor
with his corps of mall carriers , n full repre
sentation from Abe Lincoln post Grund Army
of the Kupublir , the Woman's Hcllcf rorps ,
Encampment No. S , Union Veteran legion ,
nnd the Ladles auxiliary No. IT. Three
ivagons filled with children from tbo Chris-
dan homo were followed by the Danebo
society. Ono of tbo interesting
features of the parade was the Washington
avenue drum coips , couipospd of n dozen
boys a do cu years old or thereabout , In full
red , white and blue unlforws , who furnished
music that set the feet of tbo hoar.v-headed
veterans dancing. Then came the Veteran
Firemen's association In their now uniforms ,
1TO boys from the city schools , nnd the pro
cession was brought' an end oy the flro
At the ccmotorv nn intoicstlng program
was presented. Rev. Dr. A. B. Leonard ,
corresponding secretary of the mission so
ciety of Iho Methodist Episcopal church.
with headquarters in Now York , delivered
an eloquent ntMicss nlong the usual lines of
Decoration day orations. Hev. O. W.
Crofts read n poem , and Uov. G. W. Snyder
delivered nn oration ovorlheunknown graves.
The interest of tbo cxeicises was increased
by the excellent mtislo which was furnished
bv Dalbey's band and a largo chorus of
school children , who have been in training
for a number of weeks past for this ovcnt.
' 1 ho little folks displayed the greatest , en
thusiasm in their singing. Aftho conclusion
of the program the soldiers' graves to the
numbor'of uoout 150 in the cemetery were
decorated with Hags nnd bouquets.
Oio : of the mDit slo'fonlng hsa-liohos is
ausoo by railroad traveling. Brad crotlne
rovcnts and cures it.
Jurvis 1877 brandy , bettor than itno'd.
Have you seen the wonderful flu.rd
rcfrijrcrntors , the newest and best out ;
the gonino New Process nnd Quick Meal
vapor stoves light like gns absolutely
safo. At Cole & Colo's , 41 Main street.
Speoliil for This Week ,
Wreaths nt 15c , 20c , 53u , COc and 75c.
Children's hats , 25c , 50e , 75e and Sl.2-3.
Discount of 10 par cant on till trimmed
( roods till further notice. Miss E. L.
Rugsdulo , No. ! ! 37 Broadway.
Jarvis 1877 brandy six gold medals.
Chapman discounts every dealer on
screen doors and windows. See him
before you place your orders. 1 ! ) Bryant
Jarvis 1877 brandy , highest tost.
Death of Iru I'lutnor.
Ira Platnor , ono of the oldest residents o
Council Bin Its , died yesterday morning at
his homo , after along illness. Ho was born
In Cherry Valley , N. Y. , January 0 , 1817 ,
and ariivcd In this city nt the ago of 34
years. For over forty years bo has lived in
the Bluffs , and during that time bo has been
n prominent llgure in local affairs. Ho
loaves llvo children Marshal Plainer , Mrs ,
W. A. Mynstor , Charles C. Plainer , A. D.
Platnor and Clay B. Plainer. The funcra
will take pi act ) tomorrow afternoon at "
iroiu uia laio rosiuuuco , oj vine
Mra. L. K. Patton , Hockford , III. , writes :
"From personal uxporionco I can recommend
DoWitt's Sarsapurilla , a cure for" impure
blood and general debility. "
Dr. Chamberlain , eye , ear. throat ,
catuirh. Shugart blocK , Council Bluffs ,
Jarvis Wine CiCganta Clara , Cal.
Swnnson Music Co. . Masonic tomplo.
The Indies of the Temple Baptist
church will servo dinner mid supper at
Masonic temple on Decoration dny.
Davis sells reliable pnints nnd drugs.
W. H. Gray , the Hotel Gordon chef
is the trontIonian who prepared the
Grand banquet. _
Patronize blue Ice wagonsfor Mo. river
channel ice. Mulholland & Co. 'Vol. 102.
Trains leave for Matmwn at i ) , 11 , 1 , 2 ,
3 , 4 , 6 , U , 7 and 8 o'clock.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , put cat. safest , best
DoWitt's Saisaparilla cleanses tbo Dloo
DKr.iHT.iTi'.it in A VIVI.O.M : .
Aiiilruln County , MUmiurl , VUllcil ! > 11
I'litrroVliuUtoriu. .
Mexico , Mo. , May 150. A cyclone devas
tated tbo northern part of this ( Audralu )
county last night. Hams und houses wcro
blown down , ciops torn up , orchnrds ruined
und trees uprooted from the ground. A cloud
burst lollouccl l no cycloao , Hooding the dov-
uHtnted district.
r The house of Henry Berry was levelled to
thu gi on nil , Lut I'ono of tbo family was sort-
ou < ly hurt.
William Brcnton's house was demolished.
Ol It ; cluvon occupants , Alvln Brcnton and
Mr * . W. C. Brunion were the only ones
budly hurt , and their Injuries aionut dan
gerous ,
DaWitt's Sarnaparlllu destroy * ucn pot.
sons o.s Borolulu , skin duoaso , eu > a , rltou-
inatiim. Its timely use saves many lives.
J'limdiMl by 11 ClomllnirHt.
Wuiin CITV , Mo.May : u. A tcrnllo cloud
burst Hooded HIM citv and the siirrouudlaK
country last night. Tbn water full in great
mas OH and Hooded the streets to tho' depth
of eighteen inches on thn level. All the loid
und zlno nilurs In the city are Hooded nearly
to their tops aad the loss will be enormous.
A core throat or cough , If Buffered to pro'
gress. often results In an Incur.iblo throat or
lung trouble. " 'Brown's Brouchlal Troches"
lilvo lustuut roller ,
FIIOM sr.cos'D
Victory for Blsvln was out of the question
after tno second round.
When Ilu Went On ) .
In the eighth round Slavln was deprived of
the use of his left , both balngveak , but
Jackson continued to pile up marks on bis
sldo. In the ninth Slavln was whipped aboul
the ring , making several bold stands against
IODK odd * . The tenth lasted ono minute nnd
twonty-llvo seconds. The was
buffeted about the ring llko a Toot ball , nnd
finally dropped , knocked out It over a fighter
wns.Tho contest wns for 2,000 In n twenty-
foot rlag. UixMBsrntn.
Other Itlnc .Meeting * .
TJtrnMXOTOv , In. , May 80. [ Special Tclc-
crnm to TIIC URR. ] Unusual intsrost is beIng -
Ing tnkoti hi sportlnc circles In the McCoy ]
Davis lleht , to occur this ovomnc , somewhere -
where near the city , under the auspices of
the Orchard City Athlotlc club. The stakes ,
araountltip to $ IOJO , arc proporlv Doitea , unit
the llnnl details of the match wcro arrnnecd
today. McCoy has trained hard , but dls-
cretolv , for two weeks prut , nnd fs in thu
tilnk of condition , Divls is said to ha al
ways in condition. Ho will handicap Mc
Coy by several pounds. A largo number of
tickets have bcon sold. The result ot the
llcht will prob.iblv not bo Icnown until Into.
UKAIIWOOD , S. U. , Muy 3 ! ) . ( Socctal Toln-
gram to TUB Dti : : . ] Haiincr and Hopan , local
mlddlawclchts. foucht twontv-threo rounds
four mlles south of Doadwood. on the Fre
mont , Klkhorn A : Missouri Valley railway ,
at f > o'clock this monilng. Tbo flRht wns
with bare Knuckles for n purse of $100 nnd
was won bv Hannor. Hogau received tor-
nblo punishment. About sixty sports wera
present. There have bocn no arrests.
Nnw YOIIK , May 2)0. ) Burns whipped Unl
McCarthy in cteht rounds ut the Coney
Island Athlotio club tonight ,
Sliotgun ixp rts Itnrn a Little I'ouilcr
Very Siiceeisfnllj' .
A regular and postponed shoot was hold on
the clue grounds vciitordav nnd owitin to the
hlcli wind that prevailed the scores wcro not
ip to tholr usual utiii'dard. The Omaha Gun
! ub shooting park is located on the highest
ground mound tlm city and when ll.o wind
's at n stindstill in town It , blows a gale at
hopaik. Several visitors wore present nnd
ho boys all had n food time.
axy" . 01000 00111 11109 10111 I110l-ir.
teed . lll'JO ' 11110 11111 Ullll II Ml 'JO
tronn . iiooi uiiii ( won oiiio uiiii in
ItlWks . Ullll Oil U 01111 UIUU1 lOdUl II
Smith . 1IKU lllll 10111 11110 lltll-
tiaivo . loito unit oioii unit ojiio i.- )
lo.ttll . 10011 10000 11110 10300 lOllO-li !
Nason . OIOII lllll 11110 Hill 10001-10
'OKR . lllll 11011 lllll 01111 tllll-Sl
IlUhcs . 01011 0.1100 11110 01UCO 11101 1.1
Cenncdy . 01111 01111 11001 10111 11I1I--0
Townsend. . . . 11110 10111 11110 lllll POIll-20
Gwlnn . 01111 101JI 101111 Ololl 11100 17
lrowcr . W113 HIM 11011 10111 tlllll-SO
iiiuhcs . iiiii loin nioi inn 10110-21
Iwlnn . lllll 1UI01 lllll 11110 10M1 10
ivunnedv. . . . lllll lllll 11101 11101 11101 22
Ton nsoiid. . . . 00111 OHIO tOlll 0110 ] 10101 14
Nil son . lllll Hill CUIH 11011 llllt-ir-1
fogs . 10111 10111 loin loon inn eo
Urowor . 10111 11110 11111 110J1 00111-19
Uuinc In Oinalin.
Yesterday the husky young men who levee
o disport themselves In the sun , kept tbo
ball bounding over vacant lots as follows :
Pnxton & Gallagher , 12 ; Uootor , Vvilhclmy
company , a. Buckingnatns , 2" ; Auditor of
Disbursements , 3. Kcd Cross , 23 : Seven
teenth Street Stars , U. Cudahy Hexs , 14 ;
Swift's Winchesters , 11 ! , twelve innings.
Omaha Bees , 0 ; Acmes , 0 : called by n police
man. Cathedrals , 13 ; Outside Stars , 5.
Twenty-seventh Street Staw , I ) ; Fort
Omabo , 7 ; morning. Twenty-seventh Stteet
Stars , 11 ; Four Corners , 1 ; afternoon.
DeW'ltt's Sarsnparllia cleanses the blood ,
increases the appetite and tones up the sys
tem. It has bcnofittod many people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you. _ _
OMAUA , May 30. f
Attorm Is central tbls ovcning in Indian
Territory. It will prooably move north
eastward toward the lakes. Northerly
winds prevail over the west and northwest ,
and easterly winds In the Mississippi yalloy.
Heavy rains have fallen in Kansas , and gen
erally rainy weather prevails west of the
lower Missouri river. In the upper Missouri
valley the weather Is fair and cooler. There
is a belt of high temperature extending
northeastward from Texas and a tongue of
low temperature extending down to Colorado
from the extreme uortluvost.
For Eastern Nobraska.Omaba and Vicinity
Threatening , probably rainy weather ;
slight change In temperature during Tues
day. Cooler on Wednesday.
\VASIIIXOIO.V , D. C. , Mav 30. For Ne
braska und Iowa Fair Tuesday , except
light showers in eastern Iowa ; slightly
cooler in Iowa nnd warmer by Tuesday night
in Nebraska ; vnriuulo winds.
For North and South Dakota Generally
fair , warmer by Tuoiday night ; variable
For Missouri , Kansas and Colorado Showers
ors , followed by fair In Western Colorado
slightly cooler , except stationary tempera
tuio in Colorado ; northwest winds.
Disease never successfully attacks a sys
torn with pure blood. DovVltt's Sarcaparl *
maiics pure , now blood und enriches the old
" "
$2.25 A MONTH ( HD E. )
Prod uccs 'Ntttu rally
Free Trial Inhalations.
Really Cures ; Catarrh , Bronchitis.
sthma. Hay Fever , Consumption ,
Headache ( sick or nervous ) , Dyspepsia.
Nervous Prostration.
Call on or write without notice ,
Suite 510 Shooly Blk. , cor. 16th nnd
Howard Sts. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Doctors disagree. They
have to. There are differ
ences of opinion ampng the
best ; there will be so long
as knowledge is incomplete.
But there is one subje'ct
orx which all physicians are
completely in accord , and
that is the value of cod-liver
oil in consumption and scro
fula , and man > other condi
tions in which the loss of fat
is involved. And cod-liver
oil has its greatest usefulness
in Scott's bmulsion.
i There is an interesting
book on the subject ; sent free.
New SCOTT YorL & , BOWNE , Chcmim , ijj South jih A venue ,
Your drugglttkecpiScoit'tEmuI tlon of
ell llilriJ siiU My li r do. fi.
A Short Stat httfht That Tells
Much AAVell-&novvn Bust-
ness Man Pu Hlmselfon
Reoord D-snfYiess and
Cntnrrh . 'iuccss3-
fully Tittooted.
Mr. Charles Ko si , a resident of
Oinnha foi' 2.'J years , and doing business
r.t 121 1-1210 South ISlh.strect , tr nnswor
to n vocont inquiry , '
Throoyo.irs a-ol bo an to suffer from ca
tarrli. Us mipr ouch was slow. Imtstr.uU
I gradually foil Its Incroiisln hold upon mo.
Day nnd night I was obliged to hawk nnd
nplt to keep my thro it nnd nose from llllln np
Jly throat bucaino extremely sore nnd r.iw
from thlsconstaiitoirort to clear lit
Jly IHHO becnnio entirely cloiod. so I could
not bro.ithe through It at all neltlicrduy nor
nlsht ,
livery morning \voko up with my month
nnd dry nnd parched. My condition
prevented sleep , and I arose mornings tired
out and mlscr.iblc.
After being In this cornl lion ono yeir I bo-
canto lese my ho irlnirUilch. . for two yoirs ,
grow peeler ovui V day. My de.xfnoss gre.itly
Inturfotod with my business , us It was very
dlllkMilt for ino toc.ifry on conversation with
my eustoniors.
I experienced , ulso. n constant ringing In my
After receiving Ire itineut from Ors , Copo-
Innd and Miep ird tor n short time. 1 am mntih
belter. Mv throat -intl noio are nearly well. I
cm breathe freely throii-h my My
hearing Isgroitly bcnollteU. und becoming
bettor every ( lav. I sleep and rest well at
night. I urn still under treatment and look
for u perfect cute In n short tlmo.
ROOMS 311 AMD 312 ,
Nev Lifj Baildinj ,
OMAHA , N1313.
( J. H. SIIKl'AHD , M. U.
Consulting 1'hyslclans ,
bl'EOlALTJKii : Catarrh. jWhmii , llronehl-
tls. Nervous llseises. : HIdbd Diseases , Khen-
luutlsm. Consninutlon/iml : all chronlu alTee-
tlons of the Tin o it , iLuiiKS , Stomaoh , Liver
and Kidneys. i ,
Ollleo hours : 9 loll .im.,2 , to "i p.m. , 7 to S
p.m. Sunday. It )'tol pm.
Catarrh tronbloi anir klnilicd diseases
treitcd snoccsifiiily by mall. Bend 4c In
stumps for question < dlu'lilnrs. Address all
lotleis to ' . 'opulund tMoJInal Institute , Isow
York Life IlulUIIni : , Onmlm , Neb.
i t
" ' "SANATiyb.'i'the
Wonderful Hpantsh
Itoineily , la eoldnltli a
Written Guarantee
to euro all I < ciYOua Dll-
cases , sucli u Ucat
Memory , Isa of Drain
1'owcr , Headache ,
\Vakcf illness , Lost Jinn *
liood , NcrroiisncH , Iji -
ElluJc , nil drains and
Deforo& After Uso. losi of jioner of the
'Fhotogropl'C'l from life. Generative Oipanj In
, either ert. caused by
oirer-eicitlon , youthful Inillscretioiis.or the exccMlyz
aw oftolncco , onliiin.oi Mlmiilnnt" , ulilili ullnrmlcly
lend to Inllrinlly , Cumumptlnn mid Iiifniiltr. I'ut up
In convenient form to carry hi thc\fst rocket. 1'ilce
| 1 a pncknue. or 0 for $5.Utliccrj { ' ' ( ! 1 eRl\ea
written guarantee to euro or refiintl the
monor. faenttiy mall to nm address , thciilar fiee
Ini'lBluenvelore. ' Mention tills pnpei. AoJresa ,
HADHID CHEMICAL CO. . Drauih omcefoi U.S.A.
35S Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. ILL.
EuliD A Co , Co r IStll & DouRlaa fits.
J , A. Fuller & Co. CorHtli f. Douelas EU.
Anew and Complcto Treatment , consisting o ;
BuppoiHorles. Olntmont In dipsulci , alio In llox
and I'llli : a Poilllro euro for External , Internal
blind or Oleeillng Itching ; , Chronic , Heoent or Uoredl-
tarr Pllei. Thli HcmoJy Imt noror been known to
fall. II per box. 6 for 15 ; sentbj m ll. WU7 uncrfrom
this terrible dlseano when a written guitrantev Is
poiUlvely Rlvan with 0 boxoi or rotund tbo moner If
not cured Send itainp for tno Sample. UuaraQwa
liauod byKnbn A Co. Uriugliu , goto Agents , corner
gins atreeta , Omaha , Neb.
\J jfIS 3IIO 3 * X 1Q C | t * i 3 J t 113 L J ? t vj 113 3 3 _ F * - " - * * * j § , \ * * + \ * \
Bluffs and 1321 F\rnani5t. , O.n.\ria. Dya , ole n nnd rafinlali goods
of every Jasorlptlon. Pac' ngaa faoalvai at olthar offlcs OP at tha
NA/'orks.Cor. A nnd 23th St. Council Bluffs. Sand for prtoa Hat.
Merchants who Imvo shop-worn or sailed fabrics of any character can hivj :
them rcdyod and llnUhod equal to now.
most npiirovod mnchinory.ntost at lost coit th-m yo i ovo. ' n il 1 t if i >
. W. PAMLE , M. D.
He Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience.
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Ilcnd , Throat , and tUDRS ! Di *
casciof tbo Eye and Ear.Fltsand Apoplexy. Heart
Ulscasc , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Wnnlcnass DiabetesBrlghfs Dl'Coso , Bt.VHu '
iXnco ? ( Stutnatlsm. 1-oralysto. White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In nno removed without
the knife or drawlne a drop of
blood. Women with hi-r delicate organs re-
Btorc8 to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
nnd Venorcal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to S50O forfeit for nay Venereal Dis
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or thrco houra , or BO
pay. lUrnorrholila or 1'ltcs cured ,
Will eave life nnd hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
Tlio only Physician who can toll ivlmt alia
a pcrNon without atiklug n question.
All correspondence strictly confidential , llcdlelno
sent by express. Address all letters to
G , W. Pangle , M , D
8SB Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Wo ecnd tlio mnrvMnm French
r.emcily CAJ-THOS frw , and
locnl cuarnnteu that CALIIIOB will
STOP DlirhariM A Emlwloni.
CUIU" N orm IirrlicA.\ Icocclo
und IlEHTOUE I.oct Vlcor.
' t/seitanitfiavt/satisfrtl.
Bole iiufrltin iff"U , , Oblo.
Of Council
but-plus uiU 1'rollts
NctC.ipltal anl Surplus . 9AJiOO
tlroctori-J. O IMnu'iilion , H r. * !
Olemon , 15 K. Hart. I. A. . Mlllir. J. V 111131 an
aniJCIiRrlo * It. Hnnnan. Tr.iiisictconor.ll o iiilf ;
inR biibiiieso. Largest capltil and surpluj o
any bank In Southwestern Iowa.
HB K H K Ha Kai KaH
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funcrnl Director nnil Undertakur.
811 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Tolcpbono 339. _
lircl ami Sup
Hi to 4 to
IJi'St fuall.tlus , niiiruiH | | : nnd
for sui'L-fssful iro.itinuiit of nvory form
of dlsnasu lunulrln : inodlo \ \ or
54 boil * ) for uiitlunt . boird nnJ iittondnnoo.
lo ! < t iici-oinoJullons In the wosU
Wrlto for elrvnlnrs on deformities nn.l
uraut'H , trusst'H. club foot , otirvuturos of snlnu ,
lilies , tumors , cineor.cutirrli , bronchitis , In-
Ii.iliulon.u.cclrlclly. piralysU. culluiisy , klil-
ncv.bliuldor. oyc. , skin uii.l boo ! 1 anil : ill
surdeiil onorUKini.
Hook on llsa.iio < ot
Women ruin : . . littNolatuly uUJoil n lyliu-
Inilnp irtinunt for \MHCILMI durlnir conllnuinonU
Mrlctly nr.Mito.l Onlv Holluhlo In
All Il'ood ' Dlsuason succussftnly tro.itol.
byuhllltlo I'olson toiiiovcd front tlio system
without innrciiry. Now itoitnratlva
inent for Los of VITAL POWEK. I'orsona un
able to visit us mnv bo trotted ut homo by
rorrostiou lunue. All coinmunluntlons conn-
dontlal. Mudiclnrs or InslriiiiioiiM sent by
mail oroxprcss , si-curoly packed , no in irks to
Ind'cntoc-onUintsor sender. Ono person U In-
turv.o v prufcrro 1. Cull nnd consult us or send
history of your ease , und wo will send In pliilti
wrupuor , our
Bnni77J MPN rriHE : Unon I'rlv.xto ,
hpuolul or Nervous n-
onscs , Iinpotcncy , Svplillls , Qluet iui-1 Vatlco-
cole , with question list. . , _ Appliances for Deformities & Trnsoi.
Only miiniifactnry In the Wcstof tttH > .t it.
try .ll-J'l.l lAC'/t-s , TltUasiX , , KLKUflttU
. - .
Omaha Medical anil Surgical InstiluU ,
26th and Broadway , Oounolt BluJ i.
Ton tnlnutns' tldo from center of Om ihA on
ll lllnlti ulojtrlo motor lino.
Allkliulsnt Dvolnsnnd Oleunlnjdono In the
highest style of tlio art. I'.ulod mil htalnod
fubrlci mndo to look us peed as now. Hod
fouthorscleanol bvitoain In llrst-oliws iiinn-
ner. Work promptly done , ind dollvero 1 in.ill
purts of the lountry. Ken 1 for crlco list.
O. A. MAOHAN. - - I'HOl'iUCi'OU.
lllJIlroulway. Noir Northwoitara Ujpjl
UouxJtti Hr.uri ? } . lo v.v.
Sims & Saundcrs- ' ° y
Saundcrs.0or' ! u ,
fudcial courts. ItooiiiHt , 4 und 5
HOMO UlouU , Council llluiTs , U.
and every other grade domnndoj by
nil classes of trade.
203 AND 1.'OT HUOAUWAY , Council Illuffs.
l O K SAI.K-IMr.-x nno , thorouBlitircil. Jer-
* < HSV uiill , solid coli i r. reitlMorcd stock ; U
months ud ! , ? Ji H. 1 Irst strcot.
IV You lm\o nnythliiK forsalo or trade see
1II. . She ifc , llnt.idvrny nnd Main strrnt.
1W IOWA firms fors-xlo. lmuro\oJ IflJ neroi
In ItnrrUon conntytli.0)pariicrc ! ! lilncro *
Improved , tIJ.03 ! 81 ni-re * . fl'.Oi. Tor bixr xliH
In ' Inwa ' tun " Nournskn farms cnll on or writ *
VAII 1'iittun. Uounoll lllniu
. . .rts of tlio
llnttilwnjr mill Mntn.
'irOH SAI < K A fr.imo slx-tootn cottnco la
-L Riind lupiilr. uooil slro.l lot. ( irlio } ICKV
CIIMV pnvmunls or tr ulo. U 11 , Shunfu , llroad *
\\iiy and Minn strool ,
STOUAOK niul fa nmlsilim-StmiH. funil-
. , tiirc , oU1. , stored mill sold on onmhihiton lib
loncst r.itos , U Kliuiulmn , XM llroiulwny.
AN ItiveMmonl uaijjiitn. NinlUnililn homtt
ilttititud ut J\m. 114 mid I 0 8.7th St. , Coun
cil tilitirx liiiirovoiiicnl | , now mid llrtt-i'lim
IIOUOIN vont'iliM II roouii. 'J li.ilh lonnm. 'i line
tmntrovt , 13 ole ut , front niul li.u'K stair * ,
hot co'tl wntor M'rvlei' , ttsis. uH1 , worth'
J .Mii , will sell nt u hiruiiln niul solicit lionu-
ll'lo onYr * . t'urou Smith , ll.Udnln block ,
Connell IIIUI14.
i/lOltSAIiK T o-ttory urlols dwclllnc , two
Jtriuinti , six rooms o\uh : t-i'iitrully locutoil
on uluctrlo motor tr.iak : iu-ioo JI.O i.U , ! , lt > s
iiiortnuiraoft..MUii will trmlo for luiiil. E , II.
blioufc , Ilro.iduny nnd Mulii slruot.
ii'OH SAl.i : Onsmnll | myiiiont . frilll mid
J-1 nm-di'ti Inii'l ' tumr Council llluUs. K. II ,
Shu.ito. llio.vlwny and Mulii truot.
FOR HUNT : s Mynstur i cot. tno-atorj
frumodwollliu In uioullont loniilr. soxcc
rooms , bith nnd nil niodurn i-onvunloticoil
runt , JJ8 , r. II. blicmte. llrouliiv nnd Main
IjltW SAIiE OK Hi.NT-l.ir4a : ! t nnd moM
-L' piolluilili ! moiilimirkot In tlioM < I | . doluq
from &UOMU to * 7OOJ. 0 bus m : i month )
Imnk hook will show It ; vllt vt\ta \ I. Hplondl I
liuslnrsi cliuiK'u : IIairV to isu on hulldinz
M II. lloo oHUo Comu-il lllulN.
DKtlltAlll.l. ulllou rnuiim for rout. In llrcnwi
millillni : . ntf on 1'otil anil Main
Htroulsllh till mo lorn tMiivunloncoI'or
terms tiiuilv to A. II Nicholas or II. 0. Cory ,
room ( i , u.unts foi building ,
17101 ! Ui.NT : ! in Second im-nno. dwclllim
Llth i ) HIOIIIM , fnnrioo. r.nno , buth. uluctrla
bolls onn of the most dcslr.tblo lusldciK'os In
t'oiinull lllulTti : tout , $ .t > .00 pur month , 1C , II.
Sho.ifu. liro.uhvuv nnd Main
lOllSAf.n A
limit foin-rooin dwollliiK on
- AAAUIIIIO It ; in i'c. ftJ ; siniill monthly pay
ments. li II. She.ifo , llioniluuy mill Main.
IflOU FlKXT T.\o of Iho best U.irrln'R llutTon
JL1 1'ouuli struct.
ijlOK HUNT Coed U-room lionso : no wnti'i
JL1 In cnlltut olty water fnrnlslio I ; $1J p > >
montli. Aily | to Leonard Kvoiott.
" 171OK SAI < K NobrusUn Intuis in cxelmniro foi
JL1 tto.'k of clean w.ilablo liar.lwaio. U. II.
Bhoafe , Ilroadway and M.iln stioot.
OR .SAI.K Kiirnllno ( IxtureB lease and
goodwill of hotel with 40 rooms In
Nobi.iska city ; will Undo for stock of goncrul
mcrclmndKc. K , II. SJIiuufo , llro.idnny and
Main street.
FOR SAIjR A comfortable llvo room dwell
ing nuar rnlrmount Dark. 1'ilcu. fl.hOU.
(5J cash , balance In monthly unymentu. 11 II ,
Slioafc.1. Ilroadway anil Main street. .
FOR SAIjH A now sK-room dwolllnir. 181
fifth uvoniio. jirlco. $ ! , .i ) . slim cash , biil-
anco In monthly pnvments. K. 11. blmafo
llroadwny nnd Main stieots.
HAM A baiKaln. tlirpo-roorn dwell-
Inir. lot MI8 I''lflh uvenitu. prlcn OJ. will
tuko team rood horses In ti.ulo andbiilancu In
monthly p.iyincnts. 1 ] , II. Hhoafe. llro.idway
and Main btrouts.
_ _
"IjlOR SAIjK Or trnilu. A six- room
-L dwollliiLRlclith tvvcnnc. cor. 'JJIIi st. . prleo
$1.400. U. it. bheafc. llro tdwav and Main Htn.
I71OR KiNT-iiKlit-iioin : dwullliiK&'l \
JIn ton avo. . modern ° tylo and coiivon-
Icnco , In oxecllcnt repair , rent $ J. > . 11 II.
Mieafc , Ilroiuluuj and .Main sts.
FOK SAM' Stock of groceries , drv Roods ,
notions und --liooM. prlc-o tli'JO. : will takii
real ostiito in ptirt , must havu $3)3 ) eush. 11
H. Sho.ife. Broadway and Main Ms.
T7OR hAIn Tlio only hotel In n small town
J-1 50 miles from Council lIlniH. linn nn Ice
cream parlor with jtoud trudo. riiinlturo In-
\olces iitll,030 , bullilliiK ? J,000. Will trade for
peed resident property In Council ItlutTs , n
Knap for the ilaht. | iurty. U. II. bhoafo , Ilroad
way and Main stroou
An ordinnnco declaring the bank of earth on
Bull lot I.I of lot U. Capitol addition a nnla-
unco nnd oidorln s.ihl bank graded down.
Do It ordalnod by the city council of the city
ofOmuha :
boutlon 1. That the bank of oartb In the
front part of Hub lot M of lot ! ) , Capitol addi
tion to the city of Omahii. on the south sldo of.
Harnov street between aith street anil Z4th st ,
bo and thosamolshuioby declared tobo annl-
saneo anil tbo said nulsaniu is hoii'by orJorod
and requited to bo abated by sloping anil
ira < lliu down the front portion theieof so ute
to prevent the fallln. ' . wastlnu or washlnit lit
earth on the nldewalk on the Houlh sldo oC
llarnoy street adjacent thereto.
Section ' . ' . Tbo owner of s.ild lot is hureujr
oidcred and iciinlrod to abate s.ild niilsinen
nnd cr.ido nonn said lot as herein rcqnhcd
within fifteen days from the passiiKo and ap
proval of this ordinance , and f.illlnp , uesloet-
Inu or lefnsliiK so to do tbo board of pnbllo
works is hereby oidored to eaiiso said Kiadlnir
to bo done and report thu cost thereof for n -
bessment nzulnstMild lot.
Keetlon . ' ) . That tbH nrdnmnco take
cfTect and bo li > foico from anil after IU pam-
1' " ° dM'iyml"18W-
City Ulork.
I'rosldent City Council.
Approved May 16th.
Office and Repository Nos. 12 , 14 and 16 , 4th Street. - - Warehouse , Corner 91)1 ) and Broadwa