CAPTURED A HIGHWAYMAN Plucky Qcorgo Straw of Nebraska Oity Re fused to Bo Held Up. HE HAD A DESPERATE STRUGGLE Though DntiKcrously Wntinilcd Ho finally Ovrrpowcrcil Ills AMiUlnnt After n Series of Aittcnturcs the Lat ter In .lulled. NEniusKX CITT. Nob. , May 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun Unn.J Ocorgo Straw , an employo at the gas factory , had nn exciting encounter with n footpad about 3 o'clock this morning , while on his way homo. The highwayman struck him n terrillo blow over the eye with a piece of coal , but Straw grappled with him nnd succeeded in captur ing him. While in search of nn ofnccr ho escaped. Ho was subsequently nrroacd and gave the name of John Filzpatrick. Ho Is uow In Jail , JUQ CHOI'S ANTlCU'.VTr.I ) . Nebraska farmer * HI-RIII to Sco Visions of Orout Prosperity. anmox , Neo. , May 20. [ Special to Tun DBC.J The recent warm weather hero has had tbo effect of shortening tbo faces of the farmers considerably. Nearly all the corn is planted and every ono is predicting an im mense crop in every line , not excluding fruit. CAMIWIIXIK. Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tun BBH.J The farmers and everybody nro feeling Jubilant over tbo good prospects for crops thu season. Corn planting Is in full blast , Koiitli Sioux City New * . Sotrrn Sioux CITY , NOD. , May 29. [ Special to THE BF.B.J Memorial day will bo fittingly observed In this city. Banner post No. 303 , Ornnd Army of the Uopublle , has the matter in charge and an elaborate program has been prepared for the occasion. Hoy. Norris , U. JJ. Daly , Attorney Blocum and others will speak. E. 13. Wilbur , editor of the Argus of this city , was elected vice president of the North east Nebraska Press association at tbo moot ing In Norlolk last Monday. Tt'o next meet ing of the association will bo held at Norfolk Novembers ) . Tbo now ferry and transfer company expect , - poct to bo ready to begin making regular trips across tha river by next Sunday. The company la composed of John Poyson , presi dent ; Nick Manor , vice picsidout ; Louis Solzor , secretary , and J. 1 * . Twohlg , treas urer. David Cainuhcl ) , ono of the oldest and most skillful pilots in the country , will man the wheel. At a recent meeting of the city council nn ordinance was passed to prohibit stock run ning at largo within tbo corporate limits of the city. But little if any attention is being paid to tbo enforcement of the ordinance , as stock Is to bo seen ut nny time browsing on the common , Quito n number of Dakota county repub licans will attend the convention at Minne apolis. A very cheap rate has been secured for delegates and others desiring to attend. South Sioux City will dorlvo a benefit from the recent flood in Sioux City. As it lies high nnd dry quite n number have already signified thulr Intention of locating on the Nebraska side of the rivor. " * Quito nn effort is being made to create a Rcntlmcut against the pronosed Short Line bridge In favor of a combined wagon nnd foot passenger brldgo. The argument is being used that a brldgo constructed ana maintained by railroad companies would bo extortionate In tolls , etc. The opposition is mooting with voryllttlo encouragement , as the people realize that a brldgo constructed by nny company would Do of Incalculable value to South Sioux City. In fact , the only drawback to the city is the much needed brldgo , and its building makes the future growth of South Sioux City n certainty. Two or thrco former residents of this city were sufferers in the Sioux City flood. The people are collecting a purse for their benefit. Tbo river has about ceased cutting tbo bank on this sldo nnd no further encroach ments nro feared , unless the Juno rise should bo unusually high. Tlicro seems to bo a sort of blue clay under the too sandy soil that has withstood the water and chccicud the washing. An effort will bo made to got an appropriation from the government to place protection on the bank bcforo next spring. Ittnlr Secret Societies. Nob. , May 29. [ Special to TUB BIB. : ] Last Thursday evening , after con ferring the iniatory degree upon ClaiU O'Hanlon , the Independent Order of Odd Fellows elected the following oQluors : Joe S. Coou , r.oDlo grand ; Ed Smith , vice graad aud A. J. Taylor , dolcgato to tbo grand lodge , to bo hold In Omaha in October. The lodge hero Is pi-owing rapidly. They now have about sovonty-uvo members. The Grand Army boys oxpcct to have a big time on Decoration day. They have secured - cured sixteen grave stones to bo placed at the bead of gravcs.of departed brotuors who have uo mark nt present. Tbo government supplied them and they nro very appropriate and neat. They nro white marble , 10x30 Inches. They boar the following inscriptions : I. N. Jones , company A , Fifth Michigan cav alry : C. A. White , company B , Second Ne braska cavalry ; A. L. Weldon , company L , ICiuhlh Illinois cavalry ; John Mlllor.conjpany F , First Missouri S. M. infantry ; F. T.Bar ter , company D. Ono Hundred and Sovonty- third Onlo infantry ; U. 11. Fletcher , band , Third Mnlno infantry : W. V. Miller , company I. Twenty-fifth Illinois infantry ; T. E. Brooks , company I , Ono Hundred nnd For tieth Now York Infantry ; James King , com pany F , Seventeenth Indiana infantry ; II. P. Miller , company 1C , Third Woit Virginia infantry ; Benjamin Dixon , company Cl , Fifteenth Iowa infantry ; Wilson Pyles , company A , Thlrty-thira Ohio infantry ; \V , B. Stout , company I , Thirty- ninth Ohio infantry : M. C. French , company C , Twenty-fourth ftllchigan infantry ; Sor- goaut John Huzollpps , company H , Ono Hundred nnd Fortieth Now York infantry ; John Carrlgan , company C , Fifty-fifth Illi nois infantry. The Knight Templar Jordan commandorv , No. 10 , held a public Installation here Thurs day. The following oflicers were Installed : B. M. Willsoy , commander ; Frank Hurrl- man , gcncrallsimo ; Ucno Boaty , captain general ; H.V. . MoDtldo , prclalo ; E. C. Jackson , rocotdcr ; F. W. Kenney , treas urer ; W. H. Palmer , senior warden ; E. C. Pierce , Junior warden ; Harry lligloy , warder ; Harry 1C. Eggleson , standard bearer ; Hobert Smith , scene bearer ; E. A. Stewart , sentinel. Attar luo installation a banquet was served. Nim iroin oril. Onn. Nob. , May 2'J. ' | Special to Tun 131u.l : Company B , Nebraska National Guard , was inspected by inspector General H. B. Mulford Friday. Uo expressed him- Bolf as well satisfied by the drill and appear- unco of the company. The ladles of Ord have organized a ladles' ' post of the Urunu Army of the Hcnublio with the following oftlccrs ; Mrs. E. M. Fos ter , president ; Mrs.V. . L. Waters , vice prnsldoiil ; Mrs. A. Uowan , senior vice presi dent ; MM. M. E. ( ! tutor , JiTuior vice presi dent ; Mrs. Charles Barnes , treasurer : Mrs , B. Thompson , conductor ; Mrs. A. M. Hob- bins , secretary. Decoration day exercises will bo conducted under , the nuapicos of Footo post No. 40 , Uraud Army of the Ho. public. An elaborate program has boon prepared - pared for the occasion. Hon. E. M. CofUn and family bavo gene on a visit to Chicago and other eastern cities. Ord's tcnnli.cluba have reorganized and nro busy getting their grounds in condition for the scmon's play. There nro four clubs with a membership of forty-eight. Chnilrou'K Knights Templar. UliAiwox , Nob. , May 89. [ Special to Tun BEK.J The Knights Templar of this sectlcu mot in this city rlhurday. Aftur an Im posing ttrool paradu they repaired to the First Episcopal church , whore Hov. Suavely delivered uu eloquent addrati. In the ovo- niuif a banquet wai served to the bir Knights nt Hotel Blaluo , I'll I r bury minister liutullcd. FAIIIIIUIIV , Neb , May ST. IBpoclal to THE Bun. ] Uov. J. D. WulkeiiBbaw was In- btallod Tuesday evening pastor of the Pros- byteriati church. The platform was adorned with beautiful plains und flower * , and the uouio wa * packed with the admirer * of the gentleman , Including his ministerial neigh bors. A dlscoursd was preached by Hcv. J. W. Fulton of Pawnee Ulty. The charso was delivered to the pastor by Uov. W. H. Nile of Table Hock , ana to tbr pcoplo by Ilcv. J. W. Hill of Dlllor. Hav. Silas Corko of Hebron - bron presided , and bv tbo authority of Ne braska City presbytery constituted the rela tion. Everything pasted off smoothly and the congregation wn very hearty in grasp ing tholr pastor by the hand. man SCHOOL CO.UMINCIMINT.S. : Young 1'coplo Urndunteil InScvcrnl 1'ortlom ntt'ho State , OAKD.u.r. , Nob. , May 29. ( Special to THE Hun. ] Too second commencement exorcises of the Oakdalo High school wcro closed Frl- dav. Diplomas wcro presented to Misses Clara S. Curtis. Eva Warner , Jennie Fairchild - child , Martha Lawsou , Sarah Trask and Edward - | ward Bcckwllu by B. F. Admlr3 with appro- J prlato romnrks. Orations wcro delivered by J each of the graduates , interspersed with j singing , dumb boll cxcrcUo , otc. The Intor- | cst manifested In these exercises and the school was evidenced by the proscnco of the largest nudlcnca that over boioro assembled In OnUdalc. NonroLK , Neb. , May 29. [ Special to TUB Ben.-The ] Norfolk publlo schools closed Thursday after n very successful year under the supcrlntcndcncy of Prof. Hornhoruor. A clnsn of eleven was graduated Friday night , being the largest in tlio history of the schools. Asm.Axn , Nob. , May 2U. [ Special to Tun Bin. : | The fourth annual commencement of the Ashland High school took place in .Loru Ington's opera house Friday ovonlng. The house had been beautifully decorated by the Juniors. Upon the loft of the stage was a latgo scroll bearing the class motto : "In Ourselves .Lies Victory or Defeat. " The salutatory address was delivered by Mlas Lucv Penney and the valcdlctoryby S. Aud- loy Kcaaonor. The remaludor of the pro- grnm was as follows : Nellie V. Sexton ' .A Noble Artisan Hurry G. Shucldt .Tho Viito of Itcpubllua A Discussion Should Canada lie Admitted to the Union Alllrmatlvo , Carrie Hrush ! 'Negative , Francis lilrdsull. May / . Sparks The Despotism of Fu-Oilon Martin Miller Our Country At the close Hon. H. H. Sbcdd , president of the Board of Education , delivered the di plomas with u presentation speech to the class. Diplomas were also presented to Ml&s Adol Stratton , assistant principal of the High school , and Allen Mcakor. Thn musio was furnished by tbo City Male quartette , assisted bv the colored tenor solo ist , Charles Alexander of Lincoln. The High School Alumni society banqueted the gradu ates tit the Hotel Selma last night. Oni > , Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] This week closes the spring term of tno Ord schools. The baccalaureate sermon will bo preached Sunday evening at the Meth odist Episcopal church , and the cvonlngs of Wednesday , Thursday and Friday will oo taken UP with exercises by the junior , middle - dlo and graduating classes respectively , in the court house. Friday afternoon an ex hibit of school \vork will bo given In the High ochool. ( Jiniiov , Nob. , May 29.-Special [ to THE Ben. ] The Hlghschool graduation exorcises were hold on Friday evening in the chapel of tha Normal school building. A largo aud appreciative auiilonco , composed mostly of patrons and friends of the school , was pres ent. There were four graduates. All ro- cclved many bouquets und other presents. ST. PAUL , Nob. , May 29. ( Spocinl to TUB BEE. ] The following Is the program of the High school commencement services hold hero Wednesday ovonlng : Music Instrumental Duet Invocation Uov. W. II. Miller Music Awny , tbo Morning 1'rcshly llrouk- Itig Qmirtotto Oration Black the IIco'.s of Your Uoots Amy Urlckcr Oration Oneof the Tow Illah Souls Thut , Come to Light Unco In n Century , . James \Vliholinson Mtm'o Ho Wns a I'rlnco bolo Oration The Art of Modern limes. . . . . . . . Blanche 1'yno Oration It Titkcs All Sorts of 1'coplo to Mnken World Sophie 1'utcrscn Oration No Footstopa lliickward..May Orow Music t h. Tell Us Merry Itlrds Duet Or.itlon < neon Nation Iifnn 1'luscckl Oration The 1'ubt. Present und Future , Charles Koblnson Music Sprlngtltno Quartette Presentation of Diplomas. . . . faiiporlntcndont Donedlctloit Hov. 11. A. Barton COZAD. Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tun UEU. ] The public school closed Friday with an cntoctainmont. .Failed to Aliiko the Transfer. WEST POIST , Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Editor Uingsmutb of the Schuylor Nova Doha wus in the city a few days last oek negotiating for a transfer of the plant from Schuylor to West Point. A bonus of (3,000 , or stock purchased of a llko amount was to have boon the consideration of the removal. However , tbo necessary amount was not forthcoming und the schema has fallen through. Superintendent Collins has isiuod bis announcement circular recording tno normal institute that is to bo hold in this city during the six weeks' normal. The normal inetltuto will take the place of the old institute and continuo for six weeks. Last Thursday morning Contractor Koohl started the work upon the sewer with a force of several men. lib had not proceeded long when Mayor Chris. Kunp and City Attorney P. M. Moodlo appeared upon the scene and informed him that Inasmuch as his contract bad boon forfeited and so declared by the council , ho bad batter secure a now contract and bond If ho wished to complete the work. Ho immediately ordered the workman to quit and all was quiet again. Ncbrnahn at the World's Fair. SCWAIID , Nob. , May 29. [ Spoelal to TUB BEE. ] Having received at the bands of the commissioner general , a commission as ono of the three superintendents of Nebraska's agricultural exhibit at the Columbian exposi tion , I will most cheerfully answer all cor respondence and shall aim to bo among you many times to counsel with you and render you all tbo assistance in my power. Tbo following are tbo names of the coun ties of my district : Sowurd , Butler , Polk , York , Fillmore , Thnyor. Nuckolls , Clav , Hamilton , Hall , Adams , Webster , Franklin , Kearney , Buffalo , Dawson , I'holps , Harlan. Fucnas , Gosper , Lincoln , Frontier , Uod Willow , Hitchcock , Hayes , Dundy. Cbaso , Perkins , Keith , Douol , Cheyenne , Kimball , Banner , Scotts Bluff. Address ull communi cations to mo ai Howard , Nob. W. W. Cox , Superintendent. , Cambrlilgo Now * Notes. CAMIIIIIIHH : , Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tin : BKB.J The foundation for the new opera bouso is almost completed. It will bo a two- story Iron building , 40x80 foot , and will cost about $4,000. , The upper story will bo occu pied exclusively by the tbroo secret organi zations of this place. A number of now residences will bo built in Cambridge this summer. Tno Cambridge Milling company has a largo force at work repairing the dam that WAS washed away last wccic , The republicans of this vicinity are for Harrison for president , tbo democrats for Cleveland and the independents for Weaver Urosham. or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r'morixl thu Church , O'Nim.1 , Nob. , MaySO. ( Special Telegram to THU BEE. ] At 11 o'clock today the Jury in the case of Su Joseph's Cathollo church of O'Nioll Meals & McVoy , contract ors of Omaha , returned a vordlct for the church , placing tbo amount for which the bondJtnon am liable at 913.400. The case was called Tuesday nnd given to the Jury Saturday afternoon. It was ably conducted on both sidos. It is understood that the at torneys for the bondsmen will appeal. Do Witt's Sttriauarllla U reliable. INDICATIONS OF SUCCESS Nebraska's Munufaoltirora and Consumers Exposition Will Bo Attractive , FEATURES OF THE APPROACHING EVENT Interior Cities of tlio Stnto 1VII1 Display Their Coinmorclnl AilxnntnRrs wfth I'nr- iluunlilo Prlilc Krnrncj's Unique 1U- lilbltlou ArraiiKliiK tlio lliillillnfr. The old Coliseum building Is rapidly un dergoing a aeries of transformations in preparation for tbo Ilrst annual exposition of tha Nobrasua State Manufacturers and Con- suracrs association , which begins Juno 11 nnd continues for cloven days , Tbo cbango ! < : far from bolng complnto as yet. The old posts and rafters nro conspicuous In all their unliown roughness. Tbo oriporlos that served to conceal their unshapely outlines on former occasions of festivity nro unsightly rags of tattcrod bunting , nnd tbo ugly green signs with their legend , "Mo Smoking Al lowed , " croak dismally on their hangings , solitary reminders of the days when a jolly crowd of skaters rumbled around the polished floor and groups of merry maskers dnncod under the scintillating glare of the olcotilo cundlos. But the combined huboub of a score of saws and hammers , the bustling array of carpenters and decorators and thu cncrgotlo effoits of the managers of the enterprise fflva promise of crout things before- another week shall pass. How Things Arc ClmnRCd , The bare nnd gloomy walls will echo xho rutnblo of machinery aud the whir of spin dles. The rent'and tattered draperies will bo displaced ana the big building now so dark nnd dreary In Us emptiness will bo nllvo with the concentrated hum and energy of all the manufacturing Industries of Ne braska. Hero the prospective spectator need not judge by plowing descriptions or stereotyped illustrations of the BCOPO nnd enterprise- Nebraska manufactures. It Is all to bo realistic , Business men will not be ttioro to toll how they grind corn and whoitt and manufacture ) boots aad shoes and machinery but to accomplish it before the eyes of all beholders. On ono sulo may ba scon the transformation of bundles of felt into bats of every description ; on another , hugo rolls of leather converted Into boots and shoes. Hero the farmer may see his wheat and corn ground by the latest Im proved machinery and thcro ho may xvatch the process by which long cells of wlro nro converted ictu fences llko these which sur round his farm ' The work of preparation Is being pushed- as rapidly as the energy of many hands can make possible , nnd the enthusiasm is not confined to the small army whoso scene of operations Is in the intorfor of the building. It extends all over Nebraska and the west , and oven in envious Kansas City curious eyes nro turned toward the enterprise thut Is to congregate ana display the manufactur ing Interests of great Nebraska. Every foot of in tbo building Is already taken , nnd every auy's mall brings to Secretary Bradley fresh ovluonco of the interest that Is being taken in the exposition throughout the state. Interesting Exhibits. Among the most interesting out of town exhibits will bo that of the Kearney Cotton Milling company. Their float , which was shown at tbo silver anniversary at Lincoln , is a untquo design , representing ono of the great manufacturing interests of the state. It arrived yesterday In charge of B. I. Smith of Kearnov and was hoisted Into the building through a uugo floor that was cut to rocolvo it. It Is an exact fac-similo of the plant , even to the bulkheads of tbo mill race , with the water dripping incossautlv over the top. . .Tho interior win bo lighted with electricity. The body of the float Is covered with figures illustrating the frrowth of Kearney and Buffalo county from 1807tol893. Mr. Smith says that ICoarnoy is enthusiastic over tbo exposition. The en terprise is regarded ns nn important event in the history of Nebraska Industries , and tbo city council did not hesitate to appropriate the moooy to construct the float. The Lincoln Paint ana Color company will erect n cottage on their space which will bo surrounded by a sodded lawn with flowers and fountains. The cottage alone will cost $1,000. Among other Nebraska towns that will particlpatn in the exposition are Lincoln , Nebraska ( Jlty , Columbus , Blue Sprlncs and Weening Water. The idea of devoting n special day to Fremont and ono to Kearney Is under consideration , and conlmlttoes have boon appointed by the city council and board ' of trauo of each cltv to a'rrongo for a special celebration of the day. A very low rate has been obtained on nil railroads , nnd tbo management expect that there will bo nn unprecedented attendance from Nebraska and lown. DeWltt's Sarsaparilia cleanses the blood , increases the npp-tlto and tones up the sys tem. It has benoflttoa many pcoplo who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. Put Chicago In Your Pocket , A great work , "Mornn's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti- tutioa in the World's fivir city a full ( In scription of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price. 2.r ) cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. See the now , com plete and elegant map it contains. Per- uons ordering copies will please enclose 0 cents extra for postage. The Last of the HuflUlo. A majority of all the living buffalo in the world are now on exhibition at the terminus of the Benson & Halcyon Heights railway. Gates open at 2 o'clock. Admission , 2oc : children under 12 years , lOo. _ Dr. Culliraoro. oculist. Baa building nro waicu uitu n'A'jso. Collision llotwoon Two Stcnmors on the Detroit Itlvcr. UBTIIOIT , Mich. , May 20. , About midnight last night the steamer City of Macluao col lided with the tug Waihburn la tlio river opposlto this city , resulting In the drowning of John 'llurlny nnd Cbiof Engineer Kobln- son of the steam barge Majoulo who were on board the tug. The tug was nearly cat into , but tbo engineer uoacbod It before it sank , thus saving the llvos of the four other men on board. The Maclnao was but slightly damaged. John Hurley was a well known business man of this city , having been interested in a largo trucking and tug concern for moro than twenty years. - > t VVoau stomach strengthened by Bcocham's pills. Vttt ChlcilK" I" Your Pocket. A great work. "Moron's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there ia a feature or insti tution in.tho World's f\\v \ city iv full de scription of which ilooH not appear in the book , wo hiivo yet to hoar of It. Price , U5 cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building. Chicago. See the now , coin- pluto and ologunt map It contains. Per sons ordering copies will please enclose 0 cents extra for postage. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder PURE H Lady Mi/ises / Ladies A Few Secrets from Her Own Experience Which Can Bo Profitably Adopted by Others. 1 know achnrmlnglfuly who knows mnro beautiful nnd nttrncilve wuiiiun tlmn any other Indy In tills city. In con\or ntlon , recently , -no imUti "I often foul very sorry when I eu so mnny bcimtlfiil women o ( lillcitcunit snirorlnit * o miicli. nnd 1 liuve often nsked myMflmttheron < onIs ? 1 tlilnklndlcs donot rxorel o the proper ci\ra. They tlo not cnt noiirl h- Inn fool , they nn\rnn < lo > snf their fret , their neck" , their chest * . In thin way thoyunon tlio'iloor Tor ills * cn es , mnHlH''tliou'Mi'ls of trouble * which so often ntlilot wumnnklml.lmt , worro tlmn nil , they nllow tlalr life anil strenittli to run ilnwn to n low clih. llowtnnny wuim > n wo-eocon tnntly In this conill * tlon. They neeil help , they no oil oni < ! tnlng to depend upon , something that will-Mint tliom.-oiuotrU'tiil In neol. 1 know thl lurci'ly Irom my own experience , for I was onto In tlio * nmo condition niy-Plf. I IhotiKht tlm mutter over cnretully , and decided whnt 1 ttoitlil ilo. 1 know 1 needed , a Kcntlc , constant Mlmulnnt , mmethlnit Unit would ntlt my Tltnl force * , keep uiy blnoil tlirolihllm mid net as n tunic. 1 decided to try Ilnrryruro Mnlt \ \ hl'ky , nml Its of- Ject Ima tiyon Imply wimilorful. Itlonatknow whnt I'liln * , lckneorweiiknisn are , nml 1 nm "ntl'lloJ Inilles Kencrnlly coul.l bo In the .ninohniipy condition by n proper UKU of ihosmo inenn * . " Tlil-lnity > rcinnrk * nro cnttlloiHo llicurenlestcon' ( Idernllon. for they nro nn Imllcntlon of i > lint him- Oroils of In lien IHITO fnnnil to DO n neccMlty. It hoiilil bo berne In niinil , however , thnt U In only pnra wblnkr which should orcr bo ii eil , nnd Hint Oiirry's IMiro Alnlt Is tlio only ono wliteli reeelvcn tlio cndor o- mcnlof clcntlttnniid the roeomincndntlonn ot pity slclnn * . Do not nllow Any ilrugulstor grocer to In- iluco you to tnku nny other. A Wrltton Gunrnntoo YPH1LIS to Cure Iilvory Cnso or Money Kofundod. Ourcurotspormanonti ndr.ot p > > tohlaz no. Cmes treated coven ycors ngo hiiro noror soon symptom since , lly describing ctsa fully wo c n trout you by mull , and wo Klro the Mme strong sunrnntoo to euro or refund all money. These who prof or to corao hero forlrcntmcnt enn ilo so nnl wo will pay rallroa t far * both ways and hotel bllli wbllo here , If wo fall to euro We challenge the world for a caJO that our Mngla Itemody will not euro , wrltofor particular ) anl net Ib-ovldcnco. In our seven years rractlco with the MncloIlomoJjr It has boon most difficult to overcome the prejudices against soeallcd spsclOcs. But under our strong guarantee thousands are trying It and bo InRcnrod. Woguarantca to euro or refund o-ery dollar , and as wo ha-a n reputation to protest , also financial backing ottWO.UMIt Is pcrfcctlr safe to all who wlK try the treatment , Ucrotoforo you bare putting up and pnrlnj out your minor for dllloren' treatments , nnd althougb you nro nol yet euro ! no ono has paid back your money. Wo will positively cure you , O1J , chronic , deopsoatol cnios carol In 0) toUJdiys. InvoUUato our financial standlnz , ' our reputation as business men. Write us for names an I addresses of these wo have cured who bare given permission to refer to them. It costs you only post- sue to do this. If your symptoms are sere throat , mucouspatchcsln monthrheumatism In bones and Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any pirt of tba body , feeling otgonernl depression , pains la healer bones. You have no time to waste. Tnose who are constantly taking mercury nnd potash , sbouid dis continue It. Constant use of thcso drugs will surely bring sores and catlnz uloorsln tbo end. Dou't fall to write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en velope. Wo InrUo tbo most rlcU Investigation anj will do all In our poworto all you in It , Addrois , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omahn , Neb MA010 GORE TOrfMEN ONLY. 8500 fora case of LOST or PxiiaNa IIOOD , Goiio.r.U or Ntnvuua DEDSLiTk * . woak- ocssof body or mind , the Directs of errors or ex cesses In elder yoiins'tliivt woc.innotcuro. Wo punr.intco every cnso orriifund every doll-ir. Five ditys trial treatment SI , full course 85. 1'crooptlblo licnoQia rotllzod In three days , lly mall , securely p-icku 1 from COOKltEMCUV UO. OUAIIA. " 14 YEARS NERVINE , " 'F " Says A. F. Stark . Pcnn Tan , N. Y. % " 10 yrB.ofSlclt 'Hoadacho cnred by TWO Hottlee , " _ Jlmollno Flint , Ottawa , Ohio. Norvlno la tbe quick remedy for Blcoplcesneaa , Nervoua Proetrntlon , Epilepsy , St. Vltns1 Donee , Opium Uahlt. Norvons Oyepcpela , Hysteria , Convulsions. Neuralgia , Paralysis , otc. Thousands testify. Trial Bottle , elegant Boole ffrooatdraggtets. MUoallotUcalCo lkluirtInd. For Sain by Kulm * Co. . 15th and DouRlns Ft Tlio Kings ol Specialists. For 27 years tbe names of On ! Betts a iT-tti bare beta bouiebold words In tbo homes ot thousands of people wbo bare been rescued from tbe Jaws of dextU tbroueti the won derful ability , the ruatcbless skill of tbeie great masteri of medicine and surgery , wtioee kltidnoas and beQev- olence , whono self-sacrlflelDe devo tion to tbo welfare of tliolr fellowmen - men will erer lira la tbe tso rU ot a EratelaJ people. NE.RVOUS , r CHRONIC , PRIVATE , BLOOD , They SKIN. SEXUAL , Dis Cure KIDNEY LIVER , , eases. URINARY , RECTAL AND ALL ORGANIC THicnniE , S WEAKNESS , PEHMATORHHCEA , ONORRHCEA , ' GONOR ' NBaVOUS DEBILITY , Dydrocdt and Varlcocele , rile ? , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers F rratnenUr > cured by a method at once tats , etrtsAo , painless and sue- cesiful. Tbe awful < a ets f esrl- vice and ezeeiilve loAulgincei , resulting Inlets lots ol msnnoed and prtmitarede- eay , qulcklri ana pern ntnUr re- liereo. CONBUBTATION PUKE. Call upon oradd-esi nltb ittmp , s. Ruth & Betts. 110 South Hth St. N. H Corner 14th and DotiRlns Sts. Dr , Bailey , $ r The Loading Dent is G U Third Kloo.Vjxton , Blo-'t. telephone 1083. 10th unil Furnani Hts. A full set of tvclb on rubber for 14. rerffctll , Tueob without | ilatu < or roiuoToalile brliliio ork Juit thtf tblutf for slugors of public pon.ur , uuvur drupilowu , TEETH UTfWCrED WITriOUF PAH. ' * . All work AM fllllni nt roasonab'e rate wuiraalod. Uul this out fur a euldo. . Today , and to continuo while the goods last , wo will hold a grand benefit sale in our mammoth men's doput'tmant on first floor , when you will have an opportunity of testing the purohusing power of a five dollar note such as you never had before in all your life , We have placed on sale eighteen hundred These suits are positively every thread wool. They are in cassi- meres , cheviots , tweeds and homespuns , They are in browns , tans , wood , tobacco , snuff , butternut , gray , mode , popper and salt as hand some a line of shades and colors as you over had to chooae Irom in all your sweet life at any price. They are in diagonals , plaids , mixtures , fancies and plain colors , They are bran now goods every suit. They are cut in the very latest shape. They were made by first class tailors in first class manufactories and are sowed to stay so. The coats7 have either patch pockets or set-in poclcots , and aroTTned with either a fine quality of Italian , Farmer satin or sorgo. Some of these suits are worth nine dollars some ten and at least half of the entire 'ot would be sold at twelve dollars at any other time. T hey are not only worth these prices in a newspaper and in our window but they're worth it on your back ( and front and 1 gs ) . Until they're ajl gone ( we never/ * ; make a price for one day and raise it the next ) until they're aAl gone ' every suit you can have your own unrestricted choice of rhe entire grand assortment at what they're marked in the window A FIVE DOLLAR BILL ! n"CPnP ATTniVI r , A'V we will add to this grand offennK UJbLUKAllUlN iJAl three hundred G. A. R. Suits , made of good indigo blue flannel , guaranteed absolutely fast color , suits that won't turn red it in the fnco when they see the son got up the morning ( with O. A U. butlom Iroo ) and yotir cholco still coos The unique price cards used in our show window on these suits were designed for us by Uncle Sam and cost us five dollars ei ch. DR. J. E. McGKEW THE SPECIALIST , IsunmirpjiBsod In tlio trontmontof nil forms of PRIVATE DISEASES , und all dlionlOM and debilities of youtli nnd munhooil. ITyonrs' experience. Ills resources nnd facilities nro practically unlimited. The Delator Is rocom- inondcd by tlio prong , and endorsed In the BtronRost terms by tha pcoplo for fnlr treatment - mont nnd honest professional ml vico. The most powerful runieillea Unown to mndcrn Bcloneo for the Niiccosstul treatment of the following diseases : GONORRHOEA Iniinetlli'to relief. A com plete cure without the loss of un hour's time from business. GLEET Ono of tliu most complete nnd suc cessful treatments for K\aol \ and all nnnoylng dUchnnzus .vet Unown to the modloul profos- sioii. The roiultH tire truly wonderful. STRICTURE Oroutest known remedy for the trontmcnt of strloturo , without | iiln : , cut- tin ? , or illlatlnc. A most romnrkitblo romcd v. SYPHILIS-No treatment for thli terrlulo blood dlsonso has over boon morn successful. iiorhitdHtroneorondorsomonts. In the llcht of inudcrn solcnco this dUnaso U positively curnulo and every trace of tlio poison entirely removed from the blood. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , nervousness - ness , tlmldltv , despondency and all weakness and dUordora of youth or manhood , Keller obtained nt onco. . . SKIN DISEASES , nnd nil dlnonsci of the Btoninch , blond , liver , kldneyx und bladder nro troatcd successfully with thu icroatcst known remedies for these dl onsn * . Write for circulars and question list , free. 1-ttli uiul fiirimin fita.tliniiltti , Acb All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S 5OFTi'tl ' STIFF IIA TS. AULABAUGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. THE " [ JIBS' ' IWGCT" RYR.TNQE1. The Only I'orfoo * . Vnzlnnl und lluctul HyrluKu In tlui World. Is the only kyrlno otor Invented l > y which vuulnul injections can bendmlnlutor- ud without luakliiK and soil * liiK thu ulothliiK or lieouml. tullni : tha vis.o of 11 viitol. and wlik'li f.iii iiUa bo uaed for riMttuI lujuctlons S01-T Ul'lllir.U lltilJl. IIAIlliUUIlllKltlir.M. i'ltlVK VII MO. Mailorder * t-olloltuil. The Aloe & Tanfold Co. , tatlt Afrrcf , K i lo I'Mioffite , OSAI.H rou STIAM HKATINO-DR PRO . ' of tlio Interior , olllio of Indian nlTalrs , WusbliiRton , I ) . U. . Slay H , IStri t-oalcd tiropoa.iU. endorsed "I'ropo-als fur Hteiim lloatlnK , " nnd addressed to the CornmlnslotiHr of Indian AITalri. Wushlncton. D. ( J. . will bo received at this ofllco until 1 o'clock p. rn. of Monday , Juno U. IS'/ ' , for tha furnlihlnir of all necc-sary materials Hiul labor and placing In position , complete and ready for tno , ono low pressure return ctrcillatlncmoiitiilinntlnit nnd vcntllatltiK nppur.itus for thu three Indian school InillillniM nt the Slioshotii ) Indlun aeoncy. I'rctnont county , \Vyo , the boilers for said apparatus to bo placed in the basement of ono of thu buildings ns thoofllco limy direct. 1'l.ins and elevations of tbo bulldliui for tba Eiildanco of the blddors In tbn preparation or bids may bo oxamlned at Iho otllcu of the Ileo"of Omaha. Nob. the "llopubllonn" of lii.tivnr. ( Tnlo. ilin Trlhnnn * ' nr Hiilt L'ika Jlty , Utah , and at this ofllco. Illddurt are re quired to accompany tholr bids with doilxn- aud spoclllcatlonsot the hcjtln/ and vontllatlni ; apparatus proposed to bo fur nished , said designs anil specifications to bo adapted to the bulldlngx to which thov are to bo applied. Tlio rlKht Is reserved to rojojt auv or nil bids or any part of any bid If doomed for the best Interest fit the service. CUIITU'IEI ) CIITCKS. Then bid must bo ncrompinleil by ncnrtined check or draft upon some United Htatoa de pository or solvent National bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , mudo payable to tbo order of the commissioner of Indian affair" , for at le ist fi per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the United Htntcs In CUSR uny bidder or bidders receiving an nwnrl shall full to promptly oxeonto n contract with rood and sufllclent sureties , otherwise to ho returned to the lilililer. Illils accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified check will not to considered. I-or further Information apply to T. J. MOUQAN , Cammlsilonor. - - KOU HIJIMHNO MATIltll PUOI-03AI-H , mills , tiiiiku , pumps , etc. U. B Indian Service. I'lno Klilko Aunncy , Hhannon Oo , H. I ) . , May 27th , 1S1K. Houled pripo.tln , endorKcd "froposuls fur llulldluir Material , otc. " us the case may bo and addrossMl to thu undortilum'd ut I'lno Uldxo AKenoy. H. I ) . , will bo received at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Juno'Jlit , ihie. for furnishing nn l doliyor- \ivf \ ut various palntuon the I'lno Itlilso Indian reservation to bo iltHlKiiatod by tha inidor- slenod , about 2JO.OOO foot of ut < sorteil lumber : 1COIX > 0 HhltiKlos ; 62 wlndowx : 40 doors ; G.OO.I bricks ; i..4io feet of quarter round Iron , hard ware , paints , rock. Hand , etc. , also flvo IJ ) ten * foot wind mills and powers.wlth tanki.uumu , Kiilvanlzcd Iron plpo , eto. Afull list of all material may bo obtained by application to the iindcmlRHDil. Illddors mo lomilrod to Htt.ta Kpoi'llluully In their bids the profited prli-o of each nrtl- ole offered for delivery under a cnntrnnt. The rlsht Is roiorvod to reject any or ull liliN or any part of uny bid If iluomed for tlio best Interest of the service. OIIKCKH Knoli bid must bo accompanied by n certified chock or draft upon some United States de pository or pnlvent n itlnniil bank In thu vl- ulnlty ot the rusldencit oi the blildnr. mniln payable to the order of the CiiminUsloncrnf Uidlaii Affairs for nt loustllvo pur cent of the amount of the proposal , which chuck or draft will bo forfeited to the United Htatcs In cuso any bldilerorblddiirsrccolvlnBaiiaWHrdshiilJ fall to promptly cxeuuto a contract with RP I | and sutllolent Hiirut'es. ' othorwlno to bo re turned to the bidder. Illds accomimnleil by cash In lieu of a certified chock will not bo considered. Tor further Infnrmatlon us to poliitiiif iloll\ery. transport itlon , iitc . 'JPI'ly ' to UAl'T. ( ir.OIU/i / : I < iIlOY : 1IKUWN , , I' ' . A. . ActliK U. 8. Indian Aiicnt. iii. tl.UM Nutlrii for IHiH. Illda will bo rooolvod btrtho city council of thoeltyof Itiipld f Ity , H. U. until | ! o'olook p. in. , JunoO , Inl/i for the biillilliiu of reservoir and liivlni of lt , uio ft.ot of lu-lnoh east pipe. lo"other w th furnlHhlnu all tlio matiirlaU it-crssary In their construction ijc orillnii to pluns unil Bpoclllmitlonf ' ' ' ' ' " . ! ? fti the city UIIK noorof thn city of Ilapld tlty. Tliosu LlJdlim on both ri' orvolr and lilpo line , or uiKin plpu line nloim. mu-t iiucompiiny the r bjifs with * ccrlllled _ clioalc or nno thoii'anU ( II/UJ ) ilnlluM. Tlioso h ddlnjt on reservoir Mono must accompany tholr blcU with o eortllleil check for two hundred and llfty < I..VM dollars , ehecks to ha drawn upon any solvent bunk In Ht I'aul , lllnnoapolU. Unmhaur Ilapld City , and to bo rottirnod to unniicces ful bidders on the iluy.ot . ( ipvniiu propoals. Illds sh ill bo anolo.ud In plain un vuloppx and shall have plainly written thoro. on llhl for Jlvsurvnlr. or 1'lpu llnu or bill fur liuth lUkorvolror I'lpo line , as the u no may be. The olty council reserves the rlzht to ru- joi-t any or ull bids. Address nil coiumunlou. lloi.stotho CITY AUliI roll. . of It mid City. Hiiiith Dakota. Duted at Hupid City , May 17 , lU. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880 , THE MOST PFI1FEOT OF PENS. U Freque' ntly wnnt n now IDEA. IN ADVBRTiaiNO , without li'il' ' u < Mmu/.i .ttlterlttln'l Iturmil. N. 1' . lift. t The nso of r.timulants in modcra * on it ] recommended by tlio < iscst physi > inns , especially for the weak , i ged and thosu suf- fcriug from pulmonary tr liuart troubles. Is a carefully selected whiskey tlJslillcd from tlio most nutrition'- grain , vir Rye ; unllko Inferior wbiskir mcludin Uour- bens , it will not ra-.p or i.cald thr tur iat or \ stomach It is strictly imro and is luiown by its tloh'clous flavor and the pr iprielaryj bottle in which it isseriod. C , .11 jf Cream , J'nre Kyt and take no ot icr. For ale at nil ! first-class drlnkinp plac s anH drug storca , 5 DALLUMANO ( - CO. , Jhicafio. f Nutlco of Asosiiiiaiit .r ll unj-os fo ( Irnillng To the owners nfill'Int * nan of lots and real osluto along llainllti i stro t , from viaduct orar thu Holt \A a rail v.iy to Yon'aro hereby notlflo the under- slgni'd , three dUInteresleu fruudh' ' ( lorn of tlio city of Oiiialn , have been Inly a uol itod by thu mavor. with the appro nlof 'l.i. cltv coun cil ot said oily , t anness t u d iinfio to thu owners rotpi-otlvoly of tin nrov nircctotl by gradliu Hamilton Hire t. frjni tlio viaduct over the licit l.liio rullwaj to 41th street , do- clureil nccosstry by ordlnnucoNo. 11.021 , passed May Illtli. IC/i approvnit .V ty Mth , 16S2. You are further notified Iliut having aa * copied said apiiolnttncnt. nil duly iiunllUotl at riMiulrnil by law. wo wll on iho b d day of Juno , A. I ) li l attholi.ii * oflO . 'dude In the forenoon , nt the olllcu of lli nhwa.V Oo In the Mct'aguu billldlntf. within linear in llmltil of said oily , moot for tbo tiraosu if connldor- Ing. and makliiK tlio us c3 Hint o iltnnu o to thaiiwncrs riMDoctivnly <' ou ny. af fected by said Krailliiir , tin Inn Into jnt.ldcrn- tloiiHpeclnl bcntillts. If an , Yon are iiotlllcil to bn j resent nt the tlrnn and pliifo aforonald. and i ulio nnj ' .Jectloija toorstateinuiils concern iir said of dumasd nsyoumayl ] ; c. s IINIW\ ; : JAMI Omahn , May 27th , Ik'J ' ! . M"i illol NOTICE OP ASSESS' ( ENTOF 1 VAI- AGKS I-'OIl G JADINC To the owner * ot all lnt > - parts o 'nts anil real catitu ulniiil .Masoi Btcoot , from IBtli street lolMlh streut , S'ou are herohy notlfi I that tl it miller * sltfticil. tliriti dlilnturcstci frcchohlLrri of the cltv of Umahii. have liceji Inly nppot ted by the m.iyor. wltn the iippri , Uif the L.y oun- ell of .nd city , to nssp s lie daniio 10 tha OWIIOM roiiooll | cly of th ; property afTm teil by vradlnv Miisofi struat f Jill iHlh HtiCL v-tU Zuth utruot , ilurliirod iiueo * irv by ord'niu f > II.U7U , passed Ma17 , 1W. approved > luy 1 , \ inro \ > further notlfi d , that Imvmz no * crptcil mil I iiplMilntiiient , mil ilulv iiuiilllleil m rciiulruil by law. wo wil on the 7ti ) day of Juno. A. l > . IW. ' . ut tlio In trot 10 oMoak In the fdrmiiHiii , nt room -in. . y. 1,1 f lilillillnt : . within thu corporulo limit of said city , inuut for thn purliiiso of contlnui \rf \ and rnalclnu as * lflllXIII IgU 10 till ) iwnors ri-spectlvnly ( if Hitld prouerty , ulTectoi by sal I Krndln . taking Into conildcrutlou special 'infill * , i IIIIV. You uro notlflrd to to p isont at tha I'm and place uforuiald aud ute kko any abjuotlurt - , to or itatoincnU concurn U ull HSSOSS no.i f of dumuKtit ut you muyrr ( isldiT proinir. , i. Mcol'l.l.t/t / , ' ' J. " Omahu , My 2V , 1802. iiot NOTICK 01AS8KSS - _ ACJKS l-'Olt GHADIN , USD . - . - - - To the owni-w of all I. . parls-f lots nml ui4lalu aluiu'd ktrtui frum I - notifl d that ' UniMl. three ilUlnterena freolu ty ofOi i.liii.h.ivu . . U.on il , y .ijipointiKl * > y I inuyur. with the upprovul f tlio city'oun . J UH.WU to Uiu ijwn- i imrtv nifiotod by Ixioust to Blionrir by ( j-illiiunco JJM , ul MBv 41 h. IWA YIIU r . ( urvliiir nuHil i , thut liuvliii : ao- I ( , a th 4tli day or of Klo'cliok lii tha U. llrunucr , roonv I. Uitrbl'tk ' - within Uu \ , i rte limits of A intil city , incut for His uur > ( i nf .onuldorlnic und inukliK inn a. o * mo vof ilumuu ( to thu "wiior. fi-MiBoavely of u ! pr < y6rty."nlfoeteU I'y M l iiradlnir. taUinB lilt' counldnratloii liifvlitl bvnullui. It any. " Vim uro nutlllod to lit Iirtmiit at the tlmtC und ulaca nforutald , and i 'tko uny objettlonn ( nor -ttttumuatK cunc rnl I.s . ld T f llltrNNBIl , JAMt-Bb'i'OCKDALn , OwtthB , M y23,1693.