THE OMAHA DA1LT BEE : MONDAY. MAY 30. 1S32. SPBOlflL' NOTICES. I VKKTIMMRNT ! " I Olt THESE A win > * uam until K W T > m lot tie rrenlnr ro nmli fc.33 p.m lor the mornlnj ! or funflnj eat- All nOTcrtlsements In thru * columns * rent * & TDrfl lot timt inwrttoit ana I Mint -worfltlinr iTt r or K i > rr line it * month Jo iu3Tnrtt nicnt taken lorlwstliaBZJerntsJoTtlie Brut Insertion. Term * . ensli In BTanre , initials flrm-rn. rmt > < > ls me. enen roonlai'BwtiTa All aflTprtlwrnpnts trust ran eon- * rctiii i-lf AdTrnlsrrs by recrnet'tlne a numbered rnerk run ham tbe letters BDarrs ra to a tmnv In-red imtrrln cure l Itir Hit Anfn-or to fl- flre wd will 1 * flollrerea on presentation of tbe SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED UADT OF OOOIIAIWRHS" WOU1J1 A like position in pbotoEraph rtnfllo to receive. Callers , stipple pictures , etc. Adams tin lluttle C Darts , general OcllTCTT Omaha , ll B1V-1 ! * - A IlKKSSMAICnn , A POSI A-WANTEIIBT tlontnn family coins awnylorthe nummer or wouldlake. rhi rpe of wardrobes lnaliote.1 water ing | > lact > preferred. Address A 33 , Bee tiffiee. MM2 51 * - , A MTTA'flOV roll A OOOII OKU. A-ArAJTTEII man baker as second band. Address Clans Meyer Kortbhoro la JflWM * i - WANTED rOMTlOS UT A TOrNG MAS AS /Vrlcrk iir driver had experience in rrtallntpre _ _ t wt reference Address A BL Dec office. - ' . BV A TODXC 1.APV A-'WANTCn.TOSrnOJf as assistant In a family coins away for the nm tncr Address AM , lJ e cnicn. UWl SI * H iP. , p-WAJ.TKII. SALESMEN os SALAKT on COM JJmlsslon to handle tbo new pntrnt chemical Ink : crnslnc ) > enelt Tbe rrcstcst nelline novelty i-ror jimfliiwa erases Ink tboronchlr In two necondK no atiraslnn of | iai > ct3JU tn nn jwr cent prollt one m > nt s m let amounted to Km In six Hart , another IC ! lo two hours We want one m-nernl neent In rach state ana territory Tor terms and full par- tlrularn address Monroe Eraser 3tfg Co. .La Cronse , v in , xsc. nw | > -ACC1DEXT1NS. fcOLlClTOBS , 241 BEE BLDO n-soi.nTons is ANT LINE MILL no WIILL Ute call at or nddrrss aa H. T Life Bulldlnr - ISGENTH WASTED IN TIViniT TOWN AND J'city In tke went on extra lllmral ti-rms. to con tbn popnlar ton T ar policy of tbe Mutual llo- derre t und Ufe amoclatlon lso tbe now r 10,11110 combination puller of the I'ruferred Mutual Arcl flmt amoclatlon of New Tork ro < only UK per jcnr for iirefcrrod rlBks : BBVO money by inurine make money liy Teproncntlnc the e wideawake pompanleit lire affects can donlile Ibetr Income Write for circulars and term * to U11. . Ilobtson , General JltnuRtr , Omaha , Neb. 324 . , T > WANTED , HAIiNEHSMAKEHS i TO KKEP JJaway from-Tlnclnnatl , O. . Corlncton and New port. Ky Rtrlke there. M3JC JUT B WANTED. EN TO CANVASS THK dTT , cx | erlence unneoessary ; salary paid weekly , at Mncer omce. lulo Douclaa. M33 J13 B-WA > 'TET > A X.1TC , A' IVE MAN , AHTH some pluck nnd pnsh. to represent us In yonr locamy We have somethtncmttrrilr new that piies. and unless yon can make from C73 lo 20 per month we deut neefi on M > peddllnc Jlettcr write today Address "Manufacturers. " box tms , lloston. Mass B WAKTEII. M IL U. LABOnEHS FOU Wyomlncnnd fronth Dakota. AJbrlebt Labor Apcncy 1121) ) Farnam Btroul. MKIO > -WAKTEII. A COMl'ETEjrr GEUMAS PKDG 'clerk. Address A 111 , Bveomcc. MTtu > WANTED , BOTH KUOM 14 TO 10 TKAB5OLD , JOmaba Box factor } East Omaha. B WA > TED MEMBKKSOFGOODCHARACTnn f or one of the rtronsent mutual benefit as bci atlongintbetfest no initiation. Alno acents for Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluns. Ad- nre Aii. lice JIB7rr.l- T > - 50 LABOKEItS AND TEA ISTEUS FOU CH1 -iJcuce & I < onhwest rn railway In Iowa. J-rw work. 40 f or Cliicaco Uock Inland and Pacific rail way W ) lor Missouri Pnrllie rnhway free fare , SIX ) lorjlontunn Idabo \\ashrncton Kramer & U'Hcam , Liibor Acency , iii boutu Jlth street. EaO-31' _ _ " f > WASTEP. TIJKEE PEnSONS RECEIVE IN"- Jl ntructluns keep hooks In June Situations or no pay J B Smith , SU5 New 1 ork Llf u. W9 28 * "or A vrrm "Rivt A T. " C-WASTEIl , GOODjCWK A-ND LAUNDUESS IN small f anillv. zail Cass street. b44 --WANTED , BVA .GKfiMAX WIDOWEIC A cnod German Catholic srtrl for housckeeprr. Address John Rubles , WeBtplialla , Shulhy ctinuty , towa. llSfiU C-WANTEIl , GIKL FOB GENEKAL JIOUSK- wprfc.UH.So lutbat. BiHKlir _ P WANTED , GIRL TO WOEE IN KITCHEN AT V Torunliousc. < &lHth BU , one block south of courthouse. " bST pIVANTEa A. TOUNG XADTVTUO HAS SO Vyhome and wants a peed home * Call atHHWtl- liams Htn t.-kuucll UinOs , la. MtfJ 20 * /V-WANTtJJ LADY AGENTS. 1UO I'Eir CENT V'proUt Belllnit "Crystal Cream ; " every lady buys. lts tbe Itest. Address with fltamps , Campbell , flrucElit , Clunln , Kan. Mini 1 C -WANTED. A GOOD GIKL rOOl GENERAL bonseworc In lamlly of twot must be a good cook Apply at SZ1 Jackson st- M9o7 SO" POajRENI-HOOSES. "PJ FIVE 11OOM COTTAGE , S10 NOUTH WTH. -l JnqulreHUE Capitol avenue zuSTU-31 * 1\ FOB BENT HOUSES , K TKR MONTH AND J./UPWB . The O. I. Until Co , ISUi faroBm.Cll Cll l-KOH KENT ID-IIOOW HOUSE. MODERN 'USD Durcujiorl st. Inquire at 2C = 11 D MOUSES IN A1O , PAIITS OF THE CITt Ton rent Ceo W P Coutun. JCU * am am St. SUI5 T | > ins-T-Cl.ASS RESIDENCE PLATS. Z OU 4 -L/roaniL , ne r lilocfc. lloom C , 616 h. n'O. T leo - > o , 17B3. D MW AXD BEST I1LT1.T BRICK II BOOJl residence In tlir cllr full cellar , furnace , laun dry and tubs , munlols nnd CTB.IL-S. batu. tlortrlc ls , soeatlnj ; tubes , oak nnhtn. polished floors , t class lu rvury resjiect ; iisphnlt iiavemrnts ; bonlhsuth are , nesr nnnscom nark. kl < md Investment - vestment Co _ ta Joe bide. jam _ -r-CUEAP KE.NT , llOUSta. STOUK3 AND J- fists nt lowest rates. Bmall suits of unfurnished rooms s ppodaltr. t . F. Unas , room 4 Bitbuldlnc. . 3)5KJK KENT. J-UOOM COTTAGE. CO1UTE11 Ith and Caiiltol arouue. 343 T | lJ.-ItCXM HOUSE AND BAOtN = 318 DATJCN- J-'l ort ntrtot. all mad m oonvenloucttii , kaO j > er mo. Tiion K I1&1U ( .07 i'axton bloct. MTUT TJ WODEUN TEN-ROOM DOUSE. FirjC MIN J-'ulfefl * wtilk Irom pUMiofllce ; l e t iocnZloti In city. I * h. hktuntr. 1U4 Y'nnmm ni. JJT71 TTJ-JOB itEKT. A rraxihUCD HKPSE IXJB Ujnly nnd Aupust , near llanscoru park all nod ro couTcnlonons. Address A K , lle . MTS3S1 D I HOB 11E > 'T , H-liCHlM HOUbE IBIS CHICAGO st- ; TJC D - fr-BOOM FTBK1SUED IIOHSE IXIK THE snuimrr Inquire ul XliX > d Bt 7Q 3 r D 11) UOHJil HUCsB WITH BA11N YOU KENT ; furniture lor salu. IsuT I'arrmm st. Tit. _ _ HOTEU CEXTIIA1,1.V . all In coed rupalr 3 II. 1'arruUa. Douclas slock. DUOOU MODKU.V JWCU.1N < > OOBXEB ZTitli and Cajiltol arnnue. lurnlsiied ur unfur slsbnti inqulru ua Pazton block. HID ) -OAT IX U UENT , FOB &ALK -Luuvuuwurtti Mc t HIT D- KENT. A GOOD ICWK JIOOM I1OU&K cbcup modem improvemi-nts , boarluc fruit rs liu lot. Ao SllOiarles Ktrmrt. MMH SIT D KUB 11KNT , COTTAGE OK S BOOMS. REAR of iris t bleapo utreel. n Id MU3& < WTWO TKN-UUQA1 llUlrK HOUSCa.aiOHEltX. 'aubatid Half Uowaro. Ilutvuluson iSeua. . tcth and Douclu * . MWC D-n > u UENT. A 5JounR.vnorj KiraiOiri 'tri > rtcoud repair rli-font loratlon. low runt , t A Kuliu. 1&tn und Donclas D-2fll ) WCIOLWOUTil , 8 IIOUM MUDKU.-V. fJS. ni4Siitb nc-ar H uulwurtl ; 7-rciuns. KU. IliShCd , uvarlurk s ruums , ? 4&- nil ) W euster II ruoms , ninctcm , SIC. K13 f > B-W ne r < uuilnc. mwlern tit , Crl Cumtnc uruoius modern tit , 111 f iBlli , il'rutinis. ttnnlBrn.tH C. T llarrlsou U12 N 1 Lite. POK KEMT FTTBUISHBD BOOBIS. EFl'KMSHED UOOMn WJT11 UUDEUN COK- Tunloncek lull Capital are MTSU 31 * E-LAUuE I'LEAKAST KllONT 11OOUS. NBWLT furnlthed ultli or without Uiard In private tarn Uy. C &ii nth sre twtwnen Jntimn and * worth - MCJ3L.Y l'L'UNlt > lllW UOOMS I-OU llcbt houKukoepluir. no cnlldreu a > > i > tr 17UT MKl W _ 1 NEWLY rUBMMllEU ItOUMbfira OU srltbout iuiard OtUsi. KlU TO ! El' TJi X1CKL.Y KCUX1M1KU llOOMs UODEUK IVX JLjTenluur ts. i > ud location , toruts reasoDabla. U17 K SUtli treul ilui 3IT 17 OUNKEBK5.CC rjS > lTOIl ACCOililODATUU lliai fconh ITUi struct. uijl' RtKIMS TO RKXT WITH imodern DMOroulunces. Sll Dtiuclai ctrttot. J15 Eniujcibiiiu UOUMS , MODKUN CQNVKN- Inures , luay i'ark sveuuti. 17-rt.TlMiOlED KIK S1 TIUVATIC Juiuaern eunvruleuws. 1HU1 Califurnls st. , rrlw * un > srviuln ) < a Mm 3 * g-ttOOMR WITH Oil WITHOUT BOAUII. fill B KENT Xl < JO.Y tTttWiaiBU IHKUIS. uaersi coUTcaleneu. , wllta ut without buard , FNlrEl.i"viUKlSU UJ3UKHib elaM IwarO , 0 tmuiiiC auvul. XI : j . enable Tor tbe summer also rooms Ttir 218 > Ifth utreet. MSCi TO * rue AS ANT nooMS WITH rtnsr OLA S board. llr Terences , III S.O SUth t. WT y ron HK-NT. rrttvi = nsD ROOMS WITH first class Imarfl. I7TI Davenport st WS-r , NICELY FntXI UEl > ftorTH FBO > T 11OO.M , I with board , for two pentlennm SB " " , -PBMUAnLE O1TE OF nilST flXJOIl 11OOMS with Miotlmrn cxpoiinre vnltclile lor small family or lour centlemen also second anO third floor south rooms. HoS 3Mb utreetTlio Tren- set aisc a * pi TWO JOCELT FCEXlbUED IIOOMP FIll T rlass board 1VU7 Dodce M' 17-PLEASANT rnoxr HOOMS WITH JL clasp board. Ml N IBth. KM * rnosr BOOMS IWTTH - lii-d * . rtnelenrrnenltc Brut cla > tattle. ABflrp 1B1P Fcrnnm : K HOOMS WITH HOARD 11HFJ Ti'tii-es 2711 rarnam. MD36 4 * F - . WITU noAiin. inr CHICASO .rert. Msrai I1 rOH.HEST TTUi'UitNISHED EOOKSl G-f-on iimrr 4 t'KmiNisnED IICKIMS , suitable 4or Luunokm-plnc. ITTB Webslor street M4SI pi nrrDKNisiiEt > cnAMnidis ron V kpFpltic to man and wtf e t < o children. 31 J < ITtb. 42U 1 KitONT SUITE. Alr 0 OSE IIE J1TB- GST , d room 531 * Uarnrjrrfuronce 8. 81 * BOAB.DIN&T PCLtaiAJC HOL'SK , 1S10 1K > ! JK POU OOOD httard nice TOomB , noaraulencds , rate a &d loca tion it cannot l > o cicnilol ilrs. llorn , pro p TDK KENT STOHES AND OrFICES. 1 VOK IlKNT , THE t-STOUr IIIUCK limDINO Din y arnam st. The bulldlni hai a llreprimf re nitmt ImMrmont , corupletu stcamhcatln ; ttxtnrm , water nn all the tloors , cas , me. Apply at the u.Tlcj of The Boe. U19 L POlt HUNT , BTOUE aXffl. 1118 JACKBOK MR T COaSKB HTOttK. CONSIDERING THE 1.OW J-renV thr HortJocutlou In tba city for business. Goorpc CluuBtsr , 7Ul > ouh lUlb Rtreut. 5IT1C T T\rOEXCl".l,1.nXTSTOllKiANI ! ) FLATS FOK J-rcat tn cocid location. cxtremolT cheap. Lovrtt & Woodman. 3V bouUi 12tb st. 723-4. STOB.K BOOM ID ! N NTH ST. , OOOI > JX > CA- J-tlon lor drnc store A ] < ply J. 11.1'arrotte.ixiunlns block. 617 all' T iTORCB. vrrm FIITCUKS coMPiirrE J-crocnr7 ilrncs and meat markiit. lata and hmuin JL Tlrard , 24Oi nnd Davenport. HS1 1 * EENTAL AGENCIES. E.C GAJtnx & co. , aw fciiKEijrr BLOCK. J KIT STOKAQE. 11 T OLDEST CHEAPEST AX1) J1E T STORAGE Jlbousc In the city Williams t CTOBS Jill Uarnry. me TVT CLEAK. Iltr AJTI ) PntTATELT STORED U-f urntture. Xlvattnc KtoTCB Btornd orer eummcr. 13JT HouKlnt nt. Umaha S'.ovc Bepalr works. I > IV WANTill ) TO BDT N" FTRKITtrKE BO0GHT , HOLD , fcTOKED. Wells. 1111 Jarnam ft. can 10KOOM B1VELL1KG WEST PA11T OF . cltr cash , no trade , ' muni bechoap , full panic ulon J ) K Stclcbelman , 1st National bank. CU TV" * GOOD SECOQfD-ILAXD SAKE. AnUUE-S , x > A15 Ueo Mffll 1 * / - . COXTKXTs OF U IIOOM HOUSK. ELEGANT \J ci-nfls. at anctlon , 10 a. TO. , Tuesday. Mny lst , nt lam Farnam street ILtVolio. - SALE HOESES. WAGONS , ETC. I > -TOn SALU TEX WOBK HOUSES AXD TWO peed drivers. Inquire at Barrett's Btablus Dodce struct , near belt line. p-MOKTGAGEE BALE. HOE8E , BUGGT , H/Ul -t ness , rtc. 31unt lw Bold at once. Omaba Mort caceLonnCo. Itoomll. Crelcbton block , l&tb at. sonth of poxtotBce. MOID I-OK S VLB CHEAP , I OOOD MABE. 1 BUCKboard - board and I wagon. lnqulroH3 > . JCth Bt. P-FOU SALE. A CHEAP MABE. HAKN EbS AND bugiry. also good cow , quick. B1U1 California street. - . P GOOD. GEJ.TLE FA > IILT MAKE. HABNESS and top buggy , S1UO ; very cheap. Hi S. ZTith ave. K1-2H * 'FOB. S AT.Tt TlffTRriTrr.T. ATq-p Q-KOU SALE , A SEW. ELEGANT UKUGHT Baebr piano , direct from tbe lactory. Instru ments of this make can ho seen at Max Meyer & Bro . will will this at a great sacrifice. II you mean business uddreis2,7 , BeeotDca. SIC Q BCTIEENS. BUBBOWES1 PATENT. BEST ON earth. Made to nt windows. Used in best resi dences in Omaha and elsewhere Can be taken out and replaced by anyone m a moment. If yon need screens , get our nsUmate. William J. Welshaus , agent , lloum 114 Karbach block. , Neb , Q roll SALK , ONE BILLIAIID AND OJTE I-OOL tnblc. llrunswIck-BalkeiziRkti , almost new. In- qitire ut Grand -hotel. Council Blugs. S40 Q SO VIKWS OF THK SIOUX CITr FLOOD mulledto any address on receipt of C.OO ; the only complete set ; taken during and after tbe flood Western View Co. . Blum City , la. 73tr O GltADEJKESETOOffS FOIl SALE CHEAP. i A drtrcss box Sib , city 11HJ7 1- FOU SALE , BABV CAlUllAGE TN GOOD HE Qi pair. III" . S. lath street , "The Premier. " M6B8 JO- \ FOK SALE. GOOD UU1C MEAL CAROLINE tmove. 31& Poucias. 67W 1 * \-TOll BALE , ITUSTMO11TGAGE OF ! 5.00aOU. CDunnwn & Co. SlftrB 81 / \-TINS tri'lUCHT MANO , COOD AS .NEW. 2BS VatCaldwnll. MW3S1 JSHSCELLANEOUS. T > CAJf AI > 1i AITKM p orMENTOl'ricE,153Si FAB- -TVuum. upatalrs , mole and female belli. * E SCKBCUBE GUAllASTEED FOll OFFEX- > stre swuatlui ; le l aud vwea.tlncr undur tue arms , bend for circular. Lleblc Medical Co , eontta llBud , luu. > WAJKTUD. TO LKASK SMALL > safe , AQdruiis , All , Bix > office. JUTTT . * ! ; - MHS. SANNIK V , WAUKCK. CLAlUVOlTAN r. ? rcllableliuiiln ssiuirUuiu , Hftli roar nt Ilk ) N into. J M11S. HAWTflyEX. UELIABLE o * . . . meulum , C9 N llth Rtroct , corner of Weuctcr bundnys eirn-ptcd C MAI > AS1E riUTZ.SS50 CUMING STBKET , OnlnirTo ant nntl trance medium , iadet fndeut rolccs ; tells i > ast and future AlJtll Jlr- Q AIUUVAii ItXTIlAOUDlhABV , WONTKIIFLTL , dnrrelatlons. CiiollunKes tb worllL Mrs. l > r M. I ecrare , uead tranjie vlulrrojrant. nstroloclst , lialmist and i'Je Ti-ader , lulls your Hie from tl e cradle to crave ; unites tlia separated , pauses miir- rliico with tun onrjon love lulls wluiroyou vlll * no * d osd in wnat business bent annptea Ion lias tlm nt'li'lTHtoii KcyiaU-ntreuatirtate fur Jueknnd to dostror bad tnliuun'-Bs. cur-s fin , Intemperance and all | > rlrate nomiilulnta wltli nutssaee. usftbs and alcouol treatment > end Si.00. Jock of burr , name-and Out * uf birtii and recutre j > coursiulll ciiart. S cents lu stamps for circular : ( rive IniUaU of onr jou will uinrrr. also iibolutof same. Dnitre lUirxintb 11 til striMJt. first flour hours. U m. Km p. m. Clime oue. cume nil , aud OB dinrlticad of tnls wnnderf ul iiracl t MK1C 3 * KASSAOE , BATHS. ETC. rpaiA * < tiAaB THKATMKJJT ELBCTUO-TIIEB -L mat Imtus. scalp aud iialr treatment , manicure and ctilropudist. Air * . rusu lV-t S.litu , Wacuull blk CU rpi MI S BTOWE. MAiiBUbE EiECTIUClAX , las ilunice block MT4b-ar A-MADAMK LA IIDC , MA.SSi.GK. 410 SOUTH litli t 3d Ituur tlut-4. asslsutut. rp MADAME SMITH 11Z1 IXJUliLAS BTUEET. i tooai T , M fluur Alcohol , nulptaur and sea baths. . AHT AMJj LAKQtTAGE. \ T G K CtXLKNBKCK , HAKJO TEA Cll KU , * with lii > j > c ur Ms > utii st. wr ATBKKOUIC ucnriNa A I-IAKO &XAMINE THE ' uew sealo Kluibal ! piano. A llospe , 1M2 Douglas. LOAN UKAX , ESXAT . --ccNTitAi. LOAN A TIJUSI cu UKK BLDG 01 \T T ! XA > t OS IIU'KOVEOAVUUKIMI'UOVCD ' clU | .ro w > rtjr KUJJU and vt > waras.kto i > ar unnt- ran-ntcemlth 4 CuJJiu una llarnt-r cx -f W KAIKBr 11S01U.UA X T B'K 10,113 Cttjrmortcases. U > wo lr tr Mime ? cm USD a 121 Tir-ruirATE II luaui.low fates. Alex , llouro.401 live iTulldiuje eat " \ HAUIUSON. vu N r J-Kll 42KVT AlOKtrNET TO ersuoOiuaUaclty u-oiwrty No onra charcta ( if any klud. V by ) > ay lileu ru c * aluuey is Uicap 1 Bcan nvt full lH > i > nt uf low rates from Glob * 1 jmu A. iTUsl Cc ICtb aua Xmara. liH \\r-MOffnr TO LOAK < IN IMI-UOVKO CITF 11 jiruKirr. low rat * A C KrusX , l > ouyUa bituc uc \\T-KKAi , IftTTATlS LOAKS i TO t HEB CENT I' no adliuoual Oiarvs * fur cuunulMlon or attor- ttcr iBcmW U. XoiU * . First KaUo&al buUcbldf CU TO LOAST-HEA1 , Z3TA.TZ. ConTimirA B * , r Ufa , Ipnas at low nttB * fn- choice s cnrltr OB > phmi > ta ur Iowa farms or Omaba dtr j rt r BrtyC3S \ \ * OMAHA SHV7NG * BANK MAKES 1X > ANS ' * en rral mati > Bt lom > st market ratns. I.oan made In small or larpp ium atifl lor short or lone limn. > o rommlsslon is elia-cra unfl tbe loans srp net sciia tn the i-n L but can alwtif s bg iound nt the bank on tbe corner ol 13th and Douclai nuimtsGK GK A\-nc.ueo TO idiAKi.sf&i s OF r ooo r WAIII > S . ' i can jilsce loans on anr Inside imprerea prop erly to nuy amount wlii-re ralne is back of the loan. Ames Una ! E tatB ACPPCT. 1H7 Farnam st. ( U4 \V EASTEllX MONET 1XAXEU. GUU W P. M Cnates , rrn. 10)4 I arnam it M1M W UJAKS O G WALuaCeTsiS BIIOWK BLkT CW _ t _ TTr MONET TO IX ) AK OK HEAL ESTATE. THE li O r Paris Co UO > Tarnnm st. Cll V-MONET TO LOAN. 3. It ZITTLE , JS11OWN W LIONET TO LOAJf Oi * IMI-JtOTiCD OH T > tmproTrd Omaha prnprrW at lowest rates on ill on tiutlrn. Caib on baud. nUellty Trust rom pan ; 1CU l < arnam iitreev Tea rt'nojrr ronenr THAT VTE xnc MAKING 11 low ratr * on Improrpd and cnlmprort'd loaua onOmRlia in-oiiprtf T delay and all tiuntnesa trananctnd ut tbl > nfflce. IldoUtr Truit oompanr , 3014 Karnam titriav 7GR TO LOAN CHATTELS. X-W LJJ 1XAX MO.VKT OX AJ.T K1M1 Or BBonrltr Btrlt-tlr cnnQdintlat. A. JC. llaarn , room \ , Continental Itlock. C3S x- .s , LL C WAKT A CHATTEL LOAN SElS JL liarla , room a , Continental block. wu V OTOC WANT MOMEl VIf o. do not fall to cot our rates before bor- rowlns We mukp loans without flplay imbllcltr or ramorn ! of property on turnlttiro. pianos , lioiics wacons etc. nt the lowent pOHilble rate. We win carry tbe loan lone UB jon dcBlrc , dr IncyoutbeprirllczD of payluc llln full or In part nt any time to suit your onnrrnlence and any part paid reduce * tbe cost of carrjlnc the luan 111 pro * portion to the amount paid Them nre no charges of nny kind to lie paid In advance , but you put tbe lull auiouct of the loan If yon bare a loan with otlinr .parties , or liare tiouctit a piano or other .furniture on time nnd Una tbe payments a little larfnir than you can con * "rrnluntly we will pay It for you ana carry the loan &s lone n * you dcntre. It will be to your advantage to Bee u before se curine a loan. loan.OMAHA MOtlTG AGE LOAN CO. Uoomll Crelcblon Block. 1Kb atfcouth of poBtomee , " MOKEY TO LOAS. FIDEL1TT LOAX GOABJLXTEE COi On liousubold poods , pianos , orpins , norses. mnles , wagons , etc at the lowest ponnlble rales without publicity , remoral of property or chance Of ItDBKCBSlOn : Payments of any amount can be made al any time , rednclnc luith principal and Interest , thnsclT- Inr patrons all the bencQU of the partial payment plan. .Money alwayi on band : no delay ; 110 pnbllclty ; lowetit rntiiBi buslncBB confidentlaL FllJELlTV LOAJSGCAllANTEE CO CS ! It 4. Wlthnull blkloth nnd Harney. y jiojnsr TO LOAN , taiATTEL UOUTGAGB VSD , Bu , SUdays , onlnrnlturo , phuios. live BtocE. etc. without publicity or removal of property , at tbe lowest Tatos and tbe easiest payments No dutay , Cash on haud. IuC Ureon , iL S and 'J , Barker lilt. f41 -S10 , CS , IM. 1100. ANT StTM TO LOAN OJ. nlture. hones , or any cued security ; lowest rates .Nebraska Loan Co 1.11C Douclas nt. 1ST X -CHATTLK LOANd JC2N. T.LIFXLVKS VKS 34 * K OS.IIUO TO LOAN ON CHATTEL EECCBITT builuess confidontlaL lloom tin JIarbach block. BUSINESS CHANCES. T FOB SALE THE FCRNITCEE AND LEASE of a S3-room hotel and barroom , Bteam beat , electric Debt , cimtrully located dollip a coed bust EL-BO. Dun Green. Barker block. M0Z7-4 * Y FOE SALE NOT THADE-STOCHt OF GB.O ccrles , OTDK5 , hotel , boots and Bhoes , : ir 3te office. 44D-30 * S 4 CAiH. I'EUHAPS HALF. BAi.ANCE IN trottrlnc bred ntaUlont and a yunnir paclnc said Inc that can heat 2o tbree times to cxcbance for a { rood ptock of merchandise or clear land. "M rite lor particulars , H. Clambcrllni Kcumej'i..seb. _ 7K-JS V FOB SALE , EXCHANGE OU BENT. HOTEL -L Brcsee , East Omuha. luqulre on premises M77C SP FOB SALE , MEAT MAUKKT. COMI'LETE ; good trade and location. Investigate If yon want paylnc market at reasonable price. Caller or write Pancoast i C'o Ashland , Nub. 31760 30 * CON ACCOUNT OF THE OWNEB HAVING taken a government contract reqcirtni : his en tire time be will Bell bis prosperous business In the city. C.50UOU BtoLC. clears & &ODU | > er month : no trade. AddreHB A ri Bee oQlce. Mbul 80 * Y LIVKBT STOCK AK1) LKAfcE OS MOST profitable stable in OmaUa for sale on account of other business. Stuck about K.OUO.UU. Address A 24 , Bee office. MHO ) 30- V A. GOOD CHANCE I HAVE FOB ALE A -i- stock of groceries and flctnrea tn C idar liaplds , la. , a town of twenty-thousand population , , stock and fixtures v-ill Invoice betwuei. nre and lxthou sand dollars. Best location In the city ; tradeurnt- clasB. Good reaton given for selling one hut those who mean busltiuBs need write JLddresg K. il 154 1'nd Htrect , West Cedar llaplds , la , M&31 IT y FOtt SAL1. , fcTOCE OF JttlLUNEBr GOODS. For purtlculars address. , J , V. Hackett. Sy cuse , Neh. lk.r-l Y-THE JJEST PATING HOTEL 3N f OUTH Omaha ; owner about to encage in other liual- nesB , this Is a bargain , aionahan i O"3iell , 141 ! ) N Btroet , so Omaha. hiC 3 * V CAfcH AU ) FOB ENDOWMENT POLICIES- J in old line companies bend description. A. K. BrockleBby. hex ZU , Hartford. Conn. M1CS 1V FOB SALE. POCB-CHA1I1 BAU2EII OUTFIT at a bargain , or win lease on favorable terms Address A b.fce office. KH-4 T I WANT TO KENT BLACKSMITH SHOP IN BOme live Nvlrraska town. Address 407 East 3d street. Grand Inland. Mib. HUM ] Y WELL EfcTABLl HED Gtt ( CEUr HOUfeE , good location , clie&p rent , a bargain. Omaha llval Estate and Trent Co. , Be building. SIS18 3IT Y FOll UENT. LABGE BUICK HOTEL , SITU nled In one of the best hotel towns in Kansas. 1'or particulars address Box 17 , alaryvllle , Kansas FOB EXCHANGE. J CLEAN STOCK OF GEllEOAL 31 D.S E , WILL Jtakii real estate & money Box 23uFrunkf orUnd. w : V UNlNCtTMBEIlED LAJ-Ds IK EASTEUN NE- < brasl.a und Kansas for good Inside Omaha c Coonell BluOii property Address Bees A HlUls. Emporhi , Kun. M77V324 * Zu : CHICAGO LOTS FOB NEBRASKA nds. J. W btriitton , Waboo , Neb. Jdl > C5 Ji- Z DKalUEABLE 1MPUOVKD ASfD UN1M- proved city properly lor first-class tarm lands Addrrsa. Central Meat Laud Co. , First Nat. bauk bnlldluc. blu : I9 Z IFTOU WANT TO HUT A GOOD or wish to dispose of your businosi list It wit -L. L. Johnson. I'.U Paxion block. CJf J13 ] FlttPTCLAhS CITT ' Z ritOI'EBTV TO EX- rbanKe forcnod farm land in Nubr- * : and Iowa ttend full descrlptlpn of bind t P : exchance. Gcurfc-o N llh t .TlLi X r Life Idde. MSL31 Z BJillO STOCK GKNEUALaiKRuHAf/DlSi : f jUtcai > h , balance deahralile real estate. Box Ct4 , Uastlnpi , Nub bil 31 * Z FOB EXCHANGE FINE BErlDENCE. .NEW 13 rooms , modern Improvemunts , on motor lino. 1 mile from paslonion. Will exebanza tor good business lot or arm lauds. W. , P O. bux Oo3 , Omaha. JJT ? y-IFTOnUAVKAt OUD DI'BIGHT PIANO TO / tradelor lot 4C , block 1 , Armour Placa , faoatti Omabu , clear uf all incuiubriuiOH Addrvis S 41 Bee omcc. Z-STAKDABD BBEI ) HOUSES FOB CLEAB farms or lota. B. J Kendall , 403 Brown Blk SSS JIU y-WANTEI , GOOD , TOCNG IJUIVINC HOBSE JJIn exchaiice lor one yuar's lease o ( I rooms al Zlst utid Orate U O V Butts , Buom 4tlk > e Build , - WANTED , GENCIIAL MEUrilANDISE KOU cash mid real estate , 1' , O. buz blO. &L Paul. N b ZA gECTION OF LAND IK 1.OBTH I1AKOTA 4 nilles from railroad , tie IwUer Mill in the Btsle , title iHirlncu abstract f urnlsbBd , no locum brauer ; will exchange tor Omaha property Ad HrL-ssAK Bue. ; a-i * V-FOU S > ALE OU TBA1IK FOB .Oigood organ Address tab M ) s > tu Wt HOC y I-OK SALE-EEA1. ESTATE , Xm SALE OK MO.VTHLT PAVMENl-a , houses AlotS. TbeU f.UsvtiCo , liUjFarnumst til poll SALE OB EXCHANGE. 1UU GOOD FAHMrl IX i Ic Nebraska und Uaauta Luther SllUer. irJ-tU , Neb. M7V111 Jl r OltbALK UOMKriAKr PiUCE. tao , ( LSU UP X easr term * , lake clear uroiwny as first payment G. U M allacti. Brown Cluck , lath ana Douglas C15 TTOll BALE AT A KAUGAIN. LOT li. BLOCK J , AWL. belbys Orst addition to &ouUi Omaba : small paymiiiit down , ba.laun > monthly If du lrt-d. lugulrs C 11. Tachucs , Omaba Boo. ial AntW MOttK OF THOSE t AN1 > lll-ACUB tracts on Wust Doflje xrwit , at SIM par acre Others ask for ln aame dhuauc * out OuntaU ths icsatr WrtiUt t. Lubury , luih ana Ho ward. ward.HIM -BEAXt ESTATE. T ITT TOTB 3CKnKAf.RJl LA.VD5 WITH K L. XUohnson. C14 Pazton blluKi Omaha. POK SALK OH EXCHArfGE fnTTAO ! FBO.VT- T inc * onth on Wel Cnmlnc it la Carthage addl tlon Cvn roomn. large a nc. pantry closets , fore * pump drtern. cesspool , ii * mented rpllar conven iently arrangnd. well bnlltimid flnHbed In hard pine. ITlco. JS40U AVlll take. a lot as part psvni nt , halaner to salt. Ajiply Ji , W K Knrtx , 71t N V Lye Bldg c 4 ( ? _ _ Rill RALK. TOO ACRESI > F NEBRASKA LANI1. it grnat BBcrinee. Apujf tor parlleulSM to O U Peterson , owner 111 : 313th si. umuba umubaMCT MCT mSl LACK BAKGSlN5-a-KOOM DWKLL- IVlnc. KuSO. ! ) ! ) . Will taW rlear lot e flrat ) 'ny- ment , Imlanee KO.UO r > rr month J J Gibson. Bole agrnt Kountte Place. First National bank (35 . BEAirriFiJL VILLA Acani LOTS I- within a few blocks of motor und school , in Council BlnBs , 1.0UO to (1X0. Will hulld to ult purchaser Tlinse lots have pletrant lawn and shade trees of dm and walnut and are offered ut tb prlee of a fifth rale aO Tt. lot tn Umaha S miles from any- hera David JamlCBOn,44Z Bee bids MSU3 T OTS IN UAZGL TE11KACE AIHHT1ON. l/ > -IJcatod three Mocks Bontv of Vlnton street , be tween llltb and Suth Btrertis ; p/lees riuu to rroo B ch t25 flown and SID a month , ? per rent Interest title perfect and abstract given lo each purchaser Heed . SK Board of Trad * MSM 30 C-I01STUE CASH PATME > T RnCjnBKD OS A % , lot In MirriOan Place. 43d and Leavenworth , cal anre no a month , 7 per cent Intorcitt , prlees fCi-X ) ctidi tree abstract ctrnn. Beed & Selbr.'ZB Board of Trade. lutM 7HI FOB BALI -IHICKIM COTTAGn , AND 40X1SO-FOOT lot. cheap. Anna 1'oC , ath and bwan street , Albright. ELEGANT HOMES BUILT TO OllDEll. CALL on K. 1 Utnger. lilll 1 arnam st. select vourlot and a modern bouse * 111 he butlt inside of ninety dnys sewer water and gas , Icsa than one mile trom poBlontce. easy walking atntanee to business , churcUnsand Jllgb school , save car Tare ronBlditr- Inr location mi snob opportunity has been or will l > engnln ntrcrcd , prices lowiu- than Bame IIOUBOB two to three miles from buslncKB center f-k-U to sh ; balance monthly pnymeuts. use 3 * T OSEHILL.BFAnnFDL.lIISH ANDhlGHTLY , JV150 lotB on motor line will be olJered for sale , commencing Juuol. Kurr terms CaB and see us. Star Loan und Trust Co , Bole ngentB 11IU7 30 LOB SAI4E LOT 13 , BLOCK in BOUTU OMAHA. JL corner 24th und E street * . C.OUU Lots 12 and 12 , block a Orchard Hill , corner one Mock trom motor ilM Forty acres hetwncn Newport and Cote Hrllllante , 1301) ) prr ncre. Will sell In five acre tracU. J-tiur ncrcB In Waahlnrton Hill * ( OUU Ten acres on lioth Btroet , just north of Fort Omaha , corners with new park Eli.Ooa Thlrtr-sBven nrn-s on Council Blnfls' bottom , half block from Broadway. Larce Bla hie at ll > th and Charles street. Com to acuats. b. h. Curtis. 208 S lath striwt. / IOTTAGE.ZSTH AND WCK1LWOBTU , JS.CiO. VLot. . aith and Woolworth. HJSJO. Lot Sid and Dnronport , C.200. Cottagn--2th and Chicago. H.TSO. Cottase , ath , near N , bouth Omaba. f'.KH. Bnslnem property , N , South Omaha , 15,303 Business property. 10th t _ KJUi Cottage , 2ith and Grant , SXUUO Cottage and barn , nth and Charles , K.9X. All bargains. C. F Harrison. 1112 Jf. T. Life. Two clear lots , MoCormlck's Zd add , n,6UB. or wll add Sjiuu for income bearing property , a K. liar rtson.DW N r. Llfo. 739 IS FOB BENT PASTURES. WANTED , rr HOUSES TO PASTUilE AT Deer Creek Lodge twelve miles north of Omaha , hlne crass shade and running watvr Stock called for nnd delivered OrvIIle C. Johusoo , UJ7 Paxton block. Omah TelephoneSJS. 11O J7 ASTCBE FOB CATTLE &HOESES. T.MUBAT. JIB TT"E HAVE THE BET HOUSE PAiTTllE IN i ' this state nt GlUuord stKEIon thrtfi miles south of 5outh Omaha ; ICO acrea.uiue grass , nprlng water , broad 1cm e. Have a pooCtnU mile track on tbe farm Will take a few bopsrtur colts to break or train. Barton JL I'belps or A. W. I'helps & Son , .New lort Life building. M7&T-JS4 * l OST. O3T. NECKLACE WITH CHCMS SET. TVITH cural , in car on Farnam'or between loan d 14. Finder please return to JSCl .bheramu ave. , andget reward. " - TTArR GOODS. TAJIGEST STOCK IN KNT1BE WEST ; THEAT- J-Jrlral wigs end beards a upeclalty. Wigs , bangs , switches , hair chains. tc , Tsend for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. Davis * . Ill 5Ijth st. Ooiaha. i C4S. LOAN prt'lCH ILIO DODGE ST. ' ' - - MCT f WOSiiK , OFFICE -fill If FJUIXAal ir f C4 A LT , KINDS OF SECOND HANU , CLOTHING , xx-wutcbes. clocks , musical InstrnmenCs and shoot ing vrare bought atihe highest prices at SJ4 A. lilt h Btreet ; especially ovorcoats. orders sollcltod. JM9.T1 4 * EOTELS. LINDELL HOTEL. NINTH AND FABNAM. S1.SO per day ; Bpeciul rates by tbe week- 32ANTTFACTITEING JEWELEES. / IASU PA1IJFOB OLDGOLD. CABi > ON 4 BAVKi V-'roorn au. Barker mocx Omaha. 120 RENf I K C TYPEW TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST IN THE WORLD ! Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1807 Farnam Street. OMAHA DB.E. a WEST'S XEBVEANDBBAINTBEAT- 11ENT. a specine lor BjstorU. Dlizlnim. FU. . Sen rucla , ileaHaoue. Nervous 1'rujtrslon caused or alcohol or tonanco , WakcTnlnest , aieul&l Deurei- slon , SQJtneo of tbe Brain , canilns insanltr , mlsorr flncoj. Heath. Promsture Ola AEO , Barrenosi Lan ° f tower ln "i"1" * * Impotencr. I ucorrhea sal all Female Weaknesses. Inroluntarr Losses , apor matorriiea cansna by OTej ererUon of tlie brain boll-anuse orer-luuulsenoa. A montu'i traatment SI , C lor Si , bf mall. Wecuannleeslr boxes to cur * Eacn order tor * bozoi. wltta U wlU BOQO wrlttnn cuarantre to refund If not enreo. Onarantee l.tsu- onlr njr A. hcbroter , drncKl > sole ugont , south & corner 16th and r'urnam sis , Omaha. PLJaklP CURB Anew an4 Complete Treatment , eonilsllnfr oj Suppositories. Ointment In napsnlea. also In Bor and Pills , a Posture Cure for Erti-rnal , Internal blindnr BlwuIlneHchlnc. Chronic , BeogntorHeredl- torj Piles Tuls Rumear has nerer buen known to fall , n pur bor. D Tori ) , eent brmulL Wlir suffer from tnls terrible disease when a written puaraulue Is posttlrelr piren with e bozei or refund tbe rooner if not cured "K-nd stamp for free Sample. Guarantee Issued br Uutan i Co , Drucelsts , hole Agents , corner lCandZio = tlas streets , Omalia , Neb * tul rj _ . _ RIPANS TABUlES -Uie OuiuiiUilJveraaa buwtflh.purt ? Xoj a Bify the blood , an ? sate and eOeeiuuli * : /a.P"3 l txa niwUeuir loiowu tor biliousJ fo . u Spyo0MH , cons ipBtfon , dyiicpoia , fuu2 IE U& ' breuth. httMiMclKTuewthurn. iosi of F UVeiUuu.uuuples. sulliiw oomplex- * imuandrTerTdiseaservsnluncrlroni * Impurenloc1 o-arullurrtiiiUiestomeu.iiT tcouiius xo p rt1' " "i t > > M proper fuuctions. lcn < nm iet hniBul. JTlrrln'mull 1 | nrisi s21 sunple.lte * { 1UPXN ! > CHClltCAl. CO lt > prucetlt _ > t > w VorL s e e s o - ; > -t.t. RR1LWRYT1MEGHRD. 1-P.BTBI ICHICABO ni'RL.lVGTJS A V ) AtTJTB Omaha. I > r ) > nt JOth nnS Mi Ontalia ( ii r m K.IU a m t.Sfc a mi W a m 1J.80 p m , . . Cbleara Kipri > „ C.K p m C.M p m Clilraro & lnwa Ix > cs\ tin p m Leaves , BiKU > GTOA 4 MO lilt Cll Arrive * Omaha. ' tHrol lllth ana Ma on t _ Omaha. 10 Jfa TO Iteorrr Vmtllmle Ijtmtttil 4 ( IS p m 10.1& a m. od ErpTtwt , 40Jp m HO p m fi.r > a m 4 40 f JH „ .Unnrcr Erpm 11 40 p mre .lln in ; l ocal re EJ5 a m .Uccotn a a Leaves 1 K. i. . , ST J A C II A. TIC Omaha. " Omi Wa a m . . Knrnai City I > T J".ii > rBs U.DO p m < > p mitv C. Nlrbt Kip via tl ! Tran < C4I ) a m Gome CUH AOU K. L * I'ACIKJC from 1 Union Depot loth A Marey Sti Kn-t. 1U.IU ami . . . .Atlantic Kxpress . . . - C-10 p m 4.IS m _ . . . Vestibule Express . . _ 110pm RJO p m - * . Mcht Kxpress . . . . * . 5.48 m SJ)5 ) am . . - . * . Fast Express . . 103 n m ] UlllUAOU li. S. & 1 \Vl t. I Pnlon Itopot Ifrth and Marcy 9ts 1 ai p m , „ . . . . . . . .Oenvnr Llmlte'd 3 n p m 1.05 a m . . . . . - . last Exnreis IU13 a m 84XJ a m KansasCttv ( Except Sunday Leaves | UMO.N PAH rib. i Arrives Omaha. i Union PepotlOth and Marry 9s , Omaha. > a m . . . Beatrice Express . * . > * .4C p m t'S a m.Denver Ernntss. . . „ . . I 4 Di p m S.1 * piu . . . . . .Ovcrlanai'lyer. . . „ T.03 p m 1.15 p m BlneSp'cs&PtrmsbsExlex Sunrl3 ) p m C.M p ra . . . . . . facine Kxnreis. . 10.40 * . m C.15 p m . Itnuver Fa < t Mall . Xnavcs [ CHICAGO. MIL. 1 il I'AlljIArroe r Omaha i U ' ocnot nnd Marer Ht < i Oniahs ? u.i p m i . . . , IIUL > a m 1133 B ml Chicago Exprcia. . 4.70 p m eaves I SIOUX CUT ft I'AClFll. Arrives Omahsl Depot. 1Mb nnd Mnrey ats I tnnshi _ * i jjji ' . . . "Sioux Olty 1'assonjre . . * . ll'2ii p m i3a p mi . M. Iliul ETrpre s 'luOOa ' m Leaves i S1OHX ( .aTV A 1 Omnha1 Depot. I5th and M h t-r l Omaba [ y i Leaves I K K. : J1O.ALAiKi' Arrlvei Oiuaha'K ' 1'itb und Wdlmtor 9tx. ! OmiUl tJOU a m . . . . liendwoba Express „ . . j 6.3J p m B.OO a m 'Ex. Sat. ) Wro Erp. ( Ex. Mon ) ' SSJp m L.W p m . Norfolk ( Kx. Sunday J. . . . ll.U a m IM p m „ -St. Panl TSxnroii * ) a m JeaTOB . thT. . P. . Mi * O. Armes Omaha I I > pot. lith and Webster Bts Omaha . . i . .Slcux City Acoommodatloa MUj p m I : . ! p tn Sioux City Express ( Ux.-Snnd'yi .1Z4J p m 1 6.45 p mi . . . _ St. Paul Limited . . _ lJt > a m ilf > p m Bancroft Pa < s ngBr tKx. Snnd'yi ' B.4J a m Leaves 1 tjlOUi C1TV 4 PACIFIC. Arrives Transfer ! Pnlon Iipot. Council Jllufls. * Tranafer 7.4& a m . .tiloux City Accommodation . .1C.UO p m UO p 771 j , i - ' P .nl Krpi i ii r' B 40 a m . Exhaustion. InBomnia Pain i tne liacc. Cola BandcorFeet llad Circulation. lltuo Lines under the tvn.rimr.t other Ik. . cents a vial. Tor male lev X > rtt4r U ors Bt by snail. SAFE , CERTAIM , SPEEDY. WOHB'S MEDICEVE CO. , or CHJCA.OO. FOE " * 'J ! IN OMAHAXEB , BT rrhn t en. , Coj15th & Donclat Bts. J -A. Fuller & Co , CorJ4t ft Iwuglu Sts. A. 4. Focler & Co _ Council BluOa. la. Ue.-olc > o "All this talk noout the heroic age of our grandfathers ifi unadulterated non sense , " snys "Walter Blackburn Harte in the April ivew England Mapazine. "We are quite as heroic in this peneration as were the men of nny generation ; and this is not saying very much. There are , however , heroes in our midst all thotime , but the only heroes we know anything- are those of history and literature. "We are torn and swo-yod by the same passions and fears that actuted the people ple of ancient Egypt , and a tragedy in a Broadway restaurant ie just as much a tragedy and just as full ol the human ele ment necessary for poetry as if it took place on the Nile. The engineer who stands In his cab at the risk of his life In a railroad crash is quite as heroic a figure us Columbus threatened by ins mutinous sailors. As long as the human drama continues , there will be tragedies and there will be heroes. -The critics-who say that this ago is too prosaic for the production of pools and poetry do not appear to realize that us long as birth and death and the essential solitariness of every individual existence remain , human life can never become commonplace. The fuct is , in rending about our ancestors we accept shadows , continually elongating with the years , ior men. " Eer. J. W. Bnrte , Mncon , Ga. , EUVS ; "I have found BradycroUno na infallic.Dle and almost instant care lor Headache. " Al the slxty-eltr&th anniversary of the American Sunday School union bold in Washington , li. C. , on Sunday last , the an nual report , presented by Rev. Dr. James M. Crowell of Philadelphia , in owed that 1,004 UBW Sunday schools , with 7,01 S teacher * und 5H..151 scholars , had been ftst&blUhad tbe past year. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY THEY ARE rfcLL MADE IN NEBRASKA BUY THESE , THEY * ARE THE BEST. JSOTICE THE Improvement over AI.L other Bulb Sjrlnges. Ut , The Tublnp CAK- SOT KIXK and UUEAKBO the Syrinee LASTS LONOEI : than uny other. 24 , Tbe Valves CANNOT HE iOfaT ind tbe SjriDg-e not wort. 3d. All noiita in using tbeSyrintreis j'ltirv'KsrrEO , which Is sometimes bo unaoylng. All Genuine Syringes bear tbe Trade Mark "Fibh Brand. " Buy no other. Among the large variety made are a Tew numbers as lollowo All heavy white rubber , with three hard rubber vlpes - . . .I.Ticuch .No. All heivy wulte rubbvr , tiiroe nurd rubber plpu * nd vaclnul cleanlac point LOO encli No. ID Extra heavy vb.ilu rubber , fire liurd rubber v'l * and ruciual cleauloj jiulnt l.Ii eucU > o , 34 Extra IIBUTJ rod rubber , wttlj three l rd rubber pipe * . . . LKtJUob P.O. 15 Extra henry reJ rubber , three bard rubber ptpuc and raclnal cleuulur polut L&O uach J o. 10 Exiru heavy red rubber , five bard rubber pipes aud r&glnaj cleumiic jiolot 1.75 euuu Ask 3 our druepibt for Ihe FISH BRAND" us above , and 1 r.ta as othor. Fur sale oy ALL. DRUGGISTS. Sent UT express on receipt of prieti. Manufactured by OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 1520 Parnam St. , Cor. 16th. Lady clerk in atteudanoo. A TALK WITH PATTX Thx nmi > rc s of None Cli t Chartninr/lj on t arlons Toplm. ' 'Come tJt down nnd let me talk to you. I have just come from thn white noose , where I was chnrmlnpjy treated by the prcrfrlent and bv Mrs. McKce , who showed me all about the plnce. By the wny. what n dear little woman Airs. McKce is. She was jn t nt , Itlnd as she could be and tbe white hou-o It's a noble builfilnp and reminds mo o ! nooie of the buiklinirs of tbe old world. " These nsntenoes wer tittered in the most animn.ted w y by n trim little woman with a wen 1th of black hair , sparklinp black eye , rounded cheeks , pouting lip * nnd a petite though per fectly moulded figure that was well set off by a becoming dross. As she com- Tnenced speaking she whirled around from a grand piano , over the keys of which she bud been running her jeweled fingers , and grasping warmly tbe hand of a 'Washincton Star representative welcomed him boaru'y and then pre sented him and his friend to a hand some , full boarded man , who- evident air ol proprietorship indicated that he was "her husband. The lady was Mme. Adelina Patti and the fontieman SSg. Nicolini , and the place was in tneir comfortable apart ments at the Arlington. "Was this the first time you ever visited the white house ! " ' asked the re porter. "Yes. It "has BO happened that I had never been inside the executive mansion before. When 1 visited "Washington during Mr. Cleveland's administration 1 received a very polite invitation from Mrs. Cleveland , but my engagements wore such that 1 had to leave the city without availing myself of it. Mrs. Cleveland and i , however , exchanged photographs , and I have liers hand somely framed in my iome at Tholes. " Thbn the conversation orlf ted to visits she had made in other Innds and tbe emperors , kings , princes and presidents who had entertained the empress of song. She said , of course , that she liked America , for it was tae home of her childhood and where she had made her first triumphs when she was nothing "but a slip of a girl Then the reporter told bar that he had hoard her sing "Traviata" in Boston way back in 1559 when he and she were both younger in years but not in feeling' than they wore now , and the queen of opera laughed Heartily and baid : "Upon my word I feel younger today than I did then , for they worked mo ter ribly hard at that time. I was worn out when the performance was over and I felt tired out even when 1 woke up the next .morning. It was work , work , work ; so much h.arder than when I had sang in concert. Now , however , I can take my ease if I want to , and , as yon know , I do take awfully good care of myself.1' She then said that she always liked to come to "Wasliington , that it was such a feautiful city the most beautiful on his side of the water , but that of late years she had been unfortunate in com ing to this city when it was very warm weather , and that she lolt stifled by the opuressive lieat. ' 'You know , " " she added. " 1 amused to the braclnc atmos phere of Wales. If I lived liere I would have a house , not down in the city , but up on the high bluffs north. " When asked whether she liked "best to sing in concert or in opera , she replied that she rather preferred a union of both.Then , " said Sig. Nioolini , "the public can lear her in lier solos or duets , wMch is what they want , and she does not have to fatigue herself "by long recitative and concerted work , " "When asked what her favorite opera was Mme. Patti said that she lilted them all , each .had some special beauty that appealed to her artistic sense. "I like Traviata' all the way through ; BO 1 do 'Rigoletto * and 'Faust. ' I like tlie mad scene in 'Lucia , ' but I don't like the duet" with her brother ; I like 'Semiramide' .and 'Romeo and Juliet ; ' take that waltz , for instance , isn't it delicious when it IB properly sung. " Mma Patti said that she indended during the summer to bring out at her private theater at Craig y Nos a drama tization of the Cavalleria Rusticana that had "been made by Sig. A. Carranou She didn't know esactl3' what date the would give the performance , for she wanted to fix it so that there should be many of the royal family there to give it eclat. The idea of the play is quite expansive. The original book is translated into Englith and then amplified into an intense orama. nlthoagn it is Btill kept in one act. The action will be accompanied by descriptive music and in the church there will be an entire mass sung with chorus and solos and full organ as well as the orchestral accompaniment. This play was dedicated to Mme. Patti by Sig. Carrano and by him presented to her on her birthday. She thinks there are great possibilities in it and will herself assume the part of Santuzza , the first time she has appeared in a character outside of an opera. It is un derstood that Alexander Salvini will sustain the role of Turlddu at the per formance at Craig y Nos , and tbe young Italian actor will probably present the play during "his Boston engagement in order to try its effect. "Will you come back to visit Wush ington again after this "wellfare'f7'- asked the reporter , as he rose to go. Mme. Patti smiled as much as to say that the farewell racket was due to the management and not to any desK-e on her part to mislead the public , and then said : " 1 may coma next year , "but not after that , probably. " Totrno , Iowa , April 0 , 1S9L Dr. J."B.Moore , Dear Sir : My wife has used about six bottles of your Tree of LHe , and thirties that nhe nasreceived greater bou- cfit from it than any moaicine she hoi over taken. Yours trnly , L. H. BCPKIK. Gen'l Aceat aud Treus. "VVest College. Since raoeivin ; the above tUiUmouiul , 1 am inreceipt of a letter und check from the Rev. UH Baffin of Toledo , lowu , April Si. to Bond liev. J. "VV. Kunworthr , Crestliuo , ICa n bus. sir bottle * of Metre's Tree of Life. 1'or sale by all drngcists. A Little Doat llound I'or Afrira. Early last week a little sloop started from iSngland on a voyage to Sierra Leone , on tbe west coast of Africa. Her name is Queen , and she is under the command of Captain Thomas Jacks , with a crew of two hands. The vessel which is only fifty-one foot in length , lias an under deck tonnage of seventeen tons .and a gross ionnage of tweuty tons. She is intended for trading on African rivers and along the coast. It TIRB "boon customary to tulie such voxels out on the decks of steamships. Per borne reason in this case it became nec essary to sail the Queen to Africa. She is a stromrly built hardwood vessel , and her captain Jhas no fours that he will not reach his destination , although he expects that it will be a rather trying journey. Ho nays fchb IB perfectly sea worthy , and capable of t > landing the heavy weather she may meet in her long voyage. Tbe captain and the crew will Bleep in a little square house OQ the after part of the deck. Her cargo it biilL The captain Intends to make Ma- deria his first port to call. Tlie WliUUlur Coon. New York Commercial : A unique character , known by sight to nearly every person w ho travels on the ferry boats. nag reappeared in the city. This in old Dawlnr.-e , toe whistler. He is a fchort , jolly faced , colored man , who has earned hi * In ing on the boati lor the last twelve years. Uefpito the orders of the company aralnst performer - or * of all descriptions , Dnwkins is novcr Inteferod with As a whlRUerheisi undoubtedly par ex cellence. Hi * favorite selection , nnd it may be called his trademark , is the "Mocking Bird , " " with variations , and the thrill that ho pours forth from his throat arm bird-like in the cxtromr. Two years ago Duwluns WWB engarod at a good figure to travel with a f irce ooroofly , bdt after t o weeks h rave .1 t D nnd returned to the boats. For Pi , or oigbt inontn ? back ho has bocs .STVST again , only reappearing during the pad week. He says he has boon visiting hit old mother In Augustine. It is estimated by ferry Lands that Dawkins cJoat-s. from So lo $10 a dny from his peculiar avocation , i He ha's money saved up , although he nlwavi1 dresses poorly , probably on account of reasons. Mrs. L. R. i'atton , Rncttf ora. III. , trrlte * ( "From psrsonal crjinrlouce 1 Can ro cotutnuix De "Witt's Sartaparilla. a care Jor Injpnn blood aad general debility. " A QEKTLE REBUKE. lDconrmltj-or | O lorn the OnljOb. . joctinn. Ho was such a weak and humble little man that when ho caine Into the groaery store to make a complaint the clerk wn"s disposed to be huughty and imperious , BUYS the Detroit Free Press. "Mny 1 inquire , ' ' ho said in a still , small \oicc , "if any gtntleman here sold my wife nome butter vest9rduyv" " 1 guess I'm tno man1' ' responded a big , brawny fellow with an inch or two more chin on "him than a clerk usually has need of in business. * * Oh , excuse me , " ' exclaimed the CUB tomer shrinkingly , "J mean no offense , The "butter-is aU right , but J wanto d U Bny that throe colors of hair in one roll is somewhat incongruous Ard 1 thought I might add also a request thai if you could send up a brush and comb with tne next sale we would "be over so much obliged. Of course , it was an oversight on your part aud I am not complaining , you understand not com plaining , merely suggesting. The clerk's face was a study. "And , " went on the little man , "I don't thinicit is quite fair to put tacks at IS cents a pound in butter at 40 cents , unless you make a duconnt for differ ence in weiglit and price or throw in a clawhammer so we can druw the tacki upon putting tbe butter on the table. " The clerk was gasping and the little man was going right along. "Referring again to the hair men tioned previously , * ' he said , "permit mete to say that I find no fault because of its quantity or its length. The incongruity of color was the only objection. In the old times we road that Swnson liad long hair and a great deal of it , and your "butter , in that respect , has rights my entire family is bound to respect. Our only regret is that you did' not send it up i a cage. " " By this time the clerk had fallen ur against the counter , "but the little maL paid no hoed. "I might possibly , " he continued mildlv and wenldv. "touch unon itB nr e. but I have some reason to suspect that this butter is made from milk , that the milk came from a cow , and the cow is a female , and I have been taught from my youth up to abstain from any and all reference to age in relation to female Idnd. either remotely contiguously Therefore I shall not animadvert upo& that subject , except to romaru inci dentally that the phrase * feeble old age' does not in the remotest degree apply to this case. I wish you'd send up to the house a pound of soda , four bars of soap , a package of starch , a bushel of apples and twenty-fi ve pounds of sugar. My wife asked me to leave the order , and she said she'd come around "herself and st-a about the butter. Good * morning , " and the little man walked meekly out. Dr. Blrney's Catarrn Powder cur catarrh. For sale by all drucgist * . DO cenli rut Chlraro in Your 1'orkct. A great work. "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair sity a full de scription which does not appear iu the "book , we have yet to hear of it , Price , 25 cents per cony. For sale at SOS Herald building , Chicago. See the new , complete and elegant map it contains. Persons ordering copies will please enclose - close 0 cents extra for postage. PRESIDENTIAL PROPI5ECIES jro THAT WiLL SE XOMIXATED FOR PRESIDENT ur THE AT XIXSEA.POl.IS AT . , . . . . . . . „ . JU. OH . . . .JUKE JSC. KTATE : p. o. nox on STREET KU. . .STIIEE1 Tin BEB will prc&ect & f 1,000.00 lite iukurouce policy paid up lor one j-uar in the National Lite lt ur uce comptcy of Vermoct , M. L. Iloedor , mttnaccr , to tbe llrst punon sending in tbe clo e.t ( jstlmtto in booardacce with tbe ubore caurxia. Coupons will te uumboied in their order of ruocipt ftt this offlce. lucomplote or mntl- ibted coupoui wilt t > n teusA. Thl coupon will be printed dully until the issue of June C. No coupons will be roceivud otter June fi. Date of convention. June 7,1VJZ bend In uk munjr cuojioni us you jiloaoo. Addreai all prophecies to "Pretldnnilul PropbMlei , " 13 ee Odea.