n THE OMAHA. IJAtLX MDNUAY , MAY 80 , 1832. HAUNTS OF LONDON ACTORS Gentility , Manliness and Oultnro Oharac- toriBtics of Transatlantic Thespians. HOME LIFE OF THE ENGLISH HISTRION At tlio Club * AVhero Wit , Ocnlnllty nml Genius CiiinmliiEtc "AilvnnlHKOs" of tlto KiiKllsli Actor llli I.mo of n Quiet Homo. LONDON , May 0. In nearly every prcat Amcrlcnn city wo tiavo sotno particular locality constantly frequented during cer tain hours of the day by actors iiront and mall. Tho'casual passer HnRors curiously within the region , Even ono least nccus- tompd to striking city phases Is instantly Impressed with the unusual character ot the ndghbJrhood and with the manners ana dress of Us frequenters. Public- houses nf a cozy rather than n sumptuous sort are characteristic of the placo. Windows ubovo It uro filled with Btrnngo costumes. Llttlo low windows nna stilt tinier glass casss or receivers hero end thcro display curious examples of the wiginaltor's art. "Voico Training" can bo secured up this dingy flight of stairs. "A School of Elocution" will bo roaunau through another dark entry way , The logon d , "Fancy Steps , " will nppajr where the stairs hint of serious stumbling Instead , ftoxt tno _ roof of ono building "Pupils" will bo "Fit" ted for the Stage. " "Banjo Tuucht" has broken out upon every doorway directory. And slcns of "Dramatic Agency , " where the flnt and perennially succcsslvo looting of actors U done , cluster llko beacons of wreckers to untlco tlio veteran as well as the youngest skipper upon the nhonls of treuchorous draniallo seas. In general and particular everything needful to "tho profession"and many things which ils members could safely eschew'uro gathered In and about this strnngo llttlo world within the great city. H is called "Tho Uialto. " Histrionic Cln s Distinction. Our American "Klaltos" are more marked In concentration and character thun these of Euronpan cities. Thu is particularly true In New York , In London , where are the baunts of probably more actors than exist In any other four or ilvo of tbo greatest cities , tbero Is no spot which exactly corresponds with the American actors' "Utnlto , " except ono. That ono is the greatest resort in the world for music ball performers. It is just across the Waterloo bridge from j the Strand , on tbo Burro/ side ot London ! and Is called in local parlance , "Poverty Junction. " ButiDotweon tboso folk , who am called "prossers" or "pros , " In the vernacular , and the actors of London thcro Is nn ever 1m- passable gulf. In our country there Is con- Bldcrablo commingling and association ot these elements or classes. This almost wholly accounts for the characteristic groupIngs - Ings of business and lounging forming our "HIaltos. " Hero the actor not only scorns the "pros" as ho would u tramp and will bnvo none of him as a companion , but howill , drink no liquor , out no food , transact no busi ness and frequent no thoroughfare or haunt where the "pro" is permitted to come. There are reasons for thU close drawing of professional lines. An important one. is found In the fact that for a very long time London theatrical managers have sustained an abso lute monopoly of all dramatic performances. By law the proprietors of music halls are for bidden to present any exhibition of a dra- tcutlo nature. Their compensation Is In being permitted to sell all manner of liquors bv bands of bewitching barmaids ; of itself a great source of attraction ana profit. To tbo "legitimate" dramatic performer , any ono who has appcarca In "tho 'alls , " from bis standpoint ot otblcs , can by no possibility ever become a genuine actor or attain to his social standing. Actor nml'Educated Gontlenmn. On the other hand , you will seldom find an English , Irish or Scottish actor who is not a centlcman born and bred. .1 do not moan that bo If always of the sccallod British ' gentry" stock. But I do mean that the Block from which bo has sprung is usually of the bcstquallty : that ho hp.K had the advan tage of being well bred ; has been slvcnoxocl- iont homo and school , and very often univer sity training ; that , bo Is a reader , n student and n traveler ; and that the best regime and athletic sports have done for him , physically , what bl > education has done for him mentally - tally , and bis unavoidable culture , off and on the stage , bas done fur both bis ethics and bis manners. This is universal rather than exceptional. Ho is thcroforo justly proud of his vocation. Sucb names as these of Shakespeare , Kom- blo , Garrick , Macroady and Matthews fur nish endless pique and spur to his ambition. Ills excellent social status keeps him in touch with the best rather than the undo- Mrablo elements. Ho Is well paid and cer tain of cmploji incnt , If bo has ability and ex perience ; and If hqjiossesses only the former , with some learning behind it , bis period of apprenticeship Is ono of fair opportunity and considerate treatment , Without leaving bis homo and his daily baunts and work , ho bas before htm the highest opportunities to which an uctor can attain within the conllncs of Londoa Itself. And bis every surround ing , acccsslblo aid In bis profession , and. oven in bis hours of relaxation , which bring him the line friction of the brightest minds of our time , ho is as an actor continually unwltUnt'ly and per lorco battered and ira proved. KiiKlUh Actors' I'rltlo of Homo. The latter is as true today as It was In Shakespeare's time. And all this is why the haunts of London actors diflcr from tno baunts of American actors ; and why , also , their environment naturally produces the iciest delineators , not of Intense and exag gerated character and situations , as with ( ho French , and sorcowlmt with our Amer ican school , but ot these fadeless good and mellow comedies , dramas and tragedies which appeal to the Intellect and heart. rather than to sensation hunger , tbo nerves Mid tbo passions. These changeless conditions naturally give London actors as a class but two places that may bo regarded as tbolr real baunts their homes ana tbolr clubs. The first of these may seem to Americans an odd sort of ac tors' retreat , for though wo have many among ua who possess genuine homos , and it It n good sign that their number Is increas ing , thcro are too few actors who possess or lock a homo. It Is different In London , ana 1 think them Is nothing on earth achievable In which a London actor takes such manful nna exultant prldo. They are seldom grand affairs , it is their great number and their sweet and good homeliness which malic them remarkable. The exigencies of provincial orofos- ilonal travel ana frequent American tours often render their continuous occupancy impossible. Frequently the Husband goes In ono direction and the wife , If she bo an actress , In another. But tbo abiding place IB Mecca to both , ana there In always ioino uno to hold tbo belongings together and train tbo llttlo ones against thq totne-coimug. A 1'rotty IMcture. Tbo English actor hat a grand abhoronco of a big ana showy home. 1 could print the nuincs of scores whoso incomes would permit thorn to Ilvo , llko many or our eminent the atrical people. In approved West End luxury In winter ana gorgeously nwoltor In summer In tbolr own fashionable resort villas. The llttlo homo , llttlo and snug and cheery , Is his from choice. He hides himself In It , and Is often moat ludtcrouo In his shifts to uvold knowledge of Its coming to only sworn IriouUs. This occasionally goes BO' for that ( .liases are assumed , that ho may bettor pro tect himself from intrusion and espionage. In this inlta of a homo ho is as nappy n man t.s there Is In all the woi'ld. Ho can roach out to and know Its motes and bound- i.tles , , U IB usually , and moro honor to him for It , In n pcrmunuiit and delightful bulta- buloo from the prcsonco of many roistering 3ml cladsoma children. It Is full ot strungo und nulrugroufi puts. It I * buried in vines , all out llto winCowf. nnd vvlihln itl * a plethoric cmiRcrvntory of ulunts and llowcra , Tbero nru many and the bosl of boons , not hidden in tr.owy ens a * but within hand roach In every nookapd cortirr. Bit * of urt work uud dainty irlllos , but most of them this family's hand * work , 'orderK-s's but interesting abound. Tboro Is o harp , a zither , n guitar , a violin , or , not "uiolaucholy" llute , and melody uud song of the bomo-mado Kind seem to break loota hero rather than como at "tho cuo" and Jo order. Above nil else thcro Is a wonderful sort of all around housekeeping In these Joyous llttlo homos from participation In which no friend or guc t Is altogether debarred , nnd occasionally under no circumstances ab solved. It Is ns tnough the effort , assump tion nnd repression of the slago world found Its exact antithesis In this most precious of haunts ; nnd that nil tboso things In homemaking making nnd keeping which arc regarded as Irksome bv ordinary folk , were to theao people ple the acme of olcasuro und delight , lluror * anil Heroine * nt Home. "A perennial lark , " ono fitly described it to mo. And so It Is. With mingled feelings of amazement nna delight , while enjoying the roost gonlal entertainment I have over elsewhere - where known , I hnvo assisted n Lady Tenzlo nt dusting ; n Juliet nt digging in the garden ; n Lcnr at leapfrog with his not ungrateful children ; n Portia nt shelling pens ; nn Othello nt mending kites ; a Mrs. Mnlnprop in wcshlng the lunch dishes ; n uravo digger at mctralng his range ; n Cleopatra nt paring potatoes ; n Falstnff nt milking gooseberry und damson jam ; n 13ob Acres nt prilling chops or Surface at prepar ing salads for Enellsh. actors nro peerless ns cooks. ; n Bill tiykat nt prayer * ; und n Ulcholiou at brewing such punches ns , I have been tola by these who sipped them , loft , by comparison , the "ucctar of the gods" more eight-penny treacle , The whole Uovont CJnrdon region , that "Joyous region" as Tnnckcray called It , while not exactly a haunt of" actors , hns been n sort of nctor-land for moro thanUoU years. It Is now ns of old u region of line old Inns , colTce houses , theaters , clubs , prin ters and publishers , booksellers and cos- turners. In these precincts , between Covcnt Garden nnd the Stand , that greatest roaring tide of humanity In nil tbo world , nnd UDOII the Strand Itself , moru nctors will bo scon comlntr , going or loitering than in any other district of the great city. After his piofcsslon and bis jolly llttlo home' , the strongest attachment of the Lon don nclors li given to his club. Every onu U n member of from o'nu to a half do'zcn clubs ; nnd these actors , us a class , moro than all others of the liberal professions and arts , have Inspired , developed and sus tained that spirit of genial association of men of talent which hns invcn London its vast numbers of most splendid clubs , around which cluster the most precious of historic and literary associations. It trny bo truly sola that , from Shakspcara to Dickens , not only the greatest nctors who ever Jived , but most of the greatest writers have been spurred and prompted Intu the effort and nctlvltlcs which gave themselves fame nnd the world its cleanest drama and grandest literature , from this source nnd out of this fruitful and fecund association. Actors' Club Haunts. Slnco "Will's , " "buttons' ' -Tom's" nnd other famous cuffoo-housos and clubs of the Queen Anne period , a history of the changes and habitues of famous London clubs to which nctors hnvo given the chief support would almost bo n history of English men of letters nnd literature. The actors' club haunts of toJny chiefly comprise the Garilck , Green Room , Savage , Arundcl , Lyric nnd Beefsteak clubs. The latter unique llttlo club , which has its homo over Tooto's theater , sprang out of tLo Honorable Society ot Beefsteaks In the old Beefsteak room of tbo Lyceum tua tar , which still exists , and is used by Irving for his oxquUlto private dinner parties. The Becfstc.ik over Toolo's is distinctive in being a "one-room" club , and admitting no guests whatever. The Arundel has 350 to 400 members. It was once exclusively literary nnd artistic. Ambitious solicitors and umatcun of all sorts uro now admitted , and its percentage of legitimate actors is growing smaller. The Lvrlcjhus a magnificent club honso In Piccadilly , nnd with its entire appointment ! ) , Including n largo theater nnd concert hall , la among the finest buildings for this purpose In the world , ft also bus nn annex called the Lyric club atBarnos-on-Tbnmes , from which bout racing and other river fetes can bo wit nessed. Tbo Lyric Is a dramatic und mus ical club with nearly < J,000 members. Per haps 10 per cent ot these are actors. The well known buvugoclub , literary nnd artistic , which interchanges privileges with the Lotus club of Now York , has about 700 members. It had Its origin twenty-four years ago In a puollo house near Drury Lane theater , blnco then U has wandered to Hux- cl's hotel , tbouco to the Suvoy nna finally to Adelpbi terrace , overlooking the Thames. About eighty of Its members , who are also members of the Green Room club , are actors. Tno Gnrriclr , In Garrick street. Uovent Garden , venerable , rich , stately , mellow and grand , has no membership limitation us to profession. VVhllo perhaps no moro than twenty-live actors nro nt pressnt among Us members , although nil London managers of any promlnenco are upon Its rolls , It un doubtedly possesses the most valuable col lection of sodvonlrs and paintings relating to the stage and Its most famous representa tives of any association or institution in the world , ' The Actors' Club Par Excellence. But the Green Room club , in Bedford street , which bad its origin about fourteen years ngo from disagreements in the Junior Garrick and the Arunclol clubs , Is by all odds the real actors'club of London. It Is already one of the wealthiest of its small ' club's nnd ewes Its grout success to tbo ad ministration of its honorary secretary , George Donnchor , a gentleman of ample moans , a gcnumo art lover with boundless sympathies for actors nnd their profession. Persons In nil the liberal arts are admitted to membership ; but no active manager can bccomo n member unless bo was formerly an actor of coed standing. Pincro and Lcrd Carton , dramatists , Furjcon , tbo author , nnd Charles Dickens , son of tbo grout novelist , are among its members. "Saturday tilcbts" nnd "Saturday house dinners , " the latter splendidly served at but i ) shillings und G pence , are the kindliest , brightest , mellowest nnd most goniul oc casions of our time among men of heart nnd brains. Gathered hero will bo Tound such men ns Plnoro. Sant Matthews , Irving , John Hnro , Royce Carlcton , Kendall , Paul Morrlt' , Wyndham , Charles Hnrtburv. Bancroft , Ferunndez , Bcorbohn Trdo , Ted Gardiner nnd Henry Howe , the oldest actor on the English stago. In thousands of books are preserved tbo true or apochryphal sayings of Garrick , Shcrdlan , Hood , Thackeray , Dickens and men of their kidney , who gnvo the wino of Ufa to literary London in tbo past. I bollovo that within this very Green Room actors' , haunt of the London of today wit and repartee ns spontaneous , unctuous nod true find as constant expression. A certain Gwylin Crowo , musical com' poser , and conductor at the Covent Garden theater , is a terrible atheist , and never loses opportunity to vent his spleen against sacred things and beliefs. Not long ago at a Grcon Room Saturday afternoon dlnnor bo had no moro than finished a particularly vehement diatribe against the genuineness of Christ , when Henry S , Leigh , a brilliant London back , after a moment's scribbling sent to the table chairman and bad read the following quatrain : \Vo hoar In language highly splcotl , That Orowo does not approve of Christ ; Thu tlilnir wo now ilcslru to know Ik Mbother Ohrist approves of Urovro ! WlKKMAN. ELECTHOLOQIOAL , LIBRARY. Ilooki nt the 1'iibllo I.llirnrjr for tlio Student amiVorliur In IClcttriciil Science. Omaha public library possesses a very comprehensive llttlo sot of well selected works on electricity , magnetism and olootri cal science , which tbo student and worker or even the "go n oral reader" should appro clutb. Tun following volumes are found on the shelves , the names of the authors precod lug the titles uud' the library numbers fol lowing : Abernothy. The Modern Sclonco of Com merdal and Railway Telugrnphv. N2320 ; Al gulvu and Baulard , Electric Light , JWl'JO strument Mnlduir for Amateurs , NlJT5 ! ( ; Bui tone , Electrical Bells and AH About Them Ni.0buj Bottoue , Tbo Dynamo , NUOTU ; Urou- nan , Popular Exposition of Electricity , NSOWl Brises , 1 ho Story of tbo Telegraph , Ni'317 ; ( Jrofu , How To Make a Dynamo N'JOSS ; Crosby uud Bell , The Eleotrcal Kail- , way In Theory und Practice , NtflPiB ; Cum- mlnir , Electricity , N2tXn ; Davis. Manual of Magnetism , NU1I ; Desmond , Electricity for Engineers , N2ll'J ; Dolboar , The Telephone. N''itO : Dredco. lilectrlcAl Illumination , 3 vols. , N2J1U ; Du Monrol , ElomrmU of Con- struclion for Eloctro-MngnnU , NiJOV.3 : Du Moncol , Electricity ns a Motive Power , Short Lectures to Electrical Artlsnns , NS Foote. Economic Vatuo of Electric Light nnd Power , NS127 : Gordon , Practical Trontlso on Electric Lighting , N'JllM ; Gordon. Physical Treatise on Electricity nud Magnetism , N31S5 ; GiaT , Electrical Influence Machine ? , N2UTS ; JulilemlnElectricity und Magnottsm.N OJ ; Icdge.s , Central Station Electric Llgntlng , N2U04 ! ; Htdues , Contlnontal Electric Light Stations.NWOS'.Hering.Pilnelplosot Dynamo : ioctno Machine , Ni07" ; Ilerlnp , Practical directions for Winding Ma nots. N209J ; leilntr , Universal Wire Comnutcr , NU133 ; lospltnllcr , Domestic Electricity for Aina- ouis , NJ152 ; Hospitaller , Modern Applica tions of Electricity. 2 vols , M2100 ; Induction Colls. NW3J ; Jameson , ElomentnrC Manual f Elcctrlcltv nnd Magnetism , N21K ) ; cnHin , Electricity nnd Mugnotlsm , N'JOTO ; Cnpp , Electro-Transmission of Energy. NL'll.V Kompo , Handbook of Electrtcul foiling , N'084 ; Kouuolly nnd Wilkinson , 'radical Notes for Electrical Students , J-JNS ; Lntlmcr , Incandescent Elcctnu sighting , N2U23 ; Lookwood , Electrical ilonsurcment , N20S5 ; LockwoodElectricity , iliiKnetlsm nnd Elcutrlu Telegraphy , N-J175 : jockwood , Practical In formation for Tele- ibonUts , NL'UJO ; Lodge , Modern Views of Electricity , Ni033 ! ; Lorlng , Elcetro-Mngnotlo rclocraph , N'-'oil : ; Mackintosh , IClccirlcul Theory of the Universe , N'J103 ; Martin , the Electric Motor , NU.MO ; Mavornnd Davis , ho Qmulruplc.v , N2D74 ; Maxwell , Electrical tcscarcho ? of Cavendish , N2109 : Meadow- crnft , the A B C of Electricity , N''US'J ' ; Men- denlmll , A Century of ElcctricltyN2orUMun- ; ro , PocketBook of Electrical Rules , N20110 ; Murdock , Notes on Elcctilcity , NDJli * } Pop- > or , Electricity , NSO'.IJ ; Planto , Storage of Electrical Energy , N215'l ; Pope , Evolution of the Incandescent Lamp , M2lbO ; Pope , ilodcrn Practice of the Electric Telogrnnh , WJ70 ; Poy or , Magnetism and Electricity , Nl0'J7 ! ' ; Preecc , Telephone , N2323 ; Prcscott , Electricity nnd the EloctnoTelegraph.NiiUSa ; 'roscott , Bell's Electric Spoaulng Tolo- ihono. N23.TJ ; Hoyhtor , Voltalra Accumuln- orN2UOU ; Rlggs.Tho Electric. LlghtN3155 ; togcM , Magnetism of Iron Vessels. N2C32 ; { UHt. Electricity , N2I43 ; Sawyer , Electric sighting by Incandescence , N2187) ) Schcllcn , Macnoto-Electrio and Dy namo-Electric Machines , N21SO : Slings nnd Jroker , Electrical Engineering , N3100 ; Salomon ? , Management of Accumulators , > J2orO ; Sprague , Electricity , N209J ; Svvln- burno , Practical Electrical Measurement , N2HO ; Swift , Practical Telegrapher , N2375 ; Thompson , Dynamo-Electrlo Machinery , ? 203 : ) ; Thompson , Recent Progress In Dynnmo-EJcctrio Machines , N2034 ; Thomp- on , Elementary Lessons in Electricity nnd Mugnottsm , N2UOO ; Thompson , L-scturos on ho Electro Mocnot , N2009 ; Trcvort , How to Make Electric Batteries. NC059 ; Tunzelnmn , Electricity in Modern Life. N21U9 ; Tyndall , Lessons In Electricity , N2120 ; Tyndall , Ro- carcho.i in DlutnagnctUm , N2130 ; Urban- tslcy , Electricity in the Service of Man , N217U ; Urquhart , Electro-Motors , N20S9 ; Urqubart , Electric Light Fitting , N2105 ; Vnlker , Practical Dynamo -Building for Amateurs , N2029 ; Walker , Electricity in Our lomcs and Workshops , N2074 ; Watson and Burbury , Mathematical Theory of Electric- ty and Magnetism , N21S'J ; Webb , Practical Juldo to the Testing of Insulated WIres and Cables , NUO'Jl ; Western Electrician , N1373 ; Vhlpple , Municipal Lighting , N2150. When you ouy your spring medicine you hould get the bast , and that is Hood's Sarsuparilla. It thoroughly purities the blood. Put Clilcngo in Your i'ocltot. A great work , "Mimxn's Dictionary o hlcngo. " If there is a-foaturo or insti- utlon in the World's fair city a.full do- icrijjtion of which'docs > nobaupear in the )0ok" , wo have yet to hoarof it. Price , ! 5 contspor copy. Fofsalo at 209 Hot-aid milding , Chicago. Sco the now ; com plete ar.d elegant map it contains. Per- ons ordering copies will please enclose I cents extra for postage. COMPARED WITH OMAHA. School liullillngg In Eastern , Citlc Visited ami Kxnmlnoil by Omahu Men. Messrs. Euclid "Martin , H. B. Coryell and Dr. W. S. Gibbs und their wlve"s returned yesterday from a ten-days sightseeing rip to Washington , Novy York and Boston , n which cities they largely devoted their imo to inspecting school buildings and maters - , ors connected with educational worlr. The trip was not a junket nt tbo expense of tbo school board , as tbo members went of their own volition and at their own expense. In speaking of their trip , Mr. Martin said : "Wo learned ono thing pretty thoroughly , and that Is that you can't have anything in the very best shnpo without paying well for it. Wo oxpcct to put up a llrst class twelve- room building hero for $30,000. but Boston pays from $430,000 to $75,000 for buildings of Lbnt size. They go to moro ex pense In rendering their Interiors nttractivo. They have more roomy halls and corridors , and also plan for a larfo assembly room In each building , wboro all the pupils can meet for general exercises , or for any purpose for which it is desired to call them together. That Is something that wo do not have : They put in masslvo stone foundations that glvo their buildings a Uno appearance , but they do not make their exteriors particularly ornate , "Their manonl training rooms are Qttod up with the bcstof everything from top to bottom , and In all departments wo could see that they were not niggardly In the expendi ture of money , It was the same wny with their streets. Wo saw sotno poor paying , thnugn not much of it. Tbolr stone paving wa * much easier to ride over nnd nicer ap pearing than ours. The blocks were all of a uniform slzo , and so laid as to glvo a smoother surface tbun wo bavo. "Another thing that we noticed was the eroat growth of Philadelphia nud Baltimore. Wo ouly passed through , out there were thousands of now bouses to bo soon In the course of erection. Wo could not help but see that manufacturing Industries were the cause of It , nor could wo help realizing that Omaha must have some of them II she is to grow and prosper in tbo future. I saw n.nny things that Interested mo , und which on flying business trips hitherto made I bad entirely overlooked , but I came back pretty well satisfied with Omaha. " Disease uavor successfully attacks a ays torn with pure blood. DovVltt's Sarsnparllla maues pure , now blood und enriches the old. Country Merchants Who are cash buyers should not fall to take advantage of the Hollman'fl admin istrator's sale to secure some wonderful bargains for their fall trade. Address UELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR , liith and Furmun , Omaha. Uriinkoniiom. A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. Noinflnn- ary. Homo treatment. Harmless nnd olToctual. Refer by pormlsulon to Bur lington Hawkoyo. Send 2o stump for pamphlet tSholcoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. NOT LOADED FOR DEAR. Jmluo Dunily Will 1'oitpono 111 * Annual Hunting Trip to Wyoiulnc * Gcnernl J. B. llawlny was discoursing yes terday morr.lngon too quality und quantity of grizzly boars up in tbo cuttlo country for tbo solo edification of JudgoDuudy , whoso weak ness for boar hunting is bis worst besotting bin. ' Guess we'd better take a llttlo trip up that way , hadn't we , judpol1' finally asked the general. "Nopo , " was the positlvo reply , "I can't spare ibo time. " > "Such n condition of affairs never existed bofuro , " mused the general. "What in under the sun is tbo matter ! " "Ob , nothing much , only I don't bollovo tbo boars are fat enough to nav for the trou ble , tluois we'd bettor lot'em grow nnotnor year , for thoy'ro baring awful stormy weather up there this spring. " , "Say. Skip1 nnd he turned to tbo clerical son , "havo Jones nud Walker showed up r yotl" ' ' No , pa , " responded Sciplo , Jr. "Well , general , it's no uao. Tboro is too ' AH much court business on band to permit any boar hunting thW Sprlmr , ' ' nnd ono lone , sorrowful , silent "lenr cxudod from the judicial oplio nndolcll ker-plunk , as If to punctuate nud cmphnMzo this Until declare- tl0" ' % "Luto to bed nnd. b'.VTiy ' to rise will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. " But early to bed nnd a * irilttlo Early Rlso' , " the pill that ranKos life 'longer nnd bolter nnd wiser. , y u CIIICAOO AND lll ; AVOKLIVS FAIH. World's Pair Bouvrnir , Illustrate 1. being a eotnplcto mid conuli-p history of the princi pal world's fntrs trom the Crystal 1'nlnco , London , 1&M , to the World's Columbian Hx- pos'llon ' In Chicago. tSUJ. With oxplnnntor tables and maps. Published by The An- abosuo I'uullslilnpconipany , Chicago , bound neatly In cloth , It larcly falls lo the lot of the reviewer to notice so exhaustive a work as the "World's Fair Souvenir , " which ' has been compiled with so much care by a former resident of .Omaha , John D. Jones. For purposes of reference , o comparison nnd for general information the work is u magnificent reflex of the push und energy of n city that is the won der of the world. In its complin lion expense has not been thought of , and the richness of its Illustrations nf the World's fair build ings , cuts of the men and women who are directing to a suuccsstul issue what bids fair to bo the greatest exposition of an- clont or modern times , pictures of the colossal business blocks that stand at monuments to the enterprise of their owners and builders , Is typical of the "Chicago gait , " as the rush nnd bustle of the great city by tbo inland sea hns been described. The book has boon arranged upon a most comprehensive plan , the object of the publisher being to give a complex resume of what may bo scon in Chicago in 1893 , and at the sarao time glvo the n formation in a compact form , so that the work may bo a valuable adjunct to ho library and reading room. Its use fulness will not end with the close of , ho exposition , but on the contrary will , grow in value with years , for it is the most perfect compendium yet issued of an ovqnt which cannot fail to have an nfluonco for many decades to como upon , ill lines of art , literature and com merce. A ? Mr. Jones says in the intro duction to the work : "As an educator this event will leave its impress upon succeeding generations and boar fruit in all realms of human thought , ingenuity and progress. " In addition to tWicomploto epitome of , vhat has been d p'rf , is doing and will bo done when the fair' opens , it comes to the general publfc at a most opportune .imo. It brings' b'bforo the American people the forces 'lliat a-o actively at work to make the * Exposition a success worthy of a nutionrlhat ! in a little ovorja century has , from nothing , builcloJ the mightiest ropublicL'of earth. It not only ives full page a t/ypo illustrations and descriptions of the principal buildings of previous world's fairs nnd all the buildings of the pmsont World's Colum , bian Exposition , logother with portraits and biographical skotclio's of its officers- , and c.h.lp.fs. pf dDQartmonts , but it tolls "How ; to Roach the Fair , " gives .descriptions * of Chica- o's parkk and boulevards , its places of amusement , the wholesale and 'jobbing interests , its railroad facilities , and in general is the mosi'complote guide book to the city that stands at the edge of Luke-Michigan. Do you want ono of thee : books ? A few minutes' worit will secure ono for you. Send to THE OMAHA BEK ono sub scriber to THE WEEKLY BEE at $1.25 and ono will bo sent to you by mall. The book sells for 31. OOi but Tim BEE has so- cured. a largo number of copies , enabling the publishers to make this liberal offer. It is the best thing1 in this line over of fered and you are euro to bo nlcasod. You can have tno paper and book sent to your address or the book alone and the paper to some other person. AddressTUB TUB CEE PUBLISHING Co. , Omaha , Nob. Tlio Nntloiml * lliicninpincnt. When the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic assemble in Washington next September for their annual reunion the blood in their veins will be quick cnod by the sight of their old corps badges , under which they inarched from 1801 to 1805 , depicted in flowers and decorative plant ? . Under the direc tion of Government Landscape Gardener Brown , these badges are to boorlicd out in floral designs on the beautiful lawn south of the pension ofllco. There will bo forty flower beds , twenty-nine of which will bo devoted to depleting in flowers the various designs representa tive of the dlllcront corps badges. The most conspicuous or central design will bo the Grand Army of the 'Republic badge , with flng and pendant star , crosRcd cannon and musket , worked out carefully Inflowers , that will duplicate nil the original colors precisely. The bed is to bo sixty feet long and fifteen foot wide. Some of the other de signs are more simple , but others are very intricate , and the artistic skill of the gardener. will bo taxed to the highest degree. It-will bo no easy task to present in flowers faithful represen tations of the itbf ) ) > U circle of the First corps , the trefolliQC the Second , the diamond mend of the thivflw'itho equilateral triangle - anglo of the Fourth , the Maltese cross of the Fifth , Uuw Greek cross of the Sixth , the crosscut and star of thd Seventh , the cross7 anchor and cannon upon tlio shield jbr/ho Ninth ; the four bastion fort of uiri/rnnth. tlio acorn "of the Fourteenth , Hno cartridge box , with its grim motto , j'jiTorty rounds , " made famous by General Logan's Fifteenth corps ; tiio pretty shield ot the Twenty- third , and the crossed sabers of Short * dan's cavalry conji. Many of the beds will rcqulro ! | 3co modeling , the ground being fitted to conspJcuoualy show the epocwl' design above the field of the wvSpo. In this way cannon , cnrtridjWr DOXCB , anchors and eagles in the various' badges will bo dis tinguishable , the 'earth being raised in relief above tho''bnekground ' , filled in cloBoly with plants that , by their suita ble color , will heighten the effect. It is intended to have those military and his torical designs in the various parks and publio reservations throughout the cap ital city , but .the principal exhibit will bo in Judiciary square. o Dopnrted Viitrmni General Thomas A. Rowley , the nota ble citizen of Plttsbnrg , 1'a. , who died WANTED , ToUl iHUd of CIT ! 8 | COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , ZWATER COMPANIES , BT.R.K.OOMPANIEO.etc. Cornupoodtnca loUclted. M.W.HARRIS ft COMPANY.Bankers. 163-109 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. ! 8 Wall Ctreat , NEW YORK. 7O UUtoOt. . BOBTOHx uddonly on Sunday , in his 85th year , vos the son of emigrants from Ireland , tnd was born in 1'lttsburg in 1807i Ho ivoni to the Mexican war as second llou % onantin the First Pennsylvania regi ment , and rose to the rank of mujor. Mtor his return ho became a valued cltl- ; cn bf PiUsburg , and an influential member of the republican party ivheti it started : IIo volunteered In .ho war ot the union , bccamo colonel ) f the Thirteenth regiment , nnd ivns a brlgador general at the end of 1802. When Major General Reynolds 'ell nt the battle ot Gettysburg , General Rowloy took command of the third dlv- slon of the llrst army corps. In 1801 ; iu resigned nnd returned to Plttsburg. William Sluol , nn aged veteran of the ate war , was found dead in his bed nt a boarding house in Jacksonville , 111. , on the 13th. The man had n romantto ca reer nnd had scon nearly all the world. During the late war ho was n member of Iho First regiment Illinois light artillery tnd wont through the great battles of ' .ho western army and Won distinction Jor his bravery. IIo roamed nil over the world ns long ns his money nnd strength lasted , and when ho could no longer go , ho would go lo the Milwau kee soldier's homo until ho could got outngain. IIo loft no family ns fur. as It now n. The death of Lieutenant Colonel E. II. Lolb at Mlllorsburg , Pa. , removes one of the most gallant soldiers of Iho tvar. Reports made to congress show that Colonel Lolb'ontorcd the service as private soldier in the Washington artillerists ot Potlsvlllo , Pa. , the llrst company of troops to- reach the seat of the government after the president's call for 76,000 men. This company arrived hero ono diiy In advance of the Massachusetts Sixth. On AprllUOJ 1801 , ho was commissioned a second lieuten ant in the Second United States cavalry [ now the Fifth United States cavalry ) mil was a participant in the llrst battle of Bull Run. IIo was in command of company F of his regiment at the uoigo of Yorktowu , in the battle of Williama- burg , Hanover Court House and through the Peninsula campaign. IIo participa ted in the "Seven Days" battles In front of Richmond , in the battles of South Mountain , Antiotam , Gettysburg nnd Five Forks , where ho received a gun wound , which entered the upper right arm and passed through the body , in juring the lungs and producing disability that resulted in paralysis nnd finally caused Ills death. On account of said wounds and disability ho was granted a pension by the government. Ho was the recipient of many promotions nrd hon orable testimonials from ; his command ing olllcors for his g.illant'and Jmorlt- orlous conduct in moro than fifty battles in which ho was engaged. The I.ust of the ItullUIo. A majority of nil the living bufLilo in the world are now on exhibition at the terminus of the Benson & Halcyon Heights railway. Gates open tit 2 o'clock. Admission , 25o ; children under 12 years , lOc. ItAM'S HOllXMS. Shadows have no claws. No man Is rich who Is not contented. The preatest cownrd in the world is a hereto to somebody. Indecision bas sent moro pcnplo to boll than murder. Birds with bright feathers ao not nlwnys make a Rood potple. Count the day lost on which you have not tried to make somebody happy. The devil would have to go out of business if ho couldn't.mako sin attractive. No man can servo two masters , but there are pcoplo who try to servo a dozen. Fight your troubles ono at a lime. ICnook down tno llrst one , and the others will run. Many lives contain whole chapters of good ness , not a word of which Is over put on a tombstone. Unless a man's walls corresponds with his talk tbo less ho has to say in prayer mooting tbo better. Bcnniy is no Inheritance. Beauty often dopoiido j > on plumpness , BO d health. Cosmetics do not beautify , but often destroy a healthy complexion. A natural rosy and healthy oolov can not bo had by the use of cosmetics , but only through the health of the body in general. Secure this result by the use of the genuine imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. Take it early in the morning be fore breakfast. It clears the complexion and produces healthy flesh and color. Obtain the genuine , which has signature of "Eisner & Mcndclson Co. , Agents , Now York , " on every bottle. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est onttlo. hoi ; it ml ahoop market In the \ic t COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER L.1VK . STOCK COMMIBS1ON. THE LEADERS. /n ( YUAIHI Write to this houaa for cor- VU. } UA1A11A | rapt Market Baporti. Wood Brothers , South Ouinha Telephone 1U7. - Chicago , J. U. DADISMAN. I , , W. IS. WOOD. I t n KOrs. Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully furnished upon application. THE _ Campbell Commission Co. Chlcnpo , RistSt. Louis , Kansas Olty. South uniiiliu. aioax uity , fort uorm. A. Crlll , W , V. Doanr. U. V. Tiilliuaduo. Chicago. lloz Haluiinan. OUUo suloiman Grill , Denny & Company , Live Block Commlnlon. Hooni Z7 Kxcbuuga UU' , tioutU Oiuaim. A. D. Boyer & Company , tSand W Kxolmniro IlulldlnSouthOinahn. Corroipomlonco oltcltod and promptnrnworjil. ! . B poc Ittl attention tu order * for ituotura A. t uedon. Uttablliticd , 181. . . . incorporated , Wl cupiui fuiir paid , no.wa. Waggoner Uirney Company , Wrltaor wlro ui for prompt and roIUMo market reports. ' Perry Brothers & Company , Live Stock Commission. Koora 51 Exchange Iliilldlnir. youth Omaha. Telephone 17U7. Gas3man& Dudley , M. II. Hogaity 4 ; Oo. , llooms CO iindflj , Ex- Room Ul Kxoanjo uliungo Jlulldlufc. llulldlns. South Omuhu. - Neb South Omuhu , - Neb SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union Stock Yard National HANK. Tlio unlr bank at tlio rardi. Capital and iur- j.lui . , KM.UM. Cullectloin urowluit out of HID Ilvo lock tm lno i tliuuld bo unt Ulroct to tlilt bank. Blilppori can dopoilt lot UU ol Uiolr UOiuv bauk OMAHA 'and ' GRAIN. B.AMO WHORTER , ' Hind of Trodo. In grain , eto. I'rUnla wlro to N. V. , Chicago ana t < C Louis. nAUDWARE ? RECTOR & WILHELMY LOBEOK&LINN , CO. , Dealers' hardware anil Corner loth and Jackson mechanics' looK Streets. UOI Douglas Street A.O. RAYMEH , ItulMom' llnnlwnre arid fiintraclors' Supplies. & ; .North IDtli street. LUMBER CHAS. R. LEE , JOHNA.WAXEFIELD Hardwood lumbar , wool carpets and ptrqutt tmportol.Amarloin l'ort Mooring , Iinteoii3it , MllwaukAS liydrnullo cement anil tthand Don4Us. ( Julncy whlto lima. LIQUORS. * ILER&OO. , FRIGK & HERBERT. Ltnuor merchants , Ul ) llarnoyst. Mfrs. Ken noJr's Hut ir.dla lilt Wholcv\ta ' llqnor denlon tors. MILLINERY J.OBERFELDER&GO. , Importers nnd Jobbersot niltllnery. notionsMall orders prompt. SU3-1J 8. llth-st. MUSICAL. A.HOSPEJR. , , THE MEINBERQCO. , Pianos orKans. artists ! 'N. lOlh St. rtanof , materials , etc. 1518 tniulcand musical la Douglas st. siruuivuts of all kind ! OILS. STANDARD OIL 00. SHOW DRD ? OIL , Koflncd and lubricating No bail odor , no smolo chimneys , no chnrrlnj oils , nxlo grcaso , eta wicks , Ask for It. Sobo- c , eld , bhurmor A Tongle. OYSTERS. PERMANENTLY OIIRRD OK NO PAY. NO DKTKK PION KHOifllUHINE33. WKHEu'Ell YOU TO OVER 1.50) ) I'ATIKN L'J. Investigate ) our inotlioil. Wrltton en ir nitoo to absolutely euro ull kinds of RUPL'Ulti : of both soxos. without tlio tiso of knlfo or nyrlti 0 , no mat * tcrof how Ions atundlnj. EXAMINATION FREE Tlie 0. G. Miller Conpy , 307-30SN. y.Lir lluiUi jO ih > , Sii. ! OfllocB Denver , Oo'.o. ; Oliloajo , III. ; 9k JxiulH , Mo. , Detroit , Mich. ; .Hll\ra. < lko3 , WIs Uos&Iolnor. la. ; H.iULi ii Olty , Utvis f unil , Oro. ; llutto , Mont. . SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. MANHOOD RESTORED ! ; ; ® * ! irn minrunUe to euro all nervous diseases , such as JVi-nk..Memory , Loss of llniln 1'ower. Headache. Wakof ulnoss. Lost ilanhood. Nig itlr Emis sions. Nervousness. Lassllude.all drains and loss of power of the Ucneratlvev Organs In either sex caused brovor orortlon , youthful orro's.or fxu ! ilv . _ _ ohymi il0ior ! i. 5rFOiot * oirr * fsiKa , 'or refund IM monev. For sulo in Omaha by Shormixn & McConnell 1613 Dodgn-Bt. Or ( lie Llciiior Habit l-usllltrly C'urcU by u luiliil t rli > if lir. Ilaluea * Uoltleu Huerllle. It oan be given In a oup of oonoo or tcs , or In foea , without th knowl d cube pstlcnt. It Is absolutely harmless , and will effect a Derm ncnt and speedy euro , whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or analoobollovrreoU. It Ins b enclven In tboussnds of ouef . and In every Instance a perfect cure his fol. lowed. Itnevrrfnll * . Tbesystemonoelmprtgnsted with tbo epeoino.lt becomes an , utter Impossibility for the llauor appetite to exUt. . UOLIIBN HI'KCIKIO CO. . 1'rop'rs , rinrlnMtl , O. 48-paae book of csrtloulars froo. To t ) uaa of KtilinA Co. . IStliana nnuglus Sta. . and 18th UnmlDRHti. Wlinloaiilo. Hluko. llrucpi Oo an'l ItloUnrilaoii Drug Oo. , Oini > iiu.Nou _ _ > > 6END FORCATAU ) Q U E. -stsn . . , E.C.MEACHAM f ARMS HO. . ST , LOUIS ltd INDIAN DEPREDATIBH BUIIIS Tcrsons who have loU proporlr tra-n Indlnn raids Klioulil Illo tholr clnliiii inidor the Indluti DojiroJuton Act of MnrJh ' . 13 I. 'H > u t..inoU . llinltod , an I the olulnm are taUon up Ith courtiti thoorJurln HhU-li they are ro3olvod. TakjNotloa thatall contraotJ ontareJ Into wlih attornoyj prior to ths A ard imJ * null and voU. Information lvon uui i clulins uroniptly attendoJ lo by the BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS. lice OMA.UA , r5T Tlils Iluroau Is Btiaranteol by th Omuhu Hue. the 1'lonour I'roiu uuU thu fruuolico