Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Xlondensod Chunks of Go-Abeadatives
Gloaucd from Various Points.
the Terror of Dentil Valley nnit.the Won-
drrs of Wyoming A Noted 1'Iaiiccr
I'uties Awny Siinmmrjr of
Northwest Now * .
So vast tvna rnriod are tbo resources ot
Wyoming Ibftl Iho rusllcr war Is but nn In-
tldcnl In the march ot development. Pluck ,
push and perseverance , qualities possessed
by the people to a remarkable degree , nro
the mighty factors now carving tbo pathway
Dt progress and prosperity. Choycnno sots n
pretty lively pace by securing n smelting ana
refining work * , tor which a bonus of $200,000-
was paid. Ttio benefits accruing to the mm-
tral Interests of the state from the establish-
tncnt of tbo works are Incalculable. It moans
A vast cheapening of tbo cost of 'transporta
tion by reducing bulk , a convenient market
for ores , and tbu profitable working of low
prado ere which will not bonr the cost of
transportation to present smellers. It Is ex
pected the works will bo ready for business
uv fall. 1 hat Its operating will stnnulato
tinning industry is conceded ,
Charles Frederick , tbo discoverer of the
nickel and cobnlt Holds near llarivilloro-
porls tno llnd a valuable ono. The bed of
or& covers about 400 acres and Is very rich in
the mutals mentioned , and In addition is
thought to contain platinum In paying quan
tities. The cobalt blossom overlay
ing the hard mineral is about thrco
foot thick and is exceedingly
rich. Ono peculiarity about this olossom Is
that when taken out and placed In n room it
gets very hot and retains 1U heat for six or
eight hours , when it cools off and falls to
pieces llko mocking llmo. it smells very
BtrotiRly of sulphur. About thirty fcot of
iron ore was gone through oeforo , the cobalt
tvas struck. The ere has buon.ponetratod'
about four foot and workmen are now cross
cutting to ascertain somulhinc of the extent
of the strike , but in any event the find" Is thu
_ biggest thing for Wyoming that has yet Ooon
Air. Frederick says-that development work
Is about all that is noxv being dona on tno
Iron clultiis , but ho has great hopes for the
lutuic and thinks that at no distant day tno
Harlvlllo district will bo famous the world
over lor tbo quantity and richness of Us
At Silver Crown development work goes
steadily on and great things arc expected of
that district. Much of tbo ere tulien from
there will bo worked by the Cboyenno
smoltcr , ana , in fact , tbo bullatng of the
Bipoltcr hero will lend added activity to
development work in that district.
The llorso crook Iron mines are bolug
worked by the iron company lor all there is
in them , and uro showing up sorao good oro.
A spiiitcd struggle is on tor control of the
oil Holds. The Choycnuo Sun asserts that
Denver IK decidedly in the lead ot Omaha.
rirst of the " \\\K \ Four. "
Mho death of Colonel Cbarles A. Broad-
water ut Helena removes ono of the most
prominent llpures In the progressive lifo of
Montuim. Ho was ono of the noted big
four in the democratic party of the Plato ,
his colleagues being ex-Governor Hausor of
Helena and Marcus Daly and A , W. Clark
of Helena. Although ho did not seek or hold
office , bo was nevertheless a power In the
councils of the party , and displayed in poli
tics tbo sagacity and aggressive enterprise
that distinguished him in business affairs.
Charles A. Broadwator was corn in the
town of SU Charles , St. Charles county , Mo. ,
September 23,1840 , making him at the time
of his death 02 years of ago. Ho grow to
young manhood near bis native city. Ho
wont to Colorado in 1SCO , and when sold was
discovered at Bannock bo came to Montana.
Ho Joined one of the first expeditious and
BOOH arrived at the now Eldorado in the fall
of 1SG2. After a brief season in
the mines ho entered the freighting
business , in which ho continued until the
railroad came. Ho was also a contractor. In
nil bis ventures ho was remarkably
successful and amassed a fortune. Ho pos
sessed a genius tnat was phenomenal , and It
Was all directed toward banoQUng tno slalo
of Montana. Ho was ono ot iho promoters
of the Great Northern railway and with
Hon. Paris Gibson was ono of President
Hill's chief supporters in that great under
taking. Ho was president of the Montana
Central railway from thu time of its organi
sation unlil bis death , end ho established the
Montana National bank In Helena , ono of tbo
leading : llnancial institutions of the stale.
But Iho institution in which Colonel
Broadwator took greatest pride , and which
will always remain an enduring monument
to his memory , was the Hotel Broadwator
and nalatorium. The establishment of these
great institutions required a largo outlay of
capital ana indomitable pluck. Ho was'
largely interested in mines , and bo owned
many of the best properties in the Ton-Mllo
district and at Noitiart.
Too colonel's adventurers while bo was on-
oned in bis experiences of early days were
often exciting and sometimes dangerous.
Ho became perfectly familiar with tbo
roughoat side ot pioneer life. Throughout it
nil bo was uniformly a man of cheerful tem
perament. Ho made warm friends every
where , and In hli early experience be dis
played the rare executive qualities w.hicb , in
later life , proved to bo ot ereut account to
pirn when bo wai engaged in adrentures on
jm impressively large scale.
Tackled the Wrung .111111.
Up in Lander , Wyo. , Mr. J. F. L.udln
rustic- , for local items and ads to fill tbo
weekly vacuum in bis paper and relieve the
"lean and hungry look" that cllnrs to per-
innlully to bU wallet. In pursuit of tboso
issantmls it occasionally becomes bis duty ,
is a mentor and guardian of the public
morals , to puncture evildoers with the sabre
of trull : . A man of peace and humble mice ,
bo is not of these who siok or borrow
trouble , nor will ho run away when trouble's
dismal scow ! darkens bU tbresbold.
On u recent occasion Mr. Ludin remarked
Incidentally , with reference to a criminal
trial in progress , that tbo prisoner should be
discharged and tbo prosecutor jailed. Tbo
lawyer proceeded to chastise iho mock and
bumble Ludln , to tnnko him eat bis words ,
s it wero. After an overturn of
iplrltod expletives , tbodlsciploof Blackstone
came in violent contact with an inkstand ,
md before hit lore reservoir recovered from
tbo sbock it was contused and burled under
n wlcrd assortment of Broken chairs and
tools. The lawyer escaped with bis llfo but
rs artistic draperies of dark oluo around
peepers as a inomouto of the meeting.
Mr. Ludln announces In the current issue :
"Wo extend our sympathy lo our mis
guided friend , and suggest to him that if bo
should recover from his injuries to wander
oil into some lonely nook and pivu thanks for
the blunting of bulng spared. ' In tbo future
AS in the post wo shall endeavor to Impress
UDOH fools Ibo danger of trlUiug with the
oblldton of Providence. "
Tlio Yvrror > f tlio Desert.
A low years ORO 1'im DEB jrave a glowlnj ;
count of tlio uppcarauco ol u mnrlno mon-
slur on tbo bamlbars nour I'latumoutb , this
ttato. Sonic days lalor tbo monster appeared
at GrctfRsport , and uftor u low loxv , bcarso
roars Ulsappourtd from sight. FUhoruu-n
end tcleritists alone the liver dlscourtca
wltcly about tbo beast , but were unable tea
a roa as to Its URO , color and previous condi
tion. A I'laUsmontu tavaut InsUtcU It was
of tlio suurlan family witbctganttusleillarlda
* nd wet \vitb eternal fo.s. Tbo general
belief wai tbut tbo beml'wns a link connect
ing the pltslcsuuius of antiquity with tbo
modem palollcccno poriou.
From ibu ilescnptlous plveu In California
pnXrs | the tnoniter li at Jirt'scul cavoillnit in
IXatti vnllor , Nevada , n region rarely vlsiicd
by mun. Mr. Oscar \V. Olarlc , wbo U con
ducting geological rcuearcbes in that region
in ibo luiurtMt of tbo Hoyal Academy ot Bel-
OIK-PK. vlilted the valley uuU describes the
knlmal ,
iidppootne lo gliuicu to tbo southxvost , "
tic nuys , " tbroueh tbo bnze peculiar to tbo
X doicrl 1 saw a straugo body moving uioug
about one nillo away. I wcut toward It ana
\vus coou botb elated and horrliled by seelue
on Buluial fully thirty feat loan that differed
f -A from any of iho known form * of the present
ppub. U was an linmen&o monslorvalUlus
part of tbo time ou iu bind foot nod at tluuu
luclt tbrougb the snuds aud loav-
13p tracki ot n three toed foot nnd a peculiar
scratchy connRurallon In the sand whenever
It changed its forroot locomotion and draegod
' The forcllmbs o ( the animal were ex
tremely short nnd It occasionally grasped
the nearest scrub and devoured it , The
thumb ot the throe-pronged forefoot wni
evidently n stronc p nlcal spine that would
bo a dangerous weapon of attack. When
ever the nnlmal stood upright It wa fully
fourteen fcot high.
' The head wns m Inreo as a good-sized
cask , nnd was shaped "somowhit llko n
horse , while the body was as mrgo ns that of
an elephant , with nlong tall oxtcndlnc from
the hindquarters something llko that ot ou
"Whon 1 saw It the strnngo animal was on
the cdgo of a great slnK bolo of alkaline
water a ulnlt hole , by the way , that iny
guldui told mo was n bottomless pit , and
evidently a remnant of the dars when
Death valley was an Inland oca. I
approached within 300 yards of the monster ,
crawling cautiously over the snud. nnd
watched It for fully half nn hour. Suddenly
the boast began to bellow , and tbo sound
was of a most terrifying and blood-curdling
character. Its immense eye * , fully a large
ns saucers , projected from the Head , and
gleamed with a wild ami furious lire , wnilo
from the enormous mouth of the monster
streams of stcam-llko vapor were exhaled ,
and as they drifted toward ono thn effluvia
wa * soinottiine awful.
"Tho nnlmal was liver color , with bronzo-
llko spots. " _
Kccont reference ) to the natural wonders of
Montana , particularly the ChlcKon-broth and
blchlorlue serin gs , brings to light others of
equal magnitude. Colonel John Doylo's won
derful vinegar mine in Boavcrhoad county
passes the domain of doubt into the sunlight
ofltuth. It Is backed by crttp aflldavlts.
and aflldavlts cost $1 each In Montana. The
colonel and bis partners did not conllno
themselves to vinegar. They discovered a
mountain of nuro alum Iu. the Beaverhoad
run co. The discovery was considered a ton-
strike ana bettor than a gold ralno. They
kept tbo und a secret for several wcoks , dur
ing xvhlch a shaft was sunk to the depth of
300 feet , . The cut was irmao alt the way
through a solid voln of alum , ana It was oui-
nmtud that the whole mountain wus con ) ,
oo od of It. A largo pile of the stuff was
heaped near tbo mine , ready tor shipment ,
and the miners hnduschomo to tlood the
market with their product and rake
in 31,000,000 at ono foil swoop. Last
Monday Iho colonel's partner wont to town
to lay in a supply of grub and the former
remained behind 'to guard their treasure.
During the morning n heavy rain began to
fall and continued nil day and m the otter-
noon the colonel hnd occasion logo down into
thu mine , making the descent by sliding
tlown the rope nnd when once down at the
boitom was so taken up with a contempla
tion of his novel and wonderful mine that bo
did not heed the fleeting hours until ho hnp-
pcuod to cist hU c.vcs upward and saw that
daylight had faded from the mouth of the
shaft. Ho started to climb upward , but had
not proceeded moro than half way when to
his horror ho discovered that the heavy fall
Of rain had so thoroughly saturated the alum
si ( < es of tno shaft that as a natural result
they hnd drawn top-other until tno hole was
scarcely largo enough for a man to crawl
through. Tno imprisoned man recognized
his awful position and without losing
much time struggled toward the top or the
shaft. Every foot ho advanced the shaft
became smaller , and for the last ten feet ho
was compelled-tn dig bis way up with u
pocket knife , and when ha finally reached the
surface ho was completely exhausted , his
clothes were torn and his body badly bruised.
The rain was still falling , which soon revived
the colonel , and bo started towards the camp
to meet his partner , to whom bo related his
remarkable experience. Together they re
turned to tholr mine , or at least tried to , for
although they searched for two days they
were unnblo to find any sign of tholr late
possessions. The rain had undoubtedly thor
oughly and tightly closed up the discovery
shaft and molted away every sign of the
alum piled on tbo outside , so that to this time
It has boon Impossible to find any trace of
the mine.
Itnplil Tmimlt.
While rival rallroadsjiro straining every
coint tu demolish space and distance previous
records of sceed , an inventive genius In Tacoma -
coma promises to throw dust in the eyes of
all competitors. According to reports of
scienllbc mon , M. L. F. Cook has tolved the
problem of rapid transit , with cable or plec-
triclty as tbo motive power. It , is a modiQed
form of tncyclo road. The double tracks
only occupy ono foot in space , and are car
ried on a single line of piera twelve Inches
square , and of proper height , so that the
bottom of the car , which is carried from the
top , is twelve .or fourteen feet from the
ground. Tbo car being earned from an
upper corner has a side gravitation at the
bottom where the drive wheels , placed hori
zontally in the bottom of tbo car , and driven
by an electric motor on the car , bear
against the rails ; and electricians claim
that by this combination two miles a minute
may bo attained. Tbo cars travel in opposite
directions on opposite sides of tbo pinrs and ,
owing to the manner they are attached to
tbo upper track , cannot bo derailed. The
cars are only three feet wide , are constructed
of aluminum and will not weigh more than
the passengers. Passengers will got In and
out at the side of the car.
Mr. Cook bos been allowed patents on his
systems , and claims to be able to make any
curve , grade or speed that may bo required.
A Ilcmnrknblo Snowslldc. *
The Sultan City ( Oro. ) Journal vouches
for the following : "A novel tight was pre
sented the other * day on Silver Top in the
shape of an immense snowslldo. Hearing a
noise , wo.rushed oat , of Iho tunnel to see it ,
wnen , behold , In the center of a moss of
snow ten rods wide by a quarter of a mile
long wo MUV , on what appeared to bo a largo
niece of ice , 11 vo bears and fourteen goats.
Lost In wonder and gratitude at the sight of
so much moat coming to"us'we simply stood
and gazed at tno novel sight until ons of the
boys suggested that a gun inichl bo a good
thing to have , and started for tbo camp after
one , but before ho could got book tlio. slide
bad plunged over the bluff into the lake , and
everything except ono Dear was covered up
in tbo mass of snow and ion , and ho made off
as fast as possible , and the nut were covered
so deep wo could not got at thorn : however ,
wo expect lo got them some time during the
summer , as they will undoubtedly bo well
. "
preserved. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Three of a Kind.
Dakota's divorce mills develop some
astonishing matrimonial entanglements.
Men with two or moro wives are not uncom
mon , but a woman with three husbands is a
rarity. Tbo woman In the case is a Mrs.
Voel'er , fair , buxom and nearly 40. Hus
band No , l' whereabouts is unknown , No. ' 3
Is in Sioux Fulls , raising cam and Insisting
on a divorce and No. 3 don't know whether
bisvlfo U his wife or whether ho is his own
husband , or just how ho is fixed for a family.
Mrs. Vogler doesn't care u continental which
is wlilch , so lung us she bus a husband , nnd
is wholly Indifferent whether No. 2 or 3 se
cure s a divorco. Her chfuf concern is that
tbo court will cut all her matrimonial knou
und turn her adrift , before aho has bad time
to skirniUu for No. 4.
A tent of Kniehts of the Maccabees has
been pitched at Lexington.
Fairmont citizens nro maKlnc great prep
aration * to cclebrnto the Fourth of July.
The Hyannis Uopublicati has suspended
temporarily ant ) Editor Warner has gene to
worn on his ranch.
Curl T. tjoeley , editor of the Madison
Chionlclo , Is taking a thrco weeks rust at a
Norfolk sanitarium.
West Point is to have a Bohemian news
paper conducted by F. 1C. Kingsmuth of the
Suhuylor Nova Doha.
Thirty car loads of cattle loft York Friday
for Boston , from whence they will be shipped
direct to tbo Liverpool market ,
Clint Hyatt , ouce editor of the Alma
Times , has gene luiano at Delia Plaluo , la. ,
whora bo ban been for two years.
The Madison county commissioners hove
denied the petition of the citiiens of Battle
Crock for a system of waterworks and a Jill.
A York roan t\vullowod a dosoof medicine
for a cold in the bead iubtcad of snufmig it
as intended. Ills life was saved oy tbo use
of emetics.
Thti 2-year-old girl of A. J. Wilklns , a
a leading merchant ofVaoo , York county ,
drank part of a bo'.Ua of carbolic acid with
fatal results.
Wnllo a party of Ausolrno men were en
gaged In a quiet game of druw , the wife of
oua of IbQ urUcljmuls spoiled A jack pot by
breaking the windows ot the roiwi whore thn
gome was in prottKMs.
The fourtcenlh annual exhibition of the
Pollc County Agricultural society will oo
held nt Otceotn August lit ) und ! U and Sep
tember 1 and S.
Several hundred dollars' worth of hard
ware was stolen from C. W. Dny's store at
Hlslng Cltv by an enterpnslng burglar , who
nindo good his escnpo.
Stockman in Kovn Paha county lay the
death of many cattle In the late storm to
nlectricltv Instead of cold , ns fat calUo were
killed nnd poor ones loft alive.
The little daughter of J. O. Howard of
Concord wai accidentally shot and killed by
a small bor who was plating with a
revolver which ho had found In a valise.
Fifty baby carrlaeoi wore counted by a
Norfolk nnwspapor man In a walk of less
than nlnn blocks , which loads the Now * to
assort that tbo population of the Queen City
continues to Increase on a solid basis.
It is related that the ghost of Anton John
son , wbo shot himself near Etna , Custer
county , while striking bis dog with bis ttun ,
goes back to bis deserted farm and plows ,
vanishing into tha orthodox thin air when
any ono trios to approach him.
The family of George H. Pockham of
Burchnrd and Mrs. T. N , 1'ockham nnd
grandson of Pawnee City had a narrow
escape from death by eating something
supposed to contain poison. Promut ar
rival and quick work by n physician onl/
acted to save Mrs. ( Jcorgo Pcckbam's life.
According to the Homer Independent iho
Wlnnebago Indians are doserrini ; of the
bighesl pralso for iho offorl they are now
irmkltic to bolter tholr condition by"trying to
have their annuities issued direct to them In
cash instead of being "fogged" out of threo-
fouilbs of their Just deserts by a lot of sharp
ers , sharks and robbers.
Mrs. Henry Ware , living thrco miles from
Nebraska City , fell to the boitom of an
emply well soventy-Uvo foot deep and re
mained there four hours octoro sbn was
found. When extricated an unldo was
broken and tbo bones thrust through the
ligaments of the uuklo. Medical aid was
summoned , bul it is Ihought she will lose
the foot. Otherwise she was not badly hurt.
George Schofllo of York counly discovered
a wolf's Jen lately and detormlntod to inves
tigate. Accordingly bo boldly proceeded lo
crawl into Iho hole head foremost , taking u
4i-callbro revolver , with whicn he shot the
wolf , crippling her. Then ho came out of the
ucn quicker than ho went In , followed by
the wolf. Ho succeeded in killing the old
wolf with a pitchfork , after which bo cap
tured five young ones.
Two peculiar accidents occurred at Grctnn
Iho other day. An employe In Deerson's
lumber yard was engaged in sawing brackets.
In some way bo stumbled , his hand coming
in contact with the rapidly moving circular
saw , severing it Just above the Knuckles.
Tbo injured member was amputated just
above the wrist. A boy whoso" name could
not bo learned fell from a wagon , tbo wheel
passing over him , taking off his oar.
The mystery about Lake Mystery deepens
ns time ( lies , says the Columbus Telngram.
It will bo remembered that the lake sprang
UP in the sund hills north of Duncan about a
year ago. It scorned to have no inlet or out
let simply coming up out of the ground like
the growth of n plant. Now comes a man
who says Ibo water Is deeper than over nnd
that fishermen on tbo classic banks have ,
during tbo past week , been catching numer
ous fiftocn-pound fish of the buffalo variety.
Tbo myslory , Ihcrufore , Is Iwofold ; vvhoro
did Iho lake como from , and if it did como ,
how < lld ihcso fifteoa-pound fish got there )
This tola w&s told us by a eontlaman whoso
word should not DO disputed , and wo are
moved to ask for outside assistance to solve
how Ihojo Hsh got there.
The strike in the Cambria coal mines ended
with a compromise.
Poison weed is damaging stock iu iho
vicinity ot Larnmie.
Cheyenne's smaller pluok is the ad
miration of the wost.
Fine specimens of galena bearing rock
have been found near Casper.
Oil bearing shale was discovered in a coal
prospect bole near Green river.
Now York capitalists are viewing the oil
fields and largo investments are oxpoctod.
Laramlo toughs showed their disgust of a
veto by banging up an effigy of the mayor.
Taxgatbcrors swooped down on flocks of
sheep driven into tbo stale from Utah and
collouloa $3,500.
Tbo Union Pacific contracted for an olec-
trio light and hauling plant for tbo Hock
Springs mines , Id cost $25,000.
The state prohibition convention was
monopolized by women. Billy Brnwn , nom
inated foi governor , will lead the girls lo
The Buffalo coroner's ' jury declared that
Foreman Wellman was murdered "by some
person or persons unknown. " Tom Hath
away , arrested on suspicion was released.
Tbo residence at the Ogalalla ranch at
Ross was lately plundered. The thieves car
ried away ten rifles , a sbotcun , 5,000 rounds
of ammunition and a large quantity ot bed
South Dakota.
Rapid City 1s talking Smelter.
A sanitarium lor Iho cure of the prohibi
tion habit is to be started at Brookings.
The contract has been let for grading eight
miles of the Dakota , Wyoming & Missouri
Hiver railroad from Rapid City.
A strike of load ore carrying thirty ounces
of silver has been made on the 200-fbol level
of the Iron Hill. About 100 Ions have been
taken out ,
The Rapid River Milling company has
been awarded the government contract of
furnishing the Pine Ridge agency with 1,100-
000 pounds ot flour.
The Batd Mountain blanket veins continue
to pay handsomely. Golden Reward , Mark
Twain and Buxtoc nro each turning out
about $1,000 par day.
The State Board of Agriculture has offered
a premium of (50 to the editors of South
Dakota for the best editorial argument in
favor of the state and county fairs.
A special election was bold in Dcadwood
lasl Saturday to consider the advisability of
appropriating $40,000 for Iho construction of
a complete- system of sewerage. An almost
solid vole was cast in favor of iho proposi
tion.Tho cily council of Sioux Falls has ordered
125,000 worth of paving , too material to bo
used being Sioux Falls stono. This wilt
cover the most prominent streets , A system
of scworago will also bo put in to cost about
The authorities of Great Falls are waging
war ou scarlet women and gamblers.
Tbo Butio & Boston -smelter recently
burned Is to bo rebuilt on a larger scale.
The lost shipment of tho' Rook of Ages
yielded 350 a ton for first class oro. Tbo
snino yields gold , and though the vom is a
narrow ono , it is evidently very rich. The
property is located near Basin ,
Henry Luiker , it minor occupying a.cabin
near Buttr , not a gun trap for thlovos. It
worked Into n charm. John Smoke prowled
nbout vho bouso at night and received a
bullet In bis abdomen. Ho is dead.
It Is Bluted thai Ibo vein recently struck in
the Hiawatha mineCataract district , is eight
inches wide und ibal much of iho ere is ns
rich as lhal found near tbo surface , whore It
ran from 2,000 to 10,000 ounces of silver to tbo
There nro al Iho Anaconda hoisling works
three specimens of copper glance that wll !
weigh from 1,000 to 2,500 pounds each. These
are about70 percent coppor. All tbo Ana
conda properties have been taxed to their
utmost capacity durine iho last month , the
output beiug about 9,000 tons per day.
Cattle and horse Ihlovos who'havo ooon
operating In Yollowstuno and Park counties
nro having rather a severe time just at pros-
out. About a month ago a largo number o :
them were noliiled to leave the couniry , ant
a considerable portion obeyed Ibo mandate.
Sorao of them did not , however'and iboy are
suffering tbo penalty.
The Wood Itiver ailniug camp , situated
near tbo Sunlight basin , about ninety miles
duo south of Rod Lodge , is a source of un
usual interest ut present. Red Lodge is tb (
nearest rail connection to the DOW camp , anc
il It reached by stage and a horseback trip
of about eighteen miles. For two mouths
past a largo number ot miners from Aspei
and Loadvillo , Colo. , have been going in , am
as they are backed by capital tboir movu-
menU are closely watched.
Utah urn ! lilubu.
An oxtonslvo glass works to cost (100,000
and employ 1,000 bands is projected in Sol
Surveyor General Petit of Idaho savs tha
there have been applications made for Ihu
survey of 3,000 acres of placer mining ground
in r.ombl county. Anitju , ual activity Is
> , ouu U in Iho placer mltV operations ot that
I scotion. i "
I i'lic homo of Jaom Bh Hm al Provo -was
1 burned lo iho ground , two children perishing
in the flames.
Incendiaries started ' a" " blaze In Brigbam
City and several blocks'oTmodorn ' buildings
were destroyed. U >
Knights of the green btolu and women of
the town nro reccwln'fr.tho ' attention of the
Salt Lake police. An 'pxodus bos sot In.
Ogden Is receiving Ibe fjvflrilow.
The Pocatello llerald.palnts with prldo to
the fact that there are ovr sixty now awoll-
ing houses in iho cout o"6f construction In
Pocatello , besides innumerable ones being
enlarged and Improved.
Alone the Count.
Coyote scalps bring $23 In Ltnn coun ty
Property valued at fcUl.OOO was destroyed
by flro at Spokane , Wash.
On Louse crook , near Silver City , Wash , ,
gold oi-o assaying $ -1,003 to the ton was
The building boo.n In sight in Tncotna
amounts to $1,780,000. Among the prominent
buildings under way are tho'Tourlst bolel ,
$750,030 ; counly court house , * 375W > 0 , and
Iho clly hall , $200,000.
Curious electrical disturbances were felt
at Uakontflold , Cat. , last week , duo to iho
extreme buat prevailing. During two after
noons nnd nights in succession tbo heavens
were nblazo with forked lightning.
The report Is again revived that the Union
Pacific is considering the advisability of
chancing Its route between Portland and
Seattle. Chief Engineer Sraeod , who wa ?
hero recently , is quoted as aayln ? thai no
work will bo done this season.
When you gel up In Iho morning wllh a
swell-head , bring it to natural dimensions
with Bradycrotlno.
Notes of 1'orioiml nnil Ounornl Interest to
the Stitmllnc Army.
General Wesley Murrltt , commanding tbo
Department of Dakota , accompanied by bis
aide-de-camp , First Lieutenant O'cur J.
Brown , First cavalry , has cone on a lour
through the department nnd will visil Ibo
following posts before ho returns to SUPaul ,
which will probably bo a few weeks bonco :
FortBuford , N. D. , Camp Poplar River and
Forls AssinnibomoCuslorond ICeogb , Mout.
'his will bo the first official lour Iho depart-
ucnt commander has made to posts in the
epartmont since ho assumed command last
Secretary Elklns has directed that the
ow military post ut Helena , Mont. , DO
amen Fort Harrison. ,
Lieutenant Frank A. Barlon , Twouly-
ourth infantry , is assigned Iho duty of
uperinlcuding tbu dlslntermont of remains
of deceased officers and enlisted mon at or
near the post of Fort Thomas and abandoned
posts of Old Fort Wallen , Fort McDowell
nd Old Camp Goodwin , Ariz.
The young officers Iroui West Point who
vnto so charmingly for lhal excellent pub-
ication tbo Journal of tbo United Stales
Cavalry Association do not know what
they nro talking about , says the Western
Soldier , when they speak , of cavalry charg-
ng successfully with Iho saber against entrenched -
trenched lines of vo erin mfnnlry. Dis
mounting and lighting infantry on foot is
something thai cavalry may do wilh reason
able cbanco of success , , but to mount and
charge wilh saber na entrenched line of
veteran infantry is too wild a notion of war
to DO oven entertained in 'the ' books of fiction
in timts of peace. Umslppogaas of Rider
Haggard's creation wouldn't think of il.
Fort Sully.
Mr. Ash of Pierre has boon awarded ihe
boot contract for the ensuing fiscal year.
Post Quartermaster ? Sergeant D. Lane is
spending a few days w th riondx al Pierre.
Corporal Jones of oom'pa'ny 1 , Third infan
try , rejoined here after .alea days' furlough
in Monlaua. , „ i
Mn , Zimmerman returned Sunday from a
visit wilh her parents , Avbo > live m Okobojo ,
a town about eleven railed from ibU point.
Chaplain Barrv , Llontenant Beacon of the
Third , and Lieutenant Ulino of the Twelfth
infantry , spent a few 'days at Pierre last
Between now and the 1st of September of
this year about Iwenty-flvo men will bo dis
co ar god from the companies of this post , and
as none Intend re-enlisting , recruits will bo
badly needed here.
Privates Kennon , Turko , McGowan , Mul-
llns and Campbell , all of company B ,
Twelfth Infantry , were discharged during
the past week by expiration of enlistment.
They intend to Iry some eastern posl for the
nexl five years.
Sergeanl Tender nnd Pnvalo Tucker ot
company C , nnd Privates Morrlsoy and
Drew of company D , Twelflh infantry , have
been released from their obligations wilh
Uncle Sam. They , too , will hunt up nlco
stations east and will hold up their bands
for five more years.
Second Lieutenant W. Ulino , Sergeant
Thomas Lyden and Corporal Calkins started
on a hunt after deserters down the east bank
of Iho Missouri , and Sergeant McLaugblla
Is scouring ibe west bank. Snyder and
Schaeffer are Ihe names of the two mon ab
sent wlthoul leave , with a start of about
fourteen hours in their favor. Both are
young men nnd joined tbu command about
two monlhs ago.
Fort Nlohrara.
Chaplain O. J' . Nave ban returned from
leave of absence.
Private Samuel J. Bordeaux has enlisted
for troop L , Sixth ( Indian ) cavalry.
Private Greanoy has boon transferred to
troop D , Sixth cavalry , as recruit
Recruit P. Kelly rocenlly enlisted at Fort
Logan , Colo. , joined his iroop , F , Slxlh cav
alry , May 24.
Major W. H. Comegys arrived at ibis post
May 21 and paid Ibo troops stationed hero
for Iho monlh of April.
Captain W. H. Carter has returned from
Rosebud agency , S. D. , where ho had boon
for a few days inspecting beef to bo Issued
to the ngonoy Indians.
The weather for the last few days has been
very bad , but as wo are used to ibal wo do
not mind It. If it would only lol upalllilo
during target pracllco everybody would bo
pleased , for nobody can make scores in such
Second Lieutenant R. L. Howzo , Slxlh
cavalry , Sergeant Roberts , Iroop H , Sixlh
cavalry , conducted a detachment of recruits
to Gillette , Wyo. , at which place an officer
from Fort McKlnney took charge and con-
dueled them to the troops of the Sixth car-
airy stationed at Fort McKlnnoy.
Fort Arerfdo.
The troops were palc it wonk. '
Corporal Shea of E troop has boon reduced
to tbo ranks. f .
) )
Lieutenant Kemp bas , , bean attached to
troop C temporarily. , „ , , ,
1'rivato M. Dwyerihas been transferred
from A to I troop , Etgb bjcavalry.
Sergeant Peter Kelly'Was discharged on
Monday and ro-onllstedAVodnosday
The medical director 6f the Department of
Dakota inspected the post a foiv days aco.
Privates Schroeder ana Olsen and Trum-
otor Brunoll deserted cfur'ing the past week.
Corporal McCarthy bo/ * , been made a ser
geant and Private Ha rjr Exton has boon
appointed corporal. or'
Lieutenant Sayra has contlroly recovered
from bis recant lllnoss , tuid Lieutenant Hammond
mend Is Improving. qcic
All of the first Heuteriinis of tbo Eighth
cavalry bavo refused to-v accept the position
of quartermaster of Iho regiment.
Salaries Paid to Clerks In Thrco of the City
Office * .
In making a comparison of iho municipal
expense for the month of April , 1891 and
April , 1803 , of tno tbreo principal oily offices
iho comptroller , tbo treasurer and the
clerk tbo number of clerks employed there
in , with tbo exception of the city clerk's
office , bos boon Increased this year and Ibo
salaries are consequently greater for caah
department. Tbo city clerk's ofllco
has the same number of clerks
this year as It had In Ib'JI , bul Iho salaries
for April , 165B , are 839.09 loss lhan they were
for the same period in 1891.
The city comptroller's office has ono more
clerk this year than It bad last. The pay roll
of that deparlment for Iho past April was
fejOLM , while U was $713.31 In April. 1891 , an
increase ot & 5.VV9 for clerk hire. This was
The Court Has Decided Against Us.
Last fall , previous to Mr , Hellman's death , he bought $40,000
worth of spring and summer goods , of which $15,000 worth was deliv
ered prior to his death. The balance , $25,000 worth , the estate refused
to accept on the ground that they were closing out the business. But
the manufacturers went to law and the consequences are that we find
ourselves saddled with $25,000 worth of new spring and summer goods
that we had not calculated upon. There's no use to cry over spilled
milk , however , so the best we can d9 is to get them off our hands , and
as you know this is not a money-making sale , you will have the most
astounding bargains placed before you ever heard tell of. The estate
must be wound up , and the prices .we will quote you will astonish and
please you. The goods are brand new and the styles the latest inthe
As a starter we open by putting all the wool casimere , , worsted and
cheviot suits , worth regularly $8 , $ fO and $12 in one lot at
Our show window is full of them. Among them are a lot of
Warranted fast colors. Extra set of buttons , in square and round
corners , allat
In furnishing goods we mention the following to put you on your
guard :
A good stainless black hose I5c.
The best crow black hose 25c.
Solid colors tan , slate and brown 15c.
The 35c suspenders all go at 15c.
Light Weight Balbriggan Underwear $1,00 suit , formerly $2.00.
$ nnTAp
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
tnntlretops the most exeruclatlnz palm ; never falls toslvo ca to thasuUrit
. For sprains , bruises , backncho , palu in the chest or slJtH , hea'Jac'is. tootlinc'to ,
or nny external pain , a ( aw applications , rubood on by hand , act Ijko magic , caus
ing the pain to instantly stop. For congestion * , inflammation * , rhea natism , 110.1-
ralgla. lumlmtfo. solution , pains in the small of the back , moro extended and re
pouted applications are necessary : All internal pains , dlarrhoo.ii djrsontir/ , colic ,
spasms , nausea , fainting spoils , nerroiisnots , slo eplo3snc , are relieved instantly
and quickly cured by taking inwardly 20 toGO drops in half a tumbler of water.
50conta a bottle ; sold by druggists. With RADWAY'S PILLS there is no better
uro or prcTcntlro of Fcrer and Ague.
allowed , the comptroller explains , for an ad
ditional clerk to work on tbo school bond
The largest Increase In salaries has boon in
the treasurer's ofllco. Tbo clerk biro is moro
than double. In April , 1891 , there worp six
clerks , Including tbo treasurer blmsolf , drawIng -
Ing a salary of f640.G7. In April , 1893 , there
were twelve In tbo treasury department re
ceiving salaries aggregating tl.500 , an In
crease of $353.33 for the month over the cor
responding time last year. The comparison
of the months is not a fair one , as City
Treasurer Rush In 1891 received 2 per cent
interest on city funds blmsolf , and
paid Individually for the clerk biro
for that worn. Now tbo city ItsoU
receives tbo interest on tbo funds instead of
the Individual treasurer , and tbo city accord
ingly pays for the increased help. While the
comptroller's records show that tbero were
twelve clerks in April , 1892 , there were vir
tually only cloven , as ono of that num bar
worked only a portion of the month and an
other was put on in his placo. The salary of
the two is simply the wages of ono.
As to the city receiving tbo Inlorosi In
stead of Iho Ircasursr. Iho city , although
paying moro salaries for Increased help. Is
a jend for April , 1892 , jusl 8779. Un
der tbo old law Mr. Rush for April ,
1891 , received as fees ou delinquent
laxos $032.10 , and on 3 percent bank deposits
ho received n raonihly overage of $1,000. The
city U , therefore , deducting the $35.1.33 in
crease In salary exponsa of April , 1893 , over
the same month lost year from the intoresl
and fees which amounted lo f 1,033 , jusl $779
boiler off.
Following is a tabulated comparison of the
number of clerks employed , including tbo
beads of each deportment , and salaries paid
for April , 1891 , and April , 1893 :
Olarks Salary
Yoar. Employed. 1'uld. Inoroaso ,
18U2 7 I HJ4.33
1831 0 748.M165.60
1892 12 1,50000
1891 , 0 610.07 853.33
crrr CC.KIIK.
1691 , 3 556.07
1BK1 . . , . . 5 WO.CO39.99
Totnl salaries for April ,
31 tl.M2.CT
For April , 1891 , the salaries paid in tbo
three departments amounted to $1,091.07 ,
wbilo for Iho same mouth of this year they
wore $3,601 , an increase of $309,33 over April ,
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Chapped Hand * , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandrufli
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
LooK for
It Is 'io be found on the bolts of the YALE
locks ; and it means that ( lie reputation ,
skill , strength and security of the world *
famous " Y ALE " Is in and back of every
lock on which It appears. YALE locks
have steadily grown better and better ,
while the Imitations have grown worse
and worse. Whatever is worth locking
at all. is worth locking with a "YALE. "
Sold wherever locks sell.
( Trade nark. )
P &
® \
sCWsrWi y
f = 5T V *
< L&B <
The above brands of gloves lor sale by
ThB Boston Store
N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicagoat 9 145 a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Save Yoifr Eyesight.
Eyes tc tcrt f rco by nn KXPEllT OI'TIOI AN
Perfect adjustmunt. Kuporlor ILMISOS. Nerv
ous lieadaclu ) cured by using our Spootucloi
and nyezliibiCi. 1'rlcoj low for Urt uluai
114 S. 16th St. , Crolfjhton Dlock.
Farnam Street Theater II > OI >
Commonoln : B und ivy llutlnco Mny 29 ,
.D ]
mitt.jja. \ \ .
Matlnoos Weduoiduy und Saturday.
This Week Only.
Tony I'aitor Htura. Nolllo MuRuIro ,
Alblul Kuudull. Doinliijo , the only , a