Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TITE OMAHA DAILY liEl * MlONUAY , MAY 30 , 1892 ,
tclitutdy Carrier to nny pjxttof the City
HuVncf Office . . . . .No41
' )
'I vt . FPIIONTS . j NlRllt Kjof | , NT ,
N Y. i'lumblriB Co !
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coM ,
C rail's chattel loans. 204 Sappblocu.
The funeral of Mary KonlRsmachor will
occur this tiftornoon nt 4 o'clock from her
residence , 120 Glen nvonuo.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Illosmor entertained n
numhor of frlondi nt dinner last Friday , In
honor of Mrs. Bloomer's TiM blrthdr.y.
The Sons of Veteran1 * attended nt the
Fifth AvcnUo Methodist churcli yesterday
by Invitation of the pastor , Kov. C , W.
Uav. O.V. . Crofts prencbcd to the mem
bers of the Grand Army post yesterday
evening at the Conprcpatlonal church. The
post attended In u body , and was accom
panied by n number of outsiders.
The members of St. Albixn's lodge No. 17 ,
Knights of Pythias , celebrated the twentieth
anniversary of tee founding of the lodio
Saturday night. A flno muslcnl and literary ,
program was tiroscntod , uftor which dancing
was Indulged in until midnight. Hcfresh-
monts wcro served during the evening.
The basement of the Congregational
church is Rtill unlit for use on account of the
late flood. Instead of rocodln ? the waterhas
risen about n quarter or nn Inuh since the
rain quit falling- , and the members do not ex
pect nny change until the river goes down.
AH the church bcmcca yesterday had to beheld
held In the main room.
D. P. Elchor bus Hied with the city c'.erk
n petition asking the city council to have tno
repairs on the waterworks reservoir post
poned until an Inspection con bo made < o Ilnd
whether the nluco will bo safe after the re
pairs nro mode. The waterworks co'npany
was served with n nolico of the filing of the
protests , and the matter will bo called up at
ttio next meeting of the council.
Sheriff Hazon returned yesterday from
Shelby county will ) Harry I'aeo in charge.
The young man Is charred with the soduc-
tlon of u young woman living near the
school for the deaf. Page was put In the
county Jail , but will probably sccuro bail.
Hu admits that his actions with tbo girl have
been improper , but claims that the charge
against him cannot ho sustained , ns she has
bf.ou pt loose character for some lirno past.
Tlio Model Kntnlillslinicnt of tliu Intariin-
tluiuil Cure AHHocliitlim.
In the beautiful 4-story stone nntl
brick building , No. 520 1st avenue , just
west of the Grtind hotel , the Interna
tional Cure association has established
n , most nttrtictivo homo for putionts do-
alring treatment for the drink
For convenience , buauty and comfort a
bettor selection could not have been
iniulo. Located In the very center of
the city , in touch of its business houses ,
hotels and boarding liousos , it possesses
nl1. the summery attractions of n pleasure
resort , for it facoa upon the beautiful
BnyliHS park , with its grand trees and
sparkling fountains. Arrangements arc
being made to provide patients also with
ample opportunities for outdoor recrea
tions , such ns lawn tennis , croquet ,
quoits , etc. With private grounds in
the roar adu the public pnrl : in front ,
those who frequent the institution may
load as retired or ns active a life as may
best please their incliiufUons.
Entering the almost palatial appear
ing building , one linds the interior at
tractive and commodious. The recep
tion room impresses ono with the homo-
likeness of the placo. Through the
great pinto window in the front ono
looks out upon the beauties of the park.
A largo fire place , with artistic mantel ,
suggests in contrast , the roquistc for
choorfullncss in the chilly evening time.
Lending from the reception room is the
parlor for the UBO of the phy
sicians , nnd their room for exami
nations , consultation and treatment ,
together with a little- dispensary ,
closeted at ono side. Further along the
hallway are bathrooms and toilet looms ,
and private rooms for the use of patients
in special cases , where constant euro and
continued attendance is required. Then
there are the club rooms proper , which
are open to the use of all. Games are
hero provided nnd anything needful to
make the time pass pleasantly. The
tables in tbo reading room nro strewn
with the latest and best literature.
Throughout the establishment there
is an air of real comfort and cleanliness ,
nnd competent judges .dcchiro it to boone
ono of the most completely equipped in
stitutions in the west.
The association is under the control
of such well known citizens as W. J.
Davenport of the C. , B. & Q. , City Mar-
nhal Temploton , Postmaster Troynor ,
City Auditor Gould and Colonel Tulloys.
Mr. J. E. Harkness is the business direc
tor and Dr. Troynor the medical direc
tor. _ _
Have you scon the wonderful Hurd
refrigerators , the newest and best out ;
the gonlno Now Process and Quick Meal
vapor stoves * light like gas absolutely
Bafe. At Cole < & Colo's , -11 Main street.
Special for TliU Wock.
Wreaths nt 15c , 20c , fioc , 60c nnil 75c.
Children's hats , 25c , 50c. 76o und $1.2o.
Discount of 10 par cent on nil trimmed
pooils till further notice. Miss E. L.
llngsdulo , No. ! W7 Drondwiiy.
Jarvis 1877 brandy six gold
J ; i-Ait.iui.ti > ns.
Mr. W. H Warwick and wlfo of San
Francisco wcro ut Lake Munuwii yesterday ,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Alnscow ,
of Souln Omahii ,
Mr. end Mrs. Frank Hnnchott nro in tbo
city visiting his brother , Dr. A. I1. Hnnctiott ,
Mr. Huncuott is nn attorney at Aurora , III ,
J. W. I'alraor leaves Woilnosdny for a
month's trip rtirough Nebraska and Colo-
, -raao.
Mrs. Charles /Clmmcr and'cblldron , nccom-
ponied by MUs BophloUoruor. have returned
Irom Helena , Moul. Mra. X.liuinor wilt remain -
main aurmg the summer , visiting her pur-
ouu , Mr. und Mrs. U. W. Uernor.
G. Uosou returned yesleraav from a bus
iness trip to Siloiuu iaprings. Mo.
Colonel D. II. Dally leaves * today for
Btuurt , wncro hu will uclivor the Decoration
duy oration.
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion ,
belli its aununl memorial cxercUos last uvcn-
InB at Trinity MelhodUt church for tlio dead
comrades of the cncniniiient. | The church
was elaborately decorated with ll i-s nnd
UuntlnK , and In one corner Btocd seven
chairs , each bearing in f > ilt icttvra
tlio iiamu of the eoiurado wbcto
niBinory it wus Uoslrcd to call up.
Over the chairs was a Hue draping of black
mill white era 1,0. Dr. A. J. Coon pronouuccd
u culoio * upon 1'till Bberldan , Captain U. W.
t upon Patrick McCami , JosopU Lyinan
end II. W. Hart , and Juilie Geura Carton
'upon William Cautnbcll. A. Van Order ami
J uli n W. Kllpore. Every bcut in the church
was occupied by the veterans and tholr
friends. Excellent uiusie wus furnUhcd by
tbo choir of the Trinity cburrh.
The vary host cottnpo floor nnd Insldo
ut Da IIuvoii's druy storo.
Jnpanoao iillo roinody , wurrontcd to
. cure , ut lo ) Uuvon'ti.
Jtirvla wines , the oldest und best.
Ogden house furnlshoa board nnd
room ut populur prices ; ( rom fco.CO to
(35.00 ( per month , according to room ;
Decoration Day Services Will Ba Obsarvod
with Great Ceremony.
Konta nf tlio I'rorcsslon An IntrrcJtlng
1'roRnim nt the Comctcrr 1.1st of
Thoio Wlia Will lla\o Actlto
of Arrulri.
Today is Decoration day , nnd preparations
buvo been made for tbo usual celebration.
All the banks , courts , city and county ofllces ,
and many of the business houses , will ob
serve the holiday by koopln ? tholr doors
closed all day. The procession will form at
Bayilss park between 1 and 2 o'clock , nnd
tbo various societies , etc. , forming it will bo
arranged In tbo following order :
Mounted 1'ollco ,
Dulbcy's Hand.
Marshal mill Staff.
Sons of Veterans.
I'ubllQ Schools.
Mnrtlal Hand.
Abe Lincoln 1'ost nnd nil Old Soldlors.
Woman's Kellef Corps.
Daughters of Vutormis.
Union Veteran Lozliin ,
Indies' Auxiliary U. V. I.
Other soclotlos than these named above
will bo arranged In the order In which they
accepted the invitation to participate , which
was sent them by the Grand Army.
The procession will move promply at 3
o'clock , and will talto the following course :
Willow avenue and Pearl street to Male ,
tboiica to Washington avenue , thoico
to Oakland avenue , thence to the
cemetery. The program at tbo
comotcry will bo unusually Inter
esting. Dr. A. Li. Leonard of Cincinnati ,
will deliver the oration at the graves and
Kov. G. W. Crofts will road a posm. Music
will bo furnUhoa by Dalboy's band and n
chorus from the public schools. Dr. G. W.
Snyiler will deliver the address ut tbo un
known graves.
' 1 ha following gentlemen have charge of
Iho procession : Marshal , L. D. Cousins ; as
sistants , Captain C. S. Uubbard. Catitalu
J. J. Huthawuv. Colonel E. J. Abbott , Major
Anson. In addition each of the societies
which are to bo represented In the parade
has appointed an assistant marshal.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup for ehll
( Iron teething produces natural , quiet sleep.
Uo cents a hotllo.
A l'K\V
Necessities In tlio Toilet Department OITcrcil
at the UostmiStorr , Council IlliifTii , In.
Coltruto & Co.'s Consussoap , ono of the
finest laundry soups made , 3 cnkos
for lOc.
W. & II. Wnlkor'u "Water Lily. " nn
excellent toilet soap , largo cnke for 6c.
A genuine castile soap , a very line
toilet soap , 3 cakes for lOc.
Tlio Cotton Oil Co.'a Copco bath
soap , Inrpo ctiko lOcor 3 for 25c.
Olio D'Olivti Llvorno , a pure castile
soap , 7o a calco or 17c a case of 3 cakes.
Boston Store glycerine soap , an ex
quisite toilet soap , 5c a cake.
Fols& Co.'s Biinitni'Y soup , 6c n eako.
ColRtito & Co. 's castile soap lOc a cnko
or 8 for 2oc.
Toroco's toilet soap Oc or 3 for 253.
Pels & Co.'a Carolina tar soap Oc , or 3
for 25o.
The genuine Pears soap 12c } a calo.
Brown Windsor and glycerine , mndo
by the Lady Grey Perfumery Co. . 12c
n cake.
Our 22c soaps , Heliotrope , White
Lllnc and Cashmere Bouquet.
Culicura soap 14c a cake.
Capo May Bouquet IGc acako.
No. 4.711 White Rose Glycerine ,
highly perfumed , 17c , or 3 for 50c.
Best perfume extracts made by Bonn
nnd Vnil Bros. , Philudolphia , Pa , 2oo
an ounce.
True imported bay rum 60o a bottle.
A very good bay rum for 2oo a. bottle.
II. iMicholson , St. Thomas , W. L , bay
rum , sold nil over for 50c ; our price 30e.
Pntti complexion bleach Sl.OO per
J. A. Poxzoni's face powder , known
the country over and sold everywhere
for 50c ; our price 33c.
Ideal tooth powder 20c n bottle.
O. C. O. tooth powder with sample
bottle perfume , 20o a cnso.
Council Bluffs , In
See us about WALL PAPEK , WINDOW
SHADES , CUHTAIX POLES and adjustable
window screens , suitable for any ordin
ary slued window , in two sizes , "at 25e
nnd 3dc each.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , sold by all doalcrs
Chapmnn discounts every dealer on
screen doors and windows. Scu him
before you place your orders. 10 Bryant
street. _
Tliinko Thcro Are Too Many Churo'n ) .
Hector B. J. liabcock of St. Paul's Episco
pal church commenced a sorlos of sermons
yesterday morning ou the general subject of
"Tho Sutliciency of the Church. " What
called his mind to that subject was a sermon
ho hoard during his recent .visit to the
diocesan convention at Davenport , in which
the speaker Intnnitod atrotiely that the
church baa proved itself Incompetent to
maintain the standard which outsiders
have a right to expect of it , and to con
stitute Itself a central spring out of which
shall How the religious life of iho community
In which It Is looted. Mr. Habcouk is a
lirm believer in the suOlclency of the church
and ho has conscguontly begun a series of
sermons In which bo intends to provo that If
the church only lives up to the standard
which Is set for It by the bible and avoid the
potty differences and discords which bavo
made It a laughing stock In so many places ,
there will bo no reason for fear that It will
bo unabla to fullll the oxpcclatioas of its
"I urn convinced that thotlmo will como
wbon tholittlo differences of creed will van
ish and the churches which were formerly
ono will again become united , " salu Mr.
Uabcock In u private conversation on the
subject nf tor the sermon was ended , "und 1
bollcvc that a vary potent factor la bringing
about a revolution of this kind will bo a re
bellion on iho part of business men who are
now besot on all sldos with appeals to Help
this , that und ttio other religious cause.
In u town of ii.500 Inhabitants wburo
I formerly lived in Michigan there were
fourteen churches , many of them so weak as
to have to call upon thooutstde public for aid
almost constantly. It Is much tno same wuy
in any town. In keeping up these struggling
organizations thcro is a tremendous amount , and people uro beginning to see
that It Is a very cxponmvo thing to have so
many churchui , especially where to compara
tively little real religious work Is douo by
thorn. This feeling on the part of oustneas
mun Is sure to Duvo a good deal of effect in
brlmruiK about the ultimata unity of the
church. "
Special MIllliuTy 8ulo Momliiy.
Mibseu Sprlnk & Fcuron will have a
special Bale of trimmed und unU-hninod
ImtdMondny forenoon and ladies desiring
stylish lints to wear Decoration day wit !
Und this u great upportxtnlty to cot
b.irgains that will please them.
Jnrvis Wino Co. , Sunta Clara , CaL
Kiimluyut MuimH-a.
There has boon no formal opanlng of the
season at Macawii but the beautiful day jc- :
tcrduy and tbo fact that tbo motors wcio
making regular half hourly trlpi Induced
many people to visit the great plctsjrorc.
sort. During the afternoon between SM und
1,000 wcro beartll ; enjoying all tbo pleasures
the resort affords , The atcumer Hoscuo wai
running and several hundred 'pcoplo visited
the beach. is an elegant ilaga ol water
and the lake U clearer , cleaner and in
'every way plcatautcr than over before , The
hlch water and the big waves that have been
driven by the northwest calcs npalnit the
south shore have madosoioo marked changes
that will ndd a great deal to the value of tbo
beach for bathing purposes. The waves' havq
eaten away the sand banks for qulto a dis
tance Inland and carried thousands of tons of
sand Into the lake , carrying away and cov
ering un the mud almost to the
center ot the lake nnd accomplishing some
thing which has long been desired but which
could not bavo boon done at an oxpcnsa of
loss than many thousand dollars. The cut-
tins awn ; ot tbo sand banks has made a
wide , smooth , beach that extends from the
toboggan slides to the extreme southwest
end of the luke and roaches out Into water
thirty feet deep. This has given the Man
hattan llonch Improvement company a
greater incentive toward further improving
their property. The comoany Is composed
of energetic Omaha nnd South Omaha men ,
nnd they announce their intention ot spend-
in ; ; all the money that Is necessary to make
the boucti what the puollo will demand.
The bath houses have not yet been opened ,
but if the weather continues picaiunt they
will bo ready to accommodate by the nnddlo
of this wock all who dosira totako a nlungo
or a rlda down tbo toboggan. Tbu conditions
yesterday wcro too enticing to bo
nil the visitors , und two Omaha ladles won
the honor of tailing tbo first bath on the
beach for tbo season.
Dr. Chamberlain. eye , oar. throat ,
catarrh. Shugnrtbioclc , Council Blufts ,
Pastures for horses nnd cnttlo on
George F. Wright's farm south of Coun
cil Bluffs : COO acres blue grass ; running
water. For terras apply to James R-vph
at farm Itouso opposite Wubash tound
house , or nddr'oss'F. P..Wright , Bald
win block. _
Not Altogether Sntlsllrtl.
The present system of attending to stray
cattle is not meeting with tbo astounding
success that those who suggested it ex
pected. Hlnco the oflleo of. poundmastcr was
created nnd the work of picking up cattle
that had been allowed to roam the streets
was taken from the city marshal the latter
olllclnl has received many calls from
pcoolo residing In different parts of
the cltv to tolio cnro of stray
cuttle , lull vicious dos , nnd no other things
'which , under the ola system , wcro part of
his duties. Now , however , 1t Is different ,
and Marshal Temploton steadily refuses to
take nny part In the work. The pound-
master tins no ofllco nearer than the driving
park , so that by the tlmo ho has been not- )
lied of what In wanted ot him the cattlohavo
had plenty of tune to got Into another part
of iho city. The pcoplo who make the com
plaints complain some moro when they flnd
bow long it takes for iho poundmastor's
olllco to got action , whllo If the vagrant
animals are really run in it of course causes
a howl to bo sent up from the owner who
has to go a day's jouruoy to get his nronorty
back. Altogether , tno present way of doing
things is very Inconvenient , and U is probable -
able that stops will betaken soon to bring
about an improvement.
DoWltt's Sarsaparilla destroys such pol.
sons as scrofula , skin disease , czoroa , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Davis sells reliable paints and drugs.
The Indies of the Temple Baptist
church will serve dinner and suppar at
Musonic temple on Decoration , day.
Jtirvis 1877 brandy , highest test.
W. H. Gray , the Hotnl Gordon chef
is the gentleman who prepared the
Grand banquet.
Liked Prison Faro.
Agnes Donelloyand "Kid".Klngtwo Omaha
women , were released from the city jail yes
terday forenoon after spending a ween there
for vagrancy. They uro now in the Omaha
jail and will bo brought back to this side of
the rlvor this morning for a trial on the
charge of larceny from the person. A
man named Urady. who works at a North
Main street restaurant , accompanied thorn
to 17 North Main street as soon as
they wore released , and when they separated
ho was minus u gold watch , which bo claimed
thoDonolloy woman bad picked out of his
pocket. A warrant was issued for the arrest
of both women , and with the assistance of
Omaha oQlcors Mr.rshal Tompleton succeeded
In having them put behind the bars before
the afternoon was over. The watch is said
to bo worth about tl > ) .
DoWitt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood
Jarvis 1877 brandy , bettor thun imp'd.
Roitor , thotailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest gooda.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Swanson Muslo Co. , Masonic tomplo.
Got Awn1 with the furniture.
Last Friday night James Coylo's store at
East Omaha was broken into anil a lot of
furniture was taken out. Whore it wont no
ono know , but yesterday it was ascer
tained that Coylo himself crossed the rlvor
about 4 o'clock yesterday morning with the
furnlturo In his possession , and brought it
to some place in iho city where it is now
supposed to bo concealed. F. II. Jerome , a
money loancr of Omaha , was In the city
yosteraay hunting for some trace of it , as ho
claimed to hold a mortgage on the missing
property. The store from which the furni
ture was taken is the ono which Coylo traded
a short time ago to tivo men named Pybum
ana Hodson , against whom a cuso Is now
pending in Justice Cone's court , for obtain
ing money under false pretences.
Chautauqua hats in largo quantities
at the Louis' Musonic block.
Patronize blue ice wagons for Mo. river
channel ice Mulholland & Co. Tel. 102.
Trains leave for Manuwa at 9 , 11 , 1 , 2 ,
3 , 4 , C , 0 , 7 and 8 o'clock.
Jnrvis 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , best
OFFICE or WEATIIEU liuncAu , 1
OMAHA , May 29. (
For Eastern Nebraska , Omaha and Vicin
ity Fair weather ; slight change ot tempera
ture during Monday ,
WAsnixavox , D. C. , , May 29. For Ne
braska and lowu-rGcnorally fair ; northwest
For North and South Dakota Generally
fair ; slightly cooler ; winds becoming north
For Missouri and Kansas Showers ; north
For Colorado Showers , followed by fair ;
variable winds.
The storm has moved from Manitoba to
the north of Luke Superior. A iocoud storm'
has developed from tbo storm in Texas and a
disturbed condition extends from Texas to
tbo north of Luke Superior. The clearing
condition bus moved from the inlodlo At-
lantio states to tbo coast of Nova Scotia ,
Tbo second clearing condition has remained
nearly stationary over the north Pacific
coast. Light ruing have fallen in tha lake
region and middle Atlantic states. The torn-
peraturo has fallen In the oxtrorno northwest
und southwest : has risen in tbo lake regions ,
and has remained nearly stationary olso-
Dr. Blrney'a ' Catarrh I'owdnr for tonsll-
tis. Forsalo by all druggUts. 50 cents.
SpectaclesDr. Cullunoro,2'2l Dee oldg
/ ITTI e I J Im(1 ( tlircc 1Ittl0 RMS
f.// /f-C I who were attacked with
D 6y A l obstlnalo ECZEMA or
( 1u' I Ulood Trouble , which
nt llrst resembled heat , but soon grew to
yellow blisters , some of them quite largo.
Una of the children died from tlio clTccta
of it , but wo got Swift's' Specilio nnd
gnvo to tlio oilier two mid they Boon got
well. 8 , S. 8. forced put the poison
promptly. Tlio euro was wonderful.
tfT. D. KAI.NS , JIarthuville , La.
kc LfjGII ' 1ls : no cqunl for Children. It
P'lffrrBI relieves the system promptly ,
and asiisla nature in developing the child's
health. Our Treatise mailed free.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the lasto. nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its Idnd ever pron
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy ana agreeable substances , its
manvcxcellentqualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by nil leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any ono wuo wishes
lo try it. Manufactured only by the
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liver and Stomach , restoring the
constipated organs to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other
diseases arising from iv disordcrpd con
dition of the Liver a'nd Stomach.
They nro tlio Only Ilofijilo VeRot.iblo Llvor
Pill Sold : They sire I'or'fe My H.irmlo ! There
ro I'uroly.VoKOtnblo : T/.y , Thorn ,
DU. Sohonok's Book tin Consumptlon , Llvor
Coinpluliit nnil Dyspepsia "Sent K
KOl-i THE.
Glroi al Mini Disras
lif t facilities , apparatus : tnd Uoruodloi
for successful treatment of nvory form
of disease rcnulrlu ; modloal or
surgical treatment.
60 beds for patients , bo ird and attendance.
llest accomoJations In the west.
Wrlto for circulars on deformities and
braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of solne ,
piles , tumord , c.nicercatarrh , bronchitis , In-
hulailon.o'.ectrlclty , paralysis , epilepsy , kid-
uov. bladder , oyo. ear , skin and blood and all
surgical operations.
Tll < fPu Pi ! np WflMPU A SPEOIAI.TV.
UloDnUDU Ut VfUfllDri UookonDlsoasoi ot
Women FREE. Wo have lately ad Jed a lylns-
In department for women durlnz conOnemont.
strictly prlvnto. ) Only Hollablo Modloal In-
Gtitutomnklnga Specialty ot
All u oed Dlsoises : successfully troatol
Syplillltlo 1'olson removed from the system
without mercury. Now Hostoratlvo 'i'roat-
meut for Loss of VITAL POWER Persons un-
nblo to visit us mav bo treated ut homo by
cnrrosponJenco. All communications confi
dential. Medicines or Instruments sent by
mall or express , securely packed , no marks to
Indlcato contents or Bonder. Ono personal In-
torylcw proforroJ , C ll und consult us or send
history of your cnsc , and wo will send in plain
wrapper , our
Rnhff TH MFH ! ' 'RCR : Upon Private.
DUUn lU men , gpeoai | or Nervous Dis
eases , Impotcncy , Syphilis , Oloot and Yarico-
cole , with question list.
lir.iccs. Appliances for Deformities & Trusoi
Only manufactory In the Weatot ItKlfHHM-
A.l'1'LtAtiVKS , nttfaaJSls , JSLKVTltCU
. -
Oraalia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Oounoll Bluffi
Ton minutes' tide- from center ot Omaha on
Omaha and Oounoll Blulli olootrlu motor lino.
Sims SSaundcrs- uo0
federal courts. Itooum : t , 4 and 5 Shugurt
licno block. Council Uluffs , la.
Kxtra flno , thoroughbred , Jersey -
soy Dull , solid color , registered stocks U
months old. ? r > y. Hrst street.
11' YOU Imvo anything for silo or trade sou
_ C. II. Sho.ifu , limadwny and Main strent.
1M ) IOWA firms for silo. Improved 10) acroi
In Harrison sounty. JIU.OJ par acre : 13) ) nera
Improved. I2J.OD ! 8) acre * . ttJ.iu Tor bar. ? ilm
In Iowa am Notirnsk i farms call on or wrlto
to Julmjon & VAII Pulton. Council llluuX
A fr/uno six-room cottapo In
coed repair , seed slrod lot , price * IG:0. :
easy payments or tr.idr. 11 U , bheufc , Ilroiu- :
xray anil Main Urcol.
STOKAOB nnd Coiinilsslon-Stovos. fiirni-
in re , etc. , stored uml old on commission at
lowest r.ttos. L. Klinioliiiii. 330 llro.tdw.iy.
A N Investment oniitnlu. Now double hoiiso
cYsitunlod nt Nus. 114 nnd 1 n 3.7th St. , Coun
cil lilufT * . Improvement , now and Ilrst-ulas4
house , contains II rooms , ! ; Ivilh rooms. 2 line
pAntroys , 10 closets , front nnd b.iuK st.ilri ,
not itul co'd ' wntor service , gas , oto. , worth
t,53J , will sell at a liinuln mid sollo.t hono-
fl-Jo otter * . l'"otost ' Smith , ll.ildwln hlook ,
Council lIlulTg.
T710HSALK Two-story brick dwelling. two
Jtenants. . six rooms each ; centrally located
on ulcctrlu motor trackiirleo H.OJO.OJ , lo-ts
nuirlcnpo of JVWJ : will tr.-ulo for land. E , 11 ,
Shotifo , Druadway and Main struct.
FOR SALE On small payments , fruit and
gtirdun land near Council II hi IT * . 12. 11 ,
Shoafe. Uroadwny nnJMaln street.
"IOK KENT CIS Mynstrr street , two-story
-L friunodwotlliu In excellent repair , sovun
rooms. hath imd all modern conveniences ;
rent. $ J3 , M 11. Shcafo. llroadway and .Main.
I7\OU \ SALE OK KENT Largest and most
-L1 urofltahlc mo it market In the west , doln
from MCO l.O j to J7.UJO. Oc.ish hns'.nessa month :
hank book will show It ; g\l \ ( uAfol , splondU
liusliioas chancel ! 1 voirV lo no on bullillii'
M a , llco ollluo Council lllulN.
DESlHAllLKolTlco roams for rant In Ilrown
ijiillUlns , front. nc on 1'u.irt and Main
streets , with all mo , lorn conveniences. I'or
terms apply to A. 11. N'lcholas or U. C. Cory ,
room 0 , iiuoiits for bnllilln .
fjlOlt KENT flM Second nvonuo. dwclllnn
JL. with U rooms , furnace , ran c , hath , electric
hells , ono of the most deslrahlu lusldences In
Council Itluirs ; rout , Ml.00 per month , 1111.
Bhuafo. Itroadway and Main vtrccU
FOltSALE A neat four-room dwelling on
Avenue H ; JTM ; small monthly pay
ments. 11 II , Shoafc , llroadway and Main.
OU KENT Two of the hcst CarrlRB liaison
Fourth street.
FOK Un.NT Good C-room house ; no water
In cellar : cltv. water furnished ; flJ pa
month. A ply to Leonard Everett.
TJKU SALE Nebraska lanes In oxclianpo for
J-.1 Eto.-k of clean sulublo liardwuro. E , H.
Elioafe , Broadway and Muln street.
FOR SALE I'urnltuo flxturcs lonso and
coed will of hotel with 40 rooms In a Rood
Nebraska city ; will trndo for stock of penoral
merchandise. H. II. Bhoafc , llroudway and
Main street.
POH SALE A comfortable live room dwell
ing near Palrmount park. 1'rlcu , $1.800.
t-VJ cash , balance In monthly payments. E. H.
Shcafc. llroadway ana Muln street.
FOH SALE A now six-room dwelling. IBS
Klfth avenuo. price. JI.SUO , IliK ) cash , bal-.1
anco In monthly payments. E. II. Shcafo
llroadway nnd Muln streets.
fjlOU SALE A bargain , throe-room dwoll-
-t ? Insr. lotlOlS rifth avenue , prlcn JT03. will
taKe team Rood horses In trade and balance In
monthly payments. 11 H. Sheafo. llroadway
and Main streets.
FOU SALE-Or trade. A slt-room fr.imo
dxTolllnir , Eluhtli avenue , cor. "Jth st , , price
11,400. E. U. Hhcafe. llroadwav and Main sts.
I710U HENT-ElBht-roorn dwelllnK. 2JI Wnsh-
- * - iiiKton ave. . modern style and convon-
Icncoi , In excellent repair , rent { 25. E. H.
Shcafe , Broadway and Main sts.
FOH SALE Stock of groceries , dry Roods ,
notions and shoes , price J 1,1100. will take
real c.-tato in part , must luivo $000 cash. 11
H. fchoafe. llroadway and Main sts.
FOU SALE The only hotel In a small town
SO miles from Council It I nils. 11 us nn Ice
cream parlor wlth'KOod trado. Furnlturo In
voices at(1,000 , bulldlnc 11,000. Will trude for
Rood resident property In Council IHulTs , a
snap for tbu right party. E. II. Shcafe , llroad-
Woy and Malu utr.'ot.
All lilmlsof Dyeing and CleitnliiT done In tlio
tiluhcst style of the art. Faded and stalnod
fabrics made to look us peed ns now. lied
feathers clcnno'i by steam In flrst-clasi man
ner. Work promptly done nnd delivered luall
parts ot ilie country , Bond for prlco list.
IClJUroudw.iy , Near Nortliweitdra Djpii
COUNCIL Itt-urfj. IO.FA.
Of Council UluIIt-
CaplUlstco'f . gJf.7O,0
burplus anJ Proflts . HOOUU
Kct Capital nncl Surplus .
Directors J. I ) . Kdmuajinn. l { . I. rtliu irt , f.J
Olcaaon , K. K. Hurt , I. A.Millar , J. V. llliu'inii
andCtmrlo ] It llnnnun. Transact qcnor.U bankIng -
Ing business. Largest capital und surplus of
uny bank In Southwestern Iowa.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funcrnl Director anil Undertaker.
811 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
_ Tole phone
Aged in our cellars , Indorsed by tlic Med
lias been awarded six ical faculty every
where as being the
Hold and four silver purest , safest and best
medals , at differen stimulant. Ask for it.
Take no otlier. Be
world's expositions. ware of imitations.
Santa Clara and San Jose , California.
Is at Home to His Friends at the
ou . NO. 226 MIDDLxEi BROADWAY ,
11 111'
,1 , Inol Wli . With- Fine Stock of
illr.l I
That he - willsell you at prices that will surprise you. Special attention
given -repairing and making custom work. Be sure and call and see
the new store
G. -