Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1892, Image 1

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Real Opposition to Prcsidsnt Harrison
Scarcely Worth Noticing.
Lincoln' * Ilxporlcnco with Till * Klomont of
the Jtcpultllcnu I'nrty CJciioral cir.iut
Win Not Out of the Itciich of
the Chronic Kickers.
WASHINGTON Bt'itiuu OF Tun BEE , ]
fill ) Fot'HTKBNTIt STHlir.T , >
WASHIMITON , D. C. , May 29. )
' -Tturo la no opposition to 1'rastdont Hur-
/ison really worth mentioning , " said the old
war governor il Iowa , W. M. Stone , In con
versation wlthTituBEBcorroapondonttoday ,
"compared with the opposition encountered
In tbclr day by Lincoln and Grant when they
were up for renomlnation. "
"I stopped at Washington on my way to
the Baltimore convention In 1801 , " continued
the ex-governor. ' 'I was honored by lowc
by being named chairman of tno delegation
to the republican convention that year and
my position 01 governor secured mo con-
eldcrublo attention from senators and
members of congress during ray stay
at the capital , and I distinctly remember
that , outside of Senator Marian of Iowa ,
tbcro was scarcely n senator or representa
tive whoivas not bitterly opposed to too
renomlnation of Lincoln , and the corridors of
the capltol swarmed with politicians vocifer
ously declaiming ngulnst the Lincoln admin
istration. It was common for senators to
exclaim In substance , 'For heaven's sake ,
covernor , assist us in saving the country
from tbo disaster of this man's ronominn-
tion ; ho does not understand politics und
lias made n failure of the war so far. Ho is
weak , vacillating , and often frivolous. " AT
tor remaining a dny or two lit this atmo
sphere it xas refreshing to moot delegates
from the country , who assembled at Balti
more and rcnomlnulcd Lincoln by acclama
Hi-suit of mi Investigation.
' It will bo remembered that seven days
before the Baltimore convention a lot of dis
contented radical republicans assembled iu
Cleveland nnd nominated John C. Fremont
as their candidate fur piesident. After the
nomination of Lincoln Horace Greeley ,
Thcodoro Tildon and n number of others
prominent In republican Journalistic circles
of Now York , addressed letters to the lojal
governors of the north submitting In sub
stance three propositions as follows : 'Do
you think wo can carry your state with Lin-
cola at the head of thu ticket ! If not , what
means do you suggest to induce him towilh-
drawl Assumed that wo Induce llncoln to
withdraw , who should the national commit
tea submit as the candidate of the party ! '
"I replied in behalf of Iowa that I bolloved
. President Lincoln could carry the itate , and
It was , therefore , useless to pay any atten
tion to tbo remaining questions. Later I
learned that all the loyal governors replied
in the same strain. Tbo result of the elec
tion which followed is n matter of history.
"The opposition lo General Grant was
cquuily pronounced and bitter. Ho was
charged with corruption in olllce , the ap
pointment of his relatives to 1111 positions
under the government , and with incapacity
to administer the affairs of the government
Harrison's Opposition Slight.
"This disaffection nt this time manifested
itself in what was known as the 'liberal
movement , ' beaded by men who have boon
accorded conspicuous places in the country.
As compared wltb the opposition to these
two great mon , it must bo confessed that the
opposition to Harrison is a mere bagatelle.
It appears in this case that the opponents of
the president have been working lor the past
six months without being able to get anybody
to consent to bo their candidate for presi
dent. No republican con offer any legiti
mate excuse for falling to support President
Harrison at tbo polls if ho is rcnomlnatcd at
Minneapolis on the 7th ot June. "
"Governor , do you think Harrison will be *
nominated at Minneapolis i"
"Yes , I most cortninly do , " was tno quick
reply , "nnd I think so because 1 know of no
valid reason why ho should not bo. To cast
him usido now would bo contrary to the pre
cedents and traditions of the republican
party. If Harrison is ronominatod it will bo
the third Instunco In which n republican
president has been so complimented when
v Eucccssiully serving a term to which ho was
> ? . elected , and hnvlnc given the country an ne-
ceptablo administration. Naturally the
minds of the people drift in that direction
nnd , iu this instance , they feel that the gov
ernment has been administered in an able
nnd patriotic manner. In all depart
ments of business , among all in
dustries , and nlonp all the channels
nnd avenues of trade , there is a condition of
confldonco and contentment never before
distinctly felt in our history. The sun ot
heaven | nowhere shlues upon a people so
prosperous aud happy as this , and the stars
idss no brighter ( lac than our honorcQ em
blem. The people feel that the ship of state
In moving grandly onward to a still higher
doniny and that tbo helm is in the grasp ot
a master hand.
, No Change Desired ,
"They do not want n change of administra
tion , and will not nsk it. All over the
western prairies there is unabated confidence
in President Harrison's great abilities , tried
integrity and lofty patriotism. They neither
want nor expect more than this. I do not
doubt the sincerity of these gentlemen
who think Harrison Is not our strongest
man. The conspicuous parties ulio indulge
in this apprehension are good republicans ,
and earnestly desire the ijood of our party
and tbo success of the cause , I do not
agrco with them.
"I believe Harri'son Is stronger today than
tie was in 1SSS , when ho was a compaiativoly
now and untried man. Ho has not beoa
weakened at any point since , and 1 flrraly
believe ho Is as strong as his party and no
candidate can bo stronger. ' '
* At t his point the governor , brightening UP ,
3 said : "By the way , a alguillcant coincidence
occurs to mo. The Minneapolis convention
is cnllod for Tuesday , tbo 7tli day ot Juno ,
luit four times seven years from the date of
tte memorable convention that eave Lincoln
his second nomination , and which also met
en tbo same day of the month and tbo same
duv or the week. It mav bo regarded as the
anniversary of that great bUtorlcal event ,
and hailed as an auspicious omen for Harri
son and. in Napoleonic phrase , 'the sun of
Austcrlltz. ' Yes , I believe the man wo nom-
A limto nt Minneapolis will , U bo survives , be
Ifc the next president of tbo United States. "
- * I'uclH UUtoried lly l > mocraU.
Today's Now York Herald publishes
seventy telegrams from an many representa
tive dolugalci-at-large to the Minneapolis
convention from the various states , giving
their opinions us to the tCKtlmont in their
delegations on the subject of presidential
preference. Since the opinions are signed ,
tbo honest beliefs ef thu delegates are un
questionably given. An epitome of the ru-
sult elves President Harrison IltM votej trom
delegates who will obey Instructions under
miy condition , or being unlnstructed , have
publicly proclaimed themselves in favor ef
tbo president ; Blalno 2(15 ( , Alger 28 , MeKln-
lay 1 ( Montana ) , uud doubtful , 233. Dele
gates to the aggregateof b' . ' . > announce
against free coinage , to sovoitty-lhroo for It ,
while-all favor a protective tariff.
This effort to review tbo promises of tbo
Mlnnonpolu convention , while perhaps not
intended for that purpose , given the prcsl-
dent thu least possible showing. For In-
Btania It gives all of Connecticut's twelve
votes to Blalao whec It U known that thu
president has u strong following in thatstate.
It gives all of South DaUoUv's eight to Blume
when nil have boon given the strongest in
structions to vote for Harmon.
Not u l'roior | lUtlmtilv.
It irivos all of Virginia and Washington
late to BUlno , when half at lofst favor the
pn-Mdcut. But fourteen from Pennsylvania
nre reported lo favor the president , und Jlftv
arc given to Blaluo , wuou twlco as muu'y
have Indicated n desire to support tbo presi
dent. New York Is reported as having six
teen for Harrison nnd twenty-two for Blalno ,
when .it least two of the delegotcs-at-lareo
from that state say fifty nro "dead sure" to
support the president from the first ballot.
None ore given the president from Oregon
or California , while Senators Mitchell nnd
Felton say the two state * nro practically
solid for the president on tbo flrst ballot.
But two are reported for the prwldont from
the territories when they are almost sure
to all supnorttho provident. Vet In spite
of those aud many other facts "this showing ,
whlrh Is the most unfavorable yet made for
the president , places him within elghty-llvo
votes ot renomlnation on tbo flrst ballot ,
even If ho should get none of the 233
"doubtful" dole-gates , wlillo It is known here
that bo will have at least half of them ,
Democratic Views of Hnrrliton.
"Harrison will never bo nominated at Min
neapolis , nobody else will ba thought of. "
"I'll bet any man in tl'o room 5,000 that
the president rots the nomination. "
"I'll tone you nnd raise the bet to JtO.OOO. "
" 1 accopt.'and will put up tbo money right
now. "
Tno scene wai In on uptown hotel , time
8:30 : p. m. The gentleman who w s willing
to back Harrison so emphatically and shelled
out his money ? 5,000 In cash and W.OOO In
the form of n checu was a United States
senator , aud a democrat. The gentleman
who took the other end ot the wager was
nlRO a democrat and prominent In local rail
road clrcloi. 'Tho money was put up and
turni'd over to the safekeeping of n congress
man , the stakeholder , singularly 'enough , bo-
Int : also n democrat.
The above incident , related by this morn-
Inp's Washington Post , is said to refer to n
bet mndo by Senator Vilns of Wisconsin ,
who was President Cleveland's postmaster
general and then secretary of interior.
Senator Vitas Is considered about as farsoa-
Ing as any democrat in this city today.
.Mlflcrlhtiicou * .
A. B. Anderson of Nebraska is at the
Dr. C. W. Slbloy of Fuirflod , la. , Is ut the
W. B. Hotro of Nebraska It nt the Randall.
James F. Poavov el Sioux City is at the
Cochran. P. S. II.
Stownrt'a I'rco Culimgo 11111 AVII1 ho Consid
ered hy the Somite.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 29. The chief
ubjoct for the consideration of the senate
during the coming week will bo Mr. Slow-
art's bill for the free coinage of cold and sil
ver. It has precedence over all other sub
jects after the morning hour.
Monday' Decoration day , being dies nom ,
the hall xvlll notopon until 2 o'clock on Tues
day. Then Mr. Sherman ( in case ho will
have been put in possession of the Informa
tion which ho has been seeking from tbo
Treasury department ) will address the sen
ate In opposition to what ho calls "tho silver
heresy. " His speech will probably occupy
the whole of Tuesday's scsslcn. The debate
will bo continued on Wednesday , Thursday
nod Friday , after which the matter will
probably go over un'il niter the Minneapolis
convention. The fact that eicht senators
( Including Messrs. Teller nnd Wolcott ) are
delegates to that convention and will
consequently bo absent from Washington ,
will probably act as a stay of proceedings m
the case of silver ; and , indeed , it is even
questionable whether the final decision will
bo reached until after the democratic con
vention at Chicago. In the meantime
( should nn nrrancomont bo made to preserve
to the silver bill its advantageous position ns
tbo unfinished business ) there are special
orders which can bo disposed of. These nro :
The bill for the development and oncouraco-
mont of ellk culture in the United States :
the bill fixing tbo compensation of United
States district attorneys , and the bill for the
allotment of lands among Indian tribes In
Tequupaw agency , Indian Territory.
The committuo on appropriations is hard
nt work on tbo sundry civil appropriation
bill and may have it ready to take the place
of the silver bill , when the latter is laid aside
temporarily. And there are many public
bills on the cnlandar wnlch may , under like
conditions , occupy the attention of tha sen
ate , the Hrjt of these being Mr. Dolph's bill
making an appropriation for the purchase of
sites for formications.
In the House.
The sundry civil appropriation bill has at
last been passed , and it is expected that tha
house will now make better progress on tbo
appropriation Dills.
"On Tuesday , when the house reassembles ,
after its Decoration day holiday , considera
tion of the postofilcb appropriation bill will
be resumed and tbo bill taken up by para
graphs , general oobato having closed , The
bill Is a short one , aud , with the exception of
the paragraph rcguiatlnc the rate of comp'en-
sntlon to bo allowed land grant and govern
ment-aided railroads tor carrying- the mulls ,
and ono or two paragraphs , thora is nothing
in it likely to cause prolonged discussion , so
that two more days should certainly suffice
to put the bill on its final passage.
A struggle for precedence will then take
pluco between the appropriations nndngncul- ;
tural committees , to have the bouse take up
the anti-options bill in accordance with the
resolution adopted by the democratic caucus.
If the appropriations committee wins it will
call up the legislative , executive and Judicial
appropriation bill , reported to the house last
Saturday , the majority of the committee being -
ing of the opinion that this bill , though sub
sequently reported , should have priority in
the house of the fortifications anoronrlation
bill , which has been on the calendar for sev
eral weeks. Hither the anti-options or the
legislative bill is sufficiently important and
interesting to occupy the bouso for tno ro-
maliidor of tbo WCOK , afjor the postoffico ap
propriation bill has been disposed of.
Hi'port ot the KxporM Kmploycct to Kxnmlno
the Capitol llulldliifr.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 29. Tbo experts
employed to investigate the sanitary condi
tion of the capltol , nftur a searching exami
nation have banded In their report. It fcbows
that the ventilation in , on the whole , good
and sufficient uud skilfully controlled to
meet the requirements ot all conditions ex
cept that of overcrowding during interesting
debates ?
Tbo drainage of the building , Its sowcri ,
Its plumbing appliance * , are , on the contrary ,
vorv defective and , faulty. They combine
nearly all tbo defects of the early stages of
the art , practically unredeemed by
its modern Improvements. If the ven
tilation of the capltol were not so good
its plumblnc work would moke it uninhabita
ble , und some of tbU is beyond the power of
anvgcnoral ventilation to make tolerable.
The report concludes : "If tbo capltol
were a private building and were In its pres
ent condition ns to Its plumbluir. the board
of health of the district would probably
order It closed , us n dangerous nuisance. It
is to bo remembered , however , that huge
fans are constantly nt work , forcing fresh
air aud drawlpg foul ulr out , so that there Is
not much chance for tbo accumulation of
what U called ' 'sower gas. " but its produc
tion must bo constant , and tbo condition Is
one that could not bo tolerated In a prisoner
or aa asylum , though tbo patients and con
victs would have no volco in the mutter , As
these who occupy the cnpltol are masters of
the situation , the situation is soon to bo
changed. "
Itullniiiuml the I'ulr.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 29. At tbo fifth
mealing of tLo Itallo-Aincrlcan board for tbo
promotion ot the World's Columbian exposi
tion btld In this city yesterday Mr. C. F.
CaraiTistl was elected president ; Sulutor
Cortcz , editor of La Klvista of Homo , Italy ,
vlco president ; Francis H. j'ava , Jr. , secre
Resolutions were passed providing for n
Joint American and Italian celebration of tbo
400lb anniversary of the dUcovory of Amer
ica by Columbus la Wathlngton.
Ileturnod \Vuililiicton. .
FOIIT Mo.Nitoe , Va. , May 29. Secretory
Foster uud Senator Chandler returned to
Washington tonight ,
Thousands Visit the Scenes of Destruction
and Death ,
Iturml of the Dcncl unit Cure of the
AVoundrd A. Correct I.lst or the CiiRiml-
tlc Neim trom the Cyctonn
Swept Country.
WELUXOTO.V , Knx. , May 29. Fifteen
thousand people from all tbo towns and cities
for 100 miles around came hero today to view
the ruins caused by Friday night's tornado.
Fourteen special trains arrived from all di
rections , and the demand for transportation
wan so great that fifteen stock cars were
culled Into service. People' rode in those
stock cars as thick as sardines In a box
and were very glad to pay for
such accommodation. The top of every
car , both stock nnd passenger , was abso
lutely crowded. It is estimated that one
train alone , consisting of ten passenger
coaches and flvo stock cars , brought no loss
than 3,000 people from Wichita. It was ns
largo crowd as ever assembled nt Welling
ton bo fora In It were ladies , It was ox-
ceedlnely hot nnd the demand for drink was
so great that the council was compelled to
put up largo barrels of ieo water on every
corner of the principal streets to prevent the
crowd frcm famishing from thirst.
Terrorized by nil Aiproiclilni : ; Storm.
When the Wichita crowd came In durinc
the curly afternoon they reported that a bul
letin had been posted by the Eagle that tbo
conditions were favorable for another tor
nado at 4 o'clock. Tbo sky at this time was
n typical Italian sky and the Wichita re
port was treated t a Jest. At 4 o'clock ,
however , a dense cloud came up over the
southern horizon which was densely charged
with electricity and great alarm spread
among the people.
This alarm was Increased to the wildest
terror when four or flvo men came r us nine
into the main street , shouting to tbo multi
tude that a cyclnoo wa * apprjaohln and to
fly for places of safety. A fearful rusb was
made for basements and sUirways , and it is
a great wonder that scores of people were
not crushed to death in the mad stampede.
As It was , several were hurt.
The calm minded Investigated the report
and found It correct , fora small , out well de
veloped twister was traveling In a northerly
direction. This increased the excitement
and terror. The alarm subsided somewhat
in a few minutes , whnn the twister hud dis
appeared entirely. An outside stairway be
tween two buildings , in which about ilfteen
people soucht refuge , yielded beneath their
weight. No one , however , was hurt. A
heavy rain followed und the alarm subsided
entirely when the dcnso cloud passed over
and was followed by sunshine again.
Another Cyclone.
Another cyclone passed northwest about u
milo west of Corbln , in Sunnier county. It
did no damncc so far us heard from in that
vicinity at loist. Another cyclone , originat
ing In the territory , was seen west of Cold-
wall , but it was very small and did not touch
The pluck and grit the paoplo nro mani
festing in the rebuilding of the city is
phenomenal. Ex-Muyor Spockman , who
was absent from the city , arrived today and
found ho bad 8ustalncdaoss , ] ot $10,000 by
tho'tornado. Ho immediately telegraphed
for bricklayers to reouild his thrco brick
buildings that had been destroyed , and work
on them will bo commenced tomorrow.
The owners of Woods' opera house tele
graphed from Boston to their agents hero to
proceed at once to lot contracts for the
building , aud make it bolter in every
respect than it was before.
Ten 1'eoplo Killed.
Ten poMons nro now dead , and all the
Injured nro thoupht to bo out of danger
except Mrs. McPhlo , who will probably die
within the next twenty-four hours.
Tlio funeral ot six of tbo dead took place
at the Methodist church today. The church
was crowded , and the services were very
impressive and sad. The funeral services
were conducted by what Is known as a union
service , In'which all the ministers of the
city Joined.
The funeral of young Mr. Hastle was con
ducted from his father's residence.
The following dispositions were made of
the bodies ; Prof. Jamoi Mayor was sent to
Kansas City , where his wife resides.
Tbo body of Ida Jones was sent to To-
Mort Upton , Miss Klttio Strabn , Mrs.
Sastor , L. M. Adamson and James Hastio
wore burled hero.
The body of Campbell will bo sbipncd to
Pennsylvania tomorrow and the body of Ed
Forsytho will bo buiied hero tomorrow.
The body of Thomas Cornwoll was shipped
to Belle Plalno lait night and was buried
there today.
It. is now conceded that all tbo bodies have
been found and the people huvo abandoned
any further search.
The search in tbo ruins of the Conrad
house , from whence sumo ono said bo heard
groans proceeding , did not result In the dis
covery ot any ono.
MID IIAltl'iifS : ItUINS.
Scenes In the Strlrlcen City A Corrected
l-Ut ot the Klllml.
HAIIPEII , Kan. , May -Koports from the
country around , through which the tornado
of Friday 'night passed , demonstrate tbo
losses to bo greater than at flrst reported.
The course of the storm us indicated by its
trail represents an Imperfect letter "S , " and
it swept In that form a distance of at least
fifteen mile ? .
In Garden Plalno township two brothers
wore picked up and carried a distance of 200
yards and laid down almost sldo by side.
One of them was badly injured In the fall ,
while the other escaped without a scratch.
Nothing Kiciipod Itn Fury.
Nothing escaped the storm's fury and
great damage is not only done to bousos and
crops and trees , but thousands ot dollars'
worth of stock have boon killed and Injured.
The nucleus of the tornado began forming
n few mlles west of hero at 0:113 und for over
aa hour tbo clouds moved about in great agi
tation , having a northwestern tendency. At
7:40 : the tornado assumed its characteristic
shape , and ut once commenced its work of
destruction , leaving ruin and devastation In
Its trail. It struck this city a regular broad
side. Its greatest force was in the northern
portion , where tbo deatructlon is complete.
It It Impossible at present to estimate the
entire loss sustained by tbo city nnd sur
rounding country with any degree of ac
curacy , but men uho have traveled over its
course say that it will not fall far short of
{ 000,000. Not more than six out of S'JO or 900
residences of the city have escaped damage ,
but u largo majority of them are ocly slightly
( Ireiit Wits tlio Uoitructlon.
It has been estimated that nearly ISO
bouses ura a total wreck while as many more
are badly damaged. Tbo Harper Mercantile
company building Is a complete wreck and
uearlv all u extensive stocic of general mer
chandise Is ruined , The amount of c.yclouo
Insurance in tbo town U ver1 light , while In
the country It is comparatively nothing.
Another korioua loss wai the new (110,000
school houfto , which It u total and complete'
UTCCIC from tbo.foundutlon to the roof.
The storm struck the cemetery und swept
down fully two-thirds of the tombstones and
monuments , breaking many of them. There
is scarcely a residence recognizable as such
on Central avenue from the Presbviorian
church north. A'.moit all the stores iu tbo
north half of tbo city are in rulni and their
cantcuU greatly damaged ,
Many of the people nro not orly destitute
of shelter , but of food and clothing us well.
A relief committee ha * bccrf orcanlrod. with
Hon. John Watts at chairman , and todav n
formal proclamation wos'Usnod by the mayor ,
reciting thu distress ot * the people and
calling fur aid , I
Corrected M t of the. Tntnlltle * .
The correct list of the tload , so far as an-
cortalnedun tofi p. m. today , Is as follows :
W. I , . STllANTIIAN ,
MKS. uAUbAonnii'8a-yiAu-oi.D CHILD.
The supposed fatally wounded are ns fol
lows :
Mil. AND Mil' . FBLIUTU.
PHTK Gut tun.
Mus. A. Fucr.
Mus. L. IIumiox. y.
MltS. StTCllS. 1 ,
S. , wire AND BADT.
Tbo seriously Injured nroi
S. E. Coin. < '
KonnitT LinuncuT. \
PKTEII Coutiv. \
A. E. Mu.i.onv Axnavtra ,
W. G. LtXD. , _
Tll.lCIXO ll'i'i-KJf.i.V'a yfOKDEKUKS.
Oonorally lloltovod That the Guilty Turtles
Will Ho Apprehended.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , May t9. ! [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Tholnquoston George Wollmnn's re
mains has resulted inn verdict of wilful mur
der against some parties unknown. Tom
Hathaway , who was arrested on suspicion ,
bus been set free , there being no evi
dence on which to base an indictment
against him. Tne coroner's Inquiry was hold
in private , but a goad deal Is known of the
substance of the evidence , which , taken In
connection with the facts' previously raado
public , tends to show that no ono man com
mitted the crime. At flrst some people
jumped to the conclusion that Hathaway was
the actual murderer , and bad done the deed
from motives of private Jealousy nnd re-
vonge. There is now no longer ground for
belle vine that this Idea Is correct. A certain
amount of rivalry did undoubtedly exist between -
tween himself and the tnurJorod man , nnd It
i probably , rue that ho had hopes that
( Jeorgo had loft the co'untry for * coed , nnd
that in default of Frank , Liibortouux , now n
prisoner at Fort D. A. Rassoll , ho might got
to run the Blair. It is now conclusively
shown that at least three other panic. * wore
concerned in the outrage.
The party of men , led by Sheriff Angus ,
who were flrst on the ; pot , returned- appar
ently satisfied that no otbnr parties had been
in the vicinity of the in'order at the time , and
also that Tom Hathaway's narrative was un
true. Ho bad stated that his horse had run
and pitched him off , and had indicated the
place whore his tracks inteht bo seen. A
thorough search failed in any way to cor
roborate his story , but marks were found
where some ono on foot had been staadinc in
a gulch close to whore 'WoUman fell nnd n 44
caliber shell was picked up near by. Hatha
way had also stated that ha bad not dared to
approach the murdered man , and although
bo stopped wlthjn 300jyard.s of tbo place ho
had seen no'one. Yet footsteps were traced
to tbo body and the gun and watch
of the murdered man were missing. It
was also urged that Welitnaa's return was
quite unexpected , nad tould only bo known
to the occupants ot jJito Hoe ranch. This
aftorwardsturned'i&ut.lo bo erroneous. That
Hatbowoy's story "was Improbable und ex
tremely suspicous there was no doubt , but
on the theory that uo had committed the
crime for .personal motives , it was strange
that ho should bring the news in himself in
stead of escaping fro.ti the country. The
facts now known snow that ho could "readily
have dune so had he choicti. A very differ
ent aspect was given to the case when the
second search party came back. Thev had
discovered and followed for two miles the
trail of three other horses which led di
rectly to and from the fatal spot , thus show
ing that three other parties were at least
cognizant of the murder.
The movements of thrco men who were
known to have been at the ranch the nicht
before the murder have since been satis
factorily accounted for , and therefore no
suspicion attaches to them , but their evi
dence showed that they'loft the Hoe ranch
the same night , and'wore tberoforo not
witnesses to the departure of Wellman
nnd Hotbawoy next morning. They also
stated that Hathaway tcarrled no gun , and
had not done so all winter. This , of course ,
Is mere surmise , but If true , it is strange
that at a time when every man in the
country was a walking araonal that ho should
have gone unarmed. Investigations are
being actively pushed , but tbo authorities
are reticent as to the results at present
attained. Tbo fact that the victim was a
United States deputy marshal and also a
Mason iu good standing , belonging to
Buffalo lodge , leads many to hope that the
murderer will eventually bo discovered. No
reward has yet boeu offered. The fooling in
the county is ono of great discouragement ,
and tbo elimination of dangerous characters
from Buffalo only scorns to increase the
feeling ot insecurity in the country.
Wyoming's lllcyulo Contest.
CIIETCNSE , Wyo. , May 29. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBE.J Extreme interest both
in Laramie and Cboycnno was aroused in a
bicycle content which came off today. A
relay rnco from Laramle to Cheyenne was
iirst arranged. The distance , following gen
erally the railroad , is slxty-ono and one-half
miles , The roads nro poor nnd the country
broken and billy. The Cheyenne Bicycle
club nrraugea for eight relays. The Laramie
club then decided to try and beat tbo relay
record by the Choycnbo pass road to Chey
enne , which h clovon/nlleu nnd a half nearer.
Two men were to fida all the way except
about twelve miles over a very mountainous
part of the road to Sherman , which was to
bo done in a wagon.
Tbo start of the contestants was made
from the Boomcran ? ofllco at 10 o'clock this
morning. The relay * consisted of W. D.
Ulshol , L. L. Ulotrick , Fred Dofunlack ,
Harry Griffith , Charley , Bristol , Wolcott ,
Paul Bailey and FrodjOhnffin. Almost with
out exception they beat'itbo ' time scheduled
for them , aud arrived , at tbo Leader office in
Cheyenne with tbo'maxsago at 2:01 : p.m. ,
having boon just four bours and ono minute
on the road. Spauldlng of the Lnromio team
reached hero at 3:00 : , and Van Busklrlc. who
carried another message , nt U:22. : A throng
of people was preiont ittbo finish and ac
corded the contestant * an cnthuslastio re
ception , . / . _
VYIXU oP Yiuitsr.
Torrlhlo Sun"orlii | ; ofit'l'urty of Travelers
In Mexico ,
Ei. PABO , Tex. , May 29. Last nlghtaparty
of soldiers , beaded byj Captain Hyland of
Doming , arrived In Jdarez , Mox , , from Las
Paloma , In Mexico , .sixty-live mile * west of
thli place , on the Mexico and New Mexico
line. They were searching for William G.
Bailey , n woll-to-ijo citizen of Paloma.
Bailey , wife and Mdxlcan servant boy came
hero about ten days ago to buy supplies.
They left in their wagon for homo last
Wcduoiday morning and .wero lost in tbo
mountains thlrtyjclght miles west of El
Paso In Mexico , * nd were without water.
Tbo Mexican boy wan sent with the
horses to flnd water. The horses
got away from him inji Friday night ho ar
rived nt Pnlomu wjthiclothoa torn oil and
suffering from n wound In the leg. Ho hod
shut himself in the leg aud sdckod tbo blood
from the wound to quench bis thirst. Tbo
party already mentioned started out to res
cue Mr. Bailey ai.d wife. TbU mornlnc
itioy found Mrs. Bailey with the wagon , and
at the sight of the rescuer * ho fainted from
exhaustion. On retraining onuiriousncs she
stated that her husband started back Friday
for Juarez after wulor aud bonoi. Ho bus
not yet boeu found.
Jack Wade , a Oouncil Bluffs Hack Driver ,
Killed While Engaged in Eobbory ,
General Westarn M-magar for the Sandwich
, Oompiny Eobbod and Shot.
Jimmy Maher and Tom Orogan Hold for
Complicity in tho-Orimo ,
Ho Stole Ills Employer's HOMO nnil Itodo
Oirinto the NlKlit Detail * of a Most
Sciuittlonnl Suiidny flight
Just before 1 o'clock this morning n ftisllado
of pistol shots dlsturbol the watches of the
policemen who patrolled Broadway In Coun
cil Bluffs. Two oflleors were within 200
yards of the llrlug , and both ran hurriedly
In the direction.
On the pavement near the Opdon house ,
by his back , was foun'd the dead body of
Jack Wnde , o hacK driver , who out a few
moments bcforo had telephoned from the
hotel ofllco to Welsh's barn for his haclr.
Around the corner from the hotel , a little
way up Park avenue , was found W. M.
Jones , general western manager of the Sand
wich Manufacturing company , unconscious
nnd nearly dead from a uullot wound in the
right side of the abdomen.
Just beside Wndo lay a revolver and
clutched in Jones' hand was another. In
each of the weapons four chambers were
Hnil Iteou Gnrottcd.
Mr. Jones was quickly removed to the
police station and medical aid summoned.
Hero ho revived sufficiently to give a clew to
the facts concerned in the startling midnight
Though ho could talk but little , owlntr to
the intense suffering , Mr. Jones said suffi
cient to show that ho bad been the victim of
an assault by footpads. While walking up
Park avcnuo ho was suddenly sot upon from
behind by three or four men.
Two choked him nnd hold his arms while
a third searched his pockets for money and
valuables. When they came to remove his
watch ho worked" his revolver out with ono
hand nnd beenn firing. ' ,
Then bo was hit on the head a terrible
blow with a billy or club and be remembers
no more.
Ho must have continued firing , for four
chambers of his pistol , a self-acting ono ,
were empty and the dead haen driver gave
evidence of the accuracy with which at
least ono of the bullets sped.
Searching for the Perpetrator * .
Immediately the whole city pollco force
was alarmed und a thorough search of the
city was commenced. Word-was telephoned
to Omaha , and a close watch was sot on tbo
river on this side.
It was Impossible for Mr. Jones to state
accurately how many men were in the party
that attacked him. They set upon him so
suddenly and so vigorously that ho had no
chance to gam a view of all , bub is
certain there were cot loss that three ,
and very likely four. There Is some ques
tion , also , as to whether the dead hack
driver , Jack Wade , was concerned In the as
sault us an active participant or not. Tno
whole affair was so terribly swift that tbo
nearest persons to the scene could
not reach the spot from whence the
sound of the shooting came . till ono
of tbo men wounded In the close was already
dead and the other seemingly so.
While the surgeons were busy working
over Mr. Jones , to determine if there wat a
chance to save bis life , the police were ran
sacking the holes where the criminals hid , ,
and not without apparent success.
Think They IIuvo Ono ,
Jimmy Mnhcr , a well known tough , was
taken to the pollco station within half an
hour. Ho was very nervous , fairly trem
bling with excitement , and refusing to talk.
His rory actions seemed to convict him.
When taken to where Jones was lying on
a cot Maher was more nervous than ever.
The wounded man looked at him , but
could not positively identify him.
It was so dark on 1'ark avenue that Jones
could not well see his assailants. Ho said
Manor's general appearance strongly resem
bled that of ono of the hluhwaymcn. And
when Maber spoke Jones thought ho recog
nized his voice.
The idontlllcatlon , while not complete , Is
very strong support to the belief of the
police that Maher was concerned in tbo
affair , and the record of the prisoner will cot
bo In bis favor.
Jones \Vn I'opnlnr.
At 0 o'clock Mrs. Jones had not been noti
fied of her butband's condition , though at
that time -messenger woa sent to apprise
her of tbo situation. It was not then deter
mined whether Mr. Jones should bo
removed to bis apartments in the
Merrlam block or taken to the hospital , It
was the physician's opinion , however , that
bo should bo taken to tbo hospital.
Mr. Jones wont to Council Bluffs from
Fremont , Nob. , about a year ago lo take
charge of tbo western business ot the Sand
wich Manufacturing company , ilo was
generally regarded as an excellent business
man nnd was very popular among bis ac
quaintances. Until a short time ago bo made
bis home with his family at the Grand hotel ,
but lately be removed to rooms in the Mer
rlam block. YcitorJay afternoon ho was at
Lake Maaawa with his wife , and seemed to
enjoy tbo coming of summer and the season
of outdoor gaiety hugely.
Hud linen Drinking Homily ,
On visiting Mm. Jones , THE Bun reporter
learned that Mr. Jopes had boon drinking
heavily oil day long. During tbo
afternoon the induced him to go to Lake
Manawa in hopes that she would
get him to sober up. Ho resumed bis liba
tions on returning to the city , however , and
at 7 o'clock was considerably Intoxicated. At
this hour his wlfo got hlnJ > their apart
ments , and thought she hac J sate ,
intlccil to HI *
Just after 7 o'clock Mike I fi another
prominent member ot the Jyb clement ,
wont to the Jones roomi and tts@yMr. Jones
that n man nt the Ogdou housenSuuted to sco
Ills wlfo pleaded with him nnd bogecd him
not to go out ngntn , but ho < mld he would-be
gone but n moment anil would return Imme
diately ho had learned the object ut
the errand. Ho then loft It wai not until
the shooting occurred at 13:45 : that ho was
hoard from uciun.
At the station tlicro seemed to bo every
evidence that Jones had been drugged.
Another Arrot.
About 2:15 : the pollco arrested Tom Cro-
qan , another ot Welsh's hack drivers , who
drove tlio haclt to the Osdon house In answer
to Wade's tolenliono massage. Crogan tells
n very singular story.
Ho says when ho arrived nt the Opdon
house Jimmy Mahcr was robbing Jones.
Ho ( Crognn ) Interfered nnd Mnher , drawlnc
n revolver , ohascd him up the avenue utmost
to the reservoir. While they wore running
thothots wore flrod.
Cretan's story is not credited by the
pcllco , however , although they do not think
that the hack driver was directly Implicated
In It
Oouo with u Her < o.
Ono thing which will bo against Crogan Is
the fact , discovered Jut before 8
o'clock , that ono of Welsh's hack
drivers , whoso Identity Is not yet
established , had flown nnd with him took n
horse , undoubtedly to carry him out of the
country. Taking this along with the death
of Wade makes the case look blacu for
Crogan , ns It seems there was an understand
ing between the three hack drivers , Klldaro
and Mali or , that Jones should ba robbad ,
If not in ono way , then in another.
How They Were Shot.
Wade's body was taken to the station nttor
Jones bad been removed thoro. After the
wounded man had boon cared for the dead
one was looked after.
It was found that n bullet had passed di
rectly throuch Wade's heart nnd his death
was almost instantaneous.
Jones was shot after falling to the cround
from tbo blow given him when ho flrst
II red.
Where the other bullets wont can only bo
conjectured , but it is certain that ocly two of
the eight shots fired took effect.
Ono singular circumstance Is that only a
few feet away from whore Jones lay , around
the corner on Broadway , Jimmy Maher
was givor. what was" nt the ttmo
thought to bo a fatal wound. It
was two years ajro , when Jimmy was
Johnny Maher , with others of tncir gang ,
undertook to "do up" a policeman who had
ordered them to tuovo on. They were then
waiting for a peed opportunity to pounce
upon a drunken man who was making for
tbo Ogden bouse in search of protection from
tno gang of land pirates.
Taken to the Ilotpltnl.
At 0 o'clock Jonoa was taken to the
Women's Christian Association hospital.
Just before beinp romovod'hrmado"a Btnte-
tnorit to the corner , dcnylncr that ho did any
shooting. Ho was } hon.becoming delirious.
Valuublo Property In Sault Sto. Marie la
Litigation. '
SAULT STE. MAHIC , Mich. , May 29. Late
yesterday n case was Hied In the United
States court calculated to affect the title to a
possession of a ptrca of property in this city
worth nearly fl.000,000. It is ono of the
most gigantic cases , measured by tbo inter
ests involved , that has over como before the
courts in this city.
About forty-flvo years ago , a soldier In the
United States army , but whoso name is not
divulged , received a warrant from the
central government entitling him to 100
acres of public land wherever ho might
choose to locate the same. Ho was Killed In
the Indian war and the warrant was held in
tbo United States land office for tbo bonellt
of his widow und surviving children. The
widow renewed tbo warrant and subse
quently transferred it to a second party ,
who located the ICO acres on the spot now
ocupicd by the Minnesota Transfer aud
property immediately adjacent thereto.
Numerous transfers of lots have followed ,
Bovoral hundred holders having boon in
possession , and the original property is now
worth nearly M,000,001) . Tbo action attack
ing the title is brought on behalf of the
children of the original grantee of the war
rant namely , tbo man who was killed in
the Mexican war. It is claimed that the
children had an lutorost In the original war
rant separate and independent of their
mother the widow. This interest was a
vested right , and , according to their conten
tion , followed the warrant , and rested upon
the land which was located under its
authority. Proceedings are Instituted
against COO different holders.
I'roinlics of an Axemen YR-liI Dullclency
In ICnlnfiill.
Coi.VMn.A , Mo. , May 29. The weather
crop bulletin of the Missouri weather serv
ice , State Board of Agriculture , for the
weekending May 27 , says : This has been
the most fayorable weou this season for agri
cultural pursuits. Nearly all counties are
rnportiug a deficiency In tbo rainfall and
plenty of sunshine. Four or flvo days' work
ht > 3 boon the average. Considering tbo ma
terial advancement of this week a short con
tinuation of this weather promises a- won
derful change in the outlook. Finally sum
marized the conditions are as follows :
Wheat on high ground , though thin and
yellow in many places , is heading and prom
ises a fair yield. Oats are doing fairly well ,
but need heat and sunshine to thicken the
stand. Potatoes are retainer up fairly , but
ou account of rotting promises a siiiull crop.
Peaches are poor but other tree fruits premIse -
Iso fairly , though much id reported dropping.
Corn planting Is being pushed , but on ac
count of the early plant Is coming poorly and
replanting is necessitated thereby. Juno 10
1 * got us the time of completing the work.
Then the acreage will bo below the average.
Unrolled n Monument to Uhlef Hciiiiomiey.
NBW OW.EAXS , La. , May 29. Tno monument
ment erected by the people of this city to
the memory ot the late superintendent of
pollco , David C. Hennessey , who was assassi
nated by the Mafia in October , 16W , was uu-
veiled today ut Motaro cemetery ,
Addresses were made by Mayor Fitzpat-
rlcli and ox-Mayor Shakospoaro. There was
on Immense gathering present , including
government officluU , city police and lire
Three YOIIIIK Mmi Drowned.
Sri PA.UI , Minn. , May 29.-A Pioneer
Press upeolal from Ho-J Wing says ; Three
young men were drowned In the river hero
today , They are Gustaf Hulpron , Swan
Sodorlln and John A. Benson , In company
with Sam Johnuon they wont out In u smalt
boat. The cable ferry was crossing and in
attempting to cross over the cable the boat
was upvot. Johnson clung to the upturned
boat ana was nuuud , but the other * were
I'utut AVrnck on tlio Huutu I'e.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 29. A wreck 13 reported
on the Santa Fo road at Lament. Ono
killed and fourteen Injured ,
Thrao Shocking Tragedies in as Many
Weeks at the Capital City ,
Thomas Started tlio How Which Kmlccl In
Ills Sudden Uo.ttli Ills Heart \Vni
I'lereed by the llullot Ksc.ip *
of the Murderer.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 29. [ Special to Tim
BEE ] The muracr of Charles Thomas by
Green Gaffnoy lost night Is the Ultra homi
cide committed in the city of Lincoln within
three weeks. List night's tragedy was a
cold blooded affair , but neither the murderer
nor his victim are receiving any sympathy
from the people of Lincoln. The man who
lost his llfo lust night commenced the quar
rel which iciultcd In his Uoath.
The particulars as gleaned by a Dec rep
rcsoutatlvo are briefly as follow * : Thomas
lives with n woicau whom ho acknowledges
ns being his wife , but who has no Utlo to the
claim. Friday Gnffnoy went to the residence
of Thomas und demanded farora. which she
was apparently not willing to grant , for she
repulsed him , whereupon ho dro\r a re
volver and threatened her llfo. She told her
husband of the affair , and last night the two
men mot In a billiard room over Ivlson's
saloon on lower P street. Thorn AS at once com
monccu a quarrel over Gaffnoy's treatment
of his wlfov After a few hot words had
passed on both sides , Gaffnuy draw a revolver
ver and commenced to retreat towards the
door. As ho stood In the entrance ho raised
the weapon und fired ono shot , with deadly
effect. Thomas was leaning over a billiard
table at the time the shot was flrcd , and the
bullet struck him at a point below the loft
shoulder blade , ranged inward uud down
ward , lodclng in tlio heart. Death was al
most inslauliiuoous. Eye witnesses stale
tbnt ho was dead almost as soou as ho struck
the floor.
The murderer was out of tu door with a
slnclo bound. Ho disappeared in the dark
ness and In splto of the most vigilant search
ot tha pollco tiu has not yet been appro-
Both the murderer and his victim nro col
ored men and botli have long boruo unen
viable reputation * . Lfoth have served ono
or more terms In the penitentiary lor killing
mnn and slcco their release have given the
police a great deal of trouble. Thomas was
tlrst sent to the penitentiary
from Colorado for murder and was
released cloven years ago. Siuco
nia ruloaso ho has lived in Lincoln and has
been married twice. Ho and his first wlfo
did not got along well together and tho.v sop-
nruted without the formality of a divorce.
Afterward tie took up wltn the woman who
now claims to be his wifp , although his legal
wlfo is still alive and living in Lincoln.
GaiTnoy woi released from the penitentiary
on March 10 last , having served a thrco
years' sentcnco for Kbootlng n man with in
tent to kill In Dawes county. Ho was looicea
upon by the pollco as an all round bad man
and.was undor'constant surveillance.
Clara Thomas , the woman auout'wlilch the
two men quarreled , is also a notorious char
acter. While her alleged husband , Charles
Thomas , was serving his second term in thffl
penitentiary she lived with another notorious
negro character hero as his wlfo and aftcr
wards became an inmate of a- negro dive la
this city.
ISnhlcd the Gnnibleni Agnln.
The pollco authorities made another rail
upon the gambling fraternity of the city of
Lincoln last night after midnight. The
Webster block was visited , wnoro six moa
were found in the clutches of the tiger.
They were taken to the station , whcro they
gave their numo as John Wilson , Jack Will
iams , Leonard Burns , Charles Johnson ,
'Frank Jones and John Smith. After they were
locked up n sulto of rooms over the Llttlo
Gold Dual saloon on Eleventh street was
visited , whore four more of the gamblers
"Were found engaged In a iraino of poker.
They were also arrested. They entered their
names in the station register as Charley
Julo , James Smith , Fred Williams and Bl
Williams. They all gave bonds for their ap
pearance tomorrow morning at 1) ) o'clock.
Uiiifgc'r from Smallpox.
Secretary of Stale Allen has boon ofllclally
notillcd by tbo United States agent of Immi
gration at Now Yonc that a party of immi
grants have landed at that port
und that their destination Is Nobratka The
Nebraska towns for which those immigrants
are bound are Omaha , Wahoo and Onulnndr
Tbo snip in which they traversed the Atlan
tic was Infected with smallpox , and the
notice iB.seut out In ardor to prevent all pos
sible daugor from the dlseasu spreading la
Nebraska towns.
Taylor Iluhhii of North KnglMh , In. , Vigorously - "
ously Horaoirhliipod.
OTTUMWA , la. May 2U. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J Last night at North English ,
about midnight , as Taylor Ilobbs was put
ting his team in the barn , ho was attacked
by twenty men in white masks who seized
him , tied a rope around his neck and vigor
ously horsewhipped him. A couple of neigh
bors hearing his outcrv rushed to his roscua
and the white caps disappeared. The out
rage was rorpotratou , it Is alleged , because
of llouua' inhuman treatment of his 12-year *
old sou.
ItulnuU by tlio riotxl.
Sioux CITV , la. , May 29. | Special Telegram
gram to TUB Buu.J Tbo Omaha National
bank lust night closed the Sioux City atora
of the Omaha Installment company under n
mortgage of $5,000. A chattel mortgage for
§ 1,000 , given by S. Pioglo & Lewis , proprie
tors of tbo store , to the Security National
bunk of this city , was uUo tiled for rccord >
lute yesterday , borne time age the IIrm lost
$10,000 worth of goodx by lira on which there
was only $ JUOO Insurance. It was Just re
covering from this blow when the flood caino
and destroyed several thousand dollars'
worth of furniture it bad placed in various
houses in the course of business on contracts
for monthly payments. On those accounts
tlio 11 rm could not expect to realize , and as a
consequence tbo falluro followed. Additional
claims will greatly swell tbo liabilities.
Crop I'ronpecta Improving- .
Four DOI.KJE , la. , May 2'J. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BBE.J A full week of warm ,
dry weather has wrought a wonderful
change in the crop prospects of north and
central Iowa. All the corn Is now in and in
UIUD.V sections it is shooting rapidly from the
ground , Tbo average Is somewhat lota than
last year. Small grain Is making line
progress , and In only a few very low places
has any of that originally sown rotted. Tbo
acreage of flax will bo larger than for sev
eral years. The hay crop Is certain to brook
tbo record In quality and quantity.
Ammulteil an KilHor.
OTTUMWA , la. , May 2'J. . [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] Editor Guernsey of tbo Cen-
torvillo Citizen was assaulted and badly
Injured by John Barlow yesterday because
Guernsey published tbo statement that
Barlow win seou drunk the Saturday pro-
' C'oilur County lleiuhllcuni | <
IUNDOI.WI , rtob. , May 9. [ Special to
Tins BEK.I The republicans of Randolph
and vicinity bold on enthusiastic mealing at
Boughn's opera bouse Friday evening. VV.
it. Chappoll culled the mooting to order ana
read the call. After onlhutiaitlo ipeaobes
by tovural local republicans a lu ; o oluo was
organized with George W , Willie as presi
dent oud K. F. Walden as secretary , Too
republicans of Cedar county are preparing Mi
outer tbo Ucut tUu fall to win.