Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1892, Page 9, Image 9

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These Prices are for Monday These Prices are for Monday
Morning and all Day Tuesday Morning and all Day Tuesday
Wash Dress Goods.
The largest and most popular slock of
vrnbh dress goods In OmiUia.
Through the liberal patronage of the
ladies of Omaha and the immense mail
order trntlo , this department has boon
placed in position to bo ready at all
times for anything now that is offered ,
or to accept any cut prices made on lots
to closo. for no quantities nro too largo
for Haydcns' , nor Is there aay other
house tliat has the space In which to
liniullo such largo Block as Ilaydon
Bros , carry.
Llama , cloth lOc yard.
Pineapple tissue lOc yard.
32 Inch wide challls , lOeyard.
Satin chevron lOc yard.
Double width printed honriotla 10 < ? .
80 inch wide , llooccd suiting lOo yard.
! ! 0 Inch wide batiste , lOc yard.
Aveyron cloth lOc yard.
Bedford cord lOeyard.
Double width gingham lOeyard.
Pine dross gingham lOc yard.
Crinkled seersucker , lOc yard.
0,000 yards shantong pongee in rem
nants from 2 to 12 yaids , lOu yard.
Take any of these Items and compare
them ; they cost you from 12jo to 15c all
over this city.
Then there is our light or dark ground
challis only 2Jo yard.
Shirting prints , 2jo yard.
Now styles in dross calico So yard.
! 12 Inch wide satcon , advertised by
Rome as French sateen , at Ilia to loc
yard , our price 8Jc yard
40 Inch wide side band Armadalo
zephyr in plain colors only 15c yard.
Summnr dress goods imitation of
China silk from 12jo to IVcyard.
Brandonbcrg cloth , 19c yard.
Fancy striped Bedford cords 12Jc.
Plain colors in Bedford cord 16c.
I'nncy printed Bedford cords , 25o.
Silk stripe sateen , 35o yard.
Iligh art novelties in French sateen ,
controlled by us , 35o yard.
i Plain black sateen , 12c , lOc , 25c , 30c
and 35c yard.
Black brocaded saloon 35c.
Black brocaded stripe sateen 25e.
! 12 inch wide zephyr gingham 15c.
Dross gingham , 6cyard.
Plain colors imported satcon 23c
S yard.
If you arc In want of anything In the
way of wash dross goods you can't af
ford to pass Ilayuon's , as they are head
quarters. They carry the stoolc and
they make the prices which are always
tho'lowest. Go and sco for yourself or
uend for samples.
Colored Dress Goods.
fi2-inch all wool French challis , 41c.
28-inch half wool American challis ,
40-inch all wool crenm albatross. 49c.
40-inch all wool cropon , in all colors ,
very fine , only Ooc.
40-inch satin finish Henrietta , in all
now shades , 95e.
40-inch all wool doblcgo , OSc.
40-inch all wool French novelty suit
ings , crepe effect , $1.
. 42-inch English tweed suitings , re
duced from 95e to 75c.
40-inch fancy plaids , special prico,49c.
38-inch all wool bcdford cord , in nil
colors , 05c.
40-inch all wool serge , 50c.
30-inch chevron suiting ! ) , former price ,
85 ( ! . Monday , only 20o.
38-inch wool suitings in pUids and
Btripcs , former price , 49c , special for
Monday , 29c.
51-Inch broadcloth , in tan , gray and
blue. $1.25.
60-inch fine broadcloth , to closp forincr
prlco , 81.60 , Mondav , OOc.
28-inch dobiogo. half wool. 12o. }
80-Inch line henrlotta , only 25c.
Black Dress Goods.
SHI . On sale Tuesday.
42 inch grenadine , very flue , our prlco
on these goods was Ooc , on halo Monday
for ( We.
10 Inch very flno all wool cropon 85c.
40 Inch all wool nun'ri veiling 0 > c.
40 inch all wool albatross 49u.
4U inch Bilk flnUh Gorman honrlotta ,
former price 81.25 , Monday only $1.00.
48 inch very line silk warp honnctta ,
usual price 81.45 , on sale Monday for
40 inch all wool fancy stripe and plaids
only Ooc.
40 inch bcdford cord reduced Irora
81.25 to Hoc.
30 Inch fine honrlotta 33c.
60 inch all wool uorgo reduced from
COo to 50u.
30 Inch whip cord , former prlco 15c ,
tpccial for Monday 30c.
61 inch broud cloth reduced from $1.60
to $1.25.
61 Inch extra fine broad cloth reduced
from 81.75 to $1.50.
42 Inch fine brlllinntlno 50o.
30 Inch cashmere rcduocd from 29o to
All our $1 black China silks go at 75o
on Monday.
All our $1 colored China silks , 75c.
All our Ooc black China silks go on
Monday at iiOc.
All our 0 > o colored China silks at 50c.
All our OOc black and colored China
silks will go on Monday at loc.
All our $1 black China crepes , on
Monday , at 75c.
All our OOc black and navy blue
printed China silks , on Monday , at 45c.
All our ( ! ( ) c silk pongees at 40c.
All our 31.25 colored Tallota silks 75c
on this salo.
Colored lining silks. 25c.
All our $1.25 pink and cream China
crepes on Monday at $1.
All our 31.45 crepe d' chencs at 81.15.
All our 81.25 black gros grain silks at
All our $1.35 black gros grain silks at
All our $1.09 black gros grain silks at
All our 81.S3 black gros grain silks at
All our 81 b lack faille Francals at 75c.
Tiiia list includes many of the most
lotcd French weaves , and , also , the
amous roval American standards.
Svory Hem is a genuine bargain and none
no can afford to overlook them. "
When the Spring Time
You make changes. You change mat-
rossos , for instance. They got old and
mrd , and a now one costs so little com-
) arod to what It once did , that you dc-
Ido to throw the old ones away and got
low. It will therefore bo something to
enow that on plain excel , cotton top ,
vool , moss , hair ai.d all other kinds of
iiattrnsscs , wo can save you a certain
amount. The goods uro the same all
ho rest got ( all Omaha made ) . Our
n-ico is lower. In anticipation of the
change wo have just received a full car
of line bed steads ; those youe.xn purchase
it 81.95 , $2.25 , $3.50 , 33.75 , $4.25 , $1.85 ,
85.50 , 10.50. Those beds arc full size and
vo guarantee them to bo as good beds as
nny on the market. Money is the power
that speaks , and money has opened the
leers of the best factories in the country
ind given us the pick of their goods. No
natter what the others tell you , come
and soo. And our suits at $12.50 , $14.50 ,
815.50 , 319.00 , 819.50 and 823.00 are ona-
jllng close buyers to furnish their homes
it a very moderate outlay. On dining
joom furniture wo are also able to save
vou monov. Oak chairs at 95c , $1.00 ,
81.10 , 81.15 , 81.25 , all late styles. Ex-
.onsion tables at 83.45 , 84.25 , 85.25 , $7.60 ,
58.60. Plush rockers in great variety
mil all at reduced prices. Porch rockers ,
argo size , double canoscat , painted red ,
81.95 , worth 82.50 ; small size OOc , worth
$1.25. Porch settees 82.60 , 83.00 , $3.45 ,
'our and five feet long.
Before you start on your summer trip
call and buy your trunk or valise. Wo
can save you 20 per cent. Trunks , iron
KHtom , 82 00 , 82.50 , up to 810.00. Va
lises 75c , 85c , $1.25 , $1.50 , 82.00 , 82.60 ,
83.50 , $1.50. Good leather bags.
Notion Department.
Dress makers , attention ] All you
want , no limit.
No 1 pure rubber arm shield at Sc.
No 2 pure rubber arin shield at lOc.
No 3 pure rubber arm shield at 12c.
No 4 pure rubber arm shield at 14c.
No 1 Stockinet arm shield at Oc.
No 2 Stockinet arm shield at 8c.
No 3 Stockinet arm shield at lOc.
No 4 Stockinet arm shield at 12c.
No 2 all silk taffeta beam binding He
Whalbono casing , 16 shades , Sc bolt.
Dress bolting per bolt 15c.
Best 30-inch whalebone in the market.
Hooka ana oycs lo , 2e , 3c , 4c and 5c a
Hooks and oycs on tape 5c yard.
Brook's 2UO yard spool cotton 4c spool.
Best 00-Inch tape line 5c.
Wo are the only house in Omaha sell
ing the lightning needle , the most per
fect needle made. Put up 25 in a paper.
All numbers 6c. Use them once and
you will use no other.
Largo hand mirrors on stands lOc ,
Whisk brooms in" solid leather cases ,
at 17c.
A special line of'pockotbooks 21o.
100 do/.on lace cell art ) at fit1.
Solid leather bolts lOc.
Cloth brushes at 12c , worth 25c.
Nnil brushes at 7o , worth 15c.
Shoo brushes at ISc , worth 2oc.
Wire hair brushes at lOc , worth 20c.
Florence hand mirrors at lOc.
Pocket combs at Ho , 6c,8c and lOc.
Dressing combs at 5c , Oc , 8c , lOo and
Shawl straps 15c , lOc and 2oc.
Corn cob pipes at 2c.
Briar pipes at 6c.
Cocoa wood pipes ntSc.
Briar pljros , amber tips , lOc.
200 boxes crochet cotton 2o ball.
Ladies' and Gents'
Umbrellas and parasols/
Over 5,000 on display.
1 lot 20-Inch Gloria umbroilas.
oxydlzcd handles , only 75c each. ,
20-inch silk Gloria umbroilas , nlco
handles , only $1.25 , worth ? 2.
1 lot sunshades , 20-Inch silk Gloria ,
paracron frames and extra fine Capo
Horn handles , only $1.50 , worth 33.
1 lot 20-inch Milan serge silk paragon
frames and elegant handles , only $2.50 ,
worth 83.50.
Special cut prices on children's fancy
parasols. .
1 case of gents' outing flannel shirts
only 25c , worth 60c.
100 dozen gents' flannel outing shirts
on Monday only 60o each , worth $1.
1 case of gouts' unlaundered shirts ,
double back and front , continuous fac
ings and made from Now York Mills
musIinH , only SOc each , worth 75o.
Gents' sha'wknlt seamless i hose only
12Jc per pair , worth 25c.
1 case of children1 ! fast black cotton
hose , regular made , only 16c per pair ,
worth 23c.
1 lot of bovs' extra heavy cotton hose :
can't wear 'em ' out , only 25c per pair ,
worth 40c.
Ladles' fancy cotton hose only 19c per
pair , worth 81.
100 do7.on ladles' extra heavy silk
milts in black onlvat 25c per pair , worth
40c.Wo are now carrying an immense
stock of corsets and must reduce stocx
at onco. Monday wo commence a grand
clearing sale In this department.
Wo are now showing a beautiful line
of children's aprons at low prices.
Ladles' line Swiss ribbed vests lOc
Ladles' Egyptian vests , Swiss ribbed ,
only 19c , worth 40c.
Special sale on pocket knives.
Special sale on scissors.
Special Prices
On Handkerchiefs.
500 dozen all pure linen handkerchiefs ,
50 different styles , all now and fresh
joods , scalloped cdgo , embroidered ,
open worked , plain homslichcd and
mourning handkerchief. Those hand-
{ orchiofs are usually sold at 35c , 40cand
50c , and to start thorn wo will sell them
ill atoo aplcco or.7o a dozen. Tins
, s a bargain.
100 dozen all linen initial handker
chiefs , all now and fresh goods , at 12c
apiece , or 81.36 a dozen. These are good
200 dozen all pure linen handkerchiefs ,
odds and ends , worth 16c to 40c ; some
are slightly soiled and handled. Wo
want to soil them quick and cheap , so
wo have cut thorn down to 125c apiece.
150 dozen cambric handkerchiefs ,
fancy bordered , fast colors , at 5c , worth
lOc.Plain white homstlchod handker
chiefs , i-inch. 5-inch and H-inch hem-
slitcliou , at8c,10c,121c , ISc , 20c and 25c.
Big lot of fancy cotton handkerchiefs
at 2o.
Laces and
Great bargains will bo placed on '
our center tables. Wo will
mention a fow.
Black silk dcmi flouncings , 9 to 15
inches wide , tomorrow ISc , 19c , 25o ,
85c , actually worth 30c to OSc.
16 dress patterns , fast black , embroid
ered flnuncingfl , at 87o , worth 75c.
35 dress patterns , fast black , nicely
embroidered flouncings , at1'Jc , worth
50 dross patterns , whlto embroidered
flouncings. 45 inches wide , only 33c per
yard , worth 75c.
50 now patterns In drapery nets and
Hounclngs at 35c , 49c , 75c , 87c , 81 and
81.25 up to 83.60.
Great Cut in Em
10,000 yards nnrrowcmbroidcrlos atlo
per yard , worth 3c.
10,000 yards medium width embroid
ery at Co , worth lOc.
2n,000 jnrds medium width embroidery
ory at lOoand 12e } , well worth 17cto2oo
per yard.
Chenille Table Covers.
4-4 covers , fringed. 81.25 each.
fl-4 fancy chonlllo covers , also plain
heavy fringe , nt $1.98 each. Why
should you pay ? 3 for these covers when
Ilaydons' soil then at if 1.1)8 ) each.
8-4chonillo tnblo covers 83.76 each.
Wo buy those direct from the mill
which accounts for our low priced.
Millinery Dep't.
The backward season has loft us with
a largo stock of millinery , to say nothing
of the now styles coming dally under
contract. It is useless to say prices are
reduced to move strick. There is little
or nothing in the way of prices left to
talk about It is only a question of mak
ing a selection. The present prices cut
no figure. Como and sco for yourself.
Such a btato of affairs was never known
Ribbons. * Ribbons.
Rod , white , blue , for Decoration dav ,
at Do , 12jc.
230 bolts , all silk ribbons , No. 2 , only
Ic per yard.
CO bolts fancy striped ribbons. No. I ) ,
nt oc.
100 bolts fancy striped and plaid ribbons
bens , just the tiling for hat trimmings ,
and a snap for inill.injrs , Monday , only
16c per yard , worth' { Joe to 50c.
Satin and gros grain ribbons , all silk ,
No. 5 , No. 7 , No. 9 , Nyo. 12 , No. 10 , No.
22 , at 5c,7c , lOc , 12c. ICc , 22c per yard ,
vorth lOc to 40c per yard.
Sashes in red , white and cream , 2 }
'ards long , knotted twist fringe , only
Joe , worth 31.
Novelties in
Jabots. In lace , Blljk crepe and chlf-
on , in all Colors , at G5o , 75c , 31 , 31.2-5 ,
$1.50 , $1.75.
Ladies' sihc ties with lace ends at 27c ,
39c , 40c , 07c , up to Sl'.SO. '
500 dozoiuall silk. Windsor scarfs , in
colors , shades and style ? , at 23c , 35c,50c.
Chiffons. Chiffons.
Chiffon , in all colors , nicely embroid
ered , at VJc per yard.
Bettor grade at 25c , 35c , 43u , 50e per
Summer SJdrt Patterns
Another case , just opened , 50 more
lozon on sale Monday ; 308 patterns sold
n one day. Wo are the only house in
Omaha that have them. Only 8c ! ) for a
skirt pattern , fast'colbrs.
Lining Department.
Summer porcallno ' 8c ' , 15c and 25c.
Best cambric 3c. ,
Sollsia lOc. 15c , 20c and 2oc yard.
Big line of fancy lining , printed poi-
mlinc , silcsin , etc. , padding , wiggin ,
snnvnss , duck , wadding , in fact every-
Ihing in the way of dress lining and tail-
3r trimming : ) .
Linen Department ,
Wo are overloaded on linens ; cost cuts
no figure ; stock must bo reduced. Got
our prices on table linen , toweling , tow
els , napkins , Irish and Gorman fronting
and butcher linonA , linen scarfs for
dressers , table cloths of every descrip
tion , glass chocked toweling , etc. On
Monday wo will have a special clearing
saloon'towolsatlOcniidl5c each in main
aisle 10th street building ; It will pay you
to attend this sale , as tnoro will bo big
bargains offered in towels at lOc and lee
Muslins and ; Sheetings
Bleached muslin 3jc , 5c , Oc , Glc , 7c ,
71e , 8lc and 10c" ynrdj
-12-Inch pillow casitig 8c yard.
45-inch pillow casing lOc and 12jo
yard. j
Bleached or unoleachod shooting ,
twilled and half bleached shouting at
prices that can't ho beaten.
Unbleached cottpn flannel 3Jc , 6c , 80
and 10c yard.
Fancy printed co\ton flannel 15c.17c ,
lOoand 2oo yard.
White Bed - Spreads.
Over 2,000 whlto ppcoads on hand ; the
best value you over saw at SOo , 05c , 7Sc ,
85c. $1 , $1.11) ) , $1.25.UO and S1.76 each
Marseilles spruad.8 at $1 each.
Colored or whlto fringed spreads 81.
Extra bargain in imported Marseilles ,
quilts at $3.60 , cheap at $5.
Finest quality colored Mitcholino
spreads reduced to 82.05 each.
Dried Ftfuitpept.
Dried grapes , Sc : dried blackberries ,
5c ; pitted plums , 12lo ; Now York ovnp-
orated apples , Oc ; "Vinolnnd drlnd
pL achos,12c } ; Geneva dried raspberries ,
20c ; California prunes , lc ( ) ; California
golden nprl80t8rt2Jc { Flora raisins , 12Jc ;
southern hulvosrUrlod uqachus , 5c ; Cali
fornia died pears , 12ic ; pitted chorrlos ,
Art Department ,
25 do/.on fine Roman table covers ,
stamucd , only J0o ! each , worth $1.
25-Inch art | > lush in all colors at $1 per
yard , worth 81.75.
10 doxen line embroidered felt scarfs
at 75c. worth $1.25 to $1.50.
10 dozen handbomcly embroidered
felt covers at $1.10 , worth 31.50 to $1.75.
5 dozen eiderdown baby carriage
robes only $1.25 , worth $2.
10 dozen felt baby carriage robes this
week only 85c , worth 31.25.
Just received , an elegant line of
stamped dresser scarfs , stamped bureau
covers , stamped splashors , all to
76-Inch linen dresser scarfs with
drawn thread ends , this week only 25c ,
worth 50c.
15 do/.on fine stimped damask tray
cloths at 2oc , 37c , well worth 50e to 75o
20 do7.on oblong tray cloths and inv
all sizes to match , at loc , lOo , 25c , 35c ,
100 dozen fine momlo tray cloths ,
stamped , at 1'Jc , well worth 35c.
Solid comfort head rests , all silk , at
2oc , 4Jc. 05c , 7oc.
Varigatod plush balls only lOc per
"dozen , worth 25e.
English tinsel 2c per ball.
Job lot knitting silk lOc per dozen
Chenille cord only 5c per yard.
Wo will continue to sell the very best
embroidery silk in the country for 5c
per do/on spools.
Ruled and unruled tablets , letter size ,
Linen tablets , ruled and unruled , only
5c each , worth'lOcr
72 loaves , counter blank books , only
5c each , worth lOc.
Memorandum books only Ic each ,
worth 5c.
60c fine commercial note paper for 23c
Exorclso books at Ijc each , book store
price 5c.
Composition books 6c , 8c , lOc , 15c ,
book store price lOc , 15c , 20c , 25c.
1,000 boxes line papetcrics at 5c per
box , worth lOc.
5,000 boxes Haydon's Special lOc per
box , worth 20c.
1,000 boxes fine gilt edge , choice for
ladies' correspondence , only 17c , worth
30 c.
c.Wo nro headquarters for school and
office supplies.
A good BrUssels carpet for 47c and 50e.
Bettor grades Brussels carpet for OOc ,
C5c and 7oo per yard.
Wo have an immense stock to select
Wo also have moquott , velvets , ax-
mlnstor and wlltons at very low prices.
Ingrain carpet from 22c , 25c , 30c and
30c.All wool filling 50c and 55c per yard.
Strictly nll"wool at 55c , COcand 05c.
Some now patterns in Lowell ex'tra
supers just received.
Smyrna rugs at one-half price.
Wo carry the moat complete line of
lace curtains to bo found in this city.
Everything pertaining to window
China mattings 125c , Me , 18c and 20c
per yard.
Jewelry Department.
Ladles' solid gold birthday rings 49c ,
worth 81.50.
Heavy rolled plated rings 15c ; worth
Gents' best rolled plated chains , in
now styles , warranted to wear for live
years $1.50 , worth $3.
Gents' gold front lockets 59c , worth $2.
The latest novelty tinted bow knot
hair ornaments or lace pins , 23c ; worth
Enameled pansy pins , 6c ; worth 25c.
Silver and trill hair pins lOc per doz.
Nickel alarm clocks 55c.
Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks 31.25
per bet.
Gents' sllvonno otom wind American
movement , $3.25.
Gents'gold filled American watches
85.75 up.
Gents' solid gold American watches ,
818.75 up.
Ladies' gold filled Elgin , Springfield
or Waltham witches , utera wind and
set , $3.75 up ,
Ladles' fine M-karat solid gold Swiss
watches , $9.76.
Ladles' solid gold Elgin , Springfield
or Walthum hunting ciiso stem wind
watchoa $14.95.
All goods warranted as represented.
Why pay fancy prices.
Meat Department.
All the meats In our store nro curoc
by the Cudahy , Swift and Hammond
packing companies. Sugar-cured hams
lOc ; Now Yorlt hams , 5jc ; salt pork , Oc
boneless hams , 7c ; dried beef , 7Jc
bologna , 6c ; liver sausage , 6c ; lioai
choose , 5c : corned beef , 6c ; Croaeon
cod , 7jc , sold everywhere for 12o.
-louse Furnishing
The genuine Western washer , $2.95.
Iron frame wringers , 81.50.
WooJ frame wringers , 81.75.
Wash boards , 9c.
Folding ironing tables , 9'ic.
Flat iions , 3c per pound.
A lamp with burner and chimney , lOc.
Wash bowl and pitcher. 2'Jc each.
Chambers , 35c" each.
Dinner plates , 2Jc each.
Butter crocks , 3c per gallon.
100-plcco imported decorated dinner
ots , $7.
Decorated toiloi sots , $1.78.
Spring bilancos , 2c.
Screw Drivers $ i * .
Monkey wrenches 3c.
Combination glass cutters Sc.
Ice picks Sc.
Nutmeg graters jo.
Lemon squeezers 5c.
Garden trowels 3c.
Feather dusters 7c.
Ink and mucilage 2o per bot.tlo.
Ice cream freezers , 2 quart , $1.05.
Ice cream freezers , 3 quart , $1.35.
Ice cream freezers , 4 quart , . $1.05.
Wo carry all sizes from 2 to 20 quarts.
Children's garden tools , consisting of
a. spade , hoe and r.iko , 2. > c.
Wire cloth for screen doors and win-
.ows Ijc pur square foot
Tea kettles. 15c.
Clothes baskets 50c.
Hanging soap holders , 5c ,
A solid steel axe , 50c.
THE IIURD rho finest refrigerator
n Omaha this season. Made only in
lard wood , has the finest system of cir
culation you over saw. and filled with
nincral wood. Our prices range from
I7.9" ! up. Wo also have sideboard ro-
rigerators. If you are going to pur
chase a refrigerator oxamiao the
Harness Department.
Remember wo handle nothing but
Omaha made goods , and can guarantee
hem strictly first-class. Call and bo
convinced. Harness made to order. We
lave them from the best to the cheap
est , and can save you money on a good
larncss or saddle. All goods guaran-
oed or money refunded. Wo also carry
a full line of summer blankets and
lusters , buggy cushions , bridles , whips ,
ialter.3 , tie straps , etc.
A good light double harness , $10 up.
A good single harness , $5 up.
A food side-saddle. $5.
pads , 2-jc.
Spring curry combs , 25o.
Brushes , 20c. .
Our Stove
The most complete line in the west.
Gasoline stoves , 32.75.
Gasoline stoves , 82.90.
Gasoline stoves , $3.00.
GaRolino stoves , $4.00.
Gasoline stoves , $0.03.
Gasoline stoves , $8.00.
Gasoline , oil and gas steve ovens , In
which wo have the boat soporator that
jakes in two sco.ions and browna all
Oil stoves , 05c , 7oc , 9oc , 81 , $1.50 and
Stool ranges , 835. in any other store ,
3TiO.Cook stoves , $7,88 , 80 , 810 , 311 , 812.
Ranges , boilers , etc. , etc.
The Union company oil gas steve that
burns lamp oil or any product of
Baby carriages , wagons , wheelbar
rows , velocipedes and tricycles.
6,000 hammocks , from 35c to 85.
Sowing machines , $20 , worth $15.
Drug Department.
Hood's Sarsaparllla 76c.
Avor's Sarsaparilla 75c.
Dr. Kaufmann's Sulphur Bitters 7Cc.
Mollln's Food , largo size , 05c.
Kennedy's Medical Discovery , 8J.15.
Indian Sagwa , 76c.
Cullcura Resolvent 75c.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate 40c to 75c.
Carter's L. L. Pills , 17jc.
Miles' Nervine , 75c.
Piorco's Favorite Porscription , 75c.
Llobig's Beef , Iron and Wine Hoc.
Strengthening Plaster Sc.
Allcock's Porous Plaster , 2 for 25c.
Scott's Emulsion , 75c.
Viola Cream , USc.
Malvlno Cream , U5c.
Imported Castile boap , long bars , 23c
Sponges from Ic up.
Fountain Syringe , 2-quart , 49c , Mon
day only.
Maltino Balls. 75o per box.
Persian Insect powder 39o a pound.
Ammonia , 7jc a bottle.
Wall Paper ,
Do not pay fancy prices for wall papo
until you have looked at our stock.
Wo fatlll sell a good whlto paper for 4J
and the bettor grades in proportion.
Flour and Groceries ,
Remember if you want the finest Hour
call for Hiiydons's Best 81.So.
Central Mills best Superlative OOo ,
Show Flake C3o.
Very best rye Hour 83c.
Best kiln dried corn He.
Rolled wheat , some cull it California
breakfast food , 5c.
3 Ib can California apricots In pure
sucar syrup 121 and loc.
Finest canned apricots , 17jo.
3 Ib can California egg plums in pure
sugar syrup 12Jc.
3 Ib can Callfornsa Green Gage plums ,
in pure sugar syrup , 12Jc.
3 Ib can California poachoa in pure su
gar syrup 17ic.
3 Ib can Baltimore peaches 12Jo.
3 Ib can pumpkin 7Jc.
Pail jelly SOo. Soda crackora.Sc. Oys
ter crackers Sc. Imported chowchow
15c per quart Mixed pickles 15c per
quart. Sapolio Sc. All kinds of wash
ing powder 2Jc. Sal soda Ho per pound.
7 bars white Paris soao 25c. 1 Ib can
cove oysters 7ic. 2 Ib can cove oysters
ISc. Sardines 3Jc.
Tea , Coffee , etc.
Letting down prices on flour , moats
tea , colTo , butter , etc.
In teas and coffee wo will make aom
very low prices : Crushed coffee , 12Jo
and Ifc ; crushed Java and mocha , ICc ,
1'Jc , 23c and 25c ; the Ilnost Santos pea-
berry , 30c ; Santos and Maricalbo , 28c ;
oriental Java with Arabian mocha ,
mixed , 33J this is positively the Ilnost
colTco grown ; martinque , a perfected
b'ondod colTco and a. nice drinlfor , 20c ;
Guatemala poaborry and Caracas fancy
mixed , 27c ; oriental Java and Auroriv
mixed , 30c.
Wo have everything in teas at lowsst
prices. Will sell you a fine Japan tea ,
excellent both In strength and flavor ,
for 21c ; full body-Japan wo offer as a
special bargain. 23c and 25c : extra
choice garden cultivated Japan tea , 27c.
In gunpowder tea wo can please you : A
nice Moyuno gunpowder for 35c ; a Pinjf
Suoy gunpowder , a spondid drinker , 40 < j
and'45 ; the finest pin-head gunpowder ,
55c , OOc and OSc.
English breakfast , at30c , 35e and 40c ;
flue Souchong English breakfast tea ,
60a 55c and liOc , Russian Moning Con-
gow , the finest tea-of Its kind,70o.
Wo liavo the Formosa oolong and lm
porial tea at lowest prices.
Bo sure and visit our tea and coffee
opartiuont if you want to save monoy.
Shelf Hardware
Wire nails , 8d , lOd , 12d. lOd , 20d , 304
OOd , 2ic per Ib.
2-inch "Nut Augers , 4oc.
Brass tip plumb levels , 680.
II. Disston hand saws , 20 inch 91.30.
H. Disston nest compass saws , 3 bladoJ ,
i UC
UCStmloy No. 18 block planes , GOo.
Stanley No. 110 block pianos , 22o.
Stanley iron smooth nlanoa , 2 inch
bit $1.22.
Stanloywood bottom handled smooth
pianos. 2 inch bit , 9ic.
Stanley wood bottom handled Jack
plane , 2 inch bit , 84c.
Rim lock with knobs , ISc.
Loose pin cast butts , 3x3 42o per
do/.oa pairs.
LOOS.O pin cast butts 31x3 } 67o pov
dozen pairs.
Loose pin cast butts , 4x1 70o per
dozen pairs.
Sand paper per quire , 17c.
Garden rakes , 15c.
Ratchet braces , 45c.
2 foot boxwood ruler , all brass bound.
20c.Maydolo hammers , N. Ill 40o.
Solid stool shovels , 29o.
Spading forks , 40c.
Garden hose , 25o.
Swoodluh iron tacks In bulk 8cporlb. }
The i'rinco lawn mower , the easiest
running inowor made. Every part warranted - ,
ranted , 83.00.
Safety chain dog collar , 6c.
1 Gooiloll automatic serow driver , 75o.
2 Goodoll automatic Ecrow drivers , (1.
Hock Haws , 8 and 10 Inch , Including 1
dozen blndon each' , OOo , 70c.
Rose and apple wood tool handles , 40(3 (
and 60c.
Extra largo slzo tool handles , 85 < x
Special Rand-MoNally'H now atan
dard Atlas of the World , Monday only
81.50 , publishers' prlco $7.60. Mall
ordorH promptly filled.
Wohstor'u School Dictionary , cloth
bound , only lOo each.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary ,
cloth bound , only OOc.
Wobatoi-'B Unabridged Dictionary , i
Russian bound , only $1.26.
Wobster'a Unnbrldgod Dictionary ,
full sheep bound , patent Index , only
These Prices are HAVOEN BROTHRRS These Prices Morning are
Tuesday.HAVOEN for Monday
ing and All Day ing and . Day
Tuesday. Tuesday.
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets.