THE OMAHV DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MVY 29. ITOIXTTEX IDEAS OF ELAINE'S FRIENDS Hot Inclined to < 3"eEtira t SecrRtary'R Former Statements. 4Hot HE IS POSITIVELY OUT OF THE RACE Intrrpstluc Tmtlmony of n Mont Conlltli-nt- lal Advlnor or tlip Mnn from Mitlor llnrrlnon Ilrgnnlrd nn tlir Only t' TAKIIINO.TON BniCAf or Tnr. Bnn , ) & 1B Pot UTrxvni STiiuin , > WABtiisnixix , U. C- , May 2S. ) An effort is hemp made in cortuin quarters to create the Irnnrossion that the friends of the president are personally antagonistic to JAr. Uinlno and that aomo of them nro re ferring to him personally In itnco'nplimcniary tornm. The accusation Is not warranted by the facts. There ha * not been uttered in Washington , by any friend of the president , n single tvnrd which could be distorted into a disrespectful allusion to Mr. Blnltie per sonally or to Ifts true friends. There is tio. ronflicl botxxeon the president and Mr. Blaine and not the least fuoline Is enter tained by the friends of the president toward those of the distinguished r-tierolnry of state. In the first pUce there ore natural ncd nc- jjulrod tondcnciostoxx'ard mutualintorobt-sund the most cordiul friendship , ut.d , in the second end plucc , there is not tbo least possible reason for any ill feellnp from either direc tion. Tbo president and Mr. Blame ure ner- bonally the bent of Irionds , and the sincere supporters of tbo latter , us ncalnst the former ut this time are. In the main , men xxlioxvoulcl not Mop short of holplnc the prebldent a * the nominee , nud arc men xvho BUpportod him enthusiastically four vcars ripe An Incioont illustrutinp the tnlbity of the abKcrtinn that there is a personal feeling tietxvecn the president and Mr. Blnitie. ib re lated bv Hon , Chri" Macee , proprietor of the JMtbbuig Titsos. Mr. Mneee unti his iiewi.pnpcr have , for mnny yrnri , boon recornlri'd ns the most porsotiul orcuns of Mr. Bliiinc. Neither have evrr been doubted nb the nulhortrod inouth-iAecc of Mr. Blaine , und nro ever.1 , xvhoro rocopuized us Etich. Pittt.burp is % bo local 7101111 of the Bluino sentiment of the nnttro country. It xx'ill be remembered Hint ubout txvo months uco Mr. MttRue , ufter spendmc Borne auys in Wash inpton. returned to PlttbburR und made un culborizud statement tbroupb his paper , xvhlchwas rrpontrd in thn ropulur press dis- pntchtto the efloct thut Mr. Blaiiie meant ul ! he said In his letter to .Mr. Clarkson , and that be not only did not xvmit the nomina tion , but would dCl2'll > r tendered by thu Mipnonpolis convention. B IlrcUlnn Was T'hial. Mr. Jiligoe has been in tbo city lor some days , has tallied freely xvith Mr. Blaine and tujss "There xvus more suid in tbo talks l hud xvlth Mr. Bluine txvo months npo than I published. It it ououpb for me to say noxv thutlum as coniidnnt now us 1 could hoof anything , that Mr. Bluiue xx-ould promptlx decline the nomination ut Mmnenpulis if ufforcd him , und it is therefore u xvronp to Lim und a proat injustice to the tmrty 10 use his name. After publish- inc the nutbori7cd statement txx-o months epo , I naturaUv expected that some of the jmtrons of mv putier xxould object to the noxv order of lhitic . 1 directed tbo manuplnp editor of the Times to cease the use of Mr. Blalne'it name for the prebidentiul nomina tion , as he xvns un impossibility iu that di rection , aud sum the paper xvould hupport President Hurribon. "VVo huvo stood out boldly for the president und 1 am sure he is pomp "to bo the nominee. " 1 requested the business mannper , the collar uud others in tbo office to refer to mo uny complaint ut the eussution of the Blaiuo boom , und up to this moment there has not bcon n xvord of complaint ruceix'od , not ex'eu u postal curd. This Is the rorv hot bed of Mr. Blaine'h beht stronphoW. 1 doubt if you could find a xvell posted republican in PittsbufR xvho really and honestly believes Mr. Bluino xvould accept the nominution. Mr. Elaine's real friends think too much of him to doubt his x\-ord und they Unow for xvhat purpose his numo ib noxv beine mis used. " XX'uui the Subject Iiix-ehtlcntrd. Eoprcsentativo Jolly of South Dukotu said todays "Aly bill onplnully called for nn up- propnation of 825,000 for experiments for nrtfficiul ruin production , but tbo committee on npnculture reduced It to f 10,000. Although it is not as much us 1 tx-ould wish , btill 1 think that sum enough for the purpose con templated. Ab one experiment costs only f.'iUU xve bbnll bo able either to demonstrate the fcnbibilitv of the bcbeine or flibprove the theory xvith thut amount. Wnat the pcoolo of the northxvest xvunt is to see xvhcther rnln can bo secured xvhen needed , and if this can bo done they xvill not besStute to pay lor rain fullb out of their oxvn pocket. 1 um quite buro that the measure xvill _ pu t the house as reported by the committoo. The xvbolo norlhxxcbt will undoubtedly support mo in nettinp the mtus.u'3 throuch. Souutnr PettiBrew'h bill approorlutiup f40OJO for ruin orperimoutB xvill , of course , pu b the Bonate , but 1 thluk the conference committee will reduce tbut amount to a much lower figure. XdliruKlcii lutlHiuulty Claims. Todav the senate committee ou public Jauds IriEtruclod Sunutor Paddock to repor with luvoruuln recomroonaation his bill re lating to the bolectiou of Nebraska's unset tied bchool luuds from the Fort Unndull mili tary rebervation , which x\us by bis ac nbuudoiiud. The bill authorizes the btato o Nebraska to bciect school lands or lutidi xvhlch were lost because not found in placer desipnated for location , from that part o the ubuudonea Port Kundall milttarv rcher vntiou lying xvithin Ncbrubka. The bill has bcuu iimcudud so as to provide that the heloo- tlon of bchool lauds aiusl be continue ) to odd cumbered bectlous ufter the satns thull huvo In ca surveyed , us provided by the bill , the in me to bo equally distributed nmonp the beverul toxvnbhipb'ub neurly nb practicable , and thut ull of the oven numbered sections , including the odd numbers remuinliip utter the Gtute bhutl huvo made bolociiuns required lo rouko up its loHses us school laud * , bhall be dii-posecl of cs ubuul. All clulms re- luirted for the Etutb up to this time uud those j'oshible to uriHO bureiiftar ucpragate utiout 30,000 ncrus. It is not bulloved , hoxvcver , that nnylhiiiB Hue thib number ot ucres will IK- required to make peed the btate'E in demnity cluiinh. Senator Pottiprew has before ibe commit tee ou public laudb u bill of bimlhar character for the disposal of that portion of the old Fort Kiindull ubendontd reservation lynip vlthiu South Dukotu. und it is probable that bU measure xvill be offered as au uinuudffiout to the Puddouk bill xvbuu the latter is taken til ) for uctioti lu the soiate. : XVi-fcturu Currul I'rocliirtiou. A bpcc'ul agricultural census bulletin iusuoil this evening on the curuul production of Ibsl ) , In Iowa und somu other states , says : In luwu the tntul area dtvo'od to the cultivu- lion of cereals in 3hsil was 12r > ( lbU ( ) ! ) aeros , us tviiiipured with uu urea of 11,4(1.1,7115 ( acre * in ] K7J. The luLTeubo lu tt > c urt'U in burlt'y wus JilU.Ml1 ! ucrcs , in buclittheut b.lni.'i ncres. in corn WUt7t ) : > ucitis , und in imtb 244rifi4 ueret. On tuerttrr tiuud them wu u deeroasti ot b.DOii ucrec in the nrtn in rvo and of 2.41W,740 nu-cs. la wheut. Barley is the only twcul thut was not prouunil to : i gieutor or less extent In t-vory ono of the tiiueij-UuB t-oun- IICH of the stale , una tlicro ure but two couu- tie aiming them \vliose pnidutUb of hurley Uoc not uppcar. The entire production of tortiuls In in 18 U rcuchod u gruuu total ( -.Jlb.OuS ) ( ! buthelh. MlhllKltUIIHIIIIk. LouiR Stihooloy of Dew Muincs , la. , is ut "VVillurd's. C. U. Suboffw wna tnduy iippaiuled poht- niuhlitrni Afunn. Itiohurdimii nuULty , vice J A. Bu.vd. rulpned ; 1) . B. Smith , Yale , Hulli'v county , vice .1. t"1"k huuk. resigned. I Hhb Kinmu A. Nulchat vill bo appointed pOktmuHier ut llul'y , b xv rd euunt.v. upon the recommendation of buuutor Puddook. lr Walter Key wus today uppointed u inriiibur of the punsiou bcmnt at Loac Pine. fefnatorrcllon , v. uolfgulo-ul-lurtre from r.nllforiiin , HUV the delegation fnim bU stuto will Mipporl thu iiresirtent bolidly upon thu lin.1 ballot. Culiforuiu bus for iiinur yeun , been rcguraod as n Ulaitie htronghold. P. S. H. \V4iktitrn I'tuiiiluiik. WsuiNiTO.N , D. U , May lib. iSjKiclul Telegram to TUE Buu.J 'J'ho fallowing list nf nonsions grunted IK reported by Tue BLC bud Hxumlner Uureauof Ululm : r > ubriikl.o ; Origiuul St\ ) incur B. " John Fanrcr .tamrn M Mend Jesse . William L. Woht , Morand Kohier Alvin h , fk , Charles A Littel , Hobbv 1) . | Hams. Ktulth Ti Cnldwell , Jnakia Winn , James it Clark , A'lu'tioual AnramT'ilbott , J William W Patters , t-dward L , Cuttts. I 5tr * > l"tnentBlGoorpo H Wasbbnrn. Re- Taewnl una ? nrj"-JC > ; trot P Atchlson. Kuinbuc Heory A. Mu-Cuuo. IowaOrlplnalBdwin K. Warfl , Chnun- cey W Smith , Orsenus P. Broxvn , William Bonel , .lames H. Mulvnipht , Malcolm W , Wilcox. Clark Ellis , James W. Johnson , Amos ford. James Toft , Andrew Douplas , Nathaniel J. Acres , Hiram A. Wlrick , An- drcxv IJocms , Georco E. Gicccy , Silai H. Beals. An el P. Simpscn , John H. Shu- mubor , Hiram Tlnlcy , rtiomas Graham , John W. Miller , Samuel Wntcrson , Asa A. Everest , Arthur La Forest Beobe , Goorpe N Ormsbv Ablran Lambrrt , John li. Wptson. Loul * Saunor. Alfred H. Donpy. Aoditionnl-Audrcw J. Kilev , Edxvnrd liopau. Increase- John P. Bovd. Kobert Porbes , jr. , Ezra B. Cnatnnlin , Sath H. Mortrun , Aupustus uabrlol , commodore P Hose7. John Cone. lleissno Benjamin Hoxvard. AbromVishard. . Orlpinni xvldows , etc. Julia E. Keunndy , mother ; Comfort E. Worth. South Dakota : Oricihal Xormnn F. Johnson , Patrick Heilv. Benjamin P. 1'ortcr. Colnraao : Origlual--Edwnrd Chose.Albcrt Clark Fish. Gourge A. Dale Oscar F. Baker , Elmer U. Pond. Fricdench Baun. Preston Hampton. Increase Charloi L Knnpp. > KWS I'OIt TIIK AKMY. - CouiplKtr 1.1st or ChHiicc * In the llrgulur Service. WASHINOTOJ : , D C , May 2S. Telpgrnm to Tun Bcc. I The following array orders wore Issued toaay ; Captain James Miller , Second infantry , will pioeood to Concord and report in person to the covernor of New HumpsUiro for duty in connection with the national guard of that state. The following tt'atisfcr in the Eighth cavalry is made : SscondLieutenant Charles C. Wulcutt , jr. , from troop 1C to troop L. The following transfers in the "Nineteenth Infantry are made : Captain ilncob H. Smyth , from company K to com pany E ; Captain Alexander H. M. Taylor , from company E to company 1C. Leave of n nonce unlil August liU , JEUis granted First Lieatcnnut Daniel B' Dovore , Sev enteenth Infantry , L-nve o.f absence for otic tnouvb rom .Tune 1 is granted First Lieutenant Charles M. Tru- itt , Twenty-first Infantry , aide-de-camp , i eave of absence for three months , to take effect on or about July 1 , is grunted Cnptnin C. N. Berkley McAuley. assistant surgooa. The extension of leave of absence on sur geon's certificate of alsabllitv granted Cup- tain Philip Uoade , Third infantry , March S. is further extended ono month on account of sickness. The extension of luavo of absence granted Captain James M. Bell , Seventh cuv- nlry , February ! ii ( , is further extended three duyh. The lenve of absence grunted Post Chunlatn James C ICerr , U. S. A. , April 0 , is extended one mouth. yai : r.utMJH NTUK WE.ITUCK. Crop Conditions mid Prosjx'rtB In Nfbrabkn and Other Stutch. CUUTH , Neb. , May 117. [ Special to THE Btc.1 The Nebraska weather service issues the following bulletin for the week ending Friday , Mnr 27 : The work has been n favorable one in all respects ; fair weather has prevailed since Sunday , and n very lurce amount of corn planting hcs been done during the week , but the season is Dtill about two weeks behind that of last year , 1ho ground is generally in excellent condition excepting 'the low land ? , and they nro last becoming worli- able. The temperature has bsnn everywhere below the normal , uveraginc from three and a half degrees below in the western part of the htato to nine ana a hall in the eastern. A licht frost was general on Monday. There has been about the normal amount of sun shine over the state penerullv. There have been light showers turouchoul the state during the week , but the amount wus generally only Irom a quarter to half uu incn , which is about three-quarters of an inch below the normal. A very severe wind storm , uccornpaiiied by light flurries of snow in the north , wus uouiowhut conenil through out the central part of the Etnle on the 2Uth , Oolug some damage. Throughout the north ern part of the stute over one-half the corn is planted ; in the southern part more than three-fourths , and In some countlas nearly nlL Ofllciul Goiumuit-nt llfjiorts. X , D. C. . May i3. ! Cool weather has continued in all districts east of the Rocky Mountains aud the season continues late. The deficiency in temperature amount ing to from two to four degrees in the cen tral valleys and the gulf states. The seasonal ruinfnll continues largely in excess. The development of the plant of cotton , corn und cune in the south has been retarded bv cold , wet weather. Cotton in some states bus been badly damaged. Pennsylvania Cold , wet weather , in- jurioub to corn uud much of it needs replant ing ; season is txvo xx-ueks luto. Ground very wet uud farm xvorn delayed. Missouri Week much more favorable , though still too cool ; crops materially beue- fited ; corn planting being pushed but late ness of the scnson.una much replanting prom ises diminished crops. Illinois Temperature below normal ; con ditions improved ; corn pluming progressing rapidly ; some report wheut us heading ; xvurmer xvoather nueaed. Indiana Conaitious more favorable ; corn planted , too xvet in north ; xvhoat crowing rank und yellow und is heading ; gruss , oats uud fruit in fine condition. Ohio Wet soil nud showers retarded farm xvork : little corn pluuted in northern section ; plants turning yolloxv in middle southern sec tions ; xvheat arid truss crowing xvoll ; tooxx'et fur outs Michigan Week favorable ; xxhcat , oats aud barley improved ; corn aud pututoes being planted. VVibeoiibin Much improvement in * all crops ; fruit prospects never bettor ; much corn planted , nut not finished. Minnesota Cropi doing well , but need more sunshine ; corn planting progressing rapidly. Iowa Corn planting has been rapidly pushed , und more tbau half the usual ureu completed : lowlands still too vet. North Duuotn Whuat seeding noarlv finished ; other cereal * -.veil udvanced ; early sown xx'beat coming up finely ; xvarm xvuutbcr nenaed. South Dukotu Tory favorable , and marked improvement and advancement in crops ; grubb , corn planting , flax ana mlllut bowing and general farm xvork. Nebraska Very fuvorable xveather und much corn pluuted this week ; half of the com now in the ground but the season is still more then txvo weeks late. Kansas Farmers engaging hands to bur- vet > t In ten aavs ; crops improving , Cold snap thu first of the xx-eok , caused much in jury to fruits. Okluhomu Crop conditions nro much im proved ; trosu on May 20 to ia slightly in jured cotton ; xvhoat und corn uud oats iiave an excellent btnnd , furuierb are busy culti- x-ating their crops. Montana Everything growing rapidly. Wyoming The week has been beneficial to nil crops. Colorado Groin and fruit doing nicely ; rain needed in some sections ; crops bome- x\ but damaged in Huurfuno valley. .Now Mtsica Grass improving , irrigated crops and fruit in cxcellmit condition. Arizona Warm weather has greatly im proved t-rnpi in xvcsteru uua oentralportiims , boc-ond crop ot hey ready to cut in Suit river x-nllttj , corn planting begun iu northern und eastern portions. low a Crop ltiitl tlu , DcbMoiscH. la. , May L'S. The xveather crop bulletin rnportt cool , dry xveather xvith ubundunt buiihbiue , civiug furmer. the first fuvorable weeu fur a long time. About half tl.o corn planting is done but Uio probable uiTcur" will be cotisldnrably reduced , even with thf most favordble conditions in the tuium. Wheat and outs on uplunas are aolng xvelL Ou flooded bottoms uud unaraiuod fioldk it xvill be very lieht. Fruit has been slightly injured by trout und cold winds. Tun weekly bulletin of Is..or this burnau neruuftor will be isbuud TuKsdnv. beginning Junn 7. iJkuly to l > f Itrlt'putn * WAHIINIITOX , D. CM Mur 2S. [ Special J'elecrnra to THE Bcc.J-.Judgo Lumburt Tree of Cuicuco. Henry W. Cauuun , u bunker of Nexv York , und Senulor Jones of Nevada will , it ib stated , likely be the members of -the international monetary conference on the jiurt of the United Status. AFRAID TO FORCE THE ISSUE Watson of Georgia Eoore * the Democrats ' for Their Tariff TlmtaneBs , j POSTOFFICE APPROPRIATION BILL Dctmlr on the Mrmnrr In tlir 11nn n Yester day Unlur Makf * n Atr k Ilcply to tlii > AuUm-n StntMuian Notes. WATOINT.TO.V , D. C. , May 2S. After the Introduction j nod reference of several bills , the ) bouse then went into committee ol tun whole ( Mr. Buchanan in the chain on the po&lofUce appropriation bill. Mr. Hayes of Iowa spoke in laver of strik- icp from the bill the section which author izes the postmaster general to fir the rale of mail trains on overland roads , such rate not to uxrood 8 jior cent of the compensation paid by private parties lor like or similar transportation. Mr. Kendall of Kentucky , who recently succeeded to his futue'b Boat in the hmse , atihvercd his maiden sp3och. It was un eloquent free coiuuco speech , which was lis tened to with marked tttoutlou and elicited tn apnlauio at Us , close. Mr. Plthlan of Illinois spake in dcnuncia- lion of the "McKmley act and In Juror of an enlargement of the free Hit , Jlciict the Drmoraitb n I.return. Mr. 'VVatson of Georgia replied to Mr. rithlau's remarks , and took occasion to read a lecture to the Democrats. That party had cursed the McKinlor net , yet , ahhouch it hud been in control for live months , it had not dared to consider a bill to re peal the uct. ILnucbtrr.J IVIr. Watson then proceeded to extol the plunks of the ( Jcala platform und was frequently interrupted by Mcssm. Fithian. Eiiloo uud olbera , but he held his own against them all. Ho congratu lated the democratic party of the "south ( much to tut ; amusement of the republicans ; 'iir romtnc ortr craJc&lly to the principles of the platform , ntiQ predicted that the time xvnb soon coaling when the democrats of the south , if tbov wished to save their party , woula wrup the Ocalu platform around them und come in out ol the wot. fLnucbtor.J Mr. Enloo replied to the criticism on the democratic majority made by Mr. Watson. IT was , be said , much easier to criticise n production than to produce Bometbiuir. It was easier to criticise a law than to make one. It was easier to criticise the adminis tration of the house than it was to administer it. This house was col Boverned by any individual in it. If the majority was to ho criticised it should bo crlticisod for the rules It had made , and not the nciffiiaistration of business in conformity with thobe rules. CHINESE EXCLUSIOX. Amount Needed to Enforce tlio I'rovlKlnnt. of the Act. I ) . C. , May 23. Secretary Foster today sent to the house of represen tatives asking that 103,000 be added to the fOU.OOD heretofore appropriated lor tbo on- forcement of the Chinese exclusion act dur ing the nert fiscal year. In his letter the secretary says : "Tho act refuses tbo egis- tration by collectors of internal revenue witnin ono year of all Chinese laborers within the limits of the "Cuitod States ut the time of the passuco of the act and all other Chinese persons who may apply lor such registration. According to the estimate furnished by the superintendent of the con- bus there are at the present time oot less than 110,000 Chinese in the United States who t re entitled to registry. " The commissioner of intcrnhl revenue osti. mates tnat $ riO.WU ( will ba tiecesrary lor th e i expense of additional oftlocrs to conduct th e i registration. U'he act provides .for the pay ment of a fee uotcxceoding $1 to collector8 of internal revenue -for each certificate i r , BUcd. The secretary adds : "There is no appro priation under which the payment of s\.ch sum may be made. I concur in the view ex pressed bv the commissioner of internal rev enue , that the lees lor such service should 1 not be allowed to collectors , and as the ac * is cot mandatory in its terms , I shall cot au thorize such payment. The worn must bo done by subordinates , who will receive sal aries and , in my judrmant , there is no ocea- bion for increasing the compensation of col lectors on the account of this additional duty devolved upon tnom. It may bo fairly assumed that tbo number for registration will be largely increased by the new act. " UTAH COMMISSION AUOLlbHED. Completion of tlic l.ojrlRlutHo Appropria tion Kill. "W/siirvoTOX , D. C. , May 2S. The legisla tive upnropnation bill was completed by the appropriations committee today and reported to the house. The most important feature of the Dili , and the one-which , without aoubt , will lead tn great interest in the house , is the abolishing of the Utah commission. Ths total appropriation made by the bill was i-MiS2,75 ( ! ! , which is $1,070,205 less than the estimates , The appropriation for the current liscol year was S22.141.S74 , being 155,1-2 more than is recommended in ttiU bill. bill.Under Under the head of the senate , the princi pal question is the abolishment of thirty-nine clerks of senators who are not chairman of committees. The only substantial change In tbo appr o priation for the bouse is the addition of com pensation of twenty-live additional mombsrs- who will enter under the new apportion ment. Summary disposition is made of the Christ ian home of Utuh , in Salt Like City , whic h was founded as arefugo-for Mormon wives who abandoned polygamy , by grant- lug the entire promises to the territory as a bite for its bchool for the doaj mutes until congress shall otherwise provide for thsm. Secretary Foster toaay transmitted to the house a letter from the postmaster pen oral asking for an additional appropriation of f li3 ( , II5 tor tuo postal torvice. The post master peuorul recommended that this up rropriution ba made in hs : last annual re port , uud in a letter accompanying un estimate i- ii. mate he renews his former recommendation. This estimate , he says , is based on informa tion ascertained by un inspector xvbo x-isited Chlcapo and conferred xvith thu executive committee of the fair ana xx'ltu the postmas ter ut that pluce. sJ Mr. Wuuamueer has issued another ad- vertlseuieut for bids under the act. of March ; U , 181)1 ) , which provides for increased mail service between the United State * and for- eipn countries xvith u viuwtothe incrome ref commerce. Secretary Bluiuo undTiIrs , Bloiue returned to Wubbiupton from Now Yoru this evening. > .V MJTIl ClfXrlunil anil lilt I'rlnndu Ilesllutu Almnt Joining tlir "Anti-Snujijinrk. " Nrxv YoitK , May 2S. The Herald prints tbo following : Tue comiup to this city of iu- iluouliul democrats in vorinui stules to cou- suit with ex-President Cleveland has the greatest importance in its bearing on the Chieugo convention. The friends of Mr. Cleveland have found much to disouib iu the situation The matter which has piven the friends of Mr. Cleveland the most concern I vvat the uomiui ; convention at Syracuse. . . „ - . . . -J fenrdd bus came to pass , und the heu null-snap movement hat coaio to bs styled u movement ol "bolters. " There has never been uuy poraou who could have stopped the movement but Mr. Ir.oh Cleveland himself , and the Question which has been aUaussod with visiting democrats , not by Cleveland , but by Ins lieutenants in thlb city \\anhlnrton. . baa bean whether thf ) iiiovomnia would bo lilieJ.v to be dis torted in such tx wuv asto ulieualo Um - Ktructed ilulecutes from otter Etctek , mIt xxoula be a forabio weument to EUV that Cleveland , Uuvlup bcuu turned Oovvu in the ' ronrcntioa , had s r' & btijine flcle pation to the Chicago convention clamorinp for admittance. " * " These nrpumanls have tor week * pivcn rue repeatedly to ruftfiirs that the ex ptesi- dent would xvritcH letter withdrawing from the field as & prcsiacnthd candidate These tjtorlo , ; cave now tauou noxv form that Mr. Cleveland would issup/a letter dlsclnimlnc all sympathy of ccn. octlon with , the antt- snap movement. . c , The Herald SHVBati the nuthorlty of ft very influential uoinucrat , who xvill not allow the IIRO of b4& name , that Mr. Clove- laud's : friends havp .oxproisod tbo almost unanimous opinion yhich will govern him , that no ccprcssinu } ruu | him regarding the coming | Syracuse can xmtiou is nocoisary. The man trlvlnr t.hyt intonnatlon is PD nonr to Mr. Clevclnna as to giro the statement the weight of authority AVhethor an expression will t > c TiTftTreonrv baforc tbo con vention is bold vrtlr'd'Yi * J largely on how discreetly the conron-tra i is managed and xvhat is done , Mr. ' ( "leveland'B nhoncos could be done Irreparable injury by intemperate action. ADVANTAGES OF GOOD TEETH. Krgnrdtitl l > .v MmiJ' us HII Indlratioii ol Itr- Iliicinsnt. Aucut tbo organlration of the Omaha Othmtalo-icnl noclety which was forme a lust week by several dentists of this city its members may impress upon the public and upon themselves what Lord Chestarfiola once haia about odontology , or rather the re sult of It. "Fine and clear tooth are among the first recommendations to be mot with in the com mon intercourse of society. " was his remark. In every ago nud country , even among the rudest aud barbarous nations , the tooth , as useful and beautiful members , have attracted attention and batm regarded as of great importance in giving beauty and sym metry to the face. Ahlte , clean and well arranged teeth , visible us HOOD us the lips open , dentist * say , are generally In the mouths of good , honest , candid , faithful men. Character of men , like the age of horses can be road by the teeth , and sometimes what he oats can bo surmised , for "as arc th teeth ol man so is his taste. " Short , broad teeth , standlnp close to each other , bhoxv tranquil line , strength , but melancholy per sons seldom have xvcll arranged , clean , pearly u-oth. By the nncionts , white and well formed teeth xvero considered as characteristics of beauty , and especially the Bruhmns think this , as tboy are extremely delicate- in every point relating to their teeth. .Every mornlnp they rub them for upxvards of un hour xvith o txvlc from a rocomiforous tig tree. In Oriental countries the Inhabitants stain their teeth , nnd many xvomon in Sumatra have their tooth filed to points , re moving the enamel from the burface that they mnv be more easily dyed black. The Africans are said to tile their teeth to points and thus increase the savugeness of their nspoct Vlrxrfi of n I'romlnrnt limit 1st. A Fifteenth street dentist xvho has a rroa "pull" in his business said to n BEE reporter thut many tooth , good in thom'i'lves , huvo nn artificial appearance in the mouth , simply J because the dentist ( though on excellent mechanic ) xvho has been nt woru on them bus 1 lucked perception to discover the shade made necessary by the complexion , hair and eyes of the wearer. Spsalting of the ivory masticators , the dentist said that few people Know anything about their tooth. They are developed from i the mucous membrane covering the ' edges of the maxillury arches. About the sixth xvool : of the foetal life the mucous membrane covering the odpe of the upper jnxv presents a semi-circular de pression or groove. This is the primitive dental groove , from the floor of which the perms of the ton deciduous or milk teeth are developed. The gorin of each tooth is formed by u conical elevation or papilla ot mucous membrane , which [ constitutes the rudiment ary pulp of a milk tooth. The germs of the milk teeth make ' their appearance at the end of the : seventh xvoek. This is when voung mothers scream xvith delight , "Baby's pot a tootlC' Tlie eighth xvoek the norm "of theiirst deciduous tnolur of the upper jaw appearsoTbero are other periodb of eruption of the temporary teeth , and after the anterior molars disappear , the important ones make a shoxvinp'JDr themselves. They apusar between the fifteenth and the txvcn- tloth month and are the canine teeth. It does not folloxv that they come during "dog days. " The canine are vulgarly culled eye teeth , of which every oue knows. From the ages of 12 to 14 the second molars como aud u person generally has a full sot of teeth with the exception of the wisdom teeth. Some people thlnii that they will never have horse sense until they pot their xx-isaom teeth , making their complete set , thlrty-txvo teeth , but this is a mistake. A century BRO people xvcre obliged to have wisdom teeth in order to masticate the bread and meat that the COOKS in those duvs prepared. But noxv things i are changed and tbo generation that is coming up is gettinp along with twonty- eicht ordinary teeth. Dentists explain this freak of nature by saying that wisuotr teeth are extra ones and are of no material benefit , therefore nuture is rolierinc ; herself of the , and "sxvan" surplus cares nothing about a of "a tooth for u tooth " In the same aentist's office , while bevas making n cast for a lower Jaw of a fresh young fellow who bad bad -his teeth knocked but by a strong argumentative friend , a tall , slender woman entered. She was from the rural districts. There was no question about that. Her cheek bones were high and projecting. She wore spejtacles that looked venerable by age , and there was a dellghtf u harmony between the large , round glosses in them nud her wearing nppu ol. Tne dentist was guarding constantly ngainbt sudden and violent contortions by the fresh as the dentist's young man bayonet- ubapod screw forceps fastened upon the remaining snags of the jaw. The sight of the woman made him impatient ana irrita ble , but she-didn't care for that , nfUer VJhlU "I jus1 tho't I'd sten in , mister , " she raid , "ter see if you mended .Lucy Jane Hopper's teeth xvot lives in Pupilhon. If you only know'd the stuck up airs that ere gal puts on , you'd be sicu 'nongh to vomick nud her old dad ain't any great shakes , nrter all. Why , bless your heart , misU-r , she tells everybody 'round our wuv that she paid out , in one lick , poiu' onto 85 to have herteotb cobbled up : and utter that , she bed she bud uther costly firtu's dun to 'em. 'By gum , don't know her , eh ! Well l , mebby she went to bone utber shop but law me , bur , I b'lieve it xvuz ter Dr. Phil ilT Pluggers , but taint no matter nohow ter ilC bother my bronzes 'bout. She hod seen a blc tooth thut xve tuld her that it xvuC be hard ter lobO it , un' &be sod it wud cost her u pung ter part xvith it. "My ole man , he was kummin * to Omaha to sell ulot er purdeu truck wet mo un1 him 'tended , an' nuthlu' wud do but I must kum along , too. Sez he , 'Sophia' that's my name 'Jim nnd ZtUu' them's our llt'lest boyb 'xvunts BOXV trousers , un' you kin git 'um at the same time. ' But mercy sakes 'live , I'm so komuletelv upset here , as it xx-uz , xvith the hollejin of people , an' tbo noise of them keen anil Etoum injius , that acter'ly I ain't fit tor buy onnythtng. 1 'tpOBO you folksseswpt lives here all the time cits kinder u ed j.6 Huxx'bumobber , the tho't kum over mq us I sot on thu cheer thut mebby Zake fvud Jlko to larn how to cobble up people's ( teotp , too. Ho could LOu us ho already baz hum Experience. He tun u xvhuun dog tur our , blacksmith ebop an' xvith tongues uud hammers tuk that dog's teeth out so that he don't bite now. I ' pozt > you tuUe ' the trade , onc't Etor a xvhlle , altho' I'Jl rnli r Zske wud po tor fckool ono or two xv.inlcrs no us to pit his ed- dykubhun as they idJl It uowerduys he's pizoa smart to luru. ivufcu he bets out tn do it , ' hut " , , , "Madam , " Interrupted the nervous don- tibt , "it's my duty to tell you that -there's na bceletou , aoad , iu the buck loom uud that it died of inaliguuut iraallpnx. I xvould be ite licbled to libten lunger 10 your interesting story , but 1 fear that pour little Zektt would boon ut u motherless ooy if I allowed myself : thlb pleasure. " "Great Scott1 Yon peed for nuthln' old idiot , " bbe bcrramed CE she jumped from her chair , "wuv didn't you tell u critter thut uforo I kum in here. 1 tho't I bmolled atm horrid ' .tuff like a dead skeleton. " With a buiud the old woman blurted and kept her p&ll uutil , prtbuiuably , bbe got tu Papilliau. Cal. . MnylisL Two btlghtbbock of eurihyuaUe xvero lull "here this PR > ticc sliert'v c vtn t u lotli liny r-f June lt < r HI the ful.oniti ; named | ilnrc < In Uunjius Itui OnmhH. WAIIP. Tlrrt Plftrlrt Poutliiu ! < t corner Sercntb and Mn.rrjstreets Bpconv Iiistrlft Northwest corner Elphth nn fl l < nnvfiuwnrth nrpets. Thlrfl Bintrlrt 128 ( > Jntif * BtrpcL J'n..rtu Dinrlut 1S27 South Thirteenth street fifth District Northeast corner Seventh and I'nclflc Ptrcpts. yutti Dlstrlrt SoutlieBst corner Sixth and I'aclDc ktrcets. t-evnnth li strict B2T > 1'irrrc Rtrpot. richtli li.Kirlrt J-outhxtest cornfr Elcx-cnth anfl I'entprst rents. Ninth District IS II Snuth Sixth RtronU Truth District ImerspctlonKlnthnnd Ilan- croft street , nurtheust corner E wriitli Dlstr ct IIHH bon'h Thirteenth Urtnt , northenst corner Arbor street. FtX'OXtl X\Atm. rir t District intcn-ection rourteenth r.nd Jonvii streets. breund District 1004 ' oulh Thirteenth BttoeU Thira fllstrlcl Intrrsprtlon ElRutuontb and Lrnvenv orlb street ) . . Rinith Rifle. Tourth Dlstr ft Inlorsectfon Twentieth nud l.nuvenwortli mrtiets. south Ktilo. Tfili District Intersection T pnty-thlrd and Lnuvmittorih MrotUN Minth Rldn Hxih District Intcr-eetlon Twentieth street und I'ojinlotau uvi-nuti. Scvpnth Dihir.rt142 - ' V llllam utrpru District 1314 houth Thirteenth Mnth District Intprsoctlon Sixteenth and CrnttTBtmits. renth District 3RJ3 South Twpntletli street ( Loxrtt& Woodman. ) Ulp unth Dl trict Interaction Twentieth anil Itnncroft streuts Twelfth District 1554 Vlntnn strset ( Dono- ThlrtPontliDlRtrlrt InterRcctlonThlrtpeuth and Vnllpy BtreetK. we t side. rourii'iiiith District Jnterscctlon Twen- tieth and lUnilevuril streets. Till 1111 MAUD. I'lrht niBtr'ct Intersuctlon Txvolfth and Chicago btruet. Second Dlstritt SIT North Dftcenth streut ( Wood worth ) . Third District 112 Fouth rourleonth street , ( A. .1 , Simpson ) . Fourth District 1112 Douglas etront ( a J. Ciiimn ) . nrtli District Intersection Cup tel avenue and ' Tenth Hit cuts. Sixth District Intersection Hartley and Ninth streets , uabt side. bcvculli District Intersection eleventh und KIreels t Dlbtrlct-1315 1'aruej Btroot iJ. S. JH- CormTck" ) . Muth District 1211 l urd Htreot ( Kil kenny , BriiA i. Co ) . tOKUTII XVAUP. first District Interitietlontoventeonth unu" Duvennort streets. froeond District Intersection Tttouty-sec- end uud Duvunbort Ktri'otb. north Hide. Third District lutursectiou Twenty-fifth and Dnase " .tniets. rourth DKtrlnt liitorsoctlon Beventoenth and Dortnc btruots. Fifth District 4 South rifteentb street , Sixth District Intnreuctlon Txventleth nud Dougliis stroots. Scx-unth District Intersrctlon Twenty-sixth Etmot uud St. Mary'n avonuo. Eighth District lnter ect Ion Twentieth struut and Bt , Murv's axenuo , wcbt sldu. Mutli Dlbtrlel Iglb SU Mury's uvcinio ( Itobobuuux ) . Tenth District Intersection Elghtreuth and Leavenxvortn btreetb. north side. Elcteuth District 10IS llonurd btroct ( Illc- glns ) . nrrn XVAIUI. rirst District Intersection Sherman nrcuue and Mandursou street. becona District Erfllng bulldlnp , west side Shcn.ian avenue , between Uhlo und Corby btri'ots. Third District Intersection Sherman avenue and LuLo street. Fourth District 1B03 Grnco btrpet , South west corner Shorninn uvonnc- and Grucestreet. FlfJh District 1317 hherman uveuuo ( toit- . . - - . - niati ) sixth District UM Sherman avenue ( Er- Jllnci. Seventh DlBtrlet Intersection Sixteenth und Izurd Ktreolh. Eichth District SDB North Sixteenth street ( H. G OlurU. uscnt ) N.nth Dlbtriet Intersection Cubs und Flf- teMith streets. Tenth District GUI North Sixteenth street ( Spurt * ucentl. Eleventh District SouthwpRt corner Eigh teenth uud Oi ; b streets , ! North Eiphtoeuth ttruev. B1XTH XVAIID First District Lyceum hall , 4B2J North Twenty-fourth strert ( Onilpi buuond D htrlet InterBcctlon Thlrty-blxth mid Orund nvtinni ) . Third District Intersection Military uvenue end Grunt btrpot. Fourth Dmtrlot Interssctlon Twenty- fourth street und Ma.nder > .oii streets. rifth Uibtrlel lutpr ection Twenty-fourth ana "tt'lrt btrt-cts. Sixth Uistrlet luterbecUonThIrt3--tliird and Parker streets Seventh Dlbtrlct 2J32 Luke street f\V. A. tlxxslcki. Eichth Dlbtrlct 2025 Lake street ( Sasstrom ) . Ninth District 2310 North Twenty-fourth street. Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eighth and Franklin streets Eleventh District Intersection Twenty- fourth und Franklin btructs. Twulfth District 1IS5U North Twentieth street. Bcvcvrn XVAUP. FlrBt Dlmrlct 2813 Loirx euwortli street faoeoud District Interbpction Twenty-ninth avenue und I'njijilcton avenue , uubt Hlda Third District luterbectloii Twnnty-nlnth Btruet and WuulxvcirtU ax-enue. wouth side Kounh District Intumeetlon Twenty-ninth uud Mtizeuth streets FiUh Dlstrlot InterRectlou Thlrty-soooua tuinne und Thomusun itrpet Sixth Dlstrlnt 1012 Twenty-ninth uvonuii. fcevBiith DlBtrlct lutorheotlon Thirty- fourth und Francis htrnetii EIGHTH XVAUI ) . First DlRtrlct 2D34 Hamilton street. f-ucond District ' " - } Cumins ( .treot. Tlilrd Distnel Intorbectlon Twentieth and Nlchola" Btroots Fourth DlbirlutCIO Cumlnc strePt. Fltth DlBtrlet WOb Cummc btrcot. falxth D.btr.ct luteraectluu Twenty-second uud jiurt BtreetK. Spxonth DiHtrict Intersection Twentieth and Gush btreuth. NINTH XTAIII ) . First District Intersection Thirty-second c.nd Oumlnc streets. faeeoiid District Intersiictlon Fortieth and Cumins btrerth , north bide. Tlilrd District Interbectlon Fortieth and Furnam Ktreets. Fourth Dlhtrlct Intersection Thlrti-second ax-imut ) und Davenport direct. Fifth District 2H 4 Furuum street. fcllth District aiOl Leuvonworih stront. .South Omuliu , FIKST A\AHD. First District Dun Hannon's fpod btore. No. U7 North Twenty-iirth htreot , heeund District-Vncunt btore In Hennl tmliulnp. Twmty-fourthBtreet. west side , ho- twnen .1 and 1C street'- . Third UlKtrkt-Vacant houbn on uust bldo of Twcntj'-fourth stieet , between U und L SECOND .VAUD. FlrBt DlHtrict .ludce llruuu'ti onico , KB > North Twruty-hlxth ntr eu Second District AIlckul'H hotel , eubt bide of Twuiity-fourth street , neur Q btreet. 7'hlrd D.htrlct .Morroll'F ft-ed btore , corner It Btroot und llollevue uvcuuo [ Albright. ] THIKU WAUD First Dlstrlot Charles Kuufhold'B hotel. 2721 0 htroot. hucond DlHti let John KllUen'h hotelU3JOj ! Q btruet. FOrilTIlVAKD. . Now burn ut stock Turds. 1'UnciNCTS. Chlcuco VanAlt'b otllee Olonturf A. 1' . IIaubou's , South Thirteenth Doiiclnb School house , dlbtrlct S3. Klkhoru-'rown hull. ElUhorn city. Eubt Omuliu llourdluc house ut Swift's Ice house. riorunce Old siiiiool boiuo Ltrioruncu. Jefturhun-nunry aiinonbon's lumber cflice , at lleiinlnctou Mlllnrd B"bool houii ut Mlllurd btutlou. McArdlu McArdlu'u HCliool IIOUHG. I'lutte Vullt-y riehuul bou o ut Valley Btu- tlon. 1'nion Goorel * Iliidmbn'b hoube. \Vuturloo Musonlc hall building. WtKt Omaha. Mirth District-ecliool IIOIIHU , dlhtr ut No. ! ) , UdOHon nluuu. West OniHba. Pouth D.Btr.ct-flou eDundne place , block 151. 1'urnunnt to un order of thu board of I'ounty cummUslouurs of thu county of Dongliib , lu tliu Btute of Nubriitku , a hiudal ulwutUm Hill 1)0 liuld. at whleh theru will lie uubmlttod to tbo tejrul Milfit of bald county tbu fol- ilowing iiuustlon , 10- wit ; The Nebraska Central Railway couipany hub made the lollowitiR ] ironcwltiin to thu oounty of Doug ub , Nebraska , to-wit. To thu Honorublu llourd of Couuly Commls- blouorb. Douclhb County. Nubrubka , ( Juiitliimuiii Thu uudunlcnod , thu Nebras ka Cuntrul Htl.wuv con.jiuny. u coriioration dulr ' orcunlrod and exlbl its under and by vtr- tuu'of tbelawti of tbuhtnte of NebrunUb. jiro- po > Bi to build u double truck Hteul railway bridge ucroLi thu Mlnour ) rlmr. ut tliu locu tion bhouu unuu thu iilaus for nuld brldce , vhlrh hub buun approved bv the llouoiublu. tbo tieoriaur ) ' of \ \ nr of tbo Vultud hutub.und ulso u double truuk rullro-d from tbo west u | > - iirouch of buld bridje throucb thn uitr 5 Omuliu to u uoununtluu with tbu trucks of lie Union Hook Vurdk und Uvilvtuy company ut bonth OmkiiK. und uluo to project u line of rail * ay front the WCHI npproauh of the uforo- hiild brldei' lute tbu Interior of thu btate oof NuuruhUb , und to eonttrucl thut nortlou llioreot uxtendluc ( an nuurly itb itructluublin In u uufttirl ) ulruutlon from u iniint on the inuln line of Bbld railroad nortli of Mount I'luKBuut or I'uulnc utreet In tbu ultjr of Oiiiuliu. Nubrnb- Un , to a point on tbo l.luie ] 'npillon | Cruet in nuctiuu tweniy-fivu CJ ) towushin I FfT' p ! * * i rl1 ff rn > p tT Irt 1 _ fast < f t > t R xt'.i ' I r c ji . rut r < MU aiu' ' u. 't c < m Ktri.i ; i niiufi i r w y from a tun l i" > 'b. Hi ? truiti ( > 'Knul r.'lroi ' ) nrar ti > r inter prtloi > of I in Mi-cut ! tftinand Irnrd mid t i ntrthprlv tc > lir.T strrpl In sulJ ttiy ti > lh f i suld lines or port Inns of rntlroMl u > bp 1011I" Mr.irtrd iO".pipu < 3 sliiinHaneoinlv n > ih the construct on anil con > t > lotlnn of tlif aforei'1 talfl lirlclct' nnd tract * to the traik of ( he l-nton Stock YurtU nnd Umiwi y poninnny t fronih Onmlm : provided the county of IK IIR- las will flomiteto the NpbriiRKn Oi-iitrikl r li- xray company flvo hundred tboiiKKtid ( VW.tW'i dollar ? of itn four and oiio-lmlf (4S' ( ' per rent otittpnn bonfts dntpd Jnlj l.lfflC. Out' und imy- aW- twenty yours Irom .Iannary 1.1NM , with Intercut jmyiible toml-annuall * . . fmm .liuiit- tiry 1. IHM. on the l t nay of January unit the 1st day of Jii'v In oaoli your principal and In- tnrcbt : mynblo at the llscul uconcy of tbp state of Mibraskn In tbo city or New YurV said iKinditobu of tlio donnmlnution of onotlioii- Bsnd ( jl.oooi tloilnrs nueli. und uiich tln-rt-of to roplte n * follows "This bond is one of oi-rlcs of flv humlii'd bonds of lll.o amount und trnor wlilrli uro lK ued bv tli * wiutity of DOIIE- lus. In tbc Mute of Nubrnska. to ttie Nebraska Ccntriil Itallnay ivimnaiiy. ton Id It tn Uicro.ii- stru'tionof a ruilwny br.dcr . urro s the Missouri ' souri rlvur ut Oiiiul.a.'NKbrnskii. null ft tlouuln tracK rallwny from the wppt ntijitnach oftuld hrlduc tlirousrb tt.c iMtx of Umabato H t'onnut1- tlon with the trucks til the Tftilnn Fiork Ynrds inifl ItHitwny South Omahti.uiitl Its UUe tracks , turnouts , vxvllrlips HII I oilier rail- xvny Iniprovouiuntf. there Ith isiunppi'l"i all ot ! htilfl I'Onils. ' In e ibB the Itsuamrof snld bonds be utitliortzcd lyx-oteof tlir urtors or Diniclns county , to bocM-i-iiti-il und roclswrt-a on tliu 1st duy tif.luly , A D ISiii mid to bu Im- int-dlutfly uttrr res nfiitlnu ilellxercd to tlio I'lrpt Niilloual Unnl ; of Ouiiilin.NcliniBkn.Iolio Jiolil In trust for dc.lverv to tbu buld Nc- 111DC lu : Central Itullwiiv company. Its Mieces- sors ornbslcnK. In Instullments UK follows Oncliulflicn said brldpc und UK upproacli- cs. ! urn oomplptcd. una th" unu-biilt Ol the romplctlon of mitt niliwuv llnchi Jill in poupons to be itunovnd from Mild bonds before delivery by tliu said triiMi-o. x\ho sluill tlfilvcrthpb.ild bcmns to the M-brusKa ( . 'entrul . Uullvvaj1 conipany or Its order uftcr tbu bourd of fount v commlss oner * , or I RPHC- ccbsors , shall by resolution ordrrsuid tru .tiH'B Ksi niuke dollxury tlieriofhlcli rpsolutlun sht'l ' be adopted when suld bonds IIKVU been rurneJ by tbld rullui.y t-ompaiiy n . lierolu ooiitiMiiplatucl. < but not I'oforu. Tlio Improvc- mcntf herein ronti uuiliiU'J shall be begun It inn one yrnr from thu Hrst duy of MnV , A I ) . , 1MI.1. and lip pushed to ronipli'tlon xxltlumt tiniiucL'ssary do tiv. uud not lr bthiin live hun dred tliousund ( foiii.ciKi ) ilollurs shall be ex pended In uet mil cnnstrui'llon of uild lirldre and rullruiid w thin u period ot nine mouths from the oommrm-omunt of suld woil.uld < BUI-I to Include tliui'ost ot mutrnulB paid fo und ilullxerud iiiuiii thu rtouml. but not to Include - cludo the cost ot rlirht-of-xvuv IT cbtatul , inunt of Huld cxiuiidltuii'b | to lie IIIceltlilbu ] JUiurd of Count v Commissioners In tlio form of u mvorii btutemuiit by tlio president uiifl trciibinur of buid Js'ubriibUu C'uutrnl Huliwuy company ; \\ork on siild proposud Improxu- nipnlK not to fi'iiso fora period exeiodlnc ntnuty eonierutlxo dnys betorc tln < uxprndl- niie of n sum not li * than two mil Ion ( S.MKM.- lioii ) dollurt. bus l.i'cn mudu thcruon. und u'l of suld work hbu.ll bu i-omplutud and In oj > urulou ! xvjt hln tbrei ; years from und utter tlic 1st duy of July , ifairi In cmc : uny of the terms , limitations Condi- tlous or provisions pronnsed huieln reliitlnrto the bepliinlu ; . progress and completion of suld Inijirovumruts lire not eoniplludUtli ( nn- less doluy Is directly und iiuc-esRarlly caused Injunetiiiii or olhur Jncliclul prueeedlnp , or by ' nnux-olciiible uccldcnt ot ucl of prox Idoncu ) tbu Bald company hhull not no i-nlttlod to re- culve Kuld bonds or ur.v thereof , uvun thoiipb the electors ot said count } of D.iucluK bhall bavu bv their vote uutburlzod the Issuance of suld bonds : but ull rlchts to suld Lionrts bhnll by Biicli dofuultUlhout uny judicial dcturm.uut'oii beoomu forfeited ; lirovlclod , howcx cr. thut If the be : In u I HIT. jiropicsb , or completion of sulil Improvcmontb Hliall be dulnynd or obstructed by uny of the uforesald causes , tbu tlmu herein allowed for tbo procresB und roniplc.tlon of slid Imiirove- inuiils bliall be extended to tbu extent of buch clelny or , and -.tumid u dispute urlsu bet wucn the said count v of Dougliis nud the said Nebraska Central Railway ruinpany XTlth respect to the uiiusu or uMent of tiny buch dulu } ' . tbu RUIIIU ut the uluullnn of hiitd Nebraska Ccntrul Jtallvny compuuy sbutl bo referred for dutermlnatlon to u bourd of arbitrators , to be unuolntud us herolnafter proviaca. The charter crantpd by xho congress of the United States , undei which thib bridpo will be conbtrui'ted. provides thut thf brldsu and Its apuiouchebbhull lip opnn to the use of all rullwuy compiinius de ° Irinp thu RUIIIP upon equal terms : the charges foi thu use of Mild brldpp und the rules for the operation of the same , In case tlio mllwux * compuulcH euunot aree. to be flxud b the honorub e the socro- tury of xvur. In eouiidtritlon of rcee'.vluc the proposed subsidies. The NubrusLu Central railroad company iicrepsto ul ow ull railway compan ies the rlcht to run their locomotives. pu seu- p r uud frclcht t ruins ovrrnulu lirltlcu und u ; > - pruacheb thnruof. and overtiie main and jiubs- Inc trnckR of thp bald rallwuy lines belwcan the followliiKjialnts , x'ir Between the west upprouch of Raid bridcc , und tbu junction of eaid railroad with xho tiaekc of thu 1'nlon Stock yards and railway comjiani at South Oinuha ; ulso between a point on the main line of suld railway north of I'ucilU' or Mount 1'luuRant street , In tbu cltjof Umuhu. Npb . anil u point on the LitUo I'upilllon cruck In Boctlou twontv-Ovo 12.11 township Cftoon il. , ncrth of ruuge twolxe ( l i , ouRt of thu sixth principal murldliin : uud also between u point on tliu main line of Raid railroad near the In- turhedtlon of Fourteenth untl 1/urd Rtrerts. und northerly to Gruoe btreht , In thu ulty of Umahu : und It UHO ! ucrees to allow onub und ovury railroad deslrlnK'to tniter the cliy of Umuhu over Its tniekB , thp rlRlit to uho Etiah uurtloiih of us turmluul crounai. . depute und facilities UR may ho nenesbnry und proper for the conducting of tlio buslnchsof said ronQE ; and It uKrees also to vw : lcli niul deliver upon ull of itsbwltch tracks ttif eure of any und ull rallwuy coinuunlea. und nlso thut ull rullxvuy oomliunl'js hliall liavti tlie rlzlit to counuct thuli rullvay lines ul uuy point within Kill mllus of thu city of Omuliuvltli isny line of railway which the bald NehnihUu Central llailwuy company or Hb Riiceessors or nssirnb may hereafter construct or uauKti to be con structed uust of thp Missouri river , whether by Itself or throush the uccucy of uny other corpurutlon or iialtv. und to run ttimr loco motives , passenger und fielcht triilnn o tor thu main and pushluR tracks of bald rallwuy Into the city of Ouinlia , und ulso thut U will ullow all railway companies to connect with any of lt rullwuy lines heri'aftur cuutttructod within thu county ot Dougliis. una xvlthlu ono hundred miles of the city of Omuliu ut an ) point , utther oust or xtubtof tbu Missouri river , uud to cross the suuie , and tbo iiplit-of way thureof , for the purpose of ontranoo to and e reis from the city of Omaha ; Pro vided , That thu use and unjoymunt of euch und all ol naid rUhtu by other railroad eoiu- tmnies bhall bu upon just und equul lerms , nd the payment of jubt uud fair comnumiu- tion to the Nebrubkn Central rullwuy com pany. Us successors or anslRiit , nud hiibjcct to such ouuratlne rules und reculatlont of the Nobruska Central rallwuy coiiipuuy. Its buc- cesHorb or as.lrnb , us hhali be uuceKburv und Iiropur , just und rpusonablc. In case that ut tliu turn ; tlic NebtuHka Cen tral Itullwby uompuny snail otlierwlsu be en titled to receive tno law Installment of bonds. UE herein provided , Buld oomjiany hhull huve cuuhud to bo coubtrnctud through tliu apency of any other oorporutlon or jiarty uny rail wuy oubt of the MlH oiirl rlvui. und within 0110 hundred miles thereof , or hliall haxudotur- minud upnii finch eoiibtriicllon through thu uRuncv of Buch other corporation or party. Buld Ncbrubkk Central Hallway company hhull not bu entitled lo roculvcsalfl last installiiipiit of liouilB unlcBH. or until It hhull huve ciiuntid to bu tixouulud , iicicnowledKpd nud dellvurud to thu sounty of DoiiRlas an Inutrumont In wrltiuR of buch other corporation or party liludluir it , orh'ni , to abldo by uncl pciform thu eouvcnents und ucruemcntit of Bald Nt > - brusUa Kallwuy oomjiuny. In thlb proposition ooutuluud ruluuiig to hucn rallwuy east of thu llibtourl r.vcr. Hut nntblne herein contained hho.ll bu taken us blndliiR kutd company to construct Bald rallwuy in lowu us n condition pruuu- dunt to thu rlcht to receive halfl bonds. The hulcl Nubrutika Central Halhviiy cotn- pury further acmuB. tlmt lu the etrntofu dikpulu uriElni ; botweun tbu xuld uompuny und uny othei rallvruy eompuuy vfltli rehjinct to thu IIHU und unjoyiiient of any rlchts under this proposition or us to thu lurnm , comiiun- butlon cir operating rule und ro uliitlniihTo- latlni : tliproto , xucli dlHimtek hliall bu Hubinlt- tnd to und duturiulnud bv u bourd of thriui nr- bttrutorb , tu bu made uu of thruu iiorsons who urejndKUK of tbu htutu district court , 01 Its buccubuurh , of thu district unibruclnz thu county of Dou lub. to bu BoUictnrt by u two- tntrclh vuto of all ticrnons who nro Jncli-'CH of mild ecnirt. I'rovldud. thut uny bueu rullwuy uompany , othur tbun Halu Nubrubku Cuntrul Hullwuy uoiUjiiiuy , Its hiieeosborb or iisbl ns. hhull buvu tliu ulnctlou to jiurnuu uny other runiody atfordud byjuxv. ury Whoru\cr urbltrutlon Is urnvldud for by tills iironobitlon. tbo iiuriy doklrlnc to hubnilt unr muttrr to urniirailon sliull cunbu too bu burcud uiion tbu other purly a written no- tleu which Hhull net out thu matter in dispute to bu buhmiltud , unj thu lluiu niupm.u.1 for tbu liuarlnR , which bliall nut be lusn thuu thirty Illi ) duvb attur thu time of hrrvlrc ; uud thuruupon tbu udverso narly tt-ull , within twenty (20J ( duya uftur biieli nurviuu iipou it , bt-rvu Us , if unv it huvu , IIJHIU thu jiurly ( leiniindinstliu urUltration , Tbo Hoard of Arliltruteirk. Mhuii hull liavu power to llx the timu of liuurlnc uud to adjourn thu name from time to time , und to make ull nuopumry rint-B nud riiculu- t onk for thu production ot testimony In the ] i ( ) acwblun of ultlipr parly , and othurwlBU to coiupul u Julr und hpucdy trial , tint decision of H tuujorlty of the bourd htmlt control und tbu nnil del rmlnut.on of tliu bourd bliall bu final and oonuuiBlvu upon the purtlen , ot ull mut ter * hiibmlttud and ducldud Whuuuvor arnltrutlon Bhall b runortoQ to Buch ai Ijltratloiihtiall bvthu uxoiusHe remedy of thu Jiartliiy ivxoupt itkhureluolkowhuru liro- vldudj uk to the in at tern uud thlugk iuvolvud und duoldod thureln , btlU Nubrakka Central Kallwny cioiupiuy , 1U kuucuuiurfc uud uHsluns , wimll iranaiiort frulcbi duoludlUE trmitrrof freight uud ull L-Uur lucldeiitul vo buch truimportation ) over IU tuld briace uud apuroacaufc. u well AB ovur t lie rail way it kliull construct within JOj mile , of tbu Mlmuun rlvuv within the Unto ut NtibrukLu , lor juU uod rcaiouaul * j-uic ut h r.1a 1 T > & , f L r ( rrnopj n < t. wh&V mi nt u uttini. ii suuk'i tit hi , 'T' ' * unow ; .h imiak.'nili | , tne liunrj nt i ounly TOT rutt s llnpr vr b.4 u ra , wuy < onipany mmtiinl tlic ' MHUIP t ( at liitrutlun hi liic rnannor nna t tlic ' ' ariyitrutoi * Mut > proriditd for but tblf liaraernpli rpsipitni | t frolpht rhnrtt * nhwti nut lippomc oinirntivp or In foreo nut I five ypur troiu tlipoutc of th > dnli\t > rr > 'f tbelkiti tnsiHiimunt of tliu noiid * tieiiilnhrforv rt > - forrpfl to It It turtliprproiioitoa thkt Rklfl bondi nbk.ll bi rtrlH-f md to tbu M-hrutkn Tontrai Uutlway. ( ( itnimny. its sufccsvirr. or u Blcni. on r upou ttiHi cxpcut ou by thp laid N'pbrntka Central Itullway pompany. or lt KUOPPSUJMI. uua < ! > llvurtl to thf roun y ot Douciiib of an unflfti- tuklnp in w Htlne to tbp pffpt-t thut the print- 1ml urpot of Raid rnllway poniputiv lUccnrrtl unict-E and principal machine SIIODS nbctt built htiuU be locatpd and lualntu nod within ttin corporate limit * of tliv r tx of Dnmlin. nnS that a xlolutioti ot tlip tprms of nuld xmdfN tnklnc by the RHld Nebraska Central IU i y pompiinj. or Its sucppHsnrs or hsslcnn , ( .1111 roniii-rilic nald NubriibKa i'entr l Uaunay compiitiy , or Its xueppHmirb. liulpbtc i lo tli bala Piuiuty of Dim iiivlntlir full i mj.itt ot Rind lionets nun tulprcst tliprpon TII'R ' iimposltlon Mini , uftpr bolnj ; rtuiy ao knowipdKiid by tin. NobriinK-u Cuntrul hai.w iiy ponumuy. tin riH'iirdpd in ihcolllpp of tliu rcsln- tut of dupdsof Dimpliiti county. Nebrus and fur u period of twenty juar from und ktior this niito. sliiill bu irTi-riutl to byrv.tith booK nnd pace wliunnn tlic biimc if rpcordod In unj inert iipu. clccel ot trust , dprd of i'nn- vcyiuicc , or IB. so of the mild brldci und BJJ- prouclics and hitld wi'btot the Mib- Binirl rlter In DousinR cimnn. NubratLu nlth tlif stntcniftit thut tin. sain "Mihrusku Ccnlrnl Itatluiij uoinpiinv. Us uacnvuiro mid arc bound by ttirms. lltiiltutloiis , pn uiul C'liiclHIiius of this propotllluii whinh urn herein niiidc Un CIIVPIIHIIK ihut utfich to and run with Um Buld propuriy inlo v lios-nrvcr liunuB II iniiy come. If the mid Nfhriibku Contra ! railway compiiii } , within forti-IUti ( luj-R uftcr liulnc notllHul hirjtiiic by tlip flmir- muii of tlic bourd ot county PIUII- iiilsRlonersthnt tdu isstihtipp of buld bonds bus been nuthorl7pd bvoto of tln < iiliu-tuis ot said county , t-liall not fllo with thu county uiurk Its written ratification uud acceiitiincu tburoof uuiliT lib t'oriiorntu seal , \\lncli ratitl 'lUUiil Rliall huvo tn < en ordorud by 1th bourd of ilirpc tors , tump of Bald bondbRhuil bu Issued , untl tills proposition slitill bu void. I pen tbu VOIIUK of tin : MiiihldlcR herein dp- Rcrlbpd. the Nubrnbkii Cvntrul Uu.lwuy com pany win Burrpndar the rmht to riii-uive the bUbsldy or miy jurt tlifreof x.itud bv the county of Douglas on thn third ( lay ot Decem ber A. D. . It-Mi , und nothliu hewn foiiiiunud Elm II lie taken as an ncknowlpUKiiiPiit Unit Raid c.iuijiany IUIB any existing ricla to t-ald lum muntlonou hubsluj * . Tliu Npbrnhku ct'iitrul Kullxvay pomimuy furl lii'rtieri'Ps , mum i nulpction Uclns fuiipa , to hiibnitt ti > thu xoteibot profiub tlim to votu ntuiii i hu nforcmitd bnndg to pay into the ruin ty trtasury In ouhh IT ! thousand if."it < U.ii doniirs , to bu n lliu piiyinuiit of the \ii.UBe8 | of uld ulurt.on , uiul ut tlii'btimu time to up'lxur ' totbu sultl I'tn.nty tit iKm-ias u bond xMtb uiuul una hiiltlciuut biiretleh In thu Bum of live thousiitui it.klUO ) cioilnm iiddlt oniil to rover uuy of tlic I'Sppn- ' of said ului'llon put eoviiruil by tlic uHin- cahli i.n.viuent. Tills proposition uud thu uccpptancp. thereof by thp I'tnuilj of i > oupiub , HIU | um mt lleullou ot Tills propusUKm by suul Neliniska Centrul liullwuy ; poinpuny.or Its siicciicsnrs or ui lsni. , lib heruin provlcltnt. bliall t > u t'oiihlrui'd uua un- dursttiotl 10 poustllulu u contract bo * WOOD tlio huld Nolirubkii Central Uallwu.v uoniiuiny. UK Bucccisoru or u slEiifc , nud thvhiild county of Doucluh , und nit of ihu turms , condttloii * . uruumcutsiind provisions mudu on the part of NuhrucHU Cuntrui Ktiliwuy coiupauy in tliln proposition , eontulnud uru huroby madp the eo\uuuntb of tbu suld NubriihUti Ceif Uullwry eompunv , ith bucct- bors und iiBslRiis. which Hhull attach to uud run with ull of its Miild propurty in Douclur count ] . Including Buld Uriel ru und rullwuy. und liiucllnc tijion nny purty iulo whomliauur It or uny of U may come. In wltiipbb whereof the suld NubniRUu Cen tral Kalnvay coinpuny bus caubt'il tlicso preii- ( utb to bo executed thlb "Q duy of May A. 11. , i TifE NEBRASKA CI.NTKAL EAILUAI * COMl'AN Y Ity . II DfMONT , Vice I'ruhlilcBt. ISnal 1 .Ions 1. . MrCAOfi. , buciuturf. Attest : T. .1. MAIIOM i Btutcof NubiuNkii , Coiintx of DnugliiiH ss. Un this -d ( liiy ot Mu ) . A D. 1MK. buforu mfl , u count } clerk in und lor said county , person ally uppeurud the ubove numoa J if Diimoiit unU John L. MtCarne , who i re to iiu > - uliy known to be the Identluul prrsotis who hlpned tbo forcKoliiK tiBtrument ub v cu inesl- cent and hBcretiiri "f 'be Nebraska C'untiul Kullwuy eompiiin ; th i uuknowludfu tno uxe- cutlon of tlif hiild iiibtrutiiunt lo bu the x-olun- tury net uud dued of thn suld Nobr.ihliu Cen tral HuliX\uy coiipiiny : mid tbulr x'olnntnry net und dueo us hiieh vlt-u preslueut uud bucre- turv of Bald company. my hand uucl official BHU ! the date Oounty C.urlc. Shall the above nnfl forutolnf : prnnon- Itlou be uccupted untl udoptud : fahall said bnudH bp Issued , re lbturod und ueilvBrod. uud hhu.ll nn annual tux. In uddlllon toj lh ubuul und nil other tnxeb , be lulud upon tun taxable propurty of DOUCIUB county , isobrnb- ku. buflleluni to pnv tlio tiiU rest on said bunds ubit buconiebdnu ; und ut the time of levyine the annual county tax eimimenclnc Uictunth vunr prior to the maturity of Rulfl bonds , ahall u tux. In addition to ull other taxes. IIP lex-IOC upon the tuxublo property of biiid Douclui county , und continued annually thereafter. from ioar to yuui until thereby u slnklnsj fund sliali liuxu been obtulnotl huUloluut l * JIB ) said bonds ut thomuturlty _ thuruof ? 1 113. NO Tbu above quostlonsbhall be rojiirilu J us on * quubtlon uud ull lialiotb of Jecul x oterB caul at DRIU cleutlou eoutulnlne thu ubove iiroposl- tlou und ijuebtlons .u tliu form of the omclall ballot , to bu prepared by thu county clerk of bald iMicmt county for buld oluctlon. with un X murk following tl.n word "Yes ' upon said oillelal bnllot , sUalij bu countud In favor of tbu issuance ot Ball bonds und tbu luv.ot . BUid taxes , in jmynitiuu of the principal uud lutcruHt tlieruof ; Kud ull ballotH of lecnl xoturb uast ut Bultti election , contuiuliil the uboie jiropiBl- tiou und questions In the form ot tut. ofllclal buliou to be pruparea by the oouuty cluik of DouRluB county for bind uluu- tlon with un X mark foiluwme tbo word "No" upon said ofllcial ballot , shall ue cuuntucl and considered us u pal list the Usumeeof Hula bondhund thu lex-y ot buld tuxcb. In payment of tbu principal and Intcrebt then of If two-tblrdh of ull the ballots xotud by said lepal x-otorb of bald Donclub county nt bald uiuctlon hbnll bu cast In fuvor of tbp ist > uauco of Buld bnndb uud the luvy of B-ild IUXUH lu iiuymont of thu jirlnulpul und Intel i-Hl. tlicre- of. the f orujfolnc projioslt Ion will bu buld to bu udoptud and tlio forepolne question * will bu held to bo nnHworudlnfuxorof thu issuance ofRuid liondB and tbp lex-y of Bald tuxos. und the buld liouclE tlitireunou hliall bu luBiiud , rucltturod und Uflhprud iu accordance with tuu lerniB uud cuudliloiiR buruot , und said tuxes bhull be Icviod uuuordluely ; othurwlb * Which olrctlou will bu onune'l ut ulptit o'clocli lu thu inoruuiR uud will uontlnuu open until blx o'clock in tbu afternoon of the BUOJ * duy. Dated Oils 30th day of Mny. A. D. 1R)2. ( HEM , ) FUED 3 FAl ICETT , Oounty Olork , Douclus CouuU' . Nubruhltk. .Don' * lie by " cut jiriees.1' I > on't buy spuri ous imitations of Dr. Piert-e's inodi- cines ut lts than tbo rec iUir pnccs , tind think that tZT you're _ . . : Z3 money. You would IKI , if yon could ret the arntmie guaranteed medicines in thut wnv. But you can't. The genuine inedidnes iilxvoyb luivo been , tire , and always will lie sold at the following prices s Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery ( the remedy for ull diseases urminf : tram n torpid liver or impure blood ) , . il.OO per liottle. Dr. ricree'fi Favonto rrebcnptiun ( for wo- niun's weaknesses uad nUmeutii ) , . . fl.OO Dr. Pierix-'B rieuiaiit I'elluts ( tlie original nncl iHifit Little Liver Mils ) , iiri ccntb ] ier viaL Aud they're worth more thuu that They're the chraiicst inodicinw ; you ism buj" , nt any price , for tht-y're guurantwid in every case to Imuuflt or cure , or you Uavo your money back. You jmy only lor the { rood you pet. Dealers not authorized to boll I > r. Tierce * nenumr inudidneH may offer dilution' . , im itations , or culiBtitutos , at less than tiie jirieas given ubovu. Buwara of thorn. ECZEMA. Mr. HIUAM TmnrArr , of Olwin , Pito Couuty , Ala. , Bnyn thut SH'IFT'B SJ-ECIFJCI curtd him of u [ mini"ul ciise of Eczemtr , of which lie hud Buffered for U5 He took BCVUD bottles. cures Iiy driving out the pcrmi ; ntid BOU. Itjs entirely vrpctable. buiad for l > eel : on the Sliin und Blood. SWQE SPECIFIC CO r . GA. 'ilex"cuuiniiMUuo. ' . d > lwinl , luui , ttfvalli b uili , IttMTlliurUi lota uf * mruud U"j rwU'll ImlnrL' lilmulw. iftllun tuiniplci . -7i. t-f i 'Impure lilac-1 cr < riUlun l/j IU ptrrur lu wit. a 1/1 tw.rftirtn theirnrutiarfulictluziji I'tnuiu. * firou u > ir 4 iiufran.UuiDbui < ll > r icu.iin. J J'rtix IT iiuiU , | trroo * . U. iuni | > lii Ui T J Utl-AMB OKKUICIU. ( XJ.TlOhpru ut J.FW 1'urk J