Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    "Il 1 /1- l' .Kin
V. j
Toledo Wins Two Garaos from Indianapolis
by Hard Work.
IJrrrkniirldRn'it Hutting Vfnti the Onmo-
I'rnnk dmilnn Clnlmcil and Drmnndcil
by tli ClilciiRn Club llnno Unit
nnil line-Ing News.
Toledo , 12 2 * , Indlnnnpolls , 5 1.
Columbus , G ; Milwaukee .
Mliincapolls-Omnun , nun.
TOLEDO , O. , Mny 2S. Tolmlo tooit two
Raines from IndlannpolN this afternoon witli
but lltllo trouble. In th6 second game Do-
\ valdvtulo stopping n ball , received u bro
ken flngor , Toledo having no pttnhor In uni
form to tnko his pinco , Darling was substi
tuted while Olnrko wns dressing to play
ngaln. Wonthor cloudy nnd rainy. Attend
ance , 1,000. Score :
Two bnso liIU : Nicholson , Gcttlnecr. Sacrifice
lilU : Ccttlngpr , O'llrlun. UorKor. liaso on bnlls :
UtICInrk2. hulUvnn . blruck out : Ily Dewnlil 1 ,
< Inrk , Hiillltun'i. I'nisol bull * : Hurley , stolen
ba ps : Kly , Dnrllne. Tlmo of Kama : Una hour
mil thirty mlnntci. Umpire : Kernel.
Ilrackcnrlilgn'it Hutting Won.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , May 23. Brqckcn-
rule's timely nnd tremendous batting won
trio pnmo for Columbus. Tnoueh O'Dny
pitched fnlr ball , ho wns lucky , only two
men scoring on tbo lour alnglo.4. Game was
called after ono Brewer hud been retired in
tbo seventh on account of rnlii. Suoro :
Mllnraukeo 210 010-4
Columbua . . . . . ; . 0 3 0 2 0 0 S
Hlt.MMAHV. ' '
Ilnnx'nrnoil : Jllhriinkcc.2 ; Columbus , 3. Throe-
base hlt : McCnrr , l.nlljr. Homo runs ; Itrcckon.
rldKe. 2. Bscrlllcs hits : K r on , McUloIlan.
Stolen imscs : Ilnmburi ; . ; llenrr. Alctjnrr , Sic-
Clcllnn , Huso on balls : llonry , 2 : McUarr , Iono- )
line , llamburK. 2 : O'ltourkc. McClcllan. 2. Struck
out : A liber , aVnlnh. . Jantzun. U'Dar. Krcltr. Ham-
burn. Wild iillchOHt O'Dnr. 1'nasuil bnll : Ily
Donoliuc. I. Jantron , I. llmo of uiimo : Ono hour
and twoiity-llranilnutfa. Umpire : Snydcr.
Jtnlni-a Out.
MiXNiurot.19. Minn. , May 28. Oranba-
Llinneapolis game postponed. Halo.
ChlrlK ; Claims CfnIns.
CoLUMUt'g , O. , May 23. ( Special Telegram
to TUB 13KE.1 The Inillonnpolls club la to
lose the services of Frank Genius. Presi
dent Younc of the National league has noti-
lied President Willinms that Chlcaco claims
tbu services of Genius under the provisions
of the nittlnnal agreement.Vhon Gonins
wns released by St. Louis if , scorns the
Cblrnsoclub did not wnlvo its claim upon
the player. Genius will bo nllowod to ro-
inalu with Indianapolis until his place can
be lillcd. Proiidout Williams has been try
ing to arrnnpo with President Hart for a release -
lease of tbo Chicago claim , but so far unsuc
cessfully. The Indianapolis club can illy af
ford to lose Genius , as ho h playing wondor-
lully good ball.
Ilniton Had Very J.lttlo Troulilo in 1'ulvor-
izlnir tint Kllllnolt.
BOSTON , Mass. , May ! 23. Lomsvlllu could
not hit Btivotts today , tickled badly and was
benton from the start. Jonas was batted out
of the box in the llfth. Meokln took his
lilaco. but too lalo to snvo the g'ame. Attciid-
nnce1,777. :
notion o : > o o : i i o i i o
l.ouNvlllo , . . . , 0 : >
Him : Iloslon , IS : Louisville , o. ICrrors : llos-
ton , 1 ; l.oulsvlllt' , fi. llattcrles : Stivotts it ml
Uannoii ; .loncvMuukln and ( irlin.
ilncko Can Do It.
.BAI.TIMOH : ' , Md. , May iS. ! Tbo Battlmoro
club tried n now loft 11 Idcr in the person of
IlHlIfgitn , Into of Cincinnati , nr.u ho allowed
everything in his section logons hit and
pnvo the visitors the game. Weather lino.
Attendance , . ' 1'JOO. Score :
Iiiltiinoio n
Clevuand , , i ) ; j o o 4 Dj Q _ ID
Kuniml runs : Daltlmorc. 4 : ( Jlovuhind. ( i.
Hits : llultliuorc , I ) ; Uiovolund , lu. Krrors :
Ilalllii'oro , I ) ; Ulovi-land , fi. llatturles ; Hcaluy
und l.ohlnboii ; Cuppy and /.Ininior.
Kuril Tuolc OIIL- .
W'SMixoTOX , D. 0. , Muy US. Pittaburg
and Washington divided the honors , cncb
\vinnlni : and losing a game. In the llrst
Fen man pitched u masterly Kiumwhllo
liulilwin was batted nt will. Tlio second
wni peculiar. Washington made six runs In
the soventh. llolng iho score nnd talcing tbo
"lend lu the eighth. Tlio 1'ittsburgers , how
ever , forged abend In their half of iho eighth
nnd won un exciting gamo. Weather ulcas-
nnU Attendance , B.OJO. Score :
> AViishliuUm 1 il 0 0 U 0 1' 0 0 5
, I'lituburi ; 0 0 U U u u o 1 o l
F.aiiird runs : Waulilnaton. ' . ' . lilts : Wiish-
iiigtmi II ; I'lttHbiiru. I. Krrorstibhln ; ton.
iJ.118'.1.1 ! ' ' ' ! 4. ' llllU"rl'J8 ! I'urom.ui and
Mlllh ! | < n ; lluldwln mid Mauh.
.j Second game :
\Vnihliuton 0 0
rittx urg n r > ; i u o o o r. -n
Kiirni'd runs : Washington , fit I'lttsbnrs , 4.
lllta : NYuslilnuloii. 1U ; I'ltthhur ; . lu. Krrors ;
'WiiHlilnulim , 1 ; I'lllbburu. ' : L liattorloi ; UIIBI-
rlyht iindNMiiCluIrn ; llaldwln and Muck. 1 linilly Win ,
Piiii.ADn.i'iiiA , I'a. , May S3. The Phillies
defeated Cincinnati today In ono of thu prol-
ti-slgumeH seen this bouson , Durycu's two
wild pitches pructloallv ituvo the I'nlllloa the
winning run , The Holding of Cross xvuj iho
fc-uturo of the gamo. Weather clear. At-
tcndunco 0,17tf. Svoro :
riilliulolphla ' - :
O nciniillll , . . . 0 0 0 0 0 ( I U 1 0 1 ( Jliiolnimtl , il Krrori :
I'hliutlo uhlii , 0 ; Ulnelnimtl. o. Kurnod runs :
1'hiludnlplilii , I ; Uiiiulur.atl , I , llutturiesi
WuyhliiK nnd Uroi > s ; Dnryna and Murphy.
* " * " llroxniHVlu Another.
WKW VOIIK , Muy i'S ' The game ut Kastorn
pnrU. Ilrooltlyu , today , botwucn Brooklyn
BiH St. 1-ouis , was long drawn out nnd unln-
turollnir. Thoru were no liitercttlug fua-
turet. Koutz wont out lu tha ninth Inning
und Hurt took his pluco , Attendance , 4,021) ) .
Hcon t
IlraoUb'it 1 >
bi l.o.i. * 1 0 1 1 0 2 U 1 1-10
llll * . Ilrooklyn. lit fit. lonl , IK. Krroni
Ilrixiltivu , 0 : St. l.out * . 4. ICurnqd runui
jliuokiju. 5 ; Ht , I.UII.M. ' & . Iliitlvrlt's ; Font/ .
Hurl i nd D.illuyi ICuston unit llnoUtey.
l > i < uil here on thu ilolnt * .
N w YOIIK , Mny US. Tbo New York toara
t v H augrioeful exblbltlou nt the polo
erounds today nnd the plnynrs vrero nil but
hlsicd off the llolJ. Now men will bo to-
cured at once and at least , four man released ,
Chicago not only won easily , but toyed with
the local tonm until the crowd fairly howled
with doriiion. Lyom wn the only man on
ttio New V'orit team who played ball. At-
tctflRiico , 4'J23. Hcoro :
Chlcuco 2 0002123 0-11
Now York 0 4
Karned runs : Chloign , 3 ; Now York. 1. 111U :
Now York , lit Chlcu.'o , 8. Krnirsi Now York.
T ; OhlniiRO , ' . ' . llnttcrlci ! lltttchtnson nnd
Ktttrldgo ; Kudo and Molds
STATI : ii.viun. :
Kcnrnny Knnckx Out Atinthnr ( Intno 1'rom
the froinontorn.
Fitr.MOXT , Nob. , Mnr | 23. [ Spoomi Telegram -
gram to TUB BKB. I The ICoarnoy bnso ball
nlno has braced up considerably nnd did un
the ITrcmonts todnv to the tune of 5 to 12 ,
The feature of tbo gatno was the stop nnd
throw by Cole of Konrnoy. putting out n
mi\n going to the homo nlato. Kearney tins
nddrd onu now mon , which tennis to huvo
Improved their work. The best crowd of
the season witnessed the gnmo , which WRS
worth the raonoy. bcoro :
Konriioy , . . 6
Kiomont 2
ll.iio hits ! Kearney , 4j Kroniont. 4. Passed
hulls : O rover. 1. Lofton liascst Koiirnoy , . " > !
I'romont , 7. llattcrlns ! Klhiinot und Urovar.
( Jastono and 1'oar. Tlmo of Ritmo : Ono hour
and thirty minutes , Unipliu : 1'iilltiiur.
| { c f .linnpl Oriinil Irliiiid ,
GliAND ISIAND , Nob. , Mov S3 , ISpcclnl
ToloBrnm to Tun Bun. ] All the cranks In
the city were surprised nnddlsnponlntod this
morning to.lonrn that Knofo , who had done
all tbo catching for Grand Island , had jumped
his contract without plying tbo manngoinont
n moment's notice. Manager Hourko has
several catchers on the string.
I'lnttamoutli I'uumln IlnstlngH.
t'LvrrsMOUTii , Nob. , May US. fSpoclnl
Telegram to TDK BBK. ] Plattsmoutti cclo-
bratca 1U return .homo today by unmer
cifully slaughtering Hastings. The homo
team started right in to win and batted Lip-
port all over the lot. Ho was knocked out
of tbo box in the seventh and Clark took his
placo. Ho was unabto to stop the can
nonading , howovor. Ynpp pitched for the
locals and pitched n superb game. The only
real hit raada oT ( him was McFarland's homo
run hit over the right field fonco. In the
seventh inning' John Patterson and Sam
Patterson distinguished thcmsolvoi by
making homo runs In succession.
Ueovos captured a two-baao hit In the
ninth. Myers also did some line work with
the stick. Shorty Schanot played n brilliant
center Mold for Hastings. Some of his
catches were phenomenal. Haskoll did the
best umpiring seen horn In n long time. His
decisions were nearly perfect. Sam Patter
son played an elegant short for the locals. His
work won well merited applauso. The score :
I'laUsmouth 3' 0 200200 4-17
llastlnss 0 00102000 a
Karnod runs : Plnttsmontli. 8 : Hastings , 1.
Huso lilts : I'latHirotith. U ; Unstlnus. 4. Kr
rors : IM.'ittsnioiiUi , ( i ; Hustings , ! ) . Iluttortas :
Yapp nnd Mauntn : Llpport , ( Jlurk and Chllail.
Umpire : lluskcll.
Stlt ! iiiluii ; of the Team * .
w. t. P.C. w. t P.O.
Columbus 22 7 .7i'J Oraahn , 10 13 .455
Mllnnukpo 111 8 Mlnnonpolls . 8 13 .331
TuliMlo 12 10 .S4S Kort Wayno. . 7 14 .8.11
Kansas City. . 1 ? 11 luillnnapolls. . 2 14 .125
Iloeton . . , 24 U Now York. . . . . . 10 10 .SCO
llrooklyn 20 II .013 I.oulsvllln 16 111 .SOU
Clilcaeu. . I'.l U .Wl Philadelphia. . 14 I'J .424
Cluvoluntl. 111 14 . 'iTl ! Waslilnnton. . . 12 19 . : w-
Cincinnati 50 IB .S7I -it. Ixiiila 10 23 . w.30. . )
I'lttsburK. , 18 17 .Gil llnltlmoru S 24 .250
Ilcatrlco 7 3 .700 HnstlnKS 7 8 .407
( irnml Irlnnit. . B IS .571 I'lattsuiouth. 0 7 .403
Krumont b 0 Kearney 4 B .33J
Sprliillold | Grays Dofout the Omaha
hcliool Nino.
farittxaFini.n , Neb. , May 2S. [ Spociol
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Grays played
an errorless pamc today with the Umaha
High School niac , and won it hnnaa down by
a score of 10 to 2. They batted the ball as
regular as eloclfwork , out the clover Holding
of the visitors held , down the scoro. The
Grays go to Glenwood , la. , on Decoration
day , play Blair huro next Saturday , Juno 4 ,
and tbo Plattsmouth Stnto loaeuo teuin on
too homo grounds Juno -1 and ' } . Today's
sforo :
Sprlnellold 50050003 10
O. II. S 0 0 2
Uatterlus : Sprln'flold. : llarlnn. Qelst and
Hull ; O. II. ? . . Ulurk and U.ilnsborK. Ituso
hlu : ajrln nold. 7 ; O. II. & . 5. Struck out :
Hy llarlan. 10 ; by Uulst , S : by Clark. 1. Errors :
O. 11. S. . 3. Tlmu : Ono hour and forty ia.ii-
utcs. Umpire : Dr. Wiillnor.
lluntlni ; for < 1 nines.
The Morse Dry Goods Juniors hereby
ohollcngo the Kort Omaha Juniors to a gnmo
for IJecoration day , tomorrow , at , Ui'J : ; p.m.
Tno players of the Morse team are all under
13 , HayCimol , captain.
The Omaha Bees play tnolr first game
today with the Acmes. Following are the
players of the two teams :
Omaha lice. Position. Aomos
C7rcon Dutch Daiiinnii
I'lsh 1'ltul Hoppo
Kruljs I'lrst Ilonon
Korol ticconil Card nor
Uusor Third Kox
Yellow Hhort. Mongciloht
Kox l.oft Soils
Jcllcn UUht lluiikoll
Smith Middle Uurdlck
Tbo Omaha Bcos would Ilka to bear from
any team in the city or state , not ever 18
yours old. Address Charles Krebs , Hooins
UU and ill Douglas block.
The Heserves and the Economy * cross bats
on the Syndicate grounds this afternoon.
.1 line the Kcsorcos play the Arcades.
Tbo Arcudos and Labyrinth Clippers will
play ball today. Following are the positions
of llm players :
Arcades. I'mltlou. Clippers
Itrotvn Cntuli Graham
Spr.itIon I'ltch Drlscoll
l.nrnl I'lrst -.11. ninsburg
llm'.cll Sofond 1'orklnson
l.arjcn Third \Vllkliis
I'lMtik Short. J. Wllklns
llurustuln Kl ht Tracy
Itljliy Unft Whlpplo
S. ( ilnubors Mlddlii L'luiko
Itoatnn Iy thu Itiieliliigliniuii.
\Vhon the Bucklnghnms got thtough with
them yesterday , tno Auditors were ready to
go home. At least that is what might bo in
ferred from this score :
Lln lu rurti'iitt. Umplrui I'arnons.
SrKI'.l ) Itl.NCS.
Lutuulii lAirnialiml a I.nrKO Crowd > flth
HUIIIII Ciuiiiilni ) .SitrprlscH ,
CIXCIXSATI , O. , May U8. The largest
croud of iho mccilni ? crowd oil tbo stands at
Liilonm today , whllo tha hottlne was brlslc
i > nd the favorites were boavlly baclod. The
weather wn * lhrcatenln nna the lust raoo
was run lu tlio rain. Only three of the sovou
races were won by favorites , 111 u mo end
Queen of Hloudcs especially being surprise * .
Irish Chief wo * about un oven cholco with
Dolly McCono , hut did not show up. The
third rnco was plvcn to Kindsoll on a foul ,
Ida Pickwick , uho passed lirst unuur the
wire , belni ; placoil last. Tbnuias Andorson.
own or , John Paultralnor , J. 1'util , } oct < or and
the horsu llintnu were ruled off for the man
ner In which lllutno was run In the llrst rnco
on Monday , May ' 'I. Ultimo won the lilpplo
stiikoi , wortti'JIU with grcaton oaso.
I'lnt luce , puno for tt-yvar-ohla and
tiiwarU | , tlx ftirlon HI Juck Star ( 'JH to II
won. Ullnty C. 1:1 : to I ) lorond. Kiu'on o ( .0 to 1) )
lluril. Tlnuii lic : .
SocoiiU r.ii-o. suillnz. purse for 3-yoar-
oliu nnd iti | , otiu nillut tl uilnes | (6 ( to I ) won.
Illiipoiilitito II sucond , Tlmu : lillS.
Third nice , u free Imndlu.ip hWoopstaUo for
S-y iir-o dx nnd un. onu nillo und un
uiKhtt Ida I'loKnlok i3 to I ) won. bulwnsplacod
lust on ui'lu.iuof fii > | ; Kluc ull f.'li in 1) ) wuir
elttui tlio nifoV. : . II. ( I to H scvoudi lluononio
third ! 'I'liuut
Knjirth rucf , the Ulniilo stakim , for n > yonr-
olu * that huvo tiover won 11 atako prior to the
nlojliiz nf thu titakii , iiillot IlHnno ( i to 1) ) wun.
1'r ink KUflman ( it to II nucotid , forward ( IU to
I ) third. Tlmo ; 1:4 A * ,
1'lftli rjce. pursu for iim'dcn fl'llos. S-yoar-
olU , four furloius : Quot-u of llloiidcj (0 ( to 1) )
won , Robert A. (8 ( to 1) ) second , Droptlon fl' { to
1) ) third. Tlii.ol . MX . . .
Sixth rnco. utino for 3-ycar-oUK Ix fur-
Innasi Dolly McCimo ( n to 2) ) won. Cnptaln
llratio C-'J to 1) ) second. Itorxn , (9 ( to 1) ) third.
Time ! lilBU.
Hevonth r.ico. purse for H-yoar-olds Ana up *
wnrdi. mllut Wnr I'lolll to II won. MatJotta
ri to I ) occond. Harry dmlth (30 ( to II third.
Time : Ii4i.
( Inlloplnir Knilpil nt ( Irnrr rml.
Ou.vrsKNt ) HXCR TitU'K , U I. , May 23.
Fully 10,000 poMons witnessed iho close of
the spring mooting hero today. The ovcnU
Included the running off of the Fort Hamil
ton handicap , wbicn was guaranteed to bo
worth 810,000. a'ho racing proved oxcitlnp
tnrouphouu The finish In the t < 'ort tlntnll-
ton handicap wan close , the norsos being
separated onlv by heads. SU Pierian maao
good hh claims to thu honor of being the
nest 3-year-old shown this shrliiR. Ho
carrlod the top wolpht end , olovcrly
ridden by b'ltzpatrlolt , covered the dlstanco
In 1:543j. : The tltno by fraction U ns follows :
Pint ciunrtor , 24"4i hnlf mile , 4nflvo \ \ fur-
lonira , lUj : ; throt < qunrtors , 1:14 : ; seven
furlotiRs , IsiS1 ; mile , 1:41)mllo ; and n
furlong , l:54 : } { . The Trcmont staltos for
S-.Voar.old , six furlongs , was won In n gallop
by Don Alonzo. Ho was kept Insldo of ono
of his competitors In makllig the tun s , and
contrary to custom did not low any ground
by being moved from ono sldo of the track to
tbo other. The most popular victory was
that of Flavllln.
Klist raoo. five fnrlonia , oUht stirtors :
Lawless ( II to6) ) won , IIIriiin (12 ( to 1) ) second ,
llouncu. fllly , (8 ( to II third. Tlmo : luV. : : )
Second race , ono mlle and u quarter , IIvo
st-.irtors : I.op.inlo(13 ( to I ) won. UlnhloiJ to 1) )
aocoiul. lloluro (7 ( to 31 tlnrd. Time : 2:03 : f.
Third r tco. six furlongs , nlnu starters : Don
Aloii7ol ( to5) ) won , Mlles ijtandlsh (10 ( to 1) ) < > PC-
ond. 1'rlnco ( loorjo (10 ( to II third. Tlmo : : ? ! .
Kourth race , tbo I'ort Hamilton handlcal ) ,
one und ono-clRlitli nilloi , olovnn starters :
St. Klorlun Cl to I ) won. Lampllitbter ( II to 1) )
second , Fklollo pu to 1) ) third. Time : 1:5IH. :
1'lftli rnco , ono and one-slxtuonth miles ,
seven starters : Hussoll ( 'I to 1) ) won , Mad-
stone (4 ( to 1) ) second , Mnjor Daley (10 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : 1:10. :
Sixth race , ono and ono-slitoonth mlloi ,
nlno starters : FUvllla (5 ( to 1) ) won , Uurtlo 1) .
Cl to 1) ) second , Tea Tray fj to 1) ) third. Time :
1:49. :
St. Louis All but Drowned.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 23. Ono of the worst
rain storms of the year , accompanied by
high wind , struck the fair grounds Just before -
fore the horses were called for the sixth race
and convnrtod n peed track Into a son of
slush. The wind drove the rain Into the
grand stand nnd wet 8,000 persons prosont.
Tno talent dla fairly well In picking the win
ners. Three favorites , two second cholcoi
nnd two outsiders were first homo. The
Bankers nnd Brokers'stuko for 2 year-olds
at four and a half furlongs with § 1,000
added was the trump card of the day.
Quiver , n Missouri July , was given two
lengths the host of a straggling start and
she won lu hollow stylo. It was worth
$1.490 to the winner.
I'lrst race , solllnjr , six furlongs : Vcdanna
(15 ( to 1) ) won. Artlstlo W to I ) second , Little
Phil ( G tnl ) third. Tune : t7. : !
Second race. so'lliiR. four nnd a half fur *
lenis : I.lttla Muy (8 ( to 1) ) won , Uatoosa ( ID to
II second. KriinclsiG to I ) third. Tlmo : Ml'/i.
Tulrd race. l-your-olds ! , four und a hnlf f ur-
lonsa : Quiver (0 ( to 5) ) won , Martin (5 ( to 1) ) sec
ond. The Jewel ( Dto2) ) third. No tlinn.
Kourth race , : ) -yonr-olds , ono mlle : Dlazo
Diiuo ( U to' ' ) won , Walter ( ID to 1) ) second , Con
tent ( I ! to 5) ) third. Tlmo : 1:4. : %
Fifth rnco. six furlongs : Nuro (2 ( to 1) ) won ,
Ruby 1'uyno n to 1) ) sucond , Servitor ( Q to 1) )
third. Time : 1:15.
rilxth rnco. selling , seven and one-half fur
longs : Whlttlrr ( to 1) ) won , lion 1'ayno (8 ( to
1) ) second. Pat Kins (5 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:42
Seventh race , handicap , mlle and ono-alx-
tccnth : Onldo (2 ( tn 1) ) won , Jon HtacKburn (5 ( to
1) ) second , Mary Sue ( ) to 1) ) third , Tlmo : 1:55.
Colorado .lockoy Club { limiting.
DEXVRII , Uolo. . Mny 23. Eight thousand
people attended the oponlng of iho spring
races of the Colorado Jockey club at Over
land park today. Business of all kinds In
the city was suspended at noon in order that
everybody who so doslrod intent bo present.
The weather was nil that could bo asked.
The Colorado derby , worth Sl.SItt ) to the
winner , was the interesting event of the day ,
nnd Ccntollu , a Montana horse , won it by a
First race , one ralloi Hrookiyood won , Ao-
clulm second , Idaho Chief third. Tlmo :
l:4u : ? .
Second race , four furlongs : Half 1't.thor
won , Maud 1) second. The Jew third. Tlmo ;
43 ! v
Third race , the Colorado dorby. mlle nnd a
qunrtor : Cutitella wont- Top Qiillunt second ,
Prlnco H&nry third. Tlmo : 2ii. : : .
Fourth raco. mlle nnd seventy yards : Jim
Dunn won , Kl Iteyo second , Dick Wright
third. Tlmo : 1:35. :
Fifth raco. II vo furlongs : Mlnoru won , Pearl
second , Uelshazzar third. Time : 1:31K. :
Itnllwny Assoclutlou Aloutlngit Appear to bo
DrliiyliiK llunlnoss.
CniOAGO , III. , May 23. The mooting of the
Transcontinental and the Southwestern Kail-
way nnd Steamship associations has boon
barren of results. Thera has not bean a lull
attendance of members at either association.
The vote on the now Southwestern agree
ment , however , will probably not bo post
poned longer than Monday. Many of the
members speak In favor of the proposed plan
of reorganization , which dispenses with tbo
services of a chairman und provides for a
board of arbitrators composed of executive
and tratllo ofllcors. It Is oxpootod that tbo
Transcontinental association will also got
uowa 10 worn on munuuv , IIIOUKH 11. muy DO
several days before the Pacific Mail subsidy
question U dotormlnoa.
The packers of Cedar Rapids , la. , have
potitloncd the railroads for a reduced ralo on
packing bnuso products. The claim repre
sents discrimination against thorn in favor of
Chicago. What they want Is a rate of 50
cents per 100 pounds from Cedar Kupids to
tbo Mississippi river , which would malto It
loss to Chicago , us against the present rato.
Tralllo Manager Clark , who has just re
turned from an Inspecting tour through
lown , says tno stories of rum to corn crops in
that state are exaggerated. His information
Is that the outlook for a good crop is regarded
as particularly encouraging.
.Morn Unto Cuttlncr ,
CHICAGO , 111. , May 23. Again complaint is
made that westbound freight rates are de
moralized. It is clulmod that on freight of
tbo hrst class the ralos from Now York to
ttio Missouri river have been cut to > or 80
cents per 100 pounds. The western roads
that are accused of participating in this ro-
duotion are the Missouri Pacitlo ana the
Atchlsou. The out , If It has really boon
made , is a serious ono. The tariff rate Is f 1.U7
by the all-rail routes and $1.20 by tbo lake
and rail linos. First class frolght consists
cnlolly of dry goods and as the shipments of
that class o ( merchandise are qulto heavy
during thu spring months there is always
lively jompotltion among the railroads for
the business. It Is said that the Burlington
and Iho Chicago , tit , Paul & Kansas City are
tbo roads that are complaining. The mutter
has been brought to the ntlontlon of Chair
man Mldgloy and n thorough investigation
will bo niudo. The accused roads omphatlj
cully deny that they huvo accepted any bust ]
ness utlcss than tholr ngreoa proper ion
the through rato.
But H Is not only on westbound trafllo that
the charges of rate cutting uro mado. It is
said that the eastbound rajos from the Mis
souri river nro becoming badly demoralized.
Una road is accused of having contracted to
haul immense quantities of grmn front Kan
sas City to Chicago ut the Mississippi rlvor
rate , which is ilvo cents lower than the tariff
rate to Chicago. Furthermore , it Is claimed
that no satisfaction can bo obtained by ap
pealing to the commissioners of the Wostoni
TraQlu association as by the tltno relief is
granted the guilty road will have pockotcd
iu prollU und restored the rato.
The financial statement of the Chicago ,
Mllwuukuo & St. Paul for tbo Ion mouths
ending April ! 10 , showing comparisons with
the satno porloa last year , was issued yostor-
dav. The dguros are $27,447,111 , uu Increase
of MSS,01U ) : oxpousoi and taxes $ l7,45-OiiU ,
an increase of f.,03lB57 ; net oaralngs 110 ,
001,145 , un Increase of . ' .ISH/JIS.
Oliulrinuii binltli Itu liii. |
KANSAH I.'ITV , Mo. , Muy 23 , Chairman
Juuics Smith of the Transmlssourl ussocia-
tlou has tendered his roslguatton. Chair
man Umlth ro'urnod from Ctncuco this
morning and said ho took thli action to ru-
llove his frlonds of auy ombarrassmonU Ha
thought the amalgamation of tha TransmU-
sourl with the Western association had boon
decided upon and that It would bo effected at
the joint mooting of iho two associations la
Chlcngo'a I'lr t Kluvatod Truln.
CIIICAUO , III. , May S3 A successful trial
trip wa made ou tbo alloy ol ova ted railway
yo < tordnv. Itvni ) iip ] | flrat L. train nvor
run In Chicago. ID * ) " !
The IM-iitlV Itnll. -
Ct.cvr.tANi > , O. , 'iMrfy' ' < -Uouoral Hnlph
fl. Bucklund died tA' ' F'f&monl ' yesterday of
apoplexy , ngod SO yrnrs.
LBXISOTOV. Nob. , < Jftav1 23. [ Special Tolo-
BnuntoTiiF. BRK.J'iiW , aT. Huoy , Uawson
couulv's clorU of tn6"ct/art / , died this mornIng -
Ing , Mr. Huoy wni'rin 8)d ) resident of Lox-
Incton , n inombcr oYflt1Jo Ancient Order of
United Workmen ntNPTCnUht * of Pjthlas
lodges , nnd highly rtsrlC'Dtod by the people of
the ontlro county , WU6 Mourn his loss , Irro-
spocllvo of party. 1 U i
u _ * '
CHICAGO AND ; ri"JWoni.i [ > 's FA IK.
World's I'nlr tiouronlr./Illustrated / , boln ? n
cotnploto nnd concUc history of the princi
pal world's fnlrs trom the Crystal 1'nlncc ,
London , 1811 , to the World's Columbian Kx-
pos'tlon In Uhloiigo , IS'JJ ' , With oxplnnntory
tables and iniiiH , 1'iibllsliod by The An-
nbojuo Publishing companyChloago , bound
ueatly In cloth.
It inroly falls to the lot of the ro viewer
to notice so exhaustive u work ns the
"World's Fair Souvenir , " which has
boon compiled with so much cure by n ,
former resident of Omahn , John D.
Jones. For purposes of reference , o
comparison nnd for general information
the work is a mngnlllcont reflex jot the
push and energy of a city Unit is the wonder -
dor of the world.
in its compilation expense has not
boon thought of , and the richness of its
illustrations of the World's fair build
ings , cuts of the mon undwomou _ who are
directing to a succo'sstul issue what bids
fair to be the greatest exposition of un-
ciont or m.odorn times , pictures
of the colos'sal ' business blocks that
stand as monuments to the enterprise of
their owners nnd builders , is typical of
the "Chicago Rait , " ns the ruah and
bustle of the grout city by the inland sea
1ms boon described.
The book htts boon arranged upon a
most comprehensive plan , the object of
Iho publisher bolng to glvo a complex
resume of what may bo soon in Chicago
in 1893 , and at the sumo time glvo- the
information in a compact form , BO that
the work may bo a valuable adjunct to
the library and reading room. Its usefulness -
fulnoss will not end with the close of
the exposition , but on the contrary will
prow in value with yotxrs , for it is the
most perfect compendium yet issued of
an event which cannot fall to have an
influence fan , many decades to coma upon
all lines of art , literature and com
merce. As Mr. Jones says in the intro
duction to the work : "As an educator
this event will leave its Impress upon
succeeding generations and boar fruit in
all realms of human thought , ingenuity
and progress. "
In addition to its. ) complete epitome of
what has been done , is"dolnp and will bo
done whan the fatr opens , it comes to
the general public at n' most opportune
timo. It brings 'boforo the American
people the forces hal ! are actively at
work to make the ( exposition u success
worthy of a nation thaj ? in a little ever a
century has , from" jiotjjing , buildod tbo
mightiest ropublic-of onrth. It not only
gives full page art'.vjpcrj ' { illustration and
descriptions of th.ql principal buildings
of previous world's * fairs arid all the
buildings of the proYorf World's Colum
biivn Exposition , togothoV with portraits
and blogYaphioaloriflTtotchos of its
officers and chfo.f3f'0 f 'departments ,
but it tolls "How , to Roach the
Pair , " gives descriptions of Chica
go's parks and boulevards ; its plncos of
amusement , the wholesale and jobbing
interests , its railroad facilities , and in
go n oral is the most complete guide book
to tlio city that stands at the edge of
Lake Michigan.
Do you want ono of those books ? A
few minutes' worn will secure ono for
you. Send to THE OMAHA HUE oho sub
scriber to THE WEEKLY BEE at 81.2-3
and ono will bo sent to you by mall. The
book sells for 81.00 , but THE BEE has se
cured a largo number of copies , enabling
the publishers to make this liberal olTor.
It is the best thing in this line ever of
fered and you uro euro to bo nloasod.
You can have tno paper and book sent
to your address or the book alone and the
paper to some ether person.
Omaha , Nob.
-J.V.D I11K ItKOl' FULL.
urd crorn Who Huvo I'ald tlio 1'oiiulty of
Tlu-lr Crime * on tlio Scutlolil ,
LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , Mny 27. Kdward
Spoors was banged at Magnolia for the mur-
dorot S , C. Hull on July 1 last. Ills nock
was broken.
HESDnitsox , Tex , , May 27. George Scott ,
convicted of llrst ruining his sis tor nnd then
murdorini : her , was hanged hero today for
his crimes. The drop foil nt 2:80 : p. m. and
In thirty minutes ho was pronounced dead.
There were several hundred persons present
to witness the execution.
HiislnuHR Troubles.
LONDON , May 27. Default has boon announced
nouncod of Broker * Bandore & Jeffrey with
an open account of 'J5,000 In American
f bares and differences of 12,000.
Mlkols and Smith , circus fakers an-i short
change man , were ypstorday sentenced to
fifteen days ut bard labor by the pollco Judge
for boln ? vagrants.
Acting under instructions from the Lincoln
police ofllclals Captalm Mastyn last night ar-
rcstod M. H. Shannon ! u Doutrlu ? street
gamolor , for grand lurcuay. Sherman was
lu Lincoln \Vcdiiojdayand ; , It is stated , ap
propriated sonio proimrtyt which did ant belong -
long to him. Ho willtbo taken to iho capital
today. 10 )
HopubllcaiiB of th'Frtth ward were to
have hold a mooting for organization In
Krlllng's hall last iifUlit'but ns the attend
ance was light It was i/ctiluod / to moot next
Tuesday night , at wUlcu tltno it Is expected
a largo number of republicans will bo pros
ent. PreparatoryworU'Tor ' this fall will bo
outlined. w it
Judge Borka's tlmqWnY'takon up yesterday -
day afternoon arguments pre
sented by the ntttmio.jr , for Fred Bush , a
toatnitor , who rofiiseiTOJTmy | tbo required
license. Tbo casa is'n'tasl/ono ' , nnd Involves
thu coustltutlonalltyJ8t tub new toamstors'
llconso law , Judge Bprkn will glvo hU decision
cision on Tuesday noirt'1' ' '
Mountul Ofilcor Wilbur will commence
sorvlug notices to nbato nuisances , stagnant
watormlow lots especially , on eighty-eight
Omaha property ownora today. The notices
are sontout by Chairman Blrkhausor of the
Board of Public Work * . Notice Is also
glvou by tbo board that It will hoar the pro.
tests of the property owners Interested at 'i
p. UL , Juno 24 ,
7. . P. Hedges of South Omaha has asked
the probate court to appoint a guardian to
loot ; after the property of Bernard Corrlgan.
In olt petition Hedge * states that Corrlgan
U 27 years of ugo and U possessed of worldly
good * which are worth fully $20,000 , , Ho
further states that the ypuog man has ac
quired iho hault of endorsing notes for Irre
sponsible persons nnd by 6 doing the wealth
la rapidly disappearing. For good reason's
Mr , Hodges itolo that Mr * . Auna Corrlgau
should bo appointed to look after Bernard , *
A. Lohr
of Kcmlallvlllo , Intl. , says Hood's
Hood's Bnrsnparllla Is
King of Medicines
And Ills Cure Was
Almost a IMliracie
"C. I. Hood ft Co. , Lowell , Mnss.
"Gentlemen ! When 1 was 14years of ago
I vras confined to my bed for several months
by on attack of rheumatism , and when I had
partially recovered I did not have the use ot
my legs , so that I had to go on crutches.
About n year later , Herof uln , In the form ot
White Swellings ,
appeared on various part ] ot my body , and
for eleven years I was an Invalid , being con.
flncd to toy bed nix year * . In that time
ten or cloven ot these sores appeared and
broke , causing mo great pain and suffering.
Bovoral tunes pieces of bolm worked out of
the sores. 1'hyslclnus did not help mo nnd
I Became Discouraged
"I wont to Chicago to visit a sister , M It
wns thought n change of Mr nnd sccno might
< do mo good. Hut I was confined to my bed
molt ot Mho time. I was so impressed
with the success of Hood's Barsaparllla
In cases similar to mine that I dechluil to try
It. Ho n bottle wns bought , and to my great
gratification the sores soon decreased , nnd I
began to feel better. This strengthened ray
faith In the medicine , and In a short lime 1 was
. Up and Out of Doors
To make a long story short , I continued to
take Hood's Barsaparllla for a year , when I
bad bccomoso fully released from the chains
of disease that I took n position with the
Flint Si Walling Mfg. Co. , and since that time
Imvc not lost n single dayon account of
sickness. I always feel well , am In good
spirits , and have a good appetite. I endorse
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for It has been a great blessing to me , nnd to
my friends my recovery seems almost mirac
ulous. I think Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tha
king of all medicines. " WILLIAM A. I.KIIB.
Ko. 0 North Knllroadst , . KendallYlllc , Ind.
Ilood'a I'llls core BUlouineaa.
The Original and Genuine
Imparts tlio most dclldouo tante nd zoat v7
mo. to hla brother F18II ,
M y. 185L HOT & COLD
tint tliclr sauce IB
blsUly esteemed In GAME ,
India , in lay
opinion , tlio most WELSH-
palatable , as well
aa the nioet whole , RAREBITS ,
ome rauco Uut is
nuule. " dec.
Beware of Imitations ;
eee that you get Lea & Perms' '
Signature on every hottloof Original & Genuine.
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE
used over 40 years , and always aflords
relief and always gives satisfaction.
For Piles External or Internal , Blinder
or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or
Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is
immediate the cure certain.
For Burns , Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. The relief is instanf
the healing wonderful and uncqualcd.
For Boils , Hot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas ,
Old Sores , Itching Eruptions , Chafing or
Scald Head. It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. It is invaluable.
Price , 50 Cents. Trial size. 25 Cents.
Sold LrPmctliti , or rent pMt-paM on receipt of prlc. .
HOI'IIIIKYS' M > .CO. , 111 * 113 Mllllam St. , MW 10IIS.
Your druggist does not
spread his plasters or gela
tine-coat his pills. He knows
that such work is better done
in a factory.
Some try to make an Emul
sion of cod-liver oil : but they
cannot make one like Scott's
Emulsion they'll find it Out
some day.
There is no secret in what
it is made of ; there is a
knack in making it. That
knack is Scott's Emulsion ,
There is a book on CARE
FUL LIVING that you ought to
read. Shall we send it ? Free.
SCOTT & DOWN B.Chcmliti , 131 South ; th Avenue ,
New York.
Your druggist kerps Scott'i KmuWon ol cod.llvcr
oil all drugci'l * everywhere do. $1 ,
Unlike tlie Dutch Process
No Alltalics
Other Chemicals
nro used lu the
preparation of
IV. 11AKI5B & CO.'S
which it ntiolutelu
jntre ( inil tolutile ,
It has > nor0f/m f Area f ( met
I theitronyth of Cocoa mlxod
J W'H ' > Btarcbi Arrowroot or
- LJ O- qiW Sugar , and I * lar more eco
nomical , coitlii'j leu than one cent a cup.
It la delicious , nourishing , and EASILY
Sold by Uroferieferjrnhtra.
W. B AKEE &CO.Doi-ohejter , MOM ,
The Act of Juno 27 , 180O , requires , In the prxso of n soldier :
First. Asorvlco of nt least ninety dnys In the Wnroftho Robol-
Uon that is , batwoDn March 4,1801 , end August 81 , 1800.
Second. A jljiaMionorablo discharge ; but the loss of the cortlft-
onto Is not n bar to n panslon , and U nosct not bo filed unless oallod
for ,
Third. A permanent physical or mantnl disability not duo to
"vicious habits. " ( It need not havaorlglnatsd In the sorvlca. )
Fourth. A ponslonor under prlo1'laws may apply under this
ono , or a pDnslonor under this 0119 may apply under other laws ,
butcnnnotdrnw more than ono panslon cDvarlnjr tha sums parlod
Fifth. An applicant under other InWd may obtain pension un *
dor this ono , and at the same < ' 'm"0o oa with the prosacutlon of tha D !
claim. Thorcoslpt of a psnslon under this law doas not doprlvo
him of any rights under other laws or In any claim filed previous
to this ono , or at any time horjaftor. Ho may apply for and bo In
receipt of a pension under this law while collecting the evidence
necessary to prove up any clnlm he may have under other laws
without any projudldo to either claim.
This Is not a "Pauper Law"and the pecuniary circumstances
of the soldier have no bwriny upon his rights. If sufficiently disabled
for Diunual labor , rich and poor ars entitled alike. By "manual" labor
Is meant hard or unskilled labor. Ability to perform skilled or proo
fessional labor has no effect upon a soldier's rights.
Send for question blanks to
22O Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB.
Symptoms. This disease lias many forms ; such as , painful
sores , unsightly eruptions , cancerous humors , swelling of the
glands , particularly of the neck , hard kernels about the neck
( these arc felt under the skin for months before sorcnpss is
experienced ) , diseases of the eyes , nose , ears , lungs , hips ,
and spine , erysipelas , running sores , abscesses , etc.
Scrofula is the most terrible of all blood diseases.
The fact that this most virulent poison should exist in
the blood should cause great alarm ; and when the appe
tite fails , or pain in the back , boils , pimples , or any of
the above symptoms appear , the use of some power
ful alterative and purifier should at once be com
menced. Nature must be assisted to throw off the
poisons , and nothing can assist Nature so effectually
as Nature's own productions , and for this purpose she
has given us , through the Kickapoo Indians , the
greatest of all blood purifiers.
compounded of simple herbs , roots , barks , and
flowers , contains no acids or mineral poisons , there
fore is absolutely harmless. It thoroughly cleanses
the system , and removes the cause of disease.
Kickapoo Indian Oil JJ.00 n bottle. Pure Blood ,
Mils pain initnntly , and cures inflammatory All druggists. Perfect Health. "
. .
matory diseases. 35 cents.
J1115 anil 1117 Farnam Strcot , Omaha , Nob.
Bi'ass Beds from $25 up wards.
Attention is called to the fact that
ooooooooo Uooooo ooooooo ooooo
of ST. LOUIS , MO.
Mnlo Itn tiolnt to brow exclusively I'UIII } nnd FINE
MALT IIKKK 1 for patlontH the
EXQUISITE , or White Label , and BUDWEISER ,
nro KAU IMIKI-'EKAHLK to ordinary browlnis ; of corn preparations.
nutrlelotii porcoiitnuonf tlio ANlir.iracii-IIURCil
small alcohollo nnd largo
lloHlo I "or nmUos It a superior inscription , as the iiuallty U Kiiaianleod by
the of tlio linn , whoso motto H In Imyliitf matorliil , "Not how ohu m but
howK " ANi KUBKl-IIUBCll Hottlod lloor Is nlwayH puio nnd Htrnlh'ht. which
la iTunerally doubtful of wlnus , llquora uuO medicinal preparations.
Oim'ia ' Branch S. E. Cor. 13 h ncd Jones Sta GEO. KHUB , General Agan > .
Savings Banks of Omaha
On Regular Pass Book Accounts 4 per cent per annum , '
For 3 months and less than 6 months , 41 per cent per annum.
For 6 months and more than 6 months , 5 per cent per annum.
M ntioAN ' HA.VINOS HANK ] 01,0111 : LOAN & TlFusT co. SAVINGS HANI :
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent ipeclallit In nervou , cbronlr , private , tlopl , in n unn r fll"MO . A regnUr i
. . . .
. . .
curtlllcutei .lio r. U .til . 'r t'"wl'lll ' ?
uradualo la lueUclne fti diploma * ana i..n. ; Suiriuro.
rofflMterod * . . . . . * rlrlurus < '
Sftrrtf. P f5iawrri5o ? i. Ion manliooS. eminai weakiie , . , , nlnUt loiioi.JmiKjt.nor. irui uabs T w
lOtiU ormmler. . . . .
. .uimuiiwi . . . .v. . , P. . . . Hook lMjr tert ot
ta.tu Uu . tiaaa itarupfor replr.