THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY MAY 29 , 1892-SIXTEEX PAGES. CRASD ARMY DEPARTMENT Loftj Patriotic Sismificance of Memorial Bay. HOW IT IS OBSERVED IN MEXICO Tlic tSrmvM of Amrrlcan Soldlrm Annually Cor ir d with riowrr * Ilnl tP d' Trite ntc to Sherman Thrrc Noted Veter an * Ainwrr the Laat Jloll Call. I stood bcsldo each xnoundod crave \Vbcro slept the brAveit ot the brave. And sooctil B spot where 1 could place ilr flower * above a hero's fnoe. "Within a cilm , mcloded spot , Where paistnc steps disturbed bor not , 1 placed tbe simple bads I had O'or ber wuo bore a soldier lad. Ladles' dome Journal. Memorial day , May 30 , once rnoro called upon the living to lay aside their cares and duties und pay tribute to the memory of the soldier dead. The cus tom IB a part of the national life. It is a hallowed institution , a sacred duty Imposed on the psoplo. It is a holy and wholesome duty , a most effective evidence of patriotic regard for the heroes wno fought and died that the union might live. The observance of Memorial day in the United Stiles is familiar to all. The custom is not confined to this country. In old Mexico , where hundreds of American soldiers sleep , Decoration dny is a glorious annual festival , held In the fall of the year. A correspondent of THE BKK , who participated in the ceremonies last year , elves the follow- injr interesting account of Mexico * ! Decoration I > ay. "The Mexicans keep an annual Deco ration dny wh5ch is even more elaborate and extended in its celebration than ours. Upon the annual recurrence of that dny the graves of the American soldiers who fell during our war with Mexico in 18-17 are always most gener ously included in the decoration. No nation follows more faithfully than Mexico the Christian precept enjoining us to 'forgive and love our enemies. ' "I have said , that the Mexican Decor ation dny is more elaborate and ex tended in its celebration than ours , for the reason that the Mexicans not only adorn with floral tributes the graves of their fallen soldiers , but also deposit them upon the last resting plueoof _ all their loved ones , irrespective of sex , nge or occupation , because instead of being limited to one day. like our ob servance , that of Mexico is prolonjred for a period of three nights and two days. The difference in the climateand the time of year at which flowers are most abundant also cause Mexico's De coration day to bo kept at a different season from ours. "The ol ervance practically begins on the night of October SI at 'about 7 p. m. , and about that hour on the last dny of last October 1 found myself mingled with a crowd of iwople who were pour ing along tbe Calle de San Francisco into the Plaza Mayor , in the City of Mexico , within whose elegant zoccolo a government military band was sending forth strains of delicious music. Both the Plaza May or and the Plaza de la Constitncion presented a most brilliant sight. They had been cofaverted into a temporary fair ground crowded with innumerable booths , which offer for sale the strangest commodities that ever merchant dealt in. Everything sold is em blematic of death .and decay. There are immense piles of candy skulls , in bomo of which have been placed minia ture wax candles , whoso light shining through the toothless jaws and eyeless sockets of crystallzed sugar produces a most ghastly effect. There are skele tons of every imaginable size and mate rial upon the counter of every booth , some of them poor , cheap affairs ol paper , many of candy and others elabo rately constructed of wood itnd jointed BO that the pulling of a t-tring causes them to dance and caper in a weirdly comical way. Some of them are fan tastically dressed like ballet dancers and are" surrounded by croups of candy tombs and senulchers. Students of old Ungllsh customs have heard of 'Voul cakes , " a sort of bun which good na- .Vured people used to prepare in large quantities to give to children who wenl about from bouse to Louse at tills time ol year singing a song and demanding a Boul cake tvs a reward , but the booths in tbe Plaza Mayor on that eve of the Deco ration day celebration offe-od for sale eoul cakes which , for appropriateness and elaborate design , threw these of old England completely into the shade. They consisted of three layers of cake BO placed as to form three stopa , cov ered with -white icing and leading up to n chocolate cross at the extremity of the topmost layer or step. Upon each of the other layers there was some design in chocolate intended to remind the pur chaser of the solemn occasion -which the cake -was mount to commemorate , buch ns skulls , bone ; ) and cofllns. "Catafalques made of xvood nnd paintoa blacK , frouTC inche * . to 2i feet jn height nnd from S inches to 2 feet square , weie also a highly popu lar articio of merchandise. Some of thorn consisted of several platforms ris ing ono above the other , elaborately draped with Hack cloth tint ) emblazoned in gilt with crosses , skulls end coffins. ' Besides the booths there arc numer ous open air kitchens , whence the tempting display of edibles is constantly being leplen bcd , und where stout swarthy young women , their well- _ _ unded neck and arms displayed to the bebf advantage by the low-necled , fchort- eleevod cht-intae , which is their only garment utiovo the waist , are busily cn- e ed in compounding , frying , oiling und bulling those fearfully and wonder fully iniide dibhes in which the Mexican palate delights. . " interesUnc of all sights arc the pooile tbom elvea. Though the oc- cobion in intended to "bo a bolumn one , and ono would think the display of such wares as 1 have described above calcu- ntod to si : on ply emphasize itb solem nity , yet tbo aboute und vociferations of the light hearted crowd ana their bouncings und gambols in the shadow of the grand old cathedral , -which for over 1KX ) years lins stood at tbe bead of the platuotu such as might at first have led one to think that the inmates of that philanthropic establishment , the Cain do Locos ilucntic asjlumj. had forced bolts und burs und cxclinngod their fcUiiighl wuiHcaaU for othe s of u more el us tic and becoming model , while above all arose from the zoccolo sU-jins of Mich music as vre seldom never hoar In tbe Status , for the playing of aMoxican gov- srnoiont military band is u revolution of tbe possibilities of each uu organization. "All that night , und durinir the buc- tocdlng day und night , the preptratory festivities if 1 may to designate them Df the annual Decoration day uro stead ily continued. With tbo dawn of Do- eoratlon dny proper , which. xvas .Novem ber 2 , cutzitf crowds of oeople laden with flowere. uud from the first strculcof dn > Hcht until dusk tbo ootuoVeno * of San Fernando and Do ores , and the French , English and Atnaiicau Imrylnjr ground * uro crowded with tbosa wno tome to visit and decorate tbe graves ol their dead. Many of those earth mounds hare been-wholly concealed by flo-wora , wid the entire inclosuros of the cemeteries have presented the appear ance of ono vast flower bed , whose deli cious perfumes have completely filled the air. Flowers are so marvelouMy cheap hpre that it costs but a trifle to > lace them upon many graves. In the lower market that Decoration day morning 1 was offered rosebud bouquets , which , in the Slatvs , at that timc of ear , would hare been worth about $80 , or "quatro reales"50 ( cents' , and the cnder , when I showed no disposition to mrcLaso. dropped to "dos reales' ' (25 ( cent * ) . Finding that even this liberal reduction failed to attract attention , he lesirefl me to name mv own price , Elaborate floral designs , such as would cost several dollars nt home , nny be lurchasod hero for a few cents. * 'Ono of a colossal honrtmtide entirely of the finest white TOJBS NiphetUw which would have cost in the States nt east S20was offered me first for sais realesseventyfive ( cents ) and finally at my own price. Mexican residents tell me that flowers were formerly much ' cheaper than at present , the loud ex pressions of surprise at their cheapness made by American tourists and their readiness to pay without question the " sum first asked by the dealers having considerably advanced prices. "Dolores , the principal cemetery of Mexico , and the one In which the most jlabnrato floral display Is made , Is a Burial place ot great beauty and extent. It is as tastefully laid out and has as " many and as "handsome monuments , grave-stones and mausoleums as the average cemetery in our largo American cities. San Francisco ( St. Francis ) is also a large and handsome city of the dead and the .floral display made there on Decoration day-is likowke elaborate and beautiful. In the American ceme tery in which , though not nearly so largo and ornamental : n those just men tioned , there is "good , snug lying , " as Sir Lucius O'Trigcer says , there are Juried 750 American soldiers who fell on the battle fields of Controras , Churebus- co , El Mollno del Key and Chupultapec , among the most famous and bloody bat tle fields of that war which gave to the United States the rich prizes of Califor nia and New Mexico. "Over those dead heroes , sleeping their hist sleep in a foreign Landa , hand some monument has bsen erected to commemorate their deeds of valor. On every Decoration day their last resting place is literally cove-od with flowers , while innumerable floral designs of rare beauty adorn their monument. It was with great pleasure that I saw many of these floral tributes placed there by the people of that nation by wnose hand my countrymen had fallen. It was a striking proof that the fierce enmity of nearly half a century ngo had been re placed by friendliness and good will. The Mexicans who placed flowers upon the graves of those American soldiers had only words of kindness and praise for their sleeping foes. "At the village of Popol'a , a short dis tance from the American cemetery , I saw on that Decoration day another re markable illustration of the gentle , for giving spirit of the Mexicans. Popotla is famous for its rrrand old cypress tree under which Cortez wept on a night in July , 1520. when retreating from the City of Mexico. The furious Aztecs or native Mexicans"hnd driven the Spanish conqueror and his forces from the cap ital As he and his broken army fled before their maddened and savage foes he called a short halt at Popotla , and pausing to rest under the spreading branches of this cypress tree he ivept as ho beheld his vanquished followers and meditated upon what then seemed the complete and ignominious failure of all his trrand schemes of conquest. "The cypress is a very largo ono of great height and girth. It is tur- ronnded by an iron-railing , and strange as it may seem that the Mexicans , whom ho subjugated to-a foreign power which held them in slavish subjection for 300 years , should have any feeling of regard for the memory of Cortez , jet it is a fact that I saw hangiair upon that railing many wreaths and other floral tributes which had been placed there bv pious folk who no doubt had offered up at the time devout prayers for the soul of the Spiinibh adventurer. "On the road to the French cemetery of La Piodnd there .are some boautif ul meadows by the side of running streams , a short distance beyond the old wall which still surrounds the Mexican capi tal. There 1 was much amused on the afto-noon of last Decoration day in watching the gambols of the populace who had assembled in largo numbers and converted the place into a tempo rary picnic ground. Among the mead ows swings had been put between large trees for the enjoyment of the ladies by some gallant muchaches ( young gentle men ) , v-ho amused themselves by send ing the parsons of their mistresses as near the clouds as such humble terres trials could hope to go. A cravat taken from the neck of one of tha bystanders and fastened immediately above the knees secured the skirts of the suspend ed beauty from the action of the wlud and presented an effectual barrier to the indiscreet wanderings of any roving eye. She certainly could not complain of any lack of vigor or good will on the part of her admirers. Some , awaiting her descent toward the ground , seized her by her well turned legs and sent her bac'c "tonard heaven again-with great velocity. Others , less privileged or leas daring , watched tbe favorable moment and by a iiosaisg application ol their hands behind gave nor an increased Im petus in the opposite direction , while Ei-roams ot laughter from tbo mucnacha and her beaux added fresh zest to the pastime. "Tho members of another group ore about to enjoy a dance. One young fej- low , wearing u high , conical paper cap of different color ? and flourishing a long staff , ucted as master of ceremonies. A tall sergeant -with his fomtring cap on his ear , who had evidently looked too frequently upon the pulque ( the Mexi can national beverage ) reminded one of Stcrnn's story in his 'Sentimental Journey' of the tall man and the dwarf at the theater. Neither the mandates of the master of ceremonies nor the grumblings of some of the bystanders could it.duco him to quit the bide of n buxom nina ( young girl ) , whom he iidd evidently marked for his own. The young women were engaged in tying up each otter's hair and making other preparations for the dance , introducing no btmll amount of coquetry therein. Aftvr many onrnust supplications from the men. most of them accepted pirt- ac-rs , the prettiest holding out the ltu > t , and borne of them even threatened to de cline the diuico altogether. When the music sounded , tbo oscillations of the sergeant's nrms scoured for himself much more than his rightful space , the othbr male dancers evidentlv wlah- Ing to aroid so formidable a comrade. The setting i un at length gave warning to tbo dancers. Th * crowd again poured cityward , the glguntio sergeant tower ing for above his fellows , and bearing off on one arm his buxom partner , while thrust through the other wag the ecrawuy hand of her fia Juana ( Aunt Joan ) , uzhtly clutching a handkerchief of orangesan offering from the surgeant , do iirned to propitiate so important a member of her family. " lux a &ac iuiiutuit. The annual encampment of .the Iowa deportment. Grand Army of tbe Repub lic , at Oitumwa , encountered a contin uous downpour ot rain ThU unfortun ate circumstance not only reduced the expected attendance , but prevented tea a large extent the carrying out of the program of cntertnlomsnt arranged by the citizens of Ottumwa. ' 'The officers of the department for the ensuing year are. Commindfr , J. J Steadmin , Council Bluffs ; sanior vice commander , E. P. Sparry , Knoxrlllo ; junior vice commander. A , N. Me- Cormlck , Chariton ; medical director , B. M. Fallor , Newton ; chaplain , Jesse C-ole , Sheldon ; assistant adjutant general. M. L. Leonard , Das Moiner noting assis tant quarlermistor. R L. Chase , DCS Moines ; department inspector , D. Malt- by , Council Bluffs ; mustering officer , D. G. Eldridge. Sheldon ; council of admin istration , \Villinm Dean of Unionvillo , P. A. Berry of Mount PJoasant. Samuel Mahon. 13. B. Shaw cf Nova Springs , James N. Miller of SaeCity. The Mmtllxnn County I'lculr. President Saaro and Secretary Ells worth have fixed unan July 2 , 3 and 4 as the dates , and Newman grove as the place , of the annual picnic of the sol diers of Madison county , Nebraska The picnic is re illy a midsummer reunion without the formalities of a regular re union. Those held in former years have benn most enjoyable and restful , nad the ple-isant memories they have made will doubtless bring together this year a larger attendance of veterans and their families and friends. Mcmnrlal Ki otutlnn . PIIIL KcutXEr POST , Four OMAHA , Mav o. Wlicrcai , It hns pea ! < xid the Grand Poir- manderof us nil to iiiuslorout of oar ranks ono honored and buloved co-urade. Horatio U Beward. therefore Ucsolvod , That In tbe death ot Comrade Horatio L. te\vard of 1'liU Kearney post. No. 2. Department of Xubraslo , Ornna Armr of the Ki-puWlc , tne post bus lost one of Its most loyiil and bclox od members , ono vhbss larso Inartas over in svnipuvUy wjtli bis loss fortunate coniradi * * . and one wtlowasoer ready to perform ft ccnerous actor u Llnd OrcJ In llio Interest of those who net-Jed bis a * l < ituncc : as u comrade , at . citizen , an a public official liu waa urer reliable and trust worthy , nnd by his death Uio post lias lost one of Its iuo-t cherished members Unsolved. That ne extend to hi * widow and children our sympathy In their lost , which li also ours , nnd ussurcthcm that the memory of their lorud one will bo ever cherished by hit comrades of I'll 11 Kearney post. Hesolred. Thatuooprof these resolutions be sent to the family of Comrade inward and that the > - bo spread upon the records of the post and Dubhsbod In THE DAILY BEE. Wllllnm L. Allison. Gregory Farrell and I'eter llaze. committee. MICHAEL , COADV , Adjutant. Notej. The Kilpatrick Relief corps of Huron , S. D. , are raising a fund to build a cot tage at Hot Springs for the accommodation ' tion of the. wives o'f inmates of the Sol diers1 homo. The gavel wielded by the Oregon de partment commander of the Grand Army of the Republic is a grewsome relic of the murder of General Canby and Rev. Dr. Thomas , the Moloc peace commissioner The gavel is of white pine and is made of n part of the gallows on which the Modoc murderers Cap tain Jack , Boston Charley , Black Jim and Sohonchin were executed. W. T. Rockwell of Milton Mills , N. H. , writes to a Boston paper : "I claim to be the youngest soldier under arms I enlisted in Troy , Vt. , twice , and was sent back home on account of being BO younc : but on the 14th day of February , ] 804 , 1 enlisted for the Math Vermont regiment , was mustered in the United States service March 22 , 1S04 , and dis charged December 7 , 18C5. I was born in Middletown , November 2 , 1S50. " _ General A. P. Hill , in % vhose honor a monument will be unveiled In Virginia some time during May , was one of the bravest fighters in the confederacy. Hp was Lee's trusted lieutenant. A eoutH- ern admirer saya that Hill -was a born fighter , and when the battle grew worm he could always be seen at the very front of the lines , his red battle shirt making a conspicuous target for federal marksmen. His great personal bravery inspired his men , nnd they did deeds of daring that no other corps of the Arm3" of Northern Virginia not even Jack son's forces could rival. For many years General Hill , who lost his life in the fightine : around Pittsburg , has been lying in a "weed-grown grave" in Vir ginia. J. Charles Ricater , wholesale lumber dealer , 1S20 Van Pelt street , Philadelphia. Pa. , saysI can't spenk too nlculy of Bradycrotine as a beaducoQ cure. " Ull'IKTIES. In easteru Oregon and southeastern Wash ington stretches a vast sandy plain. Its ex istence U carefully omitted from guide books and the traveler does not realize what gags him until hn has swallowed a few gallons ol floating , burning real estate. No matter bow carefully tbe car windows are batteuad , tbe traveler emerges from this miniature Sahara vrilh a michty tnirst and his togs colored a * if run thronch a flour mill. Some ol the Pres byterian delegates passed through ttls do- liKhtful sweattiox on their way to Portland. There -was one men amonjr them , though not of thorn. When the train reached Umatllla Junction bis attention was diverted from thn controversial literature which bestrec the car. He looked out of the window at the waving sea of sandaunes. A solemn loox stole over hU countenance. The ridsres of care hajdouoi , bis lips parted and he gasped In low rasping tone * ; "I'll be darned II that blank blistered country won't have to be manured before tha resurrection day to raise " the dead. " The curplo of a loaded" flask ic action broke the painful silence that ensued. Kate Field's Washington : Mrs. Berke ley-Jones I'm so disappointed in that beg gar , Arthur. 1 gave him a pair of your old troupers and I believe he's pawned them. Ho says he's keeping them to honor tbe Sabbath. Mr. Berkeley-Jones Ah , the Saobalb la his case will be more honored in the breech es than in the observance. * Judco : "That was an excellent sermon Dr. Posey gave us this morning on. the im mensity of tbo unlversi. " "Do you think the doctor l right ! " "Mo t atsurodly. " "Then why In thunder do they mate those hall bedrooms so smallT * ' * St. Mark's Monthly : A friend of our * , then living in lit cine , ordered with other books from Grlgcs & UJ. of Onlcago. a copy of Cunon Farrar's "Seekers After God , " Just then out. In a short time tbe other vol umes came to hand , but being out of tbe cabon's bonk Grlcji & Co. wrote at tbe bottom tom of the invoice : "No seekers after God in Chicago. " New York HeraldJt don't do to specu late on de heavenly muricet , dean breddern , for do man dttt deals in eternal futures am btsrry llkeljr to find ji.t when be thinks bis stocutm ruin' dut de bottom has dropped clean out from under him , and landed him in de lake ob fire and brimstone. Frnsral minded women whom waste dis tresses may regura with favor tbo following HURgesllous iu regard to utilizing half sheets of note-paper. They came from individuals who have spent years la solving the problem. Says one : Sort them Into sizes , put on A corerof jrlazed brown paper or borne other fctuff. oiutS them together with paper clips or wire and send item to a children's hospital. Another whoso rlews aren't so altruistic stales that any one po sesi.od of a pricking wheel and some adhesive gum can turn half kheets of paper to rood account by simulat ing the oeir Und of note paper folded about envelops size , end intended to bo stuck down when -written on. Tno adhesive Is outside the pricked line f.\\ \ around , u > that when re moved tbe outer edre Is torn off , and thus Vbo lotUir opens. The arrangement has nil the cos Yemen ce of a postcard , while at the sane time the contents are kept private. The lads la the case are , " czcl&lms tbe tbe Novr York Sun , "tnut woman has done wh t wanted to shown that Uo is In every respect equal to man , ezcoot when she is uperior to him. She has beaten him ut tcnuls , and mathematics. She has toe booors ot bis own universities , sod tron the world's p'ritcs In every place and honor whrfierrr sbftOhas entered into cotnpstUton trtth him. Bntf she finds It isn't as much fun to be cma 'ttpsled und stand op in street can at she tbKirht it tronld bo. She has a sneaking fcmqnen for frills and affection that the woman's club aad a big sal ary doesn't satisfy. i _ " Mrs. Margaret Ma lKnald Pullman , ot Chicago , who died recoMly at the home ot her father-in-law. thelfyV Iloral H. Pull man , in Baltimore , W | JIB wife of Georse H. Pullman , ot tbr Uhicasp bar. She was an artist of national -repuu ) In landicnpe palntinr , and up to oaS "je r ago she -was president of tbo IMlette club of Chicnco. She illustrated two magnificent volumes "Days Sereao" and "SUttitrorland'1 which hid a larga circulation , as works ot art. Mrs. Pullman bad been selected as a mem ber of tbo special committee on art affairs ttonected with the Columbian exposition at Jhlc&fo. and hnJ taken a llvelv Interest in icr dntloi MUs Mary Macdon&ld , a t.roral- ncntNrw York artist , vrai present at the deathbed of her sister. "Champarno has tba loftsl alcohol , is a stimulant and restorative , " says Dr. Pavy. Use Cook's Extra Dry Imperial. Spnrloa * Co HFC. Snys a man who has been down in Mexico : "Tho mes-qulte bean that Trows so rank in Mexico , Texas and New Mexico Is a 'dead r.inger' for cofce when parched and ground. I have a [ riond who has gone down on the Rio rande and is flooding the market with this spurious coffee. It looks and smells exactly like the eonuine Java before it is boiled , and the most experienced 30ffeo buyer is liable to be deceived Jn It. 1 am told that coffee dealers are buying this stuff and mixing it with Lheir ground coffee , like some g'rocurs sand their sugar. The surest way to get pure coffee is to buy it unparched and unground. " ' AVashlniton Star : A debt that draws Inter est -worth Its wait In cold. WQQDBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP The ntult of * o mn' eiprnrom Jn trwUlnj llnOi . p i. Fnrnale t-tdrar. fl.l , orwinlL.jmilllorlnr. imnnU ' and 111 Jm ; ( , book on Krr- utjr xrnt irulrCfot I Of . , Blond Diwuri Al like rirUimirti. Unlci , Wartt. India Ink mnfl rnwilcr . ' Uiirki ficim. I'll- tlnct. l.MltirfiK nl fimn. HH | > rQnmi JDHK H. WDDDBURT , D. I. , 123 W. < 2d St , New York Cilj. Baby's cheek is lilce a peach. Is it Hadarae Rnppert's "bleach. ? No ! bnt baby's mama's cheek Volumes to its praise doth speak ! Call for Mme. Ilnppert'i book 'Unw to fnl" of Mrs J. Densnn. 210 S litb bU Omaha. Neb If you are not sure that the whiskey you are now nung. as a beverage or for medi cinal pnrpoies.ts positively pnreand whole some , ask your dealer or druggist for PURE RYE. It is gnarantesd to be absolutely pure , rich and mature. Yon may know it by its fine flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. For sale at all first-class drirHng places and 4ro stores. Call for "Cresm Pure Rye" aad take no other. 4 DALLEMANp' CO Chicaco. BETTS&BETTS The Kings ol Specialists , For 27 Tears tbe names ot Drj- Betti ts Hetta bare been bonsebold words In tbe tomes of thousands of people wno b vo been retcned Iron tbe jaws ot death tbroncb tbe won- dtrtul aUllty. tbe nuitebleBi EkUl ot tbe > e creat masters ot medicine and curcery. trboee klndnesi and bener- olence , wboee selt-sacrltlelnc dero- Uon to tac nelfar * ot tbelr fellowmen - men viu ever lire la Uie tents ot & tratelul people- NERVOUS. CHHONJC , PRIVATE , BLOOD. They SKIN. SEXUAL , Dis Cure LIVER. eases. URINARY , RECTAL , I ORGANIC AND ALL YPH1L1S , , STRICTURE tMINAL WEAKNESS. PERUATOERHCEA , ONOHHECEA ! , LEET , G ENERAL AND NERVOUS ; DEBlLTry. Erflrocele and Varicocde , Piles , Fistula and Eectal Dicers FcrotocDUr cared by a method at acce file. cerUln , paloleci and eno- The airfcl rOeeti f earlr Tie * and cxceiitx lncul acei. retailing la lots of minbooa tea. pttmiture da- oar , qulctlj tad penotufhUj re- U TCO. _ ' OONBULTATiOST FBEE. C&li cpon or tacrni "with itunp , Drs. Belts , Petts , . 119 South 14th SU k , li Corner 14th and Dougjas SU DB.C.C. WUriT'S NKKVKlANUBUAINTltEAT WENT a epecinc tor Hj tOrTa. Uliiln . nti , .Vou ralcla. lleaaacliB , > erroai lri trauin touma br alcohol or vobwica. Waknttnncia , Mental ltiure - lon. botlDon of lb llrain , canting Inianllf , mlaerr OWIT deatn. 1'rematura Old Ane , Uarrenud. l on of I'owerln utUer tex. ln.putencjr Ixmcorrtiua aul all Kemal Weatnemea. InTjIuntarr Uatiei , B or- niatorrliaa catikurl br orer eicnlan of tbt bruin hI aUaieoTer-luaulcance. A munth'i traatmeut n C tor fe. \ > j malt Weraarautoaalr tioieilo cure. Kacta 4 > rdi > r fortl > Qie < wittily will tuaa wrlttaa cuarautFulo refund If not curel Guarantee l ued oulr fr A , t-cbr > t r drutcln. ole aeeat , aoullieait onier ICtn and Karnara u Omana CURE Anew nad Complete Trvatmeut , con l Uoe of Cupnoalloriet. Ointment In ( Upiulm , alru In Box and luu. a iotlure Oura Xur Eitrrnal. Journal lillndor Bleedlnc Itching Ctironlc lleoentorlleredlT tarr I'lle * Tula Itemedtiat nerer l > t > en known to tail ttpcrUoi. C tor U aeclbrmalt , trti/antleTiroa tliU terrtble dUuua when a written euaranttte li paalUTClr c1 eo wltaCboxoior mlniid the monertt not cared tmud atamp for free bampla. UuhraDtee tuned bj Knhn ACe , UrniucKta , zkUe Ageoucomer l > ouUji utreeU , Oualia , h'eb. Female Weakness , $ Catarrh , Rhcuraalisra , S AM ) AU. Chronic , Kcnrons anl Private Diseases. Drs. Searles and Searles 1o t > o tbp riKN ClHlUtS In til I'KIVATH. IlbOOl ) , > LHVOU-s SKIN ASD UtUNAHV IHSEASIH. Gonorrhea in from 3 to C Syphilis cured without Mercury. ( VITAUTV WKAK. . Made rot > r too clo ctUon 10 Miiltipitii oruudr. orrcrn mont&l ttralu or ertrf : HiXfAL KXIKSSKS In mtaaie life , or TlcloEi ) mbH ! contr f Iffl In Tooth VTKAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO JvEItVOCS DH- BII.ITV or BXI ! AUCTION. W AHT1NGVKAKNKs9 JNVOl.C.NTAIir I/tSSes rrlthnAUUr 1IECAT in VOC.NG aud N1HIH.K AGKD. lack or Tim rtcor infl utrrnctli. irllh * oxunl orcon Impalrrd inn wcakenrncJ | irf mnturolj In * | ipro3rtilnc old ncu M I1KNVK SAY rCltn B freak from KDOW- of TKRMANKNT nKMH/TM In njunj ca.e d andcurra In i < ait twelve jrar RS. FlSTtt. * . ASD IlKCTAI. Ul.CnnS curel without I'Rln or detention from bu lnc s lirimOCKLK AKI > VA1UCOCKU ! permanently and mccrnfullj cnrrt ) . STIUCTL'JIE jiwmanpnttr rnrpd rrmoval earn- ptote without ruttlDK , c u tlc or dilatation Cnre BlTiK'lt'O nt homfl t > y t'atleclwithnut & momcnt'ii pain or annoyance Contultutlon Irro Call on or with utatup Drs. Scarlcs & Scailes , AN ACHING BACK There Is DO known remedy that equals WOOD'S PENETRATING improcment on or rai ACTPD dlnary porous plas- rUHO I Ufters , it is n revolution In plasters. Wood's is the only plaster IttMiig power to dilate the pores and penetrate to the seat of pain. SOLO EV DKDGC1STS EVERVWHEEtt N Y. Depot , 93 William St. 'MY ' GROCER PUT ME ONTO THIS v - f \ I ' - % r L , * SOAR ard ) if does j i claims for it" YOUR Grocerforit , atd ) INSIST opliayip it. THE BEST SOAP MADE TOR ALL HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. MADE ONLY BY N.K.fAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. "THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on Ihe .Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Com- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the PJpans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $ = , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. iDiljA T TrTTT7T - Jj T 1 SUGH A SWELE1T What can ba more charming in a person than BEAUTIFUL CLEAN TEETH and a SWEET BREATH. Ono may ba robed in the richest apparel and ornamented with the rarest gems , yet if accompanied with unsightly , dirty teeth , the charm is gone. While , on the other hand , a person possessing a beautiful or oven clean set of teeth , when accora panied with plain dress , is at all times attractive and fascinating. DO NOT delay these important organs VISIT DR. BAILEY OMAHA'S LEADING DENTIST and have your mouth put in a healthy condition. For those who have been so unfortunate as to lose a part or all of their natural teeth , a beautiful artificial set may be made so natural in appear ance as to deceive the closest observer. Teeth Inserted Without Plates , no covering in the roof of the mouth. It will pay all who desire Artificial Teeth to investigate this method. Brclrcn teeth nnd roots made useful and natural looking by artificial crowns , all without pain. Our WonderfulLocal Local Anixsthettc or painless extraction is causing much nvorable comment all over this section of the country. We still make a Set of Teeth for Five Dollars , a fit warranted in every case DR. R. W. BAILEY , - - DENTIST ; Office , Third Floor Paxton Block , 16tli and Farnam Streets. Cut this out for a guide. Telephone 1031 Entrance on Sixteenth street. HOME AMOODj HlsUtS. INDUSTRIES. By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebrask i Factories. If you cannot find what yoit want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. IC1S. I CIGARS. SOUTH OMAHA ICE SMOKE BLUE SEAU CO. CIGAR Office. 1GD11'nrnam SU f-ebra'ka Mancfactnrr Telepbouc , 7M. Jacob Jiutalulu mr H. BESELIN. Special t > ran3i mi ] ] t ? ordar. ctorr.ttXI Patrte * ara . More. tUM IC.tli. FURXITURB | DYE WORKS. CHAS. SHIVERICK ijOMArU STEAM DYE CO. . I WORKS , rurnlturo. Carpgti aaalCleanlnztdrlnxof erjrr Uraperitii. dviorlptloa liil llu irl J wrest. FLOUR. S , F. OILMAN. OMAHA MILLIN3 CO MiJ-ii-ii.t. lets OOceiclll 151J N.lttl C. B. Black. Manazer. IRON \VORICS. PAXTON i VIERL1NG OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS. IRON V/ORKS. ciafea , ranlU , jail work , Wronrbt and caat Iron trun uttutUirt and tire tiulldlnc wurk e > caH d Andreon , l > ia Ktli and lacfcaan. KINDLING. I OMAHA KINDLING THE OM < HA MAT FACTORf. ' TRESS CO , Vattrt t , teattier pll- Etoailnf aol tawdntt tt lowi and ootufurtera , rvaaunable > M . East pr Totrao oclT 1111 U 1C OmUi Tel ilk. McLoU * . RUBaER GOODS ) SADDLERY. OMAHA RUBBER CO. MARKS BROS' M'f c and jolibor > of all SADDLERY CO : klndi of rubber 1'lib Stock and Ilcbt tiraud" Eooda. 1U7 Ftrnam blrrct. Uornvrtft. SA.SH , DOORS. 3JL1ND3. H. F. CADY LUMBER ROSENBERY CO. Mouldlnei. ttalr ralli , Office and IIant work n n wil > , biluit r > , neroli vmiclultr. ! J1 tortli work elo TelnptioneW Itb BU lllh nnd Marcr btrt > Mti SYRUP. SOAP. FARRELL i CO. PAGE SOAP CO. , Jelllo , I're crfp , MinceMeat MTc UnlDO , 1U Meat and Soap Apple llutlnr. - , Molao.ti. r-jruin 2 | ; b.7lhbt. Illckorr. STOVE REPAIRS. All klndi of tore TO- pulr * on Imud. ( juwllue iiiotiM rHjiktrod itud Blurei turwl Jaa , liUKtiiii , UI7B lillh trout. THUNKS C. H , FORBY. H. H MARHOFF , Mnnufetur ref Trunti , XT * trauka. Utrrlluf hauplii Cit a , tll S * HIUplB C.A > I . llao etc. 1U3 UU l > uilM bl. bt. YKAK'l J WH1TK UliAD. GERMAN YEAST CARTER WHITE LEAD Ca German Yeaat ic a pack ace Idade In Uniaba Corrodtrl and Qrldoora UU llarurr etrlctlf pnr * wUtu leal Kt Uu-alia ,