u THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNl&Y , MAY 29 , -SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. DVEIITIFKMKNTS VOll TUKSK COLUMNS will betaken until 1JSO : p.m. for the evening no until 8iOiun : ; for tlio morning or Bunday till- * All aavprtlcemfnts In these column * t crnt * . f word for first Insertion and 1 cent a word thereafter , win per linn per month. No advertisement taken lorleMlhiinviccntsfortho first Insertion , Terms , rush In advance , Initials , figures , symbolsetc. , each count as a word. All artvprtlicmcnu must run con- trcutlvoly. AdverlUcrs , by requesting n numbered check , can bate the letters addressed to n num- l red letter In cure of 'fHt ltr.E. Answers to ad- flrcssed will bo delivered on prcscntallon of tlio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. - , LAOV OK HOOD ADDUI'.SH WOULD A-WANTKD In photograph studio to receUo rallcrs. stlppln pictures , etc. Address Mri. Ilitttlo O. Dnvls. general delivery. Omnha , Neb. 613-1 * - , POSITION HV VOUNO MAN B.\- A-WANTED elofk or bookkeeper ! references exchanged , Address A l , lice. 8M2K' . SITUATION WANTKD I1Y YOIJNI1 MAN AS bookkeeper or clerk In a store. Address James Kddmonds , V. M. (1 A. MR72 A-VOIJNU MAN WISHES TO KMHP HOOKHl . /Work cheap nl first. Address II. Drown , /KM. C A. MHilJ LADY BTKNOfJUAPItK.U. OWXINtl TVl'K. A writer , would Ilko work to do part or all tlio tlmo or work of evenings ; copying a specialty. Ak- clrns A 20 , llco ofllco. us I 29 * - WANTKD , IIY A DUICfSMAKKII. A POSI- A- In n family going away for tliu summer , or would takn ehfrgeof wardrobes In a holol , water ing place preferred. Address A S3 , lieu "mef. - P1IAIIMACIST , IB VKA11H A-SCANDINAVIAN Dakota nnd Nelirnsku hy . oiiniluatlun , wIMici lo gel n position ; best of rec. ommemtatlons Address Uruiiglit , box a3 . North riatle , Nebraska. Mil * - . A SITUATION KOU A ( ! OOD (1EU- A-WANTED. as i-econil hand. Addreis Clans Meyer , Norlhboro. la. M9I9-2 * WANTED , POSITION IIY A YOUNO MAN AH A clerk or driver ; had uxpcilenco In relnll Morel best reference. Aildroa A 31. Hoe olllco. MU3K11 * WANTtiDTpOHITION IIY A YOUNO LADY ns nssMnnl In n family going away for the sum mer. Address Ml , Iloo ulllce. M9I1 81 * WANTED--KALE HELP. WANTED. HAI.KHMKN ON 8AI.AHY Oil COM- K mlMlon to handle the now patent chemical Ink craning rcncll. Tliu greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoruughly In two teromlat no nlirnMnn of im | > ur : .IK ) to MJU per cent protlt ; onu iiKcnt's pnlen amounted to IK'U In six dayn. another 152 In tire hours' We want one general utent In rnch slulo and territory. Kor terms nnd full par- llcnlar nddice MonrooKra orMfg. Co. , l.n Cronso. Wl * . , X SB. I/US B -ACC1DKNT INS. SOLICITOUS , 241 1IKK 111,1)0 M1W B-EOLIC1TOUS | N ANY LINK WILL DO WKLti to call at or address 321 N. Y. Life llulldlng. bS7-J3 - WANTKD IN KVKUY TOWN AND E-AGKNTS west on citrn llbernl terms , to sell the popular ton > car policy of tlio Mutual llo- icrvu 1'iind Life nxoclatlon ; also Iho now f 10,000 combination policy of tlio Preferred Mutual Acci dent nscoclnlton of Now York ; cost only ( III per ycnr for preferred risks ; save money by insuring , make money by reprcsonllng llieto wideawake companies : lire agents can double their Income. Wrltn for circulars and terms to II. H. lloblson , Ccncrul Mi.n niter , Omaha , Neb. 121 B-WANTKD , HAUNKSSMAKKIIB TO KKKI' away from I Inclnnntl , O. ; Covlugton nnd New < port , Ky.j strike there. M5WI JI2 B-WANTKD , > : KN TO DANYASS THE CITY ciporlcnco unnecojsary ; salary paid weakly , at Klngor olllco. I5IU Douglas. M3-"J J13 1J-WANTKII A I.1YK , AfllVII MAN , WITH JJfonie pluck and push , to represent us In your locality. Wu have something entirely new that goes , nnd unleis you can make from (75 to (250 per month wo don't need you. No peddling. Hetlur rllo today. Addros "Manufacturers , " box 6' > U4 , Hotlon , Muss. M523-J1 ! ! ' "n-WANTKD , W IL It ! LA1IO1IKUS KOU J ) Wyoming and b'outh Dakota. Albright Labor Agency , I12U Knrnam street. M52 > i T > -llltIClC TEAMS WAVl'KD AT24TI1 AND DOIl- J > cas sta. 721 2U * -WANTED , A COMI'KTKNT GEUMAN DIIUC clerk. Addreas A ID. llee olllco. M781 " WANTKl ) , HOYS KUO.M 14TO 1C YKAUSOLD , -1'Omaha llox factory , East Omaha. M835 -WANTKD. TUAYKL1NG SALESMAN , ONK who has had experience In clothing or furnish ing goodi , to travel lu Iowa. Address A. 21 , Ueo otllce. .M8 > W 2'J B i-A GOOD MAN KOU GENKUAL WOUK. 103 North llth itrcct ; steady employment. 843 2'J * BB B -WANTED , MEN OK GOOD ADDUESS TO Hell patent chalra and wringers ; salary nnd coninilnalon. American Wringer Co. , IWJ Howard street. -WANTED. MEMHEIIS OK GOOD CHAHACTEll for on * of the Htrongcst mutual benefit assocl- ntloris In the west ; no Initiation. Also agents for Omaha , South Omaha and Council llluITs. Ad- drcsi A 25 , Ueo Kb7C3I * - B-50 LAI10UEUS AND TEAMSTEIIB KOU CHI- can * , V Northwestern railway In Iowa. New work ; 40 for Chicago , llock Island and Pnclllc rail way : SO for Missouri Paclllc railway , free faro ; 500 for Montana. Idaho and Washington. Kramer & " U'llearn , Labor Agency , W Boutu llth street. - B-AOKNT8. . IK YOU WANT A LiqilTNlNO seller Bend 75 ccnls for sample , 1250 per month , Towner Mfg. Co. , 225 Dearborn St. , Chicago. 921 29 * B-WANTKD. TWO GOOD KlllK INSUIIANCB solicitors on salary. Addrosa A 30. lice otllce. 930 23 * WANTED AT ONCE. TWO COOD 1IAKEUS. Cull at 413 Suulh I5th from 9 to 12 a. m. May 29. 1KUI 2U * -A CIHCACO MANUKACTUUIM ; COMPANY wish to arrange wllh n thoroughly reliable young biihlncss man to represent them In Omnha. Mutt be able to deposit filW.UO nnd furnish the bent of references. Addros fpcnccr 11. P. Co. , Masonic Temple , Chicago. WJ 111' 'fl-JS TO { 15 PElt DAY AT IIOJIK , SELLING JJLIghtnlng Plater and plating jewelry , watches , tableware , etc. Plutctitho finest of jewelry good ns now on all kinds of mcial with goldsilver or nickel , No experience. No capital , livery house has goods Deeding plating. 11 , K. Dclno & , Co. , Columbus , o. 903 29 * - WANTED , A MAN WITH fSOO.OO TO INVEST In u good naylng commercial agency ; can take position pf general manager. Address A32 , lice. HOI 29 * -145 A WEEK TO LIVE SALESMEN TO BELL retail deal cm. No competition. Without parallel anquick seller , biliary In night to right sort of men. Address .Merchants Savings Co. , 9 Huher block , Cincinnati , o , 93 29 * B-WANTED-8AI.K.SMEN , HALAUY OU COM- mlifclon , to handle greatest novelty patented Kxcluslvo territory. Soils at sight. Particulars tree. Sample 50c. Unity D. O. Co. , Dept. W. Unity Uldg. , Chicago. W5-2'J * B-WE OKKEIl AGENTS WO MONEY , IN K.\ . elusive territory. Our newi > ateut safes sell at light In city or country. New agentH llrst In Hold "dually getting rich. Onougcnt In one daycleared I8U. Ho can you. Catalogue free. Alpine Bafu Co. , No. Siy-371 Clark t. , Cincinnati , O. b'Jl-VJ' B-WArtTED. AN KNEI1GETIO MAN TO TEND mason and do other work ns first payment on a home. Ilalunco , monthly payments. N. A. Kuhn , I5th and Duuglai. ' Ml rj B-W A NTK D , A PLUMI1KU TO DO SOME WOUK as llrst payment on a house ; balancu monthly payments. N. A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglas. V5I 21) ) 1)-WANTED , A COMPETENT OKKICE MAN : Umuit bo a stenographer and typewriter ; elty rcfotuncoi required. Addrosi A 41 , Ueo. VtiU 2'J B-WANTKD. COACHMAN. MUST UNDEIt land care of horses thoroughly and be willing to make hlumolf generally uioful. Itofcioncos ru quired. Addrcm A 38 , llee. WI4 2u WANTED-rEMALE HELP. C ! -WANTKD , UIIU , KOU OBNEUAL HOUSE work. Cull nt 1015 Park avenue. MSU ) 29 * CWANTED ) , UOOD COOK ANDLAUNDUESS IN amall fncnllv. 2201 Can street. tm p-WANTED , 11V A (1BUMAN WIDOWKII , A V/good ( ieriuan Cathollu girl for boukckoupcr Addrt-BS John Koblcn , Wcttphallu , Shelby cuuuly , Iowa. Iowa.a a I WILL PAY LADIES A BALAItY OK (10 PK1 eek to work for me In their locality nt homo light work ) good pay for part tlmoi write. Mill atauip , Mrs. 11.11. tarrlngtun , llox Wi , Chicago. Ill C WANTKD , ( HUL 1'XJll OENKUAL HOUSE work , 915 So , IVIh st. { T WANTKD , ( HUL TO WOUK IN KITCHEN AT V. loranhoua ) , tfi tt Ibth at. , one block south o court houSo. 1,37 O-LAIIlKSWHOIIAVK'iOEAIIN Til Kilt L1V Ing can make It vaaler by aulllng our Hygela I.lfctro-Magnetlo cor < ol lliuii anything C'Uo. ( or toruia apply to WcaUrn Cor.ct Co. . Bl. Louis , Mo , _ \ - \ HMAUT ACTIVU HUrflNEBS 1.A. v7"foiT V Bupt/claldvpartiuunt of our buslncia ; must bu nu American I ot undur25. and willing , If neeomiy lo make khurl trlpa. ealnry 110. OJ weukly. Call hllcrlO nioiulay. bupt. OlUt-o 11 ( .ri'luhton Illvck. ( t-WANTKD. IJI1IL KOU UKNBIIAL 1IOIJ.SK. VJwurk , fnllalbW North ttith utrtfot , Ural house nuilh ut windmill , uu , / \-LADIEB WHO WILL DO WIUTlNli HU MK v/ttlll iiiakiigood wugea ) liouiit work. Uvplyulth boll-addrea rd Unuiin-il vnvulupo , Mian Allldrvd A.lili'r. ouili IlinU , lii'l. UIO ' f 1--WANTKD , WAIST AND SK1IIT V y ul.o uppivt.tlcuj. M. AlcUruth , Slj llatugo blom. /V-\VAM'KII , A VOU\O LAIJV WHO ifAlTNO VJhomu and wunta n good home. Cull ut all Wil- lUru. m-H. Council ulutl , la , H'JJ'J ' M- ANTKI ) LAIIV AdENTBi 100 PKIl CKNT Ht I'D ' lug "Cryslal Cream " . ; uvVry Udy buys ; ' ll'a tbu bytt. Addin a wllu ituia , Campbell , ; , llutllu , K u. M'M , 1 * WANIED-FEMALE JIELP. Conffuunl. fi-WAr TKi > , A uiniii uiiii , run ur.-ir.iiAi , vjhonsoworkln family of two ; must he n good cook Apply at2721 .lock-on at. M967 10' FOR RENT-HOUSES. -VlVK UOOM CTTAiK , 210 NOItTII 2C.T1I. Inquire 2MB Cnpltol nvcnuo m570-31 'ly-KOIlltKNT. libuSES , 7 PEIl MONTlf AND J-'uptrards. The O. K , Davis Co , 1505 Karnam. CII -KOItUENT. 10-UOO.U HOUSE. MODKUN 2V20 Davcnpoit st. Inquire at 2022 Davenport. 553 1HOL'BKB IN ALL PAUTS OK THE CITY KOU -L'rent. Ueo , W. P Coaton. 1CI4 Knrnam St. MlU rooms ; now block , lloom 0 , 810 S. Z2d. Tele- pliono No. I7M. _ i52L. ! 11-NKW AND 1IKST 1II IIT I1IUCK iT-IIOOM J rcsldcnco In the city ; full cellar , fiinmci ? , bum- dry and tubs , mantels and grate * ! , bath , plcctrlo belts , Kpcaklng tubes , oak finish , polished Doors : Hitt class In every respect ; asphalt pavements ; lO'.U fotith Wtli ave , near Hnnscoui park. Mo.id In- vi'Mini nt Oi. . 4 lleobldg. _ ' _ _ T\-riii2Ai' HUNT , iiotisr.a. STOHKS AND l/tlnts at lowest rates. Small suits of unfurnished rooms a specialty. O. R Hulls , room t lice buldlng. m31 - UKNT , 7-UOOM COTTAUK , COUNEU 28th and Capitol avenue , f'O I1-15-UOOM TtOUSB AND I1AUN 2013 DAVKN- J/port street ; nil mndern oonvcnlcncos , IM per mo. Thos. K. Hall , 107 Paxlon block. M707 TA-e-llOOM COTTAflE , JI8 , WITH SMALL 1UUN7 1'Two 4-room Hal" , nice locution , 517 South 2Jth avenue ; nlu > 4 rice rooms 2d Uoor 28J3 Leaven- worth street ; 5-room cottage : i330Kmmct street. N. InquireHI2I Mason street. 737 29 * l -MODKUN TEN-TlOOM HOUSE. KlVK rfN" J- ' utcs' wulk from postolllcu ; best location In city , J S. fcklnnir , IHI 1-amain 1. M771 -FOM HKNT , A KUUNISHKD HOUSK KOU July and August , near llanicom park ; nil mod ern eonvenleiici's. Address A C. Hco. M7SIM -KOU UENT , li-VtOOM noUSli IS12CH1CAO ( ! .t. 740 -AN 8-llOOM KUUSISHED HOUSE POU Till : summer. lniiilroiit | 2J5 N2Sd st. 703 80 * D -10-UOOM HOUSE WITH UAUN KOH UKNT ; furniture for sale. 1S07 Knrnnm st. 750 D-H7-UOOM HOTEL , CENTIIALI.Y LOPATED , nil In good repair. J. H. Pnrrotto. Douglas block. MJHCJ8 * -O-tlOOM MODEIIN DWELLINO , COUNEU 25th and Capitol avenue , furnished or unfur nlshed. Inquire COI 1'a.xton block. 819 -KLAT KOU UKNT ; KU11N1TUUE KOU SALK 1821 l.oavonworth. M 5'J 3J * " 1KOIl UENT , A NICE COTTAdE , 0 UOOMS. J clty water , east front , nice shade trees , con veniently located ; rent (18. T. C. Ilrunncr , room 1 , Ware block. 892 SKI TV-KOIl UENT , NEW MODEIIN 11U1LT HOUSE JL'ncnr Hanscom park , llkki , agcnl. 94529 D-KOU UKNT , NICH HOUHK , KHJIIT UOOMS , No , H4ZS. Ittnd si. , near llnnscom park. Hicks , ngont,3U5N. Y. Life. WSJPJ D KOU UK N'T. SKYKUAL SMALL COTTAJIKS. Nos. 1KB' , ) nnd liOll Martha street , ono block south of llntiBcom pnrk. Hicks , 05 N. Y. Life. n-KOIl UKNT , THIS KLKGANT IlllICK HOUSK , J-As'0. 1142 bouth 32nd street ; eight rooms modern Improvements , llickn , SOS N. Y. Life. D-KOll UKNT , A GOOD NINK UOOM HOUriK cheap ; modern Infprovcments , bearing fruit trees on lot. No. 2214 Charles Urcet. MU14 UU D-KOIt UKNT , COTTARB OK 3 UOOMS. UKAU of 1215 Chicago street. ! 7.U ) . MOM 4' I"\ TWO TKN-ltOOM I1IUCIC IIOUSKS , MODKUN , JiStli and Half Howard. Hutchlnson & Wead , Uth and Douglas. MUIC 2 * D-KOll UKNT , A MODKUN HOUSK , 2225 DODOK street , good repair , elegant locution , low rent. N. A. Kuhn , 15th and Douglas. M'.Wl FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. E-KUUNISHKD UUOMS , WITH MODKUN CON- vcnlenccs. 11)15 ) Capitol avo. M78431 * l. I.AUCK. PLKASANT KUONT UOOMS , NEWLY J-'furnlBhed , with or without board In private fnm lly , ( CTh'o. 17th nvo between Jackson und Leaven- worth. C2I-3U * 17 TWO N1CKLY KUUNISHKD 11OOMS KOU -1-Jllght housekeeping ; no children ; apply I TO" Dodge. M875-30 * E KUHN1SHKD UOOMS KOU UKNT , 1814 DAVKN port street. MS28'.9 * tj NKWLY KUUNISHKD UOOMS WITH OH -LJnltUoilt board , CO B. 17th. 791 31 * NICELY KUIINISIIKD UOOMS ; MODKUN CON- vcnlcnccs , oed location ; terms reasonable. ( 07 N. 20th trcot M435 30 * "T7-CONKKHKNCE' V1S1TOH3 ACCOMMODATKD .UI014 North 17th street. 8I3J1' IJI KUUNISHKD UOOMS TO HENT WITH ALL -LJmoJcrn conveniences , 912 Douglas street JS13V8 J13 E-KUHNI8HKD UOOMS , MODEIIN CONVEN- Icnces. 10:19 : Park avenue. MbC33 * "IT1 KUHN1SHKDUOOM PH1VATB KAM1LY -Ljmuacrn conveniences , 1901 California .st. ; refer enccB required. ESS 3 * EiT DESlItAIILE KUUNISUED UOOMS AT 2U23 Douglas , itrcct. 927 29 * 20111.UOOMS WITH OH WITHOUT UOAIID , 811 8. 1 20111. MV3-4 * -KUUNISHKD UOOM WITH PUIVILKOE OK parlors ; elderly lady or man nnd wife preferred. (10 per month. Itcfercnoci required. 1813 Webster. MOCO 2'J * -KOU UENT , Nil ELY KUUNISIIED UOOMS. alt modern conveniences , with or without board , Call 518 North 2Jd. MU57 4 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F 7i s7 vrrin'Tiis cirA "ii6ATn" onublo for the summer ; also rooms fo keeping. 21B N I'Jth street. M955 80 * _ -NICELY KUUNISIIED UOOMS WITU KIIIST- X1 clan board , 313 South 20th street. M172 17-DESlllAHLB UOOMS WITH KIUST CLABS J. board , 1822 Chicago at. E41-29 * i SOUTH KUONT UOOMS WITH UOAIID , MODern - ern conveniences , nicely situated. Uofercncos exchanged. 2J30 llarncy slrcct. M8J'J2'J * 17-PLEASANT UOOMS WITH KIUST CLASS 1 board. References. 113 So. 20th it. 817-2 * li-KOIl UKNT , KUUN1BHED UOOMS WITH 1tlrst class board , 1721 Davenport at. 813-2 * F-NIOELY KUUNISHKD SOUTH KllONT UOOM , wllh board , for two gentlemen. 533 B. 2''d. MbC2 30 * F-DEB1UAI1LB SUITE OK KIUST KLOOU UOOMS with routhern exposure , eullablo for small family , or four gentlemen ; also second nnd third door south rooms. HUN. 25tli street. "Tho Kron- zer. " M687 F-TW 1 NICELY KUUNISIIED UOOMS. KIUST class board. 1707 Dodgo. Mb7l-30 * 17-PLKABANT KllONT UOOMS WITH KIUST X class board , 514 N. I'Jth. 878-3 * "I7A > KKW DAY IIOAUDKUS BEUVEI ) WITH NO. JL I meals ! prlcen rcasonablo ; rooms If desired , 314 South 20th street. vti ; ) 2'J * F-3 LAUGE KUONT IIOOMB WITH KOLDING beds , tingle or enaulto ; llrtt class table. Address 181C Karnam ulreot , MITO 4 * T7-KU1JNI8I1ED UOOMS WITH I10AUD. UEKJ JL erencca. 2214 Karnam. M920 1 * " 17-NICKHOOMB WITH HOAUD. 1717 CHICAGO JL street. M92J1 * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-KOIl UENT. 4 UNKUUNISHED UOOMS , lullablo for housekeeping. 1702 Wcbotor street , M48i ) G-4 UNKUUNISHED CHAMIIEU3 KOU 1IOU8E- kovplngto man und wife. No children. 319 N. llth. G-THUEE NICK UPSTAIKB UOOMS. IIATH AND modern conveniences. Nice locality. 1412 S. 20th t. E40.ZB * j KllONT SUITE ; ALSO ONK BIDE KUIl- nl Uod room ; 2017 llariiey ; references. ar > 73l * BOAHDINO. H-PULLMAN 1IOUSK , 1310 DODOE. KOU GOOD board nloj rooms , convonlonois , rata and loca tion It cannot bo excelled. Mra. Hum , pro p. p.WSJ5 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T-KOU HKNT , THK 4 STOUV IIIIICK 1IUI NO -IpHUarnamiit. The building has u llreproof co- mint basement , complete ato.iuilioatlnjr tlxtura * water on all tbu uoora , gua , etc. Apply at the onia > of The Ueo. vis 1-KOll UKNT , bTOHE ttSM. 1119 JACKSON ± ' Sltl 1-COUNKIt HTOUK , ( 'ONSIIIEIIINU THE LOW Ireut , the belt location In the city for business. UeorgoCloiuer , 7JI South lOlh utretit. M70 | I -TWO KXCEi.LlTNT STOUE8"AND KLATB OU - rent In good location , extrouioly cheap , l.ovult it. Wtiudumn , 22U south lath s | . 7J.-.4 _ I -S'i'OUK UOOM 'iW N. 10711 ST. . UOOD LOCA- -t lion for drug turo. Apply J , II , parrotto.Doiuilua bok _ _ T-BTOUliS. WITH KIXTUUES COMPLETE KOU a grocery , drug * and meat marknt. rUla and hoinea. It. Tard.2llli | pud Davenport. b81 1 * , I.1VINO 11OO.M8 AND J Ubl * . Iteiit. * ( V nu Bauwdar * it. Co-operative Ijjiid and Lor Co. , 205 N. Itith-st. bb529 FOR RENT-MIBOELIi ANEOUS , KOU KNlLlVEUVhTAllLK.KAIUClIANClI. " trout rooms and back roouii. luuulrv , iva tfber utu w. tli n * WANTED-TO RENT. K-WA * TKD. THHI'K.tJNKl'HNlSltKD HOOM ? . on or i.enr car line. lor light housekeeping ; late price. Addro > A 20 , Uco. MS27 29 * -HOOM WANTKD. WITH OU Win I OUT board , for two gentlemen. Address A 9 , re ? KENTAL AGENCIES. -K.C OAHVIN A CO. , 203 SHKKI.KY 1ILOCK. , J UK STORAGE. ] M -OI.DKST CUKAl'liST AND I1KST STOltAnK house In the city. Wllllntnl ft Cros5,15II llnrney. M -CI.KAN , DHY AND 1'IUVATKLY STOUKI ) furniture. Heating stares stored over summer. DmiKlm it. Omaha Btovo llcpnlr works. GIV M-STOUAflK-CLKAN AND DUY IIOUSKHOl.l ) goods rnrcd for ; low rate. Omnhn Warehouse nnd riiurngo corupony' , 1213 nnd HIS I-oavcnworth street. IW3 I'J WANTED-TO . SOLD. BTOHKD. I Wells. 1111 Karnam M. Ii20 M-8TO 10UOOM DWKLLINO WKST I'AHT OK I > city , cimli , no trnile. must bo cheap , full pnrtlo ulnrs. D. K. Stelchclman , 1st National bank. IVU T A flOOD SECONU-MAND SAb'l' ! . ADIIHKSS , > A 1.1. Ueo. M8I1 1 * S rMVANTT5lir < . ' 'OVKIIii : ) IIOAD WAliON. TALL nl once t'nrrcll , t Co" . , Eth nnd I'nrnnni , Ul.'i ? ) \-\VANrrii : ) TO nuv ou H.XCIIANHK XU ) J ' two stocks ofgoiiornl tncrchainllse , I lo 2 sec tions of unimproved hind In Nebraska within ono hundrid miles of Uinalia , work Inures. 1 or two fnriiMied tints , one wood snloon.soaio good vacnnl clp.il lots. Inquire nt Olfi I'nxton block. ' . ' . ' > ' . ' K > -\v AN i't \ , rro uTATcci < OK i > u u s . Ulvo full particulars. Address AM , lice.KM KM JO' FOR SALtE-FUKNlTUKE. - OK 12 UOOM HOUSK. ELKOANT 0-CONTKNTH goodn , at auction , ID n. m , , Tuesday , May Hist , nt ISW Knrnnm Mrcut 1Wells. . -mi.NlTUHU OK G-HOOM 11OUS15 11114 I'AUL 0mi.NlTUHU street. Oil 2'J' ' FOR SALE-HORSES , WAQONS , ETC. p-KOll SALK , TKN WO11IC IIOIISKS AND TWO I good drivers. Inquire nt llnrrctt's stables Dodge street , no.ir bell lino. M4S ) p-MOUTOAdKH BAI.K. 1IOI18K , IIUflHY , HAIt 1. ncrs , to. .Must bo sold nt once. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co. . lloom II , Crclgliton block , Uth st. ninth of postolllcc. Mdh ) n-KOIt HU.K CIIKAI1 , 1110011 MA UK , I HUCIC- L boaid nnd I wagon. Inquire ! 13N. Kith st. 7-.13-31' p-KOUSALU , A VKUY HANDSOMK VltrrolllA -i almost new , Anply nt room 312 , 1'lrst National bank building , In the morning. bTJ- ' . " . ' * 1J-KOU SAIiH. NlCi : U ( JYJ3.00 , NICK PHAK 1 ton ftUJ.IXJ : both nearly ne\r and lu good condi tion. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot Co. , 2JJ N. Kith st. 885 29 15-KOIl 8ALK , A CIIKAP MAKU , HAltNKSS AND -L liuggy. also good cow , quluk. 3101 California street. MV2 ( 10 TJ-VOIl 8AI.K , LAUGH YOUNO llOItaiC , TWO- I ccnted canopy top surry and harness ; will ex change for pony phmton nnd harness nnd cash. II , U. Brown , IUIJ bo. 2Uth street. U25 2li * T > KOU SAI.H VKUY CIIKAP , nEUTIIA II. , I 2:2IM : , dark liny marc , lu hands high , weight 1.11X ) pounds , sound , kind and n line looking mnrc. Kor pedlgrco and prlco address W. W. Wbcelcr. liar Ian , town. ' . ' Vj : . ) FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Q-KOll SALK , A NKW , KLKGANT UPUIK11T Ilaehr piano , direct from the factory. Instru ments of this make can bo scon at Max Meyer & Ilro. ; will sell this at a great sncrltlco. If you mean business addreis / ' , licoonico. 210 / " \ BCUKKNS. UUIIUOWES1 PATKNT. 1IEST ON Wcarth. Made to lit windows. Used In best resi dences In Omaha and oliowhcro. Can bo taken out nnd replaced by anyone In n moment. If you need screens , get our estimate. William J. Wclshans , agent , Itoom 4U Karbach block , Omaha , Neb.M247J10 M247J10 - SALK ONIJ I1ILLIAUI ) AND ONU I'OOl , Q-KOU llrunswlck-llnlko make , almost new. In * quire of Grand hotal , Council lllulfg. 340 Q-KOU SALK , A MILK DAI11Y OK 11 ! COWS , route and cana. 80 gallons of milk per day. Ap ply to K. Jester , 2olh and Curulng. 743 2U * -50 VIKWS Of TI1K SIOUX CITY KI.OOD mailed to any address on receipt of J2.00 ; the only complete set ; taken during and after the Western View Co. . Sioux City , la. 7UU-30' Q , -GltADKJKUSKYCOVYS FOll SALK CIIKAP. Address box 23G , city. M807 1 * Q-KOU BALE , UAUYUAIIIIIAQK IN OQOD HE pair. III ! N. 25th streetr"Tho Krcuzor. " M60S SO * -KOU SALE , OOOD QUICK MEAL GASOLINE Q-Ki love. 2.113 Douglas. bTU 111' Q-KOH BALK , K1HST MOUTUAOE OK 12.000.00 , - " - " ' Ilcnawa MU58 31 - KING UPUIGI1T PIANO , GOOD AS .NKW , 2022 Cnldw oil. , M'.H3 31 MISOEtLA.Nl.OTJS. 11 "CANADIAN EMPLOYMKNTOKK1CKI503 KAH- naru , upatalra ; male and female help. Tel. Ml. 022 E-SUHE CUHE GUAHANTEKD FOH OKKEN- slve sweating feet and sweating under the arms. Send for circular. Lleblg Medical Co. , South llend , 1ml. MU1-30 * "l > WANTED , TO LKASK SMALL F1HEPHOOK -IV safe. Address , AD , Hco offlco. IU7J7 III LADIES , ATTENTION , ONE IIOTTLK OK MY cclobralcd Tontl will develop your bust Inches In : io days or the money refunded. Ono box ofmy celebrated complexion pellets will remove llvor spolH , pimples and freckles ; prlco only (1.00. Tontl U only $2.WI. It novorfalls. never. Send for sealed circulars , , Mra. Dr , Mlllcr,24I Wabaah avo.Chicago. B52-S9 * "O-HAVK YOU LIVED IN OMAHA ALL YOUll J vilfo and failed lo purchctc any real estate ? If so , don't put It oil any longer , but visit the great ten-dollar lot sale , 1500 Dodge mreet , and buy for your chlldrcn ono of those lots lying between Omaha and the now Kort Omnha. (10.00 IH payment In full , with abstract of title , warranty ilucil and lithograph plat The u lots may prove a blessing for your boy and ulvo him a start In life. 'Try one. It will not only please yon but make you big money. Inclose postage for plat and Information. Charles P. Ucujauiln , solo agent , 1501 ! Dodge street. 907 2'J * " ! ) TIN WOUK , tlUTTKUS. HOOKING VALLHYS. Jtshlnglcs. galvanized chimney Blacks , cheap , Unto City Tinners , 822 North llith. 917 29 * CLAIRVOYANTS. J MllS. NANNIE V , WAUIIEN , CLAIUVOYANT , Jrollablo business medium , Uftu year nt 111) ) N luth. . t2J ! S-MUS. HAWTHOUN , UKLIAHLE I1USINESS medium , C2.I N. Uth street , corner of Webster , Sundays exccptcd. M225 J i ) S-MADAME FIUTZ. 23'M CUMLNG STIIEET. clairvoyant and franco medium ; Indepandeiit volcen ; tells past and future. M303 J12 * S AltlllVAL EXTUAOUDINAIIY : WONDEUKUL rovclallons. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. I.cgravo , dead trance clairvoyant , aetrologlst , palmist and I'.fo reader ; tolls your life from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar riage wllh the ono you love ; tolls whom you will succeed and In what buslnens best adapted for ; has thocclobralod Egyptian breastplate for luck nnd to destroy bad Influcnoea ; cures His , intemperance and all private complaints with massage , baths and alcohol treatment. Send (2.00 , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive accurate life chart : Scents In stamps for circular : give Initials of ono you will marry ; ulso photon of same. Olllco IUU7 South lltb itreot , first tluor ; houra , 0 o. m. to'J p. m. Come ono. couio all , and bo couvlncad of this wonderful oracle. M810 1 * S MADAME M1NNOA. The young and gifted gipsy rolndrcador and palmist just arrived from llomonla. Ada , lays your whole life like an open book before you ; reads your future life like a dream of thoughts unknown to her ; has Egyptian lucky stones. Ladles In trouble call at onco. Matsiigo nnd magnetic healing Ltours V a. m. toHp. lloom 3. IW Soulh 13th. M812 2'J MASSAOE , BATHS , ETO. 'P-MASBA(1E TUEATMENT. KLECTUO-THKU 1 raal bnths , ocalt ) mid hair treatment , manicure find chiropodist. Min. Post,3l9 } < B.I5tt , Wlthnoll blk U2I 1 MISS 8TOWE , MASSEUSE ELKCTHICIAN , 1-822 llauigu block. M748-BO' 'P-MADAMH LA HUE , MASSAUE , 4111 SOUTH 115th st , , Hd floor , Hat 4 , osslslanU MX15 aO * M'-MADAMB SMITH. 1121 DOUULAS STUK.KT. X room 7 , Ud Uoor. Alcohol , sulphur und sea butha. 31877-a' PERSONAL , . UCOUUKSPONDENCK IIUII11A U KOU BALE. ; Nice paving mall business Addrcaa A 17 , Ueo. M 829 2'J * U-I'KUSONAL. fOUIl DESTINY UKVKALKI ) . Full written prediction of your life , with pen plctureof future husband < ir wlfo asfort-told by as trology. Send date of birth and 20 cents to Aatiolo ger. luck box 117. Kan a City , Mo. B9il 29 * _ JflUBIO , AItT AND L AM QU AGE. V K. OELLKN1IECK , IIA-S'JO TKACHE1I , ' wll Homo , or 514 N. ISth at. Wi -HBKOUK HUYINO A PIANO I-.XAMINK TUB ' nuw acalo Kluitiall piano. A. Hoape , 1513 Douglas. TO LOAN-REAI4 ESTATE. \\r CBNTUAli LOANIt T1UJ8T CO. 1IEE 11LIK } . ' Kit m \V-IXAN8 ON IMPUOVKIIANDUNIMPUOVKD city properly , fjoojand upwttrda.UtolJ percent. No dulaya. W. Karnatn Suillu & Co.l5th and llarnoy CM \\r-C. W. UAINKY. 814 OMAHA NAT. ll'K ' HLDO 'I Lltymortgagua lx > wejt ratva. Mouoy ouhand. ttll \ \ PU1VATK MONKV. 1ST AND 21) MOUTH AUK ii luaua.low rutvi. Alux. Mooro,4Ul ll e building MONEY TO LOAN -KEAIi JESTATE. \\r-C. V. UAltUISO.tfU'12 N. V. L1KK. 6'.0 . _ _ . \\r-T I'KH CKNT-'MONKY NET TO HOUHOW- ' ers on Omaha city property. No. pitra charge * of any kind. Why pay hlitli rate * . ' Money It cheap Yon c n get full bonr-nr. of low rates from Olobo I.o an A Trust Co. , lii { hMin d Dodgo. _ 143 \\r-ANTHOXV LOAHAND TUU.1T CO. , S13 N. Y. 'i Life , lends nt locate ! for cholco s.'curlty on Nebraska or loirn farrris-or Oman * city property. . 31 0 _ _ \V-MONKV TO JIXJAN ON IMPIIOVKO CITY ' property , low we.1 A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. \\T-11KAL K3TATl.iOANB.a ( ' TO 7 PKIl CENT ' ' no additional charges fur cdminlsslon or attor ney's fees. .W. 11. Mclklo , Klrst National bank blilg. BAVINOS IIANK MAICKS LOANS on real estntoat lowest market rates. Loans made In small Or largo mm and for short or long time. No commission Is charged , and tlio loans nro net sold In tlio east , but c.tn always bo found at the bank on the cornel of 13th and Douglas streets. C3J _ TIT -tIZS.WO TO LOAN.SUMS OK fi.OOO Ut'WAUDSl ' can place loam on any Inslda liaprorcd prop * crty to any nmoiint where raluols back of the loan. Ames Itcal U tate Agency , UW 1'nrnani su Cll \\r-K AbTKUN' MONKY l.OANKD. OHO W. I' . Contoa , rep. 1C14 Knrnam fct. M401 W-1XJANB. O. ( ! . WALLACE. 313 IlKOWN IlLl li.10 _ V\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON UKAIj KSTATK. THIS O. I' . Da vis Co. , IMJ Karnatn st. Gil \\f MONKY TO LOA.NJ. . I ) . 7.1TTL1S , HHOWN < > lllk. M61P _ 'W MONKY TO LOAN Oi * IMI'llOViill Oil UN ' ' Improved Omaha property at Introst rales on short notice. Cash on IninJ. ( Idcllty Trust com pan ) ' , Hill Knrnam street. * OU \ \ T DON'T I'OIHJKT THAT WW AUK MAICINO ' ' low rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Oiiinhii property Nj delay nnd oil business trnnt-actfdat Oils olllco. KUIollty Trust company , 1U14 Karniim street. W MONEY 'I'O LOAN-CHATTELS. V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK -'V-ccurltr ; strictly contldjnllal. A. 1C. llnjrl- , room 1 , Continental block. < S3S -UOll'T I'lUTCHAHD , 11.8 , W1TI1MILL 11LIC. iiv X WIIHN YOU WANT A CHATTKI. LOAN BKI5 W. II. Davis , room 11) ) , Coiitlnentnl block. CM X-DO YOU WANT MO.MI3YJ If so. do not fall to gut our rates before bor rowing. Wo make loans without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. . at the lowest possible rate. Wo will carry the loan as long as you desire , giv ing you the privilege of paying It In full or In purt ninny time to suit your convenience , anil any part unld reduces the cost of carrying the loan In pro portion to the nmount paid. There nro no charges of any kind to bo paid In advance , but you get the full amount of the loan. If you haven loan with other parties , or hnvo bought n piano or other furniture on time and rind the payments n little larger thun you can meet con veniently , wo will pay It for you nnd carry the loan ns long mi you desire. U trill be to your advantage to eco us before < o curing a loan.OMAHA OMAHA MURTOAai ! LOAN CO. lloom II Crclghton Illock. Uth til. , South of postolllca Kli ) MONEY TO LOAN. X FIDELITY LOAN OUAIIANTEE CO. . On household gopds. pianos , organs , horses , mules , wngons , etc .KV'tlio lowest possible rates without publicity , reuioval of property or change of posscsMon : Payments of nuysnncount can bo made at nny time , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giv ing pntrona all the LeUilU8 of the partial payment plnn. . J Jdoncy nlways on Hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; bushier * contldcntlal. K1DKL1TV LOAN GUA11ANTBK CO. , C.17 U 4. Wlthncll blk. , 15th and Uarncy. V-MONKY TO laXfi , CHATTKL MOUTOACK -iVifl ; , oo , 10 daya , on furnlluro , pianos , llvo stock , etc. . wllhout publlcttyLor removal of property , at the lowest rntea and.thf easiest payments. No delay. Cash on hand. UilllXJtbon , It. Sand 'J , llarkor blk. 1 ! „ OU "V-JIO , $25 , ( M , ( IOO. ANY SUM TO IXJAN ON KUIl- Vnllure , horses , l > r any good security ; lowest rntcs. Nebraska LOnn'Co. , 1310 Douglas at. 987 V-CUATTLK LOAXS 02i N. Y. LIKE. MOUUIS. -iV 402J 14 * X(20.000 TO I.OAN ON CHATTKL SKCUUITY business conlldcntlaL lloom 402 Karbach block. MH31 J2 * A' KOU BALK THlKUUNnVUW AND JLof a'S3-room hotel and barroom ; ctcam heat , electric light , centrally located , doing agoodbusl ness. ln rr Green , Darker block. M937-1 * Y KOUSALE-NOT TUADK-STOCK OK GllO cerlcs , drugs , hotel , boots and shoes , /.lii.He otrlco. 449-30 * a Y-KOU SALK , MY ESTABLISHED , PAYING , wall paper , paint , oil and glass business on the corner of 20th and Cuinlng streets ; III health the only cause for selling ; curries with It a small man ufacturing business worth (1,000 yearly ; If taken at once , fl.WO cash , balance secured paper. Warner , 20th and Cumlng. CM 23 H CASH. PEUIIAPJ HALK , HALANCK IN trottrlng bred stallions and n y.-nng pacing geld Ing that can beat 2:20 : three times to exchange for a good stock of merchandise or clear land. Write for particulars , U. Chnmbcrlln , Kearney , Nob. 707-12 Y KOU .SALE , KXCUAiGK Oil UKNT. HOTEL lircsce , East Omaha , Inquire on premises , M77d 31 * KOU SALK , MEAT MAIIKKT , COMPLKTK ; good trade and location. Investigate If you want paying market at reasonable price. Caller or wrlto I'ancoa&t & Co. , Anhland , Neb. M780 SO * "VON ACCOUNT OK THE OWNER HAVING 1 taken n government contract requiring his en tire time ho will cell his progperoua bUBlnots In the city , (2,500.00 stock , clears t . ' 10.00 j.or month ; no trade. Address A 2.1. Ueo olllco. MEiil SO * Y-L1VKUY STOCK AND LKASK ON MOST profitable stable In Omaha for fiila on account of other bUBlueas. Stock about (2,000.00. Address A 84. llco Olllco. M6IM 80 * V A GOOD CHANCE I HAVE KOU SALE A J. stock of groceries and fixtures In Cedar llaplds , la. , a town of twenty thousand population ; stock nnd fixtures rjll Invoice between live nnd six thou sand dollars. Heat location In the city ; trndetlrst- clasd , Good rca < on given for nolllug. None but those who mean business need write. Address 1C. il. . 1S1 2nd street , West Cedar Itaplds , la. MtJl U * KOU SALK , STOCK OK MILL1NEUY GOODS. For particulars address , J , V. liuckott , Syra cuse , Neb. & > 3 1 * \r-THE I1KST PAYING 1IOTKL IN SOUTH L Omaha : owner about to engage In other busi ness ; this in n bargain. Monauan & O'Ncll,2420 N street , So. Omaha. M2 3 * Y WANTED , LOCATION. PHYSICIAN ( OKU- man- American ) would like to hoar of a good lo cation. Lock llox 1IJ , Krcmont , Nebraska. 60223 * _ _ V CASH PAID KOU KNDOWMKNT POL1CIKH I In old line companies. Send description. A. K , llrocklcuby , box 'M , Hartford , Conn. M028 1U * KOU SALK , KOUIt-CHAlIt lIAItilKIt OUTKIT at it bargain , or will lease on favorable terms. Address A 28. tee olllco. IMI-4 V YOUNG MAN WILL INYKST ( SOO.'O AND J. services In legltliuatu buslncai. Address A 3 , Hco. -(10.00. HAVH YOU KYKIl INVKSTKD IN real estate ? Try It once ; you cannot buy any thing around Omaha that will not sooner or later get Into somcbody'B way. lluy ono ot those ten- dollar lots ; they will tnuko you money. No mort gage on this proper.ty.jnnd (10.03 Is full payment for a lot. Ouiaha'B lalinti addition. Send Ve postage for plat and more Information. Charles P. Ilenja- mln , Bolo ngcnt , 1500 Dodge street. _ 008 Vj * Y(2,100 WILL linV lKTAKKN AT ONCK , THE best located nuii best paying lunch counter In Duliilh , Good reason" ! for selling. Kor full par ticulars address CrqsLy llron. , 314 , 315 , 810 Palladia building , Duluth. Mln ? . W5 2j _ V-A FOUTUNEtOH GOOD MAN. KOU BALK .Lor exchange , (3.1/iu confectionary nnd restaurant. Oldoit nnd finest lurjllutclilnson , Kan. llust class of trade. Will Hell at a sncrlllco. Addrccs Carroll llrltcoe , Hulclilntoo nn. Wlvj" _ -A GOOD. WKLLr PAYING MEAT MA11KKT forsiile. Iuqulr8\rf J. N. , IJox 172 , Sidney. Nub. V-.WANT TOUI18T IILACKBMITH SHOP IN X tome live Nebraska town. Addrctb 407 Kost Ud etreet , Grand Island , Neb. M'.IW I * Y-NOWISTIIKTIMKTOHUYONK OK TI1OSK /HI lots lying paycin ! Omaha and the new fort. Yo/ . must not uxpiapi buy them for (10 after the new fonln compliant anil the electric motor run ning. (10 Is full pam&nt now for a nice building lot with warranty dttcrl , aburact of title und plat of addition , No mortgage on thl property. Call this week or send lo pomugo for plat and Information. CharlPB P , llunjamlu , oolu agent , 1500 Uodgo otrvvt. Open ovvnlngs. Y-WKLL KSTAliLIBHKD GUOCEIIY JIOUHK , good location , cheap rtuit , a bargain. Omaha lU'il Kttnte nnd Trust to. , llee building. JI918 So * V-WANTED , TO INVEST KUOM (300 TO (500 IN -Lsouio good paying liuilncbs. Addrvm A3U. Ueo. Y-KD1EON PIIONOGIIAPH KOU BALK. IIAUK chance. K350.00 will buy a now and complotu out- lit for fihltiUlon purposes or for prlvntu family. Kourt cen persons con I 111 en at onetime ; can make from (1U.OO to I30.UO pur day ; ouly two more left. Ad- .druts A 40 , live. s M > 7 ' "J- FOR BXCIIANOE. V - - LM A N STOCK boKUA'L "MJS'li ; : " \Vli.L / take rout cstatv i uiouuy , llox 2UJKraukfortliid. liU . _ V-UNlNCUMllKUIti ) LANDS IN KABTKIIN NH- ' bra > ka and Kaniat for good Inildo Omaha or Council Illutfs urupurty. Addrc Itvui X IIIIIU , Emporlu. Kan. M771)J2 ) > * _ r/-lNSIIK ) CHICAGO 1XTS KOU NICllItAHKA J , \V. blnttouVnLoo , Kv\i. \ MIW J4 * FOR EXCHANGE. y-J > KSlllKAHLl" 1MPHOVKD AND UNIM- "proved city property for flrst-claM farmlands. Addteas. Central West Land Co. , tlrst Nat. bank building. 810 31 y IK YOU WANT TO BUY A OOOD IIU-UNES * . /Jot wish to dispose of your buslnusi Hit It with U I-Johnson. C14 Paxton block. tw MSI y KIUST CLASS CI1Y PHOPKHTY TO KX- / /chango for good farm land In Ncbraski and Iowa. Send full doscrlpllon ot land for exchange. Ucorgo N. . Hicks .105 N , Y Life bldg. M < 2i ) Jl y-ONE-TlllUDCASH , HALANCK (1OOD , CLKAU "Nebraska land , for stock of dry goods and no tions or general stock ; gond full description , Alex Moore , 4UI Hco bV. ! ( MSCH29 7-n.foo STOCKO'KNKHAL MKHCHANDISE TO it /Jf-00 cash , balance desltablo real estate , llox ( Vsl , Ilaatlngs. Neb. 851-31 * y--KOH K.\CHANOB-KINK UBjIDKNOE , NKW ' - 13 room * , modern Improvements ; on motor line , 1 mile from paslomeo. Will oxetiini ) for goodlmilnoM lot or farm land * . W. , P. O. box I" 15 , Omaha. 977 V-IK YOU HAVE A ( iODD UPlllOIir PIANO TO ' -'trade for lot Id , block I , Armour Placo. SoUfi Omaha : clear of all Ucurahranoa Addreii Ml. Jleo onico. M U V-STANDAUD I1HKI ) HOUSES KOU CLBAU ' -Jfarms or lots. II. J , Kendall , 403 Uronn lllk , -2J1 J10 Z-EQUITY IN LOT 8. III.OCK J. CAPITOI.HILI , addition. " Hcatitlfui largo , grndcd lot , south front , on llarnuy street ( pavement. ) H. B. .Inynes Omaha. MSt 29 * Z--W A NTED , (1001) ( , YOUNd DUIVINO HOHSK III exchange for onu year's lease of 8 rooms nt 21st nnd Urnco sts. ( J. K. Hulls , lloom 4 , lice lllilld Ing. 8SM y-WANTKI ) , OENEHAL MEHCHANDISE KOU Jcash and real estate , P. O. box 810. St. Paul , Neb y-A SECTION OK LAND IN NOHTII DAKOTA , * - ' \ miles from railroad ; no bettor soil In the state : lllle perfect , abstract furnished , no liicum- branco ; will eJiclmngo for Omaha properly. Ad- dresa A 2" , llee. ' tew 2'J * y KOU SALK OH THADK KOU TYPEWH1TEH. ' -'good organ. Address S28 go , Irjtli St. MM2 ( 3 * y WHAT IIAVK YOU TO THADE KOH IK ) /Jacrcsof land In .North Dakota. Addrc'S A ! I7 , lice , IW'l 2'J * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 17011 BALIS-UN MONTHLY PAYMENTS , J JL houses , V lots. The O. K. Davis Co. , 1505 Kurnniu st , ( ill IJ'OU SALK OU K.XCIIANOK , 100 GOOD KAlt.MS IN In Nebraska and Dakota. Luthur Miller. O'Ncll , Neb. MiUlMSl 17011 SALK-HOMK-i. ANY PU1CE , (7.V ) , H.SM UP JL easy terms ; tnko clear property ns tlrat pay U. G. Wallace , Drown block , llith and Douglas. Oil SALE AT A IIAllflAlN , IXT 15 , III.OCK 3 , W. L. Sclby'a first addition lo South Omalia ; small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire U. 11. Tzchuck , Omaha llco. Ml 1ST YOUll NEIIUASKA LANDS WITH K X * Johnson , C14 Paxton block , Omnha. ( J33 M31 17OU SALK OU EXCHANGE. CO1TAGK KUONT- -L Ing south on Wojl Cumlng St. : In Carthage addi tion ; live rooms , largo attle , pantry , clOHOts , forcj pump , cistern , cesspool , cemented cellar , conven iently arranged , well built undllnlshed In bard pine. Price. (1,400. Will take n lot as part payment , balance to suit. Apply to W. K Kurtz , 717 N. Y Life llldir. 4K7 IJ'OU BALK. 5,000 AGUES OK NKUUABKA LAND , at great sncrlllco. Apply for particular * , to G. II. Peterson , owner , 1412 s. 13th at. , Omaha.MC75 MC75 m31 MOIIE OK THOSE 5 AND 10-ACUK AKEW tracts on West Dodge street , at (103 per acre. Others ask for land same dlst.incj out double the money. Wright A Loibury , llith and Howard.M M Iff ! KOUNT7.K PLACK HAUGAINS-O-IIOOM DWKLL- Ing , i,500.00. Will take clear lot as flrat pay ment , balance (15.00 per month' J. J. Gibson , nolo agent Kountzo Place , Klrst National bank. CM "ITMUSALK , HKAUTIKUL VILLA ( ACIK ) LOTS -L within n few blocks of motor and school , In Council HUtTs , (1,000 to (1.5CO. Wilt build to suit purchaser. These lots have elegant lawn and shade trees of nlm and wnlnui and nro olTcred nt the prlco of it fifth rate 50 ft. lot In Omaha , S miles from any where. David Jnmlcson , 443 llco bldg. Mb02 ATAI1AUGAIN , 8-UOOM HOUSK ON COUNKIl of 1 und Twenty-second street , South Omaha. Inquire A. A. Uiown.lteod hotel. South Omaha. M840-23 * LOTS IN HA55KL TKUUACK ADDITION , LO- rated three blocks south of Vlnton street , be tween IGth nnd 20th streets : prices (500 to (700 each. (25 down nnd (10 a month , 7 per cent Interest ; title perfect and abstract given lo each purchaser. Itccd & Sclby , 335 Board of Trade. MS04 SO IS THE CASH PAYMENT UKO.U1IIKD ON A $10 lot In Sheridan Place , 43d and Lcnvenworth , bal ance (19 n month , 7 per cent Interest ; prices > 'JO each ; frca abstract given. Uccd & Selby , S35 Hoard of Trade. M80I SO FOU BALK-5-UOOM COTTAGK , AND 40X133-KOOT lot , cheap. Anna Poll , 26th and Swan street , Albright. MSU5 S * ELEGANT HOMES UUILT TO OUDKU. CALL on K..K. ItlnEcr , 1519 Karnam St. , polcct your lot and a modern house will bo built Inside of ninety days , sewer , water and gas , less than one mile from postoltlcc. eany walking distance to business , churches and High school ; save car fare : consider ing location no such opportunity has been or will bo again offered ; prices lower than same houses two to throe miles from business center ; KHO to (000 cash ; balance monthly payments. 83(1 ( 3' BANKEUS , CAPITALISTS , MKIICHANTS , clerks , worklngmcn have all Invested In the (10 lots lying between Omaha and the Now KorU All others make a mistake when they can purchase a lotfoi (10 and don't do so. There Is no mortgage on this property ; warranty deed , abstract and plat given each purchaser ; sale men living on the addi tion. Call In and get names of families now llvln ? on this nddlllon. vltlt them , ask them If they will sell for what they paid ( (10) ) ; wo don't ask you (100 for n ten dollar lot , but make yon n property onncr free and clear for exactly (10. Kncloso 2c pottage for plat ami more Information. Open ovcnlngs. Charles P. llcnjaruln , Solo Agent , ISOii Dodge street. vtl 23 * rpOINYKBTOUS IOAN OKKEIt THE KOLLOW- JL Ing bargains In acre property close to Omaha : Ten acres close to city , JI..OOO. Ten acres close to licit Line , will make 43 nice lots , elegant tract , only fMXJl ( ) . Twenty acres llvo miles from postotflcc , (7,000. Forty ocrt'R , finest tract acre property around Omaha , If taken quick , only (325 per ncro. I'.lghty acres , west Omaha , close to new fair ground and parks , (40,000. Korty acres southwest of city , can quote for a few daya for (275 per acre. acre.GEOIIGE N. HICKS. Investment Agont. noom 305 , N. Y. Life llulldlng. U44 2J UEYOUWKLL KIXKD ? Oil AUK YOUJUBT getting H start ? The rich men of the country made their money out of real estate , rnont of them began In a small way. Wo cannot eell you n lot for (10.00 that Is today worth (500. but we can sell yon n lot for exactly SlO.OOtbat mar bo worth (5,000 In n few years. These lots are located between Omaha end now Kort Omaha ; dry , level , free from mortgage , and ( IO.HO Is payment In full for a nice building lot with warranty deed , abstract and plat. Kncloso 2c postage for pint and nioro Information. Open oveplngB. Chariot P. llenjamln , lolo agent , ICiOUDodgb street. W 23 * IN SOUTH OMAHA THK GUEAT BAIIGAINS Improvements to bo mndu by tbo packing houscn will cauio n marked advance In values of South Omaha property within the next few months. Cholco corner , 80xl5'J feet , 24th and A. (3.0UO.OO. Corner , C0xl5tl , 24th and 11 Btroeli , t2.MM. Corner , 120x150,25th and II utrouts , (2bOO.oo. Corner , 110x150,27th and E MructB , (2,250.001 Throe elegant south Iront lota near 25th and B BtreetH. each (1,1UO.(0. Call and see tlio bargains wo offer , UKO. N. I11CKSS05N. Y. Life. 1144 2U . WK CANNOT SELL YOU A LOT ON KAUNAM $ street for ten dollars , but w can sell you a nice , iHvelbulldlng lot lying between Omaha and now Kort Omaha for exactly ton dollars , free and clear from mortgage. Warranty deed , abstract of title nil lithographed plat given with each lot sold. Krcry lot warranted to be a nice building lot and ut a price ( (10) ) that other dealer * , would charge you for making out the papers that wo furnish with each lot sold. Call and Invcstlgalo or tend 2o postage for plat and full Information. Chas. P. Uenjamln , sole agent. 1500 Dodge street. U10 W 1 011 BALE , TIIUKK LOTS IN BO. OMAHA : A JL1 snap for HOIIIO ono. Kor particulars call on or addrcia K , V. Miller , 1203 Douglas Direct , Omaha , Nob. 012 2'J ' * I'OH BALE OU HUNT. KUUNISHKD OR UNKUU- iilshcd , nn olegnnt 12-room house located In Council Illuffs within two blocks of motor , onu of tlio Uncut residences In Iho city , with largo shady lawn nnd all modern conveniences. Kor particu lars call on or address K. Y. Miller , 1203 Hondas street , Omaha , Nob. VII yj * TJOSB HILL , IIBAUTIKUL.HIG1I ANDSIIII1TLY , Jv50 | lots on motor line will bo ottered for sale , commencing Juno 1. Kasy terms. Call and ice na. titur Loan and Trust Co , ole agents. MUI7 80 I'Oil BALE-LOT 13 , III.OCK 95 , BOUTH OMAHA , corner 24th and K atrccU , (2,000. I.otH 12 and 19 , block n. Orchard Hill , corner one block from motor2,250. Korty acrea between Newport and Cote llrllllanto , 1500 per aero. Will aoll In five acre tracta. hour acres In Washington Hill , f 1.000. Ten acroa on With ttrert , juat north of lort Omaha , corners with now park , 115.000. Thlrty-sovun acroa on Council Hluffa bottom , half block from llroailwuy. Largo stable at ICth and Charlea street. Com. to ugenla. B. H. Curtla. .DB a IMh atroet. MU43-3U * 17011 BALK-NEW. MODEIIN IIU1LT , 8-IIOOM A houfco. Ju t completed , No. 8203 Poppleton avu. ; all conveniences , elegant bath rooui , aplundld brick collar * , etc. ; can glvo Imiiiodlato poaaoaalon ; a aplendld bargain If old at onco. lllcka , agent , 805 ti. Y. Lite blag. IX * m FOR RENX.-PA'JTURE3. AirANTEO , 27HOUSE : ! TO PAhTUHK AT IT Doer CrookLodgo twelve mllca north of Omaha , bluegruaa , abadoaud running water. Stock called foraud delivered. OrvllloO , Johnson , UJ7 Paxtoa blockOmah , Telephone31(1. ( HO J7 YlABTUUB KOU CA'ITLE i HOUSES. T. MUIIAY. A\TK HAVE THE UKST I1OIISB PAbTUUK IN it thUatataat ( illmoro nation , tbreoiallea south ol South Ouiaha ; IW acre * blue grata , Hiring water , broad fouco. Hare a good half uillo track ou the farm. Will take a few uoraeaor colta to break or train. Ilarton A Pbelpa or A. W , Pbolpa It Bou. Now i ork LIU bulldlBK. HAtn OOOD3. LAUOKST STOCK IN K.NTIItK WKST ; T1IKAT- rlcal nlct and boards n specialty. Wig * , bitngi , TTllclies. hair chains , eta. ! son I for raUlo-UK- Mall orders aollclted. i aflei , 111 S. 15th st , Omaha. CH. MADAM OALK'S COMPLEXION STKAMKIl will positively remove freckles , Ian , pimples nnd nrlnklts. Complete oultlt for t.l.M nnd n trial treatment at Kate M. Clamnllfs , DoiiRln * block , Kith nnd Dodge slreels. We also csrry n full line of hair nnd manicure goods , bangs , switches waves , curls and wig * . , Hair drp nlng , shampooing cutting and curling at reduced rates- Hair Icnclry nnd device work to order , llemember II l nppo- silo Ilaydon s , H'tli and Dodge Mreet * . ' Take eleva tor. K. M. Clampllt , rooms mini bcr 20 nd "I. 910 29 * BNYDEll'S LOAN 1510 DOIHIE ST. MuTJ M31 * fUKO M Oil 1,15 , OKKICK 1J11H KAUNAM ST. ALL KINDS Ot' HKCOND HAND , CI.OriU.VO , wnlches , clocks , musical Inslrument" and shootIng - Ing wnro bought at the highest prices at Mt N. lull street ; especially overcoats ; orders solicited.MOTI MOTI ' L03T. LOST , LAIIOi : ST. HKIINAIlll IIO | ANSW1CIIS name "llruce. " llcturn to 11)38 ) Pork avenue and got rownrd. Ml a OBT , VALUA1ILK I'Al'KUS OK NO USM TO nny person but owner. Itcnnrd will he pnld for return of same to Oustavu Kneuici , northwest corner Uth nnd Arbor streets. wis J HOTELS. f 1NDKLI. UOTKIi. NINTH AND FAUNAM , H.M -IJucr day : special rates by the week. 775 M31 MANUFAUTUKINO JEWELEU3. room SO. Darker oiock Uiimha. CM Ladies' ' "Success" SYRINGE. IT IS WITH THIS SYUINOK ONIjV that you SUHK of ntt'ilnlng your desire , nnd Ills thu beat means of retaining your Kood health through elonnltnesR. Soft rubhor bulb , llnr.l rubber tube. Ask your druirelst for our , null boSUUKIthas on It thu tr.ulo murk , "FISH BRAND. " Wo will sell them at $1.50 $ Each , Bent by express Into the country. Money to ac- compnny the order. A iAtir CI.KHK will at tend to the wants of our lady patrons. OMAHA RUBBER CO 1520 Farnam St Cor. 1 6th. lUOMRTESt" JO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.f ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. REIV1 B NG TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , Furnrm Olr . OMAHA rjUO OSAI.8 KOU 8TKA.M HKATINO-DH iinrttni'iit nf the Interior. < , V.-c of mua iffnlrn , Washington , 1) ) . ( X , Mn.r m ISM. fouled ifoiina.tls. rinlorsoil " 1'roposHls for Stcitra loiitlni ; , " nnd add rcsso.l to tlio Comml 9loncr of Indian AfTnln. Wnslilnuton. D. U , will bo pcclvril nt this ofllco until I o'clock tx in. of Moiulny. I n n of. 1S12 , for tlio ftirnlnhliiz of nil nocrssnry iniiterlnU aeid liibor nnd iilnclni lu mfltlnn , complete Nnil rently for it'c , ono low irvssuro return olroiiUtiiiK Mon.ni liontlnR nnd uiittliitlne tiinrntus | | for tliu tlirco Indliiu cliool linlidlncM nt tholio ! liono Indlkii ntsi-noy. I'rcinont county , Wyo , , tlio bolter * for nld npp.trntua to tie plnccd in the bntpinont if noout tlio building ! ) ns tlioollloo inuy direct , Mans nnd olovntlons of tlio buildings for tlio culdnncoof tlio bidden In the prcnitrutloii of Ids mny bo oxHtnlncd nl I ho ohlc of the lloo" of ntnnliii. Nob. , tlio "Uopnbllcnn" of lonvor. tVlti. . the Trlluino" of Snlt I.uko 'Hy , Ut\h ; , nnd nt tlilv onice. lllddoM nro rn- .ttlrort . loni-eotiuintiy tliolr bids with dcslsns nnd speellk'atlonsof tlio ntoini : lic.ittnsr iitul untllutlni ; lUip.ir.uus proiuncd to bo ftir- ilihnd , snlil designs nnd 8pvo llcutloni to bo idiiplcd to tinlinlldhiES to which tlioy nro to lioiippllcd. The right Is reserved to rojoi-t inv or nil bids or nny oiirt of any bid It Icctncd for tlio boat Intcrcstof Iho sorvlco. CKIITIPIKI ) CIIKCKS. Kich : blj must bo nocomp.itilud by ncortinod check or draft , upon nnino IJnltod States do- losltory or mtlvont Nullonil : bnnU In tlio vicinity of the roiKloiicoof tbo bidder , nmilo layublo to tliu ordurof the cnininlsslonrr of nillnii uirnlr . fornthKist fi per cent of tlio niiipiinl.of the proposal , wlili-li uliocU or druft will he rorfoltoil lo the Unltud Stnlos In cuso " ' bidder or bidders receiving iin uwnr.l slinll full to liroinntly oxeciitu a contract \Tllli 'ooil mill siilllclontsiirotUM. othorwlso to ha returned to tlio bidder. HIiH ncconipiinlcd by cash In l.iMiof n cortllled cheek wilt not ba considered , Kor further Information npply to MOUOAN , Conilnlssloner. Ml.ldllt KOU iiHiiofxoMATKIUB , . . " ' -.wind nilllB. tixnkH. IHUUIIS , etc. U. H Indlim hervlco. IMno Kldgo A imoy.Sliniinoii ° " ' ; 'I'-.n1'0' ' ' ' 8UI | > > ' - ' - - i'iilcl proposnls endorsed "Pi-oiios.ils for llulldlns Mutcrlul , oti1. " ns tlio LMISO mny bo nnd uddrossi-d to thu indi'i-slk'iu'd ul IMno llldisu AKI'IIOV , S , I ) . , \vlll ni received nt this ngoney until 1 6'elolt p. in , if Jiniol'Ist , Itie , for furnlslilni : am doltvor- nc nt various tioltitson the I'luo lililgo Indian rcsorvntton lo bo du lgniUed bv thn nndor- slcnud , iiboul S 0OOU footof ussorleil lunibor ; wy.MO shingles ; IV windows : 4U doors ; n , 00 irlcks ; i'.lio fuet ofunrtor | round Iron , hard- vu re , iinlnls , rncU , sand , etc. , itlso II vo ( . 0 tun- too t wind mills nnd powers , with luils.nuinpH : , Kulvanlzod Iron jilpo. etu. A full list if all niiiturlat may bo obtalnod by ippllcatlou to the unJurslgnoil. Hid don 110 required to wti to Kpeclllcnlly In theii ids the jirooaed prleo of each arll- > ' 'u ' on'orcd for delivery under a contract. The right Is reserved to reject liny or all bldi or any part of nny bid If deemed for tliu best merest of the service. GKIITU-IKD CIIICKS : Kach bid must bo accompanied by a cortillctU * - check or draft upon some Ijnlteu States de- losllory or solvent national bank In tliu vi cinity of the residence of the bidder , mndn myablu to the order of the Coinmlsslonurof lullim All'nlrrt form least II vu pur cent of the imonntnf lliu proposal , whloli check or ilraft vill bo forfeited to the United States In ease iny bidder or bidders receiving an awiird shall all I o promptly execute a contract with good nnd Riitllclont sureties , otliortvNu to bo re turned to the bidder. IIUU aecompanlcd by cash In lieu of a certified check will not bo considered. Kor further Infoniintlon as to Mints of dollverv. trnitsuortntlon. ntc. . apply o OAt'T. UKOIUlKLKKOV IIKUWN. I ) . S. A , Actliu I ) . S. Indlun Agont. m--SdlltM Mortjjupro Sale'H. \Vhcrcns. default bus been made In tbo con ditions of a certain chattel mortgiigo executed I y O. A. Stonoblll to John V. Farwull Com pany , dalod the 12tb day ot Mny. lnO.1 , and tiled In the ofllco of tbo county ulork lu and for Don tins county , Nebraska , ati : o'clock and 2J minutes u. m. on the 12th day of May , ISIS , and. Whereas , the nmount claimed to bo tluu ou said mortgage on tliin''Uli day of Mav , 18U : ' , Iho tlmo of the first publication of this no- Ntnv , therefore , under and by virtue of the power of xalu contained In said mortzagi < . .lobn \ . I'arwoll Company , morl'-inKee , will , on Iho Hlli day of Juno , I8K. , at li ) o'clock and IS minutes n. m , . at numbers 110-113 Soutb Six teenth street. In tbo city of Onriha , county of Douglas and state of Nebraska , holir ; tlio store formerly occupied by sMd O. A. Stone- li-II , sell , at iiubllo iiuctfon. the mortgaged property , wblcb Is described lu tbo mortgage as follows : All of thu goods , wares and mer chandise , consisting of staple and fancy dry goodsnnd notions , millinerycloiUs : and suits- , and all otbor personal prouurty used In anil about tbo proniUcs known and numbered an one bundrod and sixteen (1IG ( ) and ono hun dred and eighteen (118) ( ) South Sixteenth ( IGtli street. In tbo cltv of Omaha , county of Doug las , and State of Nebraska , and owned by tlio moitpagor herein , subject to a mortgage of even date for tbo sum of { 4,0'JO.OMo the Klrst National bank of Omaha , upon a portion of the sumo properly ; and i Wboroas. a portion of the goods nnd cbattols above described located on the north side ot the north half of said premises , from tlio show windows to tbo stairs loading to ilio second floor , and on the south half of tbo north aide , from the Kbow windows to tbo und of tbo shelving , was on said Ititli day of May , 189. , first mortgaged by said O. A. Slonchlll to tbo First National bank ot Omaha ; Now If all of said last described Roods and chattels nro not sold by said bank on or before the Hlli day of Juno. 1J2. under und by vlrtuo ortbo mortgage huld by It , then , on aald lltli duy of June , at tbo hour liorolnabovo numcd , saul mortgagee , John V. Fnrwcll Company , will sell , at piibllo auction , any portion of saul hist ( Inscribed goods and cliuttuli roinalnlnit unsold by said bunk. . JOHN V. FAIlWEIjlCO.\ll'\NV , CONGDON & OLAKKSON , MortgaKOO. Attorneys. Dated May 21,189- . M24U3I * MortEfl.coo'1 Hull- . Whcreus , Default has lienn miilo In tlio con ditions of a certainuliuttol niortKUKo executed by C. A. Stonohlll to Klrst National llniilc ot Onialin , dntol : the Uth day of Muy. Ii-lrJ. niul filed In Ilio ollleoof the county ulurk In and for Doujrlns county. Nebr.iHkn. at II o'uloclc nnd " 5 inliuitca p. in , on the I-tli day of Muy , IS ! ) ' ; nnd Wheroafl. Tlio amount claimed to bo duo on said mortiiazo on this 21th day of May. IBM' ' , the tlmo of the first publication of this notl Is" ,010.C7 ; Now Therefore , Under and by virtue of tlio power of aulo contained In said inortKaKO , tliu Klrst National Hunk ot Omaha , mortgagee , will , on tlio llth day of Juno , 1M ) . ' , at 10 o'clock and 15 minutes a. in. , at Nni. 11C-II8 South 8lx- tconth atroot. In the olty nf Omnha , county of Douglas ami state ot Nolirfxskit , being the store formerly ocouulod by said 0. A. Ktonu- lilll , soil at pnbllo unction , the mortgaged property , which Is doMorlbod'ln ' tlio mortxaxu as follows ; All o ( tlio goodi , warca and mure chiuullsc , consisting of svajilo and fanuy dry goods und notions , tnllllnory , cloaks and sulla , and all other personal property nso'l ' In null about thu premises known and niiniburod ua One hundred and sixteen (11(1) ( ( ) and Ono liiin- Urcil and olglitcen (118) ( ) South Sixteenth (10th ( ) street lu the city of Umaliii , county of Dong- Ins and Htato of Nobritfka , and owned by tliu mortgagor herein , which are located In salil store us follows , on the north sldn of tlio nortli hnlf of said nrumlBos. from the show window * to the stairs loading to the second lloor , and on the south half of tlio north sldo from th * show windows to tin nnd of tbo Hlielvlnq. L'lItST NATIONAL HANK OV OMAHA , Mortgagee. CONOUON & OLAUKSON , Attorney * . Dated Mny 21. 18M. _ M 'Id'Jlt ' Notlco for Illds. Itlcls will bo received by tlio city council of tlio city of Rapid Oily , B. I ) . , until " o'clock p. m. , Juno 0 , 189. , for the building of rosorvolr and laving of 10.010 feet of 10-Inch cast pipe , together with furnishing all tlio malurlah * necessary In their construction according to plans and specification ! on Ilio nt thoofllceof the city engineer of tbo city of Kapld City. Tlioae blddliiK on both reservoir and ulpo lino. or upon pipe line alone , must accompany lliulr bids with ccrtlllod chock for 0110 thou and ( II.COJ ) dollarn. Those lildilliiBoii reservoir alone must accompany their | * la with a certified check for two hundred and fifty ( jMdollikm. : ) checks lo bo drawn upon nny solvent bank In tit. Paul , Minneapolis , Omulia or Kapld Olty , and to bo returned to unsuccessful bidders on the day ot oioiilni | { proposals. Illds shall bo enclosed In plain on. volopcx and Khali liavo plainly written there on ; Hid for Keservolr , or Plpo llnu or bid for both Hesorvnlror Plpo line , as thoc.'iEo may be , Tlio city council reserves tliu rlxbt to re ject any or all bids. Address all communion * HOPS to tlio O1TY AUDITOR , of KUDU ] City , Uoutli Dakota. Dated at Kupld Olty , May 17 , IblTJ. * Hliurlir Nalu. Ily vlrtuo of an order of iao ! on attaclimont Issued out of tlio district court of Doiigla * county , Nebraska , find to mo directed , I will. on tbuUtli day of Juno. A. D , Ih'J. ' . coiiiniunoInK at 10 o'clock u. m. of Bald day. at No. 4101 Nortli i-Jlli street. In tlio city of Umalia. said county. Boll ut iiubllu auction to tlio highest bidders f or cash , the property described In nalil order of ialo tO'Wlt : A in ucollunomis stock nf gio- cerlcB , &c. , consisting of canned goods , ton , rolTuc , siin'nr , IHI | | , tobacco , uplcoi , .Vc. . Ac. ; B.-tid cliatteln will bo sold to satisfy Mr.Conl. llrady tt Co. , their judgment find CO-IIH ob- tiilnud at tlio Kubruary term , A , D. 1BUJ. ot tbu Hild : d strict court In an action pond H-J there in wliernin tbo said McOorii , llrady & Co. went plalntirrtiand Irvine J. Kennedy durundant. Amount of Judgment MHI.OI , and Owts ( i7ln. with Intercut on both of siild ninuiiiiU front Kebruury 1st. BlierllT of luiixlii Oouniy , Oinnlia. Nol' . . Mnya' . 1M . iir..K 8t liljsolnthm .Nonce , Tlio nartiierslnplieretoforooxUllna between Peter B. llolen. Himmiu Polorson and Andrew Ilium , and known IIH The Onto City Mult coni-v naiiy , baa this day been dlmolvoJ. Andreiv Ilium ImvliiK i Alrod. Tlio II rm will now Jm rondiiclud by I'etur S , llolon and Itumnim Peterson under tbo siino nnme m before , all accountu liow In favor of or against tbu com pany bulni : iibniimod by 1'etcr H. Holeii anil te n. ANDUK.W IILUM , U. J'KTEllSON. OuuUa , Maj 27 , 1592. M2Jdl