THE OMAHA DAILY J3ME : SUM DAYIMAt JLBM2--yiAJLJKElN > JL'AUiSS. SPORTS OF WASISG SPRING Pounding Into the Horns fctrjtch of the First Base Ball Division. THE SONG OF THE FESTIVE WHEELMAN Tlio TcnnU Clubs llo'bf llMil Daly anil Ucmpsry Mntchril Squlh * for Jlio Shooters I'lscalorial Kxctirslon * nil General Local Clint , Oar avuncular relative tnlaht win a few rnoro games than has yet crowned hla efforts b ; exorcising n llttlo bettor judgment xvltb bis twirling tnlont Had Vlckory boon ro- llovcil by Darby or Handlboo in tbo ( zarne last Monday , \vbonho began to show signs of flagging , the result would undoubtedly have boon different. Up to the eighth Inning tbo Hustlers had thorn two to ono. Up to the sixth Vlck had pllcbnil a formidable pnmo , allowing tbo big fellows from Fort Wayne but throe bits , but In the seventh ho slipped a cog , and tboy met hi in for three rnoro , 1'orfect lidding , however , prevented thorn from scoring. Hero's \vberc bo should have been relieved. But no , Uncle said be vn frnivt nnnncth fnr lilm nnrl thnf vnwhfit. . Captain Alvurd remarked after the game was over. In the eighth they jumped onto the Holly Point man for eight straight bits and AS many runs. Then Uncle wished be bad made iho shift. Tbe same thing happened up in Minneapolis Thursday. Darby pitched marvelous ball uo to tbo last innlnr , when tbo Bcoru uus n tie , but in Ibis Inning Iho Millers pounded the waddln' out of him , seven bits aud seven runs being the oxtcut of the cataclysm. Yes , Uncle , whou ono of your bright young children shows signs ot weakening at any stage of the game , hero- niter , lift him quietly out , nnd see what one of the other novs can do. The crowd always applauds a lilt of managerial hearlworlr , and I know you are capable of \vbnlo lot of IU TinUrrntoU Pull of All. Everything U now in roaJInon for the match the Omaha great tug-of-war between Swedes and th ? South Omaha .Clormans , nhlch will bo pa Hod ut Expailtion hall next Sunday night , Juno 5. Tbo match is for 1,033 a side , S10D of whichtbo forfeit postodis held by Tan Ben , while tno balance bas boon dopoilt.'d with tbe Gorman's Savings bunk , i as the follow ing will show : OMAHA , May 21. Received of the Omaha Swedish tug-of-war team , und tbo South Omaha Gorman lug-of-war loam , Iho aura ot nine hundred dollars ( fUOD.UJ ) being the stake money to go to the winning loam at thu contest to bo held at the Exnosition hall in Omubu on the evening of June 0 , lS' bo paid on decision of referee. UEUVAX SAVINGS B.\SK , By L. D. Fowler , cashier. Both teams are practicing almost Inces santly and on tbo eight of the match will DO found flt to pull for their lives , and that the Blrugglo will bo a tremendous ono there isn't a possible doubt. While both teams are worked up to fever heat , and are intensely interested in tbe match , ns much for the f glory of demonstrating tholr superiority as they are in Ice nice bundle of money that goes to tbo winners , it must not bo inferred ! that they are enemies , for they are not. The captains and their mun are on'lho friendliest of terms , and exceedingly anxious to got the great match , off without bickennc or wrauglo. The articles of agreement are a * Etringcnt document and all the minor details have been harmoniously agreed upon. The referee has received his instructions , and Iho prospects are good for the most thrill ing athletic event over witnessed In Omaha. Tbo hall will undoubtedly bo packed with tbe friends and admirers of the opposing teatnj , and those desiring to see a genuine battle of tbo giants should not fail to bo on hand , nnd bo on band early. Arthur Motz is Ihe ilnal stakeholder and S. U. V. Orisuold roforeo. Cnllfornla Ueinpioy Kmllvlvus. Danny Daly , Omaha's indomitable fcather- treigbt , bas at last got a match on bis hands , nnd patrons of tbo ring can count on a balr- nurllng event. Ho hai booa matched to tight "California" Demnsoy , the mug who made it very interesting for Jimmy Lindsay once upon a time. Danny , however , was growing stale , so ho expressed it , in waiting for a match , uml ho said rather than lot Dcmpscy got away without , bolng enter tained bo would have fought him at catch- wuighls. As it is , Iho California ! ! must come down to 1-8 and under , and Daly at any form that -suits him bust. Under thoio con ditions it mav not bo such an unequal match as raicht at llrat be supposed. Dumnsev is rightfully a middleweight , and to get down to tbe "belt" mentioned must necessarily impair his strength aud curtail his wind considerably , and Daly going in nt his best weight , will surely make a worthy opponent for him. The tight will be for 75 aud 25 of the gala , and will * take place at South Omaha Friday evening , tbo 17th of June. Dempsey will train at Soutb Omaha under the mentorship of Al Uoury , while Ed Hothery nnd Ted Gallagher will look After Daly at Cut-Off lake. A Credit to the Gamo. Billy AlvorJ , the now manager of the Ft. Wavnos , is not only ono of the moil gentle manly and exemplary ball players in the pro fession but ono ot the best. Ho has had an unbroken career on the professional Sold since 'S3 , and in that time ban tnada an enviable - able record. In all that period be has never been 11 nnd a penuv by thu umpire , never had any difllculilcs with his follow players , und bas never been released in tbo playing sea- eon by any club with which ho was ever con nected. In IbS'l bo wa > on third base for the St , Louis Browns , ana in IbSl tbo Fort Worth , Tex. , learn under his captaincy , woa tbo Southern Icaguo pennant. In 18U5 bo was again with tbe St , LouU league team ; with Bridgeport. Conn. , in 'bfl aud 'S7 ; with Dos Molnes in 'SS , tbo year they won Iho Western noun ant. In ISM ) ho was with To ledo , but in July was sold to Kansas City , \vhero ho finished the seasoa. In ' 90 Toledo bought him bauk , but was .sold to Cleveland and in turn to Washington where bo played up to the close of the season of ' 111. This uoaion bo nignod with the Western and was assigned to St. Paul and is playing us good ball today as over lu hU life , aud is good fern n half dozen yearsto comu. A Letter I'riini Mnimcvr Alvord. KANSAS Cur. Mo.May 27. Friend Sandy : I have just got time for a line or two. Of course , you are aware by this tlma that tbo Wanderers have finally found a horns. I re- solvud a tolu'ram on ray arrival bore from our now president , Mr. Moyew. instructing ne to toke charge of evorylbinK. The boys are all dollcbtod at the idea of going to Fort "Wuyne none of us preferred Denver It Is like getting off the earth. Wo go to Toledo from hero for Sunday und iX'CDrntlon day. Proltygood starter for Fort Wayoo , oh ! Wo take Mltwuukoo's schedule , to old boy , I will sooti bo with you. Pleasa mall mo Sun- duy'a BEI : occa&lonullv. 1ill wtlto you a lolUjrof details from Fort Wayne , lettlne you know Jun how the town slands after % vo ploy Toledo there. 1 alruady know they uro hungry for the .game. Tell "Spud" that y nobody's claim has auchorud at latt , and plfBso Import a cork for Homn's mouth bo- faro wo return. Good by unu iood lucn. W. C. Atvoiiu. The KimiUtur * ' OjH-nliij ; Mutluco. Tbo Gentlemen's Itoadstcr club is rapidly rettlnp everything In readiness for tholr in itial tnatluoa uttxt Saturday afternoon , The Uir crounds track bos boon put In tbo host if condition , and with a nlco ilay tbo after- ic-on's , sport will DO ono of exceptional inter- tsl. To leud au additional charm to tbo oo- : aslon tbo flub has ougagod the Musical Union band for an open ulr concert , a largo number of invitations have boou sent out , and Ibq viotpccis are good for a large crowd and a uo t enjoyable time. Members of the club Imvo taken ndvuuugo of tbo late churm- Ing weather , and the truck every evening bus resembled a vast Kaleidoscope with IU huudsorno and froisomo Dyers und whirling sulkies und road wtivous. Largo crowds hitvu assembled dwlly to watch tlio ambitious owners urging their nag * in Uiul dashes , and tbngrounj * with tbelr velvet swnrd und waving foliage have intdo a ucaapicturo quo tn the extreme. Saturday aftornoou will foou large croivd lu attendance. Y. M. C. A. Tuunlt Club. Dctplto the continuous rains of ttils soring the tennis club hoi had Its eyes upon the game nnd has utilized every clear day to pre pare iu courts on Harney street for this sea son's sport The grounds nro now In fairly good condition and the members are begin- nine to tilay in the evening. The club hat n mombdrablp of fifty includ ing many of tbo lovers of tennis In Omaha and comprising Mr. LS. . Culllngham , tbo present champion In singles In Nebraska ; Mr. W. U. Doana , ex-champion of Nebraska ; Mr. A. P. Gulon , who with Mr. Donno has hold tbo championship in doubles of Ne braska for Iho uast several years ; Mr. L. C. Denlso , tbe champion of Omaha ; Mr. Her bert M. Uogers , who won the club 'prize in slnplos last season : Mr. John Brown , Mr. Carroll Carter , Mr , Ned Stigcr , Mr. Augus tus F. Konntze , Mr. Howard Clarke and other good players. The officers of the tennis club for the pres ent season are : John Wilson TJuttln. presi dent ; l rank W. Obcr , treasurer ; Ed C. Wilbur , secretary. Tlio Komi * Gnu Club Election. The annual meeting of the BomU Park Gun club was bold May 24 and the following officers elected : M , C. Peters , president ; F. II , Blake , rtco president ; Stockton Uctb , socrelnry nnd treasurer ; Frank Cross , gen eral manager and superintendent of shoots , A Untcli of Toul Tips. Uncle Dave continues bis good work with tbo stick. A few more games and bo'11 lead era nll.R 'x'nramv Poorman , who came ever In the Mayflower , is xvltb a two-by-four club nt VVIUiumaport , Pa. Joe Ardnor has given up his job of catlnc scenery In Iho Cleveland opera house and U In Atlanta on second. Tbo ccnoral consensus of opinion li that Newell mid Annaur are trotting in too fast company. Toledo Blade. Younir Mr. Koefc of the Fort Wnyncs must mehd bis ways , and speedily lee , or bo will have to go back on tbo farm. Jocko Halllgan bas finally been "chased" by Cincinnati , an event that all good Judges of ball players know must come. Buffalo has dropped a couple of players and served notice on Houtno Kappel ibat he will hnvo lobruco up or Jump oft the bridge. Jack Snued says the present Columbus team U playing ball sclentlncully and ought to win the first championship hands dowu. Fitzgerald , tbo second baseman released by Omaha , hns been signed by HOCDester. Ho can't bit a houso. Columbus , O. , Jour nal. nal.Wilt Wilt Hart is a valued man nt Brooklyn. Ha mudo two hits off Jack Silvolts , playing center field. Ono of his drives was forlbroo bags. Timcs-Star. Memphis with a howl for hulp has turned to Cincinnati for talent. Billy Cllngman bos gene down lo cover third for iho Bluff City Browns. Mulford. Two comes tomorrow. Decoration day , morning and evening. The railroads have mndo ralc.s for the afternoon game and a big crowd will bo on bund. Jack Munyan bas been benchpd by Minne apolis. Ho still has a good job , though , un loading schooners , only it doesn't pay quite so well as ball playing. Crooks' work at third has generally boon exceptionally bright. Ho U hitting the ball good and hard , too. Crooks can go in aud catch if necessary. Star Sayings. Jack Uowa , ono of the famous "Big Four , " who has been "on the hog" evur since the brotherhood died , has been signed to play second ease for the Bisons. Ren Mulford. Young Jimmy f'ollopy is ambitious to be n great third baseman , and bo wilt surely got there. Uo plays "hard" ball all the time and lines them across like a shot from a gun. There Is said to bo some "funny" business about so many postponed games at Indian apolis. President Ralph Stout of Omaha has been asked to Investigate. Columbus , O. , Journal. The members of tbo Omaha team all wear gold badges presented to them by a jeweler of Omaha. Philadelphia Press. Billy Law- Icr , proprietor of tbo greatest show on earth , you mean. Fred. Clausen of Columbus has made a record that stands alone this yoar. He bas pitched twelve successive victories for tbo Bucltoyoj and has not yet lost a game. Times Star. Hani : O'Day disappeared from view at Co lumbus early last week and was not found for several days. The old story. Times-Star. Ytis , and Tank'll got lost ono of those days aud nobody'll ever find him. Billy Harrington , plaid breeches , plum- colored vest , cull and all , bas been lot out Irom the mismanagement of the Hoosicrs und the old Philadelphia mogul , Billy Shar- sigtops into bis patent leathers. Good ! Hub Collins , the brilliant Brooklyn fielder , vbo died of typhoid fever a week a o , was ono of the greatest favorites in the National leugue. His mother , brother Harris and brolber-in-law , H , Hartinan. reside in Ibis cily. cily.On On being taken to the station house last Sunday afternoon , the Columbus team on answering the questions put thfin , gave their aees as follows : Campau , 19 ; Walsh , 17 ; O'Day , 20 ; Jantzon , lo ; McClollan , 21 , and O'Rourko , 13. Dan Shannon landed on bis bead at Now Haven sliding to the plate In u game with the Athletics ana -for a time his Ufa was de spaired of. In bis delirium , however , ho did not ask that his will bo changed togivo Sandy Griswold all bo had. Ren Mulford. Winfield Scott Camp failed to sot either tbo MononcaUela or Allegheny river on fire , and consequently Pitlsburg did nut take him along on her present eastern trip. He and Billy Earie wore loft behind to keep in chock Iho ambitious pigweed in tbo outfield ot tne homo crounds. Donohuo. the old Metropolitan and Kansas City backstop , has Joined the Browers. Wuen Milwaukee wants a good man she hasn't much trouble in getting him. Omaha was six weeks securing Catcher Wastlaire , and is still short a inun nnd has boon over since the season opened. Baltimore has dropped George Wood and picked up Jocko Halligan , which reminds me of Billy llolbert's first store pants. "They arc not long enough lor yon. Billy , " observed Al Prat as ho gazed on llolborl's hand-me- downs. "I know it , " said-Billy. "I'vo cut 'em off twice already aud they are too short youHod Hod Swartwood and BlUv Earlo have graduated at Pitlsburg. Ma'uagor Bucktn- berger's attempt to keep SwarUvood in the fast class was a signal failure , while Billy Earlo never could play anything higher than Western league ball. Cone back , boys , wo will give you cigar money for tbo balance of the season. The Columbus papers claim that the Co- luinbus clun Is the stroncc-st tnjt citv over had. but they are simply getting rid of a tack all round. Tbo American association team , back in ' 84. could have given them eighteen Innings to their nine and beat them four out of live. It is Jnkt Ilka putting a 2:40 : ping against a Sunol pcrzaukly , Tbo Kearney base ball team has not struck tbo ICoarnoy gait yet , but tbo management is strengthening it every day , und it will soon be playing ball that will rolcgato the present head-tenders to the roar ot iho column. Tbo season Is young yet , and there is plenty ot tltno in which to retrieve tbe disasters of the pa a wook. ivoaruoy Hub. Frank Genlns It with tbo Blue Jays. Ho will pluy snort. Ho was a member of tbo SInux City team lasr year and slcrnod with Von dor Abe lu tbe fall. Ho was taken sick early in the spring and could not play , there fore his release by Von der Abo. Ho is now said lo bo in good shape , and if so ho will bo n valuaclo man for Indianapolis. Manager VValktus of Rochester say that Sam Wise ought to be in tbo big league , when ) there are several second basemen that Wlio could glvo cards and spades to. Wise is ploying tno best game at second bo has ever played and u batting suporDIy. Well , \Yuuy.I don't know of any bigger league than tbo Western , and if you want to help bum along , send him to Oiuuba , we'll take him , bunions and all. C. D. Hlllus , manager of the Lnnc&jtor. O. . Eizlus. bat tbo sporting uaitor's Ihuuks for nn invitation to be present at the opening of their new park. I remember when Lancas ter uousloa of tbo fttrougeit uroiteur club in the country Ihs Ola Leather Stockings who wbolloped tuo Cincinnati League team throe straits nnd slaiheroa the 1'hiludolnhlus with whitewash for nlnely-soveu Innings. At the laUi mooting of the Western league bold in Chicago ibis woou. important action ; YBI taken regarding tbo position of Iho league as to players dismissed from tbo ser vice of any club of tbe ortrauuatioa for dissi pation. Hereafter whenever a playur U dis missed from a club on account of drinking ha is not eligible to sign with any other club 'o ! Iho Wctlora league. Halt nol blacklisted , bulls barred from over after playing wit U Western. Ho can go to the National , East ern or any other loaguc , bnt the doors ot the I Western are eloied to him. j Horoattor nt Columbus if a spectator is beard to Insult or neil n player hi will ba escorted to the gate aud hU injury refunded. If ho can bo remembered hn wllll never bo admitted ncaln. buca individuals are not only annoying to players but , but they are obnoxious to patrons. Cincinnati Commer cial Gazette. Does this bold good with Kd Hlfo , Dee WagonhaU , Billy Bolt and John Alexander ! The Cowboys will make tholr bow before an Omaha nudloncu this afternoon , and a grant crowd will , in all likelihood , turn out to see Omaha's old tlmo bitter loon. They are playing fine ball and that U what the honest crank wants to noa Jimmy Manning. Eddlo Eltoljorg and Gus Alberls are lha oldtlmer * with the crowd , while big Join Carney , Sun day , Lyttlo , Andrus and Pay no are Among the now men. Tbo following players have oL'o-oJ tholr services to tbo Western league : Tim Man ning , infioldcr ; Thomas Kearns , second base man ; Jimmy Allen , last year with Cedar Rapids , pitcher ; Edward Hnlloran , ptlcncr. E. 1C Rife Forboavon's sake , Mr. Rife , if you are going to run this Icaguo , sign all iho nbovo nnd send 'orn down to LaucaUor , Can al Wlncticstor and Circlovlllo , anywhere to got them out of sight. Indianapolis never had but one. winning club , nnd that did not belong to any associa tion. It had their famous battery. Lurry McICtmn and Jim Koonaa. Jack Kcrins played first , Jlmmlo Peoples short , and Cal- IMian , loner since oH tbo diamond , third. James \\bltcomb Rlloy , who was then writ ing doggerel for tbo ImlUnapolts Journal , used to celebrate tbo victories ot this club In song , E. 1C. lllfo , Columbus , O. , Journal. Old Hoopla Crooki has been reinstated as captain of Yon dor Aheful's team. In the first game after bis restoration lo Ihls honor , Jack drocpsd a fly and Chris was redheaded. Ho called Crooks to the box from which ho was watching the game ana .said : "Crooks , phat for you drop dot poll ; vas you sick or krnzyl" "A bug Hew in mv eye , Chn , " answered Jack. "Dot so ! Veil I pnng ray upory classes oud aflor this , und I keep a lookoud for dem bugs. Seel" of the Iloroni5n. Remember the first roadster maiinoo lakes place next Saturday. Ellsworth , Kirj. , has about completed her new Id to shape track. GeoreoSwlgcrtof this city has been se lected as starter for the breeders meet at Bcatrlca this year. Horsemen destrinc to enter the Ashland Altuont stake should write to W. H. Ashby. Beatrice , this state. Horsemen should not overlooK the fact that Ponca wjll hung up $25OJJ in purses for their October meeting. C. L. WarQold , Muscalino , la. , has sold to F. H. Huddleston , Milton , Iu. . the 3-yoar-old bay filly Pharos by Herbert Phallas. H. B. and H. D. Allen , the extensive Waterloo , la. brooders , own a couple of fine stallions in Reporter and Ridge Witkes. S. W. Stauffer , secretary of the Tnkamah Driving Park association , says they are going lo glvo ono of the ben moo tings in tbo state. Tbo city of Beatrice subscribed $1,500 for the State Brooders' meeting this year. Tbo aisocialion oMcer * will moot at Beatrice , Juno 15. The first ten volumes of the Wallace trot- ling register contains the names of nearly 00,000 animals , and all Omaha borsomon rcc- ognlzo its value. T. H. Hoffman of Lincoln has a fine colt inBufCrooko. When but a week old ho jumped a hleh picket fence and back again , nnd Mr. Hoffman will train him for n hur dler. dler.W. W. H. Shcban , Hildroth , Neb. , has pur chased the 3-year-old colt Bendiro 12,750 of W. N. Burgess , * 'lomington , N. J. Beudigo is by Bretwood , dam. Tot ( dam ofNortbwest 2:17 ) by Dictator. The sporting editor of TUB BEE ocknowl- odces the receipt of a complimentry badco to the Roadster club mallnoei , which will bo Inaugurated at the fair ground track next Saturday afternoon. Roy VViluos , 2:05 ; Manager , 2:11 , and Guy , 2ll / , have boon entered for the freo- for-all pace at Des Molnes' August meeting. These tbree alone will make n race worth a long Journey to see , if they all start. She Syracuse association will brook no failures. Secretary Hill says that the 2:21 trot of their August meeting so far has but four entries , still It will go , consequently the entries have been reopened until July 1. The race meeting at Creston ts down for August 23 to 27 , nnd a lot of attraclive purses will bo hune up. Creston is In the same circuit with Omaha , nnd R. H. Hanna is Ihe secrolary of Ibo Creston association. The bandsorao bay coit Cymbeline , by Rod Chieftain S.104. son of Red Wilkes , darn by Herod. 2:24J , formerly owned by M. T. Grattuu of Preston , Mian. , has neon pur chased at a round figure by J. H , Wescott of Malcolm , Nob. Des Moines is enterprising In her effoits toivard a great race meet in August if she is a trifle behind in most everything else. She bas engaged the creat Allorton to trot against any horse in the world except Ax tell for a $10OOU purse. The trotters und pacers will have excellent opportunities afforded them at Topeka , Kas. , in September for winning * ama aud monoy. It will be one of the greatest meetings of the southwest , as good moneys are offered , and all the arrangements are first-class. Broken Bow will hold n spring mooting , and although Ibo dates bare nut boon flxoa as yet , they will be arranged to correspond with Grand Island , Kearney and Calloway. The horse interests of that section of the country are becoming quite conspicuous. Out in Doer Lodge. Mont , they nro abreast of tbo times. They have a mlle regu lation track , in tbo center of which is a half- mil a training track. There are 1 8 boxstalls on tbo ground and the water is conducted from tbo mountains by water works in tbo city. city.At At the recent McICinnoy stock form sales nt Jonosville. Wis. . G.V. . Wiley of Wayne , Nob. , bought an 1893 erny flllv foal , sired by Phaliamont , dam Daisy McIC , bv Hickory 2'J7jtf ; second aam , Manbrino "Princess by Mamurino Star ; third dam Lady Gray by Morgan Messenger 4,109. "V. L. Clark , the well known trainer for that great stock farm King Hill Stock farm , St. Joseph , Ma nas engages fifteen slalls at Ihe Hollon , Kan. , kilo track and bos moved his siring of good ones to that point. C. E. McDonald is proving bis ability as a manager of a great race nnd training ground. E. Knoll of Carthage , Mo. , owner of Ben McGrecor , 2Gr > 5. sire of Roy McGregor , 4. 2:2J , bus purchased fifty acres of ground near tbe city limits and will establish bis horses ibcro. A half-mile track will bo built on the farm this fall. Mr. Knell has eight youne Ben McGregors in training , among them Lucy McGregor , 4 , 2:3SJ . Jesse Gaudy , Broken Bow , Neb. , has es tablished a trotting borso farm and bus christened his place Ibo Mambrlno farm. Ho bas started out wltb nine fUo brood mu'rai , with Noble Chief J3302 , by Tracv 22C , ho by Mambrino Dudley , 2 : ! ' . > < ' , son "of Woodford Mambrioo 2-'l : > j , dura Amy Har ries , bv Colonel WinflelU 1051 , d , g. by American Star 14. John W. Tilden of Goldondalo , Wash. , has brought his stable of trotters to Ponca , tbis itate , wboro ha will train Ihom. Ponca has a live association and a famous track , both of which are becoming strong with all thor oughbred bonomou. Denver sends many of ber horses hero for training. Pooca is oil right Sbo is able to take euro of herself In matters pertaining to tbo turf , with any of too larger cities. Her live citizens in time will make the place a great borso center. Another substantial acquisition lo the trot ting horse interests to this stale , is the pur chase of Tip Tyler , by Willon , 2:19 : # , iho purchaser being Mr. John Page of Beatrice. i\lr. Page attended tbo Cleveland srUo with thu Intention of securing something good , nud certainly in securing a horse by so good a ton of Goorpo Wilkes , ha hat ona that will be perfectly at homo amocg the blooded horses of Beatrice. Wilton is tbo slro of Walter Wilton. 2:10 : > f. Lady Wilton , 3M'JJf , Axmmistar , 2:23U : , aud a number of others iu the list Mr. Page Is reported as paying 5,000 for tbis 4-year old aristocrat , that U capable is said , of going a 8:20 Bali , clean und handsome. ' \VhUp 'rlni : of til * Wheel. Now Haven , Conn. , claims 200 lady cyclists. Young Men's Christian Association wheel clubs are bolng organized ail over Ibo coun try. try.Tbe Tbe Detroit wheelmen bavo the weuthor dealt out to them a day before baud by the United Slutoi signal station men at Detroit Everything m tbo way of entertainment at tbo stuto meet of the Pennsylvania division of tbe Lcaguo of American Wheelmen will bo absolutely free to lo.icuo members , Hero M a pointer for the ( Uanngors of the Nebraska " braska meet Tbo Iowa division , League ot American Wheelmen championship races will bo run at Sioux City , August 10-11 of this year. The Nobrask * division Ucaguo of American Wheelmen cnnmplontblpi will bo run at * Hastings July 4. Hocont dispatches from England announce that "ourZlmmy" hunt last done something which makes the brarts ot tbo Yankcn cyclists boat with joy. On Mav ll > tb at the Herno Hill track bo lowered the world's record for the quarter mile lo 32 3-5 seconds. Tbo Ladies Cycling , club took a pleasant spin out to Fort Omaha last Tuesday even ing Fully iwsnly la'dles participated. The club runs of ihM popular club are becoming ono of the most enjoyable events which at tract Ibo attention of the local cycling world. The Omaha Wheel club and Tourists Wheelmen will have Bellevue in view loday. The Omahas start from iboir club bouse on Chicago street , the touruls from A , H , Perrigo's on I > odco street. Arrangemenls have boon made for a good old-fashioned dinner. Unattached wheelmen are invltsd to attend the run. The Omaha wheel club boys were strictly In It Wednesday night Jadglntr from Iho largo lurnout Tbo club and iu guests pedaled dowt. to South Omaha and back , attracting a great deal ot attention as tboy whirled along. The return was a holler skelter race for iho club house m tbo ruin ' tno Sixteenth viaduct was reached. At tbo club house n nice lunch was spread and n Una tltno hnd by the whcolnion desplto their \\et nnd oodrugglcd nppcaranco. Tomorrow , at the crack of the starter's pUtol , aboutJO : lusly young fellows will "go" for tbo Pulltuun modal and several thousand dollars worth ot prizes. Entries have been received from all over the United Stales and Canada. Tbo Pullman road race is a Chlcag * afTalr and hns crown to bo ono of the most celebrated of the American rend races. Tbo result is eagerly watcbed for By tbo entire civlllzoJ world. U Is a vorj dlfU- cult matter to pick out a winner from the largo bunch of stnrcr , us many of tbo fastest road racers the American cycling clubs can produce are entered. Last , year tbo race was won by young Barwlso , a hnndlean man , n comparatively unknown , who surprised ovcryono by bi mngnlllcent show of st/ocd. Tne race draws annually a larce croivd of visitors to the city , and Untcago obtains thereby a vast amount of frco advertising. Among tbo long list of prizes offered nro sixloon high grade safety bicyclns averaging in value $150 each. Mucpllunoons Local Sports. Jack Prince is in Cincinnati getting up a tng-of-war. Tbo lost of tbo buffalo should prove quite an attraction at Halcyon Heights. The excessively wet spring has baon bard on the chicken , and the crop this fall will not bo up to the standard. Mr. J. A. 11. Elliott has expressed his desire - sire to shoot n series of five 100 nird matches with Captain Jack Brewer , a stake of $500 on each match The Omaha Fishing club is arranging for their annual outing , and will pitch their tents somewhere out in the Loup within the next ton days. Young squirrels are reported in unusual numbers in the timoernd bottom ? up the Missouri river , and local gunners have tnado some good bags recently. Lovers ot scientific athletics who missed tbo entertainment at- the Omaha Athletic club last Tuesday night , missed n great treat in an the Farmer > Burns-Tom Gulontln wrestling match. i Drs. Glucli and Olnn and n number of other gentlemen will spend several days with , line and rod at Klshnabotna lake this week. The bass and oropplbs-are bolb taking the " lure well and the "party expects vo make a big catch. 1 ' Harry McCoy ot urllngtou and Jack Davis of Portland , Oiu , flght to a finish before - fore the Orchard City Athletic club , Bur- Jington , for $1,000 tomorrow night. The men are very nvenly matched and a rattling Ught is u certainty.c The Omann oiin club will see that iho state tournnmont , which will bejield in this city next Mny , surpasses any shoot ever hold in the state. The tJrand Island tourney would have been a tremendous- success had the weather boon propitious. Messrs. Lanirdon ana Fuller are a trifle slow about celling logotnor nnd completing arrangements for their rille shoot. Fuller has accepted Mr. Langdon's forfeit money , and nil that is now necessary is to fix tbo amount ol tbo stakes and set a day. J. A. U. Elliott , tbo present holder of the American championship wing-shot cup , has accepted the challenge of Mr. J. A. Bollon , and has posted the nocosta'ry $ JO forfeit. The ' match will bo at 50 llvn bird's each , and tatto plaoe in Kansas City , Mo. , August 4. This is a good time to hang up your ham- morloss and take up your rod and tackle. The last of the migratory game birds the upland plover , sandpiper ana curlew have gone on north , leaving virtually nothing to bunt until the return of tbo uplands a month hence. E. D. Fulford and C. W. Uudd have ar ranged for a eries of matches at live pig eons , to be shot in November or December next Ono match Uftd'bo shot in Now Yorker or in Harrisburg. Pu. . one in Indianapolis , Ind. , and ono in Des Molnos , la. Mr. Ful ford has also arranged to shoot the same number of matches with Mr. J. A. R. Elliott at the same places except tbe last , which is to bo shot in Kansas City instead of Des Moines , and maybe ono ot these in this city. Questions unit Ansvrorii. BLOOuriur.D , Netx , May 2i To the Bporttng Kdltor of TUB HEK : Please answer in your iioxtSiindpy's edition the following question : A and U are on bmos , 0 is at bat , there uro two men out , O has had two strilces ; A trios to steal a base and is pu ( out. Who Is first mun at out In next innln ? ? John Barrett. Ans. C. OUAHA , May 25. To the Sporting Editor of THE HUE : How lone ; did it take bluvln to whip Joe MoAulllTe and where did the flzht take place ? What Is Ulxon's height ? W.I1.H. Ans. (1) ( ) Two rounds ; (2) ( ) Ormonde club , London ; ( ! ) ) Five feet six inches. HoumuoK , Nell. . Mar 24. To the Sportlnc Kdltor of THE HER : I'loaso answer In next Sunday's USE the following question : What kind ot a bicycle did William Wlndle make a mile In 2:15 : on ? C. I * Uundstroni. Ans. Ordinary. BciinTLEii. Nob. . May 23. To the Sportlnc Kdltor of THE BBC : I'loasu decide the follow ing : Inagamoof progressive high Qvo there uru twenty playo and three prizes. Ono player wins elzht games out of ten and se cures first money ; four players win seven games and three players win six games. Those tioin ; for second prhre play off fj docldo who wins second prize , then cluim the nnxt one to winner ( of the four ) nlnyincof Isoutltled to third prize. Is he , or does It lie between those winning six games ? Atibwor In Hundny'a UEB und oblige the boys who ull read the UEE. IV. W. Hues. Ans.Tho six play off for third prize. Tboso tied on secondnbavo uo claim on It whatever. On AND ISI-\NII. NolnOIay 23. To the Sport ing Kdltorof THE IlBi ) : Will you please In form mo how many curves Vfckary uses lu pl'.cilng--Spectator ) ? of , Hut Monday's game. Ans. Three. Ono lateral and the rising and drop , which are curves ; throe altogether. OMAHA , Mny II.To. the Spcrttns Editor ot , Tnu UIE : 1'louse stuto li | Sunday's HCK , to do cldo A dispute , when Steve llagun. formerly a Western league umpire , died uud where ? G. Grant. Ans. At Marshnlltmvn. la. , Jnnunry 3 , 165o. Ho died from biped poisoning , consequent quent upon being s Ock by a wildly PINE SPEBTRGLES 4 Eye Glasses , or tlio correction of all defect ! of Tlilon. Solid Cold Spectacles Krom U.O ) up war ! Fine Steel Spectacles From 11.05 upward Frotectand improve your eyesljat Vour y jt9Jtsl ttaa ba pratloi Optician. . MAX MEYER & BRO. CO KJUbllBbed JMO. KAIINAM nuij llltu. U Frequer ntly want a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. Address suddenly , without notice , Omafca jidccrllllng JlureniiV. . I" . JAf . ) UchoJ ball iu a game played the preceding season i Thonbovo question nnd answer were In last Sunday' * URC , but it should hnvo been 18S9 Instead ot 1SS3.1 OMAIH. Mav2S.--To the Pportlne Killlor of TIIK Itr.K : I'lcase answer In your Sunday paper. to settle a < ll puto. In hlsli llroi A was 44. 11 61 ; A bid 9 nnd irmrto 111 ch , low. same ami both fives ; Ii made Jack ! which ono Uout first ? A nnd II slmko pokcrrtlco , A nhRknMhreo Bvo 11 nil n pnlrof three * ; It otinkoi three touts nnd a rmlr of Mscs ; wholt the winner ? " S-ubfcrlbor. Ans.-l ( ) . n. (21. ( The Ovo full. . Nob. . May 27.--TO tlio Sporting Editor of TUB HEEI l'ien e answer the follow- Ine question In Sunday's IlKE ! In a Eiuno ot lileh fire for points A lia > lnc ; 4Daml II M , A liUM 7 , makes high , low nnd ft of trumps , II making Jack , gamn nnd tliontliorS.Now It claim * ruaylnc for points that Jack pntt htm out , A clnlmlni making what hi > bid put him out. Who Is rlshtt A Subscriber. Ans. D. O.MAIIA. May OT. To the Sporting Editor of Tun Ho : : In last Simony's sumo with Su Paul how many Omaha player * wont to bat In second end Innltig. Also wiis ono or two men out when Alroru caught Wcstluko's liner nnd doubled Howe up at first , Poi.'t know what Inning. Kindly answer In Sunday DEI. Wulkor. Ans. (1) ( ) . Throo. (2) ( ) . Ono. There are letters nt the sporting department - mont of Tuc BF.R for Farmer Burcs , the wrestler , and Uus ( Jadke , ball player. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of nn or llnnnci ) of the city of Ouiahn , jmisnl unil iipprorcd Mny 17 , 1SW. en titled "Aiiordlnnncc unlllnzn special election to role upon the acceptance of ttio anienfloa proposition of the Nebraska Central rnllwiy cotmmny nnd the Issuance of coupon bunds of iho cllv of Otnnhn Inllicsunint two hun dred nnd fifty thousand dollars ( 2X > .O.KJ ) to aid the Ncbrask i Centrul Ualhvny comprny In ucqulrlnpc dttpot grounds , in the con struction of a union railway nnd pas- scnRer depot , airl In the construction of other railway ItnDrovomonts upon said grounds , and to authorize a tkxfortho pav- tnom.of the Interest upon sild bonds nnd to create a sinking fund for the payment of the thereof. and rt > | ioullnir ordinance No. J05I. passed nnd approved M y 10th. 1892. I , Oorco I'Hoinlw. . nmyor of the cltj ot Omaha , do herftoy Issue my proclamation nnd give publlu notice unto the lojnl voters of the city of Omuhu , Douglas county , Nob. , that on Thursduy , the ICth duy of Juno. 18.12 , a special election will bo hold In said city at the follow ing polling places , namely : FIIIST VfAIIP. I'lrst District Southeast corner Seventh anil Mnrcy streets. Soeonv District Northwest corner Eighth and LoHveiiwortli streets. Third District 1208 Jones street. Fourth District 1 7 South Thirteenth street. Plfth nutrtrt Viirthpnnt nnrnpr Snvnnth and Pacific streets. Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and t'nclUc streets. Seventh DIstrlct-Ti.5 Plerco street. Eighth District Southwest corner Elovenlb nnd Center streets. Ninth District 1832 South Slrth street. Tenth District Intersection Ninth and Ban croft street , northeast corner. Eleventh District-IBS ) South Thirteenth street , northeast , corner Arbor street. SECOND WAItl ) . Tlrst District Intersection Fourteenth nnd Jones streets. Second District 1001 South Thirteenth street. Thtrn district Intersection Eighteenth and Loavenworth streets , south side. Fourth Dlstr.ct Intersection Twentieth and l.eavcnwortli streets , south side. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third and Loavenworlh streets , south side. Mxth District Intersection Twentieth street und 1'oppleton avenue. Seventh District 142i William street. Etshth District-1311 bouth Thirteenth street ( McCandllsh ) . Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth and Center streets. Tenth District 163 South Twentieth street ( Lovatt & Woodman. ) ElMenlh District Intersection Twentieth and Bancroft atrcols. Twelfth District 15M Vlnton street ( Donovan van ) . Thirteenth District IntersectlonThlrteenth nnd Valley streets , west side. Fourteenth District-Intersection Twen- tlolu and lioulevard streets. TnniD MAUD. First District Intersection Twelfth and Chicago street , Second District 317 North Fifteenth street ( Woodworth ) . Third District 112 South Fourteenth street , ( A. J. Simpson ) . Fourth Distriot-1112 Douglas street ( O. J. Cumin ) . Fifth District Intersection Capitol avenue nnd Tenth streets. Sixth District Intersection Harney and Ninth streets , east side. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Fnrnatu streets. Eighth District 1315 Hartley street ( I. S. Mc- Cormlek ) . Ninth District 1211 Howard street ( Kil kenny , Bray & Co ) . rountii WAiin. First District Intersection Seventeenth and D uven oort streets. Second District Intersection Twonty-sco- end nnd Davenport streets , north side. Third District Intersection Twenty-flfth and Voazs streets. Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth and Dodge streets. Fifth District 120 South Fifteenth street. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth and Douglas streets. Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth strnet und SU Mary's avenue. Eighth District Intersection Twentieth street and St. Mary's avenue , west side. Ml nth District 1618 St. Mary's avenue ( Rnbobcaux ) . Tenth Districts-Intersection Eighteenth and Lou. ven wort n streets , north side. Eleventh District 1813 Howard itroot ( Ute- Klns ) . nrrn 'WAun. First District Intersection Sherman avenne and Mandorson street. Second District Erfllng building , west side Sbernan avenue , between Ohio and Corby streets. Third District Intersection Sherman avenue and Lake street. Fourth District 1003 Grace street. South west corner Sherman avenue and Grace street. Fifth District 1317 bherman avenue 'rau.- man ) . Sixth District 1154 Sherman avenue ( Er- . Seventh District Interjection Sixteenth and Iznrd streets. Eighth District 808 North Sixteenth street ( U. Q. Clark , azent ) . Ninth District Intersection Cass and Fif teenth streets. Tenth District 013 North Sixteenth street ( Senrs. agent ) . Eleventh District Southwest corner Eigh teenth and Cass streets , 4 : " North Eighteenth street. SIXTH VAIIIX First District Lyceum hall , 4B20 North Twenty-fourth strcxt ( Craig ) . Eecond D.strlct Intersection Thirty-sixth street ttnd Grand avenue. Third District Intersection Military avenue and Grant street. Fourth District Intersection Twenty- fourth street and Mandercon streets. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets. Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and Parker streets. Seventh District 2332 Lake street ( \V. A. Messlck ) . Eighth District 2625 LaUn street ( Sosstrom ) . Ninth District 2310 North Twenty-fourth street. Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eighth and Franklin streula. Eleventh Ulstrlot Intersection Twenty- fourth and Franklin streets. Twelfth District 1350 North Twentieth street. SEVENTH TVAHD. First District 2813 Leuvenworth street. Second District Intersection Twenty-ninth avenue and 1'oppleton avenue , uast side. Third District Intersection Twontv-nlnth street and Woulworth avenue , south sfde. I'ourth District Intersection Tuenty-nlnth auil Meitunth streets. Fifth DUtrlot Intersection Thirty-second avenue unfl Thouiason street. Sixth Distrlrt 1012 Twenty-ninth avenue. bovcnth District Intersoctlon Thirty- fourth and Francis streets. WAIID. First Dlstrict-20D4 Hamilton street. fiocond District yss Cuinlng street. Third Dlstrlct-Inlersoctlou Twentieth and NIcholui vtreuti Fourth District 2016 Ourultig street. Fifth District 2J08 Cumins ( tree , * . . blxth District Intcrtoctlou Twenty-second nnd Hurt streets. Seventh District Intersection Twentieth and Oai i streets. KINTII WAItU. First DUtnct Interscotlon Thirty-second and Ouinlne struct * . Second District Intersection Fortieth and Cumins street * , north side. Third District Intersection Fortieth and Faruani streets. Fourth District Intersection Thlrty-iocoud avenue and Davenport street. Fifth DUtrlot-lSW4 Karnam street Sixth JUtrict-ai04 Leavenwortb street For the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said city , tor their acceptance or re jection , the amended proposition of the Ne braska Central lUllway company to the city ot Omaha ( hereinafter written at length ) and the nuiistlons , shall the bonds of the city ot Urn an a be Issued , registered and delivered , as provldid in lala amuodod proposition shall an annual tax be levied to pay the In terest en such bond * as U booomoi due ? nncl shall a , further annual tax , comraeoclnz the tenth year prior to the maturity of such bonds , b levied , In addition to all other taxea , for the creation of a kinking tund suffi cient to pay moh bonds at the maturity thereof ? fiald Queitloot , aad the acceptane * tlon ot * ald aracndod proixisltlon. Is submitted to said legal votcts. and -will Ic voted upon In the mnnncr knd form followlnu "The Ncbrnokn t > ntral Itnllwnv company has made the following proposition In the city of Omahai , Ihe amended proposition ot the Nebraska Central Hallway company to the city of Omaha. Nob. To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Omnha. Nob. : The undersigned , the > o- lirisku Oontral Hallway company. nrotni o to acquire nnd taUe jKM csslon of , tor railway purposes , that certain tract of land , located within the district brmndod by IMleenth street , Chlcaio street , Eloventb street , Cnll- 'ornla si rest , nnd the rUht of wny of the Omnhn Holt Unllwny company , except the south half of blork 3S , lots 3nnt 4 , block VS. ot 1 , and north one-half of lots I nnd 3. block S7 : and to etoct thvrcon n union pioneer depot on the corner of Klftocnth and Chlcazo otreelv to cot. Including the other railway Improrcmcnls onsulil crouna * . notlpsith n four hundred thousand dollars , . I'rovldod , tli S ty ot Omaha. In Douglni oiinty , Nebr.ts.n , will donate to the iiatd N'ebraska Central ltllway company two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ( tuO.093) ) of Its four (4) ( ) per cent IxiniU. tlOO.OW ) thcroof to bo dated January 2. l Kt. and tl5i,000thrrcot to bo dated January 1 , 1SOI , to boromo due and paynb > twenty yours from their .respec tive antes with interest payable soml-annu- ally , nil payable nt the nsenl agency of the Into ot Nebraska In the city ot New \ orlc , Said bonds to bo of the denomination of one thousand dollars (11.090) ( ) each , and onch thereof to recite. . This bond Is ono of n scries of two hundred and fifty ( U. " > 0) ) bonds ot IlKu amou nt and tenor , whUh are Issued by the oily ot Omaha , in Douglas county. Nebraska , to the Nebraska Central Uallwny company. to nld It In ncqulrlng land In the city ot Omaha far union dcput and terminal purposes nnd in thn construc tion of a union railway pasirncor depot upon said ground , and Its railway tracks , side tracks , turnouts , switches and approaches loading thereto , and other railway Improve ments therewith connected. " Said bonds to be executed and relst rod at or Immi-dlHto'.y lifter the dates thereof , and Immediately thereafter delivered to the National bank of Omaha. Neb. , trustee , to be held In trust for delivery to the Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , by said trustuo , in Installment * as herclnnf ter provided. The tild Nebraska Central Kallwny com pany plans to construct , or cause to bo con structed , a line of rnlhvuv in the stnto ot lowu , not loss than 100 mlle < In extent , from the fast tipnroach of a bridge , which the said Nohrr.ska Central Hallway company hns nlso planned to construct o er ttin Mlssouil river , Intersecting or connecting with or reaching the lines ot two or more at the following rail way corporation * , vlr : The Illinois Central Hallway company , thn \Vlnona& Southwestern Hallway company , the Minneapolis & St Louis Hallway eom- panv. the Chicago , MI'nul fi Kansas City Hallway company , thn Chicago , Fort Madison * Des Molncs Hallway company , the Atchl- son , Topok.i & ; Snntn Fo Hallway eoiup.iny , the llaltlmoro ft Ohio Railway company , the Ohlo& Mississippi HallWBVuompany. the Keo- kuk & citcrn Hallway company , the Qulncy < iiiili.i fc Kansas City Hallway company ana Die town Central Hallway company Uno hundred thousand (1100.031) ( dollars of sild bonds shall bo dellverrd by said trus tee to said Nebraska Central Hallway xmipany. Us biiccuussoia or ussit- > . when ft or they shall hare acquired and taken possession of that certain ' trnct of land located wllhln the district bounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago street , Eleventh street. California street nnd thu rlyhtof way of the Omaha Halt Hullw.iv com pany. ( except th > ) south half of blocks : a. lot.t and 4. blockSS , lot 1 , und the north half of lots Z and 3. block 271 1 Provided , that the said onn hundred thon- saud dollars [ ilOO.Os.'O ] of said bonds shall not lie delivered until after the said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or iisslgns , shall hnve constructed th said line of railway In thi state of Iowa. Ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars IS150.0COI of sulcJ bonds shall be delivered by said trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway comuany. Its successors or assigns , when It or they shall have completed tno erection nt a unlon.pas enccr depot upon said tract of laud above described , to cost. Inclullng the other railway Improvements on laid grounds , not Ins than four hundred thousand dollars ( $400.000) ) ; proof of such cost to bo madn by tbo sworn statement of tbo president and trens- urerofaald railway company. Died with the city clerk of Oroalia. accompanied by certifi cate slcnodby the city attorney and cltv en- clnoar. that In their oolnlon such amount has actually been expended. Provided , that If the said Nebraska Central Railway companv. Its successor * or assigns , shall fall to acquire and take possession of sala land. Itshitll not bo entitled to receive any part of said ono hundred thousand dollars iJlOO.wO ) installment of bonds : and. further orovlded. that none of said ono hundred and Bfty thousand dollars (11 ( 0,000) ) Instatlmnnt of bonds shall bo delivered until atleastonernll- way company in addition to the Nebraska Central Hallway company shall be actually using said union depot ; and. Provided further. That the mayor and the city council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertaklnys on the part ot said railway companr heroin contained , order the deliverer of said bonds at the tlmos aforesaid ; and. Provided futther , Thotall matured coupons Bh all bo removed und cancelled by said trustee betore delivery of the bonds to whicn they are attached ; and. Provided further. That the mnyor nnd city council of the city of Omaha shall cause to bo levied on the taxable property of said city an annual tax sufllclcnt for the payment of the Interest on said coupon bonds as It becomes due , nnd after the expiration of ten (10) ( ) years from the date of said bonds tbo mayor and city council ot said city shall cause to be levied In addition to all other taxes on the taxabla property of said city an amount ol tax sufficient to create a sinking fund tar the payment at maturity of said bonds , ( the amount of tax to bo levied for such sinking fund not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollar lar * ( t2J.OdO. < Kl ) In any one your ) ; said tax to be continued from year to year until the Bald bond * are fully paid. The acquirement ot the said land * and Im provement * herein contemplated including the said railroad In Iowa , tbiill be begun within ona year from Mar 1. JB3 ? , and bo punted to completion without unnecessary delay : and shall be comnleted within three year * from tbo lit day of July. 1B92. In case any of the term * , limitations , condi tions or provlslonspropoxed heroin relating to the beginning , progress and completion o said Improvements ar not compiled w th ( unlets delay U directly and necessarily cnutod by Injunction or other judicial pro ceedings , or t > y unavoidable accident or act of Providence ) , the said company shall not bo entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof even though the electors of suld olty of Omaha ( hall have by their vote authorized the Is suance of said bonds : but oil right tosuU bonds shall by euoh default and without any Judicial determination become forfeited. Provided , however , tbit if the boglnntnt progress or completion of said Improvement shall be delayed or obstructed by any of the aforesaid causes , the times herein allowed for the prosress and completion of eald Improve ments shall be extended to the extent ot such delay or obstruction : and should a dlsnuto arise between the said city of Omaha nnd the said Nebra > Ka Central Railway company with respect to th * cause or extent of any such delay , tbe same at the ( lection ot said Ne braska Central Railway company , ( hall bo referred for determination to a board of ar bitrators , to be unpointed as hereinafter pro vided. Jn consideration of receiving the proposed subsidy the Nebraska Central Railway com pany agrees to'allow nil railway cotnptinlci tbo following rights : Th < right to run their locomotlvei.pBBienger und freight trains over IU ) main and passing tract * within the city of Omulm : and ever ita proposed bridge and approaches preaches , the rlrjit. toutoiQoh portion of Ita terminal grounds , epots and facilities a * roaj bo necessary and proper ( or the conduct ot tbe Dunnes * at Bach road * ; Includ ing any cnlargrnent nf Ita depot and depot grounds : the right to IIUT * tbelr oar * switched and delivered by the Ne- brasku Central Rillwny company upon all of its switch tracks ) tbo right to connect their ra ds at any point within ono hundred (100) ( ) miles of said > > lty of Omaha with any line of railway whloh the Nebraska Central Hallway company , or its luocossois or asslius , may construct or cause to bo constructed oust of the Missouri river , and to run tbelr locomo tives , passenger and freight trains over Ilia main and passing track * ot said railroad ; It being hereby agreed that In cuso the Nebraiku Central Hallway coin- puny sliall construct It * promised line east ol the Missouri river , through tbo agonuy of any other corporation or narty. It will cause uch corporation or ptrty to oxooutn and deliver to the olty of Omaha a good and BuOlclsnt Instrument binding It or him to nblde by the term * , conditions and provisions of this proposition , the snmo a * the ald Nebraska Central Hallway companr would have boon bound If U had built tno sumo. Leforo delivery of th aforesaid one hundred thousand dollar * (4100.0J3) ( ) installment ot bonds. Provided , that the use and enjoyment by such railway companies ot each and every of said rlzfiU snail be upon just and equal terms and the payment of just and fair compensa tion to thv Nebraska Central Railway can- pany , Its lueoensor * or aislgns , and subject to saab operating rules nd regulation * of the Nebraska Central Hallway company , Ita uc- oeiinr * or assigns , a * shall be necessary and proper , just und reasonable. And the said Nebraska Central Railway company will submit any dispute arlilog be tween ft ana * uch otuor company or com- innlos as to tbe u * and enjoyment of any right * under this proposition , or u * x > the terms. comyansntlOD , operating rulei and regulations , rotating thereto , to a board of arbitrator * , to be mad * up of three perioni who are Judffeinf theatate district court , or Its suocemnr , of tbo district embracing the county ot Douglao , to bo selected by a two- third * vote of all the per ou who uru dUtrlct judge * of said court. Provided that any such railway company other than laid Neuraika Central Railway company , IU successor * or astlgnu , shall have tbe election to % ubmlt any * uoh dispute to arbitration or to pursue any other remedy. Wbvrever arbitration Is provided for by tblt proportion , the party deilrlut to submit tur rnaitti ( o arbitration ( ball eau * to l > served upon the other party n written nolle * wliiehsht ' kotout the tuittttr Id dliputo to bo Miunuttod , as ! the time propotrd for lha hearing , which shall not bo Its * than thirty 3n days after the time ot cerrlco ; nnd there * ipou the adverse parly shall within twenty Ruiilnysnftoriuch scrvlco upon It * rvo lt ansitor.ltnrlt have , upjn the party do- tnnnil nc the arbitration. The Board of Arbitrators , when orianhod , hall have power to nt the time nf bearing and to adjourn the same from tliuo to tlins , and to niskc alt no-ctsart rules an 1 rozula- Ions for the production ot tottlmony to the ios etIon ot pithcr parly , ami otherwise to compel a falrjand rpcoJy trial ; tliv derision of a mnjorlty of the boird shall control nnd the final Utermination ot the board shall bo final and conclusive tiponlhn ii.irtle * , of al ; inat- i > r itib-ntttptl "ml il i'd"i Wherever arbitration shsll bo resorted t tuch uraltratlon snail botnr i tciiiMv ) lemeJy of the parties ( except as horoln tlsowhrre pro- vlaoj ) . as to the matters and thlnts Involved find dpcldod therein. Sala Nebr.itka Central Rtllway company. Us uoccstorii and assigns , shall transport frelihl Including trantfer of freight and all charges ncldrntal to said transportation ) over any > rMt anil imoroi "ho * , us wnll as o < > r nv allway It shall construct within one hundred IW miles ot the Missouri rher within tht Into of Ncliraikn. forju tor reasonable rstoi or charges , nnd In caio ot OIlTcroncc as to what constitutes juit nnd rcnsonablu rates 01 i'imtK > . ' nnui'r tn iiiiru.raiin , tne in.ijor HIIU Cltv council or said railway come-any may ubmlt the same to arbitration In the manner nnd to the arbitrators nbovo provided for , but thtt ptngraph respecting frolght chnrjo * shall not operative or In toreo until Ive yours from thodntnot the delivery of the ast Installment ot the bo nil hereinbefore re- It Is further proposed thatsntd lionJn Khali lie delivered to Iho Nebraska Central railway company. Iti suicoisors or assigns only upon the execution by the sld Nebraska Central r illway comnsnv or Us successor * , nnd clollv- ry to the city ot Omaha of nu unilortukliiK In writing to the olTeot that the principal dooot of said railway compnny.lts oRlccs nnd irlnlpal niitchlne shops when built , nhnll b ocated ana malntslned within the corpnr.iti IniUs nf the olty of Omaha , nn I thst n viola * vlnn nf the terms of Ditld undertaking by tin Raid Nebraska Central railway company or It * uocossors or aislgns. shall render the said Sobruskn Contra ! rallxray company , or It * succcstors. Indebted to thoiiaH city of Omaha n the full amount ot said bonds , nnd Interest thereon. This proposition shall , after being duly aoluiowUilswd by the NohrasKn Central Rail- wny company , bo recorded In Iho onlco of tbe resistor of deeds ot Djuzlns county.Nebraskn , and for a period of twenty ( J. ) year * from und uf ter thin date , fiuill bo referred to by giving the book nnd page wherein the saimi Is re corded In any mort age.dreJ ot trust , iluod of conveyance , or lease of said depot nnd Octroi sroundn. with the stntement that the s lid No- lir-stii Cpn'rHtVallwnv crmini'iV. Its < 'ici-os- ors and assigns , tire bound by the torni" . limi tations , pioviiiuns : tiul cuiiuitums nt inn proposition which are hereby made Its cove nants that attach to and run with the said property Into ntiosootor Imnds It may COHIO. Provided , thafilio city council ot the city ol Omxha. ( the ntKViir armrnviiig In dun form ) * hallonnct a certain ordinance- ( which nt the dnto hereof , is pending cotisldcriitlon hofme said council ) , entitled "AnardlnanCK cranllng permission mid authority to the Nclir.iHkn Central Hallway company. Its MIISCOSSOIS und assigns to construct railroad track-i ulonir , ncrois , o\or nnd under ciftnln btreels and alleys In the city of Omaha subject to certain comlUlniii , nnd to vacate parts of certain streets and nlleys In the cltj ofOmnhu upon compliance with certain other conditions. " And It Is nUoprovlded.that If said Nebraska Central railway company shall not , within forty-flvo (4M ( days of being notified by the city clerk of tbo adopt on ol tills proposition nt the election held to vote upon the same. Illo with the said city clerk Its written ratlQon- tlon of th's proposition under Its corporate soul , none of said uonds shall bo Issued , and all the terms and provisions of this proposi tion shall be held for naught. The Nebraska Central Railway company agrees beforean election being cn'lod to sub mit to the voters of the city of Omaha this proposition , that It will execute -mil deliver to said cltv n bond with good and sufllclcnt sureties In the sum of five thnustnd dollar * ( W.OOJ.W ) nnd five thousand dullurs ( tvcoo.t > 0) ) cash , conditioned upnn the payment of the expenses of said election. Ihls proposition nnd the acceptance throat by tbe city of Omaha nnd the rat Ideation of this proposition by said Nebraska Central Hallway compan ) . or Its suucessuts or an- slgnos , as herein provided , shall bo construed nnd understood to constitute a contract between the said nebrusku Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , and the said city of Omaha , und ull tbo tc-nm. conditions , agreements and provlslonsjnndo on tbo part of tbo Nebraska Central Hall way company In this proposition non- tnlnod are hereby mndo the covenant * of the said Nebraska Central Hallway comoany. Its successors nnd assigns , whloh shall uttach to nnd run all of its said property und bo binding upon any party Into whoso bands It or any of It may come. In witness whereof the Biild Nebraska Cen tral Hallway company lias nau&cd those pres ents to bo executed this ICth day of May , A. D. , Mri NEBRASKA Vice I'ri-sldont Attest : JOHN L. McDAGUE , Secretary. Witness : ALEX. 0. OHARI/TON. State of Nebraska , I , . Douglas County , fSHl On this loth day of May. A. D. . ISO } , before me , u notary public In and for suld county , personally appeared the above numod J. It. Unmont aud John 1 * . McCucuc , who uro to mo personally known to lie the Identical par sons who signed tno foregoing Instru ment as vice president und sourotxry ot the Kebraaki Central Hallway company : they ackiiowle pa the said Instrument to uo the voluntary act and dead of the said Ne braska Central Railway company nnd tbolr voluntary act and dned as such vice president nnd secretary otsnld company. Witness my hand and notarial seal the date last aforesaid. ALEX. G. GI1AULTON. ( HCAi.l Notary Public. Shall the above and foregoing proposition b accepted and adopted , ahull Bald bonds bo Is sued , roslBtorod and delivered and ahnll un an nual tax In addition to the usual and allotbor taxes be levied upon the taxuulo property of the Olty of Omuha , Uoustlai county , Ne braska , sufllciont to pay the Interest on said bonds us It becomes duo , and at the tltno of levying the annual cltv tax , commencing the tenth your prior to the maturity of said bonds , ghull a tux In addition to all other tux03 bo levied upon tbo tuxub'.e property of suld olty of Omuhu. Doug- IHB county , Nebraska , and continued anuu- nlly thereafter from year to year until there by a Blnkln ; tuna shall hnvo boon obtained sufllciont to pay said bonds at the maturity thereof ? VE9. NO. The above questions shall bo retarded m ona question uud nil ballots of lojtnl voturs east nt suld election containing the above proposition und Questions In the form of the olllclui ballots , to bo prepared by the city clorU of suld city lor said election , with uu "X" murk following the word "yes" upon Bnld oQlclal ballot shill bo counted In favor of tbo uccoptanro of Bald nmendeii prop osition , the isiuuuco of suld bond * una the levy of said taxes In payment of the prlnulpul and Interest thereof : und nil ballots of lejrnl voters cast at snld election containing the above proposition und questions In tho-form of the official ballot , to be prepared by the city clerk of snld olty for said election with un "X" ranrK following the word "no" upon tuld olllclal bnllot ahull bo counted uud considered in against the acceptance of Bulfl umendoil propo- sltlon , the Issuance of Raid bond * nnd tbe levy of RHld tuxes In payment of the principal and Interest thereof. If two-third * of ult the ballots voted by said lozul votorx of Bald cltv of Omaha. Douglas county. No- lirnsku , at said election shall ho o-iiit In ( aver of tbo uocoptunce of gxld umoudod proposi tion , the Is uunco of cald bonds und the levy of suld tuxes In payment of tbo principal und interest thereof , the foregoing propo sition will ho hold to bo adopted uud the fore- colni questions will be held to be uniwerod la fav6roftho ixnuanco of said hondiund the levy of said tuxes , nnd tlio said bonds llioro- upon shall bo isnuodi roglstcred and dollvorod In accordance with the terms and condition ! of sutd umendod proposition , und suld taxes ahull bo levied accordingly : ( ithorivlso nut. Which oleutlon will bo open ulB o'ou > "l' IR the morning , und will continue op o'clock In the uftornoon of the nan- Dated ut Oiuiihu , Neb. , tills Itilh ( ISM isignod.i ( iKouoKi1. Mayor of tun Olty We tend the msrvn * Remedy CALTHO8 lecnl cuarantjo tlint I RTO1nUchoraM A t Ollll ! ' . hr. rm tniTbe , md KUSTOlti : Lotl Uit iland fay ( ft Aidrau.VOH MOH i Bl AoirluM AIUU , Uti'.l , N , M. RUDDY , THE ONLY PRACTICAL OP1ICIAN Sid South nth hu , 1'arnamHU 'i'lioulor. EYES TESTED FREE Glasses 1'lttod to roinody ull dufooti of ov - hlL'lit , Btful Kpoctaclos of KuiirjiitouJ quality tl und up. Solid Gold Snocliclf. mil Krcla < mi , $ I and upward. Oooullst' * proscription ! tJt elusu filled correctly ftupio duy us rojuivol AETITIOIAL HDMAH EYB3 INSERTED