. I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , .MAY 28 1S92-TWELVE PAGES. f ySPEOIHL NOT10E8. FOR THESE COLUMNS ADVERTISEMENTS 11 30 pn > . lor the evening son until t 30 P.BJ. for the morning or innday edl- , \AII advertUements In the e colnnnt I rents a [ ' T\-rt for first Insertion and 1 cent a word thereafter , oc 12 per llnerer month. No advertisement taken foTlwMnsnJSeentsfer the first Insertion. Terms. r b In advance. Initials , figures , eymbols , elc- , each tonattsaword. All advertl * mente must run con secutively Advertisers , by requesting numbered check , can have the letters addrewd to a num- l-ffcd letter In care of Tn * Ilr.r. Answers so ad dressed will b delivered on presentation of tbe check. SITUATIONS WANTED. A-ANY POSITION OK BESPONSIBILnT with reasonable salary , by middle aged man with eighteen r * rf business experience. Beit references or bondi fnrnlibed. Address A T. Dee. A WANTED , LADY OFOOOII ADDRESS WOULD like position In photograph studio to receive caller * . tUpple picture * , etc. Addmi Mr * , llatlle C Davis , general delivery. Omaha , yen. tl-l * A-WANTED. POSITION BY TOCNO MAN Ex perienced ai clerk or bookkeeper ; references oicnasgtd. Address A W. Ree. SJ3S - Jf. 1TI ATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN A3 yVbookkeepcror tlerklnm store. Address James Ktldmoads. if. M. C. A. M57J If YCCSO MAN WISHES TO KEEP BOOKS : A work cheap at Brit. Address U. Brown. Y M. C A. MS71 WANTED-MALE HELP. B WANTED , SALESMEN ON SALARY OR COM- rclstlon to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling novelty ever tirodueed , erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds : no abrasion of paper : SO to Uu per cent profit ; oae cent's sales amounted to ICO In sir days , another IJ1 In two hours. We want on general went In each stale and territory. For terms and fall par- tlcnlsrs address Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co , La , Crosse , MTaX 36. "W B -ACCIDENT 1X5. SOLICITORS , ! 4l BEE ULIXJ "p-SOLlCITORS IN ANY LINE WILL IX ) WELL JL > to call ator addreas til N. Y. LUe Building. -TJ-/inKNT ? WASTED t.V KVKRY TOW.V AXn JcltT ID tbe writ on eitra liberal terms , to i ll i tie popular ten ; ear roller of tbe Mnlnal K - ' rcrre land Life iocl tlon ; alro the now fKXOOO cvmblaatlon pollcr of tbe Trcferrrd Mutual Accl- Crnt imoctstlon of > w Tork : con only llf per jr r lor preferred rt ( * § : I TC moner br tmurtne. tnake tnoncjbr rrprcrrntln ? theie wideawake rcmpanlp * ; fire acent * can double th'lr Income. Write for circulars and terms to & IL UobUon , Hfneral Mnniccr , Omaha , Neb. i : < ' fJ-WANTED , ItARNESSMAKKna TO KKEP JJawar from Cincinnati , ' . > . ; ( 'OTlngton and New port. Kr : strike there. i3B ! Jli * T > WASTK1) , S.K.V TO CANVASS THE C1TV/J J experience unnrceitarri salarr paid w eklr. at ElnccroBra. 1116 Donela * . MTUJ13 B-WANTED-A I.IVK. ACI1VE MAX , WITH tome plack and pah. to represent nj In rocr localltr We bate lometblnz entlrelr new tbat COM. anil nnle jon ran mate from JTi to ISO per month we don't nee < rou. Xo peddlln ? . Better write todar. Addrej * "llannfaclnrer * , " box " Boitoo. .M . B-WANTED. M It , R. LABORERS IXIR Wyoming and South Dakota. Albright Labor Agency , 113) Farnam street. M333 -BRICKTEAMS WANTED AT54TU AND DOR- B ; cas ; sis. 771 ! -TNVO HRST CLASS MILKERS AT AMES Avenue dairy. J. F. Hoch. 731-77' -WANTED. A COMPETENT GERMAN DRUO clerk. Address A10. Bee oacc. M731 f ) WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED SCANDINAV -iJlangrocery talesman for South Dakota. None but erp rtenced men need apply. Address , BoiW , eionr Clly. Iowa. fn "X T ) WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED COACU- -Ionian , not married ; one who Is fully competent to fill rneh a poltlon , a good and rareful driver. Must understand tbe rare of her es and carrlsres.be er Industrious , willing to work and be obllg- deed references required. No others need appiy. II Konntre. MS.K ZS * T ) WANTED. BOYS FROM 14 TO IS YllARSOLD , JJOmaha Box factory. East Omaha. iISi -p-WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMAN. ONE JUwbo has had experience In clothing or fnrnlsh- IncEQOds , to travel In Iowa. Address A. 21. Uee sjace. B-A l.OOD MAN fOR RENEUAL WOIIK. 1C3 North llth street ; steady employment. SttZJ * BWANTED , MEN OF GOOD ADDIIK3 TO fell patent chairs and wringers ; salary and commission. American Wringer Co. , ! GU9 Howard > treet. B -WANTED , AN EXrEHIENCKD KETAIL shoe salesman at once : cannot guarantee a per- ynanenl position ; Klre references. Address Alilieo poce. _ EW 17 T ) WANTKW TUIIEE PEUSONS UKCKIVE IN- J atructlons keep books In June. Situations or no pay. J. U. Smith , iii New Vork Life. 19 < B WANTED , MEN TO Tit AVKL FOROURCAN ; ada nurseries. Stone d. Wellington. Xadlson BWANTED. . MEMBERS OF GOOD CHARACTER for ona of the strongest mutual bencat associ ations In the -tit : no Initiation. Also aeents for Omaha. South Omaha aad Council Bla3s. Ad- dr sA , Bee. Ms73Jl * / " -WANTED. U1RL ; MUST BE A GOOD COOK V. and laundress. Apply at northwest corner : itb and FBI jam. Mli3 /1-WAXTI5D , A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL Vybonsework , Mrs. IL W. Cremer , J103 Webster st. C-WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL I1OUSE- work. Call at IQli Park avenu e. M83) ) = > _ V WANTED , GOOD OXK ) AND LAUNDRESS IS . 'small family. 7JOI Cass street. Ml ONK PERSON RKCUIVE 1N- x'structlons , keep books , S10. J. 3. Smith. 9SS New 7M r. ' WANTED. "A TYPEWRITER FOR ABOUT twenty-live letters dally. Address with terms. I" . ' Box 4IM. " City. MO-IT * _ CWANTED. . BY A GERMAN WIDOWER , A good German Catholic Rlrl for housekeeper. Address Jobn Kohles , Westphalia , Shelby county , Iowa. JT-I WILL TAV LADIES A SALARY OF HO PER * > eek to work for me In their locality at home ; light work , good pay for part Uraet write , with tamp , Mrs. 11. B. Farrldgton , Box 7U2 , Chicago , lit. FOBT RENT HO OSES- V-F1VE ROOM COTTAGE , 119 NORTH ttTTH. "lacjnlreTJU Capitol avenue. rn47U-.il' -tOR RENT. HOUSKa. H PER MONTH AND upwards. Tbe O. t. Davis Co , liii Faroam. til , -FOK RENT. 10-ROOM IIOrSE. MODERN ' 22U Davenport su Inquire at 2G3 Ifevenport. Di I-IlOUSKS IN ALLPAKT3OFT11EC1TY FOR rent O o. W. P Coatea. Kll tarn am at. T\-FlllST.CLASs IlESIDENCK PLATS. J OH 4 J rooms. new block , llooa d , M6 s. rM. Tele- i > hone No ITiU. Mgt _ AND 11EST BL-II.T BRICK Il-ltOOM nrt in tbe city : full cellar , furnace , lann- rtry am ) tubs , mantels and cratrs , batb , electrlo veils. SDiaktnK tabes , oak Dnlsb. polished floors ; Crstclas * In every retprct ; asphalt paveceats ; JCOt-omhSttb ave , n ar Hanscom park. Mead In- vvstnii.nl Co. . 413 Be bldg. RENT , HOUSH.S. FTORE3 AND Hats ai lowest rates , c-mall suits of untarnished Tcumsa specialty. ( J. F. Butts , ruom I li * > buldlng. MCM mil V-MJlt RENT , 7-ROOM COITAUE. CORNER 'J ; li and Capitol arcane. m -FtiltMSIIED HOUSE FOR P.KNT YOU TlIE snmuer. Z. M. Kcljht. 23)1 ebster \ su suMi34 Mi34 i TVt > uTvVIXLWORTH. 8 ROOMS MODERN. tTS. H UI4 72th. Dear Wuolwortb. roons. U ) . 1117..J , near Park , i rooms , Jii- 310 V > il ler , II ruu2ns.uottera.lia. i UN J > 1 near ( .uoilng.to.Klrrn. K . 1 usi turning. rooms , uiotfern. Ri. Ill S l-tl. luroura * . moilorn. tM. C. F. lla-rUou.3IJN. V Ufa. 1UUUOM HOL'SK AND BARX SOU DAVKN- t A 'port strtet : all modem conveniences , t-a ner ' ' ' 1V'OOM | (1TTTAOK. 118 , WITH SMALL BAHN. J7Tuu nKini tlats , nlc lorattoa. S7 ( * ovth 26th svence. also 4 elm rooms td floor I D. i tnvt. J-riHJm rotUi'e l street , ti WM i il KU VTKNHOOMllo'S K. FIVK > v tf * wilkfroiu | H toBi-e , be t locatlOD tn.dty , IsU > artuuu St. M77I D-rOlt RK.VT. A FUUNIrUKD HOUSE July an J August , near HansOJm park , all mftd- rn coaveuiencv * . Address A S. B tf , ' * DrDR IU5.ST , K-IIOOM UOLrtJS HltCUICAno sU T40 \-AS uooM H-HMSIIKII iioo-su it > n TIIK /.umairr. lo ulroat jjiN iU st. TO Sr BARN FOR 'furniture foraalo. IaJ7 I aroAm st. 736 Irv-VTARISllOCSR UU HOWilll ) ST , PLATK Jglaia front , steam heat , all erst class , to a good ( arty. nind ral rent \Var NQB e. lllojuaet. st tm power aad beat , Iplu.i4 Iocs tlon fur a f actcryi rent BOdarala. I 4 ruom collate. M.UJ p r muntk. I troorx rulure. IXu ) vfT suonlb. t I S loom Jwrlltni f S.UU p r muctK. J S 4M ai dioUlnca , l Itt ixt ragnth. hhrtvrr & O Donahix , 140 * rarnam St. 7MT7 KKXT.W-HOUU lIQUaK , NU III S UTll -J 'it mi-lciu Imprmcmeul * . lD < iuU Ulft Faroam. t u : Uuios- tu3 T7 "A-37UOOM UOTKL , CKNTIIALLY LOCATKO. Ja ) , la good r n ir j H , l' rjott . UoiucUt UODKH.N I > WKIJJNU. CORNBR Jtilh utt Ca4tol avenue. furaub 4 or ui > I r clshxl ln gr UP l-astuo tlo < k. 141 Ti-m T tujiKST , ruiixiTUUK rou SALB J-J Jl L si aworia. T7 'FCRNUilF.D ntX3M3 , WITH MODKR.V CON- Uli Cap4tol ave. M74 l -I n K. I'LKASANT FRONT ROOMS. NEWLT furnished , with or wlthoot board In private f ara- lly. c ? o. 17th are between Jackson aad Izarra- worth. n < a * E-.VKATLV rCRNISHF.D PIXASANT FllONT rooms. References requtreJ. Addrew. A 14 , Dee. SJSW S * E-FI7F1N1SHED ROOMS FOR RENT , 1 U DAVBM portstiett. MSM rr -TWO NICELY FURNISIIKD ROOMS FOR Melit bonsekeeplnzi no children ; apply 17S7 Dodre MS7i-SO * 17 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR J-iwlthout board. 61) 3.17th. 75111' E-N1CKLT FURNISHRD ROOMS : MODERN COS- venlenci-s , oed location. : terms reasonable. OJ7 N. th treet M4.T4 30 * E-FOR RK.NT. THRKK ROOV3 WITH BATH , price KH ( tach a month , 1 IJ Douglas. 177 J7- 7-cosKniir.NCE VISITORS ACCOMMOUATBO North I7lh street. 4Hjr IT FCRNISHKD ROOM3 TO RENT WITH ALL O-jmodcra conveniences. 912 Douglas ttreet. MXTSJIl E-FCRMSUED ROOM3. LA11GE FRONT ROOM for two or three gentlemen , cas , bath. 1117 Farnam street. MXJI * > KritXHHEn KOOM3. MODERN COXVKN- ence * . 1039 Park avenue. M ai BOOM3 AND BOARD. - FURNISHED ROOMS WITH F1R3T- class board. 3H South Uth street. MI71 _ 17-DF.SIRABLB ROOMS WITH IIRST CLAPS Jboard. . l > a Chlcato st. ! ' _ -SOUTH FRONT ROO51S WITH BOARD , MOD- crn consentences. nicely situated. References exchanged. 3133 Hamey street. _ MSWJ3 * TT-I' LEASANT ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS 1 board. References. 113 So. ana it. SW FOR HENT. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH - first class board. 1771 Davenport at. StS-t * -T FURKISUED SOUTH FRONT ROOM. JL. with boird. for two gentleman , in S. Sd. DESIRABLE SUITE OF FIRST FLOOR ROOMS F with rontbern exposure , suitable for small family , or four gentlemen ; also second and third Boor south rooms. 116 N. iitti street. "The Fren- er. " M587 3' T7-TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FIRST V class board. 17J7 Dodie. M.-7IO ) ' FOB KENT UNFUBNISHED BOOMS. G -FOR RENT. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , suitable for housekeeping. Iliil Webstar street. CXFURXISHEDCHAMBERS FOR 1IOUSE- } keeplnstomanandwlfe. No children. 319N. Kth. 4A ) G S UNFURNISHED ROOMS , 113.00 : CITT water. 43 X I ith street. SI7 G-THREE MCE UPSTAIRS ROOMS. BATH AND modern conveniences. Nice localltr. Ui : S. Sfith st. E46-Z9 * } -FRONT SUITE : ALSO ONE FIDE FUR- nlshed room ; 2)17 Harner : references. S&731 * BOARDING. H PULLMAN HOUSE. U10 DODGE. FOR GOOD board nice rooms , coarenlences , rate and locu tion U cannot b excelled. Mrs. llorn. pro p. p.W3JJ' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. X FOR RENT. THE < STORY BRICK BU1LUINO 91 Farnam st. The hulMInc has a fireproof ce- mint basement , complete steimbeatln ; nxturei , water on all the Boors , cas , eta Apply at the o& of Tbo Bee. 919 L-FOR RENT , STORE 72XOT. I11J JACKSON 54-5 T-CORXER STORE. CONSIDERING THE LOW J-rect. tbe best location In the city for business. Georze Clouser , 701 South ICth street. M71 * T-TWO E.XCKLLEXT STORES AXD FLATS FOR 1 rent In coed location , extremely cheap. Lorett & Woodman , SU so uth llta St. 7K- < -1 tlon for drus store. Apply 1.11.1'arrotte.Douclas biock. S17 50- FOR BENT-aiISCEL.LANEOPS. J FOR KENT.-LIVERY STABLE. FAIR C11AXCE. Front rooms and back rooo.j. Inquire , 1923 sber manure. 915 tl' WANTED TO RENT. K-WANTED. THREE UXFURMSllED ROOMS , on or near car line , for light housekeeping ; state price. Aidress A a ) , Be . MS77 f RENTAL , AGENCIES. L E.C. GARVLV 4 CO. . SB SIIKELEY BLOCK. 617 RICH BRO3. & CO. , 55 NEW YORE LIFE. J 827-17 * STOBAOE. M -OLDEST CHEAPEST AND BEST STORAGE house In the city. Williams Jt Crossi:4l Harner. CIS M-CLEAN , DRY AND PRIVATELY STORED furniture. Heating stoves stored over summr _ 13J7 Douglas et. Omaha Stove Repair works. 613 WANTED-TO BUY. V" FURNITURE BOUGHT , SOLD. STORED. i > Wells. 111 ! Faroim st. CM AT STO 10 ROOM DWELLING WEST PART OF -L' city. cash , no trade , must be cheap , full partle ulars. U. F. btelchelman , 1st National bank. G3 "V A GOOD SECOND-IIAND SAFE. ADDRESS , i > A U. Bee. Mill r 0ON ENTS OF 11 ROOM nOUSE. BLEGANT V/ goods , at auction , 10 a. m. , Tuesday , May 31st , at 1503 Farnam street R. Wells. SSS-50 FOB 8ALE-HOBSEa WAGOH3 , ETC. T > -FOR SALE. TEN WOnk HORSES AND TWO A good driven. Inquire at Barrett's stables Dodwe street. near"belt line. iJlyi P-MORTGAGEE SALE. HORSE , BUGGY , XIAll -L ness , etc. Mnst be sold at once. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co. Itoora 11. Crelgbton block , ISta st. south of postoCcc. MMS I ) FOR S VLB CHEAP , 1 GOOD MARE. 1 BUCKboard - board and I wagon. Inquire 113 N. ICth st. It GOOD , GENTLE FAMILY MARE. HARNESS and top buggy , HUO ; very cbaap. iU 3. IJth ave. P-VOK SALE. A VERY HANDSOME VICTORIA almost new , Aoply at room 311 , First National hank bulldlnrf.ta thauioralng. c j" FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS -FOR SALE , A/NEW. ELEGANT UPRIGHT Baebr piano , dlrtct front the factory. Instru ments of this make can be seen , at Max Meyer Jt Bro. ; will sell this at a great sacriace. If jou mean business address Z 7 , BetioCce. 21 $ -SCREENS. BURROWKS' 1'ATENT. BEST ON earth. Made to tit windows. Used In best resi dences In Omaha and elsewhere. Can be taken out and replaced by anyone In a moment. If you need screens , get our estimate. William J. Welshans , agent. Room 114 Karbach block. Omaha , Neb.H47IO > H47IO Q-FOR bALE.ONE BILLIARD AND ONE POOL table , Brunswlct-Halke make , almost new. In- qalreof Grand hotal. Council Biggs. tJ Q-FOR SALE. A MILK DAIRY OF 16 COWS. route and cans , 36 gallons of milk per day. Ap ply to E. Jestur , Sth and Cumlng. 747 fj * -M V1KWS OF THE SIOUX CITV FLOOD malltd to any address on receipt of R.GO ; the only complete set , taken during and afur the Kuod. NVcilero View Co. , atour City , la. 7 30 * * -CltADE JERSEY COWS FOR SALK CIIEAP. QCltADE Addrrsi box ZM. city. MSJ7 ! -FOR SALE. BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD REpair QFOR ; pair , llrt N. Jith street , * 1he Irenier. " MSM iaiSCELLANEOUS. -CANADIAN BMPLOrMENTOFnCEli FAR- Lnam , upstairs , a'J and feaal * help. 'leLSat. . Ci K-t-t'RK CURE GUARANTEED FOR OFFKN- slve sweating feet and sweating under tbe arms. Send for circular. Lleblg Medical Co. , south iiend. Ind. M441-JU * iVSCREENS. . CARPENTERS. I'ALNTBRS PL.IS- iV tcrersan.1 brtcklayera at Hamilton llros. . 414 l h.T l. 1173. KS-JI ; WANTED. TO LEA K SMALL FIREPROOF > saf . Address , AD. Beeodtce. M77I II " ! > WANTKD IMMEDIATELY , SOME ONE TO JWwntraet to break M ) acre * of land near Blair. ! > cb. Breaking pluw and hay for bursts fur. nuhe.1. Apply Wtudsar , Kemp Jt Co S New Vork LltsUldg.uniaha. M 4 ta R-LADIES ATTENTION. ONE BOTTLE OF MY celebrated Taotl will d v lop yuar Uust i Inches la ii dars or the eoacr refunded. One box vf nr crt bratd compleitoo pellets will remove Ilrcr spou. rtmples and frccktas. prlc * only 111 Tontl IsoalyltUL It twv r falls. n v r. head fursealvd drcularan Mrs. Dr. Mll ! < r,2l ! WabaahaTG.Chicago. - OLAIBVOYAJJT3. S-MttS. NANNIE V , WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. r lUkl l > usluea Bedlam , Ofth fear al 119 N 1Mb. CO _ S-MltN HAWT110UN. RELIABLE llUBl.NUSS medium. C ( N. I4to sti 4t coragr of WebsWr. Sundays BtfrpUd. M > J V C M A DAM E FRITZ. ZS3 > CCMINU STRBKT. OcIatrToyaat and traao * rosOlum , tadetMadeat voters , lelto past aad future. JOJUU J13 * C-MAUANE MINNOA. The young and gtftel gtpsy mlodrtadsx and palmUl Just arrtvrd fioia Koooola. Asia , lays your wbole lit * Ilk * an open book tvfon roa reads jour fulvre Uf * 111 * a dream of thoughts unknown to her. aaj Egyptian lucky stoa a. Ladiw ta uoabto call at oao * . Uasssg * &a4 oagaetlc hvallag ll k/s V a. u. to a p. m. Koom J , IVT ttaula UlL. tail tf CLAtBVOYANTS. Conifmuii. - E.XTRAORDINART ; WONDERFUL S-ARRIVAL Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr M. Lrrrave. dead \nr.fr clairvoyant. aitrologlsU palmist aad I'fe reader tells your life from the cfadle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar riage with the oae yon love , tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for. has the celebrate Egyptian breastplate for lock and to destroy bad Inflnw * * : cures Bis. Intemperance and all private eoaplalats with ma ce. batnt and alcohol treatment Send ITO& , lock of balr. name and dale of birth and receive accurate life chart I cents In stamps for etrcular : give Initials of one yon will marry , also photos ot same. Odce IW7 South Uth street , first floor : boors , s. m to 9 p. m Come one. come all. and be convlncjJ of this M 16 1 * MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. 'I MAtSAOB TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THKR- JLmal bath * , scalp aad hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. PDsWI X3.1itB.\Ithnetl blk ri' * STOWE , MASSEUSE ELECTRICIAN , 1 S3 Ramce block. M745-W T ' -.MADAME LA RCE. MA35AGK. tl SOCTU ISth st. M Boor. Bat 4 , assistant. rp-MADAMK SMITH 1151 DOl'OLAS STREET. J- room 7,3d Boor. Alcohoi , sulrhnr and sea baths. M877-3- PEBSOKAL. - - BUREAU FOR SALE. U--CORHESPONDENCE Nice paying mall business. Address A 17. Bee. aiOSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. \7 G. F. OELLKNBECK. BANJO TKAClittR , i wi ith Hospe. or Sl N. ISth st. VC T" BEFORE BUYING A PIANO rJCAMINE TIIE < ntw scale Klmball piano. A. llospalSU DonzlAs. BIONjiY TO LOAK-BEAL E3TAT - CENTRAL LOAN i /TRUST CO. UEE BLDG. CM \\T LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' v dty propertyfl.OUU and upwards.to5 ) percent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith i Co.Uth and llarney C * \\r-C W. RA1NEY. 31S OMAHA NAT. B'K BLDG iv Ctty mortgages. Lowest rates. Money on hand. 651 IT-PRIVATE MONEY. 1ST AND ID MORTGAGE > loarojow rates. Alex. Moore,40t Bee building ir C F. HARRISON , Jl ! N. Y. LIFE. MO \\r-7 PER CENT MONEY NET TO BORROWers - ' ' ers on Omaha city property. No eitra charges of any kind. Why pay hlzh rate * ? Money Is cheap Youcan cet full bencat of low rates from Oloba Loan A Trust Co. , ICth and Dodce. lit \\r-ANTHONY LOAN "vXD TRUST CO. , 313 X. Y. it Life. lends at low rate > for choice scurtr on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. C23 IT MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY ' property. low rate. A. C Fros Douglas blk.CD CD \\r-HEAI. r TATE LOANS. 6 TO 7 PER CKNT IT no additional cbar.es fur commission or attor ney's fees. W. U. Melkle , llrsl National bank bids. \Tr-OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKES LOANS ' on real estate at lowest.market rates. Loans made In small or large snm and for short or Ion ; time. No commission Is charged , anil the loans are net ao4 ! In tbe east , bat can always b * found at taa bank oo tb * corner of 13tn ana Doaclaj streets.OS OS W-I125JOOOTO LOANJL'MS OF lij Ul'WAKDS : can place loans on any Inside tmprOTed prop erty to any amount wbcre Taloe Is back of tbe loan. Ames Heal Kitate Agency , U57 Farnam at. Cll \\f-EASTCltN MONET LOANED. GEO. W. P. ' > Coates. rep. ICIl Farnam St. Mt'JI f LOANS. G. G. WALLACE. 312 BROWN BLK C55 W MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. TUB O. f. Davis Co. . IMj Farnam st. Cll ir MONEY TO LOAN. J. D. Z1TTLE. BROWN ' Blk. MilS V\T MONEY TO LOAN O.V IMPROVED OR UN ' Improved Omaha property at lr > we t rates on short notice. Cash on hand , fidelity Trust com psny , 1611 Farnam street. 70S \\r DON'T FORGET THAT WE ARE MARINO ' ' low rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Omaha property No delay aad all business transacted at this oHce. Fidelity Trust company. 1611 Farnam street. 'Ji MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK security : strictly conQdsntlal. . A. E. llaJrls , room 1. Continental block. C4 X -BOBT PR1TCIIABD. B. S , W1TUNELL BLK. CXI r WHEN YOU WAST'A CIIATTBL LOAN SBti k-W. IL Davis , room 2X Continental block. fM V DO YOC WANT MOltEYJ A. If so. do not fall to B oar rate ! before bor- rowtncWe make loans without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furniture , pianos , horscsvwarons. etc. . at the lowest possible rate. We will carry tbe loan as lonf as yon desire , giv ing you the privilege of paylnic.lt In full or la part atany time to suit TOOT caaventeaed. and aay part paid reduces the cost of earryln * the loan In pro portion to tbe amount paid. There are no charge * of any kind to be paid In advance , but you cet tbe full amount of the loan. It yon have a loan with other Dirties , or have bought a piano or other furniture on time and find tbe payments a little larger than yon can meet con vent ently , we will pay It for you and carry the loaa u lone as you desire. It will be to your advantage to see ca before ae caring a loan.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOA > CO. lloomll CreUbton Block. Uth SU , South of postoffice tas Y-MONEY TO LOAX. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE COOn On bonaebold eoods. pianos , organs. Dorses , mule * , wagons , etc . at the lowest pontblo rate * without publicity , removal of property or change of possession : Payment * of anr amount can be made at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus Kir- Ice patrons all the Lncflts of the partial payment planMoney Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates , business confidential. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . O ? R 4. Wlthnell bill. I5th and Harney- V MONEY TO LOAN. CHATTEL MORTGAGE - -33.6Q. Wdaye. on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. . without publicity or removal of property , at the lowest rates and the easiest paymenu. No delay Cashonbaad. DuO Green , K. a and 9 , Barter bli _ 641 -no. rs. co. noo. ANT SUM TO LOANTON yen- nlture , borset. or any coed security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co , Uld DouElas su 9tT7 X -CUATTLK LOANS S2JN. T LIFE. MORRIS. IK } 14- X-ROMO TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY business conSdentlaL Room 421 Karbaeh block. jr BUSINESS CHAMCE3. _ _ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FCTJ , ROLLER mill and elevator. Excellent location ; run ning dally ; large exchange trade. For further In formation add/ess John Over. Ill J Douglas at. M l S _ _ V-FOR 3ALE-NOT TIUDB-STOCK OF GRO- * cerles , drugs , hotel. Z a > aee otMoe , 447-30 * V IXU ) SALE. ONE-HALF OR THE WHOLE OF i hardware stock. Good town , coed trade aad cheap rent. Address Lock Cox U7 , Lincoln , Nrb. 473 17 Y-FOK SALE. A STOCK OF GENERAL MER- J chandlse and fixtures.Inventorlng about 1X100 ; localeU In tbe town ot Paxton , Ueltli. Co. . Neb. ; only one cecerat store In' town. This Is a very drslra openln : fora j.jt.y with a small capital , store and tenement can be bought or leased on easy terms. If you waal It move quick. Terms cash for stock and Bxturej. Address Z 00 , lire oncw. Y-lVii SALE THE FURNITURE ANDLF..VSE of a TJ-room hotel and barroom ; steam heat , electric light , centrally located dolug a good bnjl- B * a. Don linen , liarkcr block. MuU ta * SALK. EXCHANGE OR RENT. A BRICK X hutel contalBlni ; li rooml all f ornlshed. sit vated ta aiiood railroad town of I.WJ Inhabitants in east ern Nebraska. Prefer to sell or will exchange for stock of merchandise , cattle or land. Address Z Cj care of Cmiaha liee. M'.M S > V"o SALE. MY ESTABLISHED. PAYING. 1 wall paper , paint , oil and glass builnlu on tbu corner of Xlth and Camlnx itrrHs , Illbeallb tb ouly caus for selling , nrries with II a saiall man nfactnrtng business worth I1JXU yearly. If taken at ooca. IIA' > cash , balance seoarea paper Warner ZJtu and Corning. tW V-FOR SAI.E. MKAT MARKET , EI.KG.VNT 1 fixtures , good location , will U ) sold at nr i cust ; good reasons for wlUoj. loqulr * at UU llcrc * street , Omaha. TX > \-FOH S.U.X GOOD RETAIL MEAT MARKET , i good location , Bne r < ram aud good paying busi ness , at a bargain. Call on or address J.J Cvertng- ham , Hz Karbach Mock. CASH. 1'EHIIAPJ HALF. BALANCE IK Irotlrtug bred sulllons and a j-.ung pacing geld Ing that can b at t AI IttrM tide * to exchange for a good stock of mtrchaodltf or clear laaiL Write lor patuculars , IL Chambtrlln. Kearney , Neb.7C7U 7C7-U -FWIt SALE , EXCUA.iGE OR HP.ST. HOTEL - UrtKM , East Om a. Uiqulr * on premise * . ! SALE. MEAT ilAUKET. COMPLETE ; Ua4 and location. Uvcsttgate If you want paying market at reasonable price. Call 0 writ * Paacoasl 4 lo Ashland. * ! & . M7S3 Su- HENT. LARUE BRICK HOfBU SITU sJd la on of the bMt bet l towns la Kacsaa. For particulars addrets llox IT , MarysvUlt. Kansas. _ UOS ACCOUNT OF TUB OWNER HAVING a tsktn a goi rnmsnl contract r a irlng hU rn tltt umn h will sell bis { irotperous cualnass tu U > city. IIJOIO ) stock , clears 1XCU3 Mroiontti.-o -IWIKT BTJSIKESS Conf ( niuiL i V -A GCOO CHANCE I UAfK JX R SALK A JL slock of groceries and fixtures In Cedar Rapid * . la. , a town of twenty then amlr > ornistl > n itock and t tnre rill Invoice b twe j five and slxthoa- sand dollars. Be t location In ( he city , trad flr t- c'.aii. tiood rr on clvea for : nlng. None but those who mean business need illc. Address K. ! . , til Jnd street. West CeJar lUpUli. la. M83I f YTR SALE. STIK-K OF MlLLTXERY GOODsT i For particulars address , Ji > " . llackelt , Syra- cnse. Neb. Si I * - - STtXTC AND fcKA ! K ON MOST -L profitable stable In Omaha fOTlsle on account of other business. Stock abooC n.UAOO. Address A14. Be oOr . ! ' - M uxr > FOB 3SSCHAKOE. _ r/-CLKAN STOCK OFGKRKRXl. M.D.S'E ; WILT. /Jtale real estate A money. Box > , FrankrorUnd. V t'NlNCUMIIERr.a 1 .NDS IN KAsTERN NE- 'Jbraska and Kansas for coed Inside Omaha or Conorll Bluffs property. Address Rees .V Hulls. Emporla. Kan. .M779Jt4- _ _ Z DKIRKABLE IM1MIOVF.D ANH UNIMproved - proved city property for flrst- las farmlands. Address Central West Land Co. , . First Nat bank bnlldlag. 616 M _ -IFVOU WANTTO BUT A OOD BUSINESS. orw | h to dlsH | > seof your business Us : It with L. L. Johnson. I4 1'aiton block. RH .M3I _ " 7-INSIDE CHICAGO LOTS FOR NEBRASKA Elands. J. W. Strstton , Wahoo. Neb. MfKS J4' V-FIIIST C1.\S3 CITY PROPERTY TO E.T- AJcbange for good farm land In Nebra ks and Iowa frend full description of Und for nehanre. Ueorge N Hicks 3X > N. Y Life bldg. M.iXt Jl y-WANTED TO EXCIIANT.ri A FINK DIA- / morxl for ladles' driving horse and phaeton. Ad dress A i. Bee. M747-S- V-LOT . BLOCK IS. IN UIPROVEMKNT ASSO /fetation. Omaha.clear , for farm : will psy some casa. Address Philip Elsass , IV14 Victor strett. ONB-TUIRDCASH. . BALANCE 1KKU. CI.HAIl /J.\obra ta land , for stock of dry goods and no tions or general stock ; send full description. Alex Moore. Wl Uee bldg. llsn T3 y-IIJOO STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR f-tt'Mi rash , balance desirable real estate. Box fej , Hastings. Neb. S51-J1- F X R EXClIAXCE-n.VE UEilDEXCE. NEW Zr rooms , modern Improvement * : on motor line. 1 mile from poitoRics. Will eiciaou for treed bnilnen lot or farm lands. NVO. . box &O , Omaha. 977 Z-tr YOD HAVE A oooD tipittonr PIANO TO trade for lot vs. bloc * I. Amour Place , soati Omaha ; clear of all lncainbr e < AdAraii Mi. Bee omre. Z-STANIJAUO BIIKD HORSKS TOR CLEAR farms or lots. 11. J. Kendall , t03 Brown Blk Z EQUITY IN LOT ? . BLOCK J , CAPITOLI11LL addition. Beautiful larce. cradVJ lot. south front , on ilarner atreet IpaTemenU ) II. Jajces Omaha. M&6 FOB SALE-REAt , ESTATE. SALE-OX MONTHLY PAYMENTS , Si KIl Aluti TheO. r. Darts Co. , liK farnaca st. cn 1OR SALE OR EXCHANGE. IW GOOD FARMS IN t in Xebrajka and Dakota. La'ber Miller. CT.Vell. Neb. Mm MII J7OR SALE HOMES. ANY PRICE. r7M. Il.tM UP -L easr terms ; take clear property M ttrst payment G.O. Wallace Brown block , 10th and Douglas. 641 TXR ) SALE AT A BARGAIN. LOT 15. BLOCK 3 , JW L. Selby's first addition to South Omaha ; small payment down , balann monlhlr If dolred. Inquire O. B-Tsennck , Omaha Bee. Si I T IsT YOL'R NEBRASKA LANDS WITH U L. . til 1'aiton block. Omaha. raj Mil F OR HALK OR E.XCU.UJGE , COTTAUF. FRONT- lo foathon West Cumin ; St. : It Carthage addi tion. ere rooms , larse attic , pantry closets. lorc- pump cl tern. ces pool. cemented cellar conren lentlrarranred. well built andSnlsISed In hard pine. Price. IMJJ. Will taka & lot as part payment , balance to suit. Applr toV. . K , , Kuril , 71 ; X Y ' LlfeUldc. ' : T70R SALE. i.OOO ACREs OK'SF.IIR.UKA LAND , - > at ires' lacrtace Apply for | > utlculan to U. U. Peterson , owner , 1117 s. nth-it- . Omaha.MCT5 MCT5 E31 A FEW MORE OF THOSE 5 .AND ID-ACRE tracts on West Dodge ftrret , ot flOO per acre. Otb rs ask for land same distance out double the BonerWrUht A Lasburr. liib aad Ho ward. KOUNTZE PLACE BAKGAISS-3-ROOM DWKLL- In ; . K.iB.00. Will take clear ; lot a * Srst pay ment , balance HiCO per month1 J J Gibson , sole a ent Kountie 1'lace. First National bank. Oj /-10TTAGE , WTH AXD WOOIJWORTII , I \J Lot. thand Woolwortb.II.SW. Lot. Sd and Davenport , tlSXI. Cottage,2Mb awl Cnlearo. n. W. Colta e. 23th. near X. South Omab a. RJ Business property , N.South Omaha , liiOJ. Business propertr. Ktb it. . tt J ) . Cottage , Uth and Grant. filUJl. Cottage anl Darn , tith and Charles. All Birsalns. C. F Harrison. S1J X. V Life. Two clear lots. McCormlck's U add , H.iOJ , or wll add ttJOO for Income bearing property. C. F. liar rtson.SHX.Y. Life. Tj M OH SALE-10-ROOM MODERN DWELLING new. Iare barn. bet location In tbe city ; to cash buyer price will be cut In two. Choice of i or 10 lota , well located , worth 11,000.03 per lot. for quick buyer for frUd.03 each. S-room brick dwelling , modern , worth H4OO.CO. at S3.M1OJ on easy payments. We bare seicral residence properties at from f J.OXLtM to ilOIi.OU ) each for tale ; all well located on terms to suit purchasers. bbrtrer & O"Docohoe. It03 Famam St. 7SI 17 FOR SALE , BEAUTIFUL VILLA < ACRE > LOTS within a few blocks of motor and school. In Council Bluffs , IIJWO to n CO. Will build to suit purchaser. These lots have elecant lawn and shade trees of elm and walnut and are oSered at tbe price of a fifth rate SO ft. lot In Omaha. 3 miles from any where. Dsrld Jamleson. 1C Bee bid ; \TABAltGAIX. 5-ROOM HOUSE OX COHXER -'iof I and Twenty-second street. South Omaha. Inquire A. A. Btown , Heed hotel , South Omaha. MSIO-W T OT3 IX HAZEL TERRACK ADDITIOX. IX > J-icated three blocks sonthofVlutonitreet.be * tween ICth and 50th streets ; prices I * . J to ITU ) each. IK dowa and ItO a month , per cent Interest : title perfect and abstract rl cn to each purchaser. Heed & belby , KB Board of Trade. MSf > 4 9) QIO IS THE CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED OX A iloi In Sheridan Place , IW and Lrarenworth , bal ance til a month , 7 per cent Interest : prices J'JO each : free abstract given. Reed i rcltiySti Hoard of Trade. MsAt 9J FOR SALE-5-IIOOM COTTAOE. AXO 4fl.XlS > FOOT lot , cheap. Ano * I'o3 , 15th and Swan street , Albrtsnt. MKS 3 * FOB HENT PASTUHE3. WANTED. : : UORaEJ TO PAsTURK AT Deer Creek Lodce twelre miles north of Omaha , bine crass , shade and rnnnEn ? w&tcr. stock called for and dellreretl. Urrtlle C Johnson , 637 Pa it o a block. Omaa Telephone2I& . I'M Jl ) .VSTUUE FOR CATTLE i UORSEi T. UURA Y. TirE HAVE THE BEST HORSE P.UTURB IX ' I this stat * at lillmore station , three miles south of South Omaha , lou acres blue crass , sprint ; water , broad fence. Hate a zooO half mile track on tbe farm. Will take a few horses or colt * to brrak or train. Barton it Pbelps or A. W. Phelps & Son , New 1 ork Life building. LOST. STRAYED. BAY MARK WITH BROWX LEGS , i : rears old , and abotri fifteen hands bUh. Re turn to 111 : b d st. Sis * LOaT. NECKLACE WITH CnOss hET. WITH coral. In car on Farnam , or tetween I3tnl I t. Under please r ft urn to lail Sherman are. , andzet reward. HAIR GOODS. LARGEST STOCK IN ENTIBtTWE'sT : THEAT- rtcalwUsaod beards a specialty. Wigs , banri , swltcue * . balr chains , etc. : s a-t for catalorue. Mall orders solicited. Cailui , tlli Ktii > t _ Omaha. * tti PAWN BROKERS. &b. LOAN Of'lflCC , . ,1WO DOIMJK Mil ST. * PRED ilOULE , "OFFICE liUH IJWtXAil BT. HOTELS. . f l.MJKl-L HOTKU NINTH AX ! ) ' 'ARXAM. Ill } JLJotr diy special r to br tba 774 1U1 MAMUFACTUBnJG flASIl PAIJiFOROLI G Lt > . AIISON i B K ) wesr - H - o Save Your Eyes tested free uy an EXPERT OPTICIAN. Perfect adjustment. Superior leniet. Nerv ous beadacno cured uy usln ; our Spectacles and EyejlasH-i. Prlcoi low ( or first data ( roods. TIIE ALOE & PESFOLD COMPANY , IMS. 15th St , Crelghlon Block. * -StNP FOR CATALOGUE. i atMt.iv & J-i.s wjiTu 114 IM * . ( * ; ' br % * Ma , JIM jSwMl.SnVSfcMW U , , 14 M E. C. MaCHAMARfcTs II. . ST. LWlsllS "Healing Wings" $2.25 A MONTH < Hft5E. ( ) TREATMENT TWICE A DAY , Specific Ojyp Produces Nnturally PURE RICH BLOOD ! BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXIONS ! GLOWING HEALTH ! Free Trial Inhalations. Really Cures ; Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Hny Fever , Consumption , Headache ( sick or nervous ) . Dyspepsia. Nervous Prostration. OxypBoohnilAfecFrec Call on or write without notice , .THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO , , Suite 510 Sheely Blk. , cor. loth and Howard St3. , OMAHA , NEB. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY AND BUY FisbBraDd" Breast PUmp. Istheonlr Perfect ona mad ? . Day MJ OTHKH and -H h Brand' ' Trade Mart Kj mall at your rlk > add lOc. lloucr u > tfcaa- pany order. Ask jeer Jrcr lst fur them , or Offiaha Rubber Co arnam EL Cor ifita , TON 1 N G TYPEWRITER For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , BO7 f"nir < OMMA RR1LWRYT1MEGRRD. Leaves CHICAGO BCULINGTOX A g. i Arrive Omaha. ' Djpot 10th aa3 Masoa ti j Oinihfi I.U p m Chlcazo Ve tl ! > nl j SOU a ra fv a at Chinro Express. t ? Jt > a m 11 0 p m Chlca.o F.ipreiv . . . . 4.25pm 6-M p m . Calc o A Iowa Local . . . . C.OJ p m l-eares BUULINGTON A MO. Arrives Omaha ' Depot 10th aadMason ? ts. Omaha. 10.IS a m . .Dearer Vestibule Llmltel . 1 4.05 p m 19.ISam ! Dcadwood Express 1 40ip m 4.10 p m ! Denrer Express g y ft rn 4.40 p m [ Dearer Ezpessi 1 Op m eJOpml Hsj-.lnri Local E.1J a mj .Lincoln UoeaKKxceptSan I 1L3J a m LcATes K. C , S T J. i O. U I ArrlT Omah&K. IJta anJMnjn gt I On - aJJ a mr. . . . Kansas City Diy Express. . . 6.UO p m 9.U p m K. C. Nteht Exp TU U. i' . Tra , C.4J a m Going I CHICAGO. R. L * PACIFIC. I From East. [ Union Depot 10th Jt Marcr Sts. | East. KMJO a mj Atlantic Express [ k25 p m 4.33 p m „ Vestibule Express < L10 p m C.10 p ml Nlrht Express I 9.43 a m 2J5 a m' Fast Express ' 1.0) a m Going I CU1CAUU. R. I. 4 PACIFIC j From VfefI I Union Depot loth and Mareyats I West. l.a ) p m _ uenver Llmlua 1VJ p m MXi a m Fast Expreis 'IB ' ) a m 9-ft ) a m..KansasCItrExcept ( Sunday ) 0.50 p m I sves I UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha. ( Union DepotlCth and Marey Sts. * Omaha. 7.5S an Beatrice Express I C.11 p m 9-3 am . . . . . .Denver Express J 4.03 p m 2.U pel Overland ( Iyer. I 7.0J p m 4.15 p m BIueSp'cs ± Strms ! > < ExfexSun,123) ) p m t.30 p ra 1'iclflc Expreis 1040am 6.15 p aa . . . I > enver Fust Mall . . . .I. . . . Leaves 'CHICAGO , MIL. Jt ST. PALLjAm.e rOmaha U P. depot and Marey Sis. | Omaha t.4i p ni at. Paul Ltmltgd | < 14 a m Leaves j F. , E. A ilO. VALLEY. ( Arrlvei Omaha ! Depot , Uth and Webster Sts lOmaha Deadwool Express I S.7J p m 9 CO a m ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Ex. Mon. ) ! i.3 p m & .T9 p m . . . . ? rorrolx ( Er. Sunday. ) [ ll.IJa'm S.4ipm St. Paul Express I 9Ji a m Leaves I O , ST. P. . M. A O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot , lith and Webster 3tsI I Omahi 6.10 a mf..Slcnx Cttv Acoamodstlon . I aui p m : li p m Sioux City Express tEx. aund'y .114) p m i.45 p m , St. Paul Llmltod . . . .I 9S'i a m S-li p m Bancroft Patsaager ( Ex. Sand'y , S.ti a a Leaves ( CHICAGO i NORTH WEaTKKN , Arrlvei Omaha U P depot , 10th and Marcy sts i Oaahs. 7 0 a m i&x. Sua'y ) Carroll Passenger i 9.aj p m 1043 a ra Chlcatro Express. I toi p m J.C5 p m _ . . . . VestibuleLlmlto < l i ' . ' . 'iia in 7Irt p m Eastern Flyer J.1S p m C.43 p in Ex. Suq Chle. Pasi. 'Ex MJn.i : 80ia m leaves .CUICAIJO4 NOHrilWEafKltS Arrival Transfer Union Depot. Council Blugt. iTranif r 11JO a m Chicago Express 5-W p m lil p o . . . . Vestibule Umltcd , i.iu a m T-10 p ra . . . . . . . . Kaetern Flyer I 1 JO p m & .CU p m < Er aunt AtlanticMalUEx MonllJfi a ra M a m iBJtai Carroll Patxncer tKx BI | 4i p m Leaves i UMAllA A ST. LUUI9. I Arrive Omaha U. P d pou 10th and Marty Sts JQaiaa I. p m' , yl. Louis Cannoa Ball. . Ili/Kpm Laves j MISSOUKI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahsl Depot ma and W bster Sti. I Omahs laJUa mi . . . .st. 1-ouH Express I CJO am 9JO p ml St. Louis Exprass ! i.19 p m Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. A PACIFIC Arrival Traos ! r | Union Depot.Counctt UlaSi Transrar 6JO p m Nlcbt Express 33 a n > 10 JJ a m -Atlantic Express. Jui5 n m 4 4 p m Vestibule Limited 11M y ra Leaves | K. C , ST. JOE A C B. ( Arrives Trajisfer' Union I > pot. Council Blugs. 'Transfer ' 19.00 a n . . .Kansas City l/ay Krpraii . I i.Ji p m lil.li p m Kan > as Cltv Nlzht 6.2J a m iTranif i 9-iO am1. Expr ss S.49 p m IQjOJ p m , . Chicago Htprass SLI5 a m THi p mj Creston Ix > cal . I 7.U a D leaves i UMAHA A BY. LOUIS. jArrtTCS Transfer ) Union Depot. Council Ulugs. ( Transfer 4.a ) > ct at. Laals Cason Ball. IMS p in blOUI CITV t PACIFIC ( Arrives Transfer ! Do Ion IWpot. Council Blairs. iTrausfer T.4J a mf , &Uiaz Ctty AccoaatoUatloa. JlUu p m ( JOp mi SL r ul Exprsss I 9.40 a D NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR THE CHANGE OP GRADE OF 24TII STREET. To tbe owners of all lots , and part of lots and real estnte : iloni th street from a point ? o feet north of Urowne street to the north curb line of Auio. avenue , nnd intersecting treet a follows , to-wlt : Teuiy.fton street from a point 203 feet west of Uth street to the wet curl ) Hue. of Slth street You are hereby notified tliat the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , hate bc n duly aptkoliited by the mayor , with me approval of the city councilor said city , to us e * tbe dainagoto the. owner * respucttrviy of the property af fected by thecliivuzo of jrudo of Ilth street from apolnfJOJ feet north of Urowne street to the. north curb Una of Ames avenue aud Inter secting street , declared necessary oy ordi nance No. m , passed April 5 , isrt , approved A prill 1.1 &JK. You are further notified , that barlnz ac- ctuttd JId uupolntiuent. aud iluy : quallQed a * required by lav , w wilt , on tin- Jut day of May. A. 1) . iwi at the tiQiirof \ > U'C.OCK la the forenoon , at tbo odlce of T , C tirunner , room 1 , Ware block , correr ISlh nd I arriiin streets , within the corporate Ilinlts of mid city , mcot for ttio purputtt of considering and inaKint the a .iinem of damau to the owner * rosp cllrt > ly of said property , aOeoted by said cbanzeof eude. talcln ; Into consid eration special benefits. K any. I You are noticed to be present at the time I aud place aforosald. aud mala uny ohjectlous i to or statement * oourerolns sld a w iuii'nt of damages as you way consider proper r W H GATrli a li. BALL. Ouaba , Ms.yli.lfcH. FOR AND AGAINST THE BONDS Both Sides of the Proposition Argued Be fore the Citizens Alliance. ALLEN ROOT OPPOSES THE ISSUE lie Says the llrlclce U Not Nodded and lhat the Pe-oplo llnvct the 1'ower la Their Own IlnmU Mr. Da mmit Kxplalns. The Citizens alliance held an open meollng ot Knights of Labor hall , 112 South Four- tconth street , last cvcnlnR to discuss the Ne braska Central bond proposition. There was a small attendance , but considerable Interest was manifested in tbo dlscnssioa. Allen Hoot took the Initiative and occupied anhojrin telling wby tnc laboring m&n should sot rote ( or too proposition , lie claimed that the contract was all on ono ilde. The city and countv paid $750,000 to a corporation that onl.v cxUtod on paper. Th6 Nebraska Central company , vas not bound to anything. The ; could take the bonds and then spend as little or much as they wanted to and the city would have no redress. There was tie necessity for another bridge anyway. The present structure was not used to half it * capacity. The tells over the Union 1'acific bridqo vrero excessive , but buildtnc a netv briaeo was not the ivay to regulate them. U was In tbo power of the people to make the Union Pacific company rcduco the tolls by Increasing their taxation. Corporations xvero all alike , and thcro was netting to prevent the Nebraska Ccutrcl from chatTfinf : as hlch tolls as the Union Pacific. The speaker also argued lhat the city was not financially able to bond Itself to that extent. It should' pay its dcDls before n a tine any further improvements. Mr. J. H. Oamont spoke at teaeth In favor ol the bonds. He Icon up Mr. Hoot's ODQO lions oae at a tin'O nnd pulverized them. Ho roriewc.-l the history of the Nebraska Cen tral company , which had originally consisted of twentv-fivo business men of Omaha who had endured tne tyranny of the Union I'acitlo rallroaa as long a * they could. The necessity for A new bridge was creator now than ever before. Thuro was to be no delivery of bands until the rornpanv nad ex ecuted its part of the contract. In this respect - spect the proposition differed from the bond proposition granted to tbe Union 1'acltic. Tbe ordinance provided that the company should allow all other roads touso its bridge , approaches and tracks. It could not charge excessive rates because it was provided that thrco Judges ot the district court should act as arbitrators in the matter. In return for the bonds the Neoraska Central company was to purchase property valued at about Sl.OOO.OUO , which would afford terminal facilities sufficient for all the roads that might aver como Into Omaha. It was bound to build a f 100,000 union depot and a double-track bridge and a double- track road , vrhen one track would do its business Just as xvell If they only considered tbe demand of the present. A general discussion ensued , In which the balance of opinion scorned to be in favor of thn proposition. The success of Hood's sarsaparilla Is be cause it possesses true merit , and no claim is inado for it which is not fully supported. Drunkenness. A disease , treated as such , and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and effectual. Refer by permission to Bur lington Hawkeye. Send Cc stamp for pamphlet Shokoquon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. J.V.\ ttXC/iJU US TS. The Topeka Capital has the following to say of the Dodd Opera company which comes to the Farnam Street theater next Sunrtuv : "The Dodd Opera company commenced a limited engagement at the Crawford last evening , appearing In "Tho Mascot" to a large audience. This clever opera still affords pleasure and interest to the public aca is well presented by this company. Miss Amy Leslie , who has been seen hero in a number of popular roles , is an excellent Bet- tina , stnginc and acting the character with notanio success. Mr. Mack Charles' imper sonatlun of Pippo Is equally good. The com edy roles of Pritico l ofenzo and t'armor Kncco are very capably Uiken by Mr. Dan Young and Mr. K. C. Chamberlain , who ex tract a great deal of fun from the libretto and add many agreeable pleasantries of their own originality. Miss Anna Wells , a pretty girl , gave a very delightful surprise by intro ducing a skirt dance. She is graceful and dances with wonderful ease. T > i support Is efficient and the work of the chorus worthy of praise. " Seats are on sale at the Boyd theater for tbo Sunday concerts of the Iowa State Band , an organization describee as a complete reed and brass band , with a popular and classic repertoire. The personnel ol the organiza tion Is said to bo A 1 , and thcro are a number of star instrumentalists who will render encore numbers. This band Is under the baton of Mr. Frederic Phinney. Seats will bo placed on sale Wednesday for "Tho County Fair , " which will be held in Boyd's theater the last half of the weeic. Tbo company is the same in cast and equip ment that made the fine Impression hero lut year. Marie Bates will cmcct the role of Abigail Prne. and that clever colt , Cold Molasses , will run for the frea-for-all stanes every night. The lateU toy for the children , a. cracker that contains no tire and novcr wears out , will be presented to tbo caildrcn at Wonder land Saturday afternoon. DeWitt's Sarscparilia cleanses the blood , increases tbe appetite and tones up the sys tem. It has bencflllea many people who ha/e suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. Another of Smith' * Tntiuartlona. One evening about the middle of April Mr. D. U. Doene aliened ms horse for a too rnent Dear the corner of Seventeenth and Cass streeti and entered a residence near byte to attend to some buiines * . When he came out , inbout five minutes , bis rig , valued at ? 200 , wa missing. The matter was reported to tbe police and a tra--er sent after the borso and buggy. It was found that young Henry Smith bad stolen the rig and Immediately sold it to a borso trader for ? ? 5. The horse was located on a farm near Fremont a few days ago and last nlent was brought to Omaha and turaed over to the rightful owner. Mr. Doane was greatly pleased with the work of tno police and complimented Cap. tain Muityn blcbly. Young Smith bus stolen a half dozen horses in and about Omaha during tbo last few months.Vhcn arrested on the satno charge some tluio ago bo played me insanity dodge no aacceisfully that the board declared him insane. De Witt's Sirinparula is reliable. , Ilulldliii ; IVrmlts. Tbo following permits were Issued by tbo sUDcrlntoadeot ot buildings yesterday : J. K. Carpenter , two-story frauio barn , Twenty-set emit and l'arkeralr ts . ( l.MW Muo uiuot permits 1.700 Total . " . i 2.700 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. VoQureberaby notlSod that the following de crbc ! < l urcmlM > . to v.i : IxH Hii'inU J6. In J. I. Hedlck' * addition have I * en declared by ordinance No. . ' 147 to be a iiuisanco by reason of tbu b-inkiot earth erUtlns Uiereon. You are hereby directed to abate afiUl ou' > Mncuby sradiux down caki bank * to about thelovulof lb urroinidlu { lr et . < MJ u to prevent the Ulllru r wmlttnj of earth from ad ! Ion upon Uio nU wiil uiIliic iu thereto , within thirty any * , from tliu Isth day of il .r , li'J. or aul nuUan.-e wlil b auate.l by tto city autlioritteu and the cip u u thereof Ui lea u ft > aJal tux ailaU tbe property in which ald nuUuure e Dated tbUubd y of Mar , 1 2 * . > V UlltKIIAl'SEIl. Cbalfuao of the Hoard of i'ubllo Worka. May Jl J3427Si SLOOO-OO- PRESIDENTIAL PROPHECIES. -VO. . sr THAT U'tLL nE XOMIXATED FOR PRESIDENT nr THE tlEPUDUCAX AM T70A.lt COATEAT70J AT MIXXEAPOLIS AT 3t. O.1 JUXK IS31 , AM ME : roir.v : STATE : lO. . BOX Olt STREET XO. .STItKET TncOMitu. DEE xvlU present a tl.Ono.OO hfo ins.uronco policy paid up for one rear in tbo National LLfo Insunnco company of Vermont , il. L. Roodcr , manager , to tbo first person sending- tba closo&t estimate in accordance witn tbo above coupon. Coupons will be numbered In tholr order ot receipt at this office. Incomplete or muti lated coupons will bo rejected. This coupon will bo printed daily until tbe Issue of June 5. No coupons will to received after June 6. Date of convention , Juno T , 1S9Z. Send in at many coupons as you plena. Address all proohecles to "Presidential Prophecies , " Bee Office. "Late to bed nnd early to rlso will shorten the road to vour home in the skies. " nut early to Bed and n "Little Early Kise' , " the pill that maacs hfo longer and better and wiser. AVe tcrn Tension * . D. C. , May -.T. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. J Tbo following list of pensions granted is reported by THE Bus and Examtacr Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Albert IL itabcock , Alfred H. Archer , John W. Pratt , Abner Johnson , Moses C. Delamater , Darius G. KboadsVriht O. White. Elijah P. Davis ; Samuel A. Newell , Jonn Frederick. William Mclntosh. Iowa : Original Adelbert V. Stevens , Marshall Roberts , Unjfh Draper , John F. Dull , Charles B. Hounds. David Hernnff , Samuel - \ . Horn. Charles L. Tnllls. Thomas K. Armstrong. Francis E. alker. HoDert > L Cooper , Levant C. Dorman , Samuel Bair , Ferdinand Meyers , Cornelius Von Zindt , Samuel O. Hornady , ' Henry P. Brown , Frederick U. AbeL Herman Isbel , Kiehard McXally. Additional Henry 1J. Hatch , Xoah S. Wln- slow. Dexter Ben ) , ( Joerce Smith. Increase Charles M. Clalr. William Armstronp. John Foster , Joseph D. Ham bo , Levi J. Ford , David \V. Jones , V. Matthews , M. Dowllng. ISelssae John McClare. Original widows Mary A. Secor. North Dakota : Oririnal Aaron li. Keen , James F. Boyce , William Blrthe. South Dakota : Original Henry T. Myers , Evans Johnson , Almond I. Churchill. Ad ditional Henry H. Delonc. Colorado : Orijrinal OUnlel I * . Bright , Elijah R. Pollard , Joshua Campbell , Fred , crick Johnson. George M. Meads , John Hun- tor. Additional James Wilson , Thomas Barrett , William Davidson. J. Charles Rich tor. wholesale la tnber dealer , ISM Van Pelt stroat , PhiladelphiaPa..says : 1 can'I speak too blgblj of Bradycrotino as a headache cure. Ho hliot at Cory. Pollco Officer Cory went to Lincoln yester day to Uko a look at a man named \Vblta , who is now under arrest In that city for hav ing a kit of burglar tools in his possession. Cory positively IdcntiBed tbo prisoner as tbo man wno was with Jack Murray , the notori ous burgt.'ir , on the nlcat of March 23 , when bo was stet at by Murray near Sixteenth and Webster streets. It is probable that wbcn the Lincoln au thorities get throuch with tfnito ho will ba brought here to stand trial along with Mur ray for shooting at Officer Cory with Intent to fell ! . Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cbarapano fi naturally fermented ; there U nothing in il but the Juice of grapes. Try It. National l > rlll .lnilcr . The officers of the National Compatitiro Drill association have asked Iht ) War dcpart- 'ment ' through Senator Mundonon to detail three officers from tbe regular army to aol as Judires at the contest ccx > . month. Sena tor Manderson is urging favorable action by tbo department , and tbo association has as surances that his request will bo granted. "Eat , drink and be merry , for tomorrow" Bradycrotine will stop the bcndache. TIIK KKAI.TV MAKKKT. rXSTBCME > T3 Disced on record May r. L IsW : WAUHANTV DEEDS. J \V Thornpson to O N HlrUs. w ID I-C feet of eMl I-C futit lots U and 12. llart- letfsautl I15.0M Morris Morrison tru.tec. t > C kSpafard , lot II blocK I , Mt itauvlifi 4'W W S Silby dnrt wife to lUroan NUtol , lot W. block 13. a E Uoier's aJlii 2.030 E M Ko nl : U > 1'aclfic Kxpress roinainy. loth , block 72 ( except ii fe ti Uinnba. . 12.SOJ A J 1'oppleton and wife to 1'opalouin 1'ark lluililini aiioctiulon , lot U , block 7 , I'opnleton park 9M 1' A Montjiati nrtd liuihanrl to K M Krvnl ; , lot T. blooKS4J. Omaha 9OX > Aliralmin ( x > v U and wf | < > i j Jaob ICen- dl > . utullv \ ; lot 4 block I , J i-1 tar's udd to.-oulh Oinalit 530 G IITz.cliuctand wife to J N Carrut nl , lot IS. bUKjk" . I'll 11 in a u PUeo 2 ? amo to ll'irnca JOIJBS , lot 16. lame 3 tame toV C MeMailor. lot 17 , tuuio . . . . 2 bdine to l're < l Huxivy. lot 1muid : Chnrlecliartgw unit wtfu loTliuulore lluosln ; . lot S. block 2Iruxet'i lub ( re- rltel. 3.0M Tlieodoro Ilue lns and wife to Auzu ta roliartov. ri.e irufliO Ulchird O'Keefe and wife to Annlo O'Uonohue. lot 1 , b'.ook t. CurrUan plu.cc. . . . . . . 2M QUIT Cl.l UEtlli. A G MeShane to I. II Ilatokio. lot * 73 to aland 100lu 1.0 NorthtUle add 1 IJLtU * . O V Miles , jueclal tua tcr. toj II Tay- lor. o rift lot 7 , blocU. 1 , Uaaci It eel- duo' * artel . . . . . 410 G T l.lualuy. sytx-ml in lur. to K H Curtis. > * i lot I. Audr M > . W & T's mb . . . . . . 4.171 G A HenntJtt. slierllT. to fIU ) < n > bank of I'lattimoulti. w Si fl lut 1 , Uloflk 76 , outh Uwaha. 3.317 Total amount of tranifers I S\ J JalSV ) Brown's Bronchial Troche * " wera introduced , and their success as a cure foi colds , coughs , asthma and bronchitis bu boon unparalleled.