Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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May Corn Bobbed Up Eovcn OcnU and
Closed Strontr.
Whcnt TrnilliiK YcntcrdnyVn Almost
Wholly of it I.oral character nnil I'lnctti.
ntlonnVrro U'ltlnn Nnrroxv I.linlts
Stocks nnil llonils ,
r ClitCAno , III. . Mav 27-Mny corn bobbed up
7c todiiy und closed aHo advance. Thu cash
iimrltotwnsnoll attended by the few Mny
i-hoitfl , who appear to bu landing out waiting
for an Interposition of provldunco In their
favor. U Is surmised that the principal short
In tlio tniirkot Is lliosumu IU trader who lor
ho lonz IIIIH been play Ins successfully the short
fcldo of iivorytlilnit which It Is possible to sell
Jor future delivery. I'nrilrlduo , upiiarontly ,
liowe\cr , can stand as sovuro an application
of thu thumbscrews without wincing as anyone -
one , and ultlioimh tlio Rticss as to hlu position
in the May corn dual may bo
wronB. no ono uvpccts to dlsco\ur
u confirmation or dental of It front
Ills doniounor. The amount of business for
May was \ury slluht and thu prlco was very
erratic. It was sold early nlUlu and Inter n
Me , u"C , 07c and oxen as hlsli IIH 70o was paldt
for a Ilinltu I quantity , The closing prlru was
UTo. July fioin 4'i\u and < T > ' ,4c at thu oiiuiilnt- ,
declined to 4.r > kc , and sold as lilgli as 1 ! > } , o
later. It closed with nollcrs at Wte , nr ' o
under last night's II. u res. Tbo niarkot was
b Iphtly uasluron account of hotter \\eathcr
nnd heavier receipts. The Intloi nuiubcrud
4JH car * , of which HJ ) curs \\ero of thu miR'h
dohlrtd conlraut prude , Of thcsu , a llttlu
more than one-half caniuoutof Cbkugo prl-
Mitu waruhouses.
Wheat trntlini ? today was almost nholly of
n local charnctur. 'I lie opening AMIS atiotit
from ! iC to Uu lower , then It rallied from lie
to ic , Iliictuated within narrow limits nnd
the closing was about Uu hlKhur than ycslur-
diiy. J ho uunUer opening was duo to cluar
Meiither , lower cable * , but tlieio was a fair do-
iniind , it fuw outsldu Inlying orders helti - re
ceived , Now York ilolnir some huvln. and
local opctatois took on 11 little wheat at tha
louer pileci , ulilcli caused the tvmpoiary nd-
\ ance. There was a elUht easing oil from the
vuily advance , but'ei clearances from thu
Ho'iuoard , reports of croiith In 1'ninco nnd
Him market : il I'urls , together with reports of
another stoim foimhiK east of the Itock cs.
which Is likely to cause rain In the Mississippi
Milluy hnd a tendency to eieato a rather linn
feelltu : for thu time he In.1. ; Cudahy bought
CIU.UOU bu. or morn Ihronirh Mitchell.
Oats attracted llttlo attention and ruled a
tilllo caslui , thu weakness bulitj duo to heavy
l'roIslons opened firm on higher prices for
live ho s at the yards and then full o'l on the
) onis ) unloading , the situation being the re
verse of what It was yesterday , with the posi
tion that the miiikut was evened up. althotich
there may bo n few shorts out yet , Ihc 1m-
tirusslon was pretty HonenUly oxprosscd that
If corn hold up In the face of line weather th s
month It would iiilosteady. otherwise It would
KO all to pieces It Is estimated that the
Blocks of provisions at the end of the month
will ihpw a decline on old slock , an Increase
In Inrd nnn marked decrease In ribs. Compared
with last night , pork tins evenniz Is 15o lower ,
Inrd T'/io and ribs lU'ie. '
I'rul'dits woroslow , with llttlo dotnnr.d for
vessel room ut J14c for wheat and 14C ! for corn
to B u ( Tula
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
K cars ; corn , 4JO cars ; o.its , ! iQ cars ; hogs ,
1B.OOJ head.
Tiie leading futures raned ns follows :
num. i.ow. UOSK.
No. 2
BW ( $ Bl t 81
June. . . ,
Cons No. If
.Mny C3 70 M TO
Juno . . . . 4GH 70u 47
July 15H < 5 *
OATS No 2-
ilny 32
iM !
June 31M 81
July ! W
llrt-s I'OIIK
May lou 10 W 10 15 1C .
July 106SK IU fiH ! 19 Sftt in < K
IOCS IU li 1040 Wife
637 0 SO 6 32M ,
July G47k $ & 4U C UH
iopl C W C6S
EnoitT Itins-
68J 0 W 8 20 625
July. C Si G 20 6 25
fcpt. , 6 < ' . " $ 645 630 632
flash nuolallons were as foilovvs !
I'Lonn-Uull and unchaiiKedi winter pit-
cnta , 8I.CI.40 : winter straights , H.20 ; aprlni
li"lcnts , W'Mp4 ( JO.
r ? WJIBAT No. 2 siiilnp. 8J l8lo ; No. 3 aprlnj ,
4l so under July ; No. 2 tod. 8S'e.
ColtR Lower ; No. 2 , 48U07c ; No. 3 yellow
OATS-No. 2. S No. 2 wlilte ,
Ko. 3 white , 34J4Jic.
HVE-NO. 2,7tc. (
II UII.M No. 2 , COffiC2o ; No. 3 , ri3COc ; No. 4 ,
FI.AX SEED No. 1 , II.OJ > 4' .
TIMOTIIV SEED I'rlmo , Jl.29ffil.34.
I'OIIK-MCIS. per bbl. . Slo. ! ; Inrd , per 100
Its. . M.iO : < a < ) H2K ; short ribs , sldos ( loose ) .
| ( l.22l/J'a.2j ' ( ; dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) , $525
tW.IIIH ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , Jai7i ; < au/J0.
WHISKY Dlstlllorb' llulblied goodt , per gal. ,
HUOAU Cut loaf , 55Jio ; eranulatod , 4'c ' ;
ctiindnrd " ' '
Receipts and slilpincnts tod.iy were us fol
lows :
Nuw York .Martlets.
NEW YOHK , May 27. ri.ouii Receipts , 23,703
Jikjs. ; exports , lu.lOl bbK. a ,8M Bucko ; mar
ket moderately active ; sales , 25,1UU Lbls.
OoltN ' * * * * r\i in
WHEAT Uocolpts. 80.703 bu. ; exports , 429,777
liu. ; sales , 2. > 6ooj bu. of futures , 248,000 bu. of
ipot. biot | irregular , closing llrm and fairly
nctlvo nt UliSc ; No. 2 northcin. b(115fB87o ( ; No. 2
Chicago , 7c ; No. 2 Mil vankeo , UOS4o ; No. 2
cprlnhJ'ic. . Options declined li'd\o \ on
lower cables and line crop weather , ad
vanced Ufclie on covering through reports of
dry and hot weather In I'ranco and llrmi > r
entiles closing steady and unchanged lo Jio
closing at WWo ; October , Ii7i ) < 39le , closing at
Blc ; December , O.'M&.HiSo. closing atOJc ; May.
IKHtilKaiUj. , closing utlfl ) c.
Kvu rirm , onlot : western , 8JO87o.
UoiiN-llecolpt ! , , 7.775 bu , ; export ! , 87.775
lu. : sales. loso.O bu. of futures : 17,000 bu. of
spot , fcpot loner and very dull ; No. ' . ' , 58o
Inolewitor ; 69o ; ungraded mixed , 5Sffl
f.'o ; ste\inor mixed , Ole dellvorod. Options
depressed with May 5olowerandothermonths
OATS lleeolpt , Ol.SOO bu ; ovnorts , 3l,173bu
tales , 110,000 bu. of futures ; ' ' bu. of
auot. r-pot lower , mom actl\e ; options dull ,
u ler ; May , tojje ; cloaln ut iave ; June
eloslr.K ntnuo : July , as ffiJ.'JWc.eloslnBtttaifJo ;
AuEtiBl. j.ttfu.i c , eloslnic at : isic ; Heptomber
ulUMliv , o osliiK at ttl > ( a. Spot No. i ! while ,
Su ie ; mixed > \evteruUo iSc ; whlto wostcru
liors-'lrut iindntilot.
buuAii-Uuw , ilrm and dull ; roflncd , active
MonsHLS-Ilull ; New Orleans , to&Uy and
ItiCE-l'Irm and nctlvo.
I'Eiiioi.tUM hteady ; united closing at Mo
( or June.
UOTTONBEMI OiL-rirmi crude , 29 > { o bid ;
TAI.I.OWQuiet nnd steady.
Hosts Steady and quiet.
Tuiil'hMiMS Lower at 29' ® 10'io.
Kuns-llull , weaker ; wentern , 15Ji3ieo ; re-
telnts , 0.711 1 pHcknges.
Wooiririii , good domandj domestlo fleocc ,
KHffW50i ( Texas. I7ttv.'c.
V Stniiny nt ( us.
IIAnatho Quiet and unchanged.
COTTON TtBQulot nnd unchanged.
I'OIIK Quiet Hiid iteiuiy ,
CUT MKATs-Qulet , flrm ; pickled Bhotildors
BVo ; pickled hums. loHQIlo ; mldulo , weak ;
abort eloiir , * 7. l.Vit7.U
LAUD Lower , dull ; western steam closed at
1100 bid ; options salt's , l,2uO tlcreus ; July , ID. 73.
r utiUWbld ; August , < V7) ) ; September
o.oilng at
lIUTTKit Quiet , weaker ; western dulrv , 13VJ
( I14o ; western croamury. lJIOc ; ueitcrn fac
tory. lOaiUUui Elgin. Ihliitll'c '
CilKEvu-l Iriu , fair dumund , part ikltni , 3O >
8c.1'Kl IIION Moderate demand ) American
. , .
Coi'i'Eit-Qtilot : lake. ll1.P5aiS.Ort.
lKAtlull ) ; domestic. Jl 20QI Wf.
TlN-bto-iUyj atriilghtii , t'
( /ottun Alnrkvt ,
NEW YOIIK , May 27 , ruturo * oloswl tteady
iles , OV.'J.i bales : May. KMi Juno. t7.U7 ; July
t7.i7 : | August , e * 4.1 : heiilumber. 17.11 : October
I7.UI ! Novemtor , J7.7IJ Docuriibi-r , t.8l ! Jan
u.iry. * 7.U i Tobru try. * 7.0is March. IH.07.
NKW Oiu.mM < , La. . Alny mid-
ul.n. , 7Sci low miUullui ; , U U-lCo ; good ordi
nary. 03-ICo ; receipts. 1.077 bales ) erost re
ceipts , 1,1s. ! bales : exports to the continent.
101 bales ; sales , 2.900 bnloi ; Mock , IJ' bales.
Wcokly not receipts , 11,46) bales : Rross. H.0'4
htlos ; export ) to llrlt tin. 6.6JO bales : to
Trance , 3,377 bales ; to Iho continent , 4C)1 )
bales ; coast 7lso , 2'JCI bnlcs ; sales 8,700 bales.
Oinnlm rrniliii-n .Market.
HIDES , ETC. No. 1 qrecn hides , .lot No. 1
crcun salted hides. 4ftl < ic ; No Zgroon nailed
hides , ilftPio ; No 1 grrcn silted hides , 25 to 40
Ibs , , < 5JIUc : No. 2 green s ilted hides. 25 tn 40
lh % . LWI ci Na \cal 1 uilf,8to 15 Ibs. , 6u ; No 2
vojl cal.N to 11 Ibs.4cNo. ; I orv Hint hides.
7c ; No. 2 dry lllnt hides , Be ; No. 1 dry silted
hides. tV3Ga ; Sheep pelts Oroon salted , each.
f)3Ql.25 ) ; crspii salted BhoarlltiK ( short
woolcd cirly skins ) , ouch , Ifiassu ; dry shear
lings ( short woolcd early skins ) No. 1 , o.tch ,
f > ® l8c ; dry ( wonted early
RklnM , No. 2. cnch , Ac ; dry Hint Knnsas and
Nebraska butcher wool polls , per Ib , actual
weight , IDGpU'ici ' dry Hint Kans is nnd Nolirus-
kii murrain wool pells , per II ) . , ncttinl weight ,
8 © 2c ; dry flint Colorado btitehor col pelts ,
per Ib. , actual weight , lOQISlici dry flint Colorado
rado murrain u-ool pelts , pent ) , actual weight ,
8IOodry ; pletos and bucks , nctunl weight.
"idiOc. Tallow nnd grease ' 1 ullow. No. 1. ti'i ©
4o ; tallow. No. 2 , JKWUc : grease , wlillo A , 4u ;
grease , white 11 , 'I'Jc : urciiBC. yollou , 3u ;
greiifo , dark. 2 c : oltl butter , tt'Jci ' beeswax ,
primp , li ( < 32.'mtough ! tallow. l'i ® ( . ' .
llUTTi'.ii borne of the bust country butter
roe tit I.ll4u. but anything that fulls below
Hint foes to HIP puckurs at c.
rntJlTS t'lllfottilu Itlxersldo oranges , $ l. 0 ;
Washington nuals. J4.SO ; fair to choice lem
ons , JIfii W4 id ; fancy lemons. Jl.fO ; Iniiinnu" .
crated , S..OJtB..SO ; I'lorldii torn itocs , ! 4.iM ©
4 50 per crate of six biisKots ; pineapples , } -'J
per dor.
YlOKTAlit.ES California cnhbnpp. 2Uo per
lu. In cr.itcs : homo giown lettuce , : i > u )
40e per dor ; southern onions , J.'hVi
per lib.i ! llorinudn boxes. (223 ; Nebraska
hand nicked Leans , ll.SVa'.oO ; inudluin , * l.r ) ( ij
1.60 ; Co orado und western Nebraska pota
toes. fj@luo ; nitllNO polnliiea , 4045ci Lli.ia
bonus. 4e per Ib. ; splnnch , ? . ' 5- ® . ' ! 00 per bbl. ;
radishes , J54 c : pleiilnnl. 2u per Ib. ; now
I fornla potatoes , } ( < & 2 ? < ( .u per Ib. ; cucumbers ,
> 1. . ' 0 per doz.
bTUAWliKHitirs Choice stock suitable for
shipping , none toop.unty ; f ) 50Q500.
jv--Snmll spring ehlokons almost un
salable ut $2lKX33.Miii old fowls , $ l.Mai.5J. (
St. * Markets.
ST. Louis , Mo. . May S7. ri.ouil Firm hut
'OW.WIIKAT Opened ! jo lownr. tlion reacted ,
later dropped ngnln and after seine lluctuu-
tlon closed Jio below yesterday ! No. ! t red
cash. 87e ; May closed ut87c ; June , Me ; July ,
SP.c : AuiMist. 80 ? c.
CHUN I'ollowod who'll and closed ' "ic " under
ynstordny ; > o. 'J cash. 4Uc : May closed ut 4bjio ;
Julv , 4''lie ! September , 4i' i' .
OATS l.oner ; cash and May , 3l4c ! ; July ,
HVE-Qiilot. 74 > ' , c hid.
llAiit r.v No mm Kot.
llttAN Quint : country point lots. C3J4@CoJc. !
HAV Lower ; timothy , muixai.UO. .
LKAII Lowers $1 U. > for common.
KI.A\SKKD Lower at 81W ) .
HtiTTin Unchanged ; eroamery. 1317c :
dairy , llffftlfx' .
Knos line IniiRod at 13c.
COUN MEU , fcttoni : at 8L'.7. < a3.SO.
l'noiisiON Dull und lower ; poilc , jobDlns ,
Jll.OO : new , $10.00.
LAUD Straight contract lots , JO.J5 ; butcher
grades , $6.10.
Ditv SALT MFATS Loose fihoulders , } . " > .2 , ' > :
loups and ctlbs , J0.50 ; shorts , (0KK ( ; boxed
lots , lie moro.
HACON Shouldcis , K.OO ; IOIIRS and cribs.
17,00 ; shims , J7.UI5 ; stiar cured lums , JJ.UU ®
ItEcnit'TS riour , 3OC01bs. ! wheat , 17,000 bu. ;
corn. 25,000 bu. ; oats , 10.00U bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu. ;
barley , none.
SHIPMENTS Hour. 1,000 Ibs. ; wheat , none ;
corn , 12.000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu.j rye none ;
barley , 10,000 bu.
Italian * City Markets.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . May 27. WHEAT The
market was weak and lower ; No. S , 7-'H74c ;
No. 2 red , WSSIc.
COHN Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 4e ; No. 2 while ,
45 ! c.
OATS Wealt ; No 2 mlxca , 32321Jc : No. 2
white. UV&KWs.
KVE-We.ik ; No. 2 , C7'SCSc. { (
KI.AXSI KD-WC on the b isls of pure.
JUtAN-Stoudv : sucked , We.
HCTTEit Unthunged ; cro.unery , 10lSc ;
dairy , 7Nc.
rees Unchancod ; firm nt no.
HAV Very Urm. but unchanged ; timothy ,
890OIO.OO ; pr.ilrlc , . " > 0)fl8,0' .
HECEII-TS Wheat , 10.0.0 bu. ; corn , none ;
out" , nono.
Sim'UE.sTS Wheat , 24,00 bu , ; corn , 10,003
bu. ; oats , nouc. * * .
Koiv York Dry ( iooil.s Market.
NEW Vunic. ftly 57. Uuslnosa In dry eoods
was under fair headway at first hands , with
some activity In wide shootings and In tlfk-
incs. A few lines of fall glnghalns are also
sellliig with Homo freedom. Most of the
articles for nnxt season which have been
on the market for some time
arc well under contract. Converters
are ngaln moro actlvo In talclnz heavy brown
cottons. The marl.ot continues under a cool
tone with an upward tenJoncy In Bomo direc
tions. Higher prlcos aio being talked of for
next COI&OH'H prints. Thorndyko tloklnes
were advanced today ! io a yard. Print cloths
continue llrm ut S' c. at which prlco manu
facturers retuso to sell.
Liverpool Mirlcats.
LIVEHPOOU May 27 Wheat Quiet : hold
ers offer moderately ; No. 1 California. 7s 4d
lor cental : red western spring. 6s OdOfis O'.Jd '
ior cental ; No. 2 red winter , Os I0d0s lid.
ttecolpts of wheat past three days , 214OOJ cen
tals , Including 164.00J American.
Couv firm ; demand fair ; mixed western.
4s OKd per cental. Hccolpts of American corn
past three days , 8,8i)0 ) centals
LAUD I'rlmo western , 33s Od per cwt.
Mllnnukoa Markets.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. May 27. WHEAT No. 2
spring , 633 ; July. 81ic.
COUN Weak ; No J. 4So.
OATs-Quiot ; No. 2 white , 35CM5 / ; No. 3
white , : u&JI'ic.
llAin.ur No 2.57'Sc.
KVE l 'li moi ; No. l , Klc.
t'ollno 'Market ,
Nsvr YORK , Mav 27.-Opllons opened nteady
i points up to 6 points down , closing llrm.
Sales. 28.0iO bags , Including May , $12 ; ! 54il2.
Itrfrlgorutor Heel In iii ; liiii < 1.
LivEiirnot. , Mav 27. American refrigerator
beef , forequirtem.iid : ; ; hindquarters , 4VJd nor
Ib. ; live cattle , 4J 'd per Ib.
LONIION , May 27. American refrigerator
ncof. forecpmrtors , Is2dlstd ; ; hindquarters ,
2n 4d-s Bu per 68 Ibs. by the cuicasy.
l'orclii | Oil Market.
per quarter.
HKriNFt ) I'l.Tiior.KUM fid per gallon.
Hl'llttTS I'KTIIDI.BUM 7ll per gillloil.
Tuni'KvriM : St'iiim Sis lOJJd per owl.
KOSIN ririn ; 8s dd per out ,
lMlniii'HiollH | Wliout Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , May 27. Wheat , life
less , although steady at small advance. He-
colpts , 27" > ears. Close : May , BJVo : Julv ,
Slio ; September. 70'io ; on track. No. 1 hard ,
8.1'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , SJJiCj No. 2 northern ,
Philadelphia , drain market.
riiir.ADEM'iiiA , I'n. , May 27. WHEAT Weak
and lower : No. 2 red Mav , OHittOl'.Se.
COIIN Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , May , 53Si ©
OATS Weak and lower ; No , 2 whlto , 40e ,
Cincinnati Mtrkot * .
CINCINNATI. O. . May 27 , WiiEAT-Scarce ,
higher ; No 2 rod , &Sc.
CUIIN Klrm ; No.2 mixed , WiW'jo. '
OATS-rirm : No. 2 mixed , UO J7o.
llnltlinore Umln Market.
HAI.TIMOIII : , Md , , May 27. WHEAT Easy ;
No. 2 rod Hpot , 0.'iS'P-lf ' e.
COHN Steady ; mixed coot , . _
DATs-Steady , No. 2 white , 30jo.
Toledo ( Irani Market.
TOLEIIO , 0. , May 27. WllliAT Steady ; No. 2 ,
UoiiN dull ; No. 2 cash nnd May , 50o.
OATS-Qulot ; oatdi , 3le.
I'orulKn huuiir Market.
LONDON , May 27. Muscovado , fair refined ,
Us 3d uerewt.
OIHCAOO. III. . May 27.-Counsoln.un A Iiy
toCookrell Ilitw. : There WHH a liberal trade
In grain within a small range today , The dis
position of holdeu WHH to accept ruling pro-
mluins on sput lnir but to buy buck the fu
tures and Ueep lonj off thu nmruut. Weather
ec'ilpon mild on aiinshlne. Uush lota of
wheat were iiulut and llrm and hold at pre
vious II.111 re * . Low grade corn was lo lower
and oats > ic lower on more liberal offerlius
by roeoUers. I'rovNIon * oponml aetlvu' unJ
a shade hUherlu symputhy with thohox mar
ket , belling by bouipor.i and eominUslon
homes caiued u duollno of 25o In pork , but
paukera bought thin product frooiy below for beptember anil their purehusos
caused a reaction uud Urm oloilnz with u
hluher tondoney.
OuioAoo. III. . May27.-l\ . Loan & Co. ,
to Duncan , llolllngor JL Oo.t Writing a dally
letter on whoit In adlllloult task and to thu
writer of it hUhly uiuatUfuctory. Beuboard
clearances uro good , Uablen are nil bettor ,
spring and H Inter crop lulu but our market
Is ( lull nddrtt Klng. July opened at 8J.Su ,
old up toB 'ie uud oloaoil at WJo. Wo may
bo wrouj lu our opinion lu thinking
wheat li low enough , but with both
crops only In the embryo atitte wo
Uelluvo It prudent to buy It , In any ouio
whottt i low , Corn hut boon fairly aotlvu und
thn early iiroipoutof true dollvurloi cause * a
weak feeling It will do to bur on all docllnei
until inure U learned about the growing crop.
Oat * uro too hltfu uud will aoll lonur , llog
products nl I untlmatctv soil Iilalicr. but for
the Ininicdlato future wu think should sell oil
a little In consequence of ro illzlng profits.
rrofcinlonnl Clmrnctcr of tlio Trailing \\nn
AVctl Mnlntninril Yrstrrdny.
NKW YOHK , Mny " : , The stock market fully
maintained Its strfr-tly professional character
today mid whllo them was u contlnunnco of
tliu Into successful drives In u small way the
exhausted selling power was Indicated by the
dwindling business and the limited success In
depressing pikes In the fowdiivesnuulu attho
lust moment. The stubbornness with which
the late attacks have been res sled anil the
poor success In getting prices tlown with the
nbscnco of real selling by London , wheat
bears li nl to bo depended upon to some
extent , discouraging the fuither selling
otxhort slocks , und the manipulation htis evl-
dunlly ( or Its object the recoveiy of stoel.s
already put out. There \MisdutliU tha day ,
Iiowirtur , a marked luck of olTurlnss at ruling
prices und coifcequcnlly Iho miiruotsiiik Into
Intense dullness at ( lines , und us usual at such
times u few slocks moiuinollred the trading
and the general list remained dovold of feat
ure. There wus also nn nbsi-nco of news of u
ehar.ietei to Inltiirncu prices und llnctiiutlons
otitH de of n few stocks were confined to thu
smallest fractions ,
Then L'nlon Pacific anil Sugar led nn up-
wur.l movement which extended to largo
fraction" . The result of Urn ucrtlstunt ultuit-
lutlon of bull points , however , wnsseen In the
Rlnirn upniird nunenicnt. of Colorado Co U ,
uhlch rose from : i percent toU. but guliiB In
thu r.ulro id list worn confined
iimounls. The nftornaon'i triulliij dp > eloped
no fciitmu win thy of notu niuUno moxemont
of impoitaiico. 'I'liero wus some stremth uts-
plavsd In the late tradhiit on Iho ollorls lo
co\ur , but the murl.ut llnnlly closed only
steady to firm , generally at close to Hrst
( lovernincni hoinUdull and heavy.
The 1'ost says : The whole movement of
stock prices Is tu the hnnila of ppeciilatlv o
faet'ons. Onu point of v.mtligo and miitnpu-
lnll\o skill fo'nposlng these two contingents
is altogolhcr outside. The piofoslonal
ers. when the murkiit ndvunces. hu\o eAhlb-
Itud llttlo skill und less courage. Their for-
wuid moxuniunt Is slow and ttmld , und the
llrat slL'n of danger , however i emote. Is UU-
llngulshed by a general desertion. Ho long us
thu short Interest Is ncthely covcrlnv und
buyers urn numerous there Is llttlu iltllloulty
In advancing prices , for there nru plenty of
we tic speculator * Involved In the market , so If the bear leaders cease bidding Ihu
bulls uru In a liuirv to muUu sure of their
The following nro the closing quot'itlons for
the lending stocks on thu Nuw York iUouk ex
change to lay :
InoluiJInit : Delaware & Western , 4.400 : Hrlo ,
0,010 ; Lottlsvlllo & Nushvlllo , 7,100 : Now EnR-
land , H.100 ; Kenalns , 29,300 : Ulclimond & West
Point , 5,330 : bt I'niil , 10.455 ; L'ulou 1'aclflc ,
4,300 ; Wcstoin Union , 12.223.
Now York Money Market.
NEW YOUK , Mny 27. MONBV ON OAt.rrnsy
at Iffll'.J nor cent ; < ast loan.lK porccut ; closud
offered at Hi per cent.
STEIU.INO EXCHANGE Quint out firm at
(46GU for sixty day bills utul (4.63 for do-
closhiK quotations on bonds :
U. B , 4sreg llb ? Mutual Union ( is. . . . IU7H
U. fa. 4BCOiip ll'U N. J. U. Int. Cert. . . . 11OS
U. H. 4 > < s rce 100 North. 1'aclfle Ists. . 11S } {
I'acltlc Cs of ' 1)5 1W North. I'acltlc UndB. 113
r.onilnn llnunriiil lto\lo\v ,
LONDON , May 27. [ Now York Herald Oabl eSpecial
Special to Tup Hhu.1 Oenonil business has
been comparatively qnlcl In thn stock o\-
chkngo today. Attention has been largely di
rected to concluding arrangements of the set
tlement. Two failures huu been announced ,
neither , however. Important. Their losses ap- to liavo been ehlollv In American rail
ways. KunUbuio unehanged. A number of
realizations outiscd Intoiijutlonal foroluu gov-
ernrncutbecurltles to close smowhiit flat , the
cieuicsslon bulng increased by reported wo ik-
nesa on the I'.irls bourse. Homo railways with
few exceptions close llrm. A rnodor.ito 1m-
proNenient Is established In Brighton
deferred , Southeastern < leforrod 0aledonian ,
CliHthum , Rieni Kiibturn and Metropolitan ,
while thn Northwestern , London , Northwest
ern and Midland are ' 4 to n per cent lower.
Amoilciin lallways elosu ( latonsomo forced
BHles. New Vork has sent a few soiling or
ders with a view to Inlliienco tliU market. Ago
nl decline N oatabllBlied Inolndln >
go D 01 ? , a
per cent In Louisville & . Nashville , Union
I'uulfic. Il < percent : W.ibush debenture , ' per
cent ; Hrle , Denver , C'hlc igo Si MIlwuuKeo , ' 5
to ii per cont. All other Canadian lines elo o
heavy In sympathy. IJriind Tiniilc pieler-
encoshiixo fallen it to I pot cent. The Cana
dian Piielllu Ib > a to per cent lower owing to
the Stock exchange roiiulromonts. Money haa
been In llttlo hotter demand today. Today
loans have been easily obtained at ! i to / percent
cent- The discount market has boon quiet.
Two and throe months bills were quoted at
Jt to H per cent.
Financial Note * .
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 27. Clearings , 11,402-
NEW Yon * . May 27. Clearings. 1105,570,820 ;
balances ,
IlAi/ruioiiE , Md , May 27. Clearings , 12,271-
319 : balances , it9J,3J5. ! Money. 0 per cent.
I'liiiiAUiu.i'iiiA , Pa. , May 27. Clearings , $10-
080,685 ; balances , tl,657,7t > 0. Money , 3 pur cont.
LONDON , Mny 27. Amount of bullion gene
Into the Hank of England on balances today
MEUHIIH. Tonn. . May 27. Now York ov-
change hellln ; at 11.60. Clearings , &tJ3,0,2 ;
balances , iI.M.680.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 27. Money , 335 per
cent. Now York oxobnugo , 60o premium ,
Clearings. * . > , U8WO.
LlEiii.iN , May 27 , The Btatemcnt ol the Im
perial IlrtiiK of Uormuny she s un Increusa in
upoclo of 21.39J murks.
HOBTON. Mass. , May 27. Cloarlnsi , $13,031 , .
837 ; baluncus , { 1.857,423. Money , li } per cent ,
Kxcluingo on Nuw York , par ,
NEW UHI.KANB. La. , May 27. Clearings.
( OM.415 ; Now York exchange commercial , 50o
pvrtl.lOO ; bank , II.&J peril.OJO.
IIOSTON , Mass. , May 27. Clearing house bal
ances , Jls'.8,4 l ; rate , 14 ! per cent ; call loans ,
" ® 34 ! per cent ; fltna louus. QO per cent.
BT , Louis , Mo. May 27. Clearing , JJuOI,4lU ;
balances , firii.7 . Money , quiet anil easy at
4QU per cunt. ExolutiKU on Now Yorx , OOo
NEW YOUK , May 27. [ Spoolnl Telegram to
Tin : Ilr.c.1 I.xchange wasiiuoted as fjllown
Chicago , 70o urumlum ; lloston , par ; St. LouU ,
9Jo premium ,
PAIIIH , May 27 , The weekly stntonicnt of
the Hank of Franco shows at Incroauo of II.-
475.0JO francs gold and 1.925,000 frunod silver.
Three per cent rentes , list 71Ju for the account ,
OillCAdO , 111. . May 27-Clcurlngs. J15.708.I09 ;
money easy at 3144t4 pur omit for call loans ;
4M per cent for time ; Nuw York oxcnuiiKe. 75o
premium ; sterling exchange , dull ! tl.bOV for
Uty-auy bills ; Jl.bri for si- lit drafts.
ban 1'ruiielnfo Mlnlni ; guolndom.
HAN ritANUlBCO , Oal , , May 27 , The olVclal
closing quotations for mining stooka today
were as follows :
Alt * cu Uaitcan IW )
Uulvier to Mount Diablo 1.0
licit & Uelchor 2i6 Natajo 10
llodle ComullUBtetl. 89 Opbtr 2iO
fuolUr 70 I'otoil. . . , , . , , to
COD. Cnl. & V M SftVBRU , , U&
Cronu 1'olnt IM Blvrrn Nernda 130
KurekkCou SUO Union Con 134
UouldA Currr IU Utau U
Halo A horcron. . . 14i Yvllow Jacket 10
Denver Mining Blocks ,
DcNVin , Colo. , May W. Tbo following tulil *
shows Die r.ingo of prices nnd tr.-unMCtlcms
forjestcrdny. Snlcs , 10.4JU shares.
: Market.
HOSTON , Mnssii'jiny 27. The following
ttuio Ihoolosliitrprlcuson steaks on the HJS-
ton stouk mm key ijjljiy :
i.ivi : STOCK MAKKITS. :
C.ittlo Actho nnd firm ling * Scarce nnd
OMAHA , May ST. Uecolpts for nvo days foot
up 12,104 ci.ttle , 27.W1 hogs nnd 2.001 sheep ,
nirnlnst 1I.031) cattle. 20'ttD hogs ttnd 1J"J shcop
the same llvodays lust week ,
Theio was some Improvement In the gcnoral
cnttto maiket , but except In Isolated cases
prices \7ero not nitotahlv higher than Thuis-
Uiiy. All buyers were In the Held , castotn advices -
vices belli , ; fiuorablo to admit
of moderate activity on the part of shlpuors
and cxpoitcrs. Dustr.iblo cattle of all weights
moNod moro freely tli.ui on any day M ) far
this ueolt , but nt siibstantlallv Htc.tdy
prices Good I.-J03 to l,40J-lb. bteors sold at
from S'.Tfl ' to 14 0 > ; fair to good 00) ) to I.00-lb.
steers at from $ I.M to $1.00 , and Intel lor llaht
Bttill from thru down lo)2. ) * > . The yards were
empty nt the oloso , buying being actlvo
thioiuhout the day.
There wna the usual meaner supply of cows
and mixed stock on sale , nnd prlcos wcro
about Htendv all around , bomo mixed steers
and helfots sold for JIBS , but fair to good
rows and heifers sold largely ut fiom ? . ' . -J to
$ Some old thin poltors sold as low as
* ! . ! . " to iiOU. Hulls , oven and st igs were gen
erally stronger at from JI.VJ to ? , Lt5. Calves
and yoaillnss were In good demand and llrm
ut from $ l.7" > to $1(0. (
Thuro vus nogicnt nmount of activity to
the nnd feeder trade , but the general
tone ot the iimrKut was somewhat Improved
by the hotter demand from tbo country , ( loud
stulT Is all right strong but common and In
ferior grades aio slow sale nnd loucr. liopru-
Eoutatlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r.
11. . 745 $ .1 25
18. . 760 .1 35
4. . COJ 3 40
12..1170 B 40
11. . CSS 3 45
3. . 112.1 3 45
1. . OBJ 3 M
5..U 22 3 W
1 10SO 3 m
10. 005 3 53
4..1157 3 53
17..1113 3 51 *
20. . 605 3 55
1. 1:100 : 3 GO
21. . DIG 3 GO
2..1000 3 U )
8..1142 309
2i..l074 3 GO
O..U60 3 GO
33..1161 3 CO
0..1071 3 05
. . sn i cs
1. . 400 2 00
1. . COO 2 15
1. . 310 1 75
6. . 408 1 75
1. . 39J 3 25
1. . 600 375
No. Av. I'r.
40 feeders 005 8,1 11
52 feeders ffiO 3 15
Iloo-i Uocclpts were pretty much the sumo
as Thursday , but 3.000 lighter than last
Friday. Knrmeis are too busy to haul hogs to
market now , notwithstanding tlio tempting
The market opened , nearly 63 hlgho
than Thursday , Improved as the morning
advanced , and closed fully 5o higher ,
bhlppers held off on account of the high
prices , but the flnnnosi In provisions Induced
free buying by packers and fresh meat
dctilcid. The comparutl\oly llxlit offerIngs -
Ings changed hands quickly , the good , heavy
and butcher weight hogs commandlnir
u premium of from 2'4o ' to So over light and
mixed sin IT. Iho good hogs regardless of
weluht sold largely ut $1.00 to $1.05 , w lib bonio
of thu best heay loads at $4 b7'/i ' and $4.70. and
poor light stuff us low us $1 45 and { 4.55 , Hales
weie mostly at 4.09 lo W.C5 aualnst fl.fu to
$1.00 Thursday. The general uvoragoof prices
paid was $1.0,1 against $ I.5S ; Thursday and
f l.4jja ; last I'rlday. lieprcsontutlvc sales :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. bh. i'r.
20 129 401445 60 258 (4 02'J
4 205 4 45 08 215 200 4C2'J '
80 , . . .1GJ ICO 445 02 20J 40 4 G2J {
10 . . . .150 4 45 5 2. > 7 200 4 ( i'K
4 aio 4 45 65 2JO 100 40. ! ' ,
5 204 4 50 CO 248 40 4 62
3 3J3 465 50 220 240 4 I ! . ! ' , }
5 -'ill 83 465 C9 244 4U 4 Kilt
4 215 4 65 70 228 1W 4 02'i !
10 187 4 63 71 228 10J 4Hi (
4 . . . . 845 4 65 75..2JJ 1UO 4 flt,4 !
58 175 120 455 63 2C8 120 4 02 ! }
12 237 4 65 71 237 60 4 O2'i
80 181 200 4 57K 70 217 40 4 W ! ' ,
fl 258 4 57W 8.2.S 120 4 WJJ
01 . . . .193 80 4 57M 77 104 240 4 C5
77 26J 40 4 60 75 228 4 05
7J 234 240 460 67 201 200 405
6) ) . . . .255 200 463 C5 251 120 465
3 > 220 40) 80 211 40 4 05
0 4JO 4 60 (19. ( . 2JH M 4 Ur
45 210 4.60 73 OJ 120 403
70 103 83 4 CO 00 241 60 4 05
60 227 120 4 60 01 24J 280 405
00 101 40 4"00 64 10 40 405
72 221 120 4 & ) , 60 ! TIO 405
07 230 bO 4 CO 71 SH 200 4 63
47 279 89 4-00- 70 227 120 405
50 232 129 VCOi 2.1 201 4 u5
72 21.1 300 4 00 ' 63 218 100 4 Ui
OJ 249 20J 400 9 07. . . . ! 281 120 405
49 175 120 4 00 CO 270 320 4 ( A
72 241 200 4.U3 7J 199 40 4 ( B
5S 227 283 4/J00 * 74 212 80 465
71 2.13 120 400 CO 274 ISO 4 07tf
6S 237 4) fm ' 63 278 40 4 07JS
OS 201 240 4 00 ' 64 Ml ISO 4 07i {
01 225 83 4 00 , 68 . . . .20.1 ? J 4 07J }
01 200 820 4 00 ' 45 321 4 07U
77 . . . ,230 1VO 4JB ! 72 219 4 67W
75 22J 8) 4,02'i 67 271 83 470
70 230 203 4 C'45 Od 270 40 470
60 205 60 4tii ; ( ! 60 . . . -.K ! ICO 470
BiiEKP There were no fresh rocaluts of nheop
and nothing hero to-miiko u market. The du-
iiiund continues good and prices unchanged ,
Fiilr to good nufil > c4 fl.W to M.OJ ; fair to good
wostenu , 11,50 Uu IU.UO ; common and stock
Mr. IIjiiAM TIIWKATT , of Clean , Pi&
County. Aln. , saya that SWIKT'B SmciKia
cured hfrn of a painful case of Eczcmw
of which ho had suffered for 85 ycan .
Uo took seven bottles.
cures by driving out the germs and pot-
. Bend for.
eon. It Is entirely vegetable.
book on the Skin and Blood.
ATLANTA , Q * . ;
Iiocp.tl00to fl.5 ; good to choice 40 to 00-tb.
htnljo , ILVOtutVu.
Itocrlpn nnil DUpiiKltliin nf Stock ,
Olllclal receipts nnd disposition nt tocas
liown by the booki of tin- Union Stock Yards
omp my for the twonly-four bouts ending at
o'clock p , tn. , May 27. 1 'B ' :
? A TII i j nous , i vurnIIUII | KH n MIS
Cnr 11 end Oars. 'Head ' Cnn .Ill-nil . Curs. I lleitl.
. . .
1,81(1 ( 4019
l.lvu Ntnck .Murltpt.
ClitCAno , 111. . Mny S7. [ bpeclulTelegram to
HI ; llii : . | Thuro wiis nu ncllxoeatllo nrir-
( pt today and n strong ono. U oful ciittlo In
ho su\uril clus'-es wcio huld nt from lUc to l"io
ilihcr tliiin on Wednesday and buyi'rs paid
ho aux'.ini'c ulthoul u inuinnii. Hunsn
good , iiethe , hcaltbv innrUct. Cousaml hulls
eroKa oibloiil from tl.r > 0 to illl ) fqr Infetlor
o clioh'o ( iniiilty and sales of stcors ere on a
j-islsof from f l."i ) tofltiiforotycumniontii
sxtrn. It took u more than oidlnnrlly good
nincli of tows to bring morn tliiin $1. ' .
ind from SI..O to SI n still buys good
bloers i\trcmo ititctudo | still chur-
ictirlcs ! the trailo In stocKcrs anil
oodcrs. Thcro was a limited amount
'f trading at from $ . ' .21 to $ , l IK ) . Thu calf mnf-
vct was IIrm ut the teccnt tul\uiu : > .
Jhoro was tin excited mniKot for hogs ,
Ittrely h-is there licon slnrper bidding thiin
viisseoii for nu houroi l\\o this morning , and
suldom do sellers linxo tbo satlsructlon of
cclng DiK'cs ECOIO a moro proiumucrd nd-
Mince Clood to best grades inu\vd up fully
l'c. and the gain In common mixed lots was
t-ll moro diiuldcd. I5c no moru than co\orliu
i , l no advancu as sustained to the end and
1 > 3 closnns llrm at from it4 71 to $ VO" > for
mortopxtri iiualltles No considerable part
) f the supply changed hands below ? I.S"jln-
loed the hulk fetched from Jl 111 to $ : > UO. *
Prices for sheep and lambs eic not sub-
ect-d to any Important olmngu Tlio modur-
ilo supply In the pans was bought tip at fully
sti-ady r itos. sales making on n b isls of from
'ill ' to $ . - 7Hor Inferior to extra shoin sheep.
and from to K2 > for sprlinr 1'itiibs ' ; woolen
yoirllhgssoll ni ftom ? ( VUJ to $7.00.
Kecclpts ! Cattle , 7,000 ; ho s , ' . ' .I.OOOi sheep ,
' ,001.
Thu n\cnlng.Journal reports : CATTI.K Ho-
colpls , 7'iOU ; bhlpmi'iits , L'ou : market sto idv ;
) rlmo to extr.i stturs. $4..T > ® 4 fe" > ; good to
choice , Jlb.Vit4 11 ; others , $12 dfi it.73 ; stocki-rs ,
J.)00J.r ) > n : piimo cows and holfcts , t.i.uoftiT\ :
llonx-Itocoliits , 2i,000 ! shipments 8.COO ;
naruct bilsk and lUj higher ; rough and
common , flU.Oi.'iil ; mixed and packers , 11.75
i.K" > ; pilmo he.tvv and butcher \\eights ? , ? 4.M
e".0-i ; light , JI.7.VBI 91
faimnp Ucceipts , 4.COO : sh'pniont" . 2,000 ;
mnrkct actho and steady to < > liiida ! > .tioiucr ;
clipped Toxnns , f1 ? . ' < BI. > > ! clipped tnitivv ,
Jlj 6W.71 ; yearlltu's. $ i..VJ.UOi ( spring lamus ,
Now York I.lxo Stock .Mnrket.
Nnw Yoittc. Mav 27. UcEVCS-Rocolpts , J.551
icud. Including 18 cars for Bale : market slow ,
steady ; native steers , M.103(1 ( ! ? ! { ; bulls and
tows , ti.feTMGa'Uri ; dressed beef sto uly at 04 ©
? * c per Ib. Shlpmonts today , 2JO buuvos ; to
morrow , 1,127 beeves and 8,558 quarters of L'oof.
OAI.VES Heci'lpts , 755 hpad ; market Uo
owcr : buttormllk calves. f.l.00.12.r > .
SHEEP Kecclpts , 5,704 head ; markotstcadv ;
shcop , W.OOS6.50 ; yearlings. $1102 © " 10 ;
ambs , JS.OJffilO.00 ; dressed mutton steady at
l12ic ! per Ib. : dressed yearlings , llIJc ;
dressed lamhs , J laiCc.
lloos Itccolpts , 5,112 head , consigned di
rect ; nominally steady nt Jo.JO.
Kiinsns City Ll\o Stuck Market.
KANSAS OITV. Mo , Mny 27. CATTM : Ifo-
celpts , 3,300s shipments , 700. The niarkot for
natlvo cattle was stondy ; Texans dull and
weak ; dressed beef and shipping steers. $ J 153
.20 ; cows , f2.00'Ji ; ) ; stockcrs und feeders ,
lions Kecclpts , 12.C03 ; shipments. 1 700. The
narkot was active and fie higher ; all grades
84.20S4.K ) ; bulk , J4.55Q4 70.
SHKEIHccolpts , 1.200 ; shipments , 3,500. The
market \ > as steady to strong.
St. I.ouls Live Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo , May 27. OATTI.E Receipts ,
,8111 ; shipments , 1,470 ; no good natUcs on
Halo ; fair to good Texans , ? 2.'JJG.'t ' CO.
Iloas Itccolpts , : i,700 ; shipments , 1.007 ;
market actlvo and higher ; fair to choice
icavy , Jl C04 SO : ml\ed ordinary to good ,
4.204.7U ; lisht fair to best , Jl uOS4.75.
SHEEP Receipts , : i70 : shipments , none : imr-
cot stronger ; full to good natU cs , ! 1.0025.15.
When Traxcllnj :
Whether on bent or business , take
) n every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
t acts most , pleasantly ang oflcctivoly on tbo
iidnoys , liver and bowels , provontiop fevers ,
icadochcs and other forms of sickness. For
sale in 50 cents and $1 bottles by all leading
How a person cnn gain in flesh by the
use of Johann IfofTs Malt Extiact. Ee-
cause it contains , in an active form , the
agents necessary in digestion. Good di
gestion is necessary for the nmintainancc
of health. When you are losing flesh ,
when your appetite fails you , or after ic-
covery fiom sickness , you will find the
use of the genuine Johann Hoff's Malt
Extract most valuable for building up
your weakened constitution. Don't delay
to use it. You will find It a delicious
remedy. Be sure to obtain the "genu
ine , " which must have the signature of
"Johaun Hoff" on the neck of eveiy
bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co. , Solo
Agents and Importeis of Mineral "Waters ,
0 Barclay sticet , New York.
Union Stock Yards Company
est oattlo. ho ? and bheop market In tlio west
CO [ RIUHI Write to this ho ins for oor-
OU , UiUAIlrt | reet Market Raport ? .
Wood Brothers ,
Soutli Omaha Telephone 11)7. - Chicago.
W. K. WOOD , f MannKors.
Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully
fimiUhed upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , HustSt. I.ouls , Kansas City , South
Oiiiahu , nloux City. Tort Worth.
A. t'rlll , W. K. Donny , II , V. TullmaUijo ,
CUlcago. llotfUuluimnn. Lttttlu buloiman
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lvo Stock Commission Ilooni27 Kicbungu
tioutli Oumha.
A. D. Boycr &Company ,
ManilM Kxchango lliilIdlnSontliOiualia. :
CorrcBiiondoiKO Bolkltod nna promptly answorml.
bpoclal ultcutlontoorder fumtockor Afuoilcrji.
. Incorporated , 1K
KitBblliUed , 1883. - - -
f ally pal.1 , 120 OOJ.
Waggoner liirney Company ,
Write or wire u § for prompt anil rclloblu market
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Stook Commission.
Itoom 61 Uxulmiieo Hulldln * . boulh Omaha.
Teluphonu 1707.
QassmanA ; Dudley , M. H. Hegarty & Co. ,
Itooma CO and Rli Kx- llooni 31 nxoaii2O
BouthOmabo , - Neb South Omiiha , Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The only bank at the jnrili. Capital and tut-
plus , I2JO.UUO. Cell ctlousiirowlni { out of llio llvo
stock Uuilnen should t sent direct to tliU bank.
Ublppors citnituiioittfurciixlltof tualr hoaiu bank
rors' and
Contractors ntvlsnlicontrnctoM for oil klmlt of
bnlldlne , iilnMorlittr imlnllncetp , will receive *
copy nf ( llcnn'i Nrchltect * nml builder * directory
free , by uptidlna their nnmp , lm lnr s nnd lorn-
lion to tha publisher J II ( ilenn , IMS 15th SI
INO COMPANY. Tents , nwnlngs. trupnn-
HUBS , hnuimoclK. oil nnd lim , covers ot Ml kind * ,
nihlier clothing , bend Magi , bnnnoM , etc. Send
forcnt'gue. 111,1 Karnnm lor cAtaloguo,7Uj S. lull
Slinl , minllli , cotton
Importers rope , liciup , Jute cot *
incks , burl&ps , tnluo
ton twlne tnrml cord-
nitf. etc. W * IJlli pt.
H.O. DAXOH BiicceMor toJ.JVllk -
, cnv > i. M'f a cluni. piper
Bleycloi sold on tountlily pUCklllgtbOtDS. All llUVOl
13) ) N. 15th > t lies In box lino.
lllij lloutflni St.
1IOJ I low u.l Strait
Fnotoiy oornsr llth nnd Domini .
We ro nmklDK close prlcoi to oitih b tyeri , nnl nr *
lolling a clnu of oo.1i wtitoti If Tury !
ntilonlth fflorohanli.
Wholesaln Mfr * Agent * llootn Kline * , rubber *
lloilon Hiibbcr 8hoi < Co , fi'lt Riioila 1,103 , 181
11U2 , IIUI. llUlllnrnoy nt llnrncy tt.
ma co.
Office , 3.9tb nnd I.cnrcn-
worth 9H. Umnhn.
John Uurliuvor. Ant.
Mfrg Comfpctloncrs nnd
Jobbers of forulvn nnd
domottlo fruits , 1110
Howard et.
Cnrrtago builders. Hoi *
Bud pntrol nngons n
IBtti , opp Court IIouio
Clothing , notionfurnish ,
Ings Ulvo us n trial Mnnufn and wholosnl *
bumplos prepaid by ox olothlor * . lim llarucy
preen lllil llaruu ) . itrjoU
LIME CO. , Mfn. Ralvnnlicd Iron
nard andeoft coal. B H. cornice , window cnps . ,
ccr. 16th and Uouglai- mctallo BkjrlUhlB , cto.
Its. 1110 ,
Contrnclors nnd sub co i tractors for all kinds of
building , plastcrlnz , | > ilntlru etc , will rccul\e n
cop ) of ( ilenn'anrcullect * nnd builders directory
free , by sending their name , bualncas nnd locn
tlon , to tbo publisher. J. H. Glenn. 113 H. IStli
M.E. SMITH ft 00. ,
Dry goods , notions , fur- Dry goodi.notions , gont'i
nlinlng goods Corner furnlsblnff goods Cor.
llth and llonard Hi. llth and lioward-BU
Upholstered furniture
13021 OH Nlcholm st Grace nnd Tulrtccnth
Wholesale only. streets.
1101-1205 Jonai itreet , lOtb nnd naraey 'streets ,
Omah * . Omaha.
An ordlnnnco drcl.irlns tlio lianlts of e.irth
uxKllriK on lots ID. : c > und M iti .1. I. Hcdk-k's
addition , n iiulsiincu. and oidorlng ancli inn-
sunco nb.itud by Krriclliu ; down such lots
Ho Itordnlnud by tlioolty council of thu city
of Oimilm :
buutlon 1. Tlmt tlio bank of pnrth now oxlst-
huon lot 1 ! > , J. I Hcdlck'H ndilltlon to tlio city
fit Omiiba , on tlio west nldo of L'Ttli stieet , bo
nnd tlio Is hereby duuliucO to bo n mils-
iinqo nnil htich ntilBunco Is hereby orilurcd to
Lo abated by thu ( iradlim down of said bank
ofcartb.nnd for that purpose thirty days Is
horcbv nllo\vcd tn the onnur nf that portion
of siild lot IU ou which s.ild bank of e.irth now
oxlsthto prado down thu saino to about thu
level of Bild 'JTth Htioot. und In Hiich niannur
as to pro milt u.irth from falllim nuonor hoiii
washud uiion thosldowalUs aUjiicont thoiuto.
and in thu o\ out that the owner of said part
of Bald lot shall fall , neglect or rufiisutono
cr.ulo within s tld thirty ( Uyc , the lioatd of
pnblluorUs bo nnd huruby li itnthorl/ud and
dlroutod to cuuso said cruulnx to bo dona and
runorttlio cnstthuruof to bo usscsstd a iilnat
said part of s.ild lot.
fccctlonS. That the bank of earth nowoxlst-
liiKon lotaltt itndUl In J. I. Itcd uk'b addition
to the city of Omaha , next ail lucent to ' . ' 7th
street , I.uti\oitwni : h stiuot and "Mh street , lie
and thosiui'O In hcioby doclaifd a nulaancu
nnd thu saino is huruby orloiud tobualiatud ,
und the ownur or UKIIUIH of said lots ro
hereby oidurud to abatu fc.ilil nnlsinvuby
cradin'Uown said banks > o ab to proxunt tlio
fallliu or wiishliu of u.uth fiom biild loin
upon thu sidewalks adjacent tliurutu , and In
thuu\unt that said owner or ovtiiurHof s tld
lots shall fall , no loetor rofnsu to nbulu hticli
niilsiinco bysocradliu uown said Join within
thirty ( lay * . Unit the board of pnbllu orks bu
and horuliy is anthoiUcil and dlrootcd to
cutiho biiltl itrmlliiR to Du donu and rupoit the
cost thereof to bo nsos od ajalnst Bald lots.
bootlon 3. That thm ordlnanco shall tulio
efluet and bo In fotcu from and after Its pabb-
City Clerk.
H. I' . UAVIH.
I'roBldunl City Council.
Approved May IBth , , ,
Notice of Assciimcnt of Ilumncu * for
Oriidlni ; .
To tlio owners of nil ; iotn , parts of lotH nnd
real ostiito aloiiK llamllton strcul , from thu
viaduct u\gr the Hull l.lnu railway to l.'itli
You'nro bnroby nntlllcd that the under-
elk-iKMl , three dlslnlerestcil freedholdurs of.tlio
city of Umahfl. hnvubci'n duly appolntod by
thu ruuyoi , with thu approvalof thu ell v coun
cil of said city , t > ussuss thu danuiKU to thu
owners rcspuotl\uly of the property uttouttd
by t ; rail I ni ; llainllton Klreut , from tbo viaduct
ovur the licit l.lnu railway to 41th hired , de
clined necessary by ordlnanco No. Jr ( ! % pabsud
MUy lUth. Iblr. . upimnncl May 'JUth , Ic'J- .
You are further notlllud , thut havltu ac
cepted suld uppolntinunt. und duly
in , reiiulrod by lau , wu will , on Hie eth ( lay of
Juno , A. 1) ) . JriJ' ' , at tlieh > urof 10 o'clock In the
forenoon , ut tbo olllco of llunun u \ . Co. , In the
McCuuuo bulldliiif , within thucorjiorato limits
of vuld city , muut for the purpoau of connldor-
IiiU and nuking llioimoskinont ot diunu4o to
the owners roHiioettvuly of said uropuity. at-
feeted by saldurudlnir. tnkliiK Into conshloru-
tlon Hpoclnl bonulltii , If any ,
You uru nntlUud to bu iirusont at tlio time
Kt.d . ilfoiosald. nnd make any objnot cm.
toorstatuincntH voncuruliu said ubsi'ssmcut
of dmuugci an you "J'JV ' ' " ' { Ill/'riJUM. /
if. H.'iihMwA. :
Omaun , MayJUU , loui. M.b dli/t
Jlilld of Trmtn Broker
In gru.n . , clo. TrlTMe
wtrolo N. Y. , Chicago' '
nd St. I.ouU.
= 1
' *
CO. , t > onlcrV hnrdirnra nni
Corner 10th and Jnclson moclmnlcs' tools
tilrect * . HOI Douglns btroct
1'iilliler * llnrdnnrc niut
Contrnctors Mippllo'i
ft.'l North It.tli street
Itnrdwood lumbar , wx > J
onrpcli nnd inniunt tmrorlol.Amorlotn I'orti
Mooring , Hnlcouont , MIlw.iUj )
bydnullc ccniont nn < l
CtUand DoiuUi Qulncy wlilto lima.
I.lnuor morclmnu , 1113
lltrnoy-st Mfrs Koii-
' \Vhnlcn1o liquor dcalorl
nody's India lilt-
tors. 1W1 rarnnm it.
Importer ] nnd jobboriot
tnOllncry , uottans Mali
orders prompt. SOS 12 * .
llth st.
i'Unos organs , aitlMs WN. irth bt IMnnos ,
mntorlnls , ito. IMS inunlc nnd tnuilcul lu >
1)0 UK I as st. . truniiutsof nil kind * .
Hcllncd nnd lubricating Xn bad odor , no n'lin'd
clihimoj < , no cbnrrliK
oils , nile Krcnso , cto. wicks Ask fur It SuhJ-
Held , Miurnior \ Tc ulo
1'ftckprn of oyntiTB , IHli
und rolory
north st.
Mfrs of "K A. 8" punt' , Mfrs eclobratpd "DaeJ-
shirts ami overallsctu skin" oruralls , p nti ,
Cli 18 b. llth st. shirts , oonts , uto. hail' '
Kitnbllihpd , 1873. BRANCH
4 , CO. ,
WHITNEY & CO. Produce
, fruits of til
P-uttcr , eggs and poultry kinds , ojsturi. 817 a.
siv a ism Bt.
Ulittor.cgg , clU'03Cpoul Uuttor , choois , < tu > ,
try , hides and game
1215 Howard streflU poultry and jam * .
llufer to Com'l .NatDank 317 bouth UlU btrj l
Our spoclnltloi : lliittir , "ultor , osgt , choni * .
Ofgt and poultry , UlJ fruit. , poultry , lama.
uoirarditraau ' AKonts for TrJf'
Itoyul hor'O an4 oattl *
Pico. Ml p. 11 Vb sU
( KstnblUlicd ISMJJHB
Whobnlo butter ft CKtts Butter. cheo 9.
vccctables fruitspouk
llurs and sells for .
try uud gaiEO.
cash. 413 S. 11th st. I
Carry B full stock of Wrapplnir pspcrallkln
and of twines eto Uw
printing , nrnppliiR
llonnrd struot. Tel -
writing paper , card paper
per etc. phone ,
l > -
Steve repairs itud water
attnclimxnls for anjr
kind of Klova mad * .
KM7 Douglas.
M.A. H. HARDY & 00.
Toyn , dolls , nlbun
UanufucturCM of BOih fnlioBOoitu hov '
doori , blinds and nlsblng nooil chll-
mouldingsllranch of- ilron'i cnrrlaa * '
nee , Ulh nnd Iiardbts. Farnum Btroeu
nli , wind mlllR. tanks , pumps otc I' H-
Indian Service. Pine Hldgo A.iincv. .Shannon
Co. b. 1) , . May 27th , IhUlu.iled piopos ils ,
cndoihcd "I'toposils for HiilldliiMaterliil ,
etc. " us the ease may bo and udclres-.i > d to thu
undurtiUnul ut Pine Hldgo Agonuy.1 1D , will
1m iccohed at this agency until 1 o'olojk p m.
of J MHO'1st , IMC. for furnishing an i ilill\or-
lirat wirions nolntsoti the Pine lildgu null in
reservation to bo deslgnuli'd by the iindor-
blmicdabout 2)0OIK ) ) footof nssoilod lumber : shtnglos ; K wlndous. M doois , ii.onu
litlcUs ; 2.4JO feet of quaitor round lion liuril-
\\nre , palnfi. lock , hand , i'tc. , also Ihe Cii U'li- . .
foot wind mills nnd powers with liiiiksptiinpv
giih.inlyod Iron pli' | ) , eto. A full Hit
of all material may bo obtained by
appllcntlon to the iiiuliTslgmid Illddem
uro tcmilrod to sli to specllleilly In their
bids the pronged price of euch : irtl-
ulo oRcrcd for delhory iindui u eonlract.
The right Is losomxl to nijiic iiuv or nil bldi
or any part of any bid If deemed for the liett
Interctt nf the sort leu , C'KiniHhii UIII.CKS
l.aeh bid niubt lie nccomiiunled by u eel tilled
thecU or draft upon sonio Ijiiltcd Stall's dn-
posllory 01 bOl\iint national bin I. In the vl-
olnltv of the ruildonco of the bidder , Hindu
payable In the order of thn ComniKslonei of
Indtuii AITuIr for at least live pot cunl of tint
amount of the mope ul , hlch uhecU or diafi
will lie forfeited to the United M iten In ease
any bldderor blddoisrecelvliuaii awnrd sh ilj
full to piomplly execute a contiaut with gouil
and sulllulent sureties , otheml-n to li lu-
turned to the bidder. Bids nucompiinluil by
cash In Ik'ii of u ourtllled ehucl , will nut bu
consider ! d. Tor fiiitln-r Infonnatlon IIH t (
points of 4lull\oi v. traimiHirt itlon , "to . irrrrny
to oAi'T. JioiuJiiKUov : ; IIIIO\\N. if. K. A. ,
Li. b. Indian Agent. '
The Only Porfoc * Vaginal
und Keclul hi ilugu In >
lim World. J
Is the only nyrliigo e c
Invented by which vugliml
injecllnnscun heiidnilnlster-
IM ! wllhonl luukliu "lid HO | | >
Ing the clothing or n
tilling the iifcu of u
null which o in uUo bo
for rectal Injections.
bOlT KUIIIinil III ! Ml.
JIAKDIl'lllliitlliL { : :
t .
Mailorders f-ollolted
& 1'anfold ' Co.
TUc Aloe . ,
irtn r < < t ,
Xcxl lo I
Illd" will bo open the 4th of June for tha
poiidlng thu mttnilffto-
rlvlliiBu of restuiiraiit
iiorb" und Joimuinorh' exhibit , which will lin
for the miu
about two
In -MOII < |
ple'u party convention.
Illdn will bo orien for Ice cream and leiuoti-
ndu privileges for thn manufacturers exhibit
nnd ulto for thu peoplo'H party con\entla'.yr "
Tor further uurtleuliim addretn Hourutitry
Manufacturers anil Cousumtru aiioulullon ,
l.'ollituuiu building ,