12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATIHIDAY , MAY 28 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. RIDING TWO MILES A MINUTE Tearful Flight Down a Lumber Plume in the California Sierras. TEARING THROUGH A THUNDER CLOUD Thrilling rxtcilanca | of nn OIil-Tlmo Minor onnMtfMlonor .Morcy-I'or III * Com- rnilo'ft ' l.lfo'H Hnko A Tnlo of Old Tiiiiltimnn. "Old Tuolumnol Well , well ! So they nro from old Tuolutnno. "Wltth my purdnor wns nmonff thorn. Ho lived there nwhllo. Why , that fol low on horseback coming there IB th'o very picture of him bnrrlne his whlto hair. But u whiter nmn you never mot than wan my pardnor , up there In the Sierras , yours and yours ngo. Hut wo will watch the procession co hy , and then I will toll you about It The cir cumstances were a little dllToront then those hero , I toll you , and there wasn't ns much tinsel and go\A \ and as many banners and such music ns all this. " The fair metropolis of the Golden Oato was In gala attire , says the San Francisco Chronicle. She was cole' brntlnr * a proud stnto event. Companies of young men and groups of old men from different parts of California had as- Bomblod and wore assisting. It was a gorgeous and grand affair. AB the pa geant moved down Market street coming up from In front of the Chronicle build Ing , wo stood beholding It , and n Cull- nlan of mature years , standing by my sldo , gave expression to the nbovo re marks. "Wo will see this demonstra tion through and then f will toll you Borne experiences which that group of old Tuolumno fellows has recalled. " Nothing could have been more magnifi cent than that varied and long street parade. The sun had gene down beneath the leisurely swell of the old Pacific ocean , after Hinging over the hills of San Fran cisco and sitting upon the roofs and towers of all her edifices a rich golden mist which hero and there , upon west ern window and burnished spire , burned like molten metal ready for the mint , before the story began. In the spacious courts of the Puluco hotel wo gathered , and , seating ourselves in comfortable if slightly unconventional fashion , my friend began : "Wo wore goldsookers in the days of long ago , my pardnor and I. On that particular day wo were doing a little prosncction , but our main occupation was hunting. Wo got separated after clumborlng up the Sierras. I heard a shot to my left , then savage growls , and the noise of n great struggle. Soon a crash sounded ns though some bodies 'had fallen with pieces of rock. I hur ried in the direction of the noifacs , and , as I approached , I heard moans in the distance. Reaching the edge of a preci pice I looked down , and there I saw my pardnor. Ho was partially covered with a rock of largo dimensions about fifteen feofbolow mo. "I clumborcd down and succeeded in removing the rock , when ho fainted away. Ills leg had been broken and was partially crushed in the fall , and the bear which ho haU fought was still farther down limping away , having fallen with him but tumbled to ti lower distance. I gathered him up and clambered above where there was a. email rivulet of water. I bathed his face , examined his limb , and found him to bo in a critical condition. I had noticed signs of a lumber camp in the vicinity and started for It carrying my pardnor. "Two men wore there and they assist ed mo in easing the wounded man. Wo dressed his log , but the pain which ho endured wasgroatnnd the wound scorned to bo of so serious acharactcras to make us think that possibly amputation would bo necessary. After awhile I became convinced that ho must have the care of a surgeon if we would save his life. Wo hud exhausted our skill. But where should wo find a surgeon ? "There was n small town twenty-seven miles away at the base of the mountain. But how could wo roach It and return in timoV It would take mo nearly five hours to go clown and not much loss than that to got back , if I secured horses fern n portion of the distance , and the opera tion ought to bo performed without delay. "Ton hours ! Ho would be a dead man in that time if nothing moro was done for him than what wo could do. One of the men remarked that if the flume was In rojmir a person who wished to risk his life m'ght ' shirt to town down it. 'Just the thing,11 said. 'No. It is out of repair. Leastwise it has not been ox- umlticd for some time. Wo wore to have It inspected in a few days and send down our logs , ' insisted the logger. But this man lying there approaching the brink of death was my padtnor. Wo had sum mered and wintered together , and ho was as good us the gold. Ho had be friended mo when wo were not BO well acquainted as now. Wo had shared many perils , and ho Blood foremost , in my regard , of all men. Besides , ho was holplcbsnow and in great danger. What was I as a friend if I would not take noino risks ? I soon learned that the llumo- was all right as far as the men know , only It had not boon inspected for some time , and It should bo before they would send down a single log. I made up my mind to go down the llumo. "Did you over see ono of these log flumes of the Sierras ? " I replied that I had seen Humes which came down from the mountains to the Columbia river , carrying wood for the steamers and also lumber , and that I had scon those long flumes which carried water from distant heights for mining and irrigation pur poses. "Well , " said ho , "these log Humes nro stronger. They are quite common , and they are from two miles to llfty-Jlvo miles long. They are constructed in the shape of a V out of two-inch plank K-euroly bolted together and placed Urmly on u trestle. The sldou of the .Inmo nro about two feet high , and the ivutor about ton inuhcsdeop that usually pours down. The decline is quite steep , lay eighteen or twenty inches to the thousand , but in some places much more than that. This llumo ran some thing like twcnty-thnoo miles , and the town , was almost u milo below us. My fldq was to ho nothing like that which the millionaires .1. O. Fair and ,1. G. Flood'-In company with an eastern man , unco Indulged in do.vn a Hume flfioen miles long. They took every pro- u.uition and made everything as secure ua possible , having at their disposal u well constructed boat. But they were unset , thrown out , and escaped bv only u liulr'B breadth with their lives. With I lie BUiilo motlvo It would have been the very oxtravuganco of folly for mo to have entertained the idoi of irotng down this Hume. What madness was. It then for mo to deliberately do- tormlno on making that torrlllo do- tcotiVf uncertain whether the line ol the llumo was continuous or not ? The sagging of a-rock , the rotting of n tim ber , the fall of n tree across It any ono of llfty possible things would bo enough to hurl tno Into eternity and thoroughly thwart my purpose. "But there was my pardnor , whoso case was every instant Becoming moro and moro critical. Ho was growing delir ious , having brulEod his head In the fall. My heart was big with grief at the bare Idea of his death. 1 went out and examined an old boat which had been used to take-trips down this llumo. It would servo my purpose. I was ready to start. Leaving my pardner in the care of ono of the men , after tolling him that I would soon bo back with the doc tor I came out of ( ho rough log cabin again in company with the other man , who was to turn on the floodgates at the reservoir when I would bo ready. "Night Had come and n wind from the south arisen. I noticed n mtiFS of clouds was rolling around a corner of the moun tain and Us outer edge had touched the line of the Hume. And at the same In- stunt there touched my oars the faint , mufllod echoes of thunder. Following upon tills came a sharp report , which WHS mocedod by an ugly thrust of lightning , which seemed to cut through my path. I adjusted my boat and told the man I was ready. The old reservoir gate creaked ns the man worked at it. A thin stream of water came at first sweeping beneath my boat , I was ( Irmly fixed within watching the vhito line as It shot ahead of mo. The stream in creased. It touched my bout. The next Instant the full tide struck mo and away I shot. It fairly took my breath away for the first few iods. The velocity and the fall gave mo a sinking sensa tion , and my brain began to reel , whllo everything began to run together In a universal chaos about mo. I know only enough to hold on tight whllodownwtird I spun like a projectile hurled from a cannon's mouth. Out of this dazed con dition of mind and sickness of heart I was jerked by a sudden jump of my boat. The line had sagged , causing an un- ovonness. But the decline was so great that the waters plunged across and my boat leaped the break and struck the other end of.tho llumo , malting the water spout 'up for sixty foot. Then thcio was a tremendous jostling for n moment. I received n splash of the water full In the face , which revived mo. Thereafter the perils , known and un known , and the terrible rush only stimu lated my facultioa "I was now swinging along like light ning in the full light of the moon. The swiftly moving panorama of trees , of wide-reachinglorcsts , of rocks , of yawn ing chasms all stood out with terrible distinctness. The flume wont straight forawhllothon it curved and skirted the edge of a precipice which overlooked what seemed a bottomless abyss. Ahead was an enormous rock. Against It I ap peared to bo rushing , when Hko a Hash the boat seemed to strangely evade It and cling toils perpendicular sides , for the llumo was bracketed against the dead wall , and beneath there was only an unfathomable depth of darkness. On to the solid but stoop sides of the moun- tuln the boat came with a bound again. Then there was a frightful drop ; it scorned straight down , as though the bottom hud fallen out of everything in general , and the llurao in particular. Myl how the water dashed and tore when the boat struck the moro moderate decline. Across an awful chasm it shot , and what a roar rose , berne up by the chilling winds which struck mo thuro for a instant , making my teeth chatter. Once or twice after I started I had heard the boom of distant thunder ! Into this thunder cloud my boat wont with its own roar. The moon was ob scured and the cloud was so dense that I could see nothing. It was simply the blackness of darkness. The gloom ap peared opaque , Impervious to an.v light. But th'o "crackling of the electricity was going on all about mo. Then came a leafoning explosion. This was followed jy ono oven moro oar-splitting. For a jriof period the lightning illuminated , ho dense cloud and made it seem Hko fine mist. "My mad rush downward , in the midst of those rolling vaporeof inky blackness , uguln and again llarlng frightfully into lurid hues , all a-tromor with the crash ing detonation of the lightning , was tome mo the most realistic illustration of what i lost soul might pass through in hurl- intr itself into the infernal regions. A strange awe crept over me. The uncertainty of my own fate settled a. bodeful depression upon my spirits. Every Instant I expected my rickety boat to collide with some ob struction , or strike an opening , or jump from the llumo and hurl mo into an un recognizable mass upon the rocks. Then the realization of the spectacle of my pardnor hovering between life and death , whom , it seemed , I loved hotter than my own life , would glvo new roso- lulion to my spirit , and I would throw oil these dismal premonitions. 1 was in the folds of this thunder cloud but a very brief period ; but on such occasions of great peril the mind works with pre ternatural activity , and it seemed that I would never got out of itT I strained my eyes ahead , but could not see a hand's breadth In front of mo , and oven when the lighting illuminated the cloud the mist gave the llumo a short dis tance before mo a crhostlv nnnoaranco. which did not servo to rop.fesuro mo. "But at last I leaped out of the cloud into the full shining of the moon , for I was near the other edge of it , and than I wont skimming alone : the edge of a precipice whoso grim walls opposite mo rene up out of Bight. A thunderbolt just Ihon smote these towering crags , and Immense rocks wore spilt from their bides and came tumbling down right before - fore mo. It seemed that the mountain was falling , und the reverberations of thnt bolt wont rolling ever my head and all about the upper peaks , while the rock slides as they struck the bottom tom of the chasm beneath made the whole earth tremble. After It all my astonishment grow to think I was still hurry ing safely on with my message of help for a dying com rade , with the Bpood of Mercury him self. self."I "I was now shooting through vast forests. I caught the gleam of n small stream flowing by my side. Surely I must bo approaching the end of my journey , I thought. A cablr p ibarcd it ml disappeared like .1 Hash lulspod on. Then m.f anxiety was aroused anew as I wondered whether the pond into which the logs were dumped by the tluino was clear. In a moment it was in full Bighf. Horrors upon hor- rorsl Logs floated all about upon Us surface. I was going to certain de struction. But that thought , with its paralyzing olTect , gave way to the thought of my pardner's need , and at once I said : 'I must not got killed , for I tole him I would get buck BOOH with the surgeon. " "My purpose wns Hko an Inspiration , As I approached with the speed of light ning this pond , every inch of it wont under my swift inspection. 1 calculated the leap of my boat from what I saw of the spring of thowiitors from the llumo'a mouth. 1 saw an opening in the logs beyond. On my boat tore. All fear seemed to vanish from ray mind. As my boat shot from the end of iho llumo I rose with a tremendous leap to my right and struck the clear water. It seemed that I never would Vouch the bottom o ( the lake. Then I began to rise. I emerged above the surface. I was on the logs instantly. Over them 1 went jumping. I reached the shore , mot a man , asked for the surgeon , found his house near by , delivered my mes sage , saw him and another man leap Into their saddles , got into my saddle , started'for my sick pardnor , then ovofy- thing became a blank. "It wns morning down there when 1 came to again. I hndMruck something when I leaped and suffered eomo'bruisca of which I was not until then awaro. I ought to have been killed according to n calm view of the experience in the pond. For I was going at the rate of two miles n minute1) when I plunged in the dsscont of twenty-three m'.les was made In twelve minutes. 1 would cer tainly have boon tv dead man six times ever , but my pardnor gave mo inspira tion and nerve to balk commonplace conclusions. The surgeon and his com panion wont on , renchcu the cabin , treated my pnrdni'r. "Ho recovered. And , when conval escing , ho went down to old Tuolumno. Well , time passes. Life is common- plnco enough. But wo do not know what wo are capable of until wo nro roused to help these wo lovo. " A smllo played ever the seamed feat ures of the old California ! ! as ho con cluded his recital. A hush fell upon our Httlo group. Out from ono of the parlors of the hotel floated the notes of a sweet voice singing "Auld Lang Syno. " Than the chorus was taken up by strong -voices , amontr which you could distinguish the heavy bass of men , The emotion which charged these voices made our hearts thrill ns wo recognized the fact that sturdy pioneers were Binglng. A faraway loo' < gazed out of the eyes of our friend , His face seemed to undergo a now transforma tion. The days of long ago spread out before him mellowed with the golden hue of a true comradeship. Into that fair region his spirit wont alono. Wo could not follow mm. As the song dlod away with Its plaintiff notes tears came into the eyes of the stalwart man. Then wo Bald good night and loft the old follows to tlioir thoughts of the days when California began the career that has made It famous the world ovor. BUIIUNCITO.V , la. , April 4,1891. Dr. .T. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have been troubled with catarrh tu my head und fnco for tliroo years at times waiuuublo to boar , had n constant ringing la my oars and for two years WAS almost ( loaf. Have triad sev eral so-called remedies and boon treated oy regular physicians nnd noted specialists , but failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle of Mooro's Tree of Ltfo Catarrh Cure. It gave Immediate rollof und effoutod a permanent euro. I heartily recommend U to all suftor- ers of this disease and will cheerfully glvo any further Information on being addressed at rar homo , No. 223 Sweeney ovo. , Burling- on , I a. For sale by all druggists. Hespectfulllv. _ U. L. UEID. JUB.V Of AOTE. Prof. Brander Matthews Is not handsome , but ho Is good and ho la admired. Ho likes to write about the theater and actors. Gladstone's good health is aszrlbecl lo bis magnificent capacity for going to sleep , and his capacity was undoubtedly developed by continued listening to debates In the House of Commons. Fred U. PilUlmry , ono of the famous fam ily of Minneapolis millers , died a few days ayo. Ho was a kindly , publlu spirited man , and a prominent member of the Minnesota Agricultural society. One of the sights of the Bols do Boulogne in 1'oris Is the spectacle of Iho English am bassador , Lord buffer-In , on his , bicycle , ac companied by his son and an escort of at taches of the embassy. General Low Wallace again declares that ho is not a candidate for governor and la not a'delegate to Minneapolis , but adds tbat ho will bo at the convention working with all his might for Harrison. Uobcrt C. Wltithrop , the oldest surviving ox-speaker of the national hou o of repre sentatives , was u visitor to Washington re cently and received many courtesies from loading men of both parties. "Uev. " Sam Small , the eccentric evangel- lot , has Joined ilia farmers alliance in Georgia , and bo i suspected of intending to run for congress if ho can secure a nomina tion , not aa a third party man but us a demo crat. crat.Tbo Tbo federal building in Chicago is in such a cracked and dilapidated condition that Judge Gresham , whoio oQlco la in it. says that ho is in greater danger of being killed by its falling walla than ho Is of being struck with presidential lightning. Joseph Murphy , tho'actor , is said to have a fortune of $150,001) ) and to have sensibly put It away where it U doing tbo most good in promoting Joseph's personal prosperity. There are no flies on tbo old man and few empty seats when ho Is proving it. Governor Sony of Oklahoma is a very pop ular man in the territory. Ho is a bachelor , "nigh onto 50 , " as ho says himself , ana wolghsSGO pounds. His face is beardless nnd bis voice a high falsetto. In the ovorv- day talk of the territory "tbo governor is no slouch , " and everybody likes him. Ex-Senator Eustls made a lucky hit at the recent races In Washington. Ho laid $10 on Chiswoll at odds of CO to 1 , and afterwards , .vith a bookmaker who chaffed him aoout It , ho put up $20 on the same horse at oads ot 100 to 1. Tbo little roll ho took home with him amounted to the cotnfortablo sum of S3,000. Don Jose Jesus Pico , a noted figure of tbo early days of California , who wus closely as sociated with the "Pathfinder , " died recently at San Luis Oblspo. Ho was onao sentenced to death ay General Fremont for inciting an anti-American riot , but was pardoned and afterwards became Fremont's devoted friend and associate. It is told in an eastern paper that "Con gressman McKelghan of Nebraska , who has been farmer , soldier and Judga in turn , lives , when at homo ; In a sod house tbreo rooms , boarded ever u iramaworu and covered with thick sods which is cool in summer , warm in winter , and freer than other structures from the danger of cyclones. " KDVU.lTlON.ll * The Unlvorsitv of Oxford ba appliances for printing In 150 different languages. The law and medical departments of tbo Colorado university have been reorganized. Edinburgh university is ono of the chlol medical centers in the world. It was founded in 1B83. A fair indication of the strength of Ameri can colleges is found in the growth of college and university libraries. A recent estimate place' ' } tbo number of volumes In all our college - lego libraries at ever a.000,000. Tbo youngest college president in the United States is John Hustln Fluloy of Knox college , who is only 28 years of ago. Ho U Scotch-Irish In descent und supported him self by working on a farm and teaching coun try schools , and entered Knox In ISSIi. Nearly 800 women uro attending Boston university. Seven uro In tbo law school , forty-three are In the medical department , and cloven In the school of theology. By tbi gift , of fcJ , ' 00 M. Q. A. French of Cambridge founded In tbo College of Liberal Arts a scholarship which boars her name. Tbo authorities of tbo University of tbo City of now York have decided to abandon tbo free tuition rule that has obtained In the undergraduate college since Dr. Howan Crosby's chancellorship began in 1870 Students entering after this your will bo charged an annual tuition foe of $100 , bal payable in October and half In February. 1'rof. J. G. Schurman , wbo bus Just returned turned to Cornell from a visit to tb'e Univer sity of California , announces that bo will BO accept the oflor of the presidency of tbo latto institution. Tlio salary offered was $10,000 a year , but it Is well linnwn that tbo Cornel authorities are considering a readjustment o salaries that will make It a hard matter for ostiido institutions to draw away members of tbo facultv. Thuro are all public schools In New York city. The average attendance in 161)1 ) varied from 124,801 , In July to HS.OW In November the latter number being U'J per cent of tbo pupils registered for that month , Durlnf the year there wore graduated from the schools 1VI7 ( Bale pupils and 1. < H $ female pu pils , making a total of 32. Tba'avcragoage of inalo graduates was 15 years and mouths and of female graduates 15 years and 0 inonthi Tbo number of pupils to each teacher was forty-one In Ib'Jl , as against forty In 1800. Have Boocbam'i Pills ready in the house bold. .Covered . with a Tnlrieit and Solubla Coating. BEECHAM'S ' ; ! PILLS Ate ft rntmllom Antidote for " \Vcnk 'fitnrancb , SICK HEAD ACHE , Impair. cil Dice. . linn , t'nii. > tlintlnn | > IlUnriler. cil I.lrcr , < > ' , . etc. | found i also fob * etpecullr efflnclotu and remtduj ' Ot nil druRRlsts. Prlco 2Ct eont < a box. Now York Depot , 365 cnnal fit. ' in Salve fctf Burns ! Tnko n qunrtor of n pound each of bees wax , Uuripuuly pitch , white plno | iitcl\ nnd res In ; half n pound of mutton tnltow , a gill of KOOSO oil , half a Kill of tar ; mix and melt lopether and use us other salves. I ) US. UETTS & 1JETTS' Illustrated new book of 120 paces , which they send to any one for 4 cents In stamps , Rives this and hundreds of other valuable recipes , as well ns Information on how to gel well and stay well. But these who tire nflllctcd with Nervous , Chronic or Private Diseases , Which neither themselves nor their family jiTiyslcian can euro , should at once consult these eminent nnd successful specialists , A A j * Y Drs. BETTS & BETTS Who have treated and cuicd more cases of CATARRH , SYPHILIS , PILES , GONORRHCEA STRICTURE , GLEET , HYDROCHLE , LOST VARICOCELli , MANHOOD , And nil similar afflictions of a private or delicate nature , than any other linn ol specialists in the United Stales , East or West. CONSULTATION FREE > Call on or address , with stamp , 119 South 14th/St'.JN : E. Corner 14th > and Douglas Sta. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. Removes and Prevents Dandruff. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. A TonSc and A Pleasure ! That's the happy combination found in Hires' g * YoU'drink it for pleasure , and get physical benefit. A whole some , refreshing , appetizing , thirst quenching drink. One package makes five gallons. Don't be dccdred If a dealer , for the alca cf larger profit , tclli you orae other Und ll "juit . " ' . a.Bood'III false. No Imitation uas good as U > e cenuloe HIKES' . Dr , Bailey , $ r The Loading Dentist Third Floor , Paxtan Blos'c ' ] clcpliono 108j. Killi utiil Farnnui Sts. A full ct of teutn on rubber for K. 1'orfcctll , Tcculi without plutui or runiuvcnblo brlduo work Ju t tliu tlilnu fur \uutr \ ot publlu upoakor , novur dropdown. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All Oiling nt reasonable ) rates. All work warranted. ( JuttbUaut fin Today , and to continue while tlie goods last , we will hold a grand benefit sale in our mammoth men's department on first floor , when you will have an opportunity of testing the purchasing power of a five dollar note such as you never had before in all your life. During that time there will be on sale eighteen hundred Men's Suits : These suits are positively every thread wool. They are in cassi- meres , cheviots , tweeds and homespuns. They are in browns , tans , wood , tobacco , snuff , butternut , gray , mode , pepper and salt as hand some a line of shades and colors as you ever had to choose from in all your sweet life at any price. They are in diagonals , plaids , mixtures , fancies anA plain colors. They are bran new goods every suit. They are cut in the very latest shape. They were made by first class tailors in first class manufactories and are sewed to stay so. The coats have either patch po'ckets or set-in pockets , and are lined with either a- fine quality of Italian , Farmer satin or serge. Some of these suits are worth nine dollars some ten and at least half of the entire lot would be sold at twelve dollars at any othertime. T hey are not only worth these prices in a newspaper and in our window but they're worth it on your back ( and front and 1 gs ) . Until they're all gone ( we never make a price for one day and raise it the next ) until they're all gone every suit you can have your own unrestricted choice of-the entire grand assortment at what they're marked in the window R FIVE DOLLAR BILL ! POT ? "HPrni ? ATTON TlA V wewi11 add to this Rran - 1 UIV JJL UlV/illUiN JUAl marie three hundred G. A. R. Suits , of good indigo blue flannel , guaranteed absolutely fast color , suits that won't turn red in 1 in the fnco when they see the son get up tbo morning ( with G. A R. buttons lroo ) nnU your choice still coca nt The unique price cards used in our show window on these suits were designed for us by Uncle Sam and cost us five dollars each. OSALS FOU STEAM HEATINO-DK JL partn.cnt of the Interior , olllce of Indlun affairs , Wushlnpton , 1) . O. . Jlny U , 189. ' . fouled proposals , eimomed "I'rouosals for Stonm Heiitlng , " nnd addressed to thu Commissioner of Indian Affiitrs. Wtishlnzton. I ) . O. . will bo received nt this ofllco until l o'elock p. in. of Monday. June 6. IMC. for the f urnlslilnz of all necessary materials nml labor nml plnclnz In position , complete und ready for use , ono low pressure return clrculatirigsioam heating and vcntlltitliiK apparatus for the three Indian school Iml'iulncs at Iho Bhoshono Indian agency , Fremont county , Wyo. , the boilers for said apparatus to bo placed in the basement of ono ot the buildings as the odlco may direct. Plttns und elevations of the bulldlnus for the culdanco of the bidders In the preparation of bids may bo examined at Iho ofllco of the "Ileo" . the " " of of Oniahn. Neb. , "Republican" Denver. Colo. , the "Tribune" of Salt Lake City , Utah , and at this ofllco. lilddors are re quired to accompany tholr bids with designs and specifications of the Rtoitm hcatln ? and ventilating apparatus propound to bo fur nished , said designs and specifications to bo adapted to the bulldlncR to which they are to bonppllcd. The right Is reserved to rc-jact any or nil bids or any part of any bid If deemed ft. : the best Interest of the service. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United Htatos de pository or solvent National bank lit the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payaulo to the order of the commissioner of Indian ulfalr" , for ut least 5 per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will bo forfeited to the united States In case any bidder or blddors receiving an awnrJ shall full to promptly o.\ecuto u contract vrlth peed und sulllcieiit sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the hidden lllds accompanied by cash In lluu of a cortlllcd check will not bo considered. I < 'or further Information apply to T. J. MORGAN , Commissioner. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING 22D STREET. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots and real cstato along 1'd street from Locust street to Spencer street , You are hereby notlllod that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city ofUinaha.havo boon duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , to assess the damage to the own ers respectively of the property affected by grading M street from Locust to hpcncer siroois. uociareu nocussnry uy oniiimnco .HJ.M , passed May yd. 189- ' , approved Muv 4th , IB'Ji You nro further notlllcd , that having ac cepted said appointment , und duly iiu.illficd as required by law , wo will , on the 4th day of .Tune , A. I ) . 1BU2 , at the hour of lOo'olock In the forenoon , ut thoolllco of T. C ) . llrnnner , room 1 , Ware block1 ; within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of considering and making the assessment of damage to the owners respectively of said property. nIToatcd by said grading , tailing Into consideration special benefits. If any. You uro notlllcd to bo present ut the tlmo and place aforosald , and make any objections to or statements concerning suld assessment ot damages ns you may consider proper. ' { . H. MCOUIUJOH , T. O. UKIJNNKK. JAMESBTOOICDAI-E. Omaha , May > , 1302. m'JGdl'Jt NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You are hereby notlllod that the follow ! described premises , to-wlt : Lots 18 and 1 1 of Key's Biibdlvlson In lotO , Capital addition : oil the soutii Hide ot Hartley street botwocn ' . 'Oth turret und -4th street ; nub lot : i of lot 7 , Capitol ad dition on the south sldo of 1'arnam itreot and thooast side of ' 'Ith straoti sub loll ! ! of lotl ) , ( Japltol addition , on U-o bouth side of Hartley street between ' . ' ( Jth street and 24th street ; sublet lot It of lot l > , Capitol addition , on thu sldo ot Ilnrney street between 2nh and UUh streets ; sub lot l.'l of lot I ) , Cjpltol addition , on the huiith Hide of llurney street between -Olli and 24th streets , have boon declared by ordinances Nos. : to , Uuui. : uus : na and Wltoho nuisances by rouBou of the bunks of ourth existing thoro- on. on.You lire hereby directed to abate said nui sances by sloping and grading down the front portion of the loU mimed above so us to prevent the falling , wustmir or washing of earth on the sidewalks adjacent thereto within IS ( lavs from the IHIli day of May , IB/.1 , or Hurtl nui sances will bo abated bv thu city utithorltio- ) . and the n.xpeabo tlioroot levied as u special tax against the property on which said nuisance ox'sts. ' Chairman of the Hoard of I'ubilo Works. BAKING POWDER. OZS. FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Omaha.Neb -THE- Bee Bureau of Claims ROOM 220 BEE BUILDING , For Inventions PROCURED DY TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Equal with tbo Intoroit of ttia < o hirlnt nlitn KnlnittlioKOVornmonlli Unit or INVICNTOI13 , who often loio the banelU of vnluablo Inronllani U33 ni3 of tlio tncompotuncr or Innttontlon of tin n'.tur.uri employed to obtnln tlislr patent ! . Too muoli oiri cannot be oxorclioJ In ouplorlnc oompolont ail rcllftblo tolla ion to procure p.ito'iu. for fii valiu of apitont d3p < 3nil9 ttroitlx. tf notoatlrolT , upon ttu care and "kill of the nttornar. Wlthtlio via * of protootln ? tnvonton fra-n wjrt'i losaorciiroloi * nttorner * , nnil ot > 03ln { flit infla tions nro well protoctoJ by v.ill 1 pitont ) . Tllu I I.e. 5 IIUUKAUhai rotaluoJ couiuol uxpjrl lu prnctlcu ; andl * therefore pr tobtuiit Citiiilnct SInIo i > cclttl&zjr < iinln < ttloni , t'roHcciita rejected cimea , Miff/Inter tt'inlo mark * anil { tender ojilntoim aatoHaupe anil v itu ofjiHtenttt. 1'ronccnte tinil defend Infi'ln-jnii3 : \ Hiiitx , etc. , etc. If you hnvo an larontloa on band noncl THU HI ! .5 BUUISAU it skotcli or photograph thereof , toxottiar wlthnbrlaf description of tuo Important toiluroi. nndyou will Lo onoo nJvlsoJ m to tha bait con MOD purjuo. Models itro not nocassnry union tha inron * lion la of a complicated nature. If ottiori are In. fringing on your rUhti , or If you nra cnirxiu wlfi Infringement by otnurs , unbuilt the minor to Til J UUUKAUfor u rollnUlo OPINION bororo acunjoj the muttor. THE BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 Boo liullilln ? , Omalii , No'j. tSfTMa Ilurorm Is ptinr.intoacl by the Onmha Huo. the I'lonuur 1'rusi un.1 tlio Sun I'nmclsco hxumlnor. Cut this out and send it with your 1 1 quiry. _ NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOU GRADING. To tlio owners of all lots , parts of lots nnd roul cstnti * alone Muson utreot , from 18th street toUtli struct. You uro lioroliy notified thnt the nmlor- BlKiicd , tlirco UUlntorustcd freeholder * of the city ot Otmihu. have ticon duly appointed hy the mayor , with the njiprovulof thoclty coun cil of siul : olty. to asuosn the iluinuco to the o\vners respectively of the property affected l > y grading Muson street from IHlh street to SUth street , doclurod noccssiry : hy ordinance 3070 , passed May 17 , Jbli- , approved Muy 18 , IbOS. IbOS.You nro further notified , that having , no- copied suld iippolntment , and dulv mmllflod in required by law. wo will , on the 7th day of June , A. I ) . 169. . nt the hour of 10 o'ulno c In the forenoon , nt room 210. N. V. I. fn uulldlni ; . within the corporate limits of said cltv. meet for the purpose of considering and niaklnu HI- bobsmont of ilninuKO to the owners respectively of said propurty. infected by said t-TMllnK. talcing Into consideration special bonofltti , If " ' uro notified to bo present nt tbo tlmo and pluco aforesaid and make any objuotlonu to or statements cnncornliiK'snld Husessmuiit of dumnaususyoii may I'oiisldi'r prpnor. J * II. ill CdJ IjljU It. W. U1IIKO.N , J. . UhEVll Omahu , Mny .T , IBM. MSSdlOt Nutlru for llhlx , lllds will bo received by tbo city council of the elty of Kupld Ulty , H. I ) . , until 2 o'elock p. m. , Juno 0 , IBlr. . for tbo bulletin ) ; of reservoir und luvlnn of IU.UIU ffcia of lu-inub cisl : pipe , together with furnlHhluK nil the mauirliili ) necussury in their construction ncoordlnit to pluiiH undbpoultlcatlonu on II Ui nt thoolllco of tbo city enxlnuor of thii olty of Hapld City , Those Had Inn tin both reservoir nnd ulpo line. or upon plpo line nlono , must nccoinpany their bids with certltlcd check for one thuu'und < * IMW ) dollars. These bidding on reservoir nlono must accompany their bids with ncortllled chuck tor twu hundred und ( Ifty ( tiVl ) dollurb , chocks to bo drawn upon any solvent bunk In tit. I'uitl. Minneapolis. Umuhuor Hnpltl City , und to bo ic turned to unsuccessful bidders on tlio d y of opi'iilrr , ' proposals. llld shall bo enclosed In plain un. volopes anil shall liavo plainly wrllten Ihojo- on : HldJorlteaorvolr. orl'lpo line or bid for both Hoservolror 1'lj.o line , an the cam may be. The olty council reserves the rl.'ht to re ject any or nil bids. Addrosii nil oomiiiuiilott. lions to the UI 1 V AUI'JIUJI , ( jf Jii(1 | ) OUyj Hout ( ( , , akotu | Dated at ItupldClty , lluy 17 , Ibttt. REGULAR Army and Navy PENSIONS ; ' Soldiers in the Ris u-lar Arm and Sailors , Seamen and Mar ines in the United States Navy , since the War of the Rcbclliottf who have been discharged from the service on account of dis abilities incurred therein while in the line of duty , are Entitled to Pension nt the same rates nnd under tha an me conditions ns persons ren dering the snmo service during the War of the Rebellion , a except thnt they nro not entitled under the new Inw or not ot June 27 , 189O. Such persona nrs nlso entitled to pension whether discharged from the service on nccount of dlsnblllty or by reason of expir- ntlon of term of service , if while In the service and line of duty , they incurred nny wound injury or disease which still disables them for manual labor , Widows and Children of persons rendering servlca in the rogulnr army nnd navy Since the War are Entitled to Pension * of the death oftho soldier wns duo - to his service , or occurred whllu J ho wns in the service. Parents of Soldiers &Sai/ors dying In the United States ser vice since the War of the Rebel lion , or after discharge from the service , from a cause originat ing therein , leaving no widow er child under the age of sixteen years , nro entitled to pension If now dependent upon their own labor for support , whether tha soldier ever contributed o their support or they were dependent upon him nt the time of hl death or not. FOB INFORMATION OR ADVIOH As to tltlo to iioiision , ADDltESS Ss TIIB BIJKBURliAU OF CLAIMS , OMA.MA , NEBRASKA. tiY'Thls llureuu U guurnnleed by tin. Umubu life , thu rioncer I'rvin uii'l the buu i'VuncUuo ' Kiumluur.