THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY MAY 28 , 1892-TWELYE PAGES. 11 RE HAD HIS OWN PROVENDER -x Trosh Bit of Country Life Presented to Jaded Chop IIouso Patrons , HOW WILLIE CURED HIS CASEFUL AUNT Siihtorfilgo of n Hninrt liny Who Wonlil Sinoko Troulilo on n Motor Trnln A Aleck Mint In Si-arch of . Jnfonimtloii. Omaha chop house natrons are accustomed to nil sorts of caters nnd are not cnslly nmusod by tholr Idiosyncrasies , but n llttlo Incident hnpponoi nt the long counter of a Farnam street house which provoked n emllo. Between 12 mid 1 o'clock the other tiny , whti the placeIs thronged , n young fol low In a suit of store ctothoi winch almost audibly protested against bolng worn on miy day but Sunday , perched hlmsoll on one of the high stool * nnd deposited a pasteboard valise on the counter , "How do you soil your coftool1' ho asked the waiter. Ho was Informed that It was It cants u cup , and doaidud thut ho would hiivo n oup. The waiter brought him hit coHoo and tossed ever a napkin with the usual quoit pitching Ilourlsh , "Thanks ; I have a napkin of ray own , " said the youth , shoving It back. Than ho produced n key tlod to the corner of a pocket handkerchief ana unlocked the grip. First bo produced u snnw white napkin or generous - ous dimensions and spread It on the counter , and then ono by ouo tbo article * ot his lunch such n lunch as only the good old mother knows how to put up. To see It took some of the spectators a long way from the nuUy cnophouso back to the lazy , dreamy days on the farm , nnd they smollcd the Bwcotnujs of the buckwheat field and heard the droning hum of the boos ; they hoard Mary singing In the great , cool cellar among the tlorcd rows ot milk pans with their yellow oroamandtho wondorlul shelves of preserves and bins of frultund vegetables ; they hoard the droon of the spinning wheel upstairs , the croaking twitter ot the swal lows at tholr mud houses under the caves of the big barn , the cluck nnd clutter of the poultry , the calling ot the men In the wheat , Hold down near the "sugar bush , " and they sighed for the \ \ non the skies were eternally blue nnd they rolled In the long grass of the orchard and watched the glint of the russets nnd wlnosaps In the sunlight and the soft whlto clouds sailing shlpllko across the sky. Tbo young fellow bad the saino concrou ! ) pieces of pic , the same snowy bread and golden butter , the sumo slices of cold chicken and horaocurod ham , the same lunch that our mothers' packed In our baskets when wo loft the old homo for the lost time. When ho hnu finished no mushed all the crumbs Into the napkin and locking up the valtso banded the waiter his nickel. "Haven't you got n chock ! " nskod the waiter. , "Check ! No. there Is the money. " "Givo It to the cashier. " "Why ? Don't you want itl" The waiter picked up the nickel and the ticket mul pro sod them Into the lad's hand. "Now , " said ho , "do you see that man sit ting ever there at the diuk with a pale cost of mustache. Well , you Just toke this ticket and put It down In front of blm nnd put the nickel on top of It BO It won't blow away nnd than just walk right on out and it will bo all right. " Ho did exactly as bo was told. Ill ) Still Smokes. The acutoncss of the average Omaha boy is r proverbial , and many stories have been told of his doings and sayings that for Uoptb. of thought nnd flnosso really place him at the forefront of Juvonllo prodigies. But It remained for tin Omaha lad of 1'J or 1 ! ) sum mers , who daily attends tha sessions of tbo High school lu search of knowlodpo nt least , ho attends pvory day excepting Saturdays to cap the climax ot all the brilliant and ox- cruclatlnply funny things that our city's udoloscotit humanity Is given credit for. Ever since tbo first few years of bis child hood be has been under iho fostering care of a dear old mint , who has ever gratified his childish wnlms , and allowed evou greater liberties than the average boy enjoys , nnd to the lad's credit , bo it said , ho has but seldom violated the conlldonco she has placed In him. But , llko other boys of that nge , tobacco in. , om > form or another possessed u great attraction for him , and ttirown , as ho , is among the many nnd dllloront characters of good fellowship , is It to bo wondered at that no was not long in acquiring the haolt of smelting ! Above all things tils aunt clotcsts tobacco , nud Hho can detect even ttio faintest trace of it in n pockotor among too clothing. For many evenings on the lau's ' return from Bchool ho carried with him Into her presence the odor of tobacco smoke and when quos- tlonod by her aald that ho bad walked part way nomu with sorno boys who were smok ing . "No , ma'am ! ho novcr amolcod ; indeed the very smell of tobacco made him sick ; and tlior. you know , auntlo , I know you don't want too to. " The old lady was far tbo inoinuut satlsllod , hut after thinning tbo matter ever for a -.wlillo laid her plans to catch tbo young man. nnd so tbo next evening whnn ho returned from school she agam dotcctca the odor of tooacco smoke , and calling him to her said : "Willie , I know you have boon smoking , 1 T can smell tobacco very plainly on you. Como hero and lot mo smell your breath. " It was with reluctance that the youngster came forward , and the telltale breath was ovioonco suftlflont of hU guilt. That uvou- lug ho spent In the house , und condign pun ishment was tbroatouoa should the offouso bo repeated. Many were the promises made. Wllllo would never , no. never , again put tbo horrid stuff in htu mouth , and If his auntlo would only forglvo bun this time bo would not sin ugalii. Ills nppoal touched the dear old ludy and ho wusngnlii restored lo favor. Alus for the frailty of boyhood ! Willie's promisor , thouah given in sincerity , had been uiado only to bo broken , for tbo very next evening after school hud closed his chum ulyly informed him that ha had a package of cigatoltos. "tho dundiusl , smokers ho bud BOCII , " they would light ono each when oncu outside of the school grounds ; \Villlo tried hard to rojlst , out bis chum's extravagant prjiso of the excellence of bis smokers and hU own desires got tbo better of htm , and for a hair hour ho fairly ruvolod In the seauotivo pleasures of nlcotlno dissipation. But there is an and to all thinrs. Willie's tlmo to bo at homo had como. Ho had sinned again and ha know his punishment would bu savoro. IIo did , iot wish to toll a IIo to his aunt nnd ho was afraid to face bur , conscious in ho was ol bis guilt. Ho debated for a long tnno , and at lust mustered up sulllcieut cour- Tiu to face his auut , und when ho did It was with a smiling faco. Ho wont through thoordoalof an examina tion. No , ho had not smoked. IIo was being rapidly weaned from tbo vice. The next night , and the nuxt , nnd so Itol - lowed for n week , UU aunt could not detect tbo odor of tobacco smoka on lib bro'ith. but It was noticed that every tl-no she put him to the test thu huu quickly turiiaa her head away. > At UU , ono Saturday evening , alter ho bad como bounding into the house m all his youthful noisiness , nnd hud gene to hh uunl for the regular examination , she hold her bunds bo torn lu > r tuco uud ax- claimed : "Stay wboro you are young man ; do not cuino near mo. The sudden development lu you of u tailo for onions bus boon remark- ublo , mid I glvo you fair warning thut u I ever smell tnoin on you a ? tin I will send you to bed ovur.v night fur a woo It us HOOII as you como home from school and glvo you a good whipping boildoi. " Sno ha * not said anything to the lad about imokluir nlnco ; his oroatli nai boon romurk- able free from tbo odor of sinoku or onions , and In fact a muntlou of tbo olllcucy of the tearful bulb as a preventive of the tobacco taabit causes a look of pain to lilt iiorosi his ( aca Nut UU Uiii'ominoii Tiling , It Is an oaiy matter to m tko seine men Bght , Tnty have corn- nit ever them and ire continuully luvlng thorn atopnnJ upou. A couoloof tli'itn tuiiiio down on a Walnut s Illllcar tboolhor morulug und furnUhod n good deal of outortalumont for the roil of the but pot no satisfaction thounclvos bovonu nn lucroatu of tompjruturo under the collar. Crunk No. I utood on thu front plal- form boildu i ho uiotoruiau anu pulled away at a cigar , ( Jrauu No.1 nat just Inslao the door uud nursed a lunch baiUut , Tha motor- aian waDUid to keep thu iiuoke out of lha ti rar nnd told Urnnk No. 1 to close the car door , The paiteneori wanted to sniff the Invigorating fro hnoss of the glad May mornIng - Ing and asked Cranic No. 3 to open It. That wai enough. No. I closed It , IIo. U opened It , IJIff t bang ! open and shut now the door , both mon jotting madder and madder , nnd glaring nt each other llko a couple of wild cats. cats."Loavo th t door aloao , will youl" snarled No. 1. "Oh , you own this road , do you ! Well wo want lomo air nnd It's going to stay open. If you don't llko It , you can walk. " liangl bang ! Open and shut. "Mister" sala No. 1 , loaning In nt the door In n confidential manner , "I nm going to close that door onuo more } If you open it we'll got oft the car nnd I'll punch the liver out of you. " Bang ! bangl Trouble was Imminent , but the conductor Interfered , tnuoh to thodl np- polntment of thn passengers who were per fectly willing to sco the comedy plnyod to a finish , Apologized for LlOng , Ho were n scared , hunted look and glanced furtively about the room as ho timidly approached preached the reporter and said * "I hopoyou will pardon the intrusion , but Is there do you know can you toll mo where an Inoffensive nnd mild mannered stranger stranded on thcso Inhospltablo shores may purchase a liltlo information 1" "May which ! " "May hlro some ono to nnswor a few ques tions as to our term of Imprisonment , or quarantine , ns to In short , when the trains nro liable to movol" Ho was at the union dopot. Just where ho would have boon protected by the inagnlll- cotit domed Iron roof , If there had boon ono ; but there was not nnd the rain drizzled down upon his devoted head nnd the devoted heads of 200 or 800 other travelers equally mlsora bio and oqunlly enthusiastic In their praises of Omaha as a good place to go around , The little , dirty , grimy , smoky waiting room was paclccd to suffocation and reeking with the indescribable odor of crowded unvontllatod rooms. Sullen , sulky men crowded the tobacco-decorated lloor and disconsolate looking woman nnd wailing children flllod the greasy suata. Ticket-sellers nnd baggage men stood at the "cubby" holes of tholr cramped coops und glowered at the crowd. There was a washout somowhoro. The bridge was down , some ono said , hut nobody know much beyond the fact that they were laid up at the raggodost. dirtiest , most wretched apology for a railroad station bo- twcon Now York nnd San Francisco. The apologetic individual was ono of the unfortu nates and ho was waiting for bis nnswor. 'Why , what's the matter with the depot people I That's what they are hero for ! " Tnoso gentlemen in gold buttons , i sup pose you moan. Kxcuso mo. I am the only support of a wlfo and u few children , nnd I nni convinced that to uskquestions of Omaha railroad olllcmls is to rl.slt llfo or liberty or both. " 1'horo nro clttos nnd towns you know , " ho plaintively continued , "whoro the rnllwny depots nro provided with n window with n sign on it : 'Information , ' but then of courao these towns , you know , really have depots. I suppose It is different in places where trains just stop on the track somewhere and people got off nnd go up town. 1 did try some of these ornamental people and I nm afraid that I have a fatal rcsoicblanco to some escaped - capod lunatic or confidence roan. I thought I spolto politely to the ofllccr outsldo. I said : 'My fnond , where can 1 llnd ! ' Then I dodged. I thought ho was going to throw a orlclc. Ho didn't , however , and after a while I approached him again n llt tlo more respectfully. 'Worshipful sir ! Can you toll mo I" " Kaw , I can't toll yo nothln' . Blowod If I ever < > oo slch people for koopin" at it , acen- ln' at U , icoopln1 nt It. ' "No doubt , I thought , ho takes mo for n bill collector , so I tried another ono with a liltlo more gold brnld 011 his hat. " 'Most Illustrious , ' I bozau with my hat in mv band , but that is as far as I got. " 'Now look-it hero , young follor,1 said ho , Why In blazes cun't you sit down nnd keep still. I don't know nothln' not one blasted UCK on earth. Do you understand that , or shall I write It out for you)1 ) "Everybody laughed and I wont off In the corner and drooped for a long time , but I really did want to llnd out , you see , and so 1 made ono more effort. I tried n man In a window. Ho saw mo coining and I could distinctly feel him tryinp to tnesmorizn me with n cold , ghnstly stare. I didn't got n chunco to say a word. Ho stuck out bis foro- ilngor. 1 thought It was a pistol and stopped. " 'No , sir 1' said ho. 'The brldgo is NOT down. Trains will NOT run tonight. Your bagcago will not bo lost. You will NOT got loft. Now glvo us a rest , ' and ho slammea down the window. "I want to try again. My face Is against mo. I'll Just tioso around until I llnd n boot black. He'll toll me. You see I want to llnd out If there Is nny way of getting to Council Bluffs axcopt by train. My wife Is ever there waiting for me. " Ho KcglHtorml Thorn All. Ono lady took the motorat Hamilton street and paid her fare. At Indiana avenue a second end lady boarded the car , and the companv's coffers were Increased by the addition of an other 5 cents. Tbo ladles were frlonds and at once entered into an animated conversa tion on some Issues to bo consldorod at a church mealing , which was tbolr destination When the car reached Cumthg street a gen tleman took the car nnd found a scat hot woon the ladles. Ho was on his way to the same church mealing that the Indies wora going to attend , and was soon deep In a conversation on the question before the houso. Tbo con ductor was Interested in a platform pnsson- gor's story of how the game was lost in the ninth Inning by Von dor Bum's yellow muff of an easy Uy. The male passenger handed un a quarter as the conductor approached him , nnd thai guardian of the company's in- toiosls promptly rung up three faros , gave thu man 10 cents In ohanga , and hurried back to the platform to hoar how tbo visitors made the winning run. The man lookoa nt tbo ra- mains of his quarter nnd then nt each of the ladlos. They wora talking glibly and had not noticed tholr frlond's financial transac tion. The only witness of tha mistake was n pass-holder on the opposite bldo of the car , who didn't say a word. The company was the only winner. FulHu ICcunoiuy Is practtood by people who ouy Inferior arti cles ot food because cheaper than standard goods. Infants uro entitled to the best load obtainable. It is a fact thut tbo ( Jail Uordon "Eazlo" Brand Condensed Mlltc Is the best Infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep it. ffElf ItOUKS AXI1 1'SUlWniU.lLS. Hudyard Kipling calls his now collection of vorsoi "Ballads and Barrack floom Bal lads , " which would indicate that tbo author finds some quality in the latter not charac teristic of ballads pure and simple. Hudyard Kipling's nauia and fiuno , so far as bis verso making Is concerned , will not bo helped by this volume. Ho will still ba Known as the author ot "Plain Tales From the Hills. " Most of the ballads now sent out In book form are known to magazine readers. The now ones Imvo tbo same slapdash rollicking llavor. and whatever may bo said of their literary merit have a lot of what may bo tor.uod trooper English , which Is re freshing for its force if nothing olso. Through the whole voluino rjus the faint suggestion of BwiiiDumo. No onu questions the ability of Mr. Kipling to wntu good short storlos with oasonnd foroo. This Intro duction of the reader Into the comparatively now world of British India givoi his work nn Interest too , which It would not oiborwiso Imvo uud ho knows this. These are storlos In vtrse of llfo nud incident in India. As In hU short stories thora is the maximum of episode , tr.igody , comedy und pathos and tha minimum of wonU. 1'ublUhod by Maomil- lan & Company , Now York. J. M. Barrio's "A Window In Thrums" should bo road by over.v ono who loves the pathetic ami the beautiful m lUoraturo and the brightest of humor. U has P.O plot to un ravel , no annoying thread of myutery run- nlug tUronch In pagoi , but an Interest of Its own , which faidnutos the reader and llnirors with him long after ho hai turned the Una ! page , a tender , tearful memory. There nro no lovoi nnr lovurs , no villains nor villainy m Its chapters , but the writer takes one Into thoslmplo homoof u sturdv , honest Scotch wo.ivor , anil with the ilaintlost touches und the uioit exquisite colorlu ? pictures Its dally coming * and goings , lu llttlu comeuioa apd bluer heart trugudlo * . Thu quaint dialect is nut bo broad in to make dltllcult roadin ; , nud uo labored descriptions of scenes uud charac ters cumber tbo pages , UUjusta ultnplo. tender bkutch of a godly , loving and humble household , the raiding of which softens and warms thu reader' * heart , and ut ho lays atldo thu llttlo voluino bo kuowj that ho U the bottur for having Uuown lUaJry and seen the whlto , patient faca of .Ion nt thn llttlo window In Thrums 1'ablHhod by tha ' Cassoll Puollshino t-o iipaiiv , 104 unJ U ) Fourth nvonuo , Now Y rk. The thousands of yachters who sail on the many lakes of the Interior , nrd , on the wntori of the seaboard , will ba IntoroUed In n pro- fusolv Illustrated nrtlclo which nppours In the May Century on "Coast nnd Inland Yachting , " by Frederick W. Panghorn , n member ot the Jcrsoy City Yachting club nnd formerly viro president of the Now York Racing association. Those who uro novices In sailing will llnd many typos of craft de scribed and pictured In this nrtlclo , whila thojo who are nlroady familiar with yachts may learn from the article many fuels lu rognra to tha growing and widespread ln tcrost In this pastime. An Interesting contribution to capital pun ishment ls the novel entitled : "Tho Angu lar Stone , " by Emilia i'ardo Bezati , trans lated lnt English by Mary J. Serranowhoso reputation In this direction is well estab lished , The character about whom the in terest of the story centers Is n Spanish exe cutioner nnd the pictures of lifo nnd customs nro very powerful. Tbo story has n moral , but it is not made obtrusively prominent and ono forgets that It exists in his Interest In the unraveling of the plot. There Is a good deal of readable philosophizing about crlmo nnd criminals from tholr least ropulslvo sldo , treated in a manner so original that ono Is never tomplod to skip It. Publishedby Cas sell ft Co. In the Sunshlno series. "Tho Mother of n Moruuls" nnd "Tho Aunt's StnUnRom , " by Edmond About , translated bv Mrs. Carlolon A. Kiugsbury , constitute ono number of Cassoll & Co's. very excellent Sunshlno series. These nro a couple of spicy matchmaking sketches which will very comfortably and delight fully 1111 In the time of n weary day's travel. They do not roq-ilro very close reading and have no useful lesson to enforce , whloh will render thorn nil the more attractive to these who llko that sort ot reading. Published by Cassell it Co. , 104-lOft Fourth avonuo. The Cosmopolitan began its thirteenth , volume with the May Issue , under the joint editorship of Mr. W. D. Howclls and Mr. Walker , wlthntabloof contents which will ntlruct attention. In this number there la a rloh ana varied budget of nrtlclns by notable writers in the various Holds of literature nnd the Illustrations nro unusually good. Month by month this magazine Is making Improve ments and today it can ho classed as ono of our best poriodlcats. "Tho Ooldon Fleece , " nn Impossible story of buried treasure and Aztec love , told by Julian Hnwthoruo In n way that mokes you bollovo it , is the feature of the Mav number of Lipplncott's. W. J.C.Molghan conlrlbutos an Interesting nrtlclo to the journalist series on the traveling correspondent. Estimates of Walt Whitman and his worlt by W. S. Wnl h and W. S. Garrison form nn interest ing feature of nn especially attractive num ber of this popular mngazluo. No magazine Is the country gets nt the gist of what busy people want to know so well ns iho Koviow of Ilovlows , and iho May number of that publication is oven oottor than usual. There is n very comprehensive and yet condensed rovlow of the work In sight for tbo various political parties at their conventions this summer , also facts about some Interesting educational undertakings , the chnutnuquas and such work and n char acter sketch oil Gladstone by W. T. Stoad. Add to Ihoso features a synopsis ot Iho lead ing articles of iho monlh and a oaroful ro vlow of the periodicals and you have thejcuv- rent history of the world In a nutsohll. "It came to Pass , " by Mnry Farley San- born , Is a charming love story which will douotlass ba accorded as cordial a reception as Mrs Sanborn's llrst book. Tha thread ot the story is simple , but the deepest Interest attaches to tbo characters. Alma , with her undisciplined naluro : Jack , the faithful lover ; Mrs. Mnrtingalo , the solf-appoluted general advisor ; the care-riddon Lesley all nro perfect and live tor the reader. Mrs. Sanborn's style lends a freshness to the story that cannot but provo delightful. Pub lished by Lee &Shopard , Boston , Mass. 'Lovo Knows no Law , " by Loon do Tln- soau , translated by Camdon' Curwon , Is a French story of great beauty , wrltlcn with surprising strength nnd Uro , deeply interest ing throughout , presorting Imaginative pic tures In which breadth and vicor of treat ment nro harmoniously blooded with exquis ite delicacy of detail. Published by Worthington - ington Co. , 747 Broadway , Now York. A now and exceedingly attractive edi tion ol "Gil Bias of Santillano , " by A. H. la Sago , translated by Tobias Smollett , has just boon published bv the Worthlngton company , Now tfork. This work Is probably ono ot the most widely known of all Euro pean works of fiction , and Is a book to bo studied as well us to ba enjoyed. Van Laun , in calling attention to Le Sago's master piece , speaks of the vivid character painting , the penetrating observation , tbo lavish in ventiveness , and the vivaulty of the narra tive In Gil Bias. Lo Sago's humor has body as well as brightness , breadth and geniality besides shrewdness and point. Gil Bias tolls bis own adventures , spares nothing and no body , and even his own shortcomings are oxpbsod with sparullng drollery and vengeful Iranknoss. "Tho Art of Entertaining. " by M. E.V. . Sherwood , is a work that will provo nn al most priceless boon to these to whom inclina tion or auty often necessitates the entertain ing of lurgo or small gatherings of pooplo. It is very comprohonsivotaking in overv phase of the subject. In It wo are told all about the Intellectual components ot a dinner , the various modes of gastronomical gratification , besides bolng supplied with a vast number " of fumoub menus" and receipts. The work Is enlivened with lively dbscriptlons of some oddities in tbo artof entertaining. Published by Dodd , Mead & Company , Now York , and lor sale by J. S. Cauldeld. Messrs. Dodd , Mead & Co. of Now York have just published a haudv edition of "Lectures on the English Pools , " by William Hnzlltt , which should hava u largo salo. In the introduction wo nro told that there nro many who bold Hazlllt to bo , nil things con sidered , the greatest of English critics. However this mnv bo , ono thing Is certain , and that Is that ho Is a writer whom no reader or lovar of English literature can af ford lo leave unread. This llttlo work Is just the boon to give n student of English litera ture n good insight into the poetic part of it within n small compass. For aalo by J. B. CaulUold , Omaha , Nob. "Llttlo Brothers of tbo Air" is the narao nf n charming llttlo book by Oilvo Thora Millar on the subject of olrds and tbolr habits. "To study a nest , " says this grace ful writer , "la to inako an acquaintance. However familiar Iho bird , unless the stu dent has watched its ways during the only domestic period of Its llfn nesting tlmo ho bus still somothlnc to loam. In fact , bo has almost everything to learn , for Into thojo few WCOKS is crowded a whole lifotlmo of emotions and experiences which fully bring out the individu ality of tbo bird. Family life is a test of character , no loss In the nest than in tbo houso. Moreover , to a aovotoo of tbo science that someone lias aptly culled oral- tbography , nothing Is HO attractive. What hopes it holds out I Who can guess what mysteries shall bo disclosed , what interesting episodes of llfo shull bo soon that charmed spot ! " Published by Houghton , MlfilIn & Compnny , Boston nnd Now York , and for nalo by J. S , Caulticld , Omaha , Nub. Thrt Forum for May has very many excel lent papers , among which "Freo Colnago.tno Blight of our Commerce , " by Hon. Michael D , Ilarler ; "Tho Throat of the Prosaut Coinage Law. " by Senator William F , Vllus ; 'Tho Loss ot Southern Statesmanship , " by J. C. llomphlll. editor of tbo Charleston News nnd Courrler ; "Tho True Purpose of the Higher Education , " by President Timothy thy Uwight : "Idleness and Immorality , " by E. L. Uodkln , and "Does the Factory la- crotiso Immorality , " by Carroll D. Wright , chief of tbo bureau of labor statistics , are only a few of the good thing * dUhod up this roocth. The Forum now takes rank an ono of the loading uorlouicals of America. "Tho Married Belle , " by Julio P. Smith , Is a very readable xtorr , not particularly deep , perhaps , but Just thu sort of book to whllo away an hour or two very pleasantly. This writer is making herself known iiinoug novel readers uud is gaining a largo share of popular favor. "A Colony of Girls" Is the title of au at- tracllvo story bv Kuto Livingston Wlllard. As Ita name indicate it is a-boaK that Is Intended - tended principally for tuo perusal of young ladles und it fulltls iu jnmlou ndinlrablv Published bv UoJd , Mead & Compnuy and for sale by J , B. CaulUolu. Thoonlr tejtnllr grsrtuAtod Clilnc o nhr'lclan Klglit yonr § ' studf. Tea rears practical niporl- cnco with nil known dlsoisor 'fronts successfully nil chronic CIMIOS KlTea up by nthor doctors Cull nnrt co blm or write for question blitnk , IIo not think your cnso hoi > olos bocsuse your doctor tolls you to , hut trj tlio Chinese doctor with Mi now uud wonderful romcillo * . ami roodvo now bonutlts niul a permanent euro wlmt ollior docUiri cntmiit ulrn. llorbn. Hoots anil PlMits-imturo's remodlcis-hls nicillclnos. Tlio world his \Tltne . Ono thoiiinml testimonials In thri-o years practice Ko Injurious ilococtlons , no nnrcotlct , no poison , llatlonil treatment and permanent euro Pollening cnsos successfully treated airl curoil , BlTon up by other doctors : To Whom It May Concern ! with llhoumntlsm nnd Dyspepsia , nud atUr trrlim nil the doctors t know of nnd received no help. I hcnrd of Dr. OIJco Wo In the papers ami concluded to try his medicines , which curud mo In a short time. My family were nlso sick , but the doctol cured thorn nil riant , tlmvo nlso o t him n num ber of friends , whom ho car oil nlio nnd of various t oublcs. C.llon moforpsrtloulnrs. THOMAS COUOIIUN , 41U Hnrnoy Street , Oiimhi. OMAHA , Nob.March 30 , ' ! > i To Whom It May Concern ! llmvnbconn long time stitTorer with stoinncu tro ublo nnd general debility , nnd cnuld Und no ro- llof from any of the doctors I treated with. 1 waste to badly run down that I thought It Impossible to liven month. My friends had given me up to dlo , nnd I had lost nil courage myself A frlond told mo of lr 0. ( ioo Wo , ns he was cured nlso , nnd ud- Tlied mo to call und see him without ilolny , nt there nnsno time lo lose I had tried nil the doctors 1 could tlndiiud nil the patent mi'dlLlnos , but with out rollof , I finally raado up my mind to vblt the Chinese doctor , nnd from thnt moment dates my recovery , 1 accepted his terms nnd placed myself under tils caro. 1 nm now entirely well and owa my euro to Dr. C , Ooo Wo , nnd take great plunsuro lu recommending others to him. him.T110S CULV1CIIT. Northwest corner Twelfth nnd Fnrcam stroatt , ua- der Irou Hank , Omaha , Nob. POCATEI.I.O. Idaho , April 2,1333. To Whom It Mny Concern ! I have been n constant sulTorcr for eight joars with n disordered Btomacli , blood poisoning nnd In digestion , and tried u great many doctors and rem edies , but got no help My csio 1 consldoru il hopo- less. A friend advised mo to call on Dr O. ( ieoVo , which I made no delay In doing The doctor oxum- Inad mo and told mo ho could euro me , nnd 1 now stand completely cured , n living witness to his great skill ns n healer of the sick , nnd am pleased to bo able to recommend him to alt sintering people. ' i ALl' . 151)15. Johnlmbody , JctTorson-tu , quick consumption and nbccss on Inn ? .riven up to dlo A. O. Mok-el , Oakland , la. , kidney nnd llror trouble for ten years. / , , M. U Andcr-on. 1.1J1 Cumlng street , cntarrh , nsthrnn and bronchitis of Hlftoon years standliu. Ilns for snlo the following prepared romedloi nt Jl UU n bottle , nix bottles for llt ) , for the euro ot Asthma , Cntarrh , Sick \Mpadache , Indigestion , lllood rolsonltur , uboumatlim , tomalo Weakness , Kidney nnd I.Ivor Complaint. No nk-onta Sold only by Chlnoso Medicine Co , Capital , Office , IGth awl CaWjia ; [ Sis. , Omaha , Neb A'Written Guarantee SYPHILIS to Cure Every Caio or Money Refunded. Our cure Is permanent an nqt ( i pntchljg op. Cnsos treated eeren years ago bare never seen a symptom ilnco. By describing case fully we can treat you by mall , and wo glre the same strong guartvntoo to euro or refund all money. Those who prefer to como bora fortrcatment can do eoand wo will pay railroad faro both ways and hotel bills wbllo hero , If wo fall to euro We challenge the world fo u case that our Magla Hcmcdy will not euro , wrltofor particulars nnd got thcoYldence. In our seven years practice with tha it ante Remedy Itbas been most difficult to overcome the prejualcon ncalnst socnlled specifics. Hut under our strong guarantee thousands ara trying Itandba Ingcnred. Woguarnntoo to cure or refund every dollar , nnd as wo have a reputation to protect , also financial backing of $ MO,030lt Is perfectly safa to nil who wlli try the treatment. Heretofore you have putting up nnd paying out your money for different treatments , nnd although you are not yet cured no one has paid back your money. Wo will positively cure you , Old , chronic , deep seated caios cured In C ] toWdnrs. Invojtlgato our financial standing , our reputation as business men. Write us for names anil ddroiosof those w have cured who have given permission to refer to them. It costs yon only post- ( gotodo this ! If your symptoms are sere throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones anil Joints , hnlr falling out , eruptions on any part of tbo body , feeling of general depression , pains In heal or tones. Ton bare no time to wasto. Tnose who are constantly taking mercury and potash , should dis continue It. Constant use of these drugs will surely bring sores and eating ulcers In tbo end. Dou't fall to write. All correspondence sent sealed In plain en velope. Wo Invite tbo most rigid Investigation and will do all luourpoworto aldyoul&IU Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omahn. Neb Your druggist does not spread his plasters or gela tine-coat his pills. He knows that such work is better done in a factory. Some try to make an Emul sion of cod-liver oil : but they cannot make one like Scott's Emulsion they'll find it out some day. There is no secret in what it is made of ; there is a knack in making it. That knack is Scott's Emulsion , There is a book on CARE FUL LIVING that you ought to read. Shall we send it ? Free. SCOTT & DOWNB , ChemlsU , 131 South jth Avenue , New York. , Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion ol cod-liver ell all druggists everywhere do. | | . 49 - . WKST'rl NI5IJVBANIHIIIAINTIIKAT. HBNT. a ipeclllo for HysWrlk. UUilnas * . flu. Neu ralgia , Headache , Nervous 1'rostraton cuuioJ by alcohol or lobacoo , Wnkofutnoss , Moutal Uunrus- slon , tiof tnessuf tha Drain ! causing Insanity , mlsory , decay , death , 1 'reran t uro Uld .Ago , llarronosi , IOJ1 of I'ower In cither sov , Injpotunoy. l.eiiuorrhua au 1 ull Komalo Weaknesses. Involuntary hosiei , Hpor- mntorrhot caused by overoxortlon of ItiJ brnlu- holf-ahmoovur-lndulgouoo A month's traatmont II , Of or Ji , by mall. Wo guarantee si * boxes lo our j Knch order fore ooioi , nliu I ) will nond written Kuaranteeto refund If notcurod Uuarantee l * 'i I only by A. Bchruter , druggist. > ole ngont. southtnr coruor loth nud Farnam tu. Omaha. Anew nnd Complete Treatment , consisting oj Suppoiltorlat. Ointment In I'aptulei , ulsa lu Her ? ! ! ' ' ! ' " ' . ' .a I' ° ' "I 0 Uure for KiUrual , Internal blliidorUloodlng Itching , iurunlc.Uoomt : < ir Heredi tary I'lloj T.iU Itemoly has uuver bson known to faHlperbox Oforlissentbymall. Wnysutlerfrom this terrlblo dlieano wlua u written guarantee ls positively given wltu V boiotorrof und tha monerlf uot cured Send stamp for free Bample. ( Juurarttoo Issued by Kulin 4Co. . lrug l ti. Hole Agents.corner 10nullo = ylas trooti , Oiuiba , Not ) . mmlilo tlioil > | K > i > tlifo i > ut uhatutvr ho ullio < i. Ihl'V inluu Illu food loiw- tlinllittunnil nourish tlm body , tiln' ' < cut * . Kxm t U < > uliifwii In liorilur. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. a DEPOSITORY. OMAHANE3 Capital . . . .7 $400,0 ! ) i ) ill-plus 11111 ; OinJ)3 Ofllr rs itKSDIrottsn Usury W. Yatoip'Jil IM\ II. UCushlng. vlcopraildent. ( id. MiatloJ , W. V Morse , John 3. ( Jclilus , J. N. IL IMlrlok. tiMH A Iteed , Cashier , THE IRON BANK. vnnOCT PILLS fton * * Brand In Itnl an 1 fJotl tn ulll \ 1 MI irilft wllh bl rittbOB. Tl ' tiont nnd ( mHatn ( Al DraitKlitl , ft ifod 4c , In ttnip for t'1'lcu'r | ' * ' tmlmonliJ * ted "llrltcf Tor l.ndlrm fn ffttrf , by return - fir tcrfmr o.ii < ionrQii.irf fold by ill lxtbmicttu. . i'MUda. ? I * * . The LORJNG SCHOOL Unlvei illy.preparatory. ( Kstubllshrd IfeTG. ) OillliAUO , ll.l.l.NOI * . YOIIHK I'lidlus and Ohlldton. Tor further particulars uddii-ss THE l.out.Nd BCllOOU &VU i-rulrlo 0.,0'hicngo ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In pursuance ot an or.Iltmiico ot the city of Otmihn , passed nnd iiipro\od | May 17,18U2. entitled - titled "An ordinance cnllln * a snoclnl elootlen to vote upon thu accoptancu ot the amomlcn proposition ot the fiobrusku f.'ontrnl rullwijr coinpnny und tlio Issuance of coupon bondx or llio cltv of Omnlm In the sum ot two hun dred and fifty thousand dotlarsiJM.0)U ) ) to aid the Nebraska Central Hallway coinpi'tiy In acquiring donot grounds , in the con struction ot a union rullwiiy and pas senger depot , nnd In the construction ot other railway Imorovomonts upon quid grounds , and to authorize a tax for the puy- mont of the Interest upon said bonds nnd to create a sinkinc fund for the pnvmont ot the principal thereof , nnd roponllnJ ordinance No , aOM , passed nnd approved May loth , 1802. I , usorco I' . UOUUH , mayor ot tlio city of Omaha , do hereby Igsuo my proolamatlon nnd give publlo notice unto the losal voters of the oily of Oimihit , Douglas county , Nob. , thut on Thursday , the 10th day ot Juno , 1892. a special election will bo hold In said oily at the follow ing polling places , namely : FIUST WAIID. Klrst District Southeast corner Seventh and Mnrcy streets. Soconv District Northwest corner Eighth and Ijoavonworth street * . Third District 1208 Jonci street. Fourth Dlstrlct-1227 Bnuth Thirteenth Btroor Fifth Dlttrlot Northeast corner Seventh nnd I'aclflc streets. Hlxth District Southeast corner Sixth and V.vclllo strnots , bovonth District C i Plorco street. Eighth District Southwest corner Eleventh and Center streets. Ninth Dlstrlct-1802 South Sixth street Tenth District Intersection Ninth and nan- croft street , northonst corner. Klo\onth DIstrlct-lUil South Thirteenth street , northeast corner Arbor street. SECOND First District Intersection Fourteenth nnd Jonus streets. Second District 1001 South Thirteenth street. Third district Intersection Eighteenth nnd Lcavcnworth streets , south side. Fourth District Intersection Twentieth and Lcavcnworth streets , boutu side. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third and Loavonworlh streets , south sldo Sixth District Intersection Twentieth street und 1'opploton avenue. Seventh District J42J William strooc. Eighth District -1314 South Thirteenth street ( McOandllsh ) . Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth and Center streets. Tenth District 18i ) South Twentieth street ( Lovotl& Woodman. ) Eleventh District Intersection Twentieth and llnncroft streets. Twelfth District 1504 Vlnton street ( Donovan van ) . Thirteenth District IntcrsoctlonThlrtoonth and Valley streets , west sldo. Fourteenth District Intersection Twen tieth and Boulevard streets. THIRD WARD. Firsc District Intersection Twelfth and Chicago Btroot. Second District 317 North Fifteenth street ( Woodworth ) . Third District US South Fourteenth street , ( A. J. Simpson ) . Fourth District 1112 Douglas street ( O. J. C.mun ) . Fifth District Intersection Capitol avenue and Tenth streets. Sixth District Intersection Hurnoy and Ninth streets , east sldo. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Furnam streets. Eighth District 1315 llarnoy street ( J. 8. Mc- Corinlck ) . Ninth District 1211 Howard street ( Kil kenny , Bruy & Co ) . BOtlHTIl VTAim. First District Intersection Seventeenth and Davenport streets. bocond District Intersection Tnonty-sco- end and Davenport streets , north side. Third District Intersection Twenty-fifth and Dodgs streets. Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth and Dot ! uo streets. I'lfth District 420 South Fifteenth street. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth and DouKlaB streets. Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth street and St. Mary's avenue. Eighth District Intersection Twentieth street und St. Mary's avenue , west sldo. Ninth District 1818 St. Mary's avenue ( Uobtibeaux ) . Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth and Louvcnwnrth streets , north side. Eleventh District 10U Howard street ( Hlc- Rlns ) . ° FIFTH WAKD. First District Intersection Sherman avenue and Manclorson street. Second District Erlllnft building , wont sldo Shon.-mn avenue , between Ohio and Corhy streets. Third District Intersection Sherman avenue and Lake street Fourth District 100J Grace street , South west corner Sherman avenue and Grace street Fifth District 1JI7 bhormau avenue ( Sea man ) . Sixth DIstrIctr-1151 Sherman avenue ( Er- Seventh District Interjection Sixteenth and Iznrd streets. Eichth District 803 North Sixteenth street ( II. G Clark. nient ) . Ninth Dlsti let Intersection Cass and Fif teenth streets. Tenth District C13 North Sixteenth street ( Seiirs. agent ) . Eleventh District Southwest corner Eigh teenth und Casa streets , 4K North Eighteenth street. SIXTH WAI1I ) . First District-Lyceum hall. 482D North Twenty-fourth street ( CmlR ) . Eeoond I ) . atrlet Intersection Thirty-sixth street und Grand avenue. Third District Intersection Military uvonuo and Grant struct * Fourth District Intersection Twenty- fourth street and Mandereon Htroots. Hfth District Intursectlou Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets. Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and 1'arker streets. , Seventh Dlstrlot-2532 Lake street ( W. A. Messlck ) . Eighth District 2025 Lakn street ( Sasstrom ) . Ninth District 2310 North Twenty-fourth street. Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eighth and Franklin streets. Eleventh District Intersection Twenty- fourth und Franklin streets. Twelfth District HIM North Twentieth street. SEVENTH WAI1I ) . First District 2813 LcHvonworth street , Second District-Intersection Twenty-ninth avenue and 1'opploton avenue , u.iutsldo. Third District Intersection Twenty-ninth street and Woolworth avenue , south side. fourth Dlstrtot Intersection THonty-nlntb and Moxouth streets. Fifth District Intersection Thirty-second avenue and Thomusnn Htrout. felxth District 1012 Twenty-ninth avonuo. fcovonth Dlstrlot-Inturscotlon Thirty- fourth and Francis streets. KinilTII WAIID. First District 2934 Hamilton street t-ei'ond District 2.2S ! Cnmliig street. Third District- Intersection Twentieth and Nlcholuixtrouts Fourth District 2910 Oumlng street. Fifth District 2108 Cumin * utreu' , , blxth Dlktrlot Intcrsoutlou Twbnty-socond and Hurt HtrectH. Seventh District Intersection Twentieth und Cans streets. MNTII WAIIU. First District IntoMectlon Thlrty-socond and Ouuilim utrcots. Second District Intersection Fortieth and CnmlnK streets , north side. Third District Intersection fortieth and Farnam streets. Fourth District Intoiscatlon Thirty-second avenue and Davenport eirout. Fifth Dlstrlot-2804 Kurnain street Sixth Jl trlot 3104 1.oavonworth street I'or ' the purpotoof Hubmlttlnx to the legal voters of said city , for their ucceotuncu or ro- Jeotlon , the umondcd prouosltlon ot the No- brankuCentraUtullway company to the city of Omuha ( hereinafter written at lonulh ) und the nucstlotiH. ahull the bonds of the city of Omuhu bo Issued , renlstorod and delivered , us iirovldud In said aipendod proposition bhnll un annual tax bo levied to u y thu in terest en nuch bonds ui U hocoines duoV und shall a further iinnunl tux. eoninienolnu the tenth your prior to thu maturity of unch bonds , 1m levied , In addition to all other tuxes , for the crentlon of a slnklnx tund uulll- clent to pay such bonds ut thu maturity thereof ? bald questions , und the acceptance or rejeo- tlon ot s&ld amended proposition , U submitted to said iCRal votcrt , nd will hootcd uoon In the nifknnor and form following "The Nebraska Central KMIwny coninnny has made the following prupoiltlnn to the city of Omaha ! The amended proposition of the Nebraska Central lUllwny bompany to the ully ol Omaha , Nob. To tlio Mayor nnd City Council ot the Olty of Omnhn. Noli. ! The undor.MRnoil , the No- brnskii Central Hallway company , urooosos to acquire and tn' < o possosslon of , tor railway purposes , that certain trnct ot tanO , Incntod within the district boundud by Fifteenth street , Clilcajostreet. Eleventh stront , California - fornia strcat , nd the right ot way of the Ohi.iha IloTl Rullway company except the south half of block .18 , lots 3 and 4 , block v lot 1 , nnd north one-halt ot lots 2 nnd- , block 27 : nnd to erect thereon a union pnssoncer depot on the corner of Klftoonth and Chicago streets to cost , Including the other railway Improvements on said srounds , notlnss tlr n fonr hundred thousand dollar * Provided , th 1 ty ot Omaha , In Douglas county , NohrnsKa , will donate to the said Nebraska Central Ktllwny company two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ( JiV,03Jl ) of Its four(4) ( ) percent bonds , 5100,000 thereof to bo dated January 2 , IS'J.1. ' and jl5),000thornof ) to bo dated Jnnunry I , H'JI , to become due nnd payable twenty years from their respec tive dates , with interest nnynblo soml-annu- ally , all payablu at the nconey of the stnto of Noiiraska In the city of Now York. Said bonds to bo of the denomination of onu thousand dollars ( $1.009) ) each , nnd ouch thoniof to roolto. "This bond Is ono of a series of two hundred and lltty ( VUO ) bonds ot like nmou nt und tenor , whkh are Issued by the cllv of O in u ha , In DoiiKlas county. Nebraska , to thu Nebraska Central llnllway comptny , to md u In acquiring land In thu city of Omuha for union depot ana terminal purposes and in the construc tion of n union railway pnssonttor dnuet upon said ground , and Its railway tracks , sldo Hacks , turnout' , switches and uuproaones Inndliu thereto , and other rntlnay Improve ments thcrott Ith connected. " S.ild bonds to bo oxeculod and rolstorcd at or lmmedl'ito'y after thn dates thereof , and Initno llntoly tlioroaftcr delivered to the First National h nk of Om.iha , Nub. , trustee , to beheld hold In trust for dnllvory to the Nebraska Central Il.illwny comp inv , Its successors or assigns , i > y snlil trustee , in insiaiimonts as hereinafter provided. The said Nebraska Central Hallway com- nany plans to construct , or came to bo con structed , a line ot railway In the state ot Iowa , not less thuu 100 mlloi In extent , from the past approach of a bridge , which the snld Nubr.iska Central Hnllw.iy comnnny his also planned to construct over tlio Missouri river. Intersecting orconneotlnz with or reaching the lines of two or more of the folloivlnx rail way corporations vl ? : The Illinois Central Uillway company , the \VInona& Southwestern Hallway company , the Minneapolis & St l.ouls Hallway onm- pnnv , tboChlcaRo , St 1'uul & Kansas Olty llnllway compnnv. the ChlonKO , Fort Madhon ft Dos Molnos Ilallwnv comu.iny. the AU-hl- son , TopokuA Santa To K.illway coiipany , the llaltlmoro , V Ohio Uallway comp.iny , the Ohio A Mississippi Hallwnv company , the Koo- kuk & Western Hallway company , the Qulncy omuha & Kansas City Uallway company and tbo Iowa Central Hallway company. One hundred thousand ( S100.0DJ ) dollars of s.ild bonds shall bu delivered by said trus tee to said Nebraska Central Hallway lumpjiiv. Its suci'ucisors or assigns , when It or they shall have acquired and takgn possession of that certain tract nf land located within the district boutidod by Fifteenth street , Chicago stieot , Klqyonth street California street and tlio rlsht of way of the Omaha Bait Hallwav com- piny , ( except the south half of blooKs 38. lot 3 und 4. block 28 , lot 1 , and the north half of lots 3 and 3 , block 27) ) : Provided , that the said onn hundred thou sand dollars [ 100,000 ] of said bonds shall not lie delivered until after the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its successors or assigns , shall have constructor thn aild line ot railway In the state of Iowa , Ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars | . $150.0CO | of snld bonds shall ho delivered by said trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , when It or they aliall have completed tile erection nf .1 union passenger aapot upon said trnct of land above described , to cost Including the other railway Improvements on laid grounds , not loss than four hundred thousand dollars ( WCO.OOO ) ; proof of iuch sost to be madn by the sworn statnnont of the president and treas- urerof said rnllwov company. Hied with tbo city olork ot Omaha , uooompitnlod by cortlfl- cate signed by the city attorney and city eu- Clnoer. that In their opinion such amount has Provided , that If the said Nebraska Central Railway company. Its successors or asitgns. ehall fall to acquire and take possession of sala land , ItshiUl not bo entitled to receive any part of said ono hundred thouannddollara ( IKM.cuO ) Installment of boudsi nnd. further provided , that none of said ono hundred nnd flfty thousand dollars ( $150,000) ) initallmnnt of bonds shall bo delivered until atloastone rail way company In addition to the Nebraska Central Hallway company shall bo actually using anld union depot ; and. Provided further. That the mayor and the olty council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertakings on the part of snld railway company heroin contained , order the delivery of said bonds at the times aforesaid : nnd , Provided further. That nil matured couoons Bhull bo removed und cancelled by said trustee before delivery ot the bonds tolucn they uro attached ; nnd. Provided further. That the mayor nnd city councilor the city ot Omaha shall cause to bu levied on the taxable property of Hnld city an annual tax sufllclcnt for the payment of the I ntorest on said coupon bonds as It becomes duo , nnd after the expiration of ton (10) ( ) years from tbo date of said bonds the mayor and city council of snld city shall cause to bo levied In addition to nil otbor taxes on the taxable property of said oily an amount of tax suQiclontto create n sinking fund tor the payment at maturity of Bald bonds , ( the amount of tax to bo levied for such sinking fund not to exceed twonty-flvo thousand dollars lars 1(33,090.00) ) In any ono year ) ; said tax to bo continued from year to year until the said bonds are fully paid. The acquirement of the said lands nnd im provements heroin contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , shall be begun within ono year from May 1. 1892 , and ba puinod to completion without unnecessary delay ; and shall bo completed within three years from the lit day of July , 1892. In cnso nny of the terms , limitations , condi tions or provisionspropoRod heroin relating to tbo beginning , progress and completion of said Improvements arc not compiled with , ( unless delay Is directly and necessarily caused bv Injunction or other Judicial pro- oecdlnss , or uy unavoidable accident or act Ot Providence ) , the said company shall not bo entitled to receive said bonds or uny thereof , even though the electors of suld city of Omaha shall have by their vote authorized the Is suance of Raid bonds ; but all right toeald bonds shall by such default and without any judicial determination become forfeited. Provided , however , thit If the boglnnln ? , progress or completion ft said improvement ] shall be delayed or obstructed by any of the aforesaid causes , the times heroin allowed for the prozrcb * and completion of said Improve ments shall bo extended to the extent ot such delay or obstruction ; and should a dispute iirlso between the ald olty of Omaha nnd the Raid NobrasUu Hallway compnny with respect to thecanso or ox tent of any aucli delay , thu same at tbo election of f aid Ne- l.rasku Central Hallway company , shall bo referred for determination to n board of ar bitrators , to be appointed as hereinafter pro vided , In consideration of roonlvln ? the proposed subsidy the Nebraska Central Hallway com pany ueroos to allow all railway compunloi tbo following rlehts : The rlitht to run tholr locomotlvos.pasiongor und freight trams ovur Humalu and pasting tracts within the city of Omaha ; nnd over Its proposed bridge and approaches preaches , the rl M to ii e such portion of Its terminal ground * , opots and facilities ni mnj bunaoeiiury and proper for the conduct of the business ot such ro&di ; includ ing nny enlargmont nf Its depot and depot grounds : the right to have tbolr on re switched and delivered by the No. bruska Central Hallway company upon nil ot Its switch tracks ! the right to connect tholr roads ut any point within ono hundred ( IWi ) miles of suld olty of Omaha with nny line of railway which the Nebraska Central Hullwnv company , or Its BUUCOHSOIH or UBiUns , may construct or cause to bo constructed oust of the Missouri river , and to i un tbulr locomo- tlvoB , pitBsongor und freight trains ovur the main und passing trucks or said railroad ; It helm ; hereby nurood that in case the Nebraska Contiul Hnllway com pany shull construct Its proposed Una oust of the Missouri river , through tlio agency of uuy otbor corporation or nnrty. It will cause such corporation or pirty to execute nnd deliver to tlio city of Omahu n good and Biifllclont Instrument bladlng It or him to uhldo by the terms , conditions nnd provisions of this proposition , the mime a-i tlio said Nebraska Central Hallwiy compinv would have boon bound If it had built the xitmo. before delivery of the aforesaid ono hundred thoustuid dulla ( (100,070) ) Installment ot bonds. Provided , that the uioand onjuyment by such railway companies of onoh andoviiry of Bald rlsliti shall bo upon just nnduquul terms unJ thu payment of Just und fair compensa tion to the NobraiUu Central iUllwuy con- puny. Its succen > orB or usslgnu , und subject to such operating rules und regulations of the Nebraska Central Hallway company , its imc- co.vjorrfor UMlsiu , an shall bo necessary und proper , just und reasonable. And the BalU Nehranki Central Hallway company will submit uny dispute arising ho- twoon It aim Htich other company or com- panloa RS to the USD and enjoyment of unv rights under thin proposition , or it * 'ft the toriua , cornK3ns Uon , oporatlng rules and rugulutloni , relating theruto , to u board of arbitrator * , to bo in ado up of three persons who are juauojnf the state district court , or Itssuoceisoi , of the district emhracIiiK the county ot Douglas , to bu xolootod by n two- thirds vote of nil thu portions who uro district Judges ofhftld court 1'iovldod that any such railway company other than iuld Nupratka Cnntral Hallway compnny. Us successors or uuslgna , ( hull have the election to submit any uuch dliputu to urhrltrutlou or to pursuu any other remedy , Wherever arbitration in provided for by this prupoiltlnn , the parly duslrlnv to submit auv tuuttar to urbltrutlon ahull cauno to ba served upon the other party n written nsllol which Miu.t lot out the matter in dispute t < bo submitted , nnd the tlmo proposed tor th hearing , which shall not be Ins * than thirty fJJ ) ilars attor th time ot corvlco ; nnd there upon the advcrso party shall within twenty pwdnys after uoh norvlco upon It lorvo Iti nuawor , It i\n ? ( t have , upon the party do * maudjiit the arbitration , The Hour , ! of Arbitrators , when organized , sh-ill have power to fix the time of hotrlng nnu to adjourn the same from tlu.o to time , and tomikoitll noossarv rules nud rojula- tlons tor the production of tQjtlmony In tlm possession of either party , aM othofwlso to compel n talrj&nd ipCo.lj1 trial ; the decision ol nnjorlty o , ho bo ird shall control and the ( Innl determination ut the board ah ill bo final nnd conoluslio upon the p\rtlos , of nil mnt- t rs submitted "nil dnoldcu. " * * Wherever arbitration shall bo resorted t nuoli arbitration shsll hntuooxuiusUoii'metly of the parties ( except ns heroin olsawlipra pro vided ) , as to the mutters nud things Involved nad decided therein. Bnlq Nebraska Central Hillw.iy ootnpiny. Its BUCcessorj nnd assigns , sh ill transport freight ( Including transfer of freight and all charges Incidental to said transportation ) over nny brlilan Mid nnprofihos. ns wnll as over nnv railway It shall construct within ono hundred (100) ( ) miles of the Missouri river within the slntoof Nebraska , forjustor ronsonnblo ratnj or charges , nnd In case of dlfforonco as to what constitutes just und reasonable rates or ounrgtM uuUtir tin * p ir.i i tun , tnu mi > ur utui ottv council or said railway uomuany may uhmlt the same to arbitration Ip the manner nnd to the arbitrators nbnvo provided for , but this ptragraph respecting freight char ot > shivll not become operative or In force until five years from the duto of the delivery of the last Installment of the bonds hereinbefore re ferred to , 11 Is further proposed that said bonds shall bs delivered to the Nebraska Central railway vompiny. Its successors or assigns , only upon the p.xaeutlon by the snldNebraska Central railway comtmiv or Us successors , nnd dollv- ory to the cltv of Omaha of an undortiiklni In writing to the ottoot th it the principal depot of suld railway companyUs eonor.U olllces and principal mnchlnuiihop * when built , shall ba located nnd milntilned within the corporate limits ot the olty of Omaha , an I that u viola tion of the terms of s.ild undertaking by the Bald NobrasknContrnI railway company or Its Buocossorsor nnslcns , shall ronilur the said Nebraska Central railway company , or Its successors , Indebted to the sal I city ot Omaha In the full amount of said bonds , nnd Interest thbrcon , This proposition shall , after bolnc duly nolinowludited by thn Nobruska Central Hull- way company , bo recorded In the olllco of the loglstor of deeds of Douglx oounty.NobrasUn , and for a period of twenty UJ > years from nnd after thin dato. slnll bu referred to by giving the book and page whcieln thu same Is re corded In any mortuge , dooil ot trust , deed of convovauor. or lease of snld depot and dnliot iroundu , with the itatomunt that the s ild No- brnqkuContr , l rallwiiv oniunnnv. Hi s'lprus- ' > ors und usslgns , are bound by the terms , limi tations , provisions anil conditions ol tnu proposition which are licruby made lu cove nants that atuoh to nnd run with the eald property Into whosoever hands It may coinu. Provided , that the city council ot the city ol Ornnlm. ( the mayor npprovlng In duo fornij sliall enact n certain ordinance ( which at tlio dnto hoi oof. ID pending consideration before snld council ) , untltlvd "Anordlimnco crantlnn permission and iiuthorltv to the Nchr.tska Central Hallway compnny , Its successor * nnd nsblgns to construct railroad tracks alone , across , ever und under certain Rticots und nllcys In the rltv of Omaha snbjoct to curtain conn It Ions , nnd to vacate pnrta of vcrt-iln streets nnd alleys In thu city ot Omuha upon compliance with certain other conditions. " And It Is ulso provided , that If suld Nebraska Contr l railway company shall not , within forty-five (41) ( ) days of being notified by thu city clerk of tbo ndopt on ol tills proposition at the election hold tooto upon the HHIIIO , Illo with thr said city olork Its written ratlllcn- tlon of this proposition under Us cornuruto soul , njnoof said iionds shntl bu Issued , nnd all Oio torniN nnd provisions ot this proposi tion shall bo hold fonuumht. Thu Nebraska Central Hallwny companv agrees bcforu un election being culled to sub mit to the voters of the city of Oman i this proposition , that It will execute < ind deliver to said city n bond with cond and sufllulcnt sureties In the sum of flvo thousind dollurt ( $5.000 CO ) and flvo thousand ilollnrs000.oo ( ) cash , conditioned upon tbo payment of the expenses ot said election. This proposition ni\d \ the acceptance threof by tbo olty ot Omaha and the ratification of Ihls proposition by said Nebraska Central Hallway compnny , or Its successors or as- slBuos , an heroin provided , shall bo construed nnd understood to constitute n contract between the said Nebraska Central Hnllway company. Its successors or assigns , and the said city of Omnbi. nnd all the to'-ms. conditions , agreements and provisions niado on the part ot the Nebraska Central Hall way company In this proposition con tained are hcmhy niado the covenants of the snld Nobninku Central Hallway company , Its successors and assigns , which shall attach to nnd run with all of Un said property nnd be binding upon any party Into whoso bunds It or uny of It may come. In witness whereof the said Noiiraska Cen tral HuIIway compnny has caused these pros- outs to bo executed this 10th day of Mav. A. D. , Wi. NEI1KA.SICA OENTHAT"All-WAV CO. ly ) J. II. DIIMONT. Vice President Attest : JOHN L. McOAGUE. Secretary. ( HI : * i , . ] witness : ALEX. G. CIIARLTON. Sfitoof Nebraska , I Douglas County. I ss. On this Itlth ( Inv of Hay , A. D. . 1BOJ , before mo , u notary publlu In und for Hold county , personally appeared the above named J. II. Durnont nnd John li. McCaguo. who are to mo personally known to ho the Identical per sons who Hlgncd tlio foregoing Instru ment as vleo president and secretary of the Nebraska Central Hallway company ! they acknowlulgn the suld Instrument to bo the voluntary not and dead of the .said Ne braska Central Hallwny company und their voluntary act nnd dned assuoh vice president and secretary of said company. WHnuts my hand and notarial soul the date last nforesuld. ALEX. G. OllAHLTON. jBEAt , . ! Notary 1'ublio. Shall the above and foregoing proposition ba accepted and adopted , shall said bonds bo Is sued , registered and delivered und shall un an nual tax In addition to the usual and all other taxes bo levied upon the taxable property of tbo City of Omuhu , Douglas county , Ne braska , sulllolont to pay the Interest on said bonds ns It becomes duo , nud ut the tlmo of lowing the annual cltv tux , commencing the tenth your prior to the maturity of suld bonds , shall a tux In addition to all other taxes bo lovlod upon the taxable property of auld olty of Omaha. Doug- IHB county , Nebraska , and continued annu ally thereafter from year to your until there by a sinking fund shall Imvo boon obtained suDlciont to pay guld bonds at the maturity thereof ? YES. NO. The above questions shall bo regarded ai ono question uud nil ballots of lognl voters cast nt said election cent lining the above proposition and questions In thu form of the ofllclul ballots , to bo prepared bv the city clerk of said ulty lor said election , with "X" murk " * * un following the word "ye siponsald olllclal ballot shall bo counted In favor of the acceptance of said amended prop osition , the Issuance of said bonds and , the levy of said taxes In payment of the principal und Interest thereof : and all ballots of voters east at said oloUInn containing the nbovo proposition und questions in the form of the olllclal ballot , to bo prepared by tbo cltv clerk of mild ottv for election with nn "X" mnru following the word "no" upon bald olllclal ballot shall bo counted and constituted us ugulnst the acceptance of auld amended propo rtion , the Issuance of Hnld bonds nnd the levy of siild tuxes in payment of the principal und Interest thereof. If two-thirds of all the ballots voted by said lozal voters ot said city of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne braska , at said election Hliall bo e ist In favor of the acceptance of b ild amended proposi tion , the Issuance of suld bonds nnd the levy of said taxes In paynibtit of the principal und interest thereof , the foregoing propo sition will bo held in bo adopted and thu fore- goliu quuiitloiiH will bu hold to Lo iinswarod In favor of the issuance nf uald bonds und thu levy of said tuxes , nnd the suld bonds there upon shull bo Issued , registered und delivered In accordance with thu terms nnd conditions of mild amended proposition , and nald tuxes shall bo lovlud accordingly ; otherwise not Which election will bir open at H o'clock In the morning , und will continue upon until U o'clock In the afternoon of the Hamu day. Dutoil at Omuhu. Nub. , thin IMth d iv of May , Wi LSlgncil.l UioKJi : ; I1. 1IIOMIH , Mayor of tlio Olty of Om aha. TUB S1IORTEST LINE STO CIIICAC'1 ' is via the Chicago , Milwaukes & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this m m .Kjuxcity Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oihce ; 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. IT BTANPH AT THE lll.AII- NAS1IVII I-It , rur Vuuug l.mllu. TKN.N. , 3 building * ! ! J Milliter * . 7 VamlerMtl 413 | iupll from 20 Htului Art Mu l . ( iyiau luiu uw , oiiuuuu w , r. ruicK , u. i > * i't'i.