THE OMAHA TA1IA' EPEvrja.lBAY , MAX .27 , 1892 ' 8PK01HL NOTICES. "A DVERTISEMENTS ron THESB COLUMNS /V will b taken until II 80 p.m. lor the evening anf ) until 8:30 : p.m for the morning or Sunday ll- linn. linn.All advertisements In these columns 1 c nti a word for flrillnnertlon and I cent it won ! thereafter , or IJ | ' < r line p r month. No advertisement token forlemlhanzScenUfortbo Hret Insertion. Term * , eaib In advance , Initials flrnrcs. symboletc.each count JURworrt. All advertisements muM rnn con- ( pcntlvclr Advertisers , by requesting numbered check , cnn hate the letters addressed to A num bered letter In rum of Ilir. Ilr.K Answer * to ad dressed will ba delivered on preicntatlan ot the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANY 1-OS1T10.V OF HKSPONStniLlTV --with rcaionablo talary. t > r middle need man with eighteen rears' business experience. Best references or bonds furnlibcJ. Address A 7. Hoc. -roUXO SWEDISH OIHU UNOKllSTA.SO Kngllsh , wools place to assist Isdy In house work. Inquire , mornings , VSXl Capitol avenue. 811 29 WANTKH , i.Airror noon AiintiKas WOULD like position In photograph Murtlo to receive callers , stlpplo pictures , etc. Addr ss Mrs. llattlo O. iJavIs , general delivery. Uniaha , Neb. BI3-I * \ -WASTKI > , 'POSITIOX DY VOUNO MAS EX- .Ap rlonced as clerk or bookkeeper ; references 1 exchanged. Aildrrss A 16. Upe. UEI.P. TJ-WANTKD , PALKSMKS ONSALAHVolcM- -I'ml.-slon to handle the now patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest llng | noveltf ever produced ; erases Ink thoroimhlr la two reconds ; no abrasion of paper : 3X ) to IW ret ceut nroat : one anent'a S | P > amounted to ? U In six days , another in In two hour * . We want one general r.fenl In racn elate and trrrltory. For terms and full par- tlculanaddicss Monroe Eraser Jlfg. Co. , La Cro o , W ! . , X 30. _ _ T ) ACC1UBNT 1N3. SOLICITOUS , 114 UEK Hf.lKJ TJ WANTKn. TKAMSTKHS , TltACKIjAYKH3 JJand rock men for Wyoming or oiilh Dakota. tblp evcrr other dar from J6 S. 10th street. ' T-SOIICITOIIS IS ANVUSK Wtt.tiDO WKLL J > to cnll at or address 311 .V. V. l.lto Uulldlne. SS7-J3 * T > - > RENTS WANTED IN KVKHY TOWN AND J'cltr In the wo t on extra liberal terms , to clt tbe popular ton jcar policy of the Mutual Ito- i rvo rnndllff BMocl tton : also the now IIO.UOO combination pollcr of the 1'refprred Mutual Acci dent association of New York ; co t onlr III per y ar for preferred rltka ; save money br Insuring. make money by representing those wideawake companies : ere RKcnt * can double their Income. Write for circulars and terms to U. II. Roblson , General Mtnugcr , Omaha. Neb. _ H4 -WANTBI ) . HAn.NKS3MAKKIlS TO KKKP away from I tnclnnatl , O. : Covlngton and New port , Ky. ; strike there. _ MSOi J12 * -WANTED. X'KX TO CANVASS Tlln CITY ; B ; experience ; nnn : csi > iiry : salary paid wajkly. at Elngcr office , till ! Douglas. i3-'J ! J13 - - LIVE , AC1IVK MAN. WITH E-WANTHD-A como pluck and puili , to repreoent us In yocr locality. Wolmtc something rntlrrlr new that goes , and unle < > you can make from 975 to HW per month we don't need yon. No peddling. Hotter write today. Address "Manufacturers , " box & .T03 , Button. M s. MMS-JIg * _ -WASTED. M U. 11. LAHOIIKU3 FOlt B Wyoralneand South Dakota. Albright Labor , 1150 Farnam street. _ MM > "D WANTED , INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN TO -1'mnnngo cfSce for reliable company. Salary 11,100.00 and Interest In business. References and I1.0UO.OU required. Address P. O. Box (04 , Chicago , 111. M377 T. ' t-n-BRICK TEAMS WANTED ATI4TH AND DOR- -1'cas eta. 714 29 * -TWO KIR3T CLASS MILKERS AT AMES Avenue dairy. J. F. Hoch. 731-27 * n-WANTEO.HOURB PAINTER : GOOD STEADY JJwork. Address , Q. L. Nelburc , West Point , Neb. 761 M WANTKD , A COMPETENT GERMAN DRUG clerk. Address A 10 , leo omcc. M7S1 -WANTV.D. AN EXPERIENCED SCANDINAV- Inn grocery salesman for South Dakota. None . but experienced men need apply. Address , Box 09 , BlQill City. Iowa. TtB T T ) WANTKD. THREE PERSONS RECEIVE IN- -Instructions keep book * In June. Situations or no pay. J. B. hmlth , 935 New York 1.1 fc. SOUS' WANTKD. AN EXPERIENCED COACII- man , not mnrrled ; one who Is fully competent to fill such a position , a good and careful driver. Must ( Understand the care of horses nnd sober , Industrious , willing to work and be oblig ing. Good references required. No others need apply. U. Kountic. 11SM ZS * WANTED. BOYS FROM 14TO 16 YEARS OLD , Omaha Box factory. East Omaha. M835 p-WANTED. TRAVELING.SALESMAN , ONE fJOwbo has. had experience In clothing or furnish ing Roods , to travel In Iowa. Address A. it. Bee office- . M333 29 fS-vANTED ; oihi , ; MUST HE A coon COOK wnnd laundress. Apply at northwest corner nth and Karnam. " M4& -WANTKD. AN INTELLIGENT fOUNO LADV to do office work. The office hud business pleas ant but work steady and par moderate. Addrcia A U poo. TS9 /"l-WANTEU , A HOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL VJhousework. Mrs. 1L W. Crcmer , 2101 Webster st. M 60S 23' ( p-WASTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VJwork. Call at IWi 1'ark avenue. M8M SI' POB RENT-HOOSE3. -TOR RENT. SEVERAL 8MAI.VCOTTAGEH 'No. ottt'J and 3011 Martha street , ono block south orilanscom 1'ark. Hicks , ngcat , I'JUS .V. Y. Life bldg. 743 K -FOR RENT ; THE ELEGANT BRICK UOUSE. No. 1113 South 334 stieet. Elvbt rooms , all modern Improvements , lllcks , ngt. , 306 N. Y. Life bldg. 758 K "I--F1VE HOOM COTTAGB , 210 NORTH 2ST11. J-'luquiro 2Sld Capitol avenue n > 787-77 > ' f\-FOR RENT. HOUSES. * 7 PER MONTH AND upwards. Tbe O. * . Davis Co , l&tt Farnam. 611 B-FOK RENT. 10-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN IGJU Davenport sU Inquire at 2(32 Davenport. tM fl-HOUSICS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY FOR .Urent. Geo. W. P Coates. 1614 Farnam St. M4GS - - RESIDENCE PLATS. 3 OH 4 D-FIRST-CLASS rooms ; new block. Room 0 , 810 B. ZM. Tele phone No. 17W. M5Z1 TV NEW AND BEST BUILT BRICK 11-ROOM J-'resldcnce In the city ; full cellar , furnace , laun dry aud tubs , mantels and grntea. bath , electric bells , upeaklnc tubes , oak finish , polished floors ; first class In every respect ; asphalt pavement * ; lUi'J south Uth ave , near Hanncom park. Mead In- vestmcntCn. . 413 Dee bid * . .Mm -CHEAP RENT , HOUSES , STORKS AND data at lowest rales. Small suits of unfurnished rooms a specially. G. F. Butts , room 4 Bepbuldlnic. ' " m31 D -FOR RENT. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER .Bill and Capitol avenue. 314 BNKW MOOGHN COTTAGE , BEAUTIFUL lawn , iliade , etc. Star Loan & Trust Co. , 1st floor , N. Y. Lift ) . MiXH 77 TV-FURNIsTlEI ) HOUSE TOR RENT FOR THE J.-'auuirncr. Z. B. Knight. 2 > 4 Webster st. st.M634 M634 23 * D-tOI WOOLWORTH. 8 ROOMS MODERN. 133. 1)14 hftlb , near Woolworth. 7-roqcis. $30. 1113 MAI. near Park , g rooms , 115- SSIU Webster , II rooms , modern.ItO. fcll N.31 , near famine , modern. I2i 3221 Cumlng , a rooms , modern , lii. Ill H 18th , ID rooms. moiti'm-SO ) . C. K. Harrison. tf N. Y. Life T3J23 " "J-A 1J-HOOM HOUSE AND BARN MI3 DAVEN- .U | > < > rt strtet ; all modern uunvenleac s , { * 0 per mo. Tbos , F. Hall , on Paxton block. M7U7 COTTAGE. I8 , WITH SMALL BARN , room flats , iilco locatlan. S7 soutli Zith avpiiiw : also 4 clce rooms 2d itoor ± iw l avea- worth street ! S-rooiu eotta o S ! J Kuiuitt street. ML Inqulro IS4 Masoo street. Tft VJ" T\-MIIDEIIN TEN.ROOM HOU3B. FIVE MIS- vlli"5U ! ! ' "jnu'ostomce ; best location In cltv. I. Skinner. - K Itll 1-arnamat. MI71 TOR RENT , A FURNUHKD HOUSE FOR J-.iUlvand August , near llsutcjm park ; all mod ern conveuunc a. Address A . BuoT MiSl 11 7y-rbl RENT , 14-ROOM HOUSE Hit CHICAGO 't- 710 1AN 8-R HM > URN1SHED HOUSE FOR TIIK X'sumnifr. Inquire at 2JiN 23d st , 7(330 ( * "H IO ISOOM HOUSK WITH DARN FOR RENf ! A/furnlturii for sale. I9U7 Farnam st. 7ic 1\-WAltVilOU8K : 1114 HOWARD ST , PIRATE J-'ulais front , stomra beat , all tint class , to a good jmrly ; niuOcratu rvut. Warvlioute. UIBJonea. steam power tend baat. spleudUt loc'Htluu fora factory ) rent moderate I 4 room cottaKU. i.oj per uuntli. I c-rooai ( ottuau. > i.U ) p r uion.h. I 8 room do riling , IliUU prr mouth. 16 room awolllngs , UJ.UJ per month. Hirltfr AO'Donahce , 14J1 Farnam 81. 7 4 T7 'll-FOR 11KNT. ID-ROOM HOUSE , NO. Ill 8 I4T1I 1 > \ . nioili'rn luiiirovctucnta. InqultelJIii Farnam. camuolllurn * . bU ) T7 B-S7-HOOM HOTKU CKNTRAI.LV LQI'ATKD , all lu guod repair J. 11. Parrotttf , Douglas Mock. Usca Ji- T > -ROOM l MODERN UWEM.1NG. CORNKR J-'tilh and < * apllol avenue , furnished or unfur- nlshixl. InquireWll'niton block. tllJ POR UEMT-yuItNiaUEP kURNlsllKD ROOMS , WITH MODKRN CON venlenoM , IVIi Capital av . IN A FIR8TCLAXH Apply at O. ILK. i. T Co. . lco tildg. Mill V ljLAUtli. . l-LKASANT FRONT ROOMS. NBWLY -TurulihfO , Mitb or without board to urlVale lani- Inu " uu ' * & 'i vS. ! FOR RENT-FTTRNISHED ROOMS. ContfnunL I , ' NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR J-'jwlthontboard.CWg. 17th. 78UI * _ E-N1CKLY FURNISHED ROOMS : MODKRN CON- vcnlenccs , oed location ; terms reasonable. 007 N.iOth. treet M4M 30 * _ -FOR RENl'.THRKi : ROOMS WITH BATH , price ta.OJtach a month ; IH3 Dounlas. 4 ? ; T-CONFKRENCB VISITORS ACCOMMODATED HiSUNorth 17th street. 84SJI' _ -FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 4J4 * NORTH IIth street. .a > 26 * KOANT. NEW AND MODKRN house , near Hanscom park. No. 3203 Poppleton avc.jost completed and ready for occupatcy. A big bargain It sold quick. Hicks , agent , 30.1 N. Y. I.He bid * . _ 75320 E -FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT WITH ALL modern conveniences. V12 Douglas "I root. M3--S JI3 _ -FURMSHED ROOMS , LARGE FRONT ROOM for two or three gentlemen ; gas , bath. 2117 Farnam street. Msai M * _ 17-NBATLY FURNISHED PLEASANT FRONT -I.Jroomi. Rcfcraaccs required. Address , A 14. Bee. Ma 23' _ _ _ -FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , 1314 DAVBN- E portatreet. M5W M * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ' - F1RST > class board. 318 South 26th street. _ Ml ? - ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS board. 1823 Chicago St. 755-27 * _ I ? SOUTH FRONT ROOMS WITH BOARD , MOD- -L cm conveniences , nicely situated. References eicbanged. 2130 llarney MrocU MSW 2J' _ ROOMS. FOR B RENT-UNFURNISHED -FO'ii RKNT. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , suitable for housekeeping. 17OI Webster f treet. 4 UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSB- G keeplng to man and wife. No children. 313 N. 17th. ' BOARDING. _ I'ULI.MANIIOUSK.IliailOIHlB. FOR GOOD board nice rooms , conveniences , rate and loca tion It cannot bo excelled. Mr * . Horn , pro p. K6-J5 * _ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES , T FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING J-Slfi Farnam sU The building has a Hreproof ce- mint basement , complete stoamlieatlni nxtnres , water on all tbe Hours , gas , etc. Apply at thaoB1 < n of The Bee. 1-FOR RENT , STORE 21XCO. 1113 JACKSON 1 34S - STORE , CONSIDERING THE LOW rent , the best location In tbe city for buMness. George Cluusar , 701 South ICth street. M71S T TWO EXCELLENT STORES AND FLATS FOR -1 rent In good location , extremely cheap. Lovett Jt Woodman , 230 South Utb st. 734-4 J-STORE ROOM 70S N. 1GT1I ST. , GOOD I.OCA- tlon for drug store. Apply J. U. 1'arrotte.Douglaa block. 817 10 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T-FORHENT , LIVERY hTABLR FAIR CHANCED < ) Front rooms and back rooms. Inquire , 123 f her man ave. 815 M' WANTED TO RENT. K WANTED. THREE UNFURMSllED ROOMS , on or near car line , for light housekeeping ; state price. Address A 20 , Bee. M 27 2J' RENTAL AGENCIES. L E.C. UAIIV1N & CO. , ah SHEELEY BLOCK. 617 r RICH BROS. A CO. , 53 > 5 NEW YORK HFJ.K727 K7-27 * STORAGE. - C1IEAPKST AND BEST STORAGE M-OLDEST house lu the cltv. Williams i Cross,124l Uarney. 613 -CLEAN , DRY AND PRIVATELY STORED furniture. Heating stoves storedtover summer. I2U7 Douglas st. Omaha Stove Repair works. 019 WANTEJD-TO BOY. " vr FUnsiruitKRoUGurT" , STORED. 1 > Wells , 1111 Farnam t. (30 8 TO 10 ROOM DWELLING WEST OF CITY , cash , no trad * , must bo cheap , full particulars. D. K. ttelchelman. 1st National bank. 633 - VTA GOOD SECONDHAND SAFE. ADDRESS , i > A IS. Bee. M5H ! TOR 8Ai.i-HORSEa : WAOONS , ETC. -FOR 8ALK. TKN" WORK 1IORSBS AND TWO good drivers. Inqulro at Barrett's stables Dodge street , near belt line. MISS 1 > MORTGAGEE SALE. HORSB , BUGGY. HAR -1. nos , tie. Must be sold at once. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co. . Room 11 , Crelghton block , 15th at. south of postofflce. MC16 I-FOR S , E CUEAl * . 1 GOOD MARE , 1 BUCK- board and I wagon. Inqulro 113 N. IClh st. t'Jg-M * _ -GOOD , GENTLE FAMILY MARE. HARNESS and top buggy , tloO ; very cheap. 515 S. 25th ave. _ KI-2S' P-FOR SALE , A VERY HANDSOME VICTORIA almost new , Aoply at room 312 , First National Lank building , In tuo moralm. S22-2U * FOR 3ALE-MI8C LLANEUS - Baebr piano , dlrsct from tbe factory. Instru ments of this make cnn bo seen a : Max Meyer * c Bro ; will K-ll this at a great sacrifice. If you mean business addrets Z 7 , Bee oSlce. 21 -SCREENS. BURROWES' PATENT. BEST ON earth. Made to nt windows. Used In best resi dences In Omaba and elsewhere. Can bo taken out and replaced by anyone In a moment. If you need screens , get our estimate. William J. Welsbans , agent , Ruom 414 Karbach block , Omaha , Neb. _ M247J10 FOR SALE , ONE BILLIARD AND ONE POOL table , Rrunsirlck-Balke make , almost new. In- qnlre of Grand hotel. Council Blngs. _ 340 Q-FOR SALE , A MILK DAIRY OF 18 CtWS , route and cans , 3d gallons of milk per day. Ap ply to K. Jester , lit li and Cumlng. 742 M' -50 VIEWS OF THE SIOUX CITY FLOOD mailed to nny address on receipt of 12.00 ; tbe only complete set ; taken during and after tbe Hood. Western View Co. . Sioux City , la. 7'.n > -iQ' / -GRADE JERSEY COWS FOR SALE CHEAP. Vat Address box 23B. city. _ MS4H 1 * ( - CANADIAN EMPLOYMKNTOFFICE,1H FAR- V-nnm , upstairs ; male aud female help. 'lei. 8SI. ct ! E SURE CURB GUARANTEED FOR OFFEN- slva sweating feet aud niccatlng under the arms. Send for circular. Llcblg Medical Co. , south Bend , lud. M4II-30" E-SCREENS. CARPENTERS. PAINTERS PLAS- teroraand bricklayers at Hamilton Bros. . 414 So. ISth.Tcl. IIW. GBI7 1 > WANTED , TO LEASE SMALL FIREPROOF > * afe , Ailclrts , A V , Bee office. AI777 31 T > WANTBI ) lUMKDIATKIaV. SOME ONE TO -IXconlract to break VU acres of land near Blair , Neb. DrcakUjg plows and hay for horses fur- nlibed. AppTy Windsor , Keuip A. Co. , 203 New York Life Bldg. . Umaha. MSOI 23 CLAIRVOYANTS , Q-MRS. NANNIE V , WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , Qrellable business medium , fifth rear at ! ! ' . > N liita. CM S-J1US. HAWTHORN , RELIABLE BUSINESS medium , ttX. . I4tb street , corner or Wcb > t r. Sundays vxcvpted. MKi J 9- S-MADAME FRITZ. 23M CUMING STREET , c ! lr > oyant and trance medium ; Independent voices ; toll * pant and future. M&M J12 * ' -MADAME MINNOA. SIho Iho young and gifted gipsy mlndreader and palmist lust arrived from Romonla. Asia , lays your whole life like an open book before you ; reads your future life llku a dream of thoughts unknown to her : has Egyptian lucky stuues. Ladles ID trouble call at ouie. Massage and magnetic beating. Hours V a. in. to Dp. ui. Room A , on South 13th. MH12 28- S-AitRIVAL KXTRAORD1NARY : WONDERFUL revelations. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. 1-cnrare , dead trance clairvoyant , astrologlst. palmist and I'fo reader ; tells your llfo from tbe cradle to grave ; unites the separated ; causes mar- ilsgewlth tbe one you love ; tells where you wilt succeed and In what business bct adapted for ; has tbe celebrated Egyptian breastpUto for luck and to destroy bad loHuenras ; cures nts , lntemperanc and all private complaint * with massage , bath * and alcohol treatment , bend 13.00 , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive accurate life JcenU In stamps for circulars glvu Initials SiCe Vi"11 m r'T. Bli ° Photosof same. Offlco RVTiouth llth street. Drat , door ; hours , w . m to won'derfuTo'acl' C ° m" * " ' * U < 1 U * conlncs < 1 ot thu MASS APE , BATHS. ETO. - * - } .b"ths.ealn ' TRKATMKNT. nd balr treatment ELKCTRO-THER. ; mVnlcure and cUlropodUt. MrPosWU S.l5tU.WlibuellSlk c- - KLECTHICIAN , " * > M748-3U * I'-MAIIASIK bitlTIl. 1121 DOUGLAS STREVT 1 room T. W Boor. Alcohol. wlphuVana * bithl : _ _ 'I V-MADAMK Il RUB. MASSAGK , | l hOOTII I l5tb.aL.3J door. Bat 4. assistant. MJMfa * CORRKai'ONDBNCK BUREAU VOU HALE. Nice paying mall business. Address A 17 , Bee * U It. rX-WH AT POWER UOISET AT HARNEY ; or Mcbolas streets ! J. G. Uat4t7 * -UKel'EUTAUI.E WIDOW. MIDDLE AGED , dcslriu companionship of rsi > * ct bla grntle- uan , bfcciteloror ildo r. AddrcjsAlo , B oBett. PERSONAL. Continued. U YOUNG WIDOW7 wisHEaTO BECOME Ac quainted with a thorough gentleman , not over 40. Object , matrimony. Address A 19 , liesonirc. . M31 27' MTJS1C , AH.T AND LANQTJAQE. \r-O. F. ORLLENBBCK. BANJO TEACHKR , > with Hotpe. or > U N. 13th st Ml \T BEFORE BUYING A PIANO XXAMINB TUB i n w scale Klmball piano. A. llospf , IM1 Douzlas. K26 MONiiY TO LOAN-REAL B3TAT . \\r-CENTIlAL LOAN A TRUST CO. BEE BLDG. ' U34 \\T LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED i city propertyia.O\W sod upw rd ,5tog percent No delays W , Farnam Smith \ Co lOth aad llnrncr CM \\T-C W.RA1NEY. SIS OMAHA NAT. B'KBLDG i Citymortgaaes. Lowest rates. Monayon hand. Kll "W-PIUVATE MONEY 1ST AN1I2D MORTGAGH ii loans.low rales. Alex. Moure.tOI Bee building fir " \\r C. F. HARRISON , 12 N. Y. LIFE. SCO \\r-7 PER CENT MONEY- NET TO IiORROW- ii ers on Omaha city property. No oitra charges of any kind. Why pay nigh rates ! Money Is cheap Youcan got full bcntot of low rates from Globa Loan Jt Trust Co. , 16th and Dodge. 14.1 \V ANTHONirLOAN 'AUD TIIUJT CO. . SIS N. Y. ii Life , lends at loir rates for choice ajcurltr on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY ii property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. \\r-REALESTATE LOANS , 0 TO 7 PERCENT ii no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. U. Melkle , hirst National bank bid * . CtJ \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKES LOAN3 ii on real estate at lowest market rales. Loans made In small or largo sum and for short or long time. No commission Is charged , and the loans are net sold In the east , but can always ba found at tbe bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas streets. \Vr-HM.IX TO LOAN.SUMS OFIJ.OOO UPWARDS : ii can place loans on any Inside Improved prop erty to any amount where value Is backof tbe loan. Ames Real Et.ito Agency , U'Jf Faroam St. Oil \V EASTERN MONEY LOANED. GEO. W. P. ii Coates , rep. 1511 Farnam hi. M4S4 w- LOANS. O. O. WALLACE. 313 BROWN BLK 630 VV StONEV TO LOAN OS IlKAI , ESTATE. T1IE O. f. Dnvls Co. , 1SOJ Farnam st. , CU T\r MONKV TO LOAN. J. D. Z1TTLK , BUOWN lllk. MS19 " \V-MONKr TO LOAN OX IMPKOVriD Oil UN * ' Improved Omaha property at lowest rates on short notice. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trust com. pany , 1C14 I'arnam street. 7CU "W DON'T FOKOET THAT WK AKB MAKING > * low rates on Improved and nntmproved loans on Omaha property. No delay and all business transacted at this office. Fidelity Trust company , 1CI4 Farnnm street. W MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V WILL LOAN MONEr ON ANV KIND OF - .security ; strictly confident ! * ! . A. K. llairts , room 1 , Continental block. C3S X ROD'T PUITCUAHD , R.S. W1TUNELL BLK. < S3 WHEN YOD WANT A ClfATTEL LOAN SEtf W. It. Davl94 room 20. Contlnontal.block. WO X-DO YOU WANT MOMBV ) If so. do not fall to got our rates before bor rowing. Wo make loans without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. . at tbe lowest possible rate. Wo n 111 carry tbe loan as lonxas you desire , giv ing you tbe privilege of paying tt In full or In part at any time to ault your convenience , and any part oald reduces the cost of carrying the loan lu pro portion to the amount paid. There are no charges of any kind to ba paid In advance , but yon get tbe full amount of tha lona. If you have a loan with other parties , or have bouitbt a piano or other furniture on tlmo und tlnd the payments a little larger than you can meet con veniently , we will pay U for you and carry tha loan as lone as you desire. U will be to your advantage to see us before securing curing a loan.OMAUA OMAUA MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room U Crt'lghton Block. IStu M. , South of postofflce CM Y MONEY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. On household poods , pianos , organs , norses , mules , wagons , etc , at the lowest potalble rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession : Payments of anv amount can be made at nnr time , reduclnc both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the l/cneflts of the partial payment plnn. Money always on hand ; no delay"no ; publicity ; lowest rates : business conBdeatlaL FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , 637 R 4. Wlthuell blk. , litu and Ilarney. MONEY TO LOAN. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SO , CO , SO days , on furniture , pianos , live stock. etc. . without publicity or removal of property , at tbe lowest rates and tbe easiest payments. No delay. Cosh on band. Duff Green , It. 8 and 9 , Barker blk. C41 _ -no , ra. KO. JIM , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FUR- nlture , horses , or anv Rood security ; lowest rates- Nebraska I-oon Co. . 1.11G Douglas st. 937 -CUATTLE LOANS , VS N. Y. LIFE. MORRIS 402) 14 * 120.0110 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY business conOdecttaL Room 401 Karbach block. If BUSINESS CHA1TCE3. _ _ V * "OR SALE OR EXCHANGE , VULIi ROLLER J. mill and elevator. Excellent location ; run ning dally ; large exchange trade. For further In formation address John Over , U13 Douglas Su M391 23 * _ V TO" SALE NOT TRADE-STOCK Of GRO- -1 ceries , drugs , hotel. Z 30 Hee onice. 449-90 * FOR SALE , ONE-HALF OR TUB WHOLE OF hardware stock. Good town , good trade and cheap rent. Address Lock BoxS67 , Lincoln , Neb. 472 T7 V * "OR SALE. A STOCK OF GENERAL MKIl- 1 chandlsoand rlxtures. Invontorlng about K.KJU ; located In the town of 1'axton , Keith. Co. , Neb. ; only ono general itore In the town. This I * a very desirable opening for a party with a small capital , Store and tenement can be bought or leased on easy terms. If you want It move quick. Terms cash fur stock and oxturos. Addrcaa Z OJ , lice Orticc. MC75 23 V t'OR SALE-TUB FURNITURE AND LEASE lot a U-room hotel and barroom ; steam heat , electric Ilk-lit , centrally located doing a good busi ness. Dun Green , Barker block. MC63 23 * V TOH RENT , RESTAURANT AND CHOP J. homo. lOH Leavcaworth street. M7IO 27 * -FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR RENT. A BRICK hotel containing lo room ! all furnished , situated In aEOOd railroad town of I.OJO Inhabitants In east ern Nebraska. , Prefer to sell or will exchange for stock of merchandise , cattle or land. Address Z C3 care of Omaha Bee. Midi 23 -FOR SALE , MY ESTABLISHED. PAYING , wall paper , paint , oil and Blaai business on thu corner of aith and CuinlDK streets ; 111 health tha only canto for aelllng ; curries with It a small man ufacturing business worth II.WJ yearly : If taken at once , il OU cash , balance secured papor. Warner. 2UtU and Cumtni ; . ttt ) 20 V-TOR SALE. MEAT MARKETj ELEGANT J- fixtures , iiootl location , wll | be sold at nrit cost ; good reaions for selltaz. Inqulro at nil I'lerce street , Omaba. 0 2 ? * Y FOR SALE. WELL ESTABLISHED GRO'JBRY A toreln beit location to a good , responsible party ; chunp rent. For particulars H3J Military ave. 74S-M * _ V FOR SALE , GOOD RETAIL MKAT MAHKKT , i good location , line room and guod paying bust- nen , at a bargain. Call on or address J. J Evering. Lam , 312 Karbach block. Melt ) tf M CASH. I'KRIIAIM HALF , BALANCE IN trotlrlng bred stallions and a VVUDU paclagold Ing that can bvat 2SJ thico times to exchange for a good stock of morcuandlto or clear land. Wrlto lor pattlculara , U. Cbamberllo , Kearney. Neb. 767-11 _ _ _ -FOR8ALE. EXCHANGE OR JCK.ST. HOTEL Ureiee , East Omaha. Inquire on premises. M77C it * _ -FOR BALE. MEAT MARKET. COMPLETED good trade and location. Investigate It you want paying market at reasonable price. Caller or writa I'auconst A Co. , Asblaod , Neb. MT30 30 * FOR RENT , LARGE BRICK HOTEL , SITU ated In one of the best hotel towns In Kansas. For particulars addre Box 17 , Mary svllle , Kansas , Y-A GUOD CIIANCC 1 HAVE FUR BALK A slock of groceries and dxtur s In Cedar Itaplds , la. , a town of twenty thousand population ; stock and fixtures rill Invulco between five and'slx thou sand dollars. Best location In the city ; trade first- class. Uuod rcatun elven for elllnj. None but tbusa who mean bailncu need write. Addrets K. II. . IJ 2nd street. Wet Co-Jar Rapids. la. MMI FOR EXCnANQE. V-CLEAN STOCK OKGERBItAL M.D.S'E : WILT , Jtako real o Utu i uioner. Lox rArtankfort.iad. CU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-roil EXCHANGE-FINK RESIDENCE. NEVV" f-ia rooms , aioUurn Improvement ! ; oa motor llae. I mite from uostomca. Will erchxnzd for sued buitaeu lot or farm Uadj. W , I1. 0 , > ux Bii , Omaba. 9 . I. Armour I'lacs , Soula Omaha ; cJear et all laeumbranoa Address N41 Z-STANUAUU BRKU I1OUSUS FOR CLEAlT turns or lot * . Jl.J. K.ndall , 403 Brown lUk . iM a in _ fl-WANTKD , ONE 1'KUSO.S JIKCXIVE IH- ystnictlous , keep books , 110. J. D. Smith , ua New York Uze. FOR EXCltANOE. Z-1FTOU WaNTTO HU A GOOD BUSINESS or wish to dispose ot VOTE hnslnesi list It with U L. Johnson , 614 PaxtontMqck. EW Mil -INSIDE" CHICAGO Xors FOR NEBRASKA lands. J. W. atrattoo.lVjihoo. Neb. MCSS J4 r/-FIRST CLASS CITY'PROPERTY TO E.T- /Jcbange for good farm land In Nebrasks an J Iowa , bend full de Krlptlfftrof land for exchange. George N. Hicks J0 > N. f JIfa bldg. M'2i JJ WANTED TO B.XOHANGE , A F1SK DIA- AJmond for ladles' drlilni iorjo and phaeton. Ad dress AV Be& i t , , M7474S' V-UNINCUMBKHED lAjbj IN EASTERN NK- Jbra ka and Kansas for guod Inside Umahn or rouoclfuidiii vroperty. Afdrcs'sT'liees"ii'Tii'ltlsI Emporla , Kan. ' _ * M779.H4' DESIRKAULB IMPROVED AND UNIMproved - Z proved city property for tlrst-clasi farm lands. Address , Central \\est Land Co. , First Nat. t > ank building. 81bM I/ LOT 6 , BLOCK 1J , IN IMPROVEMENT. ASSO /Delation. Omaha , clear , for farm : will pay some cash. Address Philip Elsass , Ivil Victor street S2J-27 * ONK-TUIRDCASH , BALANCE GOOD , CLEAR "Nebraska land , for stock of dry rood * and no- tloas or general stock ; send full description. Alex Moore. 4ut Bee bldJ. MS33TJ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ! TOH 8ALK-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 3U -L houses A loU. The O. F , Davis Co. , IWi Farnam sU 611 TTOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , 100 GOOD FA RMS IS iIn Nebraska and UakaU. Luther Miller. O'Nell , Neb. M791M31 17OHSA1.B HOMES. AST PRICE. ITS ) . H.JM UP JL easy terms ; take clear property as lint payment G. G. Wallace , Brown block , icth and Douglas. TVTEBRASKA LANDS ARK ADVANCING RAl'- 1 > Idly under tha great agricultural results of this and last season. Bettor Investment ncvpr offered. I have thuni In largo and small tracts , U to i > per acre. Address T. S. Ctarkson , Omaha , Neb. irOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. LOT 15 , BLOCKS , AW. K Selby's first addition to South Omaha ; small payment donn , balance monthly If desired. Inquire G. B. Tichuck. Ouiaha Bee. 531 T 1ST YOUR NEBRASKA LANDS WITH U L. -LuohDSOli. CI4 Paxton block. Omnha. CM M31 HEAT BARGAINS IS REAL ESTATE ! 4S lots In Dundee place. Selected early. Fine Farnam street lot suitable for business. 44 feet on 16th st. , two stores , 4 Hats , Very cholca. 160 feet frontage ; a tins location for a block ot stores and Hats. 4 cottages cor 19th A Mason , and other bargains. B. J , Kendall , R. 403 , corner lOtti and Douglas sU MVMM27 T7OR SALE OR EXCHANGE , COTTAGE FRONT- -L Ing south on West Cumlng st. : In Cfirtbage addi tion ; five rooms , larga attic , pantry , closets , force pump , cistern , cesspool , cemented cellar , conven iently arranged , well built and Qnlshcd In hard pine. Price. I1.IOU. Will take a tot as part payment , balance to suit. Apply to W. K Kurts , 717 N. Y Llfu Bldg. Ift BALE. S.OOO ACRES OF NEBRASKA LAND , FOR great sacrifice. Apply for particular * to G. II. Peterson , owner , 1113 S. 13th st. , Omaha.MC75 MC75 mil FEW MORE OF THOSE i AND ID-ACRE A tracts on West Dodge street , at 1109 per acre. Others ask for laud same distance out double the moner. Wrlcht & Lasbury , loth and Ho ward.M133 M133 . PLACE BAHGAINS-9-ROOM DWBLL- KOUNT7.E Ing. $ < x .00. Will take clear lot as flrst pay ment , balance JIVOO per month' J. J. Gibson , sole agent Kountzc Place , First National bank. 134 1G BARGAIN. 40 ACRK3 CLOSE TO OMAHA only 5 miles from postofflce ; elegant tract ; If soldqulck only 23U. per acre. Hicks , agcnt.SSJ N , Llfebldg. 75326. /-1OTTAGE,2STH AND WOOLWORTU , ,6 . w Lot , 2Blh'and Woolnortb. 11,909 Lot. Sid and Davenport'fa OO. Cottage,25th and Chlcnau.J52.7SO. Cottage , th. near N , booth Omaha. JJ.5CD. Business property , N , S uth Omaha , (5,50 ] . Business property , 16tht3.8 > J. Cottage , r.Uh and Grant ) IJ.CCO. Cottage and Darn , Oth. and Cbarles , fWO. All bargains. C. F. HarrUon , 912 N. Y. Life. Two clear lots , McCornjjek's 2d add. K.SOO , or wll add liWO for Income bearing property. C F. Uar rlsOD.UU.N.V. Life. 736 23 IG BARGAIN IN RESIDENCE LOTS NEAR B HanscoBi park : three choice lots , each 40x13) feet , on Mason street , between 31st and 33rd , north front , covered with floe shide and fruit treesKrapo vine , etc. ; no prettier lots in the city : prlco EJ.liH ) each : easy terms. Call and let us show you. the lots. Gco. N. lllcks , 303 N'Y. ' Life building. t 756 1H ARGAIN , 10 ACRES CLOdE TO CITY , ELE- cant tract-will make 43 beautiful lots : If sold quick only tt.SOO. lllcks , acaot , aui N. . V. I.lfo bhlj. . - 7S3-W OR gAITI-10-RCOM MbDERN' ' . , - - DWBLI.INC , new , iirBe.barn , best locirjonm Uiftcity ; to cash bn/tr prtee will be cut In two' . ' F Cuolce'of lor 10 lots , well located. worh 11,00000 per lot.f or quick buyer for rua.OO eacli'.v' 8-room brlckdwclllng , modarn , ndrttt J < .K > 3JXI , at t3.iOO.OQ on easy payments. ' _ _ ' We have several residence propcrttu at from Jj.ouaco to S10.000.W ach for sale ; all well located on terms to suit purchasers. irik O'Donohoe , 1103 Farnam St. TJI 27 pORSALE , PEAUTIFUL VILLA ( ACRE ) LOTS JC within a few blocks of motor and school. In Council IlluCs , tl.OUU to ll.iCO. Will build to suit purchaser. These lots have elegant lawn and shade trees of elm and walnut and are offered at tbo price of a fifth rate Wit. lot In Omaha. 3 miles from any- rrberc. David Janileaon. 442 Bee bldg. M8W rpo SELL CHEAP , IMPROVED FARMS. F. J. X Dover. Arcadia , Neb. M3 > ± 7 * ATA BARGAIN , S-ROOM HOUSE ON CORNER iJLofland Twenty-second street. South Omaha. Inquire A. A. Brown , Reed hotel. South Omaha. MSJO-29- RENT--PA9TTJRES. FOR - - 27 ioilSl TO I'ASTUR E AT ' ' Deer Creek Lodge twelve miles north of Omaha. blue grass , shade and running water. Stock en' led for and delivered. Orvllle C. Johason , 007 Paxtoa block. Omah. TolcphODO244. 180 J7 > ASTURE FOR CATTLE 4 HORSES. X. MURAY. 208 T\rE HAVE THE BEST HORSE PASTURE IN TT this Btato at Gtlmore station , three miles south of South Omaha ; IOJ acres blue grass , spring water , broad fence. Have a good half mile track on tbe farm. Will take a fair horses or ooltato break or train. Barton A Phelpa or A. W. Phejpa A Son , New York Life building. M75K-J.4 * TAKEN TJP. rpAKBN DP , A HORNLESa BIUNDLE STEER ; JL weight about 1.1UO Ibs. Owner can have tame b ca ling at IWJI-oavonwortb. st. , paying charges an prlovlng property. ml2-l-26J2 ! 9' f AKEN UP , A BAY HORSE , 1001 3. SOth nvcnue. L M8/7 27 * HAIR GOODS. LARGEST STOCK IN ENTIRE WEST : THKAT- rlcal wigs and beards a specialty. Wigs , bang ! , witches , balr chains , etc. ; send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. Cavles , 111 S. 15th sL , Omaha. 6JJ. PAWN BROKERS. S.BNYDElfS LOAN OlfXlCO. 1510 DODGE ST. . MtTJ M31 * IJHED MOULE , OFFICE 151IH FARNAM ST. 64 } LOST. STRAYED. BAY MARE WITH BROWN LEGS , 12 years old , and about Bftoen hands high. Ho turn to 1112 S32d it. SIS 37' HOTELS. LINDELL HOTEL. NINTH AND FARNAM , 11.50 jer day ; apeclal rates br tha week. 776 M3I M3IE PREVfol& ( ORJET5 BRL KIAKJ I Af TME WAJST.-RgPAlRJ BROKEN OWy BUY ONLY THE "FISH BRAND" CORSET SHIELD. 26o. Pair II jr mall oh rccclutof pjlco Omaha Rubber Co. , 1520 1'urnam Bt , . Cor. JGth. "HOME PATRONAGE" Alt our avrintros are made in OMAHA. pASIl PAID FOR OLDGOLD. CARSO.N A v room W. Barktr eiock Omaha. 650 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You nro hereby notified that the followl decrlbei1 promise * , to-wlt ! Lots 13 ami U of Key's subdlvlvjn In lot 9 , Capitol addition : on the south sldo ot llarnoy street between Mth ttTct nnd 24th street : sub lot 3 of lot T. Capitol ad dition on the south sldo of Karnam strxot and the can sldo of 2Hh strict : sub lot 12 of lot 9 , Cnpltol udtlltloti , on tbe south slilc of llnrncy street between Wth street niitl 34th street : suu Int II of lot P. Capitol Addition , on the side ot Harney street between 21th and -1th streets ; sub lot li : of lot t > , Oipltol addition , on the south sldo of Harney street between -"Oth and 24thstreets , have bocn'doclared by ordinances Nos. 306 , % 3J6S , axs * . 3X1) tnd OJTn to bo nuisances by reason of the banks ot earth existing there on. on.You are hereby directed to ixbntn sikl nul- snncos by I'.ODlttii nnd cr.icllns down the front port Ion of the lots named alx > vo so as to prevent the fulling , w.istlne or washing of earth on the sidewalks ntljiieent thereto within 15dars from the ISHi day ot May , 1SW , or said nui sances will bo abated by the city authorities , nnd thooxpoava thereof levied as a. special tax against the property on which said nuisance ex'sts. Dated this 21th dav ot Muy. 1XU P.V. . IHIMCHAUSEK Chnlrman of the Hoard of Public WnrUs. May 24 23-.11-.7 23 ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In pursu&nce ot an ordinance ot the city of Omaha , pasted and approved May IT , 1'sfi. en titled "An ordinance calling n special election to vote upon the acceptance of the amended proportion of the Nebraska Central railway company and the Issuance of coupon bonds of the cltv of Omahn In the sum of two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars ( IZW.OXj ) to aid the Nebraska Central Hallway company In acquiring depot grounds , in the con struction of a union railway and pas senger depot , and la the construction of other railway ItnurovemonU upon said grounds , and to authorize a tax for the pay ment , of the Interest upon said bonds and to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof , anrt repcallnzordlniinco No. 3054. Pasted and approved May lOtli , 1S . I , U-orae 1 * . UemK mavor of the city of Omaha , do hernby Issue my proclamation nnd plvo pnbllo notice unto tbe loial voters ot the city ot Omuhii , Douglas county , Nob. , that on Thursday , the 15th day of June. 1832 , a special elootlon will bo held In said city at the follow ing polling places , namely : ruiST WAIID. First District Southeast corner Seventh and Maroy streets. Soeonv District Northwest corner Eighth and Lqavenwortu streets. Third District 1203 Jones street Fourth District 1Z2T South Thirteenth street. Fifth District Northeast corner Seventh and Pact He stroats. Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and PaclOo streets. Seventh District 623 Plerco street. Eighth District Southwest corner Eleventh and Center streets. Ninth District 1833 South Sixth street. Tenth District Intersection Ninth and Ban croft street , northeast corner. Eleventh District 1923 South Thirteenth street , northeast corner Arbor street. KBCOaD WAJtD. First District Intersection Fourteenth and Jones streets. Second District-IBM South Thirteenth street. Third district Intersection Eighteenth and Lenvenworth streets , south side. Fourth District Intersection Twentieth and l.eavcnworth streets , south side. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third and Leavenworth directs , south sldo. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth street and 1'opploton avenue. Seventh District im William street. Eighth District -13U South Thirteenth streetMcCanJIlshl. ( . Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth and Center streets. Tenth District 18.23 South Twentieth street ( Lovott & Woodman. ) Eleventh District Intersection Twentieth and Bancroft streets. Twelfth District 1KW VInton street ( Donovan van ) . Thirteenth District IntersectlonThtrteenth and Valley streets , west side. Fourteenth . District Intersection Twen tieth and Boulevard streets. THIHDWARD. . First District Intersection Twelfth and Chicago ftreet. Second District 317 North Fifteenth street ( Woodwortb ) . Third District 112 South Fourteenth street , ( A. J. Simpson ) . Fourth District 1113 Douglas street ( O. J. Cannn ) . ' Fifth District Intersection Capitol avenue nnd Tenth streets. Sixth District Intersection Harney and Ninth streets , east side. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Furnim streets. Eighth Dlstrlct-1315 Harney street ( J. S. Mc- Cormlok ) . Ninth District 1211 Howard street ( Kil kenny , Bray & Co ) . IOCHTB : WARD. First District Intersection Seventeenth and Davenport streets. Second District Intersection Twenty-sec end and Davenport streets , north aide. Third District Intersection Twonty-flfth and Doaza streets. Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth and Dodge streets. Fifth District 43) South Fifteenth street. Sixth District Intersection Twentieth and Douslas streets. Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth street and St. Mary's nvonuo. Eighth District Intersection Twentieth street and St. Mary's avenue , west sldo. Ninth District 1318 St. Mary's avenue ( Roboboaux ) . Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth and Leavenworth streets , north side. Eleventh District 10U Howard street ( Hlg- _ rrrrn WAHD. First District Intersection Sherman avenue and Mandorson street. Second District ErOInK building , west side Sherman avenue , between Ohio and Corby streets. Third District Intersection Sherman avenue and Lake street. Fourth District 1GOJ Grace street , South west corner Sherman avenue and Grace street. Fifth District 1347 bhermau avanua ( Sea man ) . Sixth District 1154 Sherman arenas ( Er- fllng ) . Seventh District Intersection Sixteenth and Izard streets. Eighth District SOS North Sixteenth street ( II. G Clark , agent ) . Ninth District Intersection Casi and Fif teenth streets. Tenth District 13 North Sixteenth street ( Sours , agent ) . Eleventh District Southwest corner Eigh teenth and Cass streets , 4A2 North Eighteenth street. SIXTH fTAnn. First District Lyceum hall. 4833 North Twenty-fourth street ( Craig ) . Second District Intersection Thirty-sixth street und Grand ayenue. Third District Intersection Military avenue and Grant street. Fourth District Intersection Twenty- fourth street and Manderson streets. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets. Sixth District IntersectlonThlrty-thlrd and Parker streets. Seventh District 2533 Lake street ( W. A. Messlck ) . Eighth District 2525 Lak street ( Sasstrom ) . Ninth District 2310 North Twenty-fourth street. Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eighth and Franklin streets. Eloventb District Intersection Twenty- fourth and Franklin stroets. Twelfth District 13W North Twca th street , BETKMTH WAHD. First District 2813 Lcavonworth street , Second District Intersection Twenty-ninth avenue and Poppleton Avenue , uast side. Third District Intersection Twenty-nluth street and Woulwortu avenue , south side. Fourth District Interaction Twenty-ninth and Mezoath stteets. Fifth District Intersection Thirty-seoona avenue and Thomason street. Sixth District 1012 Twenty-ninth avenue. toventu District Intersection Thirty- fourth and Francis streets. EIQIlTli tVAHD. First District 2901 Hamilton street. Second District S5 Cumlug street. Third District Interi otion Twentieth and Nloholaf streets. Fourth District 2018 Oumlng street. Fifth District 2108 Cutntns atree ' , . Hlxtb District Intersection Twenty-second and Hurt street * . Seventh District Intersection Twentieth and Cass streets. ITINTH WAHD. First District Interjection Thirty-second ana Cumins streets. Second District Intersection Fortieth and Cumin * streets , north side. Third Diurlct Intersection Fortieth and Farnauistreeta. Fourth District Intersection Thirty-second avenue and Davenport street. Fifth District-saw Furnum street. Hxth District 3104 Learenworth street For the purpose of uubmlttlnz to the legal voters of said city , for their acceptance or ro- jeotlon , the amended proposition of the Ne braska Central ltailwa > company to the city of Omaha ( hereinafter written at length ) and the questions , ahull tbe bonds of the city ot Omaha be issued , reylsterud and delivered , as provided In laid amended proposition shall an Annual tax bo levied to pay the In terest en such bonds us U becomes auo ? and shall a further annual tax , commencing tba. tenth , year prior to the maturity of such bonds , bo lorJod , In addition to all other taxttvfo * the creation of a slaking fund suffi cient to pay such bonds at the maturity thereof ! aid question * , and tb aoctptiaei ox r Jio- tlon ot said amended proposition. It submitted to said leual Totem , and will bo voted tibon In the manner and form following : The Nebraska Central Hallway comoany has made the following proooJltlon to the cltyofOmahaj The amended proposition ot the Nebraska Central lUllway company to the city of Omaha. Neb. To the Mnvorand City Council ot the Oily of Omaha. Neb. : The undersigned , the Mo- braska Central Hallway company , uronoses to acquire and ta < o possession of. for railway purposes , that certain tract ot land , located within the district unundod by Fifteenth Klreet , Chlcazo street. Eleventh street. Cali fornia street , and the rl ht of way of the Omaha Holt U.itlwny cotnptny , except the south half ot block & . lots J nnd 4 , block ' . . lot 1 , and north one-half of lots 2 and 3. block 27 : and to otect thereon n union passenger depot en the corner ot Fifteenth and Chlcaeo street * , to cost. Including Iho other railway Improvements on said crounas , nutlets th n tour hundred thousand dollars ( ilOO.OW. , Provided , tli l ty of Omaha. In Douglas county , Nebraska , will donate to the said Nebraska Central Kxtlway company two hundred nuJ IIfly thousand dollars ( JiO.tWj ) of IW four (4) ( ) percent bonds. 1100.000 thereof to bo dated January * , 190.1. nnd JIHtWO thereof to bo dated January I. ISM. to b rr.niD due and payab.o twenty years from their rospce- tlvouates , with interest uayabloscml-annu- nlly , all payable at the flsoat aecnov of the state ot Nebraska In the city of Now 1 ork. Said bonds to bo of the denomination of one thousand dollars ( $1.000) ) each , and each thereof to recite. ' This bond Is one of asorlosot two hundred and fifty r0) ) bonds of ilRo amou nt and tenor , whith are losued by the olty ot Omaha , In Douglas county. Nebraska , to the Nebraska Central Hallway convpanr. to Hid It In acquiring lanulntbo city of Omaha for union itcpot anu terminal purposes and in the construc tion of a union railway pssseneor deuot upon said ground , and Its railway tracks , lids tracks , turnouts , switches and approaches lencllru thereto , and other railway Improve ments therewith connected. " Said bonds to be executed and rolstcrod at Or ItninedUto'.v after the dates thereof , and InimoJIatoly thereafter delivered to the First National bank of Omnha , Neb. , trustee , to be held In trust for delivery to the Nebraska Control Htlhray comp nr , Us successors or usstiin ; . by ald trustee. In Installments as hereinafter provided. The said Nebraska Central Railway com pany plans to construct , or cause to bo i-im- Rtructod , a line of railway In the state of lowu , not less than 100 tnlloi In extent , from the east approach ot a brldgo , which the said Nobrsska Central Hallway company bus alKo planned to construct over the Missouri river , interscctlnc or connectlnr with or reaching the lines of two or more of the following rail way corporation. ) , viz : The Illinois Central Railway company , the Wlnona & Southwestern Hallway company , the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway com- panv. the Chicago , St. Paul A Kansas City Hallway company , the Chicago. Fort Madison A DCS Moines Hallway ' company , tbo Atchl- son , Topeka & Santa' Fa Railway company , the Baltimore & Ohio Railway company , tbe Ohio & Mississippi Rallwav company , the Keo- kuk&estcrn Hallway companythe , Qulncy Omaha & Kansas City Hallway company ana the Iowa Central Kailwav company. One hundred thousand 0100,03) ) dollar * of said bonds shall be delivered by aald trus tee to aald Nebraska Central Railway < 4 > uipny. its successors or assigns , nliun ft * or they shall have acquired and tnk n possession of that certain tract of land located within the district bounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago street , Eleventh street , California straet and th right of way of the Omaha Belt Railway com- piny , ( except the south half of blocks 33 , lot it and 4 , block w , lot 1 , and th north halt ot iota 2 and 3 , block27) ) : Provided , that the said one hundred thou sand dollars 1J100.060 ] of said bonds shall not he delivered until after the said Nebraska Central Railway company. Its successors or nsslgns , shall have constructor the said line of railway in thi state of Iowa. One hundrrd and fitty thousand dollars IS150.KOI of said bonds shall bo deUv r d by said trustee to said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , when It or they shall have completed tno erection of a union passoncer depot upon said tract of land above described , to coat. Including the other railway Improvements on laid grounds , not less than four hundred thousand dollars . ( J4CO.OOO ) ; proof of such test to be mafln by the sworn itatorront of tbo president and tr ns- nrerof said railway company. Sled with the city olorkof Omaha accompanied by cortlfl- cato alened by the olty attorney and oltr en gineer , that In their nnlnlon snob amount has actually been expended. I'roriaed , that if the said Nebraska Central Railway company , its successors or assigns , shall fall to acquire and take possession of sala land. Itshallnot bo entitled to receive any part otsaid one hundred thousand dollars ttlOO.uuO ) installment of bonds : and. further orovlded. that none otsaid one hundred and fifty thousand collars ( S1SO.OOC ) Installment of bonds shall bo doll v red until atleast one rail way company In addition to the Nebraska Central Hallway company shall bo actually using said union depot ; and. Provided further. That the mayor anfl tbo city council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertakings on tha part of said railway company herein contained , order the delivery of said bonds at ths times aforesaid : and. Provided lutther. That all matured coupons sh all be removed and cancelled by said trusts * before delivery ot tbo bonds to whicn they are attached ; and. Provided further. Thstths mayor and city council of the city of Omaha shall cause to ba levied on the taxable property of said city an annual tax sufficient for the payment oftho Interest on said coupon bonds as It becomes due , nnd after the expiration of ten (10) ) years from the date of said bonds the mayor and city oouncll of said olty shall oauso to be levied In addition to all ether taxes on the taxable property of snld city an amount of tax sutnolent to create a slnklnz fund lor the payment at maturity of said bonds , ( the amount ot tax to be levied for such sinking fund not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars lars ( J33.000.CO ) In any one year ) ; said tax to be continued from year to year until the said bondsaro fully paid. Tbe acquirement of ths said lands and Im provements herein contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , shall be b jun within one year from May 1. 1872 , and be pushed to completion without unnecessary delay : and shall be comolated within three years from the 1st day of July , 1KB. In case any of the terms , limitations , condi tions 01 provisionspropoi olherein relating to tbo beginning , projresa and completion of said Iraprovomants are not compiled w.tb. ( unless delay is directly and necessarily canted by Injunction or other Judicial pro- oosdlnrs. or by unvoldabto accident or act of Provldenc ) , the said company shall not be entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof , even though tbe electors of suld city of Omaha shall bavo by their rote authorized the Is suance of said bonds : but all right to said bonds shell by such default and without any judicial determination become forfeited. Provided , however , that If the beglnnlnr , progress or completion of said Improvements shall be dolajedor obstructed by anyot the aforesaid canses , tbo times herein allowed for the proeress and completion of said Improve ments shall ba extended to tbe oxMut of such delayer obstruction : and should a dlxputo nrlso between the said city of Omaha and tbo said Nobrasun Central Hallway company with rosocct to tbe cause or extant of any such delay , tbo same nt the election of said No- l.raska Central Railway company , shall be referred for determination to a board of ar bitrators , to be appointed as hereinafter pro vided. In consideration of receiving the proposed subsidy the Nebraska Central Railway com pany azroea to allow all railway companiei the following rlshts : The rlzhtto run their locomotlves.passengor and freight trams oror 1U main ana passing tr.tcts within tbo city ot Omaha ; and over Its proposed brMgo and ap proaches. th , right , , to use such portion ot Its terminal grounds , epots and facilities ai ma ; be necessary und proper for the conduct ot the business of such roads ; Includ ing uny onlargmcnt nt lu depot and depot grounds : tbo right to have their oars switched and delivered by the Ne braska Central lUlltray company upon all of IU switch tracks : tbo rlzht to connect their roads at any point within ono hundred ( too ) miles of said oilof Omaha with any line of railway which the Nebraska Central Railway company , or Its suceeuois or assigns , may construct or cause to bo constructed eistol the Missouri river , and to run tnelr locomo tive * , passenger and freight trains over tbe main and passing trucks or said railroad ; It being hereby agreed that In case the Nebraska Central Railway com pany shall construct Its proooted Una east of the Missouri river , through tbo agency of any other corporation or narty. It will cause tucb corporation or ptrty to oxaouui and deliver to the city of Omaha a good and sufficient Instrument binding It or him to abide by the terms , conditions and provisions of this proposition , the same as the said Nebraska Central Railway oomii.inr would 'have boon bound If It had built tliu inuio. tefore delivery ot the aforesaid one hundred thousand dollar * ( IIWW ) Installment of bonds. Provided , that the me and enjuyrnent by such railway companies of o.ioh nnd av ry cf said rights mall be upon just and equal terms and the payment of just and fair compensa tion to the Nebraska Central Railway eon- Diny , Its successors or assigns , and subject to sueb operating rules and regulations ot the Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its suc- e stnroraatlgni. as shall be nscossary and proper. jut and reasonable. And the said Nebraska Central Railway company will submit any dlsputn arising be tween It ana such other company or com panies as to the use and enjoyment of any rights uuder this pronaslilou. or an Vo ttio terms , componkatloo , operating rules and regulations , relating thereto , to a board of arbitrator ? , to be made up of three parsons who are judgoinf the state district court , or lt > successor , of the district embracing tbe county ot Douglas , to be selected by a two- thirds vote of all the persons vbo are district Judges ot said court. Provided that any such railway company other than aald Nebraska Cnntrul Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , shall hava tbo ( action to submit any such dlsouu to arbitration or to pursue any other remedy. Wherever arbitration Is provided fur by this proposition , tbe party doilrtaj to submit to * IB.SU * to arbitration shall oauia to t > erved upon the other party n written nallol which ih ! t at out Ui * matter In OUpiile to be submitted , and the tlin * pro not d for ths hearing , whleh shall not b less than thlrfy (3)1 ( ) dars after the time ot servl-ej nad there upon the adverse p ly shall within twenty ( Mi days after such servlca upon It , ssrvo Its ansnur. II any It havo.upon the party d - tnnntl n1h arbitration. The Do r.l ot Arbitrators , when orxnnlted. shnll hav * > po-rer to fit tbe HMO of hearing nnd to adjourn the svno fro-ii time to lime , and lotnukoall nee < strr rules anJ regula tions for tha production of testimony hi the potiotslonut either pirtv , anJ otherwise to compel n f.vrjnnil speojy trial : the decision ot n majority of the bo ml shall control nnd ths final determination ot the board sh-ill bo final and conclusive upon the psMI sotnll mat- tr - surtwlttf" ! 1 I ' ! * 'ide 1. Wherever arbitration shall bo retorted to .such urotir.tlloti sunil initoa etoiuslve rvmeUy ot the parties ( exrept ai heroin elsewhere pro vided ) . as to tha matters and thlu ; Involved naJ decided therein. Said Nebr.iska Central Railway company. Its successors and assigns , shall transport freleht ( Including transfer of f relghv and all ohargut Incidents ! to sld transportation ) over any nrll ; o * nrt iioroJ "h" * . n w tl as overnr railway It shsll construct within ono hundred (100) ( ) mites ot the Missouri rlv r within the state ol Nebraska , for just or ronsonable rstes or charges , and In case of difference as to whkt constitutes jus ! * and reasonable rates or cunr i minor iin < u rt.r4pn , tne luajrur HIIU otty council or said railway comoany may submit the same to arbitration In the ruannir and to the arbitrators above provided for. but this pirjgraph ruspaotlng freight charges hall not become operative or In force until five years from the dntn ot the delivery ot th last installment of the bonds horolnbofor * re ferred to. It Is further proposal ! that said bonds shall ba delivered to tbo Nebraska Central railway company. Its sucooitors or assigns , only upon the execution by the s.ild Nebraska Central Ml lit ay company or Its successors , nnd deliv ery to the city of Omaha of an undertaklnt In wrllln : to the effect that the principal daoot of said rail way * general omccs nnd principal m.ichlna shops when built , shall lw located ana uialuttlnod within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , an I that a viola tion nt the terms of suld undertaking by the said Nebraska Central railway company or Its successors or assigns , shall rentier the said Nebraska Central railway comtiany , or Its successors. Indebted to thosul I city ot Omaha In the full amount ot salt ! bonds , and Interest thereon. This proposition shall , after bulng duly acknowledged by the NebrasKa Central Hall way company , be roonrdod In the ofllco ot th register of doddsot Douglas county.Nebraska , and for a period ot twenty CJJ ) years from anu ufter this date , shall bo referred to by giving the book nnd page- wherein the same Is re corded lu auy mortace , dcoJ of trust , deed of conveyance , or lease of said depot and denot grounds , with the statement that the said Ne- hrnska.CentrsI rall"iv cpnimnv. Its succes sors and assigns , nro bound by the terms , limi tations. piovislons uud condition * or tan proposition whloh are hereby made Its coVe * nants that attach to ana run with the said propany Into whosoever hands it-may comt , Provided , that tbe city council ot the olty ot Omsha. ( the nmvor npcrovliig in duo form ) inallonnct a certain ordinance ( whloh'at th * date hereof. Is pending consideration be for * said council ) , entitled "Anordlnance rranttng permission mid authority to the Nebraska Central Hallway company , Us nuccestors and assigns to construct railroad tracks along. aoross. over and under certain streets and alloys In the city of Omaha subject to certain conditions , and to r.o.-Uo parts of certain streets nnd alloys In the city ofOnniha upon compliance with certain othnr conditions. " And It Is abtoprovldcd , that If said Nebraska Central railway company shall not , within forty-five (43) ( ) days of being notified , by tha city clerk of the adopt.'on ol tnls proposition at the election held to vote upon the same , ills with tbo said city clerk Its written ratifica tion of this proposition under Us cornorats seal , none of said bonds shall bo Issued , and all tbe terms and provisions of this proposi tion shall bo hold for naught. Tbe Nebraska Central Hallway company agrees before an election being called to sub mit to the voters ot the city of Omaha this proposition , ( bat It will execute nnd deliver to said city n bond with good und sufUolonl sureties In the sum of flvu thousand dollars lt3.000.CO ) and five thouuand dollars tt5.000.PO ) cash , conditioned upon tbo payment of tha expenses of said election. This proposition and the acceptance thrcof by tha city of Omaha and the ratification of this proposition by said Nebraska Central Railway corapiny. or Its succesiois oras- slgnoo , as herein provided , shall bo construed and understood to constltuto a contract between the said Nebraska Central Railway company. Its successors or assigns , and the said city of Omaha , and all tbo torms. conditions , agreements and provisions made on the part of the Nebraska Central Rail way company In this proposition con tained are hereby made the covenant ] ot tha said Nebraska Central Railway comunny , Its successors and assigns , which shall attach to and run vr.tti all of Its snld property and bo binding upon any party Into whoso bands it or any of It may come. In witness whorcot the aald Nebraska Cen tral Railway company has caused those pres ents to be executed this 16th day of May. A. D. , 1801 NEBRASKA CENTRAL PMLWAY CO. By J. II. DUMONT , Vice President , Attest : JOHN L. McOAQUE. Secretary. Witness : ALEX. O. OUARLTON. atatoor ncnrasuo. I . Donglas County. [ " On this icth day of May. A. D. . ISO ! ; before me , a notary public In and for said county , personally appeared the above named J. Dumont and John L. MoCaguo. who are to ma personally known to be the Identical per sons who signed the foregoing Instru ment as , vice president and secretary of the Nebraska Central Railway company : they acknowledge the said Instrument to ba the voluntary act and dcoa of the said Ne braska Central Railway company and their voluntary act and dead as such vice president and secretary of said company. * i Witness my hand and notarial seal the date Inst aforesaid. ALEX O. OHARLTON. IsEAul Notary Public. Shall tbo above and foregoing proposition ba accepted and adopted , shall said bonds bo Is sued , registered and delivered and shall an an nual tax In addition to the usual and all ether taxes bo levied upon the taxable property of the City of Omaha , Douglas county. No- braskv , sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds as It become * due , and at the tlmo of levying the annual city tax. commencing tbo tenth your prior to tbo maturity of said bonds , shall a tax In addition to all ether taxes bo levied upon the taxable property of said city of Omaha. Doug- Ins county , Nebraska , nnd continued annu ally thereafter fro m year to year until there by a. sinking fund shall hHve been obtained sufficient to pVy said bonds at tbe maturity thereof ? YES. NO. Thn above questions shall bo regarded aj ono question oud nil ballots of legal voters cast at said election containing the abnvo prooosltion and questions In tbo form oftho official ballots , to bo prepared by the city clerk of said city lor sakl election , with an "X" murk following tbo word "yes" upon said official ballot shall be counted In favor of the acceptance of said amende ! prop osition , the Issuance of s ld bonds and tbo levy of said taxes In payment of the principal and Interest thereof : and all ballots of le.mI voters east at snld election containing tha ubovo proposition and question * in the form of the ofnclnl ballot , to bo prepared by the city clerk of nld city for said election with an "X" mark following the word "no" upon said otUulal ballot nil-ill bo counted and considered us ugalntt the acceptance of said amended propo sition , the Hsuanco of said bonds nnd the levy of said taxes In payment of the principal and Interest thereof. If two-thirds of all the ballots votud by aald lozal voters of suld city of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne braska , at said election ulialllocist In favor of the acceptance of aald amended proposi tion , tbo luuanco of said bonds nnd the levy of said taxes In payment of the principal and interest thereof , thu foregulnz propo sition will bo held to be adopted und the furo- KOlnz questions will ba hold to Lo answeredIn favor ot the issuance of sild bunds and the levy of salii taxes , and the said bonds there upon shall bo issued , registered and delivered In accordance with the term * and condition * of said amended proposition , and said taxei shall be levied accordingly ; otherwise not. Which elcutlon will bo open at8 o'clock In the morning , uud will continue open until 8 o'clock Iti tha afternoon of the same dav. Onto4 at Omaha. Nnu. . this litli dny of May , 137. lHlsnod.1 UioitJK. I' . IIF.MIH , Mayor of the City of Omaha. NOTICE Of ASSESSMENT OF DAM- AOES FOR TUB CHANGE OF GUAPE OF 24TII STREET. To the owners of all lots , and partof lots and real estate along 1'Uli street from it point ! M > feet north of II row no street to thn north curb line of Amos avenue , and Intersecting Htreot as follow * , to-wlt : Tnniplotou Hti'oet from a point 200 foot west of 21th street to tliu wntt curb Hue of 1'lth street. You nro hereby notified that the under signed , in rets disinterested freeholders of tliu city ol Omaha , have been duly appointed by thu mayor , with tno approval of the city council of said city , to unites the diuimgo to the owners respectively of the property af fected by thochnnxo ofsrxdoot1th street from a point'JO ) feet north of Browne uttfut to tbo north curb line of Ames avenue and Inter secting street , duuiarod necessary by ordl- nanco No. 162 , passed April 3 , Is- , approved April Jllb . You are further notified , that having ac cepted said aiipoiiitinunt , and duly quullllcil a required by law , we will , on thuUlnt day of May. A. 1) . IbWi. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , ut thu oillce of T. O llrumirr , room 1. V > are block , corrur I5lh nnd Farnani streets , within the corporate limits ol snld city , meet for the purpose ot consldcrlnz und making thu ussoxuiuut of dainago tu the owners respect I rely of sa'il ' properly , affootud by said chanroof grade , taking Into consid eration apeclal benetlU , If nny. You nranotlllod to be present at the time and plaoo nforusjld , und make buy objection * to or statements concerning saw as uiiuout of damages as you muy consider prounr. I.Jf J * IV IJ * N fif ! W. II. O.ATKS , It. II. HALL. Omaha May 18 , UM. UlMlM