6 THE .OMAHA DAILY RREt FRIDAY , MAY 27 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Excitement Amone Chicago Traders Cen tered on Provisions Yesterday , THERE'WAS LITTLE BUSINESS IN WHEAT Transactions Vt'cto Limited nntl Tlicro Were No Important dinners Corn Bho\viil > ccrruiiInKAcU\ltj-wUli fluct uations Conllncit to n Narrow Limit. CHICAGO , 111. , Mny SO. Kxcllcmcnt centered In provisions. I'ork opened from tllo to lOo higher nnd then advanced Wo on llbcrul buyIng - Ing by the short Interest , As soon as tie de mand subsided there wns a reaction of lo and then a reaction of Me , then another bulpo of lOo on buyltiR orders coming In from tbo coun try. The market foil oil Co later on , nnd then , under the Inllucnco of the strength In grain nnd literal buying by n prominent packing Institution , advanced nbout 15c , the hlRhcst point of Iho day. This wns followed by n de cline of from So to 7'c. reaction to n like ex tent and n similar falling off , the market closing SVUchlRlior than nt the tame tlmo yesterday. Lard Rained 7Wo nntl closed strong , Kccmlngly independent of olhor hog products , and In more request tlmii for some tlmo past. Illbs opened nt the final fisurcs of yoMorday and then advanced iTJiJo In response to the strength In pork and free buying , reacted Inter about 7Je. ! and closed weak 15o higher ihnn yesterday. The run of hogs at the ynnU was less tliun expected and the fuel helped thu advance , .lolin Cudnhv was said to bo long a line of ribs and ( .corned to bo llio leading bull. A tip th it pork was n purchnso ftirJJ u burrol DMiIll had temporarily some- thine to do with tlio bulge. In wheat onlv n light business was trans acted and thcio leinniiiH no Important iliaiigos In prices. The opening wns about the stimn as yesterday's closlnu. mill cased olt u trlllitliun ad vanced Jtc. again cafeCd and prices declined aic , rnlrd Irregular nnd the closing wan about Uc liljihor than yesteVdny. It was cl.ilnicd the northwest sold homo wlioat curly In thf day and that St. Louts and New Yorx piirtlcs boiiRht. Lnto nil vlcos were ri-colvod Btutlng that It wns ruining In the nest and this caused an advance to Dm highest prices . of the day. The fact that Kruncli stocks had decreased l.GO ' .000 bu. seemed to Induce sotno buying , us an Increase hud been expected In view of the duties soon to go Into Direct. Corn showed decreasing activity with fluc tuations confined within ? icto ? ( u range. The price was helped by reports of rnlus In this state and Indiana , lluslncss was local , the trade buying on soft spots nnd fulling on any ndvance. July closed lje ! higher than yoitor- doy. There were llttlo ehangcs. The proportion of contract corn In the receipts IB heavily Increasing , t5 car loads of 074 reielvcd today tolng up to tlio require ments. Oats were not traded In with as much free dom as of late. The close was easy at from Hie to ? o decline from yesterday. Freights were easier and Uo lower at UJo for wheat and Ic for corn to ItulFalo. < Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Whont , 1)3 ) cars ; corn , 4SU ears ; oats , 1(0 cars ; hogs , UO.OOJ head. Tnc loading futures ranged as follows : AUTICI.KH. UI'KN. 111(111. LOW , CI.03B. W1IKAT NO. 2 .Mny 83M June 82U 8SM 82H Ci/HN No. 2 C3 & 1 June KH July C3IP < 5 > 6 DATS No. 2- May IP S2H June SIVA July 31 SIKHS I'oin- May 1027l < 10 45 July 10 XtX 10 M . Sept 10 50 10 C2M I/AIID .May 6 35 c R : > 0 43X July C 45 II 15 u MH he lit C U ) EnoitT llius- Mny C20 6 20 C 3"Mi July 1120 C 20 U 37M ; Kept 032 < i 3J- ! Cash quotations were us follows : Vi.ouit-UnchniiRod ; winter patents , $1.200 4.40 : winter straights , iW.20 ; enrlns patents , M.fO4.00. WIIDAT No. 2 snrlnR,62K'ii83jo ' : No. 3 spring , V7o ; No. 2 red. S8 @Mo. ) COUN Lower ; No. 2 , 4Si ! < ac2c ; No. 3 yellow 9V45"e. OAia-No. a 32tfo ; No. 2 white , 33JJo ; No , 3 White , 34&35C. KVE-No. 2 , 78c. llAULKi No. 2 , ( XMJCJe : No. 4 , 4944e , FLAX SEED No. 1 , II.U4. TiMOTiiv SEED I'rlnio. ll.2fl.34. I'OIIK Mess , per bill , . * IO.I2410.43 ! ; lard , per 100 11)3. ) . ? ( i.4oa .4 ! 4 ; short rlUs , sides ( loose ) , tO.i3G.37',4 : ; dry salted shoulders ( hoxodi , K 25 R3.3i4 ; short clear sides Ibuxod ) , tfl. 17'/4@fl.0. : ! \ViitbKV Ulstlllers' OnIshed goods , pur gal. , SuOAii UnchanRuil ; cut. loaf , 4Kc ; cranu- 1 n ted , 4 Mo : standard "A4 ? c. Kccclpts and shipments today were as fol lows : On the 1'roduco exchange today the butter market was very cju'et ; fancy creamery , I8c ; Hue , luaniSc ; line dairy , I7o. E js , U@u > ie. Now York Markets. NEW YOIIK , May 2a I'LOUll liecolpts , 32.2il ! pksx. ; exports , IU.(81 bbls. , O.tK. sacks ; niurkot unsettled , but falily nctlvu ; sales , 'M\w \ Ibis. ColtN MKAi.-Klrm , fair. WllKAT Kccolpts , lO'.O.V ) bu. : exports , 107,210 bu , ; sales , 1.08JUK ) bu. of futures , U.iUOD bu. of ipot. pot Incgular and dull , closing steady ; No.2rca. USdWS'io alloat : IKi.'iG'jflUo f. o. b. ; ungraded red , win. Options opened weak at JiSi' u decllno throiign luw cables and IIoo trop weather , advanced 'i@Jc ? on local eover- hu , declined ! iri2 > 'ic , realizing , cloblnir sloadv at unchanged prices to Mo up. No. 2 red May , tuxtftuic. e.oslng ut tWSo : Juno , tWJi © 1 1-Kic : oos ! ng ntisu : Julr.UlUOUIH-lCo , Mosio ntlllHc ; August , M & 'Jlc. closing ut Win ; v.itembor | , UU c : October , Ulc ; Decem ber , lUCMEiyo. closing at IKifto ; May , 00 < S'J7 , closing at utl.'io. ItVK Western , KIS8T 0. llAHI.KV MAl.T-O.Ulot. COUN Itccclpts , 40f0 bu. ; exports , 3,1.393 bu. : sales. 01,0.0 liti , of futures ; U.OOO bu. of epot , Hpot dull and Irregular ; No. 2 , Ul'o In olevalor ; iiiigrudcd mixed , 5lC2iio ; ileamor mlxod , VXiiMo. Options declined nnd roiiehea ? o advance , with larger receipts west : grading contracts. May , ( Uc , clOHlng ktUlc ; June , UftQMUc. closing ut W ! c ; July , IINGl-ViMc , closing ut Ma ; A must. \UU \ > ; closing utfiUia ; Seplcnibor , 5UiQ51l ? c. closlni ; OAT ? Exports , 0.000 bu.t sales. 15,600 bu. of ipot _ t-pot weaker ; options fulrly active , ous- IU- . HAY Quiet and easy ; shlppliis,7&80cj good I lo choice. KVaooo. Iloi'S-I'lnn. BuuAH-Kaw. nrm. fairly active : sales , 10.1 hlitts. muscovado , SU test , 2iu ; 8.500 bugs cvntrlfuguls. IN ) test , U IJ-lUo : : iUTi3bags molus- icb sugar , bl ) test , 2Jic ; rotluou , Urm ; good do- uiand. Mot , ARSES 1'orulgn , dull ; New Orleans , qnleU HiCK-Kalr ( IcnuiniJ , firm. I'K-ritoLVUM Qulol ; united closing at Mio ! fur Juno. COTToN8EKi > Ou.-nrmeri crude , 2fl)4o ) bid ; yellow , It'u bid. TAI.I.OW Easy. Tuni'KXTiSK-Dull. weak E ( is--Dull ; western prlmo , cclpts , ti.44'J ' packages . I'OIIK Quiet n ml stonily. CUT MEATH-I'lrm , fulr demand ; ploklcd bclllus , 5Ua ; mldules , firm , quiet : short clear , 7 " 40. 1-AiiD Strong ; western iteam closed at ( } .72'i ' ; sales. fitO tlcrcunuttO.U7K < ( MI.72)i ) : op tion Halos , 6.7.W tlercus ; Muy. M.IO : June. MttJ. closlnx ut M.63 ; July. tlho WJ.M , eloslng at lU,7.i ; August , < tiW ; Hoiitcmbur , tO.81QU.uu , closing ingat IJ.U ' . lltiTTKit Dull and weak ; western dairy , 1SC014V ; western creamery. HKiSltJlic ; western factory , UGlWioi Elgin. JiKttlUlic , ulr Ucmund , stuuuyt part skims , . I'm IitON-StenUy ; American. tH.25OtO.25. CaiTKit-Dull ; lake. ( II.DOicU'.ou. LuAii-Qulot ; ilomcktio , tl.20UL27)i. ) TIN ftundyt Hirulghts , t''l.'JU , < T .Mlmirapolls M'lmut JIurket. MlNNHAroi.m. Minn. , Muy 2U.Vlioat dead ; p bli not ullerlng. Itecelpts. M ears. Clusui Muy. fl'lu ; July , 8li c , on trunk ; No. 1 hard , Kilot No. 1 iiortliurn , o-lUot No. - uorihoru , Itiiltlnuiro Orulii .Murltot. Md. . Muy iU-WiiBAT-Easyi o. 2 red spot , lUUuK ! > iu. UOIIN Steady ; inlxud spot , 5'mft.YI > o. UATS-i-touUy , No. 2 tthlio wemurn , Toloilu Umui Miirket. TOLKIIO. O. , Slay 2a-\ViKAT \ | Stoatlyi No. 3 tnsh.lBSie. CoiiN Avtlvoi No. South and Muy , 5Jl c. OAlb- Stoutly ! No. 2. oanli. UJc. Colleo Alurftet , Nsw YOIIK , Mav 2U.-Optlon opened steady to utlO point * Uuwu , closed barely sto&dy , ttnohnngrd to 5 points up. Salen.2A.MX ) bngd , Inoltidlnz May , $ I2.23UI2&0 | June. fll.OO Or..Lfli July , ( lLT.Vall.ft5i Aucnst , tI2.TO : Sep tember. 111.73 ; October. 111.004411.73 ! NOVOMI- bcr. $11.70 ! Duccmbor , tlI.COUII.7J , Spot Hio dull , cosy ; No. 7 , 118.87i413.txi. Oinalm 1'rodnro Mnrkrt. HIDES , ETC. No. t erccn hidci , 3ci No. 1 orcen snltud hides , 4/i4'ie ; No 2 green Ritlted lildcu. iniwyo ; No 1 grrcn salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 4 ( < l4Liu ; Na 2 green united hides , 2J tn 40 Ibi , . 2 : Uic : Na 1 voul calf , 8 to 15 lb . , Co : Na 2 venl cnl , to If , Ib4 , . 4uNo ; , 1 arv Hint hldci. 7c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 5c : No. 1 dry Railed hides. rVaOc : Sheep pelts Green suited , each , 53 < 3tl. 2.1 : crson Raited shearllngi ( short woo'.cd early iklnsl. ouch , 1523c ; dry shear lings (4hnrt ( wooled early f-klni ) No. t , each , f/JSIGc ! dry shoarilngs ( short wonlcd curly skin1 , ) . No. 2 , each , Kei dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool polls , per II ) . , actual weight , IP&HHc ; dry flint Kansas and Nebras ka murrain wool units , per Ib. , actual weight , fiffl 2c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool poltR. per Ib. , actual weight. lOQl''Ko ; dry Hint Colorado rado nnir ruin wool polls , | > orli > . , actual weight , FiitlOo : dry pieces and buck , actual weight , TftOc , Tallow and grease Tallow. No. 1. MaO ? 4oi tallow. No. 2. : i < tU : o : gtcnse. whlto A. 4c | gronse , whlto 11 , ; iic ! ; ureiisc. yollow. ilu ; greaeu , dark. 21ic : old buller. 24c ! ; l oe.swax , prime , 1C23uroggh : Inllow , IliSt c. HUTTKH S-omo of Iho bc t country butter goo at ibStUc , but nnytlilng that falls below Hint goes to Ihn packurs at tc. 1'nutis Callfoinla lllversldo oranges , J3.50 ; Washington naviilw.(4..riO ; fair to cholco lem ons , ! , I.N' < 34.IX ) | fiinoy lemons. J4.M ; bananii , crated , } 2UO@.r > 0 : F'lorlda tomatoes H.OJ@ 4.50 per cralo of six baskets ! ptncapptcs , (2.50 perdoz. VrocTAni.r.3 California cabbage. 2Uo | ior ID. In cralcHj homo gtown lettuce , : i > 40 40o per dur.j snuthern onluns W..W ner bbl , : llormuda loves. t2.2.'i ; Nubranka hand uluKud beans , Ji.S.'iW..lK ) ; tncdluin , JI.VJ ® l.COi Co or ado und western Nebraska oota- toi'9 , 5'J@ ( > Oo : natlvo potatoes , 40ftl"c ; I.li.ia beans , 4c per Ib. ; nplnnch , t..n. (311.00 ( per bbl. ; radishes , .IVJ64 < ; ploplunl. So pur Ib. : nowCal- I foinlu potatoes , Jji < ii'u ? per IU. ; cucumbers , fl.MJ per do/ bTiiAwiiKiiniF.1 * Choice stock sultablo for shipping , none lee p. only ; J4..M5 ) CO. - ' . I'oui.Tiiv f mull spring chtcUcns almost uti- salabloattiOwaatlO ; oltl fowls , ( I.OIG4.SU. St. l.ouls ST. Louis , Mo. . May 20. rr.ouit Firm but unch'in.oJ. ' WIIUAT Sold up ? io early , declined later ; recovered nnd then cased on" , but closed Ho nhuvu yesterday : i\o. 2 red cash , SSJiGS'Jc ; Mny closed iitsnic ; June , 8lc bid ; July , HJe ! ; AllgtlHt. 83stUiio. ! Cons Lower , 4'.iJ'Oo : options docllncd Uo early nnd closed > B64'u { ubovu yiijluiduy. clus- lngttt48Vot July. 42c ; September , 4S's < 5. OATS About firm ; cash. 3IJio asked ; May , Xl 4'c ; July. : il'c. ItVK-Oulet. 74cbltl. IlAltt.uv Nomaikct. ItitAN-Sackod lots at near by country points. nifiWc ; lots at city mills , 70c. II AV Knslers timothy , * 12.Mill.(0. ) ( ( ( I.IAI > Dull : fl.OTSJ for soft MUbourl. I > 'LAXSKII : ) I'lriu at 81.01. IttiTTUU 12aslor ; creamery. 1317o : dulry. " Kens Cnsy at13c. CCIII.N MBAL IllJher : $ Wllisuv StPiuiy ut SI , 15. II AnniNO Unchanged. COTTON TIKS Unchanged. PROVISIONS Higher und firm : pork. $11.00. liAUD-Strulght contract lots , W.30 ; butcher grades , Kill. Ditv SALT MEATS Loose xhouldcrg , J.'i.M : long and cribs , ( U.5UK : shorts , { U.U'JJi ; boxed lots , lie more. UACON Shoulders. fn,00 ; longs and cribs , 7.00 ; bhorts , K7.12K ; sugar cured bams , $ U.tUiD ) KK'CEIPTS Flour , .T.OCOJI . : wheat. 15,000 bu. ; corn , 20,000 bu. ; oats. 22.03J bu. ; rye , none : barley , nonr. f IIII'MEN rs Flour. fi.OOO Ibs. : wrjc.it , 8,000 bu. : corn. 17.000 bu. ; oats , 7.000 bu. ; rye I.OUO bu. ; barley , none. _ Kansas City MiirltotH. KANSAS CITV. Mo. , May 20. WHEAT Dull , but weak and about Ic loner ; Na 2 hard , 7J ® 74c : No. 2 rcd.NXBHIc. COUN Was fairly nctlvo but easy ; No. 2 mixed , 4ic : ; No. 'J.whlto. 4Gi47c. ! OATS Were dull and weak ; No 2 mixed , 32V4c : No. 2 while. tfJWz. HVE Lower : No. 2 , i > 8c. 1'L.AXbKKD l)4c ) on the basis of pure , ItitAN Stoudv ; sucked , K4c. HAV Very Uim ; timothy , 89.0.O1P,00 ; prai rie , f3.og w.o . Koos Klrm at 13c. liUTTEit Steady ; cioamcry , IWSlfc ; dairy , 7 ® Ho. Steady ; full cream , 12c } : Young Americas , 12Kc. HtCEit'iS Wheat. 23.0CO bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , IJOO ! bu. Sllii'MENTS Wheat , 32.510 bu , ; corn , 2,400 bu. ; outs , l.OJO bu. \VllinliiKtou OU Market. WILMINGTON , N. 0. . May 26. SI-HUTS orTim- i-BNTiNE Sioady nfsyc. HOSIN Firm ; strained , 29c ; good strained , tl.CO. TAit Steady at $ I.'J5. OitutiE Tuui'EM-iNE Steady ; hard. 11,03 : yellow bard , t..i/O ; virgin , { 2.00. MlluuuliL'o Markets. MILWAUKEE , WIs , May 20. WHEAT Quiet ; July. Sliic : No. 2 spring , 833. COUN Dull ; No. : i. 4Uc. OATs-Steady ; No. 2 white , 35'J3Ji ; No. 3 Whlto , 3l35c. ! llAHMJV Quiet : No. 2. 50)ic. ) HVE Steady ; No. l.S-'c. Cliieliinatt MurUctx. CINCINNATI , O. . May 20. WiiBAT-Steady , flrm ; No. 2 red. 87tfe. COUN Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , fO3lo. OATb-Strong uud higher : No. 2 tnlxcd , 303 SCMc. WHISKY $1.15. _ Liverpool Markets. LiVEiti'OOU May 20 Wheat Quiet : liold- cis olTer mudorutuly ; No. I California. 7s 4d per cental : red wustuin bprlng. ds UdQGs UUd per cental ; No. 2 mil wluler , ds 10dfis lid. COUN Quiet ; demand fair ; mixed western , 4s Ud tier cental. Cotton Market. NEW OnrEANH , Ln. . May 20.-Stoaily : mid dling , 7 ? c ; low middling , o 11-lGc ; good ordi nary. ( I a-ICo : not receipts. C.'t > a bales ; vross re ceipts. 42S bales ; exports to Giout llrltuin. i',400 bales : sales , 1,800 bales ; stock , IDIV.'OI bales. riillnilclphlu t.riiln Market. ' . ' . I'n. I'lin.ApiM'liiA. . Muy LU-WliUAT-Dull ; No. 2 red Slav , DI'.iG'.Uc. COUN Options uuslcr ; No. 2 mlxod Slay , 51 © OATS Easier ; No , 2 whlto cash , 40ic. ! Now V'orlc Dry UuoiU Market. NEW YOUK , Muy 20. There wus a bettor fooling In dry goods anil there Is u good deal of confidence us to demand uud values. 1'rluoa were unchanged. Traders'Talk. OIIICAOO. III. . Slay sa-Counsolman&Day , to Cockroll llros. : Wheat , corn and oats were strong mid weak by turns und a fulriy largo business was done In July contracts , with a J u r.inco foi wheat und corn and Ho too In puts. Cables olfitrod no inuontlvu to trade. Lngllsh murkots being lifeless and continen tal exchungcs adjourned for the ro- gul golden wedding holiday. The undertone of steadiness was furnished by covering of Kborts on a slightly unsettled baromctor In the northwest. I'orlc wus active and loading puckers bought houv- lly up totio.50. Lurd was steady Uut bonio- whut neglected to trade In the other pro ducts. Itlhs were strong on the demand from shippers , and after the market advanced shorts became excited buyers. 1'uckors were Inclined to sell ribs und buy pork ut present prices. Itlbsaroonu basis of ( .1.00 for live Iiofs und * ia.oo for pork at tbo close today. CHICAGO. 111. . May 20.-K. U. LOKUII & Co. , to Uuncun. llulllncor & Co. : Wo huvo hud today - day Just such u niurkot HH wo had yesterday. July wheat opened utH.'Jic , bold up to 8io : ami closed ut bSJio. Uuroplnlon us to the future Is iiiichunucd. Thu weather U unsettled. The condition of the winter plant , uccordlng to our advices , Is oritlcul , and wo think the spring plunt Is in the same condition. 1'nic- tlcully. wo favor buying on ull declines. The tuuiliut may not 1m rlpu for u toll ; ud- viiiico , but all wo know or lourn Is In favor of some advance. Cables for tlio last few weoUs have been like thu blank leaf be tween the old und now. neither ono thins nor thu other. Wo look on wheut as cheap , and sufo to buy.Ojrii Is safe to buy on all weak spots for Juno. July mid August , Outs should ' " ' " " ' " " " ' ' ' --a goods gencrully hlKh onouKli. _ All uicAno , III. , Mi.y sa-Koimott. llopldin & Co. to K A. MeWhprtor : Toduy has been u holiday on the contluoiil. with no market. Ihe t.ugllsh wheat cables ere taiuu with In- dlcutlons of ulesHculiiK demand. Clearanoes rather light and uiiguenmonti for export fall ing off from day to flay. I'rlmury murkut ro- coliils uro Incrousliig while the forolim ilo- niaiid Is diminishing. Weather condltloua uro ruvorublq unU promlso contlnuauco. The nmrkot has been well sustained toduy In the fuou of tlioio bourlsh conditions , but lower prices nro iopkod for If they continue. , oru ? .f11 ! ou.t8 l"lvo boon strong nearly ull day. They do not luck friend * nntl uiilow tlio weather should turn wurm uud btllllunt iiiodorato runotluiu uro about ull that can bo uxpeclod. Of eourse. the .May deal In corn has yr V'i ' T ' ? stf "Stl'uu ' ihu gcnorul market. , w lili this out of thu way traders may be more Inclined to short the market. Ouduhy has ' tuye,1' ° ' Pruvulons for several , , pay * , but today ho has urgely Inoruusod hTOCICH AND IIONIIS. 1.1-aa Aotltlty Wu ' I'roKvnivil lu the Lend- ira Vuaturility , NBW YOUK , May 2fl-Tlie stock market today - day wui le > * active , but presented about the same feature us that of yeiierdaj , though the mo 'emcnts were on a reduced pc.ilo and con- Rtdcrnblo Irregularity oxUtcd nt tlmci. Cov- prlnz movcmonts was oheckcil In thoonrl/ dealings by iipniircntsollmg by London , but ni the lust selllns by thn foreigners failed to nrnJuco nny effect upon the cxchanvo mnr- kpt. thli wni protiahiy nf the RUIIIO clinraeter. The fooling In the street rotnalns the same , but tlm improved tiruspccts In the coal trade , with the K.cneral expectation Hint there will bo nil advance In the prlcu of froal at the meeting today , nintlo the coal stocks again tlio loaders In Iho market for a time , nnd the tisualgro.it activity wus accompanied by un upward moveincnl , thoiuh tod'iy It wusoii n limited sculo. Klehniond A West I'olnt wns nlso a fontilro nnd the upward movement was In response to the litiyln , caused by the Im- iiresslon that reorganization inudillo will lip sol veil by placing U In the hands of Drexel , Morgan ft Co. The one weak point on tliu ll t wns New rnglnnd , which was subjected toono'uf Its iiid- dcn and mysterious movomonts. The Indtis- trluls were not so prominent in the market nnd the movement In Conlnso caino to u halt though all others were advanced fractionally. Aiuong-tho grangers Itock Island was the only ono In which thu movements -wore of special Importance and , while Itwnsstibjcctud locon- Bldurnbln prusstiro In the forenoon , u full rally occurred Intur , 'llio spneluitles , which luivo of Into iccelvcd so tnuoii attention , were hold quiet and stagnant today , nnd tin transac tions which wo charuutor lo Iho market were In rullro.ui stocks entirely and these Iho usual loaders. The niurkot closed licnvr , but generally at nbout the level of the opening flguics. llovuininont bonds have been dull nnd eas ier. Slulo bonds Irivo been dull but firm. Iho Post says : The roul owners ot rullroatl securities havoall nloiu shuwn great absence of concern over the predictions of dlmlnlslioil ciops. The most appalling stories of ra n and flood failed to u.iU for Iho stop orders and to tlmt extent the o.impal iiicis for lower prices reckoned without. Ihelr htist. llut the speculators - lators of Wall Hlrcol , with the tisuii profus- sloual brotul mlndudnuss. huvo continued to base their hopes on a "big crop. " Lust so.t- Min'scxporlenco In tno country was wholly throun uwiiy on them mid their expectation of higher prices for rallroud shares Is built up day niter day on tliuuhtinces of three or four more grain and cotton harvests us largo us those of 151)1. ) Naturally u baro-i.elor and n weather map just now Is their stock In trade , ami so long as clear wonthcr continues In thu Interior Just BO long the spoutilutlvu following of tlio hears will de ort them. This will ex plain llio current inovcnu'iits In prices. Tlio follow lug are the closing ( imitations for the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ux- changutouuy : Atchlaon 4 N. V. tenlrnl. . . H.1' ' Ailnms Kxprcsa N. V. , C. ft fct. It Altun.T. 11 do preferred ( Ui preferred I.V ) i-lilo .V.MI'SlsBlppl. American Kviircss. . 119 ( lo preferred 11 , t' . It. AN 45 Onlnrlb ft Western. Ciuinda 1'iicltlc. . . . . . Oregon liiiproiein't. Cunadn Southern. . . , Oregon .Nnv Centrnl 1'nclllc Oregon Trnns dies. A , Ohio 1,1 I'licltlo Mail do Ittpreferred. . . ta 1'eorla , Dec. * K. . . . do 2d preferred , . 4S 1'lttstiurg , Clilcniro .V Alton , . . . 148 I'ullmnn 1'nlnce , . . . . C. , 11. AQ 10.14 Itcndlnit ( j c c. v si. it ISM Itock Inland Del , Hudson St 1 * AS. Klstpfd Dul. U AV ti J'nali ; . . . 1) . A. U.t ) . pfd ci do prcferreil 5 ! t. P. . Mill. & Mao. . " do let preferred. nc bt. I'mil AUniiiha. . . do I'd preferred. . , ilo preferred Krle Tnnn.Conlft Iron. . do jircferrcd Texas 1'ncltlc Fort Wnyuo Tol. ftO. C. pfd ChlciiKO A K. Ill UJ Union 1'nclllc HocklnK Valley. . . UJST 17. S. Kxprcss Houston & Texas. . 3 > Wnbash , bt. U & I' . Illinois Ccntnil. . . . 10/ do preferred bt. t'nul ft Dullltli. 1041 WoIls.Pnrgo Kx Knnsns ATcxns. . . . ! & ' { Western Union Luke Krlo A West. . ! i4 Am. Cotton OH , . . . do preferred 77 Colorado Coal. . . . . . . Lake bhorc. 131 Homcalitkc l.oulsvllloA Nnsh. 75- Iron Sliver Louisville AN. A. . 75V4 Ontario Memphis A Chnr. . 60 Quicksilver Mlchlunn Centrnl. . 10J do preferred -MIL , I , . S. AW . . . 10JW ) Siitio do preferred llulwcr , Minn. ASl.I. lllch. , t W. I1. Tor. . do preferred Wisconsin Central. . Mlrsourl 1'nclllc. . . Urout Northern ; ifd. Mobile A Ohio . . . Chicago ( , ns NashvlllaClmtt. . . . Lend Trust 20 N. J. Centrnl Sugar Trust Norfolk A W. pfd. . Southern rnelllc . . . Northern I'nclllc. . . O. S. ! * > & U. .N do profcrrud Distillers 4S U. r. Den. Aiulf. . It. O. W. < Nnrthncstcrn HUH do prelcrred do pruium-'d 14U bid The totul sales of stocks were a2l,184 shares , Indudliii : : Atchlsou , 15,61X1 : Erie. 17.000 ; Louis ville & Nashville , 4,100 ; Northern raclllu pre ferred , 25.4UO ; Now England , y.Wn ) Heading , 49.fl.IJ ; Klehniond ft West I'olnt. 2S.88i ; fct Paul. 2l 8 ; Union I'uclilc , 2.tSD : ; Western Uulon , 14,1-64 ; Wheeling & Lake Eric. a.aoO. KCAV York Money Market. NEW YOIIK , Slay 25. MONEY ON OALI , Easy at 11M per cent ; hist loun-i ; { per cent ; clos ing offered nt Ui per cent. J'niME SlEitCANxiLE I'APsn 305 per cent. brcittiNa EXCHANGE Quiet but steady at M b H for sixty day bills und 81.87-Si for do- miind. The closing quotations on bonds : bid. tasked. Financial Notes. Now Yonic. May 23.-CloarIngs. $100,014.770 ; bnliinces. Jfl-48,7.iJ. llDSTON. SI ass. , Slay 20. Cloarlnas. Jl.,075- 201 ; balances. ll.f > 07aj . Sloney. lj ! per cent. Exchange on New York , parto. > o premium. llAi.TlwoiiK. Sid , Slay L'O. Cluurln.'s. V.VJ47- 470 ; balances. 4211,013. Alonoy. I ! per cunt- LONDON. Slay 20. The bullion In the Hank of England Increased 400.000 during the past woek. The proportion of the Hank of Eop- land's reserve to liability , which lust week was 41.4.1 per cent , Is now 4S.17 per cent. Amount of bullion ROIIO Into the Ilauk of Eng land on btl.mces today IsJt'il.c.OJ. I'liti.AUEU'iilA , I'll. , May 20. Olourlngs , 812.- & 2I.45I ; balances , Jl,0.'ila't ) . Money , 3 per cont. OINCINNATI. O. , May 20. Money , UQ5 per cent ; New York exchange , M3i'o ( prumlum ; elcarlnss , J2iJ.5W. NKW YoitK. May 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB HEE.I Exchange wan n noted as follows Ohlc.igo. 70c orcmlum ; lloston , par to So pru mlum : St. Louis , ! ) ) c promluin. ST. Louis , Mo. . May ai.-OloarInzs , J3,142..r)78 ; balances , uav-- Money , nulot and easy at 40 per cent Exohungo on Now Yoric , OOc premium. KANSAS CITY. Mo. , May 20.-01oarnss. ; J1.5G3.- 390. 390.OIIICAOO , 111. , May 2(5. ( Clearings , tl5r)09.C93 ; money easy , generally nt 4 ® " > per cent ; Now York exchange , 70o premium : sterling ex change , ( inlet ; sixty-aay bills , tl.Sd ? ; de mand , JJ.t-8. NEW OUI.KANS , La. , May 20 , Clearings , MEMi'lliH. Tenn. , May 20New York ox- ohango soiling at SI.10. Olourlugs , balances , { U2.2I3. Bultablo for the drcvssnd bcof trade. A * usual , on Thursday tlio Milpplnc nntl export demand jWas merely nominal/tinil Inconiciiuoncothoto wni n very poor domnnd for medium or hcmvy cattle. Anything 'iWelKhlns over I.IWJ Ibi. , esbcolnlir If n IHUo pit In nosli. quality or llntsb , waa ImrO "Tfl eve even nt deotlnt1. lldy fat 1.000 to I.VWi 1 * . steers on the other hand were In fntrlvwietlve demand ami firm ntfrointlS" tu Uvp. ( lood cntttf. weighing I.-OD tu lnoa ibs. . Mild nt from M.70 to Ji.ua lucre was little llfo ntul snap to tlio trade. HIM H few lontls wore tlll unsold nt tlio close. flioro were too foWHiws nnt ! liolfeis lioro to make iniieli of u showing but tbo demand wuq peed mid prices fully stonily , The bulk of tlio dcMrnbl stuff told nt J.1.00 or bolter , sonio prime 7ro.b. ( lu-lfprs brliisliiK W.55. " " " Old. thin cowp7 ( bid"us "low us Jl.2.1 , but sales below JJ.53 were rntlicr scarce. Hull * , oxen nntl stiiRs were In very iiiodorulo supply and Urm nt from J.fiO to rlj. ' OirorliiRs of vonl vnivca were docHodly limited and tlicro was noouolnblo change In prices. The demand was itooa and sulrs of fair to Rood vcnls were lit from W.80 to } 4 ) . Limners uro too busy just now to pay nnv attention to atockera mid feeders , and In con- sciiuonco tlicro was a very llisbt country rte- innnil. Tlio bulk of the nlTorluiiB were In the hands of regular do tiers and tliuv roporlod trade Blow , with tlio belief grades ftriuly held nnd the commoner stuIT slow and lowor. Sales wore largely ut from U10 to W.4U. Ueproscnln- t.vo sales : 8TBEU1. STAGS. 2..111J 3 00 STOCKKItS AND KEEDEItS. 3. . 333 2.73 1. 431 300 17. . S50 3 2"i 1 . CIO 30" ) 31) ) . Oil 310 2. . M5 33J 3.7 1 300 4. . 875 325 10..1103 340 1. . 78) ) 3 00 lions Offerings were llzhlor than Wednes day , but nearly twk-o the number received livst Thursday , an Increase In supplies BO far this week compared with last of close-to 5.00J head. There were several loads of very good hogs hero und the general quality wus Im proved. The market did not open up very lively , ' although the fcolliu was one of IImines * As It bcotmu apparent that receipts would not ho overly lur o. and favorable advices began to nrrlvo from Chicago cage the feeling strengthened nnd the milio In provisions still further Improved the situation. After the first round the gen eral market was all of fie to lOu higher than Wednesday , nnd active. Good heavy nnd butcher weight ho s sold largely utjl.d ) . and u few of the heat atl 02- ! and SJ.U5. LI lit und light mixed loads sold nt J4AI to fl.CQ. The buying wus InrgolyJIocul , shippers being cither unahlu or unwilling to keep up with the pro cession. Everythlnictihaiigcd hundK in good season , tliu bulk litJI.Vi , to $4.G3 , ugulnst fl.45 tn $1.51 Wednesday. The general uvorugo ol prices paid was fl,5S ? . against J4..V ) Wednesday und $ l.J5 ! lust 'LbuUduy. Uoiircscntatlvu Pr. 40' ) 41,0 4 CO 4 GO 4U ) 4M ) 4 CO 460 4CO 4GO 460 40) 4fiO 400 460 4 CO 4U ) 460 4 CO 400 460 4 HO 4 no 40) 400 460 4bO 4 GO 403 460 460 400 46J 4tiO 4 CJ',4 4 U.'ii 462H * 465 4G3 rics AND nouon. 1 ISO 4 00 1 235 430 SiiEEf Of the two loads one. u double dcclc of westerns , was billed direct to a local BlaiiKhteror. The othern single of fair woolod MoMcan wethers , sold ro.ullly u : . Demand strong market quotably unclianRcd. 1'alr to Kood uutlvca , from $4 5J to S41.0 ; fair to good Mcstorns. from $1.50 to $0.00 ; common and stnck sheep , from Cluu to $4.2.r > ; peed to choice 4J to UO-lb. Iambs , from $4.1)0 to JU..1U. Uepro- scntatlvo sales : No. Av. I'r. IbO Mexican yearlings , woolcd 73 $3 : j5 llccolpts nnd l > lnposltlon of Stock , Ofllelal receipts and disposition of stock as shown by vho books of thu Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending ut 5 o'clock p. m. , May 20.1SU ; ItlSCKll-TS. DISI'OSITIUN. Chicago l.lvo .Stock Market. CincAno. III. . Mny3uSpcclilTelegram \ [ to THE HKE.J Tlioro iviis more llfo In thu cuttle trnilo today than characterized it yesterday and n steadier fueling olitalnod. HucelptH did not roach cxpcctat ons. und buyers took hold with moru show of coufidenuu. Holders , therefore , generally uskod un advance , but they failed to got It , thu gonorat market be ing no more than steady , yules wore on n bus's ' of from $ l.5uul50for ( poor to choice cows , heifers and mills , und from t UP to $1.83 forJrussod beef rlrHI1 shipping steers. Not much was donu lii'HtocUcrt ) uud feeders and they were Moniliintly toiuly at from Ji25 to U85. Texas oatlto > were llrm at from II.W to $1.13 , according to . Hogs uontlnuod jihuw strength , In spite of thu contlnned luxiv receipts buyers did not hcsltato to pay an Kxlvnnco on Woiliio.sday's prices. They took overythlng olTorcd , and u comparison of the sales with these reported yesterday shown aUvuucu \ \ of.'ic. Few of the uirerlngH fetched uioto than $1.00. but the bulk sold above f 1,73 , from $1,80 to ? 1.0) ) being the popular figures. Llttlo jilgH und culls wont ut from t-.M to Jl.i5 : niil ) u row ussonud heavy and medium wclstjU inuuo Jl.1'5. ' Good fo cholco muttons wcruwigaln In father limited supply and sold well ) They were wantnd bolh by local und oiistorW , buyers ut fully former prices. Thosu whQvhud "oft grades'1 on snlo were not so well /ptdnsod with the market. Tlioro was no dociini'jn prices but It was hard work to muko BuJtkLovon ut the low figures pruvlotuly ruling , Ouotutlons were from J..v.'i to ll.oo for Interior to cummon and from tt.&O to J3.73 for fair to nrtra. The rune of prices for yearlings wax from { 3.00 lo 47.00. Kecelpls : Cattle , 13,000 ; hojs , U003 ; sheep , OATTLE llccolpts. 1300 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market fulr to uctho and strong to u shudo h.-gher ; best stouKera. > l.7i ; good. lU.uOiil.20i others. MXttMi feeders , 13. 504 * 1. 75 i Btookcrs , 2.2.'xai.23 : : Tuxnns , tivsoiiw. UlxiB-IlecolplH , UO.vuu ; shipments , 15.C03 ; niurkot brisk und Htcndy tostrousor ; rough and common , 9J.UOiU.VAu ; mixed und packer * , UI.GMj5l.bO ; prlmo heavy and butcher woUbts , | 4.8J < ai.W ! HihU 11.50581 fca KIIKEI * Iteceipls , UniO ; shipments , 2,000 ; market neiliu und stoutly to strong ; clipped Toxaus , w.OiGl.lJj clipped nut. voa and west- BONDS : COUNTIES , OCIIOOU < . . _ DIUTRICT8 , ; WATER COMPANIES , 6T.R.R.COMPANIEStto. Uorrt ( jonifnce tollcited. H.W.HARRIS ft COMPANY.Bankers. 103-100 Daarborn stroat , CHICAGO. ! Will Street , NEW YORK * 70 8tt * Ut , . BOBTOM * orns. f.V1.r UG.a.1 | yearlings. tJ.TW2C.50 ! inmos , New * York l.lvo Stock Mnrhnt , NEW YOUK. Mny jn. llnr.vr.a Hecolpts fTO head , all for export ! no tradlnv ? , fcolluit slqndy ; dressotl beef nrm at C4tt7Vc per Ib. C U.VKS Itccolpf , 1,151 liond ) ninrkot stcnily t voaU. | A O-tti. ; . " ! per cwt , j btiltornillk calves , i.avaioo. : RSliKKiHccolpU , 4ll lio.iilt Mioop. t\50 ® MOporowt.t Inmbs , $ lr > 0W.70 ! drcs'ol mut tons fltoudy nt l. < 3l' ! ! { o per Ib. ; dressed lambs , 111 ® l e. , , . lloos ficcolpls. IS.S.1S head. consUm-d ui- rccti nominally sto.idy ut ? 'i.XXit\5U ( per cwt. City I.lStock Alnrkct. ICASSA9 OITV. Mo. , Mny to. CATTLK llc colpts , MvOishlpmotiK l,03a Market quiet but steady ; Texans weak ; dressed beef nnd shipping sleets. M.SSO.1.10 : cows nnd heifers , Jl.f.t,4ji.40 : : stookora nnd feeders , 2.Wi.tiO. ) : lions Itccolpls , O.TUJ : slilpinenls. a TOO. Tlio ninrkot was stondv lo strong , The l.ulkof sales were atW.55l.C3 ! extreme ranges , W.OJ Q1.7J. SitKKl' Uccolnts. n,300j shipments , COO. The market was nulot und unchuugeU ; muttons , M.OO. _ St. I.ouls 1.1 m Stork .MnrUct. ST. Ioui ! > , Mo. , May sn.-OATTi.ii Hecelpti , 1.C40 : shipments , Mfl : natives steady : Texnns strong ! fair lo good native steers. M-iiOSJl/JJ ! Texan Rtoors , f.ilr to gootl. JZ.80ija7. ( . lions Uccolpts , MS ! ! shlpmcnt'i. 4.t3ij : tnaikct steady ! fair to aood , $1 IW3I.73 : mixed ordinary to good , II.VW34.7U ! light medium to best , fl.fi05M.70. HIIKKP llecelpts , 255 ; shipments , 4,220 : mar- let unchanged. DoWHl's BaMnpartllii cicansus the blooil , Incrcnaos the nppollta and tonoj tij ) the sys tem. It has bcnolUtoU many puoplo who liavo suffered from blood dhorUoM. It will help you. , ANOTHER NINETY. Names lor tlio Nnxt Itolny of Jurors Drruvn „ Ycstordiiy. The names of the ninety Juror * who will servo during the third three weeks of the May term or court were drawn by Judge Davis , Cleric of the Court Moovos nnd Dep uty County Clerk Jenkins this morning. The Jurors so driixvn will report for duty on Mon- dnv morning , Juno 'M : Tlio men who were caupht this tlmnnro : Hcury Ellcrs , Tbomas Uolun , ICtlmund Hump , Herman Hoyu , William Gcrlco , W. Farnhm Smith , Alexander Mtiyor Charles A. Stugamoiiil. A. H. Wlcclns , Jesse E. Smith. P. J. Carroll , U A. Davis , A. Hoff man , A. O. ' Vlekroy , Benjamin Morris , Lvavitt J. Burnbam , Henry Sehroodor , Frnnlc O. Clnpp , E. A. Blum , Ed. W. llcolnn , John Muller , jr. , U. J. Gcntlamitn , Simon Chlglnskv , A. Dent , A. F. Austin , Joseph Mason , Norman Rotholz , Jr. , A. Haugher , Hurry J. HuckcU , Oscar Carlson , Hobort llcmpill , J. II. Congdon , Emtl Klobosa , Ellas J. Coacr , Andrew Sunforlh , William U. Homnn , Andrew Huge , William Olmstoad , George G. Start , A. N. Wyuian , Wlllttttn H. Coughan , John Z. Klsscn , John A. Warner , John E. 1'cttorson , Charles H. Sawyer , W. II. Walker , Paul Plntz , John Schobb , Andrew T. Strand , Jacob Hoffman , James Goff ; Robert McLuod , Andrew Larson , Joseph Mohr , Potnr Tlchov , Scott Butler. Tbomas Jefferson , Daniel Lick , James N. Scott , Jncoo Noff , M. W. Pur chase , Jo.soph Campbell , Jamas Stcphonsou , William Mclutosb , John GlasvholT , John Sutler , Frank Jullinn , T. A. Brown. Carl O. Schmidt , A. Wlllitidgor. N. G. Burl , Wil liam Dcorson , Hudlug Dohrn. E. L. Kuf , John W. Wells , H. Ward , Churchill Parker , Hugh Burrows. 11. U Rhodes , Gustavo Swanson , J. E. Wlgman , Stephen II. Sanford - ford , John Furrcll , Albert Miles , John M. Wilson , Barney A. Burns , John Schooffcr , JohnG. Brant , Andrew Gray , Swan Audor- sou. _ Disease never succossfullv attacks a system - tom \vith pure olood. DoxVltt's Sarsnparilla makes pure , now blood uud enriches the old. Novrman Bros , boll Union Soup. Eastman JIus Gone. The Paxton changed hands at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon , and so quietly was It managed that none of the guests know any thing about it. The matter was arranged last ovonlng , Mr. Eastman agreeing for a small consideration to surrender possession. The house will run right along us if nothing had happened , and no inconvenience will bo experienced by any of the patrons of the DOUSO. Penults. The following permits were Issued by the suporlntondont of buildings yesterday : Murlii Kstnos. one-story frame cottage , 182U North Twentieth street. . . , . $ 1,500 W. It. Smith , onn-story fratno cottngo , Thirtieth und Douglas streets . 600 Six minor pormlls . C75 Total . S 2.WJ What folly I To bo without Bcccham's pills. There nro differ ences of opinion among all of us. There will bo , BO long as knowledge is incomplete. But there is ono subject upon which all authorities agree , and that is that the Carlsbad Mineral Waters are a specific remedy in all diseases of the stomach , liver and kidneys , for constipation , gout and rheumatism. If you cannot liiivo the Waters conveniently use the genuine Carlsbad Sprudcl Salts , which are the solid evaporations of the genuine Waters imported from Carlsbad. It is not a mere purgative ; it is also an altcrativo and a constitutional remedy of great value. Bo sure to get the genuine , which must have the dignaturo of "Eisner & Mendelsou Co. , " Agents , N. Y. , on every bottle. SOUTH OMAIA ! Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , est cattlo. ho ? and fiboop nmrkot In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE STOOIC COMMISSION. THE LEADERS. Qll n\UIHI Write to this house for cor- 0V. lUlAlm | roct Market Reports. Wood Brothers , South Omulm Telephone 11Y7. - Chicago. J. IX MAOISM AN. I. , ' W. K. WOOD , f Managers. Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully furnished upon application , THE Campbell Commission Co. ClilciiRo , KustBt , Louis , Kansas City , South Umuhii , Manx Ulty. Kort Worth. A. Grill , W. K. Donnjr. II. V. Tallnmdico. Chicago. ling balmmnn. t'atllo ttaloimnn Crill , Denny & Company , I.I TO Stock Commlulon. Hoom 'ft ICxcbango Uld'v , Uouth Oumua. A. D. Boyer &Company , f > 8 and f > 9 Exchange IIulldliiK.Bouth Omtiha. Corroipondonoo ollclted nnd uroniptlr aniwerjil. Hoclol | atlcntlon lo orUum f or atockori It fecderi. ISilablUhod , 1881. . . . Incorporatad , 13JJ Caullftl f ullr P'lld , IW.WJ. Waggoner liirney Company , Wrltuor wlrouifnr prouiut and rollablo market repurti SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union Stock Yard National -BANK. Tha unlr bank at the yardi. Capital and aur. jlu . 5ZVI.UUO. Colloctlutmtrowlnii out of the llvo tuck butlntfii ihuuld to aont direct to tbli linuk , ua ilcpoilt for crtxlll of tUtlr houio bank OMAHA \ ' and Jotters' Directory AROHITEOrs AND BUILDERS J. H , GLENN. Contractors nml subcontractor * for nil Mmli of Imlldlna , tilmtotliK. pnlntlni Pte. . will receive- copr ot ( iiciin'o nrchKrcO ntul tmllilrritlreclorr fri-ci , bjr tomllnelhelr nnni , liU'lnrM nml lorn' tlon to Iho iiulillihor. J.ll. ( llonn , ll.i s. nth m BAGS AND TWINES BICYCLES. BOXES. H.O.TODD , M.O.DAXON nncccsnor toJ.J. Wllk- , cnson. M'f'n clsar , tinpor Blcycloi ( old on tnonlhlr pHCklnit boxi's AllnuTol pujrments. 1HJ N , lith-st tics In box lino. 1110 Douglas BU BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-COESHOEOO. IIOJ Howard Strait. Knoinrr ooriH'r llth nnd Douxlt * stroitH. We are making clo o prices to o ih burari , nnl nr * soiling n das i of uuodi wnloh U vorj sals > oblawlth niorohanU. KIRKIHDALl , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. \Vltole nle Mfrn. Accntn Hoots. Miocs , rubbers lloxlon llulibcr BhoeCo. ( clt Ki > odi. 1303 , IJl 1111IUI. . llOJIInrncy-sl llnrnoy-st. BREWERS. JOS. SCHLITZ BRE' , > INO CO. Offlce , S,0thnnd I-caycn- worth St9 , Omnbn. loha Mnrhovur. Agt. CONFECTIONERY. VOEQELE&DINNINQ llfrg Comfcctlonors nnd Jobbers of foreign and domoetlo ( rults , 1110 lloward st. CLOTHING. BLUiunr x. OILMORE&RUHL ClothlnK. notionfurnish , IncB. Ulvo us n trial Manufrs nnd wUoIetn'a ijntnplvs prepaid by u.\ clothiers. 1IW llorney in ess. 1I1J llarncy. trout. CONTRACTORS. J. H. GLENN. Contractors and sub contractors for all hinds of ImlUllni. plastcrlnit , palntlnK etc. . will rccclvo n copy of ( ilunn'ttnrchltccKi nud builders directory free , by eendlng their nauic , business und locn * tlon , to the publisher. J. II. tilcnn. 113 B. lltb Slrcct. DRY GOODS. KILPATRIOX-KOCH M.E. SMITH tt CO. , DRYOOODSCO , , Dry eoods , notions , fur- Dry Roodj.notions , gent'i nlahlng goods , Corner furnishing goods. Cor. lltb. and lloward its. llth and llowurd-st. FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTER- BEEBE&RUNYAN FURNITURE - INO CO. NITURE CO. , UphoUtcrcd furniture y.W-l ta Nlcbolai at Oraco nnd Thirteenth Wholesale only. streets. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE * CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , 1201-1205 Jones street , 13th and Barney street * , Oman * . Omaha. NOTICE OF APPRAISERS OP DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OP GRADE ON DOUGLAS STREET FROM 10TII TO 20TII STREETS. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots anil real estate aloir Douglas atroot from 10th to 20th streets , and Intcraoottn strootn and alloys us follows , to-wlt : IVtli street from alley north of Kurnain street to DodKo street , 18th street from Fa run in street to Iol ) ; o street. IDth street from Kurnam to Dod o stroct , alloy between Douclasntreetanil Dodso street from twenty-two (22) ( ) feet east of 17th street to 20th street , and alloy between 1'nr- nutn street and Douglas street from 17th street to 20th s'.rcot : You are hereby notlOod that the uniler- BlRiiod , thrcn disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the mayor , wltTl the uuprov.ilof thoelty coun cil of said city , to assess tlio damage to the owners respectively of the property affected by the ohniiRO of rnulo of Dounlas street fro MI inth street to 23th street and Intersecting streets and alleys , declared nocosiary by or- dlnuneo Na 18J , passed MavU , 18J2 , approved May 4 , It'J. . You are further notified that , having ac cepted said appointment and duly iiuallflod as required by luw , wo will , on the 3ut : day of May. A. I ) . IS'/.1 , at tlio hour of two (2) ( ) o'clock In the afternoon , at the Hulldors exchange room. Now York Llfo bulluliii : . within the corporate limits of suld city , moot for the pur pose of consldorlnK and maklim the asuoHS- niont of damuRo to the owners respectively of said property affected by said chaiifto of crude , taking Into consideration spoolal bono- You are hereby notlflod to bo present at the tlmo and place ufoiosald and niuuo iiny ob- jcctloiu to or itatorucnts conccriiliiK said iis- sosHinont of dataaKen as you .nmy . consider proper. V. J MU Nl. ( J. WAUTKU IMIBLI'S , Cnmmltioo of ApuraUorn , Omaha May 19. IB'JJ. M d lUt Niitlcu for Illil ) ) . Illds will bo received by the city council of thoelty of Kupld Olty , S , I ) . , until 2 o'clock p. m. , Juno 0 , IbW , for the bulldliiK of reservoir and lavliu of IU.OOO feet of 10-Inch cast pipe , together with fiirnltlilns all thu matvrlalu necnbsary in thnlrconstruction according to iilunsandsiiocllloatloni on fllu nt the ollluoof thuclty unxlneerot the city of Itapld Olty , Those hUdlng on both roborvolr nnd plpo line , or upon plpo line ntono , limit accompany their bids with ecrtllloil cheuk for ono thou'iind ( fl.t'OJ ) dollars. Thee blddlnz on reservoir alone must accompany their bids with a certified ulirek for two hundred und fifty ( IJW ) dollarv , checks to bo drawn upon any solvent bank In tit. I'uul , Minneapolis Omaha or Itapln Olty , and to bo returned to unsuccessful bidders on thu day of opening proposals. Illds shall bo enclosed In pjuln en , volopeu and vhall httvo plainly written thereon - on : Hid for Ucsorvnlr , or I'lpo ilnuor bid for both Hoservolror I'lpo line , ai lliooiiko may be. The elty council reiiurvux the rlzht to ru- Joct any or all bids. Addruniiill ciiminunloa- tloiiBtotho OITV AUDITOR. of U-inul Olty. Houth Dakota. Dated BtHopld OHy. SI uy 17 , loir , ' . M.22dHtM l'ri > | iosulMfor 1'iirk lloiiiU , Sealed bids , marked proposals for I'ark Itonds will bo roceirud up to 12 o'plook noon. pf tlio Mill day of May , la'/ ' , for Iho purchuituuf l40JWW.W2Jyour 5 per cent. 1'urk Honda of thoelty of Oiunlm , Not ) . Kucli bid muni state price aiid amount soiulit for und Include uuuruod Inlcrojt lo duiaof delivery ut Omaha , Nub. ThorUht to . .njr .n bl l. re- Olty Tntavurer GRAIN. 8 , A MO WHORTER , 115 nd of Trado. llroktr In grain , to. l'rlT t wlroto N. Y. , Chicago and bl. Louis. . REOTOR & WILHELMY LOBEOKA.UNM , CO. , I > nler ' hnrdn-nro nnl Corner Idtti nnd JncUion mpchnnlcs' tools. btrcott. 1101 Douglas Street. A. 0 , RAYMER , IHilltlerK' llnrilwnro nnil ( 'ontrnetom' Hiippllpn. 624 North Hllli street. LUMDElt CHAS , R. IK , JOHN A. WAKEFIELO Ilnrdwood lumber , wood carrots arm imrqutt Imporlol.Araortoin I'or t. Uoorlnu , Iniiilramint , Mllwixikoi nrdrnullo rainont anil tth nad Dulncj rtbUaltma , LIQUORS. HER & 00. , FRIGX& . HERBERT. Ltanor morchnnts , lit } llnrnoy-it. Mfrt. Kon- ' Whflc .ilp liquor dealcri noilr's Hail Ir.dU lilt' ten. 1UOI MILLINERY J. OBERFELDER & CO. , Importer ] nnil jobbersot inUllnerjr , notions.Mull orders prompt. SOS 12 IL llth-iU MUSICAL. A.IIOSPE , JR. , THE MEINBEROOO , , rtnnos organs , artists 1WN. icth St. rianoa , materials , eta 1618 music nnd muilcM In- Douglas st. struuicuts of all kind * OILS. OVERALLS , SHIRTS , ETC. KINQ&SMEAD , ROBINEn.HJcSTOKESOQ Mfrs of "K A. S" pnntj , Mfrs ooUbrntod "nn : > shirts nnd overallsetc. skin" orornlls. pants , 011-13 b. llth-sU sh'rtj , ooats , oto. Kali Oninba. " " PRODUCE COMMISSION. Establlibpd , 1873. BRANCH & 00. , V/HITNEY&.CO. Produce , fruits of all kinds , oystors. 817 yu 13tU at 1. A. RYDER & CO. JAS. A. OLARK'A cb , , Duttcr.eirgs.chcose.poul- Uuttflr , cheoia , zgs , try , hides nnd Kaino. 1215 Howard street , poultry and j m . Bofer to Com'l Natlank 317 South 13tb Straat J.B. HU8E400. MOORE Our speclaltloii Dutttr. Huttor , ezgs , cbecre. oagj and poultry , lUlJ fruits , poultry , game. lloHard itroak AHonts ( or Myur'i Ituynl bortoand oottla splco. H p. n u > m W , E. RIDDELL RIDDELLfe ( Established 1S35.HB ) \Vhol8ttlo butter & eggs Butter , choose , PAPER STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR' WORKS , BtOTO rcpnlrs and water nttnolimenta for any kind of stoTa mad * . 1207 Douglas. SASH. I TOYS. OSAL8 KOU STI3AM HiATINO-IC : PHO partiiicntof the Interior , olllee of Indian affalri , , Wuhulneton , I ) . O. . Mayll , 180. . boaloit proposals. cnuorNod " 1'roposals fi ) : Kteam Heating , ' ' and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian AfTalri. Washington. D. O. , will bn received at this ollluo until 1 o'clock p. m. of Monday , IiinoO. 18U2. for the furnlililnz of nil nucvnsary materials nnd labor and pluclnir In position , complete and ready for use , ono low pressure return circulating xioam heating and ventilating apparatus for thu threu Indian school hiilidlniiH at Iho 3lio hone Inillitn ngency. Kremont county , Wyo , the bollun for said npimratus to bo placed in the basement of ono of the buildings as tho'ollhio may direct. 1'l.ins and elevations of Iho hiillillnzs for the enlduneo of tlio bidder * In the preparation of bldamuy ho examined at Iho oil cu of the "Iloo"of Omaha. Nob. , the "Hopiiblloaii i' of Denver. Colo. , the "Trllmno" of Halt Luke City , Utah , and ut this olllcc , Illddorj nro re quired to accompiiny their bids with design * nndsiigcllloallunsof the Hto.im hoatinir and ventilating apparatus propmed to bo fur nished , Haiti designs nnd spuolflcations to bo niluptud to the bulldliiKn tu which they lira to bo applied. The right Is reserved to rolujt anv or nil bids or any part of any bid if deemed for the best Interest of Iho service. CKIITiriBU CHECKS. Each bid must bo accompanied by a certified check or draft upon HOIIIO United Htatps do- pusllury or solvent National hank In tha vicinity of the residence of the bidder , nmilu payable to the order of the commissioner at- InUInn affair" , for utlo.iktli per oont of 'tlio amount of thu proposal , which cheek or draft will bo forfeited to tin ) United Suites In case any bidder or bidders receiving an awarJ Hhall full to promptly exoontu a contract with rood und sutllolontRurotli'S , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illda accompanied by caHh In lieu of u curtlllrd ohuok will , < t ha considered. I-'or further Information up , ly ta T. J. MOUUAN , Commissioner , 1113(1211 ( 1'ropntfiiU lor District Htrcet Iinprovomo u IlondH , Sealed ( lids marked I'rnposnls for District Street Improvement Honda , will bo rcculvod mi U > 12 o clock noon , of the 28tn day of May , IB ! ) . ' , for the purnluiso of D.str.ct Htroct Im provement Honda as follows : District U7i District II7J DlKtroty74 District : t DlMtrict 40U . , District 411 . ; . Issued under charter power of metropolitan cities. Each hid must state prli-p and iinioiint eouKhtforund Inoludo uccruod Interest to diitu of del very at Omaha. Nob. The rl Iit to reject any iind nil b ds Is ro orvod. 1II3NHY IIOLI.N , Olty treasurer. NOTICE TO PHOl'ICrtTY OWNERS. You uro hereby notlllud that the following 0uK K ! mlT . ' " " I ! Kodlck' . aaaUion hiiv boon duclurud by ordinance .No. MVl W bo a nuisance by rouson of ttiu bunks of oartU "JVo K'by dlrectoil lo abate .aid nul- Hiiro by lerailliiit down Hald banks to nbout tholuvulof Ihii Hurroundliu stroota. vu im to prevent the fallliuor wa liliiipf earth from Kind lots upon the vlduwalki ndlaconl thoruto , within thirty uuys fronilhp 18th day of M .y , Ife/.1 , or said nuUuncu will ho acatoil by tl.o city uuthorlllott anil the nxponso thereof lef- led us u npualul tux agulnit the property en ' wliloli mild nuUuncu oxuls. Dutod till * Vlth day of May. 1802. I' . W. IIIUKIIAUBKU. Chairman of th Uourd of 1'ubllo Worka ,