Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Tea Koines Secures the Next Iowa Beptib-
lican Convention After Hard Work.
Clmlrnmn Jltnck Cnnt III * Drclillnc Vote
with n View of I'uturo ISrwnrd
Evidently Il ( inlncil Nothlnc
lijr tlio Deal.
The Bluffs delegation to DCS Moines ro-
turnoJ yesterday after laborlnc long nnd
hard with the members or the republican
central committee In the vain uffort to have
Council Bluffs selected as tbo place for hold
ing the next state convention. By a vote of
Ci to 5 Des Molncs was chosen as the place ,
but It. was mnroly a matter of luck that Coun
cil Bluffs was left. Chairman E. E. Mack of
the committee was ono ot the strongest op
ponents Council Bluffs had on the , commit
tee , but bo chanced to bo on a train which
was several hours lato. If It had been thirty
minutes later Mack would not have arrived
until attor thc second ballot , and ono of the
advocates of Dos Moines had promised lo
wheel into line with the Bluffs contingent
after voting once for Dos Molncs.
But , owing lo the frailty of human hopes ,
Mack arrived Just in tlmo lo casi his liitlo
ballot for DCS Moines , and that place won
the prlzo. Those xvho voted for the Bluff *
\vero J. M. IComblo of Muscatlno , W. H.
Norris of Mnnchoslur , J. O. Brown of Mar-
shalltown , P. L. Sever of Stuart and M. K.
Whelan of Esthervillo. .T F. Wail of Mt.
Ayr. so the Bluffs delegates stato. bad prom
ised lo VOID for Council Bluffs , out changed
bis mind.
"Tho ground for Chairman IVlactt'a opposi
tion to us , " said I. M. Treynor yesterday ,
"Is tno fact that thcro is considerable oppo
sition to him as a candidate ( or tbo chair
manship of the committee for tbo coming
year. This opposition is mainly among
these who favored DCS Molncs in the contest
just completed , aud ho bad an idea that by
' voting with thorn he could secure their sup
port , later on. But ho will find out that bo
has loot the support of the Council Bluffs
crowd wilbout gaiuing an lota of strength
from the others , and his defeat u certain.
As for the man who xvont bark on his prom
ise , the day isn't very far awav whoa wo
shall bo able to oven up the score. "
A riw
i In the Toilet Department Offered
nt the HoKtnn Store , Council ItlulTn , lu.
Coleate & CO.'B Census soap , one of tbo
Finest laundry soaps made , 3 cakes
for lOc.
W. & H. Walker's "Water Lily , " an
excellent toilet soap , large cake for Co.
A genuine castile soap , a very fine
toilet tioap , 3 cakes for lOc.
The Cotton Oil Ca's Copco bath
toip , largo cake lOc or 3 for 2oc.
Olio DXDllva Livorno. a pure castile
leap , 7o u cake or I7c a case of 3 cakes.
Boston Store glycerine doap , an ex
quisite toilet soap , 6c a cake.
Fols & Co.'s fwnitarv soup , 5c a cake.
Colgate & Co."s castile soap lOc a cake
Or 3 for 2oa
Toroco's toilet soap Oc or 3 for 25c.
Pels & CO.'B Cnrolimi tar soap DC , or 3
for I5c. !
The genuine Pears soap 12o a cake.
Brown Windsor and glycerine , made
by the Lady Grey Perfumery Co. . 12jc
a cake.
Our 22c soaps , Heliotrope , White
Lilac nnd Cash mere Bouquet.
Cuticura soap 17c a cake.
Cape May Bouquet and Shandon Bells
10 a cako.
White Rose , highly perfumed , 17c , or
3 for COc.
Best perfume extracts made by Bean
nnd Vail Bros. , Philadelphia , Pa. , 25c
an ounce.
True imported bay rum COc a bottle.
A very good bay rum for 2oc a bottle.
H. AilcholBon , St. Thomas , W. L , bay
rum , sold nil over for COc ; our price 39e.
Patti complexion bleach 51.00 per
J. A. Poxzoni's face powder , known
the country over and sold every where
for COc ; our price 83c.
Ideal tooth powder 0c a bottlo.
O. C. O. tooth powder with sample
bottle perfume , 20c a case.
Council Bluffs , Ia.
See us about WALL PAPEH , WINDOW
BIIADKS , CUKTAIX POLKS and adjustable
window screens , buitablo for any ordinary
ary sized window , in two sizes , "at 25o
nud 33c each.
The International Cure association
rooms are open at C20 First avenue , next
lo Grand hotel. Treatment safe and
turo against the alcohol habit
For Rent. First class saloon ; good
location : fine fixtures. Responsible
party can get long louse on good terms.
Address D 24 , Bee office , Council BlulTa
Jarvis Wine Co. , Sunta Clara , Cal.
ClirlHtlitn ll.nleuvor Notice.
Cheap rates to Now York July 7-10th :
nccount of the International Christian
Endeavor convention. For reservations
on through sleepers direct to Now York ,
und any other information , apply to E.
B. Ferris , Shenandoah , la. As to rail
road tickets , etc. , apply to any C. , B. &
Q. ticket ngent , or to J. M. Becbtel , D
P. A. , Burlington , In.
Davis sells reliable paints and drugs.
Jarvls 1677 brandy , highest test.
KlilntujSeliool Wnrknra Moot.
Tbo Sunday school woriters were lu session
ycRterdny In ibe Presbyterian church , it
being the Iwenly-flrst annual convention of
thc Poilawailamio county association. Tbo
attendance was excellent and tbo program
proved an interesting one. Rev. Dr. Phelps ,
vibe president of tbo association , gave un
-caru&il uddresj of welcome , which was re-
upended to by Rev. Mr. Bouo and Rev. M. T.
Tweady of Crescent. Mr. D. W. Otis gave
n very helpful address in wblcb be outlined
the laws which one must recognize- und obey
in order to bo a successful teacher.
Tbe afternoon program consisted of re
ports showing the rrogreas of the wort : In
this county , by tbros-mkuulo talks from su
perintendents , and an uddross on "Tbo Suc
cessful Sunday School Teacher , " bv A. A.
Hart. For lost evening ibere was a moro
publlu and general service in the church-
proper , tbo day sessions being held in the
lecture room. Rev. J. C , W. Coxe of Wash
ugtou delivered a pleasing address.
Toduy U tbo closing ono of tbo convention.
The morning program opens at 0 o'clock with
n bible reading , to bo followed by uddrcises
and discussions on sucn practical topic * of
Sunday irbool work as : "Primary Class
Work , " "How to "secure aud Hold tbe
Young People , " "How to Secure Substitute
Teacher * , " "Toe Use of ObJoclTcucbintr , "
"How to Reach Iho Boys and Girls. "
Colonel Houglaud , th bow1 friend , Ute
to load Ir. ibo discussion of Ihe last named
In tha afternoon nt 2 o'clock there will be a
pone service , followed by ibe discussion of
various subjects , until 4-15 , when there will
be bold a children's mass meeting , lo bo ad
dressed by Colonel Hoagland. All tbe chil
dren in the city are Invited to attend , and
the hour it tot so that they may conveniently
ntu-ud right after the closing of the day
In iho evening there will be tbo closing
service , -wlin good uiutlo aud able addresses.
Patronlzo blue ice wagons for Mo. river
channel ice. Mulhollaud & Co. Tel. 102.
t'nloii Vi < l ruu I.cKlnu.
Next Sunday evening tbo Union Veteran
Legion will hold Ibeir anuuul memorial ox-
KUe ) lu tbo Trinity MetbodUt cburch , cor-
ner nf Fourth avcnuo nnd Klnth street. A
very novel pro rMu his been nrrnnccd , and
on InlcrcsilnR service u expected. James
McCabe of this city will deliver the memor
ial oration.
At a mooting ot encampment No. S
.Wednesday cventac , the members wore sur
prised at receiving a visit from the Ladles'
nuxlllaty , nnd were more than over sur
prised when Ilov. G. W. Crofts , on behalf of
tbo ladles , presented the encampment wltb
a magnificent silk banner.
Mrs. Williams has bcnn appointed presi
dent of tbo Ladies' auxiliary.
Mr. Darius Watorhouso , Chattanooga ,
Tenn. , snyn : "It costs bat llttio to try
Urndycrotino. and a trial li all * hal | ls neces
sary to convince the doubting thousands
that It will cure bcadacho. "
A "C" Social.
Dr. Croft's Congregational church com
pany will hold a "C" social at thc residence
of P. Orasi , 002 Washlnglon avenue , Friday
nnL or rAnn.
Choice cuts , charming composition.
Charity's cry. Churned cream.
Catt'or coatonts.
Creature's Cheer. Common. Choice.
Coal Comforter.
Capital Compoun d.
Cunnlnely Cut Cordwood.
Ogden house furnishes board nnd
room ut popular prices ; from JU5.00 to
SUo.OO per mouth , according to room.
Jurvis wines , tbo oldest nnd boat.
Minor Mention.
K Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coat
.Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sanpbk'atr.
J. F. Record and daughter , Miss Molllo , of
Gleuwood wore at the Grand hotel yester
Anumbcrof Ihe members of the wheel
club took a spin to South Omaha yesterday
altcrnoon , reluming in tbo evening.
J. M. Decicor of Chicago arrived in the
city ycstcrdav and will superintend the con
struction of thc new Northwestern depot.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to
Fred J. Joebrondt nnd Amelia Bnnta and lo
John B. Johnson and Alice Norman , all of
Ibij city.
* Mrs. H. F. Do Kay , who has been visiting
relatives hero for the past two weeks , re
turned yesterday to Chicaro , where she ex
pects to stay several months. She will slop
fcr n couple of weeks at Atlan'.ic.
Myrtle U. Baxter , infant daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Ward Baxter , died of heart failure
yesterday afternoon at the family residence
near the paper mill. Tbo funeral will take
place at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Colonel Hoaglanri , the newsboy's friend , Is
to address a muss meeting of tne children at
Ihe P-csbylerian church this afternoon at 4
o'clock. All children nro invited lo come lo
tbo church iramoaiaiely alter Ibe close of
Ihclrday schools.
Tbo assistant marshals who have boon ap
pointed for the Decoration day parade by tbo
various societies wblcb are to latco part , are
requeued lo meet this evenlngat S:3U : o'clock
at tbe city marshal's office in order that tro
worlt may bo laid out.
Mrs. Mabel Wymac of Des Moines is visit
ing her parnnts , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Wal
lace , on Bluff street. Yesterday afternoon
about a dozen of her youug lady friends
formed a picnic party and spent the ufter-
noon in Fairuiount park.
D. U. Witter of this city has wrillen and
punllsbcd a song entilled "Jsabolle , " which
Eben Rcxford , tbo well known poet and sopg
writer , predicts will bscomo as popular as
"Lorona. " Tbe musie is by Zulema Garcia ,
and the melody Is very pleasing.
All members of the floral committee ,
Woman's Relief corps , Daughters of Vet
erans and ladles interested In furnishing
flowers or preparing wreaths for use on
Decoration day are hereby requested to meet
at - < M Mcrrlam block tomorrow at 9 o'clock
a. m.
A. L. Kahle died of bronchitis last even
ing , aged HIJ yours , ut bis residence in the
Planters betel , of which bo was proprietor
for the past twelve years. .He Isaves a wife
and six : children. Tbe funeral will occur
from bis residence Sunday afternoon at 2:39
Claude Payne , a 0-year-old boy. was
arrested yesterday on an information'filed in
Justice Hammer's court charging him with
committing an assault and nattory on Paul
Prasse , n boy about bis own agn. Ho gnvo
bonds for bis appearance Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock , when be will have bis hearing.
Tbo Chautauqua managomonl bavo re
ceived a telegram from Governor Boies
announcing ibat bo will bo present and
deliver an address on "Tho History of Iowa"
July 2. Congressman AV. C. P. Brecttln-
ridge of Kentucky , ono of tno most eloquent
men In the country , has been positively cn-
gagfld and will talk on the tariff question on
tbe 10th.
In tlio district court yesterday the case of
Josephine Woodworm against Pottawatla-
mio counly was on trial. Mrs. Wood worth ,
who lives a short distance east of tno citr ,
claims that a defective bridge on tbo Sapp
road in Garner township collupied ono day
as tier sou was driving a lot of stock over it ,
and that several head of slock were killed.
She demands a judgment of f 170.
Mayor Lawrence Issued a call yesterday to
all charitably inclined pcouln of Council
Bluffs lo co mo oul in accordance wilb Gov
ernor Boies' proclamation and balp him devise -
vise ways and means for helping tbo water-
stricken people of Sioux City. Tno mayor
sat In the judge's cbalr In tuo superior court
room for an hour nnd communed with tbo
incandescent lights while ho waited for tbe
nudionco that never came.
Hiiro you seen the wonderful Hurd
rofrlcerntors , the newest and best out ;
tbe Conine Now Process and Quick Meal
vapor stoves light like gas absolutely
safe. At Cole & Colo's , 41 Main street.
You will miss half of your life if you
don't go to Buird's and got ono of his
strawberry craaru shakos ; 523 Broadway.
W. H. Gray , the Hotel Gordon chef ,
is tbo gentleman who prepared the
Grand banquet. _
Jnrvifj 1877 brandy , six gold medals.
Dr. Chamoorlain , eye , oar , ,
catai rh. Shugnrt block , Council Bluffs ,
Hun Aivny from Home.
The 10-year-old son of Judge . E. Aylcs-
worlb disappeared from borne yesterday
morning. Before leaving ho declared war on
his father's pockets so successfully that all
the wealth contained In them vanished like
dew before the sun. No trace of the infant
fugitive could bo found , but officers were
stationed at all the depots tnseo if be left ibo
cily. Ho Irind to run away about a week ago ,
but only succeeded in gelling a little way
from homo when a neighbor found him and
brought him back borne , covered wita morti
fication. _
When you eat too much ,
When you drink lee much ,
When you smoke too rouuu ,
\Vuon you work too much ,
Bradycrotlno ; no headache.
Reltor , thotallor , 310 Broadway , has
all the Intoat styles and newest good * .
Satisfaction tfuaranteod.
Bvrimson Musto Co. . Misonto tomplo.
Pastures for horsus nnd cattle on
George F. Wright's farm south of Coun
cil Bluffs : 600 acres blue gruhs ; running
wutor. For terma.ajiply to James Ttanh
at furtu house oppoalie Wubash round
houseor uddress P. P. Wright , Bald
win block.
Jurvla 1877 brandy , sold by all dealers
Chapman's screen factory. Exclusive
screen doors nud windows. See him or
wrlto for prices. 15 Pearl St. , Council
Trains leave for Manawit at 9 , 11 , 1 , 2 ,
8 , 4 , G , U , 7 and 6 o'clock.
J.irvl ISTi b'ail > - , .battor than itnoM.
Jarvik 1677 braudy , purest , sufest , best
Qalhering of Senators in New Yoik Who
Oppose the Administration.
Tcttlgrcw Intlutntc * Tlmt tlir South Itakotn
lclegntp May Hctrny the Trim lu .
il In Them and Vote fur
the Alan from Mnlnc.
NEW Yonn , May 20. Political loaders in
this and other states- are beginning to flock
to this city , tsotintor Illscock arrived hero
from Washington yesterday. Senator Petti-
grew of South Dakota registered at the Fifth
Avenue hotel last evening. Awaiting him
was ox-Senator Plait , who at once took sen
ator Pottigrew nsldo and held an earnest con
versation with him. Senator Petllgrow was
seen later. Ho at first deolared.that being n
delegate from n state which had boon in-
struutod for Harmon ho did not feel like
expressing an opinion on the situation. On
being questioned thc following was olcited :
"It is true that South Dakota Is instructed
for Harrison , but It Is equally tnio that this
was done with the understanding that Blaluo
was not a candidate. South Dakota Is un
questionably a Blaine slate. It has declared
for Bialno at every convention slnco It bo-
cam c a stato. Every man , woman and child
is for Blalnc. Ho could poll moro votes than
any candidate that could bo nominated.
A Mini to Carry Montana.
"Ho Is the only republican whom I hove tn
mind who could carry Montana , and her
thrco electoral votes will bo necessary if
Now York should go democratic , "
"Could Harrison carry Montana ! " was
"Curry Montana ! Ho oould not carry ono
corner of it. "
"In too event of Blalno'sacceotancewould
thc South Dakota delegation consider them
selves released from instructions 1"
"That is a question that is hardly fair to
ask , " bo replied. "I hardly think the repub
licans of South Dakota could hold them
strictly to account inuuch a contingency. "
HUcDck trnyg ll'H Itlulnc.
Senator Hlicock visited Secretary Blaine
today and subsequently saldi "Blaino will nominated. lam sure ho will bo
nominated. He will wrlto no more letters of
declination. Whllo not as well as I expected
to find him , ho is improving dally and 1 am
satUtied hn Is strong enough to undergo a
presidential campaign.
Ilhilnu Would Not Accept.
The Herald's Washington correspondent
telegraphs his paper as follows :
"I don't think Mr. Itlalno would accept tbo
nomination if it were tendered him. He told
me two months ago bo did not want it. Ho
felt that if elected bo would not have the
strcncth necessary to discharge the duties of
the presidency. "
This statement was made to me this after
noon by Senator Stanford of California. It
was made without reserve and with the full
understanding that it might be sent to the
It has. been said that when California is
rcachco in the call of slates the chairman of
the delegation will rise and in stentorian
tonr > s announce that "California casts her
eighteen votes for James G. Blaine. " This
is what the delegation did four years ago at
Chicago , oven after Blame's cablegram rio-
clarlug he would not accept , and it nas been
thought that the'program would bs repeated
at Minneapolis with a view to stampeding
the convention for Blaine.
California for n Winner.
I asked Senator Stanford if this wcro
"Mr. Blaine. " said he , "is very popular in
our slate. He has always been popular
there , but I don't believe our delegation will
vote for him unless his name bo formally pre
sented to the convention. I don't think they
will try to slampade the convention by voting
ing tor Blaluo under any other circum
stances. The delegation Is uninstrucled and
will vote at Minneapolis for the man who Is
most likely to bo elected. Our people are well
satisfied with Mr. Harrison. His adminis
tration has been wonderfully clean and re
spectable. I regard him as the best presi
dent we have bad since Lincoln's day. I
thinli the California people are generally of
this opinion. My impression is that our dele
gation will veto for him unless there is good
reason for our supporting some other gentle
man. "
He Has No DlHjicmltlun tn Kilter the Presi
dential Contest.
FOUT DonciE , la. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Gfior a E. Rooerts of
this city is in receipt of a private letter from
Congressman Dolllvor , writlen about a week
ago , which tolls of an interview with Mr.
Blaine , m which the former referred to the
recent revival of thc Blaine boom. The sec
retary of stale's replv was : "I don't care to
spend the four years belwecn my 03d and
07lh birthdays wllhout sloop. "
sicuiti : itv CIIAMUEULAIN.
Hot Springs Democrats Lose the South Ia-
kotu Convention.
YAXKTON , S. D. , May 20. [ Special Tele
gram toTiic BCC.J The democratic central
committee bold a three hours' session after
the convention adjourned , at which tbo next
state convention was located at 'Chamber
lain , but no daio was fixed. ' Hot Springs
lost the convention because she iolnod forces
to elect William Van Epps of Sioux Falls a
delegate to Chicago.
Anna UlckliiHun'H Suit.
NEW YOHK , May 2U. The action of Anna
Dickinson to recover $5,003 for breach on
contract from mcmbora of the national re
publican commltlooor 18S3 was begun before
Judge Truax la the supreme court yester
day. Miss Dickiuson stated that Clarkson
r.nd Dudley had agreed to give her $ " > ,000 for
a course of lectures. Dudley testified that
the committee bad no authority from the ex
ecutive commitioo lo give bet more than
Kt,700 , which they baa done. Judco Truax
asked counsel for plaintiff bow they could
sue a committee unincorporated. Pending a
sottloracnt ot this question adjournment was
Idttlio UouiucrntH for Silver.
POCATEU.O , Idaho , May 20. The demo
cratic state convention chose the following
delegates to the national convention : J. M.
Burke. J. W. Rold , J. M. Bennett , J. H.
Hawley , Colonel Bryan and R. Z. Johnson.
The resolutions favor the unlimited coinage
of silver and recommend a plant : to bo In
serted in the national platform. Tbo delegates -
gates are unlustructcd.
Mutt Onay'i Opinion.
Pa. , May 2d. Senator Quay
was lu the city yeaterday. In au Interview
ho said that bo did not think there would DO
any trouble in nominating Blaluo at Minne
"It will not bo by stampeding tbo conven
tion , " scid he , "but by force of the general
sentiment. "
UAUrurniu rrolilliul ( > nl t .
* 'iiEBNO , Cal , May SO. The prohibition
state convention Ik in session here. P. T.
Duroy is permanent chairman.
Cdiicremmaii lluro Kuniimlnnted.
Ci.EVEi.xND , O. , May 0 , Congressman D.
D. Hare \vu renomlnaiod by the democrau
of tuo Fifteenth district.
I'ulilieal I'olntcri.
Tbo colored fctalo democratic league of
Now Yorli is lu convention at Aloany.
The prohlbitlonUu of Vermont , bavo held
a convention und put a full stale ticket in
the field with H. L. Allen for governor.
The Ohio stuto prohliitiioa convention has
nominated a ulaio ticket. The platform
adopted it a reiteration of principles tmuuci-
atod in pail years.
The prohibitionists of Indiana have nomi
nated tbo following ktato ticket : Rev. Aaron
for governor ; lieutenant governor , Cbarles
W. CulbortKou ; fcocrolnry ol lolor James W.
Cormlr-k ; auditor , Frank Taggurf treasurer ,
H. II. Moore ; attorney general. Cutler S.
Dobblui ; superintendent o ( pul'llc instruc
tion , E. A. Dovorc ,
Green Boa turtle eoup today nt E.
Presbytorlsn general msSembty loday the
committee on colorooii synods reported in
favor of tbo formation til colored cburcbcs
with a view to formlnfc these into pr by
tcrlcs , nnd when two or mere nrosbvtcrlos
exist tboy may form n > f pod. Rev A. L.
Phillips xvas appointed 10 work among Ibo
negroes for Iho carrying oui of this plan.
It was decided to continue the present
policy of aid loward candidates studying for
the ministry.
The report of the coritomeo on publication
was received. It ondonibd Ihe recommenda
tion of the executive c-orcmuiro ihul . ' 0,000
be raised by tbo churches this year for pub
Majority and minority reports were re
ceived from the committee nn answers to
presbyters regarding the revision nf the
directory for worship. Tbo .reports were
for and against revision , respectively and
wcro docketed.
The conference declined to co-opcralo with
tbe Reformed Presbyterian church ia ex
tending missionary lauora In Italy , it being
considered that tbo missionary fields of tbo
church wcro already extensive enough.
The committee on systematic boneflcenco
submitted a report. It showed that for all
causes $318,750 had been contributed during
tbe year , an increase of $50,743 over tbe pre
ceding year.
Home missions wcro token up and Rev.V. .
H. L'javoll moved a reference of tbo whole
matter ad interim to the committee. A long
discussion ensued , after which tbo motion
was lost.
Pending further action tbo assembly ad
United rrnbrtrrlnn * .
PiTTsncno. Pa. , May 20. The general as-
scmbly of the Unltod Piesbytorian church
met in regular session thU morning. Rev.
Dr. David MeDill of Xenla , O. , was chosen
moderator. A resolution was passed expressing -
pressing the hops that congress would an-
propnato money for the World's fair only on
condition that it bo closed Sundays and ttio
sale of liquor bo prohibited on tbo rrounds.
A report on statistics showed the work of
the church , money collected , etc. Among
the papers presented was n memorial from
Nebraska asking for the establishment of a
general assembly fund.
Catholicism Denounced.
LONDON" , May 20. At a conference of the
Protestant alliance held nt Exeter hill , tbo
doan of Achouoy , Ireland , presided. A
number of speeches were made In which the
"pernicious influence of Romanism , " was de
nounced. Thc dean of Achonoy declared
that as an Irishman ho soldir asserted that
it was religion , not land , that caused
trouble In Iiclund. Ho declare tbatwherox'or
Humanism advanced it brought disorder.
Romanism , he added , made slaves , while
Protestantism made men.
Ailvocntrs too Mnny ItcformB.
ROME , Mav 20. The now ministry has pre
sented the Chamber of Deputies a plan in
cluding reforms in public service , limiting
army expenditures , and a movement in the
direction of freer trade. This has developed
strong opposition , and it is believed the cabi
net cannot lust a week. ,
Gonn to a .Monastery.
Lcxr.ov , May 20. A London paper this
morning publishes a story about Mr. Will-
lam Henry Hurlbnrt. It says that Mr. Hurl-
hurt has been receivedjas' n lay brother in a
redemptorlst monastery in Rome. It also
says that ho will not be admitted to the
priesthood. _ . „ '
Mrs. Wlnslow's Sodtning Syrup for chil
dren teething produces natural quiet sleep.
25 cents a bottle. '
W. D. Edwards & to. sell Union soap.
The Topeka * Capital ! nas the following to
say of tho-Dodd Opera ! company which comes
to the Farnam StreotaBoater next Sunclav :
"Tho Dodd Opera -company commenced a
limited engagement atf. 'tbb Orawlord last
In "Tbo Mascot" ' to
evening , appearing a
largo audience. This clover opera still
affords pleasure and interest to the public
and is well presented by this company. Miss
Amy Leslie , who has been seen here in a
number of popular roles , Is an excellent Bet-
tloa , singine and acting the character with
notable success. Mr. Mack Charles' iniper ]
sonatiun of Pipno Is equally good. The com
edy roles of Prince Lorenzo and l-Yrmcr
Rncco are very capably taken by Mr. Dan
Young and Mr. R. C. Chamberlain , who ex
tract a great deal of fun from the libretto
ana add many agreeable pleasantries of their
own originality. Miss Anna Wells , a pretty
girl , gave a very delightful surprise by intro
ducing a skirl ounce. She is graceful and
dances with wonderful oaso. T > ie support is
cftlcicnt and the work ot tbo chorus worthy
of praise. " _
Beautiful potted begonias , fuchsias , lilies
and other choice plants and ( lowers will be
presented to all the ladies visiting Wonder
land matinee ana night performances , Fri
day , May 2" . The souvenirs are very hand
some , and little Eva will present them with
her compliments. The actual cost of each
article is 2o cents wholesale ,
Tbo Iowa State hand , led by Prof. Freder
ick Phinnoy , will glvetwo concerts at Boyd's
new theater on Sunaay next , afternoon and
evening. Special programs have bocn ar
ranged , and owing to the proximity of Dec
oration day several soul-stirring , patriotic
airs will be Introduced. Each program is en- ditleront from the other , and out of re
spect for the day two or three religious num
bers , such as "Rock of Ages. " and selections
from the oratorio of "Tho Messiah" will be
rendered. Two better programs to suit all
manner of tastes and preferences coula not
bavo boon conceived , and they will bo ren
dered in a faultless manner Dy Prof. Phln-
uoy and his band.
The next theatrical atlractlon at Boyd's
now theater is "Tbo County Pair , " which
comes on Thursday , Friday and Saturday
evenings of next week. Mr. Porcv Weadon ,
representative of " 1'be County Fair , " is in
the clly.
C. O. D. Brown sells Union soap.
Stcumcr Arrivals.
At Brow Head Passed , the Galla , from
New York for Liverpool.
At Breakwater. Dnl. Passed , tbo Indiana ,
from Liverpool for Philadelphia.
At Gravosond Franco , from Now York.
At Hamburg Wieland , from Now York.
At Now York Calebrla , from Porto Rico.
At Southampton Normanla , from New
rirtli Wuril lliipubllcan Club.
A meeting will baiheld this evening nt
o'clock of thoFifih Word Republican club
in Erillng's hall , on Sherman uvnnue , near
Ohio street. All members of Iho club are
requested lo bo present"Republicans of iho
ward are hereby Invllujtto attend.
Hcsuy BOUAPresident. .
Rudolph Bcal Bolls Union soap.
William lllrks Thorue , wholesale dealer In
hosiery , New York City , 'lias assigned. Lia
bilities t.XJUDJ : uHsuts. luiinown ,
Anderson , the missing Euu Clalrc.Wlg. . lum
berman , or at lo.isl hhrtiDd v. bus licnn found.
Everything POlnU > to Uu > funt that liu was
murdered. It
U E. Shell , a school wU ncr In the Uibunon ,
O. . public atta killed Josi-pli Tur
key , tatbur of ono of Shell's pupils , who Imd
uH.uuitod him.
A special from Youncstovrn Buys that there
U no trutli In thu .reported cloudlmrst ut
Ivinsiiiun , U. . In whuih nix people ure alleged
to liavo been urownert.
A mac named llo well , eupposod to bo the
fellow who u short time ago inurdurud In cold
olood four women in Uuuuon , Tux. , ha been
nrrefctud In belullu , Ma
Thu Worscland , Captain \Volh , thu Orst
fctounifihlp to mulio a trip fro u Norway to I hl-
CUKO. Ink arrived. Tim U'erto uncl brought u
curiro nf Huh and cod liver oil uiiU will curry
proviblunii buck to Jiorwuy.
K.rlb.t.lCnr.M-lLI' . dC < ) Iil-LI10X.
Tltt IMUH uf to J ar ' Mtwrleot * la
Hi MI | , u-e u > k on Her.
raituturi > u < ) UmuliHilitKiilrdroria <
lllu > lr udoub > lu Ka4ln. > cr > iiu > tiul
Uloud Hlwn.c. AUo | ) l ftiiironieuu
ltko Ortbuurki. Ui-lci , V ru , InJl *
Ink mill I'nvilar U rk , Hrari. I'll.
tliics , J. IIU > M nf KIMM ) . KuiMfrfluuut
t r 1.1 Irllrr.
JOIUI H. WOC23UBY , D.I. , 125 W. 42d SL , New York CM , .
relieved me of n severe Blood trouble.
It lias also caused my hnlr to grow out
again , us It lind been fulling out by tbo
hand full. After trying many physicians
In vain , I am so happy to find n cure In
S.S.S. O. II. ELBEIIT , Galveston , Tex.
S Pirnr ! by forcing out ncrm * of disease
I bUHb0..ij thc prison as well.
u r It is entirely vegetable ntid harmless.
S ) Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free ,
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chnppod Hands , Wounds , Burns , Eto.
Bemovos and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Capltil stco't . $15OOO3
faurplus and 1'rofits . UOOtt ,
Net Capital anl Surplus
ntrectors I. I ) , rianualioi. f. . L dlmirn < ' >
Glcnson. K. K. Ilirt , 1. A. . Millar. . I. V. lllnrtnit
ondClmrloi It. llnnnun. Transact cenoriit hauk-
ln business. Largest capital anJ surplus ol
any bank lu Southwestern Iowa.
10 TtasanJ
.reading . this that
ron THE
la the only reliable cere for the tlrod feeling pecu
liar to vcomon suffering with weak hearts , jmin In
eltle , elioulder and arm , weak and hunirv epelln ,
Irrecnlar pulse , falntln ; ; , Bniotherlnc. Thoneanus
teetlfv to their permanent cure. KLTOANT Booc
DR , MILES MEDICAL CO.Elkhart , Ind ,
Tor Sain by Kuhn & Co. . 15th and Douglas St
ME.NT. n upecWc ( or llytlorlt. Dliilnen , Vltt. Nou
rulfla , UeadnctiaNcrvou 1'rujtrstoa cauiod by
alcohol or tobacco , Wakofalneis , Moatal Uuarei
Blon , Moltneni of the Brain , ciuilnz luianltf , mliery
decor , ( loitli. I'rumnture old A e , llarrenon. J.oji
of 1'uiter In eltbor oi , Iicpotuncjr , Loucorrhoa an t
all Foamltt Wcakneaiei , Inroluntarj Ixxiei , Spar
rauturrlioa CAUsud b7 orer-cxertlon of tU ) tiralii
botf > abU9Q orcrladulinco. A moutti'i treutaijn
ri.Ufor fo. tij mall. WoEuarantoeslx boxes to cur
KncU order fort , borei. with Ji will naad writ' *
ffaaranteato refund If not cured. Qnarantoe lsi-i
only bj jV. bcbroter , druffglst. eolo ugcnt. uoulb n
corubr ICtli nnd Karnam Us. Omaba.
Aneir and Complete Treatment. conilstlnR o ;
Enplioillurloi. Ointment In Capiulei , alia la Box
and I'llli ! a 1'ojHlro Cure for Uxtcrnal , luternat
blind nr Oleadlnic ItcblnR. Chronic , lleoont or iloredl-
tarr I'lles. Tali Itomeirhai never Iw-on known to
fall , tlperhox r/orli ; Bentbr mill. WbyBuflerfrom
tblB tcrrlblu disease when a written Ruaranlee la
ruBltlTuljr nl'cn with C horei or refund tha rnonor If
not cured send mump for Irai Sample. UuaratUue
iBiiied tij Kuhn 4 Co. . Druiijrlsti , Bdlo Ancntl , corner
10 and 1)0 ° Flai Btreeti , Omaha , Neb.
Sims & SanniIcrsteoriif1ysuStB'ae \ ' ?
federal courts. Kooms 'J , 4 uud D bhugurt
Ilcuo block. Council Itluffs. la.
Anonlltmnco establishing Iho crude of 23rd
street from Cnstellar street to Viuton street ,
and Intersecting streets , tu the city of
Omaha :
Ho It ordained by tbe city council of the city
of Omuhni
Section 1. Thoeradeof SlrdBt root from Oas-
tellur street to Vinton street and Intursoctln ; :
streets. In the city of Omubu , In hereby os-
lahllMied ut the following elovutlons. the
crude being uniform straight lines between
the poInU specified :
HnctlonIra street from Castcltar slrect
to Viuton street-
Elevation novation
of West ot Kiist
Ourb. Curb.
South curb of Cnstellar fit..171.0 17(1.0 (
North curb ot Arbor t > t 17(1.0 ( KK.O
South curb of Arbor fit . . . .17(10 J7B.O
North curb of llancroft st . . . .187.0 lWi.0
Houlh curb of llancroft Ht. . IKT.O ] fta.O
North curb of Kim hi 212.0 2iH.o
Smith curbof E n > st liC'.O 01.0
North curb of Oak it 210.0 2..0.0
Kouili curhof OuUst 210.02011.0
North curb of Sprlni st 2ID.O 215.0
Southcurbof Hprlnzst 51(1.0 ( L'l.1.0
North ourbof Vlntonst W7.5 Zfl.O
Section & ArDor street from " 1st street to
IMth Hrect _ .
Klovatlon Klcvatlon
ofBouth of North
Curh. Curb.
West curb of 21 tst 151.25 15J.85
KUHI Hue of alley bet 2lEt
HiidUrd mi m/0 IM.OO
Kufcl curhot-Ird hi I'b.O J7S.O
Weht curb of i-Jrd Bt 1711.00 KU.O
F.iiBtcurbof-'lth bt L'U.O 'Jia.5
Buctlon4. Oak atrretfrom aoth to4th its.
WrHtcurbof aithstw.o : mo
r.n t curi ) or''ut tt loi.o HKJ.O
WdfclvurUOf 2' tst 101.0 1UO.O
Kiikti'urbOfSlril Rt SOOO SOXO
Wont curb of 23rd st 210.0 210.0
Kukfurbof 24thnt 2iaO 2410
KttctlonD. Bprlughtrcet f rani Vinton Btreot
to24th trttet
North n ekt curb of Vinton st. KbtaulUhed crade
Knst curhof llBt t -111.0 209.0
\Vehtcurbof2ietst 2 ao 201.0
Kubtcurbof 2 rdiit 215.0 2.50
\VustCurboflMriUt 2ta.n
r.iiet curb of 24th t 24U.7 244.0
Hectlonfl. This ordinance ( hall lake effect
and bo lu force from and after lu paisage ,
Tabued May ITlh , Ib's. .
any Cleric ,
n. I1. DAVIS.
I'reslduul Oily Council
Approved May 16th , 1 UZ
anil Surpl
1 Eye i $ Ear
$8g $ * § OP ALL
lleM fna t lies , upparaui iind UoiTojiai
for successful truitinoilt of nvcry form
of disease runulrln t ntodloal or
Btir-le tl treatment.
CO beds for patients , bo ml nnl attcndnn ? &
llcst acromoJnlloiis In the nest ,
wrto for crlreulAM on deform.t ci nnl
braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of spine ,
illcs , tumors , c nicer.catirrh. bronchitis. In-
inliiUon.o ectrlelty. p'ir.ilysls. rpllcnsy , kid-
ucv. b nadcr , eye. ear , skin anl blooJ unJ alt
surclcal ovr ititnis.
Women 1'UEK.vo htivoliitolv ad IcJ lylni-
iniiop iriiucnt fur woman dnrlnz ennHnoinonL
ftrtctly ur v.itc.1 On'v ' Uelhiblo Mudlaat In.
ttitutc mukln ? : i Pio.-l | ilty o :
A'l Hood lNoises : successfully troitsi.
bjphllltlo 1'olion rotnovcd from the syrttoin
without mercury. Now itotlorattva 'J'raat-
menl for Loss of x'lTAli 1'UWKIt. 1'ursous un
able to vls.t us nmv be Iroitod nt homo by
inrrcsuon cnco. All commuuluutlons eoun
dent lul. Mtidicltips or Instrunicnu Runt l < y
inn I oroxpress. securely packed , no mnrsto
Ind cute contents or sender. One personnt In-
terr pw prufurrol. Call und consult us or sonJ
history of ynur case , iintt we will send In Plata
wrapper , our
rncEt u i-rivnto ,
Rnnx Tn MFN nn
DUUK IU men , von\ { \ orurvous - Dis
eases. I m potency. Syphilis , Clout ani Varlco-
ecle , with question list.
Ilrai-cs , Appllanues for Deformities & Trusoi
Only manufactory In thu Wcstof Utttttit < l-
JTy Jll'J'l./.JAC'K.s. T/Cfas/.s , KLKUfltlU
It.lTTKlt t JH AA / > 71MLTS.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
2Oth nnd Broadway , Ooinoil BluTi
Ton tnlnutps' ililo froin cantor ot Dmitri on
Omulmand Ouunall llluITj ulcctrlo motor Una.
Allklndsnf Dvnlns nnd Clciinlnidono tntha
hkhcbthtylu of Lho urU Failed und st.tluoJ
fubrles niudo to look us coed us now , lloil
( outliers cluiiue'J by stoum In flrst-olaas man
ner. Work promptly ( lone nnd delivered in all
purls of Uie country. Send for nrlco list.
lll Uroadw-ty. Neir Northweitir.i
i. UMJFPJ. lo vx
To the owners of all lot1 ; , partsof lots und
real L'stite : ulonc-'d street from Locust street
to Spencer street ,
You lire hon-by no tilled Hint the under-
slcnud. three dUlnterested freeholders of the
i-lty ofOniiihii.luivo i.iioii duly uppolntta liv tno
mayor , with thu upprovnl of the city eounjll
of wild city , to iisxos the dumitzo lo the own
ers respectively of thu property atreclcJ by
prndlni ; u street from Locust to bpenccr
streets , deoliired necessary by ordinance IMX'iS.
pn sod Muy : id. ISirj , approved Mnv 4th , ls i
You ro further notliled. that huvlnc 110-
reptcd Hiild uppolutiiiunt , und duly nui-.llflcd
aHrcqulrn.1 bv IHW. wo will , on thoJtn dny of
June. A. D Hill ? , ut the hmirof lUo'clocIc In the
forenoon , ut the ollleo of T C. Brunner , room
I , Ware block , vrltliln the corporate limits of
said city , iticol for the purpose of considering
and inuUlns the nsse sment of duinURC to the
owners respectively of suld property , uffocted
hy suld tradlnc. talclus Into consideration
special benefits. If any.
You lire notified to bo present ut thc time
nnd plncc aforesaid , and mnl > o any objections
to or statements concerning said assessment
of damages as you nmy consider proper.
f. II. MrOULLuCll ,
Omaha , May 23 , 1B02. inlMidlOt
B1OH SALt Extra fine , thoroughbred. Jer-
scv null , solid color , registered 6tn"iU ; 14
months old 723 H. 1'lrst btreot.
YOU 1mve anything for sale or trade see
E. 11. Bhc.ifc. Ilroadway and .Main street.
IOWA t mns for sale. Improved ICJ nro3
1141 Harrison county. tlO.flt perucro ; I2iiar < > <
Improved. J2J.OO : 8) uerus. 817.UX Tor bari itni
In Iowa una ISebr..ska farms call on or write
toJoluiJon A : Van I'uttun , Counoll
FOU KENT Dnolllnzs In all pirts : of the
city. 11 H , Klie.ife. llra.idway and Main.
nnd Couiinlsslcm Stoves , furni
ture , etc. , stored nnd Rold on commission ut
lowest rates. L. Klunoiian. XtJ Itroadway.
T7IOK SALE A frame six-room cottaKO In
J- good repair , good blzod lot. price tl.fiiU.
easy payments or trade. E. 11. tbuafu , Ilroad
way and Main street.
A N Investment oarsaln. New double botiso
xVsttuatod ut io3. 114 nnd 1 U .7lh St , , Coun
cil bluffii. Improvement , now und Drst-uluHi
house , contains II rooms. 2 bath rooms. 2 line
puntreys , 10 closets , front and backstairs ,
hot inil co d water service , gub. utu. , worth
J5.MO , will soli ut a biiraaln uud sollc.t bone-
Il-Jo offers. Forest Smith , Ilaldwln blok ,
Council lllutts.
olllco rooais for rant in Ilrnwn
uulldluc. on I'oarl and Main
struets , with ull modern conveniences. 1'or
terms upplr to A. It. Nicholas or U. C. Cory ,
room 11 , u.'ontK for hulldln : .
FOIt SALE Two-Htory brick dwulllni ; . two
tenants , six rooms each ; centrally located
on electric motor trnck : prlea W.OJO.OJ. less
mortKiipeof J wra ; will trade for land. E. 11.
ghonfe. Ilroadway and Main street.
TTIOKSALn A frame three-room
-L' nnd corner lot , price 1700.00 : will neil on
easy piiyn onts or trade for land. E. H. t-heufe ,
liroaclway and Main street.
FOll SALE On xmull payments , fruit una
Harden laud near Council muffs. E. H.
Khoufc , llroadwuy and Main street.
TJIOR ItENT 078 Mynster street , twotstory
-L ! frame dwelling In cxcellout repair , htiven
rooms , bath nnd ull modern conveniences ;
rent , t-U E. H. ilieafc. llroud way and Main.
C1O11 BALE On KENT Larjost and most
JL1 proQtablc moat murUet In the west , doing
from , ! , 'JOJ.Ov ' to tf.UO'J. 0 caBh Imslnesa a month :
banl < hook will hhow It ; gilt ed-'od , sjilt-ndlU
himlnesbchunoui : i yo ri1 lease on bulldlnz
M II , Ilee omu-o Council lilulfn.
FOKSALH Au nttrictlve htx room cottage
In exi'ollenl repair on motor line , con
venient tn church and fccliool. price. tl,2U < 1.
E. II. rihoafe. llroaaway and Main Btreot.
FOR KALE A frame HX ! room dwelling In
good rupul * . oonrniilont to Union I'uciflc
IraiiHfer , price tl.4J > , eavy payments or traau.
E. It , tihuafe , llroud way and Main B trout.
BALE A block of mcrulriiidUe con-
bistlnz of dry goods , notions , lad leu' und
rr.bseb' cloaku und Jackets , gents' furnUain ;
roods und hhous , price JS-Wl. Will take Iowa
or oiutern NnhriiHka firm lands. K. H ,
Blieafu , Ilroadway und Main btreot.
"TTIOKBALE A Ktosk of general merchandise
-Lund lirlcl : building in H live town 2i mlluK
from Oinnho , H hur-'aln for u live man. will
tuba rood farm lund In euktern Nebraska or
low a In exelrinjo. E. H , t'houfu , llroadwuy
und Muln street.
FOH BALE Three room dwnlllnj mm lot ,
1UI& 1'lftn aveiiuri price , 17 JO ; monthly
payments. U H. Hheufe. llroaUwuy linil Main.
POK ItHNT-A now two-story brick , eljrht-
room dwell. n on I'url' avenue , hnlli , hot
und cold water and ull modern uoiivunUinceH ,
! . ' 5 per mouth. Jill. Bhtmfo , ll'wuy und Main
TTiOIl Itr.NT OJO Hocond avunUo. dwelling
J- with U rooms , furnace , ran c. bath , electric
bollH , ono of thu mokt ctcslrublo irsldencnu lu
Council IllutTt ; rtiiit.tll.oa per nionlh. E , U.
t-lieufo , llroudway und Multi ytrueu
IPOIifiALK A nout four-ro < iin dwelling on
JAvenuu II ; iircn , f5j ; small monthly pay-
jneuli. IX H. bhealc , llitiudwuy und Muln.
T56"u ilENT-Twoof tho"be t Currlgg ilut.on
- ITourlh ntrout.
"I7IOK KENT Good C-room house ; no water
-L'In cellur ; city water furnUliudi tlJ ] >
uiuotU , Apply to Ltouurd Everett.
An ordinance pt ibllshlnc iho crmlosof ;
Arlximtri-rt frotn.'WUi street loKnd nvcnuo.
( Sold < tirct fr m Hincnifl strrvt toiKnd ve
Wrlplit utrci't from : wth street to ffind nvo.
Ituncroft sirrotfrom Walnut sttfnttoaotli nt
Walnut "street from 31st strpol to llancroft tt
atst utroet In Arbor 1'lnco from Walnut
htri-et tniiorth line of Arbor IMncc.
nisi < urrot from Arbor stroct \Vrlsht st.
ir.'nd street from Arbor Mrcot lo Wrlghl st ,
All In Xhc City ot Oinnha.
lie Herd ilnea by Iho oily council of the city
of Omnha ,
Septionl. The grade * of
Arhor street fiomuih : slronl to 32nd nvonuo.
( iild ( .treulfro'ii Itancnift strict toiCnd nvc ,
\ \ rUht Ft reel from : wth strool to IKnd nvc
llancrcf i street from Wnlnut street t : nihRt
Wnlnul street f mm : ilst street to lluncrottsi
; UM street in Ariuir I'lncofrom Waluuistreol
north line of Aruor 1'lnco.
nist strcM from Arbor ot reel to Wrljhl slrcot
JC-'ndstioct f roinArlior slreot to Wrlcht si root
nil In the city of Omaha , nro herohy cstiiln-
Ilthod ul the follo'vlns elevations the crude
tH'liu uniform Htrulgbt lines hotuucn the
points pocillinl :
Section 2. Arbor strool from 30lh slrcol lo
Mud uvenue
Elevation Hinvntlon
of South uf North
CurU Curli.
cst curb of nHb st . 214.0 2UO
i : . > st curb of 'list si . 2.M.O 220 0
West curb of .I st sv . 22J.O 2W.O
Knot enilxif : c.'nd fit . 241.0 241 0
West curl ) of aJntlst . 241.0 241 U
Knit curb of asnd nvo . 2.V1.0 255.5
Scrtlon 3. Gold stn-et ( ram Hnticrof I Hired
to : t2nd avenue
Elorutlin novation
of West of Kast
Curb Curb
North curb of llancroft Kt.'Jls5 217.S
Houth North
curb. curb.
Intersect on of curb lines bs-
lueon Dupont 1'laeo nnd
Lew's addition . SKi.O 2a'i.O
KiiKlctirbof lluthst . 2n.n : 2.R ! 0
West curb of mui st . 2:11.0 : jrct.o
K.imt eiirhnf : ilstst . 242.0 2420
West curb ( if Hist st . 2I2.0 Sit 0
ETst : curb of X'nd st . 241.0 2)1.0 )
\Vc4tctirti ofitUnil st . 248.0 24H.O
Eust curhoflrJiid nvo . 1AI.O 2VI.5
teitlon 4. Wrlht street from 3Hh Hlrecl to
It'uil itvonuc
i : hlcurbofiOlbEt : ( south ) . . .310.5 240.3
East curb ( if Mth si ( north ) . . . 241.0
Went curb of lUth st ( north
and south ) . 143.0 2'3.0
A point ( "i feet oust of the
eun line of thu ulloy In
block 14 , DttlKht.t ] , y man's
addition . - . . 2oO.O
Kiist line of alloy block 14.
Dwlght &lymnn'snddltlon2.v.0 2'2,0
Cast cnrh or .list Ht ( north ) . .2. > n.ri7 2.X1.7
West curl ) of aisl st ( north ) . .2.Y1. 4 2M.V4
Kust curl ) ofaist st ( south.24 ) ! ) S 24U. &
West curb of aist Btsouth.241).a ( ) ) 24'J.a
Eiiht curb of a.'nd Bt 247.5 24T.5
\Vi-stcurbof 2nd st 2470 2470
Emt curhof : CIK ! | nvo 244.0 2445
Pin'tlon . ' . . llancroft slroot from Walnut
htrcut to aoth slruol
At thu Junction of Walnut
und llancroft streets 105.5 103.5
East curb of 2th ! st 24.0
Wist curb of 2llthHt LUi.O
Easl curb of Until Bt 217.5
West curb of Gold st 2lb.5
East curl ) of : ith ) si ( soutil.210 ) 5 24'J.5
Section 0. Walnut street from 3lsl streel lo
llnncrof t slroot
West curb of a st st 100.0 103.0
A point 05 feel west of the
west line of : ilBt. . 195.0 10T > .5
At the junction of Walnut
and II ncruft streets 105.5 105.5
Section * . 31st street In Arbor I'luco from
Wulnut strccl lu north line of Arbor Place
Elevation Elevation
of West of Rist
Curb. Curb.
North line of Walnut st ITOO 1KU.5
North line of Arlor I'liico..222.0 22.-.0
Section fau aisl btrecl from Arbor street t
Wrl lit street
i-oulh curb of Arbnrst 22fiO 2:6.0
North curliof Go dst 24'iO 242.0
South curb of Gold st 24.-.0 212.0
North curb of Wrlzhtst 2..n.24 2i5.r.7
Section 0. : i2nJ Btruet from Arcor street lo
Wright si reel-
South curb of Arborst 241.0 241.0
North curbot Gold st 24'.0 ' 240.0
South curl ) of Go tl bt 2111.0 2400
North curb of Wright st 2470 247.5
Auction 10. This ordinance nhiill take olTcct
and he In force from und after Its passage.
I'ussod Muy 17th , 18J2.
Ully Clerk.
, E. V. DAVIS.
President City Council.
Approved May 18th , IbUS.
1JEMIS.Mayor. .
G. El. MYERS ,
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203 AND 107 UUOADWAV. Council Illiiffs.
C has. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director and Undertaker ,
811 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
Tulophono 3O.