1 BY ORDEUR OK O HEX urance Gonipani We are authorized to sell our entire stock of ' 5 I Slightly Damaged by Smoke and Water , Bedns at A. M ire SIM lust Be sow viuun Thirty Days. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH- THE WESTERN CLOTH 1317-1319 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. . . . . 'S W 'fiti.V. BOTH SIDES ARE STUBBORN Board of Public Works and Councilman Oan't ' Agrco on Pavine Specifications. MAJOR FURAY WON'T ' WITHDRAW HIS VOTE Prospect of DolnyliiR 1'ulillo Works n To\v Months iMngor Coniicltiiicn Thrcnt- GII to Strip the Ilonrtl of All Hi DUcrctloimry 1'owcr. The war cloud that has hungovor the city council und the Board of Public Works fern n number of days instead of disappearing continues to thicken , and a contest between the two bodies is not only probable , but is almost rertaln. The noard mot In adjourned session yester day morning and declared Itself. MujorFuray refused to withdraw his offensive resolution , Introduced last week , and it was adopted , Chairman Blrkhausor voting "no. " The rcbolution as adopted is as follows : WhcronB , It U known thut the council has no authority by ordinance to imas upon bids , this duty devolving upon thu Hoard of 1'ub lo \Viiiks ; anil i Whereas , The formulation of Hprclllcntlons nro by existing ordinances nmdo the siiuclnl duty of tlio Ho ircl of Public Works and the citv engineer ; therefore bu It liusolvod , ' 1lint , tlio resolution adopted by the city council of the ulty of Umulia In- htnictliiK und requesting this board to modify und chiiiiKo tliu oxRllii ! ; paving Huculllcatlons from a tun to n llvo-yoar Kiinrantoe on Urluk und iispluilt nnd uono-yoiir KUiiriintoo on htono Is not In harmony with existing or.ll- niinres , IKII In liurmony with thu sentiment of this board. Resolved , That this board will continue tenet net us though no Mieli i evolution wus over uiloptLMl by llmcounoll ut tlioetly of Umuhu. lU'solveil , That the sulil resolution wus Passed wltlioutdiiocoiinldoi.itloii and without iiutliorltv. bullovlnii UH wu du tlmt thu coun oil .should imvu no control o\or thu notions of this Umnl. President Davis , topothor wltb Messrs , CbalTea ntid Lowry of the council , iworo spectators , ana bail considerable to suy why the resolution should not be adopted. Alujnr 1'itriiy Kipliiina , Prior to a vote being taken , Major Furay ala that tbo oraor from the council In structing tlio board to reject all paving bids and advertise for now ones under the terms of the specifications of 1SU1 , with a one-year guarantee on stone and a live-year guarantee on asphalt and brlclc , was too radical , Iho council linu no hle.i what the olTcct would bo. In fact the order , Major Furay said , came hlia a llatb of lightning from a clear eky. The council was asking the board to Blrllco out from the specifications everything that bad any merit. Ho thought it was only fair to uslc the council to reconsider us nctlon. Mr. ChnfTeo replied that tho.-o was no use of talking , that the majority of the council would not change Its opinion upou tbo quos- lion. lion.Mr. . Lowry tatod that ho had tried to rea- con with Major Furay , but that that contlo- man would not listen , though ho expected to provo to him that by adopting specifications with a one-yoar guarantee on stone , tbo pub lic would save from ! I5 to 40 cents n square yard on that mutorlal , Chairman Hlrldiatiscr showed visible signs of weakening. On stone bo thought tbo ten- year guarunteo was detrimental to the inter ests of thu taxpayers. Mr Lowry not only thought the ton-year guarantee on stone was detrimental , but it wus downright robbery , . Hurt tlio Combine , Major L'uray admitted that It might hurt the stone combine , but it would help the public , as It would re- suit In bettor pavement. If there wus any robbery , It wus the stone men who were the robbers. With thorn there was no reason for on advance In prices , Farnam street hnd bcon pared ton years und yet the pave ment was In as good condition as on the uay tlmt It wus laid. That being so , there was no reason whv a ton-year guarantee should mtvsnco the prlco of stmio If the couiuluo would keep lit bunds otT. Mr. Davis maintained that outin his ward B briclc pavement hud been laid two years uuU thut u bad iiot bscu damngcd 1 per cent. In fact it did not show anr oftects of wear. Major Furny admitted that the statement was trui' , but insisted that the bricu pave ment wivs only an experiment. Mr. Chaffco urged that if the board would employ good inspectors the pavement would bo in good condition at the end of llvo years fnnd that with the llvo instoadl ot the ton-year guarantee the tnxpa/ets would save from : tp to 10 cents par square yard on brick. Major Fumy urged that If how specifica tions were adopted it would necessitate a delay of not loss than thirty days. Mr. CliafTco informed the major that that was not tbo question. The council wanted to know where the board stood. Will .Strip the Hoard of Its 1'oworn. Mr. Davis gave the members an Idea of what they might expect. Ho said that it they would not concur with the council , the council could pass an ordlunnco repealing the ordinance that gave thoin the power to open and pass upon bids. For one. no did not pro pose to stand around and see the tail wag the doer. doer.Mr. . Chnffco sanctioned whatMr. Davis had said and said that It would nto take long to pass now ordinances giving the council full authority to pa < s upon all specifications and bids. bids.Colonel Colonel Egbert expressed the opinion that the board bad dona its duty and if there was any further delay tbo responsibility was with the council. Ttio board had passed upon the bids and had made the awards. The council had ovorstoppad its authority and had rejected tbo awards. Mr. Lowry ventured Iho opinion that with a ton-year guarantee clause it would bo Im possible for the contractors to get bondsman. Colonel Egbert exploded that theory by stating that bonds had boon furnished on all of the contracts and that the bondsmen had quallllod. Major Fura.\ said that there was no use of prolonging the meeting. Ho dm not feel llko complying with tbo instructions of tbo council. The council bad boon .very derelict and had become the laughing stock of the country. " .Those urn iny vlows , " answered Colonel Egbert. 1'vo changed my mind , " answered Chair man BirUhausi-r. "Which shows that you are with thorn , " retorted Colonel Egbert. "If it will please the council 1 move that wo ruadvertiso for now bids , " cuippod in Major Furuy. Mr. ChalToo declared that the mutton was out of order. "Thou , if It will plcuso you any moio , wo will refuse to change eur spcclllcations , " answered Major Furay , "If you do thut you will overstep your authority , " responded Mr , Davis. "Lot 'or go t bon , " Interjected Major Furay. Will Xot Oliuy tlio Council , Chairman Btrkhauscr tried to pour a little oil. Ho moved to rcadvcrtlso for paving bids as directed by tha council aud In accordance with tholr demand. His motion failed to sccuro a second. The chMrinan looked sad and remarked that the action of the board would bar the stone men from getting iiuv contracts , "Von are expressing yourself for soino- body else , " roipnrkod Colonel Egnert. "Those people are here and lot them express tholr own opinions. As lar as I am concerned - corned , I don't ' hcsitato to suy that our bids on Htono uro low nnough. " Continuing , ho said that the board would send a communlca * tlon to the council informing that body that the bids could not bo rejected by the Board of Puollo Worm , as the awards had been made on aU materials. Then Major Furay offered a resolution which settled the whole mutter and will in form the council where the majority of tbo members of the bourd ntund. It was llko this : "Tnat wo decline nnd refuse to obey the command of tbo council , relu'.lvo to changing the guarantee In the specifications for paving , as adopted oy this body. " The resolution was auoptod , thu chairman voting "no. " _ Dr. Blrnov's ' Catarrh Powder euro catarrh. For sale by all druggists. S ) couts Dr Culllrao.-o. oculis ; . Una building Jlvpubllraii City Central Committee. Thuro will bo u meeting at the republican Icacuo headquarters ( opposite Mlllard hotel ) Wednesday evening , May 85 , ut 8 o'clock , of thu city republican central committee. Every member is requested to attend , u important business will bo transacted. KiciiAiiu SMITH , Chairman. "Wsi. A. KCLI.BV , Secretary. My wife has used Bradycrotino for head ache with the best imaginable results. I state this without solicitation. J. W. Mash- burn , Abbeville , Ga. Tlmt Humbug , The clothing fake had the gall to again como before the public in the Sun day papers with ono of their worse than misleading advertisements. The People's Clothing House , 1303 Douglas street , has done its duty toward its patrons , and It is strange th'U the city authorities don't do something to keep such fakirs from plying their nefarious business methods upon an unsuspecting public. The People's offers bettor pants for COc than the ones the fake claims worth $ -1.25. The People's offers 'better suits for $2.75 than the ones the fake claims worth 811.00. The People's offers bettor suspenders for Oc than the ones thu fake claims worth Toe. ( ? ) Ask any j > orson thatcamesoutof their place of business without a bundle what they think of it. It is true they catch n sucker once in a whllo , but that same sucker , as soon as ho examines his clothes ( V ) in daylight ( they keep their store dark on purpose ) knows that ho has been taken in. Give them a call first , hut bo on , your guard and boar in mind that wo guaran tee to sell at least 33 per cent cheaper then the fake. PEOPLES' CLOTHING HOUSE , 1303 Douglas Street. P. S. The smallest second-hand mer chant in the city would not disgrace himself by handling the rubbish that they have the presumption to call clothing - ing ( ? ) . m Country Merchants Who are cash buyora should not fail to tuko ad vantage of the Hollman's admin istrator's sale to secure some wonderful bargains for tholr fall trade. Address IIELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR , 13th and Farnam , Omaha. Tlio ( Ireutrtit i\cltimiimt ; At present is at No. 1201 Farnam street , where the great assignee ealo of line tailor made clothing is now going. The largo building is crowded daily with eager purchasers. Never before were prices quoted BO low in first class goods. Among the buyers can bo Been dealers taking advantage of this great sale and are buying in largo quantities. The prices are the same at rotall as in bulk. This enormous stock is from a largo fac tory recently failed in Now York and must ho sold to satisfy tfio creditors. As this great slaughter enlo will close in a short time no ono should fall to attend this great Hacriflco snlo. Look for the sign , Now York Heavy Failure , No. 1204 Fiirimm street , near 12th , Omaha. A Curil ol Tlmiilt * . The management of the Now York Heavy Failure Clothing Sale extend thanks to the citizens and vicinity for their llbonil patronage ; also thanks to the morohanta who insisted to advertise our Biilo and kindly allowing their cloth ing salesman to assist us during the great rush. Vorv respectfully , II. KDWAltus , Manager. I'ut Chicago In Your 1'ocld't. A great work , "Mornn'a Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World' * fair city a full do- Eorlntlon of which does not appear in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Prlco. 2ft cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald building , Chicago. Boo the nqw , com plete and olcgnnt map it contains. Per- BOIIH ordering copies will pleneo enclose U cents extra fur postage. THE GENEREJONFERENCE TCOXTIXUBD ritoM nnsT PAOC. ] Bates to the conference. It was largely at tended and n very sociable and enjoyable nrtornoon was the result. The line weather made everybody foci happy and the lauios having the recaption in charge succeeded admirably In making the event a great suc cess. cess.Mrs. . Bishop Newman , Mrs. Rev. P. S. Merrill nnd other prominent ladies of the cnurch took tbo load in the mangcmont of the reception and their oftorts were ably seconded ended by some of the visiting ladies. The visitors are just Deplaning to fall in love with Omaha. If tlio line weather continues illl Thursday they will feel line holding enTer Tor another week rather tban adjourning the conference. WOKK OF Till : WOMEN. Extent of the Labor Performed by Their MUiil < iii.iry .Society , The Women's Homo Missionary society .oolt temporary possession of Exposition hnll yesterday afternoon and held a mass meeting all to themselves. There wcro a few spectators of tun mascullno persuasion scattered through the hall , but the audience for the most part consisted of women. Mrs. John Davis presided nnd Bishop Fowler con ducted the o'penlng exorcises. According to the statement of Mrs. U. S. Hust , corresponding spending secretary of the society , tbo soci ety has distributed $500,811 in cash and f33S- Ub'J in supplies In Its work during the three quadronniutns just past. It has adaod twon- ty-ono now buildings to its property at u cost of $155,000. The society has never bad a dollar of debt since tbo second year of its osistenco until this year , \vnon it was obliged to contract an obligation of $ j,000. To offset this the society owns prop erty valued at $250,00) ) . The principal address was delivered by Mrs. Jane Bancroft Koblnson. Mrs. liobln- 8on is a pleasing speauor and commanded the clojo.it attention. Alter discussing briefly tbo nlrns and prospects of the society she launched out Into a broader field and soundly berated the World's fair commission for tholr prospective notion In not closing the fair on Sunday and in allowing the sale of liquor on the crounds. Addresses were also delivered by Mrs. Clinton B. Flslio nnd Uov. I. N. IJalby. TAI.Kii : ) AltOUT 1IHAINS. Dr. IlrlKtnl r.ccturuH to n Largo Audience on .Mcntiil KuciUuncI l'oa llllltli' . The largo auaicnco that nssomulod nt the First Mothodlstchurch last evening to hoar Hov. Frank M. Bristol , D.D. , of Chicago de liver his lootura on "Brains" was gratified by ugonuino intellectual treat. Ur. Bristol took the ground that "brains" were not dependent upon any outward ap pearance or measurement. Ho scoffed nt the sciences of phrenology and physiognomy , and matntainodlbat ; the achievements of n brain were Its onlv true and philosophical measurement. ITbo tlmo had como when society doiimndca brains of all its servants. Success in imy bushier enterprise depended upon the result of ia competition hi which urnms rose pre-oinliiout. Kvon the laborer and the nrlUanmiunl put moro than ttiuught into their work. Modern laoor-savlng rau- chlnory required more brains nnd less mus cular effort. The problem bf the reconciliation of capi tal aim labor would never bo solved by poli ticians , by the press , or oy the pulpit , but by the education ot tbo masses. The destiny of this republic depended on the public schools und tcachors. The only way to preserve ttio Americanism of America was through thu agency of the lllila rod school house. Uiuilurtinvu ( lomip , The sifting process lias been adopted by the various committees on account of the great pioss for tlmo. There nro hundreds of resolutions and memorials that will navur see the light ot day on account of the hurry In wblili tbo conference will close Ita work. The resolutions passad yesterday with regard 10 the work of Dr. Stowo In the Cin cinnati book concern formoa a fitting tribute to his excellent record as a successful man ager of tha vast interuJts Involved in the great book bouse. Accept * Hie tiliurcc. Uov. W. I' . HellioB * of Milwaukee ha > ac- copied the call extended to him by the First Baptist church of this city , and if all things are favorable will posslblv como to Omaha about August 1. There is concrnl rcjoicinc among the members of the church , and Kov ) Mr. Hcllings will find n united oonirrcgiitlon to help bun in his now field ot labor. Action upon Mr. Rollings' acceptance of the call will bo taken tomorrow night. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business , take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Pigs , ns it acts most pleasantly ana effectively on the kidneys , liver and bowels , preventing fevers , headaches nnd ether forms of sickness ? For sale In 50 cents and $1 bottles by all loading druggists. I'ut Chlcngo In Your I'nckpt. A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of Chicago. " If there is n feature or insti tution in the World's fair city n full de scription of which does not iippoar in the book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price , Uo cents per copy. For sale ut09 llonild building , Chicago. See the now , complete - ploto nnd elegant map it contains. Pur- sons ordering' copies will plouso enclose 0 cents extra for postage. STILL DOING DAMAGE. High Wntur Is Caiiilnc ; ItnllrnniU Cimslilrni- blo Trouble ICucrnlVinilioiitn Itc'iiortoil. Trafllo on the Sioux City & Pacific be tween Missouri Vnllov and Sioux City was suspended yesterday , high water In the Llttlo bioux having carried nway n part of the bridge early In tbo morning. Ono of tbo last trains to pass over the bridge before It foil was the passenger train returning with sixty excursionists from Omaha and Council Bluffs who had gone to Sioux City to vlow the ruin wroutrht by the flood. It will tulco two days to repair the bridge , nud Sioux City trains are being run over the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. The Missouri Pacific sufforec' n waihojt near Union , nnd the Neuraska City line was abandoned. Through trains are run over the Lincoln line bv way of Weeping Water , Dunbnr nnd Auburn. It Is thought the main line will bo repaired and trains run ning over it tomorrow. The opening of the now line byway of PlatUmouih has been postponed ugalu on account of the softness of tuo roadbed. The Hock Island is still suffering from n common experience with new rondbuds. nnd the line between Omaha and Lincoln is not being uso'J , Through passengers nro sent around by way of St. Joseph nnd Kansas City. The Burlington announces an excursion to the Black Hills on the unv following thu ad journment of the Mothodlst general confer ence. Lncllcs , Indies , think of the engagements you have broken and the disappoint ments consequent to others nnd perhaps to yoursolvoH , all on account of headache. Brudycrotlno will euro you in fifteen win- utos. _ I'ut Clilrngn In Your rocket. A great work , "Mornn'n Dictionary o Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti tution in the World's fair city 11 full de scription of which does notaijpoarin the book , wo have yet to hear of It Price , 25 cents per cony. For sale at 209 Iloruld building , Chicago. See the now , coin- plolo aim ologanl map it contains. Persons - sons ordering copies will please onclofao 0 cunts nxtra for postngo. PRESIDENT CLARK AT HOME. Tlio Now Union J'uclllo Ilonil Ansumv * ActIve - Ivo C'onliol < > l tli Itoiul. 8. II , II. Clark anchored the ofllco of pres ident Of the Union Pacific railroad In the big building nt Ninth and Fornam streets yester day morning , und tbo accumulated business of two months , with Interruptions by friend * and officials , made the old general manager's room a lively place. Among tbo firnt things which will rocolvo Mr. Clark's attention is the union depot. Ho lotuniH to Omaha clothed with authority to carry out tbo compromise ugrocd upon between - twoon himself nnd the commlttoo represent ing tbo city , and another conference may bo expected within a few days , ut which slop * will bo taljou to lay the mutter ooloro the people nnd make the proposo.1 settlement effective. Mr. Clark is nnxioui to resume work on the depot , and as soon ns tbo com- promlso is definitely settled the depot com pany proposes pushing construction with all posslolo spcod. Subordinate officials In the Union I'nclflo service are expecting the aunouncomonl to morrow of expected appointments , out they may bo disappointed. Mr. Clark retains thu tltlo and duties of general manager , but there are intimations tnat none of the ex pected changoj will bo made for some tlmo. TOLEDO , Iowa , April 0. 1S91. Dr..I. B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wife has used about six bottles of your Tree of Life , and thinks that .she lias rccclvo.1 griutnr ben- flit frum It than any medicine she has over taken. Yours tnily , L. II. BUI-KI.V. Cion'l Agent and Troas. Wcit Collogo. Since receiving the above testimonial , 1 am in receipt of a letter nnd chock from the Hov. L. . II Bufltln of Toledo , Iowa , April S3. to send Hov. J. \ \ . Ivonworthv , Crestllno , ICnn sas , six bottles of Mojro'n Tree of Ltfo. i''orsalo by all druggists. A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and effectual. Kofor by permission to Uur- lington Iltuvkoyo. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet Shokoquon Chumical Co. , Burlington , In. TIRED OF LIFE. fioorgo Klolu 1'ouiKl Di'iicl III : i llltickMiiltli Shop Yt'striday 'Mnriilni ; . When the blacksmiths are employed at 1415 Harnuy street opened the shop yesterday morning they \vora startled to sea tb o body of a man hanging oy the nock in ( he oaso- mont. Ills lees wcro touching the floor and near by was the empty nnll keg on which ho had stood to tie the Knot. Ono of the workmen Identified the body a * that of ( .icorgo Klolu , a ( Jcrman , who luul been employed nt cdd jobs about the town. Ho was about -15 years old and luul evidently shortened his lifo simply became ho wii tlrod of It. Ha had no tolntlvos or connuu- tlons of any kind and none but casual ao ( iiialntanccs plcucd up In saloons know any thing about him. Ho did only enough work to support life und was n heavy drinker. Ho wus n imtl"o of AlHACo-I.orriifni ) , nnd In said to liuvo brothers and sisters living at or near Chicago. An Inquest was hold nt C o'clock yesterday afternoon at the morgue. Thu jury returned u verdict of culcldu by strangulation. Parties wishing accommodations to ' Hpui'lal train the Samosotiuid governor' * to tliomitioiwl doinot-ratio convontlonat Chlcngo , loavliiL' Omaha , Saturday I Juno 18 , at 7 p. m. , vlii the Mnrllngton route , should send in n | > | illiiitionn ) for Bleeping car borllu orsoalu In chair cars ( free ) and holol nccommodallons at Chicago cage to Nat , lirown , uhalfiuaii of hotel and railroad c-ominlttuo. GIOIMIK : W. Siini.fS : , I'rosldent. J. KVANB , Sooiotary , SauiObOt Aha'n. STILL UNDKOIDED. llouril of i : < lm iitlon luiiilinrit Don't Know \V liiirit Tlioy Will do Ilimlnr * llorciillcr. The Hoard of Kduciitiou Is atllt at a loss to know uhat It Is going tu do for a permanent homo. It ban ? ' . ' 0,4'JU alrondy In the new city ball , with fl.r.TO to bu ilUtiurseil , but thu inoinborh have not lolaxau tholropponltlon to the ( ) iiar'.erj CHI opart for thorn by the council. Some of the mombom think that a com promise might bo ngroud upon bvblch tlio rooms bhould bo rearranged , and mi axroo- iiiout entered Into providing for the use of a pnrt of the HIIACO tut nstdo lor the public library In case the library Is not moved to the cltv hall , or hi thut event , after It bn ugaln been moved Into the mructuro to lo eroded especially for it. The matter * cgm to bo In stntu quo , \vtth nobody moving a nngor und ouch waiting Jur the other follow to ollor it uifo ( tloa or proposition. InlSSOBrown's Bronchial TrJcho * " wore Introduced , aud thnlr nuctvs * as a euro 'or coldi , coughn , lutnuia ana brmcUUiJ DM bcuu uupurallclod. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Curoo Glmppod Hondo , Wounds , Bumn , Etc. Eoinovoa nnd Prevents Dai driUT. WHITE RUSSIAN S9AP. Specialty Adapted for Use in H d Water. MANHOOD RtSTOP.ED. : . " 8ANAMVO , " tl V Woiulorl il Hjniiliti llrnicil ) , II MM ttllll A Wrltion C inirmttno lo cum nil 'oivoii > ll ) . uuti , tutl asUnlc Jlcinary , I * i of Ilmlu I'o WIT , I t a il a c li c , W krruli | < . iLuil3lun liooil.Km u no , IJM- eltuJo , ill il ulns niul lofli of | i vur of Ilia ( itntrntlti Oniim In _ _ olllitr BCI cn'I'Cil liy orri rirtiluii , .wailful li.umirllol.ior t ruiuMvn 3 nfliilai o | ,11111nr itiinillniiH. lId iilllin.ili ly I' J to Inllna , ( , - | . | ) nuil liumi > I'm up liKunirriilti Ifnim In rorrr In Hie vikl | kit , rilra II n I'licknc- G lor Si , \ \ Illi > ny ( .t im r ir Klir nrlllun Kiinrnntuo to cum or rfiiml Ilia rnonuy. KIH hj i" nl in mi' mluicu. rtfuinr fu Iti | lain rtivrli'j * Mfiill < > n Ihuiui-cr f 'r M , HAD.ilD CHlUICAt CO Iiritncli OiHc n i tl H , A , j : . IVnil' ' , rn Xlrrl. > . CIlll'ACI. I LI. . fOIl hMi : iIMA1IA. : NKU. , If Knhr , t ( u , < r Dili A l > i > urln < hti. J A lullerACn.lor Kill * DuukMtiBU * -135 lilt I ! \VK-UM Nr.ltVKANII 111. \ Slll.NT n timildi ) fur lly t'irli , IHolnoi i l-'iti Nn | . rnUla , llviiilni'liu , Nirvuui rrinlrulu.i rnuie , ) lif nlcoliuior uiliaicu. Wiikvfiilnu < , Mo Ml ll < > iin > < lionaulliiciiortlitfllinliiililiiillniii liy inltury , ikTiy.iluntli. I'riMiiutiirii Uhl Au . linn mxi I.MII of l'o r In I'lllicT ov liupdlnrior , I. M urrlir 11111L , nil l-uiuulo Wuiknuiit't , liiriilunlirr I MIDI , fi.ir | innlorrliOii ouuooil by nviir unurllun ( tin I'ml * hult iilniiuori'r-liiitiMk''iKo. A mould I Irimtiiuuit llUurf\ innll , Wimminiiitminl * ift luciir 1'niliorUur Inn , Inuiii , nim II will l orltion Bunrniitoatn riirunit If nut 1'iiruil Hun nlim Iximl Luri'dr loth uuU i'arnniii > t > oiuuliu t 3E > SIT , HJ oataKxxat cuvi Arinir nn1 f arniilolo . . ' Bii | > i'U ' lturli < IUi "i'lit In I * ! " " ' ' . "i ami I'HU n ruilii' " I n' f"f I" ' I klliuliirUloi" ! ifclli , l , ii lifin" I' ' ' r ! larr I'll i Tu ' . "mo r lim IK < ' ' Inll II Mirh ti'I ' " " ' " ' " tlilitrirlliU < ll ' " ' " , , ttuhit tt ut ) KX ! * ' i * * i n tMnin "i i * * * * " ' i nit ! i urou Hiit 4 ti' ' . - i Tutt'sTinyPJIs ( iml.li' liinb l'i'l'H ' lo 'iil l'n ' laiiMiUuifim "li n , nUlii'D. 'llwy iiiiurUli II' " l" llU. l. t till 4 *