Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OM\TTA DA FLY HF/R : TUESDAY , MAY 21 , 1802.
Enormous Decrease in the Visible Snpply of
Wheat Repotted.
JIvcrynlipro .Hplotullit for Ilio
Crop ] mill running Operations I.onp ;
IV'lionl Trrcly I.lciutilntcil-Stochi
nml Uuiiild U'cro Active Knrly.
CIIICAOO. 111. , MiyS3.-A ( surprlso WM In
tore for llio speculators totlny the blgscst
wuoUIy tlecrcnsoovor roporlod In the records
of the Tislblo supply of Vhont. It rcsultctl In
n , shnrp recovery front a ponoral ilocllno In
prices ciitificd by the sudden jjunKnil improve-
moiit In the wcittlicr. Novcrtliolcss , compnrcd
with Saturday's closing , ovcrythlng on the
list Is lower this ovenltii ? wheat Me , corn 1 Jic.
onts ; ic , pork 12Uc.
Mny corn shows n decline of 10J. The slp-
nul Rorvlco limp was tlio Ural tiling that at
tracted the attention of operators. It showed
that the wcathcrovorywhero was splendid for
the crops nnd for farming operations. There
were only two points west of Chicago where
nny rain was reported and the barometer In
dicated a continuance of these conditions.
Values were still further demoralized by a
drop of from Ud to Id reported In Liverpool
nnd the shnrp don turn In doincstlc"inar-
Long wheat wns freely liquidated , the boars
who liavo been held In check by the bad
weather sold short freuly and there was a
praduuldropor Uio from the closlns UK tires
of Saturday. I'ardrldgo wns nol dotns much.
There was seine Rood buying by these who
put out short lines on the recent uulso and
were Inclined to take profits. I'urclinsc' ) by
I.ofrnn , Bchwartz-nupto and Mllmlnc-ltod-
num were lar ely covering shorts sa'cs ' made
l-'rliliiy and Saturday.
The vlHlblo supply , It was thought , would
show a peed decrease , of anywhere from
I.M-J.IMI to'.WO.OOt ) liii. , but the report of the
lakes was the last In and when that was
posted showing a dcciodso of nearly 4uoowo
un. and an aii roato decrease of 4,403OOJ bu.
the market took a suddo.1 Jump of J4c. lint
the advance was mot with nuws ofbliIndlnn
HhlpincnlN .V-W.UUO bu. and a rumor tliit : the
world's shlniiiiinU toKuroiio were over 8.00J.-
00 ] bu. The openlni ; wns about from ? c to
Ja'o lower than Saturday's elosin ? . ruled wank
and declined lie more , then rallied l ! c , aguln
oi.scd oir i c at the close.
Corn WIH weak anJ slower on the flno
weather , marked Improvement In thogr.i _ < Hiig
ivnd the free and short soil In- . The May deal
looked to bo on the point of collapse. The
short Interest was apparently largely elim
inated List week and thera was not much
wanted , whllo the realizing by the Innes was
heavy. There was considerable talk of large
Kotllomonts by shorts on private terms. In
itial trades were at from ! ic to''udecline
from Hatnrday's close , and a further woakon-
IiiK of io eel In , prices then iiuvunclir- from
life to lUc , easing oir later lie.
There were no transactions In May corn
until about fifteen mlnutns after the oponlhir ,
when llaldwln took from Hsss IO.OM bu. ntCHf ,
or So lower than the nominal value of the ar-
tlelo at the close of the niarkot on Saturday.
There were a few sellers who continued to
offer May at lower prices , until It finally
touched CUc. Hey ( I on & Co. wore the most
conspicuous of these who had May corn to sell
aurlng the dccllni1 , but altogether the nmount
of It which changed hands probably did not
exceed 130,010 bu.
Oats were traded In fairly , and an unsettled
fcollnv prevailed. The market opened weaker
and from ? . c to lo lower , and declined from ! { o
to ? ao more In sympathy with wheat and corn ,
bill when they advanced nnd the VslDIo suu-
ply statement catno In , a firmer feeling devel
oped and prices advanced from ? io to Ic. The
close wna stoaily ,
Ixotwlthstandlng the llrinncss In Ilvo hoes at
the stockyards , provisions chanted to UlJe lo\v-
ur than Saturday's llnai llgiiroson reportsof
line wo.itln'r. The olferinas of port ! for Sep
tember dell vorv by a prominent packing Insti
tution , drove the market down several points ,
but lard and ribs scarcely participated In
the broalc. The In gr.iln was also a
btronz element In producing weakness. When
wheat advanced on the visible supply figures ,
provisions boomed In sympathy , the local
crowd , had bought early , rushing In
to cover. This wax followed by n slight re
action , the market closing steady for pork ,
linn tor lard and strong for ribs.
Lake rates wuro rasy ut IJ c for wheat and
! } { } for corn to llntTalo.
The estimated receipts for tomorrow arc :
ICO cars of wheat , 'i"iO cars of corn.'JJO cars of
oats and 21.000. hogs.
The loading futures ranzcn as follows :
Juno , . . til 61H
July 83 b2
COIIN No. 2- b2C2
Mny 6S CS CO C2
Juno > 41 !
July 40
.Mny SMI SOV )
Juno SOU
WF.CS I'onic
Jlny 10 OS 9 65 1000
July , 11) ) O'Hi 10 10 OIK ) 11)05
Sept 1(1 ( 12i 10 UJ 10 ! 0
LA 1111
Mny G25 C30 G era
July ess I ! 40 l\ \ : b 40
Sept CM lC W ( iiS
Mny 692X 692 ! BOSW
July 6'JJH ( i OH ( i 02 ! | ,
h'l-pt C 12V
Ciishuottlaons were us follows :
l''i.ouu ' Quiet , unchanged : winter patents ,
M. ' . > 04.40 ; winter atraluhlH. t4. J : vurini :
patents , 4.rr4.X ( ) .
WHEAT-NO. S sprltiR , 62ifft8J4'o ! : No. 3 sprlnjr ,
on track , 7ic ( ! No. a red , Ht > df ! Jc.
COIIN Lower ; No. 8 , 4754COc ; No. 3 yellow ,
OATS No. 2 , 31 o ; No. 2 white , 31c : No. 3
llVE-No. 2. 7lic.
HAIU.KV No. 2. COilOJo ; No. 3f. b. b. ,
No. 4 , r. o. b. , 4j@.Klc.
KI.AX SKEH-NO. l , $1.07.
TIMOTHY KKED I'rlnio , 11.201.31.
I'oiiu Moss , porljlil. , $ IO.Kxaia02W ( : lard , nor
100 lus. , JO 27 ffi . 'JJ : fcliort rlhs. stdus , ( Iooso > ,
I0.02l < ao.n ( : ury salted shoulders ( boxudi. J3.25
4 .1.a7'.4 : short clear sldos ( boxed ) , J0.174li.M. }
WIIIBKV Dlatlllurs' ilnislioil coodB. poi'Kul. ,
SunAiis UncliniiRoil : cut loaf SGS'ic : crin >
ulnted. 4Wu : stiiiulnrd "A.4 c.
KccolptH mid Hhlpinunta today ware as fol-
'On the 1'roduco oxchuniro todny the butter
inarKot wiiadul ) , weak ; fancy creamery , 18o ;
line western. 17o : ordinary. l.ViSlfpo : ( Inn dairies ,
ICc ; ordinary , l"OI4c. KKKS , quiet ; HGIllli : .
Oiniiliu I'rodiico .Market.
HiDKH. KTC. No. I Krcon hides , 3c ; No. 1
rceii Ki.ltud hlilcs. 4Ol'ic ; No. aKroen salted
hides , HQilUi1 ; No. 1 Broon salted hides , 'J5 to 40
ins. , < 5M4o ! : f > o. sBfoen salted hides-'A to 40
lb . .JiiU ; No. I veal oiilf. H to 15 Ibs. . Oc : No. 2
veal calf. H to l , " > lbs..4o ; No. I dry Hint hides.
TciNo. idry : No. 1 dry salted
miluM , MKlc. Mioop polts-Urccn salted , uiieh.
foctttl.'S ; Kreon salted Hho.irllnjH ( short
\voood ! early tlclnsi , each , l f..o : dry khenr-
llnxH ( short wooled early skins ) . No. l , each.
Mtluo ; dry slionrllnu-a ( aliort. woolod early
Hklns ) . No. i. each. So ; dry Hint Kaunas nnd
per lu. . nut u ul vrulKhl. IMBU'Sio ; dry Hint Colorado -
rado murrain wool poltx , per lu. , actual wolstht ,
WfolOo ; dry pieces and bucks , nctual weight.
7iV.o. ( ) Tallow and - roadu Tallow. No. I. a4'il (
4c ; tallow , Nai. iWi'lUc ; grease , whlto A , 4c ;
crease , while II , ; iHu : irro-iso. yellow. : ie ;
itruaae , dnrk , 8 sic : old butler , 2'Jc ; beeswax ,
prime , ir.a-V : roiuh tallow. l ® ' ! .
rotii.TiivOld fowls. Kl.SoOl.uo per dor. . ore ®
o peril ) . Ilvo wolisht.
llinTi'.lt f'dino of the htst eountry hutter
roes ut Il < u > l4c , but Unythliu that fulls below
lint point KOOM to the tuckers at 6u.
I'ltUiT * Uallfornla lllverdldo orauvos , ( LOO ;
t box lots. $ : . ' .M ; Washington nuviilm JI.M ;
tholco niiples , $ . ' ! . ( OJti.N : ) ; oholco lemons. Ki.7.YiS
l.uo ; fanuy lemons , * l.f > 0 | baniinaacrated , t ! , t
li'.M cranberries Mtock bill. '
: vhlpplnu , , K. < 0 ;
Kiorula tomatouH. K'.iVl per crate of lx baikcts ;
plncnpplns. J.MJOaiM per do/
\'iurAin.KS-boc ; < l t > weot potatoes , ( ' . ' .2. ;
California cabbaiu , SUa peril ) . In cratuj ; homo
trown lettuce , 4uo pur do ; onions. O.lcfi > tl.l5
iiurhu. ; NubriiKka hand picked buans , tl.tvVii
t. Oi modluni , 8l.iJI.O'i ! Colorado and weitcrn
SuhraHka potatoes , UVTpl c ; itatlvu potatoes ,
tCllOci limn bciiii , 4opor Ib. ; water ere B'Jl-
qt. cati's. ia > { o perit. | ; spinach , MIXK&L'JS per
bill , ! r.idlsht-H , 40o ; rutulmKaa , 4I.-'UI.M per
bbl. ; | ) ! uilant,3c peril ) , ; imi-aloy , U-VtCDu ; new
C'nllfnriim ' potatoot , 'J ? per IU ; cucumten ,
ll.Wpur Uor
HTKAWIIKIIIIIKH Oholoo stock sultaolo for
hlpp nir none lee plenty. M. & . I.OJ.
Now York Marliotf.
NEW YOIIK , May 23. KI.OUU Hocolpta , 2-
8 H pkmt exports , S.'US bbU , | l,4ua sucks !
low cni'ies , | 2.r. < & 2.75t fair to fanoy , 1.45
Ciaai ; patuntv. H. iW.00 ! Minnesota clear.
UGU3I.IO : Ktralxhts. ta.K 3l.tO | putunts , H.JKfi
l.iiil rye tnlxtnrus. $ dUOttd.A (
toii.NUKAL V'lrni butilot ] ; yellow western ,
P 7 tfc. ) IU
\VlUAi--Uecelpt * , 693,500 bu , ; cxporti , W.IUO
bill snlcx , l.ra."i,000 futures : 121.000 spot , Spot
markctnulct lower , closing weak ; No. ! red ,
USHQ'JS'.io ' afloat ; l vaWio r. o. b. ; tin-
crndcd ted , 8IMtRn ( ; No. 2 t'hlcaRO. OJliaoics
No. 2 Milwaukee , 8'JJfc. ' Options docltncd Pi
® U5o 0:1 : o oirlnjt wonthor wnM , advanced
JSftlo on dccronso In vlalblo supply , declined
? 'iioon the India shlpmcnts-tlio largest
over known , closing woixk nnd dull at
under b'nttudny ; No. 2 rod. May , Wa'ifl
closlni ; atWlic , June , Dip , uloslng at WVc :
July. OOJiaa.Ue. closlnsntOlHo ; AiiRtiit ,
fin3''c. closlnz nt 03'io ! September. CK1JO
closing nt ( Diioi October , Olc ; Dcccmbor. I
p. oloslnu nt IWcj May , ISttl , WJJiSM'.e ,
closhiR atoc.'ic.
KVE Quiet ; western , KUttSJc.
Htocks of Rraln In store nnd afloat May :
Wheat , 2l , ! i2W3. btl.t corn. Ill.VUS bu. ! oats.
951,7731)11.1 rye , Ii7r.0 : : bu. ; barley , 4l,5j5 bit , ;
unit , 07.W Int. ; pnas. 3.0.W bit.
OoilN-UccolptD , 4IS ! > 2 bii.t exports. 41.000
tin. ! sulrs , I.4K..OJJ bu. of futiirca ; iin.000 bu. of
spot. Spot market dull , lower , cloilnz stoutly.
No. 2 , toe : In elevator. f > 8o ; alloat. t 8'4o ; un ;
praded , 48Vie ; steamer , r > 7c. Options declined
l KI Joon bolter wuathcr , advanced ! i'i °
on covering , and closed steady at Uo up on
May tind I'iTfilUc decline on other months.
May. 6i'i6l8c. ! closing at fiSnt June. Kl'iWHr.
closlnu nt Kl'So' ' .Inly , fil'.WlJUc , closlnx Jit
filSic ; Ansnst. fO'iT V.'o , cloHln : at51je ? ; Hop-
tomber , ftlft.-iiyc. oloiln ? at ftl'/Sc.
OATS llecolpts , 1)1,8 ) ! . " > bu. ; export H.2o.010bu. : ;
sales. 20).lJu ) bu. of futures. } bu. of spot ,
Spot slower , moderately active , easy ; options
iiulut and weaker. Mny. ; iic ! , o'oslnic at
: wJe } ; Juno , a : > 7.Q , : ; Hc , closing nt 9GMo ; .luly ,
' . closlnp ataVic : Autust , '
closing nt ilflc ; Spot No. 2 white. 1iOil'c ! ; ;
mixed western , llVSltSo ; whlto western , US ®
In fair demand ; shipping ,
$9.0J : Rood to choice , JH..VJ.
lloi'j Firm but quiet : state common to
choice. iMX 'Wc.
HtiOAii Itaw , moderately active nnd firm ;
sales. 2,8'JO ' tons of muscovado , 81) ) test , nt 2o ? ®
: ic. and 500 bags centrifugals , M test , at ! l 1-llic.
Heflncd , nulet but stead v ; No. 0. : i : i-l'Wi'l lA-tnc ;
No. 7. 3'o ; No. fl , 9Ui { : ai No , 10 , ! ) - ( ! >
: i ll-ICo ; No. 11 , IHitt'l.'ie : oir A. : KI-lDo : con
fectioners' A , 4 ; i-iui 5-nuj ; cubes. 4 ii-ios
4 ii-ioc. :
MOI.ASSGS ForolKii.dull ; New Orloan steady
Hicti I'lrrn nnd fairly active ; domestic ,
fair to oxtra. 4S1Kc ; Japan , : ii5J.V.Je. !
1'KTiiot.BltM Gently but quiet ; roHncd Now
York , file : United closed atr > s'.io bid.
COTTONSEII : ) On. Kirn ) , better demand.
TAI.I.OW Dull nt4. ll-ltk' .
KOXIN Hiuiuly , qulot ; utralncd , common to
Tutti'KNTiNi : Dull and lownr ati11o. : ! ! {
Enns Qulot. and firm ut 17Ol7Ie ? ; receipts ,
' .
HIDES Steady , qulot.
Woot. Sto idy , with fair demand ; domestic
fleeces. . :8l'iic ! : pulled , 0iUf.'c ( ; Texas , 17 < 3--V.
I'OIIK Qulot , steady.
OUT .MiATH-l-'lnn : ; pickled hams , lO'.JG.lIc ' :
middles dull ,
LAIIU Steady ; May , 10.03 nRkodi July , M.COi
Aui-Mis' , W.74 : Pcptemher , } U8J bid.
IlUTTBH .Moderate demand , steady ; west
ern dilry. Ciftl.'ic ; Kl ln. 2 In.
OiiKKBB-Qulet , easy ; part skims IljlOe.
1'id IHON Hteadv ; American. $ I4.75IO.U. !
Cni'PEll Quiet ; lake. Sl'MtOS.'O.O ' ) .
I.EAD-Dull : domestic , J.i2il.2oJl. !
TlN-Stralghts. fj.40. |
.St. Louis .Uiirl : < ; t4.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Mav 2:1. : PI.OUB Strong for
top grades ; other kinds dull.
WHEAT Opened Jfo oir , declined some more.
rallied l'c , foil back again and closed with
sellers Wo under Saturday ; No. 2 rod. cash ,
H7Mc ; .May. 87c ; Juuo. 3c bids July , HliSSi5c ( ! ;
August , WJO7USc. !
Cons Opened Uo off. went straight down
We more and closed lje below Saturday ! No.
2 red , cash , 48c ; May closed at 40 ? o ; July.
42'ic ; September. 4c. : !
OATS Followed wheat and corn nnd closed
lower , except for July : No. S. cash ,
asked : Mny , ICIo bid : July , 31ic.
UVB Uettor : 7.74c. *
llAlir.KY No market.
UIIAN Hlsher and scarce ; sacked at near
by cout.try points. 05c.
llAY-l'ralrlo , sauofflll.OO ; 'timothy , Jiao.'O
IS. 00.
liKAD Quiet ntII.07J. !
KI.AXSEF.I ) Lower ul il.Ol.
llUTTKit Unchanged ; creamery , 153ISc ;
dairy , r.'Cildo.
KdO' ? Unchanged.
Coti.v MKAr.-Sharply higher at$2.0 : ® i"a
WnisKV-Hteady at (1.14.
ItACHliNn-Unchangcd at 0(5ffiSe. (
COTTO.V TIES Unchanged.
I'ltovistONs Very qulot , with only a job
triulo at provlousqiiotattons
UBCKiiTd Flour. y.uoa Ibs. : nboat , 2T ,000 bu. :
corn. ai.OJO bu. ; o.its , UJ.tXIO bu. ; rye , 1,000
bu. ; barley , none.
SiitpMKNTH Klour. .1.000 Ibs , : vrhe.U , 2,000 bu. ;
corn 1.UU3 bu. ; oats , l.O.'O bu. ; rye , none ;
barley , none.
Haniii.i City
KANSAS UITV. Mo. . May 2:1. : WHHAT Dull
nnd ' / } ® lower ; No. 2 hard , 737415c ; No. 2
rod , B'JttdlHc. '
Coti.N The market was Ho lower ; No. 2
white. 40c ; No. 2 mixed. 45) ) Jr.
OATS In filr demand , but lower : No. 2
mixed , IIP.JiSMc : No. 2 white. 95 Kc.
KVE Steadv ; No. 2 quoted nominally at COc.
l-'CjAxSRcn-Ula on the basis of pure.
HIIAN Kaslor : sacked , O'tc.
HAV Very linn ; timothy , 89.00O10 CO ;
pralrlo. 9.\OtStS.un.
IlUTTBH Qutut , steady ; creamery , 1420c ;
dalrv , 6llo.
Kens Firm at 13c.
KKCEIPTS Wheat. 11,000 bu. ; corn , 5,003 bu , ;
onts. none.
Sllli'MENTS-Whoat , 0,003 bu. ; corn , 7,003
bu. ; oats , none.
Colli'n Markot.
.New YOIIK. Mny 23. Options opened steady
nnd unchanged to 10 points up. closing steady ,
n tip , to n down : sales , li,5'rj ba--H. Including
May , tM3.70r..75 ! Juno. S12.15 ; Julv. JI2.00 ®
1S.05 ! Hoptember. $ I1.I ® 12.)0 ( ) : October , 811.05 ®
12.00 ; November. $11.1)0 ) bid ; December. HI.OD ®
11,95. Spot Hlo , quiet , hleady : INO. 7 , 8I3.0U ©
"nlo JANKIIIO , Maya. First ordinary. 11.150
rcls per 10 kilos ; good seconds. lO.MJj rcli. He-
celplH during the past week , : I7.0IK ) bags ; pur
chases for the United States. MOJ ( ) : shipments
to thu Unltrd States , none : stock. 17.-OJi hags.
SANTOS. May 21 Good nvoraKo , 11.000 rels
per lu kilo ? ; lecolpts ilurln ; the past week ,
iAOOO bas ; purclriees for the United States ,
: ! .0iO ; shipments lo the United btate. ' , 23uOO :
stock , 32,0.0 bags.
llrltlxli Grain Tradu Itovluiv.
LONDON. May :3.-Tho Murk Lane Express ,
In Its review oi the Itrltlsh grain trailo for
the past week says : There Is a pronounced
opinion that there will bu a short yield of
wheat. Oats are not dotnj well , owing to the
deficient rainfall. Farmers are clearing nwav
their reserves of wheat. Heavy supplies led
to unprecedented prices , and sales were at a
low llguro. Foreign nlso was largely oll'ored.
Whllo wheat drooped Is and rod ( id.
oats and maize were dearer. liarloy
was cheaper. Todny wheat was steady and
unchanged. Foreign wheat advanced Cd on
American s.iles. I 'lour and maize wore qulu.t
and chcauer. Hurley and oats are Cd and oats
Kd dearer. _
Liverpool .Markets.
LtvEiii-oor. May 23. WHEAT Qulot : holders
oirorsparlngly : rod wor.tern spring , OslodCtUs
lOlid percental ; No. 2 red winter , 0-j lld&Us
lUid per cental.
COIIN Qulot : demand fallen off : mixed
western. 4t Ou per cental.
IjAiui l'rmu ! weBlern. 'Hs Oil porowt.
OIIECSI ; American , llnost white , 5Ssfld per
owt , _
Minneapolis \Vlicnt Marknt.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , May 211 July wheat
hold Htoady , breaking on the announcement
of thu visible supply and eloslnr at opening
prices , ( . /'ash strong , nearly all No. I northern
belling at Hie. Itccolpu , Ji'S ears. Close : .May ,
blc ; July , hlac. On track , No. 1 hard , 83c ; No.
1 northern , H.jJiu ; No. 2 northern ,
Cliiciiiniitl MiirliiitH.
OiNCiSNATt. O , May 23. WuKAT-Jowor ;
No. 2 rod. Ni ? . ; < atMe ,
COIIN K"sior : No. 2 mixed. 4'.KS5lc ' ,
OATS Firm : No. 2 mixed. iCI'ia'JIn.
WtiiSKV-Stoiidy ; silos finished at 11.15.
Tulmlo ( Jr.iui Market.
TOLEDO , O. , May 23. WIIIIAT Active ; No. 2
cash. lse. > ! .
CoitN-Ktea-ly ; No. 2 , cash. Me ,
OATS Qulat ; cash , 3''e.
VUlhlo Supjily nf drain.
Nr.w VOHK. May 2L-Tho visible supply of
Brain Is ; Wlioat. : > 0.i07.uoo ( bu. ; corn. Mli.u.xi
> > ' ! oats. ybO'iJO ) bu. ; rye. 717,100 bu.j hurley ,
Actlvo III tlio rorrnoon but Oulut Tnirurd
llin Climt * .
Nr.w YOIIK. Mnyla The stock market was
rather active In the forenoon but quieted
down later. The bulls claim that thn damage
by floods In a portion of thu country , together
with tha act'ons by tlio Northern and Ale h-
Ison companies , hud been fully dlicountod ,
and that these Influences Irivo had their full
ull'ect is Even In the duslro to cover by the
lo.idln boar * . The trailer * are Inclined to
rely more upon the attitude of the foreigners ,
aud thin fact belli ; ; ranged this morning 011
the long side , there wus aoiuo buying ( or thn
long account by that class of operators. The
vronk. holders of btoukft have been cntlru'y
shaken .up. The vranvoni were the leading
prominent stocks today , and AtcliUon , St.
I'uiil. llurllngton and Hock Inland guvo tone
to the . , the last two showing material
gains , while n decline In Krlo preferred was
followed by u full iccovery ,
AmoiiK tnonpoolnltloi there were harp upward -
ward iiiovoiuoiit * In western stocks. Houth
Hhoro fi Atlantic. Diiluli stocks. Biutjuchantm
k Western proforrid rUn ! a nnr cent , There
was more strength and activity lu the coal-
ersandliHlustrUUIntho aftcrnoou. but late
Inthoduvtho boars imulo nnother vicious
drive ut Northern I'aeltlo preferred and do-
Firo'lT1 t8lrlt'nlromM , ! to KX , but while
the whole list wus arfooted by such it dion
the greater portioni of the early nalns were
rogaliiu.1 , unit the final ch.ingos show u num.
bor of material * dvuucv , Wlill * thu clu o
was rather henvv , prices In most , stocks were
fractloim ly hlgficr than these of last cycn-
( lovornmont bonds liavo been'ddll nnd firm.
The I'ost says ; S.iturday's market was un
doubtedly n turning point In the movement
against prices , bjsoj prtlculnrly "I > on the
Western floods , The so'.llns of stocks on this
basis began about the 12th of this month , and
from that date to the lowest love ) last Satur
day the decline In prices In nctlvo stocks was
from 2 to 4 points. The Impression Is general
that n much larger decline bail been olTculcd ,
but this belief Is probably duo to the activity
of the rumor mongers , ns to the result at
tained ,
The following are the closing quotation * for
the loading stocks on the Now Vork Stoalc ox-
chnnca today t
tild lex dlv.
The total sales of stocU's today were 307.5(11
share ! ) . Including : Atcluson , 2.1,41)5 ; Uhleazo
Oas , 15.0JS : Delaware , l < nul < iiwnnni& West-
orn. S.-MUI 'Crle. 10.278 : Manhattan , O.lll ) Mis.
sottrl 1'ac lie , l.ftttO ; Northwestern , 4.1'5 ; Nofth-
crn I'aclllc pi-nfcrred. 2J.rl ( ) : Rvadltf. . 2J.10) ;
Richmond .t West 1'olnt. 5,405 ; Kt. I'atti. W.I10 ;
St. I'nul &Umaha , 5.10) ; Union 1'uclllc , 17DO' .
I.onilon I'limnclal Itcvlcir.
[ Copvrf0h ! /SJJd / Jrmi n tnltn Osnna'.t\
LONDON. M'iy 23. I Now York Herald Ciiblo
Special to Tin : llr.E.I Business generally has
been exceedingly qiilcton the Slock oxctian 'O
today. No doubt the approach of the settle
ment tended to check new engagements , but
apart from Ibis the public Is still disinclined
to speculate. Notwithstanding the great
abundance of money , consols after hour ;
steady closed at an advsinco of from 3-lfl to U
percent. Indian rupee , paper has glvon.way
; i porcentowlng to the fall in prlco of silver.
1'orolgn government securities liavo been
more or loss dull' and heavy all day. duo to
the reaction on the Paris bourse , but the
tendency of International stocks lias bccomo
little more favorable til the close though In
the majority slight declines are marked
on the day. Tno tendency of homo rail
ways has boon Inclined to bo favorable but
owing to the very small amount of business
transacted there has been lltt o movement In
prices. A fractional Improvement occurred
In Midland. North llrltlsh. Northeastern and
Urcat Kastern. Weekly trudlo .statements are
Bomowhat unsatisfactory , American rail
ways liavo been most Inactive the whole day.
yet show considerable ( Irmnois and close about
the best. A strong tone Is reported In Now
York , yet there has been a lack of buying
orders from that center. Atehlsoti Income
has risen 3 per cent on the publication of the
terms of tlio rearrangement of this stock.
Canadian lines show strength In sympathy.
Canadian Pacific nnd Grand Trunk Usuc.-j
leave oil'i ! to f , per cent bettor. Money has
been very little van ted , Short loins ha\o
been obtained at U per conU Unly ? .J per cent
has been paid for tlxtnrej Into .Inly. The dis
count markol was very Inactive. Two and
throe months bills nave not been quoted bet
tor than J to ? per cent.
Now Yorlc Monuy .Haricot.
Easy at Ii ! per cunt ; last loan. 1 per cent ;
closed olTori.'d at 1 per cent
I'liiMK MBIICANTILE PAI-KH 35 per cent ,
STEiiLimi EXCHANGE Qulol nnd easier at
SI.SSU for sixty-day bills and JI.ST'.i for de
The closing quotations on tfonds :
Denver .Allninj ; Mtocltn ,
DKNVCII. Colo. . May J. The followln-j table
shows the rangu of prices nnd transactions
for yesterday. Sales , 8,1) ) shares.
lioston Stock Murkot.
nosTOif. Mass. . May 23. The following
were the closing orlces on stocks on the lies
ton stock market today :
Now York Mining Quotations.
NEW VOHK. May SI The following are the
ch > 3ln : mining stock fjuotatlonsi
financial Xcitoi ,
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , May S3.-OIoarlnjs ,
NEW VOHK. JMv 23-Cloarlnss. 175,811,005 ;
baluii'C8. ) 1H' . '
LONDON , May si Amount bullion conn Into
thn Hunk of Knshiml on b.ilunco today
, 1'n. . May 2) ) . Hank clear
ings , lUVKUKJI : balances. * lU5a,707 , Money. 11
per cent.
MKMi'itiH. Tonn. , May SI Now York ox-
ohanuuselllni uttl.AOt cloarlna. ' . '
: ; Jli'j.ll. ; bal-
uncos. J H'.Hi7.
CiNiiiNNATi. O , , May sa Money .135 per
cent ; Now Vork exchange , ai ,70o preirliiin.
( Jloiirln s , $ ' . ' .hl.WU. )
Nuw OIII.KANH. . May 21 Clo'irltiKB.
H.'JO.KSl ; Now Vork oxchaii'jo ' commercial , 75u
per tl.uU ) piemlum ; bank , { I.5J per KI.OOO.
ST. I.OUIH. Mo. Mav UL Ulcnrlnea , JI.IDI.IOJ ;
balances , i--5.K8. Money ijiilot nnd cany at 4
( 'to per cent. KxolnuiKo on Now York , UOu tiro-
mlum ,
HOHTON. MHSI. , Mny ' 1 , Oloarlngfl. 110-
455.SU ) ; balance ) , * l.5i'.ill * . Money , m per
cent. KxehatiKe on New York , par to 60 ula-
NEW YOIIK. Mny SI-Hprotnl ToIoBriun to
Tun lltsf. ] I'.xohaiiKO w.isiiuitcU ) uafollowgj
HA .
relieved ino of n Eovcro Hlood trouble.
It lias nlso caused my hnlr to grow out
again , ns it had been fulling out by the
hand full , After trying innuy phy&Icians
In vnln , I am BO Imppy to find a cure in
S.8.B. 0. II. ELJIKUT , Galvestou , Tex.
SI PIIPPQ by forcing out ncrms of disease
j uunMand the , ismbM Wei1 (
or It is entirely vegetable and harmless.
0 ' Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free ,
0WUTS tjrrcino co. , AUMIB , a * .
Chlcnzo , 70 < 3iOo ( promlumt SU Louis ,
Drotnltim ,
. . . - - 2t-01onrInR , today
ta.ri3.p70i bnlnnco rlii ,0 3. llato , 0 par cent
HAVANA , May . -Spanish .sold. 8lS.filftS.ftlU
F.xchuiKO quiet ? ih(4io ( ! United Ptalos. shorl
gp'tl , M'n > ; rccu ( iirpinluitit on London , Z'lfi
i-S ! p rcOiitprctnlinif.
CiticAao. III. , /a.01oarlnRS , Jin.DI.707 ,
Money steady nt39&t.lj ) ( nor cent. Now Vort
exchange , 7no urt'rti rdfii bid. .HterlltiB oxch tig (
dull , sixty-day bills , ' f 1.8074 : tlomnnd , II.B9.
\Vcclt Open * SlroiiRon Cnttlo nml .Stonily on
OMAHA , May saiTim week starts out with n
very fair run of cattle and moJorato rccolptf
Itecolpts of oittlc5wcro not overly larao nnd
asoastcrn atlvlcM'wuro favornhlo both local
and shipping liuj'ftrs'ToDk ' hold freely , tlood
llplit catno were In the best domnnil anil
prices ruled tronr.7d" 4 100 hljrhor tluiti Satur
day. There was tihSh decided Improvement
In the demand foTrtood. medium nnd heavy
vattlo and the , market was substantially
slroiiuurnn thcsu KOOIK. | It wns a tolerably
lively t ratio throughout nml every thlnfi
chaniictl hands In coed sciison. Good 1.200 U ;
1 , . ' .Oillb. . steers sold from J.lM ) to n..Oi line t
Kond H.-iO to l.wo ; Hi. Ktcurs from $1.10 to M.7.1 ,
and Inferior llsht slulT from that on down in
iijiH of hutchcr nud canner stock wore
moaui-r. and prices In ccneral trotiitor , l > oi > r rows and iiolrors Bellini ; from 7uu to ! Hulls and stags were steady lo strona
at finm JS. 1.1 ) . Veal cnlvus wuro scarce
and sold at llrm prices from l.V-1) ) to ? 4.7X
Tlmrn wcru comparatlvoly few stookors and
ftiiiiti'rn on Mile , nut there wan a very fait
country dnmand and n Rood tone to the
irailis 1'rlccs were llrmly held. Representa
MirKiu ;
1 cow and calf.i. . . , $1000
Ispriiiiur 1. , ; 4)01 )
1 sprlncor 3100
i springer . , . _ } 28 ( X )
No. ' Av. I'r.
8talllnzs. corn-fud 1254 1 40
10 steers , hay-fed 1221 3 CD
I3stcir.s ! , Imy-foil . . . . ; J3J8 300
Hoes The supply o'f boss on sale. Including
these hold ever < from Saturday , was about
3,000 head , not much dllVoront from last Mon
day. There waft a , vucy moderutu demand
from ihlppcrs and the local demand was
nothlni ! extra. .Tradlmr , was rather slow at
thu opunliiK and prices about llko Saturday's
avoraRO Sitlcn , [ 'Nearly pvorythlnjr nod ! nt
from 54.50 to 81.55. v/lth One cholco load at
J4.575J aud several common ( pads at from J4.-10
to (4.45. A few trains were Into in arriving , so
that the trade drti'Rcod alon- about nil day ,
nlthoiiRh the close was nof , noticeably dlli'cr-
ont from the opening. Thu Kcnornl averaKu
nf prices paid was Jl.filji , against * l.5ii ; } S.itur-
d v and ? l.)9 ! ) ! last Monday. Iteprcscntutive ,
02 3 15
The only load of snoop received
went direct to Hammond and worn notolTorod
on the market. The domaml continue ) * aut-
Ive and urlcca are iinotably stroirr. K.ilr to
Rood natives , II.Mau.OO ; ( alrto ; oed westerns.
tl.MKRtl.OO ; coinindn and stock sheep , j.OOIi : )
4.2,1 ; iood to cholco 4U to UJ-Ib lun.Lis.JI.UJ4i
ICrcrlptanml Il | > : > ? ltlt > : i of.Stock.
Oniclal receipts and dlsposltloti of stock as
shown by the hooks of tlio Union Stoalc VnrJs
company for the twenty-four hours ending ut
G o'clock p. in. , MaV 211.
$2.25 A MONTH
Produces Nnturally
fl E A UT 1 P U L COM-
Free Trial Inhalations.
Really CUJCB ; . Catarrh , Bronchitis.
Aslhmii. II ri'1ovor ) | , Coastnnptlon ,
IlLuulnuh ( Bi < < or nervous ) , Dyspepsia ,
Cftll on or Wr/itxi without notice ,
Suite 610 ShcqWBH ; . . cor. ICth nnd
wur $ ] $ jiT , OMAHA , NEB.
Xi i lurec.t , Futett und Ttattt In the WorlO.
lT . jtigcr ccomuU llomunoiccllod.
' ' '
NEW VOKIC , UIll'flAl'TKll'and NAPtBS ,
AtrciiuUr laUrvnli.
ratonoii luwcet term , to and f rom Ibu | irlnclpI0
090ica. luawin , IEIBU t u& oouintttiTAL rcnuo.
Kiounlan ticket , tnlltblo to relurn bjr either the III *
turvnqu * Clyde ft North o [ Irclud or N ple i UIUr lU.r
Crilvi L ! Vntj Oritii ( : r itr Aseut t Leweit BitlJ.
Applr tu our of our local Ayeattortu
UUMJUIUUM ItltOXliUUd. Vhlouuo , III
Chicago I.tvnMnaX Market ,
OillOAOo. III. . May -Special [ Telegram to
1 MK llcf-.l There was a llvollnr movement In
catto ! to lay than for i < long tlmo Thorn
was an inlvunce of l.'u to'JOc , The boom was
dm' to small ri-culpts. Sales were on a basis at
from fi.fio to M.fK ) for poor to uholco cows ,
heifers and ImlK I . ' . ' . ' . ) lofl.M ) forstockers nnd
foodurs utitl $ : un to f.1,00 for vorv common to
oxtrn stcors. The market closed strong with
nothing leftover.
The hoi market opened nctlvo nnd st rone.
hvcry oao WIIH disappointed In the roco pts
nml for u while In tlio morning there WIIH a
lively Huramhlln ; for the olVerlnss with llin
result that prlce.s sha'.lod a Illtlo higher , lint
the business that churnctcrlzod thu opening
did not loiu endure and before the close
prices littil Ntittitcit back to about Saturday's
llgnres. S.iles were at from Sl.fitfto Il.Oi for
common touholce iiualltles. Iho gront mnjor-
tv making at from f4N ) to Jl.TO. Culls and
llttlp pigs were saleable at from Ji'iO to Jl.fij.
bales of sheup wore at wimkor prices. There
were nol lens than RWI.1 Mieep nd iHtubs In
the puns. wh > loono-hair that number would
liavo met net mil needs , Onenliii sales lonkcd
pretty near steady , but further ulont there
wasadeellne of iibont l c. Quolal ons wcto
froiiits..Tituil.rioror Inferior to common and
from $4.Tr > to JJ.nrfor goo I to o.xtra. Them
wnj u fair Imiulry for yoarllngs at from
to Si. anil for spring lambs ul from W.ooto 81.50
per head.
Receipts : Cattle , 10,000 ! ho s , IIO.OOO ; sheep ,
i >
Thu Bvcnlnir.Iournal reports ! OArrt.E Ito-
crilpts. 1.R3UI shipments. 4,000 : mnrkol actlvu ;
prlmo steers higher , others steady : les' , nto'jM
fl.40l.m : othois. * l.j , > B4.lU ! feeder.JUiO
stookors , i-.505ii..vj ; : '
cows and heifers , Si. TI'I ® „ ' > ! ) .
Ilons-Heeeipts. lil.OOJ : shipments. 15.00J : mar
ket active , Bluntly ; rough and fomtuon ,
$ l.oOTj > I.Aj : mixed nnd packers. fl.V5n4.85 :
prime heavy and butchers' weights , ©
4.1 : llglit. ? l.00l.8.\
SIIKKP Uecelpts.lll.OOOishlpmontF , : i.00i mar
ket lur o lower ; Toxans. { . 'MUGi'i , ? , * ; native
iinilwestorn yearlings , $ al. > ® a.i."i ! lambs , JJ.OO
© ? TJ.
Now York I.lvo Stock Market.
. , '
but L . .
b'oof , st Shipments tomorrow ,
1.4U2 IIL'OVt'H.
JAI.VBS Itocclpts. iLO'Hhoad : market active
at Jio per Ib. hlglior : vc'ils. tl.ri XTS ; mixed
calves , Ci.75Q4.7fi ; buttermilk calves ,
lings. II
J. > .008. !
lambs. '
nor Ib . * . . „
lambs , l.V IKc.
Hoes Kccolpts. 12.M2 head. consUncd Hi
red : market nominally steady ut Jj.lXB5OJ.
St. I.onls I.lvo Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 23. OATi.r.n Receipt ; ,
MO ; shipments , none. Small receipts make a
light market and very little was done. A few
light nallvn steers only were olTornd and they
sold tit ji7.v5i.H : ; > .
lions Receipts. 1,000 ; shipments. .10) ; market
kot llrm ; good to choice. ? l. 70(31. ( 33 : nitNcd ,
SIIIKI > Kccolpts. It.MO ; slilpmcnts. 2.40) .
Most of the receipts wore eommon grndes. but
they went olT at about previous quotations.
Kansas City l.l\c Stork .Markot.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . May 2 : ) . OATTI.K Re
ceipts. : t,200 head ; shipments , I.70J ; the mar
ket for steers was lOo higher at * . ' .CO4.i' : ;
cows , steady to Uo liluhor at tl. : > 05ji.OO : ; stockers -
ors and feeders , steady at Si. : : . ( ) .
HoH Hece pts , ( i.ouo head ; shipments. r > . : iO ) ;
the market wus steady , closing strong ; all
granes , * l.iva4.iii : ; Dull ; . jl..Vil4.lx : ( ) .
SIIKIP Kccolpts. 2.400hcadshlp : neuts. l.tnO : ;
the market was quiet and nominally steady.
41 What's ( lint you liavo ordered , Jnclc ? '
"A wineglass full of Joliann HolV'a
Halt Extract. It's the thing in ( ho
world for indigestion. I take it regularly
with my meal I"
Indigestion is a much prevalent Ameri
can disease. Too mueli ulnrcliy footl will
cause it. Hicli food and sedentary liabila
also .Tohann Ilolfa JIalt Extract is n ,
positive rafegwml. It iucrcnscB the en
ergy of the stomach and the intestinal
canal , nnd stimulates the secretion of the
proper cmantity of diluting tltiids. lie-
sided this , the extract reduces the chem
ical reception of nourishing substances ,
both in solid nnd liquid state ( this means
you can ent n hearty meal without hurt ) ,
as well na their conversion to the form
mostsuitcd for assimilation. Tlio whole
idea is it assists nature. Eisner & 3Ien-
dclsou Co. , Solo Agents nnd Importers
of Mineral "Waters , 0 Barclay street ,
Now York. Beware of counterfeits , they
are dangerous. The genuine must have
the signature of "Joliann Hofl" on the
neck of every bo ( tic.
Union Stock Yards Company
est rattle.hov and sheep nmrkot In tba wcit
< ifflAHIMI \ Writs to this HOUS3 for cor-
iJU. UJlilliroot | Mtulcat Beporti.
Wood Brothers ,
Soutb Onmhii Telephone HIT. - Chicago.
J , 1) . DAD18MAX. I
\V. 15. WOOD. f „ nn or .
Market reports by mall and \vlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , KiistHt. l.ouls , Kansas Olty , South
Uniiilni. , liiiv ( My. Kort Worth.
A. Orlll , W. K. Danny , U. K. Tnllmnilu-e.
CliloJifo. HozHuluiumn. Cutllu rfivlonnan
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lre Block Comml lon. Itooin V7 UxclianKd HIJ's ,
South Omnliit.
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
AS and M Kxchatitfo llulldlii , HouthOinahn.
Corrunponiloaro ullcltml anil uromptly nngirorail.
Bpoclul ultunlluiitourqcTJ fomtockora Afeeiler * .
EitablliUvd , 1W1. . . . IncorporatoJ , 1BJJ
Cupltal fully | iaia , t'tO.Wl.
Waggoner 13irney Company ,
Write or wlrou for Iiruiupt .ami rollablo oiarkot
Perry Brothers & Company ,
I.lvo Stock L/'ommlsston.
Hooin fit Kxchanuu llnlldlnz. tioutli Omaha.
Tulephoiio 1'ii' .
Qo8sman& Dudley , M. II. Hegarty & Oo. ,
Itooms CO and AI , Kx- Hooui Ul lOnoanjo
ehun'jo llulldln . llulldlni ; .
South Omulia. - Neb Boulli OmalKi , . Neb
Union Stock Yard National
7'ue only bank ut tlio yarili. Capital and iur *
l > lu > , liW.UOO. Collodion * vrowtnu out of lUa Ilvo
lock builauM liould bo lunt direct to tUli bank.
6hlpiet | can Jcpoilt'or crixllt or tuolr bomv buak
. .
Conl"ft ; ° i < n'lMilirontriiclori ' r < " " MmH of
tinlldlne , iilMtpilnr. pftlntlnitrlc. . will rrcelvp n
toiijr or ( lioniri nrcMlrcla nml tmll.lcrj directory MMiillnttthplrnjmr. Mnlne s nd loon-
lion to tlionilili | l.or. illcnn , 113 s . iSlh si
ING COMPANY , Tcntc , nwnlngi , tixrpftu-
n R , linmmockn. oil nnd llni , coTorn of fill Mml > .
rubber clothing. Send Hilt * , ttf .iprn , etc. Send
forcat'gUB. 1113 Karimni for cataloguoJOS tf. IDtli
Slinl , tnnnllltt. cotton
Importer * ana mrf.flour
rope , liemp , jute , cot *
aok , butlt.pi , Inlno. ton twine"tnrred cord-
_ i\i . ete. an s. nth-m.
Succcfflor toJ.,1.Yllk -
. .
, . M'fu .
cn rm. clK r. paper
Bicycle * sold oil innnthlj nncilng tKiii. . . All novel
pajiaents. IZU .N. IJth-Bt lloi In nox lino.
till ) Douglas St.
Ill ) ) HowiM
Fnetory corner lllli nnd Doiulni ntrosli.
Wo nruuiaktnu cloioprlcoj tuoitin b iron , nnl &r
allluit * cl.isi of HooJi wnio.1l ) vurr lilt-
utilowllU ruorolmiiU.
Wholpsnln Mfrn. ARCnU Hoots , rhoct , rubbern
llO7lnn ItuliberSliooCo. lolt goods. 13U3 , 131
IIIK , 1101. llOllliirnur-Bt llnrnejr-itt.
Office , S. 0h : nnd I.cnven-
v.-nrthSiv. Onmtm.
John Murhovor. Ant.
Corafcclloncrs nnd
Jobbers of foreign nnd
domeBlIn fruits , 1110
Uonnrtl it.
Carriage bultdori , Itoio
nnd ( mtrol wagons e ,
IStb , opi > . Court Homo.
Clotlllnp. notionfurnish ,
tnus. ( ilvo us a trlnl' Mnnufrs and itboletaU
Bnraplos prupuld by ox' clothiers. 11011 Unrner
press. 1113 llarncy. itruot.
LIME CO. , Mfrs. Ralranlied Iron
. . cornice , window caps ,
Ilard nnd soft conl. 8 B. .
tnctnllc Bkyllnhts , olc.
ccr. Itith and Douultts-
its. 1111) , 1212 Uoilgc-st.
Contractors nnd sub con tractor * for nil kinds of
bulldlnu. plastering palntlni ; i > tB. . will receive n
copy of nienn'x nrrliltvctx and bulldim directory
free , by eon dine their nntne , tiiiplness and locu
tion , to the publisher. J. H. ( ilcnn , 113 H. 15th
M.E. SMITH a CO. ,
Dry roods , notions , fur- Dry goodi. notions , pent'l
nlililng gouds. Corner lurnlthlng good * . Cor.
11th and Hoiraril-bU. llth and liownrd-sU
Illuitrntcd catalog free-
1GU Capitol nvo.
Upbolstcrcd furniture
iiUM.W : Meliolas i Grace and Thirteenth
sale only. Directs.
D. M. CTEELE * CO. , BLAKE , BRU3E& , CO. ,
1501-IMS Jones street , 10th nnd lUrnoy streets ,
Omuhn. Omaba.
I hamllo the CRIPPLE CREEK
MINING STOCKS , and can Jill tolo-
grnphic orders on short notiuo. My
list comprises the following Cripple
Creek stocks.
Anaconda , Bull Mountain ,
Cold Kinsr , Beuna Vista ,
Blue Belli Work.
Alamo , Washington.
And all other rullab'o stocks , of these mines ,
as well us ninny stocks of thu l/uiidvlllc , As-
pcn and Crocd mines ,
Manyof the Ur p.o Oroolt stocks hnvo inoro
tlnn ( foublcd wltiiln three months. The Ana
conda slock sold tour months H'-O at U cunts ,
and sells now forovnrJI per sham. Other now
mines arooponlngorory few days with just as
A contlrm'in of Council IllnlTs lion ht HOOIO
of this stock at : n cunts , the latter Dirt of
March , and has slnco refuse : ! II for It. In-
vcstincnts made at low rntu.s. All correspon
dence promptly answered ,
10 Pikes I'ouU Avontio ,
Colorado Springs. - Cplorndo
_ 3B r7 Q j
r A k your DrugKl'l lot f
/ bottle ollll . Tlio only ,
f no > t-i > ottoTWiii rcuiBilyforall I
a the uiinntiiral UleclmrKC * and
( private dlwru-j of men utiu tha
I iK-billlotliib' weokncM peculiar
1 to women. It rim's In o tew
I days without the aid or
i publicity of n doctor.
\Thc I'nuirtal American
Miuiufnrliirccl by L
Tbe Evans Chereieal 0) , '
U , O , A ,
( . TJOWCM ! inirl
no .luiuucli , liver nuu ,
fy tliu bluut ) . ujil
I the hei.1 iiKHl
ni'Ni. coimliitttloii. drH' | | lu. foul
breath , hriumt he , mat t mini , fun * tf
KIIK'lllf , IllfUUIlUllfwIlill , | U.llflll |
. | ilui | > lc < , nalluMri.uirJfi .
lonaiiccrrryUUa | ( . 'rc > ulllnifroni
9 Im ure blood , or a failure by lUn Hdiutrli. Ihi r or la
loHTforiu | llnlr p ' '
_ . 4800
> i-luk lAl.Up r > . .in > U * . H k Tll.l . _ _ . . . . . . - . .It" I" p W )
115na of Trudo. Ilroktr
In Br ln. Io. PrlTBta
wlroto N , T. , Chicago
and tit. Louli.
' UARDWAnii'
CO. , Hosiers' hnriUrnro ani
Corner I0th nnd Jackson meclmnles' tooli.
Streets. 1401 Douglas Street.
lltillders' llnrdwnrp ntiU
Contractors' Kupulk'S.
& . ' 4 Nortli 10th street.
lumnor ,
oartioti nnd IIIUO.UKI Importol.Amprlon I'or U
UoorliiK , l nlronumt , Mll'jti (
lle cement and
tthand nhlta lima.
Manor niorchnnU , 1112
llnrncr-st. K n
nodr's Kail Inilli lilt , WliolcsMo liquor dcolcrl' '
tors. 1UU1 Knroam-st.
Importers nnd JofoborioE '
mllllncrr. nolloni.Mall/ /
order ) proinpl. sua-lj3j
Pianos oruans. artists W.V. icth ( it. I'lnnoiV
, mntertnls. eta 1MB music and musical In-1
Douglas st. truuii'iiu of all kind *
Itcflncd nml lubricating No l > nd odor , no snu' i
chlinasyi , no charrl if
nicks. Ask for It SclU *
oils , nxlo Rroasc , etc.
Hold , Mmrtnor A
I'nckcrs of oysters , Hull
and celery. GJ3 Louvcn-
north si.
Slfrs of "K & S" punK Slfrs oolobratcd "Ilni
iblrtsnud overallsetc skin" ort-rnlls. pauti.1
G1M8S. lltli-si. shirts , ooats , ate. hastf
nitabllsliod , 1S78. BRANCH &OD. ,
WHITNEY & GO. Produce , frutu of Mt
' 0711"1' ' " " "
Butter.ouKP.clicojp.puuI- IJultor , chcoia , * *
try , litJcs and Kama.
1215 Howard utrrot. poultry nnd jam * .
liefer to Cuui'l Nut Dank 317 South I3lb Stroet.
Our ipcclaltloji llnttir , "ultor , C3gi , cliei-tii.
ocss and poultry , 1JIJ fruit- , poultry , gotna.
llowardstruat. AKorits for Myjr'i
lloyal borioand aaltla.
splcu. D05 jS. lltu W !
fUstnlillslicd I8 . )31B )
TVbolsalo butler A CKES Butler , cliodta , "imt
Vfk'otablps , fruits , poultry
llurs nnd sells ( or .
try and gatcv.
cash. < 13 S.I Itli-sl.
full stock of \VrnpplnK paper , all kind *
Carry n . Hi *
of Urines eto.
printing , wrapping
Howard street. Tel H
writing , card pa
per etc. paper | > buno , 17J.
" = V
Stovorepalm nnd wal r ,
nttHOlmiont * for anfl
kind of utovo inaJu. I
l-JI Uouiilna. J
Toyn , dollsi albumi.i *
Manufacturcri of taili fancy goods , ouso fiiral
doom , blinds and nlsblug goods. ohi > S
mouldings. Ilranch of rtren' \
fice , lth aud liard bis. Varnam BlrocU |
Is iinsuriniBSpd In the irn.itninntof all forms of
lUUVAT- ; DISEASES , nnd all dUur.lerx
and dehllltles of youth mill niiinhnol. iToiirC
nxui'rlciu'u. IIU iuBiiirt'u4 and f.u'lllt
Iiracllcally unllnilluil. The Doctor Is
niondi'd hy the | iru < s , and ondnrxod In tlio
BlionKcst turnm hy thn puoplu for fair trnut-
ment nnd honest iirofuhsinnal ndvlcu , The
niost iioui'rfui romudlcH known to modern
Bclonco for thu biiccessful treatment of tha
fdllnwlii'llHcn cs :
QONOIUUIOU'A Iiiinicdlf.tQ relief. A com-
tiutiicnro : without the loss of un hnur'x lima
from hiihliii'Ms.
OLKET Onuof the most comiilcto and HIIO-
rchsful treatments for Klcet nnd a I nnnov MR
illBohar rH.vul known to the miidliial | inifm-
nloii. The remtltN nro truly wonderful.
BTHTCTUHE ( Jroiitchl known lomedy for ) *
Iho iroatmiMitof Klrlcturu , without | ialn , oiiU
llnv , or dilatlnir. A mobt rcmarkiihln rmnrilv.
BYPIIIIilS No irpiitmont for this luriliilu
blood dlsoasu has ovur huun nuirn su vi'sifnl ,
norhiKl HtroiiKiirundornoineiitB. In the I irlit
nf nindurii solMici ) this ( llmmsu Is posltlvuly
uiinih'.u nnd uvory I nice of the poison entirely
rcmovirl friini the hlooJ.
LOST MANHOOD , and amhltlon , norvoui-
neb * , timidity , di-Hpondency and all wuakni'Hi
nnd dUordurs of youth or manhood , Ktillut
ohtiilnvd ut uncii. . . . . ,
BKIN DISK ABES , and all dUeuKns of the
Monmcn , Iilood , liver , kldnoyu nnd Idaddur
are troatrd nicci'Brtfiilly with thu ro.itcat
kniiwn riiinedlcs for thouo dlHeamu.
Write f oral feu la is and ijuoatlou list , free.
14th IIIUl / ( l ' < lia * tMUHIIllltli . < ! ' ;
National Bank.
( . npltnl $103,03
ui-liliii . _ .J.111 . ( Hi ,
ORlrir , andOlrocliri HourW. . Yata i-i Ml I lit
It. U , UuililiiK. TleuproilJant. ( Xd.Miirlot. > V. V
Uor eJoliuri. Cclllin , J. H. IL I'atrlox. l < i < rli \
lUcJ. Caililor.