Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAY 2 < f , 1892.
t * * .fc- : > - . _ _ --------I---- _ ! _ TTT ; " ' -i- - " ' -
TallyUcowithout Bimilixy ) Ono Year..t 8 to
IfUT ) nnrt Bnndny , Ono Your. . . . . 10 00
Pix Monthi f.00
Three Months 2W
Mindiiy llco , One Your. 200
Batuniny lite , Ono Year. . . . . . , 1' "
Weekly lice , Ono Year. it
Otnnlio. Tlie Dee UiilUllns.
FomliOnmlin , corner N nnd ICth Street *
Council IllufTR , ISTcnrl Htrcot ,
Chlcnco onico , 3l7 ( Immbpr of Cotnmorco.
New YorkKootniii : ' , UnndlS.Trlbune llulldln ?
Washington , Bia Fourteenth titreot.
All comniunlcntlons rolntlng to news anil
editorial matter should bo uddrossod tc Iho
LdltcrlM Dcpirtlncnt.
AlUnulncMlottcmnnil romlltnncps should
* IcadUrroipd toTliolloo I'ubllihlnff Cotnp.iny.
Omaha. Drnft * . clicohs nnd pontofllcn order * '
to bo made piiynblo to the order ot the com
, Tlic BCD FntllslilBg Company , Prmriotors.
fclatoot NobrnsUn. ) . .
County of Douglas , I
< Oporgo H. Tucliuck , secretary of Tlio Dee
I'.ubllililnz company , does nolunmlv swear
t nit iho nctunl clrculntlon of TUB DAII.V IIKB
for tiiu wcolc ondlntf JIny 21 , 110. , was us fol-
HiimlBy. Mny J.I 2fl. & > 5
Mnndny , May 10. lJW
Tuesday , .Mny 17 " 4.015
\Vodnc \ 'lny. Mny 19 KI.U.
Thursday , Mny 10 2-UW
I'rldny , May 20 81,599
Saturday , Muy il. , Jl.lMa
Avoraio S4.4HO
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
J'lcicnuo ' thlsSlstdny of Mny , A. I ) . . 1H02.
ttAt. N. 1' . I' ' .
Notary I'nbllo.
Clronlallon fur April , ! M-10. !
. TUB Bland Bintlo in congress nowa-
flnys Is not the ono wo hear of BO often ,
t IB of nn ixltotfothor dlfforont sort.
IT nooics as 11 Ilonrl Wattorson will
Liivo to tuko a torch and load the demo
cratic procession himself. Ho may bo
Ills own dark horso.
Tim beautifying of the school grounds
of this city is ono of the most urgent
uoods of Oimihu , It is a reform which
will work wonders when once inaugur
WHAT a great Mutual Admiration
society that democratic convention at
Syracuse will ho next would Only the
truly virtuous and uuro pollticT.lly will
bo admitted.
SOUTH CAKOUNA in an absent minded
way threatens again to secede ; this time
it is from the democratic party if Cleve
land is nominated. That's an old throat
qf the Palmetto state and doesn't sig
nify at all.
Now that the weather has finally
Eotllod thcro flhould bo no delay in puah-
ing forward every publio and private
Improvement in Omaha. TUT country
is already fairly allvo with rush and
vim. The town should be as active.
COHN has up 22 cents a bushel
elnco the 1st of May , but the prlco of
eilvor is if anything a trillo lower now.
How does this comoV Ilavo not the frco
silver agitator ? insisted that the prlco
of silver regulates the prlco of grain.
Wi5 TUUST the Missouri river has become -
come settled in its temporary course for
a few months at least , and will now
allow the map publishers nnd county
Hurvoyora a chance to accumulate a
vnstatoro of houduchoon its account.
XniuiY SiMi'SOX haa fallen a victim to
the snares of a corrupt and pampered
environment , and is now riding a bicy
cle on the Washington streets. Whoa
the news roaches Medicine Lodge Jerry
will no longer bo mentioned for congress
by his late loving constituents.
IT is nil very well to bo enthusiastic
over a candidate and to huvo a candi
date over which ono may cnthuso. But
the presidential campaign of this year
is not to bo won by a brass band can
vass. An honest record and a square ,
argumentative fight are worth more
votes than noisy enthusiasm.
CoxoiiKSSMAN BRYAN Is accused of
writing his own jiowspupor "pulTs. "
There has certainly been no better example -
ample of a political rocket than Mr.
Bryan. And oven in a democratic congress -
gross a man who is trying to leap into
prominence at ono bound by a super
abundance of gall .soon finds his lovol.
IT is in accord with the eternal fitness
of things for Prank Halloa of the Wash
ington 1'obl to raise his hands In holy
horror over the participation of federal
otllcoholdors in the republican national
convention. Eight yoara ago , when
Frank llatton was first , assistant post
master general , ho marched to Chicago
at the head of a brigade of federal olTlco-
holders on bohnlt of Arthur. And the
worst df It was that ho allowed 'himself
to bo outgeneraled and outllanked by
Btove Hiking when ho had every advan
tage of position and compact forces.
ArcoiiDiNGtotlio Cincinnati
the nomination of James G. Blalno at
Mlnno ipolls is Inevitable. The Enquirer
is the leading democratic organ of'Ohio
and Us inside information comes from
John R. McLean , a democrat with
Standard Oil trust proclivities who lives
In gorgeous style at Washington and
claims to sustain very Intimate relations
( o Mr. Ulainu socially. The inference to
ho drnwn from such reports la that Mr.
Bliiino is guilty of duplicity toward his
own party and tr.ilnlng on dangerously
Intlmato terms with a democrat of ua-
eavory reputation.
Till' Union Pnrlflo railroad Is out of
politics. But John M. ThurHton , who is
.It-awing $1,000 a month'out of the Union
I'ni'lllu treasury , spends two-thirds of
iln tlmo in political junketing tours and
itnr-i'hainbor conferences with the com-
Mno of political malcontents who tire
trying by full- moans or foul to defeat
Harrison for ronoiulnation. Yes , the
I'tilon 1'aclflu la out of politics , but wo
will wngor a nickul against n braes but-
'on that ThurHton would not bo cam
paigning against Harrison at .tho ox >
pento of the Union Pacitlc without Jny
. .ould'u permission.
The farmers of Nebraska appear to bo
loss dlslurboJ thus far by the continu
ance of unfavorable weather for corn
planting than might bo expected by
thoao who are loss familiar with the sit
uation , There is a general belief that
with fair weather from now on the seed
can bo planted in time to Insure a good
Nebraska has reason to look upon the
present situation with cnmplncancy , for
it is certain that she will grow a crop of
corn this year if any is grown in the
country , and the unfavorable conditions
which threaten the crop in other locali
ties is sure to send tha prlco up to a
handsome figure. Indeed , it has already
advanced and Is going up steadily. The
prospect is that this year's crop , even if
below the nvorago , will bo sufllclonl ,
With the largo quantity still hold by the
farmers from last yoar'fl handsome yield ,
to malcti this season n highly prosperous
ono. It is estimated Hint fully 30 per
cent of last year's corn Is still In the
hands of the farmers. It Is not con
trolled by speculators , but is very gun-
orally distributed about the state , and if
the market fulfills its present promise
this old corn , as well us the now , will
bring handsome returns to the farmers.
Ono of the satisfactory features of this
situation Is the fact that the old corn is
not all hold by the wealthy farmers.
The advantages to bo derived from ad
vanced prices will bo enjoyed by many
of the poorer men , who were nblo on ac
count of the largo ylold and good prices
last season to hold over a considerable
portion of their crop , .which now consti
tutes nn asset that must not bo over
looked in estimating the financial con
dition of'tho farmers of Nebraska.
It is announced that Mr. Bland will
make no further efforts at this session
of congress to secure now legislation In
thointisiost of silver. Ilaving failed in
several attempts to advance the cause
of hh hobby , he appears to have con
cluded that it is a hopeless contest
against the combination of nnti-freo
coinage democrats and republicans , re
inforced by those democrats who , while
not unfriendly to free coinage , bcliovo
it to bo unoxpcdiont , from a party point
of view , to legislate regarding silver at
this time. The free silver loader in the
house has therefore concluded , so it is
reported , to drop the subject for this
The friends of free coinage certainly
cannot complain that Mr. Bland has not
been most loyal and faithful to the
cause. As soon as practicable after the
assembling of congress ho framed a bill
representing tholr demands and housed
every effort to got it before the house
for action. IIo encountered vigorous
opposition from members of his own
party who are 'hostile to free coinage ,
and some democrats whom ho had
counted among his supporters fulled
him when the time came for them to
go on record. But ho would still have
boon successful had it not boon for the
nearly solid vote of the republicans
against him. It was only neces
sary for the republicans opposed to free
coinage to have refrained fron : voting
In order to have enabled Mr. Bland to
cot his free coinage bill before the
house , and doubtless to have passed it ,
and there were republicans who advised
this course. The leaders of the minor
ity in the house , however , took the
view that it was their duty to stand by
their convictions and the policy of the
party and they voted against frco coinage -
ago legislation. There is probably no
one v , ho now doubts that this course
\fm > wise. It maintained a consistent
uttitudo on the part of the republicans
upon this qucbtlon , nnd as the contest
rcHultod it enabled iho small republican
minority of the house to jually claim
the credit of having effectually chocked
the silver agitation without in the least
relieving the democratic majority of
the charge of favoring the free and un
limited coinage of silver. The country
clearly understands the situation , and
it will give the republicans the credit of
having forced Mr. Bland togivoup the
ullvcr fight for this session.
It may not bo worth while to consider
whether the silver agitation will bo re
newed at the next session or not. At
any rate it is not a matter about which
there need bo any present anxiety. It
will depend very largely upon the re-
Bull of the presidential and congres
sional elections next November , though
In any event there nan bo no danger of
frco coinage becoming the policy of the
government within the next two yearn ,
for if a bill for this purpose were to pass
this congress at the next session Presi
dent Harrison would bo there to veto it.
In tlio meanwhile there will have boon
hold an international conference on
silver and the public mind will have boon
still further educated to the dangers of
free colnugo under prevailing condi
tions , so that it is reasonably prob.iblo
that after the present year the question
of frco suul unlimited silver coinage
will cease to bo a serious issuo. It is
undoubtedly a fact that a very largo
majority of the people uro opposed to It
now and the more the subject is intelli
gently dUcusscd the stronger will the
opposition become.
Plans for the now library and museum
building have bean submitted to the
library board and are said to have boon
Informally adopted. The designs con-
tonuilato a structure that will meet the
wants of the publio library for many
years but will In other respects fall far
short of a metropolitan library and mu
seum in Its exterior appearance.
Tho.plnns provide fora brick building
Bovcroly plain and lacking in the improa-
slvo style that publio buildings of this
class should possess.
The limited funds at tro disposal of
the library board are Bald to bo respon
sible for the restrictions upon the archi
tect to plain brick walls and omissions
of decorative features in the exterior ol
the struttturo. This J what might have
boon expected. It waa apparent from
the outset that 8100,000 was Insulllelont
for the erection of a strictly flroprool
metropolitan library building that would
bland comparison with buildings of this
class in the principal cities of Amorlci
and Europo. Anything short of such n
structure would tionrcoly bo justified in
view of the fact that the title to the
grounds makes the building revert to the
heirs of IhoRodf estate unless it la dedi
cated nnd maintained perpetually for
this purpose.
Now that the city proposes to proceed
with the erection of this building with
the limited moans at Us command , the
plans should bo designed on a scale that
will admit of enlargement and embel
lishment. In other words , the publio
library and museum ofOmiha should bo
a monumental building when it is com
pleted. It should bo a building to which
every citizen of Omaha oould point with
irldo , a building that would leave a
astlng Impression upon s'trangora nnd
vould advertise Omaha abroad by its
unique or classical design.
With Buch a plan , the money now at
our disposal could bo expended either
upon the main body or center of the which additions would bo
nado in duo time without marring the
design ; or wo should erect only ono wing
low , and extend the building when the
icccssary means are at our command to
complete It , either by an additional Issue
of bonds or by the bequests of publio-
splrltod citizens. To oroot a common-
> lace brick building on the Rood silo
vould bo a grave and costly blunder. If
Omaha doubles her population by the
end of Iho present decade , wo would bo
compelled as a matter ot local pride to
mil the building down and replace it
vith a structure commensurate with our
irotonslons and population. '
The French jury that has juat found
Mward P. Deacon of Boston guilty of
shooting M. Abolllo , with intent not to
cill but nioroly to wound , undoubtedly ro-
lectcd the general sentiment of the poole -
) lo of that country in respect to the
Ights of injured husbands in cases of
this kind. Mr. Deacon's sentence of ono
oar in prison will be doomed rather
severe than otherwise by Frenchmen
vho believe in killing as a cure for such
mvcttcos as those by which Abolllo
) rokeup Mr. Deacon's hfemo.
But the example in this notorious case
s very bad , and the approval or half-
joarted disapproval with which the re
sult of the trial seems to bo received by
nany even in this country will have a
> ad effect upon iiublio morals generally ,
and especially upon the minds of the
young. Such deliberate killing as that
of which Deacon was guilty is murder ,
and sophistry is wasted in trying to
malto it appear anything else. The
victim wan a villain , it is true , but there
is evidence enough that the woman was
\s bad as the man who was shot to death
jy her husband. At any rate the Idli
ng cannot be justified. The sentimen
tal tendency of modern juries in cases
of this nature encourages disregard of
, ho majesty of the law. American
uries are perhaps little bettor than the
? ronch in this respect. In numerous
cases of like nature in this country
uricB have found verdicts of acquittal
upon some such absurd ground as that
of momentary insanity. Publio senti
ment needs bracing up and not relaxing
upon iho question of premeditated kill
ing. _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ . _ , _ _ _
A OIIUAT deal of the usual locicing-
thc-door-aftor-tho-horse-is-stolon philos
ophy is being indulged in juat nowr rola-
ivo to the floods , but there is at least
sound sense in a suggo'stion that the
ovee system bo abandoned. The ditch
system might bo the proper plan. In
the Hoods of the past two weeks the im
practicability of the levee system has
jcon pretty thoroughly shown. It is at
best a very expensive and uncertain
moans of protection against the upris
ing and outbursting of the great stream
flowing beside it. On the other hand ,
wherever It was possible to deflect the
course of the stream or the overflow of
it into sloughs or ditches at ono or both
sides of the main channel of the river ,
that plan has succeeded admirably. . In
some districts , notably at Now Orleans ,
It ia impossible to construct those
ditches , for there is no room for them.
But in almost every other place the
ditch system would seem to bo practi
cable and loss oxpcnsiva than the levee
plan. The idea ia that if the river is
going to overflow lot it overflow , but
lot a place bo prepared for the water.
A largo number of those ditches could
be constructed at intervals along the
banks of the river and in times of Hood
the water would flow into thorn and
thus relieve the pressure above and
below them. Certainly this plan ap
peals to reason and it demands nn in
vestigation to thoroughly test its prac
Tun figures given in THE SUNDAY
BKU , showing the steadily advancing
prlco of real estate in Omaha , were ro-
assuring. Perhaps no other city in the
west could make a more favorable ex
hibit , and it furnishes a very conclusive
answer to the croakers regarding
Omaha. It Is well to remember , ho\v-
ever , that in order to maintain this
kind of prosperity population and busi
ness must bo attracted to the city , and
an essential prerequisite to this is bettor
railroad facilities. When tha railroads
which should bring tribute from nil
quarters to Omaha center in tlio city
there will have been secured ono of the
most powerful aids to its progress. Had
Omaha been treated justly in this re
spect its population would now bo double
what It IB and its business fourfold. An
opportunity is again presented to secure
tnis essential aid to our advancement
and prosperity and It must not bo lost.
A YKAil ago It was positively assorted
that the city hall would bo ready for oo-
oupancy no later than the 1st of Janu
ary , 1892. Now wo are told that tlio
finishing touches will bo puc on before
the 1st of September. But the probabil
ities are that the finishing will tlrizzlo
along until the 1st of January , 1893with
a chnnoo of some essential features re
maining unllnlshod up to u year from
this time.
TiiKiti : appears to bo a growing fool
ing in the east favorable to Governor
Pattlson of Pennsylvania as an available
democratic candidate for president.
The indications are that the democratic
eontimont in his own state is turning
very strongly toward him , and us the
belief grown that Cleveland will not bo
given the nomination Pennsylvania
democrats are preparing to make n vig
orous fight for Pattlson. It is said that
they are receiving a great deal of on
couragomont from. tflfTdront parts of the
country , gtvon yi-ilom6orats who bo-
llovo tluil his nomination would bo the
boat way out of [ jioftMrly'a iUlomim ro-
pardlng a candidate ' ,0ovonior Pattl-
sou hits no ! boon iQipprosslvo man.In
politics. IIo h.avjy&a.a ot the character-
Istica of a polltlcnlnojtit , though ho tloos
not lark in the njm icutlona ncccssiiry
to loadorshlp , ifehm * success in bolnj :
twlcooloutod gowril | > r of Pennsylvania
sulllclontly attcaWv.ilio [ is a man of
ability nnd liitonflVv * who has made t\
clean tuid crodl ljjl record in publics
life , and the tlombWutio party would
undoubtedly llnd.Jn ( ijiu a s.tgaclous and
strong loader. H" w
Tun sentence that has boon pro-
louncod upon Oliver Curtis Perry , the
notorious train robber , at RochoUor , N.
Y. , goes to show that the enormity of
such crimes as his is about as fully ap-
) rcclated there as it would have boon in
any western state. Perry Is sentenced
, o forty-nine years and three months in
.ho . Auburn state prison. This is vir
tually a life sentence. It will not bo a
front relief to the public to know that
.his . desperado , though stilt n young
man , will bo too old to pursue his favor-
to avocation when" hid half century of
mprlsonmont is ond'odi IIo is bad clear
through the most remarkable example
of total depravity that has recently come
to light. It is not likely that he will
over experience a change of heart , and
it any rate publio sentiment will not
) ormlt him to bo pardoned out for many
roars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Vlslutmry In .tlmt Things.
.ifdWKiiulfit Tribune.
Colonel IngoMoll has boon t nil ; I tin free
silver to a Douvor Intorviuwor and. the
latlsts of that rolun ore greatly olntcd.
They must remember , however , that the
colonel ontortatns a gro t many views tbnt Christians cannot cndorao.
C'IUIMI and' iil'oct. :
JVcio Yoili AtlvcrllKcr ,
DlsDatchos from England indicate that
, here was an earthquake In Cornwall the
ether day , and that suspicious natives are
nchnod to uttrlbuta the uUturbanco to the
> alaful Inlluoaco of our McKtnloy tariff ou
tin plntos. This Is a llbol on tbo Ohio
That Itliiluo lldDin ,
A'cii1 1'orfr Sun.
There was a woudorful Ulalno boom In the
nowspaport yesterday. Considering that
Brother iitalno is out of the Hold and means
to keep out this boom would seem to bo setup
up In the Inturostof President Ilarrlson. If
10 gets to Minneapolis with only nialno to
oad the Hold against hltr. the chances of
boating blm will not bo so formidable as they
might oiborwUo appear.
Jomncricy'n Tou-nriii'K Ata.
Denver iiw , ( Jem/ )
Kllgoro ot Texas seldom misses an opnor.-
.unity ot manifesting his 111 fooling toward
ox-union soldiers. illts < objection to the con
sideration of the SoO.'OOO appropriation for the
lodo.ital nnd sito- for IGonoral Sherman's
monument in Washington was founded on a
trilling technicality.'I ' ' I is such email acts
as this by dlmlnu lvo , jimmied man which
feed the smouldering ftros of soctlpnalism.
The pcoplo of tbo sduth never had a warmer
frlead than William Tec'umsoa Snerman.
Itontoii'a Vimv oT.tJio Cattle War.
7Josoii ( Advertiser.
Whatever may bo the pjorlts of the cattle
companies or Iho Johnson county stockmen
In the Wyoming cattle wnr , ono thing seems
solf-ovidcnt. Tbo occurrences which lea UD
to tbo raid wcro In parlor in cnUit > * .y illegal ,
and Wyoming should have a goven.oi' who
can enforce the laws , without the Interven
tion of the United States ia the interests of
ordor. If the ofllclals ox Johnson county are
n league with rustlers they should bo in
dicted or removed ; if the "regulators" are to
jlamo , they should bo glvon a heavy dose of
usilco ; but at all events thcro should bo no
moro civil war in Wyoming.
Tnko In Omului , Too ,
St. I'aul Ol-ile.
In the superior allurements of location and
circumstances of tboso two great convention
( republican and democratic ) , it is best not to
overlook the ono to bo convened at Omaha
on the 4th of July. Without , regard to tbo
objects It has in view politically , it may bo
liopod that it will via with cither of the
others as a western spectacle. It will bo a
great body , both in numbers and brains.
The Omaha people are preparing to takooara
of 25,000 visitors , ana are likely to Hud tba
they hayo greatly underestimated the
strength of the invasion. Its interest ,
however , \vlll bo much loss than in
oltboivof the ether aggregations , duo to num
bers. It wilt bo a polyhuoil show. It will bo
packed with sonorous man wUo have strong
expressions and nn iutonsity of conviction.
It may ba conceded that there are few Flan
agans among them , as they nro not likely to
got within the arena of the loaves and llshes.
Many of their ideas may bo unpractical and
absurd , but they are held as convictions.
The variety and vigor of their expressions
will bo far greater than ia any of the ether
gatherings. Tbo young men of the cast or
west , who are in quest of political object les
sons , should not miss Omaha.
The llnrrlnoii Administration.
Senator Dawe tn'ti'ortli American llevlew.
In the vast machinery of the government
In operation at n thousand points , many of
thorn thousands of miles beyond the eye of
tbo oxocutlvo , it never has boon and never
can bo the case that men who operate It will
in ovary instance provo thotnsoivo ) fit and
faithful. I3ut ono wbo has witnessed the
successes and mistakes of administration la
this particular during nlno of tboso quad
rennial periods , oballougos , without fear for
the present administration , a comparison
with any or all of the others. It has fallen
to tbo lot of Praildouti Ilarrlson during tbo
years already olapit&i la appoint moro Judges
in the higher oour ttjau any ether president
lias done In n lllco porlo'a sluoo the organiza
tion of our Judiciary system. There can bo
nodouotthat tbo/eon6ral / publio Judgment ,
wltb singular unaijjmfty , Is that tbo Judiciary
It today stronger in Its own character and
ability and Ia thej publio conlldonco by rea
son of tboso appointments. It Is an open and
frank administration. " There is no deceit ia
its maku-up or itsjtyraatlcos , If there have
boon disappointments , 'thoy. have grown out
of differences of oJHyf n and not from con
cealments. It hatumiwad its opinions and
policies In onon day" "dud with a clearness of
statement that aamltsgf , no doubt.
Hartor of Ohio Will Fight the Anti-Option
Interesting roaturoi ot the Approaching
CnntiiHt In Iho HntMC Ulmlnnim Iliitcli
L'onllilrnt nf SIUTCHI AViinhlnKton
NOWR IS'ottu .UUcoIlunotui.i.
fiU fouirrunNTit STHRBT , \
WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , May 2.-J.J ! \
The anti-option bill will bo called up In the
house this week , tirobably not later than
Wednesday. Chairman Hatch of Iho com
mittee on ngrlculturo said this morning : "I
shall endeavor to fcocuro consideration for
this bill just as soon as the sundry civil bill ,
which Is now pondjng In the bouso , is out of
the way. I hope that the sundry civil bill
will bo completed tomorrow , and in that case
I shall niiKo my light on Wndnosday. I
hnvo uuderstood that seine ether appropria
tion may oppose mo in "this , but I believe
tbnt , the anti-option bill has frlonds onoucli
oil the door to Insure Its consideration in ad-
vunca of these other measures. "
Representative Hartor of Ohio , who mndo
such a reputation In the rooont silver light ,
has now determined to start a crusade
against iho nntl-optlun bill. Ho will bo ono
of the most capable enemies Mr. Hatch will
have to overcome. Mr. Hurler said today
that ho regarded the anti-option bill as uno
of the most "mlRchlovous measure ! which
has yet b3on put before oongrois. "
Noliritftka Soimtori' Mrnurcs. :
Senator Pixddook todny Introduced a bill
providing that the wearing apparel In actual
use of our citizens returning to America
from ether countries , not exceeding $100 in
vnluo and not intended in any way for the
use of other persons nor for sale , shall bo
admitted frco of duty. The bill is introduced
at the instance of the trorclinn' . tailoring
trndo of this country. Ho also Introduced a
bill providing thntpny parson who has Invented -
vented or discovered any now plant , fruit or
flower not Icnoxvn or used by others In this
country shall obtain n patent therefor. The
claim must bo in writing , and shall bo lllod
in the patent ufllco. The secretary of agri
culture shall have tbo sumo powers as are
Imposed upon the commissioner of patents in
thu Issuance of patents upon Itorlcultural
and agricultural advancement and science.
Senator Paddock secured the passngo ot
bis bill appropriating $10,000 for the Intro
duction of reindeer into Alaska , and grant
ing Wesley Montgomery of Nebraska the
right to molto n homestead entry in place of
ono bo lost somotuno ago through an error ot
the government , and giving him the ad-
vnntngo of the llvo years' tlmo ho nas lost by
his mis fortune.
Of Intercut to Nobrunkans.
. A provision hn3 boon inserted in the sun
dry civil appropriation bill which wilt bo of
special interest to Nobraskuns , slnco It Is In
tended to correct abusoi which huvo for
years been imposed upon citizens of that
stato. It Is as follows : "All dofnndunls
charged with un offcnso against the United
States , commlttud to any Jail in default of
ball by any United States commissioner or
ether committing mncistrato previous to'
trial , shall bo committed to the county jail
nearest to the place whom the bearing is
tiad , whcro said defendant or defendants
shall remain until removed by order of the
United States district court or n United
States Judge , to tbo county Jail in or nearest
to tbo place where the court is held for trial ,
unless sooner released oi < ball or
discharged by order of the court. In all
cases wboro defendants are taken to any
place for trial or to any Jail or penitentiary
in pursuance of an order or sentence of any
court , tboy shall bo taken by the nearest and
most practicable route , and a guard shall
only bo allowed the marshal or deputy
marshal in charge when tbero are two defend
ants , nnd ono guard for each additional two
defendants , unless by the order or with the
approval ot the court , or Judge , piovidol
that no government witness or ether oDlccr
shall bo paid as a guard. "
MUcnlluni'oui ,
Assistant Secretary Chandler today af
firmed the decision of the commissioner in
the pro-emntlon entry contest of Alfred
Cooper against Albert Wippo ot nl , from
North Plntto , in favor of Wippo ; also In the
timber culture contest of Louis La Bounty
against Christian Uuhrup , from McCook , re
jecting L.n Bounty's application to make
Colonel Dyronforth of the Acrlcultural
department , who made tbo rain experiments
in Texas last year , made a statement on that
subject before the house committee on agriculture -
culture today and will bo hoard again tomor
row. Representative Jolly believes ho will
got an appropriation of 35,00 ° for experi
ments In forcing arllticial rains in South Da
Tbo I'latto institute at Kearney has re
quested that tbo government shall furnish
arms for that Institution when it opens next
fall. The statute of 1880 requires that to bo
entitled to arms from the government an m-
stituto must bavo capacity for ISO cadets.
The capacity of the Kournoy institute is not
Senator Mandorson has recommended tbo
appointment of Henry A. Delaney as uost-
nmstor at La Platte , Sarpy county , and D.
B. Smith at Ynlo , Holt county.
The bill to pension George W. Jones , ex-
senator from Iowa , which passed tbo senate
several days ugo , was called up by Congress
man Butler and passed by the house without
much opposition. Jones will got SJO a mouth.
Congressman Flick has reported the bill in
troduced by Mr. Dolllvor some time ago to
pension Mrs. M , E. Arnold of Iowa , an army
Dr. Fred Clark nnd wlfo of Fuirflold , Ia. ,
arrived today on a pleasure trip.
Dr. Hooortson of West Union , Ia , , is on his
way to attend tbo board of surgeons , which
convenes tod'av at Fortress Monroe. Va.
Hon. Jerry Greene , an alternate to the Chicago
cage convention from Iowa , arrived in this
cltv today.
Senator Teller will probably succeed In se
curing an appropriation of $15,000 for tbo in
troduction of n water supply to the station of
the Ush commission in Lake county , Colorado ,
which will include the construction of a dam
across Hock crook and the building of a
reservoir and laying of plpo on ether con
duits. The appropriation will also authorize
the commissioner of risk and fisheries , cither
by purchase for money or other consider
ation to secure any land or rights not now
belonging to the United States , including
rlchts of way and water rights , necessary to
accomplish the object for which provision is
A favorable report has boon made upon
Representative Bowmuu's bill to pension
Sarah A. Noble , mother of James Dunn , Jr. ,
late of company D , Twenty-sixth rogimuut
of Iowa volunteers.
A second dividend of 15 per cent has been
declared in favor of the creditors of tbo
Madison National bank of Madison , S. D. ,
making UO per cent on all claims proved ,
amounting to (10,334.
lawn postmasters were appointed today as
follows ; Competlne , Wnpollo county , C.
Powell , vloo E. L , Eller , resigned ; Mount
Clara , Leo county , R. Brown , vice . J. M.
Green , rcxlcrnod ; Willlamstown , Cblckusaw
county , , D. E. Simpson , vloo E. A. Plko , ro
signed. For Colorado A. M. Todd , Sun-
sot , Boulder county. For Idaho T. Kan-
som , Nlcbolal , Loinhl county.
Senator Mandenon bus asked that the
order reducing tbo mall service on tha Stew
art and Butte route in Boyd county , bo
countermanded and tbnt the Pojloftlco do-
put tmoat shall servo the people of the Ickcs
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
postofllro to Cheyenne from the Uoilillngton
route nnd n slight Increase bo paid to the
mail carrier for the cxtro sorvl"
P. S. It.
NKW.S rtm Tin : AUMV.
Complete I.lit f Clmnitr * In the ItcKiilnr
Sortlcc- .
WASIIIXOTOX , D. U , , Mny. 23. [ Sooelnl
Telegram to THK linn. | The following nnny
orders wore Istuod todays
The superintendent of the recruiting ser
vice will cause twonty-nvo recruits nt JofTor-
son barrifcks , Missouri , to bo a < sicnod to the
1Irst cuvnlry nnd forwarded to the Depart
ment of Arizona. Leave of absence for two
months nnd twenty days , to take effect ubout
Juno 1 , U crnntod First Lieutenant Wlllard
A. Ilolbrook , Seventh cavalry , nnd ho Is au
thorized to leave the United States. A board
ofmadlcal ofllcorj , to consist of Major John
tirooko , sunroonj Captain Cbarlos Ulelmrds ,
assistant surgeon ; First Ltoutonniit llonja-
turn L. Tonoyck , nsshtnut surgeon , in ap
pointed to moot at Port Uemvonwortu , iCan. ,
on Monday , Juno 0 , to cxamino Into nnd report -
port upon the nhyxlcal oualltlonltons of Sor-
Routit Wilbor B. Dove , company K , Twelfth
Infantry , to discharge nil iho dutlos of nn
ofllcar In nctlvo service. Louvo of absence
on surgeon's corllllciUo of disability , granted
Captain Augustus A. Doloffro , ossfstunt sur
geon. April -0 , is extended ono month oa
surgeon's certificate of disability.
WvstuxnTox , D. U. , M y 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tim HUK.J The following list
of pensions granted is reported by Tnu Dcu
and Kxamluor Uuroau of Claims :
NobratKni Orlglnnl Andrew Corbltt ,
Kobort McMillon , Soronn Dutton , M. Vos-
burgb , llunry Cooltor , David Qroon , Waiti *
Ington St. Clair , E'.lzn ' I/Jtos. Additional
Francis Drommond , Ohnrloi H. Halstod ,
John A. Kood. 0.tvld T. Klngsbury. In-
cronso Peter F. Ferryman. Holssuo Hi
ram Davis. K'-lssuo nnd incrousoVllllain
Carter , Original widows , etc. Minors of
Andrew 1) . Ktnnoy.
Iowa : Original" Joshua F. Powers , Wil
liam Williamson , Charles A. Wentworth ,
Jacob Castlno , Michael McUulro , Jacob
Brown. Divid Blackburn , Charles C. Cur
rier , Alfred D. Atwood , Uonjnmln 11. Parks ,
Chester M. Fuller , Lindulln Herman , Al
fred M. Dolnno , Julius Uustonbach , William
Hicks , Jr. , John Hathaway , Alva H. Ilnrton ,
Samuel A. Davis , Hluhani Merrill , Wllltnm
Shipley , Andrew J. Focht , John Trovnrthou ,
Alpbcus Connell , H. Jarungin. Additional
David B. Golpln. ftimrodM. Lowe , Ebon
G. Woodward. Restoration nnd reissue
James Claybourno. Increase Limloll H.
Howloy , Austin Fish or , John Koppen , Wil
liam J. lloclieraralth , James W. Simmons.
Edwin J , Lockwood. Helssue Wlllinm H.
Mathews , .lames 1'ondorgast. Original'
widow Mury A. Randall.
South Dakota : Original John M. Moshor ,
Alton O. Titus , Itogom b. Young.
Colorado : Original Mnrcollus C. Hen-
drlekson , Elijah d. Cockel , D. H. Gcist ,
Jesus Cuiboa. :
Wyoming : Original Myron W. Shafo ,
Isaac Davis.
VATIMOT.W tiuiiuur
Archblxliup Curi'lKiin Ktpluliift Ills Vta\rn on
lh rulrli uilt riiin.
NEW Youif , May 2. ! . A Herald reporter
asked Archbishop Corrlcan last night what
ho r.ired to say of the Interview had with
Archbishop Ireland in Homo on Saturday.
The archbishop road thodispatch from Homo
carefully and then dictated tbo following
reply :
"In reply to your question I have to say
that the views of the archbishop of St. Paul
and mysL'lf are not so burd to bo reconciled ,
provided confusion of terms bo avoided. By
the Falrbault system ono may understand
cither the general theory of secularizing pa
rochial schools , or the particular expedient
adopted in the special cases of Falrbault and
Sttlhvator. The cablegram road by mo in
Albany used tbo phrase la the former sense.
Archbishop Ireland uses it In tbo latter. I
bavo never , for an instant , maintained that
the Falrbault plan , in this restricted Konso , {
was condemned ; on the contrary I always
declared it was tolerated nothing moro.
The larger question of the provision to bo
made In general for Catholic children who ,
for whatever reason , do not uttond Catholic
schools , and who nro now attending tbo pub
lic schools , has not yet been'decided and is
to bo considered in tbo mooting of the arch
bishops nsxt October. It is proper to boar
In mind that the L'nlrlMUlt plan , according
to tbo definition given by Archbishop Ira-
land himself , publUhoa December 14 , IbOl ,
moans the handing over of a Catholic school ,
fit In all respects to bo put on a line with
publio schools , to the board of education.
Ills clan , therefore , if this dollnitlon bo ad
lie red to. does not nlTect the 1,500,1)00 ) Calho-
llo children who are not found today in
schools of tboir own faith. "
IncrciiDcil I'holiiii'.i .Miijorlty Three.
New HAVKX , Conn. , Mny 23. Counsel In
the Pholan-Walsb quo warranto case , to ox-
pcaito matters , have appointed a committee-
of two republicans nnd two democrats to
canvass the votes cast for secretary of state
at thn last state election. It was agreed that
the finding of this committee should bo ac
cepted as a faot in the presentation of the
case to Judge Hall , and when the case Is
taken to the supreme court. The count was
completed Saturday. It wai founa that
Phelan received a majority of 518 votes for
toorotar.v of state , which Is three moro than
the tabulated returns compiled by the secre
tary of state gave him.
Ciiirzu Still ut Key Wot.
Kr.v WEST , Fin. , Muy 23. Caianna Gar/a ,
the Mexican outlaw , Is still in this city , al
though In most careful concealment. It Is
learned on tbo best authority that ho reached
here about llvo woolts ago bv wAy of Nassau ,
nnd there Is good reason to believe that ho U
closely guarded nnd protected in the housool
a prominent Spanish , conornl here , Although
every effort to definitely locate him there bat
BO far urovcd futllo.
A Chinese colony Is to bo established li
Secretory Foster endorses the proposed
Issue of 10,000,000 60 cent silver pieces foi
the Chicago filr.
1'orflrlo Diaz U about to bo olootod prwl
dpul of Mexico for the fourth tlmo. Old P.
D. enjoys a proiUnblo political pull.
Pattl's regular nniumt farewell tour of thii
country will bo omitted next season , but ni
she promise * to rosurao it in 1891 nil Is woll.
The galkwar of Bnrodn , ono of the pro'
Rrctslro rulers of India , Is about to visit
England in order to study her schools , rail
roads and drntnngo systems.
Cleveland's letter o ( withdrawal , according -
ing to the Denver News , will not bo pub-
llshod until n few moro democratic states
hnvo repudiated his pretensions.
Governor Ponuoyor of Oregon has repudi
ated the democratic stnto platform so far nt
ills UH favorable to free silver , nud has ( to-
clared for the so-called people's party. Tba
stnto election Is In Juno.
A convention to boom the Nicaragua onunl
schoiiio will moot Ia St. Louis , Juno U. It
will bo composed of delegates named bv th
governors of various states and representa
tives of commercial bodies.
Ono of the Indiana delegates to the Mlnno.
SJl'mTlJ1 P bc " " 'Secretary of the ,
ftiivy Ulobard W.
Thompson , whoso wlfo Is
said to have oxclnlmoa when bo was ap.
pointed to the naval bureau , "Why , Utcbard.
can't ovou swim ! "
The richest and probably the eldest dole-
ento Ui the Mlnnonnolli convention will bo
John I. Blair , the Now Jersey railroad mil-
llonnlro. Mr. Blair took part in nominating
the president's grandfather , Ola Tlppocnnoo
n little moro than half a century ago , nnd ho
will probably think sorco interesting
thoughts as ho votes for that hero's unhorolc
grandson. Mr. Blair will soon bo OJ yuan
old. Ho U nid to bo worth $ .VOOJ,000 ) , nnd
ho Is still adding to this vast fortune with
untiring Industry.
Now York Ilcr.ild : It li only nccoMary to
live on the banks of \\oitorn rlvur to understand -
stand thu wild western Imtrod ot wutor.
I'lillndrlphla Tlrnos : The omporar of Ohlim
needs ten men to curry his umlirulln. Thura
Is no necessary connection bctwuon this uml
his .dynasty reigning the past 0OA ) years.
Il-im'a Horn : Thnro arc penplo vim seem to
hnvu nn Idcii tbnt they nlu-tict attention in
nonvoii for tholr pluty every tlnin tliuy buy a
dUh of ice cream nt n uhurcii festival.
Olilcnso Tribune : Customer ( nt bird store !
on can vouch for this parrot , I prcHinno ?
Dcnlur- think 1 can , mii'nm , IIo lived for
nearly six yours In a lloslon family.
I'arrotr-llouravfiir Jolin U Sullivan ! Ho'i
the duck for my inonuy t
Brooklyn Life : "Doctor , what Is the inoin.
n of the peculiar formation Just back ol
bully soar/
"Unmbnllvonoai , perhaps. "
"Why , some ono said It was love of domestic
llfu. "
"Uh , well , it's nil ono nnd the same thins. "
Till ! llAl'l'V I.AXl ) .
-rtdmi/ii / Con ( rftilM. ( (
The nlshts nro cool In 1)111 ) vlllo the cnpltnl ol
With moonlight on the mountains nnd moonlight -
light on the still :
The free nnd happy citizens iliuy do not want
the earth ;
Tholr votes nro on the mnrltot , and they bring
Just what thoy'ro worth.
The dnys are brlsht In Illllvlllo- cnplta' '
of Hill ,
With the sunshine on the meadows and tin
whisky on- the till ;
And the colonels und tlio mnors | they novel
en It rash ,
For tholr votes are on the market , nnd thej
always bring the cash.
llnnsor Commercial : A ynolit wna li
I.ilh ! a while ago named "I'svcho. " A mm
upon the wlinrf observing the rmiiio spoiled II
ontamlrciimrk < Hl."Wulliuylbuobfiintlcntud
If that Isn't the blankest wuy of spelling llsk
that I oversaw. "
Christian Friend : Newly Arrived Splrlt-
who was the vimcrubla looking porwn.iRa
that yawned so dlmully wlillo I wns talking
nbont thn trcmnndons rain Hint they nro Imv-
Imion the onrth ? licsldont Spirit Tliat
Like anotlirf
teaman the om
who's lib oil Dr.
Tierce's Fnvorito
She's n stronger
: nml n linpplor
iff' " * * woman and a
\ V * /U / lienltliy ono. Tlio
' ' nclios , pains , and
weaknesses , that mndo llfo miserable nro
pone the functional disturbances or irregu
larities that caused them Imvo been curod.
Face nnd figure show tlio change , too.
Health has restored the charms that right
fully belong to her. For all the weaknesses
nnd ailments pccullnr to womanhood , " Favorite -
vorito Prescription" is n positive remedy.
No other modlcino for women is ffuarnnteeil ,
as this is , to give satisfaction in every case ,
or the money is refunded. It's proprietors
nro willing to take the risk. What it Una
done , warrants them in guaranteeing what ill
will do.
It's the cheapest moillclno you can buy ,
because it's guaranteed to glvo satisfaction ,
or your money is returned.
You only pay for thn ( jood you get.
Can you nsk moro 1
That's the jicnMar plan all Dr. ritrcr'f
faodlcincs uro bold on.
Largest Manufacturers nnd Itotnllors ot
Clothing in the World.
It's the
Gospel Truth .
That we sold all but nine of those
Suits for $7.50 long
before night , Satur
day , and so many
were disappointed
that we're going to
give them another
show. We've taken
all the broken lots ,
405 suits in all , about 30 different kinds ,
and from 1 to 15 suits of a kind , compris
ing every popular fabric , size , color and
style , and made 5 lots on the front counter
at $7.50 , $8.50 , $10 , $12.50 and $15. These
suits are worth and have always hereto
fore been sold by us for a great deal
more ; some for twice as much.
Browning , King & Co
I S. W , Cor , 15lli & Douglas Sis.