THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'ITESDAY. MAY 2J , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , v < u / OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. EclhurdtyCnrrlrr tonny pat tot the City 11. W. T1LTON , - MANAGEI. 'ncoi ' Office No 41 Eor , | , jf/.vr/u.v. N Y. Plumbing ( Jo ! Ccundl Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Grail's chattel loans. 204 Sappblock. The wheel club will take a run to Sioux City next Sunday , if the wcaihor bo favor- able. , returnlnp on Monday , which will bo Decoration day. Charles Wnstnpher of Clarinda was brought into the city yesterday and oound over to the federal grand Jury on the charge of violating the national revenue laws. The residents of Iowa , llltnnl * and Mis souri living In the \lclnlty of Kcnkult have decided to unite in holding joint Decoration dav exercises at that placotlm year. Colonel J. J. Stcaatnan of thU rlty has been ougagcd to deliver the oration ol tbo day. The Phtlomathoan Literary club will meet this evening In the Younc Men's CtirlstUn association parlors. The ptogram to boron- He red is that which was prepared for last Tuesday , but was not given on account of tbo bad weather. All nro cordially invited. A lot of dry crass In the gas company's propel ty was sot on flro yesterday morning oy a sparK from n pr.sslng engine , nnd for n tlmo there was con&ldcrubla excitement tr. that part of the city. The flumes were finally extinguished and no damage was done more htiious than thoscorcblng of the neigh boring fences. The following officers have been appointed for tno Council Bluffs running team which is to compete for the prize at the llremcn's tournament at Atlantic next month : Man ager , R 11. Gua.icllu ; assistant manager , JcssoWnllori : captain , Philip Hotz ; secre tary , ( Jcorgo Stocltert ; treasurer , W. W. Hogers. The llrst meeting of the team for practice In running win held last evening at the driving pnrlt. Prof. L. A. Torrcns of Omaha organized n chorus lust ovcnlni ! In the Masonic lomplo lor work ut tbo Cnautauqua assembly. A bout sixty were present. Ills the desire of the management to Increase the mcmbor- bhlp lo . ' 100 or more between now and the opening of the assembly hi order that a num ber of line choral selections tnav DO prepared beforehand. Prof. Torrens stntei that ho expects to httxo chorus of Gu'J voices on linnd ota number of the choruses , and In that number will bn many from the various musical organizations of this city and Omaha. Meetings will bo held In the Masotilu temple every Monday evening. Do Witt's SarsspariUa cleanses the blood. Increases the appellto and tones up ttio sys tem. It has bencfittod many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. WET IIAIUSAINS. At tli Huston Store , Council ItlulTn A AVock nf HurcHltn. HOISEHY. Ladies' hose , tan black , slate and modes , 40 putipo goods , 17c a piur. Past blaclc hose , 7c , lOc , _ } nnd 15c. Best vnluo Jn domestic goods over of fered. Another 100 do/en of our R. S. 20 , just to huvo the best 2oc huso in Americtu For children's and boys' hose wo arc headquarters nnd always show bargains nt lOc , 12c and 17c. Ask to too our iron clad hose for bovs. only Hoc nor pair. UXl > lIl\VEAl _ _ 00 dozen ladios' ribbed vests , 5c cnch. Ladies' shaped vest DC , three 'or lice. Ladies' shaped vests , llJJc each. Heavy weight bilk trimmed vest , 17c. _ oo vest wo snow in throe makes , fin ished with silk , draw string , in white nnd ecru. Our 33c vosls como in high and low necks , silk trimmed. At 50c see our Egyptian lisle in ecru nnd black. . Misses silk veils in black , pink and cream tit 75c. Ladies' silk vests in black , pink and crenm in narrow and derby rib , the best $1.00 silk shown. Gents' underwear , mode and ecru , ehirt and drawers at 60c. Lisle finish , shirt and drawers 75c. Fancy btripcd shirt and drawers ( Med- licolt goods ) sola regularly for SI. 2-3 ; our price for ealo 75c each. BOSTON STORE. FOTHKRINailAM , WH1TULAW & CO. , Council BlulTs , Itu Jnrvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , host . H. M. West , ono ot the proprietors o ! the ShenatidoahVorld , was in iho city yeatcr- duy.Misses Misses Nolllo Hnrdtn , Male Sealer , Eva Mason and May Bryant returned Sunday ntcht from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hines of Fremont , NOD. Dlsoaso never successfully attacks a sys tem with pure olood. 7)o Will's Sarsaparilla maltes pure , new blood mid enriches iho old. homo 1'nctx About CMtt'ii Slioci , Sargent's is no high priced shoo store nnd when ho guys cheap shoes ho means shoes chonp. Remember it is the amount of business n store does that makes the price. It costs no more to do a $75,000.00 business than a $30,000.00 business , and that is the reason why Sargent can sell you ehoes cheaper than any other house in the city. I have the largest and best selected Block of shoes in the city , bought direct from tlio manufacturers for cash , thus eaving the discount , and when I say 1 will sell you goods cheaper than the cheapest nnd guarantee every pair 1 mean what I wiy , and will do it every time. Como and see me. My motto is good goods , lower than the lowest. B. M. SARGENT , 418 Broadway , Council Bluffo , Itu . II. Gray , tlio Uotol Gordon chef , is tlio gentleman who prepared the grand bunquot. Jnrvis 1877 brandy , six old medals. Patronize bhio Ice wagons for Mo. river channel ice , Mulholland & Co. Tel. lt2 ! , Pastures for horses nnd rnttlo on George F. Wright's farm south of Coun cil IJluiIs : f > 0t ) acres blue grabs ; running water. For terms apply to James Raph nt farm houbu oppoalto Wubash sound house , or address F. P. Wright , Bald win bloc ! ; . Jarvis wines , the oldest and best. $ aK ( ) buys the bent lawn mowor. Investigate Iho Hurd refrigerators and the wonderful Now Process and Quick Meal vapor stoves ut Colo's , 41 Mtiin trccU Jarvis Wluo Co. , Santa Clara , CaL Swcnson Mtulo Co. . M isonio tomplo. ClirUtliui 1 ! nl i-ii m r Notlrt < . Cheap ru'os to Now York Jul > 7-lOth recount of ' .ho International Chri&tian Endeavor con volition. For reservations on through sleepers direct to Now Yorlc nnd any other informallo'i , apply to M B. Fcnis , Hhonaudoah. lit. As to rail- i end tickets , eta , nppiv to any C. , B. & Q. tlckot ngi'tit , or lo J. M. Bochtcl , U 1J. A.Bu.lln-ton , la. Davis siMlo reliable paints nnd drugs. Jarvib 1877 brandy , highest tost. Dr. ( 'humborlnln , eye , ear. throat , culai rh. Shufurl blovK , Council Blulls NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS interesting Litigation Involving ths West ern Normal Institute. SHENANDOAH CITIZENS WANT A RECEIVER They IVnr the Present Mnimcer , JVIIl Not Conduct tlio School According to Their l < lcm I'limtirlnl History of the Institute. A case was on trial in tbo district court yesterday In which tbo people of souttuvc t- era Iowa nro considerably Interested from ttio fact that the Western Normal I intitule , which was burned * at SUcnandoah last win- : cr , Is involved. 11. C. Kodlson and a num- jcr of uthur residents , who have at one time or other assisted tbo collegi in u financial way , nro the plalntllTi , and T. 11. HcoJ and the other moaiborj of a citizens' committee , which now bas possession of the site on which It Is proposed to erect the now bulldlnp , nro tbo antendsnts. Prof.Vt M. ( Jroan , the ex-prosldent of the school , received about { 00,000 worth of subscriptions on the condition that the Rchtfol should bo operated for ton years. When the building burned the ten yean wcro not up , but I'rof. Croan announced that bo was Una bio to fulfill bis slmru nf the con tract , and suits were brouehl wblch resulted In Judgments against Croan. AtlbouRn tbo citizens or Sbcnandoah have the judgments ttiov nro not satislled , butwant to lake It out In stock in the new Institution In order that they may he p a certain control over the actions of the future proprietors , who they Tear might not run tt to their satisfaction. They have accordingly filed u petition in the district court asking that the board of trus tees which Is now trying to manipulate Affairs bo deposed und that , a receiver bo unpointed to lake charge of tbo Institution until a final decision of the questions involved con bo made. This motion was argued before Judco Uoemcr yesterday afternoon und was taken under advisement , C. S. ICcenan of Shcnandoah represents the plaintiff * in tlio suit and James MctJnuo of th'ls city and U. B. Jennings of Shonnndoih the defendants. The citizens of Shenntidoah and vicinity nro greatly Interested in the outcome of the suit , and a largo number of them were present In tbo district court yesterday to watch the pro ceedings. Last cvonlnc 1'rot. Groan nnd his wife , together with tbo defendants in the suit which was on trial In the court yesterday , were served with a nottco by Sheriff Hazun of the commencement of a suit to restrain thorn from disposing by quit claim deed or otherwise or the property on which the now institution U to be erected until the dllUculty shall have been settled satisfactorily. "Lato to hed and early to rlso will shorten the road to your homo in tbo skies. " But early to tied und a "Little Early Hiso * , " the pill that mattes Ufa longer and belter and wiser. Jarvis 1ST" brandy , sold by nil dealers. Society hi the SI mm. When Judge McUcc got down town yester day tnornlug and opened police court bo found a largo and varied assortment of hu manity waiting for the wheel of fortune to turn Ibat should decldn whether they were to have S9.C1 or a lecture. The poilco had had a busy tlmo of It for the forty-eight hours preceding , nnd the result of their scratching around In the back alicrs had been to 1111 the city baslllo to over'flowine with people of different ages , sexes , colors and degrees of degradation. Charles Davis , charged with attempting to rob the residence of Theodore Banner ut tbo corner of Fourth avenue nnd Eighth street , was granted a continuance until Ibis morn- iuir. iuir.E. E. E. Cullls , who gave his occupation as "plumbing" on the theory of once a plumber always a plumber , mid that ho bad paid two attorneys to como and attend to his case , but they had failed to pat in an appearance. He therefore dcclIneJ to bo tried and was given n continuance until this moralng , when he will not only have a chance totnako a dnfcnjo to the accusation ot vagrancy , but to that of biirclary n well. Frantt and Ed Jackson , the alleged coal tnloves , wcro given n rnrtlnl trial , after wblch n continuance was token until this morning. Ed Baker , charged vvlta being an inmate of a disorderly house , was fined $5 and costs. Dollv Andrews , Mnpclc Johnson , Agnes Uonlcy , Kittle King , Viola Lee and Buzzv Slater wcro often llaod $5 and costs for vagrancy. Ella KtcharOs wns the narao elvon by n rural tnildcn who stated , amid many tears , that she bad loft a country town In Nebraska to got work on Iowa Roll. She had drifted Into Council Bluffs without manor or friends , and Saturday night she fell In wltli n kind hearted policeman who paid for her lodging at n hotel. While sleeping on the Pro br- tcrlan church steps Sunday night she fell In with the same policeman , but ho had loft hi kind heart at homo that tlmo. and rushed her off to tbo station. She was discharged , F. L. Smith wiis tlned 510 and costs for carrvlng concealed weapons. Frank Nou- ' tnnycr nnd Honrv Muyc'r. charged with va grancy , were discharged oil condition that they leave town within tblrtv minutes , and Ernest Stitlcld nnd Jacob Itiuh were dis charged. The two moil "Slsson and Flsdicic , who broke down n South Main street butch er S back door , were tlnoJ $5 and costs. DaWltt's Sanapirllta doitro.v * sucrt psl- sons as scrofula , suln di-icmc , czjira , rhlju * matism. Its tlraelv use saves tniny lives. Rcitor , thotnllor , 310 Broathv\y , hi ? nil the latest styles and nowjst Satisfaction tfu Ogden house furnishes board nnd room"at popular prices ; from $2o.OO to 835.00 per month , ncstirding to room. Jarvis 1877 brandy , bettor than imo'd. Chapman's screen factory. Exclusive screen doors nnd windows. Sco him or write for prices , lo Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 .VA u u.ou.u fi.v n. The Iowa State band , one of the best known organizations of Instruments In tbo country , will give two onccrts at Boyd's now theater on Sunday next , uuder the leadership of Prof. IMnney. Two specially selected urojrrams will b2 cndcred , and will combl'ia tho'clusjlolth the popiilar. This band been engaged by bntn the republi can and democratic state delegates of Iowa to accompany them to the national conven tions. _ Tbo next theatrical attraction at Boyd's will bo "Pho County Fair. " which opoas a three mcht's attraction on Juuo 2. Harriet Boscher Stowo's greatest effort , "Uncle Tom's Cabin , " delighted tbo crowds at Wonderland. Tba sconlc effects , the dogs and the ponies made decided bit all Ibo way through. _ _ Mr * . L. R , I'atton , Hockford. 111. , writes "From personal experience I can recommen * DoWitl's Sarsaparilla. a cure for impur blood and general debility. " Permit i. The following permits were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesturdav : Lars Larson , one-story brick cottairc. L1I37 I'arkor street . t 1.500 Pauie , ail 3 I'M rker street . 1,500 Five minor permits . l.UOJ lotal . 4.UOO Mrs. AVlnsbw's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething produces natural quiet sleep1 21 cjnts a bottlj. in.nm > . tinctorial wultrtMi , flfly ccntfcacli tul llttiiii il Hits Imcs'iti. ' May 2 s i of dph- tlicrlii. ( liiushtcraf Mr and Mrs. C. 1) . llutch- Inson. aeon . " > yours and 5 months. I'uneral ntau'cloek this ( Tuosany ) afternoon. May 21. IS ! ) . ' , fiom tlio family residence. J21- Nicholas street. Interment private. Scrofula Symptoms. This disease has many forms ; such as , painful sores , unsightly eruptions , cancerous humors , swelling of the glands , particularly of the neck , hard kernels about the neck ( these are felt under the skin for months before soieness is experienced ) , diseases of the eyes , nose , ears , lungs , hips , and spine , erysipelas , running sores , abscesses , etc. Scrofula is the most terrible of all blood diseases. The fact that this most virulent poison should exist in the blood should cause great alarm ; and when the appe tite fails , or pain in the back , boils , pimples , or any of the above symptoms appear , the use of some power ful alterative and purifier should at once be com menced. Nature must be assisted to throw off the poisons , and nothing can assist Nature so effectually as Nature's own productions , and for this purpose she has given us , through the Kickapoo Indians , the greatest of all blood purifiers. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa compounded of simple herbs , roots , barks , and flowers , contains no acids or mineral poisons , there fore is absolutely harmless. It thoroughly cleanses the system , and removes the cause of disease. Kickapoo Indian Oil JJ.M a bottle. "Pure Blood , Mils p.iin instantly , and cures inflam All druggists. Pertect Health. " matory disease * . 35 cents. Ei cry MAN can he SVKONO and VIG- BE K MAN& SKS NJUlVINIt.tliegrcnt Spanish Remedy. YOtINO HEN OR OLD sulfrtiiiK from NEE.VOUS DEBILITY , LOST or FAILING MANHOOD.nifiiitly.'i.jusloiiiconvulsions , nervous prottrauon , CHUxd by tbeuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake- x . . mr H fulnets , mental depression , lojs ol pjwer in either sex , tpenniior- Ecrnomt ANUAFTEK . . _ , rbniacaufedbrsrlfabuie and oter indulRcncr or any personal weak * ness can be restored to pcr'ect bealtli and tdc NOBLXJ VITALITY OF STRONG MBN. We cite a rittcnRuarantea t/hbC boxes to cure any case or refund tl.rmorev H box ; 6 boxes $5 For Sale In Omaha bv Snow , Lund & Co. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFF 5. 11 * VOU have iinytlilns for sale or trade suu K.1 1US liOMfe.\Tayiiud Muln str.'tit. _ _ _ _ 1i4i 1O\VA ( inns fors-Ur. IniprotoJ Id ) U.TU ) in llurrlsaii county , ( IHOIporucro : Uiarrot Improved , f.'cW : 8) ) ncrei. tl'.ut , Kor In Iowa iin-l Nebraska farms c.ill on or tvnto toJohiuon .t Van I'.itton , Coutiull 1/OK HKNT nwoilln.'Hln ull purls or the Jcity. ? . H. II. hheafu , llrj.idwity mi. I .Main. STOJtAOR nnd ( k > uinlkilon Stoves , furni ture , um. , stored iinJ sold i > r > udiniulsilou ut lowi-gtruoi. L. Kliinonaii. JJJ llrotdwjy. FOKSAIiK A ilx-room cottazo In KIHH ! repair. tiKxl sliocl lot. prliu (1,0 < U. cany payinuntHor trade. U II , Mivufr. ay ami Mum ttreut. AN Investment uar aiii. Now doulilo housa Httuittcil at Nn . Ill und 1 ti Ji.'lh hL , Coun cil DlulTi. . liiipravoiiiunt , nuw nn.l Ur t-ilus4 house. lontaliK 1 < rootuH. x Uuth rooint. 3 line piintrvri. 10 closets , front und UauKkUlrJ. lint uiid vo d " 'liter M-rvlcc. Rak. otu , worth K.VJU , will i-ell m.i liirstainand fcollo t hoiiu. xmiH for rant In Urown . front us on I'o ri and Main atrocta , with ull inoJurii eorivonlunves. Tor lorius apply to A. U Nicholas or II. C. Cory , room G. a.dnta for liulldltu. "I71OU SAI.B Trotory hrlck dwolllnc. two J-1 triiuntk , 8lx riKinsoaulii ) centiully locutud on L'loctrlo motor truukj urlco U.OjO.oj. lehs miiriungu of f.'iOJ ; will trade for InuJ. IX II Minute , llroudvtuy and Main btrccu 171OH b'AhK A frumu tlin-u-moni dnelllnx -i-1 nna corner lot , prlc-o tTD'j.M ) ; will null on uuvy pnyti eiiwur trudu for land. I' II. y and Main meet. THilt SAI.i-Onsi..ull : . payments , fruit mid -L k-arJi'ii luiuJ inur Council lllull * . l > H. theafe , itro&tlwuy anilMalu Urttt. Tpoil KI.NT-CM Mynater street , two-story - - frame dwelling In excellent . reiiuir , f.a\ci\ rooms , uath nud all modurn oonvenleiicos ; runt , khi , 1II. . aheafu. Ilioadway and Main. FOU SAIji : OK UEXT-Lareol and most prrilllithle market In tlio west , doiuc from $ I , < iO.ll.r to I7.0M. 0 O.IHI ! liusinuss a montli : hanU iHMTt will Hhow It ; L'llt edseJ. EpIi-ndlJ biisriL ! 3 ! > clinncuti : .VO.IN' lo.ise on building Ma , Iteeoniuo Council HliilN. "TJ10H AI.H An attrictlvo six room cottugo J-1 In exiollont reyulr on motor line , con venient to churuli Hiid school , price fl..lH ) . U U. Bho.iff. llroauwny and Main street. i . . .jE A fr.uo : six room dwelling Iu . ( rood rep.ilcoiivnnlunt to Union I'.u'iDo t raiisftir. priceL4 I' . oa y pnviuunts or trade. H. II. Mi > uff , llroadway nnd Main street. "Ij Oll r-ALK A Ntoc-k of mercliindUe con- J-Hutln ofdrysoad * . notions , ladles' und n.lssch' cloaks and jacuets. fenti. ' furnlbbins roods and HUUCH. prlt-o HUX Will take lowu or o-iitern Nnbrjski firm HniK K , H. hlieafe , llroadwuy und Muln ktroct , "IJIOU SALE A to 'k of general ii'froliiiridlso JLJ mid iirluk building In a lite town l from Oniahii , a buraln for H live innn. will taUo coed farm liuicl In o ifclern Nebraska or lo a In ovchingo. K. II. blmafo , Hro.iUway and M. In street. SAI.K Three room dwi-llln ; mm lot , - IH.6 I'lflli ntunuu. pried , (7JU : montlily pjyinents. U II. Hieafe , llroaclwuy uriil Main. FOlTunST-A MOW t o-stiry brick , cljlit- nx > m dwell. UK on I'ark ax-ntie , lutu , lint und cold uitlur auJ all n odrrn cotivunlimi'es , fi5 pur montli. I' 11 Bhortfo. Il'iray and Main FOlt KKNT-trjfl t > ccoml avenue dwclllus with U rounu , furnnecranjc , bath , clcctrlu iHJilk , untiof thumokt iteslrablo icsldooces In Council HlutT. : rniutaw per month , II II. faheafe. llroadway nnd Main > lreeU T OU HA LK-A neat four-room dwelllns on - - Atcnuoll ; nrce.17541 small monthly puy- wcms. K. 11. buoafu , Uroudwuy and Mitlu. PLAIN , MCll Sea If This t Been Your Experience , and if It Has , Profit by tire Lesson It Con veys--AljlJf le Frank nnd St atghtfor- wnrdr Tnlk. The following nro n few words to sensible siblo thinking people : They nro addressed to those who have been troubled more or los for years with eal-irrhal alTVctions of the head , throitt or chest. They nro words of sound counsel nnd disinlo/estcd advice , quito npnrt from any question of the sp.tco they occupy us an advertisement. In 119 cases out of 100 caUirrh is directly or indited.y the result of colds , which tire more than liable to cause the original trouble tolo converted into consumption. The seapon of the year most favorable for the stu'cesaful treatment nf catarrh is in the season when Iho patient is less liable to ttko : cold. That season is the early spring and summer. Nature then lends her aid to the work of Uu > pa tient , withholds IhO iniluetices which e.uisc nnd increase the disease and af fords a fair opportunity for complete recovery. This is simple , sound , sincere and straightforward advice. The time for you to tike treatment for any cnlnrrhnl difilcultv is now. Now that the sp'ing is hero , with its sunshine upon you. and the disease does not cause you "seriou trouble , you im mediately'noglcd yourself utterly and wait for another winter to come with its same old round of colds , = ere throats , aggravated catarrh , wearisome and dis couraging treatment and unsatisfactory results. In view of tb o facK would it not bu prudent nnd wise for you to act in iho matter NOW ? HER WORDS OF PRAISE. Commending- ( Painlcs ; Method of Drs. Copciand and Shcjunl After Suffering Torture from Seierc Treatment The Mild 1'oMcr Cures. Mrs. Edward Dnncomb of Upland , Franklin county , Neb. , came to Otnahn several months ago lor medical treat ment , stopping with her daughter. Mrs. Siiltzgiver , of 2i:5 : South 13th stret In an interview Mrs.puncomb | bays : MRS. r.nwAnn DUXCOMB. "I am KS yo IM oM. an 1 have bean all I n ? for nlno va.irs. I hud catarrhwhich allotted my nose , tsroit u < 1 eye ? , and lin : been tiiucn xvurjo slnc'c I hu'J la grippe In IH'U. ' "iMiirerna much wlt'i h iwk n : and spit- tin : : , headuchu anil LMracho. My tonsils , month .mil ton no were Inllutnud nndon' . I wiselclu ii frt'o from severe p In ; In my side , shoulder 1)1-i us and bucx. " 1 a sc\frc i-oush anJ WHS ne\or able to sot u cooil nUht's slenp. My iippetito was OMrcinniv poor nnd I s very wuuk. My limbs ft'lt paiuly70d nnd dead. " 1 treated hnru wltli n prominent phyelolnn for over twj months. Ho put MI on ? icclds mi my nose and In my tlunat.ihlcli burnt me terribly , nnd can-od putn for u lone tine. U also cai s rt much bhoJIiiR und sorcurss and madu me wor&o of bett"r. "After a course of treatment with Ills Copolnnd and shop-mi 1 am pleased lo state that I um cntltulv ree-oveioa exeeyt my stronctli , which Is fast retnrnlni. They are careful und p iiii t Ung In tlielruorl ; , and thulr treatment is mild und painless. " $5 $ A W10NTH AXD KIXDIIED DISEASES TREATED AT THE UiV/FO/f.V IATE ! OF W A 310XTH TiniOVGIlOUT THE TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. S3io3da3.c , Pi'opnalor , OfiJ3i 021 B.-o\-iwiy , Bluffsandl32l FxraamSu , O nahx Dyj , clan nni ra.'inUh gooi § orovorydajariotlan. PaoXftgas rosalva-l at olthar o'fioa or at th3 WorksCorAva. . A. nnd 23th SU Council DlU'f * . Sand forprlca list. Merchants who have shop-worn or sollol of aiy char.xctor hava them jvdyeJ and llnishol cqu-\l to now. _ . . , . . . . . „ x c.ntr 1.1 .1 UKD PEATHIRS iiu.N-bvATED AND CLEANED in SPEAM , with tha ' . th t OVM tnt 1 h if > i m st t pprovcJ mnchincry.ntcst nt loai coi' n vo 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. srnt\G .I.VD .uf.vris. ) MED ILtXE I'llKE. BOOM3 311 AND 312 , New York Lifa Builclinj , Cor. 17th and Fnrnani Sis. , Onialu , Neb. W. II. COPKLAXD. M. D. C. S. SlllM'AKD , M. D. Consulting I'hyslclani Spoclaltoi : O itarrli an 1 all dUa i of t'n Hye. Kir. Throat nirl Lunzi. Nervous 1)1 - rases , skin Ilsoaes. . ( Jhronlo lllseasos. OI1IC3 Hours B to 11 a , in. . 3 to 5 p. ra. , 7 to & p in. fcunrtuy IU u. m to 1 p in. Oatnrrhal troubles nn.1 klndrcrt dl oas3 treated successfully by in.ill. Sund 4o in stamps for question circulars. Addrcsj all letters to Copelaud Medical Institute , .Nu.v York l.lfo Hiilldlns. Omaha. Neb ( LW. PANSLE , M. D. Th Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericntc. BEADEU OF DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. rUOPItlBTOK OK TUB ununAi. IJISFEN- SAUY OF MEDICINE. /Ireat iho following Diseases : Catairb of the Head , Throat , and Lungs ; Dis eases of the Eye and tnr.Fltsand Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Liver Ooniplalut. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes Bnght's ni casefct Vitus' fiance , ItLeumatlsm. I'wiUjEls. White Swelling , Bcrofu'a , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula in ano removed without the knife or drawlne a drop of blood. Woman with bt-r delicate orpans re- Dtored to health. Dropsy cured without topping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to S5OO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease i cannot cure without mercury. Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no pay. lUmorrhoids or Piles cured. THOSE WHO AltE ATTLICTED Will save life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only I'liyslclan trim can tell what nlla a person without aiking a question. All correspondence strictly confidential. Medlclno eent by express. Addrcts all lettcra to W. G PA.NGLE , M. D 555Hroadwny. Council Hlum. Omalia Medidl anil Surf icil INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOR TME TREATMENT OF ALL lU'-t facilities , apparnut niul Koiiioaiai tor successful tre itmciit of ovary form of disease rcnulrliii or sur lc il treatment. CO beds for patients , bo inl nnd attendance. Host aucomoJalious In thp west. Wrlto for circulars on deformities anl braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of sulnu. piles , tumor * , c nicer , cufirrh. bronchitis. In- haluilou.oicclrlclty. piralysU. enllensy , Icld- ncv. b mlder. eye. ear , skin anJ b'.ooJ and all Furcicai oucr itions. A ! spnci.v ITV. DISEASES OF WOMEN i Huukon Dlsaasm ot Women KHEi : . Wo have liitelv ml tail i lyliu- In department fur women durlu : confinement. Mrlctly ur vite.i Ou.v Kollablo Mudlcat lu- Etitutc mnlv'.ni ; a 5pocUltyo : , PHI VAT 13 13ISliASICS All Hood DIso.ises successfully tro'ltoL i-juhllltlo 1'olson lemovud Ironi the by stum without mercury. Now Kostorattve 'J'reat- mcnt for Lo-i \'IT.VIj I'OWKIL l'o on > un able to vNlt ui mav bo trcttud at homo by I'nrrcsuon lonce. All communications confi dential .Me.liclncs or Instruments sent l > y mail orc\prcss. securely packed , no in.irks to ind.catt ) contents or sender. One personal In- teryioupruforroJ. . Call and consult us or sund history of your case , and wo will send Iu plala \vr.ipuur. our Rnnif Tfl MFN nicn : Uoon I'rlvate , uuui11 / , [ .peclal or Nervous DM- cases. Impotency. SvphllU , Gloot an 1 Vnrlco- cole , with question list. llr.iees. Appliances for Deformities & Trnsos. Only manufactory In tbo Weatof IttiFUit il JTY Al'l'l.lAAUl : * , J'HIIama , UZKUfltlU HA IIEll I IMA * I ) U Kit " 1H. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Broadway , GoiinoU BltiETj. Ten mlnutus'iIclo from oanuir ot Omali i 01 Omaha and Council Uluffi olujtrlu motor line. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of CnuniMI lllult * Capltllstcc'c S0,003 burplusunJI'roflts HHOUtt Net Capltil an I Surplus 8ViOOU'J Directors J I ) lljnuiliai d ! , . * mrir. , r1 > Olcnsun. K K Hart. I \ Mlll3r. J V llni'inn nndChnrles It. llnnnan Transact zoncril bink- Ins bu uie-.s. Lakes' c.iplt il : tu 1 surplus of any bunk iu southwestern Iowa. 1NTBRB3T OM TI-VIS D3PO3IT3 Chas. Lunkley , runcritl Director nnJ Undcrt.t'ciT 811 Broadxvay. Council Blulls. Telephone. 11J. Dr , Bailay , $ r The Loading Dentist " Thtri Flos- , Paxton Blos'x. IclcplionD lOSj. IGlh nntl Turnim Sis. A full ct of tectn on rubber for fV Perfect fl , Teceb without plates or removeublo bridge work Jutt the thing for ulucers of public spcuiivr , uover drop donn. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIH. All fllltiu nt reasonable rates. All work warranted. Cut this out for u guide. The only IcsiHjr crndimt'il Chlneso physician. 1 liMit ymrs' study 'lot years iirnetlrnl exptirl- enco with nil kttan dl pv > es Trent suecfMfiilly nil chronic ca j g\rn \ np t > v oilier doctors Call nml pp lititi or "rite for qu sllon bliink Do not think your cs.s9 liopMos b'niuss yotir rtoctor tolls you HI , but try Dm Oil tin o doctor wltli hli new nnd wonderful remedies nnd receive now Ix-netUs iinrt n permanent eure whM other doc OM ovinot Klrp. Herbs. Hoof ninl 1'lnnts nature's rciuedlen-hlf medicines The worM till witness , Uno tlioumnd lotlmonljls In three year * ' prnctleo No Injurious decoctlims , no nnrcottes , no poison Itnllonil treatment and permanent cure. roll3wlnit cues m'cossfully treated ami cured , Klten up hy other doctors : 'Ixi Whom It Miy Concern : 1 linveluen ncnnnnnt nultcrar for niiny years with llhouiuitl < m nnd lr | ici > la. inul ntur tryluf nil the doctors 1 knew of niict recelTint no help. I hcnrd ofllr ( ipo ; Wn In tlio paper * nailrunclndrd to try his mpdlclnps , wblch cur.vt mp in K short lime .My fiunllj wore nlxu rick but tlic doctor cured them nil rieht I Imvo M n ucnl hhn n num. ber of friend * , nhoin ho cured nlsn nnd of vnrloua tronblei C'all tin mo for pirilculnrs. iiioMAs couam.ix , 43lj llnrnpy Street. ( Jninhv OMAHA. Neb.Mutch 30 , IK. To Whom It Mny Concerns 1 hive bee'i n mm lima KulTerpr wltb tonmc'i tro ublp nnd Ronernl iloblllty. nnd rnuM nnd no ro ller Jrom mi ) of the dm torsi treated with 1 WAI no bsilly run Oown thnt I UiouvM It Imposulbln tj liven mnntli. Jlf frlen Is ( rid tl\en uio up to dip. nnd I hnd lo t all pournvn myself A friend told me nf llr U. Iie3 Wo. nn lip nnn cured iilso , nnd d- % l ! > ed inptocall nml res him without iliMny , in there wni-iui tlmo to loia. I had tried nil thv ilnpfors 1 could I ndand ull the patent medicines , hut with out relief. 1 tlnnlly undo up my mini \lvltllu Chlno edoctor , nnd from thnt mouicnt < litci my recovery I nc-oi > ted his terms nnd pliPM luytclf under his cire 1 nn nuw enllrely well nud owe my cure to llr O. Ceo Wo. nnd take creat plensure In rccomtucndluK others to himT11O3 T11O3 OPIA'KKT. Norlbircot corner Twelfth nnd Knrmtm etreoti , un der Iron Hank , Oiuahu , Neb. 1'OCATEI LO. Idaho , April 3,1S91 To Whom ItStny Coneern : I hnvubpen ( icomitnnt niffcrer for eluht yoari with n disordered it'Jiuucu , blood pulsonlutt nnd Indigestion - digestion , nml tried n creal ninny Uoctorv nnd rem edies , but cot no help My co I ejnsldere d liopo- lom. A friend ndIved me to on 11 on Dr. U. tieoVo , nhlch I uindj no delay Indulni Tac doclor exnm- Ined me nnd told ma ha couUI euro me , nnd I notr Maud completely cured , n living witness to hit Krent skill ns n bcnlerof the nick , unit um ( iloiiM'il to bo nblo to recommend htm to nil sulterlni ; peopln. . AtP HUH. Jolmlmbody JelTomon , In. , iiulck consumption nnd nt > cess on lumr Blvpn up to die A. O Mot-el , Oakland , la , kidney uu t llror trouble forten 3cnrs At. U Anderson. 1,131 Cutnlnit ulreet. entirrh , n nnd bronchitis of driven joarn tinndlUK Has for i > ale the followlnz prep irod remedies nl II UO n bottle lx bottles for filU. lor tlio euro ot ABthraa , Cntirrh. blck llendiche , Imllcetlloii , lllood roUonliiL" . I'.lieumitNin. Kem lo Wejknciv. Kldnc ) nnd I.lver Complaint.No icutr > boll only by Chlncso Medlclno Co , Cnpltal , HUJ.UIJ. OITice , I Cili aoil Califorah Sis. , Omalia , Neb Wo rrnd thn mixrvclom Fronrli Ilcnwly CALTHOS frrr , and n lial cuarontiH ) tb t CALIUDB will < ITItn Kprrtnatnrrliciu aHrocrla and IttSTOKE IAK ! \ lc < ir. Utfftendfat ifsatisjrJ. A4Jn.p . > , VON MOHL CO. . Rol. AnrrirtB ItfcU , ( TttUotU , Ublo. SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT THE OPTICAL NEW HOUSE Or TIIR ALOE & PENFOID CO. , 114 South ir.lh Street , Next to the 1'ostofllce , Omaha. Practical opticians Ana branch of world renowned option ! establish ment of A. S. Alee A Co. . bu Ixiuli. Our method U jupcrlor IO nllothor ; nar lenss nrc superior : will not weary or tire the eye < . Tbo fjamci properly i4- ( aitod to the face. Byes Teated Proo of Charge. Prices Low for First-class Goods. TRADE MARK. J. C. Is at Home to His Friends at the r\ ToTHY vrr . U. D. hHUr/ ! , ; ; , : iNO. 2.2.B MIDDLxR. BROADWAY , 7 if. Ht 6 ) With a Fine Stock of . B FWJLJLJ JsUiPtS XJLA1JLJL1. / A-P JLJ JLJIJL IL \ Jf \ \ / JLSK/l That he will sell you at prices that will surprise you. Special attention given to repairing and making custom work. Be sure and call and see the new store , G.