TUB OMUTV DATLY BEE ; SA'iTUinY. MAY 21. 1FOJTWRLYR PAC.KS. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Homo Wild Scones Were Witnessed 01 'Olnngo ' Yesterday. CORN WENT UP WITH A GREVT RUSI Itppnrtft of n Illlrraril rullonliiR tliu 1 looili In tliVenl CniMfil tliu Unimml 1U- tltriiM litlirnt AUn Ad- xnnceil Si'terrtl I'uliili , CniCAfio , til. , May SO Wilder clamor nni txcltcmenl over scarcity of Kraln nnil provis ions than was xvltnLsscd toil ly on 'change cuiilil Hcareoly be Imagined in Bturxln ? Uus- no. Short HcllcM , trig utnl little , wore In i pilule. ' 1 ho price of M.iyturn shol up7c and closed wltliln Icofthc top The Inly otnlon K.ilnul ,1'tc. Wheat Is up . 'V and nork. lard mill rlln uro liUhor A hllrrHrd , folloxvlnjj tlrMHtrons Hoods for a month , xvis the horror I rn xxns a ltiitril from the start , anil an tin- inelisu Mniitiinof business XT is transacted 1 heoppnltij found the ciowd anxious anil of- fur In ; ! lUht 1'ardrldir.o xxiis heavily short In Inly unil rushed bioKor * from a half tlo/un housis Into the nil to rfot his torn biolc Tliu trade hail none tutcll to nirel so great n do iiKiml 'I husniall shorts too. xxero i riimhl In J for toin Hxery message on the lloor xvasdls- C/iirnuln . 1 hu May | irlcu held nt ft'iV nt tlic start. went to fro'ii ftTo to A-o as soun as hlddliu 1 rRnn .lime wit * quoted at 4 ( > ' < o anil 47'ie ' null M'licrsolloii d It at 4lo ! on the carlv Unlyo JmV XXUR ul fioin 4ic to IVje at tliu start. wont to < ( i'tc. li.ii'lt In IJB nnil thi'ii jumped to 4Jjc 1 1 foru II o'Llntik Tor an lioni ilium was it lot iipln Uiu pnn'oky felling and July dioupcd buck tH ( ( > go. ! iirdtltlitu hud lilid to liny and prices Jumped Iu47'ie Inu foxv nilnuUs Tlni opt nid up the exclloiiicnt iininv .mil , Miv void tUilo | frcrly at i > i , jtiinpi" ! to lila anil xvont on 10 dZu before 1 ncloi'k. Junn xvns iHOtul | nt I'l'ic ' at thu sumo tlini. whllu .Inly passed the 11 It'll point of the iiiiuiiliu and wont iiplotv. I orn eh sul xxlth thu ttadu greatly excited mid oilujs unll huld I i xxlii'nl the ( inching was about ' 40 higher thin xtstt'iday's clos MJ , ndxaiK'Ul 'jf , 10- ceded 'je advanced I'll1 , Ihi'n leeedtd I'n1 , > .i lltd , line tnatu I MIIIIO nnil dosed ahout"no liUhi'i thiin ii'itudaj A fclinru ileinand eMi \ - Mi d , mid outside pin tlis lonnt freely , I'hn short interi c I covered fieuly and foil ritliti tint'isy. 'llu'io xxas no LTCIU ipiuntlty of who il oITi red , though In the dlllerunl Luleoi fit inn rc'ill/lng followed. ' 1 ho fotlln , ' x\.is > do- clu'dly urrxons A lii'iiv trade wns carried on In oils , the in ill el beliu Btlmnliitid by tliu slU'ii lliof coin , anil closed from I'at lo 1'ic higher llnsl- ucss xvas gene-rill } scutti-ied n'though ' Mm- ruy A.on dl posul of a tonslUotaulu July llni Tin proiRlnii trade cuiKhl Iho hull f' xor fiom tno Kriiln pits The mtatcst "poculali o Interest xvns In porlt. The opening 1'iltu ' tons Kc our last night In Hympithy with torn. This wua thu key to the silu- ntlon duiiKur to the corn riop nnil lili-hor prices In the torn pit The MiPiirili caused the lee il shorts to cox LI oailj In the d-iy I'llun thu pai-Kers hc an taKlnir products. Armoiii liou'lit laid and Cndnhv honiiht riha und Ityiin \ Co. lion ht ill" , laid and pork all dav nnd wcroeiy bullish on thu Hllnittlon Many opcr.Uo : * . nfUM LO\I > I Ini ; short sili s , took thu ion , ; shlo fin thoniiliirn.indthclln.il Ilirm-es were ( hu lil-'lirsl of all. OITi'tlniss ofo scl loom were Unlit. Kates In d sti1 tdy at. "t for wheat and l o for co'n lo lluffaio. I.Httinaled iieelptB for tomortowhc.it : , Hi c.us : corn , "DO cms ; oils , lIUc.us ; liu's 14 nuu head. 'I ho leading futures r 1112011 us follows. XII1KI I X win- i NO 2 Xlll ) June . tin July Ci UN No i Mny tii to .him. 4154 .Inly 45 Jb't 45 Ox in .No . ' - 4580'ft 45raj Xta > 80'ft raj * Itino " ' oJ Jill ; * U ) ( JPJ J ll-H I'OIIK .xinx. 9B5 10 i" < 10 r > .Hilv. . . . . JW 10 M -J .111 u ui 10 OJ 10 -'to I IUOri 10 t."u M y. C 40 021 b 40 inly . t > la f .II ti 60 kiit ft Uj 0 Uj BlIDHT ItlllS- Mny . , 6 U.'ft 5112 G O'i 1,071 , ! 6 'UK ' GUi 1. 17- ! , Cash quotations xxrio as folloxxv 1 louu More nctlxo xvlih millers asking lOc nilt.ln't > ; silts cem-nllv nt old Iliiiiexvln - li'i patents , JI.JOI&4 JO , xxlnlei stra hls , ill ) ( ii ( Urs-No. J. nc : No 2 wiuto , : C'e ' ; ? Vo. J whltill'inin c. Ut li No „ ' . Tee. lUniM .NO . ' . roc : No : i. . o.vc : No. ) , r.ic. 1 I.AHi I li-.No I , JI.OT'J 'I iMOTin .SRI.II I'rlnii1l. . ' . ai.M ) . , J1 > } ! "K7Vo" > 1 Perhhl. . * IO U' ' . . Hid , poi IfUllis. SO 17'tfel.lO ; shnit ilhs. sides , ( loo-u1. ino , ' , : < iry suited slioulilcis ( boxedi. iu7 ; bhiirt clear sldosiboxodl , Jd.17 \\liis-Kx \ Distillers' llntshed so > ls iicrK.ii , , ' tiflARS UnclmiiRcdtcitt 1ml , Wa ; srin- ul nod , 4iji : stun l.irdA , " j ' . .c- . Koecipts , and slilpnients ton iy wero.H fol- lo h : On the I'roiluto o\ch uico today the butter 111,11 krt xv.is quiet and iiiiclinngcd ; fancy oroaincrx , ll > ® 'i.e : llnoxxestern , e : ordinary , riffllllie ; Hue dairies , 17GIUc. ) Kggs , htcaay nt * 4S0. N xx Vorlc Marltots. NKXV VOIIK. May 20. I'MHIII Kocolpls. SljO ul < us ; exporls , 2.0JO bbls ; 2.4JO sac ininkot si iongur and inc advance asked : fnlrly aellxo : s tics , , IJ4H bb's. ( 'OI XIEXI , rirm and qu et \\iuA7 Itttolpls. 1'17-vj bii ; ovporl" . 01.- JJ silcs 21,040,000 futures hpilt mar let lilulici and htiuiubut dull ; No 2 red , U-tO ' " ' - 'I'c ' ii.il.tl ( ' . : .No 1 northoru , Ui'.GDiJici o I liiril. I > , i4c ; No. 2 norlhcin. bS c : No ' riilcHiro. u ' , o ; No 2.VlhMitil < ce , 'JP.e : N0 ,1 spr nf. Ul'.iOptions \xoioovcltoi all dav and ch oily from ropoits of nn and fioit n , the xxoat. tc.hlcs there xVai rpjiorU of dnmairo to 1'ipiirh uml ItiiMlnn iropsixvhlo the uiblcs weiu hotter nnd fori'lunuis x\i-ro fiuo IIIIVLMS the shorts < .M1)A'1lv ) fr' ' ' "u" " ! ' Tlmy dx .1 ! , , , rly was 2' < a.'Vi from this , thoto was a llttlo o- nctlnii of > ufoc. but the ilo-.u Is strmi nm ] loiillilfiit at l' . lSic oxo , vc-sroulny. No roilMay. 10 Wj.i- . c.osliiis at H-'Ho : JUIIP. 0 'I l.i' ( . uiDslintut l ' , c. July. OimailiU'-.tloa Inxi nt IW'ici Anuiist.'lp ( iU2' ' " . rloMii" UJ'iC ! i-uplLinhi-r. lit ) ® c' lccombt.lU.jQaV , . , . . r o , BiMaiMi'al' , L'losliiB ittUv 'J'1" ' 0111"10' ! , ! ftcstorn. 8IOS.1C. % -1 Hi 1 iiils , . fn,8-2 bu.i exports. 7)0 ) Ini. ; sues i.fiAUU bu. of fiiture ; "u7.bjb'bii of S1 J'-U.r,1"1 ' ' 'I'iher ' , iinlel , elos na slum -or ; No : \ifl'j.'l ' . illuvllloriM' ' r 'o ' allo it : ii.u-i. . dud iiilxi'd. MAtn.v ; hleamor i.ilxed , f)7W i i' . on. ' tlnns e\t < lted , aullxo und iiiuili hluhi'i thimigh xot ; xxeathcr ilula ; Ing pli.ntliuand' . higher cable * . The uponliu WIIH Jjfialo ipp the close stronif nt l , o adxanci. . .May , MI. ® f * > , i' . iihuin „ al tei : June , \ . < iiV > > f. elosln ' a,1. ' 5 ? i July. M4trile. tlosluntWe A i.i "l" n id o ro. , - ' ' "lou Ml'yW'te ' ' : Jiie at , i4i' . Inly. .1 i.ai.1 ; , o oilUB lit .I7i' , All iiHt. .iMidt ( , ' ! % VloMiiL' ni Wl'iO ' ! S.iU'iib | , . | . : il' ' , < llkf. ' . 1 , t " JIAV-Ouhnand arm. lloi'r I' rin , ntnlo roinn on to ( holu > . 2C Ili-i . r-iilAii-lii\\ ( , iiului. linn ; mnscox.iilo.M ti , t , ni.iV ItUlnou ktuinlvrnd iiulut. MII.AKHfh-loiOlll ( ( , lllllllAUIUHl | e. NOW Or i-tiiis , hti'iul ) s oonimnn to f ninx.Vit ie "rm ! , , , . . TAI.I ( ixx-Moady ; U.-lit clly. 4 ic. 'N"J"ll'l ! btr" " l. common to ' 8c-"yi ' i n. at ® . , * > -Slcndx ; t Hr iloniandj ucstorn , llilifsMimdy anil qulut , \Viiilu-Mc.idy. imxlonttilv .u-tlxo ; ilo flioiu , VtiUOnut p.lllo . I , ' .ti'u 2f ; Texas . I'IIIIK lliviicrt old jirli.io. ifli.Vjjilno ) , Cii MKATM-nriii ; pliKlol bo u > , ® ej.i'i inlilillif , ijulct. l.Aiiii-lllk'liui hut imlc't ; i ! li'rn bti-ani , closnl ut W S5 bid ; nalos. I.V.V ) ih-n es ut H5TW Gti u < ; oplloim Milus. UO tli n us ; .Mny. H5j bit ) : JMni'.IUTUCtU. ' ! ' . ' . ul.Hi.m . , SJ.7J Ulili AuBust 1(1 ( .1' ' ! ri-pti'tal IT. KkUl HtiTTBii I'alr iloinanil und vtoadv : xrculcrn ri Irv. i f 'us xxi'storn - ' i-reamur > , I'lWJlo ; xxost- einf ictory. inail'jo. ' . iithsi ( jiih-t anil xxcaks p-irt skiinis UTlOc. I'm IiiiiN-bU'udy : AmcniMii * U75aia2j , Coi'i'KiiUulft ; Inku. Jll.u < i i .on. J.fAli llnlliduinistlp. lr.-2Jiill27. ( ' 1 iN-t-troiius ntr.il-htH. U'l."VJt21 U ) . Ncxx orU llry < inui4 | Markut. NKXV VOIIK. . May va-The dnuand for dry KOI Is Inili ilrd tiioro pruzrcss Mnblrs nni lottun xvtrc i iu t ihrn to 11 in < l n IP ex tti.t f ii.it * . , isiin th u n not tfi imr.t iv ) tt mil thrr * xx is m > ii business in print nnd I" v hri o bifmh I n.lton , wh.ch : ir nilvniifiii- | i | BXh.piliy . With ( inn rlolhs. I i , t fold CitnhrUs h ivo in prlpo The tone Is stroiu-or on man : cotton ztods ' 1 ho ileininil for woo en f ibrle wnx fruo and stonily The smith Is bnylni more freely th in for some tl-no piist. C.oth Inz xtcMilcns xxcro xvlthoutncw foituro. Tin Jolililnj trailc w s fair hut x llh no Int'ldciit o Import unco The fooiliu in both comniorpla an i ! < 1 > > 'ti ' i ore us hat matorl.illy UnfroxuJ ( tin ill i rroilnip .Xlnrkrl. Ilitivi" I'.TC No I procn h do * , Set No Htn , iltiil lililto. © , ' - ( No.'irrcun s iltpi hldis < i@ IU i No 1 prucu s uted hlilcn , 2.\to 41 His , I5UV' . No. 2KtUn salted lildts , . . ' > to 4 Ibs . 'J'a.i'U1 ! So I x cal c.iif. 1 to n Ihs , fie : .Na : \pal calf. to 1'ilbs. 4o. No I dry Hint hides Toi .Sn itdry Illnthldrs f > p ; No. 1 diy Miltci hltle , Vtlc.khocp polls ( Ircpn salted. CRfh f' . ! BJI ' .ri , eru"ii sa.tcd shoarllnis ( shot woolcd eirly slnsi. | enih , IVil2 e : dry shenr Ilnjs ishort xvoo'ed o irly s'diisl No 1 , each VTHm , nrv shearllntfs ( short woo oil cnrlj skins ) . No J. each V ; dry Hint Ixansis am Nchrask-i bntchirxcnl prim , per Ib , acttiii wHilit. ; loaii'ic , dry Hint lxan isnntl Nobr is 1 , n tniirr iln xxoot polls per Hi . ai'Ui il weight KtU'o. ' dry Hint Coiorailo hiitrhei xxool | iiiils HIT Ih iii'tiial xxolBht. Itwnj'U1. dry Hint Cole radomorrain wool pult , per U ) . , acttril xxeliiht t-rfino , dry plon's nnd lmeU , actual xxolpht iUlN1 1 allo\x nnd L'roiiso 1'allow , No I , . "itil 4ctilloxv , No ' . ' , I'il'jC , Kri- P. xvhlto A. lei crease , xvhlto II , 'Hlcj cro. . p. jcllow , .Ic ; cruiise , dark 214e , old hnttiT , 2'Scj bcoswur liriine , 10Ci2"ic roiuh tallow , 1'iJJ.V I'dfi.Titx Old fowls , HVii tu pur dor orM ] Oc per Ib llxo xxelitht. Ht'TTi.H Suno of the best country btitlci POPS at lo&I4e , but anythln : Unit falls boloxv Ih it point tfocs to the n ickuro nt 81- TnuiTi I'nllforiiln ItlxcMhlo or.inaes , fi.ODi fibov lot . JJHiVashlniton niiNnlo. $1 f,0i choluo atiiiii'- ' , J.I i Oft I ! 0 ; choice lemons , W TVS 4 uo : fant-y luinons , il/ifl , bananas , cr ited.o PM ; crnni urrlus shipping Block , tilil. , J7 Ml I'toiiil > liiinatoi'i , fi.'ii ) pcriTatoof six basKctsi plnenppli'1 ? iooa2.fiO perdoz. Vrril'TAiii.iR-S'ceil sxxeet potatoes. $2.r > | California ciibhnco. 2'4e pnr Ib In crntos ; liomr crown leltiae , 40c per dor : onions l ) eftfl r , pel bu : Nebin-tka hand picked bo.ins. } ! .H ; { 2.0 ; iiiLillum , } ! 1jl Oil Colorado anil xTesterii Nuhr.ihku polators , , | jlic ; nil Ixo polatoos , fj-c : ( , lima Lean , 4cpor 10 : xvattr ere s 2 | . it. | ta ps V.'ijc per nt ; spin u'h , $ IOO ( < ll2" > pei bill , ritllslics , 40i ; : rnttbuKim , JI.2.VJ | IT ; u < i bbl : pieplant. ; ic porlb. ! inniiuy , ava4'c ; new ( 'allfornla jiotatocs Jo pit Ib. ; encumbers , tl.M ) pel do ? f-TliAxxni uitlfs Cliolco itook sullnulo fin hlpplnn none too plenty. } | ft @I.OJ. M. I , uiils ST. I.orit. Mo , M iv 20 I'l.mm Hltrhor and ecarcu nnd advanced , llKht , low Kridesdull ; fancy , * ! UVJ47'i , UMIM f.incv , tl 0331.15 ; pit- onts. 14.4 TJ4 V. Win ATI'm tires llko the ilvor , were on the rnnip ij" Ihih inoinlng nut .ilthou h thu mai * kpt iii'i-lxcil u pictty fair check ahoiil noon It tu'iu .uiDther it irt up and closed 2 < ic-iboxo y ihterday No Sicil c ish , ulosoil loxxui. SS c ; Al lny Closed at tOc ; June , Sic ; July , B."iMc ; iiKiiil , Si' , i > . C'ousAdx meed from the st.ut nnd fln- iKhed thtee Ion 'ths ahead ; No 2 , e.ish , 4'ic ' M -iv close ! al4s > , jt ; ; June. 4 , " > c ; July , 43c ; fcop- temhrr , 4l34c O XT lll hei ; clo-lii7 about Ic abox o yester day ; No ' . ' . o i > ili , J.lo ; M.iy , J.l'c ' ; July , Jl'ic. KYI : No s ilus. llAiu.i.x No market. HiiAN-S'aico : s'ickeil lols nt near by coun try points , G.'iBlvic. HAcaico ' and hicher ; timothy , JI2.0 ® IS 00 , the outside foi illt cd o ; pr.ilrlo , J7.J045 I.K'AO rtrincT at Jl.07'5 ' , ri.AXMiu rinn at * l.oi lltiTTrii Unch.inged ; ero.imery , 15ffli8c ; dalrj. l.'Wlfic. CHUN Mi'Ai.-Htronj ; ati3D , WIIISKI Mt'iiUy .it Jl II. llAgll.M-lInch.inied ( ) it O'iaSo ' , COTTON rivi UnchaiiKcil. rnixisi < ) -rirm and hlghor ; pork , In Job lol'i. $10 7"i . Dlix ni , i Mi.xis'-I.oo > .o shoulders $ (100 ( ® 700 ; IOIIK erlbs , fijOU ; shorts , Jl 1 1 ; bo\o 1 lots , , lie moil ) UALOSshoulders , $ ' > - ' > ; Ion ; ; cilbs , ? uj" > S Odi ; shorts , fi > 7" ) UK PUTS I'loiir. 1,000 Ihs. ; xxlient , f.OOO bn. : PHI n. .KI.OJO Int. , oils , 2JOOJ bn. ; rye , none ; bailov , none hlllpxiLNTS I'lour. 2.000 Ibs. : wheat , 1.003 hu : coin I'lOOJbu ; o.ils , none ; ne , none ; barley , none Kiinxas Cltj Marlict . KANSAS cnv. Mo. Miv 20VIIRT The in irUi't xvas slow andletol'jo higher ; No. . ' hunt , 7"ie , No . ' ru I. M. ® Jc. OOII.N Veiv Irro'iilai .lt4101jp. OATh ISIahei ; No 2 mUeil , eU'io ' : No. 2 xxhltu. .il'ifftn ' H\K 1 inn ; No. 2. fi'Hjc ' 1 i.\\ St'co-'eiu on the basis of ptiro. HIIAN siroiiyu , ; s ickeil. trio. HA\ Very Him but ui.th.inged ; timothy , $9(1) ( ) ; pr.ilrle. tiOCffsoii. Rons Active , Hrm ; lip. Jiimiit : O.iiliit , steady ; creamery , 1410c ; dairy. 10 ® ! ic KLCblPTs Wlicit. 10.031 bit. ; corn , l.OOJbn , ; 01th. 1,00) ) . biiti'xfi.sT-s-Wheat , 13,00) bti ; corn. 1.00) bu ; oats , 1,030 l.Ixtrpool Alnikotfl. LiVEitPoor , .Mav 20 WiiKtr Stoadv ; doinand Improvli.p : holdoioiler mo ler.itely ; No. 2 rod x\Inlor. Gs IDdtaOs ID'ad per cental. Uccolpls foi thu p ist three days , Ji.OOO cen tals , Inclnillii ! ; 10 OOU Amei c.in COIIN I'll m : deniand filr : mixed and xvcstein , 7s , iya pei coutil. liecelpts of Amor- Ic.in corn tlio p i3t three d.ijs xvoro 4d'J03 cent its. I'tAs ( J in nil in. "is 8'4d ' iK'i tout il. LAUD 1'r.me xxtslern , I.uercxvt. . TUIII-LNUM : bi-iitns-24sOd percwt. ( "dill n XI 11 KOI. Ncxv Youc. Mn y 20 Options opened sloady to r > points up. i losing ste ulx. > down to " > up : sales . ' 1.730 h.us. Incliidiiu' May. tl.l.liil. ) , M ; lune. ilJ 1U ( ? I.2) ) , Inly. iU.'JO ® ! . ' r ; Au.'iist , fIJUJfel-'O'i , ujtiinlici. | } l2lOJil20-i ; Octohor. Ill 'IVTtr.'Oi ' ; Noxi'inner. fl.'tO ; DciomOpi. * ! ' T > O12.0" ) . boot Kin. dull , steady : No. 7. J1I.1JI , AiiiiTli.in Ki-lilRciiilor ltci-1. I.iviiii'oot , M.iy 20 Amtrlcin rpfilser.itor biof , fore ijtiaiteie , M per Ib. ; hind qua , teis. 3d pci Ib. LONDON , Mav 20. American refrlseiator bee * , fore ijii.u tors , Is7ds8d ! per on t TOIC-IKII OH M.ll-ki't. LOMION- . May IU CALCUTTA LINSFUD OIL Qnlot , Tlllll'tNTI.NUSl'lllITi 24s lid POI CXXt ANTXXEIIP , .May iU I'LIUOI.KUM Uf pild ind sillers , Haxan.i iiiK.ir tlail < ot. HAVANA. May -Quiet ; i esteiduy 74S baes nol.iases SUKHI. t > 0 trst , were sold ut21Ji' Kohl PIT oiilut il ; 1,000 b.igs at 8J 17 gold per juintal. _ Trillion. ' lullt , CIIICAOO , 111. May SO Konnett , Hopkins k Co to H A MoWhorler : 'Iho mnikot lina icon actlxo anil strong , ro ictlnr modei.itely it times but eonitnntly stimulated by fresh noathci reports predlctliu a cold xvavo and rosls as fat south as Imll.in.i , tlionah the Isn il so , vito IIIIH Klxon out no such reports shints xxeie too appiihcnslxe to qiiLHlloii heir eoimcliiLss nnd haxo boon franllu nixors most of the d iy It Is thought Hut 'ardrhUo bun lit so fieoly unilor Hlc hit ho xx.is not unxxlIlliiK to HCO the inai- tot KB UP It Is oxen rcpoitnd th.it 10 Is IOIIK on the May option and hub icon mniuuiilatin ? that month. i\poils : rallier IlKht , oiiKUKomonrs small and tables howln ? little stroiiirlh. Corn and oats liavo loomed and crutllled their friends with con- t.intiy Incroiisln. v.ilucs. Itould siuim dlt- luult to Uenp up the p leo but them III.H boon in Mien of xxeakntss today. It Ispietty ccitaln hat I'arJrid.'o has hiiiretod severely In this niinot 1'roxlslons haxo at labt o.iu ht the gomir.il piithiisl nsm and h ixo m idu iiullij u harp adxanio touny They are friends and oiuht to do cinshlorablx better. CtltCAdi ) . 111. . May20.-r. ( ! 1,0'uiii A. Co. to Diini'in. Hoillnger & C'o : The \\heut niuikot today bus been a sea of oxoltonumt from the opening until the close. Jnlv opened utfl.'V , sold up to tHtu mid closed at 81 > ic. The re ports fiom the winter xxhuut boll are dlscoui- lulm ; . riiiU growth and lojulng. 1'lno \xeuther. If Ittomis ImnioJIutoly , may change thu picture , but on tlio 2)tli ) of May theie uro nun ( ! dnrk tli.in brilliant features to the krolne ; winter wlinnl plant on thlsshlo of iho Atlantic , and oiithoolher side they are not xery iionlsn. ) | | . This market baa all the In- tlli allons of goln r higher , und nuppo e It noes , t Is illllthu lowu l when city in thu world. Iho xxu.ither In the neur future Is the most Important fictoi. ns both the xx Inter and W'rln plant inn still ni the uncoitaln stuitu's. \\u know the xlelssltudes butwcen now und hurxest iiriMimii ) , imd from ull inixx Iu sl.'ht , ire In fuxor of hlKliei prices The foreign nil- vices uro a li.ndln , ; tint xxay. Our advlei-s anilh.it India will bo u moderate shipper in thu neu foxx montlu If this U correct via can Ucpintl on a liUhur r.nuo ofxaluo * May " ! . " ' . , .HL1' this : ; " . .I1.0.With * o , . xylthout line xe cereal looks like boliis y uS imoiu the Dktnrin anil K-fo to | ) , y oil all nnny davsor dOfllnes. They h ixo been too im und xx 1th a hid torn .Top still are Oatb troiv. July close } utii'c. : Keporis of this TOP nro also bad. Provisions In sympathy Ylth con , btroiiKo h ut. . buen uilvlhltu lurchascs of ribs and lard for weeks pun. SI'OUKSNI > IIONOS. ) | iiT UriV r HiuyVntuiiluy and Much ltiiklni'1,1 , Wu Tniimut toil. NKXY VOIIK. Ma ) 2)Tho ) stouk market today continued to show a Rood x olu mo of business. 1 ho preutor portions of trulo were the direct results of the bears' operations , and while irlces were for the creator part of the day Inn tostroni ; , the Imprimlon Brows that the activity In duo to the efforts of shorts to covur fho belief that the marUet Is largely oversold aided materially Incioatliij : a rlslnz power which prevents material loss , despite hu very uugrusslvo posliitm takcu by the In ir li i u f i r nnil xth in the tml > i > i vn w r I , o , , le .Irxr-lo.iii , nls n both Nortl i in I'ji ' .lie niuluhlooii ul in .Inuil lo I At II tnoru cnutlo is .u th f | iirchascs. tl uxllrtil mm | nti itinn Itnxinir for IMobiii th s.nKliu of \xoikholdprsatilntidMli i-dly of di prmliu pru-t lo en ih o euxorln plxescnconr uemuit .o Inilili r' that < . Itxlxi of intercut Is not f.ir In tin fntnro. The rnl y w is o osoly w itphcil mid porloil of depression are como irativoly of short di ration. Tolnv's olTnrts were nmiln POIICOI lr ilo I upon Northprn I'nclilo lircfcrrpil nn Inter ( in the Krle stocks nnd the nretcrrr Mock of the Intior reid xvns cirrloidoxx rapidly for a time Thccrnncersnl-iosulTerc to sotno ex tent , hut the nlforts In most of thei xteru hclloxi d to bo for tl e pnrposa of toxci lac and Iholr prli-cs xxcro hold llrmly , xvhll Like bhoro and Hot klnit Valley xxcro amen the wuukcststot-ks The low priced sh.ui xxero moro inrKiily drti'l In but ma 10 no moxi mcnt of Imbiiri inco and the strongest poln' In tun in irket xti ro acaln Iho iniluitrials In the afternoon after the ueneral rillv th iriansieis cspci'hilly Northvxeslern anil llui lliijtoii. xxi ro m ido lo boil the brunt Of tli piLSStire The Hoods xxero brought forward n thoi'Xi'iiso for this dilxc < but no ono thotul of elllnzplther until iho Loirs dlscoxore th it uieat il nn iiro was holns done alonu tli soft r.ilito ids 'I he result , hoxxexcr , xxas t depress the prlc s of these storks about , ) pi lenl e.iPh nnd tliu luiu list at lust Uiixo xxn In sjnin ithy so th it the l-ito do illnszs had xeij xxeik ipnc.ir im.e , desplto frequent n lies In the list The e mis xvas act xo an xxptiU xxlth the I atlliu B Klein nt or neal Ih Inxxc't of the day Coxerninenl bonds dull b it firm. 1 he following are Iho onmtu nuotatlons fo Iho lo ulliiji stocks on the New Vorlc bloc < o\ chan o loday : The total sales of stoclts todiv xvero 301.1,0 shiroi , IncliiditiKi AtohNon , J34SU : Ohleiai Gas ' 1,100 ; Krle. 40'JV ) ; HucMni : Valley. ,101.1 Louisville A. N.islixlUo , 7.010 ; Norllnxestorn IldlU : North Ainer c.in. .1.100 : Noithern I'aullle 4 Win New nnslanil. 40)1 ) ; He.ullni. . ' . ' 0 4T > ; M Paul. ' 'I. OjO ; Union I'.ielllc , 14'JJj ; Wheeling i LnKo Eric , U..IX ) York .Money Mnr.'tnt. NF.XV VOHIC , May 20 MOSBV ov . OAt-r- K isv ; last loan at 14 iicr cent. I'lltMi : MlCIICANTII.n I'AI'Ml , ! © ' ) DOT COIlt. biriiMNO i\cinvni : Onlot tint ste.idy ni * l Sdli for sixty-day bills and $ l.b73.i for dc in iiitl. The elosliiK quotations on bonds : Oarlm [ lnnrtt\ \ LONIIOV. JUy 20 I Now York Herald Cahle- Sucelnl to Tub UIE I ( Jeneral hnslness ha been xory slnek In the block oxelianiia today , xvhlle the course of the inarkets'has Doen ir- teztilar. CoiisnU has elxon way ' 8 lior com for money account. Indian rnpio pnner I linproxeii' to'i per cent. Torel n ROX em inent securities c osnhomcxvh it unsettled. Ai IniuroxeinentU e-t ihllshod In Italian , Portu guese , bpanlsh and In soxor.il'l urKIsh Issues , tthllofireelv bonds , Ksyptlun nnil AiRcntlnc Issues .ire lower , the f ill In the latter beln duo to the .idx.iiRo In the proiiilnni on cold t < j 2. " ) percent. Homo rallxxays loaxo oil bonic- xxh.it Irremilnr Dcillncs lni\o boon Rre.itly lustiicted. MotroDnlltnn Dlstrlet adxanceil a4 percent. A small linpnueiiient hns oe- eurrcil In ( Jreat rnstern. Oro.itestorn , Shefileld defonul. Northeastern , London A. Nnrthxxc < .torn , xxhllo llrlghton deferrrd , Soiithu.istirii di'fuiiod and . \orth British are loxxer. Ameilo.in rulluajs h ixo hcen oxLeed- limlyll.it ill d iy. The ho u p irty In Noxv i oik obtained control of the m irnut. The tone h is slightly Impioxed jnst.it the last , hnttheio Is xory llttlo recovery In prices C inadl in lines close .hettei In tone. A small rlso occurred In Canadian 1'uulitc. Money has , been in llttlo or no demand. .Short loans h.ix c been obt.ilncd at ' 4 per cunt for a xveek. Hills h.ixi-bcen seiicc , these at two and three months limited 34 to \ percent. Closln. , 4 p. in : ltAilb'ir\l u 4flid. MONEV ' ® / ! percent. l ate of discount In the open market for both short , anil three months bills , 1 J-10Q1' . percent. Huston Stock Market. nosrox. Mass , Mav 20 The following wore the closing orlcos on stoo'cs on the Boi- ton stock mar ot toJiy : Noxv York .Mining NBIT y < iliK. May 20 The following are the ' mining mooiiuotationsi : ; I'lliikilclul KotiM. KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Muy 23. Clearings , . * , > . Nuxx VOIIK. May . O.-Cloirlngs , Jlll,4l5,13ij ; balanees , J.'o.lW.as.1 , 1'Aiits. May2)Three per cent rentes , OJf Jiio for the account. lUx-A.sA , May 20. Spanish gold , f-.S Hxi.TiMOliE , Mil. , May 2) . ( Mearlnes , t,4 ! X)8j ) balan'os , JM8bA ! ) Money. 0 per cent. I'uii.AOKi.t'iiiA. I'M. . May VO Oloarlnim. t ltrMI7 ; balance * . tl..VJ , lltt. Money , 3 per font. MMi'lli8. ( Tenn , Mav 20. New York ox- chuiiKu st-lllni ; atl50 ! clearings. fllOlU7 ; bal ances , t K.,7 > .S. CINCINNATI. O , Ma20. . Money. a5JO per cent ; Ncxv York exchange , OJ&OJa premium. bT. Louis. Ma. Muy 23.-CIearlniti. I3.07l.108j balances , UMI.OftO , Money ijnlot at 45 ,0 per cent. ExohanRuon Now YorK , UOo premium , HOSTOK , Mass , May 20. Clearings. IIS.- B8J.4UU : balances , tM , .l. Money , IK per cunt. ExohaiiKo on Koxv York , oo discount. ' Ncxv OIU.KANB. La , , May 20 Clearings' , I1V. } , I78. Noxv York exehtniro commercial , 7Jo per 1,000 preinluni ; bank , f 1.50 per 1,000 pro mt u in. NEXV YOIIK. May 20. ISpoelal Tolezniiu to Tin : lls-il" KxchEiigo wus ijuoted us follows ; fl'O pfu "l"10" ' ' mlllt s , irju jtn i ( nn Auo , In M ( , ( I4. . < ; , h > .i inonov ciisv ut > .No ork r\ eliiino fiou t > rcin < txcliinuotiull sixty-day oliN f | demand , ! . . i : si ( 0jll MA n KI : I < looil Hun nl All - < H * IMniU n I.UcIt I11 unit s't uljI'rlrrs. . OXIMIA. MaySi-Uacuints forho ( pn t nxi dajs fool up n iwjriaue , vtWhos nnd 1..I7 fthueu. against H < i | > entile , IM02 hogs iitu 2,11. sheep tliv < ( rri < | ) ( ndtn llxodajsof las 'I he supply of cVi ( q wns fully > in to pccl-illons ami cri-All } In excess of 'lli nij'sor lust | 'i fd il-Ji receipts So far till' well. , howpxer. m.marcd with lust , there Is i sliorldju of neaily tliJO head. Nolxt Itliotand In.'ralhcr n\oriliTM ! ! from Ulilc ten. tin shipping and export dctmtnd xxns xery llghl and thomurket nex'ffi- Prow lialisloinvatiiiij time dur tie ( Iniiit. . .Avltli no opposition am a xorv lespoiaihle hiiidily from wh th to st" li'iM , tliodii-ssuo In of uualors wer In no hut rv tobe.lu opcritiiuiM 'llicy bought tldv fal ' .itexcs Hint happened lo suit thorn at iiboul Mi'iulv i r eos. LIU xx hen ttciime to Iho hoax mi tindcoirsei graiUs the mirket txas nearly life- le s niul prhcs were dncldcdly xxe.ikrr ( ii 01 ! 1"K ) to fiOJ-lb siiers sold from MH ) ( oSl 10 , full to good 11)0 ) lo 1100 Ib steers fiomHfti li JIM ) , xvith coinmnii nmi inferlot .l.'ht grides al Jl 1.1 to $ .l.4' > . Trndlni dragged tlirottcli thu cioitcr part of thn duv < hut the ulose foiintl excry thing pretlx well cieaneil up 1 ho supply of butcher slock and canner was by no mu ins i-xceslxe and the quality In general decidedly common There XTIIS a piellygood dem mil nnd prices shoxxcil IKI puitlenlnr change Inferior loeholce coxxs nnd heifer * soiling from $ ,50 to JlHi. largely from ? . ' , . ' > to Jio\ Units , oxen and stags xvcre stondv at from Ji 7iloH2aixis xxero mil nollceably changed and sold f tout * if > U to K4 53 , Iu thu stocker and feeder line thoio xvas nul u great dcil going on. and xxhllo prices xxero In Iho main xery well in ilntulned , It xvas u rather nulot i arket , Ihuio x\ero a foxv countiy bujirs looking mound , but regular dealers did the bum of the tiadl.ig. llepre- scntattxe Sales1 SThEUS. No AxI'r 20 .U 0 10. ' 37' . ' 1JII .17- . Si'i IIIU : IMJ ; i 1JI.I IIS I 41 1103 1111 , 'ifo I04" > .IbO iT 1171 ,1'IJ 10 II.11 : i u } 211 l.llil ' 111 nn 40j' * 1 IM4 400 1 40' ) 10 1470 405 51 i , : u 4 10 Ib 14bl 4 10 1 730 2 010 2 7i 1 . IfiO ate 4 075 28J 4a 1I.U ab'i 4 74J a 8' . 1 b70 aw 1 .11110 aiw a y > 2..101U 300 1. UM aoo 40. OS7 305 2. 870 3 10 3..II-M : no 10. . U.'O j to 10..1021 J10 20. . 570 330 a.1. 010 3J5 2 . 120 42" 1. . 100 4 50 1 i:40 1 75 1 1120 2 , ! 0 . OSO 250 1 1510 2 10 1 . 9sO 2 .15 1411 2 0 1 lll > 0 2 20 1 Jlll ) 2.5 U'JO 2U5 1 1J50 2 25 1 M'N)1 ' ) a 40 150 27i 1 1 > JO 2 L5 i.'Ti'jj a 4J 1810 275 1 15GO 2 25 1..14IO 325 2 1 r-o 3 25 > TOCKF.lh I EEDFns. 1 770 yi U . au i 3 15 4 882 3 "JO 1 2 .5 G j 7W .1 25 0 3 .15 1 2 r.J fiSOId 15 23. 77i a.i ) 2 51 1 , 7,0 3 25 2. f,15 .1.15 411 2 b-i U ' . G.I4 ' .1 B i 4 VJ1 a.H 51 fM ( 3 10 .1. . 840 3 ' . ' > VI fiin 3'15 OJO , io- 11 874 a : . ) 401 3 10 1 27'i ' 14 7s ; 341 in . 5-17 3 10 0.tn23..l3J 13. 03J 3 10 l. . OW ) J 15 19. , ' 84d J 3) Hi > Bl'llINOnitS. 1 coxv and calf . . .J. . . . . . 2803 1 springer. . . , . . . , . . . . . . , _ . .5 00 WESTERN CATTI.B. No. K i Av. I'r. 18 htcors , hayfcd Jlu' , , , , 1270 J3 50 ( Osleers. hayfcd . . , , . . , . . . " 8.1 .150 JO sleers. hayfed . ? h 1108 375 lions Receipts xvoro ne.irly three times as lar o us on Thursday and lie inv double lust 1'rlduy's run. The quality xvus not notleeibly clunked , the olferinns aa usnul of late run ning xeiy largely to 1'ght ' and medium Chicago xxns reported considerably higher and with less thin llfty cars Iu sUht and a x ery fair local nnd bhlpplng demand the m ir- Itet opened nctlxo and a shade stroiuci. As late trains sxvcllcd the reci'lptt , to IU' c..is a weaker fcelln : obtained and ihe bids xxcie generally a aliiulu easier than Thursday. Shlpplnz and fresh me it buvers continued to buv frcoly , hoxxoxer , and under tins Inlliicnc'c thu m irKet avaln br K cd op and closed stroll,1 xvlth exciythlnitsold. I'licos In general xveio not a gioit deil dllTcicnt from josterday , nearly excrythlng selling from J4 40 to $150 , xvllh a fc\x urlmo loads nboxo and a foxx In- forloi loads be oxx these quotations. The pen- oral axerago of prices Maid xvas $1 4i1 , against ? l 4i Thuradny c.nd 4.4j'i liibt , Trhlay. Jteji- icscntatlxe b lies : onlyilqad of sheep was hilled direct to n local slaughterer and not offered on Iho inurlieu Uood iruittons are In netlxo lenianii ut qiiotably firm prices. KalrtORooiI intlxcH , Jl.ftOJiliOOi' fftlr to Rood wustuins , L.wauOO ; conuiHiu.aiiil stock bheop , * .100if 25 ; KOOU to cholcp.iU , to UJ-lb lau.bs , ( I O ifi ,50 , , * ItocelptH anil Tlitnn4ltlon ofStoeh , Odlclal rooolptn 'iMiilidlsposltlon of stock as hewn by thu booluiiudllio Union Stock Vnrris onipaoy for the twenty-four bourn ending m o'clock p. in. , Mny O. I Cart Head Cars tcad , Cars | llond. " llli „ ' , ( IU 17 41,8 I.lvu htocK Murker. CIIIOAOO , III. . Mny 20. [ Special Telojrrum to THE UEK. ) The i-attlo trade today was batls > - ' fni.Kriiy.irt TP nntl iirifs xxrrr iinquixllflr.H I Htn "i sxxvrt Kciitillrat nn .iixninPo I yc-Urd .v s puits if from ' < tu V > f flip i xu rcM n h.is.s nf froin tNO to * HO for pun tiiih l i toxxs htifcM utvl bulis , from ! ' in t M for stcKLcis mil fndi rs linn from j.1 I V0 fur xciy lohitnon lo cholco irradcs n tcis I hi oujinly of bulcliirs' nnd i innpf sloe K xxns cons ifctnlily shall of tlio ilomnn nnd n few hundred tnoto of peed shlppln * ttcrs could hixo been turned oxer to pee nilxantnec. 1 ho inarktl h.id an encourncln loot , at Iho i > 'n ' o for the M-llini ; Interest. Dlho rcccljits of ho s xxrru dlsnptiointlnc AI the hujlntilni. of operations the inarkc adxnncid fioni Vto Ifle and there xx.is no ub seriueiit time xxhon alcs rould not bo cITtctei to tiiutilty coed adxnnt-i p , Indrtd iho Inl in.irkot xxa" lhe lroiiKesl the clo o linlni ; ll ) < lilcher tlitin xcsierdnv I'rom il 'ifltoJI k'ixvi the raneo of iiiotntions ) for poor to thole pools Slips m oxpr SJ.M ) xxeto fexx , and s xvero thosp 1 u oxx il 70. iho rullne prices beln ficin $1 . ' 0 to } isi for medium andheux' ' \xel ! hls anil from jl ' % to ? l 71 for llRht. I'ulf xxeroiiuottit tit from * 'oil tol.'i liood to i hold' mutton h.is been a lilt. scaitc till xxeeK and his m ido .1 small ad xanio xxlnlo pool and common sioi'U hns I eei mont'fiil ' , dull t nd barclv-ti1 ulx ' 1 PI is ion tr boted niry Urjo p irt of this xxppk's sup ply and the bulk of Hie tpmalndir cons'stoi ' of xxi'Mprnets I'respnl ( luotallons are fton t\l \ i tom for Inferior to rnlri horn htii | nnd from JOie toKOJ for uns'lioiii xetirlni. Sprlni ! Iambs arc uuotcd .it from ti 0 to SJ.5 per head Tln-rp xxas n Uroiu in ir' et to In } Itcielpts l.itlle , frnoo , liozs , 1S.OOO , sheci | The Kxenhiff louriril rouormt Oirrl.n T o- oolil | 7 , IH ) viilpnii'tits . .1(10marUet ( stum. toashidc hlRheron best sti'um too pilce 81 1 1 no tiriini' slei-ison silo ; i-ommon , J.l.'llr > > ! IOMIIIS , JIVKttltij. ctnxs and helfen , iJ 8 < u I i > llon Hcceiiito S\noii slilpnients. nones mar Jot iiitlxu nnd 10ihlRhci : touch and common mlMd and pickcis prime heaxy and butchers' xxolKhts , $1 7Vii IS.IlKhl ! , * I.MXai7- . . biKKi'-ltiiolptB < > . flOj shlnniontf.2.Mi : inni- Ket attlxo lint Itiesuli.t ! lu\in , } J .Mi ( . 'i ' , ' other clipped , J > | irt6V'u ; lambs , J' > 504i0.5j spr.ii } ? lambs , } ; rii7s.ua NPUorU l.lxo Murk Murknt. Nnx YIXIIK Mny SO.-nrrM.'s-Ucccltits. LMO : head , Includlnis - " ' c.ns for Nile M irket n sh ule MIOIUMT Nat x-o Mei-is $1 MIKB4 ( m bulls and eo'xs 11 'i < ai , ' . ' . dressed hppf stuuilv at fi'iGsnlpmi'iits to lay , [ > , ) bnexes To iiinrioxv. " , " < tieoxps and 4 4.Moilaiters of beef t-Al.xis l ! , c ( Ipis , T J lii'tici : muiliet Him vonls , JlOOVtO , butteimlll.s and nlln iiilxi-f , $ .1 u Kii > 4nt > . Mlhi-l'-Itecelptb , 4fll4 hold : shpopstoidx yearlingVc pet Ib hlihei : l > inil > . clli | | 01 blui'p. f i'JV&n vv unshorn sheep , $ r,0vn' ( cllpncd joirllnsrs , r 2 > ® 7S7'4 : sontl.cn limbs Tr.dJdl'lOO ' : dressed mutton sloxx ai IKSll'se pel Ib : dicss'deirllngs at llIJ'4c ' sprlni laml ) > &tendy ut IJiit'ic Hoes lri'pits ! | | , l D head , consigned ill rett , niaiket nonilii.illy sle.ulv Kansas Cit.x ltxi < Stock Mixrknt , KAV-AS CtTx' , Mo. Miy CO IIATTI.K HP- celpls. a.COJ heid , shipments , 1.IOJ ! the inn- Ket for llKht stcoM xxns Mimdy lo Hlrnnp ; IIOHX Ics stc uly to xxoik ; all ( iradef , Jl Uifff I 00 ; toxxu , ele.iily .it $ Jouall ; sli.clters and feed' ers. ste.iily nl $ . ' . , ' 0 © ! 10 lions Ifeee pl . . III.DOU he id ; shipments. 5 fiOJ ; thomail.i't was about Jo lower , closing stioni ; , all Krauts , Jl 004 I. ' " ' , ; bulk , $ l.4lli44 ( 4T'S r-iiur. ! ' Kccelpts , tHM hPiul : shlp-nonts , 200 ; niaiket < iulrt and iiomlnnlly Ktu.uly ; mut tons , ii.joo.'i oo. _ Illl ( Olll l.lXO StlH'k , LINCOLN , Nob. May 20. L&peclnl to Tilt Itrv.j 1'ho receipts of IIORS . .itest Unco r today XVPIO b cart , . Market steady at f ron $4 Jo to $4 4" ) _ Ur. Dirnoy's Catarrh ljoxx-dor tor tonsllotls. For/sale by nil druggists. 6'J cents. AVostrrn rcnslong. Wxsiiivoiov , D. ( J. , May 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEP.J The folloxxntiK list of pensions granted is reported by Tin. Bcu nnd iXamluer Bureau of ( Jlntnis : Nebraska : Oiisjinal Daxld II. llito. Lcxxii P. Moonox , Cornelius lioluut , Joshua T , Splcer , John Stttbor. .lames Pears , Uanicl Hmcl , inhi.ilm : McCouncll. William A. Whltukcr , William S. Spencer , .lames W. Morton Additional James \V Thncklor , Hiram Livitic ton. Introaso Hclini Thomp son , rinley C. rcrguson. Heissuc Chailos L Me'/ . Original widow ( Jharlotlo L Mitcbell. Joxxa : Orilnnl ( Nathaniel M. Phnies , Josonh Tesbon , John Webber. John Sinn , Aaron Adamson , James Uwxer , Frnnli ChnsliP , Hutnson Botsfoid , John Bjin , John Hood , Jesse C. Surber , William O. Wood , Charles It. HiUinids , Henry .T. Alul- bolland , Matthias Ccach , John H. 1'ottor , John Boxvcn. William H. Hill , Uudolph Mex or , John M. Hitchcock , George Groxx' . Additional James H. Stcolc , Joseph 1C. Uaxis. Jncrcasc Henry Butler , M clx-in Green. Heissuo Pool Savnt-o , dcccasoJ : William H. Merrill , deceased ; Gcoruo W. Lyon. Oncinal xvidoxv MarciaM Mcintt. South Dakota : OiiRinal Willintn C. Gorton , Robert H. Doupiass. Additional- Charles l-'ostcr. Increase Arthur J. Aycr. Colorado : Original V/ilson B. Coates , Morpan G. Uax-ics , Peter L. Sxvait , Henry W. Dax-is. Additional Timothy .T. Free man , Thomas C. Simmons. Hcissuc An drew K. Tint bison. Noxv Mexico : Original Isulco Quintona , Earnest Johnson , Danifl A. Covott. Addi tional Call lloliliPBo l\ . ill I' . Work. Hoi.iiui i.r , Neb , May ! 20. [ Special to TIIL Bru.J The Ivniphts of Pythias of this city had a very enjoyable time hero Tuesday evening. The mombots called n foimal meet ing for xvork in the thiid decree , after xxhich a line spread xxas bcm-d in the bai.quot room of tbe Castle hall. Toasts nnd speeches xx ore. the order of the eveniiic. ( CANCEROUS/ "In the summer of 1800 , a sore ap peared on my face siniilar to a Cancer. I tried various remedies , but found HO relief until I took Sxvift's Spcciflc , ftliich curul me entirely. I used G bottles. _ W. F. STC\UVS. Alexander City , Ala. " We hae had n hirrjc number of casesx Bkin Cancer reported cured by the use \ of S. S. S. It is vegetable , builds up \ the general Health , and forces out the I 'son Send for book on the Dlood. SWIFT Seeing Co , AUauta , Qa < SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est cnttln. ho ; anil sheep in iH < ot In the COMMISSION HOUSES. GEO. BURKE & FflAZIER LIVE STOt'K COMMISSION. run LIA : units. Write to this house for correct - rect Market Raporta. _ Wood Brothers , South Oniaha Telephone 11 > 7 , Ohlcngo. j 1) IIADISMAV. i „ W tt WOOD f Managers Market reports by mall and xvlro cheerfully 'imilshed ' upon application. - THIS - Campbell Commission Co. CMcau-o , KnstHt. I/onls , ICiuiBiis City , Honth Uiiialu , , - < louOlty , I'ort Worth. A. ( 'rill , \V , V Daniir. II. V Tullniniliio. ChlcJk'o lion .Snkinmn. Intllu halojinan Grill , Denny & Company , Live block Commission llooin fl ICicliantta III ! ' . _ _ South Omaha _ A. D. Boyer & Company , f,8 nnd 5U r.Jichiinpo Ilnlldllu.Sonth Oniiiho. rorrcipondonco solhltod nnd iiromntly aimwomd | i-CClnl attention luorilcra lor nlQ ( kura iBtaLllihcd , IMi. . . . Incoriiorututl , 1HJJ Capital fullr paid , t'MM Waggoner 13irney Company , \Vrltu or lru us for prompt and rullablu warkot C'lioVlt Perry Brothers & Company , I.IxoMnck Commission. loom 51 n\chano llnlldlni. . fouth Omaha. Tuluphono 1707. _ QoBsmau & Dudley , M , H. Hegarty & Co. , teems CO and 01 , Kx * Itoom 31 cluin o llulldliiti. South Omaha , - Neb South Omaha , - Neb SOUTH OMAHA. BANK8. Jnion Stock Yard National HANK. a he onlr bank at the yard ! Capital and ur- plui , JiiOOUO Lollectloni lirowlng out of ttiu Ilvo lock Luilnen iliould bo tent direct to ttiti bunk bUlppers cun ili-ioilt ( or credit of lUulr houia bank nliirexirlocuicd. OMAHA AROHITEOrS AND BUILDERS J. H , BLESN , Cnntrjictorj nnt , mu. .atrActor. for nil kln.li of Miltillnit iilmioflaii imliitliiirrtc lll fpreltp ft ropf of menu x AM wu-ci * nnd bnlijf r nirrclotr frpr lijr spmlliiis Iliplf mine t.mliiPM . niul lorn- lion to llioi-tiOIMiiM I U ( llonn in * l liSt MQRSE-COESIIDIC ] , IIOJ llownr.l Stroll. Inetorr nurai'r ilthnml IMiiiUt strasti We uro ninhtntf cltxa prkoj tu oadi b I7or , * ixil a clnni nf uo.ili whlo'i II vorr sil - nJlatrll'i inoroiiniili KIRKINDALI , JONES & ! AMERICAN HAM3 CO. , j ED SHOE CD. \Vliop | nlo Mfr Xkcnts lloolti Mi'H1 rubborn lliKtnn Itiilibcr Sliui'l < i js , Ul lll lltll lUMIhimc ) t llnrno > numvuus. JOS. SCHLITZ ING CO. Offlpo , S.UtU and Ipnvcn- worth Sn. Oilnlm John iiaruofur. Agt , COXFICTIONTIRY. : : VOEDELE DINNIHD MfiB Comfcctlonora nnd Jobbers of foreign nnil domnstlo fruits , 1110 llownrd el. CAH1UAC.CS. W.R.DRUMMOND&CO. Cnrrlaito bulldori Host nnd pitrol WJKUIIS a specialty. 18th , opy Court House COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & EAOLECDRN CE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfm cnlvnnl7CJ Iron Hard and soft cool t K. cornice , window cips , uit'tallc Kkyllilit , etc. ccr. ll/lh and Douglai Bts. 1110 , 112 ! Uudgu-sU CLOTHING. BLOTCIIKY & COHEH , QILMORE&nUHL , ClotldnK notionfurnish llivnufrs end wholi pnlo Ings ( ilvo UH P trial clothiers 1IW ilnruuy bnuiplcs pieptdil b ) UJ ttrcoU prc 1UJ llnino- . CONTRACTORS. J. H. GLENN. Contr-c'ort in I suO ion tru tori for .ill ktndi of bullitlnc plaitprlrit. p ilntln i-t,1 will receive a copot ( .Icnii'a nrclillci U n id Inilldera dlrcLtory f n c , b > k ( n dhiK thilr inline IIUNJIUII ind locn lion to ( be puolMiu J II ( , linii IU S lltll blrect DRY GOODS KIIPATHICX-KQ3H M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRraooDsco. , Dry KOOde , notions fur- Drj good ! notloiifl.gcmt'B nlitlilni ; uoodu Corner JuinUhlnK irooda. Lor. llth and Howard llth und Uowurd t EfjECTKICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illustrated catalog free lOliCnpltol mo FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTERING BEEBE&.RUNYAN FURNITURE ING CO. NITURE CO. , Upholstered furniture Ul.'I M. Mdiolni si Crn'-o nnd Tlilrtccnth \MiolciiiloonIy GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE * , 03. , DLAKE , DRUCI&CD. , 130I-1M5 Jones street , IDth nnd Ilarney atrocts , Omaba. Umtiba. CRIPPLE GREEK I handle the CRIPPLE CRKP.K MINING STOCKS , und can 1111 tclo- praphic oidctu on eliort notice. My list coinpfibcs tlio following Cripple Crock stoclcrt. Anaconda , Bull Mountain , Cold Kin * ? , Beuna Vista , Blue Bell ; Work , Alamo , Washington. And all other rollab'e clocks , of these mines , us well aH many stocks of the l < o idvlile , AH- lion and C'rcud mines Many of the Ci nloC'ieek f-tocks have nioro thin ( Totibled williln three months The An.i- conda stock sold loin innnth1. tun at IJti-ntM , and Bolls now foi oxeril iiei bh.uo. Othoi nuxv mines aroopenlnj ; exery fewdays xvlth just as Rood prospeuts. A Bontlciiiiiii of Council Illuiri , bought soniis ofthlsHtook .il 15 cunts the laller nart of Maich , and h is since refused Jl for It In vestment ! ! Hindu at low ratei All correspon dence promptly aniXveieil , J. S. GIBSON , ] U Pil < es PeiiK Avenue , ColorndoSpiniff. - - Colorado ONTHBCRESTOFTIIEALLEGIIAXIES , 3,000 FEET ABOVE TIDE-WATER. SEASON OPENS JUNE 22d , 1002 , Tlicbo fmnonmnountiHii lofirln , rltintoil ut tlio lunuultiif Ihu AlliKliiinlis nnil illri'ttly upon the inulii line of tlio Iliilllmnrii nii'l Ohio llnllrtnul , liaxo tlin iiiluinlMuu of Im Bplrnillil vcstlbulcd ex- prtm train nurtltu both nut ami wuit , unit uro tht'ruforo rcmllly iute > i.Iblu from nil parla of the country All llalllmoio unil UMo trulnn Hop ut Utcr 1'urk unit ( iiikluml ilnrliij ! the reason Hales , | Ut , (75 nnil f w a iiinntli , nttorillni ; to locu tion ConnuiuiHatluiis ehoulil ho nililicmca to OKOIK.U I ) . IhhlIliil.S : ) Jlanazer llulllmoro and Ohio llutflB Cumberland , Mil lip to Juno IU , niter llmt ( Into , rltlitir Jleur Turk ur Ouklaud , Oairttt ouuty Mil .ISftKWifrfilijIS , it ? tl < KxJ. arc nafu uacl inutu ) { , ionMJpalluu. dyHitjitia. fottlf ' brfth JUiadiulii.ill-ariluriiowtcif 4 aiiI > eUUifuiiUi ] rte/rrw-lcm , julnfulo , cllrftstlon 11 in 11 If * . ttaJJow couii In * impure bleeder a fail tin bj Hit ftomorh iix-rdrJu * u-Ktlnra to inrform ttclrf roi rfunctlon . lerN-ua * TKlvru lo over tjatluif wt btntnUti by tokliitf ocefclttr J z iiu U meal i'rlce hv lauu , 1 grot * * * , tx i eaaii I < \ lie T I Itll'ANS CHEMICAL CO . 10bfirucotit .View York I * * * * * * * * C * * * * * * * 9 4 * * 1 GRAIN. S , AMD WHORTER , 915 nd of Trixd * llrokef In gr ln , eta rrlt l wire to N T. , ntut ft loali. 1IAUUWAUC. RECTOR & WILHELMY LDOECK&LINN , CO. , I > pnlpr Imnlnnr * A Corner 10th am ! Jackson mpphnnlc' tooH streets 1401 Ntroct. A.C. RAYMER , nn < l I ' orth lith Urpi-t LUMnilK. CHAS. R. IEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIEID - tunlwooil lumber , wool onrpoti nn I iitrqunt Imports I Vmorlexn for t. lloutlint , linlcon-nt , Mllwxj ii hr I r nv. I Ic comtnt rvuJ Sth anj loiijU wlilto llniN MQUOUS , HER 4 CO. , FRIOX A. HERBEtr. Liquor mcrchnnU 1112 llnrn K Kail InJIa illl \Vtiolp nlo liquor dciltri ion. IUU1 Inrnnin it. J. nBERFElOER.VOO. , Inipnrtcri nnil ] oltu > r < ol mllllnorr IIOIIOIH Mixll orilora prompt. AS U i. lltll St. MUSICAL. A. HOSPE.JR. , THE MEINBEROCO. , Plnnos orRiiu i > rtl < tu 10"V tftli M IMnnm , mntorliih tlo. Ills inii.io iiml intiilcnl In- Doug Inn > t. "liuuiilitj of nil kluill STANDARD OIL CD. , SNO V 013 ? Oil llcflneil nnd "iilnlcitln lAobnl odor nn < nitt i ililtnii ? ) > no charrl u oils , niU'KroTp , etc wick * AH'C fur It rc.h3 Held , vlinrnior A leiKlo rs. irrc. KING SMEAD , .Mfra of "K A S" pints Mfrs cclobratcil "lln- i-hlrtH n-id oxernlls.tte fkln' overalls pitniB , ( .11 ISb Illh si. nb'rts. cunts , utc. l-iil Onmba PRODUCE COMMISSION " ICttnbllihcd , IS73 3RAHCH&BO. , WHITNEY it CO. Produce frulu of all \ Duller , ppits nnd poultry kl ids orator * d ! 811) ) b 14tli at litli at 3. A. RYDER ACO. . JAS. A. CLARK & . G'J , , Uutli'r.eyBBpCliio'p pout- llutlor , cliKoin e jj , trv , hldpi iiml Kiiiu U15 lloniird Mnot poultry and 11 n Ucfei to Com 1 .Nat. Dunk JIT boulli Ulli dlrjju 1. B. HUSS & 03. MOORE ACERDUS01. Our specldlloi IljtUr , 'lilllor , ajft cliMi * O/KS n'll poultry , UlJ IrultH , lonltrr KIHI * . Howard ttrcot An-nli for Mj r Hujral buri > o and cullto aplco 60i S lllh tk W. E. RIDDELL 1 RIDDEU & CO. , ( KutnblliliPd Wbolsnlebiittpr A egn Ilnttor , chpot" , etti , llun. and eclls for xt'Kodillea fruits poul * , trjr nnd KUIUJ cash 413 b llth et. I'AFCtl. CARPENTER PAPER CO KING PAPER CD. Carry n full stock of \VrnpplnK | > apcr nllkln-li of tKlnos eto 14 U nnd jirlntlnR. wrnp.ilni ; . Howard struol. wrltliiK pi | or , curd pa per cto phone , 17 W STOVE REPAIRS OMAHA STOVE REPAU WORKS , btovc repairs anil watfli nttic'itnonts for nnf kl id of fctovu m il . l.'Ji Dunxlas SASH M.A. DISBROW&CO. ( Toy Manufacturers of aash door I ) 11 n d s nnil mouldings. Ilranch of * Dee , 13th audlzardijts TldK- Bee Bureau of Claim 11OOM 220 DKK BUILDING. ATENT For Inventions iMioc'UKi.i ) iiv TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NED Fqnnl wllli Iho Inloroit of Ilinio In/ln ; cl il- niiiilnst tliuKOTprnrii3iil.il tint of IN\'l\riIM \ , ti- ofttn loio the bonallt of vnlu ul3 lnvi > atljni buuinn cf tno Incompetmicy or Initluntlui of tin nttornsri employed to obtitlii tliolr pitonti Toi innclicirj cunnot ba uxercMol In onili/lii ( ounpatunt ml rulUblo polio tori to proci.ru n uo ui for t'u v U of npitontilipamli Kroitly , It nut ontlrJlf , upii 111 cnrounil nklll of ttio nttorn Jr Wlllitbo vlawof protuDtlmlnvontori frj n wort'i ) pn3oroiralnit tlornx < , nnluf najliu I'lit iiirjn. llnninrowell prutjotol lif villlpUinti TlllClltl lIUUKAUhit rolilnoj L0inml : ut.ijrt Iu pit t U pnictko , unil 1 1 tluruforj iiropar Ju tuniltict iin" 31. i 'to Hiiecinll 1 nim't-ntf r.-j. ' IteuMer tniilf intn-'ti nnil rufnli't' ftrinlt'1oi > lnlnit ( CJ toHcoiie nnil i nil { it II " / JKltdltH. tintl fljfant in/i-Iit'ti- i enlTIK or pliotiurnp'i tlmrjif with u brlof iloicrlptlun of t id Import ml luiUroi anCrou will In ono j mlvlnul m to tlu 11311 ui- nan l > ur ue Moduli nru not necuiiirimljii till Inrai. lion It of n cuiiplluttul nature If ntluri nrJli. f rlniclnij on rour rUliti , or If yoj arj ciiriiijwlti Infringement uj oiiiuri , tub nit Un minor to I' 11 HUItl. A U for K Mltblt ) Ol'INION before iicliuju. ) the inautr TUB BIili HURH'VU OF CLAIMS 220 Hco Iliillilln , ' , Umtlii , No' ) . rST Th's Hiiro iu U pi ir inltol by tin Oniiihii lli'O , thu I'tonour 1'roji an 1 thu Sin rraiiclsLo l.xamlnar Cut this out and uontl it with your I a quiry. Or , Bailo/ / , $ Dentist The Loatllrig 5 Third Floor , Paxton Bloic. 1 clcphuno 1085 , lUlh anil I'uniaiii Sts. A full iel of tcotn on rubber for IJ I'orftrtn , Tcicb wlilioul | > lati or nmovt'iiblo brldnu woik JUBI tbo tblntf for Bluitem of imbllvipuukfr , uuvtf droiLiluwn TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PWS. All filling at rcjBonublo ratoi. All worli Hurrantod. Cut thin out for u ( 'uldo ,