TIIK OMAI\ ! DAILY HICK : sVTUKDVY. M 21 , 1802--TWKLYR TJIE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLurra OFFICH : - NO. 12 PEAHL STREET. I tihcuflty Carrier to any p ttof the City II.W. TILTON , MANAGER. No KJUor . \n.\uit MIMW.\ . N Y. Plumblnp Co. Council 111 Jfts Lumber Co. , coal. C rail's chattel loans. Soi.Sappbloeir. Lloyd ForRrave * i under arrest on tbs charge of vagrancy. Union Sundnv school les on itudy nt the YOUOR Men's CUristlan association rooms to night. The Ninth district silror convention will meet at 2 o'clocK tbn afternoon In the I'ottn- vnttumio Democratic association ucatJ- ( junrtcrs. A meotlDC will bo held this cvcninp at 7 o'clock rvt the Voii'iR Men'a CnrUtlan atso- elation for tno purpose ot otcauuing n bio.v- clo club. TUo gMBil lodpo of the Truobund of Iowa , JlllDOK Missouri and NoorasUa , will con- vcno in this cltv during July. Two hundred delegates will bo present. The jury In tlio case of Wheeler acnlrnt Uondon , which was on trial In the district court yesterday nftornoon , brought In a tcalod verdict last cvcnlna. .1 1'urcoll , n very youni ; man. wn caught trying to break Into a barn on Main * treot near the corner of N'inth nvonuo last cvetilug mid run In on a chnrso of vnrrancy. The j-ecent storm did considerable damapij at Manawa , The largo car * hods northeast of the hotel wcro blown down and other fcmall buildings suffered from the wind. A meeting ol the financial examiners of the Order of Americans Is bolng hold in the parlors of the ( irand i.otcl. About twenty- live nieuibcrs of tno order are present from oh parts of the country. Ttie Jury In the cnso ol Burnett and Wal lace acainst Stewart & Hunter was dic- chnrccd bv Jndgo Ueemcr late Thursday il ) , Iit on account of Its inaullitv to nrco upon n verdict. It had been out for thrco days and Uvo nights. Dr. and Mrs. A 1' . Hnncbctt entertained nbout twenty of their friends from tliU city nml Omaha Thursday evening at thflr resi dence on Fourth street , in honor of Governor l > ilngham ! ! and wife ot Vermont , who are vUitlng Mr. nnd Mrs. U. C. Smith. All children who attend tbo Sundav schools of the various. Methodist cbuicuos nro icquestcd to meet ut 12. : W o'clock today nt the HroaiUvay church to tnko the motor for Omaba , where thev will attend the children's exercises at the conference. Manapor Stone of the motor line Issued nn oriier to the motor men and conductors some tinio neo to don their straw hats for the HCJSOII May 20. The appointed day rolled around yesterday and straw huts nnd winter overcoats " 'ere the order of tno day. Kmlt Schurz , who has boon hunting a bondsman over since ho was found cutlty of embezzlement in Justice Hamtnet's court , ruccoedcd in gottlnc one yesterday afternoon nnd was released from ttio custody of Con stable Aubtin pending his appeal to thu dis trict court. The regular meeting of Etchctah council No. II , degree of I > ocahotitalvill be belli this evoking in the wigwn'n of the Hed Mon , cor ner of Uroadway and Mnin street , nt the eighth run for the election of ofllccrb lor the next term. It is desired that Iherj be a full uttendancoof the members. An invitation has been reeeivrd by Abe Lincoln pobt. Grand Army ol the Republic , to attend a camu fire tnis evening under tbo nusnlccs of Urnnt post of Omahn. Dr. A. .1. Palmer and Cnnpluin McCnbo arc expected to bo present and make addresses' . All eci'dlcru , bailers nnl sons ol veterans , to- Kolhnr with their wives and swcethenits , are requested to meet at the Grand Army nail on Pearl street to tuko tbo motor for Omaha. A bottling establishment owned by n man named Ulan It at the corner of Main street nnd Ninth nvouue was entered by burglars Thursday night nnd a revolver nnd a dozen bottles of beer taken. Yesterday morning Klcniml Griflln was thought by Ofllcer Oovalt to be t'ae ' guilty p.irtv nnd w.is nr- restcu. Grifllu was fuuna trvine to get into iho cash drawer of a South Main street butcher shop Thursday but managed to getaway away before ho could bo apprehended. Ho will have n hearing this morning in police court on iho charge of burirlary. Disease uovcr suceessfullv attacks a sys tem with pure blood. Jo\Vitt's Sarjaparllla maucs pure , now blood und cnricho the old. j > iittt o.v.i / , i'.t 11. i < : it. 1 1'A. . A. T. Klicklnger left Thursday night for .Burlington on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. IJ. Swan of Jnncsvlllo , Wis. , are In the city visiting Mr. nud Mrs. II. W. Tillon. jMnrstial Daniels of Missouri Volley was In the city yesterday , a guest of Marsnal J. L , Ton.plolon. Mrs. G.V. . Sanford , wife of the president of the First National b.itilnrrived with her two sons yesleruay from Wisconsin , and they will make their future homo in this city. 1 * . L. Severs , n prominent attorney of Stuart nnd n member of me state republican central committee , was in the city Wednes day nnd hold n cor.fercnco with n number of locrfl republicans with rofercnca to the place of holding the next republican state conven tion. Council Bluffs Is reported to Imvo a BC-od chance for being the place selected. If you are bilious , take Beecham's 1'llls. vpii'i * rnnAi'Ai vptf ii iTro Mi\\b \ \ I'ROM ' lOlMlL BLlrrb Contest Oase of Messrs. Smith and Lobhnrt Submitted. MAY NOT BE DECIDED FOR MONTHS . * ( JtiMtton of thp Hriirr pntutlnn of the rillh Ward In the City Council ItnoHcil Snmctlilii oT I lie .Merits of thr Cine. All day yojtorJay wa ? occupied by Judge McClcc in hearing the arguments ot the at torneys In the Fifth ward contest , W. H. Ware making the opening ar.d closing speech for the plaintiff , aad C. M. Harl for ttio de fendant. Mr. Ware's oi-enlng speech consisted mainly of a rather confusing mathematical demonstration of the proposition that the ballots could not , by any stroke of legerde main tiavo been changed frotn what they wcro when the Judges nud clerics completed their canvass to what they wore when opened In court. He called the nttonllon of the court to the fact ttiat ' - ' Jl straight republican tick et * uero claimed by the defense to have bjon voted. la the box there wore now only 22 strdlzhircpubiic.ui tickets , but there were twelve tickets , which were straight republi can excepting for the \oto for nlderman , which was a blank. Ho claimed that this showed the the judges had gotten thulr-21 rotes by counting the twelve blanks for Smith. Hcnlso called attention to the fact that the court took those twelve ballots with his own hand from mnong the tlcuots that had been marked "straight republican" by tbo Judges , At iho conclusion of Wara's pcoch Attor- nev H tin for the defense movrd the court to strike the ballots from the list of evi dence entirely , nnd in support of the motion alleged that tbo evidence showed them to have been tampered with and changed so that they were not the Identical ballots which had hf-ea cast on election diiy : that there had been no reasonable jirccautlon taken to pre serve them from change ; that there had been no evidence brought forward to Im peach the canvass of the votes made by the council. In his speech Mr. Harl accounted for the fart that two more votes had been found In the ballot box than appeared on the poll-book bv the liability of the clerks to erior , especially when surrounded by the rush and confusion of nn election pull. Seven hundred nnd ono votes wore the most that the plain tiffs claimed hud been cast for any one candi date , but here were 70.1 b.iliots In the bov , and ho considered that a significant circum stance. The man' who had tampered with the ballot box , he said , had understood his business und had douo his work as ho hnd simply in order that the figures which Ware had brought for ward might bo used Just as they were being uJcJ. uJcJ.At At the close the case was submitted and taken undci advisement by the court. It Is not likely that a decision will bo rendered for some time yet , ana when it is decided by Judge McGec an appeal will undoubtedly betaken taken to the supreme court bv the losing side , so that it may be many months bcforo it is dolinitelv decided whether Petur Smith or S. Lobhart is entitled to represent the people of tbo Fifth ward in the city council. In the meantime , or until some order of the court is made to the contrary , Smith will eo richt on acting ns alderman , so that the deadlock In the council muy last for a long time. _ Mrs. Winslow's . -Soothing Syrup for chil- J dron teething produces natural quiet sleep. | .YJ cents a bottle. Ogden house furnishes board nud room : it popular prices ; from SU. > .00 to S3.3.UO per month , accordiu to location of room. Jiirvis 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , best. Pastures for lioi-bes nnd cattle on Goortre P. Wright's farm south of Coun cil lilulls : 600 neres blue grata ; running water. For terms ajiply to James Itaph at farm house opposite Wubash tound house , or address P. P. Wright , Bald win block. Jarvis wines , the oldest and best. Patronize blue ice waponsfor Mo. river channel ice. Mulholhiml & Co. Tel. 102. Jarvis 1S77 brandy , sold by all dealers. Another onVIUtin. . Constable Henderson of Moorohead , Mo nona county , was in the city yesterday on the track of Henry Wilson , who is now in the jail awaiting a trial on tno charge of obtain ing money under false pretenses. Wilson.it is alleged , was nt Moorebead n few nays ago and while there passed a check for 5100 on a local storekeeper which turned out later en to bo a forgery. Wilson has already spnt a term hi the penitentiary for a siniilar of fense. The cuso" pending against him In the superior court was again continued voster- day and it is probable that it Will bn dis missed nnd the Mouona county oIHciul will bo allowed to take him in charge. DoWitt's Sar aparllla destroys such poi sons as scrofula , stun disease , czsma , rheu- malum. Its timely use saves many lives. Jtallro.iil Mt > ii In Trouble. J. C. Sisson nnd H. L. Fosdick , two rail road men In the employ of the Koek Nland. raised a commotion vosterday mornmjr at tno meat market of John F.vcr.i , on Main s'root near the corner of Story. They worn dis- co\ore I * . ' Mlor rohtni.R ! vors hf .r joit of n thicken , nnJvt.c. . . L nrs cxpj.'j.itcj ono of them hit h m A i jtiinu ttump on ttm head Ho struck buck niid tl.on tooK rofugn Inside the shop Tlri two r.i. toa.ui-s. who were On'Kii.tr : followed , onn of them pick ing up a chair thtt stoo.l haudv and breaking down the ttotm door nnd tbo Inside door. He then nltotcptod to knock Kvors do.vu with the chair , when reinforcement * ap peared nnd the two pugilists wore run off. Lntcr In the morning thpy wore located at a saloon on Lower Main street nnd Marshal Tcmploton arrested them after chasing ono of them several bln ci. W 00 buys Iho best Inwn mowor. Investigate- Ilurd refrigerators nnd the wonderful Now Process and Quick Meal vapor stoves nt Colo' * , 41 Main street _ Jnrvls IS77 brandy , six old modils. Reitor , thelnllor , .110 Uro.idw.iy , 1ms nil the latest stylo. ? and newest good * . Satisfaction guaranteed. ClirNtl.in Kitli-ator Notlrr. Cheap rates to New York July 7-10lh : nceount of the International Christian Endeavor convention. Porresorvatlor.s on through sleepers direct to Now York , and any other information , nnjily to K. S. ForrK Shonnmloah , la. As to rail road ticket ? , oto , apply to any C. , H. A : Q. ticket nponl , or to J. M. Ucchtol , D 1J. A. , Bu-linpton , la. Jtirvis Wino Co. , Santa Clara , Cal. Davis sells reliable paint * und drugs. Dr. Chamberlain , eye , car. throat , catiitrli. Shugartblocu , Council HlulT- , Swnnson Music Co. , M isonlo tomplo. Jarvis 1S77 brandy , highest test. Taylor & Cumpton have removed their grocery from No. 10 Main &treot to the new building at o4o Hroadway. They have elegant nuwquartersand will have a nicer place and keep u liner stock than over. _ Jarvis 1S77 brandy , better than tmuM. Chnpman's screen factory. Exclusive set eon doo-fe and windows. Scu him o. ' write for prices , lo Pearl St. , Council BluiU .NJJIIA or yi : Tiiit.ir. DoniCHtlr. 1'rcsldcnt nurk iin of the I.oasno of Ilepub- llvan Ciubs biis ' rtued a i-all for : i nitenns of the leazue at Mlnnc.ipillson JuncC. Kleveii Chicago ticket brokers liave been In dicted for se ling ticUet oxer the Alton. Santa l"e. Illinois Central. Wabnsh. Uoek Kli.tid nnd Motion line- without ccrtlllcites : of authority fiom the oil ! jors of the roiids. The bicyclists eiigaaoJ In carrying a tncs- saUOfriitiiGencr.il .Mllen at Chlc.itfii to lien- era ) llow.ird at Now York Clly lire liavliu : i hard time of It. niiiddv roads pruhlbillirj their iiiaklii : fu t tlinu. At last reports theynzre several hours behind the schedule time. J'orcign. The rngllsh Parliament will adjourn on Junes. ) . 1 At the close of Ills trial .it Nnlii * . Hdtvnrd I' . Deacon , the American uhu killed .M. Abielte. the paramour ot his wife , was sentenced to one year'I'uprisontiicnt. . lima jiuunai aim uul'i ' INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOR T TREATMENT OP ALL and ItamoJidi liu itint'nt ot every form of dNoasu rutiiilrln r muJIc'il or iiir.-lcil treatment , M beds for patients , bo ml anJ aUcnd.insa. He-.t ucfOiiioJatioris In tlio weit. > Vrito for olmilar * on ( leformltioi anl uraces. trusses , club feet , cjrv.iturosof snlna , lilies , tumors. cuiL-ur , o.-ifirrh. bronchts ! : , In- Imliuloii.e cctrlolly. pir.ilysls. cDllcusy , ! ! d- nev.b ajdur. eye. ear. kln anl blooJ : nU all l ooor.illrms. DISEASED OF mm l Women ntHR. Wo havelaflv art led i lynu- Inilcpiriiiient for \\umun during confinement , Hrlutly ur v ite.i On v Kolhiblo Mudiu.il In- ttitutc innktn ? .1 5p < yI : ilty o : . , , i'HIVA L'H IJISKASKS Al Hood DNu isas bucces'futly troitcl. r-iUhliltlu I'Rlsim lumovcd fro-n tlio syMom \vllhuiil ini-reiiry Now itestor.itlva i're.it- mcnt for Loss of VITAL I'OWKIL 1'ersoiii 1111- ab'o to vN.t us in.iv bo tre-itel : at homo by ciiec. All communiuatlons con fi dential .Mojiolius or Instill nonts stint i > y I inn 1 ur express sneurely packed , nn m ITKtu 1 iurt catuccintonts or sender Ono pcronil in- ' tc'rv cw profi-rre ' . Call and consult us or so.i I history of your ease , ana we will send In p.nlj wrapuo . our BOOK TO MEN ri ertroon rriv.its. DUUIIU HIC.I1 , - , ! . sjn-ci ; or Nervous IH. ) cnses Impotcncy. Syphilis , Oloutaul Varlco- re i' , with fiK < 5tion flit. Itr.iccs , AiiIIaiiuL'S | for IK'formlilcs ifc T ruaoi Only m uiufactory in the Westof 1'rtfi'o. : > l- J'J'l ,11'1't.l IA < fts. ntUitaiSii , KLKUr.tlti Jt.lfTEltlJ'.S.iMIIlKLl H. Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , 26th and Broaiway , Oojnoil BluTs. Ten minute > ' ililo from contar of Omah i on Omaha ami Council KlufTi uicctrlo motor Una g. W. PANELE , M. D. The Cwd Samaritan. 20 Years' Eiptrientc. BEADnil OF I1ISRASC3 OF MEN AND WOSIEN. rnOPUIETOK OF TIIE WOKLO'S IIKRISAI. DISPEN- SAKY OF MKlllCINU. ; fT''jPf$9 5 3i/frW35\ I treat iho fat/owing fly'secses : Catarrh of the HcaJ. TliroSt , and Longs : Dls- cnscsof the Eye and Ear.'ntSahd ' Apoplexy. Heart Disease , Liver CoinptaiiM l'lney Complaint , . Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , DfoUte".Bright1 * ni-eafo st Vltus1 Uancer HheuAatlam. ' ftralysls. White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Soree , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drnwlne & drop of blood. Woman with her delicate orcana re stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to privnto and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to S50O f ° reit | for ani" Venereal Dis ease I cannot cure without mercury. Tnpe Wonns removed in two or three hours , or uo pay. llunorrhcilils or Piles cured. TIIOSH AVIIO AltK AFPMCTED Will rave life nnd hundreds of dollars by calling on or u ing OR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician who can tell wlint all * a piTioii without a-.lliit | a question. All corresi > otiaence strictlv ronddcntial. Medlolno sent by express. Address a 1 letters to W. G PAN OLE , M. D. SViIlrmdwuy. C'Jiru-it H.uiTs . G. R. MVELRS , und every clhit crailn di'manded by nil olaaso3 of Irudo. llliHMK'S O..D HL'ANU. AND i-07HlUAl\VAY ! , Council ItlnlTii. THINK , OH THINK ; MEN AND WOMEN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS HOW YOU WERE ROBBED IN BUYING YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES BEFORE THE / T T \ T T A T / /I / TIV GREAT BARGAIN AT NO. 1OO MAIN ST. , COR. FIRST AVE. , WAS ESTABLISHED. And this season we are better than Men's WorkingShoesl , $1 5$1.50 , ever prepared to serve you. Our stock is $2. Men's Fine Dress Shoes in.11 the best arger and variety greater and prices lower. makes : Burt & Hears , WiiliamsYKneeland . The most complete stock of Ladies' , & Co. , lines H. Reynolds , SmiiJi ; & Stan- Misses'and Children's Oxfords and Slippers tons's , and other leading makpsiiat prices in this city at 50c , 75cl , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2 , you pay for common goods. $2.50. Ladies' Cloth Top Shoes $1.75 , $2 , In Boys' Fine Shoes we'-'show - the $2.50 , $3 , $3.50. Ladies' Kid Button $1 , same goods J as in Men's in hanci'and I Cl 11 ma $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.50 and up. chine sewed and standard screw fastened. In Children's and Infants' Shoes , we show the best makes. In all the new styles at Popular Prices. Gome and See Us at 100 Main-si , GOP. 1st HUB. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , S. A : PIERCE & COMPANY. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. AND GRADES LARGEST STOCK BEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Office and Repository Nos. 12 , 14 and 16 , 4th Street. - Warehouse , Corner gth and Broadway ff/iffiW / l5B4' t\ \ ' ' " ' ro pEST/Ml'S ' AW XV vJ J BRAND WKi CvA A l .U8. ! M ° I'rojioiHU for UUtrirt htrrrt Itniroiiieiit | ItoniU. Sualed dluninrkud Proposals for District Street Iiiiiiroieiucnl llonjs , will ho received uutolSorlork nojii. of tlieSStli day of .May. Ih'/ ' , for thn ptirrli'ihO of I ) htr.ct t > trout liu- provonient llonds ah follow : nutra-t : r- ' l n.joo. a Dlstrk-t : rri : . I.MO.OJ : Ilistrct : i7l District 411 (1,0.0.00 ( . i Ifcsueil inulur I'li.'irier iiowor of inctroiiolltitii cities. Kadi lild niun ktiitBlirlertiiiid iiiiimnit I bought fortunl Ini'liulK iicrnioil Inlvruit to UatH of del very t < > n > iha. > cl ) . Ttie rlht to ruji'Ct any ni.il uli lill IH rc- urvod , 11KMlluhl.N. ! . t'lty tre.i.uror. Chas , Lunkley , I'liiuTiil Director mil UnJcrt'i'io 311 Bro-idwity , C'ounoll BUiITi 'Ifit i bone t' * . CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Uluffi burplubturl Profits HUuuu NctCaplfi ! nn I Furpltu. . 8XUOtott'J Director- I ) M minli'in. rf. I. ( iliiuir ; , r * 1 ( ilratuii , B K 11 irt , I \ Mlllir , J V lllnj'inn undCliarlo It lUnnau Tr.-iniactcenoral binl.- . ing bitkiness. l/ar/6 i cnpll'il und sttrplui of any tiiink lu J'outliwtiitcni Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DBPO3IT3 JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. INVESTMENTS. Real Estate in Washington City. Till : CAPITAL OF TIIK NATION. AND THU KIT-CHE "O.CKKNCITV OFTIIK WOHI.l ) ' A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Kvcrj cltlton of thi-l nltsrt stnto nhonld il lro to own ri'iil estate In HID Cniiltal of this prc-rml- ncntly crunt reputillc knowl icllutu Ii ileallniM tel l > i * tlio nio t bemitlfiil city In tlio wurl < 1 nnd tin1 In- ti'llectual.KDflHl nnil M'U'nlllkvntor il , ilui countr ) Ittt proKtu'rity tlot no ! rlcpoiul upon lociil uiUiince iiiL-nt. lull upon tlio projperity nnil urutrtli of llm wluilecDimlrj" . Af tlip nntlun IniTOiien In populn thin nnrt w iltli o il'iai lit Oipltil IK preitMit i'll known M > c'ltltlc1. Mtrr iry ntul HOCIH ) tidrnntafcos lire brine Mrctucthpneilaiul I'xteiiileil liy tlio ertab 11-h nciit of cit-.T National rnlvpnlltoi It Is n cronlnit urt , lit -r.iry nml ocluc itlonal cen ter. ter.Where Where else Mil propTty IIP lielil to nidi ninnlfent nilvatitiipe at * Htljoluln > ; these Miperb liiKtlttitl jus * of learnlui : I'lp clully oic like tlienutr AnierliMn I nl- \ernlty11 Tliuilitr U nut I ir dl tnt nli"n to onn u pk-eeof proper ! } InVa ulti3t in elty will liclnrbe * } onil tlie mean * or tlie ntur.it : > * man WHY He rnn o It Is n r.illrja I ce'itnr nn 1 n trlnter bealth re- oort : nelly of ro-iventlnni nnil an objective point of all tonrl > t < \VK. LKV IIKhillYti a purl of Nortli- C't Wa hlnKt HI. iidjulns the rite of the great American rnlverjlty. t'rmlnin of Ma n."Umr tti a\enue. eilond d and I * onlv I\TO nillu front ttio White lloue , near Woodier Inn 'in t iho Uunbinna flub. It In H part of Hi ( i north rest ncrtlon. nnd thu cheapoit cround oOcred today to the i mall Investor LOTS S375 TO S7OO. ODO million foot nlrcndf Hold to purcha cm In nil rnrt of Ilicconntrj- Coed lot ) nllll li-ft TIIK AMriiii-jiv rviiit irv project li'Droofa pplcimiil coniiiiiiMiatlon ( jCKD.OOJulll beeipcndeil In orifiln , : uiorti | bulldlncs. ( iiK'MtlDim ITsuully Asli- Ahout AVcslcy IlrlKhtH , Adjninlii ) ; Hit ; ( iroiiiuU ( tlin Cirrat AtiK'rlriiii IlnUcralty. Wlliili : I * lTl.O"ATiil'-In : Xorthwcit U'nth- IniMon. thirty nihiiilcs drive frnm the While llonno , mill enl > .Vljynrili wsst of O.ik Vlo , ex I'restdi'nt Clf\claiiil a lormcr country liuiiu. und 10) ynnl vcc-l of lirn < Mniid < cxocri'tar ) Whltiioj * former couritrr Miit. It I" unly onph tir inllo nnrthui'l ) < it thn I ! . Niivul ( ) b iTV.itiry. cibtlni : } . ' .OUUJI nnd n short Olstiinc > cst uf the Nutlonul mid y.oolotl cal Park * , w heio ( onuro hue ulro'iily nuthorl/cd fl.'OIOKI f > btupont At It" lust M-nton l'onirc i npiirujirlateit HOWJII fur irailln Mni-ncIiui-'jttK Av i-.iuv. cxtcnili-.l f rtiHi Hock Crrck in tliv American Uiilrvrolty. Thli avi-nuc wllliln tlicCIt ) Istlicmott euillliil mill [ ni'ilunublu tburoiiRlitiiri ; of Ui VlOW DniJ s TI1H l.AVIl I.IK'-lt \ ono of tlm iltlif-t puln'.K wuhln tlm Dlntrlclcif C'nluiulilii mill t\ery plcturo qut nml roiiHiitlc. 1'ho Kioiind lopot gently from HH crest totrurJ tlio cttj rsu wn to ground und no l > nd Icitn WHAT IS Tile : -I/.K OK I.T3'-ThP ) HVIT K Irels''Jvl.'Ofvot. undcj t fnrn f l.i to KJO p > t lot , nu 11 fill ca h. balance In 2 : i nud 4 > uir . All taie re paid tixlnto of depl nlilcila lurnHlic.1 free of oil. Tlm tux on n Mm : ! ; * In' will only Do a ilillur or wo A copy of Iho fnliimbli Title linurnnco 'oiiipnny's ccrtltleato ulvon free to ovcry pur- luscr.Vo hnrcsold to hankers , brokers , editors , nw > erii , uriuy onie.-r * . minute , ochool tcicher : , o > eminent oaiployei , nn.l prominent Lnsln' . uen. 110\V ATIOL'T IMIMIOVKMKNTS' Strc3t n'O telni Kradril to their lull width , ninety feet I'nrk- ncHJteeii feet lile lu front of nil lolt Klvcn to rirchmcr < ifrL.oofctarjo Hvery narchaier Ihi-re- ort-ireln n Kunlen nput l.'iri.'i feet for nothlutr. iMyer * of ecirm-r loti net purkliu rx5j ! feet o dsel ns to bulltlin : line The p r - HB iirovUlon ronilcTJ diicli unnecessary. Five beau- Iful cottuiren nro tielntf erected on the llclghti * . Die countructlori of n nmvnlllcant f . " 'i.OIJ reililcncii snlaouell nnilcr war ImprOTamcati nro Btrud- ly proxieicInK every clear clnjr. I'HUSS COMMHNTrt. In the Inrt npproiirlntlon bill , there l < nn Item for licirrndlnKof .Ma'Hiichui.otti avcniiu. extended , to- wnrcl thu Anierlcnn I'lilTernlly Tlio line ot .Mnnsa- hui etti nvenno lm been Ittid out on u direct ex- cnslun of tlio line now rilMilru 1 1 H-irx Crock A ilnt of the nunio him bwn inulo : and thn pcdplt * own- i\f \ the land throut-h wlila'j It iixl .id will be iuka . o ilonato thorlsht of wiy Thin will u'lvu n utrnUbt nvomiuiromHicrldiii I'lrclu lliroiiKli the I'lilvcnlty KrouiiclH , etcfpl HheroUrunn throuxh thcOlifOrva- err ( -round Here It will In put upun n circle > o to be nt least l.OJU feut nnay from the Inntru- ntK thut inliiht li dloturbed by trntllc nlom ; tha rtrect. If thl > moeln the rlewj of thu uarttci , Inter- ed. IhellO.lfJO will In iipant lu eradlnx on Uill line WaililriKlon Krcnlng Hit , 'Hie plLturenguufclliintlon. the lilKh clinrnctcrof the htirroundlnjr * and the popularity of Ilia drive * between Weilcy llcltht ! > nnd WuolilniElon proper , mnk > ' II evident Hint the nltiiru of Mr Wnirnauiuu nnd hli nM-Cliti' In make tbo property n hlnh emu roldenconitiiirh. will meet with pronounced > uc- i. ! lallliiior Munulucturer ' llacord. 1'or pint nud otbur Information write to JOHN F. WACCAMAS , Cor. nth nnil O hit. , N. W. WASHINGTON' , IX O. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. II' VOIJ havu anything for silt : ur Undo HUU K. II. hhu.ife. llroadwny and Main ntre < it 11K ) IOWA f irnm for sale. JinprovaJ ICJ acini L/i | HnirUuti county. tl'J.OJpor jero ; ItluKtet Improved , r.M.03 : Hj ucroi. Slf.tu i'or bar tlni la Iowa unit Nebraska funm cull on or wrlto loJoluuon Si Van r.ilton , Uoiuicll lllnlTA ITMIJt ItCN'F Dweillii.-Hln nil putH uf thu L thy 11 II. bliuafo , llnridwiiy und Mnm , " "TtHAUK and I'oiniiilsKion Sujvos. FiirnT Hire , cti' . . slur oil and told on commission at luwt'iit rtlu ; . K Kliincliaii.yJU llroiidway tJlOU SAJ.n OK KiNT : l.aKObt and most profltublo moat luarKut In the \vunt , dolns ; from W.WJ.Ou to 17.0JJ. .Oc.ibli business,1 moritlr. Lbiik book vrlll khow It ; Kilt edged , fcplencllil bimlnoskCliiincu : U ve.irs' hiaso on Ijillldliix M 'I.JIOU ( Jtllfu Coiuioil 111 u Ifs. A N Invostrncnt oaienlit. Nuw donlilo liouso -rVbltniittd at .Nds. IK und 1 D ri. 7lli H. , Coun cil ul u liu , Improvement , now und UrKt-ulnv * lio'j-o , conthlni U routnb. X bath roomn. ii line linn treys , lu clomts , front nnd biit'K utalis. hot nI ( co'.d wntor f-TVlco. Kai. it . wortU Sfl.MH , will neil at u li.triiiln und solicit bono- 11 Jo offers. I'oiest Smith , Baldwin block , Council. ' D'KSfiiAIII.rKonU'o rooms fur runt In llrown iHilidluc. fronting on I'uarl and ilulu btroeti. Hlth all motluru convonloncea. lor torrni upplr to X II. Mithoiai or U. U. Corf , room 0 , a.'enli for bulldln. ,