Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Lot No. 1-100 Suits of Fancy Plaid Cassimerc Sack Suits , all sizes.
Actual Value , We Offer Now at
, ,
Lot No. 2-125 Medium Colored Plaid Cassimcre Sack Suits , in
single-breasted Sacks , all sizes.
Actual Value , We Offer at This Sale at
$10,00 ,50
, , , ,
Lot No. 3-AYe offer 90 Suits of Scotch Cheviots in a neat mottled
plaid ; the test value ever sold in this city.
Actual Value , Our Present Price ,
$12,00 , $7,50 ,
Lot No. 4-100 Suits Dark Plaid Cassirnere Sack Suits.
Actual Value. Our Price Reduced to
$12,00 , Iv
Lot No. 5-125 Suits of the famous Sawyer Cassimeres.
Pantaloons , S3.50.
Actual Value , Until Closed Our P rice
Lot No. 6-We will offer 250 pairs of All Wool Sawyer Cassimere
Actual Value , Our Price at This Sale Will Be
/ T T " A nr
of Men's , Boys' and
Children's Clothing.
Bargains Without a Parallel in the Histo
ry of Our Business.
Over 2OOO suits , all this season's goods , in
cheviotscassimeresand worsted business suits ,
to be sold regardless of former values.
In the Boys' ' Department.
A perfect deluge of bargains awaits you. Our
stock never was so large and complete. The
unprecedented wet season has been unfavora
ble for the clothing business , hence we are
overstocked. The prices at this sale must at
tract the attention of every prudent buyer.
Lot No. 7 150 Cassimerc two-piece Boys' Suits , ages 6 to 14-
Usual retail price We offer at this sale for
$3.00. 1.75.
Lot No. S. 200 Fancy Worsted Suits , in a neat Brown check ,
made in' the best manner and perfect fitting.
Early season price Our present price
Lot No. 9. 150 Brown Mixed Plaid Scotch Cheviot Suits , all
sizes , 6 to 14 , elegantly made and trimmed ; in every respect -
spect one of the best suits in our stock.
Sold early this season for At this sale until closed at
$5.50. $3.50.
Lot No. io. 260 Boys' All Wool Jersey Suits in Blue , Black
and Tans , ages 3 to 7.
Regular price At this sale
$3.50. $2.25.
BOYS' SHORT PANTALOONS. 500 pairs of Cheviot
and Cassimerc Pants.
Actual value All sizes at this sale
$1 and SI.25 , 50 Gents ,
STAR SHIRT WAISTS. 50 dozen new spring styles of
Star Goods , sizes 4 to 14.
Usual price At this sale
75c and $1,00 , 50 Cents , '
Boys' Cloth Hats , * 2oc ; Military Caps , 250. Derbys in pearl
and browns at $ r.oo. regular price $2.00.
We have been waiting for some base
ball weather , but we cannot wait any
longer. They will be distributed
cheerfully to every clothing purchaser at this sale.
n I 1,1 ,
The Largest Wholesale and Ratail Clothing House West of the Mississippi ,
Parlies to a Law Suit Oorae to Blows in the
Oourt Oorridor.
Comicllmiui Tuttle Ar < iultto < l on the
Charge of Iloini ; Intcrcnted In a City
Contract Othur Cuaca
lu Court.
The people who lingered about the corri
dors of tbo court room in THE Ren building
were witnesses to a case that was nut on the
docket , und ona that for u few brier mo
ments made things exceedingly lively. Ou
the general docket thorn is a case bearing the
title of John D. Thomas against John P.
Thomas. The plaintiff is an old mini , while
tbo defendant Is a joung man. Besides this
the plaintiff Is the undo of thn defendant ,
who is a cripple , aod walks by the aid of a
pair of crutches.
As the story goes the old man enjoys law
cults , and for years nnd years his name has
appeared upon the court dockets , cither as
plaintiff or defendant. During all of
ibis lima ho has boon possessed of
considerable properly , and to place It
beyond the reach of creditors some time ago
deeded it to this nephew. The ncphow was
willing to dlvy with his uncle , but thought
that ho ought to tmvo something to com
pensate him for playiug that ho was a rich
man.Thou the elder Thomas brought suit to
compel the younger Thomas to relinquish
bis right and tltlo to the property.
Yesterday the two men mot In the corridor
rider Justoutside JmU'o Scott's courtroom
and some hot \\ords followed.
The undo mada u bruuk for the nephew ,
Who backed off , und elevating onn of his
crutches with one blow felled his , undo to
the lloor. The old man ecroamcd two
or three times aim then fainted
nwiiy. In tins condition ho remained until
a Janitor dashed a bucket of < vatcr in his
Judge Scott hearing the confusion ad-
lourned court , while balllifs , lawyers and
jurors rushed Into the corridor. The young
man was placed under arrest , turned over to
n ofllcor and taken to the pollco station
where ho was released on bin own rocognl-
Coiiiirllmiin Tut tin on Trlul.
Tbo criminal division of the district courl
hud a largo lobby , composed of couucllmcn ,
city oftlclals und contractors. The caua
on trial was the state ugalnst Thomas
P. Tuttle , member of tbo city council ,
representing the Fourth wntd. When
the grand Jury mot last winter an In-
alctment was returned In which Tultlo was
charged with Having been Interested in a
contract on the city hall. The tlrsi count in
the Indictment charges that on August 11 ,
1691 , when a member of the coundl , ho was
nl o a stoouholdor and manager of a wall
plaster company that was awarded the con
tract for furnishing pluMer that was used on
the walls of the city null building. The sec
and count lu thu indictment charges that
through the instrumentality of Tuttle , hla
company secured the contract referred to.
After being out ten minutes the Jury
returned a verdict of not guilty.
VurillcU Itvturnoil.
For a number ot days the case of Thomas
Prlco against C. I1. Treat has boon on trla
In Judge Ferguson's court. Tioat was thi
general contractor when the Fremont , Kit
horn As Missouri Volley wus grading Into th <
Black Hills. I'nco was Uio sub-contractor
and In the settlement the two mou could n9
grco. I'rice darned that tliero Was some
thine like 120,000 his duo , while Trea
denied owing that or any other amount
Last night the Jury returned a vordlot. find
me that there was duo the plaintiff the sun
of I10.UT3 , with nearly throe year1 Interest
In Judge Koysor'a court , In the case o
Draduor. Smith & Co. of Chicago agalni
the Western 1'riutlug company , the Jurj
returned a vordlct of 11.217 for the plaintiff
The claim was for a bill of goods purchased
Other Court Doing * .
Tom Roacb , accused of boring entered tu
toro owned by Andrew Linqmst on the
ight of April 'J and stolen therefrom goods
t thu value of $0. WAS arraigned before
udgo Davis ana pleaded not guilty.
A verdict has been toturnod In the case
f Caroline Foil man against the city of
Dmitha. The case was trio.l before J video
Scott nnd the plaintiff secured a Judg-
iicnt for toOO. The plaintiff , an aged lady ,
otno months ago wus walking along Dodge
treot. When near Eighteenth sue full
nroiiKh a hole In n defective sidewalk and
broiui her leg. A ? oOOU , damage suit was at
once coinmcncod.
In the case of E. L. Van Etton against Ed-
vnrd F. Test the Jury returned a verdict
Indlug for the defendant. Both parties
claimed the title to seven foot of ground in
the vicinity of Twenty-sixth utd Haruoy
The troubles attsndinp Gush & Young in
heir South Omaha saloon will bo aired in
rbo courts. Their stock has been attached
jy the creditors and the petitioners nvorthat
hey have skipped the town. The James
Wulsh Morcantiln company wants 8139.23 und
J. U. Her would like ftiUO that ho advanced to
assist the men in procuring their license.
Oerrit S. Gould wants a divorce from his
wlfo Jo3io. Ho charges desertion from bis
jcd und board.
Court Doings.
Almond A. Vincent was arralguoil la the
'edoral court for passing countorfcit money
lud for having the same In his possession.
: Io pleaded not guilty to either count.
Albert Andrews , n boy charsod with steal-
ng a letter from tba malls , withdraw
jls pica of not guilty nnd pleaded guilty as
charged lu the indictment.
Jcromo Patten pleaded guilty to a charge
of assault nnd battery and was Hard $1 und
sentenced to remain in the custody of the
marshal until Saturday.
Joseph A. Bcrllcn was nrralened nnd
pleaded not guilty of selling liquor to an In
John Towns took the opposlto course and
pleaded guilty to n similar charge. The
Judge disapproved ot such conduct to the
amount of f'5. nnd John will tarry with
Marshal Slaughter until May 21.
Walter U. Lolghty , whoso case is now
pending In the state court at Lincoln for nt-
tempting to blackmail Danker Outcnult of
the capital city , was nrraigr.od on another
feature of thu same transaction. Ho was
diarized with using the malls with the Intent
to defraud , and pleaded not guilty.
Noah McLaln , a Minden lawyer , was
charged with mailing nou-mailablo matter.
Ho said ho didn't do It. A Jury will bo
called to dotennluo who sent u certain vllo
cplstlo to a certain young lady in a certain
town on a con am date.
Tliut Tirnl
Is often the forerunner of serious Illness ,
which may be kronen up if a good tonlo like
Hood's Sarsaparllla is taken in season. This
modlclno Invigorates the kldnoys and liver to
remove thu waste from the hvstom , purl lies
the blood and builds up tbo strength.
Constipation Is caused by oss of thn perls
tulllo action of the bowels. Hood's 1'llls restore
store this action and Invigorates the liver.
Hut the 1'ollro Iliuo Him Saw ft r Inipor-
HciimtliiK il Olllcur.
A well known young lawyer hid business
with a client lu the tlati at Fiftosnth nnd
Capitol avenuo. V.'hllo talking with his
client , a young woman , J. Davli , the Li. &
M. yardmaster , came to the door and stated
that ho was a polloomnn lu disguise , "I
can't help that , " said the lawyer , "but what
do you want hero' " "I want you , young
foil or , so co mo along , "
The attorney wont but when they reached
the patrol box his captor intimated that tha
prisoner might "ducK" If ho felt that .way.
The attorney felt otherwise. "All right then
I vlll , " said Mr. Davb , 'nud away Jin wont
on a run. ho I * now under bonds to answai
the charge of imporionating an ofllcor. DavU
savs bo must have been la a trauco and U
only surprised that ho did not Impersonate u
Methodist bishop.
Mr. A. n , Laformo , Boston , Mais , , says
I ofdorod and distributed ono dozen large
bottles Brad.rcrotlnn among my friends
aftllclod with headache , and In every case 1
au afforded almost instantaneous relief ,
Second Annual Conclave of tlio Tuborcau
Knights and DuughturH iiulc : < l.
The celebration of the second annual ses
sion of the International Order oi Twelve of
the Knights and Daughters of Tabor came tea
a clo e Iu3t night. They were in session
throe days. The grand temple and taber-
naslo was presided over by Sir Frank WlUon
of ICansas City , Kan.
The annual sermon of the conclave was do-
llvorod by Uov. J. W. Hill of St. Louis. The
attendance was largo and the sermon was an
exceedingly interesting one , outlining the
achievements of the order. Hov. L. M. Hu-
good of Bowling Green , Kv. . also delivered
an address which was received with much
Yesterday wai memorial day and It was
celebrated with considerable pri'do and pomp.
The knights nnd daughters in the afternoon
assembled at Taboroun hall on South Thir
teenth street and formed a procession in
carriages and gave a street parade , which
was distinguished by Its creditbio showing.
The orocession arrived at Washington hall
at 5 o'clock , at which time a pri/o drill took
pluco between the lirit and second platoons
of cadets under command of Sir J. F. Bruce ,
I. D. U. M. The grand drill took place nt
the same hall lust night at 10 o'eloou. The
Palatine Guards of the Hoyal House of
Media , the cadets and visiting members the
contestants ,
The Installation of ofllcora > nlso took place
last ulfht. Hov. Moses Dickaon , cbiof grand
mentor , nnd founder of the order , delivered
the charge. Queen Mother Holsoy repre
sented the touts In line noodle and art work.
Priostes ? Martha Bucknor of the Golden
Sheaf tabernacle presented to the taberna
cle n line patchwork quilt which w > is sold at
chaiico. The twelve tri os of Israel , In
cluding Ham , Shorn , Cush and Japhot , were
The colored pnoplo of Nobr.iskrt and Kan
sas are very hlghlv pleased with the success
of their second annual conclave , and the
local members of the order have received
considerable credit for getting the conclave
hero and the highly satisfactory manner in
which they conducted it.
Following nro the oflicors Installed : Chief
grand mentor , Frank Wilson , ICnnsan City ,
Kan. ; vice grand mentor , John L. Wrigh't ,
Lincoln ; chief grand preceptress , Silva E.
Robinson , Kansas City , Kan , ; vlco grand
preceptress. Annie McMillan , Lawrence ,
Kun. ; chief grand scrlbo , A. W. Hopkins ,
Laavonworth ; chlof grand recorder , Ella
L ) . Smith , Kansas City , Kan , ; chlof grand
ijuccn mother , Emma Games , Topeka ;
chief grand treasurer , J. F. Bruce , Omaha ;
chief grand orator , J. H. Wilson , Omaha ;
rhiof grand prlestoss , Mary F. Washington ,
Lincoln ; chief inner St. sentinel , Frances
Miles , Omaha ; chlof grand Judges , Annie
Howard , Topeka ; Sarah Williams , Lincoln ;
Jonino Alexander. Lawrence , Kan , ; Mattlo
Carter , Ottawa , Kan ,
"Lato to bed nnd carlv to rlso will shorten
the road to your homo In the skies , " But
early to bed und a "Llttlo Early Hlso - , " the
Dill that mattes lifo longer and bettor and
A dlsonso , treated na such und pormv
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm-
ury. Homo trciUmont. ilurinlosH nnd
oUoctual. Hofor by permission to J3nr-
lin ton Ilawkoyo. Send 'Jo stump for
namnhloU Shokoquon .Chomluul Co. ,
" In.
Tlmo for Cloning the 1,1st of Kntrlus IJx-
tiiiidi-il n Month.
Nearly all the crack military companies of
the United States have entered for prizes
and military honors In the national encamp
ment which opens hero Juno 13. For their
accommodation it has boon found necessary
to rent 1,000 extra tents from Kansas City ,
Tbcso will bo placed ou thu grounds Satur
day , June II ,
Among the late entries U the Dodge Light
Guards of Council Bluffs , under command of
Lieutenant Johu C. Dixon. They have en
tered for the championship In tbo Maiden
Through Senator Mandorson the national
association has made a request to the secre
tary oi war lor the detail ot iUr o army ofli-
cors of suitable rank two of the Infantry
nnd ono of the artillery to net as Judges of
the drill.r Senator Mandcrson has just writ
ten Secretary J. E. Aitchison that ho would
use his most persistent endeavors to have the
oflicors detailed by the War dopartmont.
The old fair grounds , in which the en
campment will bn hold , will bo improved and
enlarged. Work on the extension and the
improvement of the grounds will commence
the llrst of next week.
On account of the delay occasioned by the
railway Association in malting their reduced
schedules of rates for the encampment , the
ofliccrs of the drill association have con
cluded to hold their entries open until Juno
1 , nt which tlmo they will close , instead ot
May 1 as originally contemplated.
At a mcetinc of the local oxouutivo com
mittee A. L. H od was substituted as a member -
bor in place of George H. Boggs , who has re
signed us ho will bo absent from the city
for. some tlmo. The committee also lixod
the following rates of admission : Single
tickets. 50 cents ; children urdor 10 years ,
free ; children ever 1 ! > voars , 25 cents ; season
tickets , eight admissions , $2.51) ; carriages 25
cents additional ; grand stand 2o cents.
Hov. James II. Cordon , pastor M. E.
church , Wilson , N. C. , says. I have used
Bradycrotmo and never in a single instance
failed to obtain immediate relief from head
ache when directions were followed.
Spcctaclcs.Dr. Culhmoro,221 Bee
8123.00 upright pianos at Haydcn Bros.
HID Abruptness of Dentil.
"I find no fault with death but its ab
ruptness , " was ttio expression of an
English literary celebrity. Truly
there's the rub. However men may
come to look upon death , whether us n
kindly friend whoso hand will load to
perpetual peace or an anyul of light who
will conduct to n , land of supernal
beatitudes , Unit clement remains to
disturb the serenity of the faith. Man
is always in the midst of some incom-
plotcd tank ; the dependent ones are
ever clinging to hia providence. These
conditions , like an enchanter's wand ,
perpetually invoke the remembrance
ttiat doatli is liable to appear abruptly
at any moment , toitako him from his un
finished work and from those who still
need his fostering'care. What wonder
then that an clbuuriso complncont con
templation of the .change from mortality
to immortality should bo disturbed by
the conseiousticsHiof this "abruptness. "
If tlioro id anything that can mltigato
this unsatisfactory soiibo of the unavoid
able and bring the mind into a alato of
rpposo it must bodifn insurance , for the
insurant knows that whatever else death
may bo able to oat/op of ills lifo work , his
policy makes sure that ills providence
for Ills family will .not bo found in thu
sad category ,
Tomorrow at UIQ n , in.
The great assignee sale of fine tailor
made clothing begins at No. 1201 Far-
nam street ) This enormous stock is from
a largo factory recently failed in Now
i'orlc and must Lo cloaod out In 7 days
for the bonollt of the creditors. The
building is now closed to arrange the
Block , and no goods will bo otTorcd for
sale until Saturday , May 21 , at UM5 a.
in. Wo advibo all to altund this great
sacrilico sale , as such a ohanco may
never occur again in Omaha. Don't
make a mibtako. Look for the sign ,
"Now York Heavy Failure , " 1201 Far-
niuii street , nuar 1-tli. During tills sale
the store will bo open every evening
until 0 o'clock. , i
Country Murcliiint *
Who are cash buyers should not fall to
take ad vantage of the Hellman'H admin
istrator's sale to secure some wonderful
bargains for their fall traJo. Address
lath und Furnam , Oinalm ,
To the Trn\eUng Public.
On and -iftor Juno 1 , 181)2 ) , all single
trip tickets will be limited to expire
ONE DAY from date of sale , and will
bo accepted on trains only for continu
ous passage , to bo commenced within
the ono day from date of salo.
Round trip tickets will bo limited to
expire for going passage ONK DAY
from date of sale , and returning coupons
will bo limited to expire thirty days
from date of sa-le. Both going and re
turning coupons of round trip tickets
will bo erood for continuous passngo if
passage is commenced on or bofo.'o date
of expiration.
Through tickets to points on other
roads , when not limited through to des
tination , will bo limited to continuous
passage ever the C. , St. P. , M. & O. Kv.
BE ISSUED , nor stop-over privileges
bo granted on the C. , St. P. , M. & O.
Ry. on any class of ticket.
Passengers should , therefore , pur
chase ticket to their first stopping point
and also look at the date stamped on
back before getting on train and see that
limit lias not expired.
Agents are authorized to redeem at
full value , on date of sale only , any
tickets sold by them when passonqors
are unable to commence their journey as
Application for redemption of ticket
after date of sale must bo made to ttio
undersigned , and under this rule any
unused or unoxpirod tickets hold by pas
sengers raiding1 ever this railway , will
bo pnbiect to redemption on application.
Conductors have no authority to ac
cept tickets with expired lima limit , but
will collect faro from holders of such
tickets , giving receipt therefor , and
rolor tnom to the undersigned for relief.
Tickets will bo honored only in the
direction in which they read.
Passengers are also requested to show
their tickets on entering cars , in order
that if not taking proper train to roach
their destination they may bo directed
aright. T. W. TiAS : Ai < i ; ,
General Passenger Agent ,
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railway.
$125.00 upright pianos at Ilaydon Bros.
HuvliiK HlK'i ' < > ! ' ! Time.
W. O. Doom , a real estate man , has a wlfo
out of town nnd has had for the last tnrco
weeks , during whloh tlmo ho has boon hav
ing his lllng. The "lllng" has landed him In
the pollco cells , a leaden , disheveled , miser
able wreck with ono shaking fool ever his
eternal resting placo.
Doom was taken in tor his own protection
and ntionaod oy the city physician , who i& of
the opinion that with n little more rope the
victim would "lllng" himself into eternity ,
Ho has allowed his homo to degenerate into
a cheerless barn and his horses starved In tbo
stable until ttio neighbors discovered their
condition and oared for them.
DoWltt's Sarsapurilla cleanses the blood ,
Increases the uppotlto and tonoj up the sys-
torn. It has beiiolittod many people who
have Buffered from blood dlsordow. It Will
help you ,
Fiuost stock of organs and pianos sold
on easy terms at JIaydon Bros.
Parties wishing accommodations to
thoSamoBOtund governor's special train
to the national democratic- convention tit
Chicago , leaving Omaha , Saturdayl
Juno 18 , at 7 p , in. , via the Burlington
route , should send in applications for
sleeping car berths or Boats in chair cars
( free ) and hotel accommodations at Chicago
cage to Nat Brown , chairman of hotel
and railroad committee.
Qj'.oiuiK W. SiiiKUP , President ,
J , EVANS , Secretary , Samosct Ass'n.
Chickening upright pianos , $176.00
Haydcn Bros ,
UK itirjLji ) j.v iinoi > t > tiKi > .
Tour Women In Dunlson , Tex , , Murdered ! ) }
an t'nluio ii AssiiBHln.
DcxisoxTejc.May 10. Tuesday night was
o night of horror in Dcniscn. Between 11
o'clock and : tit : : ) n. m. an assassin unknown
brutally nnd premeditatcdly shot and killed
four women , two of them loaders of local
society and two inmates of disreputable
Tbo first victim was Mrs. Haynes , the wife
of Dr. Henry F. Huynos , ono of Doulson's
most rsspoctcd citizens , prominent in busi
ness and social lifo. Mrs. Haynes , a young
nnd very attractive woman , was assassin
ated while alone In her homo , or else token
forcibly from it and put to death by her cap
tor Just outside and near tbo houso. The
1-os.idoneo of Dr. Haynes Is Just outside the
city limits on Woodlawn boulovaid , live and
one-half miles southwest of the city hall.
Flvo hours later , in the vcrv heart of the
city , a beautiful young lady , Miss Tcon
Hawley , was also shot and killed by sonfo
unknown pdVson. Miss Hawlov was killed
almost- without a word of warning in the
privacy of bur room in her mother's cottaito
Between the hours when these foul
assassinations occurred , In still another far
distant section of the city , two women were
killed by nn assassin's bullot. These last
twb were Inmates of bagnio * .
The assassin shot and killed Mrs. Haynes
during the absence of her husband at an Elk
lodge. When his victim was dead the mur
derer took her gold watch and chain , diamond
mend ring ana oar drops and proceeded to
the Hawley residence , whore ho shot and
killed Miss Teen Hawley , who was seated
on a bed with her mother when the assas
sin's bullet came through a screen. The
murderer had previously entered the girl's
sleeping room , where &bo had ( led to her
mother for protection.
The assassin then directed his steps to the
bagnio of Mmo. Dlvors , where ho II red from
the front porch through o window , killing
Mnudo Kramer.
After this ho passed to the next street ,
where ho morlallv wounded Hose Stewart ,
who was about to retire ' .o her room ut Mine.
Williams' . ' 1 his fatal shot was llrod from
the sidewalk , the ball entering beneath the
right arm.
These fcur foul murders have created In
tense excitement , which Is increased by the
fact that there Is no clue to the criminal.
Hundreds of armed mon are searching for
the murderer. Bloodhounds have been
brought Into service , but so far without suc
cess. Several arrests on suspicion have
been made , but the guilty man Is believed to
bo still at large.
DoWitt's Sarsnparilla destroys § ucti noi-
sons as scrofula , ukln disimso , c/oioa , rheu
matism. Its timely use naves many lives.
Dr. Culliraoro. oculist. Uao building
$125,00 upright pianos at Ilaydon Bros ,
Height * .
The attention of readers and espe
cially of all intoro&tod in the American
university to the advertisement of Mr.
John ] ? , Wnggainan , having lots for sale
in Wesley Heights , lying bosldo the
&Uo of the American univority at Wash.
ington , D , C , The advertisement is on
page U of this issue , and its reading
will provo Interesting to those desiring
to iniiko an investment.
luilgo HloilKiitt to lie Ilonnrnil.
CHICAGO , III. , May JU. Judge Blodgott 1 *
to resign from the bench of the United States
district court. Ho is to bo ono of the counsel
for the United states In the Boring Sea arbi.
tratlon. The fact that President Harrison
wus about to appoint him to this responsible
position has boeu kept a profound .eorct.
Dr. Blrno.v's Catarrh 1'owder cures
catarrh. For sale by all druggist * . DO cents.
A Dunn-ouch Haby limn.
Nr.w YOIIK , May IU. A daughter was born
to Mr. und Mrs. Walter Damroschyesterday.
Telegrams of congratulation were received
last evening from Mr. Dainroscb , Secretary
of State Ulftlno , and sovorai other person * .
This event was regarded by some of the local
politicians as indicating that the prcaonco in
the city in the last tow days of Eminon *
Blalno is not to bo regarded with any special
political significance.
Dr. Birnoy's Catarrh i'owdor lor tonsllotls.
For sulo by all druggists. f > 0 cents.
WII.I IIU.1.1' il ) CITY.
rrnpnnfMl 1'lnn by Wlilrh Son Hi Dakota
Itiillroud I'acllllloHlll flu Inrri'iiM-il.
EiUu'ii ) CITT , S. D. , May 19.-Special [ to
Tin : HUE. | By telegraph from Chicago
yesterday it Is learned that the committee of
the Board of Trade and city council have , la
consideration of aid given the road by Uapld
City , received a guarantee that the Dakota ,
Wyoming & Missouri HIver railroad will bo
completed witblu the next six months. *
Work has boon In progress on this roaclj'
which runs from this plaro westerly through
the Black Hills to the coul and Iron Holds of
Wyoming , for nearly a year. Us completion
for Hapld City moans a great deal In the Una
of more chlo'rlnatlon works nud the estab
lishment hero of cuntom reduction works and
smelters to treot all classes of ore.
Negotiations are now under way for the
completion of the Hapld City , Missouri Hlver
& St Paul road eastward ! } ' across the reser
vation to the Missouri river during 189:3. : Tha
assurance that the western line will bo com
pleted this year will hasten the building ot
the eastern lino.
Mw. L. H. I'atton , Hocttford , III. , wrltoi
"From personal oiporionco I can rocommon
DoWltt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for Impur j
blood and general debility. " " "A
i" JS.lVlf J-'ltO.ll KUHOV1S.
Ill ) Sayn Ho Will Not I'rivildii Oicr the AntU
Hill Coiiiuiitlon.
New YOIIK , May 19. The Tribune sayn
William ( J. Whitney , ox-soorotar.v of the
navy , ic turned from Europe yesterday on tnu
Mnjostlc , apparently much benefited by tha
ton voyugo. His return was awaited with ,
much Interest , particularly by the friend * of
Mr. Cleveland who are engineering the antl-
Hill convention at Syracuse. They want Mr.
Whitney to preside.
"I am not a mombsr of the convention , "
said Mr. Whitney , "and not being a dologata
of course I cannot act either as temporary or
permanent chairman. This settles that"
point. I have not boon identified with tha
movement , nor have I boon consulted in regard -
gard to it. But I have expressed no opinion
in nrulso or condemnation of the project. "
This was as far as the ax-sccrolury caroQ
to go on political lines ,
Mm. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil-
dr < jn teething product ! natural iulot | sloop.
W cents u bottle.
$ 35.00 organs at Ilaydon Hroa.
jfttoat A intinau.
\ Coloroil Man Taken Irnin .lull by n Mob
anil I , ) ui'lii'd ,
MANCIIEBTEH , TBNN. , May 1U. At 830thU ;
morning thirty men oiitorod the town and
going to tbo Jail demanded Charley Everett ,
the Tullahoma negro. The sheriff had spir
ited him away to a barn lu the suburbs.
After a long search Everett wa * found
and carried to a railroad brldg *
Just above town and hanged. A. V. Smith
of Tullahoma announced himself os tha
leader and bis willingness to assume tha
responsibility for the deed. Too joomofa
youn. ? lady relative of Mr. .Smith of 'lu la-
homa had boon entered by the uouro Monday
nlKbt for the purpose of rapo. although lu >
negro claimed robblory was hU object.
ff o for a box of Boecham'i Pills worth
guinea ,
I'lrc nt bmltlillelil.
Ei.woon , Nob. , May 13. [ Special Tola *
gram to Tim Bun. ] The goueral itoro o (
Chaio fi , Bolou at Smltbllold , a auiail town
seven miles out of this place , wus denrojod
by lira lust night at 11 o'clock. There WM
no Insurance on either building or ttocfck
Loss , about 13,000 ,
DoWltt'i Sarmp&rUU olg u OJ tbo blood