Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Platte Missionary District Gets Nona of tbo
Episcopalian Educational Fund.
Long DltrtiMlnti Oirr tlio rnymnit ofdon-
crnl Convention I\IICIIKPR : nnil UMnliin
* of the Illiirman dull Mtuy Sc -
i ofllii ) Aliiiinil Council.
It WM nultoOiHO before III. Ilov. CloorRO
Worthlng'ton entered the cry plot Trinity en-
Ibodral to open the second day's session of
the twenty-llfth annual mootina nt the dlo-
cosan council of tno Episcopal church of Ne
The special order wns called up , being the
proposed amendment to canon xxvill , that
tha expenses of the dolngatos to the trien
nial conference bo provided for by nn offer-
Ine to be taken up on the first Sunday In
Mopiembor for n fund to bo divided between
the dclciralcs.
Kov. Irving Johnson opposed the canon on
the ground that It would be dinicult to han
dle the funds , nnd would make unnecessary
confusion , for the offerings might amount to
$300 or $1,000.
The canon proposed nt the first day's
meeting by Mr. Stowoll was then called up
providing for the payment of mileage to the
cclcgatcs to the triennial conference from a
fund specially provided for the purpose.
Mr. Stowcll said thnt It wns adellnlto propo
sition , for each parish would then know Just
what it had to do.
Mr. Jntnci Canflold thought the proposed
cnuon wns definite , but should como out of
the ponornl Item of the general budget.
Ilov. Mr. Llwyd thought the honor of being
n delcgnlo to the general conference should
bosuftlclont to place the matter outside of
financial lines. That money consideration
should bo no pnrtof sending men to so em
inent n uodv nnd moved that the whole
matter he laid on the tablo.
Ilov. John Williams called for n vote by
The roll call on the question to lay on the
tanlu resulted : Ministerial ayes , 5 ; nays ,
t'O ; lay nvcs , It ; nays , ll > .
AfiurdlscuHsltig'lhu regularity of the vote
nnd rending the canonical law regarding the
method of casting the lay vote , the bishop
nnnounced thnt the motion to lny on the table
was lost.
l.lui tliii I'linr .11 ii ii u clmnru.
Ilov. Mr. Johnson said the trouble with
the churches throughout the country was
they would Invariably send wealthy men to
the cnnlorenco. lie thought poor laymen
should have u chance to bo sent to the general -
oral conference.
Hcv. John Hewitt agreed with Ilov. John
son upon the general proposition , hut said
ho mid met mnny poor men In tlio general
confoienco. Any additional assessment
would still bo paid by the few , and ho
thought It would work n hardship.
Mr. i'owoll mild that Connecticut wns ro-
pulod lo pay the expenses of the delegates ,
but there was n vo t difference bets-ecu Con
necticut and Nebraska. Ho thought u col
lection could bo levied each year which
would bo Inrpo enough In throi years to send
delegates to the conference. Ho was ouposcd
lo n tax
Hlshop Worthtnglon announced that a tax
tind been levied upon the diocese by the gen
eral conference ( SI.IU ) which had to bo paid
before the delegates were admitted to the
conference , to say nothing of the individual
OXDCIISOS of the delegates.
Kov. John Williams thought it wns not
rlcht lo ei'nd rich men to the conference.
Tlo wanted the rlcht to send a poor man to
the conference if ho was the equal of his rich
brother. 110 thought it a shame and n dls-
prnco that if the church did not pay the ex
penses of the delegates , ho said the honest
working wotkingman wns the bono and
smew of Iho church , and they uro the
people to bo sent nil things being equal.
llev. Mr. Llwyd , was In hearty sympathy
with the idea thnt the church should pay the
faro of tlio delegates. He called attention in
canon xxvill , entitled "Offerings , " which ho
Raid breathed of mission ! ! , diocesan nnd
foreign , but gave him no right tc look after
lift own parish. Ho wns "about to offer a
ivsoln ion gormnno to the question , but the
snocinl order lor 11 o'clock wns called up nnd
the resolution "died u burnin. "
Out mill In AKiiln.
The special order wns upon amending seo-
tlon 3 of canon xxlll so as to rend : "Tho
bishop elinll appoint at each annual council a
dean for rpch convocation district , and each
rural dean shall be a resident of tlio convoca
tion district , for which ho Is appointed , and
tint the general missionary for each district
bo npuointcd thu rural donn. "
Hardly had the amendment been road
when Hov. John \\llllains moved that the
special order bo postponed till II o'clock ,
which carried. And the council was buck
nun in to the consideration of the question
whether the bills of conference delegates
should ho paid.
Dean Oaulner was in honrtv sympathy
with taking ui > n collection to dofr.iv'tho ex
penses of delegates and ho spolto earnestly in
favor of tlio method proposed by Mr. Slbw-
cll's now canon.
Canon Dohtrtv had heard a fuod { deal of
talk about , worlcingmen In the church , but
thought It was nil bosh , as his experience
wns i hat the men best Jltted to io to n gen
eral conference were men qulto nblo to pay
their own way , nnd he was opposed to Mr.
Ktowell's proposed now canon.
Dean Hart nnd Mr. Mlllspaugh were in
vited to scats near the bishop.
Mr. Ktownll withdrew his proposed amend
ment and the brethren brca'.hod ngalu.
Itcsnlvrd Somi' .
The regular order of buslnsss was then
taken up nnd the councils listened to the re
ports of committees. Dr. MacnuU from the
commlttea on church education offered the
report of the committee with the following
resolution attached , which wns adopted :
Ucsolvcd. That a united effort lin rnado
thioiiuhout thu dloeoso to nmUo our Sunday
schools morn elll lout In lirliwln : onr youiu
people to Clir si. In seellii' . ' to Interest our
Rrown Toys nnd girls In Uio Sunday school
nnd In sy-tem.illo hlhlo study uid that the
. - ' -if nil
u.-iniKst co-opurutl'jii imietits iiiidciini-
iniinlcants 1,0 sought to helu In thrso direc
Ilov. John Huwott then offered the follow
ing resolution :
Unsolved , That the question of thoteniiro
nt the pi-diiuriv bOiMireif for a xuhool
tar boys at Miiroin ho rofn rod to n spi-clal
conn.iltleo i-onnUtliuof thu bishop , thochnn-
" ( llir of till' diocese , the dean of tlio c.itlio-
dnil , Mr. U J. I'ho'ps ' and Mr. U. J. W.iMi.
The rnviiution wns adopted. Unrdner reported from the commit
tee ou chun h extension.
Chancellor \\Molworth In calling up the re
port of the comniitteo on ttio nuimoilul from
th'i mlssio' ury Jurisdiction of thu 1'I.Uto
nuked ihnt llav. Mr Oaborno , n delegate
from Iho 1'lullo jurisdiction , ho heard before
the read I nu' of llio committee's loport upon
the memorial.
Ilov. Mr. Qtbarno a.ild there seemed to bo
omo misunderstanding regarding the
inemotlal. Ito did not want it understood
that Iho diocese of tlio 1'lallo threatened a
law unit ngdinst the trustees nf the funds
ds nod to bo divided , Ho c.iun as u friendly
neighbor , asking only that tlio dlecoso of
KobrusUn loud n helping hand lo the 1'intto
when the tlmo comes to erect an linlepninl-
ent lurlsdiclloi : out of llui mUslotmrv Jurisdiction -
diction urcnldod over by Bishop Craves ,
\Vlmt tliu t.'oniiiilttco Iti < | irtu < i.
< The report of the cotnmlttoo on the
memorial w.u rather lengthy. After roclt-
Ing the tiplrilln which the inemoriul wns
consiUi'lvil , the friendly fooling of llio
Kulinuku dloccso for that of the 1'lattu , and
' the work Unit had been done in the latter
before the separation , the report says :
1 U Is in cu 4iiry to understand the natureof
tlio in t on nf the Ktinurnl convention In du-
thu Jur .sdlet.on of thu illo.-esj. Ko-
ferrln , ' In iho.oiirnal of the last Mission , o
111. ( I on u IKU , < | vl a surl.'h of preambles and a
rcsoliillon oll't'r.-d by Mr. Wnol urtli. onu of
the lay dulustitPi ( i-oiii .Nobr.n.a. They nro
Blii'O-,1 mi exact copy of thovi by ulileli the
norl horn and ursici'ii jnribdiutlon of Te\i
win nepiiruted from thai diocese. They iture
onHt In Ihkt form In order lo moot some coii-
Biltuiloiiul ulijoetion * raised In the conven-
tloii. They liad the appiovnl of llslui !
Morlliliu'loii nnd llio doleiiutos of tlio dlocoso ,
both clerical mid luy. and of u majority of the
poiiiinlllvo It was uot u dlvUlon of u
Diocci > u kuchtti took pluco in ibo dlucc 'j of
NVw Vnrk t'tnlorthU notion the ( llocoso of
NebrMikA renmlncd in same jrpurato onl.ty
iinriiininrto nnd perfect < t It over w.T" . It
sutronilcrcd to tlioRi nrri' hilr 'h I hr w < stPin
pi\rt of Its territory , nnd tim n-'t of session
wns nccpptcd with nil tlio ddtlrs and nbil-
Kntions which such lurlidlr-tlon curried with
It , The general clinreh thrrcupon hecnmu
\c ted with Jurisdiction of ihosu ro.'lons
just as complete ns it hat In any missionary
Attention | q cnllod In the memorial to what
win done dy Now York In behalf of Albany.
mid when Missouri WHS divided. Only In n
ery rciiinto way dors such action n slst thu
present inquiry. ThK htnviuto of the differ
ence hctn con H division and a cession to the
Rum > ril eoiiM'iitlon. Nevortholcis as what
wiis doiip In tlio-io cases li cited as pro'-edcnts.
It Is Moith wnllu to ovninliio them.
* *
[ lero ! follow citations from civil liiw and
cnses regarding rlKhts of iiiiinlulmlltlc4 | In ill *
vision of corporations decided In the couit l
. I or the consliloMtluns which have boon
brlclly recounted , your committee is of llio
opinion thnt the dloccso of Nebraska , with lt
limits restricted us they me ut present Is ! ho
sumo body u * thnt which extended thioiuh-
out Iho boriteiMOf tlio slate ; thnt as snub It
recolvcd lert.-iln funds In irnst for ecrfiln
purposes , limited tolls own uses nnd hone-
tits : thnt It uniiuot , ulthur by Its present or
iiny fntnro ollleers or nnlhoritli's to whom It
luuy untinsl the ndiulnlstr itlon of Its alfnlrs ,
( llvcillhosn funds or itny part of tliuin to nny
olhor purpo-,1" ) , nnd thnt were It to attempt lo
( lo 1.0 , It would violate not only thu law of the
IIIIKI , lint Its own must sac re J duties.
Your committee recommend * llio adoption
of thu following resolution :
ItuMilvod. Hint It Is not within the compe
tency of IhuniitliorltluAof Iho dlocesu of ; > o-
hruskn to dlvldu Us corporalu funds and
transmit nny imrt thereof lo the blshou and
JnrlHillctlon of tlio I'lnttu. ,
All ofhleli Is reipeel fully submitted.
( JKOiKii : WiiiiTiiiNino.v. Clialrintin.
Very I.lttlu CiiiiNiihuliiii.
Ilov. John Williams opposed the resolution
and said thnt the fend at ? IT , 000 sought to
bo divided him been loft to the ontlro stnto
of Nebraska for the cJurcillon of boys to the
Kpiscopal church. "Now this diocese , " snld
the .spo.ikcr , "has the fund and from nil I
can stio It U going to hold on to It , This
mutter is going out to the press thnt hero is
n dissension in the church. Our obligation
to the jurisdiction of the Platte unmoral
one , nlthouirh they neglected their dutv. "
Mr. Williams called for a yea mid nny vote
upon the question nnd the vote upon the
adoption of the resolution wus recorded as
follows : Clergymen , yens , 11) ) ; nays , 7 ; lay ,
avc.s , si ; itay , S.
Chancellor Woolwnrth offered the follow
ing resolution , which prevailed :
litsolved. This council us us It is com-
pctuti t huioby ussurus Iho jurisdiction of thu
I'lntUs Its liHhiip. eler.-v and laity that tlio
munibers of th s council nnd lliocliurchmen of
this dloccHo enlettaiii n vety dctp nnd ablilln , '
Interest in the work In Ihu lurlsdlctlon , unit
tlml H Is tliu pin nosu of Iho council. Us iiicm-
burs mill Its eouatiluents lo nid the Jurisdic
tion In endowing Iho r.plscopatu and schools
uhen it. shall seek admission into the ccneral
coii\cntlon nnd to hu erected Into u diocese ,
such mil shall go to the full extent of thu abil
ity of tlio uhiiichinun of thii dlueese.
The council at 1 : ll ( adjourned until 2 o'clock
for luncheon in the crvpt , the following
ladies being in oharco : MrEmm.i Jnnes
nnd Mrs. J. P. Williams , assisted by the
I idles of Trinity , St. IJarnabns und St.
Alteriiixui lluslly iiniil : > eil In
fur Ooiitluiied Iliirinoiiy.
There wus a comfortable feeling among the
delegates , clerical and lav , when the councl
convened nt 2 o'clock j-estordny. They hid
a delightful luncheon served oy the Indies of
llio church , the "old man of the son" In the
shape of the memorial from the Jurisdiction
of the 1'lntto had boon dlspojed of to the
satisfaction of a lift-go majority of the dele
gates and the council begun business im-
mo'J'ntcly ' after the religious services were
completed with the bopo that nil things
would po smoothly to the end , but they
reckoned without , their host.
1'ho tellers appointed to canvass the vote
for mo'nbcrs of the stnndliii ; committee of
the dioccso reported and ut once a light wns
Inaugurated as to who among the lav dele
gates were elected. A dozen delegates
clamored for recognition nnd the bishop
pounded his desk with the zeal born of the
real rules. Judge Wukolov spoke ns to the
nuri.ort , of the canon , declaring certain per
sons elected , in which ho was autugonUud by
Canon Doherty.
So warm did the discussion bcconio that
Kov. John U llliauis called for n legal opinion
upon the question from Chancellor U'ool-
worth , who interpreted the vote cast , for O.
M. Carter and H. W. Yates ns members ot
ihu standing committee. The canon pro
vided thnl a person to be oloiti'd must , have
n majority of all t'.io votes cast , and the
bishop accepted tlio chancellor's ruling nnd
declared thnt there was no election as be
tween Mr. Carter and Mr. Ya'.os and
ordered a new election for the remaining
momhcr of the standing committee , tno live
following being declared elected : llevs. C.
H. Gardner , llobort Dnhcrty. A. W. Macnab ,
Messrs. II. O. Clark and James M. Wool-
The vote for the remaining member of the
standing committee sho'vod ns follows :
Clerical vote Carter. 21 ; Yntos , ( i ; Inv vote
Curter , IS ; Yiues , 8. Tuo bishop then de
clared O. M. Carter member of the standing
\VII1 Illivo Archdeacons.
The special order for ! ) o'clock being the
consideration of the change of canon xxiil ,
wns then taken UP. the committee on legisla
tion recommending that the words "rural
dean" bo changed to "archdeacon,11 which
brought to his feet Ilov. John \VIlliams. Hu
said ho liked the bound of "rural donn" be- ithad : i sweat sound , something that
sBV-orcd of the country. IIo was opposed to
the tugcin ? in of u lot of meaningless Eng
lish nnmos into the canons of the church. IIo
thought the word "archdeacon" was a mu-
notner , and was opposed to all the paw titles
which it sought to engraft upon the diocos-j
of Nebraska.
lint this modern Savonarola was in the
minority as wns shown by Iho vote which
changed the canon from "rural doan" to
"arctuleacon. "
The following were elected delegates from
the diocese of Nohrnslin to the triennial gen
eral conference which meets In Baltimore
next fall : llovs. C , H. Ciardnor , Dr. Do
herty , John Williams , Chancellor Wool worth ,
O. M. Uurter , U. J. 1' , Schuylor , Nob. ,
A. C. Stowelt , Codnr Iluplds , and Ilov. John
Howott of Lincoln , who was elected after
live ballots.
Dean Hurt ot St. Johns , Denver , was in
troduced to the council and gave a very in
teresting talk upon tlio manner of conductIng -
Ing Sunday schools nnd how his school
became the real hand-maiden of tbo church ,
us it was intended It should ha.
1'rnjcr lluok KiitUiou.
TI'O committee on proposed changes In the
prayer UOOK made their report through llev ,
John Williams , which report was adopted
and the dtocoso will Instruct its delegates to
vote upon the changes recommended when
the matter comes before the general conference -
once for limit action , Mr. Williams olTcrcd
the following resolution , which was adopted i
Thu Uvonly-llflli iinniiHl council o ( tho.
dlocesu ot Nolmnk.i doi hereby meinorlnll/o
the convention of the cliuruh In thu
I'nltoil Ht.iUH that the rovls on ot the Honk of
Co'iimoii I'riyurnmv ha brought ton close nt
Its HUM session. It fouls Una ruvorenco for
tlio Hook of Common I'r lyur has been greatly
Imp 11 roil by the loiu del.iy nnd susjiemo nnd
that It would still moro Imperil that reverence -
eronco for Ihu prloaK'M herltairuof the liturgy
uhleli uo liuvo friKii our fnthord should Ihu
c osiiu up of lovlb on 1)0 louor delayed.
Nquelelieil liy thn HUImn.
Dtnn Gnrdner stated that ho was directed
by the Omaha clcncus to move thnt this
council memorialize the peiicm ! conference
to bold Us next triennial convention in
Omalm and uskcd that llnv. Mr. Llwyd bo
permitted to present the question to the
Mr. Llwyd In speaking unon the question
snld that the maunor In which Omahn was
taking u.iro of tbo general conference war
ranted thu movement on thu part of the
council to bring the convention to Omuha.
Ho ipoku ot tbo catholicity of the church und
held up thu Methodists ns being the ercato < t
wirepuller * nud pollilctani In the country.
Ha said that ho had heard on the lloor of tlio
Methodist conference the assertion that
Kplscopalians wora the smallest sect In the
Jiibt then the blshou's gavel full and the
gentleman was interrupted to hour the re
port of the tollers.
Acalu Mr. Lhvyd began hU speech nnd had
hurdlv rounded Iho Urn ponoa when the bis.
hop piunued the desk to hoar a second report -
port of the letters upon the election of dele-
tales , riiuiaruing ' hat ha rograltod to stop
Mr. Klwyd's oLqueaco.
And the report of the letters was again
lUtoncd to by the council. Then calls went
UP for Llwyd. and ho was allowed to complete -
plote hli speech la favor of Instructing the
dclogAllon to the goncrM convention to do ni
In their power to Rot the no < t uo.ioi'.il cj
vcntlon In Omnhu.
IHihop Vvorthiiif.-toii , n cliftinnin of the
council said thnt while ho would bo glad to
nave the gonornl convention moot In Ottnlm.
the city could not in thrco years or six ycnrs
hope to entertain the body for want of pro-
par Incllttlo.s. Ho know the wants of the
body , nnd remarked that In his opinion It
would bo tisolofs to go ahead In tlio matter
until some of the older heads In the dloceso
bo hoard from. And the bMiop's romnrks
put u check upon the boom for Omaha for the
next gcnornl convention.
Mr. A. O. Powell offered n resolution thnt
n vote of thanks bo extended to the Indies
for thu luncheons sorvcd during the sessions
of the council , which wus carried bv a rising
The bishop nominated ns honorary canons
of the cathedral Ilov. J. P. I ) . Llwyd and
Kov. II. P. Uurgcss. The nominations were
sustained ,
Why Me Opposed It.
Then nenln the question came up as to in-
vitinir Iho general conference to Omaha.
The bishop said thu reason ha opposed tbo
matter was that : the church ivas not a beg-
giiiu body nnd tbouaht It was bonoalh the
dignltv of churchmen lo go about soliciting
from people right nnd left. Ho knew the
capabilities of Omalm , and while ho would
not throw anything In the way ot thu coun
cil , ho thought It useless to think of enter
taining such a largo body.
Ilov. John Williams took the same posi
tion. Ho snld nlro.idy the pioplo Wbio complaining -
plaining about Uio .Methodist brethren nnd Iho
it-eat boom It wns going to give Omahn
seemed very small. Ho moved to lay the
whole matter on the table , and it prevailed ,
Chancellor Woulworth moved that the
bishop appoint u coinmllloo of live to report
candidates for provisional delegates. The
motion prevailed and the bishop appointed
Dr. Doherty , llev. John William * , Mr.
rilowoll , Mr. Harkalow , Hov. Mr. Me-
Ills iioiiienc : | Shut Olf.
When the llfth ballot was takou upou the
lust clerical dotornto to the general confer
ence ) , nnd It resulted In the election of Mr.
Howcltof Lincoln , that gentleman arose to a I
question of prlvllouo and said , with a tremor
In his voice that told how much In c.iincst hu
wns : "I regret that for the third time the
monibar.s of this council have been put to so
much trouble over my candidacy to the
general conference. Hut ns long ns
six months ngo I was warned that
cortnlu members of this body who
ciuiio to It from another ecclesiastical denom
ination had said that no low churchman
should go to the next ecnoral conference If
they could prevent It" and ho got no
further , for there were notlcoablo hisses
throughout the loom , and the bishop with
lire in his eve called the gentleman to order.
The cummiltoo appointed lo report names
for provisional delegates suggested the fol
lowing : llev. Grorgo W. Flower. Canon W.
T. Wnltmnrsh , Ilov. A. B. Marsh , llev. II.
1J. Hurguis , Mr. Hugh Chirk , H. H. Medny ,
J. K. Smith , f. H. J. Wulsh , and they wore
A vote of thanks was paused to the people
of Trinity for tnulr kindness and hospitality.
Mr. A. P. Hopkins was unanimously reelected -
elected treasurer of tno dloceso.
Afterrcllgious services and the pronounce
ment of thu blessing by the bishop , the
council adjourned without day.
Dr. Jilrnoy's Catarrh Powder for cold In
head. i''or i.ilo by all druggists. M cents.
AMUtiKMKS'l' ) .
The authors of "Tho vYIteh" hnvo forbid
den a critical analysis of the historical ac
curacy of the play by franuly stating that it
is notion and not history , but the nnnnls of
Snlem record trials for witchcraft quito ns
cruel and incredible as that pictured in this
drama. "The Witch" is
a gruesome t > ot-
tiiiR forth of some of the horrors
rors of thnt season of delusion in the Now
England colony , but , unless It is n correct
study of the time It represents , the reason for
its being is uot clear. Tbero is 20 story to
speak of , uor are nny types of charac
ter portrayed with sufllclcnt uotail and full
ness to satnfy uu inquiring mind. In two
or three spots tno play is dramatic , but for
the most part it , is a couimonplaco repetition
of popular tradition.
Mrs. Marie Hubert t-'rohman has been lib
erally advertised us a star , out oven u critio
disposed to bo most kind cannot endorse the
udvuneo agent's encomiums. Mrs. Froli-
man's powers of voice and action nro inado-
qunto to an artistic eiiaraetori/.atiou of the
witch , but thu role is invested with n mor
bid interest that arrests intention and holds
curiosity n-piquo for the denouement. The
roles which full to the membeis of llio com
pany nro not exacting nnd tbo support is ac-
cepfuble. :
"Tho Witch" bocan Us encntroment at the
] ! oya last night lo nn audience so laigo that
the supply of souvenir spoons was ex
hausted. These souvenirs were silver
colleo spoons with the iiguro of a witch and
the word "Salem" in relief on the handles.
Tlio ladies who came late were given tickets
which will entitle them to receive spoons at
Ihu box olllco after May 21.
Disease never successfully attacks a sys
tem with pure blood. Ro Witt's Sarsaparilla
manes pure , new blood und ouriuhos the old.
Chiclcoring upriglit pianos , $175.00
Ilnydon Bros.
Deputy United .stiitos 3Iirahis : ! Cilnil to
I.envn .lohiiHoii County , Wyoming.
Ni\vcvbiui : , Wyo , , May 10. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tin : 13m : . ] Dopuly United States
Marshals J. P. llankm nnd T. J.Carr arrived
In Newcastle yesterday from Hutlalo. Tholr
business In ths't city wus to servo upon
thlrty-livoof the moro prominent rustlers in
junctions from the United States circuit
court restraining them from instituting a
round-up of their own or interfering with
the round-up authorised by the state live
stock commissioners. Most of the , men
wauledero found in Huffalo and the bal
ance were hunted up by deputies of Sheriff
Angus , it not being considered safe for the
Cheyenne men to venture uway from town.
The settlers go heavily armed , two revolvers
and n Winchester being the usual equipment ,
1C very stranger coming Into the town is in
terrogated us to his sympathy , und if he is
for the cattlemen ho 1s advised to make his
visit short as possible. No violence was
offered either of tup gentlemen while serving
Iho injunctions , but the gentlemen freely say
that they wcro somewhat nervous. Marshal
llankln said : "Tho nlr Is balmier ana the
sunlight brighter hero than thero. I am not
unxious for another Job where ono has to
talk to every man over a rillo barrel.
Dr.Dlrnoy's Catarrh Powder cures catarrh.
For sulo by all druggists , 5U cents.
HiillilliiK I'ermu * .
The following permits were issuoJ bv the
superintendent of buildings yesturdav :
U. 1lothrood , ono-Rlorv frame cot-
inuo. Twenty-thinl uml K.m st.-cols. . . ) I,5U )
I11vo minor permits IKI.J
'lot ul "j..WO
Every Pound of tLe. Donation Distributed
.Among the Poor ,
Nothing In AmrV'lrn Approaching tlio
Abject Condition of the IVinunl. . of Iho
it for tlio
USTOI.V , Nob. , May 10. [ Special to Tun
DKE.J A letter has ( icon loeolveil from W.
U. 12uinr , tliu cotninUslonor appointed uy
( Jovornor to supervise the dlstrlbutlpn
of the cnrgo of corn eontribuiod to tlii Hus-
sinu famine sutToron by the farmers of Ne
braska. The letter Is Jatod nt Moicow OH
April i" ) . Mr. Kdgnr writes :
"I have soeii the Job through from post to
llnlsb , niul now I'm roaiiy to head westward.
There WHS uot n pound of our meal but what
COM lute the empty stomneh of a hungry
peasant. Of this 1 am certain. You can toil
our cnod frlciuls who Imvn hclpoil us with
this work , nnd I tun sura Hint It will uleaia
them us inucu m it does me. The Russians
( tnvo us every fnullity , and the whole nation ,
from noble to peasant , is profoundly touched
by America's ' net. 1 have just rotm-nod from
a tout1 In the fnminn districts , where I mot
our meal and saw to what mo it wus boltiR
put mid tiow badly it was needed , and Is still
nceilod. 1 need not tell you that the sight
repaid mo for wnivtnvor trouble 1 have been
to. All Russia Is worltntff , mid working man
fully and honestly , to check the hunger nnd
tldu the people over until the next harvest ;
but nt least JO.uUd.OOU souls must BO helped.
You can scarcely renllzu how big a Job It is.
In Atr.onca , thank God , uu do not know
what poverty Is. Tliu iioorostof our poor nro
rich besides sonic or tncso poor , pitiful
things. "
In lrliill ) : ol IM Kiinn.
Judgu Dultoy and U. A. U Dick of Omahn.
allot neys for ICJ Kocn , who Is uow coullned
in tlio stiito penitentiary for criminal libel ,
appeared beforn ttio supreme court
yesterday afternoon and applied for
u writ of habous corpus. Chief .lus-
tico Maxwell Informed them that before is-
suuiRa writ the court would cxnmino Iho
case on Its niorlts and sU'Kcsted ( that the
case would bo reached as ( illicitly by Illinn a
bill of exemption nnd a petition in error.
Acting upon tno advice tlio attorneys today
llieu the papers and the rase was advanced
on the docket. Koon's attorneys in their pe-
tlllou lalu especial stress upon the fact that
.ludiro Davis prejudiced the Jury in tils sun-
Dlouicntal inslruclions after it had doliboY-
ntud for over twenty-two hours without
agreeing upon a verdict. In the supple-
u.cntal luutructions Jud o Dru-ls instruclod
the Jury that the minority should not stub-
bomly resist the arrival of a conclusion , but
should imiko concessions In older that a ver
dict might bo determined upon. It Is bc-
Iloved ttio cusa will bo reached by the supreme
premo court within u month.
Ills'n lor it Chllil.
Mrs. C , Hussoll of tnis city received n
telccram this afternoon from Denver with
the Intelligence thnt her son , Leo J.
Dunham , wns btruck by a Union Pacific.
ctiRlna in that city and fatally injured.
Young Dunham was attempting to savn the
11 fo of u liltlo girl that had strayod'onlo tbo
Nrw llospltul lor ( ) liu\hii.
Articles of incornoration of the Presbyte
rian hospital in Omaha wcro fllea with the
secretary of state today by J. C. Dcuise , ( J.
A. Starr , S. M. Waits , Robert McClelland ,
W. U. Drutmiiond and (5. W. Horvoy , all of
Oinuhn. The hospital is to bo managed by
ilfiaon directors , at least twelve cf whom
shall bo members of tlio I'rosbytormn
churches in ojnnoctlon with the general as
sembly of the Prqsbyterian church. The
terms nnd conditions of membership are as
follows : The ministers of such evangelical
churches s shall contribute > to the hospital
the sum of Sil ) yearly. All other persons
who nhnil contribute tno sum of ? 10 or moro
yearly shall bo contributing members and nil
persons who shall contribute the sum of ? .VJO
or moro at ono time shall be llfo members.
Uoth contributing and lifo members shall bo
cntlllou to void at the annual election of
CiMKlp lit the Sllln ; House.
Coinmisbionor of Public Lands Humphrey ,
today slcned and sent out 101 school land
A now and Into railroad map of Nebraska
was issued by the State Board of Transport
ation today.
superintendent Ooudy returned from
Beatrice today , where ho was detained by
Hoods and washouts.
The case of Mury 11. Swurtz against S. C.
Duncom , from Jefforsou county , was filed
with tbo clerk of tbo supreme co'urt today.
AKitlnxt Mnyor Wolr.
The probabilitlos are that the long stand
ing contest between Mayor \Veir and the
oxuiso board over tbo appointment of mem
bers of the police force nas boon settled for
all tlmo. Jud o Tiubetts this moruine de-
cidca the test case submitted to him yustcr-
dav on stipulation , mentioned in TMK BKK
yestordny. It was stipulated that all ques
tions as to form of proceedings should bo
waived nnd the case submitted on four ques
tions : Fir-it , which of the two police forces
is the lawful 0:10 : and entitled to 'tho posses
sion of property and equipments ! Second ,
can a police oftlccr's term extend beyond the
municipal year for which ho is appointed J
Third , if the chief's commission is Issued for
more than ono year , can ho bo removed for
incompetoncy without giving him notice or n
right to bo heard I Fourth , what arc Iho
mayor's powers in regard to removal of of-
llcors in cases ptatodi
Judge Tibbots held that at the time of the
commencement of the action Chief Louis
Otto nnd the members of the new police
force woio the regularly appointed oillccts
and entitled to possession and control of the
police property and equipments ; that the at
tempted removal of the now members by the
mayor was without application and Void ;
that tbo term of oflico of any police ofticor
can oo extended beyond the municipal year
In which he was appointed ; that in case a
commission Is issued to any police ofllcor , In
cluding the chief of police , beyond the
municipal year In which ho Is appointed ,
such police ofllcer may bo removed by the
excise board before the expiration of bis
term upon a chnreo of Incompetoncy , with
out giving noticeto him or giving him a
a right to bo heard ; nnd that the mayor has
the power to romovu regular pollcomon for
insubordination and for the purpose of dis-
clplino whenever the proper management
and effective working of tbo police force de
mands such removnl/'liut / this power of re
moval docs not extend to tbo discharge of
the regular force witlvo.ut spocitlc charges.
Do Witt's SarsaparJUjxJs reliable.
855.00 orpruns nt lliiycloii Hros.
11 i i
Get the Genuine
> 1 *
If you suffer with lame back , especially in I\IQ \ morning ,
ALLCOCK'S PLASTERS arc a sure relief. " ' '
If you cannot sleep , try an ALLCOCK PLASTER , well-up between
shoulder blades often relieves sometimes cures. Try
this before you resort to opiates. < * .
If any of your muscles are lame joints stiff feel as if they
wanted oiling or if you suffer with any local pains or
aches , these plasters will cure you.
If you use them once you will realize why so many plasters
have been made in imitation of them. Like all good
things they are copied as closely as the law allows.
Don't be duped by taking an imitation when it is as
easy to get the genuine.
If you always insist upon having
and never accept a substitute , you will not be disappointed.
Are you just at thnt ngo when you're getting to be a perfect crank
about your clothes ? Do you make a vigorous kick if your coat is nn
inch too long to be "right in line , " or your "trouserloons" bag at the
knees ? Does your paternal ancestor still foot the bills , or do you hav ®
to go out and rustle for your own bread and pic and cake ( and occa
sionally "cream for two ) ? " Don't you often wish , when you put on your
old "Sunday-go-to-mash-'em" suit that you were last year , that you
could afford , ( or could talk Dad into affording it ) , one of those new neb
by suits you see around town in the windows marked ten and twelve
dollars. We're going to help you out this week. We've been buying
pretty heavily of those same suits lately getting ready to treat you tea
a surprise party.
To fit boys from fourteen to nineteen years old go on sale on our
second floor today. They are cut in the most recent stylo. They are
correct as to shape. They are made just as you'd order them made in
a tailor shop. The workmanship is perfect. They are in all the new
fancy checks , pin heads , plaids and mixtures. They are in fine all wool
cheviots , cassimeres and homespuns. Several of the same styles were
in our greatseven-fifty sale of men's suits. The coats arc the proper
length and have patch pockets. The pants are cut the regulation width ,
IN FACT they are the same identical suits you've seen around town
at ten and twelve dollars. Until Saturday night big boys and men of
Small stature can get fits in these suits at
$6.2 § A SUIT.
In addition to these finest suits we will also give young men who
are inclined to "the blues" two hundred blue flannel suits ( ages 1O to
IS , ) our regular five dollar ones to choose from at fou MJoUars a suit
and put or. the same tables with them about two hundred strictly
all wool brown plaid cassimere suits ( ages 14 to 19) ) , and still your
choice goes at
$4 A SUIT.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
KomovoB and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
A.M USlilM KN'f 3.
! Q NEW" The
dTHEATER. TheWitch. .
: NIOIITS Th ircriau May IK
lilJlSQuma lOi
lilJlSQu/ / , ma/
Matinee Saturday.
lilroetlon of Unstuvo KroliiiKm'
Thursday , May 19-Souvenir Night ,
A Storllns Silver Witch Sunun will ho pro-
sontcil to thu Imllos. Ubiial prices , llox sheets
Farnam St , Theatre POPUT.AII PKIOE3
May 15-Sunilay Matlnoo anil KUht aucl all Ibo
Matinees Wodnesda/and Saturday.
O 11 Cl O 1 ? 1 1 11 Cl-
WIL L LA.V/LER , Manager.
1 Rl/Il OA
JUMHO , wolKhsa,7&0pounds
Sealed proposals will ho rocolvoil by the un-
detHliiiinU until H't } o'olocK p. in. , Mny.Ttli ,
1M'2. for thu construction of all permanent
sidewalk , wondon sldowalka anil urosswalks ,
ordunul lulu by the innyor und city counell
from .Iiini ) tat , IS ! ? ' , until Jnnuary 1st , 16DJ , In
the city of oinaliu.
I'urniuiiont Hlnowalki to bo constructeil of
Htono , artlll 'lal slonn. hrlek or tliliiK. anil
wooden aldewulks of whlto jilno Ininbor ( und
bids will Im received for ihu construction of
orosawalkH. to ho hullt of white pine , whlto or
hurroik nlankil , iicuordlii ) : to plans and HIICO
Illcntliiiis on flln In tliii olllco of the hoard of
puhlln works , llld.s bHlfylnc | ) ( ! a nilcn per lin
eal foot will he received for whlto anil burr-
oak tlmhois U\rJ and hNl. . to ho placed paMl-
lol In tliuRioiinil forcrosdwulks In necordanco
vJlli iilana on file In the olllue of the hoard ot
public works.
No bids for Htono sidewalks will ho consid
ered except for Htono known to Imvii im actual
oxI-ilQiico and of known iiualliy and merit for
permanent uldewalkh.
10ic h hid for puiiii'inonlhldnwnllia ' toHpi'elfy
a pi Ice [ .or suuurllulal hiiuaru foot anil for
woodnn walks a price per Tinea ! foot for thu
xldowalkromplutc. mid to bo accompanied by
u certified cliiii'k In tin ) Hum of t3 > U , payable to
tin ) city of ( Jmaha , in an oviilonco of ioo.l ;
f.ilth. The ho.inl rusiirvus the rUlit to rojoul
tiny or all bids and to ualvo dofootn.
Illdduru iniistfiiriilsli aH < 4iuplnof Htonn.lirlelc
ortllln ; . l > . W. IIIHKIIAU.4ICH ,
Ulialrmaii nf the Hoard of I'uhlie Works.
Omaha , May U'tli , IH'JJ. mVi VI17 3) )
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St Paul R'/i as represented
on this man ;
fU BfuffrPESMOIMEa |
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9130 a. m ,
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C , C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
( TrnJo nark. )
The above brands of cloves lor s.ilo by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th nn 1 Douglas SU.
MINING STOCKS , niul can 1111 tola-
KT.'ijihic orders on short uotluo. My
list coinpriBoa the following Cripple
Creole stockn.
Anaconda. Bull Mountain.
Cold Kins , Beuna Vista ,
Blue Bell , Work.
Alamo , Washington.
And ull other rollalfo stockn , of tlioso mines ,
us well us in nny s too lea of the l.ojclvlllo , A.--
poii and Cnioil mines.
ilanyof the Or pie Oreolc btoclci have inora
than ( lonhleil within three months. The Ana-
conclii Block sold tour niontliH auo at I1) ) euntx ,
iiil soils now for oviir $1 nur shaio. Other new
inlnrrt uruoDMiiltiK every fowday.H with Ju-it as
good pro < > peets.
A uontluin in of Counoll IllnlTH hdiight HOIIIO
of thlsHlouli at : i"i eunts , the hitler uarl ot
Muruli , nnd IIIIH hlnco riifnsoil 11 for It In-
vestinentH iiunlent low rated. All corruiinou-
ilonco jiioiniitly uim\vereil ,
10 i'lltcs 1'eiilt Avenue ,
Colorii(3oSrui'H. ( ] ) { - - Colorado
UIKonlhlHIi Street ,
Nuxt to 1'uitoHlou , Umaho.
Practical Opticians
And brnncli of world ronoifnort option ! e ti lill h.
oifiit of A. a Aloe A Co. , bU 1ouli. Our inotlioa li
lupurlor to all othurii oar I ni9 > nra mperlori will
winrr or tire tb rci. Tbo finmei propetl/ !
Sot to tbo fact.
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.