Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1H5E : JfcllUY , MAY 20 , 1892.
I ellumllr farrier to any pattof Iho City
J Hiii'ncnionico No < 'J
Jli.\0lt MUXIWX.
N Y. Piumblnp Co !
Council Muffs Lumber Co. , coM.
t rail's cbattcl loans. 504 Kappbloou.
The Woman's Ucllof corp < will rncot this
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock In tUo Urixnd Army
ball.A mnrrlni-o llconso win Issued yesterday
to Alexander 1'oinll ni.d Stella 1'lercc , botti
of ttil ? city.
Hcpulnr meeting of Council Dlufts Lodpo
of Perfection. A. A. S. H. this ovcnlnp , for
Instnllntion of ofllccrs.
'J'ho Nintli dutrlct silver convention will
bo bold In this city tomorrow nt the rooms ol
the I'ottnxrattninlo Democratic association.
A mcctlne of the Veteran Klrcmen's nsso-
elation will bo held this ovenli utS o'clock
nt tlio Hcscuo bosu liouso on North Main
It. 1C. Inirrnnnm ontcrtntncd n number of
ft lend * Wednesday nlpht at his residence in
honor of hli cuest , R W. Holcomb of
Tlio case of Henry Wilson , charged with
obtaining tnonov under false protomcn , ims
been continued In police court until tills
n ornlni ; .
Unity Riilld will hold Its rosulnr mooting
this afternoon with Mrs. Orel/or on Pierce
street , nncl will hnvo u social nt tlio sumo
jiluco In the c\oninr.
The Council niuffs bnll club will vMt
Onmlrn next Sumlny nnd piny n nintch Rntno
with Iho Noiipariols of thnt place on Iho
pounds on tlio corner of Fourteenth nnd
Vlnton strouts. Hitches nnd Appleby will
be tlio batters lor lliu Bluffs tc.iin.
John I'nrUcr , who wns Indli'lcd by the
cr.iml Jury on Iho ch.u-Ko of htrulinp nn
overcoat , bus entered n plea of Ruilty rather
thnn wnlt lor trial bolero n Jury , llu uas
sentenced to n tonn ol twenty days In tlio
county jnll und a line of $ . ' 0.
The regular spun-monthly mectlnsr of
Colilen Rod c.iinp. No 7 , lloynl Neighbor * of
America\vlll beheld tills ovonliiR m Knights
of Pytbins Imll on Main street , nt S o'clock ,
for wet It In the anopllon degree. It Is do-
Direct that thcro bo a full atlumlanco of thu
IU. . Peterson will Imvo a hearing before
.In.stlco Hammer this inornlnir nn the eharjio
of pulling a gun on Constnole r'vnns whllo
the latter wns trying to make n levy on some
Block. The cuss was taken to Jnstico Ham
mer's court on a change of vcnuo from that
of Justlco Cones.
I'"Ycil noniff , formerly of Macedonia , but.
now of ChlcaL'o. has written to Auditor lieu-
drlcks , with whom hoorliod when Mr ,
llcndncks first took charRO of his present
position , tendering ; the use of bis nftlro In
Chicago as headquarters for the I'ottiuv.u-
tumlo Democratic nssociation during their
visit to the democratic convont.on.
The do ; ; in which the conductors nnd
motonnon ha\o been so much Intciv.stod for
ti long time pnst on account of his habit of
following the trains v\m killed jo lcrtlty : liy
fulling beneath the wheels ot one of the
iniHOM on which ho was taking u riilo for a
change. Ills toinains wuro plclicil up by the
inon in chat-go of the train and \\lll bo in-
tcired with lilting ceremony.
The Chiiutnuqti.i management received
word .Mistcrilnv from Congressman Joseph
H.ulner of Massachusetts at Washington
that he would doiiato thu free silver question
tit the coming asscmhly with Congressman
Dlinul of Missouri. Mr. Walker is ono of
the IcadtiiR republican members of the oom-
mlUio ; on coinage , weights nnd mo.isuros.
Hib .speech will occur on July X while Uland's
will Uo tbo day preceding.
A raiibi mooting of Kpworth leagues of the
district , which includes of the adja
cent counties , will bo hold in the now Jiroul-
wuy Methodist church tlilsnftcrnooii alS-Itl )
o'clock nnil in the evening at S o clock.
Thuro will bo proailnent speakers present
from the conlorcnco nl Umnba , in-
eluding J. F. llerry , editor of Iho Lpworth
Herald of Chicago , and ono or morn nf the
* bishopi. A corJinl invitation is extended to
the public nnd especially all the young people
ple to partlcltnto in the meeting. A larqo
( .llendanco from surrounding towns is ex
Ofjden house furnishes board and
room lit popular prices ; from iUo.OO to
& < > " > . 00 per month , accordi'if ; to location
of room.
Jiirvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , host.
Pastures for hordes nnd cattle on
George. F.V right's farm south of Coun >
cil Hlu'Ts ' : 600 acres blue ( jfrnts ; running
wntoi1. For tormn apply to .Times K-tph
at farm liouso opposite Walm-th loimd
house , or add csj 1 \ 1' . Wrijjnt , Uuld-
wlu h'.oolc. '
J.irvis wines , Iho oldest und best.
Patronl/.o blue ice waj.ronsfor Mo. river
channel ice. Mulholltind & Co. Tel. 102.
! ? 5 00 buys tlio bust lawn * mower.
the Hurd rofri oi'ittors nnd
the wondofful New 1'rocchs mid Quick
Meal vapor stoves at Colo'a , 41 Alain
Blroct. _
A r.tit wii inn.
Fremont HonJ unln of Avoca was In the
city yesterday.
Mrs. John W , Carap hoi KOIIO to Delcvan ,
WIs , , for u visit to her old homo.
Mrs. ncrt Wnrllo of Doa Molnoi U In the
city on n vUlt to lior parents , Mr. ntid Mrs.
Wllllum Ifopor of Washington nvonua.
J. U. Hlxliy tins rutnrnod from n Imslncm
trip to Ulpnwooil , whuro ho socnrod the coa-
trnnt for thn boilt'rsnnd hunting nppirntus at
the stuto Instliuto for the feu bio mlndod.
Dr. Chainborialn , eye , ear. throat ,
catairh. Shngartblooic , Council BhtlTs ,
Swanson Mtidla Co. , M isonla tutnplo.
Jtirvls 1S77 brandy , highest test.
Drnliilni , " Dirthn rionil ,
Cltv Knplncor Coolc spent n seed stmro of
ycstordny niornltiK with his nssUtnnti in
wndlnc about over the Hooded district in tbo
northwestern pirt of itio city , , imilclna the
urvcys ordnrcd by the cltv council prepara
tory to making nrrangcinonts for draining
off tlio KUijilusvntor. . Hu found on niaklnp
tliu survey thiit bis theory was correct , ami
miothur council meeting wns held In the uf-
truioou to bcnr tils report. I ho council
KUVO him Instructions to proceed wlib tbo
wurlt by tnnlilni ; u systciu of dllchos oon-
iH'ciinc wltb the 'riiiriceiith street sewer
runriini ; itioni , ' Sovontccnth und Twuntv-sov-
ontli streets and tlnnlly cmptvln Into Spoon
luko. The motor coninsiny will bo ordered to
build a cmvcrt uudtr il tracUs ut tbo Inter-
hcctlou of Avruuo A uud t-ovciitpcnlli Btreet.
Thu work ulll bo donu at oiu'o , unit there l-
ilunts of tliu inundated territory will have u
chuiico to sco what tbo ground looks like
once moro ,
Taylor & Cumpton have removed their
procory fiom No. 10 Main btroot to the
now building at till Hromlway. Thuy
have oloxrani nuwqiiarlorsand will have
n nicer place- and keep a llr.or block than
Jarvis 1877 brandy , bolter than linu'd.
CliupiiKtnV 80-eori factory , Exclnsivo
FIJI uon uoo.s and wiudowb. Sco him or
\vrllo for prluos. 15 I'ourl St. , Cojuell
t' Ilidi'imir Niillco.
Cheap ratoa to Now York July 7-10th :
nci'ount of the International ChrUtiun
Kndoavor con volition , l-'or i oservatlor.s
in through ulcopuis direct to Now Vork ,
nnd any other information , apply to K.
B. Fi'ivis , Slunmmlimh , J i. As to rail-
load tickets , ote , , npply to any C. , H. &
r tv > . ticket a-'iwt , or to J. M. H'ochtol. U
P. A. , Hurrinslon , la.
Jtirvis 1677 brandy , BX gold medals.
Fifth Ward Contntol E'cction ' Oasa Still
Exciting Interest ,
Siintirl tints Wins In thu Suit llrouijlit
Aculnst Him by tlir .Miiimuu It illroail
Comp tny Drnliiliic the rionilcil
Districts Ncw Notn.
The Fifth ward contest case Is still the
leading attraction at the supsrtor court roam.
The most interesting thing about yesterday's
proceedings wa the toitlniDny of tJeorgo H ,
Ackor , who was ono of the repub
lican Judccs of election In the Fifth
watd , although thoao who looked for
anything sensational In bis testimony
must have been disappointed. Ho explained
the method of counting the ballots that wai
adontcd by the J'lJgas ' and clerks , giving n
full description of the room whom thu votlnc
took placo. Ho counted the votoj hlnuclf ami
then handed them to Hoisal. the democratic
Judiro. Ho stated thatthero r.umocrof
republican tlcltets in the box on which the
natno of C. A. Tlbbltts appeared as candi
date for uldcrnun , but as Tibbitts was run
ning In t no Second ward nil votes which had
been east for him wort : counted a blanks , by
ngreement of the judges.
On cross-examination lie admitted that on
counting the billets n discrepancy was no
ticed botueen thorn and the number of names
on thn pollboou , ono m.m and possibly two
having voted whoio names had not bjen put
down throu ; h an error of the clerks.
A. M. Uiirchxm , ono of tno ciurks in the
Filth ward election , was put upon the stand
nnd corroborated Acker's statements as to
the wnv In which Tlbbitu' void * wore
counted. A strong effort was made by A'-
tornoy W. H.aro for the prosecution to
tanglb Mr Hurcham up , bin without success.
Tin1 case will bo resumed this morning at 10
Jnrvis Wiiio Co. , Simla Cltra ,
Davia sells roliahlu paints and drugs.
CllllllOt CllllL'Ut 11 SlllnCl Iptloil.
Ail Important ca < o was doculju in tha dis
trict court yesterday. It was that of the
Luke Matmwit Hillway company against
Samuel Haas. H was brought for tna pur-
uoso of collecting J.VJO which had been
signed by H.ias to help along the project of
building a raliw.iv connecting Council
HlulTs ana Like M.umwa. In the course of
the trial the fact was dovolopoJ that after
thosubicrlpllon to tno stock fund was made
by Unas it was docldod to make It. nn out
and out donation. To this nianv nf the sub-
sciibois do nurroil and their reftual to pay
resulted in the bringing of a dozen or moro
suiu to collect their subscription" .
On the motion o the attorneys
for the defense the coso wns
inkcn Troii the jury and a voraict rondjrod
In favor of tlio for the coiU of the
case. The ground for this proceeding , as
t.ited by tli court , wa > th it this was a vol
untary donation , depending upon a specific
considerationas ; the road was not completed
ill tbo tlino agrcol upon ho held thai the
agreement without consideration , and
that the subscription could not therefore be
collected. All the similar cases which have
been tried have ronilted in n victory for the
company , but Imvo been appealed to thosu-
proniu court. The points raised in the pres
ent tnsinncu have never been raised before.
It Is probable that these coming hereafter
will result dllTrrcnlly.
Reitor , thotallor , 310 Brotdwty , has
all the latest styles ami newest goods.
Satibfactiun iu ; t.-aiitoed.
Jarvis 1S77 brandy , sold by all dealers.
C'lty Tntliurs Mrut In Ailjoiirnoil HcsBlon A
N iv City Hull.
The city council mot in adjourned session
last evening.
Councilman Walters reported that arrange-
men's had been mndo with the Union Stock
Yards National bank to loan to the city a
sum of money suulcient to construct a stone
nbuumcnt nt the eastern approacli of tha Q
street viaduct. The report xvas accepted.
City Attorney Van Dusen spoke at , Icnuth
unon'tho proceedings in the condemnation
cases , for tlo purpose of opening nn N street
from Eighteenth street to the Missouri river.
Mr. Van Djsnn nviintalnod that the proceed
ings would have to bo again commenced , as
they were I 'regular , und the waivers Illod Dy
property owners wi'ro illegal , No action
wns taken bv the council.
A resolution was intio.lncccl revoking the
prlvllcL'o granted FY.iuk Pivonkn , by the old
council to move a f mute building in thu street
and leave it there whllo his new block is in
course of fon.stiuctlon. The rc.solution was
adontcd and linildlng Inspector Mnyflcld
will instruct Mr. Pivonka to'movu his build
ing from ott the street.
An ordlnunco was passed empowering the
major to bonow the sum of $ , u'0i ) to ha used
fnr the purpo > cof bnililingastoiiuabuttmenl
ut the eabtcru approach of the Q street via
The question of leasing imarters In thonow
Pivonka block for city olllcei was brought
up. A genoial discussion of the proposition
was indulged In. nnd the- unanimous senti
ment was that the city should erect , a hall of
Its own.
A motion prevailed that a committee of
thrco bc > appointed to look up the matter of
the city erecting a hall. Walters , SehuU
and Wyinan woio named us the co mittco ,
and they will report at Monday cvoiung's '
The proposition of Frank Pivonka was laid
over until next.Monday.
Hun Ixiu'n l > y tlin DIMIVIT I'tpri'ss
Henry Mlchels , a lad 1U years of age , was
run do/vn by the Ojnvur oxprosj , eastbound -
bound , on thu Union Pacific at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The boy'i right log
was cut off just above the ankle and the loft
leg broken near the sumo apot ,
The injured bay was returning from Swift
& CO'B. packing house with his father's din
ner pall , nnd was crossing the network of
tracks dln'cllv cast of that cutanlishmant. A
freight train was switching on the truck
next to the main line truck , and the boy In
endeavoring to gut out of the way
nf the freight failed to notice the
approach of the passenger train , which bore
down upon him , throwing him under tbo
wheels of the locomotive. The wheels of
the unglno and bagirago car passed over the
bov'.s right Icj , and but a small piece of lloih
and bklu held thu nearly secured member
together. The train was running slowly at
the tlino to enable the brakuimm to throw
thu switch , and wu.s easily brought to n
standstill when the warning cry was givon.
The Injured boy w.u tiilton Into Swill's
packing house anil later removed to his
father's homo at the Itrown Park iiotul ,
Twonty-fourlh and It streets. His injuries
were attended to by a surgeon , who li
nccoisary to amputate the light lay just
nbovo the anulo. 'Iho boy U uow rusting
easily. _
\\lll ( ! l\ an An < ! r .Monday.
The commltteo recently appointed by the
couia'll to wait upon tno attorney for the
Ca.ifarnia Petroleum and Asphalt company
had a consultation with that gentleman yes
terday. The attorney stated that the com
pany was disposed todoal fairly with the
city and was not desirous of pushing
Its suit against the niunlclpalltv. liu
nmlntislnoil that the pavemout was good ,
uiid that nny bail placoi In It would willingly
bo repaired. The attornev diu not stutu
dollnltuly whether the company would com
ply with thu request of the council and not
puth their suit against tbo city until the
.i. .
lli * rinult ill 10 jeit. ' e > | * rleue la
> k lb 4p tad III ] .jo U ik on Hir.
ir !
i Mllll | tlW ffi f | * fO * C I * } IrlUft
JOHN U. W05DBUBY , D. I. , 123 W. 42d St , New York Cil ; .
Hvcmcnt tin ? > t t I the lest of the hot
vonlher , bjttt.n inference wn dr.uvn from
ils remnrrfs thst ths Stradamant people are
\\llllnr that the jiavoment bo pi von n trst.
\ dctlnlto answer will bo Riven Monaay.
l.lttln 1'iipplu on thr llninpRf ,
The Ltltlo Papplo U on the rampage and
s endeavoring to outdo the Hi ? Muddy.
The bottoms along the river ere
loodeJ with two or thrco feet of
water. The worst place is at sarpy Mills ,
and the bridge at that place In Impassable
md daiiaorous. Located on the binks of the
i'nupio Is the Sarpy mills , and they
iavo boon shut down , the water
flooding tlio pround floor , and H Is
mpoislblo for the mill * to run. The
general store and snloon , at the same place ,
> ro surrouudnd by water and the cellars are
looJcd , a& are the farmers' residences lo-
cutod noir the river's banks.
'J ho U. ft M Is running trains over their
Ino Bt Oecrileid. The pissonger trains cotno
to a stop when that place Is reached and the
jmaengers are compelled to walK ncroas the
dangerous place , preceding the train. Piloa
ire being driven and it Is expected to have
thu tracks strengthened up by today so that
all trains may pass safely over ,
Could N-it Agree on n Vcrillrt ,
At 1'H3 ! o'clock yoitorJay afternoon Cor
oner Maul held an Inijuost over the remains
of Jacob Dcickol , who met his death at
Swift vt Co.'s packing house yesterday.
Several witnesses wcro examined and the
testimony adduced showed that the unfort
unate nun met his death as stated In lust
evening's Hic. : The jury failed to ngrco and
nn udjournmunt was taken until ID o clock
.his morning , whan moro testimony will bo
icard and the jury will endeavor to roach a
M t with u Piilnlul Accident ,
John V.iuso , a butcher employed at Swift
& Co's packing house , mot with a painful ac
cident > estorday , shortly after Jacob Beickel
met his sudden and terrlb'o death , Vauso
was using a largo knlfo with a keen edge ,
wnlch slipped and ponotratcd his left wrist ,
cutting n deep and ugly ga-in. The Injured
man fainted away when tne accident oc
curred. A surcoon dressed the wound ,
which will prevent his working for some
time. .
It Was a DucliliMl MIL-CHHS.
The comic operetta , "Penelope , or the
Milkman's Ilrlile , " In two acts , was pro-
se-Mcd before a largo and appreciative audi
ence at Blum's hall last evening. This is
the lint attempt on the part of local talent to
produce an operatic entertainment of any
irctontlons in the Mucle City and Its suc-
: ess justifies both the olTort and a repetition
of thu entertainment.
Notrs mill I'crHoiitU ,
(5. W. Webb & Co. have removed to the
fowler bioelt.
MlsR Tomlcion of Superior is the guest of
S. ,1. James nnd family.
Dr. O. S. Shutter , formerly of Fremont ,
lias become a resident of Iho Magic City.
Mrs. Harriott Uav of Silver Citv , la. , Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer.
A. L. Hoblngor of this city has taken
choree of tha rcndertn'e works at La Platto.
Hav. Dr. W. H. TJabcock of Chappoll is
visiting with his nephew , W. S. Babcock of
this , city.
M G. Uozzcllo , a mall carrier on the South
Omaha force , is off on his anuual vacation
nnd will visit Djnvor.
The members of the Junior Epworth le.if uo
win giv ? their postponed untortnininoi.t
Thursdaj- evening , May ' . ' < ! .
Mrs , J. M Tisdcl , who has bscn visiting
with Captain an.t Mrs. J. W. Cress , left
jesterdny for nor homo at Kearney.
MUs Kdlth Jones , who has bcoa visiting
ncr coiihin , Miss Blanchn H'tchhart of this
city , iclamed to her homo at Extra , la. ,
Lnzvrus Dailv and his bicycle collided with
J. M. Mills on Twonty-fourlh street nt a late
liour Wednesday evening , the latter gentle
man being knocked down and sustaining
severe injuries.
A local branch ol the Order of the World
Iras boon organized in this city. Charles
Lake is president ; Col Cooper , vice presi
dent ; Fred Onllith , treasurer , aud O. 1) ) ,
Hurt , secretary.
Through the efforts of Mayor Miller the
county commissioners have notilled the
county physician to respond to all calls from
South Omaha , In the past all calls from this
city have been ignored uy the lacumbont of
that o 111 co.
T. D Hatcher , A. L. Lett and Uavid An
derson have accented the invitation to servo
as aids on the staff of the marshal of the duv
at the eelooration of the silver aunlvor&ary
to bo held at Lincoln next Thursday. South
Omaha will send a big delegation lo tbo cele
The May party given last evening by Lily
Division No. b , uniform rank , Knights of
I'it 111 as , ut their hall , was well attended and
was a most pleasant and enjoyable event so-
c'.ally. An interesting musical and literary
- was rendered , which was followed
y an elegant lunch being served.
31 irri.iso
The following rairria o licoaisj wori Is
sued by Judge Eller yesterday :
Name anil A'lrlross. Aso.
.liitunh ( irant. Omaha m
Killth Salmon , Um.iha 21
J. C. Si'hinldt. C'uslilnla .ft
l.Ii/iu Knnooh , Umiha IS
Stciinicr Arrivals.
At Hamburg llugla , from Now York.
At Lizard Passed , Canada , from Now
ior' ' for London.
At Hjltimorj Gera , from .Bremen.
At New York Travor , from Bremen.
The Dodd opera company , who have boon
sccutcd for a prolonged .season of summer
opera at the Farnnm Street theater , opened
thelrscason preliminary to Omaha in Tootle's
Opera house , St. Josopb , Mo. , on Monday
evening of last woe ! : . The newspapers of
that city say they scored an emphatic and
substantial hit , and proved themselves cap
able both in laughter-provoking qualities
aud musical ability. Quo paper said that a
stronger chorus was rarely beard in that
city. The company throughout are cdpablu
artists. They remained in St. Joseph
all last week , pleasing largo audiences
at every performance , and they have
repeated their success ut Lcaveuworth
during thn ( list part of the week. Tnoy will
bo in Topuka the last half of the wcok and in
Lincoln all ncxl week , and as it is No-
brasKa's silver anniversary week will do a
largo business. Thny will open their Reason
at the Furnam Street thoalor ono week from
Sundav with a mullnoc , presenting "Tho
Chimes of Normandy , " to bo followed the
last half of the week by the "Mascot. " The
prices of the house will romuln unchanged
and two operas will bo glvon each week.
"Tucu , " draco Fnrnnss' bright crmedy ,
which was given a fortnight ago at Ua post
Ivns for seine tlnio troubled vrfih
nn obstinate BASH or HUMOR , that
spread over my face and breast , I con
sulted physicians , and used innny reme
dies without a cure. At tlio biiggcsllon
of a fiiend I used Swift's Specific , which
completely cured me. Thfowustwoytnrs
o"o. nnd I Imvo hud no return of the trou
ble. E. II WKU-S. Chesterfield , Va.
8. S. S. Is the wifest nnd best remedy
for nil troubles of the Blood and Skin , ft
cures by removing the cause , and nt Iho
gamu time builds up the general health.
Bstid forourTreatUo , mallei ! free.
SWU'T SPECIFIC CO , Atlanta , Gfc
Or the L.liUi > Habit l < lllrly Cured
by aUiiilulklrrliii ; I r. lluluca *
( jolili'ii hitprlll ? .
It enn ha clven la a cup of cofiee or tea , or in food ,
without the knonl deoottha patient. Iitiatxolutcly
htrialena , * ad will clfect a permanent and opccdj
turo , whether the patient U a moderate drinker or
an aloonolla wreck. It h i been slvtn m tbouucdt
pi oafcr. andln ortry Initance a perfect cure bulol.
lowtd. linrvrr P ll . TaetritrmoncImprrrr.itfd
with the bccam > aa utur lupOMiblllty
for the llauor Mppetlte to cilct.
UII.IIF..N hITffKIO CO. . Prop'ri. rl.flnnntl , O.
48-pue book ot DurtlouUia iron. 'J'o be Lad of
Knlin .V Co. , 13th and Dnujlu ? Sis. , anil Ah.t
Uniiilni ; Hli. Wlicilea vie. ItlaUo. llruou i Co
uud Ululi rJiOu Druj Co. ,
bal * , I ort Omahn , by the Indies And ccnllc-
men of the garrison , will bb r6pcatfd for the
jcncllt of the C'recho S br'iay ! evening t
. ] rmanln hall by the anriYo excellent cast
hat produced It n thort tlnio ago.
Both the method nncl results when
Syrupof FIKS is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the tuple , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , hcad-
iii'hcs and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Kigs is the
only remedy of its kind ever produced - '
duced , pleasing to the tnsto mm ac-
ccptnblo to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in ils
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
manycxccllentqualities commend it
to all and have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
Fyrup of Figs is for sale in 75o
bottles by r.ll leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any ono wno wishes
lo try it. Manufactured only by the
A Wrltton Gunrantoo
TPH1LIS to Cure Kvory Uaso or
Money Kofundod
Our cure Is perniancat and r.ot K patchl 17 up. CMOS
IrcRtcil seven jearsnuo liavenovur teoa a lymptom
IDCO. Ilf describing case fullr wo c&u trjlt ; ou by
mail , and we giro the same strong giiHMiitaa to run
or refund all moner. Thoio wlio tirofor to coma horn
f or treatment can do o an 1 wo will pij rallroa I fi\rs
both wayt and hotel bills wlillo bora , If wo full to euro
W challenge tin world fora caij that our Mania
llcmedy will not euro , wrltofor particulars nni pet
tlioevldcnco. In our aovan years practice with tha
llaulcllenie If U tins been most tlltllcult to orcrcome
the prejudices aKalnst socnlled tpeclllci. Hut under
our strong guarantee thousands are trying It and bo
Ingcured. Weaunrnntao to cure or refund every
dollar , and as we have a reputa'toi toproioct , also
rnnnclal bncklnj of syo.OJOIt Is I'grfectlr safety all
whowllitrjr the treatment , Icrctororo you bare
putllnicup aud parlnx out your mcinoy for dlTdren * .
ItintmcnU.and nlthoujtb you hra not yet enrol no
ono has paid biJi your raoner.Vo will po ltlvely
euro you , Old , chronic , deep scalol cilel rurotlill
to'Jiliy ) . InvuUldto our flnanslal stin ll'ii , oar
reputation a * bustnca ) men. U'rKn m for naiuci an I
adilresosof those wo h.iva curol wlio have Riven
permission to refer to the-n It co ts you only post-
RFC to do tills. If your symptoms are sere throit ,
tnucous patches ID mouth , rheunmtlSTi In bones anJ
Joints , hair fiilllnj out , eruptions on any part of the
boJyfco'.lnKof Kuneral doprcifl'Jn , pains In healer
tones. You have no time to wa to , These who are
constantly tahln ? mercury and potash , should dU *
continuolt. Constant use of thusa drugs will surely
brlt.K sores and eatln ; ulcers Ip Uio en J. Dou't fall to
write. All correspondence scot sculoJ In plain t'n *
velopo.Vo Invlto the most r\xt\ \ Investigation and
will Jo all In our powcrto all j-ou It 1U Ad.tross ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnryi. No ) .
S500 fora case of Lo T or FAIM.N3 . < Uv
HOOP , or N-HVOUJ Din i.trr. weak
ness of uo jr or mind , the olfcctsof error i or ox-
ccssesln elder yuuiu that waciiiinotuura Wo
ruarantee every case orr.'funl every doll ir
Five diys trial troatiuent * 1 , full course 83.
Pcrcoptlb o boncsllLS roillzod In three days
Hy nmll , securely p icko I frJiu ouz rvatlon
UAPIP riHAIi : KKCUl-ATOH , Kafo nnl
mnUlU Certain to a d ty nr money rcfuti Ic.l
By mall 8. ' . nSoouraly so tie I fro-n obiorvi
Vlon. CUttR UEMEltV Cit. , Omuhu Na
llraduclios In ono tiilnule
and will euro
Ill-ruin , Frrer anil Aiur ,
Illicninalliim , Jtrllit'iliten ( ,
Af. t'llit * Dance ,
1'tiratt/nlt ,
J > tl > ri lat
Liinie Itatk , Arro/Wa.
fold Pert , J-IU3 ,
lleailarlie , rit ,
J.ratt 1'olKontno , nf Manhood ,
ion of f'lliilllu W'astliiu II fiiliitej * .
Lark of ffervo Farce anil
Ktilni'ionil I.tier Complaint ,
Jierroutmrits anil alt IHaraafit n'hert
lltrre it u l.acli of 1'roper Action ,
niittcrlcK urc litiftlly lC ii weil und
Clruiind anilvlll limt fur Yonm.
Call and examine them.
1506 Douglas SU'Omaha , Neb.
L luinber , etc : I' . S Inilmu tcrvlco , Kosu-
biid A ; enoy , S. 1) . , May ! f. ISJi Sonled piopos-
ii'.f , cndorsoil ' I'roposnU'rnr' lumber , building
ninterlnl , etc. " , as the cnso tuny he , and ad-
ures-fd to thu iiudor Uiu.'d at Hmobud
HELMicy , S I ) . , via Valentino , Nub , , will bo ro-
colvud at this uuonoy until1 ! o'olouu. p. in. of
Tuesday , M-iy . ' ) > 1HJ , ' , fey , /.uruUhlii : and do-
lUeilnu ut Valenllne , Nob. , or at points on
thu Kosobud InJInu rosorVntlon to ho deJlu-
nnte by the nnJardlcutid , nbont "J'.OJJ ' fcot
of iih orted liiinbur , HJW ) fchlnKleu , Od.OUO
laths , brlek , llmu , bardwilri/ / , doors , wlndonv ,
U tints , oils. etc. . a full doac.rlpuun of wlitoh.
tojethor ulth lo points of do
ll MTV , will bo furnluhcA upon application ,
Didders will bo reijulrrd' to statu Bpocll ] .
c illy In their bids the ; JPropoio.l prlco of
oneh iirtlelo olToied for idellvury urnlor a
ciintr.iet , und tbu po n ur points It Is pro
posed to deliver thu artlcTes , Thu rliht U ro-
fcurved to rujnzt anv or all Jjld * , or any part of
any bid , If deemo.l for the host Interest of the
Norvleo. UniiTifiRii witj'K- Rich bid must bo
acfompunli'd by .1 eertlllcil chock or drift
nponeomo t'nltedHt.iti'sdoposltoryorBolvent
National b-tnk In the vlcinll v of the roMdencu
of the bidder , made p.iynblu to t .0 order of
the commlsilonur of , Indian nil. ill' ? , for at
cast A per cent of the amount of the proposal ,
which check or draft will 'iu forfulto 1 to the
I'nllcd tHulei In oiso nny bidder nr bidders
rucu vln ? an award bhall f til to promptly ox-
eculo u cnntrnut with ; rood nnd hulllelunt
hiiretl"B , other" Uo to b ruturned to thu bid
der. lllds uccomp inlod by utsliln llouofa
iiirtllled chuek will not bo eousldnrod I'or
further Information npply to J. Oeor 'o
tVrlght , United status Indian A cuU
' * * * *
f 'RlPAt/8 TABUL a u ' i
Ejn. ( bs tom cli , In t r oU ui cU , I iirl- :
UM fr Ihf bWJ.are wit uaduritluali ;
. . . . . , .
ms\ii. i.f .ii
lite UK mi JU intj jjowufo/blllou-1
ueca , cvnrtlpatlun , Urvptl fftj foul I
broth. luvaJv rn buinl'uriilowef i
aplH-tlte , laeutAl av | rt * ulou , luUnful e
nl Mllon , plraiilc * . tnlluw cc'iMjiki- *
lou , niij vvvrj ui cazeruuiiintfiiuni o
Impure a failure by ( lie ti > mu h , llrer or lu-
losliiK-e to ttrform thilr proper runfUnun. l'fr oii
X < -tu.'uranl. 1'rli-e t ; maU , I gluel i umpTu.lJf. 2
$ Hir.AN3CIIKMfeAl.CO. . 10t-irut | bt. cw Vork. J
( * < > * < * * <
Tlicrc never was
wasA Good Thing
13ut had its
So great has been the success of Hellman's administrator's sale th.xt people arc coming1
from every direction to buy , and being pleased with their bargains they coma again and bring
their friends with them.
Was in business
40 Years
And all that time he never sold a shoddy suit or part of a suit. All his goods were reliable ,
and now that the administrator is closing out tha stock Imitators are liable to spring up in tha
hope of stealing some of his thunder ; But
Hellman's Clothing
Is being so'd by the Administrator
Cheaper than Shoddy
And the quality , style , fit , make , etc. , is something of which you will not be ashamed.
All the $7.50 suits are put in All the choice business suits
one lot and go at that used to go for $18 arc
All the $12.00 suits good Just as Fine a suit as you
enough for you go at can get anywhere for $20
to $25 goes for
There are thousands of other bargains , but we say nothing about
them here because the prices are so ridiculously low that you will ap
preciate the goods more when you see the goods with the price mark on
ai < < r-\
The Only Genuine Closing Out Sale in town ,
At the Old Stand , Thirteenth and Farnam Streets , Omahn , Nebraska.
DK. J. E , TSffcGREW
Is uniurniissrd u tlietro-ittnnntof nil forms of
PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd all dKor.lors
md cli'blllUes of ynulli .mil m.inhool. ITyoarV
expri leni'O. Ills rojuurcus and f u'llltio-i me
pr.ictlc.illy iiiillinlli'd. Thn i ) tutor Is ri > ro > n-
n cndud hy the prots , ntul cndntscd In the
stronsc t tornib by tin1 people for f.ilr
inL'iit nnd honust iirofcssicn il advice The
n.o t powc'itul loinudlcs ktiouu to inodorii
' cltMii'u for the successful tre.itniciil of the
fo'lowliir dNoa'-es :
QONORRHOtA-Iinnicrtlato relief. A coin ,
n eto euro without tlio loss of nn hour's tlino
tioni Imslnesi.
QLKET Ono of Hi" most complete nn.l suc-
uusbful troiitmcnts for Kleet anil n I annoyins
discharges vet Known to the profos-
slon. The rt' ultsiiru truly wonderful.
STBTCTUHE ( Sriintcbt linonn remedy for
the tro'itniPtiiof btrleturo , without p.iln , cut-
lliii. nr dilntlnA most rt'iiiarkiilile ro nodv.
SYPHILIS No tri'iitinont for this torrlhlo
b oed < lUonso has over boon moro sn uumfnl.
norhii' ! MroiiKcrondorsomcnts. In thu 1 cht
of niuderu sc'lenco this dlscaso Is iioslllviily
cnr.ib'o and every trnco of thn poison entirely
removed from thu blool.
LOST MANilOOD , and ninliltlon , norvoin-
ncss , tlmhlit.v. dosponduncy nnd all wo.ilciiusi
anil disorders nf youth or inunhuud , lUllof
obtained at onco.
.SKIN DISEASES , and nil diseases of the
stomncli , blood , liver , kidneys and bladder
are treated Biicuessfully with Ilia cro.Uuat
Unciwn romcdles for thuso dlsci < ns.
Wrltu for u nnd question list , f rco.
t-lth < ititl i'Hi'iHttn t > t # .
p.irtihcnt of the Inturlor. olllco of Indian
aO'iilrs. Wellington , I ) . O. . May . IH'X' , J-oitled
iiroii ) > sil8. ; enilorBUil "I'ropoattls fo.Htuiim
iluatliiKi" and ndilrosso.1 to iho CommUs oner
of Indian Affalri. Wasliliiston. 1) . U , will bo
received at thlsofllco until I o'c oclc it m. of
Monday. In no it. lhi , for iho fnrnlshln ; of all
nucessary materials nnd Inbor and pinelni In
poRltlon , complete and ready for ntc , ono low
prc % > iiiio rotuin uircnlutinc HIOUIII buutliiK nid
\untllntlni : | for thn three liiJIiui
sclii.ol ImlidliiL'si at the blioshona IiUlun
uKouvy. Kronmnl county , Wjo , the boilers for
xuld nppnr.itua tn bo ptneed in the bnscmont
( if ono of tlio liiilldln s as tho'otlleo may direct ,
1'Ians and oluvntlous of the biilldlnKH for the
culdunco of the bidders In thn preparation of
bids may bo oYnmlned at ( ho oltlon of tlui
"Heo" of Omaha , Nub. , the "Kopubllcun" of
Denver. Colo. , thu ' Trillium" of Halt I/ultO
t'ltv , , und at this olllci' . lllddur-i are 111-
qnlrod to ncconiu inv their bids with design * )
and ap clflciillons of the Him in hcatitu' and
vcntllntlni : nuparatus proposed to bo fur-
nNhed , bald denUns nnd MICO lljatlons to bo
adapted to the imlldlngfl to which thuy uro to
bo applied. Tliu rlKht I * reserved to jojoi't
nnv or nil blilt ) or any part of nuv bid If
deemed for the best Interest nf the service.
CEimmi : > CIIUCK .
r. i oh bid must to accompanied by n certified
chi'cU or draft upon somu I'nllud Ktutos do-
poiltiiry or sohunt Natlonul bank In the
\lclnlty of lliu realdunco < if thu bidder , nmdu
payubSo to tliuordurof thn conimUhioncr of
InUlirn nlTnlro , for nt lo.iht 5 ptrccnt of the
amount of the proposal , which check or drnft
will bo forfeited to the t'nllud .Status In case
any blilder or bldilots rccolvinK nn uwurl
bhiill fall to iiroinutly cixceuto a contr.ict with
Kood and HUlllclunt Niiretluii. othorwlHo to ho
returned to the bidder. ItUtH necompatiicd by
cnsh In 1 uu of a t'crtlllod choulc will not bo
eonslduied. I1 or further Information npply to
T. J. MUIUJAN , Coiiiinlbslouur ,
1'ropomili lur DUtrlrt htrcot Iniproii'ini'iit
Pealed dlda inarkod I'ropasitls for District
Btroot lmpro\onienl llnniU , will bo received
uu to Uo clock noun , of the 28111 day of May ,
jbX' , for the purrhaho of I ) str.ct btroct Im-
provomcnt llondu : ib follows ;
Dlbtriet : s7- ' I P.COJ.OO
District : i l : ' . .W.O )
District M l'.WUJ )
DUtriot : 'i ' i.uoo.uo
niatrlut < nu i < ; , ouo.oi
District 411 Hrm.uO
1 bsucd under ch.irti'r poworof metropolltnn
clllca. Kaeh bid nuut state prlcu nnd amount
touxht for and Include accrued Intercut to
dntnofdol very at Omahn , Nob.
Tlio rlilit to reject any nnd nil b da Is ro-
bcrved. UKNItY IIOI.I.N.
City truauurer.
Bluffs an .U 3 21 Fxrui n St. , O njo \ . Dys , cla * i arx.l rVinU _
of every lajsrlptlan. Pji cig 33 pi33lvo I it olt'i 3p oTias orat Ilia
Works.Coi1. Ava. A an J 23ti ! St. Cpancll Blu'fj. Sanl TJI-prloa Il3t.
Merchants who liavo thworn | or soiled fabrics of any character din hiv :
them r.'dveil and finislul cnuil to now. CLhANED BY STEAM . . . . ,
less ooit th vn yoJ oyjf pill Infi-i
most i ] > m\vo.l uiaehineryate3t at
/ANTii-At A eoiiipotont cook.
,30 l'lr-,1 avo.
. - - Ur stravcd.ynarolil : : IMY nmroj
IO.--T about ' .0 ; br mded on loft b p. Hu-
tuin to or noilfj 7iJ ! Uro.idway.
; YOU bavo anythlnj tar s-ilu or tr.ido woo
1 K. II. She ifu. Ilin ulwiiy and Muln str.'iit
' I JWA firms for s tlu. Improve I 10) ) iu'iu §
Inllarrlbon county , t II 01 pur .tern ; IJiiiurji
liniirutuil. JSI.OJ : 8J norm. Slf.U' . I or . : I.IH
In Iowa nni Nolir-sk i fiirnu o.ill on orvrtto
toJohiuon ti VAII I'.itlun. Uomod ItlnlU.
l/OIlllKN T DwollliuiniPnll p ( rls of the
1 ? city. I- . II. Slit * iff. Hro idw.iy uiilVa ( _ n. _
" TOKAcfn and L'o TiiilssTiin-Htovcs. fitrnl-
ture , otc. , stored un I fold on coiniulssluu M
lowest r.itus. _ L. : i.1J llmidw iv.
J7HJU SAI n Oil ltnNT-lnr'ut and most
-H piolluble niOHt miirUol In the west , dolni ;
f rom * 3 , O'.Uj ' to37.UJj. Oy.ishbuii ness a month.
bank hoo't will show It ; ullt ud.'ol , bpli'ndl I
btiBlnosiClianm.- ; ; i yuiri' lo iso on Imlldmt
M.I.lloiioniepU < iiiiii'll II u IN _
A N Invest liYont iMKiiln. Now duillilu liousa
-iV-dimited nt .Nos. lit iinJ 1 II H. 7th St. , I'tmn-
cil Ulii IN. Improvement , now an I Urst-unm
lioiisiujnt'ilna II rooms , a b.ilh rooms. ' . ' line
puntroyH , 10 olnsotH , front nil 1 bnuic stair * .
hot. . nil eo d water surviee , BIU. otu , wurlh
* i.f > 1i ( , will H"ll at a b ir Hln and -lolle t lioiio-
lido offers. 1'oioU Smith , Hildwln blo.'k ,
Counell Illulls. _
. rooms for rout In llroivn
, iiililln | > ' . front nn' on 1'o.irl null Mnlii
btruiits , with all mo lorn cunvanluii her
tonin apply to A It N'lohoias or H. U. Cory ,
rooinO , amenta foi bulldln ; .
fabrl ( made to link in food as new. Had
foatherso'.o.tuol by Htoam In llrtt-ola inaii ;
nur Work iiromptly lone and del vero 1 In ill
piirtb of the counliy Send for pncu list.
U. A. MAOHAN. - - I'llOIMllBrOH.
UUIIroadwiy. No ir North volt Jra ljy > 5
CUUXJIL , llLUifl' ) . lO.r.l.
Chas , Lunkley ,
I'liiirrnl Director anil UiitlortVci-r
811 Uroadway , Council HlufTa.
Tiln'mi H
Omaha Medical aid Surpil
Eye < & Ear
Ill-tit I Una , iiirUIH | ) ) ) ; iinU Ujiiolloi
fur HiicciH-ffnl tro itmont ofnrury form
of dlsoasu ri'uiilrln mu Iliril or
surlu il troalm-jnt.
M boils for p'i'.lonts , Ijoinl an I aUomlnnsa.
llufctiicrnniolalmns In the wtut *
Wrllu Air t-lrtiiilius on iluforiiiit 01 ami
bricoi. trusses , el nt ) foot , o irvituriHOf aulno ,
mil's , tiimor-i , e incur , iririrrli , IjroiioliltH , In-
lialuilonu eel rlL-lty. jitralysU. niileisy ) , Itld-
b a lilur. oyo. our , ulcln an J liluoj and ull
fnrjli'iil up > r it Inns.
DISEASED OF WOMEN ft iookon , , D.s.jisoi ot
Women KKKIWo : Imvo iituly ad loil .1 lyliu-
In ilup irtinuut , for women ilurlni eonllnument.
btrlolly ur v itu.l Only Heilaiilo JIu.llmil lu *
Etllutu ni.ildni ; a Htinol ilty ot
A 1 Jl oixl UlHuasos BUPcimtiilly traitnl.
tjuhldtlu 1'olson runiovod fron : tliu uystom
\\l hunt inoroiiry. Now itostor.ulva J'ruui *
inent for Loss of VI TAI , I'OWKIt I'or-ions uu-
ill ) o to vlsl : , us inav lie trotted at homo uy
corruption enuo. All coinmunlo.illons eonlf-
( Mnlielni'i or Instriiuiniili sent l > y
ina 1 iirnvpn'ss , snciiroiy jmeUed , no in irUn to
iud calucontontsor Bender. Uno purnunil In-
lurv cw pmfcrro I , Call and consult us nr HOII 1
lilMnry of yiur case , uii'l wo will aund In pUilu
" . our
71UTU / / KHHRs Uimn 1'rlvato ,
* if inun , jpoolal or Nurvoiu Du-
cases , I'liuutuncy. H/plillla , UluJt an I Varluo *
c-e e , willi iiiiojliiin list.
llr.iffs Appllanees for Deformities .V Trusoi
On.y in iniidieiory Intlie Westof nat-tl.fji.
ITl Al'l'i.l t M ! : < , -JKl/ati : ! ) , t.l.l'.Ul'tllU
JIA mat t I'.H .1 . > it n Ki' i a-
Omaha and Insllliile ,
26th nnd Broa iway , Go moll Dlu fj.
-Ten mluiHoV il lo from con lor ot vJm.ili . i oil
Oiiutlii mil OjiniJll Illulli uioutrlu motor lino.
Of Council llluJi.
Orililtll < .tuo * / . ,
fcuriilus iiill'roflls M < iHUlt
NctCapltil nni Surplin . . . y > ! Hl , OUt !
Dlruclur. I I ) , ; I il 1111. , .5 I. - iiir. , t' i. i ; K lltrt , I A. viilljr. J V ilimnn
nndClnrlj. U. llntinua Tr.ins ml 'Pnor. l liinU-
lux IHUIIKHS. l.cir oit capltil unJ uurpluj of
itny tMnltln oulliwualorn lo.v.i.
INTB-tBSl1 ON Tfvld DQ ° OBfT3
Sims &
federal court J. Uuimi I , I uul
Ucuoblock , Cuuuoll lliuilt. li.