Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Encouraging Condition of Nebraska's ' Mort
gage Indebtedness ,
Coinintudlonrr AnilrcM of tlio Stntn Hurcnu
of Industrial ntntUtlcs Thoroughly ' -
\c tljjute tlio Question I'nrmrrs _
llmo Kcnaon tti Ilo Sntlnllcil.
LINCOLN' , Nob. , May IS. [ Special to Tnr.
HUH. ] A great Uonl Is being said and writ
ten In regard to the mortgturod Indebtedness
of the starn of Nebraska. II Is u subject upon
which much will bo said ana written during
iho coining months of the present year and
In order that Iho matter may bo discussed in-
tolllKcntly and that no misrepresentation
may bo tnado by partial whoso Interests mny
lead them to wholesale exaggeration , Com
missioner Andres of Iho bin to of In
dustrial Statistics has tabulated the figures
showing the true condition of the real csiato
mortgages of Nebraska. ThU tabulation ,
following as It does closely upon the llguroa
concerning the state , county and municipal
indebtedness published In Tut : ltiii two
weeks ago , will bo of Inestimable value to
every man Interested In the prosperity and
development of Nebraska. The llgures nro
compiled from ofllclal bulletins of the United
Stnlm census bureau and nro therefore
Bliictly reliable.
The tabulation Is prefaced by a statement
showing that Nebraska Includes within its
boundaries 70,810 square miles , "extending
wcsl from the Missouri river in'o a region
occupied LJ solllera within n few year's for
the llrst .tlmo , and where farm crops had
been moro or loss a failure for several years
prior to January 1 , I8W ! , " which Is the date
of the Investigation of the real cstato mort-
Katro Indebtedness of the people of this stato.
The population of tlio state was 4.V2 , 103 In
18bl ) anil In IS'JO it had crown to 1,053,1)10 ) , an
Increase of over K)4 ) per cont.
Kxlstliii ; Heal INtitto
On January 1 , ISM , according to the oftlctal
returns of the United Slates census , thu ex
isting real cstato inortgoccd indebtedness of
Nebraska amounted to fl.'U.WJ.IUOf this
nmount $ ! K.tiU.Ms ( ! , ' , or 113 per cent , was on
farm propcrtv , and S-lS.iW.VW I was on city
real estate. At that date there were 107,1" )
farm niottgages in force nnd IS'J)3 ( ) city niort-
jjaecs , The mortgages in fotco ( .covered
14.065,200 acres and 91,773 citv lots.
In Nebraska the per capita debt is $120.
Mortuntjos have an average llfo of litllo over
three and two-tenths years. Of tbo entire
ncroico of the state u fraction over "S per
cent nro mortgaged at14 nor cent of true
value. An cstlmato of Iho true value of the
real cstato In Nebraska places It at So 10,709-
A comparison with adjoining states result
favorably to Nebraska in most cases. The
state ranks next after Kansas as In per cap
ita Indebtedness. The relative Jlguros being :
Kansas , $170 ; Nebraska , $131) ) ; Iowa , $101.
In the average amount of mortgaged In
debtedness against each mortgaged ncro
Nebraska stands lower than cither Kansas
or Iowa , as the following figures show :
Iowa , $9.17 ; Kansas , ? ( i.r > 7 ; Nebraska , $ t.4X !
An invo'llcnllon of tlio question why real
cstato mortgaco indebtedness was incurred
reveals the fact that by far the largest pro
portion WIIH given us a part of the purchase
inor.oy. Thu use of the inone-y lor improve
ments and to buy and fC3U farm stock'como
next in importance. The Indebtedness which
represents money borrowed to nuiKoun losses
sustained In operation of farms , for mainte
nance of families , etc. , form ? but u small
proportion of the entire amount.
l.lnrotn'H 1'oli'co Ones ! Inn.
LINCOLN , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn.J Judge Tibbotts this
forenoon beard the arguments on the motion
to reinstate O. P. Dinges and the members
of the old pollco force in their former posi
tions. Evidence was also submitted as to
whether or not Dingos und his
inen had given voluntary posses
sion. Nothing now in the long contort
between the mayor and the excise board was
developed. Attorney Woolloy , who ap
peared for Chief Otto , made thu assertion
tnat In the o\cnt of the decision being made
In favor of Uingcs , Chief Olio and hisolllcors
would establish bcadquai tors elsewhere. At
the close of the arguments ttio attorneys on
both sides agreed to submit a statement of
facts to the court tomorrow morning , at
which tiico the case will bo decided.
O'Neillmv Mill Axsiircd.
O'Nr.ii.i. , Neb , Mav 18. [ Special to Tun
Ben.J Mr. 1) . lj. D.irr , for several years
cashier of the Holt County bank , has severed
his connection with that institution and will
immediately commence the erection of a
fifty barrel roller Hour mill in O'Neill. This
locality 1ms been without a. mill for three
years und the cltiicns have made sev
eral nUcmnts to got outside parties
Intorostcd In the matter , but have failed.
The mill will bo located just &outh of the
Fremont , Elkhorn > t Missouri Valley tracks ,
and will bo run by water from the Klkhorn
nver , the race buying been surveyed yester
day. Mr. D.irr will uovoto his on tire time to
the management of the mill , which will bo In
running order by the 'imu ' iho season's crops
nro harvested , The machinery will bo of the
latest improved pattern.
Kcimicy Uli : Iu ll
Idusr.r ; , Nob. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] The city council has
appropriated WHO for the purpose of con
structing a float to bo used in Iho industrial
parade at Lincoln on the day of Nooraska's
silver colcbr.itlon. The float will bo a minia
ture representation of the Kearney cotton
mill. The dimensions nro " 5x12 and 10 feet
liigh. It will bo drawn by six gully decorated
lioncs and each horse will bo attended uv
uniformed livorlcd men. Workmen began
vho construction of the lloat yesterday and it
will bo ready for shipment 'in n few days.
The aim of the float will bo to represent iho
water power and electrical appliances driven
by It. _
( ' ( impiuiy A InHjirrli'il.
KIHUVKV , Neb. , May -Special [ Tolo-
pram to Tin : HBK.IAdjutant General Vlo-
tor Vlfipialn mspocted company A , Second
roglmont , Nebraska National guards , this
afternoon. Ilo found the boys' equipments
in good condition. This Is the gonur.U's llrst
visit to Ku.iruoy slnca ho was In the service
nt l-'ort Ko.itnoy. In u neat speech the gen-
crul compllmuutud the company and the on-
terprisu of tbo people of the city ,
Inill in MU-UcpimrliM In Sorfilun.
SiNiT.i : Aai'.STV , Not. , May IS. [ Special
to Tun Hun. ] The annual council of the
tnlssiunnnos u'lioug tlio Indians In the Dakotas -
kotas und isubraaka under the cnargo of the
American Missionary association U in session
hero. Dr. V. l > . WooJburv , sccrotary of the
association , Is pri ] > ont. Sunday night the
regular monthly meeting of the Sautuo In
dian Tumiorauco [ luaguovm aduros-joil Uy
sovoril of the vUltoi-3.
righting thu .suloiin.
Uoz\i > , Nob. , May )8. ) [ Special to Tur
UKB 1 Tbo remonstrators against the grant
lug of a Baleen license to M. ( J. O'firlon huvo
taken an appeal from tbu action of the vil
Uga board granting the same unil will currj
the case Into district court. They domain.
tna closing of Iho saloon at onco. A hot light. .
ti anticipated , _ _
rr < < | iarlng fur tlui iiii : > aiiipniPiit.
OAKIHI.I : , Nolj. , Mav IS. [ Special to Tin
HEE.J Kxtcnslvo preparations uro boltib
nmiio ut tiiU place for the third annual oi <
cumpmeiitof the Nortn Nebraska district
The ciun tiii i of Antolono , Madison , iloono
JMcivo , Holt , Way no , Cedar , Knox , Dakota
wuccloraud otliorj uro expected to paitlcl
Heotham's Pills arc falt'sful frlonds.
8o5,00 ut liuydou Uros.
lliilutl Hay.
Ujilniul Imy , oholoo qunllty , ton or ctir
lots. Goo.'t'o Uiclmrdbou , 1UU7S.
Jim Smltli Itfupumir
"la Jim Smith crazy or drunki Ainwor
julck. "
Tula la not ou appeal to tbo wild winds , &
might bo supposed , hut the telegraphic con
undrum propounded to Chief of J'ollco
Hcavey DyV. . K. Lowls of San UlcRO , Cnl.
The query plunges a fellow Into A compll ]
cntod series ofrollcctlons. ; Who l this J.
Smith who o mental and phv lcnl rendition
excites such sollcltudo In a far away city !
Ho has Miccocded In getting his name re
peated in the directory no loss than Mxty-
three separate nnd distinct times and appar
ently lives everywhere and ha all sorts of
t Hides nnd professions , Unlois Mr. Lewis
can mnko his question a llttlo moro specific
ho will probably have lo wait until Iho
Smith faintly have answered the roll call.
DoWltt'a SarsapirllU cleanses the blood
The W. A. I'ngo Sonn Co. nro pub
lishing ouch wocU n tlitTerent Hat of ton
merchants who soil Union sonp. Wntch
for your grocur's nnmo.
812o.00 upright pinnosnt liny-Jon Bros.
Knight * nnil DuiKlitpr * of Tnbnr Swelling
. .thntlniidiiiico lit tlio Ciinclnvp ,
The utlcndanco of colored pjoplo from
abroad Increased at the second day's session
of the conclave of the second annual scislon
of the Nebraska nnd Kansas division of the
Knights nnd Daughters of Tabor of the Inter
national Order of Twelve.
At 0 o'clock the crand tompto nnd tnbor-
naclo was opened with Sir t'rank Wilson of
Kansas City , ICas , presiding. Hev. II. A.
Wllsnn , opened the proceedings with prnycr.
Tlie chief prandjscribo made n partial report ,
showing that Iho cndownients for the past
year had been IIU'J ' , nnd that $ li0 ! | had boon
paid out of that fund , The report was re-
lerred lo llio committee.
The chief grand mentor delivered the an
nual message and the committee on creden
tials made Its report.
Last night at Washington hall the annual
sermon was delivered by Hov. J. H. Wilson ,
instead of Kov. Steward of TopsKn , who
failed lo get hero.
Hev. Moaos Diokson , the founder of the
International order , arrived Im Omaha
yesterday afternoon from St. Louis. Ho Is
the worthy erand uhlof mentor and is n dis
tinguished looking colored man. Ho Is OS
years of age , havlnc been tiorn in Cincinnati
April 5 , Ib'JI. Ho went through the south ,
ho says , and saw slavery In all Its horrors.
On account of ttio cruelly heaped upon his
people ho became n llfo fee to the slaveowner
and started iho order of the Knights of Lib
erty , which had a membership of 47.000.
This afternoon the street parade of the
knights nnd daughters will take place and nt
Washington hall in tnc evening the Installn
tion of ofllccrs occurs with Uov. DlcUson of-
Mr. C. t ) . J'ayne , publisher of Iho Union
Signal , Chicago , III. , writes : I never saw
anything that would cure hcaaachc llio your
SpectaclesDr. Cullunoro,22lBco bld
Stein & Sollpron boll Union soap.
llulldlup ; I'vrnilts.
The following permits wore issuoJ by the
nncrinlcndent of buildings yesturdnv :
I. 1.Vyatt , two story frame double
dwelling.0 North Twenty-seventh
avenuu ? 2.500
ilrs. I. , l.ounslmry , ono and a Irilf story
fiamu dwelling , 'I'uenty-nlnth mid
Woolworlh a\euuo 2,500
li.V. . Melii.illi. one stoiy dwell
ing , I'm ty-seveiith and Itl.ickblrd
stierts ] ,000
li. M. Lewis , one fclury frame dwelllnj ; .
Fortieth nnd Charles aUeols 1,000
L'nlim I'acllle Dortt | cumnany. ono story nddltlon to Hie p.isbciigcrdcpot.
Ninth and Mason stieets 101
So\eu minor permits 1,1100
DaWltt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood
ucrenses the nppullto aud lonos up tno sys
.em. It has bcncUlled maay people who
mvo si.ITcred from blood disorders. It will
S. J. Viindorbcck soils Union soap.
Dr. Cullltnore. ocuusi. Baa buildinjj
$12 j.OO upright pisinos nt Ilnyden Bros.
The following marriaj Iic3tis3i wora U
sued by Judge Uller yostorJay :
Name and Address. Asa.
I Churloi Kiiill Larson , Omaha . K
1 Augusta Christiana l > anlol on , Omaha. . . ' 'U
I ( JiisslusO. Johnson. Now ton , In . U7
I Kv.i K.iy. Nowtnn , la . ' . ' 8
j.T , H. McUonnniigliuv , Oiniiliii . L'7
I Jciinlo A. Vurnull , Umulia . ' 'a
AVIiou Tr.ivt'Iini ;
Whether on pleasure bent or business , take
ou every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
it acts most pleasantly nnd effectively on the
kiduoys , liver and bowels , preventing fevers ,
headaches and other forms of sickness. For
sulo in 50 cents und f 1 bottles by all loading
Country .Mrrrlnuitf
Who nro cash buyers should not fail to
take advantage of the Ilollman's admin
istrator's sale to secure sotno wonderful
bargains for tholr fall tr.ado. Address
Kith .and Furnam , Omaha.
D.'il I c w t 1 1 1.
A disonso , treated as such nnd perma
nently cured. No publicity. No inllrm-
ury. Homo treatment. Harmless and
ctloctiml. Refer by permission to Bur
lington llnwkoyo. Send Uc stamp for
pnnihlet. ] Shokoquon Chemical Co. .
Burlington , la.
The attention of readers nnd espe
cially of all interested in tbo Ainorlcan
university to the advertisement of Air.
John F. WiifTCiitiinn , havinj , ' lots for fealo
in Wesley lluiplits , lyfnjj beside the
silo of the American utiivorlty at Wash.
inyton , D. C. The advertisement is on
pa'jo U of tills is uo , and its reading
will prove interesting to those desiring
to maUo an invobtmunt.
- * ? * * - * * SWSJ V < XX N * ' Vr < ? V > * * r + S\ * - S + S\S- < '
( Tastoloss-Effoctual. )
: B3L80US and NERVOUS !
J ! Such as Sick Headache , Wind and Pain In the
1 ; Stomach , Giddiness , Fullness , Swelling alter
! Meals , Diiziness , Drowsiness , Chills , Flush. !
j | ings of Heal , Loss ol Appetite , Shortness ol ;
i > Breath , Costiveness , Scurvy , Blotches on Iho <
] ! Skin , Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , All ; !
'Nervous and Trembling Sensations , and Ir-
! i regularities Incidental to Ladies.
j Covered with a Taslolca &ad Soluble Ooatlng. .
'I Of all druggists. Price 2S cents n Ron. J
New York Depot,65 Canal St.
Outfit that v 7 properly contains a supply of
which adds to the enjoyment of all the oilier
dainties , and makes n picnic a picnic indeed.
A 25 cent package makes 5 ( jalloiis of ( his
ery jxjpular beverage.
Don't be deceived If. dealer , for Ihe V <
of larfier profit , lelli jou tonic olher kind
li "ju t ai Kopd" 'm fi | e. No iuiitallon
U s d M il fienulnt Jlmw' ,
Thn Most Onncrroiiii of Modern lH orilrr
Clnirly Drllneil I'noiiinonla anil U'lmt
C'niM)1 * Id
There has been a Brent mistake as
inctimonl.i really Is. I'ooplc. and oven sotno
ihyMi-lans liuvo called It a danxorons dl oasc.
'nennioula Is always an after effect. If tli
yslciit Is run down , weakened , doblttliited , 1C
lie llfo Is ut alow ebb , tlioliins tuny (111 ( no
md tlio Dorson die suddenly , nnil It h called
inminoiila. No nmn or woman over died of
incumuiila when the body was strong. vlRor-
> U9 nnd licnltliy. It come * upon ono when
veakcned by irlp. by H sovvra co.d or over
work nnil u Renoriilly weakened condition.
ncli liolni ? the o iso how can this dromtfnl
trouble known ns pneumonia be provontcd or
Miiaud oT ( ? Manifestly , by strengthening
nnd fortifying the body by linvlnt ll.o health
md stronisth sosi'curo pneumonia will
tot iitlack. or If It should , cun easily bo
warded otr. This can bu done by careful llv-
111 : , careful diet ami a moderate use of a pure
stimulant. T' > tfpntlr as lst nature a Rtfmii-
ant N reiiitlred.soinetliliu that adds to tlio
Ifomid vlcor. Nolhltia for this purpose can
eiiil | : pure u hlkkov. : uid It should bu bornn In
ulnd that the only p" round mudlclnnl wills-
( ev which has rcculvud tlui ntiUalllllod | en-
loriutiiunt of physicians nnd sciontlsM Is
lulTyS 1'iire Malt. It Is no otdlimry whiskey ,
in t possesses nrojicrtlcs known to no othur
irtlelc. It will cITectlvolv wurd off pneumonia
nnd lias saved tlio lives of thousands of peo-
ilo. It should bo romumborud , liowovor , that
tlsthoomy whisky which can accomplish
tils nnd any grocer ordruzpst who seeks to
onvlnco you to the contr.iry is ( loculvlnt ; .
nslst upon havliu Duffy's I'uro Malt.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removed aud Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
The hypophosphites of
lime and soda combined with
cod-liver oil in Scott's Emul
sion improve the appetite ,
promote digestion , and in
crease the weight.
They are thought by some
to be food ; but this is not
proved. They are tonics ;
this is admitted by all.
Cod-liver oil is mainly a
food , but also a tonic.
In Scott's Emulsion the
cod-liver oil and hypophos
phites are so combined as to
get the full advantage of both.
Let us send you a book on
SCOTT & BOWNB , Chemists , 131 Soulh jth Avenue ,
New York.
A hlnple ; dose iimdiiccs bcnedrlal ro- {
suits , K' ' Inn clii'ci-f illness ofinliul nnd
Iiiiojiinoyol body to h loll > < itipro ,
befoio u stratiKci' . Tliov * 'njoy li ] i ( > l > -1
iilr.rlly iinpiiriillolcil. J'rlce , . * icts.
Salve for Burns I
Talcc n quarter of a iiounil cadi of bees
wax. DurKimdy i > Itch , white pine pitch
and resin ; half a pound of mutton tallow ,
n. gill of goose oil , half a j'ill of tar ; mix
and molt topelher and use as otljcr salves.
DItS. IJKTTb & BETTS' illustrated new
book of 123 panes , vt hich tliey send lo anyone
ono for 4 cents in stamps , Rives this and
hundreds of other valuable iceipes , as well
as information on how lo gel well and btay
well. Hut thoio who are afflicted with
Nervous , Chronic or
Private Diseases ,
Which neither themselves nor their family
physician can cure , Miould nt once consult
tliobu eminent und successful specialists ,
Who have treated and cured
moro cases of
And all similar afflictions of n private or
delicate nature , than any other linn ot
specialists lu the United States , ICust or
Cell on or address , with stamp ,
110 South Hth St. N. E. Corner llth
and DUO UH Sts.
Omaha , Nefo ,
In iHir/mnnoc ) of an or.llnnnco of tlio olty of
Oinulia. pasied anil approved May 17 , lhon ! -
tit'.iHl ' "An urdlnunco cullliuii syoolul cloctluu
lo vote upon tliu uucuplancu of Iho umoudi-cl
propo'illlon of tlio Nebruaku Central railway
foiniiaiiy and the Issuance of coupon bunds
of iho eliy of Otuuliu la tlio sum ol twoliuu-
licil ijeiil fifty thiMimnU rtnllnr * ifa'AOXD to Md
llio Ncbrask t I'cntrni Iliillwny coinpi'iiy In
icntilriiiR tlopol trroiiii-tii ' luo con-
lrucllon ( if ft tlnjon rnllwny nnd pni-
lonccr depot , tlio comtrndlon of
illicr rnllwny Imonncniont upon unld
tironnd * . rkml to tiutlidrlfo a tnxfortlio pnv-
tnoni of llic liitrrcftiiiiioii aalil lioniU nnd to
erculo a sinklnp ( Uln , } or tlio payment of tlio
irlncipil Ilicrcnf , ntlil roiioiilltuordlniinco Nu.
OM. Uinsed nnil Hpprorr-d M y lOtli. 18DJ.
JiClsorBol1 liotiiiH.Miniiyor of tlio city of
imixna. no licrntiy Utno my proolntnalloti nnd
plvo puliilu nollct ) unit ) llio luifil voturs of llio
oiiyof Oinnhn , Dmielitscoiinly. Nnl' ' . . Unit on
111 i.7't'iy. ' Mio 10th i | r of .Itino. ISli n Mpi-olul
olcullon will bo ho.d in nld city ntlliu follow-
ng poillnitDlnuc * , inmolys
I lr it District K1)lltoll8t | , corner Soycnth
nnd Mnroy strcom
Soconv Dlstrka Nortli cit comer r.lplilh
n'lon ' you woi ( I , streets.
Ihlrd District -IMS Jdiio trcet
I'ourtli Dlstrlca-r. . ' ? South Thirteenth
I'lftli I'l < ttrk't-Nortlienst corner Sovenlh
lllll I'llClllC KtlCl'to ,
Hlvtli'lllstilci Soutlioixst corner Slxlh and
I'.iolllo streets ,
- , . - ; , District < B3 fierce strcol.
I.lulith District Southwest corner Elovcnlh
and ( .eiiterstrpets.
Ninth District 1SJ5 South Sixth street.
Tenlh Dlstrlcl intersection Nlnlli and linn-
croft strcol , northeast cm nnr.
I'.io\euth Dltr cl-lir-M South Thirteenth
stieot , nottheaat coiner Arbor street.
I'lrst Dlstrlcl Intersection Fourteenth mid
Jones streets.
Second District 1001 South Thirteenth
Third district Intersection Eighteenth and
Lrnvcnworth streets , south sldo.
Iptuth Dlstr.ct Inlorflcollon Twentlolh
and l cavonworth streets , soulh sldo.
I'iftit District Intersection Twenty-third
and l.uavcnworlh street * south sldn.
sixth District Intersection Twentieth
street and I'upnioton avenue.
Seventh DlstrlPt-l4 ! William stroor.
I.iuhth District-1314 South Thirteenth
street ( McCandllih ) .
Ninth District Inlcrsccllon Sixteenth und
Tenth Dlstilct 1811 South Twentieth street
( LovcttVooJman. . )
Khnonth Dlstrlcl Inlcrsectlon Twenvlath
anil llancruflRtrcels.
Twelfth District 1534 Vlnlon street ( Donovan
van ) .
and Valley streets , west side.
I'ourtconth District Intersection Twen
tieth and Uonlovard streets.
TII1III ) WAItl ) .
I'lrst District Intersection Twelfth mid
lilcago sliret.
Second Dislilet an North Fifteenth slrcot
Woodworth ) .
Third District 112Soulh Fourleentli street ,
( A. .1. Simpson ) .
Fourth District 1112 Douglas street (0. ( J ,
C'liiimi ) .
Fifth District Intersection Cap'.tol avenue
and Tenth stieets ,
b Mb Dlstrlcl Inlprhccllon llarnoy and
Nlnlh street" , east side.
fcoventh Dlstrlcl Iliterpeellun Klovenlh and
Furn uu streets.
Klghtli District 1315 llarnoy stieot | J. S. Mc-
Cormlck ) .
Ninth District 1211 Howard street ( Ivll-
Kcnny , Ilray A , Co ) .
First District Intersection Seventeenth and
Da vcn tie rtstrccta.
M.-COIIII District Intersection Twenty-sec
end and Davenport slreels. nurlh side.
Thlid District Intersection Twenty-llftli
and Dodo sttoets.
Fourth Dlslricl Iiilorsccllon Seventeenth
and DodKostrcels.
1'iftli Dlslrlct 4.0 South Fifteenth street.
Sixth Dlstrlcl Inteisectlon Twcnlielli and
Douglas streets.
Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth
street und St. Mary's avcnuo.
Eighth Dlstt let Intersection Twentieth
street and St. Mary's uvoiuie , west side.
Ninth Distrlel 1818 SU Slary'a avenue
( Itobobeatit ) .
Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth
and Leavenwortn streets riurth side.
Elutonlh District IOU Howard btreot ( HlL'-
I'lrstDlstrict Iiilorsccllon Sherman avcnuo
and .Miin 'ersoii slrcnt.
Sccuiiu District lirllliiff InilldlnB , westsldo
Slicn imi avenue , liotwccri Ohio and Coiby
Third Dlstrlcl lutorbccllon Sherman
avonui ! and J.uUo street.
1'ourth District lUKI Grace street. South
west comer Sliciman-iiveiiuetind U race street.
Klfth. Diatnut 1317 blieiman avuiuio ( suu-
niau ) .
Sixth District 1154 Sherman avenue ( Kr-
. .
SoNcnth" Districts-Interjection Sl.xlecnth
and 1/iiril streets. >
Hmhtli Dislricl SOS North Slxtcontli slrect
( U. ( i Ulurk , iineiil ) . , ,
N. nth District Intersection 'Cass and Kif-
tconth strcels.
Teulh District OKI North Hlxlccnlli street
( Sears , nj-enli.
Kloveiuli District Southwest corner Klph-
tectith und t'uas streets , - North Eijthteenth
Kirst District Lyceum hall. 4S2J North
Twenty-fourth street ( CriilRi.
fcecond I ) strict Intersection Thirty-sixth
stieet ; ind Oiiind avenue.
Third District Intersection Military avenue
ii nd Grnnt street.
Fourth District Intorsectlon Twenty-
fourth street and M nnd UPon streets.
Klfili District Intt'isucllun Twunty-fourth
and Wlrt stieets
Sixth District IntcrsectloiiTliirty-thlrd nnd
Pnrker streets.
Seventh DIslrlct 2V12 I.uko street ( W. A.
MessIcU ) .
Kishlh District Sf .l Lake street ( Sasstrom ) .
Ninth District 110 Noith Twunty-fourlh
Tenth District Intersection Twcnty-clhlh
and Krunkllii streets.
Eleventh District I ntsrsoctlon Twenty-
f 0111 tli and I'r.inkllii struols.
Tttolftli District IKu Noith Tncntlcth
First District 28ia Lcttvonwortli street.
fccond District Intersection Twenty-ninth
a\niinc mid I'opploton avenue , uast side.
Third District Intersection Twontv-ninlh
street and Wooiwortli avenue south side.
Fourth District Intersection Twenty-ninth
and Me oatli slronu.
Fifth District Intersection Thirty-second
ntunuo and TliomasDii street
Sixth District 1012 Twenty-ninth avoniio.
fcuventli District Intersection Thlrty-
fourlh und Fiancls slreels.
Kimrni wAitn ,
Klrat District SU14 Hamilton street.
Second District ? ! SJ Uilinli'u slreot.
Third Dlsti let Intersection Twentieth and
Nicholas .streets
Fourth District 2010 OumlnB stroot.
Fifth District 2IOSCuniins street.
hlxth Dlbtrlct Intcrseullon Twenty-second
and Hurt streclH.
Seventh District Intersection Tnontlolh
nnd Uuss slicots ,
I'lrst DIstrirk-IntoMcutloii Tlilrly-seeond
and Giimliiv streets.
Second District Intoruectloa rortloth and
Cumin ; ? street , noitli side.
Third DlRtrlut-lnlersectlon Fortieth and
Fariiam st reels.
Fourth District Intersection Thirty-second
avenue and Davenporlstioet.
Fifth Dlstilct L'wi4 Kurinim Htreot.
Sixth Dlstilct : ill4 ( lAiavenworih street
] < or the purposoof Hiilimlttlns to tlio local
voters of said city , for lliolr acconlancu or 10-
lectlnn , Ihu miicndcd ] iioiisitloii | of thu Ne
braska Central Hallway company to th < 3 elty
of Omaha ( heiuln.if tor written at length ) and
tlmiiuostloiiH , bh ill thu bonds of thu elty of
Omaha bn Issued , registered and dcllveiod ,
IIH ptovldcd In said inuended proiiusltton
shall an annual tax ho levied to uay thu lu-
toreston such bonds as it becomes dim ? uiul
shall a further annual tax , voiiimenuln tlio
lentil year prlunto thu maturity of such
bonds , bu luvlod , In addition to all oilier
taxes , fur tlio cro itlon of a sinking lund sulli
clcnt lo pay fail oh bonds ut the maturity
thereof ?
riald questions , and thu acceptance or rejec
tion of said amended proposition , IH submitted
to said losal vatunteiind will bo voted nuon
in llionmiiner iindlform following :
"Thu Nehriiska Oeulrul Kailwuv company
has made the following proportion to thu
city of Omaha :
'Ihu amended proposition of llio Nebraska
Central Hallway company to thu olty of
Omaha , Nub.
To iho Mayor and' C'lly Council of Iho Oily
of Omaha , Nub. : Thu undersigned , thu Ix'u-
brnsk.i Central Kallway company , proposes lo
neiiilro ] und taUo tiouscsslon of , fur railway
purpose- ; . Unit curtain tract of land , located
within thu district bounded by Fifteenth
street , Chlca/o slreet , Eleventh Ktreel , Cali
fornia street , niidtitliu rUht of way of thn
Omiiha Hull Hallwav company , except the.
Miuth half of blook IIS , lots : i mid 4 , block VH ,
lot I , und north one-hulf of lots 2 and I ! ,
bloek 27 ; and to eiott llieruon a union
passeiiRor depot en thu corner of FlftDcnlh
anilClilciiEo htrcetfl , to cost , Inuliidlnx Ibu
olher railway IniprovenientH on said grounds ,
not less than four hundred thousand dullard
Provl'dol , the city of Omaha. In Douplns
county , Nebraska , will donate to thu said
Nebraska Contra ) Hallway company two
huiidruil and fifty thousand ( lollaib ( jl.'rt.iWJl
of Its four (4) ( ) percent bonds , f 100.000 thereof
lo bo dated January * . IS'.U , mid JlSJ.yOOtheniof
to bo duteil Jaiuihry 1 , Is'JI , to become due
and payab o twenty yunra fiom tholr respcc-
llvu dates , with interest payable seml-annu-
ully , all payable at thu Usual agency ( if thu
state of Nebraska In thu city of New York.
said bonds to bu of thn denomination of ono
thousand dollar * lil.OO-l ) each , aud oaeh
thereof to recite.
" ' 1 hits bond U ono of a scries of two hundred
and fifty fj.,0j bondd of llKU amount aud tenor.
which are Issued by thu city of
Omahn , In Douglas county. Ncbnisna ,
to tlio Nubruska Central Hallway
company , to uld it In acijulrlnu
land In the city of Omuha for union depot
and turininal purposes and in Iho construc
tion of u union railway passunvur depot upon
said ground , and its railway tratiUs , sldo
Are you just at that ago when you're getting to b < 2 a perfect cranlfl
about your'clothes ? Do you make a vigorous kick if your coat is an
inch too long to be "right in line , " or your "trouscrloons" bag nt the
knees ? Does your paternal ancestor still foot the bills , or do you have
to go out and rustle for your own bread and pie and cake ( and occa
sionally "cream for two ) ? " Don't you often wish , when you put on youi ?
old "Sunday-go-to-mash-'em" suit that you wore last year , that you
could afford , ( or could talk Dad into affording it ) , one of those now neb
by suits you see around town in the windows marked ten and twclvo
dollars. We're going to help you out this week. We've been buying
pretty heavily of those same suits lately getting ready to treat you tea
a surprise party.
To fit boys from fourteen to nineteen years old go on sale on our
second floor today. They are cut in the most recent stylo. They are
correct as to shape. They are made just as you'd order them made in
a tailor shop. The workmanship is perfect. They are in all the new-
fancy checks , pin heads , plaids and mixtures. They are in fine all wool-
cheviots , cassimeres afid homespuns. Several of the same styles were
in our great seven-fifty sale of men's suits. The coats are the proper
length and have patch pockets. The pants are cut the regulation width ,
IN FACT they are the same identical suits you've seen around town
at ten and twelve dollars. Until Saturday night big boys and men of
small stature can get fits in these suits at
$6.25 A SUIT.
In addition to these finest suits we will also give young men who
are inclined to "the blues" two hundred blue flannel suits ( ages 1O to
18 , ) our regular five dollar ones to choose from at four dollars a suit
and put on the same tables with them about two hundred s r.ctly
all wool brown , plaid cassimere suits ( ages 14 to 19) ) , and still your
choice goes at
$4 A SUIT.
trucks , turnouts , switches nnd nnpronciips
lo.iilluu tlioroto. und otliisr railway iinpiovo-
inoiits therewith i-unncctud. "
S.iid bonds to lo executed and rolstprcd : it
or iiiiiiiuiliiituiv arior the dutus tlicieuf , mid
Imnio.llntoly thotcnftcr ilcllvuicil lethe first
National lianlv of Oiniiha , Nub. , trusteelo Io )
held In trust fnr delivery to the Nobriik i Kulhvav compiiuv. Its biicces ors or
asslcu . liy said trustee , In installments as
hereinafter provided.
The said Nebraska Central Railway com
pany plans u > construct , or eausu to bo con
structed , a ITno of railway In thu state of
IOWH , not les.b than 100 miles In cxtcnl , from
the east approach of a lirldKU , which thu fi.ild
Nobn.ska L'eulral Itnllwiiy company Iris also
planned to coustiuet cnor tlio Mlssomi rhor ,
Intersecting or eonneetini with or roaohliu
the lines of two or moro of the following rail
way corpm.itloni , vl/ :
' 1'lip Illinois Central Kallway company , the
Wlnona & Soullnvcbrern Uallway company ,
tlio Minneapolis & $ ( . I/outs Hallway com
pany , the Chlciigu , ril Paul & Kansas City
Hallway comjwnv. ttio Clilc.iKO , KOI t Madison
ti les Mollies H'lilw.iv comp.iny. the Atchl-
bOti. Topok.i & Santa I'o Uallway to-npany ,
tlio Haltlmoio * Ohio H.illwny company , thu
Ohio & Mississippi Kallwav company , thu Keo-
knl ; \\csturn Kallway company , the ( Juliicy
uniah.i > V Kansas City Kallway company ana
the Iowa Central ltutlw.iv company
Ono hundred thousand ( JIUO.OM dollars of
said bonds shall bo delivered by said trus-
tco to said N'obruska Central Kallway
tuiiipany , its succt'cssois or usgi t s ,
when It or Ihny fahall have acquit oil and possession of that cortiln tract
of land located within the district
bounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago stieot , street , ( California street anil iho
rlRht of way of the Omaha Holt Hallwav company -
pany , ( except tlio soulh half of IHocKsiiS , lotil
and 4 , hlookSS , lot 1 , und tha north hilf of
lots 2 mid : L block Wl :
Provided , tiiat tlio said onn hundred tliou-
Bniid dollais IJlUO.OjO ] of said bonds shall not
ho delivered until after tlio said Nebraska
Central Kallway company , its successors or
assigns , shall have construclo 1 the Hild line
of railway In Urn state of Iowa.
One hundred nnd fifty lliousand dolliirs
LlAfl.OCO | of sale bonds shall ho delivered by
natd trustee to snid Nebraska Central Kallway
romunny. its successors or assigns , when It or
they shall have completed tno erection of a
union pasoonacr depot upon said tract of land
above described , to cost , IncluJlnt ; the other
lallway iuipiovonionls on t.ild grounds , not
less than four hundrud thousand dollais
( J-lO.OOi ( ) : proof of tucli cost to l > o madn by the
bwoin statoin ipt of tlio president anil ticas-
urerof s'Ud railway company. Hied with thn
e'tvcloikof Omaha , uccompinled by certificate
catestiniod by the cltv attorney and city 011-
Klneer. that In their opinion such amount has
actually been expended.
I'rovmed , tliat If the said Nohrnska Pontral
Kallway company , Its BUCCOHCOIS or assigns.
shall fall to aciiulro and taUo possession of
sain land , ithhall not bo entitled tn loecho
any paitof snid ono hundred tliousa ml dollars
iflDO.i'UO ) Installment of bonds ; und , fuither
pro > Idcd , that none of said ono hundred anil
fifty lliousand dollars ( Jl'O.oaoj Inslallmnnt of
honda shall bo delivered until atluast one rail
way company | n nddltlon to the Nebuska
Contial Itallwny company shall bo actually
nslii } . ' said union depot ; and ,
1'rovldod fin tlior. That tlio mayor nnd the
city council shall , by resolution , upon ilia full
performance of the undertakings on tlio part
of said railway company horoln contained.
order the delivery of bald bonds at the times
aforesaid ; nnd ,
1'r > vij'l | ] fuithnr , Thnt nil inntiired nnnpitns
shall bo rumovcd and cancelled by K-ihl trusreo
uuioru uemeiy of mo ljunua to MIIICII
they uro uttnched ; and ,
Provided further. That the mayor nnd city
council of the city of Omaha hhall oansii to bu
levied on the taxah'o ' piopurty of s ll ( city an
annual tux Milllolent for the payment of I ho
Interest ou said coupon bonds as It becomes
due , nnd after tlio expiration of ten (10) ( ) yean
from the diitu of bild bonds the mayor nnd
oily council of said city shall cause to ho
levied In nddlllon to all other taxes on thu
lu > ahlo pioperly of aulU city un amount of
lux sulliclcnt lo ( iroiito a slnKIni fund tor tha
payment at maturity of said bonds , dim
amount of tax to bu levied for such slnUIn,1
fund not to exceed twenty-llvo thousand dol-
litrs lW03U.OO ) In any ono year ) ! "aid tax to ba
continued fiom year lo year until thu said
bonds uro fully paid.
The acquirement of the suld lanila and Im
provements heroin contemplated IncludliiK
the said rullcoad In lovrn. sli U ho ho'iin
within ono year from May I , W > l , and
be pushed to completion without unnecessary
delay ; nnd shall bo comnlotod within three
years from the 1st day of July , ISltt.
In cabu any of tlio terms , limitations , con-It-
tlona or pi ovUlona proposed herein relulliu to
tlui ho lnnln ? , pro ri-ss und eomplctlon of
( .aid Improvoinoiils uro not compiled w in ,
( unless doluy Is directly and necessarily
caused by Injunction or other Jiidlelnl pro
ceedings or uy niiiivoldiiblo accident or ct
of Providence ) , the said company shall not bo
entitled to roco\nnnld ! hondb or uny thereof ,
oven thoupb tlio electors of suld city of Oniiiha
Umllhivu by lliulr vole aulliorlrcd the U-
s nun co of uiild boridc ; but ull rlirht tosald
bonds sli.ill uy such default nnd without uny
judicial dutermltiulion liocome forfolleJ ,
Provided , howe > er , Ihnl If Iho bcsliinlnr ,
proxrebs or completion of tala Improvemcnli
shall bo dolHjcd orobslructed by any of the
uforesuld oautes. the times heroin allowed foi
Iho | iiozi t > $ and completion of mid Improve
ments hall bu oYtendod to iho extent of such
delay or obstruction ; and should a dispute
nrlio between the niilu city of Omaha and the
tuld Nebraska Ccntrnl Hallway compiny
with rusuuct lo t lie cause or oxlnnt of uny Mich
delay , iho lame Ht the election of tald No- Knllnuy compuny , shnll bo
referred for determination lo a hoard of ar
bitrators , to ba appointed as hereinafter pro-
In cnnsldnrntlnn of receiving tlio proposed
subsidy iho Nebraska Cent ml Kailwy uom-
pany agrees to allow all railway coiujmulti
Iho followlnc rlchts : The rl.-ht to run tholr
locomotives , pisscncor und fiel''ht trains over
Its main and pabUiiz tracts within thu city of
Omiiha : anil over Its proposed briduo and up-
nroiK'hes. thn rl"ht toukosupli portion of Its
lei initial L'ronmld , depots and facilities us may
e iibuessai j .imi iitiju't | lui I lie iiimiurl ut
the business of such roads ; lucltid-
liiB any cnl.irsinent of its depot
and depot Kioiincls : the rl 'lit lo hate
tlielrears switched und delivered by the No-
bruska Central K illwny conpauy upon all of
Its switch tracks : the rlsht to connect tholi
roii ( Is nt any point within ono hundred ( liW
miles of said olty of Omah i w Ith any line of
railway wulch the Nebraska ( X'utral Kallwav
company , or Its biioccbsois ora'slzns. may
construct 01 cnufio to bo constructed east of
tlio Missouri river , and to run their locomo-
tl\e , uussonpor and freluht trains over thu
main and pnssins tracKs 01 said railroad ;
It bohu horehy agreed III it In case
Iho Nebraska Central Kallwny com-
puny bhall construct its jironoscd line
I eusl of the Misiourl riei. . IhrotiKli the : ii.'ency
of uny oilier corporation or pally. It will
caustisui'li uorpuratlon or pirty to o\ocnte
and deliver to the city of Oman LU Rood and
sutllcletit Instrument binding It or him to
iibldn by the terms , conditions and provision.
of this proiiosltlon. the simu as the said
Nebraska Contra ! Kallwiy company would
have been bound if It hud built the same.
Lofore dnIUory of tlio aforesaid one hundred
tlioustud dollars ( HOO.OJJ ) installment ot
I'lovlded , Ihat the tisonnd enjoyment by
such railway companies of o ich anil every of
said rUhts shall bu upon just andenual leims
an I thu payment of just und fair compensa
tion lo tno Mcbrnslcu Central Kulway con -
pany , its successors or asslns | , and subject to
such operating rules und ropulatloiii of the
Nebraska Ceiitial Kallwav comp my , Its suc
cessors or assigns , us bhall bu necessary and
propor. just and roasonah.e.
And the said NHirusk i Central Kallwiy
company wl I submit any dispute aiUIni ; hu-
Iwccn it and Mich other company or com-
pinles us to the use iinU enjoyment of any
lights nndur this proposition , or us to tlio
terms , cornpons itlon , operating rules and
roftiilutlons , lolatlni ; thereto , to a board of
nrbltiatnii , to bo made ii | ) of three persons
who are judpm of the state district court , or
Us successor , of Iho district embracing the
county of Douglas , to bo so'.cotcd by a two-
tlilids > oto of all the persons who are ( lUtrlot
judges of said court.
Piovlded that any such railway company
other than said Nebraska ( ' < Kallway
company , Its biicccssors or assigns , shall have
tno election to submit any such dUputo to
arlirltntlon or to pursue any other remedy.
Whoreu'r nrbltration Is priivlded for by
this proposition , tlio party deslrliu to submit
anv ui itter tn itilittr'illnii shall I-MUSO ! < > h"
scive.i upun the oilier parly u written notice
ivhlch sha ! ' . ( ! , out the mutti'r In dibputo to
ho Miibinlttcd , ar. ' ! tha lime propo'cd for thu
hoarlng , which shall not. bo less than thirty
( III ) days afler the tlmo of service ; and there
upon iho adverse pirly shall within twenty
CU ! ) days after such soryoo , | iiimn It. t-orvn Its
answer. If any it have , npjn iho party do-
mnnd m Iho urbltralion.
The lloar.i of Arbitrators , when or anl/cd ,
shall liavo power to lit tliHlimoof ho irln ; ;
nnd to adjourn llios-imo from liinu lo linn- ,
and to nriku ull no ro sary rules tin 1 regula
tions fur the production of antimony In Iliu
possession of either p irty , ami oihuiwlio lo
compel a falrj.ind apoc ly trial ; the dcdalon of
a inajorlty of tlio bo ird Miall cnntrol and tlio
final detuimlnuilon of thu boaid Mi ill bo Una )
unit conclusive upon the n irtles , of ail mat-
"n I rti > 'IdeM.
Wherever urlilliattou shall bo resorted to
diiuli unit I r i tlun nuail uu time \unisi\u luiuudy
of llio jiarlies ( except us heruln olsuwhern pro
vided ) , us to the matters and llilius Involved
and ducldod therein , . ,
bald Nobr.ibkaf'unlral Kallway company. Its
successors and assigns , slnll transport frulwht
( Incliidlnglransfurof frelitln and ull eluiMUi
incidental lo said iransportutlon ) o > ur any
hrldcn nnil piiriiinlun MH vn | | as ovi-ryny
tnflway Itslinllcort&lruut wIlMn i'ie | htindied
I lull ) N. Ill's of the iM hsouil riter Hllhlntho
ilutouf NebrasKii , forjuslor innhnniibln rales
or ennrh'es. nnd In ( MI.U of d'lfaiflni'o us to
what cuiibttlules Jusl and riTisonuble rales or
cliurKui UU.H3I iui | iii > t rai/ii , tin ) major Him
city couneil or said railway comuany may
itibmtt Iho s into lo arbitration In thu manner
mid to the arbltratois above provided foi. hill
this piragrapli lespectliii ! Height : *
Hhnll not bocoino opcrallvo or In force until
Iho years from thodntoof thudollyory of thu
Instlnulallmuntof tlio bands hurolnboforc ro
ll Is further propnted that snlil bonds shall
be delivered lo thu Nebraska Central railway
comp-iny. Its siK-coisurs or assigns , only upon
the execution by iho said Nebraska Cential
rill way cotiiiunv or Its successors , and deliv
ery to the city of Omaha of un undortiikln ; In
wrilln- iho effect th'it the prlnclp il depot
offciild rail way coin punylls general oHIccs und
principal inaehlnu shops when built , shall bo
lofiited and nmliit.tlnod within the corpoiato
limits ot thu city of Omaha , an I that u viola
tion of llio terms of bald iindortuUIng by iho
said Nohraskiv Central railway compuny or its
miccossors or assigns , bhall render llio said
Nebraska Contra ! railway company , or ils
successors , Indubled lo Ihunald city of Omaha
In llio full amount of bald bonds , und Interest
This proposition shall , after botiiR duly
ncloiuwledKCd by the Nebraska Central Kall
way company , bo lecordod In the olllco of Iho
rex Ut or of deeds of Uoiu Ins county. Nebraska ,
nnd for a peilod of twenty ( 'Jl years from and
ufter tills date , slull bo rofened to by limn , '
thu hook und page wherein the samci is re
corded In uny mortiuge.deoJ of trust , deud of
convevuuce , or loabo of said depot and deiiol
grounds , with Ihu stulcmonl thul the s.tld .No-
briiKUu Central riillwnv ( ' "iniiiiny. Us ii'K" u
Bors nnd usslgns , uro bound by the terms , llml-
lulloM's. piuyinionii und couUUIuiis ut inw
proposition which uro heruby made Its ooiu-
tittiitj tliututtnuh lo ana run with the said
property Into whosoever hands U may come.
Provided , thut the city council of llio city of
llbo ujayor ujip.royhijj lu. < Juo form ;
shall oniicla.certain ordinance iwlui h "t th
date lioicuf. Is pending conslderat.on hifor
s.ii I council ) , entitled ' Aniinlln incolantln
permission and authority to the Ncii.tbUa.
Central Hallway company , in snc < os = ors and
assigns to construct , tracks alonir.
acro-p. o\er and under ccM.iln streets anil
allejslu tlio olty of Omaha subject to ceitalu
con litlons , ami to vnoito pints of eeiUilu
slieets mid alleys lu the city of Omaha unoo
comiill.inco with certain other conditions.1'
And It Is also provided , that If said Nebraska
Conlril railway com puny hliall not , within
furty-livo ( l" > ) days of liolng nollllod by the
city deik of Die aiionl on ot
tills proiiosllion at the election ,
held to vote upon the s uno , illo
with the said city clerk Its written lallflca-
ilon of th s proposition under Itcornorala
soil. : noun of s.ild boiiils sliall h Issued , and
all the terms and iirovlslons of tills pioposl-
lliin shall lie hohj fornaii''lit.
The Nohiaska Central H-illw.iy company
agrees bef < ire an election hem j on led to sub
mit In thu volois of the city of Omaha this
piupnaitlnn , Hint It will execute and dolher V ,
lo said citv u bond with cooil and snlllulent )
Miioth's In the bum of Iho thousiiid dollars
liVMJrO ) and flvo thoiis-ind doll irs ( ! : > , iioy.00 >
ca-li. comllllonod upon the payment of tha
expenses of said election.
'I his pioposltlon mid the acceptance thrcof
by thu city of Omah.i and the r.illllc.itujii of
Ihls proposition by s.ild Nobiasku Central
Kailv , ay conip'inv. or Its SIIOOCHSOIS ni as-
slmiosas heroin provided , sti ill bo construed
.mil understood to constItuiu a contract
lolwecn the said'i i Central
It illwny company. Its successors or asbljjus ,
and the h ild city of Oinah i. and all the to-inn.
condition- . , tr.'rcciiiuuts and pn > \ Is'ons iiiadu
im the pall of the Nohraslvii I'entiat " "
wav company In this proposllhin
tallied aio hereby made the covenant !
( if the s.ild Nobrask * Cential Hallway
coinu.iny , its successors and assu'iii , which
sh ill attach to and run w th all of its satii
piopcrty and bo blnilln' . ' upon any p.u ty into
whose hands it or any of It m ly comu.
In ultnosi whereof thu said Nebr.isUa Cen
tral Hallway comp.iny . h.ts isuused thuso pres
ents to bo executed this Ilithdayuf May. A.
I ) . , IS'li
liy .1. II. DIIMONT ,
Vice President
Attest : JOHN L. McOAGDi : , Secretary.
WIUioss : AI.KX. G. OHAItt/rON.
State of Nebraska , I .
DoiiKhiH County , f 5fl >
On this lull dav of Hay , A. I ) . IM.1. ) before
mo , a notary public. In and fur n ild county ,
puisinrilly appealed the nbuvo named .1 , II.
burnout and John IMoCa.'iio. . who aru to ma
personally known to he the Identical persons -
sons Mini binned the foio oliiInstiu -
inout as vice president and hocret'iiy of
thu Nebr.iskn Ccntril Kiliw.iy company :
they aeknowlolso Ihu said InsUnmenl to uo
HID voinntaiy nut and doeil of llio s ild No-
biaska Hallway company and tholr
Miluntaiy actaml ileeil asHiich vice president
and ) -eeii tary of said company.
Witness my hand anil notarial seal thn date
last nfiireMi.d. AJ < KX. U. < 'IIAKI/roN.
| SIAI : , ) Notaiy I'libllc.
Shall thu above and fnroiiDlng ( imposition bo
nocoplrd and adopted , shall said bonds he H-
biied , in-'lsleied iihd dellvoied and Nil ill an an
nual lax In addition lo thu usual and all oilier
laxos lie mvlod upon thu laxaolo jnopeity of
thu Cltv of Omaha , Dunvlas i-oiiiity , N -
brasl.'i. siilllclunt lo piylhu Intiiroat on said
bonds us it becomes due , and at lha
tlmo of levvhiK tlio annual cltv tax ,
commnnelni : the tculh year prior to Ibu
maluilly of N.ild bondu , shall a tax Irj
addition to all other taxes bo levied iipoii"-tlo
t.ixuh u piopoily of bald city of Omaha. Dunu-
I.IH ciiiiniy , Nolirnslia. and continued annu
ally thoicaflnr from year to until theie-
by a slhUIni ; fnnu Hliall li.ivu hern obtained
Milllcicnt lo nay said bunds at iho maturlly
The above rjuostlons hlmll bo regarded in
ono question and all ballots of le/nl volorn
cast at said oloutlon eonl-ilnliik' tlio above
proiio-iltlou mid ijueBtlons In Ihu form of lha
iilllc-la ) ballots , to bu pronaicd bv the city clurll
of said city tor said ulucllnn , with
" \ " mark " "
an following tliu word "yc
upon said olllclal ballot sh ill be counted la-
favoi of the acceptance oT said amendoil prop
osition , the Ihsuanco of said bonds and Ilia
levy of H ild tuxes In puyniont nf Iho principal
and liitoiest thereof : and all b.illnu ( if lo/al
Miteis cast at suld ( ) le'tloa coiitalnlili ; lha
nliovuiiroposltlnii and iiuosllon in the fonn or
tlio ollioial lillot , to hu prop.irud by the
city cler'f ' of m.d | city for siild
election with an "X" nnrn following the
word "no" uiion bald dlllelal liallot bhull
liu counted and considered riH axainst
Iho iiceoptanco of bald amended propo
sition , the l.biiancu of Hild bonus 'ino ;
the levy of said taxes in n.iymcnt of tha mid Interoil llicioof. If two-thirds
of nil the ballots volod by Mild lu/iil volorj.of
said c'ilv of ( Jriinhn. DOUK'UB ' county. Nu-
braska , at said uluctlon bliill bo o ist In favor
of tlioiiccuntaiicoof Bild amoiuled | iropo l
tl tlio Issuance of said bondu anil the levy
of H.ild laxt'H In payment of Ihu pruiulpal ami
inteicst thereof , the furtuolnpropot
bltlini will bu hulil to l > o adopted and the foro-
noliu ( iiiostloiis Mill bo huld to Lo iiiisworcd III
fmoroftlio ibsuiincu of said lionds and thu
levy of bald taxes , and Iho bald bonds thorn-
Uiion Hhall bu iHiiicd. ruKl'itoroil and dollvoroU
In .iccorilanco with the teniH nnd conditions
df said amended proposition , and said taxut
uli ill he levied accordingly ; otherwise not.
Which election will bo open at 8 o'clock In
the niornini : , and will continue open until ft
o'clucli In llio afternoon of Ihu sumo day.
DateJ at Omahu , Nub. , llils dav of May ,
Mi isigned.1 uiouoii' : . in.Mi8 , / - *
Mayor of llio Olty of Omahu.
nornMua II *