T71K OMATIA DAILY BKT ) THURSDAY. MAY 10. 1892. SPECIAL NOTICES , " Hll TIIKSK COLUMNS ADVKHTIIKMKNT1" U TO p m lor Iho rrcnln linrt until 8 30 i > in lor the morning or tiimUy ed tlon All nri > rtl fmcnl < In thpoo column * I cent * i * enl for nml Imcrtlrin Andlccnt AworilthoreAfter , orlJpPf llnpprr month No clTPrtl"t'mcnt tskcn JorlCMthAnlAfpntsfor tlio flrft Inrertlon Term , tush In ndfnnee , InltlAli , figure' symbols , etc. , each fonnHnnwon ! All ArtTerlUrmont" mint run con- PCiitlrcly. Afltprllsers , ty rcqtKmlnit n ntimliercrt elicek , can hatn the letters Artilrer < "eil to n mini- liored letter In cnre of TUB Ill r Answers so ml- dre > ed III bo dellfercd on presentation of tbe cheek _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . SITUATIONS WANTED. _ ' " "lfKUAllI.i : MAN WANTS 1'Ofll I IO.V VVITII hanlwaraAnil Implement firm , K'lod tnriilmnlo Ami unUoriUndi machinery Aildrcsi / , in lleo. " 41 18 A HITI/ATIO.V WANTKD IIV COMPHTKNT J Vd nmsircM to du sawlni nnd assist In unlit tiousework Address 7.M Hen 4 > fi W . WANTKir.T iiTION TOOUK Kll ItOAHl ) Address/ lice. M4OT 11) ) ' -HITPATION W"ANTKI > . HOY i ? YKAIW OLD wants n position In aomo business house Had oxprrlenco In retail atoro. Cnn glvo referenco. Addris / 1. lien M41J Sl 1 _ - WANTIII ) , HAIjHSMKN ON HAI.AHV OH COM Jml nlnn tn nnndln tbn nnw pntpnl clipinlcil Ink rrnnliiK pencil Tim im-ntcil BCllns | ( nnielty eror .irodiicoa , prune * Ink llinnnmlily In two ncooniU ; no ndrnilnn of piipir , 200 to Un par rent profit , one nm iil'n milmnniotinlc'cl to M.I ) In il * ilurs another 192 In two hour * Wi > wnnl onn ncnernl nti > nl In iniliMnln nnd Irrrllory Her turnn nnil full pnr ( lriilnrnnddii'B .Monrno Eraser Mfit. Co , I.a Croie. \\l A , V ! iJW T7I7lCllK\T"i.SS. SOI-lClToTtx. 241 IIKI ? " 111,1)0 ) ; WANTKII 'IKAMSTKH1TIIACKI.AVHIIS .1'nml rnck mrn for Wynnilnu tr j.llll | DnkUtlk Blilp cvcryutlicr dny from UK ) H 10th trcit4'W 4'W rn2i > * 1 > -Ml.ll'IT01lri ) IN ANY LINK WII.I. DO WKUi - > lo cnll alor nddriti 831 II V Llfu llullrllim U-AIJKN1H WAMKIl IN r.VIJUV 'IOWNANIJ Jitlly In the west on eitra Ilbiiral terms to sell tbo piiiiular ton ) oar policy of thn Mutual llu trr Fund I Ifo nssiH-lalloni nlso the. nnw J10.000 comldniitlon policy of the I'roferrrd Mutual Attl dent association of Now York , roil only IH per yenr forpri-forrcd rlska. save money by Insuring , ntakn money by representing the * * wldenwnko eoinpnnlps lire nurntft can douhln thilr tnciimo. Wrllii for circulars and terms to U 11 lloblson , litneral .Manngor , Oinahn , Neb 121 T > WANTKI ) , C.I'NKIIAU COUM'V AM ) IIOMK J laments to orgnnlro terrllorr unit m > ll n new and womlerfnl npulnlty ! KM to HO U ) pnr iln ) ran bo nindo Kmploinent Bloacly Hot 111) ) , Princeton , 111 | rai IB' _ _ _ _ _ BWAN'IKD , HAIINKSHMAKHIIS TO KIIUP away from I liielnnnll , O , Covlnglon nnd New port , Ky , strike thnro l aH..1U > _ -iT-WAN'i ID. : MF.N 'io CANVASS Tin : ci FY J 'oxnArleiico unn CP Hary , salary pild wmkly nt HhiKoronlco IMii Douglas AH. ' .Ill _ _ _ _ TI ) - WANTKD , lllANl7TfilUS ( TO WOHIv 11)11 I ) me bctwe"n school hours I pay large lumnils- skin Sendn'-'ostniup II V. Itlcharda , II I'rovl denrc , U I. IW ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? ? _ _ Tr-w/\sTK7r.'oo .MIN FOH it. it. COMPANY } Jwtirk In lo n fri'Q itnss : men for Idaho and Washington Kramer tt O'lloarn , Inlior nKi'itejr , .101 H tttli street 417' " . ' $ lY-WAVlF'D. WITH A LAlKilS WIIOLIISALK J'housc nn ovporUmiMl dry gomli finry elerk : must he ruplil nnd lorn-ct at estlmiitos t.lv refer oneis ; nlo ul ) eiiiployiuunt to Hist cljss mnn Ad dresn / W , He ulllot''S 13' 1 ) WAMI D AUirilCF MAN Wl I 11 A LAHtill > < orpnintlon : must bo iitlek | nnd iiecurnt i nt tig uro < good pennuin slnto referonc M nnd wh 'r la t i mployed purmnnont situation nnd loud salary to nober Indn'trlous und comielent | poison Addro s / 2" . llceolllce 4. 7 18' T > -AN hXI'KIIIKNCP.II CLOTII1M. SALKSMAN , J'must IIAVO good reference's .Vi-brnika Cheap Clothing Store , V.M7 N st , ' outh Omaha ' -WAMii : ) . A r-MAHT. UKLIAIILK UOY. 17 Olt J'18 years of nge , lor olllee work ! must be j .ood penmiin Address / 41 , lleo. 477 Iti * T > WAN fill ) . r"\Li : MKN. hAI.AUY OH COM Jjnilaalini , to liniulto greatest novelty patented Km'Inslio t.'irllorj ' BIN nt night Piirtlculars free Hamplo Oe Unity 1) C. Lo , Dept. W Unity lildg , Chicago MIX ) I'1' 1 > MONKY MAUnllS FOH hTKADY VVOIIKKPH l > Appy ! ( with slaiiip ) to Chllllcotho MTg Co , Chllllcothe. O MUM I1' ' ' WANTEDEMALE HELP. ft WANTIJI ) , AT ONCi : . A Mllsl'l'f.A > ) > ) COOK I nnd InnndnxH lor fnmlly of thn-o l."J ti lith tn'et , N W cor llouglai M.77 ( 1-WAN I'KD A COOD OP ! ICI ! SALVSLADY AT v > Blnger tuning iin.chliio onicu , l.r > li > Douglas M4I1 21 /1-WANTHD I.1IIL CK.NI.HAI. HOUSi : v work wood took anil liiunttrt-at. licit UIIKOK Apply , Ir llulli ) , 4014 Mehol bt. IIV.'U C WANTHII , A lioill ) IIIIIU MOST UK A COOD 'cuuk ' , vrnihe-r nnd IrunurTXli Ilownril street /M-WANTHI ) , ( JIHI. roil tiKNr.llAI , HOI1SI ! ' V work f-nmll fninlly Cnll at unco. MM. J U lainplioll , l.lll f Will streot. 453-lt)1 ) CWK WANT COOI ) CIIU. I Olt CKNKItAI IKIIIJO work , lltu In fniiill ) Are willing to pny lilKprlcn funUlit Klrf Mrs W W. Cole , S W cor Cfitli IITII nnd Ilownnl street. M4ST-19 r1-lllK tMAlCl.ltv iiiri WA > TID. : AITI.V - > ISIH Clinrlus elrc-ut. M4 ( > l i'J1 L lOHliNKUALHOUSi : : . orl > , 1710 I hlcnM > ' I ' I , \lll.1 WANTKD , 1U ' 10 fl _ WKKIC IN v Oiimlin or otlif r tltlrn In Nebri'Kka nnd limn Cnll loom IS ItimiHWli k liutC'Lldtti nnd Jac ll onHtl. 475 ' . ' 4 ClWANTKD PIIMAI.K PA-TUV COOK AT All etidcliotul , l.'l. > Dtiti lus \ , iniisl bt ) xoott out * f1-filltl. WAN-HID , CAM. AT 61)1 N IBI'lI ST v'llftui U p ill 474 IB * /i WANTKi' , sriioNc ; until 10 MAKI : coon- ) In Btoio , ono ; .liocnn nniltlll wink ; Ivt * nil. ( IrthH IIKCanil I'xpcrluncuvtth ri-fureucos , Aildrpim 7.41. Iliuolllea 48(1 ( I'J /1-WA.M l.ll , A ( ,001) IIII ) , FOIl CUNIJ1IAI. v hoUMinurk _ -imartl l 481 .0' ' -WANTPJ ) . M1DDI 1.-AGK1) WOMAN TOTAKI ! iar ufrlilllr ii Kti Dntenport at. M4'Ji lil' / "IWANTKD. . A COOD bKCOND C1HL AT ONCK V Mu Win \ \ Marsh , till and Pine Mrcc'lH , oust of llrownull hall \1IS5JI' / 1-WANTKD. Illlll , ! JUIbT UK A HOOD COOK v-'iiiitl linndrt'iK Apply nt nurtliirciil cornur Jitli nnil riirnnin MI-3 7T WANTKIl , Flllsr CI.AS-S C.OOIC AND I..UI.V V tlriiH ' 'Oill Mur > mivo. .MlbT 21 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. 11-IDHUli.vr IIOUSK.l 117 N.I7TII r > I'll HOOMS J-'linlh , etc . I.'O per month \Vouilruw , .Noli hHt bunk hulllliiu Oi : V-\-l OK IlKNT , hl.\HOOJI MODiltN : COTTAdTT J..ni7Cullijrnlii > t , its pur inontli till ' Tv itiTi iiKNTTioiinKtr fTi'Tiu MONTH AND" J upunrili 'HiuO. h. Du\l9 Co , \ ! * ) \ rnrimin Oil T\-niit uii.vr loiiuou nousi : . MODKIIN J-'iKU lli\cniioil it. Inquire nt .VJ l > a\uuport. &M -1IOI.BKS IN AI.hl'AUTnorillKCir\ I Oil re-nt l.oo W I' CO.UCH lull t-.un.un Ml .Miiu T-d IIOOM iioiT- * ! ; , nor WAI KH , HATH , HTC , JAiWi lluunlii ! ! Kln-itt. P. lloion \ \ nib ru. \ UIS : IDI.NOK : pA'iP. j ou 4 JAuums now block. Uooni 0 , blu H. 22d Ti'lo phone .No I7.M III.'J 110 HOOM HOI'Sr ' ! WITH ALL .MODKIIN 1M- J.'l.ruvc'nic'liU. hWbouth luth strc'e't Inqulro23ll t liliat.il Mi , ( " 1A M.W AM ) IIKST IIII1I.T IIU1CIC II IIOOM J'te-Hliloncti In liiu ell ) ; full cellar , furnnco , luini dry ami lulu. iminlnl unit urn ten , bath , nlfrtrlo boll > , MM-ttkliik' lulion , link tlnlnh , polUlitHt tloura ; ItmlilnftH In 1'inry lo pi-ct , luplnill pavmnonts , IV.tit-uiitli.utli IIMniiir llannconi park ilunl In tt tiiiilitln 41. 11-ebliik' M''J1 l -nillAP ItliSP , "UOUM hfoUKs"A.NI > a Hnuut lunin r tc > rimnll nulls of uufiirnliliuil rooin.n | .ccl.ilty t ; , | - Hutu , room 4 lieu buldlni/ _ _ _ MI.IJ mil f -A ' 1WI5I.VKUOOM HOI sK , .Mo7)Kll.v"lM J 'priitt'iiionl' twu liluckn from nuw poitonico , runt H'.iaonalilo M. U lluoctc'r , ( ul l'a lui , bile _ _ „ Hi. 1A -NKW 1 IIOOM KUilMSIIKD IIUUnK COM J ' plelc , nioiltrn , ronvi-nluiil , nccoslblu ; Mllxl .tlc'nASi lU-u MJOl IU T\-IJHOOM IIOUhK AM ) IIAHN 1UI8 liAVlX : J-'port ttreet , all modern eoinniloncc. . luclu Jin ; team l.ial , .it louts unit Itundry. south Iroin otcilookliig lilgh tiheiol griund * , newly pilntiM and pupereel ihrouxlionU 'ihos Y Hall , u > 7 I'ICA on block UJJ D -Kill 1IKNT , T IIOOM CO'ITAdK , COUMtlt Slli niuU npllol axi'iino. aid -toil IU.NTiNIUK b-UOOM llOUhi : . NK\\ and mudern hulll , i-ll oontonlciuea. near Ilniib rom park , liliihton motor line : llU ) . Hlckk. oOa N. Y. l.lfo bid.- 4la20 _ n iXlllHK.NT.IIIHNLSHKl ) HOUbK toil Till. onimc'r. l.'i.iulro ut So _ WI Wobiler trott 4N In * | " _ -AN 1.1(1111' ( UOOM KlUVItillKI ) HOU3K Kill JL/ iho .nmuier. Inquire 20i N , ltd street. ! ' . 24 JL1"V 1"VNil K ( . liotrM r I . VT O.N MO I Oil LINK IIS 00 Jt/Wr | month ; t > ruom colljjia ulth ncru of ( arden HOiw pir iiiontli , luejulru N.\S. cor. mh mid Du talut. M)40 ) _ Y -KOUIIK.NT , 1 WO T JIOOM KLATSi. J block , llth and Jacktonslrcoti 1-J-HIH HKNTTlO JMHIM HIAMK IICIU8K. MOD * - ' , * " " ' lmpruvuiuenl . 111 8. 1Mb , cornur Dodgo. In liulr UU .aiunm , butu'l llurna. til ) l > FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. ll-Nl'.M : % ACCOMMOOATl'.O. We iL jr FOR RENT-FTJRNISHED ROOMS. C'onilniKfl. 1 ? KUHNHIIKD IIOOM3 TO UK'T ? ' WITlf AM * J JmcHlorn convenience * VI ] Donglai ( treat MRSJIJ NICKIA" nJilNISHKD IIOOMS ! MODKUN OoN Tcnli'Tii-ni Rood location , terms reasonable I'K N 2W1i Mrrot MIT'S ' 30' J'/WN l'ih , slrcot. Suites to mlt tcntn't' l > ' OruBK prop MIVi-Ti' A I.AIttlKl.timTKIJIlNISIlltDHtaNTllOO lowaM it. 413 A ) ? HtllNimtKI ) KltONTI'Alll.Olt HHNT IIKAP Jlo twn Kciitlpme'n lull Doiiil.is Zvl Is * HOOM I'lllVATP. KAMII.V , Jmnilorn convenleticlej I ) l tnllfotnla sired , rofennces rciiulred. FtniNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. \f \ Ml'Kl.Y rilUNlSllKD ItOOMS Wll'll nu i I clniu lKinr.1. 3IS-onth Vl.th Blrci't .M17J -NICKIY rOllMSIIKD ItOOMS. .MODKIt.V I ronrpnli'iicoii , with boanl : prlrnte famllr 1311 Hontli.1tal Ktrccl M155 51 * F,1 HJUMHIIKD 11OOMS AND IIOAUI ) 2105 , , , mrcot aiiji-ai1 IIOO.MS , Mltsr CLASS ItOAIID 1182 ? Clilciiiio ntrc'ct M4JI11' FOn IlKNT-UNFURNiailED ROOMS. - ( Oil HKNT 4 UNMit.NxIKII | | G suitable lor housekeeping UtM Webster street. 3USJ - UNI-rttNISIIKI ) CHAM IIIIll * Kll 1IOUS1- ! G-4 to man nnil wife .Nochlhlrc'ii ,11'J.V Kill " 1-4 ltor'MAND HATH l-Oll l.tnilT IfOiK ; G-4 r-plng MUJ Apply 13U N 'bib BOARDINa. n-l't'l.l.MANHOL'SK , IIIJDO'XIK ' Foil (5OOI ) hoard nlM roiinj , ooiivcnl-nc'1 , rate nnd locn lion lltannol booxoellol .Mrj Horn , prop FOR RENT-STORKS AND OFFICES. T-KII UK NT TIIK 4 yroRV IIIIICIC IIL'Il.DINl ! Itllt. I arnaiiMt. 'Hie bulldlni ! hai n tlroproof m inenl bnsomonl , tompli'to sloimlioatliu flxturoi. water on nil the Hours , uai.olc Apply ut the olllni ) of I he lloo UH ron UINT : , STOIH : z..xtx ) , uta JACKSON .mi WANTED-TO RENT. K-l OU it HOOMS HUITAIILK FOR keeping , with bath room connections Address , y. Dec iil-18' -WANrKoTTuiiNisinn ROOM AND IIOAIID for gentleman nnd wife : prlrntu family pro fprred ntnto prices. Aildnis / 13 , lleo 470 l'i RENTAL AOENCIES. L -i.c. : UAUVIN A coaw SIIIKLIV : : BLOCK. 1)17 STORAGE. iivr t'UKAPKsr AND iu-.r : M bciino 111 the city Wllllnms.V < rossI2ll llarniy 1,13 Mll.KAV , 1IKV AND PIUVATI'.I.Y S1OHKI ) funiHiiriHe itlrig stores lnrc uv > r aninmer 1.U7 DuiiKlatnt Oniiilm blo\ Itepalr works lil'J WANTED-TO BUTT. T-I IlIlMTl UK HOUdllT , bOLD , STOIll'D \\ells III ! larnam si I.-U V'-llll.HOT Pllll IW PAID I-OH JD HAM ) FUlt I'nltuii ) Omnba I'liriilturu ( .o } uat aptned , tUI N lull 8I ui SJ' FOR 3ALE HnES. WAQOHS , ETC. p-iiit ALI : , rmv wouic ioiM-is AND TWO I good drlvern. lnciilro | at Harrotl'ti utablos Dodge street , near holt line M4S > 1,1-1 ou SALI : , I.AIUIK , HM : vtLNi ) ; noitsi : , i alfo Hurry and harness , all Hist ilias. Che.ip forcunh I A Dodiio. IOIJ S 2.thst. ( biiU fi i iNiroKNT-rt DiuviNt ; noTisi : , i YKAKS I old light spocillng buggy , 11101 new , uindo by Simlcr. Itariio-'s , tie , tluto pajmenln , H.'curert , bistotrer gi > 08 Address Ilex 713 , city , or O C' Joluifon Paxton block 41J to * P-10H HALI5. A VISltY HVi : I'ltlC.NCH I'LATK J glnss , alt sujleil lonpo ruckaway upholslered In Milln and IliiHsla nioroecii Hargaln Sec A .1 MmpKun sc irrlago repository Mll'i I'J T r' " SALI : , A iitoi * itoADynni , IHIAI : > . \M : ; oillgree , 1411 b run trc-et 4JI 111' IJ-K tiiAi.t : ( in.Ai' , icooii IIUUCY IIOHM : . I 1 fl.U'luir lonllior nip biitfi } 1 sot ll < ht liurnf < i , inn t hc'Mihl nt once. Oiniili t Morun o l.onn ( o room II crt-lKliton block , 15lli alrcutsouth of post oKlce HK.J in > I-OH a\li-A : (1OOD ( 'IWOSKATfl ) CAlt 1 rli e with bhaftn and pole inado b > Mudobikei llio . mu > bo aecn at Park Btublt-tf , corner 2Mh and I onvc'iinorth 47(1 ( 11 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Q I Olt SAI.K. A NKW Kl.nCANT IirillC.llT Huehrphino , direct from the lactory. lustru montsofthU make can bo scon nt.MnxMoyor .V llro , will sell this nt n great sacrifice. If you niuan himlntss nddreis7 , IleooH'ce. Vlii QScilil NS. "nUUUOWIJSM'ATKNT. 1JK-.T ON tarth Made to lit wlndown I's.id . Inbistrest ilonccK In Omnh t and oluiwhon1 < .nn be taken out nnd replaced by nnyono In n moment If you need screens , ut our ustlmilc1 William J Wclshnnn , ngcnt. lloom 114 Kurli.ich block , Omiha , Nub NubM.M7JIO - SAI.K. OSKHILLIAUD AND O.VU POOL Q-Mill table. Itriinswlck Ilalkc mike , almost new. In iialro ol ( irnnd hotel , Cuuucil HlulTs. , ! ! 0 -l Oil SAI.K OHTIl\Di : , JOIt LOT OF CHKAM Q : or > utensils Addruaa Lock bov OJ7 , Mlndon. Neb JIIM * niSOELLA-NEOUS. "rvN mAN HMiM.oVMi'.NTon ici Ts inain , upstairs , iiiulu und fumilo help. 'Icl SSI 11-1HUI ! CIJItK C.IJAUANTIIKD lOUOFU'N I'slvtiBwentliig feet und sweating under thonrmx ! -i'nil for clren'nr Llc'blg Modlenl Co , houtb Uend , Inil .M < ll-.Jr 1 > I'A.NhlFSS'.C. TOMA'IOI.S 10e PKH DO.Vi : OuO Vlicib Ing anil hou e plants at bed rock prlds at Llialmors X llonu'n gre'enhojno , I'M H , 1Kb st 471 ? I * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AltltVAI ! < IIMHAOHDINAIIY , WONDKHFUL rcvulallons. Challenges the world Mrs Dr. M. I-e'urnvf tieid traneu clalrvo > nnt. nstrologlst , palmist und llfo reader ; tells your llfo from the cradle to gnive : unltos the sepiratod : causes mar- rljgu with thu one yon lova , tells nheroyou will pncceM'd and In what business best ndnptiMl for * , his thueulebruted Ugyptlau briuitplalu for luck unit to tlchtroy h ul Inlluuiicos : cures Ills , Intemperance nnd all private tomplalnts with massage , baths undAholiol trenliuent hond $ .00 , lock uf hnlr , mimoiiiid d tin of birth nnd reeulvo accnrnto llfo ihnrl Scents In tnnin | for circular , give Initial * of unit > on u III marry , nlso photos uf samo. Ollleo IOU7 t-oiith Ilth itreui , llmlttour , honrn , 'I o in to U p m t nine one. como all , and bo eonvlnu.d of Ihli wiinderluttiraele MS10 1 * MIIS NANNIi : V , WAIlltl.N , CLAIHVOYAN ? ] rcllablo hn > lnc'ii9 medium , fifth toir nt I1J N loth C < - MilIIAWTHOHN , ItlU.IAtlLK MITSINKHa Omeilliini , i/J.I N lull slruet , corner of Webster Mindii ) e'xcepjcd M.3i J 'J' C - M A DA M i : Funiriw CUMINIJ SIHKKI' , Oil.inoyaiit ant franco medium ! lnduptndont > olie > ti , lull * past und fiitnro .MM * ) Jl. MASSAGED BATHS , ETC. rp MAD.VMI ; I.A HIK , MAI-SACK , 4i > > r-ourii 1 ir > tli t , . . .I floor , tlul I , atjlutunt. lllliM' 'P llASSATK TTtr.ATMKNTr lU KCCHO THlTfi J nml Imtli * . nciilp and liulr truitmc-nl. manicure nml eldropodUt. Mm. 1'oil.iUl.S lith\Vlthnell lilk rp Miss h'lOWB. .MAHSKUnK Kl.UCI'ltlOlAN , 1 SW llnniitt' blork M4II-2.I' ri' TTAHAMi : SMITH II.'I DOIJlil.As SIHIUH' loum 7 , < fd lluor All oliol , aulplmr and t-t < a baths. SU.-J A ) ' PKKSONALS. U " \VKII. " wn.i. in : .IN TIII : wir : KIIOM I rhlvr I" huiulny * rcnbi | { K T 4M Ib" " i r - ' TWO i , \ iiimMIO LKKT TIII : L Kurnuui tiiri'Cl thvntvr an I look tlio ustrakun fur ciaio will ri'lurn niino tu Ihn lb aler they will navci e-xpoauri' , ns Ihuy uro known lltbj In * . ART V < V OKLLKNHKCIC , HANJO TKACHKU , > wllh Hospu , orilH N ISIh al UIJ V HKFOHK HUYIMi A PIANO i.XAMI.NK THU > jiuw aculu Klmball plan. ) A Hospu , 1513 Douglas Ittl _ V-WANTKD , A FKW MOHI : HKLI.CT PUPILS ' to liiKtritft nn plnnn 'lermi rc.i onahle Ad dre-Ml'JIt lliird.'tta utruet M4U MONEY TO LO AN KE AL ESTATE \\r LOANS O.N 1MPHOVKI ) AND IINIMPIIOVKD ' city property , SJlUlunJ npwardn.btoij poroant No dulays \ \ Farnaui SuillU X eo.,15ih uuci llarnty UU _ _ \\r-ci.vriiAi. LOAN x 'i mis r co HKK IILINJ. 22 _ _ _ tn \ \ OMAHA HA VINOS IlANIC MAKhis'T/JAlkS unreal mlatttat lowed market rains Loans madti Inrmallor largo uiu nn1 fur short or long tluiu. No ixiiuiuli > loii l > charged , and Ihu loans aru net > old III llutuasl. but can alnayi tu fuuud at ttiu bunk on the earner of Ilth and Douglas stre-ett. _ _ _ _ _ _ \\r-KAbTKUN MONKY LOANKD (1KO W P. il ( antes , rep. Pill turiiara M. u . | \tr-lll6 OU ) TO IXJAN.SUMSOI'll.UJO UPWAUDdi 1 1 can placu loana un nny Inside liuprured prop- urlyto any amount where valuu la back of the loan. A lnc' Heal i ; latu Agency , IM1 knruaui at. Cll W -I.OANS. 0. U. WALLACE. 3I3 11IIQWK lll.lv UW ir-PUlVATK MOKKV. I8T ANDII ) MOUTOAQK ? lumn , luir ralet. AIsz. Hooro.tOI lice tiutldln . ICV MONrtY TO LOAN nEAl. ESTATE. \ \ MONKVTO IXIAN ON IIRAti K.STATK O f I ) l Co. , I'flj Vnrtmni t \\.r-7 I'KH CK.NT MONKVNP.T TO liHIIUOW ' crs on Om liA city property No Pttr chArBes nfnnyklnil Why p y lilBh ritei ? Money l < cheup Vouran crt full benpnl of low rAtvi from ( Hobo Ixinn A 'Irani Co . K.tli nml Podfto 113 \ \ r ANTHONV I/AN ANIl TUIMT CO . .113 N V ' 1 UP , IrmM ut loir rule * for oholco security on ka or lown fnntu or Oruntia city property r C W. IIA1NBV.1IJ OMAHA NAT II'K Ill.DO Cllrmortetzp ] Lowest rales Mouoy on Iinml. Ml I'-MONKV 1O LOAN ON IMPIIOVKI ) CITV property , low rule A C Frost , Douglas blk \\r-MBAI.K8TATK LOANS , t TO 7 PKU CKNT ' no nddltlonnl ehnrxoi for connnl lon or attor ney s fees \ \ II .Melkle , First Natlunnl bank blcl < \V-IAM I'ltllPMlKI ) TO MAKH LAIUIII OU Biimll loans allow t rates J I ) . 7tlllo Drown block. MWI MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V-WIl.t. LOAN MONKY ON ANV KIND OF Vsrettrlty ; strlrtly contldontlal A. K UnJrK room I , Continental block C.13 11011 T I'M 1TC 1IA1ID , II \V1TI1.SMCI.L IILK _ _ _ VMIKN YOU WANT A CIIATTKI. UAN 8KS - < v\v K Dnvls , room 20. J-'onllnentil block. 04U - \OUWANT.\io MKY > If so , do not fall to get our rates before bor- ronltiKVe make loins without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furniture , pianos. horses , wagons cU : . nt the lowest posslhlu rate Wonlll carry tbe loan as long ns toil desire , elv ltiKin thu privlloittMif paying It In full or In purl ntnny lima tosnlt vour finiNcnlcnio nnd nny part DHld rvdm-fls the cost nf rarryini ! the loan In pro portion to the amount paid ' 1 hero nro no chnruos of nny kind to bo paid In ndrantp , hulyouget the. full nnmurlot the loan Inuw m yoiKK'nlru It mil bo to your ndvnntnKO to sco us before to urlnK a lonn OMAHA .MnilTOAIli : LOAN CO lloomll CrelHhton Ulnek. litli fct , South of postolllco U.'l MONKY IO LOAN. TIDELITY LOAN tiUAHANTEIJ CO On household goods , pianos , organs , noriei , mules , wagons , eto , at Iho lowest pcihslblo rates without publlLlty , tTiuo\al of properly or change of possession I'amenlsof nny amount can bo made nt any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons nil Iho bc'iielHt of the partial payment plan .Money aln nys on hand : no delay , no publicity ! lowest ratCHt business contldnntlnl 1 1DIIL1 1 \ LOAN ISUAKAN rKK CO , TO 114 Wlthnoll blk , 1.1th and Harnoy \r MONISV 'IO LOTT. C1 Lvfi-KIi MOltl'tlAltK - < vy ) , TO , 111 days , on furniture , pianos lira stock. etc. , ullhoiit publicity or removal of property , at the loncst rate" and the easiest payments .No delay Lush on hand Dmr Urcon , il H nnd 9 , lltrkcr blk till X f 10 , r.- , , $ $100 SIM"TOLOANO.N ru 1 1 - vulture luirfLs. or nny itood seinrlty , lowest rates .Nebrnvlin Lonn Co 1 ill ! Douglii st ' . " X 1 1 \T1 1 LI ! LOANS OK N V LI FK MOIIUIS I 10 LOW ON cn vrrKL bii .islnesscontlduntlal lloom 4UI Knrbach block. .M81I Ji' BUSINESS CHANCES Y M1LL1.SUUY flOllii : : > rAHLIrillKDTIlADI5 good location Addru * * A. 5J UoiJ otlc9. ! OH ) 2J- Y-I-OU HALK Oil TIIADK , AN INTKIIFS11 IN J the best Job printing nnd book binding eslnb llshmenlln Memphis 'lenn , a splendid opening to thu right man lloom (113 ( N Y Life .MJ7 < SI * Y Hill bAI.i : OH K\CIIANRK , I'ULL HOLLIMl mill nnd elevator Kxcullcnt locitlon , run nlng dally largo ulinngo trade. 1'or further In formation aildieasjohn Over , lil. ! Douglas Si Ml'M 23 * V-l'Oll. iALi : NOT TIIADK-STOCK Oli % ( ilio" -1 cerles , drugs , hotel / In "tee ottlco 44TM * V i"ou SAI.K , OM : iiAi.r on TIIK WHOLKOF Jhardwnru stock ( teed town kOOd trade nnd cheap runt. Address Lock , lloxS.'iT , Lincoln , Neb Y'-A 1 HIS P CLASS MAN Wl I'll J10.UOO TO $ A1 , ( VX ) cash can sea u ron good salailed po ill Ion vi Ith an established loan nnd trust comp.iny. Address / a lco ! 47'J Y-ANOPPOUTDNITY FOll \VIDH-AWAKK young man of plotting address , who can Invest S./iOO to fi.luO to seciiro Inlf-est In n tplundld bnslnesa Must como well recommended Aihlnus / 10 lleo. 478 . ' 0 V WA.VJ'KD A LOCATION toll A t HIM' CLASS I dottorof Indiana , highly recommended , open Ing miirtt bo good. Addrcns Nobinska IHirean of Immigration , rooii I , N Y Llfo 178 Jl ) FOR EXCHANGE. f/-CLKANhTOCK OF CKIIKIIAL M.DS'B. WILL AJtako rent cstato \ money Uox'J5l'raukfort.Ind 042 y-KOIl KXCIIANOK KIVK linSIDKNCK , NH\V /Jll rooms , modern Iniproroinunts : on motor line , 1 mlle from postottlcu Will Pfc'tinn ? . for good business lot or farm lands. WP O.boxf.Ii , Omnha. 977 y-ip\ou IIAVK \ ( .ODD upiur.iir PIANO TO ' -Jtradolor lot 41 , , block I , Armour I'liico. hontU Omaha : clear of all tn.uuibraiici ] Addrois N ti. lleo otllco. 31JJ1 y IP YOU WANT TO HUY A ROOD HUIINKS , S-lar wish to dlsposoof your buj'neJJ ' list It with L I. .lohiisun , I.I I Pnxton blocU. ( /Jo M II r/ I HIST CLASS ( I1Y PHOPI5IIIY TO KX- /Jclmiigo for good farm land In Nebraska nnd Iowa bend full description of land for oxchniiKO Ucorgo N Hicks .1U > N Y Life bldg MB--J JS V-STANDAHD IIHKI ) HOIISKS I Oil CI.KAIl /Jfiinus or lots II. J Kendall , 43:1 : Brown lllk UM J1U rA HALF FKfllON OF SCHOOL LAND 10 /Jmlles north of Hrndy a Island on U P. It. U , for cloflr lot In Omaha , lease runs II ! yean. J.A. DodKi * , 1UIU South ZOth street. 2iu yOH 8ALK. AT A IIAIlf.AIN , Oil WILL K.\ /Jchiiuxu for groceries and notions , a small , clean Block of hurdnaro , also good act llnnor'a tools I ) . C. Kerr A. bon , Iloatrlce , Neb M3JS lir . INONI : /Jof Iho best towns In Nebraska best of location good trade , stoi k n III Invoice ) about (10.000. half curb , bnl. on time or will ptchnugu for u good farm \V.ino or fed ir Co. , rjiiion for Helling , other business , /2l , with stamp , care of lloa cilice 4 l 18 r/ NICK UODY IOOOU ACHF.S OF NKI1HA KA ' /Jliind and cash for good runtal property Ad dif.a Hee 3H.II l'J > y-lF YOU HAVi : ANYTHING 1O THADK , AD- /Jilri-ss / .17 , lleo M4W IU' y-DHIVINO HllltSK hOll 8HCOND HAND bUH ' -\eyurii lliooilolllo. Addroas podtmaatsr , lien noil. Nob. 403 2U' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. IJOU HALi : AT A IIAIKJAIN , I.OT 15. IILOCK .I , -I W L Holby'9 llrst nddlllon to4oulli Omaha , nmall payment down , bnlancu monlbly If desired Inquire ( i II /chuck 1 , Omaha lleo , dl ? 0ll SALK-ON JUJN11ILY PAYMKNTrt , JJ huusc'aXlult ) 'ibisI ) . F. Darin Co , l..Ji Karnaiu t. bll MAICi : MK AN OI'FKIl ON IXJT II , HLOCK A Hnell Hunbdlvlslon , on Hamilton it Anylhtng goes Oscar Urushcll , bait Ijiku LUr. Utah IS7 m 13 * l.'oii HALI : on i\cn.\Mr : ; : , IOJCOOD FAUM.S IN i In Nebrnuku and Dakola Lulhur .Mlllur , O Nell , Neb MJ'JI M Jl TFolTHALK-HOMKH , ANY I'ltlUK. IJjO , JI.2SO "UT' Jcany terms ; take clear property as llr > t pnyruonl ( J ti Wullaco , Ilrown block , IClh and Duu.'lai LU GIIKAT IIAIUIALSH IN lli\L : KnTATCI 4S lols 111 Dundee place hulecttid early 1 Inn Fninim Mrucl lot biiltnblo for business. 44 ( eel un Idlli bt two store's , 4 flats , Very choice IWlc'c't frontaKo. a tlnu location for a block of store's nml Hutu 4 cottages cor 13th A Jlason , nnd other bargains U J kundali , It 4W , turnur luth iincl Douglas st. M..J.MS7 A bNAP I OH ANYOM5 DKS1HINU UI'SIDHNOK J ilols In ccntur of cltr Hmall cash puymant , bal unco lonMJaio at0per cunt. J. V..Itllu , Urown blk w Uiiji 7011 SALI : , 10 ACIUCS NKAII OMAHA , 11,0x1 I > FH aero U. F HurrUon"UN. V Llfo 4. ) SI 17011 HALK , KI.KOA.Vr OTTACiH , HJLI. HAST -I fiont lot , Hanicom pluce , FJ.DUU C , F. Harrison , Wit * Y Life tti n i7 m"sALK. ao nsKr IN t'Oirni OMAHA , win i -I cottage , bringing I1J per month , fiW C , I' Harrltou.UUN : Y Llfo , tti ; | 170K BALK , j : rr.KV , WITH corrAc.K , 1 and Chicago , ti.'M. C F Harrison , 'Jl. N , Y. Life. I'"J 21 17011 HALK. TW15NTY-FIVK FKKT ON N Hi1 , -L In bouth Omaha , building brings $ uO per month , H DUO. 0. F. Harrison , U .N. Y Life. 4.-J .1 A MCI ! KAbT FIIONT IXf 4IX1U HALF CLOCK south ol Leavouworth on Hub avenue , tot and atroiti graded Apply A. U llaymur , &H 6 , ICth U 1ST VOUIt NKllllASKA I.ANIH WITH K U JJohn.on , bl4 I'aiton block , Omaha. t'M Mil a ATKHltAHKA I NDS AUK ADVANCINU HAP- A ' Idlr under the great < rieultural retultt of thli nna Iait > aa > on. Hettur Investment n er orforoJ , bnu thorn In larga mid wall tract * , U to * JJ per cri' . AddivuT , H. Clarksou , Ouiaha , Neb 27 17011 8ALK. KA8T HO.YT COHNK.H IXT NKAIl 'J'lff' " " * W l l neei M.2W ) C , K. llsrrUon , ron ESTATE. PK\HK\t. MCK Hr-SIIIKNCK Dints near llnnvom pnrk and In Wmt Omaha Hicks , rupnt. > M N Y liltjP-ftldir 4ISW irtlH STl.K , & -HOOM ' ' 'i'.rTAIJK ' JONI.V ( ) SIT I/ .1 ftted 1C1I linril street j1 Mil on A. Hospo Ir. M3 8 Al.K v I.\N . uiH 11 I'etcrson , owner , lll3B,1itli , t , Omaha JL > lf , ; . ' . mil Arl-.W M011K Of TlHHK & ANIl 10 AOUR trnct one t Doilw Mrw-t , nl 110 } per aero , others as' for Inml simp ) dliUnco out ilonblo the mosey \Vrlnlit * I.asburj ! . liith nml llownr.l M 19.1 rr 1'OH , SA1.K- IIAI.CVOX 11KI011T3. Acres half acre * and lots on electric motor rovl. Also hon > e.i nml lots In Itilryon llelfliti , OMAHA S \UTWI. . SIHIUIUI Only thirty minutes rldo from eonterof city n iy payments low rnto of Interest Now Is luo llmo lo oeiirn n homo W'.lllnm II Crary , * ) j Now York I.tfa niili MIIU M19 l. OH SAI.K , KWCOANT8KVKV ItOOM COTTAHK , I bilh , niiter : loti.'xUOs lnr u barn near motor ! all complete , IJ.'W ) C. V Harrison. u .S. V l.lfo fOU SA1.K , A HKAUTtUJlj llOMlt Now and modern , built liouso , Might rooms , olPiznnt , bath , furnace etc. , Just complcteil , near llanscom 1'arki Splendid nolglil > orliOi > dhluh nnd healthy location , All ready for occupancy ! Can Rlto Immedlato possession ; A big btrgsln If sold quick. lllchs , .103 N. V. I.I to bulldlne 41S 80 7/0H AII , KA8T KIIONT LOT SUtlW Kii : < T. t ! 1 loom cotUci' . SifM Near llntisconi pl.iro C. V Harrison , ! ) HN Y l.lfo til 21 1OH AUC , VKHV UNK lir&IIXONCK. MAST L front , fiicliiK on llanscom 1'nrk. lot MxSlO. put IIIK tares tanculled , ! 13il J. C I' Ilnrrlson U1J N \ i.ifo. iyi 31 I/OH SAI.K Olt K.\C1IANIK , COITAI1K KHO.NT- J. inj south on \ \ o t Cumlim st , In Carlliaxo adill tlon : ilro rooms , Inrpo attic pnntr ) , closets , fore. ) pump cistern , co < pool. cpmcntcrt cnllar , tonven Itintl ) nrrnngud well btillt unit tlnlsheil In lurd pine I'llco , $ i.4UUS'III lake n lot ns pnrl pnyinent , balance to null. Apply toV 1C Kuril , 717 N V Mfo llldir , | | ( ; MriioMic.il m.oTks TIIOM HASSCOM PAUK , bountiful turraeed lot , tihndunnd fruit trees , firnpes and roses and other shrubbery , cUvnntmod ern cuttnvo , barn nml carrlatip hiiu c A Kri'nt sai rl lice Cr.H on my ntrcnts blur I oan A Trust Lo , lit Moor. N. Y l.lfu. 47' ' 21 HAIR GOODS. LAHi.UsT SIOCK IN KM 1IIK WKST ; TIU3AT- rlcul WKS ! and boards a specially Wins , ban n , twitches , hair Lhalns , otc. . Bond for calnlogno .Mull onlora lollLllud I avion Ills Ijlh st , Omaha 04 * SWirciiKs in * , xvourii DDUIU.K , CUT prlees for shorltlma 1'rof Monhi'H hnlr ilruit cr nnd niniilciire , 1'ilS Duimluj 'lei 1011lli > l M.'a * FOR RENT--PASTUKE3. _ Vl AvFiiT ) ! 7l flo"u"K < ) TO i > " I I'eer Crock Lodiie twelve miles nuilh of Omnhii blue russ , sh ulo and running MIULT Meek called lor and clullreruJ UrillloC Johnson ( XJ ? I'.nlon blotlt , Omah TulephonoZIO. IW ! J7 IJAbl'UIlK I Oil CATT1.K i HOIlbKS T MfllAV SIB PAWN BROKEU3. O SJiVUIlll'S LOAN lnJ Mil' T ? itSiT MOUI.K.I PAHNAM sr L05X. T Osl'SATIJUDAY , SIUY II , lOH'lOlM : SIIKLL -IJlongnette marked oithhndlc 'I 11 ' In gold Initials Iteturn to JUIJ Uodgu st , and recclvo re ward M4 ! > ii "O * HOTELS. LI.N DULL io r lr. 'xisfri : " "AN"U uer day , special rntos by thu week. MANUTAlxTURINQ JEWELERS. CASH 1'Al I ) I OUOLDCOI.l ) . CAIlgON 4 UA.VKJ loom t ) Ha.rRar uincx unnlm i J TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST EN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , ' 107 Pimm EtrM. n nu * . RHILWSYTiMEGRRD Leaves It I1ICAOO HITHLtNuroV XV ! I Arrtvoj Omaha | Depot IQtli'anJ Mqso n Sts I.Om ibn Leaves ICIIIUAGl ) , Jltl < . X ol. PAULIArrlm rOmalml L' P. depot nnil Marsy bt . I Onialit I-euvos | ( HICAtiO. . .NOIH'HWbSrj'JItNlArrlvui OmnhnlU I' depot. 10th and Marcy Pis I Oiintii , ( JHItAI.OX.NOItrilWIsrKUN | Arrlrat Transforl Union Depot , I ounell lllutn | l'riintfor F , IS. A Ml ) . .VALLKY lArrlvuj Omuhtil Dupot , 15th nml.Wulutor till i.eavui I I1. , .11' , l ; ; , ' M * O lArrlvoi JJmnlia ! " Depot lith nljil \ V'obstxr Sts Omah i H IU a in .blciit Ully Ab uOi p m : .ll p ui Bloux Ollr KKpri. . . . . . uu. . . , IJ II p m 45p ru , , . .St. I'liul'-'Umltu. ! . , . . lUi it in t IS p ml Itanorofi I'-maoqpr m * . . > iinn'yi 8.li a m .MISSOUIlPj-ACIFIeT' ( Arrival OmnhM Depot IMh anit'Wulntef St i I Omaha 10 I ) a ml ' > Ijxprosi low um VM plll | tit. Lou ( I'Hiprun ' I & .IO pm CHlCAUO , II 1. X PACIHU Arrival Transfer ! Union DepotCouncil Ilium. Trausror ( UU p ni , NlK'htf'.vprusi , S ) .iJ a m 10W a ml AtlantlyJiipre'ss 6 Si p m . . . . .VaslUiuLj.liulted 1 eaves I UnloOMAHA A a T. huu7 [ Arrlvei Train ft/1 Unlo Depot. Council IllurJt [ Tranifar J40j > m | . . . > t. Ix iij _ CjLnon Hall | 13.j | p m Leaves I ' bloUX CITV A PACIHO. ( Arrival Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Ulutfi iTranifer 741 u nil .tiloui City Accoiamodallon 11C00 n m tM p m | . . . . . . , .bt. Paul ICxprm | u IU a m Notlco to Coatractun. I will rocolvo bids ( or tbo erection of a thieo-story brltt hotel nt rentier , Nab. , until 4 ii. in. , Juno 4 , Itttt. Plant mid | . olllcatlotis for tlio 4inu ruiiy bo soon nt i.iy olllco In I'un- ( lor. and sit tlio olllco of Jleiuli'lfeshein , 1 Uhor. A. I.anrlei. Oiiiahu. Honil L.UU nnd lulclrcsa cniiiinuii callous to my nddross. 1'cndur. 1'uurbtou co u n tv. Nob. W. H. PCCIIC.K < . SIDKWAMC NOTICi : Notion l lirrotiy tzlron to tlir owner orotrn ci of tlio following mil e t.itp In Iho city of Uiiiilin , to Iny ntiil ri'iilrillonlks | ( In front of nml ntljolnlnu their iiro | ntyrlthlii lira (51 ( ilf\r from Ihu lOth day of May , l ii Such liltmalK * to 1)0 cmiMriiclctl nnd ropilrnl w Ith \Thlli plnonnil Inltl In n.-e'orilancn with lilnn * mt'l niorlllontlotia on Illo In tlio olllooot the llonnl of Public Works , mill lit ficeorilmu'O with resolutions ndoptod by the city cotntoll , North sldoof I.nfnvctto it reel , loMHtdS In- clnihc , block 'XMlllV ul ) \\.iliutt 11111,0 foot n Uln e' tnlilUln'd arailn. WPHI sldoof l.'nil stroct. lot 21 lilnrk SI Wil < nut Hill , Ofe-ot wlilu , | irc < ont cr.-idc. West Mdt < of iui street , north ' block 2i Wnlttiit Hill ii feet \\ldo. ostnbllsboii itr\ilo r.ints'ilopf Mth Mruot , lot Sblock rihwoozi's addition , llfvol wide , ustnbll'ilioil urtilo South ildo oriVntnritrcot. lot I 11 nil ' - " > block : i8hrl\L'r I'lnro. 4 foot wide , ost.ilillilit'd gr.vilo. Sit.tlt slilo of Center street. Ion t mill V block 4 , Shrlverriuc'e. 4 feet wide. u . South shlo of t'entor stroe-t nil of blocl < 2 , Acluirmmi L'luco , 4 foot urlclo. oitnblUlioJ . South side of Center itroot , lots 1 toGlnou- sl\o block , I Ackcrin in 1'lncp , 4 feet wnlo , os- t.ildlsbod ar.ido. Hull tti sltle of Center street , lots 1 to 0 Inclu sive , block 4. Ac'UoriMnn 11 ice. 4 foot \vuU\ t'stnbllshod Krntlo. tHinth sldo of Uonler street , school lot bloo't ' ftAukenniin L'lnue , 4 fcot wide , established grndo. boutli sliio or Contorslrcot. lots I tofl Incln- sUe block .11. Ambler 1'lnce , 4 foot \fldo , oit.ib- llslicd Rr.ulo. Houth slda of ( 'outer street , lots 1 to 0 Inolu- sl\o block 40 Ambler I'lftco. 4 fcatwlde.iiroiont pr nlo , South side of Cantor strt'ot , lots I ton Inclu sive bioal < 41 Ambler I'lncc , I fuel wldo , ostttb- Ished ur.tdu Miutli side of Cuiitnr street , sec ifl-l5-tn.lo ! ) > twi-oti Ambler mid bhrlver I'lueos. 4 feet wldo. uslnbllshcd Kride. South sldo of Cantor stroul , lots t nnJ 25 block t Shrhe-r riiioo , 4 feel wide , established grndn. bonth sldoof Contcr street , lots t nnd block 'J Shi Ivor 1'lace. 4 foot wide , eitrtblUhed Itniilo. South sldo of roiitilelon n\onuo. lots I to 12 IncliislM ) block 15osl side , 4 feet wide , tum- potary jr ido boillh side of I'opptotoi ) fi\einio , tots 1 , 2 , ,1 10est bide ) , 4 fcot w.dt ) , temper iry North side of Ponploton aeiitie , lots" to I'l Ini'hisho block 10 Weal Sldu , 4 fool wide , tem- pornry grade- . Ninth sldo of Popploton avenue , lots II to 2) ) IncttisUo blot'k 11oit side. 4 feel \vlde , tem- por.ity cr.ido. North xiduot I'onploton ttvontio. sec .W-n-11 , iictoss thorlKht-of-iv.iy of Mlsiotirl I'nullloor Hull MHO U Ii , 4 feet \\ldc. tuiupur iry r.ido Kiisl side of Und street , lols o and ID block " > Hitchcock's 1st addition. U feet wldo , est ib- llshed trade. i : IMI sldo of 4inil street , lots 0 nnil 10 block fl Illtuhoock's 1st iiddltlon , U fout wide , oil ib- llslicd Ljnulc' . North Hide uf Kr.iiiUlu stroot. lots I to 'JO In- elusive block 11 Urch.nd Hill , G feel \\ldu. jircsontjir.idn. West sldo of 41st nvonue , lot 1 b'ock 1 , 1'op- pli'ton Pitrli , fl foot wldo , iire'sont uritilo K tnt sldo of ,11st htroc'l , lots 1 1 to . ' 4 Incltl- sUe block D.I. I. KedlcU's sub , tl foot wide , os- tabllsbrd Ki.ulu. H.ist side of .list street , t.tlot 1C , sue ! > l-r 13 Ofi'et wide , e'st'ibllshed Kr.idi" . \\ostslduof \ 'lib hltcot , Mis 4'i and 48 Hick ory I'liieu. ii foot wide , pioscnt Kr.ido oiilh sldo of I'lorci' stieot , lots 1 , 2 , .1 , 4 block 2"i7elty , ( J foot wide , uio'out KI tde South sldo of Center stroot. lots 30 .tud 11 , Windsor IMnro. extend sidewalks to e-tirb linn. K ist side of 'Slh .iventie. lols 1 j mill 1,1 bloc Ic L Clarendon , t.itsn \ \ ilk .ibovo ir.ide Wc > st. side of Mh str.'i-t. lots 1 to ? InelusUc , Aluslleld siddlllou , 4 foot , wldo , pri'sont ur.ido , West stduof Mil street , lots 4t ) to 71 Incliisliu. K ispit > suUllllnn,4 fuel \\lli ( > . pri'Siint Krilo. K.istsltloof fith stieet. lots S to 14 luc'lushe. Ainsllelcl ndilltton. 4 funt wide , present ( jriido. I'nslsldeof ith street , lots .lii mid , ' 17 , Kas- D.u'b uddlthni. I feel uldo. present gi-.ulo lini'Allt Ol.l ) WALKS. Nnrlh sldo of Hurt sttcot , lots 4 anil > , block 1 , O\Ni'lsstihll\ ! ( . Jith sldoof Ilurtstroot. t > \ lot 10 , section IO-I5-I I. North hide of Hurt street , lux lot U section ir-ivu South s1' ! " of U.tUlwell street , lot's ' , block IJ , Shlnn s addition \\ostsltloof J.lrd sltcot.Int > ! T to 13 luclusl\o , block 1 Hoibach's.Idiiddltlon K.ist sldo of .Utli street , lot II. block 8 , lr ike's addition. K nt sldo of Jlith street , loi'J , block r . Sweo- sy's .iddlilon , Ktsi side of ,10th street , lot J'J , aunuysliio ad- elltlori. We-t sldo of 20th btioet , Iots2 and 2 > . lumiy- bldo iidditlon KistsldeoCI th stieot , lots 13 .mil 11 , Sunny- suUinddll on. UMMIA , Neb. Mny 12 , ! > . v. w. iiruKiiAU-5r.il. Cll vlmmti llo.itd of Public Works M.iy 111410 1713 10 VERMANI3NT SIDEWALK RESO LUTION. Councjl Chambor. Omaha Nob. May I' . 1STJ He It rx'sohe'1 bj the City t'ottnrll of tlte City of Oinnhn. the Mavoi enncuirlncr Tliat pci mune-Dt bldewnllis lo constructed hi tlio citv of Omuha as ilunlniitod below , \\ltliln ll\n dnya nftur the publication of this resolu tion , or the personal sen Ice thereof , as ny or dinance Is uutlinrized and required , such nldo- vulks to bo l.ild to the p rtnnnent grade as es tablished on tlio paved streets specified heri'In nnd to be constructed of sto , e or arf lllclal stone nicordltiKto spcclllcationson UiB In the olllco oftholloird of Public Works , and muter It M suparvlslon , to-wlt : West side of Ilitii st . lots II nnd 4. block 0 , Kouiit/o& 1 tilth's addition , pL'im.iiient Kradc- , H feet wl lo. Westbldoof liilhst. . lots * . 8 and 0 , block fi , Konnt/o.l Uuth's uddlilon. perm incut Ki.ido , 14 feet wldo. \\e-ils do of 'filh st , , lot 13 and n < ' , of lot II , bloon 0. Kount/o & Hnth's audition , poima- nunt Kr.ule , lt feet wide. West sldo of llth st. , lot" , I Ii , 21 timluslvp , hloi-k 0 , Kount/o'B M nddltlun , permanent c rail o , 20 foot wide. West hldo of llth st. . lots 1 toO Inclusive. block l2Kount/e'su'l addition Kistsldoof llth st. Iotr > . b ock ICI , city.pcr- innnent crnde. 10 feet wldo. North sldo of .l.ukson : &t , . lots ; T > and n , block 1C4. city , uorninnenli ide , 2) ) Joet wide Westsldoof 2.1th st . lot K. boclt ! 20)Vi. city. pi'rin , IIKVII .rade , tl feet wide. hn-st sldoof2)tb ) st , lot . " > , block 201'j , city , porm.inentur.ide- ( I feet wide. West sldo ( if 20th bt , lot H. block 20i'5 , city , peim.inent uradc , dfeot wide. Hast sldo of Win stltitr > . block 204'S. city , pormmient ? r.ido , ( i feet wide. Westsldoof J Ith St. , lot I , block211' . . city , permanent xr ido. fl feet wide. South side of n.ivonport * t. , loU I , 2 nnd : i. block 77 , cltj . permanent urndo , b f cut wldo North sliloof ChleaRO t , lols T .mil H , block U , oity , permanent ! ? r.ide , 0 fi'et wldo aiinib sldo of ChlciiRo bt. . lots 2 nnd : i , block 3' ) . city , pcrmmipitl grade , ( jfee-t wlilu. We-stsldoof 'Jo Hi st , slUi foi'tof h 'i of I of lot U , ( Jipllol addition , pcrm.incnt gtade. U feet wldo Kist t.P.1 r' 20th St. . lots 4 mid \ bio -k 114 , city , pcTiimni'itt jr.ide , ( i feet wide. North s du of D.nenport , st , lotsTnndS , block id , elly. permanent crado. II foul ldo. Kast bldonf'lib St. , lot 4. block -U' ! . , city , pnnnniieiiL Krade. ( I feet wlile. Wu t silo of lUth st. . lot I. block 212' , , city , peimmientsrade. (1 ( feet wide r. ist sldo of I'.HIi ' st. , loU , block SUli , city , permanent Erndo , U foct wide . I. ist sldoof 17th HL , n ' , . of s ' . of lot 8 , block SB , cltv. ponnmient qiailo , ( I foul wldo I' ist bide of 17th bt , lots t and 5 , block 10 , city , porm.inuut urado , u foot wide , l.imi sldo of 17th sU. lots I mid " > , uloolc X.l , uliy , purinanont k-raac. tl feet wldo. ll ist side of 17th st. . lot.biock.UT , ulty.uur- in int irrado , 0 feet wldo. Wet sldo of 18th At. , lots I and R. block 142 , cltv , permanent ur.ide. 10 fcot wlelo. itst : sldoof 17lh st. , Iot4. block ID , clty.por- inmiunt irrndi * . 20 fi-et wide. North sldo of llarnuy t. , lots 5. 0 nnd 7bock ! III' ) , v\\i \ , pormmienl smile , 12 feet wldo. And butt further jesolvcd. That the Hoard of Public Works be' , nnil Is li. reny authorized and dlrci ted to caiibo a i opy of tins UMilutlon to ha published In thn otllcliU paper of the city for onu VIUOK , or uu nerved on tlitiownoii ) of Mild lots , and tbut unluHShUch owiii'r.s abail within live dayK after thu publica tion or sonlcnol hticb copy ronmruct H ilil Hldottalks as herein lenitire'd , that the Hoard of I'ubllu Works cuiine the tame to be done , tlio cost of constructing n vld Bldow nllts t espt'ctlvo- ly lo bo assessed uu.ilnst the leal mtutc , lot in part of lot in front of uud abuttlnc uucli gldu alk. K. P DAVKS Pii83Bd.Mav3. ISO. , President of CouticiL Attest JOIINOUOVr.3 , City Clerk. Approviil- UHU P IlKMIP. Mayor. NOTIUK TO ( 'ONhrllUCT SlIIEWAI.K. To tbiiowueruof the lots , pat H ot lots and real cMaie aescrlbod In the uuove rnsoltillon : Von and each of you are hereby notlilod to constni' t permanent aldouallcs as r iulred | by u resolution of the City Council amlunyorof the City of Omaha , of which thu nlxvo Is a lopy 1. W. IIIIIKIIAIJSKH. f'lmlnnnn Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Neb . Way 18 , UU,1 , ml6d7l itulii for I'ni'U HoiiiU , Sealed bids , marked proposals for Park Jloml * will bo rocoiruil up to 12 o'olook noon. nf tlie-Mth day of May , la J. , for the purchiibuof jlOJ.oOO.dO 20 years a nor cent. Park llonds of the oty ! of Dm. ill i , Not ) . Kaoh bid must state prlco anil amount sought for mid Include accrued Interest to datn of delivery at Um aha , Nub. The rljht to rejuot uny unt ] all blda Is ro- sorved. HKNltY IIOJ.r.N. mTdlStm Oily Treasurer Notice. The annual meeting : of stockholders of the I'rumont , E'Xhorri & lllssourl Vulloy luilroatl company will bo hold at the ofllco of thu com pany In Omaha. Nob. on Friday. May 29 , 189 % at 'J o'clock p. in , for the election of di rector * and for the transaction of sncliothor busluet * ut may come before the meetluz. J. 11. ItKimiLU , Secrutu r y. UateJ AprlltB. mi til | Wrilton ' SYPHILIS to Cura Krcrj CAIO or MonoHefundoJ. . Onrnini lipetninnrnlandnoi ft patchtit up. Casol Uratodrnvi > nyparaiohitv n < ) vp.r c n a lymptom Into , llydpsfrlblntcaso fnllrwecftn trnal you br mill , and w give the same strong ( iinrant 9 to run or rotund all money. The t who prefer to corns hard lorlrcMmrntmn do soanl we wlllpsy rallroaltara doth ways and liolel blllswldtotioro. If we tall IOCIIM Wa challenge the world for a caia thai our Mngla Itcnicdy will not euri' . Wrltofor pnllonlar nn I not IhfOTldenc * In ourieen year * practice with ilia Matflolleme Iy It has been most difficult to otcrcoms the pri > Jndlcps nss.lnsl scwallpd specifics. Hut nn lit our r Iron * guirantpothousand * arc trying Hand b InircnrtM. Wpcunrnntce to euro or refund erpry dollarnnd a < wo bare n rppnlnllan toproioct , al < IHinncIlM bncklncofrJO.aXllt Is perfi-ellr info to all whowlKtry the Irpnlmi-nt , llorctoforo yon tiavs pntlbutup and paring out your money for dtfTtiront trratmpntanj althoiinh yonara not yet cnrc.l 111 one has paid bark your money Wo will tHultlvaty curryou , Old ' IironlMloopsdtoJ ci i < s euro I In0) ) totfJday InvoitUato out Dunn-lnl ntsmllnt our ipputntlon ns bunlnrsi men. Write 111 for namoi an t adclrriiaosof those wo huvo curoJ nho hava RUen pbrmls lento rafcr to them It ro < ts you only post * icModo this. If your oyraptnmi nro sere Hi roil , nuicoiistmtrlipsln monthrhpumallsni In boneianl Joints , hnlr fnlllnn out , eruptions nn any pirt of Ihj body , teallnK of general depression , palm In Iioalor bones. You havotio time to waste Tnoteho nro fonstantly Inking mercury nnd potash , should dli * conlinuolt. Cnnstsnt u eof thpic * drugs will unrely brine sores and rntlntt ulc rs In the en i. Don't fall U ) write All rorrcuponilenco sent sealed In plain < m < ttlopo. Wo Inv.lo the most Mitll lnveill illou anJ will do all Incur poworto nljyoiilr.lt , Addrtts , ror K nr.MlODY ro - Onmhn , Noh FOR MEN ONLY wnot ) torn cnso of I.o T or I \ ii.ivoUv noon , Ooiinriil or Ntiiroirt UMI i , rr. wonk- iipasof body or ui I nil. tbo ulftioltot rror < ir ) ox- CPssosIti old or vuii nit t lint wo cttinotouro. Wo cuiir.iutooovory fnso orrnfuuil every doll ir. rive daydtrKI tronttnotit MH , lull cmira fUt , I'nrcoptlolo bonolln rotllre'il lu three ( liv < Ily innll , soouroly ptrltol from obt-rv.itlou CooKllRMKnv Co. UMAIU Nm LADIES ONLY MAftin riJMAi.u HKmn..vTor. . .iifo mil lllMUlu Ciirtnlii to .1 d.iy or money roftitt lo 1 Ily mull 8. . QSuonroly so ilo 1 front oburv v tlon. COMIC KKlllitt V W.t , Din ill i. No Dr. C. B. JUDO'S" ELECTEIC BELTS ItdlfVi'K lleiieluelioii In onu iiiliiuto nnilvlll cure } lrrnln , t'ercr ntul If/nr , Heart tit , I'lliii Dance , .liil , J'frt ( iff/iff , J itnibaifo , Jtiiltiicitian , Lmne Itaile , CoJ.I Vrct , rilr , 7/radfir/irv Jiail 1'otsontng , Juii of niiltthood , Lust of ? Utility , lack nf tfervr fiiifaanil Vigor , Klilmu and l.iiri-f.onii > liiiitl , A'ci-ioiMfirss unit if/I / Dtttnuten trl thn e u a.utrA I'roftir .Irfiou IlultcrlrK urc IhiKll ) Itcncxvod niiel Clcuiicd nnil vUI liml fur Veam. Call and examine them. JUDDEL.ECTRIC CO. 1506 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Illt.HC. WEST'S NK11VK AND UI14IN TIIUVD. MKNT.a spool to for Hyjlerlv Dltilnaii , Flti , Nau. ralgla , Il9td icao , Norroui ProitrAtlon CAUSOI ] by al , roliol or tobacco.Vnkofulnoii. . .Mental DaprOMlon boftcnlng or tna llrnln atjilng Infinity , misery deciy , doi'h , Pramatura Old Aw Hirr.mii.ii , Lou of 1'owor In olthortuv. , Impotency , Lo icorrhoot an I allhomalo Woiknasioi , Involuntar1.01101 dtijr- matorrhoaicausul by orcr-e'iertlun of the brain Belf-uhuse.ovor-ln luluonoo. A munth'i traatmont II , Ofor Jj , by mill. Wo Umrvit.a at. boxai ti ) euro. Kaohordar for 1 hoTji , with ji will son t writ * ten eilarintoo to n-rcml It not cnral Ouarantno Tnodonly by A. Bchroler , Druggist , solo ugonta B. as cor K.th and Farnam sti , Omaha , Nub V. Uonnru of Imitations Anew nnd Complete Treatment. con < lstlnK oj ' uiiposltorlai Ointment In ' 'apmloi , nno ! In lo\ nnd Pills , a I'oiltlvo I uro for Internal , Inturnal bllndor Illoodlnxllchlni ; I hronli % llccentor llcredl- tnry Piles fills Hc-moly his never bt-en known to fall Mpiirhot I , for * > . onthy m-lll Whysuir.rfiam this terrible dheiisu when n written guarantee ) N poslllvol ) glrc-n with UtHixoioriofnnd the monn > If not cnre'd icnd atamp for fruo bamplu ( jimratitco Is.nnd by K'uhn A Co , Druggists , Solo AtfenU , corner loan I Douglas utrcotn Omaha , Neb SAVE HOUR JUtflGltf HOUSE OF TUB ALOE & PF.NFOI.D CO. , Ill South nth Strsot , Next to I'ootoUIcc ' , Unialid. Practical Opticians And branch of world rennwntd oplloal establish. oivntofA. H Alou \ Co , HI. Ioui ! Our method li jnporlor to all otliam ! oar leniss are superior , will not weary or tire tt oy . Tbo fiamei properly ad- ( nslcd to the fnca. Eyes Tested Free of Charero. Prices Low for First-class Goods. Cnn aoon bo gained l.y ovury lady by uilm : Iho "rish Hrnntl" Complexion Brush. Ilo sure the tradn mark "Hsu llrand" Is on ouch onaI'ho electrical eflort of the volt tubbur roon brink's thu doilrrd effect and when brouvht , by TIIIH moins It Ii I'fii- MANKNT. ljrloo DOe Haoti If mallod ( at yourown Iskl add lOc ; money to ecoiucuny onlar. Ask your druK2lit for thoiu , or Omaha Rubber Co , 1520 Fainui St. PURE RYE. is so named because it is tbe quintessence of , or carefully selected , whiskey. It is as smooth , nutritious and wholesome as cream. As a beverage or medicinal stim ulant it lias no equal and is far superior to whiskies distilled from corn , ( known as Bourbons ) . You may know it by its delicious flavor and ( be proprietary bottle tle in which it is served. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores , Call for Cream J'ure .ff/-and take no other. 8 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago- The Dodd oporn comptny will cominotieo * proloiiROil sc-mom of Miminer o | > or tit the rarnam street thofUor out ) week from Suit' day , Mn > " . ' \ oponlnn the outiiiciticntllb ; ; n nmtinoo. This company \ > ns or nnliej In Chicago by Henry \V. DoJd , who hm had lurRO ovporlonoo in the formation ami con- tittel of oporn comoanlos. They wcro nil last week In St. Jo. ' , and xvoro In LOAVOII- \\onhthollist pait of this week They huvo n ccivoil the highest uorilt of praUo from the jiresi of both cities. The princl- pan have Open iMi-cluity solectetl mid the rhotiM Is ) i.irtloulnrlr stronu. ospccl.illv tha tnaio poitloti of II , the ciiuul ol whleli liiu not broil h card in Omatm for n loui ; llmo The popular price's of Iho homo will bi maintained ill ! tine : the fnp.iKt'moul ot tin I'ompin.v The opi'iilncopor.i onfitici'tnoul will bo ' 'Tho Chimes of Xornmml ) , " to ba followe'd on Tmnsdiiy ovoiilncr by tbo "Mas- cou" mitl thoio will bo two nmnces of opera each \\cok iluilttp This ovoninir Alnrlo Hubert l-'rohmnu will login n tlaeo nlKhts iiKnnomrnt nt lloyii's thtntrr , pre'seMium ; her iilRhl. ) pralsoet rolonlnl drama , "I'lio Witch , "n play tlial Is entireU out of the be.iti'ii truck ol modern stage roprtMuntatlons. Miss Kroli * iiiuii is o.io of the joutiKtist of Ainoiiunii stnrs. She undo bor pfotosstonal ilobut In "May Hloshuin , " the Madison Si.uuro thonlor success , bhei boiMtt her Hr t .tarrltiR tour In u rouorlorv nf plav comprlsln > ; "I'uflhonia , " "IClun Itonu'n " " ' " Uatiuhlof , 1'Nilso Llmt'tns , nml 'Snow Hound , " und her success \\iis such ns to load her lo attempt tv bolder VIMI- tuio. AccordliiRly , she croaticod , on Ibo ( Uili of November , 18M ! , the quaint nnil uiiRlttal piny , ' 1'bo NVIich , " in winch altoli nt pies- enl stm ling. "J'ho Wltoh" U iiuoloJ lit thu loading pipots of Now Yoik mid Phllntlol- tihin ns the bc st Ainoriiun dimmi jot written. ItM founded upon lucldontb frauuhtiththn tlcopost Intorou , the witchcraft delusion lu hnloui , Muss , In lii'jj , and II utTo"l n loin- ploto cnanuo fiom Iho sttrfolt of nclodraiu.k mill farce e-oinedv Unit li.ivo been rampant. for ti number of yr.u'I'ho stoiy ol Hie pUy is Intensely thillliui ; . The sivnory U lu koepiniitli the plav It show i loonllUes In tialotn that h.ivu boe-omo lamous UnoiiKli thi ) \\Huhciaft panic , l.vorv lady iitlciullni ; tlio opjnliit ; pei formanc'olll rui'olvo a silver witch souvenir spoon a lokou of the .Limb. porforinniico , which occurs Thur < day nlj.'ht , I'ho sulo of seats Is now lu pto rois. Jumbo , the ox welching ! l 7'W ' pound' ) , Is n biff attraction \Voinlorlnnd lliis WUCK und Is u ciulosHj well \\orth snultiir Hut this U onlv ono of several features. The Torrollu bauu , n musical novelty , Is an iiitureMltiiK or- iaiii7atiou apait from lU plnvlnt , ' , and Iho MuMullon t'ollootlon of rare utitl curious roll as Is a thing to oxcllooudor This popular lesorl hits 11 gcod theater in con- nc'otion und Kivi11 * an ctitorUtinluK perform ance ovcry hour , aflotnooa and oveniug , nt ' loiv prices. HIM. Uln. llolllnslii-il , 1'iistor of tlio Piesbytoiirm church cf Sparta , N. J , voluntmily'wnlus stroiiKlv lu favor of Hood's ' Sarsapiullla. Ilo savs : "Nothlnp I know of will clcauso the blood , stimulate the liver or clean the stomach line this romodv. I know of scores and scoroj who huvo boon helped orcuteu by it. " The uiehcvU pralso his boon won bv Hood's 1'ills for ittoiroasy , yet ullluionl aolion. TAKING TIIEIK TIME. llnllioaiU In Xo llmryto I'.ty Tlitilr Slinro til rlty T.I\IH. Up to ilato notio of the railroads doitt ) . business in Omaha huvo paid tlio tax as acsscd ncrahist tbom for the voar IblU. H was hurdly expected that , thov wo'-ld , us tha snrno does not bccoma dcliiniuont until Julv 1. The amounts assessed and entered upon the tax books by City Clerk Groves mo as follow. : Union Pacific J2IIOTO II & M .T llU Dumb i lli'lt f.lne . . . . . 111.11,0 ( hh'iico. t-l. Paul. Mln'iiiolls | A , Omaha 1H.UA I i union t , Klkhorn . 'v ' , Missouri Valley IS. ! The Union 1'acilio U the only road that Inn declined Its intention of llchtini- ! the asno.n- niont. That rontl has KOIIO into the United ] btutcs coutt , whcro it proposes to .show thu. its depot ( -rounds , swltclios and ether appur tenances located within tbo city .11 on pait of the cntlro system , and should bo asscsbcd by Iho stale olllclals. \\uiirii , 1C , Juno 1. , 'OD. Dr. J. ii. Moore : Mv Dear Sir 1 have been .si-.ljuct to sick hcadoclio all my lifo. Over two vears ago I began using "Mooro's Tree of Lifo1' for It and never had u case of sirk hcaiiiichj nliu'O , except when thu modlcino was ut one end of the road and I al the other. It Is worth moru than money ta mo' 1 honrtilv toconimcnd it to nil sufTurors of > headache. Very trulv youtif , \V. IJ. Li IK. Pastor Tnst IJjptlat Cluifc'U. for sale b oil druggists. THAT BUFFALO HEKD. A Attnrlimtinl AKiilnst ( Jtili > ni > l .Icini'ii Com- jillc'nlcn Miltttns Vitry Mm Ii , The herd of bulTnlo recently sold by "I3uf > fold" Jones to Omaha capitalists ( or $ .17,000 has again changed hands , this tlmo , UoVpver , v/llhoul any consldoration. The animals vvcro levied upon nt Ir- vniglon by a donuty Unitcel States maralial on'nn attachment to satisfy u judgment of M8Hll.UJtn fuvor of the Morrltnack Ulvef Savings bank. The nflldavlt filed In the federal court alleges - logos that Jones is about to dispose of his propoity and uouvcrt It , Into money for the purpose of placing it beyond the much of bis creditors , and that ho .still has nu Interest In the property that ho Is endeavoring to oon- coul. 1' . n. tiroon of Irvlngto ] , has boon placed in possession of tbo held by Mursi.iil blaughtor. _ < 'iinii | l'"lin j.xtriiiirilliiniy. In accordance with the rcrjuost of the lr 0 ( Jrand Army uf the Hoptibliu men iittenrtincf the conference , U. S. Cirnnt post , Grand Army of the Republic , will hold n rousing cJiniiiho In their now hall lulhoContluoiitnl building , Klftooiilli nnd Douglas streets , on S'ltuiday evening , May 21. Chaplain Mcfjabc , Comrades Palmer , liar- din , Mitchell , Cbamoerlain and ICdvvards oi the conference and olhota will stioak. 'J'ho Seventh Ward Hand iiiiel tlio T. 1C. quartette have Uindlv volunteered music. All Orniiil Army of the Kopubllo men of ( Jinalm and vicinity , uml ihnir wives , nil women of Iho liollof Corps und all Sons of Votciatix nro most cord hill v Invited to moot these rUltlng comrades around the camp tire. _ _ for stroiipthonliis ; and clearing thu volco , use "JJrown's liionohial 'Iroclios ' , ' ' . ' 1 ! have I'ommondod thoiu to friends wlio were pub- lie gpuakois and they Imvei ptovcd oxtremt'ly sorvlcoablo. " Kov. Henry Ward Ucocher. Tiii : itivirv : MAiucisr. fNBTIlUMiNT3 plaoBil on roaur.1 May IB , I ) nig r > I'rnuk Fboull : iml wlfo to .Tolin Wobur , JotH 14 , ' ! , 4M. . KiiM'ir'H u l < l . 1 l.ooo John Weber to N .1 hkow , siniu , , , W T Soumuii unit wlfa to K Miiip-ion , o .10 f l of u t , block 21 , lloytl'H add. . 750 J II und r.ll/ihoib Oinipboll to U H ( Juinpl.fill. biock K llciHon 3,000 K A Wiillaco uml wifu to | ) oii Scliwiuib , o 'i lot M , block \ , liiiiiroMimuiit aaan- olutlon mill 1,000 QUIT C'.UM IIBK'X. K WO ray nml wlfo to II K Oady , lot 12 , lilooK I. Walnut Hill OC' Hamilton to V U Lantry , lot A , block : il , Kloroni'O JO Porn Hubwuab to Kinma Haarmaiiii o ' / lot 11. blooU I , Iioprovoioont uMOola- tiou I.WO IIFKDS. IIII I'ostor ( suoc'lal mnstor ) to A R Cbnrl- tou , casblur lota a , 4 , IJ ami 11 , b.ouk 'J , Wal.oloy . . . , , M8 Total amount ot tranifon . ( 10 , ( CD SKWKR PROPOSALS. Sealed propoinls will bo recolvnd bv the tin- dersluued until IMtl o'clock H. m , Junii.Ird , IMi , fiir the construotlon of bowers Inhuiver dlstrkts Nos. JM , isu and UT , In tlio city of Umahu , us per urdlnances Now. U' ' > al , Mfi and UXi.1 it'siiectfvaly , uiiuordlnR to planx and wpuo- lllcutlons on llld In I ho olllco of thu board of publlo works. Each proposal to bomadeoii prlnUid blankf fiirnlabed by the board , und ta bu accompanied by a cnrtlllod chouk In thu turn of two , pa } able to the city of Omuliu , us un evidence of good faith. The board ret > urvei thu nitjht to reject any 01 all bids , und ta waive dofoctu. P. W. limKHADHr.il , Chairman of the Huaid of Publlo Woiks. Omaha , Neb , May lath , WJ2. wld-1'J-aj..l