0 TJIR DMA FT A DAILY IWfa TITt'KSnAY , MAY 19 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Corn Was Largely tuJ Fcaturo of Yester day's ' Trading. AFTER ADVANCING IT FLUCTUATED rrnilo Win Very llrnvy for An Hour nml Not I'lultlvi'ly Onlet nt Any Tlmr Slocks unit llomM. CnicAno , III , . Miy : 18. Corn was the leidor loUny Traders nt llio oienln | wcro Rrcatlv wrought upon the weather , and May tnndo nn Impatient advnncoof no irly 4o iiliovo tlio orleo It cloicd ul yesterday. July w u wanted at thus uno tlmo nl Me. njiilnst from 4l'Jo to ! 3So ul tliu cinso ycslor l.iy. Tlio May shorts were soon s ilHIIed from llio f.ial 1'i.it there vioro not tinny of them , unit llio subsequent fluctuations In tlio lirko for tlio month wits of u most crrutlo charnc- tcr. After It h.iil worked olT Rndually from Bio to ftl'iO , It w is olTorol down toSIc without Unitiu n buyer , and acnln bid ill ) totl.'iiu without n teller coinln { forward. July w,13 tnoro eons slenlly llrui thin this month , and In tlio former was conccntr itoil the hulk of llio diiy'it mis neH Tlio trulu wns very ho.ivy for an hour and was not po l- tlvnly ipili't nt any tlmo Kenueil-Hopkins were amoiu thu buyers for Mny , and union. : thu iiroinlnent | ) itrchi cis for .Inly were Itnrtli'tt-l'r.i ? or , l.iuiin A. Co and Hoyden & ( 'o. Thu most iitoiiilnont sillcis wore the Wuiru Commission comiiiny. 11 ildwin-l ar- iiiini , I'mdrldgc. Ummp In .V. ( . 'o-ter and Mar tin. July owned at 4 < , sold us high as 4l\o , li.i'jk to 4 iSo and emioU lit Hint , m.ilnst from M'io tu ll'u jestcrd iv. , \\llli.Mayeoriitoiichlii2 Mo wonder Is ex pressed th.it im h 'i shiewd trader ns Ciidiihy Hold his biK line of May n few weeks iuo nt about 4.'e. Qiiinlnn < < f New v. orkiilsodtoimcd h Inline i round ! ( < < . I'mdiUlRi' , who U slioil a bis line for'illy , estimate 1 us hi.ih as G.Oui'- uuui.foil lit iho mlvnnro htiilihoinly nnd ulicn tlj..l future pot to 4l'ic mid 4IVi' . ho L'onllmitd to sell through II iluwln almost any niiiounl the crowd wanted. 'Inlay Is tlio third In suceossliin on which the lowest price of .Julv whc.it has been Mill- Mnnllallv M > io a"d iho IiUhest nt hl'Bc. ' lull vvlioicas ihe oloilnit prleo w.is hl'io on Mon- Uiv. It ttiiHtOUuim I'liesdny and HI'.Ito Hy. The wo ithcr was .iL'alnsl bull f.ietors In the wheat mm hi t. Tlio depression It receded thonews which hud the contrary InIInonce. Unts opened fli m at from > < to > io hluhcr nwln , : to ( mil weather tliroiiKhoultl Krowlos section. Iho adviincu wna not iiuilnt lined , however , ns iho markut weakened as com do- cllncd , The provision nnrkcts showed n llttlo Rtruimtli , iiltlioui'li lio- receipts wcio much heavier Hi in estimated The demand for the raw ait olc was slow and was reported some improvement In prlco for bo t lots , The strength of corn HUowlso landed to ciieour IKO the hnvliu of hoi ! piodncts. The ! mrovu- | iiiota was for the most p irl conllnud to pork , whit h i.llhorloso Is 7'ic higher than on thu da.v befoif , l.ard and rlhs cm only bo o illud itoady ut pro\ oils prices. Vessel room w us In fair request and rites weio steady at L'o for who.il and lj. c for corn to Murrain. IMlmnlo I receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 80 ems : i orn , UU cars ; oils , 110 cars ; lio.-s , ill uuo hund. The lii.uiln. futures ranzcrt us follows , AHIK 1 1 S Will AT No Mnj filH Jtlllb . * SI July . . SIbU'l tl ! to 14 COIIN No i - Mn > . . . . 51 M .Inno I' . ' . . July . . . . UH O.MS No . ' Mny . .U 211) ) 2 IK .Inno. ,11 July . . . . ,11M Illt-S I'OHk Alaj t > ' 17'i ' , U-171 , Jnl > ' .I h.'l- & t-ut U UT' . a j I , Mill Mny SJ U 21) ) 1,20 Jnlr . . . .u I , K ) 0 jl bCit | . IS 0 ITM 0 15 6IIOHT Kins ' S 771. 6 kl July . . . . 6 t > . ' 5 S J-'Tt . ft III 6 ' . f. .uk Cash quotations were as follouc : 1'Louii Dull and unchanged ; iv'utor pat ents , fl.'i ( tflIM , winter slraljhts , { .Ml fttllltt WHEAT No ! ! spring , H-'c ; No otprlnSJiSc : No. ' ! red. S.Shlic ( COIINNo . ' . I OATS No. 2 , aoc ; No. 2 while. 34c ; No. \\hltc. 4 ® i'ie. ; ' HYE No. 2,7V.iC. llAiii.i.1 No. 2 , COSffic ; No. It , 51J8e ; No. 4 , no s.ilcs. l'iASi mi-No. 1 , 81.00. TIMOTIItKKli rrltnc , M.CrOl.)0. ) I'OIIK Mi'hs. per hhl. , 8U.7ifcD.7JV4 ! InM , per ICO Ins. , SO IT'i&il. ' P. \VIIISK\-Dlsllllcra' finished goods , pur Rat. , Su'nAlls-Cutlonf 5Q.r > So ; grinulated , 4Ku ; 8l indnrd "A. " 4 'ut1. Kooulpts and blilpinonls today wore us fol lows : Ou the I'ru luce exchange ludny thn butter ni irket w H steady : fnnoy ere imury , lMfi lOu : line westein , 17lHo. ordinary. JYlliu | ; tine daily , 17iiiihc. J K > steady at HfiiHSi. Oimilm I'lDiliicn .Maiket. HiDiB. ETC. No. 1 green hides , c ; No 1 rci'ii sailed hides , liiil'ic : No'Jereen silted lildes , , ffi-l' * ' ; No. I yruen halted hides . , to JO His , ICu'.io : No. 2 green salted hides , : v , to M lljs . .IQIi'i' ! No. 1 veal c ilf , S. U ) 15 His , ( m : No.'J Neal calf , s to n Ibs , 4c , No. 1 di v Hint hides , 7cNo Jdiy Hint hide" . re : No. 1 diy salted Iildtsf'GUo. Sheep pelts Un eu salted , each , MlLfoll. f > , ) .TL"II salted sho.irllnjH ( short jvoolcd earlv > klns ) , each , IfCiic : dry she r lln s ( hhoi l uno'ud ' o irly skins ) . No l , each , MtlHi ; niv bhoirllii' s ( slioit woo'ed ' early Bkliib ) . No. . ' . each , Be : dry Hint Kans.is nnd Nehi iska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight. UUUl'tc : diy Hint Kmisnsniul Nehras- ka inurriln wool pelts , pi i Ib . aitu il weight , tl-'o ; div Hint Colorado Imtcliin wool pelts , Jcr Ib . ui'tinil weight. ' ) ® . " : dry Hint Colo- rndomiirraln wool polls , peril ) . , actual ejht. | K/CIOcj di v jiloces and buck- , actual weight , 74400. 'I'ullou amire.isu Tallow. No 1. .iVJ. 4c ; l.illow , No ' . ' . .f&l'tc ; re ise , whlto A , let crease , while II , : i4e : gioise. velluw , : ic : urense , dirk , L13e : old butler , ' . ' c , bcoswnx , prime. IliQiHc : lou.'h t illow. I' ffi.'c I'ot'Miiv-Dld fowls. .l.5C(2l.uo ( pordoz. orX3 ( > Oo per Ih. live weight. mm 1:11 : Sumo of Hie best country butter rocBiil l.ianc. hut anytliln : that falls below th it point goes to lliu p ickers nl 80 i'uui I'liiifoinln I'lvuiMldo oraiizos. $1.01 , fihox lots , { 'si : Washington navals , * ! Ml ; cho co anples , JJ.(031.0 ( , i-holeo lemons , H7VI6 4 ( ill : f.iney lomoiip , ll/iO ; bananas , erittd. $ ' . ( ) ) S&'W : cninUiriles. shipping slock , bbl. , t'M ; ! 101 nl i tomatoes , J'.vi uercialoof sl\ baskets : jliieniples | , l..UHW/iO per do/ Vi'ili.iAin.i.s eed hweut potatoes , K.i j California cahhage , Sli" p rlb Ineratei : home urouu lot ! mo , 4llo poi do ; unions , U cictl.l" > jier hu ; Nebraska hund picked beans , * l.s.Vfo S. 0 : medium. Jl.'ijffiMU : I'olor.idonnd we.leru Nohr.is'.i potatoes , a.VTH'o ' : native potatoes , ff ,0c : limn lean , < c per Ih , : water erons'I- it | , cases , l.'io per cl | , : spinach , JIlHXiJ ) . " . nor bbl i rullshes , 40c : rutabagas , tl.j ( ( | rij per lilil. : p oiilnnt , lie per Hi. : iiusioy , av t o ; no\v l/'allfoinla potatoes , Jo per Ih j eucuiuLors , H.fiO put do/ . bTitvwnntiiiis-L'holeo stock sultaulo for li tapping nonu too plenty , } ) . "i. < iiil.OJ. Nu\v Viillt .M. 1 1 lie t s. NKW Ynitu. May 18-ri.oiw-llccolpts , r , - 400 lil.usi uvports , UlUI hhls.j ILdJU sacKs : \ui.iKer. liieKiilai , fico selli-rs , oloalng hoa\j ; ' mill's. 2I.7UJ hh s. COII.SMIAI. : Dull nnd Hlondy. VI'IIKAI Itocelpls , 2. > ' ' , iWhu ) ; exports , 207.- 4IU ; sails , U.OOU futuioi ; IJ..uOu spot. Spot , inarl.ol IrieKHlnr , uloalu hteiidy ; No 2 ted , W'UWW : uiuiailuil rud , tblicJio ; No. 2 northern , H" 4 < it'JOc ' ! No. 2 ( Jhleafii , h'Joi ' Na 2 Mllu aul.ee , Kh'iej ' No , : i bpilnv , M'io ; No. 1 hard. Wo : No. 1 northern. B.IO Options modurately nctlvo nnd irrt'jtniar. eloslns linn , nihnneed mirly U Mlio will ) I'ontlnuid net we ithur at the wi st. piudletkiuiof frost In Iho ntirtliMiist and looal emerlnif , dcnllnod 'Gaboon the lo er cahlca mid reallz.ns , advaneeil UW'iO ' on local buy. liur. dKUllneil , e , and closed ulthu.irly month * Ji'iiUi ] up nml lulu months > , u down. No. 'i ifil , Aliiy , bhJuaMlc1. closliiK al hh'm : June , 88 > J Wii' . closing at Ml'4u. July , S'li4t'JOc ! , elobluu lit t-'i'e ' : AiiKilkt. ti'KiiSOT.IOi' . I'lofliiB al Wi4oi ) boploinbor. vS'.WSUUc , olumiu al bu"oi Octo. tier , Kl . < i.iOo ( , closing nt bU's ' ! Ducoinhcr , Ul'iC O.V. o ( Mint ; ut | ' ( ' | May , U5e. Kt b-Oull , but bluadyi sales. 11,000 bu , nl Wi uelhnreil lUiu.bv MAI.T Uull. C'.ms-ltecoipu ' , ) Hi.S7 : bit. ; exports. 5l,8o : tin. ; suns , N4 .oou bit. of futurpbi 4J.OJO bu in cpot. j-pol lilclior anilbcarco , No. 2 , .V , < iJ.Ji In elevatur ; M Ht-Vio .ilhial ; uiijit < 1oil mixed & 1oi bteuinoi inUed , U3.1UC , Otlons | ) ail Mini'i'i ) I'loou Muy , OI'ICM uuchaiitfud lo ' , ( upon \\iMitlieriiiul poor Kiailtni ; , clnsln. Him ti.idlinc , Muy. 't.Oii'.c. ntosiiiKal UVi June , M iUA.V ( , tlcisln ul S ! , o : July , 5 > ij . ut fur ; HiMHoiulH'i , roc , closing at 3 c ; IV lulier. : > ' .W-'iJ'tf , rinsIiiKat 5j'4o , ) A1 > Uui-ilpts.i..hK : ) tut ; o\ioru. | IM.CfWbu , mlcs. 74\tiuu bu , of futiilOb ! 1II.IHIO tut. of piil himt nun Uet tlrm nnd Leltur , Optlun ijillet uloaliiK blu.idy. Mny , SQoOo , olualiu at > HIO June , UA'ilS.i&Sc. ' uUibliiK nl .ti'iO ' , July , 3K. 15e. olosluK at-lJu : Au/u t. JlSiliU'.c. ulob lui ; atWio ; boptoiubcr , JJiiQWlii Na 1 nhitu 4lr > : mixed ncstaciii .1' < l3740j nhlto western , . llAr-KIrm : fiilr drni mil. Mori Vicnk : Urun comn.on to choice. KWJ joes IMcUlecomt. .Ktt.'Sc HitOAU-lltiw , iitiiot and stcndy ! fiilr clo- in nml Mol.AS'ns I orclRii , nulct ftnd lower : n , cnrzotiirilennsso d nt ln'4u for V ) test. -T'llrdciniind : domestic , fnlr lo extra , 4'liiO'ioj Jnpnn. ftWIMfc. ! 'fTitoM.UM Qiilut ; United closed nt % o for .lu ni' . , , t'oTTO.Nsrr.ti On/ Steady : crude. SOc : ycl- lon , . ( . 'it1 ' , TAM ow Qnlcti ilslii clly. l'c. ( Kn < iv-Qulot ; fltraincd. uoinmon to Rood , I riiri.WiNK-I.litht. lower al : il'4&to. ' KIHH ririni f ilr demand ; wcsloin , l.i'iO 10o ; ri'CclDts , c.717 pktts 11 HIEStonily , . . _ I'OIIK Qiilolnml stonily : old prli.io. JIO.MO ll.fO. OUT MnATS rirni : plcklcil bo lies , fl'ie ' ; middles , dull. , , I.AIIII ' teailv. dull : wcMcrn stoitn closed at W M ; s-ilcs , ll.DO tli-rios ; options , no sales- , Mnv. tUJ .iskod ; July , JO > asked ; AuRUil , l > i IlurTBii Quiet , onsv : western dilry. ICffJlSc : ereninory , 1.46'Jlc : rrc.unery factory , lliil-c ; , . ( Hin'SK-Dii \\oik I : ) ) irl skim * . IIROc. 1'ltl lltdV ( inlet : Ainnricnn JI4 2.1IillX2o. ( 'oi'l'pn-luil ; laid' . { I1..1 ( ftl'.O' . ' 1 IN iJlralKhts. 82) ) t'1 ' St. l.cinU .M'll-Kets. ST. I.ouis , Jlo , May li , ri.otin I'lrm but \ \ it'mT-Onsli and Mny nllvnneed , hut fu tures closed aboiil as vustunliiy. No. fell , unsli , higher nl NIC. OoiiN-tlponcd 'Jo hi.her. . bit lost II nil later and closed V'i'tc below justcrdnv. Mnv. 4lu : lulv. 40 > { llt ! ) > sci Sc'pteinher. 4J3c. OVT-4 Cusli lilehor nt ilicl futures linn' May , .lilic : .lulv , 2U'.Oj fceptuinlicr , SO'tC. ' IU li .Nos lies llAiii.lif A lot of Iowa sold at 7.'c. HIIANI'lirco and linn : h-icked lots at mills sold at 7ii"lc. llu t nclrined : xery lltllodouoj pr.ilrlo , jr.nj3n.fio : timothy , sn r , ® i2.w. \n-ririn it 81.10. l'l.A\SM II ti ) Illy lit $1.01 , HuiTMi-Quloti cro.uncry , 15OI8o ; dairy , ISitlCe. 1 mis I'lrin nt l'c. ! C'oitv .Ilutli-Hlion ? ntl2.21S2.30. WIIISKV btoaily at Jl 14. IlAiKiiMi-l'iii'liancud utC't'B'c. ' ' COTTOV I'liH-Uneiiaiued , 1'itov ISION * Vorp qulul and but lltlle done. owiiii to ii'slrlcted shliiplng f.icllllles ! job lots sold nt pun long prices Ul.Cl.lI'M I'loilr. I.UOJ Ihs. : wheat. 23.-000 liu. : coin , 2 < , UJO bu. ; oils , U.003 bu. : lie , 1,003 bu. ; barley , nono. bllll'MKSTS riotir. 4.0CO Ibs. : wheit , 03.0 bu : coin 01,000 bu. : O'tts , , J,003 uu. ; iyu , none ; birloy , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KiinsiiH City KANSAS Crrv , Mo. M ly RVnr.T W is dull hutnbotil atu.idyr No. 2 hard , 7. ! < 3c ) ; No. Jrol.Si 'c. Cons Strong , bill Irregular : No. 2 inKed , 42'i4li. ' ( ' : No.2 whltn. 4'c OATVeio dull hut strons : No. 2 mixed , al © .il'ie : No 2 white , ; r.'a'IJc. ! HVK We.iliot ; No.2 , ( , 'ie. ' riSnPiStc.idy ntlilc on basis of puro. IlliN Kas'er al il c s icUud. HAV Very llrm ; tlinothy , JO.Q3 ; prairie , 81.0J (5.S.HI' ( ' . nous Scarce and active at He. Ilurti'it-Cjnlut and steady : creamery , 103 Me : daily , N3I4c. Pull croi'tn. 12'jCi Yoiins Americas , S Wheat. 10,800 bu. : corn. o'Us none. Sim'MBNT * Whuat , 2J.13D bu. ; corn , 2.70D bu ; outs , nono. Outlook lot Itleex , Messrs. n in Talmasro's Sons In bullelln No. 1. lllce Crop. I1-1 ! . ' . Issued May li' ' . state : "The rli'O crop of the United bl.ttcs this year under any f n Mir ihle KIOIVJII ; tondlt Ions can hardly all short of s.uui'.WU bit. an adanco of about ) pei cent o\ornnv previous year. The basis f ostlm.ilo Is on aneiuo planted , prep iroJ nd iriinl ) cil. The eiilni enient Is mainly uu to planters who havu had pi ev ions e\- eih-nco hill furlhor augmented by those nno il.intlnj lass Lolton adopt Hie as a subs ; Unto nip. It bo in i ( in.illy s ifu and abiindnnt n.s nv other 'r.tln and of much lusher value. ' l.itti'i make the \enluio In an 'jxperl- lental u.iy. judk'lously iilnntlii to a limited Aleut , vet the iiK icrfitu prodiictloii Ihere- loin uromlses to bo ( niitoronsldorablo About uilf the ciop was seeded dtirlnii Mnich and i\irl : optr itlons biisuciido'i d\irln May but nil I he n sumeil carlv nc\t niontb , iimtlnuliu n Iho oMieme suth anil aoutuwcsl until the iilddlo of July. " > eYorlc Dr ( iooilM Market. NEW YniiK. May IS Hnsir.ess was of wider _ \luntln dry toods. but without app itont mini itloii. The foituio was the evident trciiKth fiom the h isis of supply nnJ do * n. mil. The Simpson Victim i hiaelc prints iveio advancud lo 4\c , and all Ulouuostor . Including lucllo. . \\ill bo itnplo prints. -o. \ \ nil- am. oil on Moiday ' ! ' , pur ecnt. Low [ jrado : iiliil cloths tidvauccd 1 l-Oc. LtVBiti'ooi. . M.iv IS WHEAT Uullj holders oil' rum luritoly ; red ucstvin spring. Is Uaft s 9'Jd ' percental : No. 2 red winter , Cs lOJidii i HI ( 'DUN I'lrm : domnnd f ilr. CnrhhK American lintst vvhlte , 70spercwt. ; American Hnosl coloreil. fils per cwt. Colluu .Vlnruot. New VOHK. M ly 18. Out'ons ' opened steady , .0 points up to fi down , u o .ed steady , meli ui-'cd to in down : sales. 2Ir > Sj bazs , liiLludlnc May , JI2.7i < ai..71 ; June. $ l2.0j < T61-.10 , July. il-.iOtSJ.IO ( : December , tli.U1@l2.UJ. bpot Ulo , iiulet , steady Sl..l2'/i. Oiittiin .VI uUi't. La. , M iy IS. Mar.,01 firm ! inlcldllii ! ; , 7 I-lile : low mlildliur' . li'ac : KOOU 01- dln.irv. li'ec : not. leielpls..2J biles ; iross 241 b.iles ; expoits to thu eimtlmmt , ( . , ' " h. iles : cu islnlsf , 2.7li ! bilu- > ; sales , 4.JD ) bales ; slocks , 1IA77J hales AVouI .Vliillit. ANTVM'iii' , May Is At the wool sales which opened bore yesluid.iy I'.MOhalca were ollered. 'liaileis' T.I Ik. CiiiCAno , III. May 18 IConnstt , Hopkins Co. tu S. A. Mo\\hortcr \ : On the cuih j ester- Jay alii rnniiii.Inly wheal sold al fti' c on an iiiiheullc icport thai the Russian uknsu won 1(1 10 lomovoii June 1. This was supplemented wlthnewsof heavy filluru In the Knqllsli Kt.ilu Irade. ' 1'lie moruliu papers conlaln no ntlmnllon of the removal of the ukiiso pro- hlbnlng wheal e\tinrls and London cnules leny thnt tin 10 was any failure in the grain iuide. Liverpool reports a failure there 1ml i.o name Ib klven which Is a t > lfn that It Is also a oinaid olrculati'd to depress values , It Is evident IhalforeUn- eis , while taking cm wheat fiooly , are \\orn- Industriously to dupioss values. To th'h end bogus l ) Mrlsh nous Is lolng constantly set nllo.it fiom tint quiii lur. Thu world's ' shipments lepoittd yesterday woio ovoi- stited moro ih.iu . ' .OuO.ulj bushels , whether mnposoly 01 not , Thu crop oul.ook Ib crow- , inoio soiioiis. ( Jto.it dninngo has been no ihu winter wheat , possibly millions of ncii's being under water , whllu In the northwest ono correspondent b.ijs Hint nut o\ur 45 nor cent ot thu lonlomplulod ncieu.'c has bean bown In North Dakota anil northern Minnesota , nnd whit Is mom It cannot he bended this season. This means a gioiit reduction of the crops piohablv ftO- WIII.IKJU to T.'i.ooiJ.OiU bushels mill II will soon bu lo.'ogul ? ! ' ! ) as a nitlonal calamity. In corn ami oils ihu m.irkel was not us buoyant today as thu situation Indicated , I'rou.ibly this Is duo to tlio weather. 'Iho short Interest h.ivlng coveted so generally Investors dlsllKo buying at what looks almost lli'o fnmlno prices until nsburol conditions are as bad as represented , lie- sides ninny rumemboiliK ihobharo break that fo.lowed a dny' siinsh no are nou short lu anticipation of another hro.ik on predicted clii irlug we iiber. Hut lands tire In Mich con dition they could hardly he planted for ten days or two weeks al least and It is piohablci that fresh storms ulil occur In thu meantime. Provisions ) IK\O shown rathci moro btroiutli , hul the ( Idmiiud his been llghl an I nolhlng but htiiingUi In corn app irently HUbluliis ihe nmiKeU STOCKS AM ) HONDS. Operations by thn Hear I'nrtyVns tliu Da'n rentiiro , NKW YOIIK , May tb-Tho slock market to il iy was active nnd du 1 hy l urns , bul llio nnlmnlloiilh.il was shown was still nothing more than llio app irent result ot thoopuia- tloiib by the hour p irty , Ihuli audden drive * being aboul ended bj a miukcd Increase In the business In thcsa blocks to which they paid alteiilluii , but the cess itlon of llielr of- foits was lnv.irl.ibiy followed hy dullness and eompur.itlvu bl.ignnlluu In prices , There was evidence of muio suupurl lo Northern I'noltlo urufurred , and a material rally oc curred In that stok during the early trading , oy the nttunipts upun the Could stocks and thu Indications imlntuil to the fact that the mnnlpiilalljii wn moro thos.ikoof covurln ; uulbtuiidlng conlr.i is tn in for thu purpnsu of permanenllv denrcssln. prices. Onu of thu luatuies of the day mis Ihu icnuwul blrenglh and actlvltv In Hund iu. but thu rest of the coal ktockb did nut respond lo thu advance. The most ( imminent oper.ilirs on Ihls blue weiu loduv on ihu btrcct nnd busily engaged In ulv lug out orders and thu failure of prices luidccllnu much U accepted as evldenco thHt the orders wcio more buying than siilllnones. . An nltempl tn make 11 appears thai the Oould pally U emleavor- In , ' to depie b prices made little or no | iro.- icsitodii ) and the ev Idi nl attack upun Hur- lln.'loa siilllcleully accounts foi thu iinxiclv of cerl iln upor.uors over ths wvntorn HooiU , which I avu LcL'ii put forth to UMiluIn the itu- clliiu In the blocks of the corn r.i.ids. 1 heupoiiliu of the market was made nt hlghi'i lljiun-ii , but thu drives , ul Iho Uould btookbiuid thegrangerbKOOiichunged the tem per ( if thu dealings debplto thu strength In Northern I'nclUo urefcrrod aud a few uthcti , I'rlccn were driton down nil alons the line , however , nn i th.s wn siiccccdcl by 11 rully In the forenoon , but whkh wn ns luunl aeeonip tnlo I by xrowln ? dullnrs < l.i all portions ( if the ll t after u drive ul llurllnzton had dcproMel II over I percent The murkcl for Iho reil of tlio dny was almnsl fo ituro es . The market showed sumo Inclination to vveiken iiK.itn toward the close , which w i , however , dull and llrm uctu r- nlly nl litsunlflc.int ebanfes for the < liy. The slroim point of the dny wns ijusqttpli inua . \\estorn preferred , which io o 2'4 per cent , but on the other bund Northern lost p , per cent -ind HiirlliiKlon and Hocking Valley uaeh I periont. Uovernmonl bonds hive been dull. The Post s iy * : The coursu of Prices for the thrco opening : dnys of the week has been a turlout reversal of the movement on Ihe days lasl wojk. Ihochlaf dllTorenco Is Hint the operators for lower prices have exhibited far more eoiiraito and dash than their antii4- onlsts I'hu bull pools of last week advanced pi Ices In a half hoirtcdway and Insed mo l of their expectations nil active London sup port. Iti.isinueh as London w.is b.islnff Its own limited htivnii ; on antlcip itoil stri'tiKlh lu Now Vork. the situation was aitln to Unit of two people , oaeh of uliom deullnet lo tnovo until the oilier has mndo a start. 1 ho following are luu ein < ini iiuutatlont for the lo idlnj ! stocks on the Now Yor't ' Stoo t ox- today : hill The total silos of stocks today wcio 2SU.S81 sharof , Ineluding : Atchlson , ir..liri ; Ohio ivo Gas. 17.PVI ; Krle. A-'OO : Louisville & Nnshvllle , l.'Oi ; Missouri I'lielflc , 3.4MI : North American. IIW i : Ntirtlieru Pacllio prefeired , 4',09 : Now l.ngland , 4.4V ) ; Ueadlni ; , O.'idO : Uiehmond i. We"t Point , 4.UOJ : St I'nul. 17.ISO : Dnlnn Pa- I'llle. 17,711 ; Western Union , a , L'O : WheelliiB & I. ike Kr.e , 0.70D. London riiiiinchil Itmlcvr. [ Copi/i fihfcd ; JSS./j / / Ja nn G in I i lHnneU\ LONDON. M y 18. I Now York Herald Cub'o ' Slicelal to THE lieu I General business has been comp irnllvoly quiet In Iho Slock u\- chan.'O today , while the markeis presented an unsettled apno ir.incu. Consols mo 1-ltl per cent e isler for the money account , roielzn government sectirllles have shown consldor- n b o Hi unions , a slrout lone bolu ; reported on the continental bourses nmoti the lutcr- u illi-n il stocks An advance Is est ibllshed lu r.'vpllnu and Greek. An Incio.isu Is ibled In llungarl in gold , Portuguese , Itus- I.in fours , b | ) inlsh and Turkish. Homo inll- says have 1 ecu unfavot.ib y nllected hy the llsappolntliiii tralllc btatoments. although hero has bien no pleasure. A general decline srstahllshed. Including "s ucrcenllii Ililghlou lefcried and Noilhi1 is'.ern , ' per cent and ii toiithc.istern deferred and S to ' 4 nor till In others. American r.ills elose li.it. .owcr prices are coming from Hie New .York nnikct. ' 1 hero has been an unfavorably lu- liiunio hy the Lc.ir raid on Cn'oti 'ni'llic. Thlbstok has fallen P4 percent. The full In most otheis i.ingcs from 'i per cent lo . pei ci-ut. Northern Pacllli ) pioferenco are exception illy higher. Iu Cumuli in ll > ies , Uaundlnii I'aclUc lias given way 3 ; per cent on llsappolnlliig fafllCibtutement. Grand Trunk ssites m irk some recovery. There has again uecn scarcely any demand for money. Short o ins h.iv u been readily obtained from H to I icrcent. In the discount market ulIs have jccn competed for. those at Iwo nnd Ihreo months beln quoted at y to 7a per cent. I'in uicl it Notes. KANSAS Cirr , Mo , , May 13. Clearings , $1,4 kV IO. HAVANA , Mny 18. Spanish gold , $ J.503.iO exchange uulot. Ntvv YOIIK. May 18. Clearings , 8'J",040V > ; ) : balances , S-,4"iOS < < . I'Aui1 ? . May 18. Three per cent rentes , 93f , 17'ic for the account. 1UI.TIVIOHE. Md , May IS. Clearings. $3,177- L'7j balances , foOl.Cdi. Hate , 0 per cent , i'lln.ADIU.i'lllA , I'M . May 18 Clearings , ? 15.- L"iJlll , ; balances. 11,701,117 ? , Money , 3 per cenl. I.OMiov , May 18. The amount of bullion : onu Into the Hank of Hn 'nnd ' on balance today , .Cl'l.OW ' ) Mi.vii'iiiB. Tenn , Mnv IS. Now York ox- chnngo selling .iljl EO : clcarln ; . $180 , Mi ; bai lees , S.'ll.lld. CINCINNATI. O , Mny 18. Monoy. HS1 per cenl : New York exchange , 7Ue premium. Uie irlius , $ . ' ,4lb , ! < W HKIILIN , May K The statement of thn Im- Dorliil Hank of Geriniiny shows un Increase In specluof 14luj,030 marks. HOSTOS. M.iss . Mnv 18. Clearing housob il- anccs , $ lus174. . H lie. 1't porceut : call loans , J.1 ! : uercenl : tlmo lo ins , US.B percent. ST. IOUI" . Mo. Mny 18. Clenrlnss , H.t7.GJ6 : ; 1) il inces. (218,41 ( : i Money quiet al4t ( ( i percent. K\changeon New Yotk , tKc ) premium. Hosiov. Mass , May 18 C'learliigs , 117- OW.714 : hil.iucos , $ l.is74. ( Money , 1'J per cent. Exchange on New York , r > lj,8c discount. NEW YOIIK. May 18. IPpecIal Telegram to Tin : Hi-u 1 Exchange was quoted ns follow , , : Chicago , f > ie premium ; Hoston , So to So dis count ; bt. Louis. OOc premium CIIIOAOO. III. May ia Money H4 ; b-ink clearings , $ ,4.'I17,744 : Now York exchange In in nt We nrcnilum ; sterling cxchauu'o , light ; bUty-day bills , $1 tG'i ; dcmnnd , (1 bS. Now York .VlDllcy .Vlnrliet. NRT YOIIK , .May 18 MONKV ov CAM , Tasv at I'/J per cent ; last loan , l'/2 per cent ; closed offered at 1'J per cenl. Pmvir. .Mniic\NTii.K I'Ai'Rit 'K3"i DOT cent. biKiu.iNn I.XCIIAMIU t > ulol but stonily at * i.Wi' . for sixty-day bills and $ I.S7'i for do- iiriiul. The closing diiotatlans on bonds : MVU srouii l.lKht Itnu of Cuttlu HtliiK * u III Inker Uc- iiiunil llogn lfco\rr Slllitly. | OMAHA , May 18 II seems thai II U lo ho ellhei fe.isl or famine In the innltur of re- felptu , for while Tuesday's run , In point of thu number of cm * received , vv.is the heavleal on record , IJJ cars , tlio run loday , forty-one curb. If not tlio Biunllekt on record , a at leukt QUO of the smallest bo fur thli year. The hrcc days' rccolnls fatit un 7.70J cnttlo , IV7M loiMitidOWsheop. ncnlintlUVUcaltlo , ll.tlf.l Hijsniui l.d | . > htoi h < l corrCipondlnR three lavs last weiik * > The fresh siinnly if ) chit P vrns lifirdlv lnr.so 'iiouitli lo inaku a inivrsol. I ui there weroovor ,000 he-id houl over Irwin rucsdav'1 * lull iimr- ket. which , addo ' to mo mei er fresh re ceipts , in ulo toinetli MI nko I.2JJ or I JO u-it- lie on sale. A night itutlit storm had not Im- irovol the looks of thosKrck , hut iho limited ilTorliiRS had crratly Improved Iho demand mm the dressed hco ( limises. hlld favoriblo oporls from Chle ISOMIII ! oilier o islcru mil r > ots put new visor into the shipping and ot- lorl trade. As on Tuesday really choice joves woio conspicuous for their scircltv , Ihnro were a few luinches of very decent .500 to 1.IW Ih ealtlu hero nnd tliey vvnio losed out readily at cencrnlly it ronpi-r prices. rein J.1.70 to JJOJi , lloth shiopcrs alii ) loc.U iiiyeis were nflcrcood light ciillle. and any- thliiK very RIIOI Inthlsllno sjld to the host ndvantiue. lulr to uood ! Ui lo 1.20J 111 steers sold fiom $ . .Uto } j.si. hvjn the ordlnnry odds nnd ends , common lltfht slulT. sold to cousliU'riihlv hotter ndvniit itfe on account ot he better Inquiry for stock nnd fcoillnit cut- til' . Sales of this elnss of sliiir were all the way from J.1 JO down to $100. H was an active , icnltliv nini ket throughout. M utiyors , and. n faet , do iloM. ccner illy wore not looking 'or very lar o iocelits | the rest of iho week on Account of the bid coudillon of coiinlry and railroads. The supply of hutehers' slock and cantiers vnsexcollouallv | Unlit , and oervthltu on RIO In this line found a roidysalo .it stronger irlocs. There wore hardly enough of the Kind it'io to in iKo n market , and nil olTcrliiKS hnnscd hands iiilekly. | btockersnnd feedeis were nl nlnvory Urn- ted supply , bul r.ilher active demand , both rein country biMors and vard sncciilators . lerylhlns sold stronger , niid In sumo ensi CALVES. 1. . ICO 3 53 IIU 1.1,3. 1 .1110 203 1 17JO 241 I..1080 2 ftt 1 .I4JO 203 1 17.10 2 M 1..1U1J 2 8i 1. 107J 8 30 1 13J ) 2 G3 STAOS. 1 .1200 2 20 2 I..V. 3 00 SrOCKEIlS AVO FEEDSIIS. 1 770 300 1 1,1)3 ) : i 15 I. . 013 3 15 2.723 300 I S'J ' ) 340 1..1100 335 1 . UiO 3 15 31 053 3 50 Iloos There were about Ihlrly-flvo loads of bogs held oxer from Tuesday In tlrst hands , unit tliesu added to te | fiesli receipts made a very rcspoitulilo showing. About 3 Vij boss \veieonsiieuhen the market opened. Tno shipping demand was not mateililly Im proved , but as l'lic.uo | VMIS substantially slrougcr and the suuutv was not moiu than Biilllcicnl for the fiesli meal nnd packing do maud Ihe inarkcl was acllvo , wllh prices ruling u food nlcuol higher th-in Vuesday. It was practlc illy a $1 ' 15 to fl 40 market , the lal- terlelng tha popular pi ice. Ono but-lier- welght .out brought * 4 4'i and a few rithor eommonlsh lit'lit lo ids sold at il.'U. The pens \\eroclo ird by U o'closk. the hulk of the lui'S selling nt $4..151to J4 40 against Jl'JO lo tl.31 Tues lay , the general average of nilccs paid belnl.7'i ! njUlinst Jl ll' ' 1 uesday nml TMllast Wednesd iy. Iteprosentallvu sales : No. Av. Sb. Pr. 7 NoAv. . H > . Pr. 7 IUU l'JI.U ' 4d I'll ' JI40 Wi . . . .2111 Ml 4.-ll 05 . . . .21) 200 440 70 . . . . 2JJ 200 4 30 ' ' 71 8M 80 440 1,7 , 20J 431 . 5S . ' 01 1.0 441 7J . . . . ITi 8) 4 .15 , 74 217 840 440 7S 2il 28J 4.T 'i G ; . . , . .S2r 101 440 104 U7LNJ 4r y" < 72 214 40 4 4J Cr > 250 [ 240 4 : t5 I , 75 237 SO 440 .Hi 120 4i5 : (0 ( 249 fcO 443 70 . . . .8T 4J 4.15 Ot 270 11,0 440 10 201 ! > KO 435 79 21J leO 440 74 211 120 435 . 71 2"iO IJO 44) G5 24 440 4 .15 ' 00 24J 80 440 d ) . . . .101 0 4374 7J . . . .2.1J 4) 440 70 .Ml 120 4 3Jia 00 . . , .2.il 440 8J . . . .22. 4 : i7K G.1 2)4 83 440 8) 191 43 4 37'J 57 80. ICO 440 ( ,3 218 840 4 374 01 812 440 III 801 tO 4 .I7SS K ! . . .180 44) ) . ! . . . . . ! 43714 05 8JJ 40 445 01 258 1JO 4 37M 1'KIS AND HOUail. 1 300 2 03 2..C30 80 403 SiiEEi' There were no fresh receipts of shocp. Demand actho , market stniu-r. I'.ilr lo good nallvcs , Jl .lOIib.OO ; fair to good wostc'iiib. 8l.50.3li 00 ; comnion and stock shuou , $ .looai ' - ' > ; good to choice 4U to OJ-lb lan.bs , $1 0 4M 60. Kccrlptsnntl OiiptMltion ofSl-ic'c.- unielul recolpls nnd dlsposlllon of Molc as shown hy the hooks of the Union MoeU VnrJs company for Iho t\sonty-four hours onillii , ' ut 5 o'clock p in. , M.iy IS. DISPOSITION. Clilr.ign l.lvn Mtock Miuket. CaiOAOo III. . May IS [ Spool il Toloftram to Tin : liiii' , ] I'liicattlo mniket w.is Dim today. It wns soblmply leciuso of llcht re'-eljits. fcalus were pilnclpallv alfiom W.OJ lo } 4.1i ) for dressed beef and shipping steers , nnd al from $1.'JO lo 1.1.00 for cows , helfois and bulls. Choice to extra cows uciu quoted at fiom $ .1.15 tot , ) riO nnd cMrn steers were quoted al fiom W/.o to $4.70 'Ilicre was sumo Inquiry for stoeker.s and feeders at fiomJ.'OMo $ .73. and calvo-i were III m at fiom $1.21 lo $4 T.\ I ho ho market \ \ as moro aetlvo today nnd steadier. Not as many lies wore received as on the iirccodliij days of the weak and al though thora was no uuvanco the selling In terest had rather the best of II. There were sales of choice assoi led lots al from $4.7. " lo 14 71 and of culls al from JJ 00 to (1,31. but from Jl 5.1 lo J4 11.1 bought tne ure.iler part of Iho thirty odd Ihousand In tlio pens. LlKhl and heavy welehls sold at thu same rutiKc. There was a wood demand for fair to choice muttons hul poor and common soils remained under neglect. Although supplies aio comlnK forwnrd rather sp.irliiRly tiier appear lo be equal to the present requirements of thu tr.idc. Wo quote poor to choice shorn sheep ut fiom t..21 lo } .1 U ) nnd unshorn yenilln snt from W.W ) to sr.Oj. Springs sell at from J. 5J to Jl W per head. Receipts were : Cutllo , 11,003 ; ho-s , ; 10,000 ; sheep , li.000. The CvenlnKJourn U reports : OATTI.B Ie- relplx. ll/iOO : bhlpiuenls,4.0JO : market .steady lo hlKhor on choice bi uis ; best HICOIJ , Jl HKti 4.75 ; others. ? .1.75l.0ii ; stoukera and medium , } 41 © 1 'iOt cows and holferb , * . ! ftOjil.'H. lions HocoiplB.fir/Wshipments. ; / ) ; IIMl ; mar ket active , , r > o hlu'lu'u elosliu easier ; rouirh ami tiiminon , } .1.7.Vij4 2.1 : mixed nnd paukeiH , W 5l < a < W'4 : prlino''lhe.ivy ' nnd biitcbeis' weights SI07i ! < ai70i light , tl.WKai.7ii. bllEHl' Kccelpts. , a.iOO , bblpmenlr , 2,00) ) ; markrl steady to | Kroncr ; Tuxaus , $15.1 ; wcbtorns. f"i.5lSl.f3 ; jambs , no s ilo. X < MV York I.tvii Stuck Mnrkot. NEW YOIIK. Mny lB.a-lluivT.s-Iteeelpts. 2,001 lioad , Inoludliu 41 cars for sale Marnut ae- live. bulsh.ide easier , Native steers , JI.IWW 4 GO ; bulls and cowg. JI.7iiRI.tO. Dressed beef steady at ( Hiit i' . hliljlmenls today , VU beeves and lo/vj ; iju.irtera of beef , Tomoriow , ,1,13 beov'LS , u OAI.VKS UocclptHt-i.Ul ho'iO ; market quiet and 'iu lower ; vimls , IH7'/i asktd ; mixed talvos , * .l5i < a4..r > : biitieimilks. . ' ,7riffiJ.5o. HiiKEl' Hecelpts , .rM7 head ; maikelo hlKher ; cllppjil stieeii , $ .1.7114(121 ( : wool slieeii , to li ; clipped yoarllius , W73U7V > , southurn lambs , $7.7 (1 O.u0 ; dressed mutton firm ul HCO llituporlb. ; dru biil yo.irllnitii hlKhur ul 1144 l."tc ; dressed lambs active at 12QtHo. ( IloOb Hecelpts. H.Mr. head , cons-lined direct ; market nominally hUhor al City I. Ivo Muck Murknt. KANSAS CITV , Mo. May IS.-OATTI.K-UO- colpts , ' . ' , ' .M head ; shipments , l.MU ; steers stroii ) ! nl jlitvai II ; cous steady l fl 8J&.U5 , Blockersind fenders weak ul l--OOic. ! 1.0 , HoiH Keco.pts , 10.100 heucli shipments , .1,003 ; inarkol actho and lOo hlKher ; ovtremo rnujo of prices JlOCai.Ujj uulk of sales ut tl.40 ® 4 5' ' , Ilccelpls , 800 ho.id ; shipments , 1.100 : ( rood sbeep llrm ; otheu weak ; mutloiu , tJ.23 ( S3 00. INTIKISTS. : Iiullrutloiis ulu iucciuriiliihT : | IiiLruanu In the Supply ul Hog * . , O. , May 18. ( Special T lo2ram to Tu K lit n } tomorrow's I'rlco Current will say : Thu supply of ho-s h.n Increnscd. the wuek' packing iu the west bhowiug 415,009 nsnlnst 1M.OW ix your njto. mnklit ; S. 0\000 since March I , against 2..utniO ( a vo.ir ago , ! places compare in follow * . I'lTIKS I IPrJ \ Cook's Hxtrn Ilry Imnirlnl chnmpnRno. If you wnnt a uro sp trkllngvlno with t > Jol'- clous bouquet , buy It , I.arninlo ( l.nnlilcrK1 I'lnns l'i < rt. LiitiMir , Wyo. , Mny IS. ( Spccml Telegram - gram to Tun llun. | Mayor bplccr ut last evening's nicotine of the city council vetoed tbo onilnnnco pcrmlttlnc gninblliiR nnd tlio opening of saloons on Sundny. The liquor men ure wild. ES they sny Splcor nindo nnto- election plodccs to tlio contrary. All of the nmyot's nominations ovcept that for limit Riinrdiiin woio rojoclod. Notlco wns plvcn thnt nn ordinance ropjnlliiK the oxUtlnR Sun- dny closing ordlnnnco would lie presented nt the next mcclliif ; of the council. Dho.iso never sueco fullv nttnoUs a sys- toin with pure ulood. Do Witt's Su-sapirlllrt wanes pure , now blood nnd onrluhoj the old. Chlukering upright pianos , S176.00 Iluydon Bros. Slclnry Alter mi Indian School , Nob. , May 18. ( Special to TJIC Ur.i,1 ; An ciiihuslnsticcltizons' mooting was held hero yesterday for the purpose of induc ing the govcrnmont to establish nn Iiidmn school nt this placo. Hon. Marlt M. Noavos was choiL'ii chalnmn. Many interesting speeches were delivered In favor of the move ment. A committee wns appointed to drntt resolutions and petition conciess to sot nsldo the icscrvntton boie. The committee con sists of George P. Hlnnchnid , .losoph Oher- folder , Ucorgo W. Hoist , J. J. Mclntosh. U. D. Essie.Vllllnm 1' . Miles , Mlchaol To bin , Hugh McFnddon nnd J. Nuubuucr. Tbo pcoplo fully roallru the gro.it tionolHs that would accrue to Sidney nnd western No brasltu from an Indian school. Dr. Ulrney's ' Catarrh Powder cures catairh. For sale by all druggists. 50 cents. rentier's Neu Illoek nnd Hank. Pnxni.it , Nob. , Muy IS. iSpocial to Tun Ben. ] Bids have boon asked for the elec tion of the three story brick hotel to bo built this season by W. E. Peebles. The buildIng - Ing will bo completed about October 15when Mr. Peooles nnd hU brother , J. N. Peebles , will open a bank In tbo now block. Mrs. L U. P&tton , IlocUfo rd , III. , wiites "From personal uxpoilonco I can iccomincn DoWitt's Sarsaparilln , a c lire lor Inipur blood and general domlity. " To coino to tJie point , it is hard to define just where sickness begins and health ends. Small things denote sometimes great dis asters. A little sick headache ; you did not sleep well last night ; may be you are nervous , out of temper ; you are a little dyspeptic ; food does not set well. Remove the cause tq- d.iy. You can do it absolutely if you will take Johann Hofi's Malt Exti act with your meals. You can get it at any di ugstore , but you will have to be careful and not have imi tations palmed off on you. The genuine have the signature of "Johann HolT" on the neck of the bottle. Eisner & Menclelson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents. TOHSUMATSSSI Ja& THREE YEARS. After suffering untold agonies three years from Rheumatism , having had much treatment without relief. I decided to take Swift's Specific. Eight bottles - CURED ME F.NTIRELY - nnd I wish other sufferers to know of the value of your great remedy for Rheumatism. JOHN WCDONALD , McDonald's Hills , da. tynd for f rco Troatleo on Ilia Blood nnd Skin. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est oittln. hoi and sheen in ii-0u ' In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIYK bTOOK COMMISSION. LKADKKS. flMUlll Write to this houn for cor- UJlilllA | Kopof Wood Brothers , fcoulh Oniiiha Telephone Ili7. - J. I ) . DAW-MAN. I W. U. Wool ) ( M n ors Miirkot reports by mull nn 1 wlro cheerfully furiiUhed upon iipijllu.itlon. Campbell Commission Co. Chlcacn , DislKt. T.ouH , ICtmsiis City , boulh Umiiln.lout Uily. I'nrt Worth A. Crlll , W , I' Udiiiir. U f I'.illnmiUo ClilciifG , llo jMik'sman Uiltluulo Grill , Denny & Company , I.Ivo Stock Commission Itooin . ' 7 Uiclmn.'j Illl't iSoutli Onmlia A. D. Boyer & Company , , ' > S and .V ) i\cliiiu.0 : Ilnlldliu'.Houth Oniulri. Corri'spoMilorico KoliclU'il nml nriiiiiptly l niloiulun ISitablljUcit , 1S8I. . . . Incorporate , lajj Capllal f ullf pnld , JW.WJ Waggoner Birney Company , Wrlloor Mlro us fur I'roinpt unit reliable market rcpiirti Perry Brothers & Company , Ll\o Sloolc ( 'oiiiiiilsslon. Hooin SI nxuh.ui 'o Iliilldln. % boulh Om.ihii. 'J'ulujilimiu 17uT. SOUTH OMAHA BANKS. Union Stock Yard National -UAXK.- Tlio onlf bank lit tlio ) nril Capital and xur- I lu , f iOUUO C'olluctlom fruHliu out of ilia llva elotk bunlnciii tbuuM tu lunt dlroct to thli bank Miliifr | < tan dc'iio U for croait ol tbulr liomu bank wberavcrlocatuiL OMAFIA Manufacturers' ' Jotters' flii1 IT. AROHIT13OT3 AND BUILDHUS J. H. GUm ContrnrlOM nml < n ( > r.intrirt M for nil klmM of linllllnB iilmtoMim pilntMurtp win melton ropy uf ( lidin tirclilli c ( nml Millili r ilin-clory fri-e lif ri'hillnit lliulr iinnic , liuilncx nml Infn- tlon to llioinlill | < lii > r ,1 It ( lloiiti , tnnilist AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TENT * AWN- WOIF DUOS. A 00. INO COMPANY , Trnln Awning * , tnrpnt- n R' Immmoeks oil nml UIK , povprn of nit Umt rublier olothla Head HnKs tinnncr etc. ' rmt for cut guo , I1IJ Knrnnni lor citiUn.uo.7U. "illi HAGS AND T\VINiS : BIMIS OMAHA BAD CO DISHQP CO. Slsnl , i-mnllln cotlTn Importer' nmlmrfu Hour rope , lipiuis Juti < rot lacks , butlipt , t vine lei Inlnun Inrrot cord nigr * no 812 ! < ISlli > t BICYCLHS. noxis. II.O.TODD , M. 0. DAXOH Buccenor to I J Wllk- , cnmn M f i ! clunr im-or Clcycloi sohl on monthly | l < .klll | ( llJXUI All IIOVUI imyuionta IAIN , lilli ; t Uos In t > ot iino. 1IIU 1'ouul.is SI. BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-CUE SHOC3 , 1101 IIoirrl Stro-it. Faelorr corner llth nail l > o uln' We ara nmUlntf liloioprlcoi tuonili b lyor * . nil nra a elm of tiooli wnlc'i U vury eixlo- QLilowll'i mcrcli t ii. KIRKtHDALl , JQNE3 li AMERICAN HAHO SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. Whnli nlo Mfr < Aconts llnitoii IlliMH-r Sim , Co ll'lt ) ! , > uil4 l.'lj- , Ul HUi , illI ) HUill II III' ) Bt llnrno > > it BUEWEUS. JOS. SCIILITZ INQ CO. Offlco , S. Pth nml I.cnvcn- worili Bl , Oinnun. Julm Marliovor. A t. CONFECTIONERY. VOEGELE&DINNINQ frR ( * omfpclonora ) nntl Johhors of forultfu niiJ Uoumstlo fruits , 1110 Horranl at. COAL , COKD , | COHNICC. OMAHA COAL , CQXE & EAQUCORH GE WORKS LIME CO. , ilfrp ( jalvunlrcd Iron Hard and soft coal S H. cornice , Rlnilow caps . , im-tullc BltylUlils , cto. ccr lOlh uod Douglas- lU. 1110 , KU Doilgu-uU CLOTHING. BLOTCHXYfc , COHEN , GILMQRH&RUHt , Clothing notionfurnish Mnmifrs nnd vrhotcaita Ings l.l\o ui n trial Cluthlcra IIW llarnur fcaraplus prepaid by ox- ttrdot prtia. llUllariiv/ . CONTRACTORS. J. H. GLENN. Contractors nnd nb con tractors for nil kind * of InllMhikpla tcrlnir pilntliu oto , will reci'Uo n tops of Itlenir nrchltoili nnd tmlldiMj director ) fne , li ) "t'lullnn tliclr nitino , tiimlni a and Una .Inn to the publiblU'r J II Cilcnn , 11.1 b llth blrect DRY GOODS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECiniCAL CO. . Illuntrntcd cntnlog free- 10H Capitol avo. FURNITURE I hnndlo the CRIPPLH OUEEK MINING STOCKS , mill can fill tolo- ( 'nipliio oulcrs on shoi-t notice. My list" comprises tlio following Cripple Creole htoclc-j. Anaconda , Bull Mountain , Cold Kint ? , Beuna Vista , Blue Bell , Work , Alamo , Washington. And all other rellab'o stocks , of these mines , as well as many stocks of the Loadvllle , As- pou and Creed mines. Many of HIP Ur n'o Creole slocks Irivo moro thin doubled within Ihreo mimlhs The Ana conda stock sold four months ujo ul U cents , and soils now for ov or $1 per nhnto Other new mines nroopunlna every few days with Just as Kooil prospects. A uaiitlum in of Council IllulTs bouRht some of tlilx htoak at tt cunts , iho l.ilter uart of Maich. and hasslnco refused Jl for II In- vostmcntH inadoal low tales. All correspon dence promptly answered , J. S. GIBSON , 10 Pilccs PouK Avonno , Colorado Springs. - Colorado NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSlTOrtf. _ OMAHA.Ni'J CupHnl $101) ) , < W , , 'J ' > , ) > l ) W. Valoi.nMiMu II c i uihliu vIooiirjiMJiit O.S UurloiV / Moino.Joliad Cclllna , J M IL I'atrlox. LJTll A Kluil. Cmlilur IRON BA.NK. TRADE MARK * o to . ; , ferURft / TifLf aiW.Mr'J ' j x njJT BRi'/'I'o I'lM'JiT'1' ' ! ' ' * ' uniliilitluiil , : ! /l\Vl/V'JBPrlljo ) l < cit inullrlnt klio uIurMll.u - 2 / v"y * ea/iii'i , ( .oafctiimtlc'ii , il > n < | i la. foul ) \jtJf \ l"iR\\\W \ \ brrnlli , lu iMlarlic , l , < urll > urn , low nl t 2 V Kxztf iiiHlllf | | , nienlildirienlou , imlnfnl * HfjKr inL'fitlon i liu ] leu , eklluH , ) ( > 0 1 lunaQlirtr7iUMAJwrn ( uUliJtffroia " ' ' " ' - - ' Jlnif ( * * GRAIN. S. A HD WHORTIB , ' JISIIil of Trnilo llrokpr In ernlti. cl l'rlvivo | wlro to K V , Uitcnco iul bl 1x3 u I j. ) UAHDWAUI1 RECTOR A WILHELMr IDBECX&.LIHH , CD , , IVnlors' ImMirnra na4 Corner 10th niul Jnclson nioclmnUM teeN btrtct.i 1491 Iou li9 blrcct. LUMBEIl. CHA3.R. UE , JOHN A. Hnr.litonil lumbtr , wooi cntiult imi inrumi tinporlolmArlein I'nr S tlnorlriK , I in I co n j H. Mllwli9 > lir Irnlillc foment nnd ( Hi nnj yulncr whlto n no , LIQUORS. ILER&C1. , FRICX ft. Minor morp'iinti , 1115 II irn-'j-it \trrs Kan n PI ! r Ki t luJU lllt- \Vliolo a1i > liquor cloalort tcrj. KM1 l-nrimu st. MILLINIIUY J.nBERFEinER CO. , Imtinrti r < n-ul jobbprsof iiiHIIiuTv nuliaiK Hull oti'iTu lirotuiit. . ' 01 U 3. llth st MUSICAL OILS. STANDARD OIL CO. Hcltticil nml ! .Votnil oilir no 'niDti cMmii"y no clnrrlni cto wickHiforlt oho llcll liititnor OYSTERS. A.EOQTH PADKINO CO. PIATT& C3. , I'uckori of oy tors , flsb )7utoM , IM'I mil c9lorr. nnJ tek-r ill ) S lutli it Djiil * worth it. Cole , manner. OVKKALLS , SHIRTS. ETC. KIND -SMEAO , Mfru of " 1C .V * " pint' Mfrs oclnliratpd "UuoS * clilrH and OToralln.ctc vklii" ovciHlU pnnti , ( jll IS llth st. > h'rt' , coilts , tic hail Uiuulin PRODUCE COMMISSION. 1873 BRANCH H. i : WHITNEY & CO. 1'rodnci' , frul.s of all lluttur , i-gm and poultry .in , , , . o.l. , . Ml B. Sl'J S Utli t. i. A. RYDER & CO. JAS. A. CtArX ? & 00. , . Uuttor , ctiouia C2gv trv , lildes and Kiiniis IM Howard street poultry nnd jim" . Heft , lo Com 1 .NntlJink 317 South Utb Strain. W. E. RIDDELL RIDDELL& CO. , ( rctibllsliotl 1333 ) WhoMalc butter A eKR * But tor , rhpa0 , cjst , % eRetabl08 fniUa.poul * IttifB nnd Bella for Iry uiiagiuu'j cash 413 b Jlth et. I PAPER STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Stove ropiitrn nnd w t t nttaolinicnls for any kind of rtovo mad * . SASH. TOYS. M.A. DIS8RDW&CO. H. HARDY i00. ( Toj-n doll n I burnt , Mnnufncturcrs of mill fancy need bouse fnr doors bllndi and nhhliiK Hoods. chil mouldliiKo Ilrnnch of dren's cnrrlnzoi Ul fice , 12tli and Iiarilhti I nnmm Stroct. DB. J. E. McGBEW THE SPECIALIST , Is unsurpassed In the trmitimintof nil forma of PIUVATK DISEASES , and , ill dlsonlor' ; nnd ( lohllltles of youlh and iniinhiio 1 I"yours o\pvrlciKo. HU icsourt'os nnd f irlllllus are Iii.iLllk'ally iinlliiilloil 1'ho Heeler Is ri'coin- inun'li'd hy Iho prois , an'l rndiiisi'd In Iho Htroiuuit torniB hy Ihn jiooplo for fnlr trnat- iiii-'iit and liom'st profuxsii n il udvlco 'Ihn niosl jiowi'iful roinodli's l.nonn to mmlorjj ( ulenio fur the hiiccosbful Irnatincnl of Iho fo lowing dlsi'-nea : QONOnRIIOliA Iniincdliito lellnf A com- niutoouro without the luis of nn lionr'u tlmo Iiiini hiihliiess. CilvlCKT I'nuofthn inoyl coinploto : md auc > ri-siful liimlrmmls for Klool nnd n I unnoylnK dlhchai.'es vul UIIOIMI to the nmllnil profuu- blon , ' 1 ho rcsullsnro Irnlv wundcifiil , hTHlCTUIlE ( jroiilubl Lnoun lunicdy for the Iriinlini'iil of btrloliiro , IIlimit p iln , cut- * tin. : , m ililallliir , A inosl imniti Uiibli ! iiiinrdv , BYPIIILIS-No Iri'iilinonl (01 Ihls lorrlhlo I ) odd dlbunsu Ima o\or huon inoio bii iH'Mful. nor h.iii KironuorondorHOinunlH In the Hiht of mullein Hulonuo tins dlHoaso Is pusltlruly cur.ih o and ( ivory tram of thn pulbon entirely rcimm'd front iho lilooil , LO3T MANilOOD , and nnihlllon , nurvoui- nuhii , tlinldllv , dospondonoy nnd all woakntss nnd dlbtudoiH of youth or manhood , Hblloi ol tallied nlonco. . , . SKIN DISEASES , and all dlscnsp of Ihs bioimiui , blood , liver , klunnyH and hl.iddur nro tro.iled successfully with the ( 'iouttst knnwii roinudlou for these ilMtiiisnn | Wrllo for circulars und ( juoatloii list , free. llth unil Tto * X i'IIr SmidMloii uniitll . NEW VoSSTloilDOHDIHRy AND OU8DOW. miiYt S NJ\V YOKK , . Atronular Intemi SALOOH , SECOHO-CLA8S MID STttnADE ralouuii luwcut tornn ID and f rum Iho principle B53TCD , ! H3Uin , IBIOB * MaiWEUIAIi TOIMIB. hicaraloa tlcknU avallnbln to nturn ! ' ilthor tliorlo- turmuiuo Clyili ) & Nurtli of Inland or N I.II ! & Olbrnlui Butt : il Viitj Ordiri for Atr ictst it ltr \ BitlJ , r to aar of our local At'tntnor to UUUXUI2US ,