Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till' ; OMAHA DAILY HE1V-TIU Rsl ) VY , MVY 19 , 1S02 ,
Episcopalians of the Nebraska Diocejo
0 ther d Together in Omaha.
tie CiimmrmU Work of tlin Pint utnl Point *
Out > cr U or the riiturr flunk *
In HID AVoiniMi
llio C'nuiitiHi
The Twonty-llfth annual council of llio diocese
cese of NoDra ka convened In Trlnllv ca-
thodralynstordaymornlnK. At 7 o'clock Dean
Gardner celebrating the holy euchnrUt ; nt 0
o'clock morning prayer wni said by Kov. Dr.
Qulnn of Fremont , Hov. F. D. Jnndon of Co
lumbus reading the lessons and Uov. 1' , Mo-
Kim of Norfolk the litany.
At 10 : 'M holy communion was celebrated ,
M. Uuv. CSoorKo Worthington , the celebrant ,
Very Kov , C. 11 Oardnor g03polernnU Canon
Kobort Uohcrty cplstolor.
At the conclusion'of the preparatory serv
ices to the celebration of the
holy communion , Bishop Worthington ,
surrounded by the clergy of the dtocoso ,
nrraycd In full vestments , hero and there a
vonernblo head nppoartng in the midst of the
line looking body of priests , read his annual
mldrcss , Ho congratulated the parish upon
this year celebrating Its silver nnnlvcrsary
nnd spnku feelingly ot his connection with
the dlucosa ulncu death removed his prodcuos-
lor , Kt , Kov. Kubert Clorkson.
In spoaKlng of tbo church the bUhop said :
1'ndnngcreil she may bo bv attempts to Improve -
prove upon lieroutworm , aiihonored she may
lie by sotno ut.tulthful keepers of the Kates ,
liut her bulwarks are Immortal , her founda
tions are in thu holy mountains Shu U not
to bo moved , neither by weapons lurnoa
ncalnst her , nor dangers threal ning hornur ,
calumitlPH and foors casting her over.
"Dogmatic religion , " Raid the bishop , ' -Is a
Byxtumatlc account of Clod's actions nnd in
ono m.YstL'rlQUi truth of His nature us Ho is
in Himself apart from us. The nillclcs of
the creed , tha definitions of the cntcchlstn
uro but the various fragments of the tnllnlto
icnllty man bus been allotted to gather , nnd
\vhichtho church has preset vcu. lirokon
lights It may be. but 'broitcn lights of
f Theu' and thnruforo our lltllo system * depot
pot have their day nnd cca o to bo , because
being rayi of Iho Eternal and Unchangeable
they also Ilko their souico 'aro thusamu and
then je.irs sluill not fall.1 "
Work Needed In N
In speaking of Nebraska as n missionary
Jurisdiction thu bishop said : "Ne
braska is practically a missionary
Jurisdiction laid Will bear that
chuiaclnr for nmiiv years to como and every
priest \vlin ionics tioro to servo in tno sacred
ministry and every baptized believer who Is
hoio Idcnllllcd with the body nf Christ
must roali/o that their highest duty
nnd primary ohllcation is of a missionary
character i'vorheru to proclaim the truth
and lo oxomplifv It by n holy lifo. "
In speaking of missions , ho said , "offorinL's
for missions mav bo honestly lo ntdcd as 11
gnugo of spiritual life. Self help in
croiscs stro'ulti , while it is poislbl
to puipeu/o by continued benefactions , " Ol
Christian schools hu said. "Tno cause of
Christian oduuitloii , Christian schools are
nmong the most efilciont instrumcntalitios
for uliurch oxtonsion. That thov should
ho established and sustained h nc
longer an open question. Every
religious oigutib.ulon recognises their Im-
porlanco and utilizes the school for Us pur
pose. "
Ho spoke of the growth of the church
lu thu diocese , gave a summary ol
his work during the > ear and closed
with a rovrcw of the bishops whc
liavo passed beyond duiing the
past twelve months. "With these thoughts
let , us stop foi-unnl with the realities of lo
day milling our holy luith into eflectivc
work , socinir ii circumstance * God's will ,
securing amidst them His spirit , livinp
tnruugh them upon Jesus Christ who Is out
sttuuglh and our life. "
( 'Imgy nnd l-ay Uelngutos.
Later the council convened In the crypt ol
the cathedral nnd the roll call showed the
following cluiKjmmi mcsent : Kt. Kov.
Ouorgo Worthington , b. T. U , L.L. . D. , Very
Hov. C. 11. Gardner , Kov. Koboit Duhorty ,
S. T. D . Kov .1. O. Kerns , Kov ( jeorgoV ,
Vlowpts , Kuv yimuel Goodalo , D.I ) . , Itov.
John Hurt lit , Kov. Isaau Houlgato , Kev. F.
I ) . JiiuUon , Kov. Irving Johnson , Kev. J. M
11. Leeds , Kev J. 1' . U. Llwyd , Kcv.V , , Kev. T. J. Mnokny , K v. A. W
Miicnub , Kov. A. E. Mar-in , Kev. 1'au
Mult li < tvs , Kov. W. C. Mi.Crackeu , Kov. P
Ah Knn , Kev. A. G. ftlusson , Kov. .1. C
Qulnn , D.D. , Kuv. J. E. H. V. ' . Siir.psou.Kev
il L. Sanfoid. Kov. W. II. Hpiirlliig. Kov
K. C. Talbot. Kcv. W. T. Whltmauh , Kov
John U'illiaiTiK. Kcv. John A. Williams.
The follcwinp lay dclogulcs uro expected
to no present , ultheuch the storm of yesterday
day and last , night will seriously Intorfori
with the prescnco of a number elected bi
paruhos thioughout the state : Triniti
ciuhodral , H. W. Vales , E. Wnkeloy , O. M
Cuitcr ; Su Durnabas , Jnmea Van Nostrand
J. Van Nosuand , Thomas Suward ; St
John's , J. J SuviUo , M. D. , George- ,
Stronir , R H Tbomaa ; All Saints , J. M.
' \Voolworth , C. S. Montgomery , II. II. Mo
dm ; St. Matthias. K. K. Kingwalt ; I ! oed
Shepherd , A. C I'owell , Dr. b. K Patton
Or. U. M. Par * ; St. Phillips , George N ,
Johnson ; yt. Andrews , George II. Savidgo
bouth Omaha , W. G. Sloano ; Papillion. S
O. Ko\co ; Harvard , J. T. Fleming ; Norfolk
ColonelS. W lljyos , C. A. Musi ; Noligh
II E ICovgoi ; Lincoln , Holy Tiinlty , H. J
U nlsb. K. H. Oakley , James II Cunlicld
Central City , James Nash , Hon. A. Ewn.g
Clatks , 'Ihomas Hutch ; Flpronoj , H , G
Clink ; Columbus , .1. Uayton Stlrc.s ; Ashland
S. S. Fules. A. H Tuller , W. A ll.mios
burgher : Crete , Judge William 11. Morris
John K. Johnson ; Hc.itriee , , i. I
Smith , ( ' . C Knapp , Gcorgo Aik
wrlght ; Cpdor Kapids , A. C. Stouell
F. M. Ilurpoig , M. U. ; Schuvler , Cliiulos J
Phelps , Hunry C. Wright , Tnomas Hi-yaut
Wmoro , A. U. Piriu ; Auburn , D.wu
C-impboll ; Pulls City. H. A. Wherry , T. L
lllmmebreloh ; Fremont , E. II. Monroe , VV
II , Leather , Kooert Kittle ; Albion , Gcorg
M , Montgomary ; Harlliigton. K A. Drown
Tciunuch , Clnnmco 1C. Chnmberlainc.
Liinrhoon wan served in Iho crypt to th
visiting clergy , lay dologntos am
church members , being Iii uhargo o
Mrs. W. W. Williams , assisted by Mrs
TnUnn , Mr-t. McAllister. Mrs. Arciiin Povv
ell , Airs. Emma Jones , Missus Williams un
Commit tout Appointed.
nishopVorthlngton opened the council i ;
the ufteinoon. Immediately after the re
llmous fenlnru' , Cnuoii Wbltmarsh was at
claroil secretary and Kov. John A. William :
, wiis elected nssistunt secretary.
Following ( hu uiistom laid down bv provl
ons Louncili the bishop appointed thu follow
it.g committees to serve throughout th
council :
On the Incoiporatlon of cluirclici : Kev
Uuuu IlouUatp , Air. George II. Lavcdgc * .
Finunco ! Kuv. T. J. Macliay , Mr A. C
Powell , Mr. K. H. Oakley.
Privilege : Kov. W. C. McCrackon , Itov
J. E. II. W. Simpson , Mr. Thomas Sewaid
Mr. Ttioums Campbell ,
Legislation : Kov. J. D. Krum , Kov. Joni
A. Williams , Kov (5. ( W. Flowers , Kev. A
E. Marsh. Mr , A. C. Powell. Air. H , H
Mod ay , Air. K. K. KlngwalU
Extension of the cliuruli : Ksv. c. H
Gardner , Kuv. Irving P. Johnson , Ksy. Kofi
cut Dobeity , .Mr. A.C. Stowell , Mr James M
Church I'ducation : Kev. AV Macnnl
Kov. J. C. Qulnii , Mr. James H. Cnullolc
Mr , James Van Noitrand , Kov. P. McKlir
Mr. O. M. Carter.
Unllnlshed Dullness : Kev. John William'
Itov J. P I ) . Llwyd , Dr. S. K. Pulton , Koi
Puul Matthews , Mr. Jamas Nash , Air. A. U
Inspectors of Elections ; Clerical vote-
Key. P. D. Juudou , Dr. Seville. Lay vote-
Kev. J. O. Ferris , Air. S. W. Hayes.
Itrpurts anil JUxnlntlons.
C.-.non W , T. Whitmarsh ai registrar (
thu diocese reported tnat ten clergymen tin
been received into the diocese sincu last r >
port. Three tlei-gyincn had boon restored I
thu clergy list , and ihat Kev. Klchard Loul
Ivnox , who uas deposed some tlao since , hu
been canonlcally restored to tbo exorcise (
his ministry ,
Air. A. C. Stowoll presented a rotolulio
that the cxpenauj of the dele/atos to the tr
cunlul unufuronco ot Iho Kplsiopal church I
paid by thu dioceto from u upccial fun
raised for that purpoie , as il had buoti tb
custom herotofora for Iho delegate * to pi
their oun oxponccs , nee ui'nting the clcc
lion of ministerial delcgntts fi-m the cities ,
depnwug the country pans . * uf tvnruieti-
Ution. It was rofotrod to the Lomtnlttco b
cglslntion ,
( Chancellor Woolworih prcsontod a resolu
tion that the assessment of St. Mnry' par
ish t 3 remitted for nil ycnra piovlous to IsO- . ' ,
owing to the fact thai thu communicant ? re
ported by various clergymen cannot bo
found nnd that onlv twenty communicants
nroln peed standing at piesent , Kcforrcd
to the committee- privileges.
Mr Woolworth prosoiited another resolu
tion In keeping with UUhop Worthingtotils
suggestion , made In his nnminl nddrcss , that
a commlttoo consisting of the bishop nud six
mcmberj bo appointed toarranpo for n proper
celebration of mo silver anniversary of the
dlocoso at the next annual meeting of the
Dr. Doherty road the report of the stand
ing committee.
iJr. Patton offered n resolution thai Iho
chancellors of Iho dloccxo bo requested lo
comnllc all Rtnto laws relative to the holding
of realty by church organirations and nskrd
thai Iho resolution ho icferred to the com-
iiilttoo on legislation , which motion prevailed.
Dr. Doborty then obtained Iho car of Iho
council long enough to read llio report of
llrowncll hall , extracts from which \voro
published in Tin : HK.F. of a wcok ago.
Dean Hart of 5U John'i calheclral , Denver ,
wns invited to a seat on Iho loft of the bishop ,
which invitation was accepted by the priest
lu charge of ibo Denver parish.
Thank * to tlin Auxiliary.
ni hop Worthinpton spoke of the work
done by the Womnn's'Auxlllary and the uld
und assistance given bv that body in carry
ing out tno missionary spirit ot the church ,
and thought , that the council should uilco
ionic action in keeping with the spirit shown
by the Woman's Auxiliary.
In kopplncllh the bishop's desire , Kov.
T J. Muckuy moved that a committee of
thrcn bo appointed to rxpicss the apprecia
tion of the council to the Woman's Auxiliary
for Its uork In the mattor. The bishop
named Kovs , Drs. Mackuy , Jaudon und Mac-
nab as the commltteo. The announced readIng -
Ing of the report upon thu memorial of the
dlocoso ot thu 1'lnUo was postponed until a
later date. lhl notion was somewhat unex
pected as U Is w ll known tliu rual light of
the council will toke place over the memorial
of thu Plutio to the dioccso of NubrnsKii
asking lor tbo division of certain monovs.
Kuv T. J , MucUoy then tend Ibu following
losolution :
Voui i ommlttco to whom the work of thu
Woman's Auxlllaiy was lofoued rcspoctfuilv
luport : I hat the members of this council
I > .I\L olscr\ud wllh pleasuie and gratification
thu niilile , elf-dunyinz lai ors of the Woman's
Aiixliiiiy In this dlocoso. and lujolee In thu
fuel that , such u nobio sphere of work lias
been opened lo thu uncicles of our sister
nomon , and one which they h.ivo so ably
lllled. He U. therefore.
HosoUud , That thu work of Iho Woman's
Aullaiduilngtliu past year in enabling
our bishop to exlund his miislon irv opora-
tiims meets tlie Wiiim appuiNa of the incin-
Uuis of this council , und thtt thuy dvlru to
pine o on lecotd tliuli high appreciation of
iliolreiluui lahois foi thu. extension of
Christ s KiiiL'iloin In this diuceio.
ltesiiled. That , this I'Duiicil of clerical and
laj dolomites oMuml 10 llic \Vomuii\Aii\-
llliryaoluof thanks for Its faithful \\oL :
dining the lu-,1 ye-ir anil furtlier add that
[ ho hull with ploisuru the iiinouiicument
that , theiu noblu WOIIILMI of the church have ,
with t mi l tul tli which ell i motorizes their sex ,
iindurtiikun to raise thouiidn Miieiit fund of
JI.HM , OJ before the meeting of thu triennial
convention In Halllmoie. and \ve f col sure
that their elTurlnniloi t lUen In such faith
und lee , will bu suoiessful , and \\uulodgo to
them our hourly co-oporatiou.
Heloro nny action uould bo tauen Dr.
Dohcity , as the champion of the ladles , suld
, tmt the women had not , undertaken lo iniso
SlOUOooo beforu the muutmg of thu general
convention , but to assist in raising tlio
imount. Which lecclvcd load applause from
the lailio-i present.
Mrs. O. Van Schnak Ward of the Cnlcago
tn.iiich of the Woman's Auxiliary aalced to
be purmillcd to mauo u statement , whicu
wns accorded h r , and she told the story of the women wcro doing toward the en
rollment fund , und the resolutions of thanks
were nmunued so as lo show that the
auxiliary was only assisting in raising the
amount necessury. With this amendment
Ihe resolution was pascd uy a rising vote.
Compiling State aiul Cliuieh l.tins.
The commiltcc un lepl-latinn , to ' .vhoni
wa loteued certain resolutions , recom
mended that a canonical offering bo made
upoa a ( .ertain Sunday In each year
desicnutea by the bishop , uhirh shall bo
divided aiuong the delegates to the general
convention , and also that thu chancellor ne
ifuuo-tod to comnllc ull laws of Nobr.isna
rolativu to tbu Protestant Episcopal church
nnd the same bu insetted in the canons of the
dioccso. Tliu llrst clause wus rcfurrid back
to the cummittuo.for more UelinUoncss and
the second clause was passed.
Kuv. Mr Alauunb ofleiod u resolution that
the bishop of thu dioccso , the secretary und
the chancellor be appointed a committee of
thrcuto icporta rccompilatiou of the canons
to the noxi council , ell canons to bu in ac-
coidunco wilh ibo laws of luu state.
The council got into a wrangle over this
resolution , Canon Whit marsh exciting u
great deal of merriment by asking whether
us a member of that committee he would
have to loport a canon giving the right of
voting lo women.
Chancellor Woohvorth was asked to inter
pret the resolution as-tn what effect it would
have noon questions wherein the laws of the
Htato and the canons of the dtoceso were
Mr. C. S. Montgomery thought tnero was
more in this than appeared on the surface
nnd wanted M"Villlnms1 amendment rola-
live to all canons complying is lib state laws
Mr. O. M. Carter said it was useless to
think that in state laws Ibo canons of the
diOLUse cculd bo substituted , llo said thu
uandns wcru deceptive aud wanted tno canoiii
lo so read thai they would accord with state
Dr. Doherty moved that the matter bo laid
on Ihe table , wblcn motion prevailed.
Kov. Irving Johnson wanted to have a
grammatical error in ono of the canons cor-
rcctoJ. which ho suid had long buuu an eyesore -
sere to him.
Kov. Jutm Williams rcmaikcd : "What's
the use1 They uro never read , " winch
iMscd u laugh with those wtio heard the ro-
The treasurer's report of the Clarksou
Memorial hospital was lufeircd lo the com-
miticu on churillcj.
Thu bishop Hi on appointed as Ibo committee -
too to u nun go for thu silver anniversary ol
the dloccsu ibo doau ol Iho cathedral , clean
of Holy Trinity of Lincoln , rector of Christ
church of Beatrice , chancellor of the die
: ese , senior watdon of Holy Trinity ot Lin
coln , senior warden of Christ church of llo
u\riro , the- bishop purnonoly avoiding the
names of tbou ut present holding ofOcos , for
the reason that they may chance In Iho
meantime- ,
Thocouncll then at 5.-HO adjourned until 8
o'clock , when tbo unsjiouary mooting ; wfll
take place In Ibo nalbodrAl ,
Is it sensible ] Is It reasonable ! It ii
economy to sutler yourself , und worry otlion
witn u hcudachci when liradyurotlno will re
Hove you In llftuon minutes I It costs only 3U <
n bottle
I3igho | ) & Odborn sell Union soap.
Finest stock of organs ntul putnos sole
on ousy terms ut Huydon Drod.
ttoirt'ii o.i/.i/i.i.
. Mercliniitii Will Ho I'mtui-trd from I'od
illtirH rinhlbltiiry Lleiumen ,
Slnco the passage of the occupation tai
ordlnuDcu by the city council the uuslnos :
men and citizens generally huvu boeu calling
long and loud lor protection from tbu nu
merous peddlers , streoi vendors of fruits
and vegotublos and outslun inorchnnU , whc
do a largo business In this clly of a r-Srtd
nature ana deliver their goods to the cus.
tomer'j. door. Thu members of the coi'ncll
liavo inieudod to provide such protection ,
and accordingly on ordinance was Intro
dueod ut the last meeting of that body rogu
laung the matter and providing tno amount
of llooaso la ba paid.
Auctioneers celliiif on the streets will pav
a llotuso of f J per day , or f'-JO p r year
hawkers , peddlers or canvassers , $1 per day
hawkers or peddlers of oils , bread , voge
tabloi , meals or other ui tides of dally c-ou-
sumpiiou in families , using a wagon , t ! pei
day for each wagon , or $15 porjear ; gilt on
toiprisoi , fj ( > or day , or * iu per your ; knlfi
board or oauorank , fJ DOT day , ortJO per year
bigalcllu table , ? a per day , or 850 per yi-ur
noooting gallery , $5 per day ; billiard or pee
tables , fill per year for first table and f. > ne
your for each additional taole ; bonllni
ulloys , t5 per day or W3 a > car : fruit stand :
on public streets ot sldowulus , f l pur clav o
f.i year. The violation of the provisions o
IhlsofdliiB&co l luodtf M luiadoueanor am
FSC5 \ ? ' < * \
* " W
Keep your mind in
tently centered upon
our store. There is a
money-saving feature
about it , to you.
SI ) miri | BARGAIN ;
4O inch Vicuna suit
ings , goods we have
sold for $1.5O. For
Thursday we make the
astounding cut price of
New street shades in
wool crepons , double
width , worth $ l.iO.
Cut price for Thurs
Crocadile weave
cloths , new summer
goods ,
Whip cord brocades ,
new summer shades.
Ask to be shown
Conference Delegates ,
Where are you buying
Here , of course , if you
are economical.
Beautiful white ties
1 ( Two Dozen
for 2Be. )
IJoltor qualities 2oc dozen.
( Fasten in
Hack ) 10c
each , 78c
5 a Dozen :
White Shield Bows for
turn , down collars ,
Only Dozen.
Clergymen's collars ,
lOc each , 75c dozen.
Finer linen,12.c ' , ISc ,
2Oc , 25c each.
Whale Bones.
Genuine French un
varnished bones ,
15c each or 2 for 25c.
All Notions at proportionate
ly low pt ices.
We take pleasure in asking you
to come and inspect our N'liW
LINli of Russian Trimmings ,
Steel Trimmings , Gimps , Cords
and Fancy Jets'Jpr Dress Garni
" * "
ture. 1
the offender is subject to a Una In a sum not
to exceed ? iOO.
Another nulinanco was also introduced
providltis that all transient denlors or sellers
of nny goods , wares , morchanulso or bank-
runt stock btouslit to this city shall pay it
sum equal to r > per cent of the cash vaiuo of
auch coeds otTcrcd for fiilo.
Both otdinanr s ulll bu reported on
favorably by iba ordinance commltteo and
pissed at next Monday ovenlnc's session of
the council. It is expected that the amount
of the licenses 111 s'omo cases will bo In
creased , in order that bettor protootloa maybe
bo given tno South Omaha merchants.
I'lc.ihiintlv KiitcrtnlneU.
T. H. Lorko , commercial agant for the Du-
lutb , South Shore & Atlantic railway , with
headquarters at Duluth , Minn. , was in the
city yesterday , the Ruast of Manager W. N.
Bnbcock of tbo Union stock yards. In dnys
gunn by when Mr. Babcock was general
tigent for the Northwenlern. Mr. Larke was
tils private secretary. Mr. Babcock sbowod
his fi lend the mammoth industries of the
Miiglc Cltv. told him of its progress and the
encouraging future outlook for the city , and
Mr LarKu wont away thorouchlv convinced
that South Uinnha is all that is claimed for
her , and that the claims for future greatness
are amply justilied und will bo realized.
Will OUo .May Party.
A May partv will ho given this evening at
KnlRuts of Pythias hall by the members of
Lily division No. 8 , of Iho uniformed , rank.
Captain A. b. Lott has been selected as mas
ter of ceremonies.
> uti > and PrrHon.iU.
A. A. Gary is again contlnod to his homo
by illnoss.
Mr. and ftlM. G. G. Williams of Aurora
uro visiting in South Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Stnllov are the proud
parents of a bouncing boy baby.
Hav. E. H. Button of Gretna visited with
South Omaha friends yesterday.
Henry A. DavN of Independence , In. , is
visiting his cousin , VV. Hoed Dunroy.
A. H. Baldwin of Alnsworth , this state ,
has accepted a clerical position wltb Swift &
O. E. Strong returned yesterday from
Fremont , where bo was called by tbo illness
of bin wife.
The heavy wind of yesterday blew the
steeple from the Albright Methodist church ,
wrecking it uomplaloly.
Next Thursday evening tbo Modern Wood
man will give , u dance nun supper to the
friends of the members.
Or. T. H , Ensor returned from n tiuslium
trip to Wisconsin yesterday. lie loaves to
day for Greoloy Center , this state.
Hov. Marlon A. Moaghorof Bacon , la , , Is
the guest of South Omiiha friends during
tlio session of the .McthodUt conference.
Kov. W. B. Irish of Kllbourn Citv , Wis. ,
is the eiio t of his cousin , Hev. Kobert L.
Wheeler of the First Presbytoiian cnurob.
W. II. \ \ orslcb , a member of the California
I'otroloum and Asphalt company , arrived In
the city je torday from San Francisco , Cul.
Monday evening the members of Magic
City lodge , Independent Order of Good
Templars , will give an entertainment and
sociable at tbo First Methodist church ,
"I'enelopo , or tbo Milkman's Bride , " will
bo presented thU evening at Blum's hall b/
the ruembors of the Ccclllim quartette , as-
anted by otber homo talent , "Penelope" Is
n pretty nnd interesting operetta ted abounds
wltn excellent music.
Tha new Oag was raised last evening nt 0
o'clock over the Albrlcht bchool building ,
Tlio members of Robert K. Livingston post ,
Grand Army of thu Republic , had cnurge of
the exercises , Appropriate speeches wcro
mauo by several , whicit wcro listoubd to by
a largo'crowd. _
. ' Latoto bed and earl v to rUe will shorten
the road to your home in tbo skies. " Bui
early to bed und a "Llttlo Early IlUe * , " luo
pill that mauoj lifo longer and bqttor and
Finest stock of organs nnd pianos sold
oil UUMV toriiiB ut Jliiydun Jroa. )
H. Marks soils Union soap.
$ " > ! > .00 or nns at Hnydon Urea ,
\Vm. Kieck bolls L'uiou aoaji.
To the owners of all lots , p trts of lots and
mil c-i-ito nloiiK tli alloy In block two [ J [ ,
"Idleulld , " from street to spruce street
In the city of Onmhii.
Vou un ) hurcliy notltlod th it the under
signed , tin oo disinterested freeholders of fie
eltv of Oiiuha , h.ivo been duly appointed by
the mnyor. with the of the c ty
Louncll of svld elty , to .lita'-ss the d.tmie to
the ottnera respectively of the jiropcrty iif-
fei-tcd L-y the ending of the alley In bloolc
two [ 2 ] , "Idlenlld , " from Grant street to
Spruce Rticet. declared necessary by ordi
nance : ill ) , pissed ApiII r. , A. U. IsOi ap
proved April 14. A 1) . 1S92.
Vou are further notified that having accent
ed said uppoIiitiiHint and duly iiiialllled as re
quired by law , wo will , on tbo Klrd day of
Mny , A. I ) . Ib'W , at the hour of ten llul o'clock
In tins forenoon , at thu ofllco of T. O. Briinnor ,
room 1 , Ware block , within the corporate llm-
ItsotsalU city , mdut for tbo purpoio of eon-
ilderlm ; und maklus the ajjessmoiit of d.iui-
aue to the owners rospeotlvoly. of said pro
perty affected by said craning , taking into
consideration special bonouits. If any ,
Vou ara notified to bo present at the time
and place aforesaid , and niiiko nny objections
toor statements concerning , said usiussniont
of dainaces , as you may consider proper.
JOHN ln.AL'IC. .
Cpinnilttco of Appraisers.
Omaha , May llth , 1802. mlSdlOt
Sealed proposals will ho received by the
undersigned until 1 : : > 0 o'clock p in. , May 27th.
JHJ. . for the following kinds of p.ivlns nia-
toriul. vlr :
Miout asphnltum.
Sioux Palls or other cr.inlto.
White Colorado Hindstune.
I'ed ' Colorado s indhtono.
Woodruff , Ivans is , stone.
Vltrllh'd urlcK.
And brlek blooKs all according to speclQca-
I'or pn Ing the allov from 22nd to 24th street
In ( 'unison's addition , comprised In street Im
provement district No. jil In the city of
Kai'h bid to specify a prlco per square yard
for the pivlnu complete in the alley.
Work to bo done In accordance with plans
and Bpcultlcdtlons on tile in the ofllco of the
lloiira of I'uullc Works.
Kacli pronos il to be mnde on printed blanks
furnished hy the l > o\rd and to be accompanied
by a certllled check In thu sum of &V.O , payublo
to the city of Omaha , as an evidence- good
The board will nw.vrd the contract for the
dilTorent kinds of inutorinl siibjuct-to tlio se
lection of the material by thoprouortvowners
or mayor and city council.
The board reserve * the right to reject any
or all bids und to uivo defects.
Chalrmnn'lfoird of I'ubllu Works.
Omaha. Neb. , JUyittth.lS ! ) : .
j Slayl.-lM'J 'O
healed prnpoiulx wfll ) ) o received bv thr > un-
deisliiied until IlW : 6Vloul < u. ni..Iuno.Iril ' ,
IStlj , forvurliliii ! wlt jNliltn Coiorido H-IIU-
B'OIHI , rod Colorado mndslone nnd Itcrej
saiidstone , atcordlngto hpcelllcHtlon ; , Iliiinll-
ton st.-uet from the w st line of 4 th street to
lliuuist ; llnu of thu vjAdiK-t of tlio lluit Ino (
railway , eomprUod lirMiuiitlmiru\enit | > nt dis
trict No. lil in thecltyofomaln.
I. u'h hid to speulfy.uprice per lineal foot for
thu curbing oonipietu on the street In suld Im-
linncn.ent . district.
Work to bo domvlnnccordanco with plans
and specifications on | e In the otltcu ot tlio
bo inl of public works.
Proposals to bo mam/bn printed blanks fur
nished by thn bo irih , uul these iiecninp inled
with a I'urtlnVdchrclv.ln lliiibiii.i . of t'i a pitya-
b e to thu city of Onl'alrj , as an evidence of
good f.ilth , ev i
The Imnrd rescr * etho , rl jht to reject any or
all bids , and to waive defpcts
I' . W. IllltKIIAUHKU.
Chairman Hoard of Tubllo Worlt .
Omaha , .Mily lath , ixilJ. mis ID.'J-M
Sealed proposiils will bo received by the un
diThlKiieU until JM o'clock p. in , , Juno 'Jd
l.-'f.1 , for ru.l Uo'orado naiultiione , class U , ac
cording to spot-mentions
Tor pu > liu tbo alley in bloJk 3 , llansooni
plsii-e. In the city of Onianu , coiunriHud In
street Ininrovuiiiuiit dlil rlut No , 4I" > , ordered
improved by ordinance No. .m ; .
bach bid to specify a. prlco per square yard
for thu paving complete In the alley.
\\orl ; to bo di > uc In aecordanou with plans
mi I BpctUllf.ttloiu on < lla < ln thu olllee of thu
boaiduf piibllu works.
Kaeti propuil to bo made on urlnluu blanks
fiiriiU'iod bv tbo board nnd to bu nccoinpuniuil
by a curtitlid chock In tlio aiiiu of t > * 0 , ptyu-
lilu Ui thu olty of Oiuaha , usan uvldonceof
good faith.
The bo ird reserves tbo right to reject any
or all bids and to wahudufucu.
Chairman Hoard of I'ublluorks. .
Omaha , .Nob. , May Itflh. Itci
May 18192520
Inspiring Bargains in SummarZcphy
100 dozen now sntlno Mvipo Cot-sols ,
double Irotit stool , two sltlo steels , silk
Messed , Inco trlininc < l , extra lonjr waist ,
whltoor drab , all sizes , regular SI qual
ity , only oOc.
These fine , strongly made , perfectly
ventilated. Corsets luivo boon cut from
76o to tlu1 remarlcablo prlco of only 30o.
Ladies' Lisle Striped Vests ,
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests
Ladizs' Balbriggan Vests ,
Ladles' Bnlbrlggnn Vest * . low neclr ,
ribbed arms , also liifrh nook and
sleeveless , worth ( Jjo , Thursduy
25c Each.
Ladies' Pure White
Ribbed Vests ,
To the owneriof nil lots , and pirlof lots
and ost.itu along -Hli snoot from a point
! A.U feet north of Hiowno street to the north
cnrh line of Amos avenue. mill Itileisoctln. :
suoot us followtowlt : TiMiip'ulon ' street
from .1 Dolnttu feet , west of U'lth strcut to tliu
wnst curb Hue of 21th street
You : ire lipruhy notified that the under
signed , tlirco disinterested freeholders of the
olty of Oiiinli.i , have been duly appointed Ijy
the nniyor. with tno approval of the olty
council of said city , to assess Uio dumago to
the ownois luspovlUely of th-j propuity af
fected by the change ofurndeot 21th slieet
from a point OJ feet north of Browne street to
the nortli cui-b line of Ames avcniio and Inter
secting struct , declared necessary uy ordl-
nanco No. 1KJ , passed April ft , IK ) . ' , uppro\ oil
April II.Wi. \ .
You are further notified , that having ac
cepted slid appointment , and duly qunllllcd
as required by law , wo will , on the .list day of
May. A. I ) . . IKK. at the hourot II o'clock In
the forenoon , nt tlio ortico of T. O llriinncr ,
room \Vnro 1 blook , eou-or 151 li null l-'amini
streets , within the corporate limits of said
city , meet for the purpose of considering and
tnakfns the ussoismont of damaxu to the
owners respectively of said property , affected
by said cntiiiironf prude , taking into consid
eration special bonellts , If any ,
You are notified to bn present at the time
and plnoa afoicsald.uml make uny objections
to or statements contenting said assessment
of damages as you may consider proper
' '
. . .
R It. 11AM *
Omaha , liny 19. ISU . .MlricllOt
J. of llio Interior , olllee of Indian
aflulis. Washington. I ) . 0. . May ! > . 18'l. ' . sualed
proposals , endorsed "Proposals foSle.iin
Healing , " nnd addrosso 1 to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs , Wanhlnuton. I ) . ( , ' . . will bu
received at this ofllco until 1 o'clock | i. in , of
Monday. lunun. ISir.1. for the furnishing of all
nuco&i.iry matoilals and labor und placinz In
position , complcto und ready for use , one low
] > r > 4iira return circulating steam heating and
ventilating apparatus for the three Indian
school hulmlnzH at llio Mioshono ImlUn
uguncy , I'reinont-county , Wyo. , tint bollerM for
suld apparatus to be placed in the basement
of onoof the buildings as Uio'olllco may dirt ct.
1'l.ins and elevations of the bitlldlnis for tlio
inildunco of the bidders In the preparation of
bld may bo examined at ( he oftlco of Ihn
"Iloo"of Oinaliu. Nob. , the "Itepubllean" of
Denver. Colo. , the "Tribune" of Halt Laka
City , Utah , and atthUolllcc. Didders are ru-
iiulrud to itccomuiuiv their bids with designs
aud upscltleullonsnf the utejuii lioatin/ and
vcntllatlnc apparatus proposed to bo fur-
nUliniI , bald design * anil Hpeolflcntlons to bo
adapted in the buildings to which they urn to
bo.npillod. Thn right Is roHorveri to reject
anv or all bids or nny pait of unv bid If
deemed for the best Interest of thu service.
CKKTmmi rilKCKH ,
1" toll bid must bo accompanied 1/y a fortified
check or draft upon gome United mates du-
pualtury or solvent National bank In the
vicinity of llio residence of the bidder , madu
payable to the order of the commissioner of
Indl in affair * , for at lotst f > pi-r cent of the
amount of llio proposixl , which uhnck or draft
will be forfeited to the ( 'nited Mates In case
any bidder or bidders receiving an uuarl
Nlmll fall to promptly execute a contract with
i oed and suniclent mirotlos. otherwise to bo
rolumod to the bidder. Illds aecoinn iniod by
cash In 1 eu of a t'ertltled elieck " 111 not bo
conslUered. 1'or furtlici Information apply to
T. J , MUKUATi , C'ommlailonor.
To the ownoMOf all lots , parts of lots and
real extatu alonz ITth atrrot from Vlnioii
street to II street. In the elty of Umalm.
You uro hereby notified that the undor-
HUncd three dlslntorestnd froolioldor.s
of the elty of Omaha , have been
duly npoln'ad ; by the mayor , with the
approval of the alty council of Raid ally ,
to assess the damiiKQ to tdo ownois r'jsnct- |
hnly of the property affected by gradlnK 17th
bttcct from Vlnton street to II btrect ,
doenred nocosiiiry by ordinance : > OH , pat > sod
April M. A. I ) . It-'J , ' , approved May J , A. I ) .
1KJ. ' .
You are further notified , that lii\lnn
aecoptod snld appointment , and duly Qiml *
Iflod us rotiulrod by law , wo will , on thnilst :
day of May. A. I ) . IS'at the hour of ton ( .0) )
o'clock In the forenoon at the olllcu of John
W. Itobblns , room -40. lloo building , wltnln
tlio curporhtu Iln.lts of said elty , moot for the
purpose of coiihlderliu and muklni ; the
fhbi ! mont of damage to llio owners'ro-
Bpei'thely of said property , ulfectod by said
grading , taklnic Into vonslderatlou bpcciul
bcnalltb , If any.
You are notified to bo present at the tlmn
and plncu aforosalil , und nml.o any obJeutloiiK
to or bt.itonjtntN concerning suld us > o timoiit
of Uamases us you may consider proper.
\V. II. IJATK.1.
GiullKJ. : ! 1'AUI. .
Oouimlttco of A ; > prat er8.
Omaha , May 13 , Itt'A
50 i pieces now nml perfectly fast color
Otitinrj Plnnnols. woi-lli loc , 17e } ami
J0e. ! nil will bo bold at the uniform
price of
12 * YARD A
50 pieces
regular 200 quality
Black Satine , Yard.
S-inch Mout-qupttiire Kid Gloves that
huvo boon SliOO , for Thursday onlv ,
Mail Orders lillod for this wcoic.
lorse's Stationery
IS THE KIND for all polite
Cot rcspondcnce ,
To the on HITS of all lots , parts of lots and
ro'il est lie along Doiulas street from Kith to
20th streets , and lntor-ijtlni ( snouts and
alleys us follows , to-wlt : 17th street from
alloy north of 1'ariium .street to Undue si ict't ,
Jsth strt-nt from I'lrnam slieet to DoUi'
street. lUth slroet from I'ainam to DiuUo
street , alley between Doucl.ii , street and Dodiie
strrot from twenty-two ( i.1) ) feet east of 17th
street tuVOth itrcct , nnd alloy between I'nr-
nuin street nnd Douglas street from i'tli
street toLMth s'ieet :
You are hereby notlllrd that the under
signed. thrcn dlslntorosted freeholders of the
eltv of Omaha , h ivo been duly appolnto i by
the mavor , with thuauprovalo'f thuelty coun
cil of sud city , to assess the damage 10 llui
oisnors respectively of the moporty nlTi-oted
by tliueluuizeof er.iUuuf Doujlas street from
Ultli street to 'JJth street : iud interieotlii
strcutH und alloys , doolnrn : ! necessary by or
dinance No. 181 , piissed Mav.l , 1HU ! , apjirovud
51 ay 4 , is'ii
on are further notified that , having ac
cepted said appointment and duty ( in.illlloil
as reijulrcd hy liar , wo will , on tho. list d.'iy of
May. A , 1) , IS > . ' , at thu hour of tno ( J ) o'vlocU
in the afternoon , lit thu lluililurs e\i'liinc ;
room , Nuw Vorlc Life linlUiln , within the
coriiuruto limits of said city , moot foi the pur
pose of considering and tn.iMiig thu ascs > -
ment of dam igo Ui the owners respectively of
s i'il property ulToctcd hy s ilil chanzu of
grado. tailing Into consideration special bone-
Ill M , If any.
\ on uru hereby notified to be present at the
time and place aforesaid and IIUKU any ob
jections to or statements concerning s lid : is-
soismuiil of damiiges as jou may tonaiilnr
piopur. W. .1 MOTNT.
( i. c itA.sirr. .
.1 .1Ai < nu : iMii.Li's ,
Coiiiinltleo of Appraisers ,
Omaha Slay IS. 1SUJ. .M l d lot
lurnbur. etc. : U. K Indian tprvlco , Kosu-
bud Azonuy , n. I ) . , May S , ISJE ! . bulled piopos-
air endorsed " ' fur lumber
, 1'roposals , biilldlni ;
inaturiiil , utc , " , us the uaso may bo , and ad
dressed to tliu undiirslzniid at Hoiuhud
iiKonuy. B I'- , via Valentine , Neb. , will ho ru-
oolv oil ut this ugonuy until 1 o'ulocu p. in of
Tuesday , .Miy4 , Iw2 , for fiuiiKhin i and de
livering at Valentino , Nub. , or at points On
tliu Kosobud Indian reservation 10 bo du-dg-
iiii ted by the mUuralznud , about 2JJ.00J fcut
of ussortcd lumbtir , H0.-0 hlilnglus , cn.cuj
latin , brick , lime , hardware , door-i , window * ,
p.ilnls , oils. utc. . u full dofurlption of which.
together with Information as 10 points of ilu-
llvory , will bo furnUhcd upon application.
Didders will bo required to state spuulti-
ually In their bids the Propo-tod prlco of
oauh article offoiud for dullvory under a
uuntraut , mid thu punt or points It U pro
posed to deliver thu artlutos , Thu rl4ht IK ru-
Hurved to rujnet any or all bldx , or any p irt of
any lild , If diiumod for tlio beat Interest of thu
service Urimm.ii uiiM'K I * ich bid must be
iiecoiiinaiitvd by a curtlllud uheukor draft
upon ftotno l'nltedBUU.'Slnp < Hlioryor solvunt
National bank In the vicinity ot tlio rcHldancii
of tlio bidder , made payublu to I.IQ order of
thu commlnilonur of Indian affair * , for at
east 5 per ion I of thu amount of thn proposal ,
which cheek ordiaft will > ju forfultol to tliu
fulled States In u iso any bidder nr tilililori
rucuivliu un award bh ill fall to promptly x-
I'uutu u eiintraut with gooil and sulliulunt
sureties , otlinrwlso to bo relumed to thn bid
der. Illds aecomp mleil by cash In lieu of a
tortlflcd cheek will not bo considered I'or
further Information upply to .1 Oeorgo
\Vrlghi , United titutus Indlun AgouUMldl'ltM
ToHiimiuil I'rnyn , J , IX llurdick , Charles n ,
Shaw , ncorgu Huniion , William V. Ilunion ,
Joseph 7 lirlicon. .lohn II. Ilarburg. I.ovl T ,
Hpiuigler , llury A , Ward und all other prop
erty owners on Unntbtrout between 21st und
24th In tlio ulty of O'liuha.
Vou am hereby notified that the under
signed , throe disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omaha , have lean duly appointed by
thu mayor , with thu approval of thu city
council of said elty , to ussnsn the damage to
the owners respectively of Uiu property af-
( octoJ by grading Uraut street from "Ut to
21th utrautx. ilucliirod neuoiary by ordlnanuu
Wlfl. passed April 12 , upurovod April lit
Vou aru furtnor notltled that , having ao-
ceptodsald uppolnti lunt and duly iiialllloil |
us requlriid by law , we will , on thu 21st day of
May , A , I ) . ISlU , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
forenoon , at room 701 Nuw Vork I.lfo bullJIng ,
within tbo uorpor&tu limits of suld ulty , moot
for thu purpose of considering and making
thuukstisHuiuntof dumugus to tliu owaura re-
Bpoetlvely ot said property , alfuctcd by said
i-rudlng , taking Into consideration upoolut
beiiL'Utt. If any.
Vou uru notllled to bo present at the time
and place aforesaid and nmUu uny objections
t ! ) nr tatoiiiuiits uoneurnliu said assessmeut
of dunianes us you may consider projiur.
'I' , II. Nlcuitocn ( ; ,
J. It. KI.KVC ,
U. L. 1 uou AS.
Omaha , April 27 , IBM. MlldlH
( mm .It Immlior Ot mil i. Neb , Mv rd Is1
Ho i nui * dty the i itv t mm il of tl. . city
off uli i tin n < i\ot inn utrii'
I II It pp Mi I Hill III sllle UIks tlO Const ril > ti I 111
tliOilt > of Hurili i n dps i * n n ted liolow v. Itli-
In fiMMlny * utter HIP punllpil Inn of thurc >
lut mi , 01 the personal sort lee thor of d . ij
oidltiamp is niitlioilrrd and ii ,11 n I ,
snh | < IPMIIIS | to ho laid to thn pm-
iniinout gndo n established on tlio ptod
streets porlrted heroin ntul lo lie 'Minimi ' It def
of stone , nrlllli'liil slonr , orloK or ti lns''u
ponllng toopoi-lltpiil on < on llio In tlioollki if
thoboird nf imiiilo wirk . ami niulor Us su
per * ts'on , to- * * It-
* AoM side of lOthst nil of block ns lIUi * .
ors addition , lierinnnotit grnde , il fl whip
\\est side of toili st. lots 1-2- - % ' block 1
Kounl/c's uh addition , perm inont gridi < , < tfl
Hnst sldoof Othst , tit lot Tsop 2 ? l.vix per
manent grade , n tt wldiv
Hist sldoof ith t or Park Wild up lot M
Kountro's A \ < \ I , permanent grade. * ft wlilo
Husl sldoof 7th M or Turk \ \ I d 110 , lots ,11
, ' 7 KounUo's A add , penmnout sri'lo G tl
West sldo of 7th si or 1'ark Wl d u * o. lol-s N
Si Kounl/o' A udd , uprmanont trine. Aft
West side of Altli M.lot 1 block S.W , pity per-
maiiont guide , Oft * * idu stile of 20th st , lot block MI'i oil v pop
maticnt graiip , (1 ( ft wldo.
West side of anh si , lots t iiml ? block 19111
cllv. permanent grade , fi ft wldo.
North sldu uf riilpigo st , lots ft-rt-T-S block
ell ) ' , pormiinpnt gride , fl ft u Ide ,
South sldu of 1'lilcago si. lots 1-- , ! I hlooK M
citv. permiiiient arado. Oft wide.
North sldoof P.ivonporl st , lots 7-S lilo'k K !
citv , permiiiumt crude , fl fl whip.
\Sost ship of 20th st. lot I block ls | > , clly.por-
minion ! erailo. lift wide.
l.usl side of ' 'nth st , lot , ' block l.XV ( etli , pnt
matiunt grade , fl f I wide
Nortli sldu of rarnam st , lots 1MI block I
Summit I'lace. pormiinenl Jr ido. U fl wide
North side of I'arn m st , lots II to ill 1 no
s'vn ' blook I'.1. West Knd , perm inent grudo , fl fl
Ninth sldo of I'.irniiin si , lots 14-15-18blook 11
West Knil. peiinnnent gtnile , tl ft whin
North sldo ot I'arnnni st , lots 10-11 blook 11
West Kud , pi'rnmnent undo , li fl wlilo
Nortli fide of I'irnuiiist. lols IJ-l.l-U lihu-k I
A'umo ' I'lii ; i. peini inent u'r'ilo. li fl wldo.
Not Hi sldo of I'hloawo st , lots t-7-S block II
olty , permanent grade , fl ft wldo.
Ninth sldoof Ohloago st , lols l-2-'l-l hlool
f.'iolly , perm inent grii'lo , rt ft wldn
North side of C'hlo.iKO si , lot t * block II city ,
pormanout 41 a le , II ft nldo ,
-until sldoof v'hlL-ai.ostlots2-1 blocl. 51 cllj
poriinnenl KI ido.K ft wldo.
Ninth sideof Davenport Ht , lots 12blocli !
7s elty. perm inent grade , s foot * ldn
West sldoof'JUthst , lolM block .III oily , por-
nriiionl irrudo lift \\lile.
I , isl sldo of .Mill si , lot o block lie olty , per
manent crude , I , tl wldo
t-outh sldp of Uiipltol 110. lots 12-3 blooU SI
eltv. poimniieiit gi.i lo , tl ft wide
Soiilli side of I'apltol ave. lols 2-lblock.SI
eltv , perm inont gradeU ft wide.
South sulo of 1) i\eninil | si. lots 1 2-.1 Inopli
7 olty. perm inent arado. li ft w Ido.
North shloiif laenport st. lotsli-T-S , b'oeli
51 eltv. poimiitiont grade , fl fl wldo
\\ost sidoof l-th it. lots block Jl oitj , pur-
manont grade , fi ft ldo.
I' i l sldoof IMh st. lots 1-5 blook lit Itv , per-
inonl crado , fl ft wldo.
\\esl sldoof I7lh si.lols 1-S b'oel. Tselty.por-
menont gt.ide. ii ft nlde.
\ \ OKI sldo of ITlh st , south 75 ft of lot s block
5'ii-ltv. pariiianpnl 'l ido , d ftldo
Smlli side ot laonpoil st , lots.l-l hloi'k il
city , permanent iriailo. (1 ( ft wnlii.
Siutli sl.'e of I ) i\enuort st. lot 2 block HJuly
peimaiient KI ule. ii ft wide.
K isl side of Klih st. lot I blocU 4" > olty pi r-
miinonl trrude fl ft wide.
West sldoof I'HIi si , lot 1 block 11 clly , pur-
nrinent v rule lift wide.
\\ostsldooflUllisl lolSbioek .110 clly , perm -
m inent .i.ido il flldo. .
.North side of rmn.ini st , lots 121II bloi-l ;
Ai itiiti I'liirn. permanent undo , li ft wldo
North side of rarnam st. lots II l'i-IH-17 hlo.'k
5 Alamo Plan poim.inent gr.ulo. ( fl wldo.
Not Hi sldo of PmiHin st. lots Ii-l - ! I block I
Alamo I'l /.i. perm inont T ido , fl ft ldo
Not Hi siduof I'arn un st , lots 11 to 17 infill-
she block'I .leioine i'ail. , PCIIII.IIH nt giado t
ft wide.
Noith shin of I'nrnam st , lots i-J-l-i block 3
.loronip 1'ark , norm ineut gradi * . fi tin Ide
Ninth sldoof I'urn un s1 lols I lot itu'lusivij
blook 7 .luiomu 1'uil ; , pcrmiiient grade , d fl
Ninth siduof r.inrim Rt , lots II to l' ' Ineln-
si * u block 1. West I Jl I. perm inont gia lu , ( i ft
North sldo of Tarn un st. lots U-IVlfi blook
IM Wi st I'nd , i.uriiiiiiiont grade , li ft wldo
Ninth sduot r.iiiiim st lots 10-11 block 10
West Hnil porniiinont grade , fl ft wldo.
D.slslih' of .1 th live , lots IT , lflH block 1
Hansi-om I'l icr , perm mutit gi ule. l > flLlo. .
\Ve.t s du of ; , 'Ui HI , south .K f I lot li I I
Ilcillck . - .idil. permanent gi.idu. li fl w Idu
West s de of ' 'Tth st , north .Ti fl lolJii.l l
Ke'llcU's idd , permanent atle. d ft wide
I ist silo of llth st. lots l-"i lilooi , .trolly
piirmanont giudo. li fl ultle.
Noith sldo of r.uiiim st. lots 10-11 block I
S-iiiumlt I'l ice poimanonl uradf.uftlile
I. nts do of4th Hi. lot 1 b oek 1 ( iii
ami , ni .m inont undo , S ft wide.
We-t side of Jllh st , lot II block 1
add , perm inont jr.idc , f ft wide.
r. isthiduof .Mlh st , lots 2-l-l-i-fl-t block H
\ " -mlili's idil. peimainint gi ido. i ftwld"
I" i-t sldi ) of2ltliI. . lot I' ) IdluHlld. pjinri-
ni'iit 1:1 ule. H ft wide.
Westsldunf Ithit tulot.'ll sccU-n-ipor- :
m inonlT.uli1. . h ft wide
P. ist aide of 21th st. hits i-fi-7-S block 1'II'J ' '
pity , permanent grade H f t wide.
r.iist sldu of 'Uh ht.Uil" 2J4b o kls7' ' clly
pm mimini grnde , H fl wldn
i.isl ; siduof 'Itti st. loM 7-s--IO ' ) blocU 137 1
oltv , iiurmaiiont made , s ft wide.
Hist side of 21th si. lots 1 lo'i Inrlushohlo-k
I Itoi Inch's .Inl mill , purmanunt grade S f t
wide ,
A\est side of L'4th si. lots 7 to 1. Incliislvo
b'ook I Armslrong'slsladd , ji"rmiinent grade ,
3 feet wide.
\\est \ s'du of 2th ! si , lots 1-2 block 'ISblnnN
udd , nerm inent grinle , .S ft wl le.
West side of 21th st. lols 2-ll-U block 0
bhliin'siidd , perm inuiit grade , H foot , wldo.
Miiitli side of Davenport st , adjoliiliu High
scliool irronn.i between 2Jth and " -'nil sts , pjr-
mnnont grade. 8 feet wide.
niHtshlu of 2'nd Ht , ndjotnlne High s-liool
sronnil hotweon DoJuo nnd Davenport sts ,
permanent ur.idu.B ft wldo.
Kistsldiiof 20th r.t. Ibtft block lOi'i ' clty.pcr-
m inenl zrade , li f I n Idu ,
West sldoof 2Utb st , lot 4 black ISl'J ' city , perm -
m inent gi.ulci ( ft wide.
\\uhlsldu of 2 > th st. lot 1 block'.Wi clty.por-
ni inont gi ado. fl ft wide.
Kistfilduof JillliHt. lot I blocl .Ml'jOlly ' , nor-
in meat LT.ulo , i ; ft wide.
\VcHl ililuof 2)th ) Ht. lots 1-S block 1'jl'i ' city ,
pui mum nt urade. fl ft
Noith Hldnof WooUvorlh ave , lots0-10 blo-k
0 Hans om I'luuc. porniununt Kr.ulu G ft wide.
North siduof Wooluorth ao. lots 12-11 block
9 llanscom I'laee. puimanent gi.Mlu fl fl whlu.
KislHlduot 20th HI. lols H.-ro llasoall's sub ,
piirmiinenl crido , n ft wide.
And , bu It fuiihoi rushed :
That thu bui1.1 : of puhllu works ho. und Is
lieieby uiilhorUm ! and dlnst'tod lo cniiso a
copy of tills resolution to hu published In thu piporof tlio c ty for mm weiik , or bu
ser\od on the owners of Hal 1 lols , and that 1111-
lo > siieh nvMieis sliall within llviidaysafter
the publication or nuivlcu of such uipy con
st met said sldewall.H as heroin reqnlieil , that
the hoard of puhllo works e uiso this same 10
liedone. llio cost of consliiii'llnu Hiieh Hide-
walks respoollvclv * .o he nisossod uitalnst tbo
rral ( ist-ittii , lot , or p.irt , of lot In front of uiid
abutting Mich Hduwulkn. !
1'assud , Jlay ; iid. Ib'i ; .
I'resliliint of llio Coilnoll.
Altpst : JOHN ( jUOVKS.
City Clerk.
Approved : fJKO. I' . JIKMIS ,
I'o the owners of tlin lots , parts of lots and
real iistuto desoilbud In thn above resolu
tion :
Vou and each of von are hmohy notified to
construct , perm.inonl sidewalk * us requited hy
a lUMijiillon of the elly eoiintll and muvorof
llio uity of Omaha , of which thu above Is u
< ouy.
Oh ilrm in Hoar I ot i'ubllu Worka
Omaha. Nub , May Istli , ISir.
' '
Foaled proposals will bo lucolvud by tha
iinderHlgned until lno'clock : ) p. m , .InnOrlril ,
Ib'JJ , for llio following klnila of paving inuto-
rial , vl/ :
Hheut nuphllltlim
Moux KalU or ether uranltu ,
\Vhlte ( Jolorado HaiiiNlonu.
Hud Colorado Hundntonu.
Wood r n If , Kas , stono.
Vlirlliodro < | iially good brio It.
And brlcV blocks' , ull ucrordlnz to ipeolfloa- >
Tor pavtnE irrts of thu following Htroot
unit ollefB In Inuelty of Omiha. comurlsod In
HI root improvement dlitriets Nos 4il , 40 | und
402 , ordered Improved by Dnllnuneos No , .WtJl
and au.VJ , und moio partlculurly doaurlbud al
follows , vU. :
No , 4M-Hamilton street from the wnst llnfl
of 40lh htruol to thu east luiu of the vluduui ot
tlio Hull MHO railway.
No. 101Thu ulluy In block 2.V ) . city , und
No. 40. Thu alloy In block 1U , Kountzo A
Until1 * addition.
Knch bid tonpeclty a prlco per enquire yard
for the paving complete on thu mrout ami
Work to bo done In Accordance with plant
and ipcclflcatlonn on file In thu olllco of tlH
board of puhllo works.
Kuch proposal to bu made on printed blanUi
furnlHliod by thu hourd , und to bu accom
panied by a certified chock In Iho mun of JVjJ ,
payablu to thu city of Omaha , as un ovldoncu
ot irood faith.
Thu board reserves the right to award tin
contract on all tbi'f aid dUlrlcU to otlier 01
on onuh dlstrlet Boparutoly , for thu dllloront
kinds of m&terlal , nuUject to thu selection ol
the material by llio property owner * , or mayor
and olty council , to rojoot any or ull bids , and
to walvo detects.
I' . W. lUKKUAUbEK ,
Cliulrman Hoard of I'ublluorks. .
Omaha , Nub , May Idth , la/.1. mlii-19-2 >