THE OMAHA DAILY HEK : TOl'USDAY , MAY 10 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL DLUFFS , OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKAKL STREET. I ellUMdlyCarrlrrto nny part of the CltT 11. W. TILTON. MANAGER. J Hm'ncM onico Np * l } NKllt , Jlltor ; N Y. Plumbing Co. Council HlufTs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnli' * chattel loans. 201 SsppblooK. The Scottish Hlto bodies meet Friday night to conslilor business of Importance. The Married Ladles' Social society will meet this afternoon ut2 o'clock with Mrs. Jr. Uatca , 10i Sixth avcnuo. A marrmKO llccnso was Issued yesterday to Unnrlos M. Rainwater ami Huoda A. Peterson , both of Honey Crook. Alfred E , Smith of Omaha and Miss L-lrzio Krngnn of thin city weru married yesterday inornl.iR by Hov. T R Thlekstun. Hegular soislun of Harmony chapter No. 85 , Order of the linstcrti Star. nl Matotilc tcmplo this evening. Visiting members are cordially Invited. A mooting of these Intcrcitod in the Con- KroKaltonnl lorioty will bo bulu nt the chuich tomorrow evening , when notion will bu taken upon the resignation of Kcv. G. W. Crofn. Hr. A. H. Leonard of Cmclnatll , O. , bns been secured to deliver the ntlilreks on do- coratlon day In this city. Dr. Leonard was the prohibition nomluco for president lu IbfeS. IbfeS.Tho The case of the Lake Manawa Hallway company against bnmuol liana , to recover tbu ntnount of a subscription alleged to bavo been maOo toward the Mnnnwu luihvny , U on trial lu the district court. Knm Yudcn of Prcscolt has been arrested by a du | uty United States marshal on the chnrgo of violating the revenue laws. He is nccuscd of soiling n bottle of whisky to Jntiips Dooloy. the I'rescott murderer. William Onmmcrnian , a laborer , fell inton vat of boiling water at the Union 1'nclllo lound house last night and was badly Rcaldcd. Ho was lomovrd to his bomo ut Ninulccnth street and Seventh uvunue. The rusldcnco of 1C. N. Linborp. 'JT.H Ave nue H , was struck by lightning Tuesday night. The bolt edged Us way through thereof roof , making a hole largo enough to drop n man through , but , oddly enough , fulled to set the oulldlug on tiro. Mr. und Mrs. T. J. Evans entertained Mrs. spencer Smith , Mrs. F. S. ijtolling , Mrs. H. N. Woods of Omuha , Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ktiotts of DCS Mollies at tea last evening at their resi dence on Oakland avcnuo. The Jury In the case of G. W. Englchart niralust James O'Neill , cx-sherilt ot Potla- tawattamle county , which has been on trul In the UlBtrict court for the past day or two , brought In n verdict yesterday afternoon awarding the potsos.ston of the properly In question to the plaintiff and tiling Us value ut WOO. r V. A. Sackett , the piano tuner , who was married a few days ago , was compelled to cull the police to his residence , 11 Hi Third nvcnie , last night lo tnko care of n crowd of young hoodlums who had orcanlzeil thorn- pelves Into a charivari p.irtv iind who had refused fused to bo bribed into slloncu by a small bum of money. The ninth annual mooting of the Danish Kvnngical Lutheran church ot Amerind will bo hold in this city beginning May -'d , and continuing until Juno IS. Tno meetings will bo held at the Scandinavian church , corner Ninth street and Avenue A. About thirty ' ministers will be present , toAother | wlth'n ileltgallop of about ' , ' 00 laymen. Paul Lyon , the young jeweler who cot Into trouble on account of his Inability to keep his hands oft his employer's property , waived examination yesterday morning and was bound over lo the grand Jury to answer to the chorda of larceny from u building. His bond was flxcil at ? . " > 00 and in default of this amount ho uns sent to tbo county Jail. Elmer Bradcn of Silver Creek was brought In yesterday morning in charge of Sheriff HazPii on \\arrnnt issued from Justice Swenrlugcn's court charging him with committing an assault on Constable .Alexander McICInzio. By agreement of the parties the case was postponed until June 15 und Uniuun cave bonds for bis appearance nt that time. The members of Fidelity council , Hoyal Arcanum , who attended the convention at DCS Monies returned homo yesterday. Itcp- rcsentatlves were present from every coun cil in the stuto atd : thn grand council was organized. Of the ofllccis that wore elected Council Hluffs secured three I. M. Trey nor , grand regent : G. H. Jackson , member of thu committee on law > , und ! ' . B. Warner , trustee. A llro occurrnil about midnight Tuesday night at a house on avouuo G. between Six l't-nth and Seventeenth strcols , owned by E. W. Jackson. On account of the horrible con dition of the unpuvert streets u was impos sible for the llro department to reach thd lire , No. li hose curt beinir mired In thn at tempt. It required nearly an hour to get the horses and cart out of the mud. The build ing was entirely destroyed. The loss is esti mated at J..W , with no insurance. The entire d > iy in the superior court was occupied with the trial of the Fifth ward nldtimamo contest case. During tbo day the fuel was broueht out by the attorneys for Smith th.u on Tuesday morning after election , while the ballut box UBS in the il treasurer's closet , the key to the outside- bads door of the city bulldlnsr , which was usually left In the inside of the loctt , wits missing and that It had novnr been seen Mnce. All the evidence on thii sldo of Lob- hart is now In , and Smith's attorneys will bivln thu introduction ot toiliuiony this morning at 10 o'clock. The city council held n mooting yesterday nftcrnuon to consider measures for putting nil end to the trouble the nmdonls of the northwestern part of the city have boon hav ing on account of the recent rains. Tno entire tire western part of the city Is under water , but that part lying north of Broadway and west of Six teenth street is In especially bui shape. City Engineer Cook , was instructed to make a survey with u viuw to ascertain ing whether a culvert put in across Broad- wuv at tbo corner of .Seventeenth street would K'lyo the desired relief , and ho will re port to the council ut a special meeting to beheld held this afternoon. Do Witt's Sarsnimrlllu is reliable. Jarvia 1877 brandy , purest , stifest , best. i'ijtf > u.\.u. E. F. Knntts loft last evening for a visit to Ocdon , U. T. N. W. Taylor , n formar proprietor of the * * Uraml hotel , U in ttu city. T , J , Evans rcturnod yesterday morning from u trip to Ottawa , IM. W.V. . Eastman of Huron , S. D. , was in the city yesterday , a guest of tbo family of Uev. T. F. Thlcltstun. Mrs. M. H. n.itrd hm returned from Sin Antonio , Tox. , whnro slio hits aeon visiting her son , John W. llalrd. Thomas Motc.xlf , Jr. , loft yoiterJ ly for n two months' trit > to S lit Ltko City , Hclaim , Mont. , and other tvoitorn cltius. Drs , F. S. Thomas , C. H. Pinnsy , J. M. Baratow and J. C. Hoborlsou loft yestoranv morning for Des Molncs to attend , i mojting of tbo Stuto Medical society. The murrluco of Fri'tiklln j . Wrlcht , son of ( Jeorgo F. Wright of the 11 rm of Wright it Baldwin , to MUs Miil.Jlo . ( irlllith of low.i City , U annoiincei ] to lake plucu rurly in Juno. Thov will uo at homo after July I at I bo ola Wncht losldoncc , ii.-J Sojtu Seventh fctrcvt. "OHEOMATISM A > THREE YEARS. After suffering untold agonies tlircc years from Rheumatism , liaviug lintl inttcli treatment without relief. I decided to take Swift's Specillc. Eight bottles CURED ME ENTIRELY niul I wish other sufferers to know of tito value of your great remedy for llucumutisui. JOUN IfcDo.vALD , McDonald's Mills , Gu. ciU for f ice Trettlso oa tbo Blood and Bkln. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS 3ollap e of a Part of the Embankment Around the Glen Avenue Reservoir. PROMPT ACTION AVERTS A DISASTER Houses Hooded , Olliirs I'ltlrit with \Vntcr nnil Much Otlirr lliim. RC Ciilined by tlic llcnvy Itulni Happenings Across tlio Itltcr. Tdo pcoplo living on Park and Olcn nvrnues were awakened shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday morning by a tremendous crush of falling uartb from the embankment around the water works reservoir ut the Beau of lilen nvenuo. The water which had been falling for so many days from the clouds Lad seeped Into the ground until oil It needed was a start to eet.d the ontlro em bankment floating down the avenue. Iho report quickly snraad among the citizens of that part of the city that the reservoir was about lo u'lvo way , and as it was generally known that the water in the reservoir wru about eighteen feet deep , they Ion no tlmo in hustling their things together und pre paring to lleo for aafoty. An anxious throng of property owners soon gathered about the reservoir. Orders were sent from ibo headquarters of the water works company to lot the water out of the reservoir. All the hydrants were opened as soon as possible and torrents of water were scon running down all the main streets until the level In Iho reservoir had boon reduced to six feet. Then people breathed easier. When davltsht came U showed that the fears had not been Groundless. An Immense amount of earth had fallen down from the cmbanlimop.t until there was barely room to walk around the reservoir , and If the water had not been lot out when It was the reser voir wculd undoubtedly bavo collapsed and the water would have done untold damage. A force of mou was at once put to work to repair the dumncu and U Is probable the work will bo completed today. The storm of Tuesday night did a large amount of itamago all over thu city. A man named Hull , who had Just moved Into A B Wnluer's house at thu head of Park avenue arid had not yet hud live lo irot all his cooJs unpacked , was driven out with his family by the collapse of u brlcU wall , which was In tended to keep Iho street from caving. A torrent of water rushed through his house , which was several feet lower tban the streot. The terrace on the East Plerco street school grounds was ruined. Four houses belonging - longing to iiollonbeck Broj. , on LUtlo Curtis , botvveon Seventh and Eighth streets , the residences ot Joseph Hobmscn , 412 LUUo Curtis , and J. B. Crafts , 70S Mill street , and Vwo now housts oivnod by P. Wind , on Mill street , were almost ruined by the water. In- dlun creek rose to a great iiclghth and the back yards all ulong Us length contributed large slices to satisfy Us appetite. At tbo Twentieth avcnuo school the wutor rushed In to such an extent that the heating apparatus was submerged. The building was rendered so cold and \vct that it wus de cided to adjourn school until toJuy. All over the city cellars were' tilled with water , and the entire western part ot the city Is under water. When the telegrams arrived unnotinc'lnc yesterday's disaster at Sioux City they were accompanied bv a pri vate teleeram from J. A. Jackson of Sioux City to W. H. M. Puscy of this city telling him to bavo the residents of the \\Citorn uart of the city notillcd of the conit.c Hood and have them move out. In accordance with this tclcgr'iin Mayor Lawrencu dlsoatched a number of uolicemon to tell Iho paoplo to get to a place of safety. When Tun E\'I\ISQ BEI : arrived and the trun state of affairs was learned the people commenced to move back Into their houses. No trouble is anticipated hero from the Sioux City waterspout , us the water will have plenty of tirno to spread out before it reaches Council Bluffs. Jttrvis' Wino Co. , Santa Clara , Gal. Pastures for horses und cattle on Gcorpo F. Wripht'u farm south of Coun cil Blurt's : oOO acres blue gnu-s ; running wutor. For terms apply to James Raph nt farm house opposite Wtibash touiul house , or uddi ess F , P. Wright , Bald win block. Reitor , thetnilor , 310 Broadw.iy , has till the latest , Htylea and newest goodi. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jarvis wines , the oldest ami best. Patronize blue ice wngonsfor Mo. river channel ice. Mulhollund & Co. Tel. 102. Jarvis 1S77 brandy , sold by all dealers. Dr. Chamberlain , eye , ear , throat , cntairh. Shugart blocu , Council BlutTs , Swanson Miule Co. , .M vsonic temple . Jarvis 1S77 brandy , highest test. Hotel Gordon , ; G Bro.uUvay , has re cently changed hands , and is being thor oughly renovated. Clean b.-dsprompt ; , service ; table first class. Chapman's aereen factory. Exclusive screen uoors and windows. See him or write for prices. 15 Pearl St. , Council BlulVs. _ Clirlritliin i-ilcuvor Notice. Cheap rates to New York July 7-10th : account of the International Christian Endeavor convention. For reservations in through sleepers direct to Now York , and any other informatio-j , apply to E. S. Ferris , Slieiinndoah , la. As to rail road tickets , etc. , apply to any C. , B. & Q. ticket agent , ur to J. M. Bochtol , U P. A. , Burlington , lu. I.onr-l'rlriMl l.uwn Mnwcr > . Besides the Uigh Whoaled Hercules which cuts Km s n foot high nnd soils for iOup , wo gUo voa your choice of n , 12 , 11 or 10-Inch mower for Jo , every inn- chlr.o warranted to do good work. I'hiltulolphin mowers nhvnys In stock. Largest anil best line bicycles In the city Swift. D.nintloi3 , Warwick Pil- prim nnd Warwick Sluilont besides the St. Nicholas line of cheaper wheels. SHUOAUT & SON , 11 Main Street , Council Bluffs. Davis sells reliable pnlnU and dings. Jarvis 1S77 brandy , six gold medals. Taylor & Cotnpton have removed their grocery from No. 10 Main street to the new building at 545 Broadway. They have elegant tiowquartersnnd will have a nicer place and keep u liner stock than over. _ Jarvis 1877 brandy , better than imo'd. jiro men t > ritiita. Discoveries In Smith Dilcntii nnit Wyoming .Mlnrs Cnusn i\rllolnriit. : Dnuwooi ) , S. D. , May IS. fSpssclal Tele gram to Tun HKB. ] The richest ore over dis covered In the Bl.ii'k Illlls has boon uncov ered In the Cara mine nt tJ.ilona. Tha ere carries silver , and nisiys huvo boon returned running us high as $17,0)0 ) par ton. A lo.-al expert has examined 'ho property and states there Is now In sight from sixty to 100 tons of ore that will average fl.OJO per ton. Cisi'KU , Wvo. , Mav IS. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BEE. ] Yesterday n rich slriwe of gray carbonates and galena was made on Cus'por mountain by Captaln'Ends. The llnd Is In the contact between the lltno and ser pentine rock nnu curries about twenty-llvo ounces of silver und ! tO per cent lead. Ex citement is intense over the Iind and some thirty men left this morning for the mountain , and only the supcrhmman effort * of all the sheep men kept the shearers nt tno rcns from leaving tholr work and going to thu mounUitu. William Butts and ( Joorgo Ken > pnlds of Om.iha htive party locating claims and competent miners command their own uricos. Casper never had a moro exciting day and men seem to oo wild to got to Iho camp. The llnd U the richest thing of the kind over brought to licht In Wyoming nnd confirms the local bullet that Ciisper moun tain Is rich in mineral beyond what it has heratoforo boon credited by outsiders. DoWitt's SarsupirilU destroys such vol- sons as scrofula , snln disease , czotra , rheu matism. Us timely use saves many lives. Thu DotUli Itoll. Four Doncin , la. , Mav 18. [ Spschl Tele- cram to TUB BIB.J Dr. L. V. Hayes , presi dent of Buena Vista college nt Storm Lake died Monday night after a short llluos.s. Funeral services xvoro held this afternoon. Ur. Hayes was formerly presldont of the Presbyterian college here and was known as ono of the leading educators of the state. LINCOI.V , Nob. , May 18. fSpeclat Tele gram to THE BKE. ) Louis Vloth , ono of the most prominent German citizens of Lincoln , died shortly after midnlaht , last night of ' rboumntisin'of the hourt. Ho had been suf fering for about ten days and at midnight grow suddenly wor o. Physicians wore summoned , but , ho died before medical assistance could roach htm. Mr. Volth was iili years old and prominent In business circles. InuiRoiio Nearly Wiped Out. MAI.VHUV , la. . May 18. fSpjdal Tolosram to Tun BIK. : I The business portion of the village of Imogone , fifteen miles south of here ou the Wab.ub , was almost totally de stroyed by fire tcdav. It started at tbo north east" corner of Muin street and , funned by the high wind prevailing , swept the cast side of the street. 'Tho fire started in the upper rooms over Rodis ic Addis' general store , then followed bv W. Bentley & Son's bank. Tbeli loss is $2llOO , insured for $1,000. The drug store of John Beatluy was burned , loss iy.WW , oartly Insured. Tbo postoQleo also burned. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething produces natural quiet sleep. M cents u botllo. Found Dcnil Ncir : I.aramlc. CIICTENNE , Wyo. , May. IS | Special Tele gram lo Tnr. BEC.I The body of John K. Wade , u bookbinder of Laramie , was found todav neur that city. Ho ha ; been shot twice. His BUH was lying oy his side. It Is believed to bo a case of suicide. Stoiiiiiililp Arrivals. At Brow Head Sighted , Wyoming , from Now York. At New York Majestic , Wisconsin , from Liverpool ; Olbery , from Hio Janeiro. Dr.Birnoy's Catarrh Poivdor euros catarrh. " For sulo by"all drugeUts. o'J cants. Wm. Gentleman sells Union soap. OF Dome ; . ! Ir. . Ir'.vln nnd H'.lcn Obboino wore drowned near Elliurg , Miss. Deer o W. ChllUs and p.irty hive arrived nt Siu : I'rani'lsco. The Presbyterian missionary conference Is In ! > cs-lon at Memphis Tonn. 'Ihebonth Cura'.liut democratic state con vent on Is In seion ! at Columbia. le ) elates to thu 1'iesbytorlun us- : uu bojiunlni to roll Into I'ortliind , 1 1 u rap Wilson , colored , and four children wet o drowned by the capsizing of u boat at Alorrelltown. Ark. UeorgoV. . MolTett , editor of the Anthony , 1C. in. , Kupublle. has buou anuated on thu charge of criminal liuel. E gHt inurs eltl/.jus of Tansy county. JIls- soiul , have been anosted for iho murder of Uunuty bherllT Williams und the lynching of u \tlfo mnrdeier. The t'llily-olghth niiAunl session of the Western Unitarian conference 1 now m tei- s on nt All Souls fliiircb. Uliicauo , 111. Jle o- liitloii.s .isUliu that thu Wurid's fair bo opened on Miniluy lll bo luM Loforo thu conference. In u iiuarrel ul a picnic ut Muryuvllle , Oul. , Jib ! > > u 1-uulK , ir'ud ill , and William Line , u fariuvr , ungaged In a duel nt Uiurt raiuo. liuth weru finally woundud. The ulf.ilr grow out of iho attentions i'aulk was paying to ghter SKOXING TOBACCO. WUfUtVI * * tt tTTBLACKWCLLaCO CURHAM.HC , All around the world , from East to West , Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best. How good it is , a trial will show , And make you smoke and praise it too. Get the Genuine. Made only by BLACKWRL'S ' DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N.C. GE. . MYE1RS , Fine Furniture and every other grade demanded by all classes of trade. BRBBREl'S OLD © TA.ND , 2OB and 2O7 Broadway Council Bluffs. " Putt B'ood ' , FVf t n jtih " Constipation. Symptoms. Hwdaclie , dirtiness , ft. vcrislnit , hid feeling In the not easily dc'Ctilinl , los of npttitt | , heart * r.tss about the lower abdomen , tto. In constipation , tlic absorb ing capacity of tlic intestines is 'such , that nutter which should be carried otf is dis solved , taken up by the blood ; and , in seeking some other outlet , disorders the kidneys , liver , stomach , and bowels , and undermines the constitution. Kickapoo Indian Sagvva will rectify all this trouble in a prompt and natural manner , fiee the bowels , and dtivc the poisons out of the system. $1.00 a bntllc All dtugglsts. Kickapoo Indian Oil kills t'.iln IntUnlly. aj icuU. SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE N cr falls t , . RTO | Init-lnt relief In the worat . cose" , anil rftYtla curc nticrc oih m r n Irl.l l- kl PKP.E cf lln. i.u , r r Biil " MANHOOD RESTORED. "OANATIVO , " Hie wonderful Hpatilsh KenicJy , la poM nllh a Written Cuarantoo to cure all N'civoui Dls- CT.SU. asUnt Jlcinory , Ixna of Uraln 1'owcr , llcailacbr. \Vakeulnc9Iott Man' liood , Nervousness , IAS BllnJc , all drains and Doforo& After Uso. losi of ( Miner of the ThoUiBraplicJ from life. Generative Oigani In tltlier BCI. cau fd by otcr.tiritlon , Toutlifnl ln < ll crPtloni.or the ncffilvc a e of tohiuro , opium , or stimulants , uhkli ultimately lent ! to Infirmity , Ctnuuinptlon nml Iti'cuiltv Tut up In convenient fonn to carry In thc\L5t po < .k < ; t. 1'ilcc | l a pncknco. ore fori. U'llli e\eiy 15 onlcr ve sire a written guarantee ) to euro or refund the rnonoj. bent by mill lo uny ndtlress. rlmilar free lu plain envelope. Mention Oils piper Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch Omce foi U. S. A. 35S Dearborn Street , CHICAOO. ILL. eOH SALE IX OMAHA. NEB. , DT Kline & Co. , Co.r 15th & DougUi Et . J.A Fuller & Co. . 0. . . 141h < Sj Iounl53 SU. Omaha Medical and Surikil INSTITUTE. Eye | Ear INFIRMARY FOR TMB TREATMENT OP ALL Pill DH9H1 ] llest facilities , apparitus nnd HoinoJioi for successful tro.ittn.ont of every form of disease rcoiilrln , ' medical or treatment. M beds for patients , bo ird and attendanea. Host necomoJntions in tlio west. \vrlto for circulars on deformities atU braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of snlno , lilies , tumors , c nicer , oat-irrh. bronohltis , In halation , o'ectrielty , paralysis , rollopsy , kid- nev. b adder , oye. ear , fckln ani blooj and all rurclcal uuer.itlons. DISEASES OF WOMEN Women KKKK. Wo have lately ad led a lylns- in ( topartinont for uorneti tlurlnz conlliioinent. strictly ur v.ito.l Only Hollablo Modleal In stitute maltin ; a Riiocl ilty o : 1'KIVATK DISEASES All H oed Ulhuasas successfully trorxtoL : -iulillltlc I'oison removed from the system without mercury Now itustor.itlvo Treat ment for Kos of VITAL I'O WKIt l'or ons im- able to visit ua mav bo troitod at hoinu by torrusuon lenco. Ali communications confi dential. Mo.liulnes or Instrument sent by mail oroxprcss. securely packed , no murks to liid'cntu contents or sender. Ono personal In- terylt-wpreferro 1. Call anil consult us or send history of your case , ando will send In plain wrapnor , our 'WEE ' : Uuon I'rlv.Uo. Rnnif Tf ) MEN DUUIiu , ' . ± vcoM ( ) r j'urvoll , DH. cases , Im potency. S uphills , Gloet anJ Vailco- celo , with ( iiiostion 1Kb Ilr.iccs , Appliances for Deformities As Trusoi. Only manufactory Intho Westof HKt'OitM- 1TY Afl't.L lAC'ftrt , 4'ltltaae.s , 2SfLVl'lttU It.lTTEHIICS .t.N H IIKLIS. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broadway , Oojnoil Bluff * Ton minutes' rldo from center of Omaha on Omaha and Council lilutli electric motor lino. Tliconlr Icenllr crnilunteil Chlnpjo Klein years utiiJj TOT yenr | irartii'.il e\ | > 'it- ci co wltli nil knon ill oises Tronic eurCt'Mfnltr nl'o iroiilccn es nivcn up by other iloelort Onll nnil ! > eo tilm nr xrrlto for question blnnk Ho not tlilnk jruur ciie hOMlo | < i | H > C.IU < I > yonnloetor tolls jrnu o. but try the l'Iilnc e doctor with tilt non nnil nondpiful remejle < nnil receive new bpnuAts ntnl n tfhnt other iloc ors cannot Klro lerlK. Moot' nml 1'lnnts - rmturo's remedies lil tneillrlne * Thu world his wltnox. Ono thnunnnd teOlmonliU In throe Jeirs' praetlce. No Injurious flecocllnM . no nnreollci , no poison. Untlonil treatment nmt prnmniMit cure. Toll mine CT < CS suT335fully treated ami c\ired , given up liy other donors : To Whom It Mny ronrcrn : 1 linrotiren a eoiittiuit > uTeror ( for many yenr with lllioiunntl < m nnrt liy | iep la. ntnl .itt'r trrtni ; nil the doctors t tnew of nnil ree.MveJ nu help. I lienril of Dr. O ( Jee Wo In the | mper anitconclinlil to try Ills nifillelno' , vlilcli curoil mu In a short time My fnniltjr wore- also Kick but the iloclor cnreil tlu'iu nil rlzbt. I hiivo nlo ! enl him a mini' lior of friend - , Khom he care 1 nl vi ami of v.tiU 19 troubles ( 'a'.l on me fur putlcuhiM. THOMAS COL'OIII.IV , 431. llarney Slreet , Oniahi. O.M AIM. Xel ) . , M irch 30 , "W. To Whom It Mny Concern ! 1 hive licoi a loni ; tlmo Biitfcrcr with rtomnch tro ulilc niul debility , nnd niiild llnd no re lief from any of the doctors 1 treated with 1 was pob'idly run down fiat I thouclit It Impixslble to lire n month. My Irlen 1 had Klvou me up to die , ntiill Iind lost nil rournxii my < clf A friend told ino of lr ) ( ' ( JOT Wo. ns he wns cured iilo. und nd- \Ucd me locall nnil ace him without delny , ns there nun no tlmo to lose I Iind tried nil the doctoral could I nd nnd nil the patent medicines , but with out relief. 1 llnnlly inn do up my mind to visit the Chinese doctor , nnd from that moment d lies my recovery 1 accepted his tornu nnil plnccd mysalf under hM c.ire. 1 am now entirely well nnJ owe. my cure to Dr. O. tee ! Wo , nnd tnko Ricat pleft uro In recommending others to htm.TIIOS TIIOS CL'LVEIIT. Xorthwent corner Twelfth and Farmuu utreets , un der Iron Hank , Onialia , Neb. I'orATELLO. Idaho , April J , 1SOI. To Whom ItMny Concern : 1 hnve been n constant sutTerer for eight years wUh n illionlorcd omach , blood polsonlni ; nnd In- ( llucsllon , nnd tried n tircit man ) doctors nnd rem edies , but cot no help My e * o I o Jin dare d hope- le s. A friend advised me to call on Dr. Ctfo ! Wo , which I nivla no delay In Join j The doctor ex tin- Ined me nnd told nio ho could cure me. and 1 now Dtnud completely cured , a lltliii ; witness to his KiGiliklll ni a healer of lliojlck , un I iitn pleased to bo able lo recommend him to all sutferlnu peoplo. AI.K UUK. John Imhody. .IctTorson , la. , quick consumption nnd abccHs on lunvr Klven up to die A U Moncl , O.iU mil , la , kidney an 1 llTCr trouble for ten > enr . M. I , . Ander'on. 1,121 Cmnlng street , catnrrh , nsthtaa and bronchitis of fifteen years uiandlu r. Ilns for Pile the following prepirod rcmedlo ? nt fl.UJ a botllo * lx bottles for foil ) lor the euro of ! Artlium. ratarrh. Mo : Mcadiche , Indigestion , Illood PoNoulu , Itheiim itlsm , Fern lie Woaknc1 * , Kidney nnd l.lver Complaint No nienttt bold only by Chinese Medicine Co , Capital , S10J.WJ. Office , 16h ( anil California Sis. , Oaiihi , Neb CURE YOURSELF ! : your Druggist : bottle ol Uig The only nou-pofaonouj remedy lor all - ' , the unnatural discharges and I private dltecses of men anil the debilitating neatness peculiar 1 to women. It cures In a lew lil.-ns without the aid or , publicity of a doctor. " - I'mtersal American Cure. Manufactured .Tho Evans Chemical Co.I I CINCINNATI , u. e. A. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council llluSi. Capital stcc'c . $ i.oona fcurplus and I'rollts . . NnOHO Net Capital an ! Surplus Dlrectorn I. I ) . I'Mnanlioi. W. I. j'nifirJ. Glenson , U. K. Hart , I. A. Mlll3r , .1. V itlns'inii andClmrlcsH Transact ireneral binlc- luj ; business. Largest capital : uul surplus uf any bunk lu Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Chas. Lunkley , Ftiiipml Director nnil Unilcrtiikpr. 311 Broadway , Council Blurts. Tolop h ona lit I ly'Ijl 3tT/O ( lt7 ' i V'fc WH'/n/II/Ii , iayjistajiorjg'.ssl klotfihh/uF KK. 52 Jiej , rraf.w , ! Si | | it I r xKoff | yoi > dort ; j Kiip strj INVESTMENTS. Real Estnto ia Washington Ol'y. Till : CAPITAL OF TUB NATION. ANN TUB rfTUitK-Qvr.n.vciTvoh' nuVOULIV A RARE OPPORTUNITY. n\er.v cltlipn of thp t nltcd StntiM hnutd d'slrn to o n rent estnto In ibu r-ipltnl of Ibis pro-oml- ncntly nreiit ropulilio knontin ; that It It destined to be the most beautiful city Iti the world , and tbo In tellectual.MK'liilnml "iMiMitlllc center of tln-eountry Us prosperity does not depend upun lucnl advance inenl , but upon tbo prosperity ami uruo'tli uf tlio whole country As the. n.ithm liuroucs In poimia Hun anil wealth n ilnoi Ita C.iplt il. Its present well known bc'etlltlc. Illcriry nndsoclnlnilinnlniji's arc being lroiutliened anil extended by lliu eftab Itslui.ciit of K'cat ' Natlontl Universities. It Isa Kronlnt : art , llli r.iry and cduoitlonnl cen ter , Where else can property be bold to 'ich nnnlfest ndruit"e : | an cdJolnlnK thoic superb Institutions of Icnrnllii ; especially uno like tluuiew Amerlc.ui I nl- vcrelty' Tim day H not fur distant whin to own H "plweof property In Washington city will lie far beyond - yond the means of the aver.iKe man \VIIV Uo- rnuso It Is n r.vllronl center and n winter liculth le- nort ; a < Ity of rotiTenllons ami nn objecllve- point of nil tourist ? . WKSLKV lIKICII'IS.a p-irt of Nurtb- MC't Wn bliiKton , mljnlns the ultu of the urrat American L'nl\orsUy. turnilntu of .Mtmni'bint'lt < nvcnui * . cxtontli-Hl nnd IA only two nillen from tbu White House , near Woodloy Inn "ill tlic lliinbl ino Club. It I * a pnrt of ihn norlbncit icctlon. nnd tlio cheapest trouiul offered toJa > to the j a nil Investor LOTS S375 TO $7OO. One million feet already nobl to purchasers In all pnrts of tbe country ( oed lots still Irft. Tin : AMHIU A.V t'.MVLit"ii v project Is sure of a M'londld eonsnmmntUin $ : > ( Ul.WJxvtll buoipcnrtcd lu vrcclliiRsuporb bulUlltiKs , OiU'htlons Usuull1 Asked About Wcslry Heights , Ailjolnln the ( .rounds of tlio ( .roat AuiPt'lc'iiii Unl\erslty , \VHiilii : lTr.O."ATKIn Northwest Wnsli Intlontli1ity mlmitt'H ilrUc fiom the Wbltelluusc , nnil only 50J ) arils we-l of link VIew , * ' \ I'reslilent riovplnml's loriner country boinn. nnd IUJ yanli ne-t of ( ! rii laiiils. i'\---i'iriliiy ; \Vliltnc ) former country 'ent. 11 U only one-hmlf mile northwo.t of the U ! Nnrnl ObsrrTiitury , cjotliiK f..ltD.iMI. nnd u Miorl dlstnnco we-t of tbe Nntlonal anl 7. iolo | . il I'nrkj , bere Consrcis hai already nutliorl/i'it fl.10 t.lXO lo be vpont. At Its la t nesilon t onurcda npproprlnti'd f ID.OUII for urmllni : Ma < . .husi.tts Av enue , extended fro.u Hock Crn'fc to tbo American L'nlvcrslty 1 bin n\enne nllhln the I'll ) li tlic most l oiutlfiil anil lanlilonable tburoughfnru of tlio Viow'nons TUB LAND unj-it is oni ? or tbo hlKboi't poln's within tbu lll lrlct of Columbia nnd la pry plctiirusquc and romanllc. Tim wound Mopt ? Kontly from KB crest toward the city. No v.nsto ground nnd nu trul lots. WHAT Ib TUB & 1X.U OF LOTS' The nvcraRO Bl/e Is ISvl.'iO fcot , nnd cost from SKJ to STUO p.T lot ; one tlftb c.ish , bnlnnco In' ' . 'I and 4 ycirs. All tixo < are paid to dale ofdeeil. which Is furnished free of rest The tat on a rlnglo lot will only he n doilar or two. A copy of the Columbia Title liiBurnnco C'ouipiny's cortltlcato Klven free to every pnr- rlriscr.Vo hnvo old to bankers , brokers , edllon , lauyora , nrmy ofllcer , minister * , school tcnehcrs , Eovcrnmcnt employe * , nnd prominent business men. men.HOW A11OUT IMPROVEMENTS ? Streets n'O bclnz graded to their full width , ninety fput. I'nrk- Inifllfteen feet wide In front of all lots ulten to purchasers free of chnrce. Kvory purchiser there fore pets a gnrdcn spot 151 ? . * ) feet for nulhlntf. lluycrs of eoincr lota itct pnrkliie l.'nl.JO feet. .No restriction In dsed RI to building lino. The park ing provlvlon render * such unnecessary , frlve beau , tlful cottupcs aic belnt ; erected on the HcluhtH. ' 1 be conntructlon ol a iimunlltcent f.'i.l a residence Is also well under way. Improvomcali nro tteuJ- HyproiiioisInK every clear day. Pities COMMBXTS. In the Inn appropriation bill , there Is nn Item for the trr.idlmr of M'ts\ihu : ! > ett3 avnnuu , cxtenvlud , to ward the American I'nlverMty. The line of .Mnnsa- chnsctts avcnno bns been laid out on a direct ex tension of the 11113 now rii' nliiR to Hock Crock. A plat of the nnmu bns been made and tbe people own- InKtho land tbrouuh nhlch II extends will bu uslii-d lo donate thu rUlit ofr.iy This will Klvo a strnUht avenue from Sheriibm Tlrclc throiiKh the University i ground" , except where ( trims through theObsorva- I tory llorc It will ho put upon a circle , no I as to boat len ° i 1.000 feet away from tbo Instill- I mentb tlmt mluht be disturbed by tratllc alum ; Iho etiuct. 11 this mcuts thfj views of the p irtlos Inter ested , tbo JKI.UOJ will ba tpent In crndliu on this line Wnshlnirton llvenlnit M ir. The picturesque situation , the hlKh character of Iho MirroundlnK * nnd thu puptilurll } uf the drives between Wesley HeU'litn and Wnshlnsdon proper , iiinkx It evident that the efforts of Mr. nnd his m-soclntcs to mnko the property n blub class residenceniitmrb. lll meet with pronouncad auc- ccsUiiltlmorP.Maniifncturors' llocnrd. Tor plat and other Informallon nrltd to JOHN F. WAGGAMAN , Cor. 14th and fi Sts. , X. W. 1XUTON , D. C. . W. PANgLE , M. D. Thei GooJ Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. BBADUK OF HI8KASES OF MKN AND 1VOMKN. PllOrillKTOll OF THU WOKI.IVS IIIHHAI , SA11Y OF M //reat1 Me following Diieasis : Catarrli of the Head , Throat , nnd I.ungs ; DI * . cascsof the Kyennd liar , Fits and Aiwplexy , Heart Disease , l.lver Complaint , Klilncy Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Wnbo to.Brlght's ni'auo , SLVIluV Knco , llRtuuatlsm. I'araljFls , White Swclllne. Scrofuta , Fever Sotes , Cnncero , Tumors and Fistula In nno removed without the knlfo or drawlnc a drop of blood. Woman with her dellcnto orpniio re stored to health. Drojay cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 83 O to S50O forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without morcury. Tni Wonus removed In two or three hours , or n pay. Ilunorrholiia or riles cured. TIIOSi : WHO ARE AFFLICTED Wllleavc life and hundreds of dollars hy calling on or using OR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician who can toll whnl nll a person xtltliout asking a question. All correspondence strictly conOdentlal. ModlolM ecut by express. Address all letters to W. G PANGLE , M. D. 5" > Iro.idwity. ! Cjunall HlulTf , SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. -At onco. A competent cook. lrst nvo. LOST Or strayed. 3-yonr-old bay niarci wulght about S.'iO ; branded ou loft hip. lio- turn to or iidtlfy " - - llroadway. IK VOU have anything for a.lie or trade sea K. 11. i-lmufo. Broadway ami Main strcnt. mTlU\V7C \ fiirms for sale. Improved 1C J * in Harrison county. JIU.O ) par jcrn : I'Jlacrai Imprnvod , i''J.OO : d ) aurai. tlT.'J ) . 1'or bar ilm In Iowa ami Nebraska farina oill on or write toJohiiion fi fatten , Council Illnirs. YroirUi.N : I' Dwellings In all pirn of th ly. r. . II. Sheafo , Dro.idw.iy and .Vain. STOKAGK and Commlsilon Stoves , furni ture , etc. , stored and sold on commission at lowi'stj'.itos. li. Kliiiieiian. 'nu llroailway. KIOirSAl-K OH HKNT Larsosl and mosl -I-1 urofllablu meat marUot In Iho west , ilolnit f loin $ ' 1CUJ.UJ to * 7.00J. Ocashhus ness a month : bank book 111 show It ; Kilt od'jol , tjili'iullil business chance : U .vo.irV lo.iso on building M : i. lloeollluo Council Hlulfs. AN Investment oar aln. Now ilouhlo liuuso ilttiated at Nos. 114 am ) 1 G H.Tth Hu , Coun cil binds. Improvomcnt , now and llrst-clasj hoiihe , contains It rooms , U bath rooms. 2 Una imntreyp , 10 closets , front und bacK stairs , hot . .nd co'd water service , Kat , etc. , wnrtb $8.ri'Jii , will sell nt n b.iraaln und solicit bono. ll'lo ofVcr-i. Forest Smith , Ualdwln block , Council ItltitTs. DKSlKAHLl'Jolllco rooms for rent In llrowo uullUlni : , fronttiiK on I'oarl and Mala btrcots , with all modern conveniences. Foi terms apply to A. U. Nicholas or U. 0. Cory , room 0 , agents for building. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OIT AND GRADES. LARGEST STOCK. BEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Office and Repository Nos. 12 , 14 and 16 , 4th SUeet. - Warehouse , Corner pth and Broadw