Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    T1IK OMAHA DAILY 1MW : TIU'KSDAY , MAY 19 , 1892 ,
the r mp cn at this city. The wnlcr hM
ritcn nearly tbrou fcot during llio past
tw nty-fnur hours , nncl the lown bottoms
nro floodnd , A Brent donl ofvutor Is jrolnt ?
down the old rlvor channel , but It will tnlco
rho of fiovurnl fcot to raaho the rlvor
chnnee IU course. A Uoftvy rnln. nccom-
Tinnlcd by violent wlnas lint night did much
tlflrriRpn in till * Inrnlity The pneUlnff house
dam RBVO way , swelling South Tnblo crcolc
ntid rnrrrlns ovcrytbliiR before It. The
wind lifted James I'crrln'siiROn shed ,
( tUtccn foot square , ton bclehth of twenty *
five feet over hit barn , whcra It landed
right side up All nlorjR U'o ' tlvcr bnnk Is
uprcnJ uoodrn pavincr blocks , evidently
from sotnn Inutulntcd city uplho atronra.
Itlvor tn n say thuy look for blgnorvntor
than In 18S1.
t/nlon Tncllln llrlilo | Approach Itopilred
II. A M. Still llliHkcil ,
Traffic has boon resumed ovot the Union
Pacific brliltro. The flwt trnln to g I over
the bridge was Union Pacific No 2 , duo
Irom the west at 0:50 : Tuesday ovoninR. It
went over to the transfer at 0JO yoUcrday
morning , ton it eon and n half hour * Into.
The repairing of the brldgo approach put
the Union Pacific on Us foot ugalu , so to
speak , and unlosj further dnmago Is reported
Its trains will soon bo running M usual.
The Mllwaitkcu train which should have
ironn east Turstlajr ovonlng romalncd at the
dunot until 1 o'clock , and wont cast on tlmo
us the regular attornoon Chlra o lltnllcd
Tbo Hoclt Island failed to put In nn np-
poaranco .tostcnluy. Even iso. ifi ! duo
at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning that
was wrecked at Albright that ovonlng
Imtl not boon nulioil in at noon , A dispatch
wus received at 1) . ft M. hcadqunrtors nt
noon from Uetwrnl Passenger Agent Sebas
tian of the Hook Island announcing tbat
owing to washouts on the Uoalrlco branch
n ml high water roncrally throughout the
ntato , Nos1 and 22 had boon abandoned
until furllior noUco.'l lint ! v docs away
for the tlmo being uith the Rock Island's lice suivlco and Its Council
Ttlliffs connection with its south line , the
Chicago , Kansas ft Nebraska.
Tno H. &M track U still blocked nt Gib
son station.
The water at DoorJIold Is subsiding , and
although the around Is soft , it U believed
that no further inconvunlonco will bo rauscd
nt that point , other than the slow running
time rendered necessary by the condition of
tun road.
The Fremont , KIkhorn & Mlnsourl Valley
suffered a OUU-foot washout at Scrlbnor
yesterday , out it was icpalred. Tbo bed Is
soft , howovei , and' all trains are run very
lowly from Washington to Aillngton.
A laniulluo HtHilggs on thn Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha late Tues
day nftoinoon blocked that road
between hero and Ulalr , and last
ovcnlne' ' * ( i o'clock train wa * sent otll
over thn Promom , KIkhorn A. Mlssouil Valley -
loy to Aillneton , thence nrouna to Bl.ur.
This compin.v is still p.UronUini : the Cllc-
hoin trucks.
The Missouri Pacific was given n tnsto of
the prevailing upheaval during the heavy
rain when 11 lot of eurtb near Sulphur
Swings was unshod down , covering
the tracks to the depth of sovoial foot , The
Missouri Puclllo transferred its trains to
tlio Elkhorn tucks nnd now gets In and out
of Iho citv in that wav.
Incoming pnsaoncers ic ] > ort heavy rains
mid high wiiter in every dlieutlon. A Deadwood -
wood man stated tint It snowed in the UlacK
Hills on the llrtt fourteen days of May , in
stead of raining us it seems to Imvo been
doing ovoiy where elso.
Wiitrr in tlio MUflourl unit Knw
Hlvors ItopurtH from Tlmt Section.
KANS\S Cm , Mo. , Mav 18 1'iom piosent
nppcarances it would npjmr that the Hoods
of last week aio about ' to be repe.itoa.
ilcavy rains in this city anil vicinity and in
Missouri nn'd Kansas have caused a con
siderable ilKo In the Mlssouii ana Kuw
rivers , and It is probable that the ilvois nt
this point and just 1101033 the stum line uill
continuo to ilio for the next day or two , for
the present high atago is Quo to local raius
During the twenty-four hour ? prior to 7
o'clock this uvnnlng the Missouri river had
lese 1. 35 feet and now icgistors L'(5 ( .55 feet.
This is onlv one-tonth of a foot lower than
the High water m.irk ot last Sund.i.v , Puoplo
in the lowlands on both sides of 'tho river
seem to fear a lopotition of their lecont 1111-
ult > a > antcxiicilcni.cs and are gutting matters
In order to mo\o to higher ciouml at a tno
tnonl's notice. No addition il daraago to
property Is luported.
Dlipaichcs from points up tlio rlvor report
n iiso nnd the consequent floouing of gi owing
nops which uscapnt the recent Hood. The
damage is rot stated , but will bo largo.
Thu rlxor at Aimouidalo haa risen about
fourteen incnea nnd the nc-wei * in the town
mo pouring watci into the streets nt u vciy
rupld late anil Hooding many houses. Many
people who weio foieod 10 leave their homos
last week bud relumed mm boguu scrub
bing the mud fiom 'ho Hoers and w.ills of
their home * . However , the dunugo both
from a pecuniai.i nnd n Ingenio standpoint
will not lie so gioat aa that of ! nst week , as
the proper oflicmls had aoiiio of the soweia
plugged up nnd floodgates were put in at the
sow or outlets tounv ,
Many of Armeuidnle'fi manufactories have
been dnrrngcd by the Hood on account of the
ilofoctho sewers , 'ihosntno condition of af
fairs applies In n geuoial sense to Argentine.
bummed up , the situation is about this :
Both rivers will piobably reach as high n
mark as ihev uld last weiilt , but the addi
tional damngo caused will not oo Kicat , both
because the people arc prepared lor a second
Hood and not veiy much n.oro unmago can bo
done to the growing irops , unless the Uic
pioveB to bo much gic.iter than Is now an
The ICaw river Is also rising , It has risen
OHO foot dutttiK thu past twentv-four hours
nnd pcoplo Itvititt alone Us couiso loolt for a
continuation of the Hood. Hoavv winds are
reported throughout and noith-
castern parts of Kansas and u blp rlso is
looked for.
At I awienio the ICaw lacks onlv a few
Inchi-s of buing as til ah PS it was last week.
nnd is slill rising A vast volume of water
fell in that vlUntlv toduv. luooimianioii bv n
tcirlllj wind. Much damage of u minor
oharacU r to tioos , slgni , fences and out
houses was ilono.
N w Hrl < It ll.iin ut tlio Con Ml j IliiKpltiil
\Wi ikril h ) tint \\lnil.
The couiiu commlsBsloners are beginning
to think that the elements propose * to claim
nil of the buildings on thu Douglas countv
poorfnnn for their own. First , the rain
urccltoil tlio hospital , und Tuesday
night tl.o wlmt laid violent hands on
the noiv brick barn , For a tlmo thin
Btructuto withstood the force of thu Rule , but
nt lust It succumbed And one half of the
slate roof , tngothcr with boards nnd rafters ,
\\pnt tuinbllntr down toward Iho biupv
lountyllne Then the wind cauuhthnldof
tin' rorth gihlu ami In a mnracnt iiud lo\olcd
It down to the main wall.
At the hospital the situation Is practically
unchanged. None of the omplovcs closed
their Or&Tuesday night , DStho > ixpootcdtlio
bulldlni ; to collap'-o nt auv time ,
jealordav morning it was aupatcnt
that tbo wind Imd got In Its
work , ns tbo enst wall of the north winir
roscmblcd a i am bow In lorm , but was still
Htnndlni : , The hro ik In tlio coirldor cuillngs
of tbo south wing had opened , but Iho Iron
rodt iccontly placud through the building
prevented It from falling apart.
( iroat D.un ifji'lit linmin.
V , la , , May IS ( Bpccial Telogiam
to Tin ; Rii.J : : Fled uvcr Is ouo foot nbovo
hlch water mark. At I'J o'elork last night a
terrifio ruin fell ull over thu part of tbo
( tato. Stream * already swollen by thn rains
rmptled Uii'lratori into l-'loyd until that
stream was swollen beyond all pioMounrou-
onlu. Lomars , being situntoil on hitrh rolling
land , was out of reach of the Hood nnd > uf-
/urea no dnmago. At 7 o'clock the river was
itlll at blub water mark uud fallliiK but litHo -
Ho , U any , The Omuha track north U clutn-
Bged considerably and ubout two miles of
track washed out to the east batwcon Lamar -
mar * and Komseu nnd consldoraolo damage
between Lomars and Sioux City. No trains
have pasted slnca 0 o'clock last ulsht ,
'J'elophona messugei received from Alta , a
town Bbout fifty mllei a t , roiwrU heary
uniittiiiiii * njl
rftli.'ull , but no damage , Cherokee , wharo
no murli datnnffo was done lait.luno , did not
suffer this tlmo.
It Snndi the Clinctnwnnil Iloil ItUrrd U or
Iholr Ilnnlo *
DPNKOV , Tox. , Mny 19. Almost ft water
spout vlsltoJ this section vcstciday. Thou
sands of acresnro , Hooded. The rallroaus are
washed oul. Tbo Chortaw river Is two miles
wldoand hundiods of bean of stocK have
boon drowneil. The Rod river rose ton foot
nnrt is Btili rising rapidly. Not half a crop of
corn or cotton will bo raised.
I'ropiirlni ; for thn Worst ,
ICioKfK , la. , May IS. Tbo Cfr.vptlnn lovco
Is still Hrm. but may break within n dav If
the rivers continuo to rlso. Poopln living In
district1) protected by levees can do nothing
to prevent tliPin being cut Into by thn cur
rents , but are merely waiting nnd preparing
forlhowor t , The Jes Molnos river U to-
ported rising Its on tire lonetb , thu rlio rang
ing from half a foot at Alexandria to tbrou
feet at points nbovo. The Mississippi Is also
rising. Itnln fell nt Intervals all dnv and the
wind Is blowing a gale. Hock Island trains
nro dclau'd Indefinitely by a washout at
Grand ,1 unction ,
TorrlMo Wntnr Full.
Sn MT.II , la , May 18. A fearful wind nnd
rain storm from the northwest Is raging
hero. Such a full of water in similar length
of tlmo lias never been known. . Tlio river
Sioux ban rnlsod two foot nnd continues to
rlso Thrco hundred to 400 font of the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul truck , wns
washed out at n crreK two mile * o ist of this
city , the track being cnriled cntlrolv off the
rghl-of-wav. ! The ontuo country nlong the
i Ivor Is under water.
.Much Stock ICHh'il.
low * . Cm , la. , May 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hh.r. ] Last night n lively whlil-
wlnd oocuriud hero and a heavy rain did
great hnvou Just cast of the city. Uuildtngs
were blown down , stock Killed nnd the
country laid bnio. There was no loss of lifo ,
but in.inv tmriow escapes are reported. Tbo
loss will bo very heavy. The stoim has boon
raging all day and trains mo abandoned.
Alung tlio AiKiiiium Itlinr.
Moiittn MOV , Ark. , May 18. The Arkan
sas ru or nt this point is higher than over
known nnd still rising. Fully 10,000 ncios of
corn nnd cotton nro ovcrllowed , fcncos and
houses washed away and tenants nro desoit-
ing the lowlands Special clTom nro being
made by planters to snvo their stock. Maiiy
handled f miners will bo bankrupted , The
cannot bo estimated.
Still Kithilng at .Mui-Klmlltown.
MAISIII.I.TUWN : , In. , Mny IS. A voiitablo
to iii)03t ) lius prevailed throughout central
Iowa foi several hours , coming fiom the
northwest. Tteos and outbuilding' * ha\o
boon blown down nil over the city and much
dnmago wiought. U is still lalning.
Condition oftlm MUsmill.
br. Loin , Mo. , May 18 , Kopoits fiom the
Missouil liver from Kansas City to the
mouth sav It is falling slowly , but the recent
tains in Kansas it is cxpectod will cause u
rise which will oairyitnbovo tbo recent
high stage.
At St. l.ouls.
ST. LOLH , Mo , May IS. The great Bo\v-
man djko at I'ast St. Louis is uow under
water. All the lallroad yards are Hooded
and the Ireight depots deep iu water. The
damage will bo enormous.
Ottummi til Darkness.
OTTLMW * , la. , Mny 18 Water in the Des
Molnes uvor has reached the highest point
iinco the great Hood of Ihol. The oloctrlo
lignt plant , bus shut down , leaving the city
In darUncss tonight.
K. A. Loiiluirt soils Union soap ?
Noah Crlttenhan of Davenport , Nob. , is in
the cMtr.
Miss .leiiiuo Eatoa of Lincoln is at the
VV. U Wiutcomb of Ponder , Neb , is at
the Millard.
H J. Hayes of O'Neill , Nob. , is stopping
at the Arcade.
livrou Clark nnd J. G. Richey of Plaits-
mouth are .it the Dollono.
O.V. . Mitchell and G. VV. Mlckelwalt of
Ord , Tseb. , aio nt the Arcade.
Miss Lou Wagaor has gene for a two
months' tiip though Coloiado.
Senator GatcU of Do * Memos , father of the
Go toll hign licunso hill , is in the city.
.T. L. Keck , J. G. Tate and Miss Ulaueh
Martin of ICojrmjy are at the Millard.
Marie Ilubcit rrohmau nnd Gustavo Troh-
man of Now Yoik are at the Muri.iy.
Mr. .f. P. Heckorhas just , rotuuiod from a
brief visit with ftiends In Ciss countj' .
D. T. ilaydon and , rohu II Puce of No-
biuskaClty iir * lozistorod at tno Dollone.
Mr. NIK Ando son , a. . prouiinont rtti/en of
Fillmoio coiuty , , va * iu the city jostorday.
II. P. Putlcu of Gnnova , clerk of the dis
trict couit lor Fulmoio oountv , is in tbo city
on business
A son was born to the wife of Mrs. J. M.
Stcoluof 'Jllli Chicago. Mother und , child
aru doing well.
Hon. C. U. Casper , odilor of the Butler
County Prois , accompanied by Air ? . Casper !
was in tnooitv yastordny.
C. E. Summers of Geneva , sheriff of Pll-
uioro count , came to Qinaliu josterduy ,
bringing C. K , Vincent , who is chaigod with
mauing counterfeit inonoy.
MTJ. H. U Grav arrived in the citv last
night ftom Galveston , Tox. Mr. Gray will
rctuiu In about ten uavs. Mrs. Grav comes
back much impioveu in health.
Mr. J. P. bhappirJ , night editor of the
Philadeluhia Lodger , II. A. Kowan , suporin-
tendentcf machinery and consuuctio i , and
.lames J. Dalloy. loroimtn ot the novvsioom
of the same paper , mo in tlie city. Tney uro
returning homo fiom Colorado Spjlnga ,
whoio they attended the nooning of the
Childs-Di xol hoiuo on thu llilh lust.
Houry Moullor soils Union
LOU n. jtKKrifii- , .
A defective flue in Caiolino Mungor's
house , Seventh and Marcy Rtrnets , was the
cause of Uiontmm of Hro nt ! llo : o'clocl :
yusUii'dny ultcinoon. Loss on building nud
contents , about > 7.r > .
While working ut the house of Mis.Voimor ,
1S05 Chicago siicot , two cotored ciupot ,
clcnnois niiino.i Ulco
and Aiutln slolo a
gold watch anil two chains valued at $ , JO.
The mutter was reported to tl n rolicu and
last night UJtootivc" ) Savage witl Dempsuv
arroitod tbo uiun uiu recovcrud tno propotty )
The icguliir montiilv meeting of the Union
Woman's Christ an Tjinperanuj Union will
bo held in Yimng Mori's ' Ctiustiau association
parlnis Thursday , Mny 1 , ut ! l p.m. All
mombcrj and vhitini : sistorj npd fiienda nro
Coidlally Inviicd to bj present. Mrs A. B ,
Iloiukrion , chilli man ; Mrs. Al. II. Hboads ,
Tno comuiittot from the Builder * and
Tinder * oxihaugo , iippouuou to loviso the
building ordiii.inca of the city and report anew
now ordinance to the illy council for pas-
sace , hold lu tint mooting Ian night. The
now ordinaiii-o will bo completed in about
tciidii > s iiud wilidifTur very iimtciiolly from
the ones uuw in force ,
The annual miulo.iary mooting of the No-
broska dlocoso 01 the Kplscopil churc-h
held In Trinity outhoarni , fllihop Worthing ,
ton presiding. Hyy. Mr Spailiug road u re-
pou of the work dmiuvc tbo iiasi voar niul
was followed uy Doan Hurt of Denver , who
delivered a very intoiesllug uddres * on mis
sionary woii ! Quito n largo sum was pledged
to carry o-i the missions for another jcar.
V r Crjno , who lives at 1532 bouth
Thirty-third street , was snndbaggoJ In hU
own yard late last nisht. Mr. Crane wont
out to the lijdranl to draw some water , Just
us ha ftoapcd to turn the faucet ho received
n stunning blow on the back of thu head ,
which knocked him down. Ills assailant
run rapidly 10 the park and wa * soon Iqst
among the tree * , Tbo iujurou man could not
glvo the p.illco auy description of tbo thug ,
noltbor pould ha assign any reason for tbo
assault. Ho was considerably stunned by
the blow , but not aeriouily hurt.
J. Nolsou & Co aeli Union soap.
Mr * . IliiriUuu linprovliiir.
POUT MONUOK , VaMar 18. Tbo pres
ident and party caught thlrty-olght blue fish
today , Mr * . Hurrlioa ooatloues to improvo.
Rowo's ' Rustlers Will Hustle Around at
Sportsman's Park Saturday ,
No DrrlMon Vrt As to Ihn Disposition of tlio
t.nto Apuntlos Clilriigo still Win
ning Other llnso Unit nnd
Sporting .Nin * .
NIj\V arrangement
of the schcdulo lias
boon nmuo for the
\Vo3torn league
and the Oinnlms
\slllbo homo Satur
day for three games
Saturday nf tor-
noon , Sundav and
Monday , with the
orstwbllo S'Pauls. .
The latter loam has
boon strengthened
sltico Its appearance
hora anil Is [ Hitting up as tight A game ns any
to mi In the league , 't ho O malms have boon
strengthened also by the addition of Dob'
Wostlako anil .loo Vlstior mm nro plnIng In
much Improved form. In fact the general
opinion now is that they nro ns strong as any
club In the circuit. The opinion Is nustalned
by the omuhatlu way in which thoysat down
on Milwaukee lu the lust two games played
With favor.iblo weather a largo crowd will
undoubtedly turn out loolcoino the
lUlstlnis homo Satuidny , and as victory Is
vorv apt to replace tlio old line of defeat
they should docll In thuso nt homo. Joe
Vlsncr was a big acquisition to the team , nnd
tbo boys now go into a game with a conll-
acnco they were strangers to at tha com
mencement of the season. Jimmy Collopy is
placing National league ball mm your Uncle
IJavld has found his oyo. Ho led the team on
the rocout , trip , making oluvou bits in sovcn
games. Shelbcck , Kelly , Ullks and Vlsncr
are alee hitting and Holding ilnoly , and thteo
rattling coed gomes mav bo confidently
looked for.
ColniuhiiK Won Another.
COI.UMHUS O. , Mav 18. Columbus de-
fe.iteil St. Paul again by bunching hits on
Kcofo in the first Inning. Motz was the only
St. Paul man to make n hit. Tno catno wns
lutcriuptcd liy rain. Attendance. 500. Score :
r.irnrd runs Coluiubiii , 1 , Sicrltlro lilts Ho
grlcvi'iDunnuhne Double pliiyH' Hollnnd Miiltli
niul Mut7 lln'i'soii ImIN HIT Koufc. .1 ; oil ( Inn
sin a. struck outlly Kec'fc. J. li > l'li\U8Ci . 4
I'nHM-il linll , Jnut7Un Molrn buses ( ' .inipnli ,
Ijilly , Iluurlnvpi. Left on lm cs Columbus I , ht
r ul , 4 'lliiuol Kiiuiu Onu liour iiud thlitj live
niluutos Umplru ; u > Ucr.
TOD Wnt to I'lny.
INDIANAPOLIS , Intl. , May 18. Omaba eamo
postponed on aixount of lain.
i'ou no , O. , Mnv 18 The Mitmonpolls vs.
Toledo gnmo postponed ; rain.'KEi : . V/ls. , May IS. Mllwaultoo
vs Kansas Uity po tponeil ; wet grounclb.
HlUj * AUriV s TiriinustT.
COI.UMIIUS , O. , May 18. [ Special Toiotrram
to 'I'm. ' Brr.l President Williams , ut the
direction of the Wcstcin League of Unso
Bal ! oluba , loniclit vninovoa Mr. Thompson
ns manager of the St. 1'mil club und Captain
Billy Alvordvill have charge of Iho team
until further airai.gbincnts nro tnndo. No
word was received ftom Donvcr today by
Pioaldent Williams relative to the proposi
tion made by Iho league , und it is probable
tlio St. Paul club will bo transferred to Fort
Wayne tomoriow. Of llio seven clubs iu the
IOIIRUO Columbus , Inaiaiiapolis , Toledo and
Miinicu , oils aio said to favor the transfer to
Fort Wayne. If thn mutter Is not settled
tomorrow , the St. Paul club will RO to
Ornabu lor u soiio of cames , transferiinn
those scheduled ior St. Paul.
Uiialo Ansu Keeps Up Ills l.luk us n Hull
Cintvuo , III. , May 18. Today's ' game was
n sharp and pretty contest , nud wns nny-
boclj's amo ill ) to tlio ninth Inningu lion tuo
( Jolts batted out three earned runs. Mc-
Aleor's wont In center was brilliant.
Weather cloudv. Attendance 'J.500. Suoro :
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 a 5
Olc\ eland 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I ) 'J
lilts : Cliloiino , 'I : C'lovoland. ( i. Ernirs : Clil-
ease - ' : ClovuUnd , .1. II inied runs : Chicago ,
'I 11 ittrrk's : lliialiln- und KiltiliUu ;
Cuppy and Connor.
I.uatlois Ilixl u I.lvclj Tlinu ,
Ni.w YOKK , Mnv 18. The Boston and
Brooklyn teams had n lively tussle at Unst-
orn park , Brooklyn , today before 3JSJ ! pee
ple1. Boston won by making hits just when
hits were required. Lowe. Lonu , Uufly nnd
Cincorau made bomo pretty pluys. "Both
pltoliers did good \\oilc. Scon > :
llrooklyn U 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
lto > .tim " * ti
lilts : HrooUlyn , 7 ; IloMon , t > . nrrors :
Itiouiclyn. ' . ' : llosion , , ! . K.uiu'd inns : Itrool.-
lyn. .1 : H'jilon ' , J. lljtloilus : atoin and
Italltiy ; btaluy and Guiuol.
Hani Dilj mi thu ICIIs.
Pllii.Aiini'MM , Pa , Mav 18. The Phlllios
shut out Washington rather easily todav.
The visitors i/oulu not nit Cursov coasecu-
lively , \vhilo tbo local plu > u lilt "both Kll-
len nnd Kllroy hard at the light times. At
tend an ci > , ub'J , Weather luluy. Score :
I'lill ulolnhla 1 J 0 1 4 0 U 1 0 11
\Vnsliliuton . . U 0 U u 0 0 0 0 u U
UIU : I'hllKiolphlii , i : > ; Wiishinston. I ) .
Kirorn : I'lill ulolplilii , u ; Wushiiuloii , .1.
Knrned runPlilltidnlphln. ; . ( i. Kuttuiliis :
C'.usuy and UiuniLiiti ; Kli.on. Klluiy and .Mil-
lil'ila rind Onn at J'lttshurp.
Pii rtnt no , Pa , May 18. A base on balls ,
tuo tumbles and six hlu iavo ; the Cincin-
iintU seven unearned runs In the second
Inning nnd won thu # uino for thorn.
Mullano uas very nffoctlvo. Attendance ,
l.KIT. NVcather threatening rain. Scoiu :
PlttsburK o u u o o j o o o : i
Cincinnati 0 ? 1 0 U U 0 U 8
lilt ! . : IMltsbiir ; . 4 ; Ulnuliinntl , U. Hrror-- ;
I'lltslHir , A ; Uliiolniuttl , .1 Kiuned ruin ;
I'lltHlinrS. lliittorlm ; Galvin luidMllloi :
Mullanu and Miirpliy.
1'lxjliiK It.ill .Suro iiioii ; li.
NHW 'Voitic , May 18. .Todaj'j came bc-
twcon the Now York and BalUinoro teams
win u pitcher's batllo. The Uluuts Kcorad
tuo only iun of the gamuin lha aouoadl ntilng
on tuo buses on balls , u lorcu and bit by
Lyons. Attendance , 1,01) ) . } . Kcoro :
NewYoik . . . . 0 l o o b u 0 o l
lliltlmore uuuuUUOOO-0
Illlu .Now York , 2 ; llnltlinorn , 0 Krrori :
New ioili , 0 ; llaltliuoro. u. Ciirniul uiin :
None llatturlUM ! Huale und Iloyio ; MoMahon
and Hobiiiaon
JSo O iniu ut I.oulivllti ) .
Lot'itVtl.i K , Ivy. , May lb. Louisville vs.
Si. Louis , no game ; rain.
Ulty * lliiniiiii'iIfiikor' * Au'Krn-nliiii
Unmiiiclfiilly ,
GIUMI ISI.IM , Nob. , Miiy 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bui.J The gaino Lulween
Fremont nnd tuo bufiir IJitys today wus
holly coiUoitoa. The features were the lilt-
tine of Grader and Hoppmolstor und tbo
lleliung of Stratton aud Hoppmolstur. Too
Fremouts dUtlupulihod tbcmsolres by un
called-for kiuiclnir. Purcell was fined > . ! 0
and retired lo the bench In thu third Inning
for abusing lha umpire. Kcofo haa u thumb
UUloirattd in tbo fifth innlug and rotlred la
favor of Murray. Score :
Urand IsiiMid 0 U
Kroinonl , . , B
llatlerlos ; llofur , Kuefo md Murray ; Uukur
ntilOrovor II. u Orind 1'lnnJ , ? . I'reinont ,
KrniMOtftnil IMnnd. ft. 1'rainnnt. II.
Mrnok out ! lliMkr. { "J Hojipor. a Utnplro-
MnfU ,1
Hn tliiB .
, Mny 18. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : UtEWHastings minlnst Plaits-
mouth today : T ;
HiKtlnm . . 1 4 fi 0-10
riattsiiioiitii , / . j i o 2 3 < o o 3-jo
- -
Western longjifo Ohinha ftt IndlannpolU ,
St. Pnul nt Oolmhbus , MlnnoapolU at Toledo -
ledo , Kniuas ( ltyrnt Mllwnukee. National
league : Boston afl Brooklyn , Baltimore nt
Now York , WiishlnRton nt Philadelphia ,
Cleveland nt , Cincinnati nt Pitts-
burp , St. Loiils nt' Louisville. Stnto league :
PlatUmoutb nt Hastings , rromont nt Ornnil
Island , ICoainoyat Bt-ntrico.
btlinillni ; of thn 1
t'hll Ilwjor Cnimcii Some niHBnierful SuancH
at Uriixcsunit.
UitU'KsiiM ) , J . I , Mny 18. When tbo
liuclor called the starters for tbo IH-st ruco to
the uost this afternoon tboro were fully 10-
000 people on the giounil" . A strong breeze
blew from the ooian. The program bore the
nnmos of a host of high class racora. As the
track wns ns dry ns n bono fist tlmo nud ox-
cltln ? JlnUhos were looliud for. 'I ho pleas
ure of such matters was sadly marred by n ,
Borles of dlsBratoful scenes tbnt woio enacted -
acted oy the Pinkerton detectives. After
the first race for some unknown reason Phil
Dwyer Instructed Chlof Pinkerton to ojeat
nil the uowsboyo from the track and In fu
ture to prevent tbem from solllne newspa
pers Inside the ( jato < of the track. Those
boys were bandculTctil together , driiR ed into
tba secrotarj' & ofllce , their bailees tnkcu
from them nud tbey < voio throwu off thu
1'lrst raie. fix u nnd one-half fitrlonvrs , seven
starters : lit. llnsbroo * ( Mo II won , Corcotlon
(7to. ( > ) second , Tiltutv ( I to I ) tli rd Ulmo
l:07' :
ii nice , nun 'iml ono-slxtcotitli n-llcs.
four Hlurtuis : llurli-in ( " > to I ) won , Kockoti ( l
to 4) ) second , Madrid thlid I'liiiu : ! : ' > ) .
Third i ico. ono inllc , three starters : St.
I'lorl in ( U to 10) ) won , Two Hits (2 ( to 1) ) second ,
Sir Arthur ( S to I ) third. Time : I:4J. :
roiulli race , HrooUdalo hitndlo ip. ono and
oiie-oljililli miles , six st irteis : Major Dumu
ill ID I ) uqn , Kussull second , Loiustreut thlul.
I'lme : iS4. :
1 Ifth race1 , IHo-olcbths of a mile , lv start
ers : Klhlc colt (1 ( to I ) won , \ \ (5 ( to illsi-o-
end , 1-vwlussiOto' ) Ihlnl. Tlmo : 1:01 :
Sixth tai-o , tlnuc-foiiitlis of a mile , ivtnu
atartcis. Vaidee 1. 1 to I ) won. I ) ilsvrliui H to
S ) second. rinvliKCi to 1) ) third. Tlmo : Il3'i :
A/r.i I.intU Anntliui ioi > il Put.
Louisvn.l.r , KVjj May. 18. The track nt
Churchill Dowus today was simply wretched.
It wns sovoial inches deep In mud before n
part of the afternoon rain poured down.
About 2,000 pee plo braved tbo elements. The
loaturo of the day wan the Clark btukus , and
it narrowed dovui to a splash botwoun Azra ,
thodcibv winiwr. nnd Ed Corrican's Phil
Dw > er. Just iefoio , the race Huron and
Basbford word scratched , and the odds
opened nt I to 4 Axra and 4 to 1 Phil Dwycr.
Azra romped in the winner of $3,040 by ton
peed lengths. I
I'lrst nicp. IHe and one-half furloiiRs. ton
stiiteis : Hob .liic-obs ( J to i ) wfin , Modicslui ,
( Jia to i ) second j , II' Vhlrd. Time : lll'4. :
terund race , 11 4 ti'iloncs , four starlors :
I'reti'iu'ei ' i2' . to 11 woo , 1'lorlst (14 ( to 1) ) soe-
end , I'litsy d to I ) tJiltiU Ttmu : 1:181. : .
'Ihlid race , the Cl.irl.tiike - mlle audit
niiattor : A/iaJI | o4) ) Iliit. I'lill lwyer(4tol ) ( )
socoiul. Time : jj-W
i'/jfifili i.icn. liiilwnllc. flvo stiirtois : In o-
man'Mo " > ) first , Monrovia ( I to jjsecond , liady
Join's ( U tu I ) tliiicl Tlinu : "il.
I'lfib race , ono inilo , four itartcrs : falls ido
(4 ( to i ) first. 1'iilinutto ( i to I ) sc'fond , 1'owors ( " >
toll HUnl. Tlmo : ! fti'J.
blxlh' raio. ! fiVoy uilU a half fuilongs , ten
starteih : I'arolcw to1 II Ili-t , Gr.iy Goose (4 ( to
1) ) bocond , Ciltlc ( I toll third. Time : 1:11 :
VITJ Alndily at M. l.ouls.
Sr. Louis , Mo , May 18 It rained nearly
all day and the attendance at tbo laces wns
lightened accordingly. Tbo track was Monpv
and the plungers \vero only fairly successful.
first race , six fiulon7s. len starters : Minnie
C'co (8 ( to f > ) won , I * .1. KniKht ( > to 1) ) second ,
Hod ( J.ip third. Time : l-'l. :
boeond rac-p , six and n liulf fililoncs. four
sturti-rs : 1'iscitliin1 G ! U > I ) won. Aloha ( I to. ) )
bccond. orrltol ( S to I ) third. Time : l8. :
' 1'h I nl i.icc , selHim. live and a liulf fnrkni-- ,
cl 'lit starlcrII : ij in vl > or ( I to 1) ) won ban
S il ) i soi end , McOearinon ( S to 1) ) third. 'J line :
1:1114 :
Kouith i KC. soiling , live and a half fm-
IOIIKS nine starter : I'rab Cider In to 1) ) won.
i'rlxey Unrdncr ( U to 1) ) second , Defend int (1 (
to I ) third. Tlmo : 1Mb
riftli lace , solllnz. Ihu and a naif furlongs.
fUo stiirloisUnlnckvC to 10) ) won , fntl in ( rte >
to 1) ) second , Ulaok Knipht. ( S to 1) ) third. Time-
ll : ( , .
Sixth r ice , handicap , oitu mllo. five starters :
Doltvnr BncUneclIU to 1) ) won. Mm Dunn ( I to
1) ) second. I'utiick ( JJ to 1) ) third. TJiuu : l:4b : > , .
Tlio Jlomlators * rostponod Opi-nlni ; .
Owing to the long continued sooll of In
clement weather the Gentlemen's Roadster
club has postponed tbo date of their In-
nugural matlneo from Saturday next until
Juno 4. when they hope that favorable condi
tions may bo safely counted on. On the oc
casion of this opening session the Musical
Union band will bo on hand and un open uir
conceit given during tbo races.
ArraiiguincntH Made Inr tlio Muvln-lu < K-
ICoirjitoMctllWlhi litn'i Wn/di'i ninn'i.\ \
LONDON , May 18 [ Noiv Yorlc Herald
Cable Special toTiih Br.r.l The directors
of the National Spaiting ciub today llxod
Monday , May ! )0 ) , for tbo Jaclcson-blivin
light. Hull and Chovnskl ; \ 111 second Juuk-
3on , and Mitchell nnd Jack Sluvln will
look after Slavin. The prlco of admis
sion for nonmomberi. is $123 , which
hum is being Iroely put up. Members uio
obliged to pay f 10 to $ > 0 lor rosuryod souls.
There is not much betting.
P.iison Davids 1ms taken Hull to London ,
where ho propojos to back Hall und Choj nskl
against nil comers.
Dr. Blrnoy'-s Catarrh Powder for cold In
bead. 1'orsaloby all druggists. fiO cents.
$125. 00 uptight pi uioiat Iluyduii Btos.
Knport olun i : < | ijrt Uniiiinltliiu.
NKW YOIIK , Mny lb. ( Special Telegram
to Tiih Bl E j TII'J Ameiicaii Kowipaixir
Publishers association U lOinjio.od of uoout
lliO of the loading nuuspuio | s of thu United
StutiM und Ciinmlu , A coinni of exports
win toccntly uppolntod bv this association to
decide upon th btit lypewiitor , The com
mittee bus reported nnunlinauslf in lav or of
the adoption of tKc lU'inlngtoii , ututine thnt
It lindi U superior to ull ollou in ull Impor
tant rospcilsund that it is generally rogaidrd
as lhc stnndttiu. The placing of eiders of
soteral hundred machines for the use of the
moniliers of the nsjociaiioii hu > boon await
ing Iho decision 01 the committee.
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder for tonsllolls.
For sale by nlUljuggists. f > 0
Bros , soil Union so.ip.
ChlcUorlng upright pinnos , $175,00
Iliijclun llros.
There never was
wasA Good
But had its
So great has been the success of Hellman's administrator's sale that peop'c ' arc comiti"
from every direction to buy , und being pleased with their bargains they come a ain and brin *
their I friends with them. " "
Was in business
And all that time he never soldn _ shoddy suit or part of a suit. All his goods were reliable ,
and now that the administrator is closing out the stock Imitators are liable to spring up in the
hope of stealing some of his thunder ; But
Hellman's Clothing1
Is being sold by the Administrator
Cheaper than Shoddy
And the quality , style , fit , make , etc. , is something of which you will not be ashamed.
All the $7.50 suits are put in All the choice business suits
one lot and go at that used to goforiSare
All the Si2.oo suits good Just as Fine a suit as you
enough for you go at can get anywhere for $20
to $25 goes for
There are thousands of other bargains , but we say nothing about
them here because the prices arc so ridiculously low that you will ap
preciate the goods more when you see the goods with the price mark on
The Only Genuine Closing Out Sale in town ,
At the Old Stand , Thirteenth and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Cures all ilisonlori of the Slonno'i , 1.5 > er , Dowels , KUoij < , Ululibr , Niirn n
DIs'u-cs , I.o s of AjiDotito. Hrniliulip. Constlpatt > . C'ostiveiia , In UgciM 111 , 1511-
o u ne'-s , FCTPI'I I'ilos , Kttniul rcn 'ors ( hn svitrun less liable to conlr.ict dUexsO.
HAIIWAY'S PII.Ij' ' urn euro for this complaint They tone up tlio internal secretions to
hoaltliy ii-tlim. rpstoro strcnuth to the stomach , und imnblo It to pi'rfnrin Its fiiiii-tlons
Price J-IL-a Do\ . [ Mild bv all druggists , or m illod by UADWAV & . CO. . .O Wanen Street-
New York , on receipt of pi lee
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Buuduys lu n. 13 m. rieml slump ( or r > ! ply.
Every MAN can In.
I S'/HONO anil VIO-
I OUOUS in all retjif ns
N KVINn.theBrentap < uilali Keiiicily. YOJJNO MBN
OK OLD sulf.rin" from NERVOUS DIJIUMIY. IO3T or
FAIUNO MANHOOD , iilshtlytMlssiona , convulsions , itMVuiis
, nroklranonCHUsi < l by the use of opium , lobacco or aleoliol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental dcnrcksion , lois of power in either sex , pennator-
ami indulgencr or nypersoiul weakness
. rluea caused byselfabuke over
errnooK AHII A > TH < USK.
ness 11 be rc lorcil lo i-crfeot lieallh end llio NOIIfclt VITAWTV OK aillONO MBN.
VVe nivo a wriuen ginranleo viibC boxes lo euro any cd or refnml mir"0" < -v Ji bos.o boies $5
For Sale In Omaha bv Snow , Lund & Co.
lets you 117
to the secret how to tell the best lock
made the world-famous "YAL1- . " Other
locks resemble the "YAI.K" ( as the
college student's ln-ad was like Ms Presi
dent's ) , on the outside , but perfect secu
rity lies only behind the word " YAI.E , "
wlikh b stamped on every genuine key.
Sold wherever locks sell.
\\a rcnil llm rrmrvlnn French
IlpmcJy CALTH03 fief , nuJ H
IcKulKiuirantoutlint CUM nos will
! nd lU-hTIIIIB I \'luor. .
Hit tCand fay i/ialn/ea ,
jnHr.n.VOM MOHL CO. ,
Hoi Itio i r U , lln.lnoill , tblo.
unil Kl.ctrlo l.lelit llxluroi for the
NOU nij-llull ,
Ilv onlorof tlio City tounoll Iho tlmo fo-
suuinUtlnK lilils for KIIJ and oluotrlo lUht x
t ros for tlin now ulty li.UI , ' 'ia'V ' "
iVcoii uvloiulod from 4 | i in . Mny 17. to 4 p m
May 31. 18'JJ , TaaonoiiB Oi sr.N.
niJl'ilH Ooinptrollor ,
I'ropotnU Tor It | inlrlli | ; til ft l * r.innps.
Soiilod bids will lie received ut tbo ooriin-
trollur' * olIU-o u ] ) to 4 p. in , Muy 24 , Ib'/J ' , for ilia
ruualrliu of ubout IV ) KIIB liimi ) .
THKO. OLSKN Coniptrp.Uor
Omaha , Nob. . Sluy IJ , UM. MlGd Ot
To tlio ownitrt of Iot3 iinU In nil front Ine
iition Htri'et linprnvuinont districts nuinliuruu
und ilubt'ilboU a- , follows : * . . . . .
ll. I'll , .illuy In lilool. 2W. oily , anil No lrn .
alloy in I'lool. ' 10. Kouiilru A. K"tli' uildlllon.
No 4" . l. lla.nllloii . Htrcot. from } ho " " { in of
, line of tliu
4itliBtieul to tlio "list ylndiiutof
liult line rillwiy. in llm Uy of Omnliii , anil
. ' * moiit for tlm pinlun' or ro-
" 'Vdulm. ' . he'rSby m.tlflod in | , uanco of or-
dliianciii o J > > 0 ami Jxil , J U SPI anil lip-
il mod M V I- . ' * > ' ) . ' . to select nnd ilutormlno
neil tliu kind of in iterlalfi bo iibi-d In p.iv-
1 1 Khiidliiiprovoiiiiini dUtr.ct * . on or bnforu
tlia l.'th day of Juno. I8U. , or tlio uiuyor and
city fotini'll will ildtormlniiHiiid iniitoilul.
' " " - " " " " " " " '
Chiilrmnii of tlio Hoard of 1'nbllo Works.
May 17-I8-.U _
rriiin | uU lot DUIilct Sticct linproveiiiunt
Hotted dldi inarUod I'inposals for Dlitrlut
btruut linpro\emi'iit llnnds , trill be rociilvod
uu to U o'clock noon , of ilm "din day of M ty ,
! W , ' , for tbo purnbuso ot Dmti.ut titroot Jin-
proemunl llundd ii-i follows :
District J7. . . . . JO.OOJOO
DUirlut 37J . ' . ' .VWOJ
KlMrict .174 . 'J/jWOO
DUtrlut yJl . 1.IOO.OO
District 4W. ( . IO.OW03
DUtrlot 411 . . W WOO
Uiuud under cliirter poworof inotiopolltuti
cltlis Kacb bid mimsUto prlco and anioiint
BociKht formal Inclndo aouruod Intoriiit to
duteof dnhvory Ht Omnliii , Neb
Tlio rlsbt to reject any and all b ds Is ro-
eorveU. IIUN11V HOI.J.N.
Pity troJbiirar.
To Itnllrnail rontiactom.
We will ftnb-lot 40 inllo * of Krudlns on line oj
II , O IL A. N. Ity. . from Forest City , la , mt ;
ward , on and after Tue dny , Mny 17 , rjn
and8ni > clUcatloii § nT > 8C ' r *
THEATER The Witch.
: iMIirs : !
Thursday , May 15 ,
rViatince Saturday.
I H t w I i b Hi
iJIri'ctloii of ( iustato rroliniiin'
Thursday , May 19-Souvenir Night ,
A frterlliiRS Ivoi Witch Simon will bo nro-
sented to the I lilies. ISual prlcui llox shouts
oiij-i ' .Voiliiosil ly.
Farnam St , lluatii POPULAR PKICES
May U Sunday .Mutliiuo nnil M'ht and till thu
AM )
Mntlnoes WoilnoaJa/.inil Saturday.
W O TL Cl G T 1 L TL Ctv
WI LL LA.WLER , Manager.
JUMBO , : , ) ,
? siicnvs.
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stiff Hats.
218 South 15th Street ; "
IMIIS Stored and Repaired.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
' . ilectnc Lighted , Steam Jlcat-
ed Vcstibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6no ; p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Ag-cnL
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
w ? Dr , flailay , \
$ r ' \ ; Thu Loading
fl XJLUJ Dentist 3
TulrU Fioar , Pixton Way's.
leloplioue 108.i , llJtlt uiul Farnam Sis.
A full et of teetu on rubber fur f } 1'urfi' < I 111
Tuueli without pUtoi or iiiuOfeaLlo brldnawuik ,
jutt tliu tbliiKfur uluiieri oj publlo ipeukur , novel
drop down
< II HIllnK ( i rrmonablQ r toi.U work warrantot