8 TUB OMAHA DAILY 11KE. WEDNESDAY , T\iAY 18 , If02. llt'Pitl IM1H ( If Al < I t I1\T 1 TIP AWuL FRLAK01' ' A LUNAIIC Edward Wilhelm Carries Out the Literal Wording of the Scriptures. CHOPPED OFF HIS OFFENDING HAND 1I Win Stopped llcCnrn llo Cnnlil IMiirlc Out III ) Itlcht Kjrn-Tcrrllilo Itciiilt o ( n llcllgloiu Miuilnc' * I'rrnrjr. There's a man onto Valley who propose * to follow tbo tcrlptural Injunction , und not depart from Us literal meaning. The man In the case Is Edward Wllholm , n prosperous farmer residing near the town. Some weeks ago VV'llhelm's friends dis covered that hl mind wns oft Its balance. In fact they boltovod that ho was crazy , for while working or roiling ho was continual ly ropcallni ; the Illbllcat passage , "If thy right hand offend thuo , cut It off and cast It from thco ; if thy right eye offend thco , pluck It out , " etc , The case was brought to the attention of IboIJo.ird of Insanity and n session was hold , Tno members heard the tosilmoiiy ndducod mid declared that Wllhclm was Insane , but that Ins Insanity was of n mllu character. They udvlscd that ho bo taken hotno and cared for , rather than havu him sent to the asylum. Acting upon this advice the friends of the man look him home , and until Monday bo appeared butter , though bo continued to re pent , his chosen passage of scripture. Dur ing the afternoon ho prow wnrso itnil spant tha greater portion of his tlmo In sing ing hymns and preaching to Imag inary congregations. Towards night ho became inoro quiet and went to bed ns usual. Just before midnight ha slipped out of bed end Into the pantry , whcro ho seized the butcher knlfo at.d commenced cutting his right wrist. In n short tlrao the cords wcro severed nnd tbo bones dislocated. Then ho continued the cutting and a moment later tbo offending right hand dropped to the lloor. Headline down Wllholm picked UP tbo band and threw It Into another room , which was occupied by oihoi' members of the family , wbo wuro nwakonod by the bloody member striking the head uf the bod. Looking out through the door they discovered Wllhclm , and rushing Into the room whcro ho was standing , lounil him with the bloody knlfo In bis lull hand , trying to dig out hi : right oyo. Ho was blezcd and bound after which a phvslcian was sent for who topped the How ot ulood , and temporarily saved the man's life. Ho will bo guarded at his homo until his wounds hcnl , uud thcu ho will bo sent to the Insimo asvlum. The prostration after the grip Is entirely ovcrcciino by Hood's SarbaDarilla. It really does inako the weak strong. Sncotticlos.Ur. Cullimoro,221Bco bldr , ' Country Merchants Who are cash buyers should not fall to tnko advantages of the Hollmairs admin istrator's salu to secure some wonderful bargains for their fall trade. Address HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR , lUth and Itanium , Oiuah-t. W "iliiy Heights. The attention of readers and ospo- t hilly of all interested in the American university to the advertisement of Mr. John V. Wiirrgmnun , having lots for sale in Wesley Heights , lyirifj beside the Bite of the American tuiiverity atWiish. ington , U. V. The lulvortibomont is on patro of this isstio , and its reading will | > rove interesting' to those desiring to make an investment. O-.ri A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and ofTectnal. Refer by permission to Bur lington Ilawlcoye. Send 2o stamp for pamphlet. Shokoqtion Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. Cut This Out uudVatt. . Tbo large building , No. 1201 Farnam Btrcet. has been loiued for seven (7) ( ) duya to eloso out tho. entire stock of line tailor iniido clothing from a factory which recently failed in Now York. Liabilities amounting to nearly one million dollars. This stock in us I bo clobcd out in boven (7) ( ) days at one-third of iipraised | value for the benellt of the creditors. This great assignee sale commences Saturday , May 21st , at ! ) : lo n. m. in the immense building , No. 1201 Farnam btrcot , and will continue for Bovoii (7) ( ) days only. , Tu > t think of it , men's all wool suits worth $11.00 only tKUiS ; men's all wool cassimoro suits worth M5.7.'i only & ! ) . < )9 ) ; men's stylish dross pants worth Sj.50 only $1 21 ; men's Hue nil wool wants worth $1.2o only OSu ; boys'and children's suits from 6/jc and upwards ; men's latest style BlilT hats worth 8t.50 ; only OSc ; men's fine silk embroidered sild suspoiifloiM worth 7oe only Klo. Time and sp-ice will not permit enumerating the 1(0,000 ( dilTorent styles and q-ialltios which will bo olTered at proportionately low prices. Five thousand line tailor made over coats from $1.00 upwards. Merchants will find it to their interest to attend this great saio. as the goods will bo told at less than manufacturer's cost. Do not fail to attend this great sacrilic sale , its such n chance only comes once in a life time. Positively no one allowed in the building and no goods sold until Sa'ur- tluy. Ality 21st til I ) : 15 a. in. During this great sale the store will bo open ovorv availing until 1) ) o'clock. Look for tlm Bign , Now Vorlc Heavy Failure , No. 1201 Farnam street , near 12th street , Umahn , Nob. WITH QUEAT POMP. Knights nuil DuiiKlitom iif TiUiur .limit In Sec-Olid Alllllllll StlHlllHI. With their usual dcgroo of exalted rank , pomp , display and pride the dignitaries of tbo " 7i7. " Nebraska and Kuiiias Ili-unch of the International Order of Twnlvo have arrived In the city. The western branch Is the Uniformed Knights and Daughters of Tabor , nnu they nro now holding their second annual conclave mid celebration la Tiiboroan hall on South Thirteenth street. The session upcncd yesterday morning and the celebration will uot bo concluded until Thursday nlt'ht. The reception wni a full dross nifair to the visiting knights and daughters , wtio wore ro- colvod by the temples , platiums and tents of Omaha to which bslong the obiof mentors - tors , the chief preceptors , the princes and queen mothers. The reception committee Is composed of Sir Leo Andrew Ford , chairman : D.iu shier Hacbol Htono , Daugh'cr ( jporcln Young , Sir Wllliim Loopor , Daughter Clnin Long , Sir Kandolph WoikcnlT , Daughter H. Washing ton , Daughter Martha Drown. Sir Thomas Wall , Daughter L. Holts , SlrS. Urown. The session open ml in the Suba Moroo , after which the bull was dedicated to the utos of the Kmghthocd. The address of welcome was delivered bv Sir Hev. Frank Wilson , chief mentor of 'Kansas City , Kan. This was responded tn bv Sir Uovi J. A. btewnrd of Topoku. ThoTubcrean greeting was extended to the visiting knights by Sir J. F. Urtico , I. I ) . ( J. .M. of Omaha. The fuiidnmontal principles of the mystic order wcro explained by Sir Frank Wilson , who prcbtdcd over the knights and daugh ters , The chief grand mentor of the Inter national order and founder of the organiza tion , Sir .Moso Dlcksou of St. Louis , did not arrive until o'clock. Ho will deliver the charge nt tto installation of ofllcors , which takes place Wednesday night at Washington ball. Ho will bu assisted In officiating by Chltif Grand Mentor Sir T. W. Wilson , Sir J , H , Jenkins and Sir H. S. Par ker , while Sir Itov , Steward will deliver the innual sermon , Among the representatives at the celebra tion are tbo twbivo tribes of Israel , Ham , Bheui , Cush uud Jtipuetu. Tlio Kraud street pageant do not take plftco until Thursday f lor noon , wbon tha procession will bo distinguished by ostontn tlou and iplendor. About 2.Y ) uniformed Knights will partlclptato In the affair. Tol.r.no , Iowa , April 0 , 1S9I. Dr. J. I ) . Moore , Dear Sir : My wlfo has uncd about six bottles of your Tree of Life , and thinks that Mio bas rcooivotl greater ben efit from It than nny medlcino shu has over taken. Yours truly , L. H. Burutx. Oon'l Acont and Troaj.Vojt College. Slnco receiving the nbave testimonial , I um In receipt of a loiter and check from the Hov. U H Hufkln of Toledo , Iowa , April ! W , to send Hov. J. W. Konworthv , Crestline , Kaa sas , six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Llfo. i' or sale by all druggists. Dr Culllmoro. oculist. Has building ORDINANCB NO. 3031. An ordtnancii calling n spoelul election to vote iipon the nccoptnnuj of tliu tiroposl- tlonofthe Nobr.iskii Central railway com- liuti.v mid the lisunncu of coupon bonds nf I ho pity of Omnlri In thn sum of SJHOIU to aid the Nohraska Central rnllwnv company In acquir ing depot grounds. In thn construction of n union r.illwny : ind jiasu'iieer depot , and of oilier railway Ituproveiuunts upon snld groun Is uud to ntithuilzc : i tax for tliu pay ment of Interest upon s-ild bonds und to cre ate a filnlfln fund for the payment ot the principal thereof , llo It ordained l > y the mnyor and the city council of the oltv of Omnlm : Section I. That the uity of Omaha dors hereby ticeppt the proposition of the Nobrusku Central railway company hearing ditto the second duy of May , A. 1) 19 S , ami the said city doui lipruby n.'rert to donate tn and di'llvur In ncenrduneo with the terms ot s-ild proposition the Vends mcntloiiod In said piopualllon : pro- \ IdiMl , that tlio torin1 ; of s.ild propixltlon ha first.siiDinlttod to the luz.-il voter ) ot said city und adopted by them according to law. law.Sec. . ! . That a spormi election be ati'l hore- by Is culled to take p'.ace on the : ilst day of Mil , ISO. ' , for the purpose of submitting to the oleetmH of the elty of Umalia the suld proposi tion and the question of the levy of taxes to meet tlio prliiclp.il unit Interest of nalil lion Is. Section : ! . Thoaalil proposition anil the suld iiucstlon us to tax levrs shall bo ro.'aido'l us one iiuostloii and shiill be submitted lo s ; td Totcisand voted upon In tliu fonn and inan- nur following : Hliall thn followInK proposition of the Nebriisku Central Hallway company bo ae- cppti'd ny the city of Omuha , und shall an nimual tn.In addition to the nsu.il and all other tuxes bu luvlad uuon the taxable prop erty of thoclly of ( Jiniiliasuniclunt to nay the Interest on s.ild bonds as It becomes due : and , tit the time of li-vyliu the annual rlty taxes , commune lu the tenth year prior to the ma turity of s ild bomU , shall n lav. In addition to tillothcr taxes , be levied upon the taxublu propel ty ot said oily of Oin.iha , and uoi.- tlnticd annutilly tlioreafter. from ycir to tear , until thereby asinking : turn ! shall havu neon obtained s.iluuiont to p ly said bonds at Ihumaturity tliereotl' Proposition of the Nubraska Central Hallway einiipaiiy to the city of Umali.i , Neb , To the Mayor und City Commit of tbo city of Omaha. No ! ) . : The umlurMctiert , the Nebraska Central Hallway company , proposes to ncciulio und take pn'Mcsslon of. for railway purposes , that uuitHln ir.iutof laud located within the dis trict bounded by Kiflcunth street. Clilcapo btrocl , iiuveiilli : street , U.illfornl.i street , and the rlxlit of way of the Omaha llplt Hallway company , ( except the south half of blo ic : ) , . lolKltand I , liloclf "S , lot I , und north onu-balf of lots' " and ! l. b'.oeu ' ' . ' 71 ; and to erect thnrcon u union passenger ilepol on the corner of I'lf- tuenth n nd Uhlcago stroots. to cost , Includlne the other railway Iniprovetncnts on sal : ! rouiuH , not loss than four hundred thousand doliuisiiOOiO ( ) : Provided , tliu city of Omaha , In Douzlas county , Xebr.ihlia. will donalo to the s'tld Ne braska Central Hallway eoinp.iny two bun dled and llfty thousand dollars iWOo01) ) of Its four ( I ) per ocnt bondj , ( luted July l , IS' , ) . ' , due und u.iyublu twenty (20) ( ) yu.irs fioni January 1 , 1411 , with Interest pay able bcini-aunually from the lustabovo dat. ' , all ji ly.iblu lit the Fiscal A onov of the faiuto ot Nrbrasun In the city of Now Vork. buld bonds lo bo of tliu denoinln itlon of ono thousand dollars ( $1,00 ) each , and each there of to roelle : "Tills bond Is one of n scries of two hundred mill Iif ty I'J.i'i ) bonds of like amount and tenor , which uru issued by tliu city of Omaha , In Doiiirl.iscounty. Nfhr.isUa. to tlio Ncbr.mk.i Central railway conip.inyto aid It In ueiiililni | : land In the eliy of Om ihu fnr union depot and terminal purpose" , nnd In the construction of a union railway pusseir.'er depot upon said Cioiii.d , nut Its rullnay Ir.icUs , side trucUj , tiirnou s. awltuhcs and approaches Icadlru'thereto , and other railway miuiovo- incnts tliuiuvvlth connected. " h.iM bonds to bu e\oouted and reslstorod on the Hist day of July , IbO4anil Imincdlutcly theruafler dullvprol to the I'lrst Nation-it Hank of Oiiiuhn. Nob. , trustee , to bo hold In ti ust for delivery to tlio Nebraska Centril Hallwuv eoinp my. Its successors or assigns , b > .s.iId trnslcc , In installments us hereinafter piovldcil. The suld Nebraska Cci.lrul Hallwny com pany plans to construct , or c.iuso to bo con- ttructnd , u linu of railway hi thastuto of lonn not less than luo mileIn e\tenl , fioni the uast upproiich of u bridge , which the said Nebraska L'untr.il Hallway ccmin my bas also planned 10 construct over llio Missouri river. iulursccilii'4 or connect.n . with , or reaching Ihu lines o ! two or moru of iho following rail way corporations , vl/ : The Illinois Central Hallway company , the Ulnona & Hontlnvoitoin It'illw.iy company , the Mlnncupo UAHt. Louts Hallway com puny , the Chletijio , St. 1'iiul & Kansas City Hallway company , the ClilciiKo , 1'ort Mudlson& DCS Molncs Uiillwnv company , the Ateh son , To- ] ) nki .V Santa I'o Hallway company , the 1 ! illl- moro ft Ohio Hallway comp my , the Ohio & Mlsslhslppl Hutlway eompanv , the Keoltnk ft Wtitoru Uullway comuany , the Oulncy , Oiuuhii & Kuns-is City Hallway comuany ana the Iowa Central Hallway comp my. Ono hundred Ihousand ( { 1JO.OM dollars of said bonds shall bo dullverrd by said trus- tuuto said Nebraska Central Hal.way company. Its siitcecs ors or assigns , when it or they shall liuvo arqulied und taUcn possession of that certain tract > f lund located within the district hounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago strcot , I.lcvonth street , Callfoinla street and the right of way of the Omuha It Jit Hallway com- pnny , ( c.xccpl the south half of blocks IIS. lot it iindj , blucU i'S , lot I , und tha north half of lots 2 und.'I. block i'Ti : 1'iovldcd , thut the suld ono hundred thoti- suml dollui > , [ JIUO.O 0 ] of suld bonds shall not budollvcted until after the suld Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its SUCCOISOIB or nssliriis , hluill liuvo cotistiuclol thit said line of railway In th' > statu of Iowa. Ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars ll.r.nmo | ofsitlc ) Iends shall bo delivered by said trustee to said Nebraska Conlrul Hallway company. Its successor * orasslsnshcnlt or limy slmll have completed tnu erection of u union pasicincr depot upon s.lld tract of land aliovo described , to cost. Inu'uJliiK tlioothur rnilwuv Improvements on suld grounds , not Ii-ss than four bundled thousand dollars ( $4lO,00'J ) : proof of such cost tolio rnadn by tbo svnrn tiilomont of tbo presldont and treus- itruriif Haul railway company. Hied with the e tv clerk of Omaha , uccomp micd by cortlll- cilo snrncd by the cltv iittornov and cltvon- clnuur. that In their opinion .such amount has ui'tnallv been 1'j.pnmlcil , I'l&vidcd.that if the suId Nebraska Central Hullwuy company , Its tir ccs ors or asstcns. shall full to aeigiiiro and tal.o possession of salri liind , Itshull not bo entitled to receive liny part of said one bundled tlioiiHunddollars ifUKI , > uO ) Instiillmiint of lionilsi and , fiutliur niovliloil , that nonuots-i.il one hundred and llfty thousand dollars ( MMUJi ) : ) Installment of homla shall bu uollvrrcd until at loustotin rail way company In addition to the Nebraska I'l'iitral ItuilWiiy company shall bo actually uslnj ; sahl union uupot ; and. Provided further.'i'h it the nnyor and the eliy euuncll shall , by resolution , upon the full piirfornuini-p of the nndiTtaUIn -a on the part nf Hitld railway coinpiny heroin contulned. order thodu tvury of said bonds at the times aforesaid ; and , I'rorldud further. That all matured coupons hall bu removed und cancelled by.ilcl tiuxtoo botoro dellxi-ry of the bonds to which they are attached ; nnd , I'rovldcil further. Tint the muyor nnd city council of thn city of Onmhu hball ciinsu to bo levied on thn tuxab u piop rly of said city an annual tax Mifllelent for thn payment of thn Interest on * ud * coupon bonds u < It becomes duo , mid uflur the explrallon of ten (10) ( ) jears from the d.ilti of mid bond- , the mayor nnd oity council of aild olty hhiill c.tuso to bo luNli-d lu addition to all otlitir tuxes on thn tiivublo property of said i-ltv un umount of tnx suliiclunt to erealu a slnklir- fund tor the payment ut miiturlly of nald bonds , itbo Hiiiouiit of tax to ln levied for such slnkln- fluid not to pieced twunly-llvo thousand dollars - lars ( u'J.OJJ.fO ) In any ono your ) ; said lux to ba continued fiotu voir to ye.ir until the suld bonds are fully paid. Thn aciiuliemt'iil of thn silrl lands and Im- provun.onu herein contemplated Including tliu said nillroail In Iowa , shall he be nn wllhlii OIIQ ypar from May I. | Sn ! , und bo pushed in complnt.on . without unni'ccBsary delay ; and tlrill IH ) completed within three yeura from Dm Utduy of July , IM.1. ) In CHSO nny of the terms. Ilmliatloiii , conJI- llona or niovlb onspropo < o I herein relutln , ' to thn ba Iiuiln ? , proreo3 und completion of kald ImproveiuonU are not comnllod w tli , unless delay U directly and necessarily cniuod by Injnnutlon or other Judicial pro ceedings , or by unavolJublo iteeldent or act of 1'rovlJoncc ) , tbusaid company ah.ill not bo entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof , even though tbo electors of said city of Omaha' "hallhivii by tliolr voiu uuthorlzej tliu I- tuunco of nald borulsi but all right tnsald boiidsslii.ll . by such default and without any judicial determination hucomn forfeited , rroylded , however , thit If the benlnnlnt , l > ronc ; s or completion of said Improvumcnti iliull t'oduliij t > d orobttruutad by itnyof the iiforcdald oauicA. tbu times heroin ullowod for the proire a and completion ot laid Iniprove- mctits shall bu extended to the extent ot such delay or obstruction : and khould a dispute urlko between the tald olty of Omaha und the s.lld Nebraska Central Hallway couipiny with resuect to t he canto or 01 tent of nr such delay , the larno nl tbo election of laid Ne- Irajka Centml Railway couiuaiiT , lmll bo referred for dotoruv'nHtlon to a board of ar- , to b vpsolQUd w Uctgloitur pro- . In ronsldnrnllon of rceolvlrn thn propoied subsidy the .NoliriiiKn Con'rut Hallway com- panr a rocs to nllorr nil railway companies the follofflne rlehts : The right tn run tbolr loromotlvcs.p-iiitcnzcr nnd frcleht trains o cr Its main nnd pa lnK tracts within the city of Omnhfii ami over Its proposed bridito and approaches preaches , the rlsht to 110 such portion ot Its terminal uronnnn.depots nnd fHolllt os as may le necessary and proper for the conduct of the business ot finch raids ; Inclnd- Ine any enlarsmcnt of Its depot and depot ground's ; thn right to ha\o their cars snitched nntl dellvorod by the No- bruska Central H itlway co.npnny upon nil of Its switch tracks : the right to connect their ro.ids ut any point irlthln onn hnndrcd ( lou ) tulles of said olty of Otmln with nny lluo of railway which the Nebraska Central Hallway company , or Us succcssots or asstins , mnv construct or cnu c to bo constructed o.istof the Mlsso-irl river , and to run their locomo- tlvcK , pas-sonpcr and freight trains ovorthu uiHln and tmsslni ; tracks or said railroad ; It boliu" hereby tierccd tb it lu case the Nebraska Central Hallway com pany shall construct. Its pronoscd line cnstot the Missouri rlxcr. through thoa cney of any other corporation or party. 11 will cause such corporation or pirty to execute and deliver to tnu city of Omulm u Rood and sntllclent Instrument blndlni It or him to libido by the terms , conditions nnd provisions of this proposition , the nanio as the suld NobniskitCpntr.il H-illw y compiny woulil huvo been bound If It hud built the samp. Lcforo delivery of tbo aforesaid one bundled thoiisind dollars ( HlW.Ojj ) installment ot bomlR. 1'rovldcd , that the use and enjoyment by surh railway companies of o ich und evurv of said rhhts enall ho upon just nndciiuul terms nn I the iinytnarit of Just and fair compunsa- llon to the .Nebraska Central Hulwuy coit- Uany , Its sucrcasois or usslgns , nnd sunjci"i to Mich operaInc rules-ind regulations ot the Nebraska Central Hallway comp my , Its suc cessors or ns3lns. | us sliull bd necessary and proper , Just und reasonable. And tbu said Nebraska Central Hallway company will submit any dlsputn nrUlns be tween It ana such other company or com- pinlcs us to thn use nnd enjoyment of any rlxhts under this proposition , or ns to the terms , compensation , operating rules nnd resolutions , lolatlns thereto , to u board of arbitrators , to ba nindp up of thrco persons who aie Jiulpej of the sinlo district court , or Its successor , of tlio district umbraclnx the county of Douglas , to bu to'.cotcd by a two- thirds vote of all the persons who uru district judges of said court. 1'iovldod that nny such railway company other than said Nubraska Central Hullwuy compnny. Us successors or assigns , shall have the election to subm't ' any such dlsnuto to urbiltratlon or to pursue uny other remedy. Wherever arbitration Is provided for by Ill's proposition , tbu party deslrlnS to submit any matter to arbitration shall cause to bo serve I upon the other party a wrltton nottcu which shall sot out tliu mutter In dispute to bu submitted , und the tlmo propo ol for the lipurluif , which shall not bo less than thirty fill diivs after the tlmo of service ; uud there upon the adverse putv shall within twenty Cut days -iftcrsueh service upon It. servo Its npswor , If any It liavi' , upon the party dom - m ind tu tin ; urbltrutlon. The IJour.l of Arbitrators , when oriunl/pd. sh-tli liuvo ponor to llx the time of huarlm ; and to ndlourn tbu same from tlmu to time , and to tu iko all -ossary rules and regula tions for tliu production of testimony lu tbu possession of either party , nuil otherwlso to compull a fa'rjr.ud spec ly trim ; tliu decision of a majority of the bo.ird shall control und the final dctuimlnnl'.on of the board shall bu final nnd conclusive upon Iho tiurtlca , of all mat ters submitted and duoldun. "iVhoiuvcr arultrat on shall bo resorted to such arbitration shall bo the exclusive remedy ot the partius ( uxrept us herein uKowliero pro- vl.lod ) . us to the mutters and thlujs Involved an I decided therein , Suld N'obraska Central Hilhvuy company. Its MIC 'cssois mm assigns , shall transport frulcht ( includlnir transfer of freight an.l all charges Incidental to suld transportullon ) over any bildgu and approaches , us well us over uny railway Itsh-ill construct within ono hundred (1W ( ) miles of HID Missouri rlvur within the stuto of Nobr.iskii , for just uud reasonable rates or churgus , uud In cuso of dlllcruncus us to what const'tutus ' just und reasonable charges under tbU | iuru.-r.iph , the muyor uud c ty council or sild r.illwuy coinu-iny may snumlt the samu to arbitration lu tliu manner und to tliu arbitrators above provided for , but this pir.igr.iph respoctlna freight charges shall not bucoinu operative or In force until 11 vo yours from tie ! dutn of the delivery of the lastlnstullmcnlof the bonds hctulnbuforc re- furred to. It Is further proposed that suld bonds shall be delivered to tliu Nebraska Central rullwuy comp my. Its successors or assigns only upon tliu p.Nouutlou by tlio suld Nebraska Central railway cntnuinv or Its suecassors , nnd deliv ery to tbu city of Omaha of un umlurtukln , ' In wr.tln-'lo tliu ulTuet Hint tliu principal depot of Miild rallw ny company , Its senoral ofllces nntl prlnslp.tl muclilno shops when built , shall bu located and maintained within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , nn I tint a viola tion of the terms of said undertaking by the suld Nubraska Central railway company or its successors or usalgns. shall render the said Nebraska Central railway company , or Its successors , Indebted to the sal I city of Omaha In tliu full amount ot said bonds , nnd Interest thereon. This proposition shall , after being duly acknowledged by the Nebraska Central Hull wuy company , bo recorded In the otllce of the ru lsturof dui'ds of Douglas county.Nebraska , und for u p-'rlod of twenty ( ii ) yuan from and nftcr this date , sh ill bu rufericd to by u-lvin. ; the book nnt p-igo wherein thn sumo Is ru- corded It , nny murt.'uu'e , dee 1 of trust , deed of conveyance , or loiiso uf said dupot und dupot itioiinds with tliu statement , thut the s lid Ne- br-isku Central railway comuany , its succes sors und assl ns , are bound by thu termstlml- lallous. provisions und conditions of tnls proposition whluh nro hereby rnadu lUcovo- n-iriH that attach to ana run with tbo said proper ! v Into wliosouvor hands It may come. Provided , tbut tbo city council ot thu city of Omaha , ( the mayor approving In duo form ) shall enact a certain ordinance ( which ut t'au duto hereof. Is pending eons.duration before suld pounoll ) , ontlllcd. "An oidlnuucorunt ( - In * DcrmUslon und uutliorlty to the Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors und nssiuns. to construct railroad tracks alon ? . across , over and under certain streets and ul- loys In the city of Omaha , subject to certain conditions , und tn vacuto purls of certain streets and alloys In the city of Omulin , upon compliance with certain other coml'tlutis. " An 1 It Is ul.so provided , That If said N'o- briHka Central Hallwny company slrill not , within forty-flvu (4V ( cluys of bulng notlllod by thuclty cmrkof the adoption of this proposi tion ut thu election held lo vote upon the B.-imu. tile with the said city clerk Its written ratification of this proposition under Its cor- poruto seal , none of said bonds sliull bu Issued , nnd all the terms nnd provisloiioof thli propo sition sliull bu bold for naught Tlio Nebraska Central Kallway company nsreus before an election being called to sub mit to ( ho votor3 of the olty of Omaha , this proposition , thut It will execute and deliver to sild olty a bond with good nnd sulllclcnt studies in the sum of IIvo tliousana dollars ( * ' > .o:0) : ) . and live thousand dollars ( $ ' - . i. 01 Cush conditioned upon the payment of the ex penses of suld oioctlon. ' 1 his proposition und the ticcentnnee there of by thu clly of On-alin , und thu ratltlcatlon of this propoItlon by said Nebraska Central railway company , or rts successors or assigns , ns heroin piovldcd , shall bo construed und understood lo constitute u contrict betwuun the said Nobrasua Central rullwuy company. Its successors or assigns , und the suld elty of Omnlm , und nil of the terms.conditlons. nirreo- meutrt and provisions inudo on the part of the Nobrasku Central railway compiny In this proposition contilnod nru lieruuy rnndo thu covenants ot the suld Nubr.iska Central rait- wuy company , lu successors nnJ nsslgns , vhleh shall attach to und run with all of Its s-ild property und binding upon any party Into whoso huuds It or uny of It may coma \ K J NO. All ballots of the loprnl voters oust nt said olcullon contiliilng the above proposition nnd iinesilon In tbo form of the olllulul ballot ( to bu prnjnrcd by tbu city clone of said city of Oninh-i for snld uluetuml with un \ i mrk fol- lowiii. tlio word "yes , " upon snld oftlulal bal lot shall ho counted In favor of the uccopt- nnco of snld jiropusltlon , the Issunnco of said bonds und Um luvy of said tuxes In payment of the prlnolpil thereof und the Interest theruon. And nil ballots of legal voters cast nt said election of the form riforpinld. with an X mark following thu word "no" upon said olll- clul bollot shall bo counted a < nliist thn no- coplnneeof said proposition , thu issiinnco of snld bonds and the luvy of H rJd tuxes. If two.thlr.lu of ull said ballots voted by the lo ul voters of said city ot Omnlm ut sum election shall ho east In favor of the ls u- iiucuof said bonds nnd levy of s.ild taxes In payment of the principal nnd Intur- cst thernon. the foro.-oliu proposition sliull be huld to huvo been nccoptud nnd doptod , and said bonds shall bu Issuud nnd registered , nnd said taxes thall bu levied In accord unco with the turins und con ditions thereof , otherwlso not. Bee. 1 , The mayor shall at once , upon the approval of lliU nnllnnrruo. cause a proelmna- tlou und notice to bo made for the holding of Bald hpuclul ulootlon heroin ordpicd. t-oc. 5. ' 1 hut thisVrdinunco shall take effect mid bo In force from und after Its passugu. I'assod May JOlh , 161) ) . ' . JOHN OHOVKS , City Clerk. r. P. DAVIS , I'residont of the City Council. Approved May lUth , ! ; ) , ' . 01:0 : , i1. UKMIS , Mayor , SEWER PROPOSALS. Pealo 1 propon-us will bo received by the un dersigned until 1:1X1 : o'clock p. in. Junuiird , IttUitor tliu construction of sunors Insuwer districts Nos , IM , I .Ml and 1 ! > 7 , In the eliy of Omuha , us per ordinances Nos. : uui , ao-j'j arid ; totri H'spocttvnly , acuordliiE to plans und spco- lllcalloni on tlio In the olllcoof the board of publlo works. Kueh propoaul to bo niadnon nrlntud blanks furnished by thu board , und to bo accompanied by a eertlllod cheek In the tuni of i.YX ) , p ynblu to thu city ot Omuha , us an ovldonco of good faith. Thu board reserves thu right to reject any or ull bids , uud to walvodofcctn. 1 * . W. HIHKIIAIIBr.lt , Chairman of thu Hoard of 1'ubllu Works. Otuuhti , .Ncu. , May loth , UlU. ul8-19-2i-:0 ELECTION IMIOCLAMATION. In tiUMunnco ot n or.ltnnncn of the rltr of Omuhn , pa nt ami upprincd May 17 , tsie. on- titiPd "An ordlnmioo culling n special election to vote upon -\rceptanccot the nmcnrtort proposition of tlio Hrbrmkn Central rallwty company nnd the lasuranco of coupon bonds nf Iho city of Otnahn In tbo sum nt two bun dled nnd llfty thouinnd dollars ( JS.0.0 U ) to aid the Nebrask t Contrnl Hullway compi'ny In iiciillrlng | dppot iRronnd * , in the con struction of a union railway nnd pas senger depot , ami in the construction ot other railway Improvements upon said cronnrin , and to nullinrlro n tnr for the pay ment of the Intercstinpon snld bonds and to create , u sinking fund for the payment of the ) irnciptl ! thcreij , und repeullnrordlnancoNo. UO.VI , tia cd nnd npprovpd Mny lOlh , 1MTJ. 1 , Ueoreo ! I'eiiiin. mnyor of tlio city of Omaha , do hereby Issue my proclamation nnd plvo publlo notice unto the IPZU ! voters of the olty of Omaha , Douglas county , Nob. , that on Thursday , the Kith < lny of June , 183. . a | icclul election w 111 bo huld In said city at the follow ing polling places , namely : KII18T WAIID. 1'lm DUtrlct Southeast oornor Seventh and Mnrcy strcols , Second District-Northwest corner Eighth ami Lo ivcnwpfth strcats. Third DistrVtNO , i > is.tones stroot. lourth District-No. 1 7 south Thirteenth street. I'lfth Dlstrln-Northo.ist corner Seventh and I'nclflc streotR. tflxlh Distnct-Sonthoist corner Sixth and 1'aelflo strouts , poveiilh District-No , til" I'lercostrpnt. I-.lRhth District Southwest corner Kluvcnth titid Centursttects , Ninth District-No , 1S02 South Sixth street. 'tenth District Nortnoist corner Ninth itnJ Ilaneroft stn-otn. Klovonth District-No. 1133 South Thirteenth street , uorlhuasl corner Arbor btrool. SKCONt ) WAIII ) . First District Intursoctlon Paurtoonth and Jones street. Second District No. 10J1 South Thirteenth street. Third District-Intersection Eighteenth and I.oavenvtorth utrcct.s. Fourth D.strlct Intersection I.oavotmorth and 'l wentletli streets. I'lfth District Intersection Twenty-third and Louvcnwurtb struets. Hixtn DNti let Intersection Twentieth street and 1'oppluton avenue. Seventh District No. II'JJ Williams street , I.lahth District-No , lail South Thirtieth street ( MoCundllsh ) . Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth and Center-streets. Tunth District No. 18i1 South Twentieth struul ( hovctt Woodmnn ) . Kluvunth District-Intersection Twentieth and Ilaneroft streets. Twelfth District-No. 1501 Vluton strcot ( Donovan ) . Thirteenth District Intersection Thirteenth and Valley struets , west side. Fourteenth District Intersection Twen tieth and lloulovard slreuts. TIIIIII ) WAIIU. First District Intersection Twelfth und Chicago street. Second District-No. 317 North 1'lftccnth structooduoilh ( ) . Third District-No. 112 Sixth street ( A. J. Simpson ) . Fourth District No. 1112 Douglas strcot 1C .1 Cunnn. ) Fifth iilstrlcU-Intcrsecllan Capitol avenue and Tenth struct. .Sixth District Intersection Hartley and Ninth struct1. , cust sldu. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Furnam stieut. Elirhth District-No. Kin Ilarnoy street tJ. S. McCormlck ) . Ninth District No. 1511 Htirucy street ( Kll- keuny , Ilray &Co ) . rOUHTM WARD. First District Intorsoctlon Seventeenth and D ivunport strcots. Second Dlstnot-Intorsoctlon Twoaty-soc- end L ) ivonport slroots. Third Dlstrlct-luturioctlon Twouty-flfth und Dodge streets. Fourth District Intersection Scvcnti-outh nnd Dndcostreets. Fifth District No , 43) South Fifteenth street. Mxth District Intersootlon. Twont.oth and PAUKUIS strcots. Sovcnth District Intersection Twenty-sixth strcutand St. Mnry'ifuvenue. l-iKhth Dlatilet-lntoMootlon 1 wontloth street und St , Mary's uvunuo , west side. Ninth DUtrlct No , 18IS St. Mary's avenue ( Itoboduuuxi. Tenth District Intersection Klghtuonth nnd Louvunworlh streets , north side. Illuvontli District No. ItilJ Howui-J street ( illgglns ) . rtpxri wAitn. First District Intersection Shormun nvenuo nnd .Maiuorson street. Second District Krlllns building , west side Slierniun uvenuc , between Oblo and Corby stieon. ThlrdrDlstrlct : Intorsootlnti'Sherman avo- nuu und Liku-itrceU . ' Fourth D strict Southwust corner Sherman avonun und Urucu stroet. 13JJ Qraca struct. Fifth District-No. Ijlf bhurm in uvunuo ( Seaman ) . sixth District No. 11M Shormun uvenuo ( Erlllng ) . Seventh Dlstrlet Intorseotlon Hlxtoonth und I/.ar.l Ktreets. El.-hth District No. 8)8 ) North Slxteontb struct ill. O. Clurk. airunt ) . Ninth Distrlut Intersection Cass ana Tenth streets. Tunth District No. 013 North Slxtaunth street ( Soars , aifont ) . Eluvunth District Southwest corner Elsh- tucnth und Cuss strouts. 4J. Clgbtuunth street. SIXTH WAltt ) . First Dlstrlct-Lyooum hall. 4S3J North Twenty-fourth street ( Uralc ) . Sueond District Intnrjoutlon Thirty-sixth strautund liranil nvcniiu. Third District Intursectlon Military avenue and Or.int street. Fourth District Intursoctlon Twenty- fourth street und Mandorson struct. Fiftn Dlstilct Intersection Twenty-fourth an J Wlrt streets. Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and I'urUorstreuts. Seventh District-No. 23J3 Laku street ( W. A. Mesilek ) . Klchth District No. SO.'J Lake street ( Sas- strom ) . Ninth District No , 2310 North Twenty- fourth sticct. Tenth Distr.ct Interjection Twenty-eighth nnd Frunklln streets. Eleventh DUtrlct-Intorsoctlon Twenty- fourth nnd Franklin streets. Twelfth District No. Ui ) North Twentieth stieet. SEVENTH WAIID. First District-No. S.SI1 I itvonworth street. Second District Intersection Two.-ity-nlutli avenue uud 1'opplpton avenue , s.ioth sldu. Third District Interaction Twenty-ninth street und Woolworth nvenuo , south side. Fourth District Twenty-ninth uud Muieuth streuts. Fifth District Thirty-second avenue and Tliomnson street. Klxth District Na 1012 Twenty-ninth avo- nn-j. Sovimtti District Intorssotlon Thirty- fourth and Francis streets. KnitTii vt'Aitn. First District-No ll Hamilton istreet. ppcond Dlstrlot-'Ja. Cumins airuou Third DIstrlct lntursoL-tlou Twuntloth and Nicholas struul. Fourth D.strict No. LOIfl Cumins struct. Fifth District Nn. 2103 Oumlnx street. Sixth District Intorsoutlon Twenty-second iinrl Hurt streets. Suvuuth District Intersection Twentieth and Oass Etreuts. NINTH WAIID. Flrnt District Intcrsuctlon Thirty-second und Ciimlni : strooli. fot-oiul District Intersection Fortieth and Cumin ? streets , north sldu , Third District Intor.ootion Fortieth and 1'amain HI routs. Fourth Dlstr.ot Intersection Thirty-second nvenuo and Davenport strunt. Fifth District No. 2S1I Fnrnam stront. _ HlxlhUUtrlut , No. illuMiU.ivunwartlijtroot. For the purpo'uof'submlttlns to the legal voters of snld elty. for their ncccntnncu or ro- icctlon , thu amended proposition of the Ne braska Central Ualhvny company to thii city of Omaha ( hereinafter written at length ) und thoiiuustlons , slnltltho bonds of thu city of Omaha bo Issued , ruulstorud und delivered , ns provided In said amended proposition * ) sliull un animal tax bu Invlod to my the In terest on such bond.1 , as It becomes uuuV nn.l shall u fuither aninirtl tnx , comiiiunuliij the tenth year prior to tbo maturity of cuch bonds , bu lovled , In addition to'all other tuxes , for the cru.ithm of n slnkln.- lund sulll- olunt to puy suchi bonds ut the malnr.ty thereof ? Huld iucstlons | , null the acceptance or rejec tion of suld amende ! ! proposition , lu submitted to s ild luRiil voter * , and will bo voted upon In the manner nnd term followliu : "Thu Nuhnisku ( lantinl Hullway company has inadu the folluwliij proposition to thu city of Omaha : Thu amended proposition of tlio Nebraska Central Hullwuy uomp'iny to thu city of Omaha , Neb , To tbu Muyor and City Council or thu City of Omaha , Nob. : The undersigned , thu Ne braska Central Hallway company , proposes to nciiulru and tuku possession of. tor railway purposes , thut certain tract of land , located within tliu district hnundud by I'lftounth Mrecl , Chleiuo street. Eluvunth struul , Cali fornia street , und tbu rUht of way of thu Omuha Holt Hullway compnny , oxcupt the south half of block fix , lots : i and 4 , block VH , lot I , and thu north one-half of lota 2 nnd iII , block "T : and to meet thereon u union pusscnzcr depot on thu corner of I'lftnuutli and Chlcairo streets , to cost , Including the other railway Improvements on said Krounus , not IIIM than four hundred thousand dullard ( } 100,003) ) 1'rovldol , the olty of Omnhu , tn Dougln * county , Nebraska , will donate to thu suld Nobrusku Ccntrul Hallway company two hundred nnd llfty thousand dollars ( J.'M.WJ ) of Its four ( ( ) per cout bonds , tlou.OWl thereof to bu dated January V. Ih'Jj. and tl.vj.ooo thereof lo bo dated Jannury I , 1MII , to become due and payab'u twenty ymiM from thulr ruspi'c- llvudatus , with interest puyublu soml-annu- ully , ull payublo ut thu lisuil nuuncy of tbu itato of Nuiiraska In the city of New York , Said bonds to bo Ihu denomination of ono thousand dollar * (11,000) ( ) each , and each thereof to recite. "This loud U ono of a series of two hundred nd fifty f2V > ) bonds of like union nt nnd tenor , which are Usiipd tiy tbu city of Omaha , In DouKln * county , NpbrasKn , to the Nebraska Central Hallway compHiiv , to Hid It In nciUlttng | Intid In the elty ot Oninhn for union depot nnct terminal purposes and in tint construc tion of a union rnllwny pnsscnicr dppot upon mid ground , and Its railway track ? , fldo trncki. turnout * , switches und approaches lOHdltu thereto ] nnd other railway Improve ments therewith connected. " Suld bonds to booxocutod and rol tprcd nt or ImniedlNte.y after the dates thereof , and Immediately thereafter delivered to the First National lunik of Omnlm , Nub. , tru tt-e. to lie held In trust for delivery tn llio Nobrnsk-i Central Hallway eompanv. Its successors or ass ttus. by t-ald trustee , In Installments ns hereinafter provided. The mild Nebraska Cpntrnl Hallway com pany plans to construct , or canso to bo ton- structed , u line of rnllwny In thu Rtato of Iowa , not less than IUJ miles In extent , from the rti t approach of u bridge , which the snld Nobri.ski : Contrul Hallway company lias also planned tn construct over thu Missouri river , inteMootliiittircorinectiiu wllh or ronchliu Ihu lines ot two or more of the following rall- \MIV corporntloni , vlr. : 'Iho Illinois Ontrul Hallwny company , the \\lnom A. Southwpstcin Hallway rompany , the .Minneapolis .t St. I.on Is Hnllwuy com- linnv. the I'hlcriRo , St , I'nul A. Knusus City Hnllwuy coinpnny. the Chicago , I'ort Mndlsou ft DCS .Molnes Hillwuv company , the Atchl- BOII , Topuk-i , t Sanlu Fo Hullway company , the Unit Imoro.x. Ohio H-iliwny compiny. the Ohio ft Mississippi Hallway company , tbo Keo- Kuk , \\estcin Hullwny company , the ( Oulncy Omuha A. Kntisus City Kallway company aim HIP low.i Ccnlrnl Hallway compnny. Ono hundred thousand ( tliw.oii ) dollars of said bonds shall bo delivered by suld trus- tucto Rnld Nebraska Central HntiWuy company. Its succucssors or ii'-slgns , when It or they shall have acquired und tnUcn possession of tb-tt cert Un iract of l.ind locutod wllhlu tlio district bounded by Fifteenth street , Chlcugo street , ulovrnth street. California street und thu rlithtofWM.v of the Omnliu Halt Hallway com pany , ( except the south hnlf of blocks'llS. lot II ntiM , block SS , lot 1 , und tha north half of lots 2 nnd 3. block 27) ) : Provided , that the said onn hundred thon- iul dollars [ } KiO.KO ( ] of said bonds shall not ho delivered until after thn said Nebraska Central Hnllwuy coinpnny. Its successors or assigns , shall huvo constructo I thn said line of rnllwny In tlm state of Iowa. One hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars Il50,0ll ) | of snlU bonds shall bo delivered by said trustcoto8aUlNubrnskaCcutr.il Hnllwny eomuuny. Its successors or assigns , when It or tliuy shall have completed tnu erection of a union pusscnccr uupol upon snld tract of land above described , to cost. Inolullng tlio other railway lmpioomonts on n.-ild grounds , not less than four hnndrod Ihousand dollar.i ( JirO.COU ) : proof of such test to bo mudn by the nworn staten , ir.l of Iho president and treus- urcrof s.ild rnllWHy company. Hied with tbu c'.tv clerk of Omnlm. acuomp'-inlcd by curtlll- cute sltfiiod by thoolty iittoinoy and cltycu- clncer. thut tn their opinion such amount has actually been expended. Provided , that If the snld Nebrnska Cpntrnl Hallway company , HH successors or assigns , phall full to neiitiuu nnd take possession ot said laud , It shall not bu entitled to toeclvu liny part of said ono hundred thotisunddollnni itlOO.-uO ' ) lii tullmunt of bonds ; nnd. fiuthor provided , that none of said OIHI hundred uud llfty thousand dollars ( } r > 0OJii ) Instnllinniit of bonds shull be dollvcied until at leant one rail way company lu addition to the Nobrnskn Central Itiillnny compnny shall bo nctuully using snld union depot ; nnd. Provided futther. Th'tt the mayor nnd the city council .shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertakings on the part of suld railway comp my herein contained , order the delivery of suld bonds ut the times aforesaid ; nnd. Provided f uither. That all matured coupons ball bo removed und cancelled bv suld trustee butoro delivery of the bonds to which they nro attached ; nnd. Provided further. Thntthe mnvor nnd city council of thu elty of Omnhu shull cause to bu levied on thu tuxub'u property of suld city nn nutiuul tux suniclcnt for tliu payment of Iho Interest on suld coupon bonds us It becomes due , nnd nftcr tlm uxpltatlon of ten (111) ( ) yunrs from thu dutu of sild bonds thu muyor und uity council of sild city shall c.iusu to bu levied In addition to ull othur tuxes on the tnxublo property of snla city nn amount of tux sulliclont to ciuuto a Kinking ( und tor thu payment nt maturity of said bonds , ( the amount of tux to bo lovled for sueh sinking fund not to e.xceud twenty-llvo thousand ilol- lius ( ? 2JOJJ.no ) In uny ono year ) ; sulil tux to bo continued from yn.-ir to year until the suld bondsuro fully paid. Thu acquirement of the snld lumls nnd Im provements huruln contemplated Including tha said railroad In Iowa , shall bo begun within ono year from Mnv I. I89J , and be pushed to completion without unnecessnry dcliiy ; nnd Rhull ho completed within thrco yours from Ihu 1st duy of .Inly , 1SUS. In cuso nny of the terms , limitations , condi tions or pi ovis'ons ' propose J herein relating to tbu beginning , progress uud completion of mid improvements urn not comnllod w tb , ( unless doluy Is directly and npccssurlly caused by Injunction or other judicial pro- cui'illngx , or by unavoidable accident or net of Providence ) , tbo said company shull not bo entitled to receive snld bonds or uny thereof , oven though the electors of said city of Omaha shall hive , by their vote uuthorl/ud thu Is suance of said bonds ; but nil right losald bonds shall by such default mid without any judicial determination booomu forfeited. Provided , however , that If tbu beglnnlnT , progress or completion of suld Improvements chall bo dolrijcd or obstructed by uny of the ufnrcf.-iid CUIISCH. thu t lined herein allowed for the progress und completion of suld Improvu- mc'its shall ba extended to thu extent of such delay or obstruction : und should a dispute nrisc between the rrilil city of Oninhn nnd thu said Nubrusku Cuntrnl Hallwny company with ruspoctto the en nso or ox tout of any such dolny. the same nt the election of puld Nu- l.rnsku Central It.illwuy company , shall bo referred for determination to n board of nr- bltrntors , to bo upuolntcd as hereinafter pro vided. In rnnslder illon of rncclvltis thn propoir-il subsidy ihn.NobrnitKH Con'riil lt.il w y com- tmiv n rrr to nllorr all railway compnnlns the following rlelitsi The rlrht to run their lofotmitlvcs.pitjctigor nnd frpliht trainsovcr Us main nnd p.is > lng IMcts within tbo rlty of Omnhit ; ntirt over Its proposed br J o ind up- pronches , the tliht touiosuch n-rllon of Its tcrmlnnl uninndddepot * nd f.-icillt os ns nmy to npcussary nnd proper for the conduct of the business ot ouch rends ; Includ ing nny enlarcmcnt of Its ilctiot mid depot grounds : tlm right to have Ihclr curs switched nnd tlpllvoroil br the Nn- brusku Central H illwny conp-iuy upon nil of Us switch trick * : the right to connpct their ro-ids ut nny point within onn hundred ( I-O - ) ) mlk'S of suit ) olty of Onmln with nuy | | uo of r.iliwnv which the Nebraska Central Hnllnny coti'pany , or lln oucecssois or ntsUns. , nn < r construct or cniiPB to bo constrtlctod east of llio Mlsso-irl river , nnd to run their locomo- thcs , passnnpcr nnd freight tiulns over thu main and pssslug truck * ot snld railroad ; It boltu hereby uurciul th.it In cn u the Nohr.iBkii Ccntrul Itnllwny com- puny Bh-tll cnnsiruct Its proposed line cnst of the Mlnsnurl tpr. \ . tbrouh the niency of nny other corporation or uarty. It will cnusosuch pnrporatlon or pirty to exooutp atul deliver to the city of Oinnlri u cooil nnd sufllclcnt Instrument blmlltu It or him to iibldu bf tbu terms , conditions nnd provisions of this proposition , thu samens the s.i'd ' Nobr.-mkn Central H-illwty compinv would have been bound If It had built the sump. Inforu delivery of theuforos.ild one hundred Ihous.ind dollars ( flOO , < JJJ ) Installmpiit of bonds. Provldud , that the utonml enjoyment by such ral way companies of oich nnd CVITT of said rlihlB shall bo upon Just ami eciual terms an I the n ij'ment of Just anil fair compunsu- llon to the Nebraska Central Hillwuv co-i - Diny , Its successors or nsslgns , and subject to Bitch operating ru.cs uml rcpu'nttons ' ot the Nebraska Central Hallway comp inv , Its suc cessors or assigns , as HIIII | : bo necessary and propur. Just and reasonable. And thu said Nebrask i Central Hallway coinpnny will submit any dlsputn arising I'n- twcnn ft iinu such other company or com- pinlcs ns to the USD nnd enjoyment of any rights under this prop isltlou. or ns to the terms , pompons itlon , operating rules und regulations , relating thereto , to u board of .irullr.itorn. to bo mndp up of thrcu persons who are Judges of the stuto district court , or Its successor , of thn district umbraulnir the county of Douglas , to bu selected by a two- thirds vote of all the persons who are district Judges of said court. Provided that any such railway company other than said Neuruskn Cnnlrul It-ill way company , Its successors or iiRslnns , shnll lni\o thu election to submit any such dlsputu tn nihrltr.itlonor to pursue nny other rcmudy. Wherever nrbltrntlon Is provided for by this proposition , the party deilrliu to submit uny matter to nrbltrntlon shall cnusu to bu orvo I upon the ether party a written notlco which shall et out the mutter In dUpnto to be submitted , nr.tho ! tlmo proposed for the hunrlng , which shall not bo less than thirty 0" days nftor the tlmo of service ; nnd there upon llio ndvcrso p-iity shnll within twenty ( "DI dnys utter sueli survloo upon It , serve Its ntisnur , If iinv It have , upjn thn party du- iiinud n { the nrbltrnllon. The Hoard of Arbitrators , when orjiinlrcd. shall have ponor ti llx the tlmu of hearing and to adjourn the same from tlmu to tlmo , and to rn-ikoull no 'ms.iry rules mil regula tions for llio pro'luetlon of testimony In thu pnjscsslon of uither purty , nnd othurwUu to compcll u fa.rir.nd speedy trial ; thu decision of u majority of the ho ird shull control and the llnnl duturmlnntlon of thu board sh ill bu lltinl and conclusive upon the p irtlus , of ul matters - tors submitted nnd deckled. "Ahuiuvur nrultriit'on shall bo resorted to such arbitration shall buthuuxcluslvuremedy of the parties ( oxeopt ns herein elsewhere prn- vloud ) . us to the nrittura and things Involved and decided therein. Suln Nubrasku Cuntrnl R-iIlway company. Its sue -esor.s und nsslens. shull transport freight ( Im-ludlng transfer of freight and nil i-hurgps Incidental to said transportation ) over nny brldgo und approaches , us well ns over any rallwav It shall conv'ruut within onu hundred (100) ( ) miles of thu Missouri river within thu stutu of Nobrasku. for just mid reasonable rules or cliurgos. und In case of differences us lo what constitutes Just nnd reasonable charges under this para.T.iph. the muyor und e.ly council or sild railway coinuany nmy Hiibmlt tlio same to nrbltrnllon In Ihu manner and to the nrbltrutnrs nbovo provided foi. but this pir.igrnph respecting freight , churies Nli-ill not hoconio operative or in force until llvo yeais from tbu dutn of thu delivery of the lust Installnicnl of the bonds hurolnbuforc re ferred 10. It Is further proposed that said bonJs shall be delivered to thu Nebraska Central railway compiny , Itssuecoisors or usslgns , only upon the execution by the said Nubrasku Central railway conui uiv or Its succossois. und dullv- ury to thu city of Omaha of an undertakln- wrillur to thnnlTect tint the prlnclyul depot of said railway companyIts u-euonil oilices und principal machine shops when built , shall bu louutud and maintained within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , nn I th it u viola tion of the turms of said undortuklng by tlio fcnld Nobruakn Central rallwny compuny or Its successors or nsslgns , shnll render the snld Nobruskn Centrul rullwny company , or Its nucccssors. Indchtud to the sal.I city of Omaha In ihu full amount of said Uonda , und Interest thereon. This proposition shall , nftor being duly acknowledged by the NubrnsUu Uentr.il Hull wny company , bu recorded In thu ullleo of the resistor of deeds of Douglas county.N'ubrnskn , und torn period of twenty ( i ) ycurs from und lifter this datn. slnil bu ruferred to by giving thn book nnd pugo whuiuln Iho samu Is re corded In nny mortgage , dcuJ of trust , deed of conveyance , or lease of snld depot nnd dunot grounds , with llio statement , thut thu said Ne braska Central railway company. Its succes sors und assljiis , are bound by thn term.limi tations , provisions and conditions of tills pioposltlon which nro hereby made Its eove- miiiti that attach to anil run with thu suld property Into wnosoovur hands it may comu. Provided , thut the elty council ot the city of Otirilrn. ( the mayor approving In duo form ) shall cnr.ct a curtnln ordinance ( which nt ilu duto hereof. Is pending consideration bofoio snld council ) , entitled Anonlln.inco granting RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Coin- plcxion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New Vork. TI.V t'CHKDDH NO PAY NO DICTHN I'lON I'H JM IIIJHIN'KSj. Wlv HHl-'IIlt you TO ovnit i.wi PATIINI'iiivemig : an our motholVrittun git trillion to ulisilutoly euro all kin In of HUPl'lIHi : of both mixes , without the use of knlfo or hyrlngu , no mut ter of how Ion. ; Kt.uiilliu. EX A Ul NT - fo N"F REE The 0.15. 307-303 N. V. Life lluildiuj Onialn , No ! ) . Ofllcos-Denver. Co'o.j Chicago , III. : St Louis. Mo , Dutrolt , Mlci. ; Milwaukuj , WIs DI-H Mo'nur. ' lu i Halt Li < u Oily , Ut.ih ; Port lund , Oio.i llutlu , Mont , SEND FOR CIRCULAR . "Norvo Seeds , " trio wnndcrful rc-mrilf tulil . "Itli avrll - < rn Buuriiiiico tn ruro nil nervous ducait'K. iuch an Wi-uk Mcniurr , Ijonxif llnilii rower , llc-udnruo. Wiikufulnni , I.oit .MnidionJ , NlBlitlr Kinlf tloiit.Ncrvnuinoi , l''i ' UiiUoftllilralni anil lout nf power of thaUi-iiL-rulIm OfKnni ) In citherlezcauioil tijrovcrriiTllon , youtliful crroiii , or oirvmlrt Vntaof tnlir.cco , upluiii umtlmulanu which noon load to Infirmity. Conrunip- UldiiaiHllmuinUy. Put upconTi-nlenitacarry Inrptl iincket. 1 pc-rimck. 'HKOlir nittllrOfurlo , Wllli every ( Inritnrwii giveavntttn gunranttt ( uturt iniroiut txvimil VBIKO. vt rcjund the tnonev. Circular f rou. AJdrcen f crvo Uceti Co. , C'tilcueu , ill. Fur Bitlo in Onmhit by Blionniiu & MuConnoll 16KJ IoJt-st. - ' lor Itppnlrlnt ; of ! " I.uini | , h'onlud bidtt will bo received at thu oomp. trollur's ollleu up to 4 u. m May "I , IbX. , for the rupalrlnifof iiboiil I.Vi gus lamps. TIIKO. OI.SUN , Uomptrollor. Omaha , Neb , Mnv HI. 1W3. MlCjflt ntly U Freque' want a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. Address Middcnly , without notice , Omalia Ailtfflltlitu Ilttrnui , \ . 1" . l.lft > _ fff rtdchi.lrr-4 I'.nclltb Illamund 1Jnj > * . PENNYROYAL PILLS - < sV rv ( Irlclnul n.l Only Cirnulnc. A - , -a'v- r ! . / . I.H.H. . I DI , ! " Prujilil fur C > lct 'ir ' < KuiltH Ilia i vumd Brent lo Itld > ul ( loll l lllc\ bosti artl J wlib bin * rlMioa 'I wLe Muollirr. Rifuti Jw ° vf ulililu' li MJuntl < Mi'nil n JtPru/llilt rrnrdlc. la ttnii.1 fwr ptrlUulirt lrllioi ltU tat "lUllrf f.r LxUct , " < < < ( ' . I > J return Mall 10 OOU Iullon.nl > ! > K ni I'aptr. 'Mrtiral rCUelBl < jJCu.Mudl.uu Manure , ti UrxitUU. I'kUaiB. , ! . permission nnd ntithorlty to thfl NYliri l < i\ Central Hallway compnnv , ll MIOCCSIOM iinil assigns to construct rnllro-id tracks along , norms , a\ct nnd tinder ei-Maln Mrects unit J i nllpysin the Pit vet Omnlm ubject to certain rntiii'ilun * . nnd to vno.ito parts of certAIn Mrrots und nlloyn In the clly of Omnlm upon compll iiico with corlnln ether fondltlon * . " Audit IsnNoprovldod , thai ItsuU ! Nobrnsk.-v ipntr.il rnllwny comiiny | shnll not , within forty-fivu < 4V dnys nf bulns nollfloil by the Pity clerk of the adopt on ot tills proposition nt the rlocthm . .iu > . , * " ' " " | ) l1" " ' " "into , llio m .i fl lib the : ili1 city rlprk H * wrltton ratifica tion of tli s proiHult'on under lt corporate , spnl , luuie of nld bonds shnll lip Iss.u-d. . nml tiou i ilri"l ! , " ! " . ' 1'rovlsloiis of this propoM- slmjl lie hold fornniiKbt. I he Nebraska Cpntrnl Hnllwiy oompunr ncrcps bnforo nn oleetlon being en IP 1 to sub- mil tothp votprs of tbu city of Omnhi this proposition , that It will p\ptp , Mm | dellnir to Mild clly n bond with goo I und sullle'piit ' ' uretles In t losum of fiu < thonsiml doilaii ( f. > .oOMUuiud llvo thoilsaml ilnllnrslWn < ) ) cash , pomlltlinml up m the payment of thu I'XpeiiM'snf sild ulpi'llon. I his proposition nnd the-acceptance thrcof by HIP i-lly of Oin.ilm an I thn rutlllcitnn ot J1 ! ? , Proposition by s.ild Npbrnski Cpiitral hahuiiy comp-inv , or Its suceessots or as- sliiip" , n liotolu provided , sh-ill boconstruej nnd understood to constitute a contract U'lnppti the suld NnbrasUi Ceutr\l Kill \\iiy poinp-iny , its succcs'ors or assigns , nnd the sild i-lty of Oinahi. nnd nil iho ti"-ms , conditions , lurcpnients und proMs.ons inudo nn thu p-irl of the Nebrus' ' < n Central Hnll- WHV pninpniiy In tbu propon tlmi POII- tnliip.l nro lioipby made the covenants of tlio R-iltl Nebrn KCcnlinl Hnllwny company. Its successors und n < .sttns. | which sti ill nttiiph tiinudiiin w th nil of its s ml property nnd lo blr.illng upon nny purty Into whnsu liniuls It or nuy of U m ( v . omo Inlttips < whi'ionf thu snld Nennska Con- trul Hullw'iy poinpanv hnsn.inspd tboso pros * puts to bo executed Ihls Uilh duy of May. A. NjjIlKASKA CT.NTKAl , KA1MVAY COM- 1 AN i , lly .1. 11. IH'MONT. Vu-p Prcs'iienU Attest ! JOHN I , . McOAOI'i ; Heerclary. wm'essj Ai.r.x. o. onAiti/rux. Sttitoof Nebraska , I. . . Douglas County , f 3 > . On tbls Pth Uuyof fliiy. A. D. , 19. , bcfora tup , a notaiy publlo In und for sild county , personally appealed the nbovo iiamod J , 11 , Dnmoiit und John I , . McCngui' . who are tomu personully known to bo the Identical pur- sons who signed the foiogolug Instru ment us vlco president nnd soetotiiry of tliu hi'hrasUi Central Kali way conip-iuyt tipv noKiio\vlo.lpp. the snld Instriimuiit to to thu votiintuty net nnd ileoil of Ihu snld No- htasUn Central Itnllwnv company nud their voluntnty net nnd deed nssuch vlco president nnd vpcii'tnry of suld coinpniiy. Wltni" . ! , my bund nnd noturinl seal tbo data Instiiforesuld. AliUX. U. I'll MM. TON , | iili. : 1 Notary Pnbllo. Shull the nbovo nud foregoing propos.t.mi . In ncceptpil nnd ndoplud. shall said bunds bo Is sued , resistor pd n ml dnlhorpil and sh ill an an- ir.ial tax lu addition t tlio usual und ull oil , 7 tn\cs bo lovlod upon tbu tnxntilc ; irt.rr ; : t- the City of Omaha , Douglas county , N'c- brisl : < t | , hullk'leiit to piythu luti'iest on snld bonds M H It becomes due , nnd nt ihu time of levying Ihu iinnual illy tux , coniiiiPiielng the tenlli year prior to thu tiiiituilty of said bunds , shall n tax lu mid.lion to nil other t i\u-t bo levie I upon the tnx ib e property of said clly of Oniuh i. Doug- IIIH county , .Nebraska , and conllnuo I annu ally thorenflor from year to yu.u- until theru- by M Hlnklng fund shall h ivu been obtained sulllcieiit lo n iy said bonds at the maturity thurcof ? YF.S. NO. Thn nbovo questions shull bo regarded ai ono question and nil ballots of Ipxnl voterj cust nt suhl election cent lining thu nbovu proposition und questions In the form of the olllelul ballot , to bo pri'iiarcd bv the city clerk of snld city tor said election , with un " .x" inrnk following tlu > word "yes" upon sild oillclal Irillot sh ill be counted In f-ivor of the acceptance of snld amnudo.l prop osition , ibo Ksunnco of sild bonds Tin I thn levy of said t ixes In p.iyment of the pr iit-lpnl 11 ml Interest thereof : nnd ull billets of lugal volets pist nt s-ilil uln t on emit ung Ihu ibovo pinposltlon uud < | uehtlims In the form of tlm olllelul billet , to bo prepared by the city cler'c of Mld t-lly for suld I'li'dlon with un " \ " miri ; "fo'owing tha word "no" iip.m suld oillclal ba lot sh ill bu counted nnd eons.dereil as a-amsl the nceeptancj of snl'i ' unii'iidud propo sition , the Issuuncu of sild bonds and the levy of suit tuxes In piynieul of thu pilnulp.il nnd Interest thereof. If two-thirds of nil the ballots votud by suld le.'aloluis of suld city of Omuhn. Douglas county. No- hiaskn , nt snld oleetlon slnlllioo st In fiver of thu uccoptuneu of sild uinendrd proposi tion. Iho Issuuncu of said bonds and Ihu levy of suld taxes In payment of the pr n" pal unit interest thereof , thu fore idnj piopo- sltlon will bu huld to Le adopted nnd Ihu foro- golnz questions will bo huld to lo ansVered la favor of the isjiianco of said bonds nnd the Ipvy of suld l-ixus , nnd-Iho suld t.onds thcro- iiion shall be Issued , roglstero I nnd delivered In accordance with the terms und conditions of said amended proposition , and Bald taica shall bc > lo\ led accordingly ; othurwi-n not. Which election will bo open uts o'clock In HIP morning , und will continue open until U o'clock In the afternoon of the same day Datu.l nt Omaha. Nub. , this blh dav of May , ISO-1. isiijncii.i c.noHii.n P. HIMIH. : M.iyor of tlio City of Oinaliii. I'EHMANHNT LUT10N. founcll Chamber. Omuha Neb . -.May \ ISM He It resolved by the City I otinrll of the City ot Omnlm , thu Mayor concuirln0' Tliut iieriiiaiU'llt sidewalks Lu constructed In t'icc.ty of Omiihn us deylunatpil below , within live diiyp nftcr tlio publication of tlilsiesolu- tlon , or the porsonul .serx leu theioof , as by or dinance K untliorix.od nud reiiiii'ed | sucti slde- \\ulks to bo laid to the p inmncnt grudtf ns ea- tnblishud on the pnvedstri-ets bpuitiled herein nnd to bo constrttutud of tto. eor nrilllcialstono in-cording to hpecllhutlonx un llio in the olllcu of the Hoard of Pu'jltu Works , nnd under Us biip.'rvlslon , to-wit : / Wi-ht bldu of Kith st. . lots ; i nnd I. block 0 , jS Konnt/u ft Kuth'h addition , peimununt gr idp/ h feet 1 lu. * West wide of Pith st , . lots ? . R nnd 9 , block 0. Kount/e. ' Hiith's uddltlon. permanent grudc. 14 feet wide West Hiiln ot inth st. , lot ill nnd n "j of lot 1) , blouif n. Konnt/u .t Kuth's audition , pernia- iient grndc. II feet wldu. West sldo of mil hU , lots I ti , 21 Inclusive , block ' ) , Kount/.o'H Ild uddltlon , permuiicnt grndp. L\fout ) wide. Wu > l hldu of lllth St. . lots 1 tot ) Inclusive , b'oek r.'Koulitre'sId uddltlon. K.ihtHldoof llth at. , loin , b.ock llil , city.pcr- rnaiientgradp , 10 feut > * ldu. Nnrlli side of .lui-Ksoiiht. . lots.r > und 0. bloa' < 1,4. ( city , porniniient gi-.ulu , 'Ji teet wldu. West sldu of lilth ht , lot S. bloolt Wi'i , city , perinunent gindp , U feet whip. l-.ust.slduiif ' 'itb st. , lot ft , hloek Wl'i. ' city , peniiniienl ra-le. ( I feet wide. Wt'sthldoofiMthht , lot H , hiojk 20'i' } , olty , liiirtnniu'iit iMiulp , dft'ot wldu. 4) Kiist hldo of Win t. , lot . \ block SOI'i. elty , ' ppiniunent r'rule.ii feet wide. Weslsldeof Jdhst. . loll , bloi'k Ult'i. city , permanent undo , ( i feel wide. South sldu of Davenport hi. , lots I. L' nml J. bloi-k ' 7 , city , pcrrnanuntgr. de , G feet widci. North hldu of Chicago hi , Iols7 nnd K bloul Jll , PitV. peiiniinnntgi.ule.li feel wldu. S-oirth hldu of Chicago hi. , lots nnd .1 , block M. pliy. pi-niinnunt Kradc , ( Iteet wide. West hide of-JJlhht. . N fit ! f put of s ' ' , of 1 of lot Ii , Cipltol addition , purnmiiunt giude. 6 fcul ; fildu of Sith si. , lots I nnd , r > , bio-k III , tliy , periiiuneni jrndp , (1 ( foot wldu. North Hldu of D.ivenpon , st , lots i nnd 8 , blnek fill , elty. lioriniinent prndu. n feel w Idu. 1 nst hldo oftli hi. , lot I. block ; T."i , city , purninnunt grade. (1 ( feet widp. West hllo of 11Mb HI . lot I. block L'l ! ' , . > lty , Dist hldu of I'.ith HI , Int I , block iil.i'i , city , pprniunent gindp , I , feet wide. . , . , , , - Knstsldoiif ITlhht. , n'i"f sij of lotH , bU > ! r .Ml , cltj. perinuni'iit grndu , 0 fuel wldu I'lrist hldo of I7lh tt. lots I nnd S , block 10 , clly. poriiinnitiit gradu , ( I foul wldi' . I.iihl hldn of 17th hi. , loth I und ' < , block .lil , clly. permuncnt grulf. ii fi-ul whip. I. ' ihfhidu of 17th M. . lot ft , biook .tiT , clty.uer- rnanlgrudp , ilfeul wldu. West hldu of Ihlhst , , lots 1 und H , block 112 , city , ppriniiiiunt L-I-.HIC , ID fuel wldu. I'.nsi side of I'lhst. , lot 4 , block ID , clty.por- rnnnent gradp. ' .M foot wide. North sldu of llurnuy bt. , IntsS , Onnd T.bloiU lll'.i. i-lty. purmniipiil grnde , I'J feuli lu. An limit further lesrilvcd. Thut the llonid of Pnbllo Works be. Mid I hcieoy author I7i'il nml dlr-pctudt'i c.uimcopy , of tbu roRolntlou to bo pnbllslio 1 In tm > ml ml papur of the i Ity fornnu wo-nc. or u Hi-r\-d on tlu-owreis of mid lots und taut in Uuih onmiib shad within llvo days after the pu'-iii ' u- tlon or Burvlcu of sucn i-npy lonmuii tmiu hldovMilks an huruln leiiinred. tlilit Iho Hulira of Public Woiksiuiiso OiHHiirnii t bo none , tliu < o t of i-oiiBlruciliiB Hil < l HlilowulKH roseUlvo- | ly lo bu HHSfDHud lunliisl thu ri-nl nsiiiti * , 1" ( oipaitof lut In front of and . " /V ' { j.110" ? b ' Lounc'il puMinl'Muril , li-'JJ. President of Jell N ( l iOvr.3 ! , City Clerk. Approved . P. lilMIri.M.iyor. Norn i. TU ( nshiiii'i'T HI in : w A i K. To tin. owners of the lots , pint * of uts nn it leal vMuia iluM-rlbod in Iho unmu [ . " 'J'1'1.1'1" ' ' ' ' . " ' . toro notified Imroby Vim und ' ( inch of yminri lu'I pi-rmnnu.it . BlduwnUHu. roi1U red by ro IK n lusiiliilloiHif the ( Ity , " " " ' , ' ' . , " ? „ i. ° f * , hu city of Omabn. j VliVVKIIArHKH,1' v * Chulrmiin Hoard of Public Works , Omaha , Nob. . May le.ll > ! . Mjgdu rrnjioiaU for I'ltrlc lloiidn. Foaled lilds. mnrkt-d proposals for ParU llonds will be recuned up to Ii ! o'clock noon , < if tlio SMli dny of May. IbJ. ' . for tlio purchnfcuot H'JjiO.WliJ yuursfi pur cent , Park Ilondg of llio oily of Omulin , NOD. -.s Cuch bid miiht stain price and amount soiulit for and Include accrued Intercut to duiu of delivery at Onuhu , Nub. TliarUlU to lejcctuny iinrl nil bid * I * ro. kurved. ULNHi 11OII < N. City Trcuauroi